Vital Records Of Rochester Massachusetts
To The Year 1850
Volume I Births
Published By The New England Historic Genealogical Society
At The Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms
At The Charge Of
The Eddy Town Record Fund
Boston, Mass. 1914
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Abiah, w. Thomas, Nov. 16, 1835 [dup. a. 70].
Philips, Jan. 29, 1832.
Rhoda Snow, ch. John W. and Ann, Oct. 12, 1829.
Anna, d. James and Mercy, Jan. 13, 1715, a. abt. 5 w., G.R.1.
Henry, Aug. 5, ----, C.R.1.
Marcy, w. James, Dec. 21, 1715, a. abt. 25, G.R.1.
Abigail, d. Ebenezer (Churh) dec'd, Mar. 21, 1825. [d. Ebenezer and Lois, Mar. 21, 1824, a. 22, G.R.1.]
Bethiah, d. Lemuel, small pox, Nov. [dup. Mar.] 4, 1792, in 31st y. [d. Lemuel and Bethiah, Nov. 3, in 30th y., G.R.1.]
Bethiah, wid. Lemuel, Feb. 4, 1832, a. 99 y. 9 m. [dup. a. 99 y. 8 m.]. [a. 100 "save 3 mos.," G.R.1.]
Earl, Mar. 24, 1843, a. 83, G.R.1.
Ebenezer, Apr. ----, 1816, C.R.1. [Apr. 14, a. 50, G.R.1.]
Jonathan, ch. Jonathan and Sally, Apr. 3, 1790.
Jonathan, Apr. 10, 1816, a. 61. [Apr. 15, G.R.1.]
Jonathan, July 19, 1841, a. 45, G.R.1.
Lemuel, Feb. 22, 1772, in 46th y., G.R.1.
Lois, w. Richard, May 17, 1745, in 21st y., G.R.1.
Lois, Apr. ----, 1816, C.R.1. [w. Ebenezer, Apr. 1, a. 42, G.R.1.]
Lucy L., d. Capt. Joseph, July 24, 1832, a. 7.
Mary, w. Capt. Joseph, Oct. 18, 1832. [w. Capt. Joseph W., a. 34, G.R.1. [twin] ch. Nathaniel Clapp and Mercy (Burgess), P.R.7.]
Polly, ch. Jonathan and Sally, Jan. 21, 1792.
Dorothy, wid. Capt. William, Apr. 7 [second dup. Apr. 17], 1823. [d. Elnathan Haskell and Dorothy, Apr. 7, a. 56, G.R.1.]
William, Capt., June 27, 1798, in 31st y., at Cape Fear, N.C., G.R.1.
CLAP (see Clapp)
Darcas, d. Ebenezer and Mary, Oct. 9, 1728.
Elizabeth, Jan. 26, 1706-7, a. abt. 59.
Hannah, Aug. 4, 1847, a. 84, C.R.1. [Clapp, w. John, G.R.13.]
John [dup. Clapp], s. Ebenezer, May 3, 1791, in 53d y. [dup. in 63d y.]. [Lt. John Clapp, in 53d y., G.R.1.]
John, ----, C.R.1. [Clapp, h. Hannah, Mar. 18, 1841, G.R.13.]
CLAPP (see Clap)
Catharine [dup. Katharine Clap], wid. Benjamin, Apr. 8, 1790.
Deliverence [dup. Deliverenc], w. Kenelm, May 14, 1817, a. 68. [Deliverance, C.R.1. Deliverance, Mar. 4, in 68th y., G.R.1.]
Earle, s. John, Nov. 10, 1715.
Ebenezer, Sept. 20, 1769, in 35th y., G.R.1.
Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer Jr. and Lucy, May 12, 1771, a. 2 y. 8 m., G.R.1.
Ebenezer [dup. Clap], June 22, 1792, in 89th y.
Ebenezer, s. Nathaniel, Dec. 4, 1822, in 26th y., on the Misissipi Rier, G.R.1.
Increse, Sept. 13, 1716.
Katharine (see Catharine).
Jane, w. Nathaniel, Aug. 12, 1849, a. 35, G.R.1.
Lucy, d. Lt. [dup. omits Lt.] Nathaniel and Mercy, Nov. 25, 1819, a. 19 y. 5 m. 14 d. [dup. a. 19 y. 5 m. 4 d.]. [Lucy S., d. Nathaniel and Mercy, a. 18, G.R.1. Lucy S., ch. Nathaniel and Mercy (Burgess), P.R.7.]
Nathaniel, Mar. 29, 1829, a. 63, G.R.1.
Nathaniel, ch. Nathaniel and Mercy (Burgess), Mar. 29, 1849, P.R.7.
Polly, d. Lt. John and Ruth, Apr. 22, 1782, a. 4, G.R.1.
Polly, d. John and Ruth Haskell, choic, Sept. 6, 1848, a. 63 y. 3 m. 3 d.
Ruth, wid. John, Feb. 25, 1831, in 88th y. [in 87th y., G.R.1.]
Thomas, s. Increase, Apr. 20, 1716.
CLARK (see Clarke)
Abigail, May ----, 1811, C.R.1.
Abigail, Jan. 4, 1834.
Amanda, w. Thomas Jr., Feb. 26, 1836. [Susan Amanda, in 22d y., G.R.1.]
Ansel, June 19, 1831. [in 63d y., G.R.5.]
Ansel J. [? Jr.], s. Ansel, Sept. 5, 1825. [Lt. Ansel Jr., Sept. 15, in 91st y. sic, G.R.5.]
Azubah, [twin] ch. John and Bethiah. June ----, 1814 [dup. and second dup. in 12th y. sic, see birth]. [----, 1815, C.R.1.]
Barnabas, widr., farmer, s. Johnthan and Susan [sic, ? Deborah] (Doty), hernia, Nov. 13, 1845, a. 87. [A soldier of the Revolution, G.R.1.]
Bethia, Feb. ----, 1817, C.R.1. [Bethiah, w. Nathaniel, Feb. 8, 1816, in 79th y., G.R.1.]
Bethiah, wid., d. Jonathan Haskell, consumption, May 18, 1846, a. 90. [wid. John, in 90th y., G.R.1.]
Catharine, w. Peleg B., d. Capt. Gamaliel Fuller, Dec. 27, 1818, a. 20 y. 11, m. 20 d. [dup. a. 20 y. 11 m. 10 d.]. [Catherine, w. Lt. Peleg B., G.R.5.]
Catherine, w. William, Dec. 24, 1834. [Catharine, a. 70, G.R.13.]
Charles A., s. Joseph and Fanny, Oct. 3, 1843, a. 23, G.R.1.
Charles H. A., ch. Peleg and Sarah, Oct. 16, 1848, a. 2 y. 11, m., G.R.1.
Cornelius [dup. Corneleas], Feb. 28, 1825, in 74th y.
Darius, drown'd in Snow's Pond, July 11, 1819. [in 29th y., G.R.1.]
David, s. John 4th and Thankfull, Dec. 11, 1770.
Deborah, w. Nathaniel, Apr. 19, 1836.
Desire, wid. Dea. James, June 5, 1834, a. abt. 80. [Clarke, C.R.1. Clark, June 15, G.R.13.]
Eleanor, w. John, June 19, 1844, a. 50 y. 2 m., G.R.13.
Elizabeth, w. Capt. Lemuel, Sept. 23, 1789, in 29th y., G.R.1.
Elizabeth, w. Capt. Thomas, Feb. 11, 1844, in 66th y., G.R.1.
Erastus Ferdinand [dup. omits Ferdinand], s. James H. and Harriot, Apr. 29, 1832. [Erastus F., s. James H. and Harriet B., a. 1 y. 6 m. 4 d., G.R.2.]
Eunice, d. Willard and Jane, Aug. 7, 1778, in 19th y., G.R.4.
Ezekiel, Dea., h. Hannah, Oct. 18, 1795, in 69th y., G.R.22.
Hannah, wid. Dea. Ezekiel, May 20, 1796, in 65th y., G.R.22.
Hannah, d. Nathaniel, Jan. 15, 1841.
Hope, w. Barnabos, Mar. 4, 1834, a. 72. [w. Barnabas, a. 71, G.R.1.]
