Vital Records Of Reading Massachusetts, To The Year 1850.
Compiled By Thomas W. Baldwin, A.B., S.B.,
Member Of The New England Historic Genealogical Society.
Boston, Mass., 1912.
Marriages - JACKSON to NEWTON
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

JACKSON (see Jacson)
Mary S. and Stillman A. Biathron, int. Mar. 26, 1848.
Daniell of Lynn, and Margeret White, June 25, 1725.
JACSON (see Jackson)
Thomas and Hannah Tayler, July 2, 1685.
Lydia of Middleton, and Benjamin Curtis, int. Apr. 27, 1779.
Armon of Warner, N.H., and Mary Ann Symes, int. June 30, 1843.
Albert and Louisa Robey, May 26, 1839.
Abigail of Winhall, Vt., and Jonathan Batchelor, int. Aug. 24, 1823.
Achsah of Woburn, and William B. Littlefield, int. Mar. 5, 1837.
Mary of Woburn, and John Harnden, Dec. 13, 1727.
Mary (Jacobs, int.) and (Ens., int.) Osgood Eaton, Nov. 8, 1804.
Nathaniel of Wilmington, and Eleanor Stimpson, July 7, 1805.
Prudance and John Bragg, Aug. 1, 1805.
JEFFERDS (see Jeffords)
Jonathan and Lydia Emerson, Nov. 17, 1772.
JEFFERY (see Jeffrey, Jeffry)
Joseph, Jr., and Radical Russhel of Middleton, int. Feb. ----, 1807.
Joseph and Lucy Andrews of Boxford, int. May 23, 1814.
JEFFORDS (see Jefferds)
Betsy (Jeffry, int.) and Archelus Mackentire, Nov. 28, 1799.
Joseph and Elizebeth Putnam, July 11, 1799.
Mary of Lynn, and Francis Hutchenson, May 18, 1708.
Sarah and John Duntun, Feb. 9, 1714-5.
JEFFREY (see Jeffery, Jeffry)
Fanny, d. of Joseph and Rachel, a. 23 y., and Simeon Parker of Andover, s. of Oliver and Phebe, a. 24 y., June 22, 1843.
Julia Ann of Salem, and Nathan Barns, int. Nov. 8, 1835.
Lydia of Lynnfield, and Ebenezer Mackentire, Jr., int. June 25, 1792.
Mehitable, d. of Joseph, a. 31 y., and George Parker, s. of Asa and Anna, a. 38 y., Oct. 4, 1849.
JEFFRY (see Jeffery, Jeffrey)
Rachel E. and William Tarbox, Jr., Oct. 4, 1838.
JENKENS (see Jenkins, Jinkins)
Joel and Mary Chadwick, Dec. 27, 1704.
JENKINS (see Jenkens, Jinkins)
Almira of Stoneham, and Albert B. Gleason of Charlestown, May 3, 1841.
Anna of Andover, and Joseph Batchelder, Dec. 17, 1789. At Andover.
Benjamin (of Andover, int.) and Peggy Flint, Feb. 11, ----. (1779, T.C.)
Dorothy of Wilmington, and John Foster, June 15, 1775. At Wilmington.
Eunice K. of Falmouth, and Rev. James D. Lewis, int. May 3, 1835.
Joel of Wilmington, and Mary Tailor, Apr. 5, 1733.
Lemuel and Sarah Weston, Dec. 20, 1757.
Luther and Nancy Jane Putnam of Andover, int. Apr. 29, 1849.
Mary and Chadwaliter Ford, Dec. 15, 1725.
Mary F. of Andover, and Samuel Flint, int. Dec. 15, 1844.
Nabby of Andover, and William Lambert Kidder, Nov. 29, 1798. At Andover.
Phebe of Andover, and Enoch P. Davis, int. June 2, 1846.
Rebecca U. of New Boston, N.H., and William W. Nichols, int. Jan. 15, 1832.
Samuel of Andover, and Lydia Damon, Apr. 15, 1800.
Samuel, Jr., of Andover, and Zurviah Holt, Apr. 30, 1812.
Thomas of Malden, and Jemima Smith, Apr. 5, 1753.
Ellen P. of Carroll, N.H., and Charles M. Piper, int. May 3, 1846.
Sophronia E. of Goffstown, N.H., and Richard A. Falkinham, int. Mar. 8, 1840.
JINKINS (see Jenkens, Jenkins)
Jonathan of Andover, and Rebecca Pratt, Jan. 28, 1808.
Mary of Andover, and Ebenezer Upton, Jr., int. Dec. 27, 1812.
Samuel and Anna Upton, Jan. 30, 1766.
JOHNSON (see Jonson)
Abigail and Solomon Mackentier, Nov. 7, 1793.
Abigail and John Allen, both of Stoneham, Oct. 8, 1840. T.C.
Benjamin and Elisabeth Foster, Apr. 5, 1764.
Benjamin and Clerissa Prentis, Mar. 20, 1805.
Betsey and Joseph Hartwell of Lunenburg, Oct. 18, 1804.
Betsy and John Blanchard of Lynnfield, Oct. 17, 1811.
Dolly M. of Lynn (Nahant), and John Flint 3d, int. Oct. 13, 1833.
Eleanor and Jonathan Holt, Jr., (of Andover, int.), May 23, 1775.
Elizabeth of Andover, and Samuel Farley, Jr., May 30, 1765. At Andover.
John and Margeret Mackintire, July 9, 1767.
John and Ede Eaton, Feb. 7, 1788.
Jonathan of Lynn, and Ann Stone, May 25, 1823.
Joseph of Lynn, and Betsey Graves, July 1, 1819.
Mary and John Blanchard, Sept. 6, 1821.
Mercy of Middleton, and Eliab Mackentire, int. Mar. 21, 1802.
Mersylvia and John H. Blanchard, Jan. 24, 1833.
Miles and Nabby Bancroft, Apr. 11, 1808.
Nancy and Stephen Russell, Apr. 10, 1800.
Obed (of Andover, int.), and Elener Upton, May 12, 1773.
Peter and Lavinia Peabody, Aug. 14, 1821.
Rebecca of Lynnfield, and Thomas Woodward, Jan. 5, 1805.
Walter of Lynn, and Hannah B. Pratt, June 29, 1841.
William of Sudbury, and Mary Bryant, Oct. 20, 1737.
William, Jr., and Ruth Stearns, Sept. 18, 1796.
Zebediah of Andover, and Lydia Bancroft, Sept. 1, 1761.
Chad Ford (of Andover, int.), and Anna Eaton, May 8, 1798.
