Marriages - THRASHER to YOUNG & Unidentified
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Benjamin Gammans of Middleborough and Sophia Bonney Vickery of P., d. Daniel and Asenath of P., Sept. 29, 1844, in P.
(Daniel) and Lydiah Wright, ch. Adam ((s. John)) and Ruth ((first w., d. Thomas Sampson), ----).
Sophia Bonney [Mrs.], 18, shoe fitter, b. P. [int. w. Benjamin G. of Middleborough], d. Daniel Vickery and Asenath, and Alexander Holmes, 18, shoemaker, b. P., s. Sampson and Bathsheba, all of P., July 30, 1848.
TILLSON (see Telson, Tilson)
(Calvin of Middleborough and Joanna Cobb, ch. William [q.v.] and Mary Pynchon, ----).
Ezra of P. and Rebeckah Whitten of Abington, Apr. 27, 1763, in Abington.
Joseph of Halifax and Miss Mary Daby of Ashburnham, Mar. 21, 1843, in Halifax.
(Mercy) and Huit Mackfarlin, ch. John ((s. Solomon Mackfarling)) and Martha ((Glover), ----).
Rebeecca of Plymouth, d. Hamblin and Susanna of Plymouth, and Capt. Horatio Bowen Dean of P., s. Dr. Ebenezer and Ruth of P., int. May 19, 1839. "This Couple were not married."
Samuel Whitman of E. Bridgewater, s. Joseph [int. dec'd] of Halifax and Lucinda (second w.), and Laura Ann Wright of P., d. Billya and Patience of P., Nov. 28, 1833, in P.
Silas (see Silos Tilton).
William, 29, shoemaker, b. Carver, s. Thomas and Elizabeth, and Kezia W. Chase, 27, b. Carver, d. Benjamin and Kezia, all of Carver, Apr. 15, 1849, in P.
TILLTON (see Tilton).
TILSON (see Telson, Tillson)
Ann and Samuell Wright, Aug. 2, 1722.
Content [int. Tillson] and David Ransom, both of P., Jan. 18, 1743.
Elizebeth and John Holmes, Jan. 6, 1718.
Elizebeth and Abener Barrow, Dec. 29, 1782.
Ephraim and Marcy Rickard, (d. Dea. John of P.), Apr. 14, 1709.
Ephraim [int. Tillson] and Daborah [int. Deborah] Ransom, both of P., July 31, 1744. [Tilson and Deborah Ransom, P.C.R.]
Eunes and Consider Chace, June 7, 1759. [Eunice Tillson and Consider Chase, P.C.R.]
Hamblin [dup. (Tillson), int. of Carver] and Susanna Bradford [int. of P., dup. (ch. Samuel (s. Gideon Esq.) and Susanna (first w., d. Daniel Vaughan))], May 5, 1803. [Tilson, C.R.]
Hannah and James Murdoch, both of P., Apr. 2, 1741.
Isaaih [dup. (Isaiah Tillson of Carver, then P.)] and Phebe Crocker [dup. (ch. Daniel, [q.v., and Susanna (Dunham))], Feb. 6 [dup. (Feb. 17)], 1766.
Isaiah [int. Jr. of Carver, dup. (Lt. Isaiah Tillson Jr. of Carver)] and Sarah Bradford [int. of P., dup. (ch. Levi and Elizabeth), see birth of Daniell], Dec. 5, 1802. ]Tillson Jr., C.R.]
Joanah and David Wood, Dec. 29, 1720.
John of P. and Joanna Dunbar, d. Joseph of Hingham, Jan. 6, 1713-14, in Hingham.
John and Ann Hamblen, Nov. 25, 1737.
John Jr. and Ruth Barowes, Dec. 19, 1771.
Jonathan and Lucia Cobb, May 4, 1748. [Tillson and Luce Cobb, P.C.R.]
Jonathan and Sarah Doty, Jan. 27, 1785.
Loes and Benjamin Barowes, Oct. 15, 1741.
Lydia of P. and Ebenezer Leach of Bridgewater, Nov. 27, 1739, in Bridgewater.
Lydiah and William Atwood, Dec. 4, 1766.
Marcy and James Cole, both of P., Dec. 16, 1742.
Martha [int. Tillson] and John Whitin Jr. [int. Whiting Jr., both of P.], Feb. 19, 1746. [Tilson and John Whiton Jr., C.R.]
Mercy (see Marcy).
Moly and Silos Dunham, Apr. 8, 1773.
Patiance of P. and Thomas Harlow of Plymouth, Nov. 18, 1736.
Patiance and Robart Williamson, Jan. 7, 1768.
Ruth and Jonathan Bozworth, Sept. 30, 1725.
Samuel and Hannah Nye, both of P., Nov. 13, 1740.
Stephen and Jennet Murdoch, both of P., Apr. 17, 1740.
Stephen and Hopstil Shaw, May 18, 1769. [Tillson Jr., P.C.R.]
Timothy and Silence Whitin, Feb. 5, 1761. [Tillson and Silence Whiten, P.C.R.]
William and Mary Ransom, Apr. 1, 1762.
Peggy of Chilmark and William Churchill of P., Apr. 14, 1791, in Chilmark.
Silos and Joanah Churchil, Nov. 28, 1765. [Tillson, P.C.R. Silas Tillton, C.R.]
TINKHAM (see Tinkum)
Abigail and Caleb Leach, Jan. 17, 1782. [Caleb of Halifax, C.R.]
Ann Otis, Miss, of Middleborough, and Southworth Loring of P., s. Levi and Mira, int. Oct. 16, 1842, cert. given Oct. 30.
(Asaph of Middleborough and Lucy Briggs, ch. Samuel and Mercy (Dammon) (first w.), ----).
Ebenezer [int. of Plymouth] and Mary Boney [int. of P.], July 20, 1732.
Ebenezer [int. of Middlebrough] and Hanah Shaw [int. Hannah of P.], Feb. 22, 1738. [Feb. 22, 1738-9, C.R.]
Ebenezer 2d of Middleborough, Plymouth Co., and Abigail Briggs of P., d. Samuel of P. [dup. Samuel, see birth, and Mercy (Dammon) (first w.)], Mar. 15, 1821.
(John of Middleborough and Sophia Ripley, ch. Francis (s. William Jr.) and Elisabeth (d. Nathaniel Pratt Jr.), ----).
Joseph and Molley Gardner, Feb. 1, 1779.
Mercy of Middleborough, "but she had resided in Plympton about two years," and Levi Wright of P int. Mar. 4, 1821. "March 12, 1821, the Selectmen . . .forbid the Banns .. . . assigning their reasons therefor. ----. . . 'that it is believed that the said Mercy Tinkbam's husband is now living..' After the foregoing process, said Levi Wright went to Middleborough . . .and it is said got Published and Married there unknown to the Selectmen of Plympton, and afterwards returned to Plympton."
Nathan of Halifax and Sarah Soule of P. [dup. Sole, d. Zachariah and Mary, see birth of Ephraim Sole], Dec. 10, 1746, in Halifax.
Patience and Perkins Gurney, Sept. 9, 1779.
Samuel Miller of Taunton, s. Jeremiah and Abby of Taunton, and Selah Ellis of P., d. Josiah T. Esq. and Sophia of P., int. Oct. 4, 1840, cert. given Oct. 18.
Sarah and Benjamin Bryant, Feb. 1, 1759.
Sarah and Adam Wright, June 1, 1773.
Seth of P. and Lucinda Fish of Kingston, int. Nov. 11, 1804.
(Seth of Middleborough) and Yoness [(Eunice)] Sole, ch. Zachariah and Mary [see birth of Ephraim Sole], (----).
Silos and Lydian Smith, both of Midleborough, Dec. 20, 1771.
(Sylvanus of Middleborough and Anna Thomas Briggs, ch. Samuel and Mercy (Dammon) (first w.), ----).
TINKUM (see Tinkham)
Anne of Kingston and Samuel Fuller of P., Oct. 27, 1747, in Kingston.
Moses of Canton and Miss Marcia Thompson, resident in P., d. Jacob, now resident in P., int. Dec. 4, 1831, cert. given Jan. 1, 1832.