Isaac, Oct. 13, 1843, a. 87 y. 2 m., G.R.1.
Isaac, m., labourer, b. Truro, consumption, May 20, 1845, a. 58.
James, Dea., Mar. 5, 1819, in 73d y. [[h. Desire] in 78th y., G.R.13.]
Jane, w. Williard, Aug. 2, 1809, a. 75, G.R.4.
Jane, d. Williard and Jane Landers, fall, Jan. 7, 1846, a. 80 y. 10 m. 13 d. [Clarke, Jan. 17, G.R.5.]
John Sr. [dup. omits Sr.], May 27, 1790.
John, s. Cornelius [dup. Cornelus], Feb. 15 [dup. Feb. 5], 1793, in 69th y.
John, Apr. 2, 1837, a. 84 y. 7 m., G.R.1.
Jonathan, drowned, Oct. 30, 1790, in 64th y.
Joshua, s. William and Martha, Mar. ----, 1746 [? 1745-6], a. abt. 1 m.
Lemuel Jr., Nov. ----, 1809 [second dup. 1819], in 27th y. [drowned, Nov. ----, 1809, C.R.1. Nov. ----, 1809, at sea, G.R.1.]
Lemuel [second dup. Lermueel], Capt., June 30, 1818, a. 59 y. 5 m. 19 d. [Capt. Lemuel, G.R.1.]
Lucinda H., d. Joseph, Feb. 29, 1836, a. abt. 24. [Lucinda A., d. Joseph and Fanny, a. 25, G.R.1.]
Maltiah Jr., Mar. 9, 1835, a. 46. [a. 45 y. 7 m., G.R.2.]
Maltiah, s. James H., Jan. 26, 1837, a. 6 w. [s. James H. and Harriet B., Jan. 25, a. 5 w. 5 d., G.R.2.]
Maltiah, m., farmer, s. Joseph and Mercy White, desease of heart, Mar. 12, 1849, a. 88 y. 14 d. [a. 88 y. 18 d., G.R.2.]
Martha (see Patty).
Mary (see Polly).
Mary, d. Nathan, May 13 [dup. May 12], 1829. [May 12, in 31st y., G.R.13.]
Mary, w. Rufus, Dec. 2, 1839. [Mary D. H., w. Rufus K., d. Seth Haskell and Eunice, Dec. 3, a. 25, G.R.1.]
Mary, May 3, 1844, C.R.1. [Mary Louisa, d. William and Amelia, May 8, a. 6 y. 10 m., G.R.13.]
Mary, w. Jonathan, d. Cornelius Ellis and Desire Ellis, consumption, Mar. 21, 1847, a. 45.
Mary Loisa, ----, 1835, C.R.1. [d. William and Amelia, Sept. 25, a. 2 y. 9 m., G.R.13.]
Melatiah (see Maltiah)
Mercy (see Mery)
Mercy, w. Capt. Lemuel, small pox, Nov. 6, 1801, in 35th y., G.R.1.
Mercy D., d. John and Eleanor, Mar. 27, 1845, a. 21 y. 5 m., G.R.13.
Mery [dup. Mercy Clerk], w. Ezekiel, Dec. 11, 1750.
Nathaniel, Oct. 20, 1821, a. 91 y. 7 m. 10 d. [h. Bethiah, G.R.1.]
Nathaniel D., s. Nathaniel and Susan Dean, fever, Aug. 27, 1846, a. 1 y. 3 m. 12 d.
Patty, Mar. ----, 1810, C.R.1. [Martha, w. Capt. Nathan, Mar. 25, a. 32, G.R.13.]
Polly, d. Barnabas, Mar. 30, 1826. [Mary, Mar. 28, a. 33, G.R.1.]
Priscilla, d. Peleg B. and Catherine, Sept. 23, 1838, a. 20, G.R.5.
Rebeccah [third dup. Rebecah], w. Presbury [second and third dups. Presbey], Mar. 24 [dup. and second dup. Mar. 25], 1819, a. 36 y. 6 m. 4 d. [Rebecca, w. Presbury, d. Nathan Sears and Thankful, Mar. 24, G.R.1.]
Rosanna, June 19, 1829, a. 27, G.R.1.
Rufus H., s. W. and A. F., May 18, 1847, a. 3 w., G.R.2.
Sally, [twin] ch. John and Bethiah, ----, 1793, a. "a few " w. [second dup. Oct. ----, 1792, a. 2 w.].
Sarah, d. Nathaniel and Bethiah, Aug. 3, 1768.
Sarah, w. Capt. Lemuel, Feb. 22, 1828, a. 54, G.R.1.
Sarah, d. Nathaniel and Bethiah C., Apr. 25, 1846, a. 75 y. 3 m. 10 d.
Susan Amanda (see Amanda)
Susanna [dup. Susannah], wid. Cornelius [dup. Cornellls], Mar. 26, 1791.
Susannah, July 13, 1849, C.R.1. [Susanna M., w. Capt. James M., d. Noble E. Bates and Sarah T., a. 30 y. 10 m., G.R.13.]
Thankfull [dup. Thankful], wid. John, Oct. 24, 1811. [Thankful, a. 78, C.R.1. Thankful, Oct. 24, 1812, in 79th y., G.R.13.]
Theodore G., s. Alden and Elizabeth, Jan. 11, 1839, a. 11, G.R.5.
Thomas, Jan. 25, 1837, a. 70. [Capt., Jan. 25, 1839, in 69th y., G.R.1.]
Walter [dup. adds Arnold], s. Capt. James Hervey (Clarke) [dup. s. James H. and Harriot], Apr. 26, 1832, a. 4. [Walter H., s. James H. and Harriet B., a. 3 y. 26 d., G.R.2.]
Walton E., s. John and Eloner (Handy), billious fever, Sept. 22, 1848, a. 17 y. 6 m. 12 d.
Warren, m., farmer, s. Presbury and Susan [sic, ? Rebecca] Sears, desease of scrotum, July 25, 1848, a. 31 y. 5 m. 3 d.
Willard (see Williard)
William, widr., mariner, s. John and Thankful (Wing), old age, May 10, 1845, a. 36 y. [sic] 4 m. 29 d. [Capt., "served. . . for five years in the revolution under Washington," h. Catharine, in 87th., G.R.13.]
William F., s. John and Ellen (Handy), kings evil, Aug. 14, 1845, a. 16 y. 3 m. 6 d.
William Henry, s. William and Amelia, Sept. 13, 1831, a. 1 y. 3 m. 20 d., G.R.13.
Williard, Capt., Sept. 19, 1819, in 88th y., G.R.4.
Zeruiah, d. William and Martha. May 19, 1747.
----, s. Isaac and Anna, Nov. 8, 1795, a. abt. 9 m., C.R.3.
----, inf. ---- Dec. ----, 1803, C.R.1.
----, inf. ----, ----, 1810, C.R.1.
----, [twin] s. Presbury, Mar. 26, 1819, a. "a few" d.
----, [twin] s. Presbury, [Mar.] 27, 1819, a. "a few" d.
----, [illegible], ch. Presbury, July ----, 1828.
----, d. Joseph, Apr. 29, 1831, a. 4.
----, inf. d. Jonathan, Mar. 15, 1835.
----, s. Nathan S. and Laura, Aug. 13, 1835, a. 15 d., G.R.12.
----, inf. d. W. and A. F., Sept. 24, 1848, G.R.2.
----, ch. Willard and Jane, ----.
CLARKE (see Clark)
Martha M., ch. David and Joanna, ----, 1848, G.R.5.
CLEFTON (see Cliffton, Clifton)
Fanny, Apr. ----, 1816, C.R.1.
CLIFFTON (see Clefton, Clifton)
Benjamin [dup. Clifton], May [dup. Mar.] 10, 1790, in 62 y.
CLIFTON (see Clefton, Clifton)
Benjamin, Feb. 6, 1827.
Bethiah, wid. Timothy, d. Jabez Delano and Ruth (Goodspead), fever, May 3, 1847, a. 82 y. 8 m. 16 d.
Catharine, w. Jirah, Feb. 7, 1826, a. 28 y. 6 m. 8 d.
