Vital Records Of Rochester Massachusetts
To The Year 1850
Volume I Births
Published By The New England Historic Genealogical Society
At The Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms
At The Charge Of
The Eddy Town Record Fund
Boston, Mass. 1914
Marriages - DAGGETT to FRENCH
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

DAGGETT (see Dogget)
Albert and Eliza Cannon, int. July 15, 1826.
DAMON (see Demon)
Charles of Fair Haven and Abigail Hammond, int. July 29, 1825.
Deborah of Newbedford and Timothy Wing, int. June 25, 1798.
Jane [int. Jenny] of New Bedford and Jabez Hiller, Dec. 24, 1796, in New Bedford.
Loisa of Fair Haven and Benjamin Ellis, int. Sept. 23, 1826.
DANFORD (see Danforth)
George [int. Danforth] and Marcy Cotton, July 23, 1717.
John and Sarah Benson, int. Apr. 14, 1754.
John [int. Danfort] and Jean Henderson, Dec. 13, 1754. [Danford and Jane Henderson, P.C.R.]
DANFORTH (see Danford)
Nancy and David M. Hathaway, int. Nov. 18, 1843.
George and Phebe R. Woodbury of Wareham, June 13, 1844, C.R.1.
DAVEL (see Devel, Devell, Devol, Divel, Doval)
Ruth, d. Jeremiah, and Samuel Howland, s. Nicholas and Hannah late of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., Apr. 28, 1748, in Dartmouth, C.R.4.
Richard and Allice Clark, Dec. 19, 1742.
DAVES (see Davice, Davis, Davise)
Darcus and Seth Hiller, int. Oct. 28, 1731. [Dorcas Davis, d. Timothy dec'd, and Seth Hillier, s. Jabez (Hilier), m. Nov. 30, in Dartmouth, C.R.4.]
Nicholas and Ruth Tucker of Dartmouth, int. May 24, 1729. [Nicolas Davis and Ruth Tucker, d. Abraham dec'd late of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., m. July 10, in Dartmouth, C.R.4.]
DAVICE (see Daves, Davis, Davise)
Benajah [dup. and int. Davis] and [int. Mrs.] Phebe Randol [dup. Randall], Aug. 18, 1774. [Davis and Phebe Randall, P.C.R. Davis and Phebe Randal, C.R.1.]
Mary [dup. Davis, int. Davise] and Isaiah Dexter, Oct. 29, 1775. [Davis, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Nicholas Jr. [dup. Davis, omits Jr.] of Dartmouth and Hannah Pope, Mar. 1, 1778. [Davis Jr. of Dartmouth, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Nicolas and. Hanah Wood, int. Jan. 23, 1724-5. [Davis and Hannah Wood, d. William of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., m. Feb. 16, 1724-5, in Dartmouth, C.R.4.]
Sary and Benjaman Clefton, Jan. 25, 1716-17.
Asa and Mary Conant of Wareham, Nov. 7, 1794, in Wareham.
DAVIS (see Daves, Davice, Davise)
Abigail, d. Timothy and Anna, and Thomas Bowerman of Falmouth, s. Joseph dec'd and Ruth of Falmouth, July 6, 1815, in Fairhaven, C.R.4.
Alden of Caslleton, Vt., "now a Resident in Rochester," and Martha Edson, int. Mar. 16, 1793.
Almira [int. Mrs.] and Major Pool [int. Poole] of New Bedford, Aug. 19, 1832.
Andrew and Judith B. Briggs of Wareham, Sept. 22, 1833.
Benajah and Elisabeth Snow, int. Mar. 31, 1754.
Cynthia [int. and dup. int. Mrs.] and Martin Sherman, June 8, 1830. [Cynthia and Martin Shearman, C.R.1.]
Eliazer [int. Eleazer] and Phoebe [int. Phebe] Cummins, Apr. 29, 1827.
Elisabeth, d. Nicolas and Mary, and Joseph Smith, s. Eliashib and Dinah of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., Dec. 15, 1737, in Dartmouth, C.R.4.
Elizabeth, d. Nathan and Hannah dec'd, and John Landers, yeoman, of Falmouth, Barnstable Co., s. Amos and Experence of Falmouth, Apr. 10, 1765, in Falmouth, C.R.4.
Elizabeth and Alpheus Mendall, Apr. 4, 1825.
Hannah of New Bedford and George Braley, int. May 27, 1809.
Hepsabeth and Zenas Rider, int. Dec. 3, 1813.
James, s. Nicholas dec'd and Ruth, and Patience Russell, d. Joseph and Judith of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., May 24, 1769, in Dartmouth, C.R.4.
John and Almira Cushman, int. Sept. 27, 1817, "certified Nov 1."
Joseph and Marcy [dup. Mary, int. Mercyl Hammond, Mar. 15, 1787. [Mercy, P.C.R.]
Joseph Jr. and Mary Babcock of Fairhaven, int. June 21, 1816, "Certificate given Augt. 3."
Mary, d. Nicolas dec'd and Ruth, and John Williams of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., s. Obediah dec'd late of Shrewsbury, E. Jersey, and Catharine of Dartmouth, Nov. 19, 1765, in Dartmouth, C.R.4.
Mary and Nathan Briggs, int. Oct. 3, 1823. [m. ---- [rec. after Oct. 26], C.R.2.]
Mary and Nathaniel Hammond of New Bedford, int. Nov. 1, 1823.
Mary and William Hill of Fairhaven, int. Mar. 6, 1841.
Moses H. and Mary Hammond, July 19, 1832, in Mattapoisett.
Nathan, s. Nicholas, yeoman, and Hannah Swift, d. Benjamin and Hannah of Falmouth, Barnstable Co., Dec. 31, 1740, in Falmouth, C.R.4.
Nathan of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., s. Nicolas of Rochester, and Anne Allin, d. Caleb and Reliance of Sandwich, May 4, 1753, in Sandwich, C.R.4.
Nathan and Cynthia Mendall, Nov. 13, 1826. [Mendell, C.R.1.]
Nicholas of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., s. Nicholas and Ruth dec'd, and Sarah Williams of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., d. Obediah dec'd of Shrosebury and Catherine ("now wife of John Russell of Dartmouth, Bristol Co."), Dec. 24, 1761, in Dartmouth, C.R.4.
Nicolas, s. Timothy and Sarah, and Mary Sumars, d. John and Elisabeth, Apr. 20, 1715, C.R.4.
Noah of Castleton, Vt., and Polly Snow, ----, 1790.
Parley of Montpelier, Vt., and Lucy West, int. Mar. 26, 1791.
Peace, d. Timothy dec'd, and Jonathan Wood, s. William of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., Oct. 12, 1724, in Dartmouth, C.R.4.
Rebecca and Alden Wilkey of Dartmouth, Jan. 11, 1784, in Dartmouth.
Rossette [int. Rosetta] H. and Ezra Bolles Jr., Jan. 6, 1831.
Samuel W. and Allice Morse, int. Mar. 2, 1832.
Sarah of Fairhaven and Capt. Joseph Shockley Jr., int. Apr. 3, 1847.
Stephen of New Bedford, Bristol Co., and Patience Randal, int. Sept. 30, 1804.
Sylvia and Fordice Dennis Haskell [int. and dup. int. of New Bedford], May 27, 1830.
Thomas 2d of Fair Haven and Phebe S. Pierce, int. Oct. 19, 1823.
Timothy, s. Nicolas dec'd and Ruth, and Hephzibah Hathaway of Dartmouth, Plymouth Co., d. Jethro and Hanah of Dartmouth, Oct. 18, 1759, in Dartmouth, C.R.4.
Timothy [int. Doan] of Wareham and Lucy Hathaway, Apr. 1, 1827. [Davis of Wareham and Lucy Hatheway, C.R.1.]
William of Fair Haven and Mary Bennett, int. Aug. 5, 1821.
Zenas of Kingston and Sarah Freeman, int. Mar. 17, 1825.
DAVISE (see Daves, Davice, Davis)
Rest and John Sumers Jr., Jan. 4, 1719-20. [Rest, d. Timothy and Sarah, and John Somars, s. John and Elisabeth, C.R.4.]
Delia and Samuel West of Fair Haven, Nov. 16, 1826 [sic, int. Nov. 2, 1828].
Freeman and Delia [int. Dilly] Mendal [dup. Mendall], Nov. ---- [int. Nov. 10], 1804. [Delia Mendell, Nov. ----, C.R.1.]
Freeman and Mehittable Swift of Fairhaven, int. Aug. 16, 1834.
Hannah and Joseph Hammond, int. Aug. 12, 1815, "certificate given Augt 17."
Loisa and Freeman Taber of Fair Haven, July 1, 1823. [Louisa, C.R.1.]
Noah and Roxa [int. Roxalana] Haskell, ---- [int. Aug. 12], 1815. [Roxa Haskiel, C.R.2.]
Oran S. and Lodicea Hall of Taunton, int. Aug. 27, 1829.
Susan M. and Nathaniel Clark, Apr. 30, 1837, in Mattapoisett. [Clarke, C.R.2.]
DELANO (see Delanoy, Deleno, Dellino, Dilanoy, Dileno, Dillenoy, Dilloney)
Abigail and George H. [int. A.] Luce Jr. [int. 2d], May 30, 1830. [George A. Jr., C.R.1.]
Amanda F., 27, d. James and Dorothy, and Ward P. Delano, 27, merchant, s. Stephen and Sally, Dec. 27, 1846.
Ann M. and Robert Trevell Jr., lilt. Oct. 27, 1849. [Trevett, m. Nov. 19, C.R.1.]
Anne [int. Anna] and Isaac Clark [int. Clarke], July 31, 1792, [Anne and Isaac Clark, P.C.R.]
Azubah and Stephen Allen, Oct. 9, 1817.
Beaulah [dup. Bulah Blankinship, int. Builah Briggs] and Josiah Richmond, Feb. 24, 1805. [Beula. Delano, C.R.1.]
Benjamin and Sally Blankinship, Nov. 25, 1812.
Benjamin [int. Capt.] and Thankful Wing, Jan. 13, 1824. [Capt. Benjamin, C.R.1.]
Bethiah and Timothy Cliffton [dup. and int. Clifton], Nov. 28, 1782 [dup. Nov. 25, 1789]. [Clifton, Nov. 28, 1782, P.C.R. Bethiah and Timothy Clifton, Nov. 28, 1782, C.R.1.]
Betsey and Philip Allen, int. Mar. 15, 1804. [m. Mar. ---— C.R.1.]
Beulah (see Beaulah).
Caleb S. [int. Deleno] and Polly Briggs, Dec. 18, 1836.
Catharine C. [int. omits C.] and Samuel S. Hatch [int. of Wareham], Dec. 2, 1830.
Catherine [dup. Catharine, int. Katharine] and John Caswell, Sept. 22, 1808. [Cathrine, C.R.1.]
Cynthia and Peleg S. Pitcher, Sept. 4, 1823.
Deborah and Elisha Briggs, Jan. 15, 1784.
Deborah and Ethan Allen Hammond, int. Nov. 8, 1802. [Elnathan A., m. Nov. 14, C.R.1.]
Easter [dup., int. and dup. int. Esther, int. of Newbedford] and Abraham Tinkham, ---- [int. Sept. 7, dup. int. Sept. 20], 1800. [Easte(?)]
