SALEM BIRTHS to the end of the year, 1849 SACKINBOTAM to SMITH
Elizabeth, d. Thomas and Sarah, Dec. 12, 1849
Charles J., s. Joseph D., painter, b. Attleborough, and Judith (Marryon), Dec. 17, 1837, E. and C.
SAFFERD (also see Safford)
Elizabeth, d. William and Thankful (Goodale), June 13, 1801
Joshua, s. William and Thankful (Goodale), Feb. 8, 1785
William, s. William and Thankful (Goodale), Apr. 2, 1783
SAFFORD (also see Safferd)
Abigail, d. twin, William and Abigail (Swasey) 2d w., July 25, 1798
Alice L., w. George W., July 15, 1846, GR9
Ann Prince, d. Joshua, Dec. 22, 1825
Caroline Baldwin, d. Joshua, Apr. 27, 1837
Charles Forrester, s. Joshua, Oct. 18, 1808, PR348
Charlotte Elizabeth, d. Joshua, Jan. 28, 1834
Dolly [Dorothy CR4], d. Joshua [and Dorothy, CR4], Oct. 20, 1805, PR348
Eben H., s. Thomas and Sarah A. (Osborne), Nov. 6, 1809, PR592
Ebenezer, Aug. 27, 1775, GR9
Ebenezer D., s. Samuel A., flour dealer, and Frances A., Sept. 6, 1848
Edward, s. William and Abigail (Swasey), 2d w., Jan. 31, 1803
Elisabeth, d. William and Thankful, bp. June 18, 1781, CR5
Eliza, d. Thomas and Sarah [A. (Osborne), PR592], Nov. 28, 1795, [1797, PR592]
Eliza Phelps, d. Joshua, Feb. 5, 1807, PR348
Elizabeth, d. Thomas and Elizabeth (Phelps), Feb. 18, 1765, PR348
Elizabeth, d. wid. -----, now Muray, bp. May 31, 1795, CR11
Emma, d. Thomas and Elizabeth (Phelps), Dec. 15, 1766, PR348
George William, s. Thomas and Lydia, (CR11], Jan. 3, 1844, GR9
Hannah, d. Thomas and Elizabeth (Phelps), Feb. 4, 1772, PR348
Hannah Osborne, w. Ebenezer, Jan. 20, 1777, GR9
Harriet Newhall, d. Joshua, Feb. 6, 1816, PR348
Harriet P., Dec. 20, 1815, GR9
Henry Swasey, s. William and Abigail (Swasey), 2d w., July 9, 1793
Israel, s. Thomas and Sarah A. (Osborne), Feb. 10, 1804, PR592
James, s. Abraham, bp. Mar. 13, 1774, CR12
James O., June 21, 1819, GR9
John, s. Thomas and Elizabeth (Phelps), Nov. 1, 1781, PR348
John B[ott, s. Thomas R. and Lydia H., CR11], July 2, 1836, GR9
Joseph Henfield, s. Thomas R. and Lydia H., bp. July 9, 1843, CR11
Joseph Henry, Sept. 30, 1834, GR9
Joshua, s. Thomas and Elizabeth (Phelps), Sept. 7, 1779, PR348
Joshua, s. Thomas and Sarah A. (Osborne), Dec. 9, 1799, PR592
Joshua, s. Joshua [and Dorothy, CR4], Jan. 1, 1803, PR348
Judith, d. Thomas and Elizabeth (Phelps), Mar. 9, 1770, PR348
Lois, d. Thomas and Sarah A. (Osborne), June 29, 1807, PR592
Martha O., Nov. 21, 1810, GR9
Mary, d. Abraham and Martha, Apr. 3, 1772
Mary, Aug. 11, 1783, PR348
N. Maria, Jan. 23, 183[9?], GR9
Rachel, d. Thomas and Elizabeth (Phelps), Oct. 10, 1777, PR348
Sarah, w. Thomas, July 18, 1770, GR8
Sarah, d. Thomas and Elizabeth (Phelps), Mar. 20, 1775, PR348
Sarah, d. Thomas and Sarah (Osborne), Oct. 10, 1795, PR592
Sarah Baxter Russell, d. Joshua, Oct. 26, 1828
Sarah Brown, d. Thomas R. and Lydia H., bp. July 9, 1843, CR11
Thankful, d. twin, William and Abigail (Swasey), 2d w., July 25, 1798
Thomas, June 13, 1738, PR592
Thomas, Sept. 26, 1768, PR348
Thomas, s. Thomas and Elizabeth (Phelps), Sept. 26, 1776, PR348
Thomas, s. Thomas and Sarah A. (Osborne), Nov. 2, 1792, PR592
Thomas Russel, s. Thomas R. and Lydia H., bp. July 9, 1843, CR11
William, s. James and Elisabeth, bp. June 21, 1772, CR5
William Faye, s. Joshua, Feb. 1, 1812, PR348
-------, s. William, bp. Feb. 29, 1785, CR5
-------, d. Samuel A., Feb. 4, 1842, PR88
Daniel, s. Daniel and Deborah (Silsbee), Nov. 9, 1791
Daniel, s. Daniel and Deborah (Silsbee), Nov. 21, 1798
Deborah, d. Daniel and Deborah (Silsbee), Dec. 3, 1800
Hannah, d. Daniel and Deborah (Silsbee), Oct. 24, 1789
Hannah, d. Daniel and Deborah (Silsbee), Jan. 23, 1797
John, s. Daniel and Deborah (Silsbee), July 14, 1787
Joseph Prince, s. Daniel and Deborah (Silsbee), Feb. 9, 1793
Margaret, d. Daniel and Deborah (Silsbee), Dec. 17, 1811, PR513
Margaret, d. Daniel, bp. Apr. 1, 1832, CR4
Martha Silsbee, d. Daniel and Deborah (Silsbee), Sept. 9, 1807
Mary Ann, d. Daniel and Deborah (Silsbee), Apr. 1, 1805
Sarah, d. Daniel and Deborah (Silsbee), Oct. 17, 1809, PR513
William, s. William and Susannah, Feb. 12, 1783
William, s. William and Susannah, bp. June 19, 1791, CR4
William, s. Daniel and Deborah (Silsbee), Sept. 25, 1803
Elizabeth, d. George, bp. Jan. 8, 1764, CR11
SALLO (also see Sallows)
Hannah, d. -----, bp. 5: 4m: 1664, CR1
Mary, d. -----, bp. 5: 4m: 1664, CR1
Robart, s. -----, bp. 5: 4m: 1664, CR1
Sarah, d. -----, bp. 5: 4m: 1664, CR1
SALLOS (also see Sallows)
John, s. -----, bp. 14: 5m: 1666, CR1
SALLOWS (also see Sallo, Sallos)
Hana, d. Robert and Freeborne, 9: 7m: 1634, CT.R
Mary, d. Robert and Freedborne, 2: 12m: 1658, CT.R
SALMON (also see Salmons, Samon)
Anna, d. Peeter and Anna (Thompson), Aug. 30, 1680, CT.R
John, d. Clement and Johana, 9: 3m: 1661, CT.R
Martha, d. Peeter and Anna (Thompson), July 29, 1679, CT.R
Peeter, s. Peeter and Anna (Thompson), July --, 1682, CT.R
Sara, d. Peeter and Anna (Thompson), Aug. 18, 1683, CT.R
SALMONS (also see Salmon)
John, s. Remember, bp. Mar. 30, 1673, CR1
Deborah, d. Seth and Anna, Dec. 8, 1809
Julia Ann, d. Seth and Anna, June 14, 1816
Nancy, d. Seth and Anna, Aug. 22, 1804
Ruth, d. Seth and Anna, Oct. 23, 1807
Seth, s. Seth and Anna, Aug. 30, 1806
Seth, s. Seth and Anna, Nov. 14, 1811
Anne Elizabeth, d. Leverett and Mary Elizabeth, Feb. 16, 1812, GR9
Caroline, d. Leverett and Mary Elizabeth, Sept. 2, 1815, GR9
Catharine P[ickman, CR12], d. Nathaniel and Caroline, May 18, 1823, GR9
Elizabeth Saunders, d. Nathaniel, bp. May 2, 1842, a. 16 y., CR1
Georgianna Crowninshield, w. Henry, Jan. 29, 1824, GR9
Henry [s. Nathaniel, CR1], Mar. 2, 1828, GR9
Josephine Rose, w. William Gurdon, Dec. 31, 1843, GR9
Leverett, June 13, 1783, GR9
Leverett [s. Hon. Leverett, CR12], Mar. 16, 1825, GR9
Lucy Sanders, d. Leverett [and Mary, CR12], Feb. 10, 1822, GR9
Richard Gurdon, s. Leverett, Esq. [and Mary E., GR7], June 29, 1820, CR12 [June 22, GR7]
William Gurdon [s. Nathaniel, CR1], Dec. 22, 1831, GR9
SAMON (also see Salmon)
Elizabeth, d. George and Remember (Felton), [bef. Oct. 1654], CT.R
Elizabeth, d. Rem., bp. 10: 12m: 1666, CR1
George, s. George and Remember (Felton), Mar. 1, 1672, CT.R
Mary, d. George and Remember (Felton), Mar. 16, 1668-9, CT.R
Susana, d. George and Remember (Felton), May 30, 1670, CT.R
Abigail, d. John and Abigail, Feb. 27, 1723-4
Abigail, d. John and Abigail, Nov. 4, 1725
John, s. John and Abigail, Apr. 15, 1720
Mary, d. John and Abigail, Dec. 4, 1721
Sally, d. -----, bp. Jan. 30, 1785, CR12
-------, d. Joseph, bp. June --, 1782, CR12
-------, d. -----, bp. Apr. --, 1786, CR12
-------, ch. -----, bp. Dec. --, 1788, CR12
SANBORN (also see Sanborne)
Ann Elizabeth Shannon, ----, 1820, GR10
Benjamin B., s. Theophilus and Lydia (Eustace), Oct. 16, 1811, PR139 [Oct. 17, GR10]
Caroline, d. Theophilus and Lydia (Eustace), Jan. 1, 1825, PR139
Edward D., s. Hiram and Mary Ann [(Rowell), PR593], June 14, 1845
Edwin F., s. James, currier, and Abigail F. (Cate), Aug. 20, 1844
Eliza Morse, w. John, Jan. 5, 1801, GR9
Elizabeth, d. Theophilus and Lydia (Eustace), Aug. 22, 1809, PR139
Franklin T., s. Theophilus and Lydia (Eustace), Dec. 11, 1818, PR139
George, s. Theophilus and Lydia (Eustace), July 3, 1816, PR139
James, Apr. 7, 1812, PR286
James A., s. James and Abigail F. (Cate), Mar. 3, 1843, PR386
James L., s. Washington F. and Alvina, Oct. 10, 1848
Joseph W[arren, PR595] s. Joseph White, tanner, and Mary Beddoe, Sept. 15, 1845
Katie Elizabeth, Oct. 13, 1843, PR320
Lucy (w. James Fairfield Jr.), July 3, 1830, PR323
Lydia, d. Theophilus and Lydia (Eustace), Feb. 3, 1814, PR139
Lydia, d. Theophilus and Lydia (Eustace), Sept. 24, 1821, PR139
Mary, s. Joseph W[hite, PR595], currier, and Mary Beddoe, Oct. 18, 1847
Mary A., d. James and Abigail F. (Cate), Oct. 4, 1846
Mary Ann, d. Hiram and Mary Ann (Rowell), Jan. 15, 1842, PR593
Osgood, s. Theophilus and Lydia (Eustace), July 20, 1829, PR139
Reuben F., s. James and Abigail F. (Cate), Apr. 15, 1840, PR386
Theophilus, May 12, 1785, PR139
Washington T., Oct. 23, 1825, PR599
William McPherson, s. Joseph W[hite, PR595] and Mary Beddoe, Mar. 15, 1849
SANBORNE (also see Sanborn)
Abbie B., w. Franklin T., -----, 1818, GR9
SANDERS (also see Saunders)
Benjamin, s. John and Hana [bet. 1670 and 1673], CT.R
Charles, Oct. 15, 1842, PR600
Daniel, s, Philip, bp. Sept. 9, 1744, CR11
Daniel, s. Daniel, bp. Apr. 12, 1772, CR11
Eliza, d. Daniel, bp. Dec. 23, 1798, CR11
Elizabeth, d. John and Hana, Aug. 28, 1678, CT.R
Francis, s. Ann, Feb. 10, 1847, CR14
George T., Oct. 30, 1804, GR9
Hana, d. John and Hana (Pickman), Mar. 15, 1662, CT.R
Henry, s. Phillip and Mary (Elkins), July 4, 1730
Henry, s. Daniel, bp. July 1, 1770, CR11
James, s. John and Hanna (Pickman), 23: 7m: 1667, CT.R
John, s. John, bp. 1: 9m: 1640, CR1
John, s. John and Hana (Pickman), Oct. 22, 1665, CT.R
John, s. Philemon [and Sarah, CR1], Jan. 22, 1665, CT.R
John, s. Philip and Mary, bp. Nov. 10, 1734, CR1
John, s. Phillip and Mary (Elkins), Nov. 8, 1735
John, s. John and Susannah, bp. Oct. 12, 1760, CR5
Joseph, s. John and Hana, 21: 6m: 1673, CT.R
Mary, d. Philip and Mary, bp. June 24, 1739, CR1
Mary A., June 26, 1818, GR9
Mary Ann Gill, d. Daniel, bp. Feb. 1, 1801, CR11
Michael, s. Philemon [and Sarah, CR1], Aug. 3, 1728 [bp. Sept. 17, 1727, CR1]
Michal, s. John and Susannah, bp. Oct. 15, 1752, CR5
Nathaniel, s. John and Susannah, bp. Aug. 20, 1758, CR5
Nathaniell, s. John and Hana, July 2, 1670, CT.R
Philip, s. Philip, bp. Apr. 12, 1767, CR11
Sally, d. Daniel Jr., bp. Feb. 12, 1797, CR11
Samuel, s. Phillip and Mary (Elkins), Jan. 14, 1736
Samuel, s. Philip, bp. Oct. 23, 1768, CR11
Sarah, d. Philip and Mary, bp. Sept. 6, 1741, CR1
Sarah, d. John and Susannah, bp. Feb. 20, 1757, CR5
Sarah, d. Daniel, bp Apr. 4, 1779, CR11
Sarah Willard, d. Capt. Henry, July 3, 1796, CR11
