Marriages, Intention, Births, Deaths.
with supplement containing the record of 1896,
Colonial returns, lists of the early settlers,
purchasers, freemen, inhabitants,
the soldiers seving in Philip's War
and the Revolution.
Providence, R.I.
Narragansett Historical Publishing Company
[transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

George and Hannah George, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 1, 1777.
Mary of Providence and Zachariah Bozworth of Rehoboth, Jan. 29, 1724-5.
Lucy of Attleboro and John Hennlon, resident of Rehoboth, Aug. 11, 1786.
Jemima and John Groves, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 19, 1812.
Hannah and Asaal Goff, both of Rehoboth, Jan. 8, 1813.
Esther and Josiah Algin, both of Rehoboth, June 6, 1752.
William and--------Medbury, both of Rehoboth. Dec. 28, 1754.
John of Rehoboth and Hannah Richardson of Attleboro, Dec. 1, 1784.
Margaret of Attleboro and Simeon Cole, Jr., of Rehoboth, Sept. 10, 1779.
Lydia of Cumberland and Elisha Bozworth of Rehoboth, Aug. 10, 1786.
Harford Augustus of Attleboro and Rhoda Perry Thresher of Rehoboth, Feb. 23, 1850.
Mary of Rehoboth and Antonio P. Santa of Swanzey, July 29, 1888.
Mary and William Jones, both of Rehoboth, Jan. 6, 1773.
Hannah of Rehoboth and John Rounds of Swanzey, Nov. 2, 1711.
Mary of Attleboro and Michael McDoane of Rehoboth, Oct. 1, 1848.
Nathaniell and Mary Preston, Nov. 17, 1695.
Jonathan and Hannah Smith, Jan. 20, 1699-1700.
Hannah and Jonathan Chaffee, both of Rehoboth, Sept. 18, 1703.
Obadiah of Rehoboth and Deliverance Preston of Dorchester, Nov. 6, 1703.
Renew and John West, Dec. 4, 1703.
Esther of Swanzey and George Beverly of Rehoboth, Dec. 30, 1715.
Kezia of Swanzey and Thomas Horton of Rehoboth, April 29, 1721.
Seth and Abigail Whitaker, both of Rehoboth, June 27, 1724.
Freelove and Amos Chaffee, June 5, 1725.
Rachel of Attleboro and John Kent of Rehoboth, Nov. 20, 1725.
Abiah and Mary Ormsbee, both of Rehoboth, July 13, 1726.
Susannah and Daniel Mason, both of Rehoboth, Jan. 13, 1727-8.
Jotham of Rehoboth and Isabell Sherman of Swanzey, April 22, 1728.
Mary of Rehoboth and John Read of Barrington, March 31, 1733.
Abishai and Urania Bowen, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 22, 1733.
Mehittabell and William Matthews, both of Rehoboth, May 8, 1735.
Esther of Rehoboth and Nathan Bardeen of Swanzey (forbidden), Oct. 18, 1735.
Desler and Jacob---, both of Rehoboth, Sept. 7, 1737.
Desler and Hezekiah Hix, both of Rehoboth, April 15, 1738.
Nathaniel and Elizabeth Bozworth, both of Rehoboth, July 4, 1741.
Elizabeth of Attleboro and Timothy Walker, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 12, 1741.
Jeremiah of Rye and Rebecca Millerd of Rehoboth, Dec. 5, 1741.
Keziah of Pomfret, Ct., and Samuel Carpenter of Rehoboth, Jan. 2, 1741-2.
Samuel of Rehoboth and Keziah Carpenter of Pomfret, Ct., Jan. 2, 1741-2.
Huldah of Rehoboth and Peter Perren of Woodstock, Ct., March 2, 1741-5.
Amey and Benjamin Carpenter, both of Rehoboth, Ang. 31, 1745.
Benjamin and Amey Carpenter, both of Rehoboth, Aug. 31, 1745.
Peter and Rachal Blonden, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 26, 1745.
Reheckah of Rehoboth and Josiah Cooke of Tolland, Ct., Sept. 15, 1746.
John of Swanzey and Hannah Martin, widow, of Rehoboth, March 19, 1747-8.
Edward, 3d, of Rehoboth and Mary Lippitt of Scituate, Sept. 9, 1749.
Patience of Rehoboth and Abner Stanley of Attleboro, Dec. 30, 1749.
Comfort of Attleboro and Sarah Lawrence of Rehoboth, Oct. 20, 1750.
Sarah and Ebenezer Peck, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 16, 1752.
Ablel of Rehoboth and Charity Allen of Warren, Feb. 3, 1753.
Jedediah and Hannah Allyn, both of Rehoboth, July 27, 1754.
Asahal of Rehoboth and Elizabeth Hall of Providence, March 22, 1755.
Keziah of Rehoboth and---------of Attleboro, Nov. 6, 1756.
Caleb of Rehoboth and--------of Attleboro, Jan. 3, 1757.
Ezekiel of Attleboro and Bettie Bucklin of Rehoboth, June 11, 1757.
Sarah of Rehoboth and Ephraim Starkweather of Stonington, Sept. 2, 1758.
Oliver of Rehoboth and Sarah French of Attleboro, Sept. 29, 1759.
James and Sarah Hix, both of Rehoboth, Aug. 8, 1761.
Deliverance of Attleboro and Samuel Read, Jr., of Rehoboth, July 17, 1762.
Elizabeth of Cumberland and Nathaniel Carpenter, Jr., of Rehoboth, April 12, 1765.
Nathaniel Jr., of Rehoboth and Elizabeth Carpenter of Cumberland, April 12, 1765.
Stephen and Susannah Matthews, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 4, 1765.
Martha of Rehoboth and Nathan Ide of Attleboro, Feb. 2, 1768.
Esther and John Brown, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 10, 1768.
Dorothy and Penual Bishop, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 5, 1768.
Amos of Rehoboth and Sarah Ide of Attleboro, Feb. 11, 1770.
Elizabeth and Kent Bullock, both of Rehoboth, April 6, 1776.
Dolle and Jonathan Alger, both of Rehoboth, April 28, 1778.
Lydia and James Bliss, 2d, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 1, 1783.
Mary and Peter Wheeler, both of Rehoboth, Feb. 7, 1784.
Irab and Hannah Dryer, both of Rehoboth, March 4, 1785.
Anna of Attleboro and Samuel Walker of Rehoboth, Oct. 22, 1785.
Anna of Attleboro and Nicholas Smith of Rehoboth, Feb. 18, 1786.
Samuel and Lydia Short, both of Rehoboth, Aug. 10, 1788.
Sarah and Jesse Bliss, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 2, 1788.
Samuel, 2d, of Rehoboth and Bathsheba Mills of Brattleboro, Nov. 23, 1788.
Thomas, 4th, and Susanna Perron, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 14, 1788.
Peter of Rehoboth and Abigail Bicknell, Oct. 11, 1789.
Sally and Israel Bowen, Jr., both of Rehoboth, Aug. 5, 1797.
Esther and Ensign Daniel Perron, both of Rehoboth, Sept. 24, 1797.
Ephraim and Betsey French, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 12, 1797.
Christian Amelia and Israel Drown, Sept. 7, 1800.
John and Anna Wheeler, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 21, 1800.
Hannah and Sylvester Allen, both of Rehoboth, March 10, 1815.
Cynthia Wheaton of Rehoboth and Abraham Smith Gladding of Providence, May 13, 1815.
Samuel and Sarah Martin Carpenter, both of Rehoboth, July 2, 1815.