(Polly and Ezra Bradford, ch. Levi and Elizabeth [see birth of Daniell], ----).
William Merchant, 23, merchant, of Middleborough, b. Worcester, s. Merchant and Maria of Worcester, and Nancy Sherman White, 22, tayloress, of P., b. P., d. [dup. and int. Capt.] Ezra S. and Rebekah of P., Sept. 17, 1845, in P.
Samuel 3d [int. Tollman] of Stoughton, s. Thomas of Stoughton, and Charlotte Richmond of P., wid. Oliver of Halifax, d. Zebedee Chandler of P., May 8, 1831, in P.
Mary and Moses Sepet, Indians, July 20, 1732.
TOMAS (see Thomas, Thomos)
Elisabeth and John Robbins, Mar. 16, 1725-6.
Nelson and Mary Lucas, Feb. 1, 1781.
Sarah and Robert Ransom, Aug. 30, 1719.
TOMPSON (see Thompson, Thomson, Tomson)
Joseph of P. and Elizebeth Boulton of Bridgwater, int. Jan. 17, 1732.
TOMSON (see Thompson, Thomson, Tompson)
Caleb and Moly Perkins, Nov. 23, 1775.
Jacob [int. 3d of Halifax] and Sally Sturtevant [int. of P.], Jan. 12, 1803.
Otis, Rev. [dup. (Thompson of Rehoboth)], and Rachel Chandler [dup. ch. Josiah and Rachel ((d. David Magoun of P.))], Dec. 3, 1801. [Thompson, C.R.]
Sarah and Nehemiah Bozworth, Mar. 26, 1729.
Zebedial and Clary Sturtavant, Feb. 23, 1780. [Zabdiel and Clara Sturtevant, P.C.R.]
TORREY (see Tory)
Deborah and Rev. Othniel Campbell of P., Nov. 22, 1737, in Boston.
TORY (see Torrey)
Daborah and Jacob Wright, Nov. 20, 1752. [Deborah Torrey, P.C.R.]
TOTMAN (see Totomon)
Deborah of Plymouth and Moses Barrows Jr. of P., Dec. 29, 1748, in Plymouth.
Sodderd [dup. (Stoddard)] and Rebecca Cobb [dup. Rebackah, ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Rebackah], Mar. 16, 1780.
TOTOMON (see Totman)
Experance and John Warshbon Jr., Apr. 30, 1778.
Peter of Hingham and Susanna Churchill of P., Dec. 26, 1805.
Job and Hannah Barowes, May 24, 1764. [Barrows, P.C.R.]
Adeline, Miss, of Kingston, and John Perkins Jr. of P., int. July 10, 1825, cert. given July 24.
Abigail of Quincy and Bethuel Barnes of P., int. Jan. 15, 1803.
(Adam of Pembroke and Bethiah Cole, ch. Lt. Joseph [q.v.] and Ruth (Sampson) ----, and moved to Hebron, Me.)
(Hannah, Miss, and Caleb Wright, ch. Isaac and Faith [see birth of Billya Wright], ----) [in Boston].
TYRRELL (see Turell).
John, 21, shovel finisher, of P., b. Carver, s. John C. and Rebecca of Carver, and Louisa Fuller, 17, shoe fitter, of P., b. Kingston, d. Smith and Louisa of Kingston, Mar. 19, 1848, in P.
VAUGHAN (see Vaughn, Voughan, Vaughn)
(Abiga, Miss, of Middleborough, and Consider Cole, ch. Lt. Joseph [q.v.] and Ruth (Sampson), ----, and moved to ... Maine).
Benjamin F. of Kingston, s. Lt. Nathaniel, and Melinda Cook of Kingston, d. Capt. Elkanah of Kingston, June 1, 1828, in P.
Elias and Lucy Shaw, June 12, 1783.
Elisha of Plymouth and Anna Wright of P., d. Zebedee of P., Apr. 29, 1825.
(Hannah, d. Joseph of Carver, sister of Lt. Nathaniel, and ---- Hastings of Maine, Fall of 1806, in P.) [Thaddeus Hastings, both of Maine, C.R.]
(Jabez of Middleborough) and Lowes [(Lois)] Soul, ch. Zachariah (Sole) and Mary [see birth of Ephraim Sole], (----).
James of P. and Lydia Stetson of Pembroke, Nov. 2, 1784, in Pembroke.
Joanah and William Sampson, Aug. 24, 1721.
Nathaniel, Lt., and Hannah Dawes, both of P., Nov. 29, 1812.
Nathaniell of Carver and Nancy Leonard of P., int. Dec. 4, 1796.
Thomas of Carver, s. James 2d dec'd and Phebe of Carver, and Mercy Carver Sherman of P., d. John and Eleanor (first w.) of P., Nov. 28, 1839, in P.
VAUGHN (see Vaughan, Voughan, Voughn)
Elezebeth [int. Elezabeth] and Jonathan Shaw [int. both of P.], Apr. 7, 1736.
Susanna and Sameuel Bradford, Nov. 11, 1779. [Vaughan P.C.R.]
VICKERY (see Vickry)
Asenath Jr. of P., d. Daniel, and Hervey Churchill of P., s. Capt. [int. omits Capt.] Joshua, Sept. 14, 1828, in P.
Augustus [int. Vickry] of Taunton and Lydia Churchill of P., Sept. 17, 1809.
Daniel Jr., 21 y. 10 m. 24 d., shoemaker, of P., s. Daniel and Asenath of P., and Mary Thomas of P., b. Hanson, d. Nelson and Anna of Hanson, Aug. 28, 1843 [dup. in Hanson].
Fanny, d. Daniel and Asenath, and Ebenezer Wright 2d, s. Zebedee and Rhoda, all of P., June 28, 1840.
Hannah of P., d. Daniel and Asenath of P., and Lewis Briggs Jr. of Halifax, s. Lewis and Joanna of Halifax, Sept. 13, 1840.
Huldah, d. Daniel and Asenath, and John Gammans Wright, s. Zebedee and Rhoda, all of P., Sept. 6, 1840.
Seth, 20, shoemaker, of P., b. P., s. Daniel and Asenath of P., and Mary Elizabeth White, 13, family housework, of P., b. Keene, N.H., d. Levi and Mary Ann of Keene, N.H., Dec. 22, 1846, in P.
Sophia Bonney of P., d. Daniel and Asenath of P., and Benjamin Gammans Thrasher of Middleborough, Sept. 29, 1844, in P.
VICKRY (see Vickery)
Daniel of Taunton and Asenath Cushman of P., Mar. 1, 1810. [Vickery of Taunton, C.R.]
Elijah [dup. (Vickery)] of Taunton and Bathsheba Churchill of P. [dup. ch. Ebenezer Churchil, see birth, and Luce (Lucy (Palmer))], Mar. 28, 1808.
Adeline, d. Capt. Samuel, and Arioch Thompson, s. Jabez, all of P., Aug. 23, 1827.
Samuel of P., s. Capt. Samuel dec'd of P. and Esther, and Melissa Cobb Hammond of Carver, d. Thomas Esq. dec'd of Carver and Persia, Dec. 31, 1837, in P.
Eliza Paine, 25, of P., b. Keene, N.H., d. William and Mary Ann of Keene, N.H., and Harry Churchill, 39, farmer, of P., b. P., a. Daniel and Lucy of P., June 16, 1844, in P.
VOUGHAN (see Vaughan, Vaughn, Vaughn)
Daniel Jr. [dup. (Vaughan Jr. of Carver)] and Silva Rickard [dup. (Sylvia), ch. Theophilous and Hanah, see birth of Batte Rickard], Aug. 22, 1782.
Deborah and Benjamin Crooker, July 6, 1780. [Vaughan and Benjamin Crocker, P.C.R.]
VOUGHN (see Vaughan, Vaughn, Voughan)
Abegail [dup. (Miss Abigail Vaughan Jr. of Carver, then P.)] and Garsham Cole [dup. (Gershom, ch. Lt. Joseph, [q.v., and Ruth (Sampson))], Nov. 7, 1776.
Daniel of P. [dup. (Vaughan of Carver, then P.)] and Abegail Ransom of P. [dup. Abigall, ch. Samuell and Deborah], June 6, 1744.