Susannah, d. Philip. bp. Oct. 22, 1749, CR11
Susannah, d. John and Susannah, bp. Dec. 29, 1754, CR5
Thomas, s. Philip, bp. May 8, 1743, CR11
William, s. William and Mary (Vokes), Apr. --, 1670, CT.R
SANDERSON (also see Sarnderson, Saunderson)
Abigail Haskell, d. John and Abigail (Haskell), Mar. 14, 1828, PR254
Caroline Elizabeth, d. John and Abigail (Haskell), Nov. 8, 1825, PR254
Charles Edward, s. John and Abigail (Haskell), Nov. 23, 1832, PR254
Elizabeth S., d. Jonathan and Lois, Oct. 29, 1823, GR10
Jennie E., w. John A., June 19, 1845, GR9
John [Saunderson, s. Elisha, CR12], Jan. 21, 1797, PR254
John Augustus, s. John and Abigail (Haskell), July 27, 1830, PR254
Mary Ellen, d. John and Abigail (Haskell), May 17, 1835, PR254
Sally [Saunderson, d. Elijah, CR12], Feb. 2, 1784, PR199
Stephen, s. James L. and Elizabeth, Feb. 14, 1839, CR14
Charity, d. -----, bp. Oct. 7, 1683, CR1
Elizabeth, d. Samuel, bp. Sept. 2, 1683, CR1
Joanna, d. Samuel, bp. Sept. 2, 1683, CR1
Joanna, d. Samuel, bp. Sept. 2, 1683, CR1
Mary, d. Samuel, bp. Sept. 2, 1683, CR1
Mary, d. -----, bp. Oct. 7, 1683, CR1
Sarah, d. -----, bp. Oct. 7, 1683, CR1
Elizabeth, d. John and Abba, Aug. 1, 1849
Abner, Apr. 19, 1786, GR9
Adelaide, d. E.H., Apr. --, 1847
Adelaide A., d. Edward, May 1, 1847
Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer C. and Martha, Dec. 29, 1849
Ellen Augusta, w. George F., June 27, 1829, GR9
Emeline A., d. Edward H., Feb. --, 1845
Jane K., d. Edward H. and Clarisa, Mar. 20, 1849
Mary, w. Abner, Jan, 2, 1788, GR9
Sally, Oct. 8, 1796, GR9
William, s. Ebenezer, July --, 1847
John Henry, s. -----, bp. July 26, 1835, CR11
SARGANT (also see Sargent)
[Paul Dudley, s. Paul Dudley, CR12], Mar. 13, 1779, PR79
[Sarah, d. P. Dudley, CR12], Jan. 6, 1781, PR79
SARGEANT (also see Sargent)
Sarah, d. P. Dudley, bp. Jan. --, 1781, CR12
SARGENT (also see Sargant, Sargeant, Sergent)
George H., s. George W., Nov. --, 1846
George W., Dec. 19, 1823, GR9
Miriam, w. George W., Mar. 16, 1822, GR9
Sarah E., d. George W., May --, 1844
Thomas J., Apr. 23, 1827, GR10
SARNDERSON (also see Sanderson)
Lucy, d. Jeremiah and Lucy, Oct. 6, 1810
Thomas, s. Michael and Ann, Dec. 31, 1849, CR14
Betsy, d. Joseph, bp. Jan. 12, 1777, CR12
Betty, d. Joseph, bp. Nov. 7, 1779, CR12
Eliza H., d. Joseph, tailor, July --, 1844
J. Warren, Oct. 2, 1846, GR9
John, s. Joseph, bp. July 24, 1791, CR12
John, s. Joseph, bp. Nov. 26, 1797, CR12
Joseph, s. Joseph, bp. June 5, 1775, CR12
Joseph, s. Joseph, bp. Sept. 20, 1795, CR12
Joseph W., s. Joseph, mariner, Sept. --, 1846
Mary, d. Joseph, bp. Dec. 1, 1789, CR12
Mary, d. Joseph, bp. Apr. 26, 1801, CR12
Sarah, d. Joseph, bp. Nov. 16, 1805, CR12
Thomas, s. Joshua, bp. Jan. --, 1781, CR12
Thomas, s. Joseph, bp. Nov. --, 1787, CR12
William Henry, s. Joseph and Eliza H., July 18, 1849
-------, d. Joseph, bp. Jan. --, 1784, CR12
SAUNDERS (also see Sanders)
Amos B., s. Nathaniel W., and Philanda, Mar. 20, 1849
Caroline [d. Thomas and Elizabeth, CR1], Jan. 2, 1793, GR9
Catherine [s. Thomas and Elizabeth, CR1], May 2, 1783, PR174
Charles H., Mar. 30, 1827, GR10
Charles Horatio, s. Jonathan P. and Mary A., Sept. 29, 1826
David Elwell, Mar. 19, 1842, GR9
Desire Gorham, s.(?) John, June 5, 1785, CR11
Elisabeth, d. James and Elisabeth, bp. June 9, 1771, CR5
Eliza, Nov. 30, 1799, PR1078[sic]
Elizabeth, d. Philip and Mary, bp. July 5, 1747, CR11
Elizabeth, w. Capt. John, Apr. 12, 1829, GR10
Franklin, s. James A., June --, 1846
George H., s. James A. and Elizabeth, Nov. 29, 1848
George M., Capt., Mar. 6, 1821, GR9
George Thomas, s. Thomas and Elizabeth, bp. Mar. 15, 1818, CR1 [a. 13 y., dup.]
Helen A., d. Henry F., Jan. --, 1848
Henrietta Felt, w. David E., Sept. 25, 1808, GR9
Henry Tucker, s. Jonathan P. and Mary A., Dec. 11, 1812
James, s. James and Elizabeth, bp. May 23, 1773, CR5
James, s. James L. and Elizabeth, Dec. 26, 1840, CR14
John, s. John, Sept. 12, 1786, CR11
John, Capt., May 30, 1825, GR10
John J., s. David, cabinet maker, July --, 1844
John J., Aug. 22, 1844, PR428
Jonathan Peal, s. Daniel and Sarah, bp. July 10, 1785, CR11
Joseph, s. James L. and Elizabeth Lander, July 30, 1842, CR14
Lucy, d. Thomas and Elizabeth, bp. Aug. 8, 1793, CR1
Lydia Mason, d. John, Aug. 20, 1788, CR11
Mary, d. Philemon and Sarah, bp. May 20, 1722, CR1
Mary, d. Philip, bp. June 24, 1739, CR1
Mary, d. James and Elisabeth, bp. June 9, 1771, CR5
Mary Adams, d. Jonathan P. and Mary A., Oct. 4, 1815
Mary E[lizabeth, d. Thomas and Elizabeth, CR1], June 29, 1788, GR9
Mary G., Jan. 17, 1832, GR10
Oliver Hubbard, s. Jonathan P. and Mary A., July 14, 1822
Philemon, s. Philemon, bp. July 15, 1716, CR1
Philip, s. Philip and Mary, bp. June 11, 1732, CR1
Philip, s. Daniel, bp. May 15, 1774, CR11
Preserved Elkins, d. John, Oct. 21, 1799, CR11
Sarah, Sept. 17, 1828, GR8
Susanna Mason, d. John, Apr. 11, 1784, CR11
Thomas M[ason, s. Daniel Jr., CR11], June 11, 1795, GR9
William H., s. Savory, July --, 1846
SAUNDERSON (also see Sanderson)
Catherina, d. J., bp. Apr. 5, 1789, CR12
Catherina, d. Jacob, bp. Nov. --, 1794, CR12
Lydia, d. E., bp. Sept. --, 1788, CR12
Mary, Nov. 11, 1843, PR574
Nathaniel Harrington, s. J., bp. July --, 1787, CR12
Polly, d. Elisha, bp. Mar. --, 1782, CR12
Susannah, d. Jacob, bp. Jan. --, 1792, CR12
Ann, d. Ezekiel and Anna, bp. Dec. 11, 1803, CR11
Elisabeth, d. Rowland, bp. Aug. 16, 1773, CR11
Elizabeth, d. James, bp. Aug. 24, 1760, CR11
James, s. James, bp. Feb. 4, 1749-50, CR11
James, s. James, bp. Sept. 15, 1751, CR11
John Touzel Hathorn, s. Ezekiel, bp. Mar. 15, 1801, CR11
Mary Hathorne, d. Ezekiel, bp. Jan. 6, 1799, CR11
Philip, s. Rowland, bp. June 10, 1770, CR11
Richard, s. Rowland, bp. Mar. 8, 1772, CR11
Rowland, s. Rowland, bp. May 8, 1769, CR11
Sarah, d. James, bp. May 18, 1755, CR11
Sarah, d. James, bp. Apr. 10, 1757, CR11
-------, ch. -----, May 19, 1770, PR79
A., Jan. 22, 1808, PR47
Augustus, s. George and Mary Ann (Wellman), Aug. 24, 1840, PR216
Benjamin Jr., Aug. 23, 1832, PR602
C., Jan. 1, 1816, PR47
E. L., July 8, 1804, PR47
E. L., July 26, 1813, PR47
Elizabeth M., wid. Capt. R. F., Apr. 2, 1828, GR9
Elizabeth W., d. Richard F., mariner, and Elizabeth, Mar. 9, 1849
G[eorge, GR9], June 24, 1810, PR47
George A., s. George, mariner, and Mary A[nn (Wellman), PR216], Dec. 23, 1849
H. E., Aug. 30, 1820, PR47
Laura D., w. W. T., Nov. 30, 1828, GR9
M., Dec. 4, 1806, PR47
Mary T., May 12, 1837, PR602
Nathaniel Jr., Mar. 1, 1839, PR602
R. F., Jan. 25, 1823, PR47
S. A., Mar. 29, 1818, PR47
T. M., Feb. 11, 1825, PR47
Tristram T., Sept. 19, 1834, PR602
W. T., July 25, 1827, PR47
Caleb, s. Nathaniel and Mary (Kehew), Nov. 3, 1842, PR604
Joshua, s. Benjamin and Phebe, May 19, 1750
Mary E[llen, PR604], d. Nathaniel, truckman [and Mary (Kehew), PR604], Feb. --, 1846 [Jan. 25, PR604]
Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel and Mary (Kehew), Sept. 18, 1837, PR604
Samuel, s. Nathaniel and Mary (Kehew), Sept. 9, 1840, PR604
Samuel [Kehew, PR604], s. Nathaniel, teamster, [and mary (Kehew) PR604], Mar. --, 1848 [May 1, PR604]
Sarah Elizabeth, d. Nathaniel and Mary (Kehew), Jan. 3, 1839, PR604
Elijah, June 23, 182 -, PR85
George Leonard, s. John and Catharine, bp. June 19, 1831, CR11
SCANDEL (also see Scanlon)
Thomas, s. David and Johanna, bp. Feb. 14, 1848, CR14
SCANLON (also see Scandel)
Daniel, s. David and Johanna Kenny, 10 br, 11, 1845, CR14
SCHULTZ (alsos ee Shultz)
Albert Ernest, s. Charles F. and Ruth M., Mar. 28, 1848, CR11
SCOLLEY (also see Scolly)
James, s. John, bp. Apr. 8, 1739, CR1
SCOLLY (also see Scolley)
Robert, s. John and Elizabeth, bp. Apr. 16, 1732, CR1
SCOT (also see Scott)
Agnes Balmer, Mar. 7, 1824, GR9
Andrew A., Nov. 6, 1832, GR9
Catherine, d. John and Margaret, July 17, 1847, CR14
Elizabeth M., w. Francis, ----, 1806, GR9
George, s. George and Deborah (Richards), Nov. 21, 1791, PR87
George, s. George and Deborah (Richards), Oct. 16, 1795, PR87
George Beltin, s. Joseph, bp. May 29, 1768, CR11
Hannah, d. Elizabeth, bp. May 22, 1774, CR12
Isabel, w. Andrew A., May 24, 1827, GR9
John, s. John Sr., Feb. --, 1843
John, s. John and Elizabeth Cotter, on board a vessel from Valparaiso to Boston, Mar. 19, 1845, CR11
Joseph, s. Joseph, bp. May 22, 1763, CR11
Joseph, s. George and Deborah (Richards), Nov. 11, 1792, PR87
John Howard, s. Joshua C. and Antis P., Nov. 9, 1849
Elizabeth, d. -----, bp. 18: 1m: 1649, CR1
Hanna, d. John, bp. 19: 6m: 1649, CR1
Mary, d. John, bp. 11: 4m: 1648, CR1
Catharine, d. William and Hanna, June 11, 1840, CR14
James, s. John and Mary, bp. Oct. 4, 1848, a. 1 w., CR14
Maria, d. John and Mary, July 31, 1846, CR14
Catherine (w. Nehemiah Andrews), Jan. 7, 1749, PR125
SEARL (also see Searle)
Fanny Woodbury, ----, 1835, GR9
John, s. Mary, bp. Feb. 27, 1774, CR5
Joseph, s. Sarah, bp. May 25, 1712, CR1
Lauel, ch. John H. and Jane, Sept. --, 1848
Margaret, Oct. 21, 1806, GR9
Mary, d. Sarah, bp. May 25, 1712, CR1
Mary, d. John and Mary, bp. Dec. 20, 1772, CR5
Mary, d. John, bp. Oct. 27, 1782, CR5
Sarah J., d. Nathaniel, Apr. --, 1847
Zacheriah, s. John and Mary, bp. May 7, 1780, CR5
-------, s. John, bp. Nov. 13, 1785, CR5
SEARLE (also see Searl, Searles, Searls)
Elizabeth Murray, d. John and Lydia, bp. Oct. 30, 1803, CR4
Helen J., d. Nathaniel, Feb. --, 1848
John, s. Thomas and Damaris, 30: 8m: 1666, CT.R
Lydia A., Jan. 18, 1847, GR9
Mary, d. Thomas and Damaris, May 6, 1668, CT.R
Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel Sr., engineer, E.R.R., Aug. --, 1845
Susan Lucinda, Jan. 5, 1821, GR10
Thomas, s. Thomas and Damaris, 5: 6m: 1674, CT.R
Warren S., Sept. 1, 1843, GR10
William, s. John and Lydia, Mar. 19, 1801, CR4
SEARLES (also see Searle)
Mira A., -----, 1847, GR9
SEARLS (also see Searle)
Almira, d. Nathaniel, June --, 1844
