Marriages - PEARSON to RYDER
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

PEARSON (see Person).
Nancy, Miss, of New Bedford, and George B. Lobdell of P., int. Sept. 19, 1824, cert. given Oct. 3.
Betty and Ephraim Wampus "alias Curtis," Jan. 26, 1753.
PEIRCE (see Pierce)
Hannah of Plymouth and John King Jr. of P., Apr. 25, 1750, in Plymouth.
Abegail [dup. ch. Capt. Joshua ((s. Dea. Josiah)) and Hanah ((d. George Sampson))] and [dup. (Maj.)] John Shaw 3d [dup. omits 3d], Nov. 23, 1775.
Abigail of P. [dup. Abegail, ch. Luke s. Dea. Josiah)) and Abegail ((d. Benjamin Soule))] and Benjamin Eaton of P., Nov. 29, 1798.
Bennet of P. and Hannah Hall of Middleborough, int. Apr. 8, 1799.
Betsy of P., d. John, and Nathaniel Sylvester of Halifax, s. Joseph, Dec. 25, 1825.
Daborah [dup. Deborah, ch. Josiah ((s. Luke and Martha)) and Deborah ((d. Nehemiah Bennet))] and Joseph Lathrop [dup. (Lothrop)], May 22, 1755.
Daborah [dup. d. Capt. Joshua ((s. Dea. Josiah)) and Hanah ((d. George Sampson))] and Bartlett Murdoch [dup. (Murdock Jr.)], Nov. 11, 1773.
Daniel of P., s. John dec'd of P. and Sarah, and Louisa Barrows of Carver, d. George of Carver and Sophia, int. June 10, 1832, cert. given June 30.
Deborah (see Daborah).
Deborah Ellis, 20, s, of P., b. P. d. Lt. Jonathan B. and Ruth of P., and William Osborn Morton, 23, shoemaker, of Kingston, b. Plymouth, s. Osborn and Celia P. of Kingston, int. Oct. 7, 1849, cert. dated Oct. 21.
Drusilla, ch. Capt. Joshua ((s. Dea. Josiah)) and Hanah ((d. George Sampson), and Eliab Ward, ----).
Elisabeth [dup. Elisebath, ch. Luke ((s. Dea. Josiah)) and Abegail ((d. Benjamin Soule))] and Andrew Ring, May 29, 1791.
Eliza of N. Bridgewater, d. Levi and Jane of P., and Rufus Bowman Dorr of N. Bridgewater, s. Nathan of Boston, July 12, 1832, in P.
Elizabeth of Duxbury and Benjamin Barrows of P., int. Feb. 23, 1739.
Elizabeth (see Elisabeth).
Ezra, s. Seth, and Miss Lydia A. Cook, all of Kingston, Oct. 15, 1827 [in P.].
Gideon and Desier Dunham, May 23, 1771.
Hannah of P. [dup. ch. Luke Jr. and Ruth, see birth of Hanah Perkins] and [dup. (Capt.)] Nathaniel Shaw of P., May 10, 1739.
Hannah [dup. Hanah, ch. Josiah ((s. Luke and Martha)) and Deborah ((d. Nehemiah Bennet))] and Sath Watermon [dup. (Seth Waterman of Halifax)], Nov. 11, 1762.
Hannah [dup. ch. Capt. Joshua ((s. Dea. Josiah)) and Hanah ((d. George Sampson))] and Peleg Savery, Apr. 15, 1787.
Hannah and Isaac Bonney, Feb. 1, 1792.
Isaac and Moly Shurtliff [dup. Molly, ch. Barnabas Shurtleff ((s. Capt. William)) and Jemima ((Adams) (of Kingston))], Apr. 18, 1771.
Jane of N. Bridgewater, d. Levi and Jane of P., and Josiah Dunbar Jr. of N. Bridgewater, s. Josiah of N. Bridgewater and Sybil, July 12, 1832, in P.