G. Jennison P. (see Jennison P.).
Jane, d. Timothy, Dec. 6, 1839, a. 6.
Jennison P., s. Stephen, June 23, 1839. [G. Jenison P., s. Stephen and Lydia, a. 23 y. 1 m. 7 d., in Darien, Ga., G.R.12.]
Julia M., ch. Timothy and Lucy, Dec. 16, 1839, a. 4 y. 4 m. 27 d., G.R.12.
Louisa, Nov. ----, 1803, C.R.1.
Lydia, ch. Timothy and Bethiah, Sept. 6, 1797.
Thankful, ----, 1816, C.R.1.
Timothy, Aug. 29, 1839. [a. 73, G.R.12.]
Asaph C., s. Dr. Samuel dec'd, Nov. 19, 1830, a. 9.
Harvey S., ch. Rev. L., Jan. 27, 1837, G.R.13.
Isaiah, Nov. 29, 1832.
Isaiah, Nov. 30, 1842, a. 76, G.R.2.
Julian, w. ----, b. N.Y., d. Joel Scribner and Mary Betts, dysentary, Oct. 9, 1849, a. 41 y. 5 m. 29 d. [Julia Ann, Oct. 6, C.R.1. Julia Ann, w. Rev. Leander, Oct. 6, C.R.13.]
Leander, ch. Nathaniel and Lucy, Dec. 7, 1828, a. 6 m., G.R.1.
Lucy, w. Rev. Nathaniel, d. Lot Haskell and Elizabeth, Dec. 7, 1849, a. 49 y. 6 m., in Salem, Meigs Co., Ohio, G.R.1.
Lydia, June ----, 1843, a. 73, G.R.2.
Martha S., ch. Nathaniel and Lucy, June 4, 1849, a. 6 y. 9 m., G.R.1.
Oliver, Rev., m., b. Kingston, s. Seth and Margaret Clark, June 23, 1849, a. 79 y. 3 m. 5 d. Rev. Oliver, D.D., C.R.1. Rev. Oliver, D.D., h. Sarah, h. Hannah, C.R.13.]
Samuel, Dr., ----, 1823, C.R.1.
Samuel S., ch. Nathaniel and Lucy, Oct. 31, 1831, a. 1 d., G.R.1.
Sarah, w. Rev. Oliver, June 12, 1819. [in 46th y., G.R.1.]
Sophia Matilda, d. Rev. Oliver and [torn, Sally, G.R.1.], Nov. 13, 1803, a. 8 y. 2 m.
Sophronia H., Apr. ----, 1830, C.R.1. [d. Rev. Oliver and Sarah, Apr. 3, in 17th y., G.R.13.]
William H., ch. Rev. L., Jan. 6, 1837, G.R.13.
William H., Nov. 28, 1849, C.R.1. G.R.13.
Bethiah F., w. ----, b. Fairhaven, d. William Spooner and Remmember Freman, sudden death, Mar. 12, 1846, a. 58 y. 4 m. 17 d. [Bethia F., w. Freeman, Mar. 13, a. 58 y. 8 m., G.R.2.]
Mercy H., d. Robert and Eliza, Aug. 7, 1842, a. 14, G.R.10.
Micah, Dec. 24, 1797, in 36th y., C.R.3.
Sarah, d. Tyler and Betsey, lung fever, Aug. 3, 1849, a. 4 y. 2 m. 13 d.
COMBS (see Comes, Coombs)
COMES (see Combs, Coombs)
Elizabeth [dup. Elisabeth], ch. John and Lydia, Apr. 24, 1732 [dup. 1733].
Annie, w. Benjamin, d. Joseph Oliver Jr., cancer of throat, "July or Aug." ----, 1842, a. 73. [Entered by deposition.] [Anna (Oliver), July ----, G.R.21.]
COOMBS (see Combs, Comes)
Caleb, Apr. 4, 1813, a. 61, G.R.4.
Celesta, ----.
Hannah, wid. Caleb, Mar. 14, 1827.
Charlottee, ch. John and Annis, May 15, 1818.
Hannah, Aug. ----, 1846, C.R.2.
William [dup. Cowell, father of Emily and William George, Nov. 3, 1834. [William G. Cowell, Nov. 9, in 29th y., G.R.21.]
COWEN (see Cowing)
Deborah D. L. [ch. Seth and Christina], ----, a. 9, G.R.20.
Samuel, Dec. 9, 1835, a. 58, G.R.1.
William B., Sept. 9, 1835, a. 15 y. 2 m. 29 d., G.R.1.
COWIN (see Cowing)
COWING (see Cowen)
Asahel [dup. Asahele], h. Bethiah, Jan. [dup. July] 9, 1814, a. 72. [Asahel, Jan. ----, CR.1. Asahel, Jan. 9, G.R.1.]
Asahel, s. Richard, "lost from the Popmonit," Dec. 1, 1840.
Bethiah, wid. Asahel [dup. Asahele], Oct. 8, 1814, a. 73. [Bethia, C.R.1. Bethiah, wid. Asahel, in 73d y., G.R.1.]
Deborah, d. Isaac and Charlott Duahan, scarlet fever, Mar. 12, 1847, a. 1 y. 10 m. 25 d.
Elizabeth, w. Jeremiah, Mar. 5, 1826. [Elizabeth H., w. Jeremiah H., a. 22 y. 11, m., G.R.17.]
Jonathan, Feb. 15, 1842. [Cowin, a. 71 y. 9 m., G.R.20.]
Jonathan, m., mechanic, s. Israel and Pricilla (Dexter), consumption, Sept. 18, 1847, a. 44 y. 8 m. [Cowen, a. 44 y. 8 m., 14 d., G.R.2.]
Joseph, Mar. 3, 1717-18.
Loisa, d. Israel, Apr. 22, 1831. [Louisa M., d. Israel and Priscilla, Apr. 21, a. 18 y. 8 m. 12 d., G.R.2.]
Lot, Oct. 4, 1814, a. "just 76 years," G.R.22.
Louisa M. (see Loisa).
Lucy B., Jan. 26, 1845, C.R.1. [Jan. 24, a. 22, G.R.11.]
Lydia Perry, d. Seth 2d, Jan. 30, 1836 [sic, see birth]. [Cowen [ch. Seth and Christina], ----, a. 4 m., G.R.20.]
Penelope, wid. Seth, Jan. 19, 1832, a. 92 y. 29 d.
Priscilla, w. Israel, Apr. 6, 1838, a. 68 [Priscilla Cowin, G.R.2.]
Rebecca H., ch. Jeremiah H. and Lydia H., June 15, 1843, a. 13 y. 9 m., G.R.17.
Samuel, s. Zebah and Susana, Apr. 20, 1769.
Samuel Dunham, s. Isaac and Charlott Dunham, scarlet fever, Apr. 7, 1847, a. 3 y. 5 m. 10 d.
Sarah, w. Richard, Mar. 30, 1834, a. abt. 46. [Sarah E., C.R.1. Sally, Mar. 30, 1831, in 42d y., G.R.11].
Seth, Dec. 27, 1809, a. 74 y. 10 m., G.R.22.
Sophia Ann, d. Seth and Christina (Dexter), scarlet fever, Apr. 22, 1847, a. 5 m. 18 d.
Susan Maria, ch. Richard and Sally, Oct. 1, 1828. [Susan Mariah, d. Richard and Sarah, a. 10 m., G.R.11.]
Sylvester H., ch. Jeremiah H. and Lydia H., July 12, 1834, a. 6 m. [sic], G.R.17.
Warren W., s. Jeremiah, Sept. 8, 1828, a. 1 y. 5 d. [ch. Jeremiah H. and Lydia H., Sept. 5, G.R.17.]
William W. [dup. omits W.], m., coach driver, s. Jonathan and Elizabeth Luce [dup. Betsey Hiller], consumption, Feb. 28, 1848, a. 26 y. 19 d. [dup. a. 24 y. 3 d.]. [William W. Cowin, a. 26 y. 17 d., G.R.20.]
Zadok, Feb. 19, 1829, a. 91 y. 4 d.
----, inf. Richard and Sally, Mar. 15, 1834.
