Vital Records Of Rochester Massachusetts
To The Year 1850
Volume I Births
Published By The New England Historic Genealogical Society
At The Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms
At The Charge Of
The Eddy Town Record Fund
Boston, Mass. 1914
Marriages - INGERSON to MASON
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Daniel [int. of Boston, "Now Resident in Rochester"] and Bethiah Haskell, Jan. 7, 1749. [Haskel, C.R.1.]
INGRAHAM (see Ingram)
Sally and Southworth Gamons [int. Gammons] of Wareham [int. adds Plymouth Co.], Nov. 20, 1794. [Gammons of Wareham, C.R.3.]
INGRAM (see Ingraham)
Benjamin [dup. Ingraham, int. Inghram] of Freetown and Jane Creapo [dup. Crapo, int. Crepo], Dec. 4, 1768. [Ingram of Freetown and Jane Crapo, P.C.R.]
IRESH (see Irish)
David and Jeneverah Sumers, int. Dec. 24, 1724. [Irish, s. David of Little Comton, Bristol Co., and Jenevarah Summers, d. John dec'd, m. Feb. 10, 1724-5, C.R.4.]
IRISH (see Iresh)
Elisabeth and Jonathan Nye, int. July 4, 1762.
Jonathan and Rose Hiller, int. Sept. 27, 1741.
William [int. Iresh] and Dinah Dexter, Nov. 16, 1742. [William Tereth, P.C.R.]
JACKSON (see Gokson, Jakson)
Azubah of Middleborough and Joshua Ellis, int. Mar. 23, 1776.
David (see David Peckom).
Jeremiah [dup. Gakson of Abington, int. of Abentown] and Elenor [int. Eleanor] Doty, Oct. 10, 1766. [Jackson of Abington and Eleanor Doty, P.C.R.]
Joseph and Mary Gifford, int. Aug. 14, 1742. [m. Aug. 30, C.R.1.]
Lois of Plymouth and Gideon Gifford, Mar. 14, 1742-3, in Plymouth.
Lydia of Plymouth and Sylvanus Bisbee, int. Aug. 24, 1800.
Marian of Plymouth and Nathan Cannon, int. June 13, 1829.
Priscilla A. of Plymouth and Thomas J. Southworth, int. Feb. 27, 1836.
JAKSON (see Gokson, Jackson)
Elizabeth and Samuel White of Dartmouth, int. Apr. 5, 1746.
JANNE (see Jenea, Jenne, Jennee, Jenney, Jenny)
Samuell [int. Samuel] of Dartmouth and Bethiah Rider [int. Ryder], Dec. 11, 1755. [Samuel Jr. of Dartmouth and Bethiah Rider, P.C.R.]
Samuell 3d of Dartmouth and Meriam Meggs, int. Feb. 14, 1756.
Seth of Dartmouth and Hannah Rider, int. Jan. 30, 1757.
Joseph and Rebeaca [int. Rebekah] Ryder, Mar. 27 [int. Mar. 30 sic], 1755. [Rebeccah Rider, Mar. 27, P.C.R.]
JEFFERS (see Jeffries)
William [dup. Jeferyl and Abigail Fuller, Oct. 21, 1806.
Benjamin of Douglass and Experience Freeman, int. Jan. 24, 1825.
Salem of Douglas [Douglas written above Norton crossed out] and Mariah Freeman [Mariah Freeman written above Nancy Parlow crossed out], int. May 12, 1832.
JEFFREY (see Jeffers, Jeffries)
JEFFRIES (see Jeffers)
Abigal [dup. Abigail Jefferies] and John Christophr of New Bedford, Nov. 11, 1810. [Abigail Jeffrees and John Christophe of New Bedford, C.R.1.]
JENEA (see Janne, Jenne, Jennee, Jenney, Jenny)
Ann of Darckmoth and John Grifeth, int. May 8, 1748.
JENKENS (see Jenkins)
Josiah [int. Jenkins] of Barnstable and Marah [int. Mary] Eles, July 6, 1738. [Jenkins of Barnstable and Mary Ellis, P.C.R.]
Nathaniel of Barnstable and Meriah Ellis, Mar. 31, 1752. [Jenkins, P.C.R. Jenkens of Barnstable and Mariah Ellis, C.R.1.]
JENKINS (see Jenkens)
Aaron of Plimouth and Tabitha Raymont of Plimouth, May 29, 1771, P.C.R.
Abigail of Barnstable and Hallet S. Turner, int. Sept. 12, 1828.
Rachal [int. Rachel Jenkens] of Falmouth and Seth Snow [int. Jr.], Dec. 24, 1767, in Falmouth.
Samuel [int. Jenkens] of Falmouth and Rest Snow, Dec. 1, 1768. [Jenkins of Falmouth, Dec. 21, P.C.R.]
Lydia of Tivorton and Jacob Torry, int. May 21, 1769.
JENNE (see Janne, Jenea, Jennee, Jenney, Jenny)
Alden [int. of Fair Haven] and Pamela [int. Permela] Wing, Feb. 22, 1825. [Alden of Fair Haven and Pamila Wing, C.R.1.]
Anne Jr. [dup. omits Jr., int. Anna] and Timothy Snow, Feb. 20, 1777. [Anna Jr., P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Ansel of New Bedford, Bristol Co., and Rebecca Sowle Cushman, int. Sept. 1, 1805.
Benjamin C. of New Bedford and Elizabeth T. Burges of Wareham, Oct. 21, 1831.
Betsey and Henry [int. Hervey] Snow, Oct. 14, 1830.
Betty [dup. and int. Betsey, int. Jenn] and Jesse Briggs of Wareham, Dec. 12, 1782. [Betty Jenne, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Edward of Fairhaven and Allice Wallis, int. Sept. 21, 1816, "certificate Oct. 1816."
Elizabeth of New Bedford and Prince Hammon [int. Hammond], Nov. 22 [int. Nov. 24 sic], 1795, in New Bedford.
Eunice of Dartmouth and Solomon Howard, int. Aug. 3, 1776.
Gideon and Hannah Briggs of Wareham, Apr. 14, 1785.
Hix [int. of Dartmouth] and Hannah Dexter, Dec. 10, 1741.
Jeptha of Fair Haven, Bristol Co., and Mariah Ellis, int. Mar. 17, 1821.
Job and Kezia Briggs, Jan. 11, 1727-8.
Job Jr. and Priscilla Jenne, Nov. 2, 1828.
Joseph and Meribah [dup. Maribah] Hathaway of Wareham, Aug. 19, 1789. [Meribah Hatheway of Wareham, P.C.R.]
Joseph Jr. and Eliza [int. Elizabeth] Randall, Oct. 2, 1823. [Elizabeth, C.R.1.]
Lettice (see Seth).
Lovisa H. of Fair Haven and Ebenezer R. Hammond, int. Aug. 15, 1829.
Lydia and Hathaway Randall of Balston [int. Randell of Halfmoon Saratoga], N.Y., June 1 [sic, int. June 26], 1798.
Lydia and John H. Randall, Oct. 2, 1823.
Marcy of Newbedford and Abraham Crapo, int. June 20, 1802.
Mark, s. Nathan, and Lydea Mendal, d. John, Nov. 7, 1750, C.R.4.
Mercy (see Marcy).
Nathan Jr. and Anner Blankenship, int. Apr. 3, 1775.
Priscilla and Job Jenne Jr., Nov. 2, 1828.
Rebecca of Plymouth Co., d. Nathan and Prisilla, and Philip Turner, blacksmith, of Wareham, Plymouth Co., s. John Roggers and Sarah [sic, see birth of Philip Turner] of Marshfield, Plymouth Co., grand s. Elisha Wing of Wareham, Sept. 7, 1750, C.R.4.