Sarah Martin and Samuel Carpenter, both of Rehoboth, July 2, 1815.
Chloe and Christopher Blanding, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 24, 1815.
Rachal of Rehoboth and George W. Peek of Bristol, Dec. 22, 1816.
Patty Ide and Jarvis B. Smith, both of Rehoboth, June 19, 1824.
Rosina and Joshua Drown, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 22, 1824.
Gilbert and Mary W. Pease, both of Rehoboth, April 4, 1825.
Abel, Jr., and Abby W. Bliss, both of Rehoboth, April 3, 1826.
Alice and Bradford B. Horton, both of Rehoboth, Aug. 12, 1826.
Rosella and James Perry, both of Rehoboth, Aug. 12, 1826.
Capt. Christopher of Rehoboth and Emeline M. Lee of Dighton, Dec. 29, 1827.
Osman of Seekonk and Clarrison Lake of Rehoboth, Sept. 12, 1828.
Samuel B. and Seraphina A. Hicks, both of Rehoboth, May 9, 1830.
Thomas, Jr., of Rehoboth and Eliza W. French of Seekonk, Sept. 22, 1832.
Ira W. of Rehoboth and Mary A. Hall of North Bridgewater, Aug. 29, 1835.
Anne Eliza of Rehoboth and Oliver V. Allen of Walpole, May 19, 1837.
John A. of Rehoboth and Jane J. Bingham of Dedham, Oct. 31, 1839.
Francis H. of Rehoboth and Betsey B. Perry of Brimfield, Oct. 3, 1840.
Hannah G. and William H. Bullock, both of Rehoboth, May 7, 1842.
Joseph W. and Louisa Lewis, both of Rehoboth, April 16, 1848.
Sernphine A. and John B. Williams, both of Rehoboth, Sept. 6, 1852.
DeWitt C. and Vashti P. Carpenter, both of Reboboth, Jane 17, 1857.
Vashti P. and DeWitt C. Carpenter, both of Rehoboth, June 17, 1857.
Hannah of Swanzey and Jonathan Wilson of Rehoboth, March 20, 1723-4.
Israel and Thomas Lewis, both of Rehoboth, July 5, 1783.
John of Rehoboth and Lydia Bowen of Swanzey, July 2, 1743.
Isaac of Rehoboth and Rebeckah Wood of Swanzey, Feb. 4, 1743-4.
Angeline Maria of Providence and James G. Daggett of Rehoboth, Dec. 5, 1826.
Mercy of Bridgewater and David Thurston of Rehoboth, Feb. 16, 1712-3.
Mary L. of Warren, R. I., and Ira H. Rounds of Rehoboth, Dec. 1, 1866.
Mary of Reboboth and Samuel Williams of Taunton, April 10, 1769.
Rebecca of Dighton and Edward Cole of Rehoboth, Nov. 28, 1776.
Gardner of Rehoboth and Hannah Fobes of Bridgewater, May 1, 1784.
Aaron of Rehoboth and Loima Pearse of Dighton, March 20, 1812.
Abigail of Rehoboth and William Bowen of Seekonk, Aug. 23, 1812.
Almira of Rehoboth and William Bozworth of Dartmouth, March 18, 1825.
Mary G. of Rehoboth and Thomas J. Bosworth, resident, Oct. 15, 1834.
Isaiah of Rehoboth and Mary Anne Eddy of Dighton, April 17, 1836.
Amanda of Rehoboth and Abel B. Wever of Swanzey, Jan. 7, 1837.
Gardner of Rehoboth and Freelove Heath, resident, Aug. 7, 1839.
Frederic P. of Rehoboth and Angeline Lewis of Swanzey, Sept. 18, 1840.
Alfred of Rehoboth and Eleanor Macomber of Berkeley, Jan. 21, 1843.
Mary Ann of Rehoboth and Stephen Eddy of Dighton, April 13, 1844.
Jesse of Swanzey and Mercy Ann Kelton of Rehoboth, Oct. 3, 1847.
Carrie A. and Isaac Sherman, both of Rehoboth, Jan. 13, 1874.
Samuel W. of Rehoboth and Augusta W. Atchison of Attleboro, April 22, 1890.
John and Martha Bardeen, both of Rehoboth, Feb. 5, 1736-7.
Mary and John-------, both of Rehoboth. Feb. 18, 1858.
------ of Rehoboth and Nancy of Warwick, both now of Rehoboth, Nov. 12, 1763.
Nellie C. and Walter H. Goff, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 6, 1886.
Bettey and James--------, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 29, 1762.
Patience and---------, both of Rehoboth, Feb. 2, 1763.
Nathaniell and Mercy Kensiey, Dec. 1, 1701.
Judeth and David Morton, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 20, 1722.
Tabitha and Aaron Read, both of Rehoboth, June 2, 1733.
Sarah of Swanzey and Edward Thurber of Rehoboth (forbidden), May 4, 1734.
Nathaniel and Ruth Mansfield, both of Rehoboth, Sept. 27, 1755.
Oliver of Swanzey and Mary Wheaton of Rehoboth, June 23, 1764.
Rufus of Bristol and Sarah Tingley of Rehoboth, March 17, 1770.
Mary of Swanzey and Thomas Horton of Rehoboth, June 25, 1770.
Aaron and Patience Simmons, both of Rehoboth, April 12, 1771.
Elizabeth of Swanzey and George Round of Rehoboth, Sept. 8, 1774.
Grindall of Swanzey and Susanna West of Rehoboth, March 27, 1779.
Sarah of Swanzey and Moses Miller of Rehoboth, May 8, 1783.
Mary of Freetown and Nathaniel Haskins of Rehoboth, Jan. 22, 1813.
Eleanor of Rehoboth and Samuel Short of Barrington. June 1, 1816.
Betsey and Otis H. Barney, both of Rehoboth, Feb. 5, 1826.
Mary Anne of Swanzey and James Davis of Rehoboth, Aug. 24, 1836.
William T. of Swanzey and Rhoda Kelton of Rehoboth, Aug. 8, 1840.
Abby J. of Dighton and Jarvis B. Horton of Rehoboth, Oct. 8, 1855.
George A. of Attleboro and Mary A. Allen of Rehoboth, June 7, 1856.
Mary Jane and John E. Horton, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 29, 1887.
Benjamin and Mary Ellen Sabina, both of Rehoboth, July 13, 1888.
Mercy of Swanzey and James Read of Rehoboth, March 26, 1708.
David and Patience Adington, both of Rehoboth. April 7, 1708.
Prudence of Medfield and Gersbam Luke of Rehoboth, Dec. 8, 1708.
Dorothy of Rehoboth and James Cole of Swanzey, April 12, 1722-3.
Noah and Margaret Whitaker, both of Rehoboth, Feb. 8, 1723-4.
Jonathan and Anna Sweeting, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 13, 1725.
Margaret and Zachariah Carpenter, both of Rehoboth, Aug. 30, 1728.
Harriet of Rehoboth and Joseph Armington, resident, Feb. 22, 1728-9.
David of Rehoboth and Hannah Pidge of Attleboro, April 28, 1733.
Mary and Gideon Franklin, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 1, 1785.
Aunisa of Rehoboth and Daniel Allen of Barrington, July 30, 1743.
Daniel, Jr., of Attleboro and Dorcas Ormsbee of Rehoboth, Aug. 6, 1748.
Shubael and Elizabeth Crawford, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 10, 1753.
Eunice of Rehoboth and Nathaniel Humphrey of Warren, Oct. 7, 1758.
John of North Providence, R. I., and Ruth Jones of Rehoboth, Oct. 6, 1759.
