Vital Records Of Roxbury Massachusetts
To The End Of The Year 1849
Published By The Essex Institute Salem, Mass. 1925
Births - KAGIN to McWIGGIN
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Catherine, d. Martin, laborer, and Catherine, Oct. 3, 1845,
Gertrude, [sic.] s. Philip, cabinet maker, and Christiana, MaR.19, 1849.
KAIN (see also Caine, Kaine)
Bridget, d. Michael, laborer, and Mary, Sept. 16, 1845.
Maria, d. Lawrence, laborer, and Catherine, Dec. 3, 1845.
Mary, d. Michael, laborer, and Mary, Aug. 16, 1843.
Mary Ann, d. John, laborer, and Bridget, Dec. 29, 1847.
KAINE (see also Kain)
Ellen, d. John, lead worker, and Bridget, Apr. 15, 1849.
Margarett Jane, d. James, lead worker, and Elsey, Aug. 15, 1848.
Mary Jane, d. James, laborer, and Rose, Dec. 17, 1848.
KATE (see also Cates)
Francis, s. James, carpenter, and Louisa, Aug. 10, 1843.
KAYES (see also Keyes)
John, s. John and Elizabeth, Jan. 19, 1778. [bp. Jan. 25. C.R.3.]
KEAN (see also Keen)
Adelade M., d. James, laborer, and A., Dec. 31, 1843.
Catherine, d. George, laborer, and Adeline, Nov. 1, 1845.
KEANER (see also Keener, Kennor, Kenor, Kienar)
John, s. Brine, laborer, and Rosanna, Sept. 10, 1844.
Patrick, s. Patrick, laborer, and Bridget, both b. Ireland, July 27, 1849.
KEBEY (see also Kebye)
Rewben [Reuben Keebie. C.R.1.], s. Edward, bp. Jan. 25, 1652. [1652-3. C.R.1.]
KEBYE (see also Kebey)
Elizabeth [Keebie. C.R.1.], d. Edward, bp. Feb. 27, 1654. [b. 27: 11 m: bp. 4: 1 m: 1654-5. C.R.1.]
Kateline, d. George, cooper, and Appolono, both b. Germany, July 3, 1849.
KEEN (see also Kean, Keene, Kenan)
Augustus B., s. Charles A. and Prudence W., July 25, 1835.
Charles G., s. A. B. and Prudence, bp. July 13, 1835. C.R.7.
Samuel, s. A. B. and P., bp. July 2, 1848. C.R.7.
William Henry, s. A. B. and P., bp. Oct. 23, 1842. C.R.7.
KEENE (see also Keen)
----, s. Augustus, fisherman, and Prudence, MaR.19, 1849.
KEENER (see also Keaner)
Bridget, d. Barnard, laborer, and Rosanna, MaR.13, 1846.
Emily F., d. Augustus B., laborer, and Prudence [bet. May 1, 1844 and May 1, 1845.]
Ellen, d. Martin, laborer, and Ellen, Oct. 3, 1844.
Ann E. Keating, d. Michael, laborer, and Catharine, July 18, 1843.
Edward Lorenzo, s. William E. and Harriet, bp. Nov. 6, 1836. C.R.7.
Ellen J., d. Horace, laborer, and Caroline, Feb. 18, 1846.
Harriet Frances, d. William E. and Harriet, bp. Nov. 6, 1836. C.R.7.
Laura E. [Laura Cornelia. C.R.7.], d. William S., grocer, and Harriot, Feb. 11, 1846.
Mary W., d. Horace, laborer, and Catherine, June 28, 1843.
Sarah E[lizabeth. C.R.7.], d. William S., grocer, and H., Feb. 5, 1843.
William Henry, s. William E. and Harriet, bp. Nov. 6, 1836. C.R.7.
KELLEY (see also Kelly)
Ann, d. John, deceased, and Mary, Sept. 7, 1848.
Ann E., d. Patrick, laborer, and Mary, both b. Ireland, Nov. 19, 1849.
Bridget, d. Barnard, laborer, and Mary, Nov. 17, 1844.
Catherine, d. Patrick, laborer, and Catherine, Aug. 15, 1844.
Catherine, d. James, laborer, and Catherine [bet. May 1, 1844 and May 1 1845.]
Catherine, d. Patrick, laborer, and Mary, both b. Ireland, Oct. 9, 1849.
Catherine, d. Luke, laborer, and Margarett, both b. Ireland, Oct. ----, 1849.
Edward, s. John and Hannah, Oct. 14, 1745.
Ellen M., d. John, currier, and Winnifred, Jan. 17, 1845.
James, s. Thomas, laborer, and Bridget, Mar. 25, 1844.
James, s. Hugh, laborer, and Margarett, at Providence, May 25, 1848.
James, s. James, laborer, and Bridget, Oct. 31, 1848.
James, s. James, b. Ireland, and Bridget, Sept. 5, 1849.
Jane, d. Conolds, laborer, and C., Feb. 16, 1843.
John, s. Patrick, rope maker, and Mary, Aug. 23, 1848.
John, s. ----, at the almshouse [bet. May 1, 1847 and May 1, 1848.]
Margaret F., d. Michael, gardener, and Mary, Mar. 3, 1845.
Mary, d. John, laborer, and Ellen, both b. Ireland, July 6, 1849.
Mary, d. Patrick, shoe maker, b. Ireland, and Elizabeth, Sept. 18, 1849.
Mary Ann, d. John, trader, and Mary, May 7, 1848.
Mary Ann, d. Patrick, gardener, and Ellen, both b. Ireland, Aug. 23, 1849.
Mary E., d. John, laborer, and Winneford, Aug. 27, 1846.
Michael, s. Daniel, laborer, and Rose, Nov. 11, 1848.
Morgan, s. Thomas, laborer, and Catharine, Aug. 10, 1843.
William, s. Patrick, laborer, and B., Oct. 10, 1843.
William, s. Thomas, laborer, and Jane, both b. Ireland, Oct. 27, 1849.
Charles F., s. Henry, trader, and Hannah, Sept. 27, 1847.
Henry, s. Henry, gentleman, and H., May 22, 1843.
KELLY (see also Kelley)
Ann S., d. Michael, laborer, and Bridget S., at New York, Apr. 27, 1846.
Anna, d. Michael, stone mason, and Ellen, Aug. 20, 1848.
Bernard, s. Patrick E., painter, and Catherine, Sept. 29, 1846.
Caroline F., d. Patrick, laborer, and Catherine, Feb. 6, 1846.
Catherine, d. Owen, laborer, and Margarett, May 15, 1845.
Catherine, d. Michael, laborer, and Bridget, MaR.13, 1847.
Catherine, d. Luke, laborer, and Mary, Dec. 3. 1847.
Catherine, d. John, laborer, and Bridget, Apr. 9, 1849.
Cordelia, d. Cornelius, laborer, and Catherine, Oct. 4, 1845.
Edward F., s. James, constable, and Susan, Aug. 23, 1845.
Hannah, d. Patrick, laborer, and Catherine, June 24, 1846.
James, s. Michael, laborer, and Bridget, Sept. 8, 1844.
James, s. Dennis, painter, and Adeline, May 1, 1847.
John, s. Patrick, laborer, and Catherine, Feb. 4, 1844.
John, s. Thomas, laborer, and Catherine, Nov. 1, 1844.
John D., s. Albert, tanner, and Mary Ann, Mar. 25, 1847.
John M., s. John D., carpenter, and Mary, Feb. 8, 1846.
Luke, s. Thomas, laborer, and Eliza, July 28, 1845.
Luke H., s. Michael, laborer, and Ellin, July 6 1845.
Malachi, s. John, laborer, and Hannah, Jan. 20, 1848.
Margarett, d. Michael, laborer, and Bridget, June 15, 1848.
Mary, d. Daniel, laborer, and Rosanna, May 11, 1845.
Mary, d. Roger, laborer, and Margarett, Jan. 5, 1849.
Mary A., d. Bryan, laborer, and Mary, Mar. 6, 1848.
Mary Ann, d. Peter, laborer, and Bridget, MaR.10, 1849.
Mary C., d. Michael, laborer, and Ellen, Feb. 5, 1845.
Michael, s. Eliza, July 22, 1845.
Michael, s. John, laborer, and Ann, Aug. 7, 1845.
William, s. John, laborer, and Mary, Aug. 13, 1844.
KELTON (see also Kilton)
Elizabeth, d. Thomas, of Dorchester, bp. Oct. 2, 1774. C.R.1.
Fanny Louise, d. Rufus C., auctioneer, and Ann Maria [bet. May 1, 1844 and May 1, 1845.]
Jane Adams, d. Francis A., tailor, and Sarah A., Nov. 5, 1848.
Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel P., merchant, and Francis E., MaR.16, 1846.
Sophia E., d. Nathanie1 P., tract depository, and Frances, Jan. 1, 1848.
KENAN (see also Keen)
Delia, d. Patrick, laborer, and Malila, Apr. 5, 1846.
----, d. Charles H., wheelwright, and Martha, Mar. 25, 1847.
KENDRICK (see also Kenrick)
Jabez, s. Thomas and Mary, bp. Oct. 30, 1774. C.R.2.
Mary, d. Thomas and Mary, bp. Oct. 30, 1774. C.R.2.
Olive, d. Thomas and Mary, bp. Oct. 30, 1774. C.R.2.
Sophia R., d. John A., grocer, and Mary E., Aug. 3, 1S44.
Thomas, s. Thomas and Mary, bp. Oct. 30, 1774. C.R.2.
KENEDY (see also Kennedy)
Margarett, d. Roger, laborer, and Mary, May 1, 1846.
KENNEDY (see also Kenedy)
Anne Isabella, d. Donald and Anne, Jan. 23, 1840. C.R.5.
Cordelia M[artiN. C.R.5.], d. Donald, laborer, and Ann, Sept. 4, 1843.
Flora, inf. d. Donald and Ann, bp. Mar. 2, 1847. C.R.5.
John, s. Patrick, laborer, and Hannah, at Charlestown, Dec. 20, 1848.
Margaret, d. Kody, laborer, and Mary, Apr. 10, 1846.
Robert I. [J. dup.], s. John, laborer, and Mary, Apr. 11, 1845. [1846. dup.]
- ----, ch. Donald and Anne, bp. Nov. 20, 1842. C.R.5.
KENNEY (see also Kenny, Kinney)
Charlotte E., d. Michael, laborer, and Catherine, both b. Ireland, at Charlestown, July 31, 1849.