Rebecca of Dartmouth and Stephen Southward [int. Southwoth], Apr. 20, 1780, in Dartmouth.
Ruben [dup. Reuben, int. Reubin] of New Bedford and Bettsey [dup. Betsey, int. Elisabeth] Clark, Apr. 15 [dup. Apr. 5], 1790. [Reuben of New Bedford and Betsey Clark, Apr. 15, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Ruth and Abner Mendall, Mar. 6, 1794.
Samuel and Anna Tobey, int. Jan. 6, 1776.
Seth [int. Lettice] and Fear Swift of Wareham, Jan. 4, 1794, in Wareham.
Silas [int. Capt., of Dartmouth] and Anstis [int. Mrs. Anstes] Hammond, Apr. ---—, 1778. [Silas Jenny and Anstris Hammond, P.C.R.]
Thomas and Pamelia Pope, Dec. 4, 1825. [Pamela, C.R.1.]
Wealthy and Robert Bennet of Fair Haven, int. Apr. 1, 1823.
JENNEE (see Janne, Jenea, Jenne, Jenney, Jenny)
Lydia [int. Jenne] of Dartmouth and Roger Hammond, Oct. 1, 1780, in Dartmouth.
Albert of Weymouth and Bethiah D. Hathaway, int. May 14, 1843.
JENNEY (see Janne, Jenea, Jenne, Jennee, Jenny)
Albert of Fairhaven and Eliza T. Handy, int. Feb. [Feb. written after Jan. crossed out] 7, 1839.
Ann and Elijah Nye, June 8, 1837.
Anna [dup. and int. Jenne] and Benjamin Hammond, Sept. 1 [int. Sept. 4 sic], 1784. [Jenny, Sept. 1, P.C.R.]
Caleb T. [int. Jenne] of New Bedford and Mary T. Ames, Nov. 25, 1832. [Jenny, Oct. ---— C.R.2.]
David and Polly Delano [int. Deleno], May 29, 1836.
Edward K. of New Bedford and Cinthia Haskins, int. Jan. 20, 1844.
Mark, yeoman, s. Nathan and Prissiller, and Anne Holloway, d. Gideon, yeoman, and Experience of Barnstable Co., Sept. 27, 1754, in Sandwich, C.R.4.
Rebecca C. and Allen D. Rider, int. May 12, 1838.
JENNY (see Janne, Jenea, Jenne, Jennee, Jenney)
Ebenezer [int. Jenney], 26, mariner, of Fairhaven, s. William (Jenne) and Clarissa, and Eunice J. Bennet [int. Bennett, omits J.], 22, d. Robert (Bennett) and Weltha W., July 18, 1847.
Lucretia H. [int. Jenney], 20, of New Bedford [int. Rochester], d. Joseph (Jeny) and Elizabeth, and Charles H. Adams, 29, marenr, of New Bedford, s. Thomas and Sophia, May 28, 1846.
Maximilion of Bloomfield and Almora Tinkham, int. Sept. 11, 1824. [Maximilian and Almira Tinkham, m. Oct. 10, C.R.2.]
JOHNSON (see Jonson)
Andrew [int. Capt.] and [int. Mrs.] Susan Hedley [int. Hedly], Apr. 29, 1824. [Andrew and Susan Hedley, C.R.1.]
Benjamin and Susan Hoskins of Middleborough, July 16, 1824.
Bethiah [int. Beathiah Jonson] and Job Randol [int. Randel], Mar. 10, 1748-9.
Experianc and Marcy Hambling, Apr. 18, 1728.
Ichabod and Mary Ashley [dup. Ashly], Jan. 26 [dup. Jan. 21], 1763. [Ashley, Jan. 26, P.C.R.]
Jonathan and Bethiah Sheverick, Aug. 16 [int. Aug. 22 sic], 1742.
Lorenzo D., Rev., and Mary Burges, int. Oct. 20, 1832.
Lucy of Wareham and Howard Chase, int. July 21, 1848.
Marcy of Fairhaven and Billa Bryant Jr., int. Oct. 22, 1814, "Certified given."
Thomas of Taunton, Plymouth Co., and Lydia Hoskins, int. Aug. 9, 1818, "Certified Aug. 24."
Thomas W. and Deborah W. Keith, int. Nov. 20, 1841.
John F. and Juli Ann Braly [int. Julia Ann Braley], Aug. 25, 1834, in Mattapoisett. [Julia Ann Brailey, C.R.2.]
JONES (see Jonnes)
Abby, d. Andrew and Mary, and Abial Thomas, widr., 46, blacksmith, of Wareham, s. Levi and Hannah, Mar. 21, 1848.
Ebenezer of Dartmouth and Zerviah Nye, int. Dec. 21, 1766.
Ebenezer and Sarah D. Goodspeed, Jan. 13, 1839.
Elizabeth, d. Shubal, and Abraham Devel, s. Jeremiah of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., Nov. 17, 1749, C.R.4.
Lot [int. adds N.] and Malintha Cannon, Sept. 19, 1833, in Mattapoisett. [Lot and Melintha Cannon, C.R.2.]
Lot N. and Marian [int. Maryan] Cannon, Aug. 7, 1831.
Robart and Mary Stuart, Feb. 28, 1722-3.
Robert and Martha White, int. Aug. 1, 1734.
Sarah of Plimouth and Jonathan Hammond, int. Jan. 28, 1743. [m. Mar. 1, C.R.1.]
Shubal, yeoman, s. Jedediah dec'd of Barnstable, and Rebekah Hatch of Sandwich, Barnstable Co., wid. Abial of Hannover, Plymouth Co., May 6, 1756, in Sandwich, C.R.4.
JONNES (see Jones)
Isaac and Patience Stetson, Nov. 20, 1711.
JONSON (see Johnson)
Jemimah and John Barrow of Taunton, int. Nov. 2, 1766.
JORDAN (see Jorden, Jurdon)
JORDEN (see Jurdon)
Dully of Hardwick and Mary Haskel, int. Dec. 15, 1739.
Jabez and Patience Oliver, Indians, int. July 4, 1747. [m. Aug. 6, C.R.1.]
Samuel of Dartmouth and Mrs. Elisabeth Ashley, int. Nov. 29, 1759.
Job of Wareham and Abigail Westgate, int. Oct. 7, 1826.
JUDSON (see Jedson)
JURDON (see Jorden)
Sarah [int. Jordan] and Edmon [int. Edmond] Freeman, June 10 [sic, int. June 16], 1771, in Wareham. [Jorden and Edmond Freman, June 10, P.C.R.]
Lewis, 23, farmer, of Smithfield, R.1., s. Jarah and Rhoda, and Susan P. Randell 2d [int. Susa P. Randall, omits 2d], 26, d. Job and Louis, Mar. 27, 1848.
KEAN (see Keen)
Leah and Ebenezar Churchel of Plimton, Mar. 18, 1727-8.
KEEN (see Kean)
Abigal [dup. Abigail] and David Hathaway, Oct. 7 [dup. Oct. 17], 1811. [Abigad and David Hatheway, Oct. 7, C.R.1.]
Dorcas and Perez Blankinship, Apr. 5, 1798.
Ebenezar [int. Ebenezer Cain] and Mary Whiteredge [int. Marcy Whittrage], Dec. 31, 1730. [Ebenezer Keen and Mercy Whiteridge, P.C.R.]
Ebenezer Jr. of New Bedford and Sally Winslow, Oct. 23, 1794. [Sept. 4, C.R.3.]
Ebenezer [int. Dea.] of New Bedford and Deborah Sherman [int. Shearman], ---- [int. Feb. 1], 1807.
Elizabeth and Cornelius Briggs, int. Nov. 24, 1795.
Hannah of Freetown and Nathaniel Sears Jr., int. Apr. 23, 1781.