Elisebath and William Jackson, June 4, 1772. [Elizabeth Vaughan, P.C.R.]
Joseph [dup. (Vaughan)] and Hannah Cobb [dup. ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Rebackah], Nov. 21, 1771.
Lydia [int. Vaughan] and Isaac Rickard [int. both of P.], Mar. 12, 1778.
Mary and Jacob Staples, Nov. 16, 1749.
Samuel and Mary Harlow, both of P., July 29, 1745. [Vaughn, C.R.]
Samuel and Waitstil Cole, Nov. 19, 1767.
Levona, wid., of E. Bridgewater, and Spencer Churchill of P., s. Prince formerly of P. and Silence, int. Feb. 1838, cert. given Feb. 25.
Sarah [dup. (Wallis, wid., of Carver)] and Lt. Joseph Cole [dup. (s. John Jr. and Patience)], June 29 [dup. (June 27)], 1777.
Nathan Sumner of Barre, s. Ebenezer and Susan of Athol, and Lydia Cushman Bumpus of P., d. Dea. Cephas and Lydia of P., Apr. 7, 1836, in P.
WALLACE (see Wales).
Ephraim, "Wampus alias Curtis," and Betty Peeg, Jan. 26, 1753.
Adaline, 21, school teacher, of Carver, d. Benjamin and Hannah probably of Carver, and Harrison J. Shurtleff, 23, shoemaker, of Carver, s. Nathaniel and Elizabeth probably of Carver, May 14, 1848.
Benjamin and Molley Shaw, Dec. 1, 1768.
(Eliab) and Drusilla Perkins, ch. Capt. Joshua ((s. Dea. Josiah)) and Hanah ((d. George Sampson), ----).
Joseph formerly of Middletown, R.I., now resident in P., and Hannah Chamberlin of P., d. Samuel (b. P.), May 14, 1820.
Benjamin 3d of Plymouth and Ruth S. Wright of P., Aug. 28, 1814. [Ruth Sampson Wright, Aug. 30, 1813, P.R.3.]
Joanna and William Barlow, Oct. 15, 1735.
WARSBORN (see Warshbon, Warshborn, Warshbourn, Washbon, Washborn, Washbourn, Washburn)
Judah [dup. (Washburn, Capt., of Kingston)] and Pricela Samson [dup. Priscilla Sampson, ch. Ephraim and Abigail, see birth of Abigal Samson], Feb. 23, 1769.
WARSHBON (see Warsborn, Warshborn, Warshbourn, Washbon, Washborn, Washbourn, Washburn)
John and Hulde Cushmon, Nov. 23, 1775.
John Jr. and Experance Totomon, Apr. 30, 1778.
Lydiah [dup. (Lydia Washburn, d. Elisha of Kingston and Martha (d. Luke Perkins and Martha))) and Able Stutson [dup. (Abel Stetson)], Dec. 26, 1751.
WARSHBORN (see Warsborn, Warshbon, Warshbourn, Washbon, Washborn, Washbourn, Washburn)
Elisebath and Consider Binson, Dec. 3, 1751. [Elizabeth Washburn and Consider Benson, P.C.R.]
Ephraim [dup. (Washburn)] and Sarah [dup. Sary, see birth] Bisbe, Dec. 9, 1773.
Maletiah and Zilpha Shaw, Mar. 16, 1756. [Melatiah Washburn, P.C.R.]
WARSHBOURN (see Warsborn, Warshbon, Warshborn, Washbon, Washborn, Washbourn, Washburn)
Edward and Judith Rickard, Apr. 20, 1732. [Washborn, C.R.]
WASHBON (see Warsborn, Warshbon, Warshbom, Warshbourn, Washbon, Washbourn, Washburn)
Lydia and Nathaniell Attwood Jr., June 5, 1788.
WASHBORN (see Warsborn, Warshbon, Warshborn, Warshbourn, Washbon, Washboum, Washburn)
Lydiah and Samuel Nores [(Norris)], Dec. 21, 1749.
WASHBOURN (see Warsborn, Warshbon, Warshbom, Warshbourn, Washbon, Washborn, Washburn)
Elisha [dup. (Washburn of Kingston)] and Martha Perkins [dup. d. Luke and Martha], Jan. 15, 1728-9.
WASHBURN (see Warsborn, Warshbon, Warshborn, Warshbourn, Washbon, Washborn, Washbourn)
Abener and Olive Standish, Mar. 1, 1781. [Abner, both of Middleborough, C.R.]
Adeline Harrison of P., d. Zenas of P., and Ebenezer Whitman Deane of Braintree, s. Winslow of P., Jan. 17, 1830, in P.
Alethea, of Kingston and Icabod Shurtliff of P., Apr. 3, 1766, in Kingston.
Asa and Eunice Bradford, both of P., int. May 17, 1801. [Capt. Asa and Eunice Bradford, d. Capt. John and Eunice, m. June ----, 1801, P.R.4.]
Deborah Jr. [int. omits Jr.] and James Cushing of P., Feb. 15, 1799, in Kingston.
Ebenezer and Lucy Chase, Nov. 22, 1787.
Libeus of P. and Alice Keith of Bridgewater, Mar. 16, 1792, in Bridgewater.
Lucy A., Miss, and Cornelius B. Wood, both of Middleborough, Oct. 13, 1835.
Lydia of Kingston and Thomas Waterman of P., Aug. 1, 1765, in Kingston.
(Martha, d. Elisha of Kingston and Martha (d. Luke Perkins and Martha), and Zechariah Paddock of Middleborough, ----).
Nancy and Benjamin Faunce Jr., both of Kingston, Apr. 1, 1821.
Prissilla and Luther Bryant of P., Jan. 30, 1785, in Kingston.
Ruth, wid., and Dea. Josiah Ripley, June 14, 1781.
Ruth of Plymouth and Ignatious Cushman of P., Oct. 27, 1793, in Plymouth.
(Seth of Plymouth and Deborah Churchill, wid. Nathaniel Jr. (s. Nathaniel), d. Joseph Wright, ----).
Thomas of P. and Ruth Briggs of Wareham, Apr. 25, 1785, in Wareham.
William. of P. and Sarah Bates of Wareham, Nov. 8, 1759, in Wareham.
Zenas [int. of Middleboro] and Sally Shurtleff [int. of P.], June 1, 1804. [Shurtliff, Jan. 1, C.R.]
Zenas Milton, 25, shoemaker, b. P., s. Zenas and Sarah, and Saba Ripley Blanchard, 25, b. P., d. Jonathan and Saba, all of P., Sept. 22, 1844, in P.
WATERMAN (see Watermon, Watterman)
Anna and Giles Leach, Nov. 2, 1721.
Betsey of Bridgewater, Plymouth Co., and Otis Waterman of Kingston, Plymouth Co., Jan. 15, 1821 [? in P.].
Elizebeth and James Wright, Nov. 17, 1731.
Freeman of P. and Joanna Thompson Jr. of Halifax, Dec. 18, 1766, in Halifax.
Hannah and William Morss, May 22, 1728.
Isaac and Elisabeth Briant, Dec. 23, 1725.
James of Plymouth and Joanna Wood of P., Mar. 26, 1770, in Plymouth.
James, widr., 37, farmer, of Carver, b. Carver, s. John and Hannah of Carver, and Phebe Dean Crane, 42, cotton factory spinner, residing in P., b. Berkley, d. Col. Adoniram and Clarrisa of Berkley, int. Sept. 23, 1849, cert. given Oct. 7.
Joanna of Plymouth and Thomas Doty of P., Feb. 10, 1784, in Plymouth.
(John, Capt., of Halifax, and Fear Sturtevant, [twin] d. William and Fear (d. Rev. Isaac Cushman of P.), ----).
Jonathan Benson, 24, farmer, of Halifax, b. Halifax, s. Jonathan [dup. and int. dec'd] and Clara of Halifax, and Sarah Ann Bradford, 22, dressmaker, of P., b. P., d. Luther and Mary of P., Nov. 30, 1845, in P.
Joseph and Patience Barrow of P., int. Apr. 14, 1733.
Josiah and Joanah Briant, Feb. 21, 1722-3.