Susannah and Stephen Lane, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 21, 1765.
Hannah and Allen Vaill, both of Rehoboth, July 27, 1781.
Mary and James Pain, both of Rehoboth, Feb. 22, 1789.
Daniel and Sarah Newman, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 1, 1789.
Hannah B. of Seekonk and Lewis Peirce of Rehoboth, Nov. 9, 1837.
Cordelia of Seekonk and William Wheeler of Rehoboth, Nov. 20, 1840.
Wade and Mary Pomham (col.), both of Rehoboth, March 24, 1743-4.
Mary of Rehoboth and Jacob First of Swanzey (col.), Dec. 26, 1747.
Hannah and Jeremiah Commerson, (Ind.), both of Rehoboth, Dec. 20, 1750.
J. Irving of East Providence and Bessie W. Marvell, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 12, 1885.
Elizabeth of Muddy River and Lieut. Walker of Rehoboth, May 14, 1701.
Mary of Roxbury and Peter Walker of Rehoboth, April 30, 1715.
Oliver of Newport and Betsey Ormssbee of Rehoboth, Jan. 9, 1741-2.
Lydia of Bristol and Elisha Burr of Rehoboth, Sept. 8, 1764.
Samuel of Stafford, Ct., and Eunice Horton of Rehoboth, Nov. 24, 1844.
Edward T. of Providence and Roena Bozworth of Rehoboth, Oct. 1, 1847.
--------servant of Maj. Isaiah Hunt, and Phillis, servant of John Hunt, May 12, 1773.
Josias and Mercy Coy. both of Rehoboth, Jan. 25, 1755.
Deborah and Zebulon Fuller, both of Rehoboth, May 5, 1759.
David of Rehoboth and Mary Briggs of Dighton (col.), April 7, 1834.
Bethiah of Attleboro and Shubael Peck, Jr., of Rehoboth, Jan. 10, 1781.
Lepha of Attleboro and Benjamin Bowen, Jr., of Rehoboth, Feb. 18, 1838.
Joseph and Rhoda Thurston, both of Rehoboth, April 18, 1781.
Clarindia and Antonio Frances Rose, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 18, 1888.
Henry of Barrington and Mary Thresher of Rehoboth, March 6, 1730-1.
Rachal of Warren and Gideon Round of Rehoboth, Aug. 18, 1753.
Rebeckah, resident, and Joseph Haskins of Rehoboth, Oct. 13, 1759.
Hannah of Swanzey and John Barney of Rehoboth, March 8, 1718-9.
Susannah of Rehoboth and Benjamin May of Barrington, Jan. 15, 1736-7.
Ephraim and Patience Butterworth, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 30, 1742.
Sarah of Attleboro and David Hutchings of Rehoboth, June 25, 1748.
Saley of Rehoboth and Henry McCarter of Warren, Oct. 22, 1785.
Joseph of North Providence and Rhoby Dickson of Rehoboth, Jan. 8, 1787.
Mary of Rehoboth and Vinton--------of Scituate, Oct. 28, 1758.
Hannah of Rehoboth and Eliphalet Slack, resident, June 8, 1771.
Melecent and Cyrel Peck, both of Rehoboth, March 8, 1782.
Ellen A. and Richard J. H. Rich, both of Providence, Aug. 15, 1887.
Aaron, of Sherbourne, of Nantucket and Rachal Thurber of Rehoboth, Oct. 15, 1715.
Joseph and Merian Hunt, both of Rehoboth, Aug. 31, 1765.
Anna of Seekonk and Nathaniel Mason of Rehoboth, Dec. 17, 1814.
Samuel C. of Mansfield and Huldah Salisbury of Rehoboth, Oct. 28, 1834.
Stephen H. of Taunton and Elizabeth H. Briggs of Rehoboth, Nov. 7, 1840.
Jason Holbrook of Mansfield and Priscilla G. Bowen of Rehoboth, Feb. 24. 1849.
Liscomb of Dighton and Polly Pratt of Rehoboth, Feb. 28, 1790.
Ebenezer of Taunton and Betsey Vickery of Rehoboth, Aug. 8, 1812.
Mercy of Rehoboth and Robert Lincoln, 3d, of Taunton, Jan. 4, 1831.
Samuel of Dighton and Nancy G. Pettis of Rehoboth, April 7, 1834.
Chloe of Attleboro and Ebenezer Perry Rounds of Rehoboth, Dec. 3, 1837.
Augustus of Rehoboth and Elvira T. Parmenter of Attleboro, Aug. 15, 1846.
Clarrissa of Rehoboth and Philip E. Williams of Taunton, Sept. 2, 1849.
Mary of Newport, R. I., and John Lyon of Rehoboth, Jan. 27, 1727-8.
George of Bristol, R. I., and Lucy Bowen of Rehoboth, Oct. 19, 1788.
Elizabeth of Swanzey and William Wheeler of Rehoboth, April 8, 1721.
John and Mary Perry, both of Rehoboth, July 7, 1722.
James of Swanzey and Dorothy Chaffee of Rehoboth, April 12, 1722-3.
Jonathan of Swanzey and Elizabeth Bowen of Rehoboth, Feb. 12, 1725-6.
Nathaniel of Attleboro and Elizabeth Hill of Rehoboth, May 31, 1729.
Barnett and Mehitable Wheeler, both of Rehoboth, Aug. 14, 1742.
Timothy and Hannah Finch, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 16, 1742.
John of Rehoboth and Elizabeth Brown of Attleboro, Feb. 22, 1745-6.
Anne of Warren, R. I., and John---------of Rehoboth, June 6, 1761.
Sarah of Warren, R. I., and John--------of Rehoboth, Feb. 23, 1765.
Lydia of Rehoboth and John Haskins of Taunton, May 24, 1773.
Edward of Rehoboth and Rebecca Case of Dighton, Nov. 23, 1776.
Rebecca and George Lawrence, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 31, 1777.
Simeon, Jr., of Rehoboth and Margaret Capron of Attleboro, Sept. 10, 1779.
Barbary of Rehoboth and Israel Woodcock of Thomastown, Sept. 22, 1779.
Simeon, 2d, and Lucy Allen, both of Rehoboth, March 9, 1784.
Molly of Warren and Peleg Kingsley of Rehoboth, April 24, 1780.
Sarah and Jabob Hix, both of Rehoboth, Feb. 14, 1782.
Solomon (col.) and Charity Cooper, (Ind.), both of Rehoboth, April 6, 1782.
Aaron of Rehoboth and Elsie Crossman of Taunton, March 24, 1783.
Mrs. Molly and Nathaniel Brown, Jr., both of Rehoboth, July 22, 1787.
Chloe and Nathan Newman, both of Rehoboth, March 16, 1788.
David, 2d, and Dolly Ide, both of Rehoboth, Sept. 17, 1797.
Nathan of Rehoboth and Abigail Snow Sawyer of Attleboro, Nov. 23, 1815.
Betsey of Rehoboth and William Grover of Norton, May 5, 1828.
Zenus of Rehoboth and Fanny Wheaton Briggs of Attleboro, Nov. 1, 1837.
Paschal of Rehoboth and Adelia Homark of Wrentham, Feb. 18, 1838.
George C. and Mary A. Rounds, both of Rehoboth, Sept. 2, 1838.
Leonard of Rehoboth and Sarah B. Richardson of Taunton, May 4, 1839.
Polly F. and Benjamin Dean, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 5, 1840.
Thomas of Seekonk and Maria Medbury of Rehoboth, March 11, 1841.
Samuel of Warren, R. I., and Mary A. Davis of Rehoboth, June 20, 1841.