Elisabeth [dup. and int. Elizabeth] and Abner Pease, Nov. 2, 1790. [Elizabeth, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Eliza W. 21, d. Benjamin and Thankful, and Henry D. Allen, 23, farmer, s. Reuben and Phebe, June 10, 1847.
Elizabeth [int. Deleno] and John Penney [int. Penny] of Harwich, Oct. 15, 1741. [Dellano and John Penny of Harwick, P.C.R.]
Elizabeth (see Elisabeth).
Elizabeth of Fair Haven and Ephraim Tinkham, int. Nov. 18, 1832.
Esther (see Easter).
George, 24, merchant, s. James and Dolly, and Aby [int. Abby] Leonard, 23, d. George and Cynthia, Nov. 20, 1845.
Hannah and Seth Barns of Plimouth, int. Nov. 7, 1747.
Hannah [int. Delino] and Samson Witherel [int. Witherell of Freetown], Mar. 6, 1748. [Delano and Sampson Witherel, C.R.1.]
Hannah and John Arnold, int. Nov. 14, 1774.
Hannah and Paul Sears, Feb. 11, 1790.
Harper and Katharine Clarke, int. Oct. 3, 1774.
Harper and Susannah [dup. and int. Susanna] Hammond, June ---- [int. June 4], 1803 [dup. 1804]. [Susanah Hamond, June ----, 1803, C.R.2.]
Harper Jr. [int. Capt.] and Ruth Blankinship [int. 2d], Oct. 8, 1816. [Harper Jr. and Ruth Blankinship, C.R.1.]
Henry and Susan Allen, Sept. 20, 1821.
Henry D. and Laura Allen, Apr. 6, 1824.
Isaac, Capt., and Mrs. Polly Delano, int. June 17, 1843.
Jabez and Rhoda Blankenship [dup. Blankinship], Jan. 13, 1782. [Blankenship, P.C.R. Blankinship, C.R.1.]
Jabez 2d [int. Jr.] and Betsey Reed, Oct. 14, 1799. [Jabez 2d and Betsy Reed, C.R.1.]
Jabez [int. Capt.] and Jedida [dup. Jedediah, int. Judidah] Briggs, June 23, 1817. [Jabez and Jedida Briggs, June 22, C.R.1.]
Jabez [int. Capt.] and Polly Ellis, July ----, 1827.
Jabez, 31, mariner, s. Jabez and Betsey, and Lydia S. Briggs, d. Seth and Hannah, Apr. 15, 1848.
James [int. Capt.] and Dolly Wing, Sept. 19, 1816. [James, C.R.1.]
Jane and David [int. adds W.] Luce, Oct. 9, 1829. [David, C.R.1.]
Jedidah [int. Mrs.] and Ephraim Griffeth [int. of Carver], Sept. 29, 1828. [Jedidah and Ephraim Griffith of Carver, C.R.1.]
Job and Eunice Wing, Aug. 28, 1826. [Capt. Job, C.R.1.]
John of Dartmouth and Polley [dup. and int. Polly] Caswell, May 14, 1786. [Polly, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Jonathan of Dartmouth and Lydia Briggs, Oct. 21, 1781.
Jonathan of New Bedford and Sally Whittemore, June ---- [int. June 10], 1791.
Joshua of New Bedford and Eunice Ellis, int. Nov. 20, 1807.
Katharine (see Catherine).
Louis [dup. Lois] and Thomas Matthews Hammond, Aug. 11, 1799. [Lois, C.R.1.]
Love B. and Harison G. O. Nye, int. Dec. 24, 1843.
Lucy and Stephen Ellis, Mar. 15, 1818.
Lucy B. [int. Deleno] and Henry Briggs, June 25, 1839.
Lydia and Stephen Clark, Jan. 24, 1799.
Lydia C. and Pelham E. Swift, Oct. 27, 1844.
Mary and Noah Dexter, Nov. 27, 1788.
Nathan and Deborah Briggs, Sept. 24, 1811.
Obed and Verona W. Hedly, int. Jan. 3, 1838.
Polly and Jonathan Handy Jr., Dec. 17, 1815.
Polly [int. Deleno] and David Jenney, May 29, 1836.
Polly, Mrs., and Capt. Isaac Delano, int. June 17, 1843.
Ruth [dup. Ruth Keen, int. Mrs.] and Benjamin Dexter, Jan. 1, 1797.
Ruth and Josiah Shaw, int. Aug. 12, 1798.
Sarah D. [int. B.] and Thomas Sherman of Dartmouth, May 12, 1834. [Sarah R. and Thomas Shearman of Dartmouth, C.R.1.]
Sophia A. (see Sylvia A.).
Stephen and Lydia Clap [dup. Clapp], Oct. 3, 1775. [Clap, P.C.R. C.R.1.].
Stephen [int. Jr.] and Sally Haskell, Mar. 26 [dup. Mar. 20], 1807. [Stephen, Mar. 26, C.R.1.]
Stephen R. [int. Deleno] and Sarah Briggs, June 12, 1836.
Susan and Joseph Hedley, Feb. 4, 1812. [Hedly, C.R.1.]
Susanna of Dartmouth and Ruben [int. Reuben] Trip [dup. Reubin Tripp], Nov. ---— 1777. [Susannah of Dartmouth and Reuben Trip, Nov. ---—, 1776, P.C.R.]
Susanna [int. Susannah] A., 21, d. Aseneth, and Thomas C. Hammond, 23, merchant, s. Leonard, Nov. 19, 1845. [Susanna A., Nov. 17, C.R.1.]
Sylvia and Barnabas Holmes, June 9, 1829.
Sylvia [int. Sophia] A., 17, d. Henry and Laura, and [int. Capt.] Ira Baxter, widr. [int. omits widr.], 50, mariner, of Barnstable, s. Alexander and Sarah, Mar. 6, 1848.
Thomas S., widr. [int. omits widr.], 40, master mariner, of New Bedford, s. Thomas, and Marioh [int. Maria] M. Boodry, 23, d. Nathan and Mary, Oct. 13, 1845.
Ward P., 27, merchant, s. Stephen and Sally, and Amanda F. Delano, 27, s. James and Dorothy, Dec. 27, 1846.
William P. of Fair Haven and Sophronia P. Dexter, int. Nov. ----, 1831.
DELANOY (see Delano, Deleno, Dellino, Dilanoy, Dileno, Dillenoy, Dilloney)
Jonathan [int. Delano, Dr.] and Elezabeth [int. Mrs. Elizabeth] Sprague, Dec. 3, 1736.
DELENO (see Delano, Delanoy, Dellino, Dilanoy, Dileno, Dillenoy, Dilloney)
Eunice, Mrs., and Capt. Stephen C. Luce, int. July 20, 1839. [Delano, m. Sept. 29, C.R.1.]
Merebah and Nathan Hammond, int. Feb. 6, 1724-5.
Susan [int. Susan H. Delano] and Dr. Walton [int. Walter] N. Ellis, Dec. 3, 1835. [Susan Delano and Dr. Walton Ellis, C.R.1.]
DELLINO (see Delano, Delanoy, Deleno, Dilanoy, Dileno, Dillenoy, Dilloney)
Jabez [dup. Delano] and Ruth Goodspeed, Aug. 24, 1760. [Delano and Ruth Goodspead, P.C.R. Delano and Ruth Goodspeed, C.R.1.]
Priscilla of Dartmouth and Jabez Hammond Jr., int. Dec. 22, 1765.
DEMON (see Damon)
Joanna [int. Damon] of Dartmouth and William Blankinship, Oct. 5, 1786, in Dartmouth.
Louis [int. Demaramville] and Susannah Crappo, Dec. 8, 1730. [Deneranville and Susanna Crapo, P.C.R.]
DENES (see Denis, Dennes)
Thankfull [int. Dennis] and Barnabus Freeman of Liverpool, Dec. 16, 1761. [Thankful Dennis, P.C.R.]
DENIS (see Denes, Dennes)
Sarah [dup. and int. Dennis] and John Nye, Nov. 13, 1763. [Dennis, P.C.R.]
DENNES (see Denes, Denis)
Sarah and William Mores of Newport, int. Mar. 4, 1759.
Susana [dup. and int. Susanna Dennis] and Mallicha Elles [dup. Malachi Ellis, int. Mallachi Ellis Jr.] of Sandwich, Nov. 7 [dup. Nov. 17], 1759. [Susanna Dennis and Malachi Ellis of Sandwich, Nov. 7, P.C.R.]
DEVEL (see Davel, Devell, Devol, Divel, Doval)
Abigail and Stephen Hoxie of Richmond, R.1., June 7, 1783, in Dartmouth, C.R.4.
Abraham, s. Jeremiah of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Elizabeth Jones, d. Shubal, Nov. 17, 17492 C.R.4.
Abraham and Mary Bennet of Dartmouth, int. Oct. 6, 1776.
DEVELL (see Davel, Devel, Devol, Divel, Doval)
Jeremiah and Sarah Whittrage, int. Aug. 20, 1746.
DEVOL (see Davel, Devel, Devell, Divel, Doval)
Abner, s. Benjamin dec'd and Sarah of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Abigail Tripp, d. Samuel and Mary of Dartmouth, June 2, 1780, C.R.4.
Mary and Jethro Bennet [int. Bennett] of Dartmouth, Oct. 10 [dup. Oct. 30], 1781. [Bennet of Dartmouth, Oct. 10, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
DE WOLF (see D Wolf, Dwoolf).
DEXTER (see Dextor)
Abigail of Dartmouth and Benjamin Bolles Jr., int. Aug. 31, 1772.
Abigail [int. Mrs.] and Nathaniel Snow, Sept. 8, 1774. [Abigail, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Abigal and Josiah Dexter, Nov. 13, 1740.
Abigal [dup. and int. Abigail] and Joseph Cannon, Nov. 24, 1768. [Abigail, P.C.R.]
Achsah of Falmouth and Loring Dexter, int. Sept. 3, 1836.
Alas and John Meggs, int. Aug. 16, 1761. [Allice ---- and John Meigs, m. May 28, 1761, P.R.4.]
Alden [dup. Aldin] and Lucy Barrows, ---- [rec. between Aug. 1, 1810 and Mar. ----, 1812, dup. ----, 1810 [Alden, ----, 1811, C.R.2.]
Alice (see Alas and Allice).
Allen and Martha Mayhew of Chilmark, int. Feb. 28, 1826.
Allen and [int. Mrs.] Cynthia Pitcher, Aug. 11, 1834. [Cynthia, C.R.1.]
Allice of Dartmouth] and James Randal, int. Feb. 19, 1769.
Amy (see Anna).
Anna and James Snow, Dec. ---— [int. Dec. 6], 1795.
Anna [dup. Amy] and David Austin of Compton, ---- [dup. Feb. ---—, int. Feb. 27], 1804. [Anna and David Austen of Little Compton, Feb. 30 sic, C.R.2.]
Anna and Abner Hall, int. Oct. 16, 1819. [m. ----, 1820, C.R.2.]
Arlothea [dup. Arlotha, int. Mrs. Artorthea, dup. Savory written after Dexter crossed out] and Seth Dexter, Mar. 5, 1817. [Alothea Dexter, C.R.1.]