Polly, d. Mary, bp. Mar. 22, 1778, CR5
Abigail, d. John and Abigail, bp. Apr. 8, 1739, CR1
John, s. John and Abigail, bp. May 21, 1732, CR1
Nathaniel, s. John and Abigail, bp. Feb. 6, 1736-7, CR1
Thomas, s. John and Abigail, bp. Mar. 2, 1734-5, CR1
Joseph, Rev., Jan. 28, 1819, GR9
SEAWELL (also see Sewall)
Edward, s. Edward and Sara (Hale), July 14, 1674, CT.R
Elizabth, d. Edward and Sara (Hale), June 27, 1672, CT.R
SECCOMB (also see Seccombe)
Ann [Nancy, CR12] Brooks, d. Ebenezer and Hannah Hathorne (Williams), Oct. 31, 1803, PR194
Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer and Hannah Hathorne (Williams), Mar. 30, 1810, PR194
Edward Russell, s. Ebenezer and Mary (Marston), May 14, 1816, PR194
Hannah Williams, d. Ebenezer and Mary (Marston), 2d w., Mar. 18, 1818, PR194
Martha Ellen, d. Ebenezer and Mary (Marston), 2d w., May 1, 1823, PR194
Mary Hall, d. Ebenezer and Mary (Marston), 2d w., June 29, 1813, PR194
Mehetable Osgood, d. Ebenezer and Mary (Marston), 2d w., May 3, 1821, PR194
Priscilla Webb, d. Ebenezer and Hannah Hathorne (Williams), Feb. 26, 1808, PR194
Richard Willis, s. Ebenezer and Mary (Marston), Oct. 18, 1814, PR194
SECCOMBE (also see Seccomb)
Joseph, Dec. 7, 1736, PR18
John, s. John and Elizabeth, Jan. 11, 1703-04
Allexander, s. Allexander and Mary, May 25, 1664, CT.R
Mary, d. Allexander and Mary, 22: 12m: 1659, CT.R
Robert, s. Allexander and Mary, 6: 6m: 1657, CT.R
Abigail, w. William, June --, 1814, GR10
William R., Mar.--, 1801, GR10
Elizabeth Mugford, d. Robert, bp. Jan. 29, 1797, CR11
Robert, s. Robert, bp. Jan. 29, 1797, CR11
William H., s. William, Apr. --, 1844
SENNET (also see Sennett)
James, s. -----, bp. Oct. 5, 1783, CR11
SENNETT (also see Sennet)
Anne, d. Epes, bp. July 20, 1746, CR1
Catherine, d. Epes, bp. Dec. 13, 1747, CR1
John, s. Epes, bp. Dec. 2, 1750, CR1
Mary, d. Epes, bp. May 28, 1749, CR1
Paul Dudley, s. Epes, bp. June 23, 1745, CR1
Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Hannah, bp. May 10, 1778, CR5
Alexander, Rev., Aug. 13, 1809, GR9
SEWALL (also see Seawell)
Benjamin, s. Maj. [CR1] Stephen and Margerett (Mitchell), Apr. 6, 1708
Charles, Nov. 2, 1835, GR9
Elizabeth, d. [Capt., CR1] Stephen and Margerett (Mitchell), Nov. 18, 1696
Elizabeth, d. Mitchel, bp. Mar. 4, 1743-4, CR1
Hannah, d. Stephen and Margarett (Mitchell), Oct. 28, 1700
Hannah, d. [Capt., CR1] Stephen and Margerett (Mitchell), Oct. 14, 1697
Henry, s. [Maj., CR1] Stephen and Margerett (Mitchell), Oct. 25, 1701
Jane, d. Stephen and Margerett (Mitchell), Dec. 20, 1688
Jane, d. [Capt., CR1] Stephen and Margerett (Mitchell), Apr. 10, 1694
Jonathan, s. Stephen and Margerett (Mitchell), Feb. 7, 1692-3
Jonathan Mitchel, s. Mitchel, bp. Mar. 27, 1748, CR1
Margerett, d. Stephen and Margerett (Mitchell), May 7, 1687
Mary, d. [Capt., CR1] Stephen and Margerett (Mitchell), Sept. --, 1698 [bp. Sept. 17, CR1]
Mary, d. Mitchel, bp. Mar. 13, 1736-7, CR1
Mehittabel, d. [Capt., CR1] Stephen and Margarett (Mitchell), May 21, 1695
Mitchell, s. [Maj., CR1] Stephen and Margerett (Mitchell), Oct. 29, 1699
Samuell, s. Stephen and Margerett (Mitchell), Nov. 24, 1689
Stephen, s. Stephen and Margerett (Mitchell), Aug. 7, 1684
Stephen, s. Stephen and Margerett (Mitchell), Dec. 21, 1685
Stephen, s. [Maj., CR1] Stephen and Margerett (Mitchell), Dec. 14, 1702
Stephen, s. Mitchel, bp. Mar. 15, 1746-7, CR1
Susannah, d. [Capt., CR1] Stephen and Margerett (Mitchell), Oct. 24, 1691
John, s. Timothy and Mary Regan, bp. June 29, 1848, CR14
SEYMOUR, see Seamore
SHAD (also see Shed)
Katharine, d. Reuben and Catherine, bp. May 21, 1797, CR4
SHAHAIN (also see Sheehan)
Daniel, s. Daniel, bp. Aug. 6, 1769, CR11
Anna D., d. Isaac W., May --, 1844
Arthur W., s. Isaac W., steam mill, and Emeline A., Dec. 30, 1847
Richard, s. Richard, bp. Feb. 10, 1765, CR11
SHARP (also see Sharpe)
Abigaile, d. Nathaniell and Rebecca (Marshall), 26: 12m: 1678, CT.R
Edward, s. Samuell, bp. 14: 2m: 1639, CR1
Elias, s. Samuell, bp. 1: 11m: 1636, CR1
Elizabeth, d. Nathaniell and Rebecca (Marshall), Sept. 4, 1676, CT.R
Hanna, d. -----, bp. ----: 12m: 1646, CR1
Hannah, d. John and Elizabeth, bp. Jan. --, 1721-2, CR3
John, s. John and Elizabeth, bp. Nov. 6, 1715, CR3
Mary, d. Samuell, bp. 29: 4m: 1640, CR1
Nathaniell, s. -----, bp. 10: 9m: 1644, CR1
Rebecka, d. Nathaniell and Rebecca (Marshall), Mar. 26, 1671, CT.R
Ruth, d. Nathaniell and Rebecca (Marshall), 26: 11m: 1680, CT.R
Samuell, s. Nathaniell and Rebecca (Marshall), June 3, 1673, CT.R
Simon, s. John and Elizabeth, bp. Sept. 8, 1717, CR3
SHARPE (also see Sharp)
Exsperience, d. -----, bp. 19: 7m: 1641, CR1
SHARVAN (also see Sharwin)
Mary Ann, d. James and Mary, Mar. 6, 1839, CR14
SHARVIN (also see Sherwin)
Cecilia, d. James and Mary, Mar. 29, 1837, CR14
Mary Ann, d. William and Clarissa, Jan. 29, 1840, CR14
SHARWIN (also see Sherwin)
Christopher, s. William and Clarissa, Feb. 2, 1838, CR14
SHASE (also see Shore)
Eugine, s. Eugene, May --, 1847
Eugine, see Shore, Eugene.
Ellen, w. James, May 31, 1841, GR10
James, s. Moses and Lydia (Snelling), Feb. 26, 1837, PR421
John, s. Moses and Lydia (Snelling), Nov. 12, 1838, PR421
Joseph, Sept. 4, 1801, GR9
Lydia Ann, d. Moses and Lydia (Snelling), Mar. 26, 1727, PR421
Moses, Aug. 29, 1797, GR8
Moses, s. Moses and Lydia (Snelling), Jan. 15, 1825, PR421
Moses, s. Moses and Lydia (Snelling), Sept. 18, 1830, PR421
Sarah, d. Moses and Lydia (Snelling), Sept. 20, 1823, PR421
Sarah Pulsifer, w. Joseph, Apr. 26, 1801, GR9
William, s. Moses and Lydia (Snelling), Nov. 6, 1828, PR421
Damarise, d. Samuell and Grace, 11: 9m: 1653, CT.R
George, s. Sarah, bp. Mar. 30, 1740, CR1
Hanna, d. Samuel and Grace (Buckman), Mar. 13, 1679-80, CT.R
Mercy, d. Samuell and Grace, 14: 1m: 1655, CT.R
Patience, d. Samuell and Grace, 18: 9m: 1666, CT.R
Priscilla, d. Samuell and Grace, 1: 3m: 1658, CT.R
Retire, s. Samuell and Grace, 28: 1m: 1664, CT.R
Returne, d. Samuell and Grace, 16: 6m: 1662, CT.R
Samuell, s. Samuell and Grace, 7: 8m: 1649, CT.R
Samuell, s. Samuell Jr. and Sarah (Buckman), 7: 7m: 1678, CT.R
Benjamin, s. William and Mary, Mar. --, 1703-04
Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Hannah, bp. Nov. 4, 1744, CR3
Brown Emerson [s. Xenophon H. and Eliza, CR6], Oct. 24, 1836, GR9
Daniel, s. Daniel and Hannah, bp. Jan. 28, 1727-8, CR3
Daniell, s. William and Mary, Nov. 5, 1692
Ebenezer, s. William and Mary, Apr. --, 1693
Eliza Haskell, w. Xenophon H., Aug. 16, 1801, GR9
Eliza Haskell, d. Zenophon H. and Eliza, bp. Oct. 25, 1829, CR6
Eliza Haskell, d. X. H. and Eliza, bp. June 17, 1832, CR6
Elizabeth, d. William and Elizabeth, Jan. --, 1679, CT.R
Elizabeth, d. William [Jr., CR1] and Johana (Pudney), Nov. 1, 1695
Ellen, d. William and Maria, Mar. 19, 1837
George, s. William and Johanna (Pudney), Apr. 23, 1703
George Hunt, s. John and Sara, Jan. 17, 1801, CR4
Hannah, d. Eben and Hannah, bp. Dec. 29, 1723, CR3
Hannah, d. Benjamin and Hannah, bp. June 3, 1733, CR3
Hannah Maynard, d. Z. H. and Eliza, bp. July 1, 1827, CR6
Israel, s. Israel and Elizabeth, Dec. 16, 1698, CT.R
Israell, s. William and Elizabeth, July --, 1680, CT.R
Joanna Maynard, d. Z. H. and Eliza, bp. July 1, 1827, CR6
Johanna, d. William and Johanna (Pudney), Sept. 9, 1700
Jonathan, s. William, bp. Nov. 13, 1709, CR1
Lucy Ann, d. Xenophon H. and Eliza, bp. July 14, 1833, CR6
Margarett, d. Benjamin and Hannah, bp. July 11, 1731, CR3
Maria, d. William and Maria, Sept. 26, 1834, GR9
Mary, d. Benjamin and Hannah, bp. July 25, 1736, CR3
Mary Louisa, d. Xenophon H. and Eliza, bp. July 12, 1835, CR6
Mary Rogers, d. -----, bp. July 29, 1832, CR11
Mathew, s. Walter, of Beverly, bp. Nov. 10, 1700, CR1
Mehitabel, d. William, bp. Nov. 13, 1709, CR1
Oliver Abbot, s. Z. H. and Eliza, bp. July 1, 1827, CR6
Samuell (Shae), s. William and Elizabeth, 19: 12m: 1669, CT.R
Sarah Hunt [d. X. H. and Eliza, CR6], Oct. 1, 1838, GR9
Susanna, d. Israel and Elizabeth (Booth), Sept. 29, 1703, CT.R
William, s. William [Jr., CR1] and Johanna (Pudney), Apr. 30, 1696
William, s. Benjamin and Hannah, bp. Nov. 4, 1744, CR3
William, s. Benjamin and Priscilla, bp. Sept. 30, 1781, CR5
William, s. William and Maria, Dec. 22, 1832
William (Shae), s, William and Elizabeth, 25: 7m: 1672, CT.R
Xenophon H., Oct. 28, 1799, GR9
Xenophon H[ector, s. Xenophon H. and Eliza, CR6], Oct. 27, 1827, GR9
-------, s. Benjamin and Hannah, bp. July 15, 1739, CR3
-------, d. Jonathan and Sarah A., Dec. 4, 1849
SHAY (also see O'Shea)
John, s. James, laborer, Sept. --, 1845
SHAYS (also see O'Shea)
James, s. James, Dec. --, 1847
SHEA (also see O'Shea)
Bartholomew, s. Bartholomew, b. Ireland, and Hannah, Nov. 9, 1849
Bartholomew, s. Barty and Honora, Jan. 20, 1849, CR14
Charles, s. twin, James and Ellen Welsh, Jan. 30, 1843, CR14
David, s. twin, James and Ellen Welsh, Jan. 30, 1843, CR14
Eugenie, d. Owen and Ellen, bp. Oct. 11, 1846, CR14
James, s. James and Ellen, bp. Jan. 6, 1848, CR14
John, s. Timothy and Julia Lynch, bp. Sept. 14, 1845, CR14
John, s. John and Bridget, Aug. 2, 1849, CR14
Mary Ann, d. Owen, laborer, and Ellen, both b. Ireland, July 1, 1849
William, s. Nicholas and Anastasia, Aug. 28, 1847, CR14
SHEAPARD (also see Shepard)
John, s. John and Rebecka, 2: 12m: 1678, CT.R
SHED (also see Shad)
Cornelius, s. Owen, Dec. --, 1844
Fanny Curtis, d. Mathew Hill and Eunice, bp. Aug. 31, 1806, CR4
Hiram, s. Mathew Hill and Eunice, bp. Aug. 31, 1806, CR4
Jacob Dodge, s. Mathew Hill and Eunice, bp. Aug. 31, 1806, CR4
Reuben, s. Reuben and Catherine, bp. Apr. 12, 1795, CR4
William, s. Mathew Hill and Eunice, bp. Aug. 31, 1806, CR4
William Coffin, s. Reuben and Catherine, bp. Apr. 12, 1795, CR4
SHEEHAN (also see Shahain, Shehain, Shehan, Shehane)
Ellen, d. William and Hannah, Jan. 23, 1849, CR14
