Vital Records Of Rochester Massachusetts
To The Year 1850
Volume I Births
Published By The New England Historic Genealogical Society
At The Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms
At The Charge Of
The Eddy Town Record Fund
Boston, Mass. 1914
Marriages - WADEY to YOUNG, Unidentified & Negroes
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

William and Eliza Dunham, Mar. 19, 1812.
WAISTCOAT (see Wescote, Westcoat)
Thomas and Eleanor Clark, int. Nov. 19, 1785.
Martha of Plymouth and Ephriam [int. Ephraim] Dexter, Nov. 28, 1754, in Plymouth.
Sarah and James Stuard, [worn]ne 4, 1694.
Stephen of New Bedford and Sarah T. Sears, int. June 21, 1843.
WAKER (see Walker)
Phebe of Dighton and Alden Sears, int. Nov. 5, 1769.
WALDEN (see Waldron)
Keziah of Tisbury and Asa Bolles, int. Apr. 2, 1781.
WALDRON (see Walden)
Mary [int. Walden] of Tisbury and Samuel Bolles [int. Jr.], Dec. 12, 1752 [sic, int. Nov. 17, 1759], in Tisbury.
WALKER (see Waker)
Elizabeth J. of Wareham and Samuel N. Gurney, int. Sept. 15, 1843.
John, s. John of Marshfield, Plimouth Co., and Sarah Summers, d. John, Oct. 31, 1720, C.R.4.
WALLACE (see Wallis)
John [dup. and int. Wallis] and Eunice Clerk [dup. and int. Clark], July 22 [dup. Dec. 22], 1781. [Wallace and Eunice Clark, July 22, P.C.R.]
WALLIS (see Wallace)
Allice and Edward Jenne of Fairhaven, int. Sept. 21, 1816, "certificate Oct. 1816."
Eliza and Nathaniel Snow, ---- [int. Apr. 26], 1803. [Wallace, ---- [rec. before June ----], C.R.2.]
Betsey of Middleborough and Marcus Bozworth, int. Sept. 10, 1814, "Certificate given."
Warren of Fall River and Betsy Tripp, int. Nov. 10, 1847.
John and Elisabeth Lewis, int. Aug. 10, 1745. [Elizabeth, m. Jan. 2, 1745, C.R.1.]
Neomi and David Bates, Aug. 16, 1770. [Naomi, C.R.1.]
Sylvanus, Lt„ of Middleborough, and Mrs. Sarah Washburn, int. July 6, 1782.
WASGATT (see Westgate)
Moses and [int. Mrs.] Lois Mendoll, May ----, 1832.
WASHBON (see Washbun, Washburn)
Berzeliel [dup. Bazaleel Washbun, int. Barzeliel] of Dartmouth and Barshabee [dup. Bathsheba] Hammond, Dec. 23, 1762 [dup. 1763]. [Bezaliel Washburne of Dartmouth and Barsheba Hammond, Dec. 23, 1762, P.C.R. Barzelel Washbon of Dartmouth and Barsheba Hammond, Dec. 23, 1762, C.R.1.]
Isaac of Plymton and Cloe Combs, int. Feb. 26, 1769.
Japhet of Plimtown and Prescilla Cooms, int. Sept. 24, 1768.
Manassah [dup. Washburn] of Middleborough and Sylvia Caswell, Apr. 23, 1789. [[dup. Menassah] Washburn of Middleborough and Sylva [dup. Silva] Caswell, P.C.R.]
Thomas [dup. and second dup. Washburn] of Dartmouth and Mary Crepo [dup. and second dup. Crepo], Dec. 8, 1763. [Washburn of Dartmouth and Mary Crapoo, P.C.R.]
WASHBUN (see Washbon, Washburn)
Ezra E. and Rozanna Southworth, int. Sept. 7, 1829.
WASHBURN (see Washbon, Washbun)
Elizabeth T. [int. L.], d. Peleg and Betsey, and Rufus Dexter, 27, farmer, s. Benjamin and Ruth, June 3, 1848.
Isaac Jr, and Rebecca Hathaway of New Bedford [int. adds Bristol Co.], June 29, 1794, in New Bedford.
James M., shipwright, s. John and Susan, and Deborah L. Barstow, 19, d. James and Sarah, Oct. 28, 1849.
John B. of Wareham and Meriby [int. Meribah] B. Swift, Nov. 4, 1841].
Maria of E. Bridgwater and Moses Mendall Jr., int. Dec. 29, 1825.
Maria of Wareham and John Meader, Oct. 28, 1828, C.R.1.
Mary A. [int. S.], 19, of Wareham, d. Rowland and Betsey, and Edward W. Cobb, 23, farmer, s. Oliver and Hannah, July 4, 1847.
Nancy T. of New Bedford and Nye Handy, int. Mar. 14, 1846.
Reliance [int, Washbonl of Dartmouth and Amos Randall [int. Randall, Dec. 3, 1775, in Dartmouth.
Sarah, Mrs., and Lt. Sylvanus Warren of Middleborough, int. July 6, 1782.
Susan P. and Benjamin Smith of Fairhaven, int. May 26, 1846.
William R. and Esther C. Ellis, int. Sept. 14, 1844.
WAST (see Waste, West)
Sarah of Dartmouth and Peter Crepo, int. May 18, 1766.
WASTE (see Wast, West)
Marcy [int. West] of Dartmouth and Concider Crapo [int. Consider Crepo], Mar. 30, 1757, in Dartmouth.
Abial D. and Sarah E. Cowing, Feb. 13, 1841.
Barnabas and Sally Thatcher, Nov. 28, 1799, C.R.3.
Deming D. (see Deming D. Wing)
Eleazer and Mrs. Hannah Dexter, int. Feb. 3, 1831. [m. Feb. 27, C.R.2.]
Lucius H., 27, housewright, s. Eleza and Dimy, and Lydia C. Morse, 18, d. John N. and Lydia, Nov. 25, 1846.
Samuel and Mary Doten, Aug. 23, 1722, in Plympton.
Caleb H. and Rachel R. Clay of New Bedford, int. Sept. 2, 1845.
Martha C. and Charles C. Bealls [int. Beals], May 11, 1843, in Mattapoisett. [Bealls, C.R.2.]
William T. and Ruth B. Cannon, int. Nov. 26, 1826.
Hannah (see Hannah Weston).
Philip of Newbedford and Louis Mendell, int. Feb. ---— 1802.
WEEKES (see Weeks)
Elizabeth [int. Elisabeth Wicks] and Archales [int. Archellus] Hammond, Dec. 10, 1729. [Elizabeth Weeks and Archelaus Hammond, P.C.R.]
WEEKS (see Weekes)
Abishai and Elizabeth [dup. Eliza] Clark, Jan. 5, 1791. [Elizabeth, C.R.1.]
Ansel and Betsey Hiller, int. May 1, 1823. [m. July 17, G.R.17.]
Ansel and [int. Mrs.] Eliza Peirce [int. Pierce], Nov. 25, 1835, in Mattapoisett. [Peirce, C.R.2. Eliza (Cushman), Nov. 25, 1834, G.R.17.]
Content of Hardwick and Isaac Clark, int. June 19, 1742.
Elizabeth and John Goodspeed, Dec. 18, 1735.
Lidea of Tisbury and William Raimond, int. Dec. 1, 1765.
Marcy and Jacob Bumpus, Apr. 18, 1705.
Ruth, Mrs., of Falmouth, and Walter F. Blankinship, int. June 17, 1820.
Shubal [dup. Shubel, int. Shubael] and Eliza [int. Elizabeth], ---- [int. Mar. 20], 1798. [Shubaal Wicks and Eliz Tobey, C.R.2. Shubael Weeks and Elizabeth Tobey, Apr. 1, G.R.17.]