Benjaman Jr. and Hanah Barrow, June 8, 1721.
Benjamin and Priscilla Benson, int. Oct. 10, 1756. [m. Oct. 19, P.C.R. Priscilla, m. Oct. 19, C.R.1.]
Benjamin [int. Jr.] and Mary [int. Mercy] Hathaway of Dartmouth, Sept. 29, 1774, in Dartmouth.
Benjamin and [int. Mrs.] Ruth Delano [dup. Ruth Keen], Jan. 1, 1797.
Benjamin Jr. and Ruth Keen, int. Oct. 16, 1803. [m. Mar. 15, 1804, C.R.1.]
Benjamin T. and Hannah S. Brownell, int. June 23, 1826. [Benjamin P. and Hannah S. Brownel, m. ---- [rec. between June ---— and Aug. ----], C.R.2.]
Bethiah and John Manter, Apr. 25, 1820. [Bethia, C.R.1.]
Bethuel and Jane Blankinship, July 24 [dup. July 4], 1817. [July 24, C.R.1.]
Betsey and Benjamin Burges, Feb. 14, 1796 [dup. 1797].
Bettey and John Randal 2d, int. Dec. 1, 1754.
Caleb and Hannah Hatch of Falmouth, int. Feb. 1, 1775.
Caleb Jr. and Lydia Hiller, int. Apr. 28, 1821. [Hillar, m. ----, 1821, C.R.2.]
Caroline and Daniel Smith of New Bedford, Jan. 1, 1840, in Mattapoisett.
Charles and Hannah [dup. Thankful] Snow, Mar. 3, 1808. [Hannah, C.R.1.]
Charlottee M. and Frederick Borden [int. Fraderik Bardin], July 1 [int. July 14], 1832. [Charlotte M. and Frederick Barden, July 1, C.R.1.]
Christina R. and Seth Cowing 2d, int. Dec. 29, 1833.
Clarissa and Edward Buel of Conn., int. June 9, 1823. [Bewel, m. July ----, C.R.2.]
Clarrisa [int. Clarissa] and Lewis Randall [int. Jr.], July 25, 1833.
Constant and Mirribe Dillenoy of Middleborough, int. Aug. 4, 1731.
Cynthia [int. Cinthia] and Andrew M. Allen, Sept. 9, 1823. [Cynthia, C.R.1.]
David and Sarah Allen, Nov. 5, 1779.
David [int. Jr.] and Mary Butler [int. Buttler], Apr. 11, 1782. [David and Mary Butler, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Delia and Corbet Chandler of Fair Haven, int. Nov. 26, 1826.
Desire and Ebenezer Bolles, Oct. 16 [dup. Oct. 21], 1810. [Booles, Oct. 16, C.R.1.]
Dinah and William Irish [int. Iresh], Nov. 16, 1742. [William Tereth, P.C.R.]
Drusilla [int. Drucilla] H. and Watson C. Clark, June 31 [sic], 1837, in Mattapoisett. [Drusilla H. and Watson C. Clarke, Jan. 31, C.R.2.]
Ebenezer and Lidea Rider [int. Lydea Ryder], Mar. 27, 1755. [Lydiah Rider, P.C.R.]
Ebenezer and Desire Snow [int. Jr.], Dec. ----, 1795. [Desiah, C.R.2.]
Ebenezer [int. 2d], 30, seaman, s. Ebenezer and Desire, and Jane C. Shaw, 20, d. Lewis and Ruth, Mar. 29, 1849.
Edward and Anne Benson, int. Jan. 12, 1755. [Annis, m. Jan. 19, C.R.1.]
Edward and Mary Badcock of Dartmouth, int. Dec. 1, 1765.
Edward and Biah [int. Abia] Barlow, Oct. 20, 1799.
Eleaner [int. Ellen] F., Mrs., and Royal Smith, Apr. 14, 1836.
Elias and Marcy [dup. Mercy] Sampson, Dec. 9, 1796 [dup. 1795].
Elijah and Kezia [dup. Keziah] Winslow, Mar. 29, 1772. [Kezia [dup. Keziah], P.C.R. Kezia, C.R.1. Elijah, s. Seth and Elizabeth, and Keziah Winslow, P.R.11.]
Elijah and Martha Clark, Apr. 4, 1779. [Elijah, s. Seth and Elizabeth, P.R.11.]
Elijah, ch. Elijah (s. Seth and Elizabeth) and Martha (Clark) (second w.), and Clarissa Crocker, ----, 1809, P.R.11.
Elijah, ch. Elijah (s. Seth and Elizabeth) and Martha (Clark) (second w.), and Mary Morton, ----, 1812, P.R.11.
Elijah, ch. Elijah (s. Seth and Elizabeth) and Martha (Clark) (second w.), and Lydia Thompson, ----, 1844, P.R.11.
Elisabeth [dup. Elizabeth] and Ebenezer Clark Jr., Jan. 5 [dup. Jan. 6], 1764. [Elizabeth and Ebenezer Clarke Jr., Jan. 5, P.C.R. Elizabeth and Ebenezer Clark Jr., Jan. 5, C.R.1.]
Elisha and Eunice Bolles, Dec. ---—, 1788.
Elisha Jr. and Sally Mendall, int. Apr. 1, 1823.
Eliza A. and Jonathan R. Merithew, int. June 12, 1844.
Elizabeth and Isaac Stephens, Nov. 26, 1747. [Dextor, P.C.R.]
Elizabeth (see Elisabeth).
Elizabeth and Ebenezer Randall [int. Randal], Oct. 30, 1794 [dup. 1796].
Elizabeth, d. Elisha and Eunice, and Thomas Crandall Ames, s. Dr. Seth and Sarah, Aug. 2, 1812, in Mattapoisett.
Ellen F. (see Eleaner F.).
Elnathan and Marcy [int. Marcy] Snow, Feb. 26, 1758. [Mary, P.C.R.]
Enoch and Jedidah Morss, int. Dec. 13, 1754. [Jedediah sic Morse, m. Sept. 7, 1755, P.C.R. Jedidah Morss, m. Sept. 7, 1755, C.R.1.]
Ephraim and Martha Clark, July 31, 1735.
Ephraim Jr. [dup. omits Jr.] and Kezia [dup. Keziah] Tobey, Dec. 29, 1771. [Ephraim Jr. and Kezia Tobey, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Ephraim [int. Jr.] and Axey [dup. Axcey] Snow, ---- [ int. Oct. 22], 1802. [Ephraim and Axey Snow, Oct. ---— C.R.2.]
Ephraim and Laury A. Snow, int. Feb. 8, 1844.
Ephriam [int. Ephraim] and Martha Wait of Plymouth, Nov. 28, 1754, in Plymouth.
Epiphena [int. Epiphane] and John Clark, Nov. 13, 1748.
Epiphena [dup. Epiphana, int. Epiphany] and Paul Hammond, Aug. 11, 1789. [Ephithena, P.C.R.]
Eunice of Dartmouth and Elisha Stevens, int. June 14, 1773.
Eunice [int. adds P.], 25, and Edmund Merihew, 18, sailor, s. Edmund and Eliza, Nov. 13, 1848.
Experience [dup. Experince] and Seth Bumpus, Dec. 24, 1778. [Experience, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Ezra H., 23, mechanic, s. Hervy and Lydia, and Sarah A. Mendell, 20, d. Constant and Deborah, Dec. 23, 1849.
Garsham and Ruth Shreve of Portsmouth, int. Sept. 23, 1738.
Gershom and Nelle Lumber, int. Sept. 22, 1754.
Gershom and Mehittable Bolles, int. Sept. 14, 1755. [Mehitable Bolls, m. Oct. 1, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Gideon and Jane Dexter, int. Apr. 1, 1842.
Gidion [dup. and int. Gideon] and Mary Dexter, Sept. ---— [int. Sept. 30], 1804. [Gideon, C.R.2.]
Gilmore and Lucy Ann Wing of Sandwich, int. Apr. 1, 1829.
Hannah and James Steward, Apr. 16, 1730.
Hannah and Daniel Higbe, Oct. 18, 1741.
Hannah and Hix Jenne [int. of Dartmouth], Dec. 10, 1741.
Hannah and Nicolas [dup. Nicholas] Snow, Dec. 8, 1768. [Nicholas, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Hannah, Mrs., and Eleazer Waterman, int. Feb. 3, 1831. [m. Feb. 27, C.R.2.]
Hannah S. and Barker K. Sheffield, Nov. 3, 1833.
Hannah S. and John Dexter 2d, Nov. 12, 1839.
Harvey [int. Hovey], farmer, and Huldah H. Randell, Apr. 13, 1848.
Henry and Lydia Chandler of Fair Haven, int. Dec. 24, 1824, "Certified Jan. 12, 1825."
Henry N. and Cynthia Nye, July 5, 1838.
Hovey (see Harvey).
Isaiah and Mary Davice [dup. Davis, int. Davise], Oct. 29, 1775. [Davis, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Jabez and Patience Hammond, Nov. 7, 1751. [Hammand, P.C.R.]
James and Lois Sherman of Marshfield, May 29, 1723, in Marshfield.
James and Sally Ellis, Jan. 21, 1819.
James W. and Abigail H. Cannon, June 6, 1835.
Jane and James Bates of Dartmouth, int. Mar. 20, 1763.
Jane [int. Jenny] and Daniel [int. David] Mendall, Mar. 13 [dup. Mar. 19], 1796.
Jane and Courby Beard, int. Dec. 30, 1806.
Jane and James Cathel [int. Cathal], ---- [int. Mar. 7], 1810. [Cathel, C.R.2.]
Jane and Gideon Dexter, int. Apr. 1, 1842.
Joanna [int. Joannah] and John Barrow, Dec. 22, 1737. [Joanna and John Barrows, P.C.R.]
Joanna [int. Mrs.] and John Gibbs Jr. [dup. omits Jr.] of Wareham, Nov. 13, 1777. [Joanna and John Gibbs Jr. of Wareham, P.C.R. Joanna and John Gibs Jr. of Wareham, C.R.1.]
John and Sarah Handy of Sandwich, Dec. 11, 1746, in Sandwich.
John and Bithiah Vincent [int. Bethia Vinson] of Yarmouth, Aug. 25, 1747, in Yarmouth.
John Jr. [dup. omits Jr.] and Rebecca [dup. Rebeccah] Hiller, Mar. 9, 1777. [John Jr. and Rebecca Hiller, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
John and Mary S. Rogers, Nov. 19, 1833.
John 2d and Hannah S. Dexter, Nov. 12, 1839.
John G. and Elenor [int. Elener] F. Richardson, Apr. 5, 1831.
Jonathan and Polly Studley of Yarmouth, int. Feb. 25, 1805.
Jonathan and Jane Handy, Apr. 21, 1822.
Jonathan K. and Clarinda Smith of New Bedford, int. Nov. 10, 1838.
Jonnathan [dup. Jonathan] and Mercy Handy, Jan. 10, 1808. [Jonathan and Mary Handy, C.R.1.]
Joseph and Mary Luce of Edgar Town, int. Aug. 22, 1779.
Joshua and Thankfull [dup. and int. Thankful] Dexter, Dec. 30, 1782. [Thankfull, P.C.R.]
Josiah and Abigal Dexter, Nov. 13, 1740.