Lucy, wid. Isaac of Halifax, d. Joseph Sampson of P. [dup. see birth of Lucy], and Lt. Daniel Soule of P., Sept. 10, 1818.
Lydia Nelson [dup. 16 y. 7 m. 15 d.] of Braintree, d. Martin and Priscilla of P., and William Albin Bishop [dup. 23 y. 11 m. 3 d.] of Braintree, s. James P. andCharlotte of Braintree, Nov. 24, 1842, in P. [dup. "lived there for a time after marriage "].
Martin of Halifax and Priscilla Ripley Jr. of P., d. Ezekiel dec'd of P., Jan. 27, 1820.
Mary, Mrs., and Rev. Otheniel Campbell, both of P., int. Aug. 4, 1733.
Mary [int. of P.], ch. Robert and Mary [see birth of Anna, Waterman], and (Jonathan Holmes of Kingston, ----) [int. Oct. 27, 1733].
Melzar of Lynn, Essex Co., s. Isaac of Halifax, and Mercy Holmes of P., d. Peleg of P., Apr. 6, 1817.
Otis of Kingston, Plymouth Co., and Betsey Waterman of Bridgewater, Plymouth Co., Jan. 15, 1821 [? in P.]
Rebeckah, (d. Robert [dup. see birth of Anna Waterman] grand d. Rev. Isaac Cushman), and Joseph Holmes (of Kingston), May 20, 1731.
Robert and Elizebeth Cushman, (second w., d. Dea. Elkanah), Dec. 5, 1723.
Robert Jr. of Halifax [int. P.] and Martha Cushman [int. of P.], d. Lt. Josiah of P. [dup. (Josiah, see birth, and Susanna (Shurtleff))], Apr. 8, 1734.
Rogers and Molly Ellis, Apr. 15, 1802.
Ruth of Halifax and Eleazer Holmes of P., int. Apr. 3, 1803.
Samuel and Mary Doten of Rochester, Aug. 23, 1722.
Thomas and Mercy Freeman, June 12, 1728.
Thomas of P. and Lydia Washburn of Kingston, Aug. 1, 1765, in Kingston.
Thomas R. and Molley Ellis, both of P., int. Apr. 5, 1801.
WATERMON (see Waterman, Watterman)
Abegal [dup. (Abigail Waterman, d. Thomas), second dup. Abegall Waterman, see birth, ch. Thomas and Marcey] and James Thomas [dup. (of Plymouth)], Aug. 14, 1750.
Hannah and Timothy Riply Jr. Feb. 14, 1765.
Isaac [dup. (Waterman of Halifax)] and Lucy Samson [dup. Sampson, see birth, ch. Joseph and Bethiah], Feb. 12, 1781. [Waterman of Halifax, C.R.]
Jabez [dup. (Waterman of Halifax)] and Hannah Bradford [dup. (ch. Capt. John, see birth, and Elizabeth (Holmes))], Mar. 14, 1776.
Jonathan and Hanah Soul, Oct. 27, 1758.
Marcy [dup. Marcey, ch. Thomas and Marcey, see birth of Abegall Watermon] and Joseph Joseling [dup. (Josselyn)], Apr. 1, 1756. [Mary Waterman and Joseph Joseling, P.C.R. Mercy Waterman and Joseph Josselyn of Pembroke, C.R.]
Rebackah [dup. ch. Thomas and Marcey, see birth of Abegall Waterman] and Samuel Hayford, Jan. 31, 1754.
Robart and Rebaca Cushman, Dec. 13, 1781.
Sath [dup. (Seth Waterman of Halifax)] and Hannah Perkins [dup. Hanah, ch. Josiah ((s. Luke and Martha)) and Deborah ((d. Nehemiah Bennet))], Nov. 11, 1762.
Thomas Jr. and Pricela Perkins, Dec. 2, 1762. [Waterman Jr. and Priscilla Perkins, P.C.R. C.R.]
Thomas [dup. (Waterman, widr., s. Robert and Mary, first w., of Halifax)] and Joanah Harlow [dup. (Joanna, wid., second w.)], Jan. 5, 1763.
(Naomi, Miss, of Warner, N.H., and Rev. William Harlow, June 29, 1809) [? in Henniker, N.H.].
WATTERMAN (see Waterman, Watermon)
John and Lidia Cushman, Dec. 29, 1709.
Lydia of Falmouth and Thomas Whitton of P., int. Sept. 1, 1733.
(Ezra, Rev., of Braintree, and Mary Fuller, formerly w. Dr. Thomas, d. Rev. John Howland and Elizabeth, ----).
WERMALL (see Wormwol).
Betty and Levi Wright, June 15, 1779. [June 16, P.C.R. Betty of Kingston, June 15, C.R.]
Elisha and Mary Bears, Dec. 10, 1718.
Josiah Jr. and Martha Everson, June 28, 1779. [both of Kingston, C.R.]
Josiah of Kingston and Hannah Morse of P., int. Sept. 20, 1801.
Molley and Barnebas Harlow, Dec. 22, 1779. [Molly of Kingston and Barnebas Harlow, C.R.]
WESTON (see Westorn)
Benjamin [dup. (of P.)] and Hannah Comer [dup. (Coomer, d. William and Joanna)]. Oct. 15, 1731.
(Benjamin]) and Marcy [dup. (Mercy)] Lobdell, (wid. Ebenezer), d. Ebenezer Standish and Hannah, (----).
Benjamin and Lucy Ripley, both of P., Apr. 29, 1801.
Benjamin Franklin, s. Benjamin dec'd and Lucy, and Louisa Rickard, d. Lazarus and Lucy, all of P., Aug. 13, 1837, in P.
Daniel, Capt., of P., s. Dea. Jabez of P., and Miss Lydia Freeman of Duxbury, int. Dec. 3, 1826, cert. given Dec. 29.
David of Duxbury and Susannah Churchill [dup. Suseanah Churchel, int. Susanna Jr.] of P. [dup. ch. Isaac Churchell and Susanah, see birth of Averick Churchell], Oct. 23, 1744, in Pembroke.
David and Abegail Soul, July 11, 1760.
David of P. and Lydia Sampson of Kingston, int. Sept. 11, 1808.
Deborah and Seth Bonney, both of P., Mar. 29, 1798.
Desier [dup. (Desire)] and Edmond [dup. (Edmund)] Wright, Oct. 30, 1750. [Oct. 31, P.C.R. C.R.]
Edmon and Susanah Jackson, Jan. 21, 1724-5.
(Edmund, ch. Edmund of Duxbury, and Rebekah ----, ----).
Hannah [dup. Hanah, ch. Benjamin and Hannah ((second w., d. William Coomer and Joanna))) and Joel Dean [dup. (Deane)), Sept. 10, 1761.
Hannah Soule of P., d. Benjamin dec'd and Lucy of P., and Amos Jones Cook of Bridgewater, Nov. 7, 1839, in P.
Isaac and Moley Riply [int. Molly Ripley, both of P.], June 30, 1748.
Jabez and Lydia Bilinton, Oct. 12, 1776. [Billington, P.C.R. Bilington, C.R.]
Job and Hanah Bisbe, Oct. 23, 1766.
John and Content Jackson, Nov. 29, 1723.
Joshua and Lucey Sturtevant [int. Lucy, both of P.], Feb. 15, 1746. [Feb. 18, C.R.]
Lewis of Duxbury and Hannah Churchill Jr. of P., d. Capt. Elias of P., Apr. 1, 1821.
Lewis of P., s. Benjamin dec'd and Lucy of P., and Mary Ann Blanchard of P., wid. Capt. Jonathan of P., d. Pelatiah Caswell and Mary of York, Me., Dec. 22, 1836, in P.
Lucy Cook of P., d. Noah of P. [dup. see birth of Lucy Cook Weston], and Joshua Curtis Thompson of Halifax, s. Nehemiah of Halifax, May 25, 1828.
Lucy Ripley of P., d. Benjamin of P., and John Ransom of Carver, s. Benjamin of Carver, Nov. 4, 1827.
Lydia [int. of P.] and Hezekiah Simmonds [int. of Kingston], Jan. 13, 1802. [Simons, C.R.]