John and Mary Clifton, Jan. 14, 1768, in Wareham.
John Jr. and Polly Caswell, int. July 15, 1802.
Marcy and Samuel Dexter, int. Aug. 14, 1800. [Mary Kean, m. Aug. 27, C.R.1.]
Mary and Stephen Lewis, int. Jan. 12, 1801. [m. Jan. 11 sic, C.R.1.]
Mercy (see Marcy)
Ruth and Benjamin Dexter Jr., int. Oct. 16, 1803. [m. Mar. 15, 1804, C.R.1.]
Thomas of Taunton and Hannah Perkins, int. Aug. 23, 1821.
Deborah W. and Thomas W. Johnson, int. Nov. 20, 1841.
KELLEY (see Kelly, Kille, Killey, Killie, Killy)
Abigail, d. Amos and Lydia, and Joseph Wing Howland of Fairhaven, s. Wing and Elizabeth dec'd of Fairhaven, Oct. 30, 1834, in Fairhaven, C.R.4.
Allice [int. Kelly] and William L. Edwards of New Bedford, Aug. 31, 1832.
George H. and Susan H. Holmes, Oct. 30, 1842.
Hannah M. and Frederick U. Lovell, int. Feb. 10, 1849.
Henry F. [int. H.] and Tamson Luce, June 5, 1836. [Henry H. Kelly, C.R.1.]
Sarah, d. Amos and Lydia, and Thomas H. Howland of Fairhaven, s. Matthew and Abigail, June 2, 1831, in Fairhaven, C.R.4.
Shubael of New Bedford, Bristol Co., and Caroline Clark, int. Aug. 20, 1805.
Stephen (see Stephen Hedley).
Susan [int. Kelly] and Charles C. Luce, Sept. 27, 1835. [Kelly, C.R.1.]
Susanna of New Bedford and Lemuel Clark Jr., int. Nov. 4, 1805.
Sylvia and Stephen S. Haswell of Providence, R.1., Feb. 6, 1838.
KELLY (see Kelley, Kille, Killey, Killie, Killy)
Henry of Harwich and Lucinda Swift, int. Mar. 12, 1828.
Joseph of Bellingham and Margaret Braly, int. Jan. 26, 1782.
Leonard [int. Kelley] and Hannah Flynn, Aug. 23, 1829. [Kelley and Hannah Flinn, C.R.1.]
Lucy of Dennis and Seth Shearman, int. Feb. 11, 1818, "certified 3 mo. 2."
Owen and Bathshebe Randall, int. Sept. 8, 1821.
Sands, s. Amos (Kelley) and Lydia, and Hannah A. Howland, d. Wing and Elizabeth dec'd of Fairhaven, Bristol Co., May 5, 1836, in Fairhaven, C.R.4.
Daniel of Dartmouth and Kezia Lincoln, int. May 10, 1777.
Eliza of Wareham and Richard Gurney [int. Stephen Gurny], Apr. 10, 1831.
Harriot W., Mrs., of New Bedford, and Nathaniel H. Crosby, int. July 8, 1836.
Alfred [int. Alford] and Abigail Hammond, ---- [int. Jan. 10], 1805. afred Kindrick, C.R.2.]
Joseph and Lydia Osborne of Edgarton, int. June 25, 1804.
Joseph and Eliza Saunders of Edgarton, int. Sept. 28, 1806.
KENNEDY (see Canady, Canedy, Cannady, Cannede)
KENNEY (see Kenny, Kinney, Kinny)
Anna W. and James J. Freidhoff, int. May 18, 1839.
Thomas [int. Kinney] and Mary H. Barlow, Nov. 3, 1833.
KENNY (see Kenney, Kinney, Kinny)
Jirah [dup. Jonathan Renny Jr., "Supposed to be Jonathan Kenny and that there was a mistake in the ministers return," int. Jirah Kinny] and Pamelia Randall, Oct. 27, 1830.
Jonathan Jr. (see Jonathan Renny Jr.).
Jonathon Jr. and Sarah Barlow, int. Feb. 5, 1836.
KERBY (see Carbey, Carby, Corby, Courby, Curbey)
James [int. Curby] of Dartmouth and Zilpha Raymond, Apr. 1, 1774, in Dartmouth.
KEYES (see Kyes)
KILLE (see Kelley, Kelly, Killey, Killie, Killy)
Hannah, d. John and Hannah of Yarmouth, Barnstable Co., and Edmond Shearman, s. David and Abgiel of Dartmouth Bristol Co., Mar. 4, 1744-5, in Yarmouth, C.R.4.
KELLEY (see Kelley, Kelly, Kille, Killie, Killy)
Amos, s. Jeremiah dec'd (late of Wareham, Plymouth Co.) and Rebecca, and Lydia Braley, d. Russell and Alice, May 25, 1797, in New Bedford, C.R.4.
Anna, d. Hattel and Hannah of Yarmouth, Barnstable Co., and David Braley, s. Roger and Margret, Aug. 8, 1768, in Yarmouth, C.R.4.
Elisha, s. Seth dec'd and Mahitable dec'd of Yarmouth, Barnstable Co., and Lydia Braley, d. Roger and Margret, Mar. 9, 1767, in Dartmouth, C.R.4.
Hattil of Yarmouth, s. John and Hannah of Yarmouth, and Hannah Wing, d. John and Experience, Apr. 8, 1745, C.R.4.
KILLIE (see Kelley, Kelly, Kille, Killey, Killy)
KILLY (see Kelley, Kelly, Kille, Killey, Killie)
Amos [dup. and int. Kelley] and Betsey Clark, Oct. 2, 1814 [dup. 1813]. [Kelley and Betsy Clark, Oct. 2, 1814, C.R.1.]
Betsey M., 28, d. Nathaniel and Betsey, and John S. Rider [int. Ryder], 26, farmer, s. Martin and Content, Dec. 13, 1848.
Caleb and Sylvia Savory, July 4, 1808. [Savory, C.R.1.]
Caleb Jr., 23, merchant, s. Caleb and Sylva, and Ann E. Hammond, d. Leonard and Aseneth, Dec. 19, 1844].
Consider and Sarah Palmer of Freetown, int. Oct. 26, 1760.
Corrella [int. Carrilla] C., 55, d. Jonathan and Mary, and [int. Dea.] Joseph Edwards, widr. [int. omits widr.], 60, carpenter, of Nantucket, s. Asa and Mary, Nov. 17, 1847.
Delia A. and [int. Capt.] David Lewis, Apr. 17, 1833. [David, C.R.1.]
Ebenezar [int. Ebenezer] and Jerutia Hathaway [int. Jerusha Hatheway] of Freetown, Oct. 18, 1787, in Berkley.
George and Lydia [int. Lyddia] Snow, Aug. 4, 1743. [Lydia, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
George Jr. [dup. 2d, int. omits Jr.] and Jenne [dup. and int. Jane] Peckham, Aug. 2, 1810 [dup. 1816 sic]. [George Jr. and Jane Peckham, Aug. 2, 1810, C.R.1.]
Hannah and [int. Capt.] Joseph Parker, Jan. 7, 1787. [Joseph, P.C.R.]
Hannah and Daniel Hall of Wareham, int. Mar. 15, 1828.
Ichabod and Mary Barlow of Sandwitch, int. July 17, 1745. [m. Aug. 8, C.R.1.]
Job and Eunice [int. Eunis] Hammond, July 12, 1743. [Uniss, P.C.R.]
Job and Mary Ashley [int. wid.], Oct. 18 [dup. Oct. 1], 1764. [Mary, Oct. 18, P.C.R.]
John W. and Charlottee N. Allen of Oakham, int. Apr. 27, 1833.
Jonathan and Mary Clark, Nov. 20, 1777.
Jonathan and Sally Crocker of Dartmouth, int. Dec. 21, 1822.