Philip, m., mariner, b. Fairhaven, s. Thomas and Ruth Crandon, consumption, Nov. 27, 1846, a. 76 y. 10 m. 6 d. [Esq., G.R.5.]
Thomas, Capt., Jan. ----, 1821 [dup. Jan. 7, 1811], a. 92.
CRAPO (see Crapoe, Crapoo, Creapo)
Alice, wid. Nicholas, Sept. 23, 1800, in 78th y., G.R.1.
Alice, wid. William, Sept. 9, 1839, a. 84.
Bethiah, Nov. 24, 1828, a. 75 y. 9 d.
Charles H., s. Earl, Aug. 14, 1838.
Drusilah, d. Else, wid., Mar. 10, 1794, in 12th y., C.R.3.
Earl, s. Lt. William and Alice, killed by lightening, Feb. 10, 1805, a. 27, at sea, G.R.1.
Earl, Nov. 15, 1839, a. abt. 35.
Elizabeth, w. Jeremiah, May 16, 1848, a. 39 y. 2 m., G.R.21.
Elizabeth H., d. Nicholas and Phebe, Aug. 1, 1812, a. 1 y. 11 m., G.R.7.
Ellis William (see William Ellis Crapo).
Hannah, d. Nicholas dec'd, July 8, 1828, in 21st y.
Hezekiath, Mar. 11, 1795, C.R.3.
Horatia Almira, d. Jeremiah and Elizabeth H., Jan. 19, 1842, a. 4 y. 11 m. 18 d., G.R.21.
Jeremiah, s. Lt. William and Alice, yellow fever, May 21, 1804, a. 22, in Jamaica, W.I., G.R.1.
John, ch. John (Crapoo) and Sarah, Apr. 3, 1740.
John, Nov. 13, 1831.
Laura, w. Earl, Nov. ----, 1839, a. 32, G.R.7.
Matilda, w. Ira, June 6, 1827.
Meribah, w. Nicholas, May 2, 1816, a. 46.
Nicholas, s. Pero, Oct. 3 [dup. Oct. 13], 1793. [Oct. 3, in 73d y., G.R.1.]
Nicholas, h. Meribah, May 4, 1816, a. 52 [dup. and second dup. in 51st y.]. [a. 52, G.R.1.]
Patience, wid., Apr. 11, 1794, C.R.3.
Philander, Feb. 21, 1837.
Polly, d. Nicholas dec'd, Sept. 22, 1828.
Rebeccah, Jan. 11, 1820, a. 66 y. 3 m. 14 d. [Rebecca, Jan. 11, 1828, in 67th y., G.R.1.]
Rest, Nov. 28, 1818, in 70th y.
Sarah H., d. Nicholas and Phebe, Sept. 29, 1839, a. 6 m., G.R.7.
William, May 20, 1821, a. 73 y. 3 m. 13 d.
William Ellis [dup. Ellis William Crapo], s. William Jr. and Patience, June 7, 1820, in 2d y.
CRAPOE (see Crapo, Crapoo, Creapo)
Abigail, Feb. ----, 1805, C.R.1.
Amanda, Jan. ----, 1817, C.R.1.
Micah, widr., blacksmith, s. William and Allice (Crapoe), June 14, 1847, a. 71 y. 11 m. 27 d.
Spooner, Apr. ----, 1816, C.R.1.
----, inf. ----, Feb. ----, 1814, C.R.1.
CRAPOO (see Crapo, Crapoe, Creapo)
----, inf. ----, Feb. ----, 1830, C.R.1.
CREAPO (see Crapo, Crapoe, Crapoo)
Rest, d. John (Crapoo) and Sarah, Mar. 7, 1748.
John, s. Benjaman (Crehor) and w., Nov. 26, 1720.
Caroline, Aug. ----, 1814, C.R.1. [July 27, a. 23, G.R.1.]
Julian Ann, b. Russel, d. Edwin R. and Julia L. Williams, dysentry and fever, Aug. 15, 1849, a. 13 y. 9 m. 9 d.
Clarisa, ch. David and Huldah, [? d.] Mar. 4, 1836.
David, Mar. 29, 1843.
Eliza, w. Nathaniel A., July 26, 1835. [w. Dea. Nathaniel A., in 42d y., G.R.17.]
Eliza A., d. Nathaniel and Eliza, Dec. 3, 1832, a. 14 m., G.R.17.
Frederick Allen, s. Prentis, May 3, 1836. [s. Prentice and Sarah S., Apr. 18, a. 4 y. 6 d., G.R.17.]
George Franklin, s. David, Aug. 26, 1836.
Huldy P., Mar. ----, 1840. [Huldah, G.R.17.]
Lurana, d. W. and S. S., Aug. 23, 1828, G.R.17.
Nathaniel, s. Robert [sic, ? Uberto] and Mary Stevens, scrofula, Feb. 7, 1847, a. 2 m. 7 d.
Nathaniel A., Aug. 21, 1840, a. 5 m. 11 d., G.R.17.
Stephen, painter, ch. Waterman and Susan (Clark), drowned, Jan. 16, 1846, a. 16 y. 10 m. [Stephen L., a. 16 y. 6 m., G.R.17.]
Susan, w. Nathan [dup. Waterman], d. Presbery Clark, July (?) [dup. July 23], 1829. [Susan Sears Crosby, w. Waterman, July 2, a. 28, G.R.17.]
Thomas K., s. Prentice and Sarah S., Nov. 9, 1840, a. 3 y. 8 m. 8 d., G.R.17.
Waterman, m., carpenter, b. Barnstable, s. Nathan and Patience Allen, consumption, Feb. 28, 1849, a. 45. [Feb. 15, a. 46 y. 4 m., G.R.17.]
Araunah, h. Elizabeth (d. David Peckham and Elizabeth), Jan. ----, 1844, a. 69, G.R.1.
Dorothy, Nov. 28, 1836. [d. Araunah and Elizabeth, Nov. 29, in 19th y., G.R.1.]
Dorothy, Dec. 30, 1837.
----, Mar. ----, 1806, C.R.1.
CUMMINGS (see Cummins)
Emalene C., b. Mendon, d. Calvin and Matilda Witcot, lung fever, Mar. 2, 1845, a. 15 y. 18 d. [Erneline, d. Rev. Calvin and Matilda, Mar. 21, 1846, a. 15 y. 18 d., G.R.12.]
Mary E. W., d. Oliver S. and Mary J., July 9, 1840, a. 3 y. 8 m., G.R.17.
CUMMINS (see Cummings)
Calvin, Rev., Sept. 19, 1842. [Cummings, a. 50 y. 11, m. 7 d., G.R.12.]
Joseph, July 29, 1820, in 41st y. [dup. July 27, 1826, a. 41].
Asseneth [dup. Asenah], w. James, Mar. ----, 1822, a. abt. 30 [dup. a. 30].
Hannah, wid., d. Amaziah Bolles and Mary (Stuart), consumption, Feb. 16, 1846, a. 61. [Feb. 2, 1847, C.R.2. wid. Capt. James, Feb. 2, 1847, in 64th y., G.R.17.]
Nancy, b. Fairhaven, w. Hyram, d. Nathaniel Taber and Ruth Davis, consumption, Nov. 21, 1848, a. 29 y. 8 m. [dup. Jan. 15, 1849, a. 33]. [Nancy E., w. Hiram, Nov. 21, 1848, a. 31 y. 6 m., G.R.17.]
Allice [second dup. Alice], d. Nathaniel and Allice, May 4, 1819, a. 2 y. 28 d.
Ansel Hammond, s. Nathaniel and Allice, July 21, 1817 a. 2 y. 7 m.
Charles Henry, "supposed to be lost at sea in the Brig Caducius," Nov. ----, 1836, a. 24, G.R.17.
Cynthia, d. Joseph, drownd, Mar. 3, 1826, in 8th y.
Daniel V., s. Mary, wid., Feb. 23, 1834.
Elnathan Hammond, s. Elnathan H. and Abby Gifford, dysentary, Oct. 4, 1849, a. 10 m. [ch. E. H. and A. C., a. 10 m. 4 d., G.R.19.]