Josiah and [int. Mrs.] Polly H. Wing, Sept. 24, 1837.
Kezia and Belcher Athearn of Tisbury, int. Feb. 1 [dup. Oct. 20], 1803. [Keziah, m. Oct. 25, C.R.1. Keziah, ch. Elijah (s. Seth and Elizabeth) and Martha (Clark) (second w.), and Belcher Athern, m. ----, P.R.11.]
Keziah [int. Kizia] and Ebenezer Holmes [int. Jr.], Nov. ----, 1805. [Kizia and Ebenezer Holmes, C.R.2.]
Lois and Richard Church Jr., int. May 31, 1746. [m. Nov. 27, C.R.1.]
Lois and Timothy West, Aug. 28 [dup. Aug. 18], 1768. [Aug. 28, P.C.R.]
Lorenzo D. and Lurana K. Braley of New Bedford, int. July 18, 1846.
Loring and Keziah Holmes, Nov. 292 1827. [Kezia, C.R.1.]
Loring and Achsah Dexter of Falmouth, int. Sept. 3, 1836.
Lucy and Timothy Clifton [dup. and int. Jr.], Jan. 6, 1833.
Luen [dup. Luin, int. Lewen] of Dartmouth and Vashti [int. Barsheba] Sturtevant, Feb. 27, 1777. [Leuen of Dartmouth and Vashti Sturtevant, P.C.R. Luen of Dartmouth and Vashti Sturdevant, C.R.1.]
Luke and Joanna Pierce of Middleborough int. Oct. 18, 1802.
Lurana and Ivory Snow, int. July 3, 1829. [Lurania and Ivery Snow, m. ---- [1830], C.R.2.]
Lydia and Thomas Sherman, May 30, 1799.
Lydia (see Mary).
Lydia D. and James Hammatt [int. Hammett] of New Bedford, Oct. 7, 1839.
M. Eliza of Edgartown and John B. Dornin, Feb. 19, 1828, P.R.15.
Martha [int. Mrs.] and Ichabod Samson [dup. Sampson] of Wareham, June 6 [dup. Nov. 5], 1779. [Martha and Ichabod Samson of Wareham, June 6, P.C.R.]
Martha, Mrs., of Harwich, and James Foster, int. Jan. 12, 1783.
Martha and Prince Snow, June ----, 1794.
Mary and William Sherman, Feb. 4, 1734.
Mary (see Mercy).
Mary 2d and Reuben Tinkham, int. Apr. 17, 1790.
Mary [dup. and int. Jr.] and Charles Ellis, Oct. 17 [dup. and second dup. Oct. 7], 1793.
Mary and Gidion [dup. and int. Gideon] Dexter, Sept. ---- [int. Sept. 30], 1804. [Gideon, C.R.2.]
Mary and Silvanus Tripp, int. Nov. 4, 1816, "certified Jan. 1, 1817."
Mary and Nathan H. Barstow, Dec. 29, 1829.
Mary [int. Lydia] and Samuel Dexter, Jan. 8, 1833. [Lydia, C.R.1.]
Mary A. and [int. Capt.] William C. Mendell [int. Mendall], May 8, 1835.
Mary A. R. and Nathaniel D. Parker, int. Oct. 9, 1842.
Mary H. and William C. Haskell, Dec. ----, 1828. [William C., s. Lot, P.R.13.]
Mercy, Mrs., and Noah Sprague, int. Dec. 3, 1756. [Mary and Noah Sprague Jr., m. Nov. 28, 1756, P.C.R. Marcy and Noah Sprague Jr., m. Nov. 28, 1756, C.R.1.]
Meribah and Joseph Childs of Barnstable, Mar. 16, 1758. [Child of Barnstable, P.C.R.]
Nathan and Ruhama Hathaway of Wareham, int. Mar. 25, 1799.
Noah and Epipheny Hammet of Tisbarey, int. June 29, 1729.
Noah and Mary Delano, Nov. 27, 1788.
Peleg and Cathrine Courby, Feb. 19, 1743. [Catherine Cosby, P.C.R.].
Polly and Learned Hall, ----, 1811, C.R.2.
Polly and [int. Capt.] Caleb Handy, Apr. 2 [dup. Apr. 4], 1815. [Capt., Apr. 2, C.R.1.]
Prince and Arlothear Savory of Wareham, int. Feb. 24, 1806. [Prince, ch. Elijah (s. Seth and Elizabeth) and Martha (Clark) (second w.), and Arlothea Savory, m. ----, P.R.11.]
Priscilla and Hezekiah Coleman, Feb. 10, 1829.
Priscilly and Israel Cowing, int. Oct. 16, 1795.
Rebeca and Stephen ---- Jr., Oct. 4, 1808. [Stephen Nye 2d, C.R.1.]
Rebecca [dup. Rebeccah] and Elnathan Eldredge Jr. of New Bedford, May ---— [dup. May 30], 1799.
Reuben and Anna [int. Anne] Toby [dup. Tobey], Nov. ---— [int. Nov. 5], 1791. [Anna Toby, P.C.R.]
Reuben [int. Reuben] and Polly [int. Mary] Tobey, Feb. ---—, 1796. [Reuben and Polly Tobey, C.R.2.]
Rufus, 27, farmer, s. Benjamin and Ruth, and Elizabeth T. [int. L.] Washburn, d. Peleg and Betsey, June 3, 1848.
Ruth and Obed Hatch [int. Hach], Nov. 21, 1756.
Samuel and Marcy Keen, int. Aug 14, 1800. [Mary Kean, m. Aug. 27, C.R.1.]
Samuel and Mary [int. Lydia] Dexter, Jan. 8, 1833. [Lydia, C.R.1.]
Samuel B. and Abigail T. Blackmar, int. Mar. 18, 1820.
Samuell and Mary Clark, May 18, 1732. [Samuel, P.C.R.]
Sarah and Silus Briggs, int. Mar. 29, 1730.
Sarah and Stephen Perry, int. Sept. 21, 1755. [Perrey, m. Nov. 20, P.C.R. Parry, m. Nov. 20, C.R.1.]
Sarah and Hosea Bolles, Oct. 31, 1774. [Josea Bolls, P.C.R. Hosea Bolles, C.R.1.]
Sarah and Josiah Macumber [int. of Berkley], ---- [int. Mar. 20], 1797. [Josiah, C.R.2.]
Sarah and Capt. Albert Allan [int. Allen] of Fairhaven, Apr. 14, 1836.
Sarah A. and William H. Bates, int. Feb. 17, 1844.
Seth Jr. and Mary Carbey [int. Corbey], May 21, 1753.
Seth Jr. and Deborah Haskell, int. July 24, 1768.
Seth and Arlothea [dup. Arlotha, int. Mrs. Artorthea] Dexter [dup. Savory written after Dexter crossed out], Mar. 5, 1817. [Alothea Dexter, C.R.1.]
Silas and Eleanor [dup. Elener] Bumpus, Oct. 25, 1778. [Eleanor, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Sophia and Caleb Handy, Oct. 24, 1811.
Sophia and William Clark of Windsor, int. Mar. 25, 1818, "Certificate made out April 18."
Sophia, ch. Elijah (s. Seth and Elizabeth) and Martha (Clark) (second w.), and Joseph Gibbs, ----, 1836, P.R.11. P.R.13.
Sophronia P. and William P. Delano of Fair Haven, int. Nov. ---—, 1831.
Stillman, Capt., and Eunice Hitchmond, int. Nov. 12, 1841.
Sucah and Perez Cooms, int. Nov. 19, 1797.
Sumner and Deborah E. Edwards, int. June 10, 1837.
Sylvia and Capt. Thomas Carswell, int. June 10, 1843.
Thankful and Prince Burgiss [dup. and int. Burges, int. Jr.] of Wareham, Nov. 26, 1807. [Burgess of Wareham, C.R.1. Thankful, ch. Elijah (s. Seth and Elizabeth) and Martha (Clark) (second w.), and Prince Burgess, Nov. 6, P.R.11.]
Thankfull [dup. and int. Thankful] and Zebulon Haskell, Feb. 3, 1782. [Thankful, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Thankfull [dup. and int. Thankful] and Joshua Dexter, Dec. 30, 1782. [Thankful], P.C.R.]
Thankfull and Savory Clifton, int. May 9, 1788.
Thomas and Marcy Miller, July 17, 1695.
Thomas and Lucy Sprague, int. Apr. 12, 1752.
Thomas and Hannah Luce, Nov. 3, 1814.
Warren and Sophia Nye, int. Apr. 17, 1830.
William and Mary Morten of Dartmouth, int. June 3, 1744.
William P., caulker, s. Luke and Joanna, and Emily Prebble [int. Pribble], 25, d. John and Thankful, June 28, 1859 [sic, int. June 3, 1849].
Zoath, widr. [int. omits vidr.], 52, caulker, s. John and Rebecca, and Allice [int. Alice] Holmes, 40, d. Eben and Keziah, Dec. 24, 1846. [Zoath and Allice Holmes, C.R.1.]
---- [worn] (Dexter) and Sarah Clerk, Mar. 2, 1702-3.
DEXTOR (see Dexter)
Deborah and Samuel Hilman of Chilmark, Oct. 23, 1719.
Philip [dup. and int. Dexter] and Patience Randall, Dec. 28, 1786. [Phillip Dexter, P.C.R.]
DILANOY (see Delano, Delanoy, Deleno, Dellino, Dileno, Dillenoy, Dilloney)
Jonathan of Darkmouth and Abigail Hammond, d. Samuell, int. Sept. 7, 1734.
DILENO (see Delano, Delanoy, Deleno, Dellino, Dilanoy, Dillenoy, Dilloney)
Bulah, d. Jabes and Deborah dec'd, and Thomas Wing, s. Edward and Content dec'd of Oblong, Dutches Co., Jan. 3, 1772, in Sandwich, C.R.4.
DILLENOY (see Delano, Delanoy, Deleno, Dellino, Dilanoy, Dileno, Dilloney)
Mirribe of Middleborough and Constant Dexter, int. Aug. 4, 1731.
Mary, d. Jeremiah dec'd late of Sandwich and Mary, and Simeon Bowrman, yeoman, of Falmouth, Barnstable Co., s. Samuell and Hannah dec'd of Falmouth, Barnstable Co., Nov. 17, 1752, C.R.4.
Mary of Hanover, Plymouth Co., d. Malatia of Hanover, and Judah Bowrman, yeoman, of Falmouth, Barnstable Co., s. Thomas and Jenne of Falmouth, Nov. 16, 1753, C.R.4.
Remember of Sandwich, Barnstable Co., d. Edward and Elizabeth of Sandwich, and Caleb Mendall, yeoman, s. John and Prudence, Sept. 7, 1753, in Falmouth, C.R.4.
William, s. Ignatius and Deborah dec'd of Falmouth, Barnstable Co., and Huldah Gifford, d. James and Elizabeth, Jan. 30, 1806, in Long Plain, New Bedford, C.R.4.
DILLONEY (see Delano, Delanoy, Deleno, Dellino, Dilanoy, Dileno, Dillenoy)
Jonathan [int. Deleno] and Rachel Bump of Wareham, Dec. 17, 1744, in Wareham.
Tabitha (see Tabithia Dunwick).
