Vital Records Of Rochester Massachusetts
To The Year 1850
Volume I Births
Published By The New England Historic Genealogical Society
At The Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms
At The Charge Of
The Eddy Town Record Fund
Boston, Mass. 1914
Marriages - ABOTT to BLYE
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Mary and Thomas Pittsly, int. Aug. 28, 1842.
Charles H., 29, marenr, of New Bedford, s. Thomas and Sophia, and Lucretia H. Jenny [int. Jenney], 20, of New Bedford [int. Rochester], d. Joseph (Jeny) and Elizabeth, May 28, 1846.
Deliverance and Samuel [int. Samuell] Hammond, Nov. 5, 1730. [Samuel, P.C.R.]
AIKEN (see Aikin, Akin)
Deborah T. and Prince Bolles, int. Apr. 1, 1826.
Henry of Fair Haven and Harlot Ellis, int. Dec. 17, 1828.
AIKIN (see Aiken, Akin)
Warren of Fair Haven and Joanna Bolles, int. June 28, 1828.
AKIN (see Aiken, Aikin)
John of New Bedford and Huldah Forster, int. Jan. 3, 1789.
Calvin D. of Fairhaven and Sally M. Randell, int. Oct. 23, 1842.
Elbridge G. of Wareham and Hester [int. Esther] J. Stetson, Nov. 12, 1833.
Margaret (see Margaret Allen).
David of Quincy, Norfolk Co., and Susannah B. Hudson, int. Oct. 25, 1822.
ALLAN (see Allen, Allin, Allind, Alline, Alling)
Albert [int. Allen], Capt., of Fairhaven, and Sarah Dexter, Apr. 14, 1836.
ALLEN (see Allan, Allin, Allind, Ailine, Alling)
Abigail [int. Allin] and George Barlow [int. Jr.], Dec. 8, 1763. [Allen and George Barlow, P.C.R.]
Abigail F. and Jonathan Mendell, int. May 24, 1845.
Andrew M. and Cynthia [int. Cinthia] Dexter, Sept. 9, 1823. [Cynthia, C.R.1.]
Ardra and Freeman Hathaway of Fairhaven, int. Jan. 4, 1815, "certificate given Jan. 27."
Betsey and Shepherd Bennett of Middleborough, int. Oct. 23, 1798.
Betsey of Freetown and Isaiah S. Swift, int. May 4, 1829.
Charity and Clement Hammond, int. Nov. 19, 1826.
Charlottee N. of Oakham and John W. King, int. Apr. 27, 1833.
Daniel and Betsey Taber of Fairhaven, int. Jan. 10, 1814.
Deborah and Thomas Haskell, Apr. 27 [int. Apr. 30 sic], 1775. [Apr. 27, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Delana and Capt. Williams Ashley of Fair Haven, int. Dec. 20, 1819, "Cer Jan. 15."
Drusilla and Principal [int. Princepal] Hinds of Freetown, Feb. 11, 1808. [Princple of Freetown, C.R.1.]
Eleazer [dup. Ebenezer] and Mary Sherman [dup. Shearman], Jan. 23 [dup. Jan. 28], 1766. [Eleazer and Mary Sherman, Jan. 23, P.C.R.]
Eliashub, s. George and Suzannah, and Margaret Braley, d. Ezekiel and Mary of Freetown, Bristol Co., Aug. 26, 1802, in Long Plain, New Bedford, C.R.4.
Elisabeth and Thomas Carter, int. July 28, 1774.
Elisabeth, Mrs., of Chillmark, and Rev. Lemuel Le Baron, int. Nov. 14, 1774.
Eliza and James Wittet [int. Wittett], Nov. 4, 1830. [Wittit, C.R.1.]
Elizabeth (see Elisabeth).
Elizabeth, Mrs., of Tisbury, and Capt. Elnathan Hammond, int. May 15, 1817, "certified May 29."
Emily A., 19, d. Weston, and Charles F. Mendell, 22, carpenter, s. Samuel, Sept. 19, 1849.
Ephraim and Elisabeth [dup. Azubah, int. Elizabeth Briggs, Nov. 12, 1795.
Eunice and Jared Bates, int. Apr. 26, 1800.
George Jr. and Rebeccah [int. Rebecca] Braley, [Sept.] 14, 1800 [dup. July 21, 1799, int. Sept. 1, 1800].
Harlot of Fair Haven and Fraderik P. Snow, int. Mar. 7, 1833.
Henry D., 23, farmer, s. Reuben and Phebe, and Eliza W. Delano, 21, d. Benjamin and Thankful, June 10, 1847.
Henry M. and Matilda E. Clark, June 24, 1835.
James of Fairhaven and Mary B. Hammond, Apr. 14, 1842, in Mattapoisett.
James M. C. (see Joseph M. C.).
John and Desire Gifford of Falmouth, Mar. 30, 1738, in Falmouth.
John Jr. and Sarah Turner, Nov. 29, 1772, in Wareham.
John [int. 2d] and Mary Ashley of Freetown [int. adds Bristol Co.], May 10, 1795, in Freetown.
John D. and Sarah M. Hatheway [int. Hathaway], Mar. 31, 1840.
Joseph and Rhoda Briggs, May 8, 1808.
Joseph [int. Capt.] and Polly [int. Patty] Briggs, Sept. 2, 1823. [Joseph and Polly Briggs, C.R.1.]
Joseph [int. James] M. C. of London, Eng., and Sylvia Mendell [int. Mendall], Sept. 29, 1839, in Mattapoisett. [Joseph M. C. of London, Eng., and Sylvia Mendall, C.R.2.]
Joshua [int. Alline] and Mehitable Norris [int. Mehittable Norrice] of Wareham, Nov. 27, 1768, in Wareham.
Joshua and Mrs. Olive Oliver of Fair Haven, Bristol Co., int. Dec. 3, 1820.
Josiah C. and Elliner Ellis of Sandwich, int. Dec. 10, 1846.
Julia and Marshal S. [int. V] Simmons, Nov. 26, 1824. [Marshall V., C.R.1.]
Justice [dup. Justus, int. Justes] and Sylvia Bassett, Nov. 26, 1795. [Justin, C.R.3.]
Laura and Henry D. Delano, Apr. 6, 1824.
Louisa M. and John [int. adds B.] Briggs, Nov. 16, 1837.
Lucy and John Briggs Jr. [int. omits Jr.], May 2 [int. May 22 sic], 1806. [John Jr., May 2, C.R.1.]
Lucy C. and Dr. Walton N. Ellis, int. Dec. 4, 1841. [Walton N., m. Dec. 19, 1842, C.R.1.]
Margaret [dup. Aldin] and Nathan Brooks [int. of Colchester, Conn.], Sept. 28, 1777. [Allen and Nathan Brooks, Sept. 28, 1776, P.C.R.]
Noble B. and Adeline E. Hathaway of Wareham, int. June 18, 1846.
Oliver and Lucy Bartlett, int. Oct. 10, 1797. [m. July 15, 1798, C.R.3.]
Orra and Charles Swift, int. Feb. 1, 1814.
Patty of Bridgwater and John Bennett Jr., int. July 20, 1839.
Philip and Betsey Delano, int. Mar. 15, 1804. [m. Mar. ----, C.R.1.]
Polly H. and Capt. Joseph Wing, int. Aug. 29, 1834.
Priscilla L. and Caleb Hiller, Apr. 9, 1826.
Rachel and Ezra Perry of Woodstock, Oct. 6, 1782. [Ezra of Woodstock, Vt., P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Rebeca and ---- Bates, Apr. 12, 1801, C.R.1.
Rebecca [dup. Rebeccah] and Howard Smith of Freetown, Feb. 7, 1808. [Rebeca, C.R.1.]
Rebeckah of Falmouth and Phillip Griffeth, int. June 16, 1744.
Reuben and Phebe Blankinship, Nov. 28 [dup. Nov. 18], 1813. [Nov. 28, C.R.1.]
Reuben and Phebe Gibbs of Wareham, int. July 21, 1848.
Rhoda B. and Orsmond Fish, int. Sept. 9, 1826.
Rhoda D. and Elnathan Briggs, int. Jan. 23, 1833.
Ruth and Stephen Braley, Jan. 16, 1801.
Sally and Jabez Besse of Fayette, Lincoln Co., int. July 15, 1797. [Jabes Bessa of Fayette, m. Feb. 6, 1798, C.R.3.]
Sally and Noble E. [int. omits E.] Bates, Oct. 3, 1816. [Noble, Oct. 4, C.R.1.]
Sally A. and Isaiah S. Swift, int. Oct. 5, 1822.
Sally S., 24, d. Reuben and Phebe, and Howard S. Briggs, 26, carpenter, s. John and Lucy, June 11, 1846.
Sarah and David Dexter, Nov. 5, 1779.
Sarah A., 20, d. Stephen and Azuba, and Clark W. Durkey, 25, trader, s. Charles and Lydia, Oct. 22, 1847.
Seth and Lucy Braley, Apr. 3, 1796.
Silas B. and Martha G. Clark, June 24, 1835.
Sophia and Benjamin Almy of New Bedford, int. Jan. 18, 1845.
Stephen and Azubah Delano, Oct. 9, 1817.
Susan and Henry Delano, Sept. 20, 1821.
Susan N., 23, d. Joseph and Polly, and Augustus [int. adds H.] Handy, 29, mechanic, s. Caleb and Polly, Oct. 22, 1848. [Augustus, C.R.1.]
Thankfull (see Thankfull Clark).
Timothy of Plymouth and Thankfull Snow, int. July 8, 1814.
Weston and Thankfull [dup. Thankful] Clark, Feb. 27, 1777. [Thankfull, P.C.R. Thankful, C.R.1.]
Weston and Patty [int. Polly] Blankinship, Aug. 11, 1819. [Patty, C.R.1.]
Weston and Mrs. Nancy H. Barrows, int. Sept. 16, 1843.
William W. of Fairhaven and Betsey [int. Betsy] B. Bolles, Mar. 23, 1837.
ALLIN (see Allan, Allen, Allind, Alline, Alling)
Anne, d. Caleb and Reliance of Sandwich, and Nathan Davis of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., s. Nicolas of Rochester, May 4, 1753, in Sandwich, C.R.4.
Elijah [dup. and int. Allen] of Dartmouth and Mary Church, July 23 [dup. July 22], 1773. [Allen of Dartmouth, July 23, P.C.R.]
James R. [int. Allen], 32, mariner, of Fairhaven, s. Obadiah and Jane, and Abigail C. Bennett, 25, d. Michael and Zilpha, Apr. 4, 1848.
ALLIND (see Allan, Allen, Allin, Alline, Alling)
Lucy and Ezekiel Braley, int. Nov. 16, 1810.
ALLINE (see Allan, Allen, Allin, Allind, Alling)
Meriah of Chilmark and Elesha Freeman, int. Apr. 23, 1758.