Susanna of Falmouth and Joseph Bradford, Apr. 26, 1772, in Falmouth.
Thomas of Hardwick and Cathrine [int. Kathrine] Clark, Apr. 3, 1743. [Katherine Clarke, P.C.R. Katharine Clark, C.R.1.]
Addison and Susannah E. Haskell, July 7, 1845, P.R.12.
Daniel and Malindia C. Cannon, int. May 24, 1847.
Susannah [int. Mrs. Susanna Wheelden] of Tisbury and Mark Snow, Oct. 3, 1774, in Tisbury.
WESCOTE (see Waistcoat, Westcoat)
Bethiah and Thomas Chiles, Aug. 29, 1727.
WEST (see Wast, Waste)
Benjamin H. of New Bedford and Jane D. Cathel, int. Dec. 19, 1840.
Cyrus [dup. Cyrus] of Cornwallis and Mary Freeman, Dec. 3, 1767. [Cyrus of Cornwallis, P.C.R.]
Deborah and David Wing Jr., int. May 19, 1787.
Druzilla of Dartmouth and Enoch Hammond, int. Nov. 29, 1761.
Elisabeth of Tisbury and Stephen Winslow, int. June 2, 1772.
Elisha, Dr., and Mrs. Mary Smith of Edgar Town, int. Apr. 24, 1779.
Elizabeth (see Elisabeth).
Elizabeth and Silas Seares [int. Sears], July 11, 1782, in Dartmouth.
Elnathan of New Bedford and Dorcas Clifton [dup. and int. Clifton], Jan. [dup. June] 13, 1788. [Clifton, Jan. 13, P.C.R.]
Eunice and Philip Vincent of Dartmouth, int. Nov. 19, 1780.
Francis and Katurah Freeman, int. Oct. 9, 1784.
Freeman [int. of Montpelier, Vt., "resident in Rochester"] and Azubah Haskell, Jan. 26, 1792.
Jeremiah, 21, mechanic, s. William and Nancy, and Ardelia D. Spooner, 25, d. Jonathan and Sarah, Sept. 24, 1846.
Keturah of Dartmouth and Samuell [int. Samuel] Sprague, Mar. 7, 1754, in Dartmouth.
Lucy and Parley Davis of Montpelier, Vt., int. Mar. 26, 1791.
Mary, Mrs., and Capt. Lev1 young of Tisbury, int. Sept. 27, 1788.
Pernell of New Bedford and Jonathan Shermon, int. Aug. 4, 1792.
Samuel of Fair Haven and Delia Dean, Nov. 16, 1826 [sic, int. Nov. 2, 1828].
Sarah of Dartmouth and Isaac Freeman Jr., int. Dec. 4, 1763.
Stephen and Mary Holland of Sandwich, int. Oct. 29, 1784.
Stephen [int. Wast] of New Bedford and Asabela Mackfarlen [dup. Isabella McFarlen, int. Asabal Mackfarlin], Aug. 26, 1787. [West of New Bedford and Aseba Mackfarling, P.C.R.]
Thomas [int. Jr.] of Dartmouth and Deborah Freeman, Nov. 17, 1757.
Thomas, Rev., of Dartmouth, and Mrs. Priscillai [dup. and int. Priscilla, dup. omits Mrs.] Hammond, Nov. 30, 1763. [Mrs. Priscilla, P.C.R.]
Thomas of Dartmouth and Mrs. Deborah Freeman, int. Apr. 29, 1780.
Timothy and Lois Dexter, Aug. 28 [dup. Aug. 18], 1768. [Aug. 28, P.C.R.]
Waitstill [int. Weightstill] and Jeremiah Crapo, Dec. 27, 1775. [Waitstill, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
WESTCOAT (see Waistcoat, Wescote)
Benjamin and Rhoda Hawl, int. Jan. 21, 1786.
WESTGATE (see Wasgatt)
Abigail and Job Juckett of Wareham, int. Oct. 7, 1826.
Abigail and John Rogers, int. Dec. 15, 1826.
Adonijah and Huldah P. Rider of Middleborough, int. Apr. 7, 1833.
Andrew and Mary Gifford, May 5, 1825.
Benjamin [int. of Middleborough] and Sarah Wing Parlow [dup. omits Parlow], Feb. 20, 1806. [Benjamin and Sarah W. Parlow, C.R.1.]
Benjamin, 21, mechanic, of Wareham, b. Wareham, s. Jonathan and Lucinda, and Almira Hathaway, 18, d. John and Mercy H., Sept. 27, 1849.
Caroline and Sheldon Benson of Wareham, int. Nov. 25, 1837. "The certificate (not given) for the intentons was forbid."
Caroline and Jonathan C. Bump, Dec. 17, 1837, in Middleborough.
Daniel and Sally C. Crapo, int. May 20, 1822.
Edward Wanton and Lydia Randall, Nov. 13, 1781.
Elizabeth and Luk Hall, int. Apr. 23, 1785.
James and Judith Randol, int. July 5, 1777.
John, 25, farmer, s. Wanton, and Mary B. Hiller, 30, d. Nancy, June 16, 1845.
Jonathan of Middleborough and Delia Shearman, wid. [dup. Sherman, omits wid.], Dec. 30, 1813.
Lydia B. [B. crossed out, int. omits B.] and [int. Capt.] James Blankinship, July 27, 1827. [Lydia and Jamas Blankinship, C.R.1.]
Obed and Susan P. Randall, Apr. 8, 1838.
Polly and Alexander Hathaway of Wareham, int. June 24, 1803.
Polly of Fretown, d. Elijah Pittsley and Rebecca, and Charles Rider, 31, farmer, s. Bartlett and Rebecca, Oct. 5, 1848.
Silvanus (see Sylvanus).
Susan, 19, d. Darius and Laura, and Elisha Chase, 21, labourer, s. Elisha and Susannah, July 9, 1848.
Sylvanus of Tivertown [int. Silvanus of Freetown] and Deborah Hammond [int. Jr.], Jan. 11, 1789, [Silvanus of Tiverton, R.1., and Deborah Hammond, P.C.R.]
William, s. Wanton, and Sarah Hambly of Tiverton [int. adds R.1.], d. Benjamin, July 28, 1816, in Tiverton.
Abigail of Dartmouth and Aaron Hammond, int. Aug. 20, 1769.
Bulah and Shubal Wing, Nov. 28, 1758.
Dinah (see Dinah Norton).
Eliphaz of New Bedford and Patience Randall, Sept. 3, 1789, in New Bedford.
Elizabeth [dup. Eliza Hector] and Francis Liberty, Apr. 30, 1806. [Elizabeth Hutor, blacks, C.R.1.]
Hannah [int. Weeden] of New Bedford and Nathan Chase, May 23, 1793, in New Bedford.
Patience [dup. Pateince] of Middleborough] and Samuel Rider of Middleborough, Sept. 7, 1769.
Patience and Jonathan Kinney Jr., int. Jan. 30, 1845.
James, Rev. [int. omits Rev.], of Middleborough, and Catharin [int. Catherine F.] Clark, Aug. 19, 1839.
Susannah (see Susannah Welden).
WHITCOM (see Whitcomb, Whitcum)
James Jr. and Jean Spooner of Dartmouth, July 12, 1727, in Dartmouth.
WHITCOMB (see Whitcom, Whitcum)
Asa [int. Aseph of Herdwick] and Joanna Raymond [dup. Raimond, int. Ramond], Mar. 15, 1759. [Asa of Hardwich and Joanna Raymond, P.C.R.]
Charles of Woodstock, Vt., and Dorcas Randall, Oct. 19 [dup. Oct. 9], 1789. [Oct. 19, P.C.R.]