Joanna [dup. Joanah, ch. Nathan ((s. Dea. Josiah)) and Moly ((d. Jonathan Samson))] and Lt. John Soule, Sept. 5, 1782. [Soul of Middleboro, C.R.]
John and Marcy Jacakson, Apr. 18, 1721.
John [dup. (Sr. (s. Dea. Josiah))] and Mehitebell [dup. (Miss Mehetabel)] Shaw, Apr. 2, 1752.
John Jr. of P. and Sarah Adams of Kingston, May 20, 1784, in Kingston.
John Jr. of P. and Miss Adeline Tupper of Kingston, int. July 10, 1825, cert. given July 24.
Jonathan B., s. Bennet, and Ruth Ripley, d. Ezekiel dec'd, all of P., Aug. 16, 1824.
Joseph and Sarah Cushmon [dup. ch. Isaiah, [q.v., and Sarah ((Ring))], Oct. 5, 1780.
Joshua and Hanah Samson [dup. see Elisebath], Feb. 8, 1749. [Hannah, Feb. 8, 1749-50, C.R.]
Joshua Jr. and Rebecca Cobb, Dec. 26, 1782.
Josiah [dup. (Jr.)] and Daborah Sole [dup. Deberough, ch. Ebenezer and Susanah, see birth of Asaph Sole], Apr. 26, 1753. [Deborah, P.C.R. Deborah Soul, C.R.]
Josiah and Deborah Bisbee, Mar. 19, 1795.
([Josiah, Dea., of P., and Rebekah Parker, second w., ch. Judge Daniel, ----).
Levi of P. and Jane Sturtevant of Kingston, int. Nov. 8, 1807.
Luke [dup. (Jr.)] and Ruth Cushman [dup. (d. Thomas Jr. probably, of P., or She might be the daughter of his Son, Mr. Robert Cushman of Kingston)], Jan. 28, 1716 [dup. (1716-17)].
Luke and Elisebath Churchil [dup. ch. Isaac Churchell and Susanah, see birth of Averick Churchell], Mar. 27, 1757
(Luke) and Abigail Little, formerly w. George, ch. Benjamin Sole and Hannah [see birth of Abugall Sole], (----).
Luke Jr. and Hannah Harlow [int. both of P.], Nov. 10, 1796.
Lydia and Jonathan Barows, Apr. 4, 1770. [Barrow, C.R.]
Martha [dup. d. Luke and Martha] and Elisha Washbourn [dup. (Washburn of Kingston)], Jan. 15, 1726-9.
Martha [dup. ch. Josiah ((s. Luke and Martha)) and Deborah ((d. Nehemiah Bennet))] and Nathaniel Samson [dup. (Sampson of Middleborough)], May 21, 1747.
Martha, ch. Capt. Joshua ((s. Dea. Josiah)) and Hanah ((d. George Sampson), and Capt. Elisha Murdock, ----).
Martin of P., s. Josiah of P., and Susan William Richmond of P., d. Simon [int. Simon and ---- (later w. Avery Deane)], Feb. 25, 1827.
Mary [dup. and int. Polly] of P., d. Bennet of P. [dup. Bennett ((s. Nathan)) and Hannah], and Benjamin Fuller of Halifax, Plymouth Co., Mar. 30, 1820.
Mary Martin, 18, tayloress, b. P., d. Josiah and Deborah, and Zebedee Chandler Fuller, 23, shoemaker and farmer, b. P., s. Ephraim and Zerviah, all of P., Sept. 22, 1844, in P.
Mercy and James Fuller, May 22, 1729.
Moly and Caleb Tomson, Nov. 23, 1775.
Nathan of P. and Mary Samson of P. [dup. ch. Jonathan and Joannah, see birth of Abigal Sampson], Feb. 6, 1744. [Feb. 6, 1744-5, C.R.]
Nathan of P., s. Josiah, and Mary Holmes Soule of P., d. Asaph Jr., June 14, 1829, in P.
Patiance and Elkenah Cushmon, Mar. 16, 1758.