Judith and Timothy Ruggles, Dec. 15, 1774.
Judith [int. Judah sic] and David Peckham Jr., July 21, 1799. [Judith and Daved Peckham, C.R.1.]
Mary, Mrs., and Joseph Edwards, int. Aug. 24, 1754. [m. Aug. 28, C.R.1.]
Mary and Seth Robbins [dup. Robins] of Thompson, Conn., Apr. 17, 1796.
Mary A., d. Nathaniel and Betsey, and Samuel T. Braley, mariner [int. of Fretown], s. Abner, Nov. 9, 1845.
Mercy and Samuel Winslow, Nov. 11, 1703, in Scituate.
Mercy [int. Marcy] and John Smith, Dec. 20, 1787. [Mercy, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Mercy and Zenas Rider, int. June 9, 1832.
Nathaniel and Hannah Doty, Jan. 13, 1774. [Dotey, C.R.1.]
Nathaniel Jr. [dup. omits Jr.] and Betsey Douglass [dup. Douglas], Dec. 25, 1814 [dup. 1813]. [Nathaniel and Betsey Douglas, Dec. 25, 1814, C.R.1.]
Polly and Stephen Foster, int. Jan. 3, 1802.
Polly, Mrs., of Taunton, and Capt. John Bennett, int. Nov. 19, 1825.
Sarah of Scituate and Nathaniel Goodspeed, Dec. 21, 1705, in Scituate.
Sylvia [int. Sylva] A., 26, d. Caleb and Sylvia, and David E. Hathaway, 27, mariner, s. David and Abigail, May 17, 1847.
Thankful (see Thankfull Wing).
Theophilus Esq. and Mrs. Mary J. [int. omits J.] Bonney, Aug. 14, 1838.
KINNEY (see Kenney, Kenny, Kinny)
Jonathan Jr. and Patience Weston, int. Jan. 30, 1845.
Mary of Darkmouth and John Corby [int. Curby], Feb. 21, 1733.
Parnal H. and Charles W. Dunham, Oct. 16, 1833.
KINNY (see Kenney, Kenny, Kinney)
Jira [int. Jury Kinney], 40, shoemaker, s. Jonathan and Abigail, and Olive Spooner, 29, d. Edward Durfe and Sarah, Dec. 25, 1845.
Rachel M. [int. Kenney] and Joshua Bolles, Feb. 7, 1843, in Mattapoisett. [Kinney, C.R.2.]
KIRBY (see Carbey, Carby, Corby, Courby, Curbey, Kerby)
Mary of New Bedford and Caleb Hammond, int. July 12, 1846.
KNOBB (see Nob, Nobb).
Daniel of New Bedford and Susan Sears, int. Oct. 26, 1827.
KNOWLTON (see Nolton)
Christian [int, Konkell] and Rebeccah S. Nye, Oct. 1, 1820. [Konkell and Rebecca S. Nye, C.R.1.]
Lydia [int. Konceal, adds D.], 20, d. Christian, and Abner P. Cowing, 21, farmer, s. Jonathan, May 21, 1846.
Samuel of Plymouth and Nancy Parlow, int. June 3, 1826.
LA BARON (see Le Baron, Le Barron, Leberon)
James [int. Labarow late of Plimouth] and Martha Benson, June 28, 1717.
Lois, Mrs., and Henry P. Young, int. May 20, 1826. [m. June ----, C.R.2.]
Stephen and Lois [int. Louis] Handy, May 27, 1812 [int. Apr. 27, 1814 sic].
Crapo and Mary Spooner, int. Feb. 14, 1756.
James of Darkmouth and Elizabeth Crapoo, Oct. 31, 1734.
Nelle (see Nelle Lumbart).
LANDERS (see Launders)
Content [dup. Launders] and William Hall [int. Hawl] Jr., Nov. 24, 1789. [Landers and William Hall Jr. C.R.1.]
Hazadiah (see Hazadiah Sanders).
Jaen [int. and dup. int. Jean] of Wareham and Willard Clark [int. Clerk], Jan. 16, 1755, in Wareham.
John, yeoman, of Falmouth, Barnstable Co., s. Amos and Experence of Falmouth, and Elizabeth Davis, d. Nathan and Hannah dec'd, Apr. 10, 1765, in Falmouth, C.R.4.
Joseph and Deborah Doty, Feb. 7, 1710.
Mercy (see Mercy Sanders).
Rachel (see Rachel Sanders).
Recompence of Falmouth and Lydia Clifton, int. Sept. 21, 1729.
Sarah of Wareham and Silvester Bates, Feb. 13, 1772, in Wareham.
Stephen and Mary Hoar, int. June 21, 1767.
Stephen [int. Steven] and Mary Burge, Apr. 1, 1770. [Stephen and Mary Burges, C.R.1.]
Thankfull and Abel Wood [int. late of Plymouth], Mar. 25, 1736.
Thomas C. and Nancy A. Blaisdell of New Bedford, int. Oct. 24, 1844.
Charlotte of Boston and Rev. Ichabod Plaisted, int. Aug. 7, 1829.
John and Bersheba Eames [int. Bershabee Ames] of Marshfield, Oct. 31, 1754, in Marshfield.
LARRANCE (see Lawrance, Lawrenc, Lawrence)
Joshua [dup. Lawrence, [Lawrance ?] of Freetown and Thankful [int. Mrs. Thankfull] Snow, May 7, 1778. [Lawrance of Fretown and Thankfull Snow, P.C.R. Lawrence of Freetown and Thankful Snow, C.R.1.]
Elias and Ellen Foster, int. Nov. 13, 1839.
LAUNDERS (see Landers)
Bethuel and Abby Mieggs, int. Nov. 12, 1821.
LAWRANCE (see Larrance, Lawrenc, Lawrence)
Benjamin [int. Larrence] and Elisabeth Stephens, Oct. 12, 1749.
Deliverance and Ezra Clark, int. Mar. 29, 1746. [m. July 3, C.R.1.]
Ebenezar [int. Lawrence] and Sarah Hammond, Feb. 6, 1733.
Elezabeth of Hardwick and John Haskell, int. Feb. 4, 1753.
Jenimah of Sandwich and Israel Cowing, int. Apr. 19, 1761.
Joshua and Jane Haskel [int. Haskell], July 13, 1743. [Haskell, P.C.R.]
Sarah, Mrs., of Dartmouth, and Caleb Peirce, int. Nov. 25, 1764.
LAWRENC (see Larrance, Lawrance, Lawrence)
Ebenezer and Mrs. Abigail Snow, int. Sept. 23, 1782.
LAWRENCE (see Larrance, Lawrance, Lawrenc)
Joanna [int. Lawranc] and Robert Whitcomb [int. Whitcumb], Jan. 13, 1731-2. [Lawrance and Robert Whitcomb, P.C.R.]
Melatiah [int. Malletiah Lawrancel of Sandwich and Thomas Whitredg [int. Whitrege Jr.], Jan. 4, 1764, in Sandwich.
LAWSON (see Larson)
Abram of Portmouth and Hannah Hegel, int. Apr. 2, 1769.
Elisabeth of Middleborah and William Ellis Jr., int. Dec. 3, 1752.
LEACH (see Leech)
Elisabeth [dup. Eliza Leah, int. Elizabeth] and Silas Briggs Jr. [dup. omits Jr.], Feb. 3, 1782 [dup. 1781]. [Elizabeth Leach and Silas Briggs Jr., Feb. 3, 1782, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Eunice and Levi Hiller, Oct. 19, 1797.
Jane of Bridgewater and Roger W. Hammond, int. Oct. 21, 1832.
Marshal H. and Sarah Drew of Fairhaven, int. Sept. 12, 1828.