Albert B. and Betsey Cole, both of Rehoboth, Sept. 10, 1846.
Betsey and Albert B. Cole, both of Rehoboth, Sept. 10, 1846.
Mary of Rehoboth and William A. Lewis of Seekouk, Oct. 29, 1818.
Otis of Rehoboth and Mrs. Sarah Waldron of Dighton, Sept. 20, 1849.
Martha A. and Nelson Bowen, both of Rehoboth, April 29, 1856.
Simeon E. of Rehoboth and Amanda M. Perkins of Groton, Ct., April 19, 1866.
Ansel C. of Rehoboth and Martha Copeland of Norton, Sept. 22, 1876.
Isadore A. of Rehoboth and Everett W. Francis of Berkeley, March 12, 1888.
Mary H. of Portland, Me., and Ira M. Goff of Rehoboth, May 2, 1840.
Joseph of Providence and Mary Whitaker of Rehoboth, March 17, 1730-1.
Joseph of Providence and Sarah Blanding of Rehoboth, July 4, 1746.
Jeremiah and Hannah Cheese (Ind.), both of Rehoboth, Dec. 22, 1750.
Daniel of Providence and Sarah Pearse of Rehoboth, Oct. 8, 1784.
Martha of Providence and Benjamin Franklin of Rehoboth, Feb. 9, 1787.
Jennie and Frank E. Martin, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 6, 1876.
George and Abigail Cambel, both of Rehoboth, April 16, 1737.
Josiah of Tolland, Ct., and Rebeckah Carpenter of Rehoboth, Sept. 15, 1748.
Lillis and Hezekiah Salsbury, both of Rehoboth, Aug. 20, 1777.
Judeth of Rehoboth and William Gyles of Newport, R. I., April 21, 1744.
Mehitable of Rehoboth and Daniel Wilson of Attleboro, June 14, 1765.
Jemima and Peter Carpenter, both of Rehoboth, June 24, 1775.
Charity (Ind.) and Solomon Cole (col.), both of Rehoboth, April 6, 1782.
Sarah B. of Seekonk and George W. Robinson of Rehoboth, March 26, 1845.
Martha of Norton and Ansel O. Cole of Rehoboth, Sept. 22, 1876.
Deborah of Taunton and Moses Briggs of Rehoboth, Feb. 27, 1778.
Isaac of Rehoboth and Mary-------of Swanzey, Sept. 24, 1784.
Nathaniel of Stoughton and Mary Barney of Rehoboth, May 18, 1736.
Mercy and Josias Church, both of Rehoboth, Jan. 25, 1755.
Elizabeth A. of Berkeley and Joseph Rounds of Rehoboth, July 14, 1843.
Mary D. and George B. Hicks. both of Rehoboth, March 28, 1846.
Elisha of Swanzey and Hannah Baker of Rehoboth, Dec. 17, 1743.
Perthania of Swansey and John Munro, Jr., of Rehoboth, June 20, 1782.
James of Swanzey and Permilla Pearse of Rehoboth, Feb. 24, 1788.
Rhoba of Dartmouth and James Baker of Rehoboth, April 6, 1788.
John of Taunton and Martha Mathewson of Rehoboth, Sept. 25, 1881.
Henry of San Francisco, Cal., and Harriet E. Carpenter of Rehoboth, Oct. 31, 1854.
Perry of Swanzey and Betsey Bowen of Rehoboth, Nov. 2, 1847.
Benjamin and Elizabeth Ingalls, Jan. 2, 1701-2.
Naoma of Rehoboth and Herman Richardson, resident, May 9, 1770.
Patience of Westport and George Brown of Rehoboth, March 18, 1813.
Sophia A. of Taunton and Francis W. Stevens of Rehoboth, Dec. 30, 1854.
Elizabeth and Shubael Chaffee, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 10, 1753.
Seth of Taunton and Mary Goff of Rehoboth, June 28, 1746.
David of Rehoboth and Sarah Loring of Hingham, Oct. 21, 1762.
Elsey of Taunton and Aaron Cole of Rehoboth, March 24, 1783.
Benjamin of Taunton and Cyrell Smith of Rehoboth, Aug. 3, 1816.
Freelove and Israel Nichols, both of Rehoboth, Feb. 6, 1834.
Matthew, Jr., and Abigail Titus, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 26, 1751.
Isaiah of Rehoboth and Elizabeth Cushman of Attleboro, March 28, 1777.
Matthew of Rehoboth and Mary Dexter of Cumberland, Nov. 20, 1778.
Isaiah and Bette James, both of Rehoboth, April 7, 1780.
David of Rehoboth and Nancy Robinson of Seekonk, March 11, 1814.
Nancy and Preserved Pearce, both of Rehoboth, April 24, 1824.
Loring and Hannah Robinson, both of Rehoboth, March 19, 1842.
Edwin F. and Salle B. Medbury, both of Rehoboth, Feb. 28, 1866.
Elizabeth of Attleboro and Isaiah Cushing of Rehoboth, March 28, 1777.
Sarah of Rayuham and William Fairbrother of Rehoboth, Nov. 21, 1778.
Maranda of Attleboro and Samuel Davis of Rehoboth, Sept. 7, 1843.
Rebeckah of Rehoboth and George Wood of Swanzey, April 30, 1710.
John of Rehoboth and Hope Wood of Swanzey, April 19, 1721.
John, Sr., of Rehoboth and Elizabeth Daman of Boxford, Oct. 21, 1721.
Israel of Rehoboth and Hannah Daman of Boxford, March 6, 1723-4.
Hopee and Joseph Brown, both of Rehoboth, March 31, 1744.
Zilpha of Attleboro and Comfort Smith of Rehoboth, Sept. 1, 1744.
Rebecca and Caleb Brown, both of Rehoboth, Sept. 29, 1744.
Abigail and Joseph Franklin, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 8, 1746.
Hannah of Attleboro and Amos Martin of Rehoboth, Sept. 29, 1750.
Nathan and---------, both of Rehoboth, Aug. 30, 1760.
Nathaniel, Jr., of Attleboro and Bulah Dryer of Rehoboth, Oct. 14, 1770.
Asa and Waitstill Munro, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 27, 1780.
Bebee of Rehoboth and David Lincoln of Taunton, July 15, 1788.
Levi and Mrs. Kezia Peck, Sept. 30, 1787.
Anne and David Bucklin, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 18, 1789.
Simeon of Rehoboth and Barbary Brown of Cumberland, March 15, 1801.
Timothy of Rehoboth and Ann Bowen of Swaney, Aug. 23, 1816.
James G. of Rehoboth and Angeline Maria Carter of Providence, Dec. 5, 1826.
Almira and Nathaniel Lewis, both of Rehoboth, April 2, 1842.
Mercy of Plimouth and Charles Renoff of Rehoboth, Oct. 24, 1778.
Elizabeth of Boxford and John Daggett, Sr., of Rehoboth, Oct. 21, 1721.
Hepzebeth of Attleboro and Stephen Perry of Rehoboth, Nov. 3, 1773.
Elizabeth and John Read, both of Rehoboth, Aug. 28, 1714.
Tamer of Rehoboth and John Luther of Providence, Sept. 11, 1775.
Rebeckah and Cyrel Smith, both of Rehoboth, Aug. 19 and Oct. 19, 1816.
Samuel of Bellingham and Penelope Butterworth of Rehoboth, Sept. 12, 1741.
Daniel of Haverhill and Esther Barney of Rehoboth, April 22, 1729.
Barney and Anne Bullock, both of Rehoboth, Aug. 12, 1775.