Patiance and Josiah Cushman Jr., Nov. 25, 1773.
Patiance [int. Patience of P.], ch. Zapheniah and Patiance [see Daniel, b. Dec. 10, 1773], and (Lt. [int. omits Lt.] John Bradford [int. Jr. of P.], ----) [int. Dec. 21, 1806]. [Patience, d. Lt. Zephaniah of P., and Lt. John Bradford, s. Capt. John, P.R.4.]
Polly (see Mary).
Pricela and Thomas Waterman Jr., Dec. 2, 1762. [Priscilla and Thomas Waterman Jr., P.C.R. C.R.]
Rabecca and Sarah Bozworth, Feb. 21, 1788.
Rebecca, d. William and Sophia, and Ebenezer Tyler Dean, s. Dr. Ebenezer and Ruth, all of P., Apr. 26, 1840.
Sally Adams of P., d. John of P., and Darius Holmes of Halifax, s. Nathaniel of Halifax, Oct. 20, 1830, in P.
Sarah [second dup. see birth] and Andrew Barrowes [dup. Barowes, (ch. James Barrows and Tabitha (Rickard)), second dup. (Barrows)], Aug. 1, 1771.
Seth and Molley Addams, Dec. 16, 1790. [Molly Adams, C.R.]
Sophia Bradford, 28, family housework, of P., b. P., d. William and Sophia of P., and Darius White, 25, shoemaker, b. Halifax, s. Abiel and Joanna of Halifax and P., July 2, 1846 [dup. in Halifax].
Thomas and Mercy Bradford, Oct. 21, 1790.
Thomas of P., s. John and Sarah, and Miss Phebe Cushing Curtis of Scituate, int. Sept. 28, 1828, cert. given Oct. 12.
William and Elisebath Parree, both of P., Oct. 21, 1745. [Elizabeth Perey, C.R.]
William, s. Lt. Zephaniah, and Sophia Bradford, d. Capt. John, all of P., Dec. 16, 1816. [Sophia, d. Capt. John and Eunice, P.R.4.]
Zepheniah and Patiance Riply, Dec. 22, 1763. [Patience Ripley, P.C.R. C.R.]
PERRE (see Paree, Parree, Perrey, Perry)
Daniel [dup. (Perry of Middleborough)] and Rode Crocker [dup. (Rhoda, ch. Daniel, [q.v., and Susanna (Dunham))], Nov. 20, 1777.
PERREY (see Paree, Parree, Perre, Perry)
Mary [dup. (Perry)] and Zenas Atwood [dup. see birth], Aug. 6, 1780.
PERRY (see Paree, Parree, Perre, Perrey)
Abigail of Scituate and John Shaw of P., Apr. 26, 1722, in Scituate.
Marcy and Amos Peter, Apr. 4, 1776.
PERSON (see Parsons)
Martha Buck, woollen factory weaver, of P., b. Cavendish, Vt., d. Abiel and Olive of Cavendish, Vt., and William Putnam Bradford Phinney, 20, seaman, of P., b. P., s. Otis and Betsy of P., Nov. 26, 1846, in P. [Persons, C.R.]
Amos and Marcy Perry, Apr. 4, 1776.
Isaac of P. and Lidia Drew of Kingston, int. Jan. 9, 1733.
Princes of Duxbury and Joshua Bryant of P., int. Oct. 26, 1800.
PHENNEY (see Finney, Phiney, Phinney, Phiny)
John of Plymouth and Susanah Pratt of P., Apr. 25, 1739.
PHINEY (see Finney, Phenney, Phinney, Phiny)
Josiah and Abigail Briant, Dec. 13, 1722.
Mehitibel and James Harlow, June 22, 1749.
PHINNEY (see Finney, Phenney, Phiney, Phiny)
Barnabas of P. and Polycarpus [dup. Molley] Churchill of P. [dup. ch. William Churchil (s. David)) and Sarah ((Rider))], Nov. 5, 1797.