Daniel, s. Michael, mason, and Sarah, Sept. 7, 1848.
George F., s. Patrick, laborer, and Hannah, Dec. 10, 1844.
Isabella, d. John, laborer, and Isabella, both b. Ireland, Sept. 19, 1849.
John, s. John, laborer, and Mary, Nov. 9, 1843.
John, s. John, laborer, and Isabella, June 5, 1848.
John, s. Denney, driller, and Mary, Nov. 1, 1848.
Julia, d. John, mason, and Mary, May 3, 1848.
Laura Jane, d. Lewis, carpenter, b. Ireland, and Sarah, b. Me., Sept. 14, 1849.
Margaret, d. Owen, laborer, and B., Oct. 15, 1843.
Mary, d. Michael, laborer, and M., Mar. 23, 1843.
Mary, d. Timothy, laborer, and Mary, June 4, 1843.
Thomas, s. Michael, laborer, and Sarah, Dec. 18, 1846.
Thomas, s. John and Bridget (Kelly), at the almshouse, Jan. 31, 1849.
KENNOR (see also Keaner)
Ellen, d. Bryant, laborer, and Rosanna, Mar. 5, 1848.
KENNY (see also Kenney)
Josiah, s. wid. Katharine, deceased, bp. Oct. 4, 1778. C.R.2.
Margaret, d. Michael, laborer, and Margaret, Jan. 26, 1849.
Margarett, d. Patrick, laborer, and Catherine, both b. Ireland, Nov. 15, 1849.
Michael, s. Michael, laborer, and Margarett, Apr. 1, 1847.
Nancy, d. Josiah and Katharine, bp. Apr. 14, 1776. C.R.2.
KENOR (see also Keaner)
David, s. Patrick, teamster, and Matilda, June 5, 1848.
KENRICK (see also Kendrick)
George W., s. David S., carpenter, and Abigail, May 25, 1845.
Mary, d. Stephen and Elizabeth, Jan. 8, 1760.
Rebecca, d. Stephen and Sarah, bp. Aug. 5, 1753. C.R.2.
Ann, d. Samuel and Hannah, MaR.16, 1795.
Caroline, d. John, B., merchant, and Rebecca, Aug. 31, 1846.
Daniel Gookins, s. Samuel and Hannah, Nov. 20, 1799.
James Sullivan [Kettle. dup.], s. Samuel and Hannah, June 29, 1807. July ----, dup.]
John Pierce, s. Samuel and Hannah, Jan. 16, 1797.
Joseph Pierce [Kettle. dup], s. Samuel and Hannah, Sept. 8, 1804.
Samuel, s. Samuel and Hannah, Nov. 29, 1791.
Thomas, s. Samuel and Hannah, July 10, 1802.
Mary Ann, d. Patrick, laborer, and Rosanna, MaR.14, 1846.
KEYES (see also Kayes)
Ame [Amory. C.R.3.], d. John and Elizabeth, Nov. 23, 1783.
Elizabeth, d. John and Elizabeth, Apr. 3, 1776.
Emerson E., s. Emerson L., baker, and S., June 30, 1843.
Mary, d. John and Elizabeth, Jan. 9, 1782.
Mary, d. Francis, laborer, and Mary, Sept. 8, 1845.
Mary Smith, d. Simeon, Feb. ----, 1806.
Samuel, s. John and Elizabeth, Aug. 24, 1785.
Sarah, d. John and Elizabeth, Dec. 17, 1786.
Thomas Adams, s. John and Elizabeth, Oct. 31, 1779.
Thomson, s. Thompson, teacher, and Sarah, Aug. 19, 1844.
KIENAR (see also Keaner)
Mary Ann, d. John, laborer, and Eliza, Feb. 15, 1847.
KILDUFF (see also Killduff)
James, s. James, carpenter, and Sarah, Dec. 8, 1844.
James, s. John, laborer, and Mary, MaR.19, 1845.
Margaret, d. John, laborer, Feb. 9, 1843.
Sarah, d. Michael, laborer, and Mary, Dec. 25, 1844.
Thomas, s. Michael, laborer, and M., July 27, 1843.
Thomas W s. James, carpenter, and Sarah, May 31, 1843.
Mary, d. Patrick, laborer, and Mary, Aug. 8, 1847.
Gillia, s. Andrew, laborer, and Anna, at Lawrence, Dec. 4, 1847.
KILLDUFF (see also Kilduff)
Dennis, s. John, laborer, and Mary, Oct. 11, 1846.
Mary, d. John, tanner, and Mary, Sept. 10, 1848.
KILLEAN (see also Killian)
Ann, d. Michael, laborer, and Catharine, Feb. 5, 1843.
John, s. John, laborer, Apr. 10, 1843.
Maria, d. Michael, mason, and Bridget, Aug. 17, 1847.
KILLERA (see also Killian)
John, s. Patrick, laborer, and Mary, May 3, 1845.
KILLIAN (see also Killean, Killera, Killion, Killions)
Ann, d. James, laborer, and Bridget, Apr. 29, 1846.
Catherine, d. John, laborer, and Nannorah, Jan. 6, 1844.
Catherine, d. Michael, laborer, and Bridget, MaR.15, 1845.
Hannah, d. Patrick, laborer, and Mary, Oct. 2, 1844.
Luke, s. Michael, laborer, and Bridget, Oct. 4, 1847.
Margarett, d. John, laborer, and Bridget, Feb. 5, 1845.
Mary, d. Michael, laborer, and Bridget, both b. Ireland, July 1, 1849.
Selina, d. Patrick, laborer, and Mary, Feb. 19, 1847.
Winneford, d. Michael, laborer, and Bridget, Oct. 27, 1848.
KILLION (see also Killian)
John, s. Thomas, laborer, and Mary, May 14, 1848.
Michael, s. Michael, mason, and Bridget, Jan. 21, 1849.
KILLIONS (see also Killian)
Maria, d. Michael, gardener, and Bridget, Feb. 6, 1845.
KILLROY (see also Kilroy)
Hannah, d. Michael, mason, and Mary, Dec. 29, 1848.
Thomas, s. Patrick, laborer, and Bridget, Sept. 4, 1846.
William, s. Patrick, laborer, and Bridget, July 25, 1844.
----, d. Michael, laborer, and Sarah, Apr. 4, 1849.
KILROY (see also Kiliroy)
John, s. Mark, laborer, b. Charlestown, and Catherine, b. Ireland, May 1, 1849.
Mary, d. John, gardener, and Mary, Feb. 14, 1845.
Mary, d. Thomas, laborer, and Hannah, Sept. 18, 1846.
Michael, s. Michael, laborer, and Mary, Sept. 10, 1845.
KILTON (see also Kelton)
Sarah [Kelton. C.R.1.], d. Edward and Sarah, Apr. 28, 1751.
Caroline, d. Nathaniel, baker, and C., Feb. 7, 1843.
Caroline L., d. George and Matilda J., Oct. 22, 1845.
Charles M., s. Nathaniel, baker, and Caroline, Feb. 10, 1846.
Harriott W., d. Perkins, gentleman, and Lydia, July 11, 1847.
Catherine, d. George, trader, and Elizabeth, at North Bridgewater, Feb. 11, 1849.
Charlotte Burgoyne, d. John C., Dec. 27, 1839. C.R.5.
Edith, d. John, sculptor, b. Scotland, and Mary, b. England, Nov. 3, 1849.
Edward, s. Edward and Mary, Aug. 2, 1752.
Edward, s. Edward, bp. July 31, 1757. C.R.1.
Elizabeth, d. Edward, bp. Feb. 9, 1755. C.R.1.
Ellen M., d. Phineas, laborer, and Fanny, Jan. 21, 1843.
Francis A., s. Daniel E., stage driver, and Emeline, Feb. 7, 1844.
George H., s. Phineas, blacksmith, and Fanny, Dec. 12, 1846.
Hezekiah, d. Edward and Mary, MaR.15, 1750-51.
Horace, s. Horace, stage proprieter, and Catherine, Jan. 12, 1846.
Horace Harison, s. Horace and Catherine, bp. July 2, 1848. C.R.6.
Margarett [Margaret Clementina Davis. C.R.5.], d. John C[ruikshanks. C.R.5.], artist, and Mary, Dec. 31, 1847.
Margarett, d. John, laborer, and Margarett, Nov. 10, 1848.
Mary Forbes, d. Horace and Catherine, bp. July 2, 1848. C.R.6.
Mary H., d. Horace, omnibus proprietor, and Catherine A., Feb. 2, 1848.
Percis Estabrook, ch. Horace and Catharine A., bp. June 25, 1843. C.R.6.
Robert Burns, s. John C., Jan. 7, 1841. C.R.5.
Sidenham, s. Horace, stage coach, and C., Feb. 8, 1843.
Syednaham Clark, ch. Horace and Catharine, bp. July 7, 1844. C.R.6.
William, s. Edward, bp. Sept. 30, 1759. C.R.1.
William Mead, s. Horace and Catharine A., bp. June 25, 1843. C.R.6.
----, s. James, laborer, and Asa, in Ireland, May 29, 1846.
KINGSBURY (see also Kinsbury)
Aaron, s. William B. and Freelove, MaR.18, 1834.
Albert Dexter, s. J. W. and E. A., bp. Sept. 3, 1848. C.R.7.
Charles, s. Theodore, Apr. ----, 1808.
Forrest, s. Abner, stage driver, and Sarah, Oct. 18, 1844.
Francis Allen, ch. Elizabeth, bp. July 3, 1842. C.R.7.
Harriet, d. William B. and Freelove, May 10, 1832.
William B[radbury. C.R.3.], s. Aaron and Mary, Dec. 14, 1806.
----, d. Allen, jobber, and Susan, Jan. 23, 1848.
Ann, d. Patrick, laborer, and Mary, Jan. 10, 1847.
KINNEY (see also Kenney)
Ellen, d. John, laborer, and Margaret, Nov. 6, 1844.
James, s. Timothy, laborer, and Mary, Sept. 15, 1844.
KINSBURY (see also Kingsbury)
Emeline, d. Theodore, Mar. ----, 1807.
Albert H., s. Daniel H., mason, and Mary Ann, Feb. 8, 1845.
Bridget, d. Michael, laborer, and C., Mar. 9, 1843.
KITTEREDGE (see also Kittredge)
Elisabeth, d. James and Sara, Jan. 8, 1698-9.