Olliver and Joanna Hammond, int. Aug. 22, 1762.
ALLING (see Allan, Allen, Allin, Allind, Alline)
Mary of Sandwich and William Wing, int. Oct. 2, 1736.
Susanna of Uptown and Thomas Turner, int. Nov. 13, 1736.
Benjamin of New Bedford and Sophia Allen, int. Jan. 18, 1845.
Cranston of Fall River and Lydia G. Randall, int. Sept. 3, 1848.
AMES (see Eames)
Betsey [dup. Betsy] Freman [int. Freeman] and James Skiff of New Bedford [int. adds Bristol Co.], Aug. 23, 1798.
Daniel H., 24, mechanic, s. Thomas C. and Elizabeth, and Lydia Luce, 24, d. James and Lydia, Oct. 29, 1848.
Delia [dup. Dilia, int. Dilla] and Lemuel Snow, Sept. 23, 1812.
Elizabeth of Sandwich and William Morse, int. Jan. 20, 1807.
John and Deborah Ellis, int. Jan. 5, 1766. [m. Feb. 6, C.R.1.]
Mary T. and Caleb T. Jenney [int. Jenne] of New Bedford, Nov. 25, 1832. [Jenny, Oct. ----, C.R.2.]
Mehitable and Amittai Barlow, int. May 15, 1802.
Melora and Azariah Spooner of New Bedford, int. Nov. 27, 1829.
Nathaniel F. and Mary C. Townsend, Oct. 9, 1842, in Mattapoisett.
Prince and Bathsheba Randall, May 19, 182[illegible, int. Dec. 11, 1824]
Salley Jr. [dup., second dup. and int. Sally, omit Jr.] and Timothy Mendall [int. Mandall], July 7, 1791. [Sally Jr. and Timothy Mendell, P.C.R.]
Seth and Sarah Shreave [dup. Shreve, int. Shereave], May 10, 1767. [Shreave, P.C.R.]
Seth Jr. and Bathsheba Skiff of New Bedford, int. Mar. 5, 1800.
Theadore and Julia Ann Gifford, int. Jan. 31, 1840. "Revoked." [This entry crossed out.]
Theodore and Mary P. Ellis, int. Mar. 5, 1842.
Thomas Crandall, s. Dr. Seth and Sarah, and Elizabeth Dexter, d. Elisha and Eunice, Aug. 2, 1812, in Mattapoisett.
ANDREWES (see Andrews, Andros, Andross, Androws)
Mary and Amos Creapo [int. Crepo], Aug. 5, 1753. [Andrews and Amos Crepo, P.C.R.]
ANDREWS (see Andrewes, Andros, Andross, Androws)
Benjaman [int. Androws] and Joannah Haskell, Feb. 5, 1727-8.
Charity and Joseph Thorp, Jan. 1, 1743. [Tharp, P.C.R. Thorpe, Jan. 1, 1743-4, C.R.1.]
Hannah and Ithamer [int. Ithamor] Combs, Nov. 4, 1731. [Ithamer Comes, P.C.R.]
Mary and Edward Doty, Nov. 19, 1726. [Nov. 17, P.C.R.]
Mary and Obed Barlow, int. Jan. 6, 1771.
Stephen and Charity Sherman, Sept. 25, 1728.
Stephen and Elisabeth Bowen of Milton, int. Sept. 29, 1733.
Stephen of Tivertown and Jerusha Combs, July 1, 1736.
ANDROS (see Andrewes, Andrews, Andross, Androws)
Mary [int. Mrs.] and Honiwell [dup. and int. Honewell] Hammond, Nov. 26, 1778. [Andrews and Hunnowell Hammond, P.C.R. Andrews and Hunnewell Hammond, C.R.1.]
Mary A. and William Spooner Jr. of New Bedford, int. May 25, 1838.
ANDROSS (see Andrewes, Andrews, Andros, Androws)
Mary and Benjamin Bacon, Oct. 15, 1829.
ANDROWS (see Andrewes, Andrews, Andros, Andross)
Bethyah and John Winslow, Mar. 15, 1721-2.
Joanah and Ebenezar Benson, Aug. 30, 1718.
Abigail and Ezekel Clerk [int. Ezekiel Clark], Feb. 4, 1753.
Elisabeth [dup. Eliza Anable] and David Hammond, Dec. 5, 1764. [Elizabeth Annable, P.C.R.]
William and Tabitha Pike of Sandwich, July 3, 1760, in Sandwich.
ARNOL (see Arnold)
John and Rebakah Snow, int. Aug. 13, 1748.
ARNOLD (see Arnol)
Elizabeth and Ebenezar Hambling, int. Aug. 17, 1729.
James and Cyntha Morse, int. May 22, 1801.
John and Huldah Crowel of Middleborough, Sept. 20, 1757.
John and Hannah Delano, int. Nov. 14, 1774.
John and Hannah Crapo, int. Aug. 31, 1798. [m. ---- [rec. before Oct. 17], C.R.3.]
Samuel and Molly Marshal of Plympton, int. Jan. 14, 1786.
Sarah and Jabez Cottle, int. Nov. 9, 1772.
ASHELY (see Ashley, Ashly)
Elisabeth [int. Ashley, d. Joseph and Abial Sprague, June 18, 1730. [Elizabeth Ashely and Abiel Sprague, P.C.R.]
ASHLEY (see Ashely, Ashly)
Abraham and Susanna White, Sept. 9, 1703, in Sandwich.
Abraham and Elisabeth Rogers, Nov. 22, 1733. [Elizabeth, P.C.R.]
Abraham and Rebeckah Whittredge, int. Dec. 3, 1736.
Abraham of Freetown and Mrs. Polly Ashley, int. June 24, 1827.
Anna and James Braley, int. July 26, 1811.
Bishop [dup. Ashly] of Freetown and Lydia Hammond, Nov. 6, 1806. [Ashley of Freetown, C.R.1.]
Charety and Andrew Benson of Middleborough, int. Aug. 14, 1828.
Charity, wid., and James Swift, int. Oct. 30, 1817, "certified Dec. 26."
Cornelius G. of Fairhaven and Emily W. Cobb, int. Aug. 2, 1845.
Elisabeth, Mrs., and Samuel Joy of Dartmouth, int. Nov. 29, 1759.
Elizabeth (see Marcy).
Emerson and Orinda Hefferds of Middleborough, int. Aug. 16, 1823.
Eunice and Thomas Wood, int. Aug. 23, 1773.
Jethro and Elezabeth Holmes, June 7, 1728.
Jethro and Sarah Barden of Middleborogh, int. Jan. 5, 1824.
Joseph and Mary Whitridg, Jan. 1, 1728-9. [Ashely and Mary Whetredge, P.C.R.]
Joseph and Elisabath Swift of Plymoth, int. Mar. 3, 1748.
Lidea of Freetown and Elijah Brayle, int. Jan. 24, 1768.
Lydia and Joshua Bushop of Middleborough, Plymouth Co., int. Oct. 8, 1804.
Marcy and William Ashley, Feb. 12, 1732-3. [Elizabeth, P.C.R.]
Maria (see Meriah).
Mary [dup. Ashly] and Ichabod Johnson, Jan. 26 [dup. Jan. 21], 1763. [Ashley, Jan. 26, P.C.R.]
Mary [int. wid.] and Job King, Oct. 18 [dup. Oct. 1], 1764. [Mary, Oct. 18, P.C.R.]
Mary of Freetown [int. adds Bristol Co.] and John Allen [int. 2d], May 10, 1795, in Freetown.
Mercy (see Marcy).
Meriah [dup. Mariah] and Joshua Whitcomb, Dec. 4, 1755. [Mariah, P.C.R.]
Persefall [dup. Percival, int. Pascefuil] of Freetown and Anne [int. Anna] Bishop, Aug. 27 [dup. Aug. 7], 1761. [Peacefull of Freetown and Anne Bishop, Aug. 27, P.C.R.]
Polly, Mrs., and Abraham Ashley of Freetown, int. June 24, 1827.
Shearman and Mary Brown of Freetown, int. June 17, 1815, "certificate given July 20, 1815."
Thankfull and Samuell Swift of Plymouth, Nov. 7, 1751. [Thankful [dup. Thankfull Ashly] and Samuel [dup. Swifte] of Plymouth, P.C.R.]
Thomas and Phebe Freeman, Jan. 16, 1728-9.
Thomas and Mary Gifford of Freetown, int. Jan. 19, 1749.
Thomas and Eunice Swift, int. Apr. 13, 1811.
William and Marcy Ashley, Feb. 12, 1732-3. [Elizabeth, P.C.R.]
Williams, Capt., of Fair Haven, and Delana Allen, int. Dec. 20, 1819, "Cer Jan. 15."
ASHLY (see Ashely, Ashley)
Bishop and Roxanna Sherman, int. Dec. 5, 1828.
Elisabeth [int. Ashley] and Samuel [int. Samuell] White, Mar. 14, 1733-4. [Elizabeth Ashley and Samuel White, P.C.R.]
John of Fretown and Charity Shearman, int. Dec. 22, 1782.
Lydia B. and William A. Haskell of Fairhaven, int. Aug. 23, 1837.
ATHEARN (see Athearne)
Belcher of Tisbury and Kezia Dexter, int. Feb. 1 [dup. Oct. 20], 1803. [Keziah, m. Oct. 25, C.R.1. Athern and Keziah Dexter, ch. Elijah (s. Seth and Elizabeth) and Martha (Clark) (second w.), m. ----, P.R.11.]
Sophia of Tisbury and Capt. William Clapp, int. Sept. 1, 1832. [m. Nov. 4, P.R.7.]
ATHEARNE (see Athearn)
Lavina of Tisbury and Reubin Haskell, int. ---- [1801].
Thomas of Sandwich and Ruth Snow, Jan. 4, 1759. [Adkens of Sandwich, C.R.1.]
Josiah, Dr., 30, of Dorchester, s. John and Lucy, and Olivia C. Bonny [int. Bonney], 22, d. George and Elvira S. T., June 29, 1848.
ATSATT (see Atsett, Attsat)
Cynthia and George Barrows, int. June 11, 1824. [Barrow, M. July ---— C.R.2.]
John, widr. [int. omits widr.], merchant, and Laura W. Durant, wid. [int. omits wid.], Oct. 1, 1848.
Philip and Loisa Leavit, ----, 1807. [Louise Levett, C.R.2.]
Sarah and James Le Barron [int. Le Baron], Aug. 25, 1833.
ATSETT (see Atsatt, Attsat)
John F. [int. John T. Atsatt] and Mary Bolles, Nov. 17, 1835, in Mattapoisett. [John T. Atsatt, C.R.2.]
Mary H. [int. Atsatt] and Josiah Purington [int. Isiah Purrington], July 1, 1838, in Mattapoisett. [Atsatt and Isaiah Purrington, C.R.2.]