Deborah [dup. Daborah Phyne, see birth] and Josiah Churchill, Dec. 1, 1794.
Eliza Ann Bradford, 21, cotton factory weaver, of P., "but she had resided in Middleborough about two months previous," b. P., d. Otis and Betsy of P., and Belcher Manter, 21, seaman, of Plymouth, b. Plymouth, s. Prince and Lydia of Plymouth, Oct. 14, 1849, in P.
Ezra of P. and Nancy Wyman Bradford of Kingston, int. June 17, 1821, cert. given July 2, 1822 [sic, ? 1821].
Joseph and Mary Rickard, Jan. 9, 1734-5.
Mary Jr., Miss, and Silvanus Bryant, both of P., int. July 3, 1825, cert. given Aug. 2.
Mary [int. 24, woollen factory workwoman] of P. [int. b. P., d. Ezra and Nancy W.] and Charles K. [int. Kelsey] Taylor [int. 38, woollen factory workman] of P. [int. s. William and Sarah, all of P.], ---- [between May 1, 1848 and Dec. 31, 1849], in Plymouth.
Mehitable [dup. Mehitible Phyne, see birth] and Spinx Bagnall (Nicholas Spinks Bagnall is the . . .man's real name), Mar. 8, 1793.
Otis of P. and Betsy Bradford of Kingston, int. Feb. 11, 1821, cert. given Feb. 28.
Otis Williams, 22 y. 18 d., seaman, s. Otis and Betsy, and Lucy Ann Churchill, 16 y. 2 m., b. P., d. Daniel Jr. and Rebecca W., all of P., Oct. 22, 1843, in P.
Patience [int. of P.] and Robert Cook [int. Coock of Kingston], Oct. 23, 1735.
Rebeckah of P. [dup. Rebaca Phyne, ch. Ichabod and Daborah, see birth of Barnebas] and Seth Churchill of P., Jan. 5, 1808.
Sophia Matilda, 17, cotton factory weaver, b. P., d. Otis and Betsy, and Edward Fuller, 21, seaman and shoemaker, b. P., s. Harvey and Eliza F., all of P., Feb. 22, 1848, in P. [Feb. 23, C.R.]
Stephen Cobb, 19, shoemaker, of P., b. P., s. Ezra and Nancy of P., and Bethiah Young Cowen, 23, family housework, of New Bedford, b. Rochester, d. Richard and Sarah of Rochester, int. Apr. 1, 1849, cert. given Apr. 15.
William Putnam Bradford, 20, seaman, of P., b. P., s. Otis and Betsy of P., and Martha Buck Person, woollen factory weaver, of P., b. Cavendish, Vt., d. Abiel and Olive of Cavendish, Vt., Nov. 26, 1846, in P. [Persons, C.R.]
Zenas Churchill of P., s. Barnabas and Mary of P., and Cynthia Smith of Middleborough, d. Samuel and Persis of Middleborough, int. June 30, 1839, cert. given July 16.
PHINY (see Finney, Phenney, Phiney, Phinney)
Ichebad and Daborah Churchil, Nov. 1, 1770. [Ichabod Phinney and Deborah Churchill, P.C.R.]
PIERCE (see Peirce)
Anna of Pembroke and Barnabas Lucas of P., June 28, 1753, in Pembroke.
Lucy [dup. second w.] of P., wid. Capt. Calvin of Duxbury, d. Oliver Sampson of Kingston, and Spencer Holmes of P., s. Jedidiah Esq. of Kingston, Jan. 3, 1820.
PINCHEON (see Pinchin)
Thankfull and Benjamin Rickard, Feb. 12, 1728-30.
PINCHIN (see Pincheon)
Marcy and Joseph Ransum, Mar. 24, 1730 [1730-1].
Mary [dup. (Pynchon)] and William Cobb [dup. (s. Nathan of that Part of Plympton, . . .afterwards Carver, and Joanna)], Dec. 3, 1760
Abigail of Halifax and James Pratt of P., Sept. 23, 1741, in Halifax.