Ebenezer of Wilmington, and Rachel Sawyer, July 19, 1759. At Wilmington.
Edwin of Salem, and Lucy A. Roby, May 10, 1839.
Elizebeth and Joseph Wyman, Mar. 10, 1819.
Ginison of Washington, N.H., and Mary B. (Mary T., int.) Whittredge, Mar. 30, 1825.
Hannah and Micael Carlton (Carter of Andover, int.), Dec. 25, 1798.
John of Salem, and Marrah Knowlton, Jan. 7, 1695-6.
Joseph and Rebeccah Nichols, int. Feb. 19, 1822.
Joshua and Ruth Burnap, Feb. 5, 1765.
Polly (of Andover, int.), and Zachariah Shelden, Oct. 20, 1785.
Reuben (of Andover, int.), and Hannah Holt, Dec. 2, 1790.
Ruth and Daniel Prat, Sept. 23, 1773.
Simon and Rebecca Pool, May 2, 1810.
Stillman and Ann Jane Pirkins, Apr. 14, 1830.
JONSON (see Johnson)
William and Easter Wesson, Mar. 30, 1773.
Dedrick and Susan Copeland of Stoddard, N.H., int. Oct. 17, 1841.
John and Sarah Jane Yeaton of Portsmouth, N.H., int. Apr. 5, 1835.
Enoch of Marcellus, N.Y., and Olive Pratt (int. May 8, 1831).
KEMBAL (see Kimbal, Kimball)
Tamer and Thomas Hartshorn (3d, M.R.), Apr. 25, 1765.
Sarah G. of Windham, N.H., and Mark M. Temple, int. May 9, 1830.
KENDAL (see Kendall)
Anna of Dunstable and Samuel Brown, int. May 18, 1790.
KENDALL (see Kendal)
Abigail of Woburn, and William Nichols, Jan. 14, 1719. At Woburn.
Abigail M. of South Reading, and Timothy Winn of Woburn, Apr. 20, 1843.
Asa of Dunstable, and Sarah Williams, Jan. 25, 1759.
Ebenezer and Martha Walton, Feb. 23, 1762.
Elizebeth and John Eaton, Mar. 8, 1658.
Frances R. of Wilmington, and Ezra C. Manning, int. Sept. 1, 1844.
Hannah and John Parker, Nov. 13, 166-. [1667.]
Lorance S., d. of Benjamin and Nancy, a. 21 y., and Charles Manning, s. of Jacob and Elizabeth, a. 26 y., Oct. 1, 1848.
Mary and Abraham Briant, Feb. 2, 1664.
Rebecca of Woburn, and Raham Bancroft, Jan. 2, 1729. At Woburn.
Rebecka and James Boutwell, June 15, 1665.
Rebecka and Joshuah Eaton, Apr. 25, 1678.
Sarah and Samuell Dunton, June 17, 1673.
KENNEY (see Kenny, Kinney)
Jethro and Mehetable Eaton, Mar. 7, 1799.
Louisa and George Slack, Feb. 1, 1821.
Mary and Jacob McIntire, Nov. 19, 1826.
Ruth, a. 34 y., and Richard McIntire, widr., a. 32 y., Apr. 13, 1845.
KENNY (see Kenney, Kinney)
Harriet N., d. of ---- and Ruth, a. 18 y., and William S. Parker, s. of Luther and Phebe, a. 24 y., May 21, 1845.
Mehitable and Jonathan Kidder (int. Nov. 10, 1833).
Phebe (Phebe F., int.) and Samuel S. Wiggin, Feb. 8, 1829.
Rhoda of Whitefield, N.H., and James M. Ward, Sept. 25, 1836.
Joushua of Rumney, N.H., and Sally Bears, Feb. 18, 1812.
Mary and Patrick Haye, Mar. 26, 1685.
Charles and Mary Jane Gowing of Wilmington, int. Feb. 4, 1844.
Elizabeth of Billerica, and (Capt., int.) Benjamin Herrick, Nov. 19, 1778. At Billerica.
Emily H. of Saugus, and James H. Beard, int. Jan. 7, 1849.
Jonathan and Mehitable Kenny (int. Nov. 10, 1833)
Mahala and Nathaniel Partridge of South Reading, June 1, 1825.
Mahitable and David McIntire, July. 13, 1842.
Nancy and Richard Whittredge (of Danvers, int.), Nov. 10, 1791.
Sally and Eli Flint, Feb. 25, 1796.
Samuel (Killiam, int.) of Boxford, and Lois Holt, Mar. 26, 1807.
William Lambert and Nabby Jenkins of Andover, Nov. 29, 1798. At Andover.
KILBOURN (see Kilburn)
Mercy of Lunenburg, and Ezra Cowdry, int. Dec. 22, 1788.
KILBURN (see Kilbourn)
Mary of Boxford, and Benjamin Holt, Jr., int.. Mar. 16, 1829.
Abigail of Boxford, and Benjamin Upton, Jr., July 10, 1798. At Boxford.
KIMBAL (see Kembal, Kimball)
Martha and William Flint, Sept. 25, 1766.
KIMBALL (see Kembal, Kimbal)
Edmund P. D. and Elizabeth A. Parker, Apr. 16, 1843.
Eliza and David Pratt, Jr., s. of Daniel, Jan. 1, 1844.
Isaac of Easton, and Rebecca Evens, Oct. 28, 1799.
James D. and Nancy M. Brown, int. Oct. 14, 1849.
Mary E. and Lyman Pratt, June 1, 1841.
Samuel, Jr., (of Boxford, int.), and Eunice Upton, July 23, 1782.
Stephen F. and Aseneth Convers of South Reading, int. Mar. 28, 1841.
John and Rebeckah Phelps, Feb. 14, 1765.
Ambrose and Ruthy Pratt, Nov. 29, 1838. T.C.
Ambrose and Mary P. Merrill of Medford, int. Nov. 16, 1845.
Ambross and Esther Edson of Bridgewater, int. Oct. 28, 1810.
Diantha Jane, d. of Ambrose and Esther, a. 24 y., and Rufus S. Noyce of North Bridgewater, s. of Alvah, a. 23 y., Nov. 15, 1847.
Elvira E. and Gardner French, July 1, 1834. T.C.
Fidelia and John Steele, Jr., Dec. 3, 1840.
Francis and Mary E. G. Eaton, May 5, 1836.
Francis, widr., s. of Ambrose and Esther, a. 35 y., and Mary N. Cole, d. of John and Eunice, a. 25 y., Aug. 15, 1847.