James, s. James and Sarah, June 28, 1700.
KITTREDGE (see also Kitteredge)
Abbott Eliot, s. Alvah and Mehitable G., bp. Sept. 21, 1834. C.R.6.
Julia, d. Alvah and Mehitable G., bp. June 17, 1838. G.R.6.
Maria Groser, d. Alvah and Mehitable G., bp. Jan. 1, 1837. C.R.6.
Mary Baker, d. Alvah and Mehitable G., bp. May 16, 1849. C.R.6.
KNAP (see also Knapp)
Francis Bellows, s. Jacob N. and Louise, bp, Aug. 27, 1820. C.R.3.
Mary, d. Aaron, of Taunton, bp. 20: 9 m: 1659. C.R.1.
Samuel, s. Joshua and Sarah, June 26, 1715.
KNAPP (see also Knap)
George W., s. William, silk worker, and Mary, June 25, 1843.
Abigael, bp. Jan. 5, 1783, a. 16 y. C.R.2.
Sally, bp. Jan. 5, 1783, a. 14 y. C.R.2.
Ebenezer, s. Samuel and Sarah, Feb. ----, 1693-4.
Mehetable, d. Samuel and Sarah, Sept. 9, 1686.
Charles Henry, s. Samuel and Susannah, Aug. 30, 1828.
Franklin Hayward, s. Samuel and Susannah, May 1, 1836.
George Shute, s. Samuel and Susannah, July 16, 1825.
Joseph Stratton, s. Samuel and Susannah, Apr. 6, 1827.
Samuel Edwin, s. Samuel and Susannah, Sept. 29, 1834.
Susan M., Samuel and Elizabeth, Nov. 18, 1831.
William Henry, s. Samuel and Susannah, Jan. 1, 1830.
Mary F., d. Isaiah, mariner, and J., Dec. 21, 1843.
Maria I., d. Charles, fur dealer, and Elizabeth, June 12, 1846.
KRAEMER (see also Kramer)
Charles, s. Phillip Jacob and Frederika Johanna, Aug. 15, 1838. C.R.5.
KRAMER (see also Kraemer)
Mary, d. John and Hannah, Feb. 15, 1847.
William, s. Samuel, laborer, and Esther, Nov. 29, 1848.
Charles H., s. Martin, laborer, and Mary, Dec. 15, 1846.
Elisabeth, d. Christian and Magdeleana, bp. Nov. 2, 1834. C.R.6.
Nathan Prince, s. Christian and Magdeleana, bp. May 27, 1838. C.R.6.
William, s. Christian and Magdeleana, bp. Nov. 2, 1834. C.R.6.
William, s. Thomas, tailor, and Anna, Aug. 3, 1848.
Martha L., d. Asa, carpenter, and Betsey, at Holderness, N.H., MaR.11, 1847.
Mary Ann, d. Mary, b. Ireland, at the Almshouse, May 7, 1849.
LADWITH (see also Ledwith)
Thomas, s. Patrick, laborer, and Catharine, Nov. 6, 1843.
Abby A., d. Thomas, oyster dealer, and Abigail, Jan. 26, 1848.
James H., s. Thomas, oyster dealer, and Abigail, Nov. 13, 1844.
LALLEY (see also Lally)
James E., s. Michael, laborer, and Ellen, Oct. 12, 1846.
John H., s. Patrick, laborer, and Catherine, Jan. 25, 1845.
LALLY (see also Lalley)
Thomas, s. Dennis, laborer, and Bridget, Aug. 21, 1846.
LAMB (see also Lambe)
Caleb, s. Thomas [and Dorothy (Harbitle). C.R.1.], 9: 2 m: 1641. CT.R.
Daniel, s. John, laborer, and Ann, Sept. 4, 1845.
Elisabeth, d. Joshua and Mary, Mar. 2, 1682-3.
Huldah, d. Caleb and Mary, Jan. 31, 1687.
Jeremiah, s. Caleb, May 24, 1679.
John, s. Caleb, Apr. 5, 1683.
John, s. Caleb and Mary, Mar. 29, 1684.
John, s. Joshua and Mary, Feb. 3, 1685. [1684-5. C.R.1.]
Jonathan, s. Abiel, Nov. 11, 1682.
Joseph, s. Caleb, Nov. 11, 1673.
Joshua, s. Joshua and Susanna, July 14, 1703.
Mary, d. Caleb, Apr. 13, 1678.
Michael, s. Joseph, laborer, and Margarett, July 4, 1848.
Samuel, s. Joshua and Mary, Apr. 9, 1686.
Thomas, s. Joshua and Mary, Mar. 23, 1688-9.
----, s. Reuben A., merchant, and Almira, MaR.14, 1849.
LAMBE (see also Lamb)
Abel, 4th s. Thomas, abt. 8 m: 1633. C.R.1.
Abiel, s. Abiel, Dec. 23, 1679.
Abiell, s. Thomas, Aug. 15, 1646.
Benjamin, 5th s. Thomas, abt. 8 m: 1639. C.R.1.
[Caleb. different ink], s. Thomas, Nov. 27, 1639.
Caleb, s. Caleb, Dec. 29, 1671.
Decline, d. Thomas, ----: 2 m: 1637. C.R.1.
Dorothy, d. Joshua, bp. 8: 4 m: 1679. C.R.1.
Eunice, d. Caleb, bp. 22: 9 m: 1685. C.R.1.
George, s. Joshua, bp. 27: 1 m: 1681. C.R.1.
Harbottle, s. Abiel, bp. 28: 12 m: 1674-5. C.R.1.
Josuah, s. Thomas, Nov. 27, 1642. [28: 9 m. CT.R.]
Joshua, s. Joshua, bp. 7: 1 m: 1674-5. C.R.1.
Mary, d. Thomas, bp. Sept. 29, 1644.
Mary, d. Caleb, Mar. 7, 1681. [1680-81. C.R.1.]
Samuel, 3d. s. Thomas, abt. 8 m: 1630. C.R.1.
Samuel, s. Abiel, bp. 12: 2 m: 1685. C.R.1.
Thomas, s. Caleb, Apr. 26, 1670.
Ellen Louisa, d. William G. and Sarah, bp. Sept. 24, 1837. C.R.6.
Horace, foundling, Jan. 25, 1845.
Sarah Perley, d. William G. and Sarah, bp. Sept. 21, 1834. C.R.6.
James, s. William and Catharine, bp. July 30, 1759. C.R.1.
Mary Adelaide, d. Jeremiah F., daguerreotype, and Mary, MaR.15, 1849.
Fredrick, s. William and Mehitable, July 9, 1809.
Lucy, d. William and Mehitable, Mar. 8, 1806.
Mehitable, d. William and Mehitable, Sept. 30, 1800.
Susan, s. William and Mehitable, Dec. 16, 1803.
Dennis, s. John, laborer, and Joanna, Aug. 8, 1846.
Bridget, d. Martin, laborer, and Mary, June 19, 1843.
Archibald, s. Archibald, weaver, and Mary, at Taunton, Feb. 10, 1848.
Fanny G. [Frances Gore. C.R.5.], d. William [B. different ink], merchant, and Susan [H. C.R.5.], Sept. 18, 1844.
Margarett M., d. Daniel, printer, and Margarett, May 9, 1849.
Susan M., d. Charles, painter, and Sarah, b. Dedham, Sept. 5, 1849.
Alona, d. William and Alona, July 17, 1812.
Anna, d. Samuel and Esther, Aug. 23, 1773.
Emily Adeline, d. Samuel and Emily, Apr. 19, 1811.
Esther, d. Samuel and Esther, Jan. 19, 1772.
Nathaniel, s. Samuel and Esther, May 29, 1776.
Rebeccah Wait, d. Samuel and Emily, Jan. 12, 1813.
Samuel, s. Samuel and Esther, June 3, 1778.
Samuel, s. Samuel and Emily, July 26, 1806.
William Clark, s. William and Alona, Nov. 15, 1810.
LANON (see also Lennon)
John, s. William, currier, and Eliza, Oct. 16, 1844.
LARNARD (see also Leonard)
Daniel, s. Daniel and Mary, June 13, 1791.
Hannah, d. Daniel and Mary, Dec. 6, 1785.
Lucy, d. Daniel and Mary, Mar. 28, 1789.
Nancy, d. Daniel and Mary, June 20, 1787.
Polly, d. Daniel and Mary, Mar. 3, 1783.
----, ch. Robert, laborer, and Mary [bet. May 1, 1844 and May 1, 1845.]
Catherine, d. Conlanus, puddler, and Julia, Apr. 20, 1847.
LATHBRIDGE (see also Lethbridge)
Adams, s. Richard and Hopestil, bp. Aug. 17, 1766. C.R.1.
Jane, d. Richard, bp. Apr. 13, 1755. C.R.1.
LATON (see also Leighton)
Julia, d. Abel, laborer, and Abigail, Apr. 5, 1845.
LAUCHLEN (see also McLaughlin)
Allen, s. Samuel and Sarah, bp. Sept. 29, 1771. C.R.2.
Isaac, s. Samuel and Sarah, bp. Jan. 23, 1774. C.R.2.
Mehitabel, d. George and Mehitabell, June 2, 1726.
LAUCHLIN (see also McLaughlin)
Thomas, s. Samuell and Sarah, bp. Mar. 7, 1764. C.R.2.
William Garrick, inf. s. Robert, bp. June 8, 1845. C.R.3.
Charles Edward, s. Thomas T. and Elizabeth H., bp. Oct. 18, 1840. C.R.6.
M. E. W. [Martha Elizabeth WheatoN. C.R.6.], d. Thomas [T. C.R.6.], laborer, and Alice [Elizabeth H. C.R.6.], Sept. 4, 1843.
Mary [Mary Francis. C.R.6.], d. Thomas [T. C.R.6.], teamster, and Elisabeth [H. C.R.6.], Oct. 24, 1845.
Thomas Truman, s. Thomas T. and Elizabeth H., bp. Oct. 18, 1840. C.R.6.
Elizabeth, d. Martin, laborer, and Mary, June 4, 1845.
Helen V., d. George C., hair dresser, and Martha, Oct. 21, 1847.
Mary, d. Seth and Mary, July 12, 1801.
Nancy [Larrance. dup.], d. Seth and Mary, Dec. ----, 1802. [Jan. ----, 1803. dup.]
Ruel F., s. Reuben, laborer, and Ann, Apr. 7, 1846.