John M. and Ruth Lewis, both of Rehoboth, Jan. 29, 1824.
John, 2d, and Polly Horton, both of Rehoboth, March 1, 1824.
Barney of Rehoboth and Mrs. Mary Hale of Smithfield, R. I., Aug. 14, 1824.
Penelope and James Round, both of Rehoboth, March 31, 1826.
John N. of Rehoboth and Fanny S. King of Mansfield, Feb. 21, 1835.
Sarah of Dighton and Levi M. Baker of Rehoboth, March 20, 1835.
Mrs. Betsey and Darius Pearse, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 3, 1835.
James of Rehoboth and Mary Anne Chace of Swanzey, Aug. 24, 1836.
Mary Anne of Dighton and Nathan P. Bliss of Rehoboth, March 18, 1837.
John, Jr., and Elthea Goff, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 31, 1837.
Rhoda C. of Rehoboth and Moses E. Thompson of Taunton, Sept. 13, 1839.
Mary A. of Rehoboth and Samuel Cole of Warren, R. I., June 20, 1841.
Amanda M. of Rehoboth and William T. Adams of North Providence, Feb. 26, 1843.
Samuel of Rehoboth and Maranda Cutting of Attleboro, Sept. 7, 1843.
Betsey Jane and Horace M. West, both of Rehoboth, March 24, 1844.
Mary P. of Rehoboth and Charles E. Miller of Seekonk, July 4, 1846.
Joseph Luther and Mary Ann West, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 24, 1847.
Almeda E. of Rehoboth and Asa R. Stacy of Taunton, Nov. 27, 1854.
Elisha and Etherinda Munro, both of Rehoboth, July 1, 1855.
Patience and Albert L. Peck, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 12, 1857.
John, Jr., of Rehoboth and Nancy Simmons of Dighton, June 16, 1859.
George T. of Rehoboth and Henrietta E. Wheeler of Dighton, Dec. 21, 1865.
Mary L. and George M. Salisbury, both of Rehoboth, May 5, 1879.
Joseph of Bristol and Phebe W. Allen of Rehoboth, Aug. 23, 1846.
Jedediah of Ashford and Martha Wing of Rehoboth, July 5, 1781.
Abigail of Rehoboth and David Robinson, resident of Rehoboth, April 30, 1824.
Mary Ann of Rehoboth and Zebina W. Willmarth of Norton, Aug. 4, 1833.
Angeline and Henry L. Round, both of Rehoboth, Feb. 23, 1841.
Hannah of Rehoboth and John Toogood of Swaney, Nov. 24, 1703.
Josiah of Rehoboth and Bethiah Peck of Swanzey, Nov. 5, 1715.
Bethiah of Taunton and Ephraim French of Rehoboth, Aug. 13, 1726.
Abigail of Taunton and David Allen of Rehoboth, June 4, 1727.
Abigail of Taunton and Caleb Walker of Rehoboth, Jan. 6, 1727-3.
Mercy of Raynham and Robert King of Rehoboth, Dec. 10, 1743.
Rachal of Taunton and Noah Fuller of Rehoboth, March 7, 1767.
Capt. Ebenezer of Taunton and Ellis Briggs of Rehoboth, June 7, 1769.
Bradford of Taunton and Mary Ann Peck of Rehoboth, Feb. 27, 1830.
Leonard, Jr., of Rehoboth and Rebecca Welsh of Bolton, Nov. 4, 1834.
Asahel of Rehoboth and Harriet H. Summer of Foxboro, April 28, 1836.
George of Rehoboth and Sarah B. Manchester of Taunton, April 7, 1843.
Manuel of Rehoboth and Christiania Fernandez of New Bedfold,-------,1893.
Antoine Minio and Alsehandia Amelia Terria, both of Rehoboth, Jan 5, 1892.
Laurie Cartho and Rosa Santa Jaffrey Boazit, both of Rehoboth, June 8, 1891.
Rachal of Little Compton, R. I., and George Thurston of Rehoboth, Aug. 19, 1732.
Rosanna of Providence and Andrew L. Morton of Rehoboth, June 6, 1885.
John of Providence and Mary House of Rehoboth, Aug. 17, 1728.
Mary of Cumberland and Matthew Cushing of Rehoboth, Nov. 20, 1778.
Horace L. of Taunton and Hannah M. Peck of Rehoboth, Nov. 24, 1868.
Edward W. and Evelyn E. Wheeler, both of Taunton, Aug. 11, 1885.
Rhoby of Rehoboth and Joseph Clark of North Providence, Jan. 8, 1787.
June and John Lynn, both of Rehoboth, Feb. 9, 1708-9.
Rebecca of Rehoboth and Ebenezer Bartlett of Plymouth, Jan. 8, 1731-2.
Samuel G. of Attleboro and Joanna H Martin of Rehoboth, March 29, 1830.
Hannah of Boxford and Israel Daggett of Rehoboth, March 6, 1723-4.
Addie and Granville C. Perry, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 3, 1874.
Sarah and John Baker, Oct. 28, 1749.
Mercy of Taunton and Squire Wheeler, Jr., of Rehoboth, Dec. 29, 1752.
Mary E. of Easton and William H. Reed, Jr., of Rehoboth, March 1, 1870.
---------of Rehoboth and Hezekiah Peck of Attleboro, Sept. 15, 1777.
Elizabeth and John---------, both of Rehoboth, May 11, 1751.
Benjamin of Warren and Hannah Jenekes of Rehoboth, Sept. 28, 1751.
Israel and Christian Amelia Carpenter, both of Rehoboth, Sept. 7, 1800.
Joshua and Rosina Carpenter, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 22, 1824.
Hannah B. of Rehoboth and Thomas Perren of Seekonk, April 29, 1831.
William F. of Middleboro and Harriet J. Smith of Rehoboth, Sept. 17, 1839.
Martha A. of Seekonk and Alpheus F. Medbury of Rehoboth, Nov. 3, 1858.
John and Abijah Willmarth, both of Rehoboth, Aug. 30, 18I2.
William, Jr. of Rehoboth and Hannah Willmarth of Attleboro, Jan. 15, 1742-3.
Elizabeth of Rehoboth and Benjamin Peirce of Voluntown, Ct., Nov. 19, 1743.
John of Rehoboth and Mary Read of Attleboro, March 18, 1748-9.
Abigail and Jabez Carpenter, Jr., both of Rehoboth, July 24, 1752.
Anna and Israel-------, both of Rehoboth, March 3, 1766.
Hannah of Rehoboth and Joseph Willmarth of Attleboro, May 8, 1773.
William, 3d, of Rehoboth and Deliverance Briggs of Dighton, May 20, 1773.
Elizabeth and Jonathan Macomber, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 24, 1774.
John, Jr., of Rehoboth and Kezia French of Attleboro, March 6, 1778.
William, Jr., of Rehoboth and Ruth Bowes of Attleboro. Aug. 14, 1778.
Hepsabeth of Rehoboth and Hezekiah Peek of Attleboro, May 24, 1779.
Hannah and Joab Carpenter, both of Rehoboth, March 4, 1785.
Benjamin of Newport, R. I., and Dorothy Hozworth of Rehoboth, July 1, 1749.
Alva of Providence and Harriet Smith of Rehoboth, Sept. 25, 1834.
---------of Attleboro and Cyrel Smith of Rehoboth, Oct. 5, 1776.
Eliza S. of Little Compton, R. I., and Hiram Horton of Rehoboth, Dec. 17, 1834.
William of Charlestown and Ester Willmarth of Rehoboth, March 4, 1708-9.