DIVEL (see Davel, Devel, Devell, Devol, Doval)
Jonathan of Dartmouth and Martha Wing, int. Nov. 29, 1730.
Timothy (see Timothy Davis).
DOGGET (see Daggett)
Johns and Ma[?] Eames of Marshfield, Oct. 8, 1719, in Marshfield.
Francis S. of New Bedford and Elizabeth P. Crossman, May 19, 1835.
Joseph of Dartmouth and Elizabeth M. Scott, int. Feb. 8, 1845.
John B. and M. Eliza Dexter of Edgartown, Feb. 19, 1828, P.R.15.
June and Hosea Barker, int. Feb. 20, 1804.
Jacob and Mary Leach, int. Feb. 25, 1797. [Polly, both of Middleborough, m. ---- [rec. before Apr. 14] C.R.3.]
Mary and Samuel Waterman, Aug. 23, 1722, 22, in Plympton.
Sarah and Anselm Bisbee, Jan. 28 [dup. Jan. 25], 1796. [Jan. 28, C.R.3.]
DOTEY (see Doty)
Harrison and Charity Holmes, int. Oct. 26, 1839.
Joseph [dup. Doty] of Middleborough and Susanna Smith, Oct. 17, 1771. [Dotey of Middleborough and Susannah Smith, P.C.R. Doty of Middleboro and Susanna Smith, C.R.1.]
DOTY (see Dotey)
Abigail and James Haskell, Apr. 5, 1780. [Dotey, C.R.1.]
Albert and Loisa H. [int. Harlot] Stevens, Mar. 8, 1827.
Almira and Foster Tinkham of Wareham, int. Dec. 16, 1843.
Annis [int. Annes] and Henry Look, Sept. 12, 1793.
Barnabas Jr. and Thankfull [dup. and second dup. Thankful] Wing, Jan. 10 [dup. and second dup. Jan. 19], 1794.
Barnabus [dup. Barnabas] and Caterine [dup. Catharine] Freeman [int. Katerine Freemon], Dec. 24, 1767. [Barnabas and Catharine Freeman, P.C.R.]
Barnebus and Sary Turner, Oct. 24, 1728.
Clarissa and Elias S. Chase of Fretown, int. Aug. 26, 1831.
Content and Prince Snow, Dec. 6, 1[worn, 1770 in later handwriting]. [Dec. 6, 1770, C.R.1.]
Cyntha [dup. and int. Cynthia] and Edmond Doty [int. Edmund of Montpelier, Vt., "resident in Rochester"], Dec. 15, 1791. [Scinthia and Edmund Doty, Dec. 13, P.C.R.]
Deborah and Joseph Landers, Feb. 7, 1710.
Deborah and Jonathan Clark, int. Apr. 7, 1750.
Dilly and David Maxem [dup. Maxam, int. Maxham Jr.], June 12, 1794.
Edmond [int. Edmund of Montpelier, Vt., "resident in Rochester"] and Cyntha [dup. and int. Cynthia] Doty, Dec. 15, 1791. [Edmund and Scinthia Doty, Dec. 13, P.C.R.]
Edward and Mary Andrews, Nov. 19, 1726. [Nov. 17, P.C.R.]
Edward [int. Jr.] and Hannah [int. Hanna] Eldridge of Dartmouth, Dec. 11, 1755, in Dartmouth.
Edward of Wareham [int. Windsor] and Rhody S. [int. Roby, omits S.] Woodman, Oct. 28, 1810. [Edward of Windsor and Phebe S. Woodman, C.R.1.]
Elenor [int. Eleanor] and Jeremiah Jackson [dup. Gakson of Abington, int. of Abentown], Oct. 10, 1766. [Eleanor and Jeremiah Jackson of Abington, P.C.R.]
Elisabeth [dup. Eliza] and Benjamin Bessey [dup. Besse] of Wareham, Jan. 31, 1765. [Elizabeth Dotey and Benjamin Bessee of Wareham, Jan. 31, 1764 [dup. Jan. 31, 1765], P.C.R.]
Eliza (see Elisabeth).
Elizabeth and John Lewis, Feb. 28, 1705-6.
Elizabeth and Samuel Robinson, Oct. 20, 1737.
Elizabeth (see Elisabeth).
Faith and James Shaw of Plimton, Apr. 14, 1719.
Hannah and Stafford Hammond, Aug. 2, 1761. [Dotey, P.C.R.]
Hannah and Nathaniel King, Jan. 13, 1774. [Dotey, C.R.1.
Hannah and James Pierce, int. Aug 5, 1813.
Isaac [int. Dotey] and. Elizebeth [int. Elizabeth] Blackmer, Oct. 19, 1737. [Doty and Elizabeth Blackmer, P.C.R.]
Jerathmel [dup. and int. Jerahmiel] and Sarah Look, Nov. 10 [dup. Nov. 16], 1785. [Jerathmel, Nov. 10, P.C.R.]
John and Elisabeth [dup. Eliza] Clark, Dec. 28, 1758. [Elizabeth, P.C.R.]
Joseph and Hanah Edwards July 2, 1708.
Joseph Sr. and Sarah Edwards, Mar. 5, 1711-12.
Joseph [int. Jr.] and Abegail [int. Abigail] Galt of Wareham, Nov. 27, 1799, in Wareham.
Nathaniel and Olive Sampson of Middleborough, int. Mar. 26, 1803.
Richard and Rosannah Hammond of Middleborough, int. July 5, 1814.
Ruby B. and George T. Russell of Fairhaven, int. Oct. 6, 1837.
Samuell and Zurviah Lovel, Jan. 18, 1738-9. [Samuel and Zurviah Lovel, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Sary and Ebenezar Luce, Oct. 18, 1733. [Sarah, P.C.R.]
Sary [int. Sarah Dotey] and Barzilla Hammond, Mar. 23, 1759. [Sarah Dotey and Barzella Hammond, July 4, 1758, P.C.R.]
Silas and Salley Millerd, int. Jan. 14, 1787.
Sophia A. [int. Sylvia] and Nathaniel Freman [int. Freeman Jr.], Apr. 25, 1833, in Mattapoisett. [Sophia A. and Nathaniel Freeman, C.R.2.]
Susanna and Amos Coomes, int. Mar. 1, 1807.
Sylvia (see Sophia A.).
Thomas and Asenath Basset [dup. Aseneth Bassett], Apr. 5, 1780. [Dotey and Asenath Bassett, P.C.R. Dotey and Asenath Basset, C.R.1.]
Thomas and Bathsheba Blankinship, int. June ----, 1807.
Wilson of Wareham and Clarrissa [int. Clarissa] Savory, Dec. 2, 1832.
DOUGLAS (see Douglass)
Ichobod and Experience Baker, int. Jan. 19, 1776.
DOUGLASS (see Douglas)
Barnabas N. and Phebe N. Swift of Sandwich, int. Aug. 2, 1828.
Betsey [dup. Douglas] and Nathaniel King Jr. [dup. omits Jr.], Dec. 25, 1814 [dup. 1813]. [Douglas and Nathaniel King, Dec. 25, 1814, C.R.1.]
George Jr. [int. Douglas] of Middleborough and Patience Savory, Dec. 5, 1790.
Harriet of Taunton and Henry T. Sherman, int. Nov. 10, 1838.
William M., 28, seaman, of Plymouth, s. Joshua and Polly, and Sarepta [int. adds R.] B. Peirce, 18, d. Dennis and Malintha, Mar. 28, 1847.
DOVAL (see Davel, Devel, Devell, Devol, Divel)
Benjamin and Hannah Ellis, int. Apr. 11, 1847. "taken down per order" [written in pencil].
Alvan of Middleborough and Eliza Ann [Eliza Ann written above Marian crossed out] Bolles, int. July 18, 1831.
Ozius and Abigail Berse of Wareham, Feb. 20, 1829, C.R.1.
Betsey of Fair Haven and Wilson Barstow, int. Mar. 18, 1820. [Betsey S., m. Apr. 12, P.R.2.]
Sarah of Fairhaven and Marshal H. Leach, int. Sept. 12, 1828.
Alice and Asa Perrey of Middleborough, int. Feb. 25, 1816, "certificate given March 2."
Almira and Elisha C. Shaw of Middleborough, int. July 25, 1831.
Charles W. and Parnal H. Kinney, Oct. 16, 1833.
Eliza and William Wadey, Mar. 19, 1812.
Eliza of Nantucket and Thomas Parlow Jr., int. Oct. 28, 1813.
Elizabeth H. and Jeremiah Crapo, Mar. 17, 1836.
Eunice T. of Middleborough and Nelson Cole, int. Apr. 29, 1848.
George W. of Wareham and Betsey Ann Swift, int. Aug. 15, 1841.
Harriet and Ansel Morse, int. May 6, 1838.
Hezekiah Williams of Woodstock, Vt., and Cynthia Caswell, int. Feb. 13, 1814.
Joseph of Middleborough and Dinah Raymond of Middlehorough, Nov. 29 [dup. Nov. 27], 1795. [Nov. 29, C.R.3.]
Margaret A. and Thomas H. Sole of New Bedford, int. Mar. 23, 1833.
Martha A. and Andrew Sides of Waldoboro, Me., int. Mar. 16, 1839.
Mary and Daniel Caswell [int. and dup. int. of New Bedford], Apr. 18, 1830.
Nanthaniel H. and Betsy Tinkham, int. June 2, 1838.
Sophrona [int. Sophrone] and John V. Turner of New Bedford, July 1, 1832, in Mattapoisett. [Sophronia, C.R.2.]
Susan H. and Granville Tabor of Fairhaven, int. Nov. 20, 1842.
Susanah [int. Susannah] of Plymouth and Cornelius Clark, Dec. 2, 1731, in Plymouth.
Tillson [dup. Ichon, int. Tilson] and Annah J. [dup. Amcet, omits J.] Blankinship, Nov. 19, 1809. [Tilson and Annah J. Blankinship, C.R.1.]
Tabithia [int. Tabitha Dimmick] of Falmouth [int. adds Barnstable Co.] and Elisha Sherman, Jan. 20, 1799, in Falmouth.
Daniel and [int. Mrs.] Laura Rounseville [int. Rounsaville], Dec. 29, 1839.
Laura W., wid. [int. omits wid.], and John Atsatt, widr. [int. omits widr.], merchant, Oct. 1, 1848.
DURFEE (see Durfey)
Robart [dup. Robert, int. Durfey] of Freetown and Eleanor Griffith [dup. Griffeth], Sept. 22, 1763. [Robert Durfey [dup. Durfee] of Freetown and Eleanor Griffith [dup. Griffeth], P.C.R.]
DURFEY (see Durfee)
Rachel [int. Durfee] and Cyrus Cathaway, ----, 1802 [int. Nov. 5, 1801]. [Durfey and Cyrus Catheway, C.R.2.]
Clark W., 25, trader, s. Charles and Lydia, and Sarah A. Allen, 20, d. Stephen and Azuba, Oct. 22, 1847.
Vernum and Lydia Bowling, int. Jan. 9, 1832.
D WOLF (see Dwoolf)
Daniel A., 28, boat builder, of New Bedford, s. Aurelia and Deborah, and Abby G. Stetson, 31, of New Bedford, d. James Wilkey and Margaret, Dec. 31, 1846. [De Wolf and Mrs. Abby G. Stetson, C.R.2.]