Caroline, d. twin, Henry and Caroline, bp. Dec. 20, 1839, a. 4 y. C.R.3.
Charles, s. twin, Henry and Caroline, bp. Dec. 20, 1839. a. 4 y. C.R.3.
Elbridgena E., d. Elbridge, dentist, and Clementine, Nov. 9, 1848.
Maria, d. Patrick, laborer, and Margarett, Aug. 17, 1848.
Ruth, d. Henry of Dorchester, bp. 31: 8 m: 1669. C.R.1.
LEARNARD (see also Leonard)
Henry, s. Grant, Apr. ----, 1803.
LEARNED (see also Leonard)
Catherine, d. Thomas, bp. July 27, 1766. C.R.1.
Hannah, d. Thomas, bp. Feb. 26, 1775. C.R.1.
Henry, s. Grant and Martha, Apr. 14, 1799.
John Knight, s. Thomas, bp. Sept. 14, 1768. C.R.1.
Samuel, s. Thomas, bp. Oct. 14, 1770. C.R.1.
Turell, s. Thomas, bp. Jan. 31, 1773. C.R.1.
LEAVENS (see also Levens, Levins)
Fitch Hall, s. Simon Davis and Helen Louisa, bp. Oct. 27, 1833. C.R.3.
Mary Jane, d. William, laborer, and Bridget, Aug. 7, 1848.
John Kittredge, s. Lemuel and Martha Osgood, Sept. 14, 1810.
William, s. Lemuel and Martha Osgood, Oct. 17, 1814.
Michael, s. Michael, laborer, and Mary, Oct. 29, 1845.
LEDWITH (see also Ladwith)
Genett, s. Patrick, wheelwright, and Catherine, Sept. 4, 1845.
Arthur T[racy. C.R.5.], s. William Raymond, C.R.5.], gentleman, and Hellen [M. C.R.5.], Sept. 29, 1844.
Elisabeth Amory, d. William Raymond and Helen M., June 10, 1843. C.R.5.
Elizabeth, d. John and Mary, May 3, 1722.
Mary E., d. William B., gentleman, and Ann, Dec. 12, 1844.
Robert J. [Robert Ives. C.R.5.], s. William R[aymond. C.R.5.], gentleman, and Helen M., May 10, 1845. [1846. C.R.5.]
Tracy, s. William R. and Mary, Dec. 17, 1834. C.R.5.
James Blake, s. James and Abigail B., bp. Sept. 29, 1823. C.R.3.
Nathaniel, s. Joseph, of Dorchester, bp. 30: 2 m: 1682. C.R.1.
Elisabeth Robinson, d. Mary, Feb. 20, 1839. C.R.5.
Helen R., d. L., merchant, and Helen M., Feb. 28, 1847.
[Catherine Christina. C.R.5.], d. Magnus, coachman, and Susan, Jan. 23, 1848.
Joel, s. Moses and Mary, bp. Aug. 20, 1780. C.R.2.
LEIGHTON (see also Laton)
----, s. James and Sarah Jane, Apr. 27, 1849.
Mary, d. Andrew, shoemaker, and Christianna, Mar. 8, 1846.
Aaron, s. Ebenezer and Susannah, June 22, 1797.
Catharine, d. Sherman, Esq. and Betsy, Oct. 1, 1818.
Ebenezer, jr., s. Ebenezer and Sukey, Feb. 23, 1794.
Henry, s. Ebenezer and Susannah, Apr. 22, 1805.
Julia, d. Sherman and Betsey, Dec. 2, 1816.
Lemuel, s. Ebenezer and Susannah, Dec. 18, 1802.
Sarah, d. Ebenezer and Susannah, June 28, 1799.
Mary E., d. Henry laborer, and Elizabeth, Dec. 12, 1845.
William, s. Henry, laborer, and Elizabeth, Apr. 28, 1843.
Frances Ann, d. Edwin and Sarah, Aug. 25, 1834.
Frances Cordis, d. John and Mary, Sept. 4, 1817.
George Haswell, s. John and Mary, MaR.19, 1819.
Sarah Elizabeth, d. Edwin and Sarah, July 14, 1836.
LENNAN (see also Lennon)
Isabella, d. Michael, laborer, and Ellen, Feb. 17, 1845.
Mary Ann, d. Patrick, laborer, and Mary Ann, July 8, 1844.
Mary M., d. Peter, merchant, and Mary, Oct. 10, 1844.
LENNON (see also Lanon, Lennan, Lenon, Linnan, Linnin)
Agner, s. Peter, clothing, and Mary, Feb. 1, 1849.
Dominica, s. Peter, trader, and Mary, Dec. 20, 1846.
Margarett, d. John, stove, and Catherine, June 22, 1848.
Mary Ann, d. Michael, laborer, Oct. 31, 1848.
Patrick, s. Patrick, laborer, and Bridget, in Ireland, June 29, 1847.
William E., s. Patrick, laborer, and M., Mar. 28, 1843.
LENON (see also Lennon)
Mary, d. Margarett, b. Ireland, at the Almshouse, May 27, 1849.
LEONARD (see also Larnard, Learnard, Learned)
Anna, d. James, mason, and Jane, Dec. 10, 1847.
Catherine T., d. Martin, contractor, and Margaret, July 22, 1847.
Eliza, d. Michael, laborer, and Ellen, Feb. 17, 1849.
Elizabeth M., d. Henry, laborer, and Elizabeth, Dec. 22, 1848.
Elizabeth Mary Schin, bp. MaR.18, 1849. C.R.6.
Ellen, d. Michael, laborer, and Sarah, July 12, 1848.
Henry, s. Henry, laborer, and Elizabeth, June 7, 1848.
James, s. Michael, laborer, and Elsey, June 4, 1845.
John, s. James, laborer, and Jane, July 18, 1845.
John Owen, s. Patrick, teamster, and Margarett, May 23, 1848.
Mary, d. Patrick, laborer, and Catherine, July 4, 1848.
Mary A., d. William, currier, and Ellen, Apr. 25, 1848.
Michael Kenney, s. Martin, laborer, and Betsey, Nov. 3, 1848.
Thomas, s. Peter, weaver, and Jane, both b. Scotland, Aug. ----, 1849.
LETHBRIDGE (see also Lathbridge, Lethbrodge)
Catharine Amory, d. Richard and Mary Harris, Dec. 15, 1836.
Eliza Smith, d. Richard and Mary Harris, bp. May 19, 1844. C.R.3.
John, s. Fisher Leonard and Elizabeth, Dec. 25, 1782.
Mary Mayo, d. Richard and Mary, Nov. 22, 1815.
Richard, s. Richard and Sarah, Sept. 4, 1721.
Richard, s. Fisher Leonard and Elisabeth, May 1, 1779.
Samuel, s. Richard and Sarah, Apr. 27, 1723.
Sarah, d. Richard and Sarah, June 18, 1725.
Thomas, s. Fisher Leonard and Elizabeth, May 21, 1785.
Willard Fairbanks, s. Richard and Mary, Nov. 11, 1813. [1814. C.R.3.]
LETHBRODGE (see also Lethbridge)
George, s. Richard and Mary, Apr. 7, 1818.
LEVENS (see also Leavens, Levins)
Benjamin, s. John and Elizabeth, Apr. 15, 1692.
James [Leavins. C.R.1.], s. James [John. C.R.1.], Apr. 16, 1642.
James, s. John and Elisabeth, at Stratford, Oct. 14, 1679.
John [Leavens. C.R.1.], s. John [and Rachel. C.R.1.], Apr. 27, 1640.
John[Leavens. C.R.1.], s. John, Dec. 10, 1681.
Joseph, s. John and Elisabeth, Nov. 15, 1683.
Joseph [Josiah Leavens. C.R.1.], s. John, Nov. 15, 1684.
Peter, s. John and Elisabeth, at Stratford, Nov. 15, 1677.
Rachel [Leavens C.R.1.], d. John and Elisabeth, Dec. 15, 1685.
Rachell [Leavins. C.R.1.], d. John, Aug. ----, 1646. [bp. 2: 6 m. C.R.1.]
Daniel Sharp, s. Rev. William and Mary, June 28, 1836.
Maria Jackson, d. Rev. William and Mary, Mar. 5, 1826.
Sarah Gano, d. Rev. William and Mary, Feb. 13, 1828.
Susan Elizabeth, d. Rev. William and Mary, Dec. 30, 1832.
William Cole, s. Rev. William and Mary, Oct. 29, 1830.
LEVINS (see also Levens)
Andrew, s. twin, John, Sept. 11, 1644.
Caleb, s. John, 11: 7 m: 1644. CT.R.
Hannah, d. John, Oct. 17, 1666.
Peter, s. twin, Sept. 11, 1644.
LEWES (see also Lewis)
Abigail, d. Barachiah and Hannah, Apr. 3, 1744.
Esther, d. John and Abigail, Sept. 23, 1765.
Henry, s. Elijah, Oct. ----, 1806.
John, s. John and Abigail, Nov. 26, 1763.
Jonas, s. Barachiah and Hannah, Nov. 16, 1741.
Joshua, s. Barachiah anu Hannah, Oct. ----, 1750.
Rachel, d. Barachiah and Susannah, Sept. 15, 1757.
Rebeckah, d. Barachiah and Hannah, June 6, 1746.
Samuel, s. Barachiah and Hannah, Mar. ----, 1749.
Submitt, d. Barachiah and Hannah, May 20, 1756.
Timothy, s. Barachiah and Hannah, ----, 12, 1754.
LEWIS (see also Lewes)
Abigail, d. Barachiah and Hannah, Aug. 20, 1740.
Adelaine, d. Joseph and Lydia, bp. July 3, 1808. C.R.2.
Amelia, d. Thomas, carpenter, and Hannah, Feb. 4, 1846.
Ann, d. James and Hannah, Oct. 12, 1790.
Barachiah, s. Barachiah and Hannah, Mar. 28, 1743.
Charles, s. John, laborer, and Sarah, Sept. 4, 1847.
Christopher, s. William, in England, ----, 1636.
Franklin F., s. Franklin, merchant, and Sarah, b. Fall River, Nov. 27, 1849.
George, s. Elijah and Elisabeth Sumner, May 25, 1820.
Hannah, d. William, bp. 18: 1 m: 1648-9. C.R.1.
Hannah, d. Barakiah and Hannah, Sept. 5, 1738.