Thomas, s. John and Bridget Manning, bp. Oct. 19, 1845, CR14
SHEHAIN (also see Sheehan)
Benjamin, s. Daniel and Sarah, bp. July 13m 1783, CR11
Edward, s. Daniel, bp. Apr. 19, 1772, CR11
James, s. Daniel, bp. Oct. 28, 1787, CR11
Samuel, s. Daniel, bp. July 24, 1774, CR11
SHEHAN (also see Sheehan)
John, s. Thomas and Bridget, Jan. 7, 1847, CR14
SHEHANE (also see Sheehan)
Bethiah, d. Daniel and Bethiah, bp. June 22, 1794, CR4
Cornelius, s. John, laborer, b. Ireland, and Mary, Feb. 17, 1849
Daniel, s. Daniel and Bethiah, bp. Sept. 2, 1792, CR4
Sarah, d. Daniel and Bethiah, bp. Jan. 16, 1791, CR4
SHELDEN (also see Sheldon)
Lemuel, s. Ephraim and Jane, bp. Nov. 2, 1701, CR2
Nathaniel, s. Ephraim and J., bp. Apr. 7, 1706, CR2
-------, ch. Eliab, June --, 1846
SHELDON (also see Shelden)
Eliab, July 5, 1805, GR9
Ephraim, s. Ephraim and Jane, bp. Oct. 20, 1700, CR2
Hepsibah, d. Ephraim and J., bp. Oct. 17, 1703, CR2
Mary E., d. Eliab and Elizabeth, Oct. 17, 1832, GR9
Rebekkah, d. Ephraim and Jane, bp. Oct. 20, 1700, CR2
William, s. Ephraim and Jane, bp. Oct. 20, 1700, CR2
-------, s. Godfrey, ---- 13 [1694-5?], CR2
Benjamikn Abbot, s. Richard, bp. Jan. 24, 1768, CR11
Charles, s. Richard, bp. Sept. 15, 1771, CR11
Elizabeth, d. Richard, bp. Aug. 14, 1763, CR11
Esther, d. Richard, bp. Mar. 21, 1762, CR11
John, s. Richard, bp. Sept. 24, 1769, CR11
Mary, d. Richard, bp. Nov. 17, 1765, CR11
John, s. John, bp. Apr. 21, 1782, CR11
SHEPARD (also see Sheapard, Shephard, Shepherd, Sheppard)
Abigail Elizabeth, w. John B., Apr. 14, 1816, GR9
Anna Thorndike, w. John B., Nov. 3, 1815, GR9
Caroline Augusta, d. John B. and Anna Thorndike, Feb. 25, 1843, GR9
Caroline Wallace (Sanborn), [w. Nelson, GR10], June 13, 1838, PR609
David, s. Jeremiah and Elizabeth, Dec. 23, 1778, PR487
Eliza Daland, w. Michael W., July 27, 1834, GR9
Elizabeth, d. Jeremiah and Elizabeth, June 26, 1777, PR487
Elizabeth, d. Jeremiah and Elizabeth, Sept. 4, 1780, PR487
Elizabeth, Aug. 16, 1805, GR9
Emily Furneux, d. Michael and Harriet F. (Clark), Mar. 10, 824, PR608
George Leonard, s. Michael and Harriet F. (Clark), Dec. 20, 1837, PR608
H. Nelson, -----, 1839, GR10
Harriet Clarke, d. Michael and Harriet F. (Clark), May 20, 1821, PR608
Henry, s. Michael and Harriet F. (Clark), July 31, 1832, PR608
Isaac Billings, Mar. 13, 1797, GR9
Israel D., s. Israel D. and Mary A., Oct. 10, 1848
Jara, ch. Jeremiah and Elizabeth, Aug. 26, 1786, PR487
John B., June 21, 1816, GR9
John H., s. John B. and Anna T., Mar. 23, 1849
Jonathan, s. Jeremiah and Elizabeth, Dec. 24, 1775, PR487
Joseph S[imonds, PR596], s. George F. and Martha A. [(Crierie), PR596], Mar. 25, 1849
Lizzie W., w. S. D., Apr. 24, 1833, GR9
Lydia Lakeman, May 14, 1798, GR9
Lydia Lakeman, Nov. 23, 1826, GR9
Martha Mansfield, d. Michael and Harriet F. (Clark), May 3, 1828, PR608
Mary Lakeman, May 30, 1824, GR9
Matilda Fairfax, d. Michael and Harrit F. (Clark), June 9, 1819, PR608
Michael, s. Jeremiah and Elizabeth, Sept. 4, 1786, PR487
MIchael Webb, s. Michael and Harriet F. (Clark), Mar. 29, 1823, PR608
Michael Webb, s. Michael and Harriet F. (Clark), Feb. 28, 1826, PR608
Samuel, s. Jeremiah and Elizabeth, Sept. 4, 1784, PR487
Samuel D., Apr. 11, 1821, GR9
Stephen Webb, s. Jeremiah and Elisabeth, Feb. 25, 1790, PR487
Thomas Perkins, s. Michael and Harriet F. (Clark), Mar. 16, 1817, PR608
SHEPHARD (also see Shepard)
Mary Elizabeth, d. -----, bp. Apr. 13, 1823, CR10
SHEPHERD (also see Shepard)
Polly, d. illegitimate, Sarah Whaland and Dr. Shepherd, bp. Sept. 14, 1782, CR11
-------, d. Robert, Nov. 17, 1849
SHEPPARD (also see Shepard)
Anna M., w. Samuel, Apr. 16, 1811, GR9
Anna M., Dec. 2, 1837, GR9
David A., Feb. 25, 1840, GR9
Henry F., July 25, 1848, GR9
Samuel, Aug. 19, 1808, GR9
William, s. Charles and Eliza, Nov. 1, 1848
SHERLEY (also see Shirley)
Ann, w. Robert, Aug. 22, 1815, GR9
George D., s. James L., victualler, and Nancy, Nov. 18, 1848
Hannah M[aria, CR11], d. Edward and Maria, Oct. --, 1847
Maria Ann Griswold, d. Edward and Maria, bp. Sept. 13, 1846, CR11
Mary Ann, d. Edward, Oct. --, 1845
Samuel, s. -----, bp. 28: 8m: 1665, CR1
Sarah J., d. Edward and Maria, Dec. 8, 1849
Sarah Jane, d. Thomas and Maria, Nov. 9, 1849, CR11
SHERWIN (also see Sharvan, Sharvin, Sharwin, Shurvin)
Eleseth, d. James and Mary, Apr. 20, 1841, CR14
James, s. James and Mary Murphy, Apr. 28, 1843, CR14
Margaret, d. James and Mary Murphy, bp. Nov. 24, 1845, CR14
Sarah Elizabeth, d. William and Clarrissy, bp. Sept. 7, 1846, a. 4 m., CR14
William, s. William and Clraissa Briggs, at Lynn, Feb. 1, 1844, CR14
-------, s. Charles G., Feb. -- 1848
Benjamin, s. William and Sarah, bp. June 24, 1744, CR3
Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Sarah (Proctor), June 20, 1788, PR561
Benjamin, s. Capt. Benjamin and Sarah, Feb. 5, 1818, GR8
Benjamin, s. Benjamin, July 3, 1818, CR12
Betsey, d. Benjamin and Sarah (Proctor), Aug. 31, 1785, PR561
Ebenezer Hathorne, s. Capt. Benjamin and Sarah, Aug. 31, 1824, GR8
Elizabeth, d. William and Lydia, bp. Aug. 24, 1729, CR3
Elizabeth, d. William and Sarah, bp. Aug. 15, 1731, CR3
Elizabeth, d. William and Sarah, bp. Jan. 13, 1741-2, CR3
Hannah, d. William and Sarah, bp. May 1, 1743, CR3
Jane, d. Benjamin and Jane (Ropes), Aug. 23, 1802, GR295
John Ropes, s. Benjamin and Jane (Ropes), Dec. 1, 1799, PR295
Lidia, d. William and Lydia, bp. Nov. 17, 1728, CR3
Lydia, d. Jonathan and Esther, 11: 9m: 1800, CR7
Lydia Ropes, d. Benjamin and Jane (Ropes), June 17, 1796, PR295
Robert, s. William and Sarah, bp. May 16, 1736, CR3
Samuel, s. Williamand Sarah, bp. May 21, 1738, CR3
Sarah, d. William and Sarah, bp. Dec. 30, 1739, CR3
Sarah, d. Benjamin and Sarah (Proctor), Apr. 27, 1792, PR561
Susan Herbert, d. Benjamin, June 29, 1821, CR12
William, s. William and Sarah, bp. Sept. 22, 1734, CR3
Charles Clucas, s. Charles, bp. Apr. 4, 1779, CR11
Matthew, s. Charles, bp. Apr. 28, 1776, CR11
William, s. Charles, bp. June 21, 1778, CR11
Adelaide Ellen, d. Harriet, bp. Oct. 19, 1834, CR9
Mary Harriet Elizabeth, d. Harriet, bp. Apr. --, 1833, CR9
SHIRLEY (also see Sherley)
Annis, d. wid. Elizabeth, bp. Jan. 25, 1832, CR6
Elizabeth, d. wid. Elizabeth, bp. Jan. 25, 1832, CR6
Mary, d. wid. Elizabeth, bp. Jan. 25, 1832, CR6
Betsey K., w. Henry, June 27, 1830, GR10
SHORE (also see Shase)
Eugene, s. Eugene, Oct. --, 1846
Julia Ann, d. Miles and Love, bp. Aug. 4, 1803, CR4
Nehemiah Breed, s. Miles and Love, bp. Aug. 4, 1803, CR4
SHORT (also see Shot, Shott)
Elizabeth, d. John and Elizabeth, bp. July 9, 1738, CR1
Elizabeth, d. -----, bp. Apr. 29, 1799, CR12
Elizabeth, d. James and Lydia A., Oct. 22, 1826, GR9
James, Capt., Mar. 13, 1833, GR9
James [Parnel, s. John, CR12], Aug. 8, 1801, GR9
John, s. John and Elizabeth, bp. July 23, 1738, CR1
Joseph, s. James and Lydia A., Feb. 7, 1835, GR9
Lydia A., w. James, Aug. 8, 1801, GR9
Mary, d. John and Elizabeth, bp. July 9, 1738, CR1
SHOT (also see Short)
Peter, s. Peter and Sarah, bp. Oct. 29, 1780, CR5
SHOTT (also see Short)
Phillip Thrash, s. -----, bp. Apr. 17, 1785, CR12
Samuel How, s. -----, bp. June 8, 1746, CR11
William, s. Nathanael, bp. July 23, 1747, CR11
Benjamin, Dec. 6, 1780, PR67
Benjamin, s. Isaac and Hannah (Very), Feb. 17, 1813, PR610
Elizabeth, d. Isaac and mary (Moulton), July 31, 1821, PR610
Francis Eliza, d. Isaac and Hannah (Very), Sept. 8, 1819, PR610
George, s. Isaac and Mary (Moulton), May 11, 1829, PR610
Hannah, d. Issac and Hannah (Very), at Alexandria, Oct. 15, 1807, PR610
Isaac, s. Isaac and Hannah (Very), at Alexandria, Apr. 10, 1810, PR610
John, s. Isaac and Mary (Moulton), Jan. 1, 1825, PR610
Louisa, d. Isaac and Hannah (Very), Jan. 14, 1817, PR610
Mary, d. Isaac and Hannah (Very), June 2, 1815, PR610
Mary, d. Isaac and Mary (Moulton), Jan. 7, 1827, PR610
Mary Moore, Aug. 3, 1808, GR9
Rebecah, d. Isaac and Hannah (Very), at Alexandria, Feb. 25, 1803, PR610
Samuel Very, s. Isaac and Hannah (Very), at Alexandria, Sept. 25, 1804, PR610
Stephen J., s. Isaac and Mary, June 20, 1848
Susan Wood, d. Isaac and Mary (Moulton), Mar. 17, 1823, PR610
SHULTZ (also see Schultz)
Charles Frederick, s. Charles F. and Ruth M., bp. Mar. 26, 1845, CR11
Ernest Robinson, s. Charles F. and Ruth M., bp. Apr. 1, 1848, CR11
SHURVIN (also see Sherwin)
James, s. twin, Christopher and Catherine Cox, Mar. 28, 1833, CR14
John, s. twin, Christopher and Catherine Cox, Mar. 28, 1833, CR14
SIBLEY (also see Sibly, Sybly)
Anna, d. William and Hannah, bp. Oct. 20, 1771, CR5
Benjamin, s. "Brother," bp. May 4, 1690, CR2
Charles A., s. William H, tailor, June --, 1846
Charles Augustus, Dec. 29, 1823, PR597
Elizabeth, d. John and Elizabeth Peale, Oct. 3, 1696
Elizabeth, d. John and Elizabeth (Peale), Apr. 13, 1699
Eunice, d. twin, Samuel, bp. Oct. 7, 1744, CR1
George, s. Moses H. and Phebe, Nov. 6, 1839, CR11
George Valpy, s. Joseph and Dorcas (Valpy), July 17, 1813
Hannah, d. Samuell and Sarah (Wells), May 17, 1696
Hannah, d. twin, John and Elizabeth (Peale), Mar. 14, 1701
Hannah, d. Samuell, bp. Apr. 19, 1741, CR1
John, s. John and Elizabeth (Peale), Dec. 1, 1704
John Shaw, s. Joseph and Dorcas (Valpy), June 15, 1815
Jonathan, s. Samuell and Sarah (Wells), Nov. 25, 1701
Joseph, Dec. 13, 1783, PR597
Joseph Abbot, s. Joseph and Dorcas (Valpy), June 21, 1812
Joseph Ward, s. John and Tamma, ----, 1841, GR10
Littlefeild, ch. Samuel, bp. May 6, 1739, CR1
Lucy Ann, w. Moses, Apr. 18, 1815, GR10
Martha Gray, d. Moses H. and Phebe, Apr. 21, 1837, CR11
Mary, d. "Brother," bp. May 4, 1690, CR2
Mary, d. twin, John and Elizabeth (Peale), Mar. 14, 1701
Mary, d. John and Elizabeth (Peale), Apr. 25, 1702
Mary, d. Samuel, bp. Sept. 6, 1747, CR1
Mary H., d. Moses H. and Lucy A., Apr. 6, 1849
Moses, Sept. 15, 1818, GR10
Moses H., s. Moses H., tailor, and Lucy Ann, Aug. 22, 1846