DWOOLF (see D Wolf)
Stephen [int. Dwolf] and Thankfull [int. Thankful] Ellis, Mar. 10, 1735-6.
EAMES (see Ames)
Bersheba [int. Bershabee Ames] of Marshfield and John Lapham, Oct. 31, 1754, in Marshfield.
Ma[?] of Marshfield and John Dogget, Oct. 8, 1719, in Marshfield.
Clark of Fair Haven and Lucy Shearman, int. Aug. 5, 1819, "Cert. augt. 30."
Peter J. and Deborah Moorse [int. Morrill], Feb. 14, 1822.
Phebe of New Bedford and Alfred Morse, int. Dec. 30, 1806.
EARTY (see Eastes, Easty)
Barshaba [int. Mrs. Bathsheba Esty] of Freetown and James Blankinship, Jan. 31, 1784, in Freetown.
Mercy [int. Marcy Easton] of New Bedford and Lot Cathway [int. Cathaway], "black people," Nov. 28, 1799, in Dartmouth.
Benjamin [int. Eastabrook] of Dartmouth and Deborah Edwards, Oct. 23, 1768, in Wareham.
EASTES (see Earty, Easty)
Marcy and Lues Voter, Dec. 26, 1734.
William of Hanover, Plimouth Co., s. William, and Barsheba Wing, d. Buttler and Barsheba of Wareham, Plimouth Co., May 11, 1768, C.R.4.
EASTON (see Eason).
EASTY (see Earty, Eastes)
Elenor and Samuel Griffeth, Sept. 24, 1723.
Solomon R. [int. K. and Maria R. [int. S.] Rogers, Dec. 29, 1833, in Mattapoisett. [Solomon K. and Maria K. Rogers, C.R.2.]
John, lawyer, s. Nathaniel and Abby, and Juliet H. Bonny [int. Julet H. Bonney], 20, d. George and Elvira S. T., Nov. 27, 1848.
Polly of Tiverton, R.1., and Moses Clark, int. Feb. 15, 1795.
EDMINSTER (see Admister).
Martha and Alden Davis of Caslleton, Vt., "now a Resident in Rochester," int. Mar. 16, 1793.
Plinny, 23, nailor, of E. Bridgwater, s. Plinny and Fear, and Rebecca B. Hathaway, 18, d. Savory and Rebecca, Feb. 15, 1848.
Sally [dup. int. Sarah of Sandwich, Barnstable Co.] and Paul Hammond [int. and dup. int. 2d], Apr. 9, 1795.
EDWARD (see Edwards)
Mary [int. Edwards] and Daniel Griffeth, Sept. 28, 1749. [Edwards and Daniel Griffith, C.R.1.]
EDWARDS (see Edward)
Charles and Anne E. Hiller, int. Apr. 24, 1829.
David and Deborah Clark, Nov. 2, 1770. [Nov. 22, P.C.R.]
Deborah and Samuel Cole of Plimton, Sept. 12, 1723.
Deborah [int. Edward] and Simeon Burg [int. Simion Burge], Dec. 20, 1741. [Edwards and Simon Burge, P.C.R.]
Deborah and Benjamin Easterbrooks [int. Eastabrook] of Dartmouth, Oct. 23, 1768, in Wareham.
Deborah E. and Sumner Dexter, int. June 10, 1837.
Hanah and Joseph Doty, July 2, 1708.
Jane of Falmouth and Edward Oliver of New Bedford, May 22, 1839, in Mattapoisett.
John and Sally Bolles [dup. Bowles], Jan. 30, 1799 [dup. 1797].
John [dup. and int. Edward] and Patience Randall [int. Randal], June 2 [sic, int. June 14], 1809.
Jonathan and Dorcas Winslow Jr. [dup. omits Jr.], Nov. 7, 1790. [Dorcas, P.C.R.]
Joseph Jr. [int. Edward] and Sarah Burge, July 13, 1738. [Edwards Jr., P.C.R.]
Joseph and Mrs. Mary King, int. Aug. 24, 1754. [m. Aug. 28, C.R.1.]
Joseph and [int. Mrs.] Mary Swift of Wareham, Feb. 14, 1760, in Wareham.
Joseph and Mary Randol [dup. Randall], Mar. 30, 1775. [Randall, P.C.R. Randal, C.R.1.]
Joseph and Mrs. Lydia Randal, int. Aug. 4, 1804.
Joseph, widr. [int. Dea., omits widr.], 60, carpenter, of Nantucket, s. Asa and Mary, and Corrella [int. Carrilla] C. King, 55, d. Jonathan and Mary, Nov. 17, 1847.
Lydia A. and Henry Thayer of New Bedford, int. Feb. 22, 1840.
Lydia F. of Nantucket and Jonathan K. Peckham, int. Nov. 2, 1848.
Nye of Falmouth and Sukey Peckham, int. June 2, 1803. [Suky, m. June 10, C.R.1.]
Ruth and Gideon [int. Gidion] Higgins, Apr. 17, 1831.
Samuel [int. Samuell] and Rebeckah Burge, Aug. 16, 1733. [Samuel Edward, P.C.R.]
Samuel and Judith Parker of Freetown, int. Oct. 12, 1760.
Sarah and Peter Blackmer, Oct. 24, 1711.
Sarah and Joseph Doty Sr., Mar. 5, 1711-12.
Sarah and Thomas Handy of New Bedford, int. Nov. 4, 1805.
Susan Amanda and Thomas Clark Jr., Dec. 4, 1834.
Susannah [int. Mrs.] and Joshua Binson [dup. and int. Benson], Sept. 22, [dup. Sept. 25], 1823. [Susanna and Joshua Benson, Sept. 22, C.R.1.]
Tabitha and William Raymond, Oct. 3, 1717.
William L. of New Bedford and Allice Kelley [int. Kelly], Aug. 31, 1832.
Daniel [dup. Egory] of Dartmouth and Mary Perry, Nov. 21, 1771 [dup. Nov. 4, 1770, int. Nov. 3, 1771]. [Eggery of Dartmouth, Nov. 21, 1771, P.C.R. Egery of Dartmouth, Nov. 21, 1771, C.R.1.]
ELDREDG (see Eldredge, Eldridge)
Jemima [int. Jemimah, dup. and int. Eldredge] and Jeth 10 morton of New Bedford, Oct. 8, 1787. [Jemima Eldredge, P.C.R.]
ELDREDGE (see Eldredg Eldridge)
Elnathan Jr. of New Bedford and Rebecca [dup. Rebeccah] Dexter, May ---—, [dup. May 30], 1799.
Hannah [dup. and int. Eldridge] and Richard Shearmon [dup. Sherman, int. Shearman], Dec. 8, 1785. [Eldridge and Richard Sherman, P.C.R.]
Humphrey [dup. and int. Humphry] and Martha Austine [dup. Martha A. Booth sic], Jan. [dup. June] 1, 1784. [Humphrey and Martha Austin, Jan. 1, P.C.R.]
Salome of Newbedford and Benjamin Hiller, int. Nov. 20, 1798.
Samuel [dup. Eldridge, int. Samuell Eldrege] and Mary Barlow, Jan. 30 [dup. June 20], 1766. [Samuel Eldrege, Jan. 30, P.C.R.]
Susanna and John Bolles, Feb. 19, 1756. [Susannah Eldridge, P.C.R.]
ELDRIDGE (see Eldredg, Eldredge)
Anna [dup. Anne Eldredge] and Jesse Paine, Feb. 15, 1807. [Anne Eldridge, C.R.1.]
Hannah [int. Hanna] of Dartmouth and Edward Doty [int. Jr.], Dcc. 11, 1755, in Dartmouth.
Silvia [int. Mrs. Sylvia Eldred] of Dartmouth and [int. Capt.] John Hammond, Oct. 17, 1782, in Dartmouth.
ELES (see Elis, Elles, Ellis)
Dorithy [int. Dority Elles] and Elnathan Taber [int. of Dartmouth], Dec. 24, 1741.
Elizabeth and William Benson, int. Aug. 12, 1738. [Ellis, m. Mar. 22, 1738-9, C.R.1.]
Marah [int. Mary] and Josiah Jenkens [int. Jenkins] of Barnstable, July 6, 1738. [Mary Ellis and Josiah Jenkins of Barnstable, P.C.R.]
ELIS (see Eles, Elles, Ellis)
Nathan of Middleboro and Mary Whit, May 23, 1723.
ELLES (see Eles, Elis, Ellis)
Mallicha [dup. Malachi Ellis, int. Mallachi Ellis Jr.] of Sandwich and Susana Dennes [dup. and int. Susanna Dennis], Nov. 7 [dup. Nov. 17], 1759, [Malachi Ellis of Sandwich and Susana Dennis, Nov. 7, P.C.R.]
William and Patience Mendol, Jan. 4, 1743. [Ellis, s. Joel and Mary, and Patience Mendal, d. John (Mendall) and Prudence, C.R.4.]
Samuel of Fall River and Louisa T. Bonney, Jan. 23, 1842.
ELLIS (see Eles, Elis, Elles)
Albert and Cyntha [int. adds B.] Hitchman, Apr. 16, 1837.
Ann P. of Sandwich and Seth C. Leonard, int. Oct. 21, 1840.
Anna [int. Anne] of Sandwich and Zacheus Hatch Jr., July 3, 1765, in Sandwich.
Barnabus of Plymouth and Ruth Mendal, Apr. 5, 1770. [Barnabas of Plymouth, C.R.1.]
Benjamin and Loisa Damon of Fair Haven, int. Sept. 23, 1826.
Charles and Mary Dexter [dup. and int. Jr.], Oct. 17 [dup. and second dup. Oct. 7], 1793.
Charles C. of Wareham and Desire Nye of Wareham, Oct. 31, 1832.
Clarrissa of Sandwich and Ebenezer Lathrop Foster, int. Feb. 15, 1802.
Cornelius Jr. and Lydia Gibbs, int. July 5, 1827. [m. ----, 1828, C.R.2.]
Cynthia B. and Charles B.(?) Shaw of Fairhaven, Feb. 1, 1842.
Cynthia D. [int. Delano] and Cornelius Briggs Jr., Sept. ---—, 1841.
Daniel and Jemimah Hiller, int. Sept. 17, 1824.
Deborah and John Ames, int. Jan. 5, 1766. [m. Feb. 6, C.R.1.]
Deborah [dup. Elles] and Ephraim Bates, Mar. 19, 1821. [Ellis, C.R.1.]
Ebenezer and Priscilla White, Nov. 26, 1789.
Ebenezer Jr. and Angeline Perry of Fairhaven, int. Nov. 29, 1834.
Eleanor (see Elliner).
Eliza Ann and Jonathan Hiller, int. Dec. 18, 1847.
Elliner of Sandwich and Josiah C. Allen, int. Dec. 10, 1846.
Esther C. and William R. Washburn, int. Sept. 14, 1844.
Eunice and Joshua Delano of New Bedford, int. Nov. 20, 1807.
Ezekiel and Lucy J. Tripp, int. June 23, 1842.
George and Almira Peckham, Oct. 34[sic], 1822. [Oct. 24, C.R.1.]
Hannah of Wareham and David Bozard, int. Dec. 19, 1756.
Hannah and Benjamin Doval, int. Apr. 11, 1847. "taken down per order" [written in Pencil].