Joshua and Jerusha Samson, May 8, 1749.
Henry, 21, shoemaker, b. E. Bridgewater, s. Martin and Anne, and Bcthiah Osbourne, 20, b. E. Bridgewater, d. Peleg and Sally, all of E. Bridgewater, Apr. 7, 1848, in P.
POMEROY (see Pumery).
Eliab of P., s. John of Halifax, and Caroline Chandler Sturtevant of P., d. Bela and Hannah of P., Dec. 9, 1838, in P.
Olive of Bridgewater and Zechariah Standish of P., Jan. 9, 1770, in Bridgewater.
Ebenezer [dup. (of Bridgewater)] and Lydiah Loring [dup. Lidia, ch. Ignatious ((s. Caleb Esq.)) and Sarah ((d. Capt. William Shurtleff))], Oct. 24, 1754, [Lydia, P.C.R. Ebenezer of Bridgwater and Lydia Loring, C.R.]
Mathew and Lucy Bryannt, July 12, 1778. [Matthew and Lucy Bryant, July 19, P.C.R. Mathew of Abington and Lucy Bryant, July 19, C.R.]
William Wallace, Lt., of Taunton, and Mehetabel Cobb of P., d. Lemuel of P., June 1, 1828.
Sarah, 35, cotton factory weaver, of Halifax, b. Farlee, Vt., d. Daniel and Hannah of Farlee, Vt., and Joseph Sampson 2d, 41, farmer, of P., b. P., s. Peleg and Sarah of P., Nov. 25, 1847, in P.
Zekiel [dup. (Ezekiel)] and Abegail Bony [dup. Abigail Boney, ch. Isaac and Mary], Apr. 12, 1770. [Ezekiel and Abigail Boney, C.R.]
PRAT (see Pratt)
Benjamin and Margeret Rickard, Feb. 27, 1728-9.
Hanah and Eleazer Harlow, July 21, 1720.
Jabez and Mehetabel Prat, Jan. 8, 1723-4.
Joanah and John Cushman, Jan. 19, 1715.
John and Prescilla Briant, July 5, 1722.
Joseph [int. Pratt Jr.] and Keziah Lewis [int. both of P.], Mar. 20, 1734.
Margret and Richard Dwelle, Nov. 10, 1720.
Martha and Jabiz Pratt [int. Prat, both of P.], June 14, 1733.
Mary and Isaac Fuller, Sept. 1, 1709.
Mehetabel and Jabez Prat, Jan. 8, 1723-4.
Persis of P. and Jonathan Shaw of Middleborough, Nov. 23, 1740.
Phebe of Middlebrough, and Benejah Pratt of P., Sept. 19, 1734.
Thomas and Rebeckah Rickard, (d. Dea. John of P.), Oct. 8, 1724.
PRATT (see Prat)
Annes [second dup. (Annes, ch. Nathaniel of P. (s. Daniel) and Mary (d. Nathaniel Cobb and Mary))] and Joel Eless Jr. [dup. Elles Jr., second dup. (Ellis), omits Jr.], Sept. 26, 1765.
Asenath and Joseph King, Dec. 28, 1786.
Azuba [dup. (Azubah, ch. Nathaniel and Mary), see Annes Pratt] and Ephraim Lucas [dup. (then of Carver)], Nov. 20, 1791.
Benejah of P. and Phebe Prat of Middlebrough, Sept. 19, 1734.
(Consider, ch. Nathaniel and Mary [see Annes Pratt], and Betsy Sturtevant, first w., ----).
(Consider, ch. Nathaniel and Mary [see Annes Pratt], and Mary Thayer, second w., ----).
Content (see Tente).
(Daniel and Esther Wright, probably first w., d. Adam of P., Jan. 23, 1700-1).
Daniel of P. and Lydia Cobb of Plymouth, Nov. 23, 1759, in Plymouth.