Gilman D. and Nancy M. Hill, Nov. 25, 1841.
Henry and Sophronia Parker, Sept. 23, 1816.
Josiah A., s. of Ambrose and Esther, a. 22 y., and Sarah B. Damon, d. of John and Tabitha, a. 18 y., Oct. 10, 1844.
Josiah A. and Susan B. Davis of Alstead, N.H., int. Apr. 15, 1849.
Mary S. and William Phelps, Jan. 31, 1837.
Nancy A. and Gilman C. Gleason, Sept. 20, 1832.
KINNEY (see Kenney, Kenny)
Ruth Ann and Calvin H. Cleaves, Mar. 4, 1841.
Ebenezer of Tewksbury, and Martha Morey, Feb. 26, 1821.
Ebenezer of Wilmington, and Ruth Eaton, int. Sept. 13, 1829.
Joel Crosby and Phebe Putnam, int. Nov. 30, 1817.
Lucy and Jonathan Farnsworth, Aug. 10, 1806.
Nahum and Crestine M. Carter, both of Wilmington, Oct. 14, 1849.
KNIGHT (see Knights)
Anna and Thomas Green (both of Stoneham, M.R.), Dec. 7, 1780.
Anna of Stoneham, and Joseph Richardson of Woburn, Sept. 28, 1795.
Mercy of Woburn, and Amos Nichols, int. Apr. 3, 1820.
Rebeccah (of Woburn, M.R.), and John Boutall, Oct. 1, 1723.
Rebecca and Lev1 mcIntire of .Lancaster, Sept. 28, 1814.
Sarah (of Stoneham, M.R.), and Aaron Putnam (of Rockingham, Vt., M.R.). Feb. 20, 1781.
Stephen and Mary Pierce, Aug. 22, 1753.
Susanna (of Middleton, int.), and Richard Mason, Aug. 13, 1782.
KNIGHTS (see Knight)
John and Mary E. Wakefield, Nov. 18, 1834. T.C.
Ruth of Woburn, and Thomas Boutwall, Nov. 17, 1720. At Woburn.
KNOWLTEN (see Knowlton)
Abraham and Mary Smith, Sept. 20, 1722.
KNOWLTON (see Knowlton)
Marrah and John Jones of Salem, Jan. 7, 1695-6.
Lewis L. of Lowell, s. of John and Harriet, a. 21 y., and Jerusha W. Richardson of Woburn, d. of Samuel and Sally, a. 23 y., June 11, 1846.
LAIGHTON (see Layton)
Joanna of Westford, and Osgood Eaton, Nov. 7, 1796. At Westford.
LAITH (see Laithe, Lathe, Laythe, Leathe)
Robert and Eunice Parker, Oct. 10, 1738.
LAITHE (see Laith, Lathe, Laythe, Leathe)
James of Woburn, and Mary Weston, May 10, 1812.
Liddia and John Potter, both of Leicester, Dec. 29, 1729.
LAMBERT (see Lambert, Lombart)
John and Mary Bordman, May 31, 1804.
LAMBERT (see Lambart, Lombart)
Ann and Rev. Henry Cummings of Billerica, May 19, 1763. At Billerica.
John (Capt., int.) and Polly Rea of Danvers, Mar. 1, 1777. At Danvers.
Julia and Rev. Peter Whitney, Mar. 17, 1768.
Philis and Sharper Bried of Lynn (Nov. 26, 1778, T.C.). Negroes.
LAMPSON (see Lamson)
John and Elisebath Bancroft, Nov. 26, 1713.
Sarah and Samuel Bancroft, Nov. 26, 1713.
LAMSON (see Lampson)
Elizabeth and William Melandy of Medford, June 6, 1728.
Joanna and James Nickols, May 20, 1707.
Ruth and John Batt, Aug. 3, 1731.
Samuel and Mary Nickols, May 18, 1676.
Samuell and Elizabeth Eaton, Apr. 11, 1700.
Samuel and Abygall Bryant, July 3, 1722.
Sarah and Thomas Hartshorne, Apr. 10, 1661.
Sarah and Cornelius Browne, Mar. 6, 1664-5.
Sarah (Leman, int.) and Nehemiah Hayward of Andover, Nov. 25, 1784. At Andover.
Lydia of Lowell, and James G. Baker, int. Nov. 10, 1839.
Patrick and Honora Shed, int. Jan. 16, 1849.
Sarah and Samuell Fitch, Apr. 23, 1673.
Nathaniell of Dorchester, and Hephsibah Upham, Jan. 29, 1756.
LARABEE (see Larrabe, Larrabee)
Ephraim of Lynn, and Elisabeth Wesson, Apr. 19, 1749.
Sally of Malden, and William Wright, int. Aug. 2, 1835.
Deborah of Charlestown, and Peter Turf of Medford, Apr. 1, 1708.
Elisabeth and Thomas Burt, Feb. 12, 1710-1.
Aseneth of Lynnfield, and Augustus Upton of Danvers, Jan. 18, 1844.
LARRABE (see Larabee, Larrabee)
Mary (of Lynn, int.), and James Briant, July 24, 1770.
LARRABEE (see Larabee, Larrabe)
Hannah and Thomas Stocker, Mar. 22, 1791.
Samuel (Letherbee, int.), Jr., of Malden, and Polly Green, Mar. 6, 1800.
LATHE (see Laith, Laithe, Laythe, Leathe)
J. Brooks and Priscilla, Flint, Apr. 9, 1839.
Sarah of Woburn, and Samuell Bancroft, Aug. 22, 1733.
John of Sudbury, and Hepsi[torn] Stimson, July 28, 173[torn] (1730, T.C.)
LAWRANCE (see Lawrence)
Ruth of Woburn, and James Weston, int. Oct. 26, 1812.
LAWRENCE (see Lawrance)
Hannah and Jonathan Eaton, Mar. 15, 1759.
Jonathan of Lexington, and Elizabeth Swaine, Feb. 23, 1726-7.
Jonathan, Jr., (of Ashby, int.), and Lucy Shelden, Mar. 14, 1782.
LAYTHE (see Laith, Laithe, Lathe, Leathe)
Benjamin (of Lynn, int.), and Lois Walton, Mar. 15, 1781.
LAYTON (see Laighton)
John and Sarah Swayn, Feb. 12, 1706.
Charles and Eliza Smith of Boston, int. May 27, 1849.
Hannah of Wenham and Samuel Walton, Dec. 22, 1702. At Beverly.
William of Boston, and Abigail Lues, Mar. 14, 1733.