Moses How, s. Joseph and Dorcas {Valpy), Sept. 15, 1816
Phebe Ellen [d. Moses H. and Phebe, CR11], Apr. 1, 1846, PR605
Priscilla, d. twin, Samuel, bp. Oct. 7, 1744, CR1
Richard, s. Samuell and Sarah (Wells), Jan. --, 1698
Samuell, s. Samuell and Sarah (Wells), July --, 1704
Samuell, s. Samuell and Sarah (Wells), May 5, 1705
Sarah, d. Samuell and Sarah (Wells), Mar. 27, 1699
Sarah An, May 24, 1820, PR597
Sarah P., Aug. 10, 1800, GR10
Susannah, d. Samuell, bp. Mar. 13, 1742-3, CR1
William, s. "Brother," May 4, 1690, CR2
William Henry, s. Joseph and Dorcas (Valpy), Oct. 29, 1818
SIBLY (also see Sibley)
Abigaille, d. John, bp. 3: 5m: 1659, CR1
Anna, d. Jo., bp. July 7, 1678, CR1
Benjamin, s. Susanna, bp. Sept. 19, 1703, CR1
Damarice, d. Richard and Hanna, 26: 6m: 1666, CT.R
Elizabeth, d. Samuel, bp. [bet. 1693 and 1699], CR2
Hana, d. Richard and Hanna, 20: 7m: 1661, CT.R
Hanna, d. John, bp. 22: 4m: 1651, CR1
Hanna, d. Joseph, bp. May --, 1695, CR1
John, s. John, bp. 14: 3m: 1648, CR1
John, s. Richard and Hana, 1st week Apr., 1669, CT.R
John, s. Jo., bp. July 7, 1678, CR1
Jonathan, s. Susan, bp. May 1, 1690, CR1
Joseph, s. Susanna, bp. Aug. 7, 1687, CR1
Lydia, d. Samuel, ----, 29 [1694?], CR2
Mary, d. John, bp. 8: 7m: 1644, CR1
Mary, d. Richard and Hana, Jan. 25, 1671, CT.R
Rachell, d. John, bp. 3: 3m: 1646, CR1
Rebekah, d. Samuel, bp. Oct. 25, 1691, CR2
Ruth, d. William and Ruth, last of Aug., 1677, CT.R
Samuel, s. Susanna, bp. May 16, 1697, CR1
Samuell, s. John, bp. 12: 2m: 1657, CR1
Samuell, s. Richard and Hanna, 10: 1m: 1658, CT.R
Sara, d. Richard and Hannah, 20: 10m: 1663, CT.R
Sarah, d. John, bp. 18: 7m: 1642, CR1
William, s. John, bp. 8: 7m: 1653, CR1
William, s. Joseph, bp. Apr. 7, 1700, CR1
-------, d. Samuel, ----[1690?], CR2
Braundy, s. Braundy, a malayan, and Hanna, bp. Feb. 18, 1810, CR4
Ebenezer, s. Braundy, a malayan, and Hanna, bp. Feb. 18, 1810, CR4
John, s. Braundy, a malayan, and Hanna, bp. Feb. 18, 1810, CR4
Joseph, s. Braundy, a malayan, and Hanna, bp. Feb. 18, 1810, CR4
Thomas, s. Braundy, a malayan, and Hanna, bp. Feb. 18, 1810, CR4
SILSBEE (also see Silsby)
Annie Jean, d. William and Charlotte, bp. Aug. 4, 1839, CR4
Benjamin Hodges [s. William and Mary, CR4], Oct. 23, 1811, PR209
Caroline, d. Zechariah F. and Sara, bp. Oct. 24, 1819, CR4
Charlotte L., w. William, Oct. 16, 1814, GR9
Deborah (w. Daniel Sage), Apr. 19, 1767, PR513
Edward A., Feb. 19, 1826, GR9
Edward Augustus, s. Zachariah F. and Sarah, bp. May 16, 1824, CR4
Edward Augustus, s. Zachariah F. and Sarah, bp. May 24, 1829, CR4
Ellisabeth, d. Zechariah F. and Sara, bp. Mar. 8, 1818, CR4
Eliza Devereaux, d. Nathaniel Jr. and Mary Ann, bp. Dec. 15, 1835, CR4
Elizabeth, d. Zechariah F. and Sara, Nov. 19, 1816, CR4
Elizabeth Jane, w. Benjamin H., Nov. 5, 1818, GR9
Elizabeth Salstonstall, May 16, 1825, GR9
Elizabeth White, d. Benjamin H. and Elizabeth [CR4], Oct. 11, 1841, PR209
Francis Henry, s. Zechariah and Sara, bp. Feb. 16, 1812, CR4
George Devereaux, s. Nathaniel Jr. and Mary Ann, bp. May 8, 1833, CR4
George Zachariah [s. Zachariah F. and Sara, CR4], Jan. 23, 1822, GR9
[Georgianna Crowninshield, CR4], d. Nathaniel and Mary, Jan. 29, 1824, PR79
Hannah Hodges [d. William and Mary, CR4], Apr. 20, 1818, PR209
Harriet Elizabeth, d. Wililam and Mary, June 29, 1819, CR4
John, s. Nathaniell, Mar. 20, 1682, CT.R
John, s. Samuel and Rebecca, bp. July 13, 1800, CR4
John Boardman, Apr. 10, 1813, GR9
John Henry [s. William and Mary, CR4], July 17, 1814, PR209
Joseph L[yman, PR598], s. Rev. William, Nov. 25, 1848
Margaret Hodges [d. William and Mary, CR4], June 24, 1810, PR209 [July 24, GR9]
Margett, d. Nathaniell, Mar. 20, 1684, CT.R
Maria Porter, w. Rev. William, Aug. 3, 1826, GR9
Martha, d. Samuel Jr. and Rebecca, bp. Mar. 23, 1787, CR4
Martha Mansfield, w. John B., May 3, 1829, GR9
Mary, d. Samuel and Rebecca, bp. May 10, 1789, CR4
Mary, d. Samuel and Rebecca, bp. May 22, 1796, CR4
Mary, d. William and Mary, Sept. 8, 1816, CR4
Mary, d. Nathaniel and Mary, bp. Sept. 2, 1827, CR4
Mary Ann Devereaux, d. Nathaniel Jr. and Mary Ann, bp. Oct. 19, 1837, CR4
Mary Boardman, d. Zechariah F. and Sara, bp. Nov. 4, 1821, cR4
Mary Crowninshield, d. Nathaniel and Mary, bp. May 28, 1809, CR4
Mary Crowninshield, d. Nathaniel Jr. and Mary Ann, bp. Nov. 15, 1840, CR4
Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel and Hannah, Aug. 11, 1705
Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel and Mary (Daniels), Dec. 26, 1733
Nathaniel, Jan. 14, 177[8?], GR9
Nathaniel, s. Samuel and Rebecca, bp. Dec. 29, 1793, CR4
Nathaniel, Dec. 28, 1804, GR9
Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel and Mary, bp. Feb. 3, 1805, CR4
Nathaniel Devereaux, s. Nathaniel Jr. and Mary Ann, bp. May 8, 1833, CR4
Rachel, an orphan offered by Mrs. Beckford, bp. July 2, 1815, CR12
Rebecca, d. Samuel and Rebecca, bp. Mar. 13, 1791, CR4
Samuel, s. Nathaniel and Mary (Daniels), Nov. 15, 1731
Samuel, s. Samuel and Rebecca, bp. Dec. 12, 1802, CR4
Sara, d. Samuel and Rebecca, bp. Dec. 12, 1802, CR4
Sara Ann, d. Zechariah and Sara, bp. Nov. 20, 1814, CR4
William, Mar. 21, 1779, PR209
William [Rev., GR9; s. William and Mary, CR4], May 17, 1813, PR209
William, s. William, deceased, and Mary, bp. Mar. 3, 1833, CR4
William Edward, s. Nathaniel Jr. and Mary Ann, bp. Mar. 8, 1846, CR4
William Henry, s. John H. and Rebecca, Jan. 26, 1841, PR88
Zachariah F., Aug. 9, 1783, GR9
-------, d. N. Jr. and Marianne, Apr. 7, 1840, PR88
-------, d. Benjamin H., Oct. 11, 1841, PR88
-------, s. M. A., Sept. 27, 1845, PR188
SILSBY (also see Silsbee)
Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Mary, June 26, 1738
Elizabeth, d. Joseph and Mary, bp. Nov. 28, 1736, CR1
Henry, s. Nathaniell and Deborah (Tompkins), Apr. 12, 1674, CT.R
John, s. John and Bethia (Pitman), Feb. 7, 1674, CT.R
Mary, d. Benjamin and Mary, Oct. 25, 1733
Nathaniell, s. Nathaniell and Deborah (Tompkins), 11: 2m: 1676, CT.R
Nathaniell, s. Nathaniell and Deborah (Tompkins), 23: 8m: 1677, CT.R
Samuell, s. Nathaniell and Deborah (Tompkins), Jan. 30, 1679, CT.R
Sarah, d. Benjamin and Mary, June 8, 1742
William, s. Nathaneel Jr., bp. Aug. 14, 1715, CR1
SILVER (also see Sylva)
Benjamin, s. Peter and Elizabeth (Caton), Jan. 10, 1736
Benjamin, s. Francis, bp. Oct. 9, 1774, CR11
Clarissa C., d. Joseph, Aug. --, 1847
Daniel, s. Peter and Elizabeth, July 9, 1727, CR1
Daniel, s. Peter and Elizabeth (Caton), July 2, 1729
David W., s. Joseph and Eliza, June 10, 1846
Edward F., s. Augustus and Ellen, Apr. 21, 1849
Eliza M., d. Joseph and Eliza A., Sept. 23, 1849
Elizabeth, d. Peter and Elizabeth (Caton), Sept. 28, 1730
Fannie P., w. William, Jan. 4, 1810, GR9
Francis, s. Francis, bp. Aug. 8, 1762, CR11
Hannah, d. Peter and Elizabeth (Caton), Sept. 26, 1732
Isabella (w. Rollins Wheeler Merrill), July 26, 1794, PR522
John, s. Peter and Elizabeth, bp. Oct. 7, 1722, CR1
John, s. Peter and Elizabeth (Caton), Aug. 30, 1734
Peter, s. Peter and Elizabeth, bp. July 16, 1721, CR1
Peter, s. Peter and Elizabeth (Caton), Aug. 6, 1724
Sophia Walker [w. Charles F. Williams, GR9], Mar.13, 1814, PR48
William, s. Peter and Elizabeth (Caton), Dec. 11, 1719
William, s. Peter and Elizabeth, bp. July 9, 1721, CR1
William, s. Francis, bp. Apr. 21, 1765, CR11
William, Capt., Jan. 2, 1809, GR9
William A., s. Augustus and Ellen M., Mar. 7, 1848
SIMES (also see Sims)
Elizabeth, d. Stephen and Sarah, bp. May 4, 1755, CR5
Hannah Jr., d. Richard and Hannah (Hasket), Aug. 27, 1707, PR335
Stephen, s. Stephen and Sarah, bp. May 4, 1755, CR5
SIMMONS (also see Symonds)
Ann, d. Thomas, bp. Mar. 14, 1773, CR11
Anne, d. Thomas, bp. May 20, 1770, CR11
Elizabeth, d. Thomas, bp. Apr. 10, 1763, CR11
Jane, d. Thomas and Elisabeth, bp. Dec. 7, 1777, CR5
Mary, d. Thomas, bp. Aug. 31, 1760, CR11
Sarah E., d. John, mariner, Nov. --, 1845
Thomas, s. Thomas, bp. May 19, 1771, CR11
Thomas, s. Thomas and Elisabeth, bp. Sept. 30, 1781, CR5
SIMON (also see Symonds)
Adeline Felt, w. Francis Bodoin, Feb. 28, 1811, GR9
Adeline Metilda, d. John and Sarah, Sept. 11, 1829, GR7
Elizabeth Mariana, d. John and Sarah R. (Blood), May 1, 1813
Emily G., d. John and Sarah R. (Blood), Oct. 30, 1825
Francis Bodwin, s. John and Sarah R. (Blood), Dec. 19, 1810
Francis Bodwin, s. John and Sarah, Nov. 19, 1811
John F., July 27, 1843, GR9
John R., s. John and Sarah R. (Blood), Oct. 14, 1819
Joseph H., s. Francis B., express, June --, 1846
Julia Maria Hixon, d. John and Sarah R. (Blood), June 30, 1808
Lucy Nicholas, d. John and Sarah R. (Blood), July 28, 1817
Sarah Louisa, d. John and Sarah R. (Blood), Jan. 22, 1824
Stephen Augustus, s. John and Sarah R. (Blood), Oct. 20, 1821
SIMONDS (also see Symonds)
Anna, d. John and Sarah (Foster), Sept. --[after 1718; bp. Sept. 18, 1720, CR1]
Benjamin, s. James and Elizabeth, Jan. 7, 1674, CT.R
Benjamin, s. John and Sarah (Foster), Nov. 12, 1713
Caroline, Sept. 29, 1833, PR302
Charles Frederick, Oct. 1, 1828, PR302
Edward, ----, 1811, GR9
Edward Augustus, Feb. 1, 1824, PR302
Elizabeth, d. Benjamin, bp. Jan. 19, 1755, CR1
Elizabeth, d. James and Elizabeth, Mar. 6, 1672-3, CT.R
Elizabeth, d. James and Elizabeth, 29: 7m: 1679, CT.R
Ellen Maria, Feb. 16, 1831, CR11
George, Oct. 5, 1835, PR302
James, s. James and Elizabeth, Apr. 15, 1674, CT.R
James, s. John and Sarah (Foster), Apr. 2, 1717
John, s. James and Mary, bp. May 10, 1747, CR5
Jonathan, s. John and Sarah (Foster), Dec. 6, 1711
Joseph, s. James and Elizabeth, Mar. 20, 1681-2, CT.R
Joseph, s. John and Sarah (Foster), Sept. 28, 1718
Mary A. Chase, w. Edward, ----, 1828, GR9
Mary Cook, Mar. 18, 1826, PR302
Nathaniel, Nov. --, 1845, PR302
Richard, s. Richard and Hanna (Wells), Dec. 11, 1681, CT.R
Samuel, Feb. 26, 1793, PR302
Samuel, June 26, 1819, PR302
Samuel C., June 26, 1818, GR9