Henry, s. Elnathan and Abby Gifford, teething, Oct. 7, 1846, a. 6 m. 3 d. [ch. E. H. and A. C., Oct. 8, a. 6 m. 12 d., G.R.19.]
Joseph, Mar. 12, 1827.
Mary Ann, d. Nathaniel and Alice, Oct. 25, 1831, a. 9 y. 6 m., G.R.22.
Nathaniel, Nov. 13, 1788, in 65th y., G.R.22.
Nathaniel, July 30, 1841. [Capt., July 31, a. 61 y. 9 m., G.R.17.]
Patience, b. Barnstable, w. Joshua, d. Andrew Harlow and Patience Harlow, fever, Apr. 22, 1849, a. 55. [Patience H., w. Capt. Joshua, Apr. 23, a. 55 y. 18 d., G.R.17.]
Phebe, first w. Nathaniel, Nov. 8, 1788, in 32d y., G.R.22.
Phebe, second w. Nathaniel, Oct. 8, 1806, in 51st y., G.R.22.
Abby T., d. Gilson, Oct. 15, 1840.
Abigail, wid. Ezekiel, Aug. 26, 1832.
Cephas, Feb. 12, 1808, a. 63 y. 9 m. 8 d., G.R.21.
Ezekiel Dec. 27 [dup. Dec. 25], 1831, a. 63.
Gardner, Oct. 17, 1816, in 27th y., G.R.21.
Judith, w. Cephas, Oct. 1, 1832, a. 83, G.R.21.
Susan H., d. Gilson, Oct. 20, 1840.
Harriet S., d. Albert and Elizabeth, June 29, 1838, a. 6 y. 2 m., G.R.17.
Elizabeth F., d. Eleazer and Phebe, July 1, 1839, a. 3 y. 3 m. 17 d., G.R.22.
Hannah, wid. Nicholas, Mar. 31, 1832.
John, s. Timothy, Aug. 31, 1829.
Joseph, Capt., Feb. 20, 1820.
Lucy M., d. Samuel W. and Allice, canker rash, Mar. 18, 1845, a. 8 y. 3 m. 17 d. [ch. Samuel W. and Alice, Mar. 15, G.R.2.]
Mary, wid., Mar. 2, 1829.
Mary J., d. Samuel W. and Allice, canker rash, Mar. 5, 1845, a. 3 y. 9 m. 15 d. [Mary I., ch. Samuel W. and Alice, Mar. 1, G.R.2.]
Moses H., Oct. 31, 1841. [in 46th y., G.R.21.]
Nathan, Feb. 16 [dup. Feb. 26], 1827, a. 33.
Nicholas, Mar. 13, 1822.
Timothy, Nov. 27, 1842.
Abthiar, w. Abial, Sept. 5, 1848, a. 84, G.R.12.
Freman, May 10, 1832, a. 44. [Freeman, in 50th y., G.R.1.]
DELANO (see Deleno, Dellinoy)
Adolphus Wing, ch. [inf., C.R.1.] Benjamin and Thankful, Oct. 10, 1829.
Catherine, Feb. ----, 1802, C.R.1.
Charles, ----, 1827, C.R.1.
David, s. Thomas and Marion (Boodry), dysentary, Aug. 24, 1848, a. 1 y. 11 m. 22 d. [David B. Reed Delano, s. Capt. Thomas S. and Maria M., Aug. 22, G.R.17.]
Frederick A., s. Harpur Jr. and Ruth, Aug. 9, 1818, G.R.15.
Harper Jr., Capt., h. Ruth, May 17, 1819, in Port au Prince, W.I., G.R.15.
Harper, Sept. ----, 1825, C.R.1.
Henry D., s. Capt. Henry D. and Susan, Sept. 14, 1822, a. 4 m. 13 d., G.R.14.
Isaac, Aug. ----, 1799, C.R.1.
Jabez, Mar. ----, 1801, C.R.1.
Jabez, s. Harper, Dec. 22, 1819, a. 44 y. 1 m. 17 d.
Jabez, ch. Jabez and Rhoda, ----.
James, ----, 1839, C.R.1. [James H., "3d officer of whale ship Charles Frederick of N. Bedford was carried down with the line, while taking a whale & was lost," July 12, a. 23, G.R.14.]
John, s. Jabez and Rhoda, June 13 [dup. and second dup. June 3], 1814.
Lydia, d. Stephen Jr. and Sally, Sept. 21, 1813 [dup. a. 14 y. 6 m. 11 d., second dup. a. 1 y. 6 m. 11, d.]
Mary Oliva, d. Benjamin and Thankful (Wing), consumption [dup. fever], Aug. 17, 1847, a. 11 y. 9 m. 18 d. [dup. a. 11 y. 10 m. 1 d.].
Obed, s. Capt. Stephen and Lydia, ---- 20, 1799.
Sally, Feb. 26, 1814, C.R.1. [w. Capt. Benjamin, in 26th y., G.R. 11.]
Sarah, w. Dea. Stephen, Oct. 15, 1840. [Sally, C.R.1. Sally, a. 55, G.R.14.]
Stephen, Capt., Feb. 22, 1821, a. 62 y. 1 m. 12 d. [Feb. 24, in 71st y. G.R.11.]
Stephen, ch. Stephen Jr. and Sally, Nov. 7, 1823.
Stephen R., Dec. 1, 1842, a. 34, at sea, G.R.12.
Susan, w. Capt. [dup. omits Capt.] Henry, May 29, 1822, a. 19. [w. Capt. Henry, G.R.14.]
Susanna, ----, 1832, C.R.1.
Susannah [second dup. Susan], d. Capt. Stephen and Lydia, Dec. 19, 1792 [dup. a. 8 m. 22 d., second dup. a. 8 m.].
----, inf. Benjamin and Thankful, Oct. 16, 1824.
----, inf. ----, Aug. ----, 1825, C.R.1.
----, inf. Benjamin and Thankful, June ----, 1834.
DELENO (see Delano, Dellinoy)
Ann Maria, ch. James (Delno) and Dolly, May 1, 1828. [Delano, C.R.1. Delano, d. Capt. James and Dolly, May 2, a. 2 y. 11 m. 9 d., G.R.13.]
Bethia, Aug. 6, 1838.
Deborah Rosamond, Apr. 17, 1830.
James, ch. James (Delno) and Dolly, Nov. 19, 1825. [Delano, C.R.1. Delano, s. Capt. James and Dolly, Nov. 18, a. 2 y. 4 m. 29 d., G.R.13.]
Lydia, May 7, 1837. [Delano, C.R.1. Delano, wid. Capt. Steven, in 81st y., G.R.11.]
Sylvia Allen, ch. [inf., C.R.1.] Henry D. and Laura, Jan. 25, 1830.
DELLINOY (see Delano, Deleno)
Hannah, d. Jabez and Deborah, [Sept. ----, 1755] a. abt. 15 m.
DEXTER (see Dextor)
Abigail T., w. Samuel B., Apr. 17, 1843, a. 49 y. 3 m. 16 d., G.R.17.
Alden, boat builder, b. Watertown, s. Alden and Marinda Frost, accidentally shot, Oct. 8, 1849, a. 20 y. 4 m. [? in California].
Alden D., May 14, 1841.
Alice (see Alles and Allis)
Allen, m., farmer, s. David and Sarah Allen, fever, June 30, 1848, a. 57. [Capt., G.R.17.]
Allen Mayhew, s. Capt. Allen and Martha, Aug. 28, 1830, a. 1 y. 8 m., G.R.22.
Alles, d. Josiah and Abigal, July 8, 1752.
Allis [dup. Allice], d. Jabez, Sept. 13, 1740 [dup. 1746], in 25th y.
Alpheus, ch. Alden and Lucy, ----, 1828.
Anne, w. Edward, d. Sarah Benson, Mar. 3, 1758.
Anne, d. Edward and Anne, May 25, 1758.
Benjamin Jr., s. Josiah, Feb. 15, 1790, in 49th y.
Benjamin, July ----, 1804, C.R.1. [July 18, in 70th y., G.R.12.]