Mary and Jacob Doten, int. Feb. 25, 1797. [Polly, both of Middleborough, m. ---- [rec. before Apr. 14], C.R.3.]
Sarah S. [int. Leech] and Benjamin F. Barstow, May 12, 1834, in Mattapoisett. [Leach, C.R.2.]
LEAVET (see Leavit, Leavitt, Levit)
Judah and Samuel Crocker of Barnstable, Apr. 12, 1719.
LEAVIT (see Leavet, Leavitt, Levit)
Joseph [dup. and int. Levet, int. Jr.] and Loisa Bowles [dup. Bowls, int. Lois Bolles], Feb. 9, 1794. [Le[blot]ett and Loise Bowles, June ----, C.R.2.]
Loisa and Philip Atsatt, ----, 1807. [Louise Levett, C.R.2.]
Rouse and Anna Robinson, int. Oct. 14, 1798.
LEAVITT (see Leavet, Leavit, Levit)
Jerimiah and Jael Hobart of Hingham, Sept. 10, 1712, in Hingham.
LE BARON (see La Baron, Le Barron, Leberon)
Bet, wid., of Middlbrough, and Job Haskins, int. Nov. 4, 1786.
Eliza [int. Betsey] and Timothy Hammond, June ---- [int. June 11], 1791. [Eliza, P.C.R.]
Eliza and William Le Baron, ----, 1810. [Elizabeth, C.R.2.]
Elizabeth and Philip G. Hubbard of Brimfield [int. adds Conn.], Sept. 9, 1834, in Mattapoisett. [Philip G. of Brimfield, C.R.2.]
Enoch H. and Florilla [int. adds T.] Taber, Oct. 18, 1840, in Mattapoisett. [Florilla, C.R.2.]
Francis of Middleborough and Jane Haskell, Apr. 3, 1788.
Hannah of Middleborough and Moses Haskell, int. Apr. 12, 1788.
James of Middleborogh and Hannah Turner, int. Dec. 26, 1747.
Jane and Thomas Saunders [int. Sanders], July 3, 1838, in Mattapoisett. [Saunders, C.R.2.]
John A. and Abigail Phillips [int. of Taunton], ----, 1809. [Philips, C.R.2.]
John A. [int. Le Barron] and Harlot Wing, Jan. 11, 1818. [Le Baron and Harrit Wing, Jan. 15[?], C.R.2.]
Joseph of Middleborough and Peggy Morse [dup. Moore], Aug. 28, 1798.
Lazarus and Prisilla [dup. Priscilla, int. adds S.] Hammond, July ---— 1816. [Priscilla S., C.R.2.]
Lemuel, Rev., and Mrs. Elisabeth Allen of Chillmark, int. Nov. 14, 1774.
Lemuel [int. Jr.] and Lydia Holmes, Sept. 22, 1836, in Mattapoisett. [Lemuel, C.R.2.]
Levi of Middleborough and Temperance [dup. Temperenc] Morse, July 5, 1787. [Temperance, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Mary [int. Le Barron of Plymouth] and Wyatt [dup. Wiat, int. Wyatt] Hammond, Mar. ---— 1812 [dup. Mar. 12, 1810, int. Mar. 10, 1812]. [Le Baron and Wyatt Hammond, Mar. ----, 1812, C.R.2.]
Sally [int. Le Barron, adds A.] and Mathew [int. Matthew] Mayhew, ---- [int. June 15], 1816. [Sally A. Le Baron and Mathew Mayhew, July ----, C.R.2.]
Sarah Ann and Arvin Cannon, June 12, 1834, in Mattapoisett.
William and Eliza Le Baron, ----, 1810. [Elizabeth, C.R.2.]
LE BARRON (see La Baron, Le Baron, Leberon)
James [int. Le Baron] and Sarah Atsatt, Aug. 25, 1833.
Lazarus of Middleborough, Plymouth Co., and Nabby Maxham, int. Oct. 23, 1797.
LEBERON (see La Baron, Le Baron, Le Barron)
Lazeras, widr. [int. Lazerus Le Baron, omits widr.], 54, farmer, s. Lernuel and Elizabeth A., and Elizabeth Hammond, 30, d. Nathaniel and Mary, July 27, 1845. [Lazarus Le Baron, C.R.2.]
LEECH (see Leach)
Lambert and Lydia Sherman, int. Mar. 7, 1835.
Abigail of Wareham and David P. Crosman, int. July 26, 1820.
Aby [int. Abby], 23, d. George and Cynthia, and George Delano, 24, merchant, s. James and Dolly, Nov. 20, 1845.
Andrew Jr. and. Betsey D. Swift of Wareham, Sept. 21, 1828, C.R.1.
Ann Brown of Fairhaven and James Sawyer, int. Mar. 11, 1839.
Benajah F. and Hannah B. Freeman of Wareham, Dec. 24, 1820, C.R.1.
Drucilla of Wareham and [int. Capt.] Frederick B. Bolles, May 19, 1836. [Drusilla. of Wareham] and Frederick B. Bolles, C.R.1.]
Eliza [int. Mrs.] and [int. Capt.] Peleg Blankinship, June 16, 1835. [Eliza and Peleg Blankinship, C.R.1.]
Ephraim Esq. [dup. Ephram, int. Col.] of Mansfield and Mrs. [dup. omits Mrs.] Anna Ruggles, Oct. 21, 1773. [Ephraim Esq. of Mansfield and Anna Ruggles, Oct. 27, P.C.R. Col. Ephraim of Mansfield and Mrs. Anna Ruggles, Oct. 21, C.R.1.]
Hannah G. and [int. Capt.] Noble P. Wing, May 2, 1839. [Noble P., C.R.1.]
James H. [M. written in pencil above H.] of Bridgwater and Jane N. Thompson, int. Sept. 11, 1842.
Joanna R., wid., of Middleborough, and John Smith, int. Mar. 27, 1849.
Mary A. and David Haskell, int. Nov. 24, 1844.
Nathaniel of Middleboro and Hope Bennett of Middleboro, Oct. 26, 1790.
Rufus [int. adds L.] and Elisabeth Hedly [int. Elizabeth Hadley], Jan. 9, 1832. [Rufus and Elizabeth Hedley, C.R.1.]
Ruth of Wareham and Joseph Wood, int. Sept. 4, 1824.
Samuel and Jane Higgins, int. June 20, 1829.
Seth C. and Ann P. Ellis of Sandwich, int. Oct. 21, 1840.
Stillman K. of Wareham and Lucinda Coombs, int. Aug. 10, 1833.
Theadore W. and Sarah Cathell, July ---—, 1835.
Zadock of Wareham and Lydia Briggs, int. ----, 1806.
LEVIT (see Leavet, Leavit, Leavitt)
Joseph [int. Leavet] and Mary [int. Lidea] Howland, Dec. 27, 1770. [Leavit and Mary Howland, C.R.1.]
LEWES (see Lewis, Luis)
Deborah and Job Randol [int. Randal] Jr., Sept. 5, 1738.
Elener [int. Ellener] and Ebenezur [int. Ebenezar] Lovell of Middleborough, Jan. 24, 1734.
Samuell and Deborah White, int. Jan. 31, 1738-9. [Samuel Lewis, m. Apr. 12, 1739, C.R.1.]
LEWIS (see Lewes, Luis)
Abby M. of New Bedford and George T. Hammond, int. June 6, 1847. [Abby M. Sears and George F. Hammond, m. June 29, C.R.2.]
Abigail and William Bolles, Nov. 4, 1823. [Abigail Lewes, C.R.1.]
Almira S. and Seth Hiller, int. Sept. 18, 1842.
Betsey of Middleborough and Nathaniel Miller of Bridgwater, Vt., Oct. 23, 1794.
David and Abigail Perry, Aug. 26, 1762. [David Sears, C.R.1.]