Lydia 2d of P., wid. Capt. Daniel of P., and Samuel Ring of Kingston, s. Francis of Kingston, July 1, 1832, in P.
Wary of Plymouth and William Weston of P., Nov. 22, 1753, in Plymouth.
(Mary, ch. Edmund of Duxbury, and John Delano, ----).
Molley [dup. (Mary, ch. Zadok, clothier, see birth, and Mary (Peterson))] and Moses Wright [dup. (then of P.)], Feb. 28, 1788. [Polly, C.R.]
Moly [(Mary)] and Francess [sic) Ring, Apr. 21, 1768.
Nathan and Desier Standish, Feb. 21, 1715.
Nathan of P. and Hannah Everson of Kingston, Aug. 29, 1751, in Kingston.
Nathan of Middleborough and Esther Churchill of P., Mar. 7, 1813.
Noah of P. and Olive Cook [int. Cooke of Kingston], May 8, 1796, in Kingston.
Otis of Marshfield Plymouth Co., and Clarissa Churchill of P., int. May 12, 1816, cert. given Oct. 9.
Polly (see Molley).
Priscilla of P., d. Benjamin of P., and Winslow Pratt of Carver, s. Isaiah of Carver, Oct. 3, 1826.
Rebackah and Elephes Ring, Sept. 20, 1764. [Rebekah and Eliphaz Ring, C.R.]
Rebeckah [int. Rebeckah of P., dup. (ch. Zadok, clothier, see birth, and Mary (Peterson))] and Winslow Deane [int. Dean of P.], June 14, 1804.
Rebeckah and Thomas Darling, Nov. 18, 1725.
Robert Waterman [dup. 20 y. 29 d.], s. Benjamin [int. dec'd] and Lucy, and Mercy Sekins Churchill [dup. 19 y. 3 m. 17 d.], d. Ansel and Lois, all of P., May 12, 1842 [dup. in P.]
Sarah of P. [dup. (ch. Zadok, clothier, see birth, and Mary (Peterson))] and Paul Raymond of P., Oct. 5, 1807.
Susanna and Joseph Cobb [int. both of P.], Dec. 26, 1804.
Susanna of P. [dup. (ch. Zadok, clothier, see birth, and Mary (Peterson))] and Paul Raymond of P., July 22, 1810.
William of P. and Mary Weston of Plymouth, Nov. 22, 1753, in Plymouth.
Zachariah and Mehetabell Shaw, June 20, 1717.
WESTORN (see Weston)
Benjamin of P. and Hannah Bishop, Jan. 2, 1723-4, in Pembroke.
Alexander [int. Whaly of Middlebrough] and Elezebith Shaw [int. Elizabeth of P.], Mar. 1, 1738.
Dorkas and James Briant, May 12, 1725.
Benjamin and Lydia Murdoch, Dec. 7, 1775.
Cyrus, s. Abiel and Joanna formerly of Halifax, and Polly Bradford Sherman, d. Asa and Saba S., all of P., Nov. 24, 1841.
Darius, 25, shoemaker, b. Halifax, s. Abiel and Joanna of Halifax and P., and Sophia Bradford Perkins, 28, family housework, of P., b. P., d. William and Sophia of P., July 2, 1846 [dup. in Halifax].
John K. of Dorchester, Norfolk Co., and Miss Jane D. Harlow of P., Nov. 20, 1823.
Mary Ann of P., wid. Levi of Keene, N.H., d. William Vose and Mary Ann of Keene, N.H., and Ezekiel Ripley of P., s. Ezekiel [int. dec'd] and Priscilla of P., Feb. 3, 1841.
Mary Elizabeth, 13, family housework, of P., b. Keene, N.H., d. Levi and Mary Ann of Keene, N.H., and Seth Vickery, 20, shoemaker, of P., b. P., s. Daniel and Asenath of P., Dec. 22, 1846, in P.
Nancy Sherman, 22, tayloress, of P., b. P., d. [dup. and int. Capt.] Ezra S. and Rebekah of P., and William Merchant Tobey, 23, merchant, of Middleborough, b. Worcester, s. Merchant and Maria of Worcester, Sept. 17, 1845, in P.
Panelope and Thomas Harlow, July 29, 1778.
William Sherman of P., s. Capt. Ezra S. dec'd of P. and Rebekah, and Eliza Sherman of Carver, d. Micah of Carver, int. 1845, Feb. 2, 1845, cert. given Feb. 24.
(----) and Olive Sole, ch. Ebenezer and Susanah [see birth of Asaph Sole], (----).
WHITEMASH (see Whitmarsh)
Abiah [dup. (Whitmarsh)] and Zabdial Samson [dup. (Zabdiel Sampson, widr., s. George)], Aug. 27, 1752.
WHITEN (see Whitin, Whiting, Whitten, Whitton, Witon)
Phebe and Simeon Bradford, Jan. 23, 1755. [Whiton, P.C.R.]
WHITIN (see Whiten, Whiting, Whitten, Whitton, Witon)
Abegail [dup. ch. Elisha (Witton), (Whiting), and Joannah, (Joanna (wid. Israel Dunham Sr., d. Dea. John Rickard of P. and Mary))] and Benjamin Ransom, Mar. 27, 1755. [Abigail Whiton, P.C.R. Abigail Whyton, C.R.]
Alice and Eles Dotin, July 27, 1742.
Bethiah of P. and Abraham Jackson of Plymouth, Sept. 25, 1744. [Abraham of Plimouth, P.C.R.]
Elisha [dup. (Whiting)] and Jedidah Whitin [dup. (Whiting, d. John and Bethiah)], Apr. 13, 1767. [Whitton and Jedidah Whitton, P.C.R. Whyton and Jedidah Whyton, C.R.]
Hannah and Israil Dunham, Dec. 13, 1764.
Jaffe and Isaac Thear, Jan. 27, 1753. [Jael and Isaac Thayer, Mar. 28, P.C.R. Jael Witton and Isaac Thayer, Mar. 28, C.R.]
James Jr. and Moley Lucas, both of P., Jan. 19, 1743. [Whiten Jr. and Molly Lucas, P.C.R. Whiton and Moley Lucas, Jan. 19, 1743-4, C.R.]
James and Anne Grigery, Aug. 12, 1745. [Whyton and Ann Jeggery, C.R.]
James and Marcy Soul, Oct. 4, 1759. [Whiten and Mercy Soul, P.C.R. Whiton and Marcy Soul, C.R.]
Jedidah [dup. (Whiting, d. John and Bethiah)] and Elisha Whitin [dup. (Whiting)], Apr. 13, 1767. [Whitton and Elisha Whitton, P.C.R. Whyton and Elisha Whyton, C.R.]
Joanah [dup. Joannah Witton, ch. Elisha and Joannah, see Abegail Whitin] and Edward Dotin [dup. (Doter)], Nov. 23, 1749. [Joanna Whitten, Nov. 16 [sic], P.C.R. Joanna Whyton, Nov. 23, C.R.]
John Jr. [int. Whiting Jr.] and Martha Tilson [int. Tillson, both of P.], Feb. 19, 1746. [Whiton Jr. and Martha Tilson, C.R.]
Marcy and Elisha Howard, July 10, 1760. [Mercy Whiten, P.C.R. Marcy Whyton and Elisha Haward of Halafax, C.R.]
Martha [sic] and Sarah Thear, Feb. 7, 1758. [Matthew Whiten, P.C.R. Mathew Wyton and Sarah Thayer, C.R.]
Mercy (see Marcy).
Patiance and John Chamberlin, Feb. 19, 1778.
Silence and Timothy Tilson, Feb. 5, 1761. [Whiten and Thomas Tillson, P.C.R.]
Thankfull and Simeon Boney, Nov. 21, 1751. [Whiten, P.C.R. Witton, C.R.]
WHITING (see Whiten, Whitin, Whitten, Whitton, Witon)
Anna and Paul Sturtevant, June 29, 1790. [Whitten, C.R.]
Betsy, Miss, of Plymouth, and Hiram Churchill of P., int. Dec. 20, 1822, cert. given Feb. 2, 1823.
Marcy and Abreham Jackson, Nov. 5, 1741. [Mary Wyton and Abraham Jackson, C.R.]