Sarah, d. James and Elizabeth, Feb. 21, 1687-8, CT.R
Sarah, d. John and Sarah (Foster), Mar. --, 1714-15
Sarah Elizabeth, July 26, 1817, PR302
Thomas, s. James and Elizabeth, 1: 2m: 1677, CT.R
William Henry, July 16, 1821, PR302
William Henry, Dec. 2, 1843, GR9
SIMONS (also see Symonds)
Jane, d. George and Jane, bp. July 8, 1764, CR5
SIMS (also see Simes, Symmes, Symms)
Alice H., d. Richard T., ship master, and Deborah, Apr. 5, 1844
George M[cLean, CR11], s. Richard T., mariner, and Deborah, July 8, 1845
Hanna, d. Richard, bp. July 31, 1707, CR1
Mary, d. Richard T. and Deborah, May 19, 1840, GR9
Elizabeth, d. John and Eliza (Ropes), May 22, 1793, PR601
George, s. George and Sara, bp. Apr. 11, 1802, CR4
George L., Feb. 13, 1848, GR10
John, s. Robert, at Albany, July --, 1761, PR601
John Jr., s. John and Eliza (Ropes), Mar. 24, 1782, PR601
Mary Ropes, d. John and Mary, of Brooklyn, N.Y., bp. Aug. 27, 1837, CR12
Nathaniel Richardson, s. John and Eliza (Ropes), Mar. 10, 1798, PR601
Robert, s. John and Eliza (Ropes), May 18, 1785, PR601
Robert 2d, s. John and Eliza (Ropes), Dec. 29, 1795, PR601
William, s. John and Eliza (Ropes), Feb. 25, 1789, PR601
-------, ch. John, bp. June --, 1785, CR12
-------, s. J., bp. June --, 1793, CR12
Thomas, s. Thomas and Debora, Nov. --, 1643, CT.F
SKERRY (also see Skery)
Ann, d. Henry and Pressilla (Lunt), 14: 4m: 1669, CT.R
Anna, d. Francis Jr., bp. June --, 1787, CR12
Benjamin, s. Samuel, bp. Sept. 16, 1798, CR12
Benjamin Brookhouse, June 31, 1849, PR262
Betsy, Aug. 24, 1765, PR302
Betsy, May 22, 1784, PR302
Betsy [d. Francis Jr., CR12], Aug. 5, 1787, PR302
Content, d. Samuel Jr. and Content (Ward), Mar. 16, 1808, PR487
Deborah, d. Francis and Hannah, bp. Oct. 19, 1760, CR5
Ebenezer W[ard, CR12], s. Samuel Jr. and Content (Ward), July 13, 1801, PR487
Edward, Jan. 31, 1799, PR302
Elizabeth, d. Henry, bp. 4: 1m: 1638, CR1
Elizabeth, d. Henry and Hannah (Salles), Jan. 20, 1753
Elizabeth, d. Henry and Hannah (Salles), Mar. 17, 1755
Elizabeth Thomson, Aug. 20, 1821, PR262
Ephraim, s. Henry, bp. 26: 1m: 1643, CR1
Ephraim, s. Ephraim, bp. Apr. 1, 1716, CR1
Ephraim, s. Francis and Hannah, bp. Sept. 5, 1742, CR1
Ephraim, s. Francis and Hannah, bp. Feb. 1, 1746-7, CR5
Francis, s. Henry [Jr., CR1] and Pressilla (Lunt), 25: 9m: 1666, CT.R
Francis, s. Ephraim and Margarett, bp. Mar. 15, 1719, CR1
Francis, s. Francis and Hannah, bp. Jan. 26, 1745-6, CR5
Francis, s. Francis and Hannah, bp. Dec. 10, 1752, CR5
Francis, s. Francis, bp. July 15, 1792, CR12
Francis, June 18, 1793, PR302
Francis, July 26, 1797, PR302
Francis Henry, at Bangor, June 3, 1845, PR262
George, Sept. 22, 1806, PR302
Hanna, d. Ephraim, bp. Mar. 28, 1714, CR1
Hannah, d. Ephraim and Martha (Mellard), July 11, 1672, CT.R
Henry, s. Ephraim, bp. Aug. 17, 1712, CR1
Henry [s. Francis and Hannah, CR5], Nov. 5, 1757, PR302
Henry, s. Samuel, bp. July 13, 1778, CR12
Henry, July 9, 1785, PR302
Henry Francis, July 25, 1821, PR262
Hitty Phipps, d. Francis, bp. [after June], 1781, CR12
Jenny, d. Francis, bp. Jan. 20, 1782, CR12
John, s. Henry, bp. 3: 4m: 1649, CR1
John, s. Francis and Hannah, bp. Dec. 18, 1748,, CR5
John, s. Francis and Hannah, bp. June 30, 1751, CR5
John, s. Samuel, bp. Feb. 19, 1785, CR12
Lydia, d. Samuel, bp. July 13, 1778, CR12
Lydia, d. twin, Samuel Jr. and Content (Ward), June 6, 1804, PR487
Margaret, d. Ephraim, bp. June 30, 1717, CR1
Margaret, d. Henry and Hannah (Salles), Nov. 29, 1745
Margaret, d. Henry and Hannah (Salles), Mar. 22, 1749
Margaret [d. Francis and Hannah, CR5], June 27, 1763, PR219
Martha, d. Ephraim and Martha (Mellard), July 13, 1674, CT.R
Martha W[ard, CR12] d. twin, Samuel Jr. and Content (Ward), June 6, 1804, PR487
Mary, d. Henry, bp. 8: 7m: 1640, CR1
Nathaniel, s. Francis and Hannah, bp. Nov. 30, 1755, CR5
Nathaniel, s. Samuel, bp. Nov. 26, 1780, CR12
Priscilla, d. Henry and Pressilla (Lunt), July 13, 1671, CT.R
Robert, Nov. 12, 1781, PR302
Robert, Nov. 3, 1802, PR302 [1803, GR9]
Sally, d. Samuel, bp. July 13, 1778, CR12
Sally, d. John, bp. July 14, 1782, CR5
Sally, Feb. 17, 1794, PR302
Sally, d. Francis, bp. Nov. --, 1795, CR12
Samuel, s. Henry and Hannah (Salles), Dec. 7, 1747
Samuel Jr., Jan. 18, 1772, PR487
Samuel, s. Samuel, bp. July 13, 1778, CR12
Samuel 3d, s. Samuel Jr. and Content (Ward), July 17, 1799, PR487
Samuel, s. Samuel, bp. July 29, 1801, CR12
Samuel H., s. Samuel Jr. and Content (Ward), June 13, 1806, PR487
Sarah, d. Francis and Hannah, bp. Apr. 15, 1750, CR5
Sarah (w. Samuel Simonds), Feb. 17, 1794, PR302
Sarah, w. Robert, Nov. 3, 1805, GR9
William, Apr. 30, 1790, PR302
William Randall, s. Hannah, bp. Mar. 8, 1795, CR4
-------, ch. Francis, bp. July 3, 1763, CR1
-------, four chn. Ephraim, bp. Oct --, 1779, CR12
-------, d. Samuel, bp. Jan. --, 1783, CR12
SKERY (also see Skerry)
Elizabeth, d. E., bp. Mar. 19, 1675-6, CR1
Elizabeth, d. Ephraim, bp. Mar. --, 1677, CR1
Elizabeth, d. Henry, bp. May 19, 1678, CR1
Ephraim, s. -----, bp. Apr. --, 1685, CR1
Samuel, s. -----, bp. Mar. 12, 1675-6, CR1
H. R., ch. Henry and Mary B., Mar. 5, 1848
Elizabeth, Feb. 8, 1831, PR603
Elizabeth Dennis, d. John K. and Hannah P., bp. Nov. 6, 1831, CR6
Emery, Oct. 16, 1841, PR603
Hannah Cook, w. William, d. Harry and Margaret (Gowing), Benson, Jan. 2, 1811, PR474
Hannah Pitman, d. John K. and Hannah P., bp. Nov. 6, 1831, CR6
Harriet Francis, d. John K. and Hannah P., bp. Nov. 6, 1831, CR6
James, Mar. 17, 1839, PR603
John, Dec. 22, 1836, PR603
John Kimball, s. John K. and Hannah P., bp. Nov. 6, 1831, CR6
Laura W[est, GR10], d. Richard and Susan, Feb. 13, 1849
Lucy S., -----, 1823, GR10
Martha Ann Derby, d. John K. and Hannah, bp. Apr. 7, 1833, CR6
Mary, July 28, 1825, PR603
Mary Ann Pitman, d. John K. and Hannah, bp. Apr. 7, 1832, CR6
Mary E., d. Richard Jr., July --, 1847
Mary Elizabeth, July 24, 1846, PR603
Mary J., w. Stephen S., Sept. 22, 1824, GR9
Mary P., Feb. 23, 1832, GR9
Philip, Sept. 13, 1821, PR603
Philip [G., GR9], June 24, 1833, PR603
Phillip, Dec. 18, 1829, PR603
Richard, at Marblehead, Jan. 29, 1819, PR603
Richard W[iggin, GR10], Dec. 23, 1843, PR603
Samuel, s. G., bp. Sept. 16, 1678, CR1
Sarah A. P., -----, 1838, GR9
Stephen, Jan. 2, 1823, PR603
Stephen S., Jan. 2, 1823, GR9
Stephen t., s. Stephen S. and Mary J., Dec. 9, 1845
Susan Allen, Nov. 25, 1841, PR603
Susan Hovey, -----, 1818, GR10
Susan W., Feb. 3, 1849, PR603
William, Dec. 30, 1808, PR474
William, Oct. 4, 1827, PR603
William Henry, s. Richard and Mary, Oct. 4, 1827, GR9
Sarah Helen, d. Hezekiah and Susan S., --- 1839, GR9
Willis E[verett, GR9], s. Hezekiah, shoe maker, and Susan S., May 4, 1848
SLEUMAN (also see Sluman)
Andrew, s. Andrew and Mary, bp. Dec. 29, 1793, CR4
Mary Abigail, d. Abigail V., bp. June 4, 1843, CR6
Mary Elkins, d. Andrew and Mary, bp. Aug. 14, 1796, CR4
Alexander, s. Alexander and Alice, Dec. 21, 1729
Alice, d. Alexander and Alice, July 20, 1734
John, s. Alexander and Alice, Nov. 7, 1731
Sarah, d. Alexander and Alice, Oct. 11, 1727
SLUEMAN (also see Sluman)
Andrew, Nov. 24, 1813, GR9
Charles Andrew, s. Andrew and Elizabeth S., bp. July 1, 1845, CR9
Elizabeth, d. -----, bp. Jan. 21, 1727-8, CR2
Lucy S[mith, CR9], d. Andrew, tailor [and Elizabeth S., CR9], Sept. 8, 1844
Sarah Elizabeth, d. Andrew and Elizabeth S., July 1, 1845, CR9
SLUMAN (also see Sleuman, Slueman)
Abigail, d. John and Mary, bp. Mar. 3, 1754, CR5
Andrew, s. Thomas and Mary, bp. July 18, 1725, CR1
Benjamin H., Oct. 8, 1811, PR339
Eunice, d. Thomas and Mary, bp. Oct. 27, 1734, CR1
John, s. Thomas and Mary, bp. July 8, 1722, CR1
John, s. John and Margeret, bp. Mar. 16, 1745-6, CR5
John, s. John and Mary, bp. July 28, 1751, CR5
Mary, d. Thomas and Mary, bp. Feb. 21, 1719-20, CR1
Philemon, s. John and Mary, bp. June 26, 1757, CR5
Sarah, d. John and Mary, bp. Jan. 21, 1759, CR5
Thomas, s. John and Margeret, bp. Mar. 16, 1745-6, CR5
Thomas, s. John and Mary, bp. Apr. 7, 1751, CR5
William, s. Thomas and Mary, bp. Aug. 13, 1732, CR1
SMALE (also see Small)
Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Martha (Fisk), abt. Nov. 15, 1672, CT.R
Elizabeth, d. Joseph and Liddea (Buxton), Oct. 14, 1675, CT.R
Elizabeth, d. Steeven and Hana (Sibly), Mar. 4, 1678-9, CT.R
Hanna, d. Thomas and Ruth (Cantlebury), July 12, 1673, CT.R
Hannah, d. Steeven and Hana (Sibly), 18: 12m: 1681, CT.R
John, s. Thomas and Ruth (Cantlebury), Aug. 11, 1665, CT.R
John, s. Benjamin and Martha (Fisk), 29: 10m: 1674, CT.R
John, s. Steeven and Hana (Sibly), 7: 7m: 1680, CT.R
Liddea, d. Thomas and Ruth (Cantlebury), Mar. 10, 1669, CT.R
Liddea, d. Thomas and Liddea (Buxton), 13: 10m: 1673, CT.R
Mary, d. Steeven and Hana (Sibly), Mar. 21, 1677-8, CT.R
William, s. Thomas and Ruth (Cantlebury), Oct. 8, 1667, CT.R
SMALL (also see Smale)
Abigail, d. George, bp. Mar. 29, 1747, CR2
Anna, d. -----, bp. Apr. --, 1689, CR1
Elizabeth, d. Joseph, bp. Apr. 4, 1708, CR1
George, s. William and Rachel, July 13, 1716
George, s. George, bp. Jan. 3, 1741-2, CR2
George, s. George, bp. Jan. 27, 1744-5, CR2
George, s. William Jr., June 25, 1749, CR2
Hannah, d. William Jr., bp. May 10, 1747, CR2
Hephzibah, d. Joseph, bp. Apr. 14, 1717, cR1
John, s. Samuel and Hannah, bp. ----, 1721, CR3
Joseph, s. Joseph, bp. Dec. 7, 1712, CR1
Joseph, s. William [Jr., CR2] and Sarah (Clark), June 15, 1736
Lidya, d. Samuell and Hannah, bp. June 9, 1717, CR3
Lydia, d. William, bp. Mar. 31, 1745, CR2
Rachel, d. William [Jr., CR2] and Sarah (Clark), Apr. 16, 1738
Rachel, d. George, bp. Mar. 20, 1742-3, CR2
Rachell, d. -----, bp. Apr. --, 1689, CR1
Rachell, d. William and Rachel, Sept. 29, 1712
Samuel, s. -----, bp. July --, 1691, CR1
Sarah, d. Stephen, bp. May --,1695, CR1
Sarah, d. William Jr., bp. July 13, 1740, CR2
Stephen, s. -----, bp. Apr. --, 1689, CR1