Herbert W., s. James N., gentleman, and Mary A., Aug. 16, 1847.
Isaac, s. William, 15: 2 m: 1644. CT.R.
Isaak, s. ----, bp. 14: 2 m: 1644. C.R.1.
James, s. James and Hannah, Oct. 23, 1796.
John, s. William, in England, Nov. 1, 1635.
Jonas, s. Barakiah and Hannah, July 12, 1737.
Joshua Seaver, s. James and Hannah, Nov. 23, 1792.
Josias, s. William, July 28, 1641.
Judah, d. Berachia, Apr. 25, 1689.
Lidea, d. William, Dec. 25, 1640.
Marie, d. ----, bp. 2: 6 m: 1646. C.R.1.
Mary, d. Barakiah and Hannah, Nov. 18, 1735.
Mary Seaver, d. James and Hannah, Mar. 22, 1788.
Sarah A., foundling, Feb. 5, 1845.
Williard, s. Joseph and Lydia, bp. July 3, 1808. C.R.2.
----, s. William G., druggist, and Ann, Nov. 12, 1846.
LIBBEY (see also Libby)
Alfred R., s. Alfred J., carpenter, and Elizabeth, Jan. 17, 1848.
Julia, d. Thomas, laborer, and Ann, both b. Ireland, May 25, 1849.
Mary, d. Sanford, bp. Feb. 7, 1841. C.R.6.
William, s. Arthur, carpenter, and Mary Ann, Mar. ----, 1847.
LIBBY (see also Libbey)
Cuby S., d. Sanford, laborer, and Henrietta, June 17, 1845.
William Woodbury, s. Arthur and Mary A., bp. Apr. 16, 1848. C.R.6.
Christiana, d. Andrew, cordwainer, and Christiana, Jan. 6, 1849.
Sarah I., d. John, carpenter, and M., Oct. 9, 1843.
Eliza E.. d. Paul, carpenter, and Roxana, Dec. 12, 1847.
LINDALE (see also Lindall)
Mary A., d. George, farmer, and Susan, Dec. 20, 1845.
LINDALL (see also Lindale)
Annetta, d. George, yeoman, and Susan, Oct. 30, 1848.
----, s. Charles, yeoman, Sept. 25, 1847.
LINDSAY (see also Lindsey, Linsey)
Winslow Metcalf, s. Albert and Elizabeth, bp. Oct. 10, 1847. C.R.6.
LINDSEY (see also Lindsay)
Loyd E[veresT. C.R.6.], s. Albert, teamster, and Eliza [Elizabeth. C.R.6.], Dec. 20, 1848.
Benjamin, s. Timothy, laborer, and Mary, Jan. 6, 1848.
Catherine, d. Peter, laborer, and Margarett, Nov. 5, 1846.
Edward, s. William, laborer, and Mary, in New York, Sept. 3, 1847.
Lucy Ann, d. William, grocer, and Mary P., Sept. 18, 1849.
Sarah F. D., d. William, trader, Jan. 3, 1848.
LINNAN (see also Lennon)
William, s. William, laborer, and Ellen, May 31, 1845.
LINNIN (see also Lennon)
Sarah, d. Michael, laborer, and Maria, in Ireland, Feb. 10, 1846.
LINSEY (see also Lindsay)
Jennett, d. Matthew, weaver, and Margarett, Nov. 3, 1848.
John, s. Mark, laborer, and Hannah, both b. Ireland, Aug. 1, 1849.
LION (see also Lyon)
Henry, s. Samuel, bp. 19: 9 m: 1682. C.R.1.
Hester, d. Thomas, Dec. 13, 1678.
John, s. William, bp. Apr. 10, 1647.
Jonathan, s. Thomas, June 24, 1674. [bp. 23: 6 m. C.R.1.]
Jonathan, s. Thomas, Aug. 25, 1676.
Jonnathan, s. Willyam, Sept. 5, 1666. [bp. 9: 7. C.R.1.]
Joseph, s. William, bp. Nov. 30, 1654.
Mary, inf. d. Joseph, bp. June 24, 1688. C.R.1.
Samuels, s. William, bp. June 10, 1650. [bp. 16: 4 m. C.R.1.]
Sarah, d. Thomas, Aug. 26, 1672.
Thomas, s. William, bp. Aug. 8, 1648.
William, s. William, bp. July 12, 1652.
Alexander, s. William G., patent leather manufacturer, and Elizabeth, Sept. 3, 1846.
John C., s. John, trader, and Lucy, both b. Ireland, Nov. 28, 1849.
Louisa Maria, d. Lemuel and Caroline M., Jan. 22, 1824.
Lucy, d. John, laborer, and Lucy, at Saxonville, Aug. 6, 1846.
Susan, d. John, trader, and Lucy, Sept. 1, 1848.
Abigail I., d. Samuel S., brick maker, and Elizabeth, Jan. 1, 1847.
Moses W., s. Samuel, brick maker, and Elizabeth, Dec. 20, 1844.
Samuel S., s. Samuel, brick maker, and Elizabeth, Oct. 15, 1848.
Hannah, d. John and Hannah, Apr. 1, 1817.
William Henry, s. John, weaver, b. England, and Elizabeth, b. New York, Oct. 8, 1849.
Walter, s. Walter and Mehitabel, bp. Feb. 2, 1766. C.R.2.
John, s. Daniel, laborer, and Jane, Feb. 7, 1846.
Richard, s. Daniel, hatter, and Jane, July 10, 1844.
William, s. Daniel and Susannah, Mar. 9, 1799.
Charles Russell, s. Loring I., and Ellen W., bp. Nov. 5, 1848. C.R.6.
Almira Dean, d. Caleb and Phebe, Apr. 23, 1810.
Caleb Caswell, s. Caleb and Phebe, Apr. 8, 1811.
Francis E., s. John F., book binder, and Olive, July 10, 1844.
George, s. John, weaver, b. Ireland, and Elizabeth, b. New York, Dec. 17, 1849.
Jonathan Dean, s. Caleb and Phebe, June 30, 1819.
Maria, d. John W., tinplate worker, and Maria, Aug. 6, 1847.
Phebe Staples, d. Caleb and Phebe, July 27, 1813.
Thomas, s. Thomas, Nov. 26, 1688.
Marian Adele, d. Stephen, deceased in 1856, and Marian P. Fuller, at Portland, Me., Apr. 1, 1849. C.R.5.
Pamelia, d. William, moulder, b. New York, and Dorothy, b. Maine, Nov. 28, 1849.
Charles H., s. John W., tin manufacturer, and M., at Charlestown, Aug. 7, 1845.
Ella J., d. John, tinplate wroker, b. Maine, and Maria, b. Vermont, Aug. 28, 1849.
Francis, s. William H., mechanic, and Sarah A., Oct. 23, 1847.
Joseph, s. Esdras, carpenter, b. Kennebunk, and Sarah A., b. Malden, at Charlestown, Oct. 23, 1849.
Lydia, d. William, carpenter, and Sarah, Aug. 12, 1845.
Mary R., d. William H., carpenter, and Sarah W., Aug. 13, 1846.
Philip G., s. Esdras, carpenter, and Sarah, June 8, 1843.
Prudence A., d. Esdras, carpenter, and Sarah, May 6, 1847.
----, s. Henry, carpenter, and Lucy, May 22, 1843.
Hannah, d. Joshua and Mary, Dec. 15, 1742.
Joshuah, s. Capt. Joshua and Mary, Nov. 1, 1744.
Amos Smith, s. Amos Smith and Tamson Eliza, bp. Oct. 1, 1815. C.R.3.
Eliza Lydia Hall, d. Amos Smith and Tamson Eliza, bp. Sept. 7, 1817. C.R.3.
Charles H., s. Henry L. O., carpenter. and Lucy, July 7, 1846.
Francis [Frane. dup.], s. Stephen and Lucy, May 1, 1807.
Stephen Henry, s. Stephen and Lucy, July 25, 1812.
Timothy Warren, s. Stephen and Lucy, Sept. 14, 1815.
LOUGE (see also Lougee)
John, s. James, laborer, and Delia, May 8, 1845.
LOUGEE (see also Louge)
Louisa, d. Joseph, laborer, and Julia, Sept. 6, 1848.
John, s. Patrick, laborer, and Ellen, both b. Ireland, Dec. 15, 1849.
Robert Ephraim, s. Rosanna, Oct. 30, 1841. C.R.5.
----, ch. Rosanna, bp. MaR.12, 1842. C.R.5.
Joseph H., s. Joseph, merchant, and Margaret, July 26, 1844.
Sarah C., d. Ariel, teamster, and Cynthia, Nov. 4, 1846.
Wallace Williams, s. Joseph and Margaret G., bp. Aug. 22, 1847. C.R.6.
Winslow H., s. Joseph, merchant, and Mary Ann, Oct. 28, 1845.
Elizabeth, d. Robert and Alice, May 19, 1708.
Joseph Mayo, s. Robert and Rebecca, Dec. 1, 1735.
Robert, s. Robert and Alice, Sept. 26, 1710.
Samuel, s. Robert and Alice, Dec. 5, 1715.
William, s. Robert and Alice, MaR.1, 1713.
LOVET (see also Lovett)
Daniel, s. James, of Mendon, bp. 5: 4 m: 1681. C.R.1.
LOVETT (see also Lovet)
William, s. Bennett, laborer, and Bridget, April 29, 1849.
Emory M., s. Nathaniel, carpenter, and Agnes, Mar. 29, 1849.
Francis, s. Francis, merchant, and Susan, Dec. 2, 1847.
Betsy, d. John, bp. Aug. 30, 1778. C.R.3.
Chandler, s. John and Mary, Jan. 20, 1750-51.
Charlotte, d. John and Charlotte, bp. Apr. 8, 1813. C.R.3.
Elisabeth, d. John and Mary, Apr. 26, 1762.
Hannah, d. John, bp. MaR.16, 1777. C.R.3.
Harriot, d. John and Charlotte, bp. Jan. 21, 1816. C.R.3.
Henry, s. John, jr. and Elisabeth, Nov. 30, 1773.
Isaac, s. John, bp. Sept. 24, 1775. C.R.3.
John, s. John, jr. and Elisabeth. Mar. 23, 1770.
John, s. John, bp. Aug. 4, 1771. C.R.3.
John, s. Mary, d. John and Mary, Oct. 29, 1753.
John, bp. May 6, 1781. C.R.3.