Molly and Josiah Morton of Plymouth, Dec. 7, 1780. [Whitten, C.R.]
Sarah, wid. [dup. (Whitten, wid. Mathew)], and Samuel Palmer, Dec. 8, 1785. [Whitten, C.R.]
WHITMAN (see Whitmon, Whittman)
Abigail and Zachariah Standish, Oct. 13, 1720.
Hannah of Bridgewater and Ebenezer Dean of P., May 11, 1769, in Bridgewater.
Jonathan (see Jonathan Cushman).
WHITMARSH (see Whitemash)
Rebakah and Epheram Soul, Feb. 10, 1757. [Rebeccah and Ephraim Soul, P.C.R. Rebekah and Ephraim Soule, C.R.]
WHITMON (see Whitman, Whittman)
Jonathen and Ruth Churchil, Sept. 28, 1775. [Jonathan Whitman and Ruth Churchill, Sept. 21, P.C.R. C.R.]
Polly of Middleboro and Lemuel Cobb of P., int. June 1, 1800.
WHITTEN (see Whiten, Whitin, Whiting, Whitton, Witon)
Asa of P. and Miss Lydia Cook of Kingston, May 8, 1771, in Kingston.
Azariah [int. Whiting] of P. and Rebeckah Holmes of Plymouth, Sept. 10, 1745, in Plymouth.
Azariah of P. and Elizabeth Bradford, July 12, 1753, in Kingston.
Elisha of P. and Abigail Foster of Pembroke, May 10, 1757, in Pembroke.
Elisha of P. and Molley Howard of Pembroke, Feb. 10, 1774, in Pembroke.
Elizabeth and Jonathan Cushman, Dec. 13, 1780. [Jonathan Whitman [sic], P.C.R. Cushman of Kingston, C.R.]
Mary, Miss, of Kingston, and John Loring, ch. Melzar [see birth] and Deborah (Cushman), ----, 1819.
Rebeckah of Abington and Ezra Tillson of P., Apr. 27, 1763, in Abington.
William and Malatiah Lucas, May 1, 1781.
William and Molley Standish, Jan. 24, 1790.
WHITTMAN (see Whitman, Whitmon)
Hannah and Benjamin Soul, Mar. 31, 1730.
WHITTON (see Whiten, Whitin, Whiting, Whitten, Witon)
Azariah [int. Witton] and Elezebeth Barrow [int. Elizebeth, both of P.], June 10, 1736.
Elisha [dup. and second dup. (Whiting)] and Joanna Dunham, (wid. Israel) [dup. and second dup. (wid. Israel Sr., d. Dea. John Rickard of P. and Mary)], Oct. 10, 1728.
Mercy of Plymouth and Ebenezer Doten of P., June 12, 1749, in Plymouth.
Thomas of P. and Lydia Weakes of Falmouth, int. Sept. 1, 1733.
Mary Jr. of Middleborough, d. Ebenezer and Mary of Middleborough, and Col. Charles Soule of P., s. Aaron of P. and Ruth, int. Nov. 28, 1841, cert. given Dec. 20.
WILKINSON (see Willkinson)
Robart and Suseanah Barowes, June 27, 1754. [Robert and Susana Barrow, P.C.R.]
Samuel and Susan Duncan, both resident in P., int. Nov. 27, 1814.
Georg [dup. (George of Taunton)] and Keziah Attwood [dup. (ch. Lt. Nathaniell and Mary)], Sept. 11, 1765.
Robart and Patiance Tilson, Jan. 7, 1768.
Huldah, 21, school teacher, of P., b. Bridgewater, d. Nathan and Sabina of P., and Calvin Doane, 25, stove manufacturer, of Wareham, b. Orleans [int. Truro], s. Seth and Abigail of Orleans, Feb. 9, 1847, in P.
Martin D. of Easton and Harriet Stephens Sherman, 18, of P., b. P., d. [dup. and int. Capt.] Zacheus and Jane [dup. and int. (first w.)] of P., June 2, 1844, in P.
William Henry, 24, shovel finisher, of P. [dup. b. Easton], s. George dec'd and Sally of Easton, and Betsy Darling Chandler, 20, cotton factory spinner, of P. [dup. b. Duxbury], d. Peleg dec'd of Duxbury and Clara (second w.), Jan. 1, 1846, in P.
WILLKINSON (see Wilkinson)
Elisebath and Benoney Lucas, Nov. 16, 1753.
Edward of Duxbury and Rebecca Harlow, Feb. 27, 1795.
Hannah and Joseph Fance, both of Middleborough, Aug. 11, 1772.
Eliza and John Holmes, both of Duxbury, Nov. 19, 1820.
Joseph and Lydia Samson, both of Duxbury, Oct. 11, 1810.
Olive of Duxbury, Plymouth Co., wid. Samuel of Duxbury, d. Samuel Chandler of Duxbury, and Capt. Samuel Bryant of P., s. Joshua late of P., May 6, 1819.
Lucy of Pembroke, wid. Jabez of Pembroke, d. Samuel Perry of Pembroke, and John Crooker [dup. and int. widr.] of P., s. David of Pembroke, ---- [int. cert. given Jan. 1, 1828]. [m. Jan. 6, 1828, P.R.10.]
WITON (see Whiten, Whitin, Whiting, Whitten, Whitton)
Alpheus of P. and Ruth Grafton of Plymouth, Nov. 5, 1753, in Plymouth.
Abner [dup. (Attwood), ch. Nathaniel (Atwood) Jr. ((s. Lt. Nathaniel)) and Suseanah ((d. Barnabas Shurtleff Esq.))] and Elizabeth Bishup [dup. (of P.)], Apr. 10, 1779, [dup. (moved to Colerain)].
Barnabus and Lidia Shurtlef, Feb. 28, 1722-3.
Barnabus of Middleborough and Hanah Robbins, Mar. 30, 1726.
Benjamin and Preselah Rickard, both of P., int. Nov. 25, 1732.
Cornelius B. and Miss Lucy A. Washburn, both of Middleborough, Oct. 13, 1835.
David and Joanah Tilson, Dec. 29, 1720.
David [int. of P.] and Rebackah Pratt [int. Rebekah of Plymouth], Nov. 13, 1746.
David Jr. and Elisebath Dotin, Dec. 6, 1770.
Ebenezer of Halifax and Cynthia [dup. Cynsthia] Soule [dup. ch. Asaph and Mary, see Asaph Soule, b. Feb. 15, 1779], Feb. 8, 1795.
Edmond Jr. and Elce Fiance, both of Middleborough, Jan. 7, 1773.
Eliab of Carver and Percis Rickard of P., int. Oct. 16, 1808.
Eunice [int. Woods] of Halifax and Peleg Holmes of P., Jan. 21, 1798, in Halifax.
Francis [int. Woods] of Halifax and Jane Churchill of P., Oct. 4, 1797, in Halifax.
Joanna of P. and James Waterman of Plymouth, Mar. 26, 1770, in Plymouth.
Joseph (see Joseph Attwood).
Kezia and Ephrim Pratt, Mar. 16, 1780.
Priscilla and Perez Churchill Jr., Oct. 1, 1778.
Rebackah and Lucas Dunham, Oct. 14, 1773.
Samuel 2d of Halifax, s. Judah of Halifax, and Sophia S. Soule of P., d. Aaron of P., Dec. 12, 1824.
Timothy [dup. (Capt., of Halifax)] and Lavin Soule, She writes her name Salvina [dup. (Salvina, ch. Benjamin of P. and Mehetabel), see birth of Aaron Soule], Apr. 16, 1785.
Abiah, (Probably that name should be Wermall), of Ducksborough, and James Bryant of P., Dec. 12, 1745. [Wormwal, C.R.]
Abigail [dup. see birth, (ch. Samuel of P. and Abigail (Standish))] and Ichabod Hatch [dup. (of Tamworth, N.H.)]. July 4, 1782. [Nabby and Ichabod Hatch of Halifax, C.R.]
Abigail 3d of P., d. John of P., and Elisha McLauthlen Jr. of Kingston, Feb. 11, 1821. [Abigail 2d of P., C.R.]