ATTSAT (see Atsatt, Atsett)
William [dup. Atsatt] and Lucy Norton, Sept. 4, 1823. [Atsatt, C.R.1.]
Elias of Wareham and Huldah Bump, int. Oct. 22, 1836.
Emerline [int. Mrs. Emaline], 41, d. Abial Dean, and George W. Cobb, 40, farmer, s. Oliver and Sally, Apr. 29, 1849. [Emerline, C.R.1.]
Emily W. and Rufus B. Thomas of Middleborough, int. Apr. 24, 1835.
Joseph, Lt., of Dighton, and Mrs. Sarah Haskell, int. Feb. 26, 1753.
Mary W. of Carver and William Briggs, Feb. 21, 1843.
Ruth (see Ruth Atwood Cobb).
AUSTEN (see Austin, Austine)
Hannah [dup. and int. Austin] and Amos Cross, Jan. 22 [dup. Jan. 2], 1769. [Austin, Jan. 22, P.C.R.]
AUSTIN (see Austen, Austine)
David of Compton and Anna [dup. Amy] Dexter, ---- [dup. Feb. ----, int. Feb. 27], 1804. [Austen of Little Compton and Anna Dexter, Feb. 30 sic, C.R.2.]
James [dup. Austen, int. of Little Compton, R.1.] and Ruth Fish, Nov. 11, 1787. [Austin, both of Rochester, P.C.R.]
Joshua and Easter Grinnall [dup. Esther Grennel, int. Esther Grinnal], Mar. 23 [dup. Mar. 2], 1774. [Esther Grinnall, Mar. 23, P.C.R.]
Margret, d. Jeremiah and Margret, and Moses Bowerman of Falmouth, Barnstable Co., s. Samuell and Jemima dec'd of Falmouth, June 9, 1784, C.R.4.
Mary (see Mary Stevens).
AUSTINE (see Austen, Austin)
Martha [dup. Martha A. Booth sic] and Humphrey [dup. and int. Humphry] Eldredge, Jan. [dup. June] 1, 1784. [Martha Austin and Humphrey Eldredge, Jan. 1, P.C.R.]
Alexander M. and Rebecca F. Morton of Plympton, int. May 10, 1842.
Deborah [int. Mrs.] and Wyat [int. Wiatt] Snow, July 30, 1837, in Mattapoisett. [Deborah and Wyatt Snow, C.R.2.]
Luther and Deborah Hammond, Mar. 31, 1822.
AXDIL (see Axtill)
Hannah of Middleborough and Peter Creapo, Feb. 13, 1755. [Crapo, P.C.R.]
AXTILL (see Axdil)
Phebe [int. Actil, Mrs.] of Berkley and [int. Capt.] James Foster [int. Forster], May 13, 1771, in Berkley.
Thomas [dup. Ayres, int. Ares] of Nantucket and Lidea [dup. Lydia] Henderson [int. Handerson], Nov. 20, 1769. [Ayres of Nantucket and Lidia Henderson, P.C.R.]
Isaac N. of Dartmouth and Almira Morse, int. Feb. 2, 1834.
BABCOCK (see Badcock)
Ellis [sic, int. Mrs.] of New Bedford and Ezra Cushman, Mar. 9, 1797, in New Bedford.
Mary of Fairhaven and Joseph Davis Jr., int. June 21, 1816, "Certificate given Augt. 3."
Virtue and John Gibbs, int. July ---— 1804.
Benjamin and Patience C. Crosby, int. Sept. 25, 1826. [m. Jan. ----, 1827, C.R.2.]
Benjamin and Mary Andross, Oct. 15, 1829.
Deborah and Walter I. Heyer [int. Walter Hyero of New York], July 26, 1832, in Mattapoisett. [Walter I. Heyer, C.R.2.]
Elizabeth [int. adds Ann] and Hunnemon [int. Honeymon] Baker, Mar. 3, 1839, in Mattapoisett. [Elizabth and Hunneman Baker, C.R.2.]
Nancy C. and Martin Guild of Easton, int. Oct. 26, 1844.
BADCOCK (see Babcock)
Mary of Dartmouth and Edward Dexter, int. Dec. 1, 1765.
Esquire of Barnstable and Alice Crapoo, int. Nov. 15, 1788.
BAILEY (see Baley, Bayley, Baylies)
James of Colembia and Eunice Clapp, Mar. 17, 1808. [James of Columbia, C.R.1.]
Josiph and Ruth Burge, int. Mar. 13, 1774.
Patience [int. Mrs.] and John Smith, Sept. 3, 1775. [Patience, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Abner and Hopistill Randall, int. May 15, 1774.
Abner and Hannah Morton of Plymouth, Feb. 5, 1778, in Plymouth.
Barshabee and Hugh Cannady of Middleborough, int. Mar. 18, 1764.
Ebenezer (see Ebenezar Parker).
Eleazer (see Ebenezar Parker).
Experience and Ichobod Douglas, int. Jan. 19, 1776.
Francis, widr. [int. omits widr.], 40, mariner, of New Bedford, s. Joseph, and Ophalisa [int. Ophatiza] O. Rider, 28, d. Whitcomb, Mar. 23, 1845.
Hunnemon [int. Honeymon] and Elizabeth [int. adds Ann] Bacon, Mar. 3, 1839, in Mattapoisett. [Hunneman and Elizabeth Bacon, C.R.2.]
Joshua and Lidea Clark of Hanover, int. July 13, 1760.
Josiah of Dennis and Polly Hammond, Jan. 12, 1814.
Lydia (see Lydia Barker)
Lydia A. of Middleborough and Mason Rogers, int. Nov. 2, 1828.
Mary (see Mary Bucker).
Mary and Isaac Bisbee, int. Mar. 19, 1785.
Mary E. of W. Harwich and. Pawl W. Sherman, int. Oct. 3, 1846.
Mary G. and John T. Lowry of Philadelphia, int. July 23, 1842. [m. Aug. 9, 1843, C.R.1.]
Phebe and John Evens of Middleborough, int. Apr. 14, 1777.
Phebe and Daniel Sherman of Middleborough, int. Nov. 30, 1778.
Sophia [dup. and int. Sage] and Philip Spooner of New Bedford, Dec. 28, 1806. [Saghea, C.R.1.]
Thankfull and Elezar Hathaway, Oct. 20, 1723.
William and Phebe Bates of Wareham, May 11, 1799, in Wareham.
William. and Loisa Bessy [dup. Besse], ----, 1807. [Loice Bessey, Dec. ---— C.R.2.]
BALCOM (see Bolkcom).
BALEY (see Bailey, Bayley, Baylies)
John [dup. Bayley] of Troy and Dorcas Luce [dup. ---- Blankinship written above Dorcas Sherman crossed out], Apr. 15, 1811. [Bailey of Troy and Deborah Luce, C.R.1.]
Josiah, Dr., 23 [int. of Weymouth], s. Zenas and Betsy, and Sarah P. Taylor, 20, d. Henry and Abigail, Feb. 24, 1848.
BARDEN (see Bardin, Bardon, Borden)
Sarah of Middleborogh and Jethro Ashley, int. Jan. 5, 1824.
Stephen and Rebecca Hiller, int. Jan. 5, 1806.
BARDIN (see Barden, Bardon, Borden)
Anna [dup. Barden] and Shubel [dup. Shubal] Hammond, Oct. 7, 1773. [Barden and Shubael Hammond, P.C.R. Burden and Shubil Hammond, C.R.1.]
Charlotta [dup. and int. Charlotte Barden] and Seth Clap [dup. and int. Clapp], Mar. 28, 1784. [Charlotte Barden and Seth Clap, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Stephen [dup. and int. Barden, int. Jr.] and Lydia Clark, Sept. 5 [dup. Sept. 25], 1784. [Barden, Sept. 5, P.C.R. Barden Jr., Sept. 5, C.R.1.]
BARDON (see Barden, Bardin, Borden)
Deborah [int. Dabarah Burdin] of Plymouth and Lemuel [int. Lamuel] Fish, Sept. 14, 1731, in Plymouth.
Hosea and June Dorrel, int. Feb. 20, 1804.
Isaac of Middleborough and Abigail Robens, int. Oct. 16, 1763.
John of Dartmouth and Hosa [dup. Hose, int. Hosea] Francis [int. Jr.], Indians, July 13, 1775. [Hosa, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Joseph [dup. of New Bedford] and Eugenia Crossman [dup. Crosman], Apr. 28, 1828 [dup. 1829].
Lydia [dup. and int. Baker] and Philip Spooner of Dartmouth, Dec. 10, 1783. [Lydia Parker and Phillip Spooner of Dartmouth, P.C.R.]
Aaron and Mary Nye of Sandwich, Nov. 5, 1761, in Sandwich.
Aaron and Mary Terry, wid. [int. omits wid.], of Freetown, May 7, 1772, in Freetown.
Abiah (see Biah).
Abigael [dup. Abigail] and Gideon [dup. Gidion] Hammond, Apr. 21 [dup. Apr. 15], 1768. [Abigail and Gideon Hammond, Apr. 21, P.C.R.]
Abigail (see Abigail Parlow).
Abigal and Charles Tripp of New Bedford, Mar. 16, 1837.
Amitta and Lydia Churchell of Plympton, int. Jan. 27, 1781.
Amittai and Mehitable Ames, int. May 15, 1802.
Anne and Samuel Wing, Jan. 1, 1728-9.
Anne [int. Anna] and William Rotch, Nov. 17, 1754.
Biah [int. Abia] and Edward Dexter, Oct. 20, 1799.
Experience, d. Shubal, and Joseph Benson, s. Joseph, Nov. 14, 1733, C.R.4.
Franklin and Belinda Nye, int. Jan. 21, 1840.
George [int. Georg] and Ruth Barrow [int. Barrows], Feb. 19, 1729-30. [George and Ruth Barrow, P.C.R.]
George [int. Jr.] and Abigail Allen [int. Allin], Dec. 8, 1763. [George and Abigail Allen, P.C.R.]
George Jr. and Charity [dup. Charaty] Burges, May 23, 1799.
George Jr. and Eddy Eliza Tripp of New Bedford, int. Aug. 10, 1839.
George and Mrs. Eunice Buck, int. Feb. 13, 1843. "defered per order"
George and Hannah Shermon, int. Oct. 5, 1843.
Gidion and Loisa Hammond, int. Apr. 11, 1832.
Hannah and James Hammond, Apr. 3, 1753.
Hannah and Caleb Hammond of Newbedford, int. Aug. 31, 1802.
Joseph and Abigal Wyatt, July 23, 1732. [Abigail, P.C.R.]
Lydia and Noah Hammond [second dup. Noah Stevens], Nov. 9 [dup. Nov. 3], 1786. [Noah Hammond, Nov, 19, P.C.R.]
Mary and Bersilah Hammond, June 18, 1728.