Ebenezer and Dabrah Morss, both of P., Sept. 23, 1750.
Elisebath and Ichebad Shurtliff, Mar. 4, 1762. [Elizabeth and Ichabod Shurtleff, P.C.R.]
Elizabeth and Francis Ripley, Apr. 11, 1790.
Elizabeth and Soloman Bolton, Dec. 7, 1780.
Elkinah and Susanah Doten [int. both of P.], Mar. 28, 1734.
Ephrim and Keziah Wood, Mar. 16, 1780.
(Eunice, wid. Joshua, and Reuben Bisbee of P., ----).
Hannah and Jabez Bryant, Oct. 30, 1771.
Hannah [dup. (ch. Nathaniel and Mary), see Annes Pratt] and Nehemiah Lucas [dup. (of Carver)], Apr. 13, 1791. [Nehemiah of Carver, C.R.]
Huldah [dup. (ch. Nathaniel and Mary), see Annes Pratt] and Lemuel Sturtevant [dup. (of Rochester)], Nov. 3, 1785.
Isaiah Jr., s. Isaiah, and Caroline W. Faunce, d. Ezra, all of Carver, July 5, 1827.
Jabez Jr. and Sarah Chamberlin, Oct. 9, 1770.
Jabiz [int. Prat] and Martha Prat [int. both of P.], June 14, 1733.
James of P. and Abigail Pitts of Halifax, Sept. 23, 1741, in Halifax.
(Joshua, s. Nathaniel and Mary [see Annes Pratt], and Rebekah Mitchell, d. Benjamin of Kingston and Mary, ----).
Kimball of P. and Miss Lydia Morse of Taunton, int. Sept. 11, 1825, cert. given Sept. 27.
Lucy and Calvin Bradford, Dec. 31, 1778.
Margret and Amos Bryant, Apr. 3, 1759.
Mary and Archipus Fuller, Aug. 23, 1748.
Mary and Ebenezer Shurtliff, Mar. 22, 1759.
Mary and Moses Shaw, Aug. 16, 1764.
(Molly, ch. Nathaniel and Mary [see Annes Pratt], and Job Thomas then of Middleborough, but moved from thence, ----).
Nathaniel and Mary Cob [int. Cobb], both of P., Nov. 17, 1740.
Nathaniel Jr. [second dup. (ch. Nathaniel and Mary), see Annes Pratt] and Content Rickard [dup. ch. Lameuel and Parceus, see birth of Abegail Rickard], Oct. 23, 1771.
Noah and Macy Cole, Mar. 18, 1755. [Mercy, P.C.R.]
Patience and Jabez Edy, Oct. 16, 1729.
Rebackah [int. Rebekah of Plymouth] and David Wood [int. of P.], Nov. 13, 1746.
Simeon Macomber, widr., farmer, of Middleborough, b. Middleborough, s. Thomas and Lydia of Middleborough, and Irene Shaw Bradford, 22 y. 8 m. 29 d., of P., d. Luther and Mary [dup. and int. (second w)] of P., July 6, 1843, in P.
Susanah of P. and John Phenney of Plymouth, Apr. 25, 1739.
Suseanah and Joseph Chamberlin, Apr. 10, 1764. [Susannah and Joseph Chamberlain, P.C.R.]
Tente [(Content, wid.), dup. (wid. Nathaniel Jr., ch. Lameuel Rickard), see birth] and Joseph Attwood [dup. (Atwood)], Feb. 5, 1789. [Tante, wid., and Joseph Wood, C.R.]
Thomas Addison of Middleborough, s. Thomas of Middleborough, and Ruth Cook Bradford of P., d. Luther and Mary (second w.) of P., June 4, 1837, in P.
Winslow of Carver, s. Isaiah of Carver, and Priscilla Weston of P., d. Benjamin of P., Oct. 3, 1826.