(Adam, s. Richard of Plymouth, and Sarah Soule, d. John (s. George of Duxbury, one of the first Pilgrims at Plymouth, and Mary) and Esther [Esther crossed out in pencil], ----).
Adam and Ruth Samson, Feb. 28, 1754.
Adam and Sarah Tinkham, June 1, 1773.
Adeline Crocker of P., d. Zebedee and Rhoda of P., and Levi Churchill of E. Bridgewater, s. David and Lurana (second w.) formerly of P., int. Sept. 29, 1833, cert. given Oct. 20.
Almira (see Mira).
Alonzo, 25, shoemaker, of P., s. Adam formerly of P. and Rebecca of Woodstock, Vt and Rebecca Dean, 26, shoe fitter and family housework, of P. [int. b. P.], wid. Ebenezer Tyler Dean of P., d. William Perkins and Sophia of P., June 2, 1846, in P.
Ann Elizabeth [int. 22, dressmaker] of P. [int. b. P d. William and Betsy of P.] and William L. [int. Leander] Curtis [int. 25, bootmaker] of P. [int. b. Providence, R.I., s. John and Orpah of P.], ---- [between May 1, 1848 and Dec. 31, 1849, int. May 6, 1844 in Boston.
Anna (see Daborah).
Anna of P., d. Zebedee of P., and Elisha Vaughan of Plymouth, Apr. 29, 1825.
Annis of P., d. Billya of P. [dup. Billya (s. Isaac) and Patience (d. Joel Ellis)), and Samuel S. Bancroft of Lynn, June 24, 1832, in P.
Barzillai E., s. Billya, and Priscilla V. Cooper, d. Richard, all of P., Dec. 8, 1822.
Betsey of P. and Isaac Bates of Duxbury, int. Nov. 27, 1806.
Betsy of P., d. Billya of P. [dup. Billya (s. Isaac) and Patience (d. Joel Ellis)], and Lt. John Bradford of P., s. Capt. John, Sept. 30, 1824.
(Caleb, ch.. Isaac and Faith [see birth of Billya Wright], and Miss Hannah Tyler, ----) [in Boston].
Chandler [dup. (ch. Isaac and Faith), see birth of Billya Wright] and [dup. (Miss)] Susy (Susanna is her Name) Ellis, Mar. 7, 1795. [Mar. 17, C.R.]
Christiana of P., d. Lt. Joseph of P., and Willard Ellis Jr. of P., s. Willard, Jan. 18, 1824.
Cyrus, 26, laborer and shovelgrinder, of P., b. P., s. Zebedee and Rhoda of P., and Sarah Coad, 18, woollen factory weaver and shoefitter, of P., b. Plymouth, d. John and Lucy of N.Y., formerly of Plymouth, Jan. 24, 1847, in P.
Daborah and Samuel Churchill, Mar. 22, 1780. [Anna, C.R.]
Daniel Dean, 46, farmer, b. P., s. Peleg and Hannah, and Clarissa Ellis, 37, cotton factory weaver, b. P., d. Joel and Clara, all of P., May 30, 1849, in P.
Deborah (see Daborah).
Doborah [dup. Daborah, ch. Joseph ((s. Isaac)) and Sarah ((Brewster))] and Nathaniel Churchil [dup. (Churchill)] Jr., Dec. 27, 1770.
Easter [int. of P.], ch. John and Mary [see birth of Adam Wright], and (John Hunt of Duxbury, ----) [int. Apr. 6, 1733].
Easter, ch. Adam ((s. John)) and Ruth ((first w., d. Thomas Sampson), and Asa Hooper, ----).
Ebenezer and Deliverance Churchil, Feb. 7, 1776.
Ebenezer Jr. [dup. omits Jr.] and Abigail Dunham [dup. (ch. Ebenezer and Lydia (Perry) (second w., wid. Nathaniel Fuller Jr.)]. Dec. 5, 1786. [Ebenezer Jr. and Nabby Dunham, C.R.]
Ebenezer of P., s. Ebenezer [int. of P.], and Sarah Bryant of P., d. Dea. Benjamin of P., Dec. 19, 1826.
Ebenezer 2d, s. Zebedee and Rhoda, and Fanny Vickery, d. Daniel and Asenath, all of P., June 28, 1840.
Edmond [dup. ((Edmund)] and Desier [dup. (Desire)] Weston, Oct. 30, 1750. [Oct. 31, P.C.R. C.R.]
Edward Schuyler, 25, shoemaker, b. P., s. Zebedee 2d and Mary, and Emeline Ellis, 26, family housework, b. P., d. Josiah T. Esq. and Sophia, all of P., Dec. 1, 1847, in Dighton.
Eliza Ann, 23, dessmaker, of P., b. P., d. Barzillai E. and Priscilla V. of P., and Robert Manlius Chamberlain, 24, house carpenter, of Abington, b. Auburn, Me., s. Aaron J. [int. omits J.] and Jane of Auburn, Me., Apr. 27, 1848, in P.
Ellis of P. and Bathsheba Nelson Holmes of Kingston, int. Apr. 9, 1815.
(Esther, probably first w., d. Adam of P., and Daniel Pratt, Jan. 23, 1700-1).
Esther (see Easter).
Frederick, 35, farmer, of P., b. Boston, s. Winslow and Sarah of Boston, and Lucia Robbins Lucas, 18, dressmaker, of P., b. Carver, d. Jesse and Deborah of P., formerly of Carver, May 7, 1848, in P.
George Ellis, s. Billya and Patience, and Eliza Parker, d. Lt. Oliver and Phebe, all of P., June 26, 1834, in P.
Hannah, ch. Moses and Thankfull [(Thankful (Boals))), and (Solomon Young, ----).
(Hannah, ch. Samuel of P. and Abigail (Standish) [see Abigail Wright, b. July 9, 1756], and Charles George, ----).
Hannah [int. of P., dup. (ch. Isaac and Faith), see birth of Billya Wright] and Stephen Doten 3d [dup. and int. of Plymouth], Apr. 20, 1800. [Stephen 3d of Plymouth, C.R.]
Hannah 2d of P., d. Isaac Esq. of P., and Lt. John Sampson of P., s. Gideon, July 6, 1828.
Isaac and Mary Coall, Dec. 19, 1717.
Isaac and Faith Chandler, July 2, 1761. [Isaac Jr., C.R.]
Isaac Jr. and Selah Ellis, Aug. 28, 1788.
Isaac Jr., s. Isaac Esq., and Marcia Randall, d. Onesimus, all of P., Sept. 3, 1820.
Isaiah of P., s. Zebedee and Rhoda of P., and Elizabeth Brigden of Middleborough [int. d. Zachariah of Kingston and Lydia ("who after her husband's death lives in Middleborough")], Nov. 16, 1840.
Jabez of Roxbury, Norfolk Co., and Susanna Churchill of P., int. May 6, 1821. "This Couple were not married."
Jacob and Daborah Tory, Nov. 20, 1752. [Deborah Torrey, P.C.R.]
James and Elizebith Waterman, Nov. 17, 1731.
James Jr. and Marcy Rickard, Dec. 15, 1768.
Jane Stetson of P., d. Southworth and Jane of P., and James Finney of Plymouth, s. George and Abigail of Plymouth, Dec. 3, 1835, in P.
John and Mary Lucas, May 20, 1708.
(John Jr. of P., who afterwards moved to Connecticut, and Mary Coomer [int. Comer of P.], d. William and Joanna, ---- [int. July 31], 1736).
John and Abigail Bryant, both of P., Nov. 12, 1797.
John Gammans, s. Zebedee and Rhoda, and Huldah Vickery, d. Daniel and Asenath, all of P., Sept. 6, 1840.
Joseph of P. and Sarah Brewster [int. of Duxbury], Nov. 8, 1748, in Duxbury.
Josiah [dup. (of P.)] and Lydia Loring [dup. ch. Lt. Ezekiel and Hannah, see birth of Charles Loring], Sept. 2, 1802.
Josiah Jr. of P., s. Josiah of P. and Lydia, and Sally Sherman of Carver, d. Capt. Jabez of Carver and Polly, int. Mar. 10, 1833, cert. given Mar. 27.