Benjamin, m., farmer, s. Benjamin and Priscilla (Benson), stoppage, Sept. 14, 1846, a. 68 y. 1 m. 26 d. [h. Ruth, Sept. 14, 1840, G.R.14.]
Benjamin P., lost at sea, Aug. ----, 1829 [1829 written after 1827 crossed out].
Betsey, Aug. ----, 1845, a. 51, C.R.1. [w. Zoath, Aug. 17, a. 50, G.R.13.]
Caleb Jr., Feb. 1, 1827, a. 39 y. 8 d. [Jan. 31, a. 33, G.R.19.]
Caleb, Oct. 2, 1831.
Charles, Jan. 24, 1822. [a. 39, G.R.13.]
Charles, Oct. 15, 1844, a. 38 y. 2 m., G.R.22.
Constant, s. Dea. Seth and Elizabeth, Oct. 26, 1785, in 29th y., G.R.1.
Cynthia Nye, d. Henry and Cynthia (Nye), desentery, Sept. 22, 1846, a. 9 m. 2 d.
David, s. Seth and Elisabeth, Oct. 16, 1765. [s. Dea. Seth and Elizabeth, a. 14, G.R.1.]
David, Capt., s. David and Sarah, lost at sea, Nov. 20, 1821, in 30th y., G.R.22.
David, Dec. 30, 1826, in 78th y.
David, Jan. ----, 1827.
David, h. Sarah, July 23, 1827, a. 77, G.R.22.
David, S. Allen and Martha M., Apr. 25, 1832, a. 9 m., G.R.22.
David Benjamin, s. Allen and Martha, Oct. 10, 1829, a. 10 m., G.R.22.
Debby [dup. Deborah], d. Dea. Elijah, Nov. 8, 1813 [dup. 1819], in 22d y. [Deborah, Nov. ----, 1813, G.R.1. Debby, d. Dea. Elijah and Martha, Nov. 8, 1813, G.R.1. Deborah, ch. Elijah and Martha (Clark) (second w.), Nov. 9, 1813, P.R.11.]
Elias, lock jaw, Dec. 15, 1821.
Edward, h. Mary, Aug. ----, 1798, a. 68, G.R.22.
Elijah, Dea., July 25, 1829. [July 22, in 81st y., G.R.1. h. Keziah (Winslow), h. Martha (Clark), s. Seth and Elizabeth, July 25, 1827, P.R.11.]
Elisha, Jan. 14, 1834.
Eliza, d. Col. [dup. omits Col.] Noah dec'd, Nov. 8, 1819, a. 15 y. 8 m. 21 d. [dup. a. 16]. [Eliza W., d. Noah and Mary, ----, 1821, G.R.12.]
Elizabeth [dup. Elisabeth], w. Dea. Seth, Oct. 15, 1793. [Elizabeth, in 75th y., G.R.1.]
Elizabeth, Mar. ----, 1827.
Ellen Albert, d. Gideon and Jane, fever, Jan. 26, 1846, a. 8 m. 6 d. [Jan. 23, a. 8 m. 3 d., G.R.19.]
Elnathan, Feb. 19, 1759, in 27th y. [dup. in 66th y. sic].
Ephraim, Nov. 5, 1774, in 65th y., G.R.22.
Ephraim, h. Kesiah, Apr. 5, 1823, a. 81, G.R.19.
Eunice, W. Elisha, Jan. 31, 1833, a. 69. [a. 68, G.R.22.]
Fortunatus, Dec. 5, 1715, in 1st y.
George, ch. Alden and Lucy, ----, 1830.
Gideon, Feb. 1, 1827. [h. Mary, Jan. 31, a. 46, G.R.19.]
Hannah, wid., Oct. 14, 1842.
Hannah, w. Charles, May 6, 1846, a. 61, G.R.13.
Hannah, w. Thomas, d. James Luce and Hannah Hardins, consumption, Apr. 9, 1848, a. 51 y. 7 m.
Hannah S., d. Thomas and Hannah, Mar. 30, 1835, a. 1 y. 8 m., G.R.19.
James, July 15, 1697.
James, Mar. 6, 1767. [Jr., Mar. 6, 1764, in 34th y., G.R.1.]
James, s. Benjamin, Dec. 11, 1775, in 78th y.
James, ch. James and Sally, Sept. 12, 1827.
James Edwin, s. James, June 27, 1836.
John, July 31, 1744 [dup. 1741], in 77th y.
John Jr., h. Rebecca, July 19, 1801, a. 51, G.R.13.
John, Feb. ----, 1813, a. 97, C.R.1.
John G., Jan. 4, 1834. [Jan. 3, a. 22, G.R.1.]
Jonathan, Feb. 26, 1841. [Feb. 27, a. 59, G.R.17.]
Kesiah, w. Ephraim, Oct. 24, 1807, in 50th y., G.R.19.
Kezia, w. Elijah, Feb. 22, 1778, in 26th y., G.R.1.
Keziah, w. Loring, Jan. 23, 1835. [a. 25 y. 14 d., G.R.13.]
Lois, wid. James, May 12, 1780, in 90th y., G.R.1.
Lucy Alden [dup. Aldin], d. Alden and Lucy, Aug. ----, 1817, a. 3 1/2 m.
Lydia, d. Col. [dup. omits Col.] Noah dec'd, Apr. 13, 1819, a. 17 y. 3 m. 7 d. [d. Noah and Mary, ----, 1820, G.R.12.]
Lydia (see ---- Dexter).
Lydia, w. ----, d. Joshua Chandler, consumption, June 2, 1846, a 43. [w. Harvey, June 3, G.R.16.]
Maria, Apr. 8, 1841, a. 57, G.R.17.
Maria S., d. Jonathan and Polly, Mar. 25, 1841, a. 22, G.R.17.
Martha, Feb. 19, 1835, a. 82. [wid. Dea. Elijah, a. 82 y. 3 d., G.R.1.]
Martha Carr, d. James and Abby (Cannon) [d. James W. and Abby H., G.R.17.], fever, July 10, 1849, a. 1 y. 6 m. 9 d.
Martha M., w. Allen, Feb. 21, 1832, a. 34, G.R.22.
Mary, w. Jabez, Mar. 3, 1759, in 66th y.
Mary, w. Edward, Aug. ----, 1798, a. 61, G.R.22.
Mary, w. Col. Noah, Dec. 16, 1815, a. 47, G.R.12.
Mary, wid., Mar. 1, 1835. [wid. Gideon Mar. 10, a. 52, G.R.19.]
Mary, wid., d. Luke Tobey and Anna Swift, consumption, Jan. 1, 1847, a. 80. [w. Reuben, Jan. 11, a. 79 y. 10 d., G.R.17.]
Maryann, d. Maj. Noah and Mary, Oct. 13, 1808, a. 15 d., G.R.12.
Mercy, w. Jonathan, Dec. 29, 1819, in 35th y., G.R.13.
Mercy [dup, crossed out, Mariah], d. David dec'd, May 6, 1832, a. 44 y. 11 m. 12 d. [dup. crossed out, a. 47 y. 6 m. 13 d.]. [Mercy, a. 44, G.R.22.]
Nathan, Feb. 8, 1801. [h. Ruhamah, in 34th y., G.R.13.]
Nathan, Oct. ----, 1826. [Oct. 7, 1820 sic, a. 25 y. 3 m., G.R.22.]
Noah, s. Edward and Anne, Sept. 9, 1760.
Noah, Col., Apr. ----, 1816, C.R.1. [Apr. 25, a. 53, G.R.12.]
Oscar, s. Eaphraim and Loury, Sept. 14, 1846, a. 1 y. 11 m. 2 d. [Oscar F., s. Ephraim and Laura A., Sept. 12, a. 1 y. 5 m. 6 d., G.R.19.]
Paul, s. Josiah and Abigal, Apr. 8, 1746.
Perez, ch. Samuel and Mercy, Sept. ----, 180[ ], a. 11 d., G.R.22.
Philip, Nov. 18, 1832.
Polly, d. Dea. [Elijah], Mar. 3, 1814, in 10th y. [d. Dea. Elijah and Martha, G.R.1. ch. Elijah and Martha (Clark) (second w.), Mar. 30, P.R.11.]