Nancy, d. John, bp. Mar. 9, 1783. C.R.3.
William, s. John, jr. and Elisabeth, July 22, 1771.
Charles W., s. Charles, merchant, and Eliza, Aug. 11, 1844.
Lucretia, d. Charles, trader, and Elizabeth K., MaR.19, 1848.
Samuel Joseph, s. William, merchant, and Sarah, Apr. 11, 1849.
William Anderson, s. William and Sarah J., bp. Dec. 19, 1847. C.R.6.
Charles T., s. fames, secretary, and Louisa, June 11, 1847.
Mary, d. ----, bp. Oct. 21, 1744. C.R.2.
Ann Payson, d. Elijah, Sept. ----, 1804.
LYAN (see also Lyon)
William, s. Samuell, jr. and Joanah, Apr. 12, 1719.
William Henry, s. Alfred H., carpenter, and Mary J., May 6, 1848.
Elizabeth, d. Thomas, gardener, and Elizabeth, Apr. 4, 1848.
Hannah, d. John, baker, and Ann, Nov. 3, 1845.
Joseph E., s. Martin, machinist, and Catherine, Feb. 23, 1844.
Margarett E., d. Martin, cabinet maker, and Catherine, Apr. 2, 1849.
Sarah E., d. Martin, machinist, and Catherine, Aug. 22, 1848.
Thomas J., s. James, laborer, and Mary, Feb. 2, 1847.
Isabella, d. William, pianoforte manufacturer, b. Conn., and Elizabeth, b. Vt., at Woburn, May 14, 1849. [parents deaf and dumb. C.R.5.]
Hannah, d. John, laborer, and Joanna, Feb. 20, 1844.
John, s. James, carpenter, and Elizabeth, Apr. 20, 1848.
LYON (see also Lion, Lyan, Lyons)
Aaron, s. Ephraim and Abigail, bp. Feb. 16, 1717-18. C.R.2.
Aaron, s. Nathaniell and Abigail, bp. Oct. 14, 1739. C.R.2.
Aaron, s. Obadiah and Anna, Oct. 14, 1743.
Aaron, s. David and Abigal, bp. Sept. 17, 1780. C.R.2.
Abigail, d. John and Abigail, July 12, 1682.
Abigail, d. Eliphalet and Elizabeth, bp. Apr. 15, 1716. C.R.2.
Abigail, d. Thomas and Abigail, bp. Aug. 2, 1741. C.R.2.
Abigail, d. Thomas and Deborah, bp. May 21, 1769. C.R.2.
Abner, s. Thomas and Abigail, bp. June 14, 1741. C.R.2.
Achin, s. Thomas and Anne, jr., Oct. 15, 1693.
Amariah, s. Ephraim and Abigail, bp. MaR.11, 1715-16. C.R.2.
Ann Chandler, d. Benjamin and Elizabeth, Jan. 14, 1809.
Anna, d. Thomas, Mar. 4, 1682-3.
Anna, d. Thomas and Abigail, Apr. 28, 1689.
Anna, d. Benjamin and Anna, Feb. 4, 1743-4.
Anna, d. Obadiah and Anna, Jan. 26, 1745-6.
[Barzillia, T.C.], s. Nathaniell and Mary, Sept. 7, 1739.
Bathsheba, d. Thomas and Abigail, bp. July 13, 1746. C.R.2.
Benjamin, s. John, bp. 1: 12 m: 1679-80. C.R.1.
Benjamin, s. William jr., Mar. 29, 1683.
Benjamin, s. John, Dec. 18, 1684.
Benjamin, s. Joseph and Mary, June 27, 1708.
Benjamin, s. Joseph and Mary, bp. June 26, 1720. C.R.2.
Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Hanna, Nov. 18, 1732.
Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Elizabeth, bp. Oct. 9, 1774. C.R.1.
Benjamin Davis, s. Benjamin annd Elizabeth, Apr. 13, 1801.
Bethia, d. John and Abigail, Oct. 20, 1690.
Biel, s. Joseph, bp. 25: 2 m: 1680. C.R.1.
Daniel, s. Benjamin and Anna, Sept. 15, 1748.
Daniel, s. David and Abigail, May 26, 1778. [bp. May 18, C.R.2.]
Daniel, s. Benjamin and Elizabeth, Sept. 9, 1811.
David, s. William and Deborah, Oct. 31, 1692.
David, s. Benjamin and Hannah, Aug. 12, 1737.
Deborah, d. David and Mary, bp. June 16, 1728. C.R.2.
Deborah, d. Nathaniell and Mary, Sept. 24, 1737.
Ebenezer, s. Samuel, bp. 29: 7 m: 1678. C.R.1.
Ebenezer, s. John and Abigail, MaR.10, 1692.
Edward, s. Samuel and Joanna, Dec. 24, 1710.
Eleanor, d. Ebenezer and Elizabeth, bp. Dec. 27, 1724. C.R.2.
Eleazer, s. Samuel and Joanna, Oct. 14, 1706.
Eliphalet, s. Thomas and Abigail, Sept. 20, 1687.
Elisabeth, d. Nathaniell and Mary, Feb. 6, 1741-2.
Elisabeth, d. Benjamin and Anna, Sept. 10, 1747.
Elisabeth, d. Benjamin and Elisabeth, Aug. 10, 1771.
Eliza, d. Nathaniell and Mary, bp. Feb. 28, 1741-2. C.R.2.
Eliza, d. Benjamin and Elizabeth, Apr. 25, 1797.
Elizabeth, d. Eliphalet and Elizabeth, bp. Apr. 18, 1731. C.R.2.
Elizabeth, d. Benjamin and Anna, bp. Aug. 3, 1746. C.R.2.
Elizabeth, d. Eliphalet and Elizabeth, bp. June 21, 1778. C.R.2.
Ephraim, s. Thomas and Abigail, Jan. 14, 1684-5.
Ephraim, s. Ephraim and Abigail, MaR.16, 1710.
Ephraim, s. Ephraim and Abigail, bp. Jan. 17, 1713-14. C.R.2.
Ephraim, s. Thomas and Abigail, bp. Oct. 9, 1743. C.R.2.
Ester, d. Thomas, bp. 8: 4 m: 1679. C.R.1.
Esther, d. Eliphalet and Elizabeth, bp. Nov. 9, 1718. C.R.2.
Eunice, d. Joseph and Mary, Mar. 25, 1701.
Experience, d. Ebenezer and Elizabeth, bp. Dec. 30, 1716. C.R.2.
George, s. George Watkins and Mehetabel Lyon, bp. June 28, 1713. C.R.2.
George L., s. Lewis, rope maker, and Mary, Aug. 5, 1846.
Hanah, d. Joseph and Mary, Dec. 25, 1712.
Hannah, d. William, jr., Aug. 11, 1681.
Hannah, d. John and Abigail, May 7, 1698.
Hannah, d. Samuel and Joanna, July 20, 1715.
Hannah, d. Joseph and Mary, bp. June 26, 1720. C.R.2.
Hannah, d. Eliphalet and Elizabeth, bp. Oct. 20, 1723. C.R.2.
Hannah, d. Benjamin and Hannah, Jan. 21, 1735-6.
Hannah, d. Obadiah, bp. Feb. 2, 1745-6. C.R.2.
Hannah, d. Nathaniell and Hannah, bp. Aug. 21, 1755. C.R.2.
Hannah, d. Benjamin and Elizabeth, May 1, 1799.
Hannah, d. Lewis, rope maker, and Louisa, Nov. 11, 1844.
Hannah Chandler, d. Benjamin and Elizabeth, bp. Feb. 25, 1810. C.R.2.
Henry, s. Ebenezer and Elizabeth, bp. July 26, 1719. C.R.2.
Jacob, s. William and Deborah, Jan. 4, 1696.
Jedediah, s. Samuell, jr. and Joanah, Sept. 7, 1721.
Jemima, d. Ebenezer and Elizabeth, bp. Oct. 31, 1714. C.R.2.
Jerre, s. David and Abigail, Feb. 14, 1765.
Jesse, s. David and Abigail, May 18, 1767.
Joel, s. David and Abigal, bp. Jan. 19, 1783. C.R.2.
Johannah, d. Samuel, bp. 18: 7 m: 1687. C.R.1.
John, s. John, May 14, 1673.
John, s. Samuel and Maria, Apr. 18, 1703.
John, s. Eiphalet and Elizabeth, bp. Sept. 7, 1777. C.R.2.
John, s. Peter, laborer, and Margarett, Sept. 5, 1848.
Joanthan, s. Samuel and Joanna, Aug. 15, 1708.
Joseph, s. William, 30: 9: 1654. CT.R.
Joseph, s. John and Abigail, Feb. 10, 1677-8.
Joseph, s. Joseph and Mary, July 4, 1684.
Joseph, s. Joseph and Mary, Feb. 27, 1703-4.
Joseph, s. Joseph and Mary, Dec. 25, 1704.
[Joseph, s. Joseph and Mary, May 10, 1705. different ink]
Joseph, s. Joseph and Mary, bp. June 26, 1720. C.R.2.
Joshua, s. Nathanael and Mary, Mar. 23, 1735.
Joshua, s. Nathanaell and Mary, bp. July 29, 1744. C.R.2.
Josiah, s. Ephraim and Abigail, bp. Sept. 19, 1714. C.R.2.
Josiah, s. Ebenezer and Elizabeth, bp. Apr. 15, 1722. C.R.2.
Katherine, d. wid. Huldah, bp. May 15, 1743. C.R.2.
Luecy, d. Joseph and Huldah, June 19, 1740.
Lucy, d. Thomas and Rhoda, bp. Apr. 1, 1764. C.R.2.
Lucy, d. Thomas and Rhoda, bp. Aug. 29, 1773. C.R.2.
Margaret, d. Samuel and Deliverance, Aug. 24, 1685.
Mary, d. Joseph [s. William. dup], Jan. 9, 1682. [1682-3. dup.]
Mary, d. Joseph, bp. 17: 8 m: 1686. C.R.1.
Mary, d. Joseph and Mary, Aug. 4, 1711.
Mary, d. Joseph and Mary, Feb. 2, 1717.
Mary, d. Joseph and Mary, bp. June 26, 1720. C.R.2.
Mary, d. David and Mary, bp. June 16, 1728. C.R.2.
Mary, d. Benjamin and Hannah, Jan. 5, 1733-4.
Mary, d. Nathaniel and Mary, Mar. 20, 1753.
Mary, d. Thomas, bp. Jan. 1766. C.R.2.
Mary, d. Benjamin and Elizabeth, Aug. 16, 1803. [bp. Sept. 11, C.R.2.]
Mary Matilda, d. Daniel, July 21, 1836.
Mary Windship, d. Jason and Lucy, May 6, 1800.
Mehetabel, d. William [jr. C.R.1.] and Sarah, Mar. 24, 1684.
Mehitabel, d. Jonathan and Mary, bp. May 28, 1749. C.R.2.
Mehittabel, d. Thomas, Mar. 7, 1680-81.
Melatiah, s. wid. Huldah, bp. June 5, 1743. C.R.2.
Moses, s. Thomas and Rhoda, bp. Feb. 17, 1771. C.R.2.
Moses, s. Thomas and Rhoady, bp. Feb. 18, 1776. C.R.2.
Nancy, d. David and Abigail, Aug. 5, 1775. [Aug. 17. dup.]
Nathanael, s. Nathaniell and Mary, bp. Apr. 5, 1747. C.R.2.
Nathaniell, s. Nathaniell and Mary, bp. June 2, 1744. C.R.2.
Nehemiah, s. John and Abigail, July 23, 1695.
Nehemiah, s. Nathanael and Mary, Feb. 21, 1750. [1749-50. C.R.2.]
Obadiah, s. Samuel and Elizabeth, bp. Sept. 6, 1719. C.R.2.
Olive, d. Thomas and Rhoady, bp. Aug. 5, 1781. C.R.2.
Pelatiah, S. David and Mary, bp. June 16, 1728. C.R.2.
Pellatiah, s. Joseph and Huldah, Nov. 18, 1737.
Phebe, d. Samuell [jr. C.R.2.] and Joanna, Oct. 8, 1723.
Rachel, d. David and Mary, bp. June 16, 1728. C.R.2.
Rachel, d. Daniel and Elizabeth, Mar. 23, 1772.
Rachel Adams, d. Benjamin and Elizabeth, Mar. 7, 1806.
Rachel, d. Benjamin and Anna, bp. Apr. 21, 1745. C.R.2.
Rebecca, d. Ebenezer and Huldah, bp. July 30, 1749. C.R.2.
Samuel, s. Thomas, bp. 28: 7 m: 1679. C.R.1.
Samuel, s. Samuel [jr. C.R.2.] and Elizabeth, Feb. 2, 1712. [1712-13. C.R.2.]
Samuel, s. Samuel and Elizabeth, bp. July 29, 1716. C.R.2.
Samuel, s. Obadiah and Anna, bp. Aug. 23, 1741. C.R.2.
Samuel, s. Obadiah and Anna, bp. Sept. 25, 1748. C.R.2.
Samuell, s. William, jr., Sept. 20, 1679.
Sarah, d. Samuelll and Joana, bp. Mar. 29, 1713. C.R.2.
Sarah, d. Eliphalet and Elizabeth, bp. Oct. 31, 1714. C.R.2.
Seth, s. David and Abigail, Jan. 26, 1770.
Seth, s. David and Abigail, bp. May 27, 1770. C.R.2.
Susanna, d. John, bp. 5: 4 m: 1687. C.R.1.
Thankful, d. Eliphalet and Elizabeth, bp. Aug. 23, 1713. C.R.2.
Thomas, s. Thomas, Sept. 4, 1669.
Thomas, s. Ephraim and Abigail, bp. Jan. 17, 1713-14. C.R.2.
Thomas, s. Joseph and Huldah, Feb. 13, 1735-6.
William, s. ----, bp. 18: 5 m: 1652. C.R.1.
Thomas, s. wid. Huldah, bp. June 5, 1743. C.R.2.
William, s. John and Abigail, Sept. 15, 1675.
William, s. William, jr., bp. 10: 8 m: 1675. C.R.1.
William, s. William, jr., Dec. 9, 1677.
LYONS (see also Lyon)
Edward, s. William, laborer, and Mary, in New York, Sept. 3, 1847.
James, s. Roger, laborer, and Catherine, Dec. 15, 1848.
Mary Ann, d. Patrick, yeoman, and Hannah, Nov, 16, 1848.
Mary Ann, d. William, grocer, and Mary, Jan. 20, 1849.
Mary Ann, d. Barnard, stone layer, and Catherine, MaR.16, 1849.
Sarah, d. W., bp. 8: 1 m: 1656-7. C.R.1.
Sarah, d. Thomas, bp. 20: 2 m: 1673. C.R.1.
Thomas, s. Thomas, bp. 20: 2 m: 1673. C.R.1.
William M., s. Michael, laborer, and Mary, both b. Ireland, Aug. 28, 1849.
Thomas, s. Patrick, laborer, and Catherine, both b. Ireland, Aug. 7, 1849.
Harriot L., d. Henry, mason, and Rosetta, Jan. 24, 1849.
John, s. Thomas, carpenter, and Jennett, both b. Scotland, Aug. 8, 1849.
Joseph, s. Edward, mason, and Catherine, Feb. 25, 1849.
Mary J., d. John, mason, and Catherine, Feb. 29, 1848.
Charles, s. Charles, harness maker, and Rosanna, Feb. 8, 1844.
Charles Heber, s. Charles and Rosine, Feb. 20, 1845. C.R.5.
Henry Horton, s. Charles and Rosine, Feb. 8, 1843. C.R.5.
John W[ayland. C.R.5.], s. Charles, manufacturer, and Rosina, Aug. 22, 1848.
McCAEN (see also McCan)
Charles, s. Patrick, laborer, and Ann, both b. Ireland, at N.H., Aug. 15, 1849.
McCAIN (see also McCan)
Maria, d. Michael, trader, and Catherine, both b. Ireland, July 28, 1849.
Eliza Ann, d. Patrick, laborer, and Ann, Sept. 2, 1846.
James, s. Patrick, laborer, and Mary, Feb. 24, 1843.
McCAN (see also McCaen, McCain)
Mary Ann, d. John, laborer, and Mary Nov. 19, 1847.
McCANAUGH (see also McKenon)
Bridget, d. Peter, weaver, and Mary, MaR.15, 1848.
McCANTY (see also Canty)
----, d. Michael, carpenter, and Jane, both b. Ireland, May 14, 1849.
McCARTHY (see also Mc Carty)
Joanna, d. Patrick, cordwainer, and Bridget, Nov. 1, 1847.
Thomas, s. Dennis, wheelwright, and Margarett, both b. Ireland, July 17, 1849.
MACCARTY (see also McCarty)
Gilbert M. L., s. William and Martha Jane M., Nov. 20, 1825.
John Salmon, s. William and Martha Jane, bp. May 19, 1844. C.R.3.
Martha Elizabeth Salmon, d. William and Martha Jane, bp. May 19, 1844. C.R.3.
William, s. Thomas and Sarah, Sept. 30, 1773.
William, s. William and Martha J. M., Jan. 16, 1837.
McCARTY (see also Carty, McCarthy, Maccarty, Mackarty)
Anna, d. John, laborer, and Christianna, both b. Ireland, July 30, 1849.
Charles, s. William and Susanna, Apr. 18, 1806.
Henry Florance, s. William and Susanna, Apr. 22, 1808.
James M., s. James, weaver, and Enora, at Saxonville, May 16, 1846.
John S., s. William, Oct. 4, 1838.
Margaret, d. Thomas and Sarah, Oct. 30, 1775.
Margarett, d. John, laborer, and Mary, Aug. 22, 1848.
Maria, d. Daniel, laborer, May 3, 1846.
Martha Susanna, d. William and Susanna, June 30, 1810.
Mary Ann, d. Patrick, shoemaker, and Bridget, both b. Ireland, May 3, 1849.
Michael, s. William, laborer, and Catherine, Aug. 12, 1848.
Thomas, s. William and Martha, Nov. 16, 1800.
Thomas, s. William, farmer, and Jane, Aug. 28, 1845.
William [Maccarty. dup.], s. William and Martha, Nov. 19, 1802. [Dec. ----. dup.]
Susan, d. wid. Sarah, June 10, 1843.
McCLAFLIN (see also McLaughlin)
Thomas, s. Timothy, laborer, and Bridget [bet. May 1, 1844 and May 1, 1845.]
Charles, s. John, pump maker, and B., Dec. 19, 1843.
McCLAUGHLIN (see also McLaughlin)
Edward, s. John, laborer, and Rosanna, Nov. 11, 1846.
Anne Jane, d. twin, David and Jane, Oct. 15, 1838. C.R.5.
David, inf. s. David and Jane, bp. MaR.12, 1837. C.R.5.
Samuel, s. twin, David and Jane, Oct. 15, 1838. C.R.5.
McCLOUD (see also McClough)
Ann, d. George, rope maker, and Ann, MaR.10, 1843.
McCLOUGH (see also McCloud)
----, d. Alexander, rope maker, and Catherine, Jan. 26, 1849.
MACCLURE (see also Clure)
John, s. Richard and Ann, MaR.16, 1752.
Richard, s. Richard, Jr. and Ann, Jan. 4, 1754.
Sarah, d. Richard, jr. and Ann, May 18, 1757.
Frank, s. Ichabod, merchant, tailor, and Mary E., Feb. 20, 1849.
John, s. Thomas, laborer, and J., Oct. 13, 1846.
Hannah, d. James, laborer, and Catherine, Mar. 7, 1847.
McCORMAC (see also McCormick)
Mary A., d. Patrick, laborer, and Catherine, Nov. 7, 1847.
McCORMACK (see also McCormick)
Mary Ann, d. Thomas, laborer, and Ann, MaR.11, 1846.
McCORMICK (see also McCormac, McCormack)
James, s. James, gardener, and Mary, Dec. 15, 1844.
Mary J., d. Patrick, servant, and Eliza, both b. Ireland, July 4, 1849.
Jane, d. James, laborer, Oct. 3, 1847.
Catherine, d. Michael, laborer, and Mary, Apr. 9, 1846.
Charles, s. Richard and Susannah, bp. Aug. 8, 1802. C.R.2.
Elizabeth, d. Richard and Susannah, bp. [bef. Feb. 23], 1794. C.R.2.
John, s. Thomas, teamster, and Catherine, Aug. 10, 1848.
Joseph, s. James, laborer, and Jane, Sept. 10, 1845.
Leonard, s. Richard and Susannah, bp. May 19, 1799. C.R.2.