Elisabeth [dup. Eliza, int. Elisebeth] and William Powars [int. Powers] of Hardwick, Nov. 16, 1758. [Elisabeth and William Powers of Hardwick, C.R.1.]
James Jr. and Marcy Winslow, Aug. 15, 1721.
James [int. Whitcumb] and Sarah Lincoln [int. Linkhorn], May 31, 1731. [Whitcomb and Sarah Linkhorn, P.C.R.]
Joanna and Isaiah Hach, int. Feb. 14, 1756. [Hatch, m. Feb. 26, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Joanna [dup. and int. Whitredge] and Zacheus Handy Jr., Apr. 9, 1761. [Whitridge, P.C.R.]
Joshua and Meriah [dup. Mariah] Ashley, Dec. 4, 1755. [Mariah, P.C.R.]
Nathaniel and Rose Cumbs, Jan. 21, 1722-3.
Robert [int. Whitcumb] and Joanna Lawrence [int. Lawranc], Jan. 13, 1731-2. [Whitcomb and Joanna Lawrance, P.C.R.]
WHITCUM (see Whitcom, Whitcomb)
Nathaniel [int. Nathaniell] and Phebe Blackmer, July 27, 1738. [Nathaniel Whitcomb, P.C.R.]
Alvan of Fretown and Eugenia [int. Eugene] Bennett, Mar. 29, 1829.
Charity, Mrs., and Daniel Vaughn, int. Sept. 10, 1791.
Deborah and Samuell Lewes, int. Jan. 31, 1738-9. [Samuel Lewis, m. Apr. 12, 1739, C.R.1.]
Deborah and William Randol [dup. and int. Randall], Dec. 7, 1780. [Randall, P.C.R. Randal, C.R.1.]
Deborah L. and John N. Morse, int. May 6, 1814. " Mr. Morse ordered the publishment taken down"
Eliza A., Mrs., and William J. Monroe [int. Munroe] of Newport, R.1., Oct. 8, 1839.
Ezra S. of Fairhaven and Rebeca [dup. Rebecca written in pencil above Azuba] Sherman [int. Rebecca Shearman], Feb. 29, 1816. [Rebeca Shearman, C.R.1.]
George and Sary Bumpus, Oct. 17, 1728.
Hope and Barnabas Clark, Oct. 11, 1782.
James of Freetown and Rachel Gurney, int. Mar. 26, 1810.
Jane [int. Jr.] and Ebenezer Sears, Oct. 21, 1779 [dup. 1777]. [Jane, Oct. 21, 1779, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Jedidiah [int. Jedidah] of Wareham and Aaron Hammond, Dec. 25, 1784, in Wareham.
Justice [int. Jestice] and Jane Shareman [int. Jeane Shairman], June 20, 1745. [Justus and Jane Shearman, C.R.1.]
Justus and Content Clark, Mar. 8 [dup. Mar. 6], 1784, [Mar. 8, P.C.R.]
Katharine and Isaac Bowles Jr., int. Oct. 24, 1809.
Lucinda and Amittai B. Hammond, int. May 12, 1823. [Amitti B., m. Oct. 26, C.R.2.]
Malletiah [dup. Maltiah, int. Malletiah] and Mary [dup. Marcy] Sprague, Feb. 12, 1756. meatiah and Mary Sprague, P.C.R.]
Martha and Robert Jones, int. Aug. 1, 1734.
Mary and Timothy Ruggles, Dec. 27, 1710.
Mary (Whit) and Nathan Elis of Middelboro, May 23, 1723.
Mary (see Mercy).
Mary [dup. Mercy, int. Mrs.] and Shubael [dup. Shubal, int. Shubel] Nye of Falmouth], Aug. 10 [dup. Aug. 8], 1783. [Mary and Shubael Nye of Falmouth, Aug. 10, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Melatiah (see Malletiah).
Melatiah [dup. Maltiah] and [int. Mrs.] Mercy Sprague, Jan. 10, 1779. [Malatiah and Mercy Sprague, P.C.R. Melatiah and Mercy Sprague, C.R.1.]
Mercy and Joseph Clark Jr., Nov. 29, 1750.
Mercy [int. Mary] and Samuel Lumberd [dup. and int. Lumbard], Feb. 8, 1781. [Mercy and Samuel Lombard, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Mercy (see Mary).
Minerva and John Purington [int. Purrington], Feb. 27, 1840, in Mattapoisett. [Purrington, C.R.2.]
Nathaniel and Mary Raymond of Wareham, May 20, 1745, in Wareham.
Penelepe and John Tras, Feb. 28, 1726-7. [Penelope and John Grass, P.C.R.]
Pennelabe and Peroo Crapoo, May 31, 1704.
Priscilla and Ebenezer Ellis, Nov. 26, 1789.
Resolved and Charity Clap [dup. Clapp], Dec. 19, 1771. [Clap, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Resolved, Capt., and Anna Briggs of Wareham, int. June 17, 1811.
Rufus of Wrentham and Nancy Randall, int. Oct. 5, 1829.
Sally Ann B. of Wareham and William H. Cobb, int. Aug. 19, 1843.
Salvanus and Anne Williams [int. Anna Willams], Nov. 16, 1752. [Silvanus and Ann Williams, P.C.R. Silvanus and Anna Williams, C.R.1.]
Samuel [int. Samuell] and Elisabeth Ashly [int. Ashley], Mar. 14, 1733-4. [Samuel and Elizabeth Ashley, P.C.R.]
Samuel of Dartmouth and Elizabeth Jakson, int. Apr. 5, 1746.
Samuell and Mary Chase of Dartmouth, May 11, 1731, in Dartmouth.
Silvanus (see Salvanus).
Susanna and Abraham Ashley, Sept. 9, 1703, in Sandwich.
Susannah and Thomas Williams of Woodstock, int. Apr. 23, 1785.
Tabatha [dup. Tabitha] and Joel Ellis Jr. [int. omits Jr.], Mar. 27, 1786. [Tabitha and Joel Ellis Jr., P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Thomas and Ruth Marchant of Edgertown, int. Sept. 2, 1754.
Timothy of Scituate and Sarah Haskell, Oct. 27, 1761. [Haskel, P.C.R. Haskell, C.R.1.]
William of Dartmouth and Marcy Sears, int. Nov. 17, 1751.
William S. [int. Jr.] of Boston and Eliza Ann Willis [int. Willes], Mar. 18, 1834, in Mattapoisett. [William S. of Boston and Eliza Ann Willis, C.R.2.]
WHITEFIELD (see Whitfield)
Rebekah [dup. Rebeccah Whitfield] and Lamuel [dup. Lemuel] Swift of Plymouth, Dec. 8 [dup. Dec. 30], 1756. [Rebeccah Whitfield and Lemuel Swift of Plimouth, Dec. 8, P.C.R.]
WHITEMORE (see Whittemore)
Richard [int. Whitmore] and Eliza [int. Elizabeth] Hammond, ---- [int. Oct. 24], 1799. [Whittemore and Eliza Hamond, C.R.2.]
WHITERAGE (see Whiteredge, Whitredg, Whitredge, Whitridg, Whitridge, Whittrage, Whittredge, Whittridge)
Charity and Paul Sears, May 30, 1721.
WHITEREDGE (see Whiterage, Whitredg, Whitredge, Whitridg, Whitridge, Whittrage, Whittredge, Whittridge)
Abigal [int. Abigail Whittrage] and Seth Winslow, Oct. 23, 1729. [Abigail Whiteridge, P.C.R.]
Mary [int. Marcy Whittrage] and Ebenezar Keen [int. Ebenezer Cain], Dec. 31, 1730. [Mercy Whiteridge and Ebenezer Keen, P.C.R.]
WHITFIELD (see Whitefield)
John [int. Whitfeild] and Elizabeth Blackmer, Feb. 17, 1734.