LEAMON (see Leamun, Leman, Lemon)
Margaret of Charlestown, and John Woodward, Jan. 29, 1699-1700. At Charlestown.
Sarah and Jacob Smith, Sept. 15, 1743.
LEAMUN (see Leaman, Leman, Lemon)
Mary of Charlestown, and Jonathan Pool, June 4, 1741. At Charlestown.
LEAPINWELL (see Lipingwell)
Naomy and James Stimson, Apr. 18, 1661.
LEATHE (see Laith, Laithe, Lathe, Laythe)
Harriet M. and George Richardson of Woburn, Nov. 28, 1839.
James S. and Ann Maria Richardson of Woburn, int. July 16, 1844.
Lavina S. d. of James and Stillman E. Parker, s. of Aaron, Apr. 4, 1844.
Mary (Hannah, M.R.) and Daniel Mears, Oct. 31, 1765.
Susannah of Woburn, and Jonas Parker (Jr., int.), Dec. 28, 1780. At Woburn.
Sarah and Ephraim Pearce, May 13, 1806.
Samuel and Sally Parker, Sept. 22, 1799.
LELLY (see Lillie, Lilly)
John and Abigail Burnap, Mar. 7, 1722-3.
Sarah and John Parker, Feb. 28, 1722-3.
LEMAN (see Leamon, Leamun, Lemon)
Samuel and Mary Bryant, Oct. 31, 1716.
Samuell and Hannah Daman, Mar. 17, 1715.
LEMON (see Leamon, Leamun, Leman)
Winthrop of Middleton, and Sally Holt, May 15, 1813.
John of Bloomington, Iowa, s. of John and Elizabeth, a. 27 y., and Sarah B. Holt, d. of Benjamin and Hannah, 20 y., Aug. 22, 1848.
Phebe of Groton, and Aaron Burdoo, Feb. 28, 1788. At Groton.
LEWIS (see Lues, Luis)
Charles of Lancaster, and Hannah Damon, Oct. 2, 1797.
Charles and Hannah Bancroft, Apr. 7, 1814.
Cyntha and Kendall Flint, Jr., May 26, 1836.
Dolly (Dolly F., int.) of Stoneham, and Nathan Peirce, Apr. 10, 1832.
Gilman of Woburn, and Clementine A. Austin, int. Oct. 29, 1848.
Hannah and Elias Bordman, Apr. 5, 1785.
Hannah and Simeon Pierce, Oct. 20, 1828.
Hanson B. and Sarah M. Morong of Salem, int. Mar. 9, 1834.
Isaac and Lydia Eaton, Sept. 5, 1782.
James D., Rev., and Eunice R. Jenkins of Falmouth, int. May 3, 1835.
Jonas and Susanna Dix, Apr. 17, 1777.
Mary of Billerica and Amos Boardman, Jr., Nov. 30, 1779. At Billerica.
Mary and Jabez Damon, int. Apr. 27, 1817.
Nancy and William Parker 3d, Nov. 30, 1826.
Patty and Jonathan Holt (of Bridgewater, N.H., M.R.), Nov. 26, 1789.
Sarah and Jonathan Batcheler, Aug. 27, 1728.
Sarah and Stephen Raper, Jan. 22, 1729-30.
Sarah and William Bolton, Sept. 18, 1788.
Thomas and Abigail Damon, Dec. 4, 1764.
William and Lettis Weston, Apr. 15, 1800.
LILLIE (see Lelly, Lilly)
George and Jane ----, May 6, 1667.
Hannah and Ebenezer Burnap, Dec. 24, 1719.
Samuel and Abigal Wright, May 7, 1716.
LILLY (see Lelly, Lillie)
George and Hannah Smith, Nov. 15, 1659.
Jonathan and Hannah Clark, May 5, 1730.
Mary and Nathaniell Goodwin, Dec. 24, 1728.
Phebe of Woburn, and Noah Eaton, Dec. 21, 1726. At Woburn.
Hannah B. of Westminster, and Daniel Harris, int. Feb. 16, 1823.
Mercy of Westminster, and Levi Harris, int. Jan. 11, 1824
Elizabeth of Malden, and John Smith, May 29, 1705.
Thomas, s. of John and Lidia Green, d. of Henry, July 22, 1708.
LIPINGWELL (see Leapinwell)
Rachell and Jerimy Pike, Nov. 15, 1671.
Edmund (Jr., int.) of West Newbury, and Sally Sweetser, Apr. 28, 1824.
Isaac and Olive Foster of Lowell, int. Mar. 8, 1835.
William B. and Achsah Jaquith of Woburn. int. Mar. 5, 1837.
Abigail of Woburn, and Thomas Carter, Feb. 19, 1712-3.
LOMBART (see Lambart, Lambert)
Luffany and Cyrus Holden, Mar. 16, 1840.
Eliza Jane and William C. (William Chandler, int.) McIntire, Dec. 3, 1836.
Elizabeth (Elizabeth A., int.), a. 26 y., and Henry Putnam, widr., a. 31 y., Apr. 17, 1845.
Rebeccah of Newbury, and Ebenezer D. Batchelder, int. Dec. 29, 1822.
Daniel B. and Mary A. (Mary Ann, T.C.) Temple, Aug. 18, 1842.
Elizabeth of Andover, and Joseph Upton, July 19, 1774. At Andover.
Elizabeth A. and David B. Day, int. Dec. 23, 1849.
Francis of Amherst, and Mary Bancroft, Jan. 24, 1765.
Jeremiah and Betsey Pratt, July 27, 1821.
Jonathan (of Andover, int.), and Tabitha Upton, July 31, 1777.
Olive P. and Isaac B. Pierce, Sept. 8, 1841.
Phebe of Andover, and Levi Abbott, int. Oct 26, 1845.
Sarah and John Hay, Jr., Sept. 15, 1805.
LUES (see Lewis, Luis)
Abigail and William Leach of Boston, Mar. 14, 1733.
Samuel and Sarah Tailor, July 10, 1736.
Sarah and Samuel Dix, Oct. 23, 1706.
LUIS (see Lewis, Lues)
Hannah and John Roby, May 4, 1710.
Mary and John Fish, Apr. 18, 1711.
Samuel and Sarah Boutel, Dec. 6, 1706.
Timothy and Martha Sweetser, June 25, 1767.
Joseph and Sarah Wormsted (of Marblehead, int.), July 14, 1785.
Jane and John Wrightson, Nov. 25, 1740. At Woburn.
Mary and Nathaniell Goodwin, Dec. 19, 1665.