Sarah of Rehoboth and James-----, Esq., of Warren, May 26 ,1750.
John, resident of Providence, and Ainey Brown of Rehoboth, Oct. 31, 1772.
Mary of Swanzey and Isaac N. Peirce of Rehoboth, March 11, 1837.
Elizabeth of Swanzey and Nathan W. Pearse of Rehoboth, Feb. 27, 1848.
Hannah and Wheaton Luther, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 1, 1780.
Deborah of Swanzey and Edmund Ingalls of Rehoboth, July 10, 1736.
Mary of Warren, R. I., and Barnard Hix of Rehoboth, Dec. 19, 1761.
Elizabeth of Providence and Ezrakim Peirce of Rehoboth, May 6, 1713.
Hopestill [Edy] of Swanzey and Jacob Ormsbee of Rehoboth, Dec. 22, 1705.
Obadiah of Attleboro and Susanna Hill of Rehoboth, Aug. 1, 1780.
Samuel of Swanzey and Deborah Miller of Rehoboth, Aug. 22, 1730.
Joseph of Taunton and Mary Hix, both of Rehoboth, April 21, 1733.
Ephraim of Chatham and Rachal Ormsbee of Rehoboth, Dec. 15, 1770.
Comfort of Norton and Plebe Matthews of Rehoboth, Nov. 2, 1771.
Mary Anna of Dighton and Isaiah Case of Rehoboth, April 17, 1836.
Stephen of Dighton and Mary Ann Case of Rehoboth, April 13, 1844.
Susan of Taunton and John B. Hill of Rehoboth, Oct. 6, 1858.
Charles of Swanzey and Mary Norton of Rehoboth, Oct. 9, 1868.
Seraphine L. of Taunton and Ferdinand F. Payne of Rehoboth, April 2, 1869.
Cromwell Thomas of Rehoboth and Martha Jerusha Andrew of Weymouth, Dec. 15, 1873.
Harriet and Henry Slaney, both resident of Rehoboth, June 13, 1846.
Ephraim and Mary Fuller, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 3, 1774.
John and Mary Jennings, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 27, 1785.
Ruth and Aaron Millerd, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 2, 1769.
Henry of Providence and Jemima Salisbury of Rehoboth, Jan. 18, 1723-4.
Thurza Dillingham of Berkeley and Cyrus Wheeler of Rehoboth, Feb. 24, 1816.
Thomas B. of Somerset and Ardelia A. West of Rehoboth, Oct. 9, 1848.
Joshua of Attleboro and Patience Stanley of Rehoboth. April 3, 1756.
Nicholas of Plymouth and Chloe Thresher of Rehoboth, June 21, 1779.
Mary of Baltimore and Joseph Sylvia of Rehoboth, July 27, 1888.
Thomas, resident, and Susanna Wester of Rehoboth, Feb. 2, 1733-4.
Prudence and Daniel Cushing, both of Rehoboth, Aug. 14, 1769.
William of Rehoboth and Sarah Cushman of Raynham, Nov. 21, 1778.
Richard and Anna Bliss, both of Rehoboth, Jan. 18, 1782.
Abigail of Rehoboth and Peleg Peck of Swaney, Sept. 2, 1797.
Betsey of Rehoboth and Darius Horton of Homer, N. Y., June 11, 1843.
Charlotte of Bristol and Rev. Otis Thompson of Rehoboth, Sept. 19, 1828.
Thomas A. of Bristol and Mary Silva of Rehoboth, March 22, 1883.
Alsehandea Amelia and Antoine Minio de Silva, both of Rehoboth, Jan. 5, 1892.
Adam, resident, and Abigail Millerd of Rehoboth, Dec. 28, 1728 and Jan. 24, 1729-30.
Adam, resident, and Abigail Bairstow of Rehoboth, June 19, 1781.
Seth of Taunton and Patience Bowen of Rehoboth, June 10, 1826.
Rosina Maryanna Marian of Rehoboth and Ira A. Guells of Norton, May 8, 1846.
Seth L. of Norton and Anne E. Rounds of Rehoboth, Oct. 7, 1848.
Rebeckah of Swanzey and Aaron Knap of Rehoboth, Nov. 4, 1726.
Hannah and Timothy Cole, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 16, 1742.
Ebenezer of Swanzey and Sarah Thompson of Rehoboth, June 11, 1748.
Henry of Rehoboth and Sarah Belew of Smithfield, R. I., Nov. 28, 1747.
Jacob of Smithfield, R. I., and Mary Cheese of Rehoboth (col.), Dec. 26, 1747.
Mary and Jabez Bowen, both of Rehoboth, June 10, 1787.
William of Dighton and Anna Allen of Rehoboth, July 15, 1865.
Dina of Rehoboth and Samuel Ormsbee of Norwich, June 12, 1731.
David of Norton and Ruth Bliss of Rehoboth, Feb. 8, 1763.
Rachel of Attleboro and Samuel Titus of Rehoboth, April 12, 1777.
Mary E. of Wrentham and George Rounds of Rehoboth, Feb. 20, 1864.
Samuel of Providence and Mehittabell Wheaton of Rehoboth, March 16, 1703.
Rosanna of Rehoboth and Erastus M. Frandowwar of Taunton, May 31, 1862.
Joseph of Rehoboth and Rosa Ann Paine of Fall River, Aug. 5, 1889.
Eliza M. of Nantucket and Rev. John C. Paine of Rehoboth, April 5, 1839.
Jonathan of Attleboro and Mary Brown of Rehoboth, Aug. 8, 1783.
Mary and Cyrus Bullock, both of Rehoboth, March 30, 1823.
Harriet and Daniel Ormsbee, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 16, 1887.
Hannah M. of Swanzey and Wheaton Peirce of Rehoboth, Sept. 6, 1857.
Ida L. of Rehoboth and Joseph Mason of East Providence, Sept. 5, 1876.
Margaret of Attleboro and Israel Whitaker of Rehoboth, Jan. 7, 1785-6.
Desire of Cumberland and John Allen of Rehoboth, Jan. 17, 1772.
Bethiah and Levi Bardeen, both of Rehoboth, Feb. 8, 1773.
Sally of Middleboro and Capt. Lemuel Bishop of Rehoboth, Sept. 9 and 30 1780.
Julia of Rehoboth and John B. Marvel of Dighton, Dec. 22, 1827.
Susannah and Thomas------of Rehoboth, June 4, 1757.
Philip of Swanzey and Rachal Horton of Rehoboth, March 6, 1727-8.
Bradford of Rehoboth and Abigail Westcott of Dighton, Nov. 9, 1887.
Elbridge G. of Rehoboth and Lydia Wheaton Talbot of Dighton, April 13, 1838.
Ardelia M. of Rehoboth and Henry N. Goff, of Dighton, Dec. 11, 1844.
Mercy Ann and Darius M. Horton, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 15, 1852.
Everett W. of Berkeley and Isadore A. Cole of Rehoboth, March 12, 1888.
Erastns M. of Taunton and Rosanna Flannagan of Rehoboth, May 31, 1862.
Gideon and Mary Chaffee, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 1, 1715.
John and Mary Wood, both of Rehoboth, July 23, 1743.
Joseph of Barrington and Bethiah Hodges of Rehoboth, Feb. 23, 1744-5.
Dorothy and Nathan Brown, both of Rehoboth, June 20, 1747.
Stephen, Jr., and Hannah Bliss, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 22, 1757.
Ruth of Warren, R. I., and Thomas-------of Rehoboth, Sept. 16, 1758.