Nancy [dup. and int. Whitney] and James Blackmer [dup. Blackmar, int. Blackamore], Nov. 29, 1798.
Hector and Anna, Bly, negros, int. May 21, 1775.
WHITMORE (see Whitemore, Whittemore)
Isaac and Lucy Bennett, wid., of Middleborough, int. June 28, 1817, "certified July 15."
Nancy (see Nancy Whiting).
WHITREDG (see Whiterage, Whiteredge, Whitredge, Whitridg, Whitridge, Whittrage, Whittredge, Whittridge)
Thomas [int. Whitrege Jr.] and Melatiah Lawrence [int. Malletiah Lawrance] of Sandwich, Jan. 4, 1764, in Sandwich.
WHITREDGE (see Whiterage, Whiteredge, Whitredg, Whitridg, Whitridge, Whittrage, Whittredge, Whittridge)
Catharine [int. Whitteridge, Mrs.] and [int. Dea.] Nathaniel Briggs, Feb. 1, 1824. [Catherine Whitridge and Dea. Nathaniel Briggs, C.R.1.]
Joanna (see Joanna Whitcomb).
Joseph and Abigail Foster, int. Nov. 10, 1799. [Whittredge and Nabby Foster, m. June 22, 1800, C.R.3.]
Joseph, Capt., and Olive Rider, wid., int. May 29, 1811.
Peleg and Caty Clark, int. Nov. 24, 1795. [Whiteradge, m. Aug. 21, 1796, C.R.3.]
Thomas [int. Whitridge] and Hannah Haskall, Nov. 25, 1733. [Whetredge [dup. Wetteridge] and Hannah Haskell, P.C.R.]
Thomas [dup. and int. Whitridge] and Thankful [int. Thankfull] Goodspeed, Aug. 13, 1796 [dup. 1797].
William and Betsey Pittson Hammond, int. Feb. 4, 1798. [Whitteredge, m. Feb. 20, C.R.3.]
WHITRIDG (see Whiterage, Whiteredge, Whitredg, Whitredge, Whitridge, Whittrage, Whittredge, Whittridge)
Mary and Joseph Ashley, Jan. 1, 1728-9 [Whetredge and Joseph Ashely, P.C.R.]
WHITRIDGE (see Whiterage, Whiteredge, Whitredg, Whitredge, Whitridg, Whittrage, Whittredge, Whittridge)
Elizabeth [dup. Whitredge, int. Whitteridge, adds P.] and Thomas Snow, July 29, 1816. [Elizabeth P. Whitridge, C.R.1]
Mary [dup. Whitteridge, int. Whitredge] and John Louden [dup. Loudon] of Dartmouth, Dec. 17 [dup. Dec. 22], 1761. [Whitridge and John Lowden of Dartmouth, Dec. 17, P.C.R.]
Thomas, Dea., and Mrs. Mercy Nye, int. May 19, 1776.
Thomas 3d and Lydia West Claghorn, Oct. 9, 1791. [Whittridge 3d, C.R.1.]
WHITTEMORE (see Whitemore)
Richard and Elisabeth [dup. Eliza, int. Elizabeth] Hammond, ---- [int. Dec. 9, 1789], 1790. [Elizabeth, P.C.R.]
Sally and Jonathan Delano of New Bedford, June ---— [int. June 10], 1791.
Milla of Middleborough and John Maxham Jr., int. Apr. 7, 1782.
WHITTRAGE (see Whiterage, Whiteredge, Whitredg, Whitredge, Whitridg, Whitridge, Whittredge, Whittridge)
Sarah and Jeremiah Devell, int. Aug. 20, 1746.
WHITTREDGE (see Whiterage, Whiteredge, Whitredg, Whitredge, Whitridg, Whitridge, Whittrage, Whittridge)
Rebeckah and Abraham Ashley, int. Dec. 3, 1736.
WHITTRIDGE (see Whiterage, Whiteredge, Whitredg, Whitredge, Whitridg, Whitridge, Whittrage, Whittredge)
Elizabeth [int. Whitredg] and Mark Haskell [int. Haskell Jr., Aug. 6, 1741. [Witredge and Marke Haskell 3d both of Plymouth, P.C.R.]
Elizabeth (see Elizabeth Weekes)
Shubael (see Shubal Weeks)
WILBER (see Wilbor, Wilbour)
Benjamin and Bettsey Hammond, int. Dec. 5, 1774.
Elizabeth Brownin and Robert Clark, int. Oct. 8, 1803.
Horatio N., widr. [int. Horation N., omits widr.], 32, house wright, of Midlleborough, and Mary A. Holmes, wid, [int. omits wid.], 22, d. John N. Morse and Lydia, Nov. 25, 1846.
Levi of Raynham and Persis Briggs of Dartmouth, Sept. 17, 1775, C.R.1.
Lydia of Little Compton and Zalmund Butler, int. Aug. 18, 1827.
WILBOR (see Wilber, Wilbour)
Joseph [int. Wilber] and Abigail Hammond, July 21, 1799.
WILBOUR (see Wilber, Wilbor)
Elizabeth of Little Compton and Isreal Hammond, int. Oct. 15, 1737.
WILCOX (see Willcoks)
Gideon [int. Gidion] of Tiverton, R.1., and Louisa Wing, Apr. 2, 1837. [Gideon of Tiverton, R.1., C.R.1.]
Joshua of Hingham, s. Edward and Mary of Hingham, Plymouth Co., and Judith Shearman, d. John and Experience, Oct. 30, 1812, in Fairhaven, C.R.4.
Alden of Dartmouth and Rebecca Davis, Jan. 11, 1784, in Dartmouth.
WILLCOKS (see Wilcox)
Elisabeth late of New York and Philip Simmons, int. Dec. 8, 1729.
James (see James Willkes)
WILLIAM (see Williams)
Eliza [int. Eliza W. Williams] and Frank Francis, ---- [int. Sept. 26], 1829.
WILLIAMS (see William)
Anna [int. Anne] and Benjamin Hammond of Dartmouth, Feb. 21, 1771. [Anna, P.C.R. Anne, C.R.1.]
Anne [int. Anna Willams] and Salvanus White, Nov. 16, 1752. [Ann Williams and Silvanus White, P.C.R. Anna Williams and Silvanus White, C.R.1.]
Elijah and Ruth Nye, June 24, 1759.
John [int. Willams] and Rhoda Crowel, Mar. 5, 1752. [Williams and Rhoda Crowle, P.C.R. Williams and Rhoda Crowel, C.R.1.]
John of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., s. Obediah dec'd late of Shrewsbury, E. Jersey, and Catharine of Dartmouth, and Mary Davis, d. Nicolas dec'd and Ruth, Nov. 19, 1765, in Dartmouth, C.R.4.
Joseph of Hebron and Sarah Holms [int. Holmes], Dec. 31, 1754. [William [dup. Williams] of Hebron and Sarah Holmes [dup. Dec. 30], P.C.R.]
Mary M. of Fairhaven and William P. Handy, int. July 12, 1844.
Mehitibel of Freetown and Russell Braly, int. Sept. 17, 1828.
Sarah of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., d. Obediah dec'd of Shrosebury and Catherine ("now wife of John Russell of Dartmouth, Bristol Co."), and Nicholas Davis of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., s. Nicholas and Ruth dec'd, Dec. 24, 1761, in Dartmouth, C.R.4.
Silas [dup. William Raymond] of Raynham and Charity Pierce [dup. Charaty Peirce] of Middleborough, Nov. 17, 1791. [Silas Williams of Raynham, Bristol Co., and Charity Peirce of Middleborough, Plymouth Co., P.C.R.]
Thomas of Woodstock and Susannah White, int. Apr. 23, 1785.
WILLIS (see Wyllis)
Abby H. [int. Wiles] and Rogers L. Barstow, Jan. 11, 1837.