MACINTIRE (see Mackantire, Mackentier, Mackentire, Mackintier, Mackintire, Macontire, Makentier, Makentire, Makintir, Makintire, McEntire, McIntire)
Phebe and Robert Mason of Andover, Dec. 26, 1799. At Andover.
MACKANTIRE (see Macintire, Mackentier, Mackentire, Mackintier, Mackintire, Macontire, Makentier, Makentire, Makintir, Makintire, McEntire, McIntire)
Jonathan and Martha Graves, Dec. 6, 1705. At Ipswich.
MACKENTIER (see Macintire, Mackantire, Mackentire, Mackintier, Mackintire, Macontire, Makentier, Makentire, Makintir, Makintire, McEntire, McIntire)
Solomon and Abigail Johnson, Nov. 7, 1793.
MACKENTIRE (see Macintire, Mackantire, Mackentier, Mackintier, Mackintire, Macontire, Makentier, Makentire, Makintir, Makintire, McEntire, McIntire)
Aaron and Jerusha Richardson, Mar. 18, 1813.
Anna and John Chandler of Andover, Mar. 22, 1793.
Archelaus and Abigail Felton, of Danvers, Feb. 5, 1761. At Danvers.
Archelus and Nancy Barker, Dec. 6, 1795.
Archelus and Betsy Jeffords (Jeffry, int.), Nov. 28, 1799.
Asenath and William Heywood, Jr., June 28, 1815.
Benjamin and Mary Ray of Danvers, int. Oct. 16, 1803.
David and Martha Graves, Sept. 4, 1712.
Ebenezer, Jr., and Lydia Jeffrey of Lynnfield, int. June 25, 1792.
Ede and Nathaniel Tay (of Andover, int.), May 19, 1791.
Eliab and Mercy Johnson of Middleton, int. Mar. 21, 1802.
Elias and Elizabeth Buxton, Apr. 3, 1806.
Ephraim and Sarah Mackentire, Dec. 16, 1771.
Hezekiah, Jr., and Lydia Thomas, Dec. 1, 1803.
Jacob and Phebe Hutchinson of Middleton, June 4, ----7. (1777, T.C.)
Jerusha and Joseph Parker, Jr., Nov. 30, 1769.
John and Polly Hutchinson, May 12, 1791.
Joseph and Sarah Whitteridge, Dec. 17, 1789.
Miranda and Horatio N. Ellingwood, Jan. 20, 1839. T.C.
Nathaniel and Sally Shelden, May 27, 1792.
Philip and Rebecca Williams of Salem, Feb. 20, 1695. At Salem.
Rachel and Isaac (Isral, int.) Cheever, Jr., (of Danvers, int.), Jan. 9, 1776.
Sally and Robert Allen, Aug. 28, 1791.
Sarah and Ephraim Mackentire, Dec. 16, 1771.
Susanna and James Symonds, Apr. 18, 1776.
MACKINTIER (see Macintire, Mackantire, Mackentier, Mackentire, Mackintire, Macontire, Makentier, Makentire, Makintir, Makintire, McEntire, McIntire)
Aaron (of Lynnfield, int.), and Sarah Foster, Sept. 11, 1787.
Benjamin, Jr., and Martha Mackintier, Nov. 8, 1781.
Daniel and Sarah (Jane, int.) Hutchinson (of Middleton, int.), Feb. 27, 1781.
Elias and Rebecca Underwood, May 31, 1787.
Elisabeth (of Andover, int.), and Robert Mason, July 20, 1786.
Eunice of Lynnfield, and Isaac Parker, int. Apr. 28, 1783.
Jonathan and Rachall (Phelps, T.C.), July 9, 1723.
Martha and Benjamin Mackintier, Jr., Nov. 8, 1781.
Mary and Joseph Pope (of Salem, int.), July 10, 1783.
Mehetabel and John Flint (Jr., int.), July 22, 1783.
Solomon and Rebekah Wilson of Bedford, int. June 7, 1770.
MACKINTIRE (see Macintire, Mackantire, Mackentier, Mackentire, Mackintier, Macontire, Makentier, Makentire, Makintir, Makintire, McEntire, McIntire)
Abigail and Mayo Greenleaf Patch, July 1, 1788.
Anne and Hezekiah Mackintire, Oct. 5, 1773.
Ascenath and Ebenezer Buxton, Jr., July 13, 1817.
Bethiah and Daniel Hart, Feb. 5, 1771.
David and Margaret Buxton of Middleton, Nov. 13, 1734.
David and Gartrude Flint, Jan. 8, 1770.
Ebenezer and Susanna Russil, Mar. 8, 1769.
Eunice and Josiah Haywod (Haward, int), Dec. 8, 1772.
Hezekiah and Anne Mackintire, Oct. 5, 1773.
Hezekiah, Jr., and Hannah Upton, Mar. 30, 1800.
Joseph and Deborah Russell, May 15, 1729.
Margeret and John Johnson, July 9, 1767.
Nancy and Joel Holt of Andover, Nov. 25, 1813.
Rachel and David Russil, Nov. 30, 1769.
Rebecca and Stephen Curtis, July 7, 1778.
Samuel and Elizabeth Bishop of Salem, int. Dec. 14, 1817.
Samuell and Mary Upton, Oct. 15, 1706.
Sarah and Solomon Mackintire, Jr., Sept. 25, 1767.
Sarah and Israel Eaton, July 25, 1775.
Solomon, Jr., and Sarah Mackintire, Sept. 25, 1767.
MACONTIRE (see Macintire, Mackantire, Mackentier, Mackentire, Mackintier, Mackintire, Makentier, Makentire, Makintir, Makintire, McEntire, McIntire)
Amos and Sarah Severance of Ipswich, Oct. 29, 1741. At Ipswich.
Pomp of Beverly, and Naomi Rolf, int. Nov. 10, 1788.
Elizabeth and George Butcher of Boston, Mar. 18, 1728. At Woburn.
MAKENTIER (see Macintire, Mackantire, Mackentier, Mackentire, Mackintier, Mackintire, Macontire, Makentire, Makintir, Makintire, McEntire, McIntire)
Philip and Mary ----, Sept. 6, 1666. M.R.
MAKENTIRE (see Macintire, Mackantire, Mackentier, Mackentire, Mackintier, Mackintire, Macontire, Makentier, Makintir, Makintire, McEntire, McIntire)
John and Elizabeth Daniels of Watertown, Apr. 8, 1701.
Jotham and Hannah Thomas of Middleton, int. Feb. 25, 1810.
Lydia and Abraham Harris, Mar. 29, 1738.