Mary and Nathan Hammond Jr., int. Nov. 17, 1739.
Mary of Sandwitch and Ichabod King, int. July 17, 1745. [m. Aug. 8, C.R.1.]
Mary and Samuel Eldredge [dup. Eldridge, int. Samuell Eldrege], Jan. 30 [dup. June 20], 1766. [Samuel Eldrege, Jan. 30, P.C.R.]
Mary and Josiah Hammond, July 7, 1771.
Mary H. and Thomas Kenney [int. Kinney], Nov. 3, 1833.
Mehitable of Sandwich and Moses Hammond, Jan. 26, 1772, in Sandwich.
Mehittable [dup. Mehitibel] and Nathan Hammond, Oct. ----, 1789. [Mehitable, P.C.R.]
Moses and Elizabeth Tobey [int. Elisabeth Toby] of Sandwich, June 28, 1767, in Sandwich.
Nathan and Hannah Bowerman of Falmouth, Barnstable Co., July 14, 1719, in Falmouth, C.R.4.
Obed and Hannah Hammond, int. Jan. 28, 1756.
Obed and Mary Andrews, int. Jan. 6, 1771.
Obed and Rebecca Churchell of Plympton, int. Feb. 6, 1773.
Polly of Sandwich and Joshua Handy, int. Apr. 17, 1790.
Prudence of Sandwich and Martha [sic] Sanders, June 14, 1721, in Sandwich.
Ruth of Mattapoisett and Russell [int. Russel] E. Snow of Mattapoisett, Jan. 2 [int. Jan. 6 sic], 1844, in Mattapoisett.
Sarah and Zacheus Mead [int. of Dartmouth], Nov. 27, 1755. [Balow and Zacheus Mead, P.C.R.]
Sarah and Jonathon Kenny Jr., int. Feb. 5, 1836.
Seth and Mary Hammond, Sept. 20 [dup. Sept. 12], 1767. [Oct. 26, P.C.R.]
William [int. Barrlow] and Content Bestow [dup. Barstow, int. Bester, Oct. 4, 1764. [Barlow and Content Barstow, P.C.R.]
Wyat [dup. and int. Wiat] and Susanna [dup. Susannah] Hammond, Apr. 6, 1772. [Wiatt and Susanna Hammond, P.C.R.]
BARNES (see Barns)
Ruth of Plimouth and John Brigs, Dec. 23, 1703, in Plymouth.
George and Joanna Snow, ---- [int. Apr. 23], 1807.
Sarah [int. Perry] of Middleboro and Thomas Caswell, Dec. 31, 1773, in Wareham.
BARNS (see Barnes)
Eliazer [int. Eleazer Barrow] and Jane Sherman [int. Shearman] of Bridgewater, Feb. 27, 1773, in Bridgewater.
Seth of Plimouth and Hannah Delano, int. Nov. 7, 1747.
BAROW (see Barrow, Barrows)
John and Hanah Brigs, [worn] 13, 1698.
---- [worn] and Hanah W[worn], [worn].
William and Elizabeth Russ, int. Aug. 14, 1842. "The certificate not given one of the party wishing the publishment taken down"
William and Nancy Sherman, int. July 10, 1847.
BARROW (see Barow, Barrows)
Deborah of Plymton and Caleb Benson of Middlebrough, Jan. 11, 1732-3.
Deliverance and Nathaniel Ruggles, Nov. 5, 1752.
Eleazer (see Eliazer Barns).
Elisha [dup. Barrows] and Nelle Lumbart [dup. Nelley Lumbard], Apr. 24, 1760. [Barrow and Nelle Lambert, P.C.R.] Barrow and Nelle Lumber, C.R.1.]
Hanah and Benjaman Dexter Jr., June 8, 1721.
Hannah [dup. Barrows] and Clement Briggs, ----, 1808. [Barrow, C.R.2.]
Joanna and Zacheus Burge of Sandwich, July 30, 1752.
John and Joanna [int. Joannah] Dexter, Dec. 22, 1737. [Barrows and Joanna Dexter, P.C.R.]
John of Taunton and Jemimah Jonson, int. Nov. 2, 1766.
Lydia [dup. and int. Barrows] and Joseph Haywood [int. Hayward], of Easton, Jan. [dup. June] 24, 1781. [Barrow and Joseph Hayward of Easton, Jan. 24, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Nelle [int. Barow] and William Basset, Aug. 9, 1770. [Barrow, C.R.1.]
Patience and David Bates Jr. of Hingham, May 6, 1745.
Ruth [int. Barrows] and George [int. Georg] Barlow, Feb. 19, 1729-30. [Barrow and George Barlow, P.C.R.]
BARROWS (see Barow, Barrow)
Alpheus and Delia [int. Dulce] H. Snow Jan. 9, 1833.
Bethiah and John Heffords [int. Hafford], Mar. 14 [int. Mar. 30 sic], 1822.
Clarissa and Isaac Handy, Aug. 13, 1828.
Dulcy, Mrs. [int. Dilley, omits Mrs.], and William S. Fuller, May 4, 1838.
Ebenezer and Mary Freeman, int. June 22, 1820. [m. July ---—, C.R.2.]
Elisha and Sarah [int. Sally] Simmons of Dartmouth, Aug. 18, 1784, in Dartmouth.
Eliza and Jonathan Renny Jr., "supposed to be a mistake in the Return and that it should have Kenny" [int. Kenny, omits Jr.], Sept. 12, 1830.
George and Cynthia Atsatt, int. June 11, 1824. [Barrow, m. July ----, C.R.2.]
Hannah B. and Arunah Grossman Jr., int. Nov. 10, 1838.
Huldah and Moses Mendall, Aug. 19 [dup. May 13 sic], 1784. [Barrow and Moses Mendal, Aug. 19, P.C.R. Barrow and Moses Mendall, Aug. 19, C.R.1.]
Isaac N. and Lydia B. Briggs of Wareham, int. Feb. 16, 1841.
Lucy and Alden [dup. Aldin] Dexter, ---- [rec. between Aug. 1, 1810 and Mar. ----, 1812, dup. ----, 1810]. [Alden, ----, 1811, C.R.2.]
Lucy Clarke [int. Clark] and William Ellis [int. 3d], Sept. 28, 1840, in Mattapoisett. [Lucy Clarke Barrows and William Ellis, C.R.2.
Nancy H., Mrs., and Weston Allen, int. Sept. 16, 1843.
Rebecca B. and Peleg Peirce [int. Pierce] of Rehobeth, Jan. 22, 1834.
Samuel and Nancy Snow, int. Feb. 7, 1819, "Certified march 1."
Sarah and Josiah [int. Isiah] Sears Jr. of Dartmouth, Sept. 10, 1835, in Mattapoisett. [Josiah Jr. of Dartmouth, C.R.2.]
BARSTOW (see Bester, Bestow)
Benjamin [int. Jr.] and Rebeccah [int. Rebecca] Hammond, ----, 1800. [Benjamin and Rebekah Hamond, C.R.2.]
Benjamin F. and Sarah S. Leach [int. Leech], May 12, 1834, in Mattapoisett. [Leach, C.R.2.]
Betsey J. and Benjamin R. Gifford, Dec. 25, 1831.
Beulah Wadsworth of Duxbury and F. H. Barstow of Mattapoisett, int. Sept. 3, 1849.
Caroline and Frederick W. Russel, Oct. 27, 1842, in Mattapoisett. [Frederic W. Russell, C.R.2.]
Deborah L., 19, d. James and Sarah, and James M. Washburn, shipwright, s. John and Susan, Oct. 28, 1849.
F. H. of Mattapoisett and Beulah Wadsworth Barstow of Duxbury, int. Sept. 3, 1849.
George [int. of Duxbury, Plymouth Co.] and Sally [int. Sarah] Barstow, ---- [int. Nov. 5], 1801. [George and Sally Barstow, C.R.2.]
Gideon Jr. and Deborah Loring of Pembroke, int. Apr. 27, 1800.
Gideon and Tamer Cushion of Pembroke, int. Oct. 11, 1816, "certificate given Oct. 26."
Gidion [dup. and int. Gideon, int. Jr.] and Anna [int. Anne] Mead, Oct. 10, 1782 [dup. 1784]. [Gideon and Anna Mead, Oct. 10, 1782, P.C.R.]
Henry and Mary Southworth, Jan. 2, 1842, in Mattapoisett.
James and Abby Hyde of Lebanon, Conn., int. Sept. 29, 1812.
Jane [int. Jeane] and Daniel B. [int. Baker] Loring, Dec. 30, 1805. [Jane and Daniel B. Lowering, C.R.2.]
Joanna F. and Elisha B. Handy, int. Sept. 12, 1840.
John and Diana Bolls, Nov. ---— 1825, C.R.2.
Lucey [dup. and int. Lucy, int. Bestow] and Nathaniel Hammond Jr., Oct. ----, 1791. [Lucy Barstow, P.C.R.]
Mary [int. Bestow, Mrs.] and Nathaniel Pope of New Bedford, Oct. 10, 1790. [Barstow, P.C.R.]
Nathan H. and Mary Dexter, Dec. 29, 1829.
Rogers L. and Abby H. Willis [int. Wiles], Jan. 11, 1837.
Sally [int. Sarah] and George Barstow [int. of Duxbury, Plymouth Co.], ---- [int. Nov. 5], 1801. [Sally and George Barstow C.R.2.]
Sarah and Rev. Josiah Litch, int. Apr. 25, 1836.
Sarah F. and John Mendell, int. July 30, 1845.
Wilson [int. Capt. Wilson] and [int. Mrs.] Susanna Parkman Moore, Oct. 30, 1791. [Capt. Wilson Barstow and Susanna Parkman Moore, C.R.1.]
Wilson and Betsey Drew of Fair Haven, int. Mar. 18, 1820. [Betsey S., m. Apr. 12, P.R.2.]
BARTLET (see Bartlett)
Andrew [int. Bartlett] of Plymouth and Eliza [int. Elizabeth] Hammond, ---- [int. Mar. 30], 1797. [Bartlet and Eliza Hammond, C.R.2.]
BARTLETT (see Bartlet)
Bethsheby [dup. Bathsheba Bartlet] of Fair Haven and Phillip [dup. Philip] Crandon, Oct. 11, 1812. [Bathsheba Bartlett of Fair Haven and Capt. Philip Crandon, C.R.1.]
Lucy [int. Bartlet, Mrs.] of Plymouth and Seth Briggs, Apr. 3, 1783, in Plymouth.
Lucy and Oliver Allen, int. Oct. 10, 1797. [m. July 15, 1798, C.R.3.]
Sophia of Wareham and Isaac Bent of Wareham, Dec. 11, 1833.
BASET (see Basset, Bassett)
William [int. Basset] and Susannah Bump [int. Susanna Bumpus] of Wareham, Apr. 21, 1748, in Wareham.