Laura Ann of P., d. Billya and Patience of P., and Samuel Whitman Tillson of E. Bridgewater, s. Joseph [int. dec'd] of Halifax and Lucinda (second w.), Nov. 28, 1833, in P.
Levi and Betty West, June 15, 1779. [June 16, P.C.r. Betty of Kingston, June 15, C.R.]
Levi Jr. and Rebecca Cushman, Feb. 12, 1802.
Levi of P. and Mercy Tinkham of Middleborough, "but she had resided in Plympton about two years," int. Mar. 4, 1821. "March 12, 1821, the Selectmen . . .forbid the Banns . .assigning their reasons therefor.----. 'that it is believed that the said Mercy Tinkham's husband is now living .. After the foregoing, said Levi Wright went to Middleborough . . .and it is said got Published and Married there unknown to the Selectmen of Plympton, and afterwards returned to Plympton."
Lydia 3d and Richard Cooper Jr., both of P., Apr. 1, 1813.
Lydia 2d, d. Ebenezer dec'd, and Francis Holmes, s. Francis dec'd, all of P., Jan. 12, 1823.
Lydiah, ch. Adam ((s. John)) and Ruth ((first w., d. Thomas Sampson), and Daniel Thrasher, ----).
Marcia Sampson, 20, school teacher and family housework, of P., b. P., d. Isaac Esq. and Marcia of P., and Ward Thompson Jr., 22, trader, of Halifax [dup. P.], b. Halifax, s. Capt. Ward and Mary of Halifax, Oct. 2, 1848, in P.
Mary and Joshua Ransom, Dec. 13, 1722.
Mary [dup. see birth, ch. Isaac and Mary] and Ebenezer Thomson [dup. (Thompson Esq. of Halifax)], July 13, 1748.
Mary (see Molley and Moly).
Mary 2d of P., d. Isaac Esq. of P. and Selah, and Nathaniel Lucas of P., s. Nehemiah of Carver and Hannah, Oct. 13, 1833, in P.
(Mary, Miss, second w., and Winslow Wright, ch. Isaac and Faith [see birth of Billya Wright], ----) [? in Boston].
Mary Ann, 19, b. Halifax, d. Zebedee 2d and Mary, and [dup. and int. Capt.] Horatio Bowen Dean, 29, farmer, b. P., s. [dup. and int. Dr.] Ebenezer and Ruth, all of P., Jan. 1, 1845, in P.
Mercy, second w. [dup. int. of P.], ch. Samuel of P. and Abigail (Standish) [see Abigail Wright, b. July 9, 1756], and Richard Cooper of P., ----, "1814 or 1815" [int. Dec. 4, 1814].
Mira of P. d. Billya of P. [dup. Billya (s. Isaac) and Patience (d. Joel Ellis)], and Hiram Sturtevant of P., s. Caleb of Halifax [dup. Caleb of Halifax, "but sometime of Plympton," and Lydia], July 5, 1832, in P. [dup. "moved from Plympton to Wareham"]
Molley of P. [dup. (Molly, ch. Isaac and Faith), see birth of Billya Wright] and John Doten of Plymouth, Nov. 27, 1796.
Moly [dup. Mary, ch. Joseph, (moved to Plymouth (s. Isaac) and Sarah ((Brewster))] and Silvenes Samson [dup. (Silvanus Sampson)], Feb. 20, 1772.
Moses of P. and Thankfu11 Boals of Bridgwater, int. Jan. 12, 1733.
Moses [dup. (then of P.)] and Molley Weston [dup. (Mary, ch. Zadok, clothier, see birth, and Mary (Peterson))], Feb. 28, 1788. [Polly, C.R.]
Myra (see Mira).
(Nathaniel, ch. Isaac and Faith [see birth of Billya Wright], and Miss Lydia Holmes of Middleborough, ----).
Nelson of P., s. Adam [int. dec'd, "for a time of Plympton"] (s. Levi and Betsy), and Ruth Hatch Churchill 2d of P., d. Daniel Jr. [int. of P.], Mar. 8, 1837, in P.
Peleg [int. of P.] and Hannah Deane [int. of P., dup. (ch. Dr. Ebenezer, see birth, and Hannah (Whitman))], Oct. 9, 1796.
Perez and Sarah Rickard, Oct. 23, 1778. [Perez of Plimouth, Oct. 22, C.R.]
Rachel and Ebenezer Barlow, Nov. 18, 1719.
Rebecca Wood of Woodstock, Vt., d. Adam dec'd (s. Levi and Betsy of P.) and Rebecca of Woodstock, Vt., and Ira Sampson Holmes of P., s. Sampson and Bathsheba of P., int. June 2, 1839, cert. given July 2.
Rebekah Gammans, 18, boot and shoe fitter, of P., b. P., d. Zebedee and Rhoda of P., and Nathan Dennison Billings, 26, farmer, of P., b. Randolph, Vt., s. Joel and Sally of Randolph, Vt., Mar. 12, 1846.
Rhoda Jr., d. Zebedee, and Chipman Ripley, s. Ezekiel dec'd, all of P., June 26, 1831, in P.
Rufus, s. Zebedee and Rhoda, and Zerviah Standish Ripley, d. Lt. Isaiah and Sarah (second w.), all of P., Nov. 6, 1833, in P.
Ruth and Jabez Fuller, Apr. 24, 1766.
Ruth S. of P. and Benjamin Warren 3d of Plymouth, Aug. 28, 1814. [Ruth Sampson Wright, Aug. 30, 1813, P.R.3.]
Ruth Sampson of P., d. Levi Jr. of P. and Rebecca, and John Gurney of Abington, int. Sept. 23, 1832, cert. given Oct. 7.
Samuel Jr. [dup. (of P.), omits Jr.] and Abegal Standish [dup. (Abigail), see death], Sept. 1, 1752.
Samuel Jr. of P. and Sarah Rechmond of Plymouth, Nov. 8, 1783, in Plymouth.
Samuel and Ann Tilson, Aug. 2, 1722.
Sarah and Seth Fuller, May 12, 1720.
Sarah [dup. ch. Samuel of P. and Ann, see Edmund Wright, b. Oct. 28, 1730] and James Haul [dup. (Hall)], Sept. 25, 1746.
Sophia and Josiah T. Ellis, both of P., Aug. 10, 1810.
Sophia, d. John, and Thomas B. Harrub, all of P., Nov. 26, 1820.
Southworth and Jane Stetson, both of P., Mar. 26, 1812.
Suseanah [dup. (Susanna), ch. Joseph ((s. Isaac)) and Sarah ((Brewster))] and Abner Rickard, Mar. 23, 1769.
Thankful and Chipmon [dup. Chipman] Fuller, Dec. 9, 1779. [Chipman of Halifax, C.R.]
William of P., s. Billya, and Betsy Bradford 2d of P., d. Gideon and Grace, Feb. 2, 1826.
(Winslow, ch. Isaac and Faith [see birth of Billya Wright], and Miss Sally Dunlap, first w.,) [in Boston].
Winslow of P., s. Josiah of P., and Mary Cole of Plymouth, d. Samuel of Plymouth, int. July 22, 1827, cert. given Oct. 6.
(Winslow, ch. Isaac and Faith [see birth of Billya Wright], and Miss Mary Wright, second w., ----) [? in Boston].
(Winslow, ch. Isaac and Faith [see birth of Billya Wright], and Jane Melville, third w., ----) [? in Boston].
Zebedee of P. and Rhoda Gamman of Middleboro, int. Feb. 1, 1807.
WYTON (see Whiten, Whiten, Whiting, Whitten, Whitton, Witon).
Sally of Wareham, Plymouth Co., and Josiah Soule of P., int. Mar. 2, 1817, cert. given June 7.
(Solomon) and Hannah Wright, ch. Moses and Thankfull [(Thankful (Boals)], (----).
(----, Rebekah and Edmund Weston, ch. Edmund of Duxbury, ----).
(----, ---- (second w.) and William Cushman, s. Lt. Josiah, ----, in Conn.)
Hanah and Pero, "Servants to Barttlet Murdock," Feb. 18, 1757.
King, negro, and Rose Glasco, Apr. 17, 1778. [King of Bridgwater, C.R.]
Pero and Hanah, "Servants to Barttlet Murdock," Feb. 18, 1757.