Elijah and Sarah Ann Moore, Dec. 17, 1806. [Elijah of Providence, C.R.1.]
Eliza Ann [int. Wiles] and William S. White [int. Jr.] of Boston, Mar. 18, 1834, in Mattapoisett. [Willis and William S. White of Boston, C.R.2.]
Hity of New Bedford and Dea. Thomas Tobey, int. Aug. 20, 1814.
Nathan and Sophia Tupper, b. Chesterfield, d. Benjamin and Huldah, May 22, 1788.
Nathan and Susan P. Willis, int. Sept. 7, 1828.
Sarah Mumford and Peter Green Munroe, "United States Engineer Service in Boston Harbor," int. Jan. 20, 1838.
Sophia T. and [int. Capt.] Micah H. Ruggles, Jan. 24, 1813. [Capt., C.R.1.]
Susan P. and Nathan Willis, int. Sept. 7, 1828.
James of Tivertown, R.1., and Hannah Hatch, int. Sept. 23, 1748. [James Willey of Tiverton, m. Nov. 10, C.R.1.]
WILLSON (see Wilson)
Joseph [int. Wilson] and Mary B. Marythew [int. Merrihew], Mar. 16, 1837, in Mattapoisett. [Wilson and Mary B. Merrithew, C.R.2.]
WILSHIRE (see Wiltshire)
Prisscilla and Moses Sturtevant of Wareham, int. June 1, 1801.
WILSON (see Willson)
James of Fairhaven and Nancy Parlow, int. Mar. 31, 1838.
Jane and Gideon Bester, int. Nov. 11, 1759.
WILTSHIRE (see Wilshire)
William and Mabel Southwoth [dup. Southworth], Jan. 12 [dup. Nov. 15, int. Jan. l3 sic], 1772. [Southworth, Jan. 12, P.C.R. Mable Southworth, Jan. 12, C.R.1.]
Mary of Tisbury and Timothy Ruggles, int. Oct. 17, 1813.
Alden and Lucy Bates, Apr. 30, 1802, C.R.1.
Allic and Nathan Parlow, July 5, 1825. [Alice, C.R.1.]
Ann [dup, and int. Anna] and Royal Hathaway [int. of New Bedford], Dec. ----, 1805. [Anna and Royal Hathaway of Newbedford, Dec. 29, C.R.2.]
Anne, d. Joseph and Deborah of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Jabez Wing, s. John and Experience, Aug. 13, 1746, C.R.1.]
Azubah and Isaac Smith, Feb. 2, 1834.
Barnabas, blacksmith, s. Samuel dec'd and Dorothy dec'd both late of Sandwich, and Anne Gifford of Falmouth, Barnstable Co., d. William and Mary of Falmouth, Sept. 7, 1753, in Falmouth, C.R.4.
Barsheba, d. Buttler and Barsheba of Wareham, Plimouth Co., and William Eastes of Hanover, Plimouth Co., s. William, May 11, 1768, C.R.4.
Benjamin and Mary Hiller, Apr. 10, 1734. [Benjamin, s. John and Experience, and Mary Hillier, d. Jabez and Elisabeth, C.R.4.]
Benjamin and Experiance Benson, int. Oct. 1, 1737. [Benjamin, s. John and Experience, and Experience Benson, wid. Joseph, m. Nov. 2, C.R.4.]
Benjamin and Elizabeth Wing of Wareham, int. June 14, 1746. [Benjamen, yeoman, s. John and Experience, and Elizabeth Wing of Wareham, Plymouth Co., d. Elisha and Mehetable dec'd of Wareham, m. July 16, C.R.4.]
Benjamin and Lydia Ellis, Feb. 14, 1785.
Benjamin and Delia [int. Debey] Clifton, Sept. 14, 1825. [Delia, C.R.1.]
Betsey and Hallet Briggs Jr., Feb. 9, 1823. [Hallett, C.R.1.]
Butler and Thankfull [dup. Thankful] Ellis, Mar. 2, 1788. [Thankfull, P.C.R. Thankful, C.R.1.]
Buttler and Barshaway Clifton, int. Oct. 31, 1730. [Butler, s. Elisha, and Bershea Clifton, d. Savori, m. Dec. 9, C.R.4.]
Catharine (see Katharine).
Charles H. of Fairhaven and Susan Higgins, int. Sept. 28, 1839.
Cholton [int. Charlton] H. and Zuba Clifton, Apr. 18, 1837.
Cliffton, s. Buttler and Bershaba of Wareham, Plymouth Co., and Ruth Griffeth, d. Philip and Rebekah, Nov. 22, 1758, C.R.4.
Clifton, Capt., and Ann Mariah S. Freeman of Wareham, int. Sept. 19, 1822.
Daniel and Mary Clifton [int. Clifton], Nov. 26, 1740. [Cliften, P.C.R. Daniell, s. John, yeoman, and Mary Clifton, d. Savory, yeoman, C.R.4.]
Daniel and Rebeckah Gifford of Dartmouth, int. Dec. 13, 1746.
Daniel, blacksmith, s. Samuel dec'd and Dorothy of Sandwich, and Mereba Gifford, d. William, yeoman, and Mary of Falmouth, Barnstable Co., Oct. 18, 1749, in Falmouth, C.R.4.
David Jr. and Deborah West, int. May 19, 1787.
Davied [int. David] and Sarah Parker, Dec. 14, 1758. [David, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Deborah and Lamuel [int. Lemuel] Claghorn, Mar. 15, 1742. [Lemuel Claghorne, P.C.R.]
Deborah, d. Samuel dec'd and Dorothy of Sandwich, and Roger Braly Jr., yeoman, s. Roger, May 4, 1750, in Sandwich, C.R.4.
Deming D. [int. Demmy D. Waterman] and Patrick Ryan of Wareham, July 5, 1836.
Desire and Phinias Chasse of Freetown, July 1, 1719. [Desire, d. John dec'd, and Pheneas Chase, s. Abraham of Tiverton, Bristol Co., C.R.4.]
Dolly and [int. Capt.] James Delano, Sept. 19, 1816. [James, C.R.1.]
Ebenezar and Elisabath Blackmer, Oct. 31, 1721.
Edward of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Patience Ellis, d. Freeman dec'd, Dec. 25, 1728, in Dartmouth, C.R.4.
Elisha and Mary [dup. Marcy] Clark, int. June 1, 1798.
Elizabeth of Wareham and Benjamin Wing, int. June 14, 1746. [Elizabeth of Wareham, Plymouth Co., d. Elisha and Mehetable dec'd of Wareham, and Benjamen Wing, yeoman, s. John and Experience, ru. July 16, C.R.4.]
Elizabeth, d. Stephen dec'd and Margret, and Henry Halley of Portsmouth, Newport Co., R.1., s. John dec'd (late of Newport) and Mary, June 4, 1766, C.R.4.
Eunice and Simon Hathaway [int. Jr.], Feb. 13, 1783. [Hatheway, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Eunice and Job Delano, Aug. 28, 1826. [Capt. Job, C.R.1.]
Experience, d. John and Experience, and Neamiah Shirmon, s. David and Abigal of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., Dec. 4, 1745 C.R.4.
Hannah, d. John and Martha, and Benjamin Bowerman, s. Thomas and Mary of Falmouth, Barnstable Co., Apr. 20, 1715, C.R.4.
Hannah, d. John and Experience, and Hattil Killey of Yarmouth, s. John and Hannah of Yarmouth, Apr. 8, 1745, C.R.4.
Hannah and Samuel Randall, int. July 9, 1791. [Randal, m. Sept. 8, C.R.1.]
Hannah and William Blankinship, int. Oct. 18, 1802. [m. Oct. 24, C.R.1.]