Lois of Swanzey and Joseph Read of Rehoboth, Sept. 15, 1759.
Martha and William Hunt, both of Rehoboth, July 8, 1772.
Abel of Rehoboth and Molly Kenne of Lebanon, May 2, 1776.
Benjamin of Rehoboth and Martha Comstock of Providence, Feb. 9, 1787.
David of Rehoboth and Ithamer Fuller of Attleboro, April 27, 1728.
Ruth of Attleboro and Moses Read of Rehoboth, Nov. 25, 1751.
Martha of Attleboro and Vassell------of Rehoboth, Oct. 15, 1768.
Zebediah, and Hannah Peck, both of Rehoboth, June 30, 1781.
Lephera and Noah Cole, both of Rehoboth, June 6, 1785.
Eunis of Attleboro and Obadiah Lyon of Rehoboth, Nov. 11, 1787.
William of Attleboro and Molly Horr of Rehoboth, Aug. 31, 1788.
Milton of Attleboro and Eliza Amelia Kent of Rehoboth, Sept. 8, 1826.
Calista A., aged 22, of Attleboro and George H. Thresher, aged 23, of Rehoboth, March 16, 1850.
Mary L. of Seekonk and Danforth G. Medbury of Rehoboth, Sept. 11, 1861.
John, Jr., of Rehoboth and Martha Williams of Boston, Aug. 21, 1708.
Jonathan and Mary Newsome, both of Rehoboth, Sept. 28, 1722.
Ephraim of Rehoboth and Bethiah Dean of Taunton, Ang. 13, 1726.
Sarah of Attleboro and Oliver Carpenter of Rehoboth, Sept. 29, 1759.
Rebeckah of Rehoboth and Joseph Guile of Wrentham, Sept. 1, 1769.
Kezia of Attleboro and John Dryer, Jr., of Rehoboth, March 6, 1778.
Abel and Molly Willson, both of Rehoboth, Aug. 4, 1788.
Ebenezer and Sarah Walker, both of Rehoboth, April 27, 1789.
Betsey and Ephraim Carpenter, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 12, 1797.
Eliza W. of Seekonk and Thomas Carpenter, Jr., of Rehoboth, Sept. 22, 1832.
Amelia C. of Berkeley and Daniel F. Randall of Rehoboth, March 31, 1855.
Benjamin of Woodstock, Ct., and Nooma May of Rehoboth, Feb. 7, 1735-6.
Nathaniel and Ann Butterworth, ----, 1707.
Ithamar of Attleboro and David Freeman of Rehoboth, April 27, 1728.
Elizabeth of Attleboro and John Martin of Rehoboth, June 13, 1730.
Jonathan of Norton and--------Shipper of Rehoboth, Sept. 2, 1738.
Zebulon of Rehoboth and Hannah Newfield of Smithfield, March 17, 1743-4 and Aug. 11, 1744.
Aaron and Bethiah Read, both of Rehoboth, May 16, 1747.
Mary of Rehoboth and Zebedee Hayes of Providence, Nov. 3, 1750.
Sibble of Rehoboth and Moses Blake of Providence, Oct. 21, 1752.
Luce of Attleboro and Nathaniel Bullock of Rehoboth, May 22, 1755.
Zebulou and Deborah Church, both of Rehoboth, May 5, 1759.
Noah of Rehoboth and Esther Wares of Wrentham, May 10, 1768.
Caleb of Rehoboth and Susannah OIney of Providence, Aug. 27, 1763.
Martha of Attleboro and James Heddon of Rehoboth, April 10, 1764.
Noah of Rehoboth and Rachel Dean of Taunton, March 7, 1767.
Amos and Martha Read, both of Rehoboth, Feb. 6, 1768.
Caleb and Rebecca Peck, both of Rehoboth, Feb. 26, 1772.
Miah and Huldah Joy, both of Rehoboth, March 27, 1778.
Mary and Ephraim Emerson, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 3, 1774.
Nathaniel and Hepsabeth Brown, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 20, 1782.
Mehitable and John Titus, both of Rehoboth, May 19, 1786.
George W. and Philema Fuller, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 5, 1812.
Philema and George W. Fuller, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 5, 1812.
Nathaniel, Jr., and Wealthy Smith, both of Rehoboth, May 14, 1814.
Noah, Jr., of Seekonk and Larana Peirce of Rehoboth, Nov. 23, 1815.
Ezra and Hannah Fuller, July 18, 1824.
Hannah and Ezra Fuller, July 18, 1824.
Huldah and Jacob Goff, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 24, 1831.
Abigail J. of Rehoboth and Jonathan Jennings of Angelina, Sept. 26, 1837.
Samuel B. of Rehoboth and Harriet M. Jones of Seekonk, Dec. 25, 1841.
Jason W. and Phebe A. Rounds, both of Rehoboth, Sept. 20, 1849.
Charity and Edward Thurber, both of Rehoboth, Feb. 4, 1734-5.
Hannah and John Hix, both of Rehoboth, March 15, 1734-5.
Mary and Ephraim Hix, both of Rehoboth, Feb. 14, 1785-6.
Martha and Constant Smith, both of Rehoboth, Aug. 8, 1772.
Amos B. of Rehoboth and Jean S. Howland of Westport, Feb. 24, 1844.
Elsie and Otis Bliss, both of Rehoboth, April 5, 1813.
James of Swanzey and Prudence Case of Rehoboth, Dec. 15, 1770.
Henry of Rehoboth and Sarah Wheelock of Medfield, July 18, 1700.
Sarah and Thomas Horton, Nov. 7, 1700.
Joseph of Rehoboth and Elizabeth Babcock of Milton, May 26, 1711.
Sarah and John Millerd, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 1, 1711.
Joseph and Hannah Millerd, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 29, 1720.
Jerusha of Rehoboth and Timothy Martin of Swanzey, Feb. 2, 1733-4.
Abigail and Aaron Knap, both of Rehoboth, Aug. 1, 1741.
Mehittabell and Ebenezer Titus, July 15, 1738.
Ruth of Taunton and Ezekiel Kent of Taunton, March 19, 1768.
Polly of Mendon and Jedediah Walker of Rehoboth, Feb. 1, 1784.
Seth and Zilpha Pearse, both of Rehoboth, May 9, 1785.
Andrew of Providence and Hannah Read of Rehoboth, May 2, 1748.
Nathan and Elizabeth Sprague, both of Rehoboth, Aug. 22, 1767.
William and Amey Walker, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 7, 1771.
Mercy and Nathan Turner, both of Rehoboth, July 22, 1787.
Phebe of Rehoboth and Benjamin Kingsley, 2d, of Swanzey, April 20, 1789.
Squier of Rehoboth and Grace Kans,resident of Rehoboth, Jan. 17, 1790.
Lucy and William Lyon, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 5, 1797.
Martha of Swanzey and Benjamin West of Rehoboth, Dec. 5, 1823.
Henry of Somerset and Sally West of Rehoboth, Jan. 8, 1848.
Samuel W. of Somerset and Eliza B. Norton of Rehoboth, Jan. 24, 1862.
Elizabeth of Smithfield and Thomas Campbell, resident of Rehoboth, Oct. 6, 1766.
Judeth of Rehoboth and------Low of Warren, Aug. 14, 1762.
Joseph of Barrington and Mercy Bullock of Rehoboth, April 21, 1814.
Maria of Rehoboth and Richard Rodrigues Silva of Swanzey, Nov. 28, 1891.
Elizabeth of Salem and Samuel Moulton of Rehoboth, June 22, 1700.
Dorothy and Ebenezer Titus, both of Rehoboth, March 26, 1737.