MAKINTIR (see Macintire, Mackantire, Mackentier, Mackentire, Mackintier, Mackintire, Macontire, Makentier, Makentire, Makintire, McEntire, McIntire)
Mary and Thomas Rich of Salem, June 30, 1699.
MAKINTIRE (see Macintire, Mackantire, Mackentier, Mackentire, Mackintier, Mackintire, Macontire, Makentier, Makentire, Makintir, McEntire, McIntire)
Hannah and Jethro Russil, Apr. 19, 1764.
MANEN (see Manning)
Timothy (Manning, int.) and Susanna Boutwel, Dec. 10, 1712.
MANNING (see Manen)
Betsey of Boston, and Lorenzo Parker, int. Nov. 11, 1827.
Charles, s. of Jacob and Elizabeth, a. 26 y., and Lorance S. Kendall, d. of Benjamin and Nancy, a. 21 y., Oct. 1, 1848.
Ezra C. and Frances R. Kendall of Wilmington, int. Sept. 1, 1844.
Joseph and Miriam N. Hall of Bedford, N.H., int. Sept. 25, 1849.
Mary of Bedford, N.H., and Hartwell Nichols, int. Sept. 23, 1849.
Sophila and James B. Flint, Sept. 30, 1830.
Thomas (Jr., int.) of Andover, and Sally Hart, Nov. 28, 1805.
MANSFEILD (see Mansfield)
Bethyah of Lynn, and Benjamin Pool, int. July 16, 1715.
MANSFIELD (see Mansfeild)
David and Sarah Parker, Apr. 2, 1767.
Hannah and Nathan Wesson, Apr. 21, 1768.
Lois and John Dodge, Mar. 9, 1773.
Love of Lynnfield, and Eli Wiley, Mar. 5, 1795. At Lynnfield.
Lydia of Lynnfield, and Josiah Walton, Nov. 19, 1795. At Lynnfield.
Polly of Lynnfield, and Francis Hay, int. Mar. 23, 1806.
Samuel and Hepzibah Williams of Lynn (Lynnfield, dup.), Mar. 20, 1770. At Lynn.
Eliza Ann and John Withers, int. Oct. 26, 1834.
Hannah of Malden, and David Pratt, Nov. 15, 1732. At Malden.
Sarah of Malden, and Samuel Evans, Nov. 15, 1732. At Malden.
Jacob and Elisabeth Pirkins, both of Lowell, Jan. 7, 1828.
John of Newbury, and Mary Angier, Dec. 11, 1700.
MARROW (see Merrow)
John and Rebeckah Davice, Jan. 30, 1722. At Woburn.
Tabitha and Dea. Timothy Pratt, July 19, 1786.
MARSHAL (see Marshall)
Salley of Tewksbury, and Zebediah Buck, int. Nov. 21, 1796.
MARSHALL (see Marshal)
Abraham and Lydia Foster, Feb. 22, 1822.
Edward and Mary Swayne, June 9, 1665.
George of Saugus (Lynn, int.), and Clarissa Weston, Nov. 29, 1827.
MASON (see Mayson)
Charles and Sarah Sawyer of Methuen, ----. At Methuen.
Hannah and Jonas Eaton, Sept. 25, 1677.
Mary and Samuel Wormsted (of Marblehead, int.), Sept. 13, 1787.
Nathan and Rebecca Pratt, Dec. 4, 1783.
Ozro and Eliza A. Proctor, int. Aug. 29, 1841.
Richard and Susanna Knight (of Middleton, int.), Aug. 13, 1782.
Robert and Elisabeth Mackintier (of Andover, int.), July 20, 1786.
Robert of Andover, and Phebe Macintire, Dec. 26, 1799. At Andover.
Anna (Nancy Mathews, int.) of Stoneham, and William White, Apr. 17, 1794. At Stoneham.
Ruth and Frances Smith, Mar. 1, 1679-80.
MAYSON (see Mason)
Anna and John Nichols (from Scotland, int.), Oct. 15, 1778.
Benjamin and Mary Ann (Mariann R., int.) Bryant, Dec. 23, 1841.
Louisa M., d. of Richard and Hannah, a. 21 y., and Everet E. Cowdry, s. of John and Lavina, a. 20 y., both of Stoneham, May 5, 1849.
McCLOOD (see Mclead)
Bruce (McLeaad, int.) of Shirley, and Timothy Vinton, Nov. 7, 1799.
Mary and Charles H. Davis, s. of Charles, both of South Reading, Nov. 16, 1849.
McENTIRE (see Macintire, Mackantire. Mackentier, Mackentire, Mackintier, Mackintire, Macontire, Makentier, Makentire, Makintir, Makintire, McIntire)
Hezekiah and Sarah Flint, June 2, 1814.
Mahitable and John Patch of Salem, Dec. 29, 1816.
McINTIRE (see Macintire, Mackantire, Mackentier, Mackentire, Mackintier, Mackintire, Macontire, Makentier, Makentire, Makintir, Makintire, McEntire)
Abigail and Andrew McIntire, Noy. 12, 1826.
Abigail and Hammond McIntire, May 18, 1838.
Abigail B. and Calvin Richardson of Malden, Apr. 24, 1828.
Addison and Hannah Chase, Aug. 30, 1839.
Amos and Abigail Sheldon, Oct. 23, 1816.
Amos and Betsey Harwood, May 25, 1820.
Amos, s. of Amos and Betsey, a. 23 y., and Mary Gorman (Gorham, int.), d. of Morris and Mary, a. 19 y., Nov. 15, 1848.
Andrew and Abigail McIntire, Nov. 12, 1826.
Ann Elizabeth, d. of John and Miranda, a. 19 y., and Jerome Parker, s. of Ephraim and Harriet, a. 19 y., Apr. 17, 1845.
Aseneth, wid., d. of Ezra and Nancy Hammond., a. 49 y., and John McIntire, s. of John and Mary, a. 51 y., Nov. 12, 1843.
Betsey and William Holt, Apr. 24, 1829.
Betsy, wid., d. of Ezra and Nancy Harwood, a. 56 y., and James Nichols of Middleton, widr., s. of John and Anna, a. 52 y., Apr. 28, 1847.
Caleb and Abi Fowle of Woburn, int. Mar. 1, 1829.
Charles B. and Elizabeth F. Russell, int. Jan. 3, 1847.
David and Mahitable Kidder, July 13, 1842.
Elias and Bethiah Hayward of Andover, May 14, 1782. At Andover.
Elisha and Betsy Hatch (int. Oct. 10, 1830).