Hannah and Anselm [int. Ansell] Handy, May 31, 1829. [Anselm, C.R.1.]
Harlot and John A. Le Baron [int. Le Barron], Jan. 11, 1818. [Harrit and John A. Le Baron, Jan. 15[?], C.R.2.]
Hipsa, d. Samuel and Hipseba, and William Coleman, s. Barnebas and Rachel of Shearbon, Nantucket, June 2, 1780, C.R.4.
Hosith of Sandwich and William Parlow, Mar. 14, 1726-7, in Sandwich.
Isaac and Remember Mendall, Oct. 16, 1792.
Jabez, s. John and Experience, and Anne Wing, d. Joseph and Deborah of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., Aug. 13, 1746, C.R.4.
James R. and Eunice [int. adds D.] Handy, Sept. 13, 1835.
Jashub [int. Jashup] of Dartmouth and Eleanor [dup. Elenor] Handy, June 8, 1780. [Jashub of Dartmouth and Eleanor Handy, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Jashub of Fair Haven and [int. Mrs.] Sarah Bowles [int. Bolles], Dec. 22, 1818. [Joshub of Fair Haven and Sarah Bowles, C.R.1.]
Jedediah and Elizabeth [int. Elisabeth] Gifford of Plymouth, Dec. 18, 1734. [Jedediah, s. Elisha and Mehittable, and Elizabeth Gifford, d. Gershom and Deborah of Egawam, Plimouth Co., Jan. 18, 1734, in Egawam, C.R.4.]
John and Experiance Gifford of Falmouth, May 23, 1710, in Falmouth. [John, s. John, and Experience Gifford of Phalmouth, C.R.4.]
John Jr. and Hannah Gifford, Feb. 22, 1738.
John and Margrat [dup. Margaret, int. Merget] Look, Nov. 30 [dup. Nov. 3], 1769. [Margaret, Nov. 30, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
John [int. Jr.] of Sandwich and Hannah Russel [dup. Russell] of Middleborough, June 28, 1791. [John of Sandwich and Hannah Burges of Middleboro, P.C.R.]
John and Sally Smith, ---- [int. Mar. 10, 1797], 1798. [----, 1797, C.R.2.]
Jonathan and Pheabe [int. Phebe] Handy, Oct. 29, 1752. [Phebe, P.C.R. Phebe Handey, Oct. 24, 1752 "N Stile," C.R.1.]
Jonathan and Hannah Hammond, Jan. 15, 1764.
Joseph and Dorithy Butler of Sandwich, Jan. 27, 1710–11 in Sandwich. [Joseph, s. John, and Dorithy Butler, d. Daniel of Sandwich, Jan. 23, C.R.4.]
Joseph, mariner, of Falmouth, Barnstable Co., s. Joseph dec'd (late of Rochester) and Dorothy, and Phebe Hatch of Sandwich, d. James dec'd (late of Hanover, Plymouth Co.) and Anna, Oct. 26, 1752, in Sandwich, C.R.4.
Joseph and Rebekah Harthaway [dup. Rebeccah Hathaway], Jan. 8, 1761. [Rebeccah Hathaway, P.C.R. Rebeccah Harthaway, C.R.1.]
Joseph and Elisabeth Nye, int. July 7, 1792.
Joseph, Capt., and Polly H. Allen, int. Aug. 29, 1834.
Katharine [int. Catharine] and Jonathan Parlow, Mar. 8, 1785. [Katherine, P.C.R. Katharine, C.R.1.]
Laura and John Bassett, Alar. 24, 1816.
Louisa and Gideon [int. Gidion] Wilcox of Tiverton, R.1., Apr. 2, 1837. [Gideon of Tiverton, R.1., C.R.1.]
Lucy of Hardwick and Nathan Chandler, ----, 1786, in Hardwick.
Lucy Ann of Sandwich and Gilmore Dexter, int. Apr. 1, 1829.
Marcy of Sandwich and Benjamin Burge, int. Mar. 3, 1770.
Marcy of Falmouth, Barnstable Co., and Giles Slocum of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., June 6, 1777, C.R.4.
Martha and Jonathan Divel of Dartmouth, int. Nov. 29, 1730.
Mary, d. Stephen dec'd and Margret, and Samuel Trip, weaver, of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., s. Nathan (Tripp) of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., May 27, 1752, C.R.4.
Mary and ---- Briggs of Truro, "now resident in Rochester," int. Mar. 10, 1782.
Mary of Dartmouth and Edward Handy, int. Feb. 4, 1786.
Mary and Seth Blankinship, Feb. 9, 1795.
Mary [int. Mercy] of Wareham [int. adds Plymouth Co.] and Archippus Cole Jr. [int. omits Jr.], May 24, 1795.
Mary A. of Sandwich and Thomas Clark, int. Sept. 10, 1837.
Mehitable and Seth O. Riley of Yarmouth, Nov. 23, 1726. [Mehitabel, P.C.R. Mehitabel, d. Elisha, and Seth Killie, s. Jeremiah of Yarmouth, Barnstable Co., C.R.4.]
Mercy (see Marcy and Mary).
Mercy and Paul Briggs, Sept. 15 [dup. Sept. 25], 1822. [Sept. 15, C.R.1.]
Nathaneal Jr. of Sandwich and Jemima Blackmer, Dec. 1, 1716.
Nathaniel [int. 2d] of Sandwich and Hannah S. Burgess, July 28, 1836.
Noble P. [int. Capt.] and Hannah G. Leonard, May 2, 1839. [Noble P., C.R.1.]
Olivia and Patrick Ryan of Wareham, July 14, 1833.
Pamela [int. Permela] and Alden Jenne [int. of Fair Haven], Feb. 22, 1825. [Pamila and Alden Jenne of Fair Haven, C.R.1.]
Paul [dup. Paul Merry] and Sally Sturtevant, June 26, 1817 [dup. 1807 sic, int. Dec. 21, 1816]. [Paul Wing, June 26, 1817, C.R.1.]
Phebe and Freeman Handy, June 8, 1783.
Philip Jr. [int. omits Jr.] and Sally Bates, June 15, 1810. [Philip Jr., June 18, C.R.1.]
Phillip [int. Philip] and Sarah Hathaway [int. Jr.] of Wareham, Nov. 9, 1786, in Wareham.
Polly H. [int. Mrs.] and Josiah Dexter, Sept. 24, 1837.
Presbuary, s. Joshua and Mary of Sandwich, Barnstable Co., and Hannah Swift of Falmouth, Barnstable Co., d. Benjamin and Wait of Falmouth, June 2, 1780, C.R.4.
Rebecah and George Look, int. May 24, 1825.
Rebecca and Micah Crapo, int. Apr. 10, 1796. [m. Nov. 25, C.R.3.]
Rebeccah and John Burges, Sept. 11, 1823. [Rebeca, C.R.1.]
Sally [int. Mrs.] and Medad Cannon, July 20, 1830.
Samuel, s. Daniel of Sandwich, Barnstable Co., and Dorothy Clifton, d. Savery of Plymouth Co., Jan. 3, 1720-1, C.R.4.
Samuel and Anne Barlow, Jan. 1, 1728-9.
Samuell Jr. and Joanna Haskell, Apr. 8, 1759. [Haskel, P.C.R. Samuel Jr. and Joanna Haskell, C.R.1.]
Sarah of Felmouth and Nathaniel Parlow, int. Apr. 16, 1757. [m. June 16, 1756 sic, P.C.R. m. June 16, 1757, C.R.1.]
Sarah (see Sarah Wing Parlow).
Shubal and Bulah Weston, Nov. 28, 1758.
Shubal [int. Shubel Jr.] and Lydia Bump [int. Bumpus] of of Wareham, May 10, 1787, in Wareham.