David [int. Capt.] and Delia A. King, Apr. 17, 1833. [David, C.R.1.]
Deborah of Middleboro and Joseph Raymond of Middleboro, Oct. 4, 1795.
Ebenezer and Lucy Swift, int. Apr. 19, 1767.
Elisabeth and John Warren, int. Aug. 10, 1745. [Elizabeth, m. Jan. 2, 1745, C.R.1.]
Emily F. of W. Yarmouth and Silvanus A. Tripp, int. Dec. 9, 1846.
George W., 22, shipwright, s. George and Betsey, and Louis B. Sherman, 17, d. Humphry and Lois, Mar. 14, 1847.
Ichabod [int. Ichobud N.] and Caroline C. Clark, Oct. 19, 1835.
Ichabod N. and Sarah G. Tripp of Fair Haven, int. May 24, 1840.
James Sr. and ---- Parllor, Sept. 11, 1716.
James and Grace Paddock, int. Mar. 20, 1774.
John and Elizabeth Doty, Feb. 28, 1705-6.
Lathrop [dup. and int. Lathrop] of Middleborough [int. adds Plymouth Co.] and [int. Mrs.] Hannah Braley, Nov. 19, 1794. [Lathrop of Middleborough and Hannah Brailey, C.R.3.]
Martha [dup. Mather] and Joseph Basset [dup. and int. Bassett], Jan. [dup. June] 7, 1762. [Martha and Joseph Basset, Jan. 7, P.C.R.]
Mary and Joseph Lovel, Mar. 5, 1754. [Lovell, P.C.R.]
Mary and James Forster Jr., int. Nov. 30, 1755.
Oliver and Hannah Hathaway, Mar. 4, 1839.
Reubin [dup. and int. Reuben] and Jerusha Tinkham of Middleborough, Feb. 28, 1793.
Stephen and Mary Keen, int. Jan. 12, 1801. [m. Jan. 11 sic, C.R.1.]
Sylva [int. Sylvia Luce] and Joseph Handy, Oct. 21, 1823. [Sylvia Luce, C.R.1.]
Abigail, Mrs., of Goldsborough, and Capt. Job Gibbs, int. Sept. 8, 1791.
Francis and Elizabeth Weston [dup. Eliza Hector], Apr. 30, 1806. [Elizabeth Hutor, blacks, C.R.1.]
LINCOLN (see Linkhon, Linkon)
Betsey and Ansel Handy, int. Feb. 28, 1821.
Betsey and Joseph R. Gifford of Falmouth, int. Apr. 14, 1826.
Eliza J. [int. Elizabeth J.] and Samuel Mendall, Jan. 29, 1832. [Eliza J., C.R.1.]
Elizabeth [Lincoln written above Tinkham crossed out, int. Tinkham], 19, of Middleborough, b. Middleborough, and John Ellis, 28, mason, b. Pawtucket, R.1., June 9, ---- [int. Dec. 7, 1844], in Fairhaven.
Elizabeth J. (see Eliza J.).
George of Taunton and Kezia Shearman, int. Jan. 3, 1755. [Keziah, m. Apr. 3, C.R.1.]
John and Kata Blankinship, Jan. 30, 1800. [Kate, C.R.1.]
Kezia and Daniel Kempton of Dartmouth, int. May 10, 1777.
Sarah [int. Linkhorn] and James Whitcomb [int. Whitcumb], May 31, 1731. [Linkhorn and James Whitcomb, P.C.R.]
Sherman [dup. int. Linkon] and Chloe Blackwell of Sandwich [dup. int. adds Barnstable Co.], Nov. 2, 1797, in Sandwich.
Sylvia and Nathaniel Harlow Jr int. Aug. 5, 1826. [Silva, m. Aug. ----, C.R.2.]
LINKHON (see Lincoln, Linkon)
Daniell and Abigell Nicols, June 18, 1711.
LINKON (see Lincoln, Linkhon)
Kezia and Dea. Thomas Toby, int. Oct. 3, 1794. [Lincoln and Thomas Tobey, m. Oct. 5 [Oct. 5 written in pencil in later hand], C.R.2.]
Almira H. of Sandwich and Ezra S. Parlow, int. Apr. 15, 1847.
Jerusha and Thomas Maxhum [int. Maxham], Dec. 1, 1768, in Wareham.
Joseph and Ruth Haskins, int. Apr. 19, 1736.
Josiah, Rev., and Sarah Barstow, int. Apr. 25, 1836.
Nathaniel of Westport and Rebeccah Cundall [int. Rebecca Cundal], Dec. 2, 1798.
George W., 25, contractor R. R., of Plympton, b. Plympton, s. Ebenezer and Eliza, and Lucy L. B. Migs [int. Miegs], Dec. 26, 1848. [Meigs, C.R.2.]
Franklin A. and Abigail D. Bowles, int. Sept. 20, 1837.
LOMBARD (see Lumbard, Lumbart, Lumber, Lumberd, Lumbert).
Adam [int. Aldin] and Sarah Freelove of Freetown, Nov. 23, 1758, in Freetown.
Annis and Siman Hathaway of Wareham, int. Mar. 19, 1814.
Barnabas and Nancy Paine, July 4, 1819 [dup. 1821].
Elam and Joannah [dup. and int. Joanna] Vaughan of Middleborough, Mar. 6, 1823.
George and Rebecah Wing, int. May 24, 1825.
Henry and Annis [int. Annes] Doty, Sept. 12, 1793.
Hyram and Keziah Hiller, Sept. 25, 1827.
Isaac Weston and Susannah Bartlet Hawks of Middleborough, int. Oct. 19, 1823.
James H. and Thankful Stevens, int. June 29, 1830.
Jane and Gardner Payne, int. Aug. 9, 1818, "certified Aug. 24."
John and Hannah [int. Jane] Holmes, Jan. 20 [dup. June 20, second dup. June 26], 1787. [Hannah, Jan. 20, P.C.R.]
Joseph and Sarah Randol, Jan. 29, 1750. [Randall, P.C.R.]
Joseph Esq. and Mrs. Clarrissa Raymond of Middleboro, int. May 3, 1843.
Lydia of Wareham and John Norris Morse, June 25, 1818.
Lydia ---- of Wareham and Josiah Morse, int. May 16, 1819.
Margrat [dup. Margaret, int. Merget] and John Wing, Nov. 30 [dup. Nov. 3], 1769. [Margaret, Nov. 30, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Ruth and William Parlow, Apr. 26, 1810, C.R.1.
Samuel and Rebeca Hathaway, int. Aug. 5, 1798. [Rebecca, m. Oct. 17, C.R.3.]
Sarah and Jerathmel [dup. and int. Jerahmiel] Doty, Nov. 10 [dup. Nov. 16], 1785. [Jerathmel, Nov. 10, P.C.R.]
Sarah F. [int. A.], 18, d. J. H. and Thankful, and Micah W. Stevens, 28, farmer, s. Micah and Abigail, Nov. 29, 1849.
Sarah S., 19, d. George, and Jedediah Briggs, 26, mariner, s. Rowland, July 30, 1845.
Savery [int. Savory] and Jemimah [int. Jemima] Swift of Wareham, Dec. 11, 1796, in Wareham.
Cyrus of New Bedford and Lydia C. Luce, Oct. 23, 1831.
Levi of New Bedford and Phebe Luce, Sept. 9, 1831. [Sept. 5, C.R.1.]
LORING (see Lowring)
Amlia of Pembroke and Joseph Meiggs, int. Sept. 11, 1808.
Ann B. and James S. Robinson of Fairhaven, int. Dec. 10, 1836.
Daniel B. [int. Baker] and Jane [int. Jeane] Barstow, Dec. 30, 1805. [Daniel B. Lowering and Jane Barstow, C.R.2.]
