[transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

The following records of births, marriages and deaths include all entries to be found in the books of record kept by the town clerks; in the church records; in the cemetery inscriptions; and in private records found in family Bibles. These records are printed in a condensed form in which every essential particular has been preserved. All duplication of the town clerk's record has been eliminated, but differences in entry and other explanatory matter appear in brackets. Parentheses are used when they occur in the original record; also to indicate the maiden name of a wife.
When places other than Rockport and Massachusetts are named in the original records, they are given in the printed copy. Marriages and intentions of marriage are printed under the names of both parties. In all records the original spelling of names is followed and in the alphabetical arrangement the various forms should be examined, as items about the same family may be found under different spellings.
The territory comprising the present town of Rockport was originally a part of Gloucester. Rockport was set off and incorporated Feb. 27, 1840. The population of Rockport at different periods was as follows:
1840, 2,650
1850, 3,274
1870, 3,904
1880, 3,912
1890, 4,087
1900, 4,592
1910, 4,211
bp.--- baptized.
C. R. 1.-church record, First Congregational Church.
C. R. 2.-church record, First Baptist Church.
C. R. 3.-church record, First Methodist Church.
d.—daughter; day ; died.
dup.--duplicate entry.
G. R. 1.—gravestone record, Sandy Bay Cemetery.
G. R. 2.-gravestone record, Beech Grove Cemetery.
G. R. 3.—gravestone record, Folly Cove Cemetery.
h.--husband; hour.
int.--intention of marriage.
m.—male; married; month.