Sophia and Capt. Seth Freeman, int. Oct. 17, 1818, "Certified Oct. 31."
Stephen and Margerett Cliffton, int. Jan. 10, 1730-1. [Stephen, s. John dec'd, and Margret Clifton, d. Savery, m. Feb. 2, C.R.4.]
Stephen and Abigal Bryant, int. Sept. 12, 1814, "certificate given."
Steven [dup. Stephen] and Ollive [dup. Olive] Hammond, Jan. 5, 1764. [Stephen and Ollive Hammond, P.C.R.]
Tabatha [int. Tabitha] of Dartmouth and Jonathan Handy, Nov. 20, 1781, in Dartmouth.
Thankful and [int. Capt.] Benjamin Delano, Jan. 13, 1824. [Capt. Benjamin, C.R.1.]
Thankfull and Isaac Snow, int. Dec. 4, 1742. [Thankful King, m. Dec. 30, C.R.1.]
Thankfull and John Clark [int. Jr.] of Hannover, July 28, 1752. [Clarke of Hannover, P.C.R. Clark of Hanover, C.R.1.]
Thankfull [dup. and second dup. Thankful] and Barnabas Doty Jr., Jan. 10 [dup. and second dup. Jan. 19], 1794.
Thomas, s. Edward and Content dec'd of Oblong, Dutches Co., and Bulah Dileno, d. Jabes and Deborah dec'd, Jan. 3, 1772, in Sandwich, C.R.4.
Timothy and Deborah Damon of Newbedford, int. June 25, 1798.
Unity H. [int. omits H.] and Joseph Blankinship, Jan. 8, 1837.
William and Mary Alling of Sandwich, int. Oct. 2, 1736.
William and Tirzah F. Gurney, int. Mar. 14, 1829.
Anne and Rollan Hammond, int. May 1, 1731.
Benjamin and Rebecca Ellis of Sandwich, int. Apr. 1, 1780.
Benjamin and Phebe M. Sherman [int. Shearman], Jan. 2, 1842.
Betheah [int. Bethah, dup. int. Bethiah] and Increase Clap, Apr. 15, 1770. [Bithiah, C.R.1.]
David and Sarah Hallowell [dup. Holowill, int. Holloway], Dec. 14, 1774. [Hollowell, P.C.R. Hallowell, C.R.1.]
Deborah and John Shearman [int. Shairman Jr.], Mar. 15, 1743-4. [Shearman Jr., C.R.1.]
Deborah and Thomas Shearman [dup. and second dup. Sherman, int. Shermon], Jan. 8, 1792. [Sherman, P.C.R.]
Dorcas Ir. [dup. omits Jr.] and Jonathan Edwards, Nov. 7, 1790. [Dorcas, P.C.R.]
Ebenezer and Susanna Thomas of Middleborough, int. Oct. 25, 1806.
Ebenezer (see Edward).
Edward Jr. [int. Lt., omits Jr.] and [int. Mrs.] Rachel Winslow of Freetown, May 1, 1746, in Freetown.
Edward 3d and Eleanor Perce, int. Feb. 16, 1755.
Edward, Capt., and Mrs. Hannah Winslow of Dighton, int. Aug. 9, 1767.
Edward [dup. Ebenezer] of Middleborough and Deborah Pope, Mar. 19, 1815. [Edward, C.R.1.]
Elisabeth [dup. Eliza] and Nathaniel Sears, Nov. 26 [dup. Nov. 22, int. Nov. 22], 1761. [Elizabeth, Nov. 26, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Enoch and Sarah Hammond, int. May 24, 1761.
Fanny and Samuel Tripp [dup. Trip], May [dup. Feb.] 3, 1807. [Tripp, May 3, C.R.1.]
Hallett of Dartmouth and Mary Clark, Mar. 28, 1837, in Mattapoisett. [Hallet of Dartmouth and Mary Clarke, C.R.2.]
Hannah and John Page of Hardweck, int. Dec. 23, 1764. [m. Mar. 24, 1765, C.R.1.]
Hannah, Mrs., of Dighton, and Capt. Edward Winslow, int. Aug. 9, 1767.
Hannah and Benoni Shaw of Bridgwater, int. Mar. 24, 1787.
Hannah, Mrs. [dup. omits Mrs.], and Lothrop Perkins [int. of Middleborough], Apr. 4, 1819.
Jedediah and Elisabeth Goodspeed of Barnstable, int. Nov. 24, 1750.
John and Bethyah Androws, Mar. 15, 1721-2.
John Jr. and Bethiah Shairman, int. Aug. 3, 1745. [Shearman, m. Nov. 28, C.R.1.]
John of Harwich and Dorcas Clap, int. Nov. 5, 1748.
John and Ann Roberts, Sept. 4 [sic, int. Sept. 9], 1794.
Judah (see Tisdale).
Kenelm and Elisabeth [int. Elizabeth] Clap, June 21, 1734.
Kezia [dup. Keziah] and Elijah Dexter, Mar. 29, 1772. [Kezia [dup. Keziah], P.C.R. Kezia, C.R.1. Keziah and Elijah Dexter, s. Seth and Elizabeth, P.R.11.]
Lemuel, Lt., and Mrs. Vina Nye of Sandwich, int. Jan. 14, 1793.
Lydia and James Foster, July 10, 1729.
Marcy and James Whitcomb Jr., Aug. 15, 1721.
Marcy and Chillingsworth Foster of Harwich, Oct. 10, 1736.
Margaret of Freetown and Seth Pope, int. Mar. ---—, 1776.
Mary of Harwich and Ebenezar Clapp, Mar. 9, 1726, in Harwick.
Mehetibel and Thomas Winslow of Harwich, Feb. 12, 1722-3.
Mercy (see Marcy).
Micah and Hannah Vincent of New Bedford [int. adds Bristol Co.], Aug. 2, 1797, in New Bedford.
Nathan and Bethiah Cushman of Dartmouth, Sept. 23, 1779, in Dartmouth.
Nathaniell [dup. and int. Nathaniel] and Thankfull Randal [dup. Thankful Randall], Apr. 23 [dup. Apr. 25], 1758. [Nathaniel and Thankfull Randal, Apr. 23, C.R.1.]
Noah of Bridgwater, Vt., and Rhoda Sherman, Jan. 13, 1791 [dup. 1792].
Polly and James Hathaway of Freetown, int. Nov. 6, 1802.
Rachel [int. Mrs.] of Freetown and [int. Lt.] Edward Winslow Jr. [int. omits Jr.], May 1, 1746, in Freetown.
Rachel and Joseph Hammond, Feb. 23, 1769.
Sally and Ebenezer Keen Jr. of New Bedford, Oct. 23, 1794. [Sept. 4, C.R.3.]
Samuel and Bethiah Holebrook of Scituate, Sept. 26, 1700, in Scituate.
Samuel and Mercy King, Nov. 11, 1703, in Scituate.
Samuell and Ruth Briggs, int. Sept. 15, 1739. [Samuel, m. Oct. 8, C.R.1.]
Sarah and Seth Pope of Dartmouth, int. Feb. 3, 1751.
Sarah 2d and Thomas Sherman, int. May 14, 1785.
Seth and Abigal Whiteredge [int. Abigail Whittrage], Oct. 23, 1729. [Abigail Whiteridge, P.C.R.]
Stephen and Elisabeth West of Tisbury, int. June 2, 1772.
Thankfull and Josephus Hammond, Apr. 10, 1735.
Thankfull [dup. Thankful] and jabez Shermon [dup. Sherman, int. Shearman], June 23, 1776. [Thankfull and Jabez Sherman, P.C.R. Thankful and Jabez Sherman, C.R.1.]
Thomas of Harwich and Mehetibel Winslow, Feb. 12, 1722-3.