David H., Capt., of Yarmouth, and Lydia F. Rider, Nov. 27, 1836.
Deborah of Pembroke and Gideon Barstow Jr., int. Apr. 27, 1800.
Mary, Mrs., and Dr. Thomas Ruggles, int. Sept. 3, 1755. [m. Dec. 4, P.C.R. Molle of Plymton and Thomas Ruggles, s. Rev. Timothy, m. Dec. 4, in Plymton, C.R.1.]
Mary [int. adds B.] and Weston [int. adds G.] Robinson of Fairhaven, Apr. 25, 1832, in Mattapoisett. [Mary and Weston Robinson of Fairhaven, C.R.2.]
William of Wareham and Hannah M. Gurney, int. Mar. 2, 1849.
Allice of Wareham and Joshua Morss, int. May 2, 1779.
Ebenezer of Marsfield [int. Mansfield] and Elizabeth Hammond, Oct. 13, 1731. [Ebenezer of Mansfield, P.C.R.]
Sary and Jabez Hammond, int. Jan. 26, 1724-5.
John [dup. Loudon] of Dartmouth and Mary Whitridge [dup. Whitteridge, int. Whitredge], Dec. 17 [dup. Dec. 22], 1761. [Lowden of Dartmouth and Mary Whitridge, Dec. 17, P.C.R.]
Ruth of Duxbury and Baneliel Myrick, int. Dec. 14, 1760.
LOVEL (see Lovell)
Eleanor and Thomas Raiment of Wareham, int. July 24, 1757.
Joseph and Mary Lewis, Mar. 5, 1754. [Lovell, P.C.R.]
Zurviah and Samuell Doty, Jan. 18, 1738-9. [Zerviah and Samuel Doty, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
LOVELL (see Lovel)
Austin of Sandwich and Ann W. Handy, int. Aug. 16, 1844.
Ebenezur lint. Ebenezar] of Middleborough and Elener [int. Ellener] Lewes, Jan. 24, 1734.
Frederick U. and Hannah M. Kelley, int. Feb. 10, 1849.
Levi and Susanna Bates of Barnstable, int. Nov. 6, 1757.
Simeon of Barnstable and Mercy Ellis, int. Nov. 24, 1777.
Lucy H. of New Bedford and William Smith, int. Mar. 5, 1846.
LOWDEN (see Louden)
LOWRING (see Loring)
Job and Rebecca Samson [int. Rebeckah Sampson] of Dartmouth, Jan. 19, 1739 [? 1731, int. Dec. 19, 1730], in Dartmouth.
John T. of Philadelphia and Mary G. Baker, int. July 23, 1842. [m. Aug. 9, 1843, C.R.1.]
LUCAS (see Lucus)
Abby J. and Humphrey L. Sherman, Oct. 27, 1833, C.R.2.
Adeline and Pardon Handy, Sept. 4, 1831.
Ann and Peter Crapo, Nov. 23, 1738.
Barnabus and Mrs. Abigail Norton of Tisbury, int. Oct. 22, 1791.
Bathsheba [int. Barsheba] and Timothy Hiller, Mar. 17, 1780. [Bathsheba, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Betsey (----) [int. Luce] of Tisbury and Jonathan Cowing, Nov. 21, 1799, in Tisbury.
Catey and William Clark, May 22 [dup. May 26], 1783. [May 22, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Catharine W. and John Cunningham, int. June 4, 1841. [m. June 19, C.R.1.]
Charles C. and Susan Kelley [int. Kelly], Sept. 27, 1835. [Kelly, C.R.1.]
Charles O. and Mary Ann Gifford of Fall River, int. Jan, 29, 1848. [Mary Am, m. Feb. 22, C.R.1.]
David [int. adds W.] and Jane Delano, Oct. 9, 1829. [David, C.R.1.]
Dorcas [dup. ---- Blankinship written above Dorcas Sherman crossed out] and John Baley [dup. Bayley] of Troy, Apr. 15, 1811. [Deborah Luce and John Bailey of Troy, C.R.1.]
Ebenezar and Sary Doty, Oct. 18, 1733. [Sarah, P.C.R.]
Edwin and Mary Holmes, int. Sept. 14, 1844. [Edwin, ship carpenter, and Mary Holmes, tayloress, m. Sept. 30, C.R.1.]
Elisha and Jane Hiller, Nov. 28, 1813, C.R.1.
Elisha [int. Capt.] and Lucretia [int. Lucrectia] Clark, Sept. 23, 1823. [Capt. Elisha and Lucretia Clark, C.R.1.]
George A. [int. H.] Jr, and Azubah S. Mendell [int. Mendall], Sept. 10, 1837. [George A. Jr. and Azubah S. Mendall, C.R.1.]
George A. Jr. and Mrs. Eliza P. Hammond, int. June 26, 1841.
George H. Jr. [int. George A. 2d] and Abigail Delano, May 30, 1830. [George A. Jr., C.R.1.]
Hannah and Thomas Dexter, Nov. 3, 1814.
James and Lydia Nye of Falmouth, int. Nov. 15, 1808.
James C., Capt., of N.Y., and Elizabeth Fearing of Wareham, Nov. 6, 1838.
Jane D. and Harvy R. Cobb of Plymouth, int. Dec. 14, 1844.
John G., 40, seaman, s. George A. and Eunice, and Nancy C. Hammond, 30, d. Elijah and Bulah, Dec. 4, 1849.
Joseph and ---- Clark, int. Dec. ----, 1801. [Abigail, m. Sept. 26, 1802, C.R.1.]
Joseph S. and Thankful H. Boles [int. Bates], Oct. 23, 1845.
Kate (see Catey).
Lydia, 24, d. James and Lydia, and Daniel H. Ames, 24, mechanic, s. Thomas C. and Elizabeth, Oct. 29, 1848.
Lydia C. and Cyrus Lord of New Bedford, Oct. 23, 1831.
Mary of Edgar Town and Joseph Dexter, int. Aug. 22, 1779.
Mary W. and [int. Capt.] Martin Snow, Oct. 27, 1832.
Phehe and Levi Lord of New Bedford, Sept. 9, 1831. [Sept. 5, C.R.1.]
Rowland and Elisabeth [dup. Eliza] Clark, Nov. 29, 1778. [Elizabeth, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Rowland Jr. and Polly Hiller, May 23 [second dup. May 13], 1819. [May 23, C.R.1.]
Samuel W. and Hannah Clifton, July 30, 1804.
Samuel W. and Mary Handy, Sept. 12, 1830.
Sarah B. and Russell Grey [int. Russel Gray] of Yarmouth, Nov. 14, 1837. [Russel Gray of Yarmouth, C.R.1.]
Silvanus of Edgertown and Elisabeth Thomas, int. Dec. 19, 1730.
Stephen, Capt. [dup. and int. omit Capt.], and Mrs. Kezia [dup. Keziah, dup. and int. omit Mrs.] Clap [dup. and int. Clapp], Nov. 10, 1791. [Capt. Stephen and Kiziah Clap, P.C.R.]
Stephen and [int. Mrs.] Dorcas Blankinship, Mar. 2 [second dup. Mar. 22], 1806. [Dorcas, Mar. 2, C.R.1.]
Stephen [int. 2d] and Sarah Lucinda Bates, Aug. 23, 1829. [Stephen, C.R.1.]
Stephen C., Capt., and Mrs. Eunice Deleno, int. July 20, 1839. [Delano, m. Sept. 29, C.R.1.]
Sylvia (see Sylva Lewis)
Tamson and Henry F. [int. H.] Kelley, June 5, 1836. [Henry H. Kelly, C.R.1.]
West and Philura S. Hammatt, int. June 28, 1840. [Philuria S., m. July 14, C.R.1.]