Polly, Dec. ----, 1815, C.R.1.
Polly, w. Jonathan, Apr. 5, 1841, a. 56, G.R.17.
Prince, Dec. 3 [dup. Nov. 8], 1813, a. 31 [dup. a. 32]. [s. Dea. Elijah and Martha, in 31st y., G.R.1. ch. Elijah and Martha (Clark) (second w.), P.R.11.]
Prissilla, w. Benjamin, Jan. 21, 1797, in 62d y., G.R.12.
Prissilla Benson, ----, 1810, C.R.1. [Prisilla B., d. Maj. Noah and Mary, Nov. 29, a. 5 m. 26 d., G.R.12.]
Rebecca, w. John Jr., Feb. 11, 1823, a. 72, G.R.13.
Rest, Jan. 17, 1769.
Reuben, m., mariner, ch. John and Ruth Bolles [sic, ? Sarah], causer, Apr. 3, 1846, a. 81 y. 2 m. 6 d. [Apr. 1, G.R.17.]
Ruhama [dup. Rhuhama], wid. Nathan, May 22, 1805. [Ruhama, C.R.1. Ruhamah, May 23, in 36th y., G.R.13.]
Ruth, Feb. ----, 1815, C.R.1.
Ruth [w. ----], d. Stephen Delano and Lydia (Clapp) heart desease, July 16, 1849, a. 70 y. 1 m. [w. Benjamin, July 1, 1846, G.R.14.]
Sally, d. Dea. Dexter, Ma[torn], in 19th y.
Sarah, wid. John, Jan. 21, 1755.
Sarah, d. [dup., second, third and fourth dups. Dea.] Elijah and Kizia [fourth dup. Keziah], Nov. 19, 1792 [dup. a. 78, second dup. a. 18, third dup. in 18th y.]. [d. Dea. Elijah and Kezia, in 18th y., G.R.1. ch. Elijah and Keziah (Winslow), P.R.11.]
Sarah, Nov. ----, 1808, C.R.1.
Sarah, w. John, Oct. 15, 1809.
Sarah, d. David and Sarah, Dec. 26, 1814. [Sarah C., May 26, m. 54th y. [sic, ? 34th y.], G.R.22.]
Sarah, w. David, Oct. 7, 1825, in 70th y., G.R.22.
Sa[----], ch. Samuel and Mercy, Sept. ----, 180[--], a. 11 m., G.R.22.
Seth, Dea., Apr. 6, 1793, in 75th y.
Seth, s. Elisha and Eunice, drowned, June 20, 1824, a. 25, in Bay of Biscay, G.R.22.
Seth, Sept. 25, 1832. [Sept. 13, in 40th y., G.R.1. ch. Elijah and Martha (Clark) (second w.), Sept. 16, P.R.11.]
Stillman, m., mariner, s. Men and Lucy Barrows, fever, Sept. 10, 1847, a. 34.
Stillman, m., mariner, s. Men and Lucy Barrows, fever, Sept. 10, 1847, a. 34.
Thankful, ch. Elijah and Martha (Clark) (second w.), Dec. 9, 1848, P.R.11.
Thomas, Oct. 23, 1752 in 28th y., G.R.1.
Thomas, s. Seth and Elisabeth, [Sept. ---- ] 1753, a. 1 m.
Uriel Shearman, Nov. ----, 1808, C.R.1. [Urial S. s. Prince and Arlothear, Nov. 16, a. 14 m. 16 d., G.R.1.]
Willey H., Sept. 16, 1849, a. 3 m. 7 d., G.R.19.
William, Apr. 5, 1844, a. 7, C.R.1. [William A., s. James W. and Abigail H., Apr. 3, a. 7 y. 2 m. 20 d., G.R.17.]
William Wiet, s. Caleb and Hannah, May 25, 1776, a. 3 m. 18 d., G.R.22.
----, d. John and Sarah, Aug. 14, 1706.
----, s. John and Sarah, May 4, 1714.
----, s. ---- and Abigail, Aug. ----, 1774, G.R.21.
----, inf. ----, Oct. ----, 1808, C.R.1.
----, w. David, June ----, 1821.
----, d. Ebenezer, Oct. ----, 1822. [Lydia, Oct. 2, a. 18, G.R.22.]
----, s. Gideon and Hannah Jane, consumption, Oct. 3, 1849, a. 3 [sic, ? 3 m.].
DEXTOR (see Dexter)
James, ch. Jabez and Mary, June 11, 1723.
Sarah, ch. Jabez and Mary, Aug. 25, 1721.
Susan, d. Edward and Susan, Sept. 17, 1809, a. 1 y. 3 m., G.R.22.
Susan, d. Edward and Susan, May 9, 1810, a. 8 m. 15 d., G.R.22.
Sarah A., d. John B. and Eliza, scarlet fever, Feb. 9, 1845, a. 2 y. 8 m. 14 d. [Sarah Ann, ch. John B. and M. Eliza (Dexter), P.R.15.]
----, d. John B. and Eliza, Jan. 12, 1847, a. 2 d.
Abigail, wid., d. John Gault, consumption, Dec. 19, 1848, a. 70 y. 9 m.
Abigail H., ch. Thomas and Bathsheba, Apr. 19 [dup. and second dup. Aug. 18, third dup. Sept. 13], 1820 [dup., second dup. and third dup. a. 5 m. 7 d.].
Abigail [dup. Abigal H., ch. Thomas and Bathsheba, Sept. 3, 1821 [dup., second dup. and third dup. a. 1 y. 2 m. 18 d.]
Almira S., d. Albert and Louisa H., dropsy and rickets, Feb. 15, 1845, a. 3 y. 2 m. 13 d. [Feb. 14, 1841, a. 3 y. 9 m., G.R.2.]
Deborah, June 21, 1711.
Deborah, d. Joseph Jr., "about the middle of " Sept., 1726.
Dennis, s. Thomas [dup. ch. Thomas and Bathsheba], Feb. 11, 1818, a. 8 y. 7 m. 24 d.
John, joiner, s. James and Bathsheba Blankinship, fever, May 27, 1848, a. 23 y. 5 m.
Joseph, July 21, 1825, a. 74.
Joseph Albert, s. Albert and Louisa, Apr. 9, 1832. [s. Albert and Louisa H., Apr. 9, 1830, a. 1 y. 5 m., G.R.2.]
Joseph Bassett, ch. Thomas and Bathsheba, May 17, 1808 [dup., second and third dups. a. 3 m. 4 d.].
Thomas, Apr. ----, 1826.
George, Mar. 10, 1843, a. 80, G.R.7.
May, d. George [sic, ? William M.] and Sarepta (Peirce), fitts, Sept. 12, 1848, a. 8 m. 24 d. [Mary H., d. William M. and Sarepta M., a. 9 m., G.R.3.]
Zion, colored, ----, 1827, C.R.1.
Emarintha T., Dec. 17, 1843, a. 5 y. 3 m. G.R.12.
George, Apr. 11, 1845, a. 62, G.R.17.
Jane, Nov. 24, 1842.
Martha J., d. Samuel, ----, 1839.
Mary, d. George and Mary, July 15, 1816, a. 4 y. 2 m., G.R.22.
Samuel T., July ----, 1840, at sea.
Silvanus W. (see Sylvanus W.).
Susan M., Dec. 4, 1843, a. 3 y. 8 m., G.R.12.
Sylvanus W., Dec. 18, 1843, a. 2 y. 4 m., G.R.12.
Sylvanus W., s. Sylvanus W. and Amarintha, Sept. 17, 1849, a. 4, G.R.12.
Daniel, m., mariner, b. Ipswich, Eng., s. Robert W. and Amanda Durant, consumption, May 27, 1848, a. 40 y. 60 m. [sic] 2 d.
Marioh, w. ----, d. Abisha Rogers and Judith (Cushman), consumption, Apr. 10, 1846, a. 36 y. 3 m. [Maria S., w. Solomon K., Apr. 9, G.R.17.]
Martha A., ch. Solomon K. and Maria S., May 5, 1843, G.R.17.
----, inf. s. Solomon K. and Maria S., June 16, 1840, G.R.17.