Thomas and Rebekah [int. Rebeckah] Ewer of Barnstable, June 27, 1735, in Barnstable.
Tisdale [dup. Judah] and Jane Blackwell, Aug. 15, 1773. [Tisdale, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Jeremiah of Berwick and Mary Place, Jan. 8, 1776, in Dedham.
Samson [int. Witherell of Freetown] and Hannah Delano [int. Delino], Mar. 6, 1748. [Sampson Witherel and Hannah Delano, C.R.1.]
James [int. Wittett] and Eliza Allen, Nov. 4, 1830. [Wittit, C.R.1.]
Abba L. of Dighton [Dighton written above Fairhaven crossed out] and Jeremiah Randall 2d, int. Aug. 1, 1835.
Abby, d. Thomas and Betsey P. of Fairhaven, Bristol Co., and Josiah Holmes Jr., s. Josiah and Betsey, Jan. 3, 1849, in Fairhaven, C.R.4.
Abel [int. late of Plymouth] and Thankfull Landers, Mar. 25, 1736.
Abigail (see Abba L. and Abby).
Abigal of Dartmouth and Thomas Youen, int. Mar. 16, 1731-2.
Betty [int. Bette] and William Sears, Jan. 29 [int. Dec. 14 sic], 1770. [Betty, Jan. 29, C.R.1.]
Charles W., Rev., of Ashley [int. Charles Wilkes Wood of Ashby], and Eliza A. A. [int. Eliza Ann Adams] Bigelow, Sept. 20, 1841.
Daniel B. and Mary Ann Phillips [int. Philips] of Somersett, Dec. 29, 1833.
Emily K. of Middleborough and Galen T. Bennett, int. Dec. 29, 1832.
Hanah and Nicolas Davice, int. Jan. 23, 1724-5. [Hannah, d. William of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Nicolas Davis, m. Feb. 16, 1724-5, in Dartmouth, C.R.4.]
Hannah of Dartmouth and Caleb Mendal, int. Nov. 19, 1758.
Jedediah of Dartmouth and Keziah Sumers, int. Dec. 24, 1724. [Jedediah, s. William of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Keziah Summers, d. John dec'd, m. Feb. 16, 1724-5, in Dartmouth, C.R.4.]
Jonathan, s. William of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Peace Davis, d. Timothy dec'd, Oct. 12, 1724, in Dartmouth, C.R.4.
Joseph and Ruth Leonard of Wareham, int. Sept. 4, 1824.
Julia A. of Middleborough and Abner Harlow, int. Mar. 9, 1836.
Patience of Middleborough and Simeon Freeman, int. Nov. 7, 1756.
Phebe P. and John Bennett Jr., int. Dec. 3, 1842.
Susan Marshal of Middleborogh and Israel Fearing Thatcher, int. June 6, 1825.
Susanah of Middleborough and Witham Thomson Jr. of Middleborough, Jan. 26, 1800, C.R.3.
Thomas and Eunice Ashley, int. Aug. 23, 1773.
William of Dartmouth and Mary Foster, int. Oct. 24, 1779. [m. Nov. 7, C.R.1.]
Phebe R. of Wareham and George Daniels, June 13, 1844, C.R.1.
WOODEN (see Wooding)
Mary and Benjaman Norris of Plimouth, July 18, 1717.
Alfred and Amelia Haskell, int. Oct. 4, 1826.
WOODING (see Wooden)
Bethiah and Stephen Goodspeed, Mar. 1, 1730-1.
Lidiah and John Cumbs, Jan. 9, 1723-4.
Rhoby S. [int. Roby, omits S.] and Edward Doty of Wareham [int. Windsor], Oct. 28, 1810. [Phebe S. and Edward Doty of Windsor, C.R.1.]
Anne, Mrs., of Little Compton, and Rev. Timothy Ruggles, int. Mar. 26, 1750.
Rebecca of Nantucket and Thomas A. Haskell, int. July 20, 1811.
Alfred M. of Fairhaven and Sarah H. Southworth, ---- [int. Jan. 18], 1833, in Mattapoisett. [---- [rec. between Feb. 17 and Apr. 25], C.R.2.]
Ebenezer and Anne Trip., int. May 14, 1756. [Anna, m. July 1, P.C.R. Anne, m. July 1, C.R.1.]
Hannah of Plymtown and Solomon Young, int. Apr. 26, 1756.
Charles T. and Phebe T. Smith of Wareham, Jan. 30, 1829, C.R.1.
WYAT (see Wyatt)
Mary of Falmouth and Nathaniel Meggs, int. May 24, 1777.
WYATT (see Wyat)
Abigal and Joseph Barlow, July 23, 1732. [Abigail, P.C.R.]
WYLLIS (see Willis)
Ebenezer Jr. of Middleborough and Thankfull Smith, int. May 17, 1777.
W[worn], Hanah and [worn] Barow, [worn].
Samuel and Emily [int. Amity] D. Tripp, Aug. 4, 1834, in Mattapoisett. [Emily D., C.R.2.]
Abigail [dup. Gammons] and John Crapo, Aug. 12, 1779. [Yeomans, P.C.R. C.R.2.]
YOUEN (see Ewen)
Merinah and Arthur Hathaway, "About the first of Dec., 1718."
Thomas and Abigal Wood of Dartmouth, int. Mar. 18, 1731-2.
Alvan of Wareham and Lydia B. [int. Betsey D.] Richmond, Apr. 15, 1832. [Betsey D., C.R.1.]
Eleanor [dup. Elener, int. Eleaner] and Ebenezer Snow, Jan. 29 [dup. Dec. 29], 1783. [Eleanor, Jan. 29, P.C.R.]
Henry and Zeruiah Rogers of Tisbury, int. Oct. 1, 1782.
Henry P. and Mrs. Lois Lacy, int. May 20, 1826. [m. June ---— C.R.2.]
Levi, Capt., of Tisbury, and Mrs. Mary West, int. Sept. 27, 1788.
Martha of Chatham and William Luce, int. July 15, 1843.
Patience of Chatham and Calven Hammond, int. Dec. 1, 1765.
Peter and Bethiah Cowing, Feb. 22, 1825. [Bethia, July 11, 1824, C.R.1.]
Sally of Chatham and Walter Turner Jr., int. Apr. 23, 1836.
Solomon and Hannah Wright of Plymtown, int. Apr. 26, 1756.
----, Patiance and Abram Niles, int. July 14 [1770].
----, Rhoda and Abraham Burges, int. Nov. 5, 1801. [Rhoda Tobe and Abraham Burgess, m. Nov. 12, C.R.1.]
----, Stephen Jr. and Rebeca Dexter, Oct. 4, 1808. [Stephen Nye 2d, C.R.1.]
----, ---- and Wing Hedly, int. ----, 1786.
----, ---- of Westport and Clement Randal, int. Apr. ----, 1802.
----, ----, wid., and Josiah Hammond, int. June 28, 1805.
Cate and Will, negro servants of Samuell Wing, int. Apr. 28, 1732.
Cate and Will, "Neagrow Serv" to Sam. Wing," int. Aug. 1, 1747. [m. Oct. 15, C.R.1.]
Cuff, negro, and Sarah Scippio, int. May 10, 1777.
Cyrus and Judah, blacks, Mar. 3, 1751.
Judah and Cyrus, blacks, Mar. 3, 1751.
Judith and Toby, negroes, Mar. 5, 1767.
Scepo [int. Scipio] and Deborah Cato, negroes, Aug. 2, 1762. [Scipio, P.C.R.]
Toby and Judith, negroes, Mar. 5, 1767.
Will and Cate, negro servants of Samuell Wing, int. Apr. 28, 1732.
Will and Cate, "Neagrow Ser., to Sam. Wing," int. Aug. 1, 1747. [m. Oct. 15, C.R.1.]