Thomas, s. John and Hannah, Feb. 18, 1702-03. CT.R
William, s. William and Rachel, Apr. 14, 1714
William, s. George, bp. July 30, 1749, CR2
Roland, June 25, 1822, GR10
Susan Wheldon, Mar. 5, 1822, GR10
Abigail, d. Wal[ter, T.C.], Dec. 20, 1722
Abigail, d. Jabez and Elisabeth, bp. Aug. 1, 1810, CR6
Abigal C[hurch, CR6], d. Eliot and Nancy, Mar. 15, 1827, PR257
Abigail L., d. George H. and Mary, Apr. 19, 1819, GR8
Abraham, s. -----, bp. Aug. 28, 1670, CR1
Abraham, s. Robert and Mary, bp. Jan. 1, 1737-8, CR1
Amanda R., d. J. and C., ---, 1839, GR10
Amos, s. Wal[ter, T.C.], Jan. 23, 1724
Andrew, Capt., July 24, 1781, GR9
Andrew, June 10, 1809, GR9
Ann, d. Robert and Mary, bp. Oct. 20, 1728, CR1
Anna, d. James, bp. May 31, 1713, CR2
Anna E., d. Joseph and Sarah A., June 14, 1834, GR9
Anstis, d. George and Ldia, bp. Nov. 27, 1785, CR4
Asaph, s. James Jr., bp. July 3, 1748, CR2
Augusta, Sept. 10, 1830, GR9
B. West, s. Caleb, bp. Aug. --, 1783, CR12
Bartholemew, s. Walter, bp. July 16, 1751, CR2
Becca, d. Ephraim and Anna, bp. June 11, 1790, CR6
Benjamin, s. Thomas, bp. 17: 12m: 1636, CR1
Benjamin, s. Abigail, bp. Aug. --, 1694, CR1
Benjamin, s. Benjamin, bp. May 22, 1715, CR1
Benjamin, s. Wal[ter, T.C.], Jan. 28, 1727
Benjamin, s. Ephraim and Anna, bp. June 10, 1787, CR6
Benjamin C[ook, CR6], s. Elliot and Nancy, Aug. 7, 1841, PR257
Benjamin Hodges, s. George and Lydia, bp. July 19, 1807, CR4
Betsey, w. Samuel Henderson, Jan. 5, 1783, GR8
Betsy, d. Ephraim and Anna, bp. Jan. 5, 1783, CR6
Betsy Winchester, w. Caleb, Mar. 22, 1791, GR9
Bridget, d. Abigail, bp. Aug. --, 1694, CR1
Caleb [s. Caleb, CR12[, Jan. 1, 1785, GR9
Caleb A., ---, 1817, GR9
Calvin W., Oct. 10, 1843, GR9
Caroline, d. George H. and Mary, Dec. 8, 1803, GR8
Caroline Augusta, d. Lorrain W., bp. May 19, 1822, CR10
Caroline E., Sept. 17, 1828, PR606
Caroline E., d. E. and Mary A., Sept. --, 1848
Caroline H., Oct. 27, 1832, PR606
Catharine, d. Jabez and Elisabeth, bp. Jan. 1, 1815, CR6
Catherine, d. Patrick and Bridget, bp. Nov. 13, 1847, a. 6 w., CR14
Catherine Elizabeth, July 24, 1847, PR253
Catherine Maria, d. William and Catherine, bp. Aug. 15, 1847, a. 16 m., CR14
Charles, s. George, bp. May 24, 1767, CR1
Charles Francis, s. Thomas and Lucy Ann (Berry), July 25, 1845, PR455
Charles Frederick, s. Caleb and Betsy, bp. Apr. 12, 1835, CR9
Charles H., s. Samuel, mariner, Nov. --, 1845
Charles Henry, s. Capt. Samuel and Sarah F., July 19, 1832, CT7
Charles Holmes, July 1, 1849, PR253
Charles W[illard, PR606], s. John, tobacconist, Dec. --, 1844 [Dec. 28, PR606]
Clementine S., d. Sterril, iron founder, and Lavinia, Sept. 16, 1848
Crispus, s. David and Hannah, bp. Aug. 4, 1754, CR5
Crispus, s. David and Hannah, bp. Jan. 23, 1757, CR5
Dana Z., Aug. 29, 1819, GR9
Daniel, s. Jabez and Elisabeth, bp. Aug. 1, 1810, CR6
David, s. Abraham and Mary, July 26, 1699, CT.R
David, s. David and Hannah, bp. Aug. 14, 1743, CR1
David, s. Ephraim and Anna, bp. Oct. 22, 1780, CR6
David, s. Ephraim and Anna, bp. Feb. 6, 1785, CR6
Edward, s. Edward and Elizabeth, bp. Nov. 4, 1759, CR5
Edward, A.R. [Edward Archer Ropes, PR141], s. Edward A. and Rachel D., Apr. 19, 1849
Edward Augustus, s. Jesse Jr. and Priscilla (Treadwell), Oct. 3, 1822
Edward Bryant, s. Joseph N. and Harriet, bp. May 8, 1825, CR6
Elbridge, s. Adam and Ruth, Sept. 13, 1810
Elias Hasket, s. Walter, Aug. 19, 1739
Eliphalett, s. Robert and Mary, bp. Dec. 31, 1727, CR1
Elisabeth, d. Peter, bp. Dec.9, 1753, CR11
Elisabeth, d. Jabez and Elisabeth, bp. Aug. 1, 1810, CR6
Elisebeth, d. David Jr. and Hannah, bp. May 20, 1770, CR5
Elizabeth, d. John, farrier, and Elizabeth, June 5, 1662, CT.R
Elizabeth, d. -----, bp. Aug. 28, 1670, CR1
Elizabeth, d. -----, bp. Aug. 8, 1672, CR1
Elizabeth, d. James and Margaret, 24: 8m: 1678, CT.R
Elizabeth, d. John, carpenter, bp. Mar. 16, 1706-07, CR1
Elizabeth, d. Abraham, bp. June 15, 1707, CR2
Elizabeth, d. J. and Elizabeth, of Plainfield, bp. Oct. 8, 1709, CR2
Elizabeth, d. James, bp. Sept. 1, 1717, CR2
Elizabeth, d. Nathan and Mary, Mar. 30, 1722
Elizabeth, d. Oliver, bp. Oct. 10, 1725, CR2
Elizabeth, d. Robert and Mary, bp. Dec. 31, 1727, CR1
Elizabeth, d. Wal[ter, T.C.], June 29, 1737
Elizabeth, d. Edward and Elizabeth, bp. Jan. 26, 1755, CR5
Elizabeth, d. John and Eliza, bp. Nov. 27, 1808, a. 2 1/2 y., CR11
Elizabeth, d. John and Alice, Nov. 1, 1849
Elizabeth Elvira, Mar. 6, 1832, PR607
Elizabeth Elvira, Dec. 2, 1843, PR607
Elizabeth H., d. George H. and Mary (Prime), Dec. 7, 1811
Elizabeth King, d. George and Lydia, bp. Aug. 21, 1803, CR4
Elizabeth Sutton, d. Jesse Jr., Dec. 8, 1831
Ellen A., d. Joseph and Sarah A., Dec. 23, 1841, GR9
Ellen Amelia, d. Joseph, bp. Oct. 4, 1840, CR5
Ellen Cornelia, d. Amos and Ann, bp. May 20, 1827, CR10
Elliot F[rancis, CR6], s. Elliot and Nancy, May 3, 1825, PR257 [May 5, 1822, GR10]
Emeline, d. George H. and Mary (Prime), Nov. 12, 1809
Eliline Susanna, d. twin, Amos, bp. Apr. 26, 1829, CR10
Emily, d. James, mariner, Jan. --, 1846
Emma Elizabeth, [d. J. F., CR5], Feb. 4, 1846, PR253
Ephraim, s. Ephraim and Anna, bp. Oct. 22, 1780, CR6
Eunice, d. Robert and Mary, bp. Dec. 30, 1739, CR1
Exercise, d. John and Margeret, Apr. 12, 1667, CT.R
Frances Caroline, d. W. B. and M. R., Mar. 31, 1832, GR9
Georg, s. William and Margerett, 9: 12m: 166 - , CT.R. [1664, T.C.]
George, s. John and Margeret, 5: 11m: 1663, CT.R
George, s. George and Hanah, Nov. 28, 1693
George, s. William and Sarah, bp. Sept. 1, 1751, CR5
George, s. George, bp. Mar. 21, 1762, CR1
George, s. George and Lydia, bp. July 1, 1787, CR4
George A., May 10, 1840, GR9
George Chapman, s. Elliot and Nancy, bp. Sept. 14, 1834, CR6
George H., s. George H. Jr. and Mahala D., Nov. 25, 1849
George J., s. Joseph and Sarah A., Aug. 31, 1847, GR9
George Nelson, Oct. 22, 1849, PR606
George P., s. George H. and Mary (Prime), Feb. 11, 1814
George W[estern, PR455], s. Thomas and Lucy Ann (Berry), Mar. --, 1847 [Mar. 12, PR455]
Georgiana Livingston, Feb. 5, 1838, PR607
Hannah, -----, 1719
Hannah, d. James Jr., bp. July 20, 1746, CR2
Hannah, d. David and Hannah, bp. Sept. 10, 1749, CR5
Hannah, [d. George, CR1], Feb. 18, 1760, PR218
Hannah, d. David Jr. and Hannah, bp. May 20, 1770, CR5
Hannah Wood, w. Henry O., Nov. 7, 1821, GR10
Harriet A., Sept. 13, 1843, PR606
Harriet Elizabeth, d. twin, Amos, bp. Apr. 26, 1829, CR10
Harriet Newell, d. Joseph N. and Harriet, bp. May 8, 1825, CR6
Helen Mar, Apr. 15, 1827, CR11
Henry, s. Robert and Mary, bp. June 30, 1734, CR1
Henry, s. Robert and Patty, bp. Dec. 21, 1806, CR4
Henry, s. James A. and Caroline, Sept. 20, 1848
Henry A., s. John, tobacconist, and Lydia A., Oct. 22, 1849
Henry B., s. George H. and Mary (Prime), Aug. 19, 1816
Henry B., s. Henry B., lumber dealer, and Elizabeth J., Dec. 31, 1848
Henry Winchester, Mar. 15, 1819, GR9
Horace P., s. Edward A. and Issabella, Apr. 16, 1849
Horace N., ---, 1846, GR10
Hugh, s. Hugh and Mary, bp. Sept. 9, 1781, CR5
Huldah P., w. John R., Jan. 1, 1816, GR9
Isaac William, s. Isaac, bp. Nov. 10, 1844, CR11
Israel, s. James Jr., May 25, 1746, CR2
J. Fred, Dec. 2, 1846, PR606
Jabez, s. Jabez and Elisabeth, bp. June 5, 1814, CR6
Jacob Jewett, s. Amos and Ann, bp. Oct. 31, 1824, CR10
James, s. James, bp. Jan. 4, 1709-10, CR2
James, s. Wal[ter, T.C.], Dec. 5, 1720
James, s. James, bp. Apr. 26, 1807, CR11
James, [b. Boston, in pencil], Dec. 29, 1809, PR261
James, s. James, Oct. --, 1847
James A., Apr. 1, 1818, GR9
James Edward, July 16, 1841, PR606
James F., July 19, 1816, PR253
James Hiltz, s. James and Sarah (Hiltz), May 1, 1842, PR261
James S., June 11, 1832, PR493
Jeremiah, s. Samuel and Nancy, bp. June 3, 1810. CR6
Jesse, Apr. 13, 1756, GR9
Jesse, s. Jesse and Sarah, bp. Oct. 6, 1805, CR6
Jesse Rogers, s. Jesse Jr. and Priscilla (Treadwell), Mar. 22, 1820
Jesse Rogers, s. Jesse Jr., July 21, 1835
Joanna, d. Jabez and Elisabeth, bp. Aug. 1, 1810, CR6
Joaquin Bernardo, s. George G., Aug. 20, 1841, GR9
John, s. -----, bp. Aug. 28, 1670, CR1
John, s. John and Abigaile (Dixy), 25: 9m: 1670, CT.R
John, s. Samuell and Mary (Bridgman), 8: 10m: 1673, CT.R
John, s. George and Hannah, Dec. 26, 1699
John, s. John and Mary (Clark), Nov. 30, 1700
John, s. Robert and Mary, bp. Feb. 21, 1730-1, CR1
John, s. Robert and Mary, bp. May 21, 1732, CR1
John, s. Edward and Elizabeth, bp. July 8, 1764, CR5
John, s. John, bp. Dec. 3, 1769, CR1
John, June 19, 1804, PR606
John, s. John and Eliza, bp. Sept. 17, 1820, CR11
John, s. John, May 5, 1849, CR14
John, s. James and Bridget, Dec. 16, 1849 [Dec. 12, CR14]
John Beckford, s. George and Lydia, bp. Sept. 8, 1793, CR4
John Bodwell, s. William and Sarah, bp. Aug. 20, 1802, CR4
John C., Apr. 18, 1826, PR606
John H., Feb. 20, 1821, PR253
John H., Apr. 21, 1834, PR606
John Kinsley, s. Samuel and Susan, bp. June 16, 1811, CR6
John R., Apr. 13, 1817, CR9
Jonathan, s. Wat[ter, T.C.], Feb. 10, 1733
Jonathan George, bp. Jan. 8, 1764, CR1
Jonathan Charles, s. Jonathan and Sarah, bp. Aug. 8, 1824, CR1
Joseph, s. Abraham, Nov. 3, 1702, CT.R
Joseph, s. William and Sarah, bp. Aug. 29, 1756, CR5
Joseph, s. John, bp. Feb. 24, 1805, CR11
Joseph, s. James and Abigail, bp. May 19, 1805, CR4
Joseph, July 20, 1805, GR9
Joseph, s. James and Margaret Palmer, at Lynn, Sept. 17, 1842, CR14
Joseph Colcord [d.(?) Joseph, CR5]. Sept. 29, 1837, GR9
Joseph Henry, s. Isaac, bp. July 12, 1846, CR11
Joseph Newell, s. Joseph N. and Harriet, bp. May 8, 1825, CR6
Julia Ann, d. Joseph and Caroline M., May 3, 1849
Julianna, d. Lorrain W. and Hannah, bp. July 26, 1829, CR10
Laura E., d. Joseph A. and Lydia, Apr. 16, 1849
Lawrence Peirson, s. Joseph, bp. Sept. 11, 1842, CR5
Lewis B., s. John R. and Huldah P., Jan. 25, 1844, GR9
Lorenzo, s. William, shipmaster, and Catherine (Brant), Sept. 24, 1841, E. and C.