Eliza, d. of Zadoc and Louis, a. 17 y., and Samuel B. Cross, s. of John and Phebe, a. 26 y., Dec. 24, 1846.
Eliza J. and Rufus Peirce of Stoneham, int. Mar. 18, 1849.
Elizabeth and John Banker, Apr. 29, 1843.
Emeline, d. of Jacob and Mary, a. 18 y., and Benjamin Hart, s. of Asa and Tamah, a. 23 y., July 3, 1848.
Ezra and Rebecca J. Gowing of Andover, Nov. 26, 1840.
Hammond and Abigail McIntire, May 18, 1838.
Harriet and Reuben M. Pinkham (int., Apr. 4, 1833).
Henry and Julian (Julia Ann, int.) Cross (int. Apr. 1, 1832).
Hiram and Susan N. Carter, Feb. 25, 1841.
Jacob and Mary Kenney, Nov. 19, 1826.
John, s. of John and Mary, a. 51 y., and Aseneth McIntire, wid., d. of Ezra and Nancy Hammond, a. 49 y., Nov. 12, 1843.
Jotham and Louis McIntire, Jan. ----, 1842.
Julia A. and William L. Dean of Woburn, int. Dec. 16, 1849.
Levi of Lancaster, and Rebecca Knight, Sept. 28, 1814.
Levina M., d. of Aaron and Jerusha, a. 22 y., and Wilson Chase, s. of Thomas W. and Nancy T., a. 23 y., Nov. 18, 1845.
Louis and Jotham McIntire, Jan. ----, 1842.
Lydia and David Russel of Middleton, Apr. 21, 1818.
Mary and George W. Merrill, int. Apr. 17, 1842.
Micah and Sena Harwood, June 28, 1820.
Obed and Betsey Peabody, Oct. 15, 1826.
Rebecca and Henry Orben of Andover, int. May 7, 1843.
Rebecca P. and Alvin Pinkham, Jan. 31, 1841.
Rhoda and Joseph Hutchinson of Middleton, int. Apr. 29, 1820.
Richard and Fanny Cross of Lowell, int. July 7, 1833.
Richard, widr., a. 32 y., and Ruth Kenney, a. 34 y., Apr. 13, 1845.
Sarah and David Nelson, Oct. 19, 1820.
Sarah and John Gipson, Jan. 27, 1827.
Ward and Anna Eaton, int. Aug. 22, 1824.
William C. (William Chandler, int.) and Eliza Jane Long, Dec. 3, 1836.
MCLEAD (see McClood)
Mary Gillispee of Shirley, and Joseph Bryant, int. May 6, 1803.
Huen of Merrimac and Sally Hartshorn, int. Mar. 3, 1829.
MEAD (see Meed)
Ruth B. and Ethridge Copeland, int. Apr. 20, 1845.
Sally of Holderness, N.H., and Asa F. Merrill, int. Apr. 59 1829.
Daniel and Mary (Hannah, M.R.) Leathe, Oct. 31, 1765.
MEED (see Mead)
Susanna and James Smith (Jr., int.), Oct. 26, 1773.
MELANDY (see Melendy, Mellendy)
William of Medford, and Elizabeth Lamson, June 6, 1728.
MELENDY (see Melandy, Mellendy)
Cynthia and William Chamberlain, Apr. 7, 1831.
Dudley and Rebecca A. Newhall, May 16, 1844.
Hannah and Jonathan Cook, Apr. 26, 1821.
Harriet and Joshua Walton of South Reading, int. May 12, 1832.
Nathan and Hannah A. Nichols of South Reading, int. Nov. 7, 1847.
Richard, Jr., and Polly Tay of Woburn, Apr. 18, 1793. At Woburn.
MELLEN (see Millen)
Charles B. and Betsy S. Caverly of Lowell, int. June 19, 1836.
Charles B. and Emily W. White of Middleton, int. Oct. 15, 1843.
MELLENDY (see Melandy, Melendy)
Lydia and Joseph Burnap, Jan. 12, 1775.
Martha and Benjamin Woodbridge, Jan. 26, 1786.
Rebekah and Timothy Damon, Dec. 1, 1761.
Richard and Mary Goodale, Jan. 23, 1798.
Samuel and Hannah Peirce of Wilmington, int. June 16, 1802.
William and Hephsibah Emerson, May 9, 1753.
William, Jr., (of Amherst, N.H., int.), and Abigail Badger, Dec. 28, 1780.
Rebecka and Samuell Fitch, July 26, 1681.
Joseph and Eunice W. Merrill, May 24, 1835. T.C.
MERRIL (see Merrill)
Joel and Sally Stimpson, Dec. 3, 1797.
MERRILL (see Merril)
Asa F. and Sally Mead of Holderness, N.H., int. Apr. 5, 1829.
Darius and Aseneth Holt, both of Woburn, July 13, 1841.
Dorcas of Concord, N.H., and William Beard, int. Feb. 20, 1778.
Eunice W. and Joseph Merrick, May 24, 1835. T.C.
George W. and Mary McIntire, int. Apr. 17, 1842.
Mary P. of Medford, and Ambrose Kingman, int. Nov. 16, 1845.
Mehitable and Lucius Paine of Randolph, int. July 14, 1844.
Sarah and John M. Davis, Apr. 17, 1843.
MERROW (see Marrow)
Ann and Nathan Pearson, Sept. 3, 1765.
Dorathy and Jonathan Foster, Aug. 23, 1733.
Edward and Mary Coudry, June 9, 1737.
Henry and Abigail Parker, Oct. 10, 1710.
Mary and Giles Burrows of Great Britain, (----, 1717, T.C.).
MICHEL (see Mitchel, Mitchell)
John of Haverhill, and Abigail Bacheller, Jan. 27, 1737.
Richard (of Fitchburg, int.), and Sarah Burnap, May 31, 1798.
Thomas and Mary Underwood, July 14, 1785.
MILLEN (see Mellen)
Pamela of Lancaster, and Rev. Caleb Prentice, int. Nov. 24, 1770.
John and Susanna Buxton, Oct. 17, 1780.
Susannah and William Eaton, Feb. 19, 1795. At Boston.
MITCHEL (see Michel, Mitchell)
William of Haverhill, and Mehitabel Pool, Aug. 30, 1753.
MITCHELL (see Michel, Mitchel)
James and Tabatha Boutwell, Oct. 6, 1811.
Israel and Mary Mugford, Apr. 30, 1787.
MONROO (see Munroe)
Susannah of Lexington, and Ebenezer Necalls, June 10, 1724. At Medford.