Benjamin of Rehoboth and Lucy Medcalf of Attleboro, Sept. 19, 1772.
Hannah and George Cabon, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 1, 1777.
Sarah A. of Wrentham and Reuben Bowen of Rehoboth, Nov. 1, 1837.
Jonathan of Attleboro and Mary Read of Rehoboth, Jan. 14, 1764.
John of Barrington and Sarah Pullen of Rehoboth, April 20, 1723.
Mary and-------Horton, both of Rehoboth, Feb. 18, 1737-8.
Anne of Rehoboth and Joseph Munro of Swanzey, Jan. 9, 1741-2.
Charles and Rachal Millerd, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 16, 1745.
Mary of Rehoboth and Seth Crossman of Taunton, June 28, 1746.
William and Rebecca Wheaton, both of Rehoboth, Aug. 8, 1747.
Mary of Rehoboth and Jonathan Willis of Stoughton, June 4, 1748.
Joseph and Patience Thurber, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 1, 1748.
---------and Thomas--------, Nov. 6, 1766.
Caleb and----------Records, both of Rehoboth, July 23, 1757.
James of Rehoboth and Esther Smith of Bristol, Oct. 22, 1757.
Caleb and Hannah Law, both of Rehoboth, May 23, 1763.
Rhoda and Joseph Lawton, Oct. 26, 1769.
Charles of Scituate and Jerusha Sutton of Rehoboth, Nov. 11, 1769.
Sebble and John Ingraham, both of Rehoboth, Feb. 18, 1779.
Mary and John Wepeal, both of Rehoboth, April 24, 1779.
Mary and William Horton, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 1, 1779.
Huldah of Rehoboth and Reuben lde, resident, Sept. 16, 1786.
Sarah and Stephen Bassett, both of Rehoboth. Aug. 24, 1788.
Prescilia of Dightou and Stephen Bowen of Rehoboth, Dec. 21, 1788.
Dorcas and Nathan Horton, both of Rehoboth, March 22, 1789.
Lydia and Stephen Goff, both of Rehoboth, Sept. 5, 1812.
Stephen and Lydia Goff, both of Rehoboth, Sept. 5, 1812.
Levi of Rehoboth and Juda Pratt of Dighton, Jan. 18, 1813.
Betsey of Rehoboth and James Paul of Dighton, Aug. 30, 1813.
William and Sally Hix, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 29, 1814.
Isaiah of Wellington and Pamela Goff of Rehoboth, Dec. 24, 1814.
Pamela of Rehoboth and Isaiah Goff of Wellington, Dec. 24, 1814.
Mrs. Lydia and Squier Goff both of Rehoboth, March 7, 1823.
Squier and Mrs. Lydia Goff, both of Rehoboth, March 7, 1828.
Nathan B. of Rehoboth and Hannah Austin of Wellington, March 7, 1823.
George A. and Lephiah Hall, both of Rehoboth, Aug. 27, 1823.
Otis of Rehoboth and Mary Bullock of Halifax, Vt., Oct. 16, 1828.
Dianna of Wellington and Augustus Bliss of Rehoboth, Nov. 8, 1828.
Nathaniel and Mariah Horton, both of Rehoboth, Feb. 18, 1824.
Dellilah H. and Billings Peck, both of Rehoboth. Dec. 24, 1824.
Rachal Bowen and Orrin Hicks, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 24, 1824.
Aseneth and Jefferson B. Goff, both of Rehoboth, July 15, 1826.
Jefferson B. and Aseneth Goff, both of Rehoboth, July 15, 1826.
Mrs. Mehitable and Elder Childs Luther, both of Rehoboth, Sept. 27, 1827.
Darius and Lois Richardson, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 10, 1827.
Aaron and Elizabeth Jennings, both of Rehoboth, May 10, 1829.
Benjamin and Rebecca Pettis, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 26, 1880.
Capt. Nathan B. and Polly Brown, both of Rehoboth, June 26, 1831.
Jacob and Huldah Fuller, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 24, 1831.
Major Shubael, Jr., of Rehoboth, a resident of Providence, and Elizabeth M. Ripley of Providence, May 18, 1832.
Charles of Rehoboth and Prescilla Goff of Dighton, Aug. 24, 1834.
Prescilla of Dighton and Charles Goff of Rehoboth, Aug. 24, 1834.
Isaiah of Rehoboth and Almy B. Mitchell of Fall River, Feb. 27, 1885.
Enoek, Jr., and Rachal Horton, both of Rehoboth, March 8, 1835.
Lepha and Rodolphus Luther, both of Rehoboth, Aug. 30, 1835.
Elthea and John Davis, Jr., Dec. 31, 1837.
Azariah H. of Rehoboth and Belinda Goff of Berkeley, Aug. 25, 1838.
Belinda of Berkeley and Azariah H. Goff of Rehoboth, Aug. 25, 1888.
Benjamin F. of Rehoboth and Mary P. Norton of Attleboro, March 10, 1839.
Ira M. of Rehoboth and Mary A. Carlton of Portland, Me., May 2, 1840.
Jacob of Rehoboth and Sarah Ann Keith of Seekonk, May 13, 1842.
Sally Ann H. of Rehoboth and Rufus H. Harden of Mansfield, Oct. 15, 1842.
Albert of Rehoboth and Ruth Ann Hunt of Seekonk, Feb. 3, 1843.
James N. of Reboboth and Mary C. Hicks of Tiverton, Oct. 19, 1843.
James M. of Rehoboth and Betsey Ann Kent of Seekonk, Nov. 12, 1843.
George E. of Rehoboth and Liza Read of Taunton, Sept. 15, 1844.
Henry N. of Dighton and Ardelia M. Francis of Rehoboth, Dec. 11, 1844.
Hannah of Rehoboth and Daniel Leonard of Dighton, Nov. 1, 1845.
Adoniram C. of Rehoboth and Betsey H. Goff of Dighton, Feb. 27, 1848.
Betsey H. of Dighton and Adoniram C. Goff of Rehoboth, Feb. 27, 1848.
Appollos L. and Sarah J. Wheeler, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 7, 1849.
Mary A. and George L. Wheeler, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 7, 1849.
Elizabeth W. and Robert C. Woodward, both of Rehoboth, Sept. 24, 1852.
Samuel H and Elizabeth Wheeler, both of Rehoboth, July 20, 1856.
Thomas L. of Rehoboth and Bathsheba K. Macomber of Taunton, March 25, 1857.
Rebecca J. of Rehoboth and Sanford A. Sisson of Taunton, Jan. 1, 1859.
Abby J. of Rehoboth and William H. Kent of East Providence, Sept. 15, 1862.
Julia B. of Seekonk and James F. Moulton of Rehoboth, April 7, 1864.
William D. of Rehoboth and Ardela F. Hathaway of Dighton, Aug. 28, 1867.
Orin W. of Rehoboth and Samantha H. Sweet of Norton, Oct. 20, 1872.
John H. of Seekonk and Isabella Horton of Rehoboth, Dec. 30, 1879.
WIlliam and Anna Sprague, both of Rehoboth, Sept. 24, 1765.
Elizabeth M. of Dighton and Randall B. Bullock of Rehoboth, Nov. 9, 1846.
Ann of Swanzey and Robert Allen of Rehoboth, Dec. 11, 1744.
William and Mary Irons, both of Rehoboth, March 8, 1872.
Almira of Easton and Dr. Monzie R. Randall of Rehoboth, March 7, 1834.
James of Attleboro and Fanny Macomber of Rehoboth, March 23, 1844.