Lucretia D., w. Capt. Andrew, Nov. 23, 1785, GR9
Lucy [d. John and Thankful, CR5], July 8, 1782, PR527
Lucy C., w. George A., Mar. 28, 1844, GR9
Lucy J., w. George Greg, Mar. 8, 1828, GR9
Lucy Smith, d. Jesse Jr., Feb. 25, 1829
Lydia, d. James, bp. July 3, 1720, CR2
Lydia, d. George and Lydia, bp. June 3, 1792, CR4
Margaret, d. George and Hanah, Mar. 18, 1691 [1690, CT7]
Margaret, d. Edward and Elizabeth, bp. June 5, 1757, CR5
Margaret B., Sept. 4, 1838, GR9
Margrett, d. William and Mary, Dec. 21, 1688, CT.R
Maria Foster, Mar. 6, 1838, GR9
Maria Holmes [d. James F., CR5], Sept. 27, 1843, PR253
Martha, d. Mary, b. Feb. 5, 1748-9, CR5
Matha E., May 7, 1835, PR606
Martha Ellen, July 25, 1837, PR606
Martha Ellen, Sept. 24, 1839, PR606
Martha H., Jan. 14, 1831, PR606
Mary, d. -----, bp. Aug. 28, 1670, CR1
Mary, d. John and Abigaile (Dixy), Oct. 30, 1671, CT.R
Mary, d. William and Mary, Aug. 10, 1690, CT.R
Mary, d. John and Mary (Clark), Jan. 19, 1697-8
Mary, d. James, bp. Mar. 9, 1707, CR2
Mary, d. Oliver, bp. June 14, 1724, CR2
Mary, d. Nathan and Mary, Apr. 7, 1726
Mary, d. Robert and Mary, bp. Dec. 31, 1727, CR1
Mary, d. Wal[ter, T.C.], Jan. 4, 1735
Mary, d. Thomas and Rachel, bp. Nov. 7, 1738, CR11
Mary, d. William and Sarah, bp. Nov. 25, 1759, CR5
Mary, d. John, bp. Sept. 1, 1771, CR1
Mary, d. Hugh, bp. May 10, 1778, CR5
Mary, d. Samuel and Mary, bp. June 3, 1810, CR6
Mary, d. James and Hannah, bp. Apr. 18, 1847, a. 2 w., CR14
Mary, d. James and Bridget, July 4, 1848
Mary A., d. Elliot and Nancy (Lovis), Sept. 25, 1830, PR257
Mary A., d. Joseph and Sarah A., Oct. 12, 1838, GR9
Mary Adaline Chidsey, d. Jeremiah and Abigail, bp. Aug. 2, 1834, CR6
Mary An, June 14, 1813, PR253
Mary Anderson, d. Samuel and Suanna, bp. Mar. 7, 1813, CR6
Mary Ann, d. James and Margaret Farmer, Oct. 19, 1844, CR14
Mary Barker, d. Elisha and Mary B., bp. Oct. 11, 1807, CR4
Mary Eden, d. Edward and Sarah, Mar. 25, 1803, GR9
Mary Eliza, w. Daniel Treadwell, Dec. 17, 1833, GR9
Mary Elizabeth, d. Caleb, of Danvers, Dec. 17, 1810
Mary Elizabeth Ward, w. Elliot, Oct. 1, 1823, GR10
Mary Ellen, d. John and Margaret, Mar. 23, 1849, CR14
Mary J., w. James, Sept. 23, 1830, GR10
Mary Leach, w. Caleb, Feb. 18, 1791, GR9
Mary N., d. George H. and Mary (Prime), Oct. 22, 1807
Mary R., w. William B., Nov. 23, 1796, GR9
Mary Steele, d. George and Lydia, bp. Feb. 14, 1796, CR4
Mary Wade, d. Jesse Jr. and Priscilla (Treadwell), June 13, 1818
Mehitabel, d. Robert and Mary, bp. Apr. 18, 1742, CR1
Mehitabel, d. Edward and Sarah, bp. Oct. 4, 1807, CR6
Mercy, d. Benjamin, bp. Nov. 18, 1716, CR1
Molly, d. David Jr. and Hannah, bp. Nov. 21, 1773, CR5
Moses, s. Joseph, of Ipswich, July 18, 1770, PR86
Nabby, d. Caleb, bp. Aug. 2, 1778, CR12
Nabby, d. Jesse and Sarah, bp. Oct. 6, 1805, CR6
Nancy, d. Ephraim and Anna, bp. Oct. 22, 1780, CR6
Nathan, s. Abraham and Mary, Dec. 8, 1696, CT.R
Nathan, s. Nathan and Mary, Apr. 7, 1729
Nathan Proctor, s. Jabez and Elisabeth, bp. Aug. 1, 1810, CR6
Nathaniel, s. James Jr., bp. May 25, 1746, CR2
Nathaniel, s. Thomas, bp. 24: 1m: 1639, CR1
Nehemiah, s. Nehemiah and Hannah, of Beverly, bp. June 22, 1777, CR5
Peggy, d. Hue and Ruth, bp. June 29, 1788, CR6
Polly, d. Caleb, bp. Apr. --, 1780, CR12
Priscilla, d. John and Ann (Skerry), Sept. 6, 1693
Priscilla, d. John, bp. Aug. 11, 1700, CR1
Priscilla Treadwell, d. Jesse Jr., Jan. 4, 1827
Rachel Ropes, w. Edward A., Mar. 27, 1825, GR9
Rebeccca C. Hines, w. John H., May 3, 1842, GR9
Robert, s. John and Ann (Skerry), June --, 1697
Robert, s. Robert and Mary, bp. Dec. 31, 1727, CR1
Robert, s. John and Eliza, bp. Nov. 27, 1808, CR11
Robert Benton, Aug. 11, 1834, PR607
Ruth, d. Wal[ter, T.C.], Feb. 27, 1729
Ruth, d. David Jr. and Hannah, bp. Aug. 11, 1771,CR5
Ruth, d. Hugh and Ruth, bp. Nov. 21, 1784, CR6
Sally, w. Jesse, Jan. 15, 1761, GR9
Sally, d. David and Hannah, bp. May 27, 1781, CR5
Sally, d. Thomas and Mahitable, bp. Mar. 10, 1782, CR5
Sally, d. Caleb, bp. Mar. 31, 1799, CR12
Sally Endecot, d. Joseph N. and Harriet, bp. Oct. 8, 1826, CR6
Samuel, s. Abigail, bp. Aug. --, 1694, CR1
Samuel, s. George and Hanah, May 8, 1703
Samuel, s. John, carpenter, bp. Apr. 16, 1710, CR1
Samuel, s. Benjamin and Mercy, bp. Apr. 19, 1719, CR1
Samuel, s. Samuel and Susannah, bp. Apr. 4, 1736, CR1
Samuel, s. Robert and Mary, bp. Apr. 25, 1736, CR1
Samuel, s. David and Hannah, bp. May 3, 1747, CR5
Samuel, s. Samuel and Susanna, bp. June 4, 1809, CR6
Samuel Hendrickson [s. James F., CR5], May 17, 1841, PR253
Samuell, s. James and Margaret, 14: 9m: 1676, CT.R
Sara, d. John, farrier, and Elizabeth, Oct. 20, 1660, CT.R
Sara, d. Abigail, bp. Aug. --, 1694, CR1
Sarah, d. -----, bp. Aug. 28, 1670, CR1
Sarah, d. Wal[ter, T.C.], Mar. 15, 1731
Sarah, d. John and Eliza, bp. Sept. 17, 1820, CR11
Sarah A., w. Joseph, Nov. 27, 1810, GR9
Sarah Clark, d. Amos and Ann, bp. June 16, 1822, CR10
Sarah Cox, Jan. 20, 1787, PR94
Sarah E., w. John R., Nov. 7, 1831, GR9
Sarah E., d. Jeremiah, July --, 1845
Sarah E., d. Thomas and Lucy Ann, Sept. 22, 1848
Sarah Eden, June 28, 1820, GR9
Sarah Elizabeth, d. James and Sarah (Hiltz), June 8, 1845, PR261
Sarah Elizabeth, d. Thomas and Lucy Ann (Berry), Sept. 3, 1848, PR455
Sarah F., w. Capt. Samuel, Jan. 19, 1802, GR7
Sarah Frances, d. Joseph, bp. Oct. 4, 1840, CR5
Sarah M., w. Dana Z., Aug. 4, 1818, GR9
Sophronia E[liza, d. Lorrain W., CR10], Mar. 4, 1825, PR155
Stephen, s. Abraham, bp. Oct. 5, 1712, CR2
Stephen, s. Stephen and Catharine, bp. Nov. 5, 1775, CR5
Susan, d. John and Eliza, bp. Sept. 17, 1820, CR11
Susan Adelaide, Jan. 13, 1841, PR607
Susan Dale, d. George E. and Mercy G., bp. Mar. 8, 1840, CR6
Susanna, d. Samuel and Susan, bp. May 4, 1817, CR6
Susanna P., d. George H. and Mary (Prime), Dec. 31, 1805
Susannah, d. Samuel and Susanna, bp. Sept. 18, 1737, CR1
Tamsen, d. John and Margeret, 1: 2m: 1671, CT.R
Thomas, s. Abigail, bp. Dec. --, 1694, CR1
Thomas, s. David and Hannah, bp. Mar. 15, 1752, CR5
Thomas, s. Emmon and Hannah, Dec. 25, 1779
Thomas, July 15, 1816, PR455
Walter, s. Wal[ter, T.C.; bp. Nov. 2, 1718, CR2]
William, s. William and Margerett, 10: 3m: 1670, CT.R
William, s. William and Mary, Sept. 8, 1692, CT.R
William, s. William and Sarah, bp. June 2, 1751, CR5
William B., July 12, 1797, GR9
William Burgis, s. Samuel and Mary, bp. June 3, 1810, CR6
William H., Dec. 1, 1822, PR253
William Henry, s. Joseph N. and Harriet, bp. Feb. 17, 1828, CR6
William Martin, s. Peter M. and Mary L., bp. July 1, 1843, CR9
William R[ussel, s. John, CR10], Apr. 5, 1824, PR606
-------, s. James, ----- [1689-90?], CR2
-------, s. James, -----[1691?], CR2
-------, s. James, Feb. --, 1692-3, CR2
-------, s. James, -----[1694-5?], CR2
-------, s. Edward, bp. Feb. 1, 1767, CR1
-------, ch. Hugh and Mary, bp. Apr. 7, 1776, CR5
-------, ch. Nehemiah, bp. Dec.--, 1781, CR5
-------, s. Nehemiah, of Beverly, bp. -----, 1784, CR5
-------, d. John 2d, bp. Nov. 20, 1785, CR5
-------, s. David Jr., bp. Feb. 19, 1786, CR5
-------, s. -----, bp. Oct. 28, 1787, a. 5 y., CR11
-------, s. -----, bp. Oct. 28, 1787, a. 4 y., CR11
-------, s. Caleb, bp. Nov. --, 1789, CR12
-------, ch. -----, a rigger, bp. Sept. 3, 1809, CR11
-------, ch. Elliot and Nancy, bp. Dec. 6, 1829, CR6