BASSET (see Baset, Bassett)
Abigail [dup. and int. Bassett] and Lewis Toby [dup. and int. Tobey] of Sandwich, Sept. 7, 1786. [Bassett and Lewis Tobey of Sandwich, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Amelia [int. Orrelah, dup. Bassett] and Abisha Sherman [dup. Abishai Shearman, int. Shermen] of Dartmouth, Aug. 31, 1769. [Aurelia Bassett and Abisha Sherman of Dartmouth, P.C.R. Orrelia Basset and Abisha Sherman of Dartmouth, C.R.1.]
Anselm [dup. and int. Bassett] of Columbia and Rosalinda [int. Roslinda] Holmes, Jan. ---- [dup. Jan. 10, int. Jan. 25 sic], 1811.
Asenath [dup. Aseneth Bassett] and Thomas Doty, Apr. 5, 1780. [Asenath Bassett and Thomas Dotey, P.C.R. Asenath Basset and Thomas Dotey, C.R.1.]
Aurelia (see Amelia).
Elisha [dup. and int. Bassett] of Tisbury and Mercy [int. Mary] Shermon [dup. and int. Sherman], Mar. 23, 1786. [Bassett of Tisbury and Mercy Sherman, P.C.R. Basset of Tisbury and Mercy Sherman, C.R.1.]
Joseph [dup. and int. Bassett] and Martha [dup. Mather] Lewis, Jan. [dup. June] 7, 1762. [Basset and Martha Lewis, Jan. 7, P.C.R.]
Mary [dup. Bassett] and Nathaniel [int. Nathaniell] Sprague, May 28, 1769.
Melatiah [dup. Maltiah Bassett, int. Maletiah Bassett] and Susanna [int. Susannah] Briggs, Dec. 13, 1781. meatiah Bassett and Susanna Briggs, P.C.R. Melatiah Basset and Susanna Briggs, C.R.1.]
Nathaniel and Elizabeth Bearse [int. Elisabeth Berce] of Barnstable, Mar. 1, 1753, in Barnstable.
Rufus [dup. Bassett] and Jedidah Handy, June 23, 1776. [Bassett and Jedida Handy, P.C.R. Basset and Jedida Handy, C.R.1.]
Stephen [dup. Bassett] and Thankfull [dup. Thankful] Handy, Nov. 30 [dup. Nov. 13], 1769. [Bassett and Thankful Handy, Nov. 30, P.C,R. Basset and Thankful Handy, Nov. 30, C.R.1.]
Thankfull [dup. and second dup. Thankful Bassett] and Nathan Sears, Sept. 18, 1779 [dup. 1777]. [Thankfull Bassett, Sept. 18, 1779, P.C.R. Thankful Basset, Sept. 18, 1779, C.R.1.]
Thomas [dup. Bassett] and Lydia Mendal [dup. Mendall, int. Mendol], Jan. 7, 1781. [Bassett and Lydia Mendall, P.C.R. Basset and Lydia Mendal, C.R.1.]
William and Nelle Barrow [int. Barow], Aug. 9, 1770. [Barrow C.R.1.]
William Jr. [dup. Bassett, omits Jr.] and Bethiah Goodspeed, Dec. 26, 1771. [Bassett Jr., P.C.R. Basset Jr., C.R.1.]
BASSETT (see Baset, Basset)
Abigail W. [int. West] and Henry Taylor of New Bedford [int. adds Bristol Co.], ---- [int. Apr. 24], 1819. [Abigail West Basset and Henry Taylor, C.R.2.]
Bethiah and Allen Bourne, int. Jan. 17, 1809.
Elisha of Ipswich and Adeline Snow, int. Mar. 11, 1845.
Elisha [int. Jr.], 23, nailer, s. Elisha and Sarah, and Mary P. Peirce [int. Mary B. Pierce], 20, of Plymouth, d. ---- and Mary, Nov. 4, 1849.
Ellery E. of Newton and Mary Ann Rogers, int. June 6, 1839.
John and Laura Wing, Mar. 24, 1816.
Peggy of Tisbury and Zacheus Haskell, int. Oct. 20, 1802.
Peleg T. and Susan A. Bray of Yarmouth, int. July 25, 1837.
Perez and Lydia Snow, int. Nov. 8, 1797. [Peres, m. May 20, 1798, C.R.3.]
Polly and Manasseh Robbins [dup. Manassah Robins] of Middleborough, Mar. 14, 1799. [Basset and Manasseh Robbins of Middleborough, C.R.1.]
Polly and Rowland Briggs, int. Dec. 25, 1804.
Stephen and Abigail Mendall, int. Mar. 10, 1826.
Susan, Mrs., and Abial Thomas of Wareham, int. Jan. 24, 1846.
Susannah S. and William Ellis, int. Sept. 8, 1843.
Sylvia and Justice [dup. Justus, int. Justes] Allen, Nov. 26, 1795. [Justin, C.R.3.]
Thomas Jr. and Abigal [dup. Abigail, int. adds M.] Tripp, Feb. 9, 1812. [Abigail, C.R.1.]
William Jr. and Thankfull [dup. and int. Thankful, int. Mrs.] Haskell, Apr. 27, 1783 [dup. 1782]. [Bassett and Thankfull Haskell, Apr. 27, 1783, P.C.R. Basset and Thankful Haskell, Apr. 27, 1783, C.R.1.]
Amos [int. Jr.] and Marcy [int. Mercy] Morse [dup. and int. Morss], Oct. 24, 1765. [Amos and Mercy Morse, P.C.R.]
Betsey and Esek Carr of Westport, Bristol Co., int. Feb. 24, 1795. [Essek of Westport, m. May 10, C.R.1.]
Betsey and Ebenezer Cannon 3d, int. June 3, 1820. [Elizabeth, M. July ---—, C.R.2.]
Betty of Wareham and Charles Blankenship, Nov. 21, 1771, in Wareham.
David Jr. of Hingham and Patience Barrow, May 6, 1745.
David and Neomi Warren, Aug. 16, 1770. [Naomi, C.R.1.]
Elijah and Lydia [int. Lidea] Briggs of Wareham, Jan. 3, 1771, in Wareham.
Elizabeth (see Betsey).
Elizabeth A. and Ebenezer R. Hathaway, Nov. 6, 1842.
Emily and John Bennett Jr., int. Sept. 19, 1812.
Ephraim and Deborah Ellis [dup. Elles], Mar. 19, 1821. [Ellis, C.R.1.]
George S. and Sarah N. Blankinship, int. Nov. 19, 1842.
James and Anne Hadeway of Dartmouth, int. Dec. 2, 1759.
James of Dartmouth and Jane Dexter, int. Mar. 20, 1763.
Jared and Eunice Allen, int. Apr. 26, 1800.
Jared and Jemima Ellis, int. Nov. 24, 1827.
Jemima and William Handy, int. Aug. 29, 1797. [m. Oct. 5, C.R.1.]
John and Marcia L. Southworth of Plymouth, int. June 29, 1844.
John S. [int. Seabry] and Hannah S. Hammatt, Oct. 9, 1834. [John S., C.R.1.]
Jonathan and Ruth Stetson [int. Stutson] of Hanover, Feb. 11, 1771, in Hanover.
Joshua T. and Ann M. Bryant of Boston, July 25, 1839.
Louisa [int. Lovisa] T. and Wilcome [int. Welcome] Payne of Fretown, Aug. 10, 1834, in Mattapoisett. [Louisa T. and Welcome Payne of Freetown, C.R.2.]
Lovica C. and Benjamin C. Brown of New Bedford, int. Sept. 3, 1842.
Lucy and Alden Wing, Apr. 30, 1802, C.R.1.
Lydia of Sandwich [int. adds Barnstable Co.] and James Burgess [int. Burges], July 16, 1798, in Sandwich.
Mary H. and Edwin A. Blankinship, May 22, 1838.
Moses and Susanna Mendol, int. Oct. 9, 1779.
Noble E. [int. omits E.] and Sally Allen, Oct. 3, 1816. [Noble, Oct. 4, C.R.1.]
Orlando W., 21, painter, s. Sylvester and Malintha [dup. Melintha], and Lucy E. Mendell [dup. 18], d. William and Betsey, Nov. 8, 1846.
Paddock [dup. Paddok] and Nancy Sturtevant, Aug. 6, 1812. [Padduk, C.R.1.]
Patience and Benjamin Bayley [int. Baley] of Scituate, Apr. 21 [dup. Apr. 2], 1761. [Bailey of Scituate, Apr. 21, P.C.R. Baily of Scituate, Apr. 21, C.R.1.]
Phebe of Wareham and William Baker, May 11, 1799, in Wareham.
Polly and Owen Hinds, Oct. 12, 1811.
Rebecca and John Hall, int. Nov. 14, 1802. [Rebeca and John Hall 2d, m. June 10, 1803, C.R.1.]
Rowland and Sally Clifton, Oct. 9 [dup. Aug. 2], 1810. [Aug. 9, C.R.1.]
Ruth and Barnabas Mendall, int. Mar. 2, 1806.
Sally and Philip Wing Jr. [int. omits Jr.], June 15, 1810. [Philip Jr., June 18, C.R.1.]
Sarah Lucinda and Stephen Luce [int. 2d], Aug. 23, 1829. [Stephen, C.R.1.]
Silvester and Sarah Landers of Wareham, Feb. 13, 1772, in Wareham.
Silvester [dup. Sylvester] and [int. Mrs.] Sarah Sears, Jan. 1, 1778. [Sylvester and Sarah Sears, P.C.R. Silvester and Sarah Sears, C.R.1.]
Simeon and Martha Swift of Wareham, int. Jan. 2, 1762.
Susan M. and James M. Clark, int. Oct. 3, 1846.
Susanna of Barnstable and Levi Lovell, int. Nov. 6, 1757.
Sylvester (see Silvester).
Sylvester [int. Jr.] and Melintha [dup. Malintha] Clark, ----, 1807. [Sylvester and Malintha Clark, ----, [rec. between Mar. 26 and May 3], C.R.1.]
Thankful H. (see Thankful H. Boles).
Thomas C., Capt. [int. omits Capt.], and Rhoda A. Briggs, Nov. 29, 1840. [Thomas C., C.R.1.]
William H. and Sarah A. Dexter, int. Feb. 17, 1844.
---- and Rebeca Allen, Apr. 12, 1801, C.R.1.
Ira, widr. [int. Capt., omits widr.], 50, mariner, of Barnstable, s. Alexander and Sarah, and Sylvia [int. Sophia] A. Delano, 17, d. Henry and Laura, Mar. 6, 1848.
BAYLEY (see Bailey, Baley, Baylies)
Benjamin] [int. Baley] of Scituate and Patience Bates, Apr. 21 [dup. Apr. 2], 1761. [Bailey of Scituate, Apr. 21, P.C.R. Baily of Scituate, Apr. 21, C.R.1.]