Ann Sophia, ch. Charles and Ann, Mar. 24, 1832.
Charles, "on board Ship in the Pacific Ocean," Mar. 14, 1835.
John, Oct. 26, 1842.
Joseph, July 26, 1833.
Lydia, w. ----, b. Nantucket, d. Shubal Gardner and Deborah Ellis, fever, Jan. 10, 1849, a. 72.
Nye, Capt. [dup. omits Capt.], Feb. 7, 1819, "on his passage from Savannah."
Robinson, s. Nye and Sukey, Jan. 30, 1807, a. 2 y. 10 m. 10 d., G.R.1.
Samuel, s. Joseph, Dec. 20, 1831, a. 18, in Valperazo.
Zacheus Peckham, s. Capt. Nye dec'd, July 5, 1819, a. 1 y. 11 m. 2 d.
----, ch, Hosea and Mary Pool, May 19, 1846, a. 1 d.
Almira Imogene (see Elmira Imergene).
Charles H. Walden, s. Nathan, Jan. 7, 1837.
Daniel, Dec. 10, 1836.
Deborah, wid. Joel, d. Samuel Briggs, Sept. 11 [dup. Sept. 4], 1819, a. 92 y. 9 m. 9 d. [Sept. ---- [dup. Sept. ---- 1818], a. 97, C.R.1.]
Ebenezer, s. Joel and Elisabeth, Apr. 29, 1759.
Ebenezer, yeoman, s. Joel, old age, June 28, 1845, a. 82. [a. 83, G.R.8.]
Elmira Imergene, ch. George and Almira, Apr. 26, 1832, a. 1 m., G.R.1.
Eunice, wid. John [dup. wid. Thomas], Feb. 17, 1826. [Eunice (Reed), w. G.R.22.]
George Robinson, ch. George and Almira, lost at sea, Dec. 25, 1845, a. 17 y. 8 m. 24 d., G.R.1.
Hannah, w. James Esq., Apr. 11, 1817, a. 30, G.R.5.
Joel, Dec. 29, 1731.
Joel, Mar. ----, 1808, C.R.1.
Joel, h. Tabathy, Sept. 29, 1834. [Oct. ----, C.R.1.]
Judah, m., farmer, b. Harwich, s. Ebenezer and Lydia Bradford, consumption, Aug. 11, 1845, a. 61 y. 8 m. 17 d.
Mary [second dup. May], d. Ebenezer, Dec. 17 [dup. and second dup. Dec. 27], 1823, a. 26 y. 11 m. 2 d. [dup. a. 26 y. 4 m. 2 d., second dup. a. 6 y. 11 m. 2 d.].
Pricilla, w. Ebenezer, small pox, Jan. 23, 1840. [Jan. 24, a. 70, G.R.8.]
Susan [dup. crossed out, Susannah], d. Ebenezer and Priscilla, Aug. 17, 1821. [Susan, C.R.1. Susan, Aug. 16, in 17th y., G.R.1.]
Susan H., w. W. N., Sept. 25, 1840, a. 31. [Susan H. (Delano), w. Dr. Walton N., G.R.14.]
Tabathy, w. Joel, ----, 1839.
Thomas, h. Eunice (Reed), Dec. 3, 1812, G.R.22.
----, inf. ----, ----, 1816, C.R.1.
EWEN (see Yeuen)
Peleg, s. David, June ----, 1839. [----, 1838, C.R.1. s. David and Sylvia, June 2, 1839, a. 5 y. 8 m., G.R.13.]
----, d. David Jr. and Mary Ann (Perkins), fitts, Jan. 17, 1849, a. 1 m. 12 d.
Abby W. [(Waterman)], w. Azra, May 17, 1841, G.R.21.
Abigail, w. Preserved, Feb. 20, 1791, a. 30, G.R.22.
Levi, Jan. 23, 1837, a. 82 y. 2 m. 20 d., G.R.10.
Rhoda B., b. Fretown, w. Orsmond, d. Elisha Allen and Margaret, consumption, June 19, 1846, a. 39 y. 11 m. 28 d.
----, s. George and Ann Crosby, June 29, 1846, a. 1 d.
Silas, s. Elijah, Dec. 8, 1838.
----, d. James D. and Celia Attsatt, June 3, 1846, a. 1 d.
FORSTER (see Foster)
John, s. James and Mary, July 19, 1777. [Foster, s. Dea. James and Mary, a. 14 d., G.R.1.]
FOSTER (see Forster)
Chillingworth, Lt., Mar. 3, 1807, in 75th y., G.R.1.
Dennis, s. Lothrop, Sept. 21, 1831.
Ebenezer, Ens., "killed in battle at the taking of Burgoyne," Sept. 19, 1777, in 21st y., G.R.1.
James, s. James [dup. James and Lidya], May 29, 1735 [dup. a. abt. 6 w.].
James, s. Dea. James and Mary, Dec. 5, 1790, in 23d y., at sea, G.R.1.
James, Dr., h. Martha, June 30, 1811, in 51st y. ["suicid pr Insanity," July ----, C.R.1.]
John, s. James and Lidya, Sept. 9, 1742.
Lydia, w. Dea. James, Jan. 7, 1770, G.R.1.
Martha, w. Dr. James Jr. [dup. Jams, omits Jr.], Dec. 19, 1808, a. 43. [w. Dr. James, d. Isaiah Dunster late of Harwich, a. 45, G.R.1.]
Nathan, s. James and Lidya, Oct. 28, 1742.
Sarah Ann, w. Henry, Sept. 2, 1840.
William Anderson, s. E., wid., Aug. 21, 1836. [William M., s. William and Elizabeth, a. 10 y. 3 m. 17 d., G.R.17.]
----, inf. ----, Oct. ----, 1800, C.R.1.
Christina, ch. Frank and Eliza Johnson, ----, 1834.
Eliza Ann, d. Frank [dup. Frank and Eliza Johnson], Mar. 28, 1832 [third dup. ----, 1831], a. 1 y. 8 m. 4 d.
Frank F., coloured, s. Frank F. and Eliza Ann J. Williams, brain fever, July 21, 1848, a. 5 y. 17 d.
Hannah, w. Frank, Apr. 19, 1829, a. 31 y. 6 m. 2 d.
Hosea, May 13, 1826.
Patince P., ch. Frank and Hannah, ----, 1830.
Sarah Williams, ch. Frank and Hannah, ----, 1823.
Thomas, ch. Frank and Hannah, ----, 1823 [dup. Mar. 29, 1824, a. 1 y. 3 m. 19 d.].
Thomas F. F., colored, s. Frank F. and Eliza Ann J. Williams, scrofula, Nov. 29, 1848, a. 2 m. 27 d.
FREEMAN (see Freman)
Betsey, d. John, Jan. 20, 1838.
Lidea [dup. Lydia], w. Dr. Elisha [dup. Elishe, omits Dr.], Dec. 30, 1755.
Lothrop, s. Elisha and Lydia, Apr. ---- [dup. and second dup. Apr. 3], 1745.
Lydia (see Lidea)
Maria (see Moriah)
Martin, Mar. 13, 1837. [a. 66, G.R.3.]
Mercy, May 28, 1843, a. 67, G.R.3.
Moriah [dup. Mariah Freman], w. Elisha [dup. Elishe] Esq., Feb. 21, 1761.
Nathaniel, June 5, 1839, a. 33, "on board ship Liverpool of New Bedford in Indian Ocean near Isle of France," G.R.17.
Sophia, w. Capt. Seth, May 26, 1842, a. 61, G.R.17.
Thankful, w. Capt. Seth, Dec. 21, 1816, in 38th y., G.R.17. [Thankfull, C.R.22.]
FREMAN (see Freeman)
Sarah D., d. John and Deborah Stephens, brain fever, Aug. 25, 1848, a. 8 m. 20 d.
Biel, May 2, 1796, in 85th y., C.R.3.
Harriet, w. Obed, d. Reuben Tinkham and Jemimah Blake, dysentary, Sept. 29, 1848, a. 26.
Lydia, negro, Aug. ----, 1810, C.R.1.
Truman Snow, s. Gamaliel and Orta, June 17, 1796, in 4th y., C.R.3.