Winslow of P. and Miss Mary Marsh Lull of Kingston, Apr. 29, 1838, in P. [dup. "Shortly after that they both signed articles of mutual agreement to separate"]
Winslow of P. and Catharine Louisa Maxim, 21 "in February 1838," of P., d. Levi and Ruby of Middleborough, int. Sept. 9, 1838, cert. given Sept. 23.
James [dup. Pridaux, int. Predaux] and Sally Churchill [int. of P.], Apr. 9, 1809. [Pridaux, both of P., C.R.]
Jabez [dup. (Jabes Prior of Duxbury)] and Abegal Samson [dup. Abigale, ch. Jonathan and Joannah, see birth of Abigal Sampson], June 5, 1751.] [Jabesh Prior of Duxborough and Abigail Samson, C.R.]
Betsy Sherman, Miss, of Kingston, and David Doten of Bridgewater, June 24, 1832, in P.
Jobe and Abigail Kimball, Dec. 24, 1719.
Sarah of Kingston and Perez Bradford of P., Mar. 13, 1777, in Kingston.
PRIOR (see Prier).
Frances [sic, dup. (Francis Pomeroy of Middleborough)] and Sarah Nye [dup. ch. Isaac and Sarah], Aug. 26, 1762.
PYNCHON (see Pincheon, Pinchin).
RAIMENT (see Ramond, Raymend, Rayment, Raymond)
Ebenezer and Marcy Fuller, July 28, 1726.
James and Elisabeth Fuller, Jan. 30, 1723-4.
RAMOND (see Raiment, Raymend, Rayment, Raymond)
Hannah and Silvans Bennett, Dec. 16, 1779.
RANDAEL (see Randal, Randall, Randel, Randell, Randle)
Onesimos [dup. (Onesimus Randall)] and Olive Samson [dup. ch. Thomas and Ruth, see Abegail Samson, b. Jan. 29, 1766] ----, 1781. [June 14, P.C.R. C.R.]
RANDAL (see Randael, Randall, Randel, Randell, Randle)
Hannah and Joseph Everson Jr., Aug. 14, 1792. [Randall and Joseph Everson Jr. of Kingston, C.R.]
RANDALL (see Randael, Randal, Randel, Randell, Randle)
Deborah of Rochester and Philip Chamberlain of P., Feb. 4, 1792, in Rochester.
Lucy and Levi Standish [int. both of P.], Jan. 13 [int. Jan. 31], 1802.
Marcia, d. Onesimus, and Isaac Wright Jr., s. Isaac Esq., all of P., Sept. 3, 1820.
(Polly [int. of P.], d. Onesimus and Olive of P., and Ebenezer Ellis [int. of P.], s. Lt. Stephen and Susanna of P., Nov. 26, 1807, after their marriage, resided in Boston).
Thomas of P., s. Onesimus, and Rebecca Loring 2d of P., d. Simeon of P., Sept. 14, 1817.
Thomas Sampson, s. Thomas and Rebecca, and Hannah Byram Ripley, d. Sylvanus and Sally, all of P., July 22, 1841.
William Loring, 22, farmer and shoemaker, of P., b. P., s. Thomas and Rebecca of P., and Mercy A. Fuller, 18, family housework and shoefitting, of Middleborough, b. Middleborough, d. Consider and Mercy Abby of Middleborough, int. June 17, 1849, cert. given July 1.
RANDEL (see Randael, Randal, Randall, Randell, Randle)
Job [dup. (Randall)] and Hanah Lobdil [dup. d. Isaac ((s. Ebenezer Lobdell)) and Ruth ((Clark))], Feb. 15, 1770.
RANDELL (see Randael, Randal, Randall, Randal, Randle)
Elizabeth [int. of P.] and John Cempton [int. of Plymouth], May 13, 1736.
RANDLE (see Randael, Randal, Randall, Randel, Randell)
Nathaniel and Rebaca Howard, Nov. 27, 1781. [Randal and Rebecca Hayward, P.C.R. Randall of Kingston and Rebeckah Howard, C.R.]