MOORE (see More)
Charles L. and Elizabeth (Elizabeth T., int.) Richardson, Apr. 28, 1829.
MORE (see Moore)
Hugh of Boston, and Job Gout of Stoneham, Oct 9, 1746.
Julian of Dixmont, Me., and Richard Nichols, Jr., int. Mar. 19, 1843.
Sally of Chelmsford, and John Barr, int. Apr. 18, 1819.
Martha and Ebenezer Kittredge of Tewksbury, Feb. 26, 1821.
Thomas (of Billerica, int.), and Patty Burnap, Dec. 1, 1796.
MORGAN (see Morgan)
Abigail of Beverly, and Seth Row, Feb. 15, 1798. At Beverly.
MORGON (see Morgan)
Edmond of Salem, and Mercy Wood, June 1, 1727.
Sarah M. of Salem, and Hanson B. Lewis, int. Mar. 9, 1834.
MORRALL (see Morrill)
(Mary, T.C.) and Thomas Hodgman, Aug. 12, 1663.
MORRILL (see Morrall)
Isaac J., s. of Isaac and Abigail, a. 25 y., and Esther Harnden, d. of Joseph and Sarah, a. 24 y., Feb. 6, 1848.
Joseph B. of Pepperell, and Hannah M. Day, int. Mar. 20, 1836.
MORS (see Morse)
Daniell of Newbury, and Sarah Swaine, Aug. 17, 1727.
MORSE (see Mors)
Abigail of Newburyport, and Richard Pilsbury, int. Jan. 20, 1828.
Abby Maria and George W. Farnum of Haverhill, Sept. 20, 1843.
Caroline P. of Salem, Vt., and John P. Sherman, int. July 16, 1835.
Eleaner (of Cambridge, int.), and Amos Bryant (Dec. 9, 1779, T.C.).
Moses and Ann Frost, int. Nov. 19, 1837.
Samuel of Boston, and Eunice Rolf, int. July 16, 1798.
Abigail and Benjamin Belfloure, Feb. 3, 1658.
David P. of Lynn, and Phebe S. Buxton, int. July 24, 1842.
Margaret of Bath, N.H., and Horace Sanborn, int. Feb. 18, 1849.
Mary and Israel Money, Apr. 30, 1787.
Joseph of Boston, and Rebecca Hart, July 16, 1809.
MUNROE (see Monroo)
Andrew, Lieut., and Betsey O. Sawyer, Nov, 2, 1838.
Edmund and Maria A. Eames, June 23, 1840.
Jesse B. and Ann F. Gowing of Wilmington, int. Sept. 4, 1836.
Luther S. of Danvers, and Olivia Flint, Sept. 3, 1826.
Lydia of Lexington, and Phineas Parker, June 23, 1768. At Lexington.
Marian and Samuel Flagg (int. May 19, 1833).
Polly of Lynnfield, and Caleb Green, int. Oct. 21, 1793.
Rebeccah and William Robertson, int. Sept. 21, 1817.
Octavia E., d. of Ivory and Phebe, a. 19 y., and William W. Ferguson, s. of William and Lucretia, a. 21 y., June 11, 1846.
Betsy of Salem and Isaac Weston, int. Sept. 8, 1839.
NECALLS (see Nichols, Nickoles, Nicko1s)
Ebenezer and Susannah Monroo of Lexington, June 10, 1724. At Medford.
Betsey of Danvers, and Joseph Cook, int. Apr. 11, 1824.
Charles E. and Maria S. Erwin of Woburn, int. July 25, 1846.
David and Sarah McIntire, Oct. 19, 1820.
David B., Dr., of Manchester, N.H., and Sarah Cornelia Weston, d. of Charles and Sarah, Dec. 25, 1849.
James and Prescilla Flint, Apr. 30, 1801.
Jane and Jonathan De Lesdernier Weston, Esq., of Eastport, Mar. 2, 1806.
John and Harriet Glines of Lowell, int. May 30, 1847.
Lois and (Capt., int.) John Holman of Salem, Aug. 20, 1806.
Prisseller and Moses Abbott of Salem, Nov. 15, 1807.
Sally and Timothy Hartshorn, Jr., May 20, 1800.
William of Saugus, and Lucy Batchelor, Apr. 13, 1815.
Hannah and David Evins, Aug. 5, 1740. At Woburn.
NEWALL (see Newell, Newhall)
John and Hannah Wardwell, Aug. 23, 1795.
NEWELL (see Newall, Newhall)
Joseph (Newhall, int.) and Susanna Nutting, July 4, 1790.
Reuben (Newhall, int.) and Polly Thompson of Woburn, Nov. 27 1794. At Woburn.
NEWHALL (see Newall, Newell)
Caroline A., d. of Nathan B. and Betsey, a. 19 y., and Nathaniel B. French of Pembroke, N.H., s. of George and Apha, a. 24 y., Oct. 10, 1847.
Deborah of Lynnfield, and Lieut. Eliab Parker, Jr., int. Apr. 18, 1824.
Elisha of Lynn, and Rebecca Garey of Stoneham, Nov. 21, 1782.
Elizabeth of Malden, and Benjamin Burnep, June 19, 170 ----. (1700, T.C.)
Hulda of Lynnfield, and Reuben [torn]en (Green, T.C.) int. Nov. 10, 1788.
Jeremiah of Lynn, and Tabitha Brown, Nov. 6, 1755.
Lois and William Emerson, Apr. 22, 1804.
Nathan and Phebe Featherstone, June 6, 1766.
Olive of Lynnfield, and Ebenezer Damon, Jr., (int. Jan. 10, 1830)
Rebecca A. and Dudley Melendy, May 16, 1844.
Rebecka and Ebenezer Parker, May 22, 1697.
Reuben F., s. of Reuben and Emily, a. 21 y., b. in South Reading, and Harriet M. Richardson of Wilmington, d. of Loae, a. 19 y., Feb. 12, 1849.
Sarah of Lynn, and Paul Sweetser, Jr., int. Oct. 20, 1806.
Susan of South Reading, d. of Reuben, a. 29 y., and Gilman A. Coggin, s. of James, a. 28 y., May 12, 1844.
Unice of Danvers, and Timothy Buxton, int. Mar. 27, 1814.
Anna and Thomas Thoits, July 16, 1730.
Hannah of Framingham, and Joseph Holden, int. Dec. 15, 1786.
Jacob of Dixfield, Me., and Mrs. Lucinda Richardson, int. Sept. 16, 1849.
Willard and Phebe Emerson of Royalston, int. Nov. 3, 1811.