BAYLIES (see Bailey, Baley, Bayley)
Horatio of Dighton and Susan Chase, int. June 6, 1840.
William and Abigil Morse, int. Aug. 14, 1808.
BEALE (see Bealls, Beals)
Margeret [int. Margat Beals] of Plymouth and Francis Crapo [int. Frances Crepo Jr.], Apr. 24, 1760, in Plymouth.
BEALLS (see Beale, Beals)
Charles C. [int. Beals] and Martha C. Weaver, May 11, 1843, in Mattapoisett. [Bealls, C.R.2.]
BEALS (see Beale, Bealls)
Charles C. and Mary Gibbs of Middleborough, int. Apr. 21, 1827.
BEARCE (see Bearse, Berse)
Ruth of Halifax and Charles Sturtevant Jr., Aug. 13, 1777 in Halifax.
Courby and Jane Dexter, int. Dec. 30, 1806.
Hannah and James S. Purington, int. Aug. 16, 1828. [m. ----, 1828, C.R.2.]
John and Hannah Courby [dup. Curbey], Jan. 21, 1777. [Courby, P.C.R. Cousby, C.R.1.]
BEARSE (see Bearce, Berse)
Elizabeth [int. Elisabeth Berce] of Barnstable and Nathaniel Basset, Mar. 1, 1753, in Barnstable.
Gursham [int. Burse] of Wareham and Harlot N. [int. Newell] Bolles, May 2, 1841.
John of New Bedford and Fanny L. Ruggles, int. Apr. 26, 1821.
BENNET (see Bennett)
Elias and Polly Sturtevant of Middleborough, int. Dec. 3, 1797.
Esther and Lemuel Briggs of Middleboro, int. July 4, 1812.
Eunice J. [int. Bennett, omits J.], 22, d. Robert (Bennett) and Weltha W., and Ebenezer Jenny [int. Jenney], 26, mariner, of Fairhaven, s. William (Jenne) and Clarissa, July 18, 1847.
Hannah of Middleborough and Stephen Bennet of Middleborough, Oct. 4, 1795. C.R.3.
Jethro [int. Bennett] of Dartmouth and Mary Devol, Oct. 10 [dup. Oct. 30], 1781. [Bennet of Dartmouth, Oct. 10, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
John 3d of Dartmouth and Lois [int. Lous] Chuch [dup. and int. Church], Mar. 30, 1769. [Lois Church, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
John 3d [int. Bennett] and Caty Robinson [int. Raimon] of Middleborough [int. adds Plymouth Co.], Nov. 16, 1794. [Bennet 3d and Caty Robinson of Middleborough, C.R.3.]
John 2d [int. Bennett] and Sarah Clark 2d, Oct. 11, 1821. [Bennett, C.R.1.]
Joseph 2d [dup. Bennett, int. omits 2d] of New Bedford and Hannah Hammet [dup. Hammett], Dec. 6, 1789. [Bennet 2d of New Bedford and Hannah Hammet, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Kezia [dup. and int. Bennett] and Luke Perkins of Carver [int. adds Plymouth Co.], Nov. 8, 1795. [Bennet, C.R.3.]
Louis and Ebenezer Church, Jan. 13, 1799, C.R.3.
Mary of Dartmouth and Abraham Devel, int. Oct. 6, 1776.
Meribah of New Bedford and Charles Brightman, int. Nov. 10, 1804.
Michael of Fair Haven and Zilpah Cushman, int. Mar. 30, 1822.
Polly and Willard Swift, int. Oct. 30, 1806.
Robert of Fair Haven and Wealthy Jenne, int. Apr. 1, 1823.
Sally and Barnabas Nye, int. Dec. 4, 1795. [Barnabus, m. Oct. 13, 1796, C.R.3.]
Stephen [dup. Bennett] of Dartmouth and Zeviah [int. Thankfull Hammond, Jan. 15 [dup. Jan. 25], 1761. [Bennet of Dartmouth and Zerviah Hammond, Jan. 15, P.C.R. Bennet of Dartmouth and Zerviah Hammond, Jan. 15, C.R.1.]
Stephen of Middleborough and Hannah Bennet of Middleborough, Oct. 4, 1795, C.R.3.
BENNETT (see Bennet)
Abigail C., 25, d. Michael and Zilpha, and James R. Allin [int. Allen], 32, mariner, of Fairhaven, s. Obadiah and Jane, Apr. 4, 1848.
Abraham and Elizabeth Randall, int. July 9, 1820.
Betsey, Mrs., and Stephen Hiller, int. Mar. 26, 1831.
Charlottee W. and Cyrus Green, int. Oct. 23, 1836.
Cyrus and Loisa Fish, Apr. 10, 1831.
Eugenia [int. Eugene] and Alvan White of Fretown, Mar. 29, 1829.
Galen T. and Emily K. Wood of Middleborough, int. Dec. 29, 1832.
Henry and Ruth G. Berry, int. Dec. 9, 1849.
Hope of Middleboro and Nathanie1 Leonard of Middleboro, Oct. 26, 1790.
John Jr. and Emily Bates, int. Sept. 19, 1812.
John, Capt., and Mrs. Polly King of Taunton, int. Nov. 19, 1825.
John Jr. and Patty Allen of Bridgwater, int. July 20, 1839.
John Jr. and Phebe P. Wood, int. Dec. 3, 1842.
Jonathan of Newbedford and Ruth Atwood Cobb, int. Aug. 31, 1795. [Bennet of Newbedford and Ruth Atwood, m. Apr. 24, 1796, C.R.3.]
Jonathan and Polly Mendall of Wareham, Mar. 31, 1833.
Joseph [dup. and int. Bennet] and Patience [dup. Patince] Nye, Sept. 7, 1800 [dup. 1806, int. Sept. 7, 1800].
Laura and Thomas P. W. Perkins of Middleborough, int. May 20, 1843.
Louis C. (see Louis Sherman).
Lucy [dup. and int. Bennet] and Stephen [dup. Stepen] Sears, ----, 1807 [dup. 1808, int. Jan. 20, 1807].
Lucy and Jesse Haskell, s. Roger (s. Ebenezer) and Sally (Smith), June ----, 1813, P.R.13.
Lucy, wid., of Middleborough, and Isaac Whitney, int. June 28, 1817, "certified July 15."
Lydia [int. Hammet] of New Bedford and Jonathan Snow [int. Jr.], Feb. 11, 1790, in New Bedford.
Mary and William Davis of Fair Haven, int. Aug. 5, 1821.
Olive of Fair Haven and John Brightman, int. Sept. 14, 1822.
Philip [int. Bennet] and Charlotte Copeland of Bridgewater, Nov. 30, 1797, in Bridgewater.
Polly and Barnabas Mendall, int. Nov. 26, 1797.
Shepherd of Middleborough and Betsey Allen, int. Oct. 23, 1798.
Susanna [dup. and int. Bennet] and Seth Blackwell Jr., Oct. 9, 1791. [Bennet, C.R.1.]
William of New Bedford and Lydia Hathway, int. Dec. 6, 1811.
---- and Hosea Bumpus of Sandwich, int. July 18, 1822.
BENSON (see Binson)
Alonzo T. [int. of Middleborough] and Catharine W. Clark, June 25, 1829.
Andrew of Middleborough and Charety Ashley, int. Aug. 14, 1828.
Anna and David Hiller, int. Nov. 19, 1752.
Anne and Edward Dexter, int. Jan. 12, 1755. [Annis, m. Jan. 19, C.R.1.]
Aquilla and Mary Clap, Jan. 22, 1735.
Aquilla and Mary Parlow, int. Mar. 12, 1758.
Asa of Middleborough and Elisabeth Perry, int. Sept. 18, 1779.
Benjamin of Middleborough and Hannah Steuart [dup. Stuart, int. Steward], Aug. 28, 1760. [Stewart, P.C.R. Steward C.R.1.]
Caleb of Middlebrough and Deborah Barrow of Plymton, Jan. 11, 1732-3.
Charity of Middleborough and Sylvanus Hammond, int. Feb. 19, 1785.
Deborah and Daniel Higbe, int. Aug. 31, 1740.
Ebenezar and Joanah Androws, Aug. 30, 1718.
Elisha of Middleborough and Sarah Stuart, int. Jan. 12, 1755. [Steward, m. Jan. 23, C.R.1.]
Elisha (see Isaac).
Ephraim and Serena [int. Serene Julia] Randall, Dec. 23, 1832.
Experiance and Benjamin Wing, int. Oct. 1, 1737. [Experience, wid. Joseph, and Benjamin Wing, s. John and Experience, m. Nov. 2, C.R.4.]
Hanah and John Huntt, Apr. 6, 1705.
Hopey and Joseph Briggs Jr. of Wareham, int. Sept. 21, 1805.
Imogene C., 17, d. Alonzo and Catharine, and Nathaniel Sears 2d, 23, yeoman, s. William and Susan, June 28, 1849.
Isaac and Mary Bumpos, Mar. 17, 1698-9, in Sandwich.
Isaac [int. Elisha] of Middleborough and Zuruiah [dup. and int. Zeruiah] Nye, July 15 [dup. July 13], 1783. [Tsaac of Middleborough and Zerviah Nye, July 15, P.C.R.]
Jabez of Wareham and Susannah [int. Susanna] Gurney, July 26, 1752, in Wareham.
Jabez of Wareham, Plymouth Co., and Phoebe Gurney, int. Jan. 8, 1800. [Jalish sic of Wareham and Phebe Gurney Jr., m. June 11, C.R.1.]
Jabez and Celestina Hammond, May 4, 1823.
Jacob and Exsperience Brient, Dec. 13, 1711.
Joanna of Middleboro and Bartlett Morton, int. Dec. 20, 1788.
John of Middleborough and Mrs. Sarah Brown, int. Apr. 2, 1785.
John and Louisa T. Paine, int. June 24, 1845.
Joseph and Charity Clap, [worn] 20, 1696 [dup. Aug. 20, 1695, in Sandwich].
Joseph and Deborah Smith, [worn] 17, 1699.
Joseph, s. Joseph, and Experience Barlow, d. Shubal, Nov. 14, 1733, C.R.4.
Joshua and Polly Perkins, Sept. 28, 1800, C.R.3.
Levina [dup. Lavina] of Middleborough and William Pierce [dup. Peirce] of Middleborough, May 1, 1791. [Lovine of Middleborough and William Peirce of Middleborough, P.C.R.]
Lydia and Samul [int. Samuel] Nye, June 23, 1737.
Mariah of Middleborough and Pollipus Hammond, int. Sept. 4, 1784.
Martha and James La Baron [int. Labarow late of Plimouth], June 28, 1717.
Mary and John Briggs, Apr. 17, 1740.
Mercy and Samuel Burg [int. Burge], Sept. 1, 1741. [Burge, C.R.1.]