Harlot and Henry Aiken of Fair Haven, int. Dec. 17, 1828.
James of Carver and Hannah Bisbee, int. Nov. 18, 1814, "certificate given."
Jane and Charles Tinkham, int. Aug. 22, 1774.
Jedidah and Jedediah Brigs [int. Briggs], Oct. 19, 1733. [Jedida [dup. Jedidah] and Jedidiah Briggs, P.C.R.]
Jemima and Jared Bates, int. Nov. 24, 1827.
Jennie of Plymouth and Uriah Savory, int. Mar. 6, 1806.
Joel and Elisabeth Clap, int. Jan. 20, 1754. [Elizabeth, m. May 2, C.R.1.]
Joel Jr. and Ruth Green, Jan. 27, 1774, in Wareham.
Joel and Deborah Briggs, Apr. 1 [dup. Mar. 28], 1784. [Apr. 1, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Joel Jr. [int. omits Jr.] and Tabatha [dup. Tabitha] White, Mar. 27, 1786. [Joel Jr. and Tabitha White, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
John Jr. [int. omits Jr.] and Elleanor Randol [int. Ellanor Randal], Aug. 16, 1770. [Elles Jr. and Ellenor Randel, P.C.R.]
John and Anna [dup. Anne] Briggs, Aug. ---— [int. Aug. 12], 1794. [Anna Brigs, C.R.2.]
John, 28, mason, b. Pawtucket, R.1., and Elizabeth Lincoln [Lincoln written above Tinkham crossed out, int. Tinkham], 19, of Middleborough, b. Middleborough, June 9, ---- [int. Dec. 7, 1844], in Fairhaven.
Joseph and Betsey Hammond, int. Feb. 17, 1824.
Joseph and Cordelia Bolles, int. Oct. 26, 1844.
Joshua and Azubah Jackson of Middleborough, int. Mar. 23, 1776.
Levina of Fair Haven and Jedediah Hammond, int. Nov. 8, 1821.
Lucy of Plymouth and Hunnewell Haskell, int. Dec. 8, 1801.
Lydia and Benjamin Wing, Feb. 14, 1785.
Lydia and Otis Oliver of Fair Haven, Oct. 17, 1819.
Malachi and Mercy Tripp [int. Marcy Trip], Nov. 25 [dup. Nov. 5], 1773. [Mercy Trip, Nov. 25, P.C.R.]
Malachi [int. Jr.] and Sally Standish, Aug. 11, 1812.
Maria (see Mariah].
Mariah and Samuel Bolles Jr., Feb. 26, 1797.
Mariah and Jeptha Jenne of Fair Haven, Bristol Co., int. Mar. 17, 1821.
Mary and Seth Mendal, int. Apr. 26, 1756. [m. Dec. 16, P.C.R. Mandell, m. Dec. 16, C.R.1.]
Mary of Wareham and Ephriam Griffeth [int. Ephraim Griffith], Feb. 10, 1757, in Wareham.
Mary and Ichabod [dup. and int. Ichobod] Hathaway, Nov. 14, 1773. [Ichabod Hatheway, P.C.R.]
Mary [int. Marcy) and Harvey Fairbanks [int. of Wrentham], ---- [int. Feb. 23], 1816. [Mary and Harvey Fairbanks, ---- [rec. before July], C.R.2.]
Mary Cushman of Fair Haven and George Hammond, int. May 4, 1826.
Mary P. and Theodore Ames, int. Mar. 5, 1842.
May (see Mercy).
Mercy and Simeon Lovell of Barnstable, int. Nov. 24, 1777.
Mercy and Jabez Shearman, Apr. 5, 1801, C.R.1.
Mercy (see Mary).
Mercy and Job Hoar [dup. Hor, int. Hall] of Middleborough, Mar. 22, 1818. [May and Job Hoar Jr. of Middleborough, C.R.1.]
Meriah and Nathaniel Jenkens of Barnstable, Mar. 31, 1752. [Jenkins, P.C.R. Mariah and Nathaniel Jenkens of Barnstable, C.R.1.]
Meriah and Jonathan Tripp, int. Dec. 24, 1774.
Molly and Josiah Bowland of Va., int. Dec. 8, 1801.
Nathan Bolles and Polly Shearman, int. Sept. 19, 1828. [m. ----, 1830, C.R.2.]
Patience, d. Freeman dec'd, and Edward Wing of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., Dec. 25, 1728, in Dartmouth, C.R.4.
Patience and William Crapo Jr., May 1 [dup. Aug. ---—], 1808. [May 1, C.R.1.]
Peace and Benjmin [int. Benjamin] Clifton, Jan. 4, 1753.
Polly and [int. Capt.] Jabez Delano, July ---— 1827.
Priscilla and Josiah Sparrow Jr., Apr. 10, 1827. [Priscillia, C.R.1.]
Rachel of Middleborough and Benjamin Hoskins, int. May 24, 1782.
Rachel (see Ruth).
Rebecca of Sandwich and Benjamin Winslow, int. Apr. 1, 1780.
Reuben and Deborah Chubbuck [int. Chubbock], June 21, 1752. [Ruben and Deborah Chubbock, P.C.R. Reuben and Deborah Chubbuck, C.R.1.]
Reuben and Harlot Taber, int. July 19, 1818, "cer. Aug 3d."
Ruth of Middleborough and Lemuel Gammons of Middleborough, Nov. 7, 1793. [Rachel of Middleborough, C.R.3.]
Ruth and Abraham Bowerman [int. Bowman] of Falmouth, June 14, 1827. [Bowerman of Falmouth, C.R.1.]
Sally and James Dexter, Jan. 21, 1819.
Sarah and Timothy Trip of New Bedford, int. Nov. 30, 1807.
Sarah of Fairhaven and Nathan Maxham Jr., int. Nov. 18, 1814. "certificate given."
Seth [int. Sethe] and Mary Bumpus, Feb. 26, 1729-30. [Seth and Mary Bumpus, P.C.R.]
Stephen [int. Elles] and Ruth Turner, June 29, 1729. [Ellis, June 27, P.C.R.]
Stephen and Lucy Delano, Mar. 15, 1818.
Susanna and Theophilus Clark, Nov. 26, 1789.
Thankfull [int. Thankful] and Stephen Dwoolf [int. Dwolf], Mar. 10, 1735-6.
Thankfull of Middleborough and Benjamin Gurny, int. Aug. 11, 1781.
Thankfull [dup. Thankful] and Butler Wing, Mar. 2, 1788. [Thankfull, P.C.R. Thankful, C.R.1.]
Thomas and Eunice Read [dup. Reed], Nov. 21 [dup. Nov. 26], 1776. [Reed, Nov. 21, P.C.R. C.R.1. Reed, Nov. 26, G.R.22.]
Thomas and Almy D. Taber, int. Feb. 21, 1836.
Walton [int. Walter] N., Dr., and Susan Deleno [int. Susan H. Delano], Dec. 3, 1835. [Dr. Walton Ellis and Susan Delano, C.R.1.]
Walton N., Dr., and Lucy C. Allen, int. Dec. 4, 1841. [Walton N., m. Dec. 19, 1842, C.R.1.]
William Jr. and Elisabeth Lazel of Middleborah, int. Dec. 3, 1752.
William [int. 3d] and Lucy Clarke [int. Clark] Barrows, Sept. 25, 1840, in Mattapoisett. [William and Lucy Clarke Barrows, C.R.2.]
William and Susannah S. Bassett, int. Sept. 8, 1843.
Walter and Chloe Bisbee, Oct. 11, 1792.
ESTY (see Earty, Eastes, Easty).
Abigail of Middleborough and Seth Hathaway, int. Sept. 15, 1776.
John of Middleborough and Phebe Baker, int. Apr. 14, 1777.
Ebenezer Jr. of Dedham, Norfolk Co., and Mary Snow, int. June 10, 1820.
EWEN (see Youen)
Benone and Hazadiah Sanders of Sandwich, May 28, 1719, in Sandwich. [Benoni and Hazadiah Landers of Sandwich, Barnstable Co., C.R.4.]
Rebekah [int. Rebeckah] of Barnstable and Thomas Winslow, June 27, 1735, in Barnstable.
Harvey [int. of Wrentham] and Mary [int. Marcy] Ellis, ---- [int. Feb. 23], 1816. [Harvey and Mary Ellis, ---- [rec. before July], C.R.2.]
FANCE (see Faunce)
Solomon of Plymouth and Mary C. Harlow, int. June 4, 1836.
Thomas of Dartmouth and Sarah Coomes, int. Nov. 20, 1799. [Faunce of Dartmouth and Sally Coombs, m. Jan. 2, 1800, C.R.3.]
Harlot of Wrentham and Hezekiah Tinkham, int. Oct. 16, 1819.
FAUNCE (see Fance)
Abigal [int. Fance] of Plymouth and Jabez [int. Jabaz] Hammond, May 12, 1736, in Plymouth.
David Jr., 25, labourer, s. David and Sylvia, and Mary Ann Perkins, 22, d. John and Salome, Feb. 25, 1848.
Elizabeth H. and Charles W. Blankinship, int. Sept. 2, 1849.
John [int. Fance] of Plymouth and Susanna [dup. Susan] Clark, Sept. 18, 1777. [Faunce of Plymouth and Susanna Clark, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Anna (see Anna Gurney).
Benjamin [int. Ferrin] of Wareham and Mary Haskell, Jan. 11, 1749. [Fearing of Wareham and Mary Haskel, C.R.1.]
Elbridge G. [int. of Wareham] and Ann [int. Annis] Sophia Bolles, Oct. 6, 1831.
Elbridge G. of Wareham and Abigail Bolls [int. Abby Bolles], Aug. 12, 1840.
Elizabeth of Wareham and Capt. James C. Luce of N.Y., Nov. 6, 1838.
Joan [int. Joann of Wareham] and Joseph Gibbs, June 7, 1825. [Joanna of Wareham, C.R.1.]
FESINDEN (see Fessenden)
Abigail of New Bedford and Weston Briggs, int. Nov. 16, 1841.
FESSENDEN (see Fesinden)
Deborah of Barnstable and Nathaniel Haskell, int. Mar. 6, 1775.
Leonard of Wareham and Temperinc Swift of Wareham, Aug. 12, 1832.
FINNEY (see Phinney)
Nelson of Barnstable and Eunice Clark, Oct. 30, 1844.
Abigail and Capt. John Crane of Wareham, int. Sept. 5, 1829.
Betsey F., 20, d. Osmorn and Rhoda, and Francis W. Braley, 24, boat builder, s. Abner and Mary, Apr. 22, 1849.
Hannah of Fairhaven and Jonathan Holmes, int. Nov. 15, 1846.
Judith [int. Mrs.] and [int. Capt.] Caleb Gibbs [int. of Sandwich], Jan. 6, 1831.
Lemuel [int. Lamuel] and Deborah Bardon [int. Dabarah Burdin] of Plymouth, Sept. 14, 1731, in Plymouth.
Loisa and Cyrus Bennett, Apr. 10, 1831.
Margaret P., 17, d. Osmond and Rhoda, and Charles A. Braley, 23, mariner, s. Abner and Mary, Nov. 25, 1849.
Mary Ann of Sandwich and Marten Freeman Jr., int. June 7, 1825.