RANSOM (see Ranson, Ransum)
Abegail of P. [dup. Abigail, ch. Samuell and Deborah] and Daniel Voughn of P. [dup. (Vaughan of Carver, then P.)], June 6, 1744.
Abegail and Thadeus Riply, Feb. 8, 1770.
Abigail and Nathaniell Thomas of Middleborough, Dec. 4, 1718.
Anna, wid., and Georg Barrows, June 25, 1724.
Benjamin and Abegail Whiton [dup. ch. Elisha (Witton), (Whiting), and Joannah, (Joanna (wid. Israel Dunham Sr., d. Dea. John Rickard of P. and Mary))], Mar. 27, 1755. [Abigail Whiton, P.C.R. Abigail Whyton, C.R.]
Daborah [int. Deborah] and Ephraim Tilson [int. Tillson], both of P., July 31, 1744. [Deborah and Ephraim Tilson, P.C.R.]
Dabrah and Joseph Crocker, Mar. 31, 1774.
David and Content Tilson [int. Tillson], both of P., Jan. 18, 1743.
Deborah (see Daborah and Dabrah).
Eben of P. and Rebeckah Harlow of Plymouth, May 24, 1753, in Plymouth.
Ebenezer and Martha Chase, Jan. 17, 1782.
Harvey and Miss Margaret McLauthlen, both of Kingston, Mar. 24, 1833, in P.
John and Martha Ripley, June 26, 1718.
John of Carver, s. Benjamin of Carver, and Lucy Ripley Weston of P., d. Benjamin of P., Nov. 4, 1827.
John of Plymouth, s. Benjamin of Carver, and Hannah Stephens Bartlett of Plymouth, d. Freeman of Plymouth and Sarah, July 4, 1837, in Plymouth.
Jonathan and Mary Shaw, Apr. 23, 1752.
Joseph and Lydiah Thomas, Dec. 1, 1763.
Joseph and Keziah Rickard, June 20, 1781.
Joshua and Mary Wright, Dec. 13, 1722.
Lidia and Samuel Barows, Jan. 8, 1723-4.
(Martha, second w., wid. Ebenezer Jr., and Job Cole, ch. Lt. Joseph [q.v.] and Ruth (Sampson), ----. Had no children).
Mary of Halifax and George Barrows Jr. of P., June 10, 1745, in Halifax.
Mary and William Tilson, Apr. 1, 1762.
Robert and Sarah Tomas, Aug. 30, 1719.
Samuel of P. and Content Merryfield of Plymouth, Oct. 2, 1753, in Plymouth.
Samuell and Abigaill Rickard, (d. Dea. John of P.), Dec. 12, 1717.
Sarah and Francis Cortis, May 12, 1720.
Sarah and Benjamin Cobb, Apr. 28, 1774.
Susanah and John Rethak, Aug. 28, 1718.
RANSON (see Ransom, Ransum)
Moly and James Dunham, Jan. 19, 1777.
Ruth and Isaac Holmes, Oct. 27, 1768.
RANSUM (see Ransom, Ranson)
Deberough and William Shurtleff [int. Shurtlef, both of P.], Apr. 2, 1734.
Joseph and Marcy Pinchin, Mar. 24, 1730 [1730-1].
RAYMEND (see Raiment, Ramond, Rayment, Raymond)
Barnabus and Bethiah Jackson, Nov. 5, 1779. [Barnabus Raymond, P.C.R.]
RAYMENT (see Raiment, Ramond, Raymend, Raymond)
Barnabas and Allice Bent, May 8, 1729.
John 2d and Elisebath Norcut (Orcutt), Mar. 2, 1769. [Elizabeth Norcutt, P.C.R.]
Samuel and Joanah Stutson, Mar. 17, 1768.
RAYMOND (see Raiment, Ramond, Raymend, Rayment)
Deborah of Middleborough and John Cushman Jr. of P., int. Dec. 22, 1746.
(Joshua of Middleborough and Phebe Cole, ch. Lt. Joseph [q