Noah of Middleborogh and Abigael Turner, int. Oct. 27, 1750.
Priscilla and Benamin Dexter, int. Oct. 10, 1756. [m. Oct. 19, P.C.R. Prissilia, m. Oct. 19, C.R.1.]
Priscilla of Middleborough and Benjamin Combs, int. July 26, 1772.
Priscilla of Middleborough and Ansell [dup. Ansel] Clark of Middleborough, June 13, 1790. [Ansell of Middleborough, P.C.R.]
Rhode [dup. and int. Rhoda] of Wareham and Arnold Briggs, Oct. 6 [dup. Oct. 5], 1785. [Rhoda of Wareham, Oct. 6, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Sarah and Elkanah [int. Elkanal] Smith, Aug. 31, 1740. [Elkanah, C.R.1.]
Sarah and John Danford, int. Apr. 14, 1754.
Sarah of Wareham and George [int. Geogej Gurney, Sept. 15, 1785, in Wareham.
Sheldon of Wareham and Caroline Westgate, int. Nov. 25, 1837. "The certificate (not given) for the intentons was forbid."
Temperance P. of Middleborough and Freeman Shaw of Middleborough, May 28, 1835.
William and Elizabeth Eles, int. Aug. 12, 1738. [Ellis, m. Mar. 22, 1738-9, C.R.1.]
William and Phebe M. Masin of New Bedford, int. Sept. 7, 1847.
Isaac of Wareham and Sophia Bartlett of Wareham, Dec. 11, 1833.
Ruth G. and Henry Bennett, int. Dec. 9, 1849.
Sylvia and Frederic P. Handy, int. Aug. 19, 1837.
BERSE (see Bearce, Bearse)
Abigail of Wareham and Ozius Drake, Feb. 20, 1829, C.R.1.
Phebe B. of Wareham and William Gibbs, Dec. ---— 1828, C.R.1.
BESHOP (see Bishop, Bushop)
Hanery [dup. Henry Bishop, int. Henery Bishop] and Lidea [dup. Ludia] Peirce, Jan. 15, 1767. [Henry Bishop and Lidia Peirce [dup. Pearce], P.C.R.]
BESSE (see Bessey, Bessy)
Betsey and Robert Golt of Baltimore, int. Jan. 18, 1817, "certified Feb 3."
David Jr. and Dinah Muxham, July 20, 1738. [Bessey Jr. and Dinah Muxum, P.C.R.]
Elisabeth [int. Elizabeth] of Wareham and Samuel Briggs Jr., Oct. 9, 1746, in Wareham.
Jabez of Fayette, Lincoln Co., and Sally Allen, int. July 15, 1797. [Jabes Bessy of Fayette, m. Feb. 6, 1798, C.R.3.]
Lois S. and John N. Smith of Edgarton, int. Dec. 3, 1830.
Loisa and James D. H. Bradford, int. Feb. 18, 1821.
Mary R. and Ephraim Marick of Freetown, int. Jan. 16, 1813.
Nathan and Betsey Saunders of Middleborough, int. Jan. 18, 1796.
Nathaniel and Tabathy Chubbock [int. Tabitha Chubbuck] of Plymouth, Dec. 15, 1796, in Wareham.
Phebe and Solomon Bradford of Plymouth, Mar. 5 [dup. Mar. 4, int. Mar. 23 sic], 1822.
Rebeckah [int. Rebekah Bessey] of Wareham and David Maxham [int. Muxham], Mar. 8, 1767, in Wareham.
Tabitha of Agawam in Plymouth and Nathanaell Chubbuck Jr., Sept. 18, 1732. [Nathaniel, P.C.R.]
BESSEY (see Besse, Bessy)
Benjamin [dup. Besse] of Wareham and Elisabeth [dup. Eliza] Doty, Jan. 31, 1765. [Bessee of Wareham and Elizabeth Dotey, Jan. 31, 1764 [dup. Jan. 31, 1765], P.C.R.]
David [dup. Besse] of Wareham and Expereance [dup. Experience, int. Mrs. Exparance] Snow, Aug. 31, 1769. [Bessey of Wareham and Experience Snow, P.C.R. [Bessee of Wareham and Experience Snow, C.R.1.]
Joshua [dup. Besse] and Betty [int. Elisabeth] Roper, Oct. ---—, 1788. [Besse and Betsy Roper, P.C.R.]
Nathaniel [int. Nathanel, dup. Besse] of Wareham and Susanna [dup. Susannah] Hammond, Mar. 14 [dup. Mar. 16], 1764 [int. Jan. 6, 1765 sic]. [Nathaniel Bessee of Wareham and Susannah Hammond, Mar. 14, 1764, P.C.R.]
BESSY (see Besse, Bessey)
Loisa [dup. Besse] and William Baker, ----, 1807. [Loice Bessey, Dec. ----, C.R.2.]
BESTER (see Barstow Bestow)
Gideon and Jane Wilson, int. Nov. 11, 1759.
BESTOW (see Barstow, Bester)
Content [dup. Barstow, int. Bester] and William Barlow [int. Barrlow], Oct. 4, 1764. [Barstow and William Barlow, P.C.R.]
Eliza A. A. [int. Eliza Ann Adams] and Rev. [int. omits Rev.] Charles W. [int. Wilkes] Wood of Ashley [int. Ashby], Sept. 20, 1841.
Isabella A., 22, d. Jonathan and Eliza T., and John C. Grinnell [int. Grinel], 25, student at law, of New Bedford, Feb. 15, 1849.
Jonathan, Rev., and Eliza Tappan, Apr. 4, 1822.
BIGGS (see Briges, Briggs, Brigs)
William and Mary Cowing, Mar. 10, 1782. [Briggs, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Susannah M. [int. Bindin, omits M.] and William Luce, Oct. 27, 1842, in Fairhaven.
BINSON (see Benson)
Joshua [dup. and int. Benson] and [int. Mrs.] Susannah Edwards, Sept. 22 [dup. Sept. 25], 1823. [Benson and Susanna Edwards, Sept. 22, C.R.1.]
BISBEE (see Bisbey)
Abigail and Jonathan Hall of Middleborough, int. Oct. 29, 1784.
Anselm and Sarah Doten, Jan. 28 [dup. Jan. 25], 1796. [Jan. 28, C.R.3.]
Chloe and Walter Elms, Oct. 11, 1792.
Ezra and Salome Pierce, int. Mar. 5, 1785.
Hannah and James Ellis of Carver, int. Nov. 18, 1814, "certificate given."
Hopestill Jr. and Betsey Purrington, int. Apr. 10, 1796.
Isaac and Mary Baker, int. Mar. 19, 1785.
Josiah and Mary J. Stetson, Oct. 26, 1833.
Lyndah [dup. Lindah] and John Crapo, Nov. 20, 1794 [dup. 1793]. [Lyndah, Nov. 20, 1794, C.R.3.]
Sally and Thaddeus [dup. Thadeus] Stetson of New Bedford, Dec. 38 [sic, dup. Dec. 28], 1809. [Thadeus of New Bedford, Dec. 28, C.R.1.]
Sylvanus and Lydia Jackson of Plymouth, int. Aug. 24, 1800.
BISBEY (see Bisbee)
Hannah of Plympton and Caleb Combs, int. Sept. 20, 1772.
BISHOP (see Beshop, Bushop)
Alpheus K., farmer [int. of Middleboro], and Azuba [int. Azubah] S. Clark, Feb. 24, 1846.
Alvan [n written in pencil] and Hannah C. Nye, int. Dec. 14, 1849.
Alvin [int. of Middleborough] and Malentha [dup. Malintha, int. Melintha] Sherman, Feb. ---— 1795. avin and Melintha Shearman, C.R.2.]
Anne [int. Anna] and Persefall [dup. Percival, int. Peacefull] Ashley of Freetown, Aug. 27 [dup. Aug. 7], 1761. [Anne and Peacefull Ashley of Freetown, Aug. 27, P.C.R.]
Dorcas and Robert Clark [int. Clarke], Oct. 30, 1774. [Clark, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Henry [int. Jr.] and Mehittable [dup. Mehitabel] Smith of Middleborough, Dec. 25, 1791. [Bishup and Mehitable Smith of Middleborough, P.C.R.]
Israel S. and Almira H. Freeman, int. Dec. 18, 1835.
John Jr. and Hannah Combs, int. Nov. 4, 1764.
Loisa and Henry Stevens, int. June 16, 1832.
Lydia P. and James H. Rider, Aug. 18, 1842.
Olive [dup. Bishup] and Daniel Smith Jr. of Middleborough, Jan. 26, 1792. [Bishup, P.C.R.]
Orpah of Middleboro and Gamaliel Fuller, int. Apr. 22, 1786.
Sophrona and Abner Hathaway, int. Sept. 6, 1822.
BLACK (see Blackweel, Blackwell)
Caleb [dup. and int. Blackwell] and Betsey Hammond, ---- [int. Jan. 11,], 1794. [Betsy and Caleb Black, Feb. 9, C.R.2.]
BLACKAMIRE (see Blackamore, Blackmar, Blackmer, Blackmere, Blackmore)
Salsbury and Lucy Mendell of Fairhaven, int. Oct. 5, 1816, "certified Nov. 4."
BLACKAMORE (see Blackamire, Blackmar, Blackmer, Blackmere, Blackmore)
Betsey [dup. Blackmer] and David Russell of Fairhaven, Nov. 15 [int. Nov. 20 sic], 1815. [Betsy Blackmer and Davd Russel of Fair Haven, Nov. 15, C.R.1.]
John Jr. and Nancy Bullen of New Bedford, int. Feb. 30 [sic], 1813.
BLACKMAR (see Blackamire, Blackamore, Blackmer, Blackmere, Blackmore)
Abigail T. and Samuel B. Dexter, int. Mar. 18, 1820.
BLACKMER (see Blackamire, Blackamore, Blackmar, Blackmere, Blackmore)
Elisabath and Ebenezar Wing, Oct. 31, 1721.
Elizabeth and William Rouncifull of Tivertown, int. Aug. 29, 1731.
Elizabeth and John Whitfield [int. Whitfeild], Feb. 17, 1734.
Elizebeth [int. Elizabeth] and Isaac Doty [int. Dotey], Oct. 19, 1737. [Elizabeth and Isaac Doty, P.C.R.]
James [dup. Blackmar, int. Blackamore] and Nancy Whiting [dup. and int. Whitney], Nov. 29, 1798.
Jemima and Nathaneal Wing Jr. of Sandwich, Dec. 1, 1716.
John and Anna Branch, Sept. 18, 1700.
John Jr. and Marcy Brickitt, Mar. 5, 1711-12.
John and Sary Norcut of Marshfield, int. Mar. 10, 1725.
John [int. s. John] and Sarah Holmes [int. Holms] of Plymouth, Mar. 15, 1731-2, in Plymouth.