Mehittable of Sandwitch and Hosea Booles, int. Sept. 24, 1749.
Orsmond and Rhoda B. Allen, int. Sept. 9, 1826.
Patience of Sandwich and Lamuel Randel [int. Randol], Mar. 20, 1747-8. [Randall, P.C.R.]
Preserved and Abigail Clark, Nov. ----, 1788.
Ruth and James Austin [dup. Austen, int. of Little Compton R.1.], Nov. 11, 1787. [Austin, both of Rochester, P.C.R.]
Simeon of Sandwich and Judith Rider, int. Dec. 14, 1806.
John of Middleborough and Ruth Burge, int. Dec. 4, 1763.
Hannah and Leonard Kelly [int. Kelley], Aug. 23, 1829. [Flinn and Leonard Kelley, C.R.1.]
Aaron of Bradford and Mary Ruggles, int. Dec. 20, 1788.
Robert and Thankful Ruggles, Feb. 19 [dup. Feb. 14], 1784. [Thankfull, Feb. 19, P.C.R. Thankful, Feb. 19, C.R.1.]
FORSTER (see Foster, Froster)
Deborah and Seth Pope Jr., int. Aug. 26, 1798. [Foster, m. Aug. 26, C.R.3.]
Huldah and John Akin of New Bedford, int. Jan. 3, 1789.
James Jr. and Mary Lewis, int. Nov. 30, 1755.
John and Rebekah Page of Herdwich, int. Mar. 13, 1768.
Keturah of Tisbury and Samuel Hovey, int. Mar. 30, 1777.
Lidea and Nathaniel Haskell, int. Apr. 3, 1757.
Mary and Timothy Page of Herdwick, int. May 5, 1754.
Mary and Samuel Bourn Jr. of Falmouth, int. Sept. 7, 1778.
Rachel of Tisbury and Stephen Cushing, int. Dec. 16, 1772.
FOSTER (see Forster, Froster)
Abigail and Joseph Whitredge, int. Nov. 10, 1799. [Nabby and Joseph Whittredge, m. June 22, 1800, C.R.3.]
Carloline and Prince Snow Jr., int. Dec. 22, 1824.
Chillingsworth of Harwich and Marcy Winslow, Oct. 10, 1730.
Chillingsworth [int. of Adams, Berkshire Co., "now resident in Rochester"] and [int. Mrs.] Sarah Freeman, Aug. ---— [int. Aug. 17], 1794. [Shillings Foster and Sarah Freeman, C.R.2.]
Ebenezer Lathrop and Clarrissa Ellis of Sandwich, int. Feb. 15, 1802.
Ellen and Elias Larson, int. Nov. 13, 1839.
Elnathan [int. Forster] of Dartmouth and Thankfull [dup. Thankful] Hammond [int. Jr.], Feb. 27, 1780. [Foster of Dartmouth and Thankful Hammond, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Henry and Sarah A. Sturtevant, int. Sept. 14, 1839.
Huldah and Clark Stevens of Montpelier, Vt. [int. "now Resident in Rochester"], Dec. 30, 1792.
James and Lydia Winslow, July 10, 1729.
James [int. Forster, Capt.] and Phebe Axtill [int. Mrs. Phebe Actil] of Berkley, May 13, 1771, in Berkley.
James and Mrs. Martha Dexter of Harwich, int. Jan. 12, 1783.
Lydia and Richard Taber of Dartmouth, Apr. 27, 1786. [Tabor of Dartmouth, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Marcy [int. Mercy] and Thomas Cole, May 3, 1795. [Marcy, C.R.3.]
Mary and William Wood of Dartmouth, int. Oct. 24, 1779. [m. Nov. 7, C.R.1.]
Mercy and Seth Rider, int. May 2, 1747. [m. Nov. 16, C.R.1.]
Mercy (see Marcy)
Nabby (see Abigail)
Sarah and Theophilus Pitcher, Mar. 19, 1786. [Mar. 17, P.C.R.]
Shillings (see Chillingsworth)
Stephen and Polly King, int. Jan. 3, 1802.
Susanna M. and Stephen Snow, int. May 6, 1843.
Zebulon and Olive Burgess [int. Burges] of Wareham [int. adds Plymouth Co.], Nov. 13, 1794, in Wareham.
FOWLER (see Fowller)
Garet [dup. and int. Garret] and Eliza Snow ---- [int. Oct. 8], 1802. [Garret, Oct. ----, C.R.2.]
FOWLLER (see Fowler) John of Dartmouth and Rachel Parker, int. May 21, 1737.
Sarah of Middleborough and Benjamin Haskens, int. Dec. 24, 1752.
FRANCIS (see Francy)
Desire and William Murrey of Wareham, int. Apr. 9, 1791.
Frank and Eliza [int. adds W.] William [int. Williams], ---- [int. Sept. 26], 1829.
Hosa [dup. Hose, int. Hosea Jr.] and John Barker of Dartmouth, Indians, July 13, 1775. [Hosa, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
James [int. Frances] and Hosea Nummuck, Indians, Sept. 28, 1743. [Francis and Hosea Nummuch, Indians, P.C.R. Francis and Hosea Nummick, C.R.1.]
Lydia and Silas Toney of Wareham, int. Aug. 8, 1774.
Mary and Isaac Prince of Dartmouth, int. Jan. 4, 1773.
Mercy S. and William Smith, coloured, int. Nov. 18, 1844.
Thomas and Mary Horsuot [dup. Horsuet, int. of Chillmark], Apr. 2 [dup. Nov. 3], 1772. [Horsuot, Indians, Apr. 2, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
FRANCY (see Francis)
Mary [int. Marcy Francis], Indian, and John Sepit [int. Sepet], Indian, of Plympton, Feb. 11, 1768, in Wareham.
Charles of Wareham and Lydia Bumpus of Wareham, Feb. 12, 1828.
Susanna and Edmund Buck, int. Oct. 13, 1807.
Sarah of Freetown and Adam [int. Aldin] Look, Nov. 23, 1758, in Freetown.
FREEMAN (see Freman)
Almira H. and Israel S. Bishop, int. Dec. 18, 1835.
Ann Mariah S. of Wareham and Capt. Clifton Wing, int. Sept. 19, 1822.
Barnabus of Liverpool and Thankfull Denes [int. Dennis], Dec. 16, 1761. [Thankful Dennis, P.C.R.]
Betsey and Jeremiah Smith of Wareham, int. June 3, 1820.
Caterine [dup. Catharine, int. Katerine Freemon] and Barnabus [dup. Barnabas] Doty, Dec. 24, 1767. [Catharine Freeman and Barnabas Doty, P.C.R.]
Charles B. [int. Bruce] and Nabby Haskell, ---- [int. Aug. 12], 1798. [Charles Bruce Freeman and Nabby Haskiel, C.R.2.]
Deborah and Thomas West [int. Jr.] of Dartmouth, Nov. 17, 1757.
Deborah, Mrs., and Thomas West of Dartmouth, int. Apr. 29, 1780.
Ebenezar [int. Ebenezer] and Lois Nye of Falmouth, Dec. ----, 1759, in Falmouth.
Edmon [int. Edmond] and Sarah Jurdon [int. Jordan], June 10 [sic, int. June 16], 1771, in Wareham. [Edmond Freman and Sarah Jorden, June 10, P.C.R.]
Elesha and Meriah Alline of Chilmark, int. Apr. 23, 1758.
Elisabeth, Mrs., of Herwich, and Ebenezer Perry, int. Jan. 20, 1754.
Elisha and Susanah Morse, int. Oct. 29, 1742.
Elisha (see Elesha)
Elizabeth (see Elisabeth)
Eunes and Wiliam Read, int. Apr. 2, 1748. [Eunice and William Read, m. June 2, C.R.1.]
Experience and Benjamin Jefferson of Douglass, int. Jan. 24, 1825.
Hannah and Elijah Caswell, May 2, 1743. [Freman, P.C.R.]
Hannah B. of Wareham and Benajah F. Leonard, Dec. 24, 1820, C.R.1.
Isaac Jr. and Sarah West of Dartmouth, int. Dec. 4, 1763.
James and Waitstill Griffeth of Carver, int. Sept. 8, 1816, "certified Dec. 23."
John and Joanna Rickit of Plympton, int. Jan. 29, 1730-1.
John and Deborah Stevens, May 1, 1831.
Katharine (see Caterine).
Katurah and Francis West, int. Oct. 9, 1784.
Marcy and Zacceus Handy, Jan. 16, 1728-9.
Marcy of Herwich and Seth Perry, int. Feb. 7, 1757.
Mariah [Mariah Freeman written above Nancy Parlow crossed out] and Salem Jefferson of Douglas [Douglas written above Norton crossed out], int. May 12, 1832.
Marten Jr. and Mary Ann Fish of Sandwich, int. June 7, 1825.
Mary and Rowland Sears of Upton, int. Nov. 11, 1738.
Mary and Cyrus [dup. Cyras] West of Cornwallis, Dec. 3, 1767. [Cyrus of Cornwallis, P.C.R.]
Mary and Ebenezer Barrows, int. June 22, 1820. [m. July ----, C.R.2.]
Mercy (see Marcy).
Mercy and Jonathan Holmes of Wareham, int. Aug. 10, 1833.
Nancy and Thomas Peirce, int. Sept. 19, 1815, "certificate given Dec. 21."
Nathan and Mary Haskell of Dartmouth, int. Jan. 9, 1757.
Phebe and Thomas Ashley, Jan. 16, 1728-9.
Sarah [int. Mrs.] and Seth Pope, May 21, 1776. [Sarah, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Sarah [int. Mrs.] and Chillingsworth Foster [int. of Adams, Berkshire Co., "now resident in Rochester"], Aug. ---- [int. Aug. 17], 1794. [Sarah and Shillings Foster, C.R.2.]
Sarah and Zenas Davis of Kingston, int. Mar. 17, 1825.
Sarah West and James Shaw of Fair Haven, int. Aug. 3, 1820. [Sally W., m. Aug. ----, C.R.2.]
Seth, Capt., and Sophia Wing, int. Oct. 17, 1818, "Certified Oct 31."
Seth and Dolly P. Handy, int. Nov. 14, 1842.
Simeon and Patience Wood of Middleborough, int. Nov. 7, 1756.
Susanna and Zaicheus Handy of Sandwitch, int. Aug. 17, 1745. [Zacheus Handey, m. Sept. 5, C.R.1.]
Thankfull and Barnabus Sears [int. Barnebus Seers], Sept. 25, 1732. [Barnabas Sears, P.C.R.]
Thomas of Barnard, Vt., and Rebecca [dup. Rebeccah] Swift, Sept. 25, 1788. [Rebecca, P.C.R.]
James J. and Anna W. Kenney, int. May 18, 1839.
FREMAN (see Freeman)
Nathaniel [int. Freeman Jr.] and Sophia A. [int. Sylvia] Doty, Apr. 25, 1833, in Mattapoisett. [Freeman and Sophia A. Doty, C.R.2.]
Sylva A. [int. Mrs. Sylvia A. Freeman] and Abner Harlow, Nov. 6, 1842, in Mattapoisett. [Sylvia A. Freeman, C.R.2.]
Jacob of Taunton and Mary Cowing, Apr. 9, 1734.