William and Susannah M. Binden [int. Bindin, omits M.], Oct. 27, 1842, in Fairhaven.
William and Martha Young of Chatham, int. July 15, 1843.
Polly and Joshua Pierce, int. Feb. 10, 1787.
LUIS (see Lewes, Lewis)
Jemima and Edward Lumbert, int. Oct. 24, 1747. [Lewis and Edward Lumber, m. Jan. 21, 1747, C.R.1.]
LUMBARD (see Lumbart, Lumber, Lumberd, Lumbert)
Caleb and Desire Perry of Sandwich, int. Dec. 11, 1775.
Desire and William Smith, Dec. 11, 1783. [Lombard, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Joseph and Lucinda Savory of Wareham, int. Sept. 8, 1812.
Lucinda [int. Lumberd], Mrs. [dup. omits Mrs.], and James Taber Esq. of Fair Haven [int. adds Bristol Co.], May 2, 1819.
Phoeba [dup. and int. Phebe] and Henry Peirce, Aug. 30, 1817. [Phebe and Henry Pierce, C.R.1.]
LUMBART (see Lumbard, Lumber, Lumberd, Lumbert)
Charles [int. Lumbard] and Mary Church, Jan. 14, 1821. [Lumbard, C.R.1.]
Nelle [dup. Nelley Lumbard] and Elisha Barrow [dup. Barrows], Apr. 24, 1760. [Nelle Lambert and Elisha Barrow, P.C.R. Nelle Lumber and Elisha Barrow, C.R.1.]
LUMBER (see Lumbard, Lumbart, Lumberd, Lumbert)
Nelle and Gershom Dexter, int. Sept. 22, 1754.
LUMBERD (see Lumbard, Lumbart, Lumber, Lumbert)
Jesse [dup. and int. Lumbard] and Ruth Clark, Oct. 7, 1779. [Lombard, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Samuel [dup. and int. Lumbard] and Mercy [int. Mary] White, Feb. 8, 1781. [Lombard and Mercy White, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
LUMBERT (see Lumbard, Lumbart, Lumber, Lumberd)
Edward and Jemima Luis, int. Oct. 24, 1747. [Lumber and Jemima Lewis, m. Jan. 21 , 1747, C.R.1.]
Mary [dup. Lumbard, int. Lumbart] and Edward Hammond, June 17, 176 2. [Lumbert, P.C.R. Lumber, C.R.1.]
John [sic, ? Sumers] and Elizabeth Booth of Scituate, Nov. 26, 1716, in Scituate.
Jonah [int. Jira Swift] Jr. of Dartmouth and Elizabeth [int. Elisabeth] Haskell, Jan. 6, 1763, in Wareham.
LYON (see Lion)
MACCUMBER (see Macomber, Macumber)
John [dup. Macumber] of Middleborough and Eleanor Pierce [dup. Elinor Peirce, int. Pearce], Oct. 21, 1779. [Macomber of Middleborough and Eleanor Pierce, P.C.R. Macumber of Middleboro and Eleanor Peirce, C.R.1.]
Joseph [dup. Macumber] of Middleborough and Allethea Robertson [dup. Alathea Robinson] of Middleborough, Dec. 31, 1792. [Macumber of Middleborough and Alithea Roberson of Middleborough, P.C.R.]
Samuel of Middleborough and Phebe Pierce, int. Jan. 31, 1779.
John and Jediah Sampson, July 7, 1763, in Duxbury.
Asabela [dup. Isabella McFarlen, int. Asabal Mackfarlin] and Stephen West [int. Wast] of New Bedford, Aug. 26, 1787. [Aseba Mackfarling and Stephen West of New Bedford, P.C.R.]
Ellen [int. Hellen M. Glary], 20, d. Sambo and Remoneth Tula, and John Smith, 26, seaman, s. Isabella F. Cardars, Dec. 7, 1848.
MACOMBER (see Maccumber, Macumber)
Elizabeth of Middleborough and Alden Clark, int. Aug. 11, 1817, "certified Oct 23."
Gideon R. and Sarah S. Noble, May 23, 1841, C.R.1.
Hannah A. of New Bedford and Abraham B. Parlow, int. May 15, 1847. [Abrani, m. June 2, P.R.16.].
MACUMBER (see Maccumber, Macomber)
Joshua [int. Macumber] and Hannah D. [int. omits D.] Cowing, Nov. 9, 1828. [Macumber of Middleborough] and Hannah D. Cowing, C.R.1].
Josiah [int. of Berkley] and Sarah Dexter, ---- [int. Mar. 20], 1797. [Josiah, C.R.2].
Lurani of Middleborough and Lemuel Sherman, int. Sept. 20, 1804.
MAGS (see Meggs, Meiggs, Meigs, Mieggs, Migs)
Ebenezer and Bathsheba Snow, int. May 26, 1739.
Abigail [dup. Mann, int. Manes] of Middleborough and James Hopkins [int. Hoskens], Feb. 22, 1764. [Man of Middleborough and James Hoskins, P.C.R].
MANDAL (see Mendal, Mendall, Mendell, Mendol)
Seth [dup. and int. MEndall] and Meribah [dup. Metibah] Cliffton [dup. and int. CLiften], Nov. 16, 178-. [Mendall and Meribah Clifton, P.C.R. Mendal and Meribah Clifton, C.R.1.].
Alden and Polly Stevens, int. June 24, 1786.
Belcher and Rebecca [dup. Rebeccah] Hiller, Oct. 31, 1774. [Rebecca, P.C.R. C.R.1.].
John and Bethiah Dexter, Apr. 25, 1820. [Bethia, C.R.1.].
Rhoda and Gibbons Sharp of Middleborough, int. Nov. 5, 1828.
Ruth of EDgertown and Thomas White, int. Sept. 2, 1754.
Reliance (see Reliance Mory).
MARICK (see Myrick)
Ephraim of Freetown and Mary R. Besse, int. Jan. 16, 1813.
Elizabeth M. and Leander [int. adds A.] Tripp, Sept. 15, 1842.
MARSHAL (see Marshall)
Alen and Hannah Swift of Sandwich, Mar. 18, 1723-4, in Sandwich.
Molly of Plympton and Samuel Arnold, int. Jan. 14, 1786.
Rebekah [dup. Rebeccah Marshall, int. Rebakah] and George Nye, Oct. 17, 1762. [Rebecca Marshall, P.C.R].
MARSHALL (see Marshal)
Fear [int. Merhsll] and Samuel Haskell, Mar. ----, 1806? [Marshall, C.R.1.].
Hannah [int. Susannah] and [int. Capt.] Jonathan Swift of New Bedford, Bristol Co., Nov. ----, 1794. [Susanna and Jonathan Swift of New Bedford, C.R.1.].
John and Hannah Hinkley of Felmouth, int. Nov. 1, 1761.
Rebeccah [int. Rebecca] and Nicholas Taber [int. Tabor of New Befrod, Bristol Co.], Nov. ----, 1791. [Rebecca and Nicholas Tabor, Nov. 23, C.R.2.].
Susanna (see Hannah).
Anna and Jesse P.R.1., int. Dec. 28, 1802.
Seth and Mary Peckham, June ----, 1832, C.R.2.
MARYTHEW (see Merihew, Merilrue, Merithew, Merrithew)
Mary B. [int. Merithew] and Joseph Willson [int. Wilson], Mar. 16, 1837, in Mattapoisett. [Merrithew and Joseph Wilson, C.R.2.].
MASIN (see Mason)
Phebe M. of New Bedford and William Benson, int. Sept. 7, 1847.
MASON (see Masin)
Joseph of Middleborough and Peggy Morse, int. Jan. 4, 1798 (or 1708).
Levi R. of Freetown and Susan S. Cushman, Mar. 11, 1836.