Joseph and Marcy Sears of Yarmouth, Jan. 7, 1724-5 [dup. 1724], in Yarmouth.
Mary F. and Capt. Henry H. Smith of Edgartown, int. Nov. 2, 1839.
Peter and Sarah Edwards, Oct. 24, 1711.
Phebe and Nathaniel [int. Nathaniell] Whitcum, July 27, 1738. [Nathaniel Whitcomb, P.C.R.]
Phoeba (Blackmer) [dup. Phebe Blackmer, int. Phebe Blackamore] and Capt. [dup. and int. omit Capt.] Jonathan Vaughan, Nov. 28, 1816. [Phebe Blackmer and Capt. Jonathan Vaughan, C.R.1.]
Rufus and Marcy Parker of New Bedford, int. July 18, 1819, "certified Aug 2."
Sally S. and Kelly Sherman, int. June 3, 1823.
William Jr. and Sarah Norcott of Marshfield, int. July 23, 1737.
BLACKMERE (see Blackamire, Blackamore, Blackmar, Blackmer, Blackmore)
Charles M. [int. Blackmer], farmer, and Emily M. Sears, Jan. 5, 1847.
John 2d and Betsey Hall of Fairhaven, int. June 10, 1848.
BLACKMORE (see Blackamire, Blackamore, Blackmar, Blackmer, Blackmere)
Jernimah of Dartmouth and Richard Griffies, int. Oct. 10, 1774.
John [int. Jr.] of Plymouth and Sally Hovey, Dec. ---— 1789. [Blackmer of Plymouth, P.C.R.]
BLACKWEEL (see Black, Blackwell)
Seth [int. Black] and Ruth Sturdefant [int. Sterdefant], Dec. 25, 1753. [Blackwell and Ruth Sturtevant [dup. Sturtevant], P.C.R.]
BLACKWELL (see Black, Blackweel)
Allis [int. Alas] and Nicholas Crapoo, Sept. 14, 1749. [Allis, C.R.1.]
Bethiah and Ichabod Nye, Nov. 22, 1744.
Chloe of Sandwich [dup. int. adds Barnstable Co.] and Sherman Lincoln [dup. int. Linkon], Nov. 2, 1797, in Sandwich.
Hannah [int. Blackwel] of Sandwich and John Burge [int. Burg], Mar. 4, 1730–1, in Sandwich.
Jane and Tisdale [dup. Judah] Winslow, Aug. 15, 1773. [Tisdale, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
John and Charlotte [int. Charlottee T.] Claghorn, May 24, 1818. [Charlotte J., C.R.1.]
Joshua of Wareham and Delia [dup. Deliverance] Bolles, int. Apr. 26, 1800. [Deliverine Boules, m. Sept. 28, C.R.1.]
Lois [int. Blackwel] and Humphry [int. Humphrey] Shearman, Oct. 11, 1820. [Louis Blackwell and Humphrey Shearman, C.R.1.]
Louis and Constant Gibbs of Wareham, int. July 5, 1817.
Rowland of Sandwich and Mary Hammond [int. 4th], Nov. 9, 1775. [Mary, P.C.R. C.R.1.]
Sally [int. adds H.] and Philip Crapo, Sept. 7 1817.
Sarah and George Nye, int. Nov. 14, 1747. [Sarah Black, m. Dec. 31, C.R.1.]
Seth Jr. and Susanna Bennett [dup. and int. Bennet], Oct. 9, 1791. [Bennet, C.R.1.]
Nancy A. of New Bedford and Thomas C. Landers, int. Oct. 24, l844.
BLANKENSHIP (see Blankinship)
Anner and Nathan Jenne Jr., int. Apr. 3, 1775.
Charles and Betty Bates of Wareham, Nov. 21, 1771, in Wareham.
James Jr. [dup. Blankinship, omits Jr.] and Allice Hammond Feb. 6, 1777. [Blankenship Jr. and Alice Hammond, P.C.R. Blankinship Jr. and Alice Hammond, C.R.1.]
Paul [dup. and int. Blankinship] and Joanna Pease, Nov. 7, 1784. [Blankenship, P.C.R. Blankinship, C.R.1.]
Rhoda [dup. Blankinship] and Jabez Delano, Jan. 13, 1782. [Blankenship, P.C.R. Blankinship, C.R.1.]
William and Hannah Snow, int. May 14, 1780.
BLANKINSHIP (see Blankenship)
Abigail and Timothy Snow Jr., int. Jan. ----, 1802.
Annah J. [dup. Amcet, omits J.] and Tillson [dup. Ichon, int. Tilson] Dunham, Nov. 19, 1809. [Annah J. and Tilson Dunham, C.R.1.]
Barnabas and Sally Nye, int. May 19, 1794.
Bathsheba and Thomas Doty, int. June ----, 1807.
Betsey and Stephen Hammond, July 30 [dup. July 31], 1798.
Betsey [dup. adds B., int. Mrs.] and Seth Hammond, July 13, 1818. [Betsey, C.R.1.]
Beulah (see Beaulah Delano).
Charles Jr. and Betsey Clark, Dec. ----, 1808 [dup. Dec. 18, 1809]. [Betsy, Dec. 18, 1808, C.R.1.]
Charles W. and Elizabeth H. Faunce, int. Sept. 2, 1849.
Dorcas [int. Mrs.] and Stephen Luce, Mar. 2 [second dup. Mar. 22], 1806. [Dorcas, Mar. 2, C.R.1.]
Edwin A. and Mary H. Bates, May 22, 1838.
Eliza P. and Philip T. Hammond, int. ----, 1828.
Eunice and Salsbury Hitchborn [dup. Hitchman, int. Sailsbury Hitchborne], Aug. 21, 1808. [Eunis and Salsbury Hitchmond, C.R.1.]
George and Betsy [int. Betty] Turner, Oct. 7, 1773, in Wareham.
George (Blankinship) Jr. [int. omits Jr.] and Sarah Handy, Dec. 18, 1808 [dup. 1809, int. Dec. 20, 1808]. [George Jr., Dec. 18, 1808, C.R.1.]
George Jr. and Celia Briggs, int. Apr. 14, 1826.
Hannah [int. wid.] and John Clapp, June 30, 1833. [Hannah, C.R.1.]
Hannah and Thomas Brown, Nov, 24, 1840.
Israel (see Jared).
James and Barshaba Earty [int. Mrs. Bathsheba Esty] of Freetown, Jan. 31, 1784, in Freetown.
James and [int. Mrs.] Thirsey [dup. Thirzey] Hathaway, May 14, 1818. [Terzay, C.R.1.]
James [int. Capt.] and Lydia B. [B. crossed out, int. omits B.] Westgate, July 27, 1827. [Jamas and Lydia Westgate, C.R.1.]
Jane and Bethuel Dexter, July 24 [dup. July 4], 1817. [July 24, C.R.1.]
Jared and Hannah Pope, Sept. 1, 1816. [Judah, C.R.1.]
Jared [int. Israel], 22, s. Jared and Hannah, and Rosella [int. Rosetta] M. Crowel, 19, d. Seth and Polly, Feb. 14, 1847.
Jarvis and Celia A. Shermon, int. Oct. 21, 1843.
Job and Betsey Hammond, int. May 19, 1794.
Job [dup. and int. Capt.] and Loisa Crapo, Sept. 7 [dup. Sept. 17], 1828.
Job [int. Capt.] and Thankful N. [int. Thankfull W.] Clark, Oct. 5, 1834. [Job and Thankful N. Clark, C.R.1.]
John and Lydia Handy, Oct. 12, 1808.
John B. [int. Bates] and Polly Clark, Nov. 28, 1816. [John B., C.R.1.]
Joseph and Unity H. [int. omits H.] Wing, Jan. 8, 1837.
Judah (see Jared).
Kata and John Lincoln, Jan. 30, 1800. [Kate, C.R.1.]
Lucy and Barnabas B. Nye, Mar. 23 [dup. Mar. 22], 1820. [Mar. 23, C.R.1.]
Malory M. (see Melora).
Mary W. and John E. Randell of Fairhaven, int. June 25, 1844.
Mary W., 30, d. John and Lydia, and James Mendell, 30, mariner, s. Asa and Mercy, Sept. 20, 1846.
Melora [int. Malory M.], 19, d. Jared and Hannah, and Edward F. Sherman, 25, shipwright, s. Edward and Celia, Oct. 11, 1846.
Patty [int. Polly] and Weston Allen, Aug. 11, 1819. [Patty, C.R.1.]
Peleg and Delia Haskell, Oct. 19, 1797.
Peleg [int. Capt.] and [int. Mrs.] Eliza Leonard, June 16, 1835. [Peleg and Eliza Leonard, C.R.1.]
Perez and Dorcas Keen, Apr. 5, 1798.
Phebe and Reuben Allen, Nov. 28 [dup. Nov. 18], 1813. [Nov. 28, C.R.1.]
Polly (see Patty).
Ruth [int. 2d] and [int. Capt.] Harper Delano Jr., Oct. 8, 1816. [Ruth and Harper Delano Jr., C.R.1.]
Sally and Benjamin Delano, Nov. 25, 1812.
Sarah N. and George S. Bates, int. Nov. 19, 1842.
Seth and Mary Wing, Feb. 9, 1795.
Seth and [int. Mrs.] Lydia Swift, Oct. 5, 1817. [Lydia, C.R.1.]
Susannah [int. Susan J.] and Elijah Braly [int. Braley], Aug. 7, 1831.
Sylvia and Nathaniel Hammond 2d, int. Mar. 9, 1793.
Walter F. and Mrs. Ruth Weeks of Falmouth, int. June 17, 1820.
Warren and Emily M. Clark, int. Sept. 7, 1839.
William and Joanna Demon [int. Damon] of Dartmouth, Oct. 5, 1786, in Dartmouth.
William and Hannah Wing, int. Oct. 18, 1802. [m. Oct. 24, C.R.1.]
William of Fairhaven, Bristol Co., and Mary Ann Briggs, int. Sept. 7, 1833.
---- (see Dorcas Luce).
BLOSOM (see Blossom)
Lydia of Fairhaven and Bruse F. Hammond, int. Oct. 4, 1817, "certified Oct 18."
BLOSSOM (see Blosom)
Melintha of Fairhaven and Jabez Goodspeed, int. Jan. 10, 1813.
Melora of Fairhaven and Levi Handy, int. June 9, 1816, "certificate given June 23."
BLY (see Blye)
Anna and Hector Whitmarsh, negros, int. May 21, 1775.
James and Mrs. Rachel Taber, int. June 10, 1820.
Rebecca, Mrs., of Fairhaven, and Frederick A. Hammond, int. July 29, 1843.
BLYE (see Bly)
John of Middleborough and Marcy Holmes, Feb. [dup. Dec.] 17, 1757. [Bly of Middleborough] and Mercy Holmes, Feb. 17, P.C.R.]