Mary, d. John, laborer, and Ellen, Feb. 19, 1848.
Mary J., d. James, currier, and Jane, both b. Ireland, Dec. 26, 1849.
Sally, d. Richard and Susannah, bp. Nov. 15, 1795. C.R.2.
Susannah, d. Richard and Susannah, bp. July 29, 1792. C.R.2.
----, d. Ivory, mason, and Sarah Ann, Apr. 19, 1844.
McDERMET (see also McDermot)
Mary, d. Andrew, gardener, and Julia, Dec. 11, 1847.
McDERMOT (see also McDermet)
Simon J., s. Andrew, gardener, and Julia, July 25, 1845.
McDONALD (see also McDonall, McDonnel)
Catharine, d. Peter, laborer, and Mary, Jan. 20, 1843.
Eliza, d. Michael, laborer, and Mary, May 28, 1844.
Emily, d. John, wheelwright, and Emily, Feb. 3, 1847.
Hugh, s. Michael, laborer, and Mary, both b. Ireland, Dec. 5, 1849.
James, s. James, laborer, and J., Feb. 21, 1843.
James, s. Owen, laborer, and Mary, Sept. 12, 1848.
Mary C., d. George, stair builder, and Ellis, Feb. 14, 1847.
Mary J., d. Michael, laborer, and Mary, at Lowell, July 6, 1847.
William, s. Martin, trader, and Bridget, Mar. 22, 1848.
McDONELL (see also McDonald)
Henry, s. Henry, laborer, and Elizabeth, in New York, July 27, 1847.
John, s. James, currier, and Jane, Nov. 18, 1847.
McDONNEL (see also McDonald)
Michael, s. Patrick, laborer, and Catherine, Aug. 6, 1848.
Albert, s. John, teamster, and Wealthy, Aug. 30, 1844.
----, d. John, currier, and Wealthy, Mar. 6, 1849.
Robert, s. John and Sarah, bp. June 16, 1776. C.R.2.
Robert, s. John and Sarah, bp. Feb. 15, 1778. C.R.2.
Mary, d. Joseph, laborer, and Catherine, Aug. 28, 1845.
McGAN (see also McKan)
Joseph, s. Thomas, laborer, and Catherine, Nov. 15, 1845.
Frances Eliza, d. John A. and Nancy, bp. May 16, 1841. C.R.6.
Helen, d. John A., and Nancy, bp. June 17, 1838. C.R.6.
Andrew J., s. Andrew, laborer, and Bridget, both b. Ireland, Sept. 1, 1849.
Catherine, d. Matthew, trader, and Mary, July 11, 1847.
James, s. Matthew, trader, and Mary, both b. Ireland, June 8, 1849.
Michael, s. Matthew, grocer, and Mary, June 23, 1845.
Mary Ann, d. Luke, hostler, and Elizabeth, both b. Ireland, May 27, 1849.
Elizabeth. d. Daniel, weaver, and Ann, June 7, 1848.
Francis William, s. Francis, trader, and Anna, Oct. 5, 1847.
McGLAFLIN (see also McLaughlin)
Sarah, d. James, laborer, and Ellen, June 30, 1844.
Thomas, s. Thomas, laborer, and Mary, Apr. 16, 1845.
Daniel, s. Neil, laborer, and Ceselia, Jan. 28, 1848.
McGLAULIN (see also McLaughlin)
Stephen, s. Stephen and Mary, Sept. 1, 1847.
----, d. ----, Feb. 13, 1848.
McGLEFLIN (see also McLaughlin)
Mary Ann H., d. John, laborer, and Mary, Oct. 19, 1845.
Ann, d. Martin, laborer, and Catherine, Oct. 5, 1845
Ellen, d. John, laborer, and Mary, Aug. 10, 1843.
Alice, d. Hugh, laborer, and Mary, Aug. 22, 1845.
Jane M., d. James, laborer, and Catherine, MaR.18, 1847.
John T., s. John, cabinet maker, and Sarah, Feb. 21, 1846.
John, s. Patrick, weaver, and Anna, June 11, 1847.
Augustus B., s. Thomas, plasterer, and Mary, Nov. 25, 1847.
Margarett, d. Daniel, carpenter, and Elizabeth, Dec. 7, 1848.
Theodore, s. John, laborer, b. France, and Johanna, b. Germany, May 24, 1849.
Isabella, d. James, weaver, and Catherine, both b. Scotland, Aug. 24, 1849.
McINTOSH (see also Mackendosh, Mackentosh, Mackintash, Mackintosh)
[Garaphilia M. different ink], d. William H., provision dealer, and L., Dec. 24, 1846.
James, s. Stephen and Sarah, bp. Apr. 29, 1787. C.R.2.
James, s. Stephen and Sarah, bp. June 3, 1792. C.R.2.
Moses, s. Stephen and Sarah, bp. July 26, 1789. C.R.2.
Phinehas, s. Stephen and Sarah, bp. Feb. 17, 1799. C.R.2.
Polley, d. Stephen and Sarah, bp. Oct. 6, 1782. C.R.2.
Stephen, s. Stephen and Sarah, bp. May 9, 1784. C.R.2.
Thomas, s. Stephen and Sarah, bp. Nov. 6, 1796. C.R.2.
----, s. Michael, blindmaker, and Mary, Mar. 22, 1844.
----, d. William, farmer, and Adaline, Apr. 28, 1846.
----, s. Michael, manufacturer, and Mary, Jan. 7, 1847.
----, s. Michael, manufacturer, and Mary, Feb. 28, 1849.
Jennett, d. George, engineer, and Ann, both b. Scotland, Dec. 9, 1849.
----, s. Samuel, gentleman, and Clarasa, Nov. 15, 1846.
----, d. Samuell, trader, and Martha A., Feb. 7, 1849.
Adeline Jane, d. Andrew, weaver, and Eliza, Nov. 17, 1848.
Catherine, d. Pat, carpet weaver, and Bridget, Jan. 29, 1849.
Jane, July, 9, 1848.
McKAN (see also McGan)
Michael, s. Martin, yeoman, and Maria, Apr. 23, 1849.
MACKARTY (see also McCarty)
Samuel, s. Thaddeus, of Boston, bp. 3: 9 m: 1678. C.R.1.
James, s. John and Esabellah, June 21, 1733.
Thomas, s. John Esabellah, Sept. 27, 1731.
William, s. John and Esabellah, June ----, 1735.
John, s. Patrick, laborer, and Mary, May 27, 1848.
George H., s. John, carpenter, and Mary Ann, June ----, 1848.
MACKENDOSH (see also McIntosh)
Abiel, s. William and Abigail, bp. Jan. 23, 1757. C.R.2.
Gideon, s. William and Abigail, bp. Nov. 16, 1760. C.R.2.
Ellen M., d. Peter, laborer, and Ellen, Sept. 10, 1843.
McKENON (see also McCanaugh)
Catherine, d. Peter, laborer, and Mary, July 7, 1845.
MACKENTOSH (see also McInosh)
Nathan, s. ----, bp. Jan. 9, 1763. C.R.2.
MACKINTASH (see also McIntosh)
Abigail [Mackendosh. C.R.2.], d. William and Abigail, MaR.11, 1754.
John [Mackendosh. C.R.2.], s. William and Abigail, Nov. 22, 1751.
Samuel [MacEndosh. C.R.2.], s. William and Abigail, Feb. 17, 1749. [1748-9. C.R.2.]
MACKINTOSH (see also McIntosh)
Royall, s. William and Abigail, Jan. 18, 1757.
William, s. William, Aug. 11, 1746.
McLAUGHLIN (see also Caughlin, Lauchlen, Lauchlin, McClaflin, McClaflin, McClaughlin, McGlaulin, McGleflin) -
Andrew, s. Richard, laborer, and Hannah, at Dorchester, June 2, 1847.
Ann, d. Thomas, laborer, and Sarah, both b. Ireland, Nov. 5, 1849.
Elizabeth, d. Thomas, laborer, and Sarah, June 5, 1847.
Ellen, d. James, laborer, and Ellen, Dec. 3, 1846.
Mary Ann, d. John, laborer, and Mary, Nov. 23, 1847.
Mary Ann, d. Richard, laborer, and Hannah, Jan. 18, 1849.
Michael, s. Timothy, laborer, and Bridget. May 10, 1845.
Orney, d. John, laborer, and Margarett, both b. Ireland, Sept 27, 1849.
Thomas, s. Michael, laborer, and Mary, both b. Ireland, Oct. 19, 1849.
Timothy W., s. Hugh, yeoman, and Mary, June 1, 1848.
William, s. Barnard, laborer, and Mary, May 4, 1845.
Joel S., s. James F., mariner, and Ann F., Oct. 1, 1848.
Catharine, d. Patrick, laborer, and M., June 12, 1843.
Rosanna, d. John, laborer, and Catherine, June 11, 1846.
McNEAL (see also McNeil, McNiel, Neal, O'Neal, O'Neil)
Ellen, d. James, gardener, and Alice, Nov. 17, 1846.
John, s. James, gardener, and Alice, Feb. 18, 1848.
Nancy, d. James, gardener, and Alice, Dec. 3, 1845.
Mary Ann, d. Peter, laborer, and Mary, Dec. 16, 1846.
McNEIL (see also McNeal)
Sarah Rebecca, d. William Henry, Aug. ----, 1807.
Mary, d. Patrick, laborer, and Bridget, Oct. 10, 1845.
McNIEL (see also McNeal)
Sarah Rebecca, d. William H., Mar. ----, 1805.
Ellen, d. Ann, Feb. 28, 1847.
Hugh, s. Hugh, laborer, and Elizabeth, July 22, 1846.
Hugh, s. Hugh, teamster, and Eliza, Sept. 9, 1848.
Thomas I., s. Hugh, laborer, and Eliza, Jan. 7, 1843.
John, s. John, laborer, and Mary, Aug. 1, 1844.
----, d. Bradford, laborer, and Mary J., Mar. 9, 1846.
McQUEEN (see also McQuinn)
John, s. Michael, laborer, and Ellen, June 2, 1846.
McQUINN (see also McQueen)
Mary Jane, d. Michael, starch manufacturer, and Ellen, MaR.15, 1849.
Ann E., d. William, laborer, and Margaret, July 12, 1846.
Daniel, s. Dennis, yeoman, and Ellen, Dec. 24, 1848.
James, s. Patrick, weaver, and Ann, Apr. 9, 1849.