P. R. 1.—Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Ellen A. Tarr.
P. R. 2.-Family record now in possession of Mrs. Etta Stillman.
P. R. 3.—Family record of Caleb Strong Choate.
P. R. 4.—Family record now in possession of Mrs. Charles Brown of New York City.
P. R. 5.- Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Benjamin Knowlton.
P. R. 6.-Bible record now in possession of Mrs. John W. Butman.
P. R. 7.--Bible record now in possession of Mrs. John E. Knowlton.
P. R. 8.-Bible record now in possession of F. Noble Griffin.
P. R. 9.—Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Fred S. White of GIoucester.
P. R. 10.--Family register now in possession of Mrs. Jennie Pickering.
P. R. 11.—E. Pool manuscript now in possession of Mrs. C. W. Pool.
P. R. 12.—Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Nathaniel Richardson.
P. R. 13.---Family record now in possession of Mrs. Charles E. Batchelder.
P. R. 14.-Family record now in possession of Mrs. Mary A. Anderson of Gloucester.
P. R. 15. --Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Emma Babson.
P. R. 16.--Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Levi Lowe.
P. R. 17.---Family record now in possession of Mrs. Jesse Savage.
P. R. 18.--Family record now in possession of Mrs. William McDonald.
P. R. 19.--Family record now in possession of Mrs. C. W. Pool.
P. R. 20.--Family record now in possession of Mrs. Rhoda Torrey.
P. R. 21.-Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Thomas W. Nelson.
P. R. 22.—Family record now in possession of Mrs. Sarah Seward of Ipswich.
P. R. 23.-Family record now in possession of Mrs. Jane C. Witham.
P. R. 24.-Family record now in possession of Mrs. Elbridge Witham.
P. R. 25.-Family register now in possession of Mrs. Rachel Brewton of Gloucester.
P. R. 26.-Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Judith Ann Griffin.
P. R. 27.—Family record now in possession of Mrs. Alonzo Whitney.
P. R. 28.-Family record now in possession of Mrs. Viola Douglas of GIoucester.
P. R. 29.-Family record now in possession of Mrs. Emma F. Hall of Gloucester.
P. R. 30.-Family record now in possession of Mrs. Charles F. York.
P. R. 31.-Family record now in possession of Mrs. Alice E. Blanchette of Gloucester.
P. R. 32.-Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Wilton Wadsworth.
P. R. 33.-Bible record now in possession of Edwin J. Haskell of Westbrook, Maine.
P. R. 34.-Family register now in possession of Mrs. Frank G. Hale.
P. R. 35.-Bible record now in possession of Miss Carrie Dennison of Gloucester.
P. R. 36.-Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Cora A. Robbins of Rockport.
P. R. 37.-Family record now in possession of Philip Baltchford.
P. R. 38.-Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Dennison Hooper of Gloucester.
P. R. 39.-Family register now in possession of Mrs. Alice Murdock.
P. R. 4O.-Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Emily Daggett.
P. R. 41.-Bible record now in possession of Mrs. John S. Knights.
P. R. 42.-Family tree now in possession of Mrs. Alice Boynton Walker of Brookline, Mass.
P. R. 43.-Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Charles Dorman.
P. R. 44.-Bible record now in possession of Mrs. George McLane.
P. R. 45.-Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Zenas S. Nickerson.
P. R. 46.-Family record now in possession of Mrs. Eliza Rowe of Springfield, Mass.
P. R. 47.-Bible record now in possession of Fred E. Pool.
P. R. 48.-Family record now in possession of Clarence E. Pool.
P. R. 49.-Family record now in possession of Mrs. Abbie Davison.
P. R. 50.-Family record now in possession of Mrs. Joseph Carter.
P. R. 51. -Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Ada H. Whitney.
P. R. 52.—Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Abbie E. Davison.
P. R. 53.—Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Charles Mills.
P. R. 54.—Family chart now in possession of Mrs. Lelia F. French of Gloucester.
P. R. 55.-Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Betsey G. Gott.
P. R. 56.—Family register now in possession of Mrs. Allan. Lufkin.
P. R. 57.-Family record now in possession of Annie E. Rowe.
P. R. 58.—Family register now in possession of Albert Norwood.
P. R. 59.—Family register now in possession of Mrs. Jennie Pickering.
P. R. 60.--Family record now in possession of Mrs. John F. Poole.
P. R. 61.-Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Newman.
P. R. 62.—Bible record now in possession of Mrs. John S. Knights.
P. R. 63.—Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Mary L. Marshall.
P. R. 64.—Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Sarah J. Low.
P. R. 65.-Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Levi CIeaves.
P. R. 66.-Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Levi Robinson.
P. R. 67.-Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Miriam Dann.
P. R. 68.—E. Pool manuscript now in possession of Mrs. C. W. Pool.
P. R. 69.-Bible record now in possession of Wakefield Hodgkins.
P. R. 70.—Family record now in possession of Mrs. Jane C. Witham.
P. R. 71. —Family record now in possession of Mrs. George A. Lowe.
P. R. 72.--Family register now in possession of Mrs. George B. Shepard.
P. R. 73.--Family register now in possession of Joshua Howard Poole.
P. R. 74.—Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Mary R. Scripture.
P. R. 75.-Bible record now in possession of Mrs. George Poland.
P. R. 76.-Family record now in possession of Mrs. Ella Lindberg.
P. R. 77.—Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Edward Grimes.
P. R. 78.-Bible record now in possession of Nathaniel Fears.
P. R. 79.—Bible record now in possession of Miss Eunice Richardson of Vineland, N. J.
P. R. 80.--Bible record now in possession of Charles H. Gamage of Gloucester.
P. R. 81.-Bible record now in possession of Miss Catharine Amelia Giles.
P. R. 82.-Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Alpheus Goodwin.
P. R. 83.-Bible record now in possession of Freeman Harris Abbott of Gloucester.
P. R. 84.—Bible record now in possession of Mrs. James B. Rowe.
P. R. 85.-Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Joseph Conley.
P. R. 86.-Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Prescott Mitchell.
P. R. 87.-Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Elmer Bowen of Lowell.
P. R. 88.-Bible record now in possession of Gorham N. Lane.
P. R. 89.-Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Hattie Mitchell.
P. R. 90.—Bible record now in possession of Mrs. L. Cleaves Parsons.
P. R. 91.-Bible record now in possession of J. Paul Weber.
P. R. 92.—Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Alonzo Tuttle.
P. R. 93.---Bible record now in possession of Albert W. Hale.
P. R. 94.-Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Alfred Thurston of Gloucester.
P. R. 95.-Bible record now in possession of Nathaniel Pool.
P. R. 96.—Bible record now in possession of Albert W. Hale.
P. R. 97.-Bible record now in possession of William H. Jordan of Gloucester.
P. R. 98.-Bible record now in possession of James H. Clark.
P. R. 99.—Bible record now in possession of Albert C. Pool.
P. R. 100.—Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Jesse Savage.
P. R. 101.—Family register now in possession of Mrs. Harriet A. Lewis of Gloucester.
P. R. 102.—Bible record now in possession of Newton B. Pool.
P. R. 103.—Family record now in possession of Miss Grace Brooks.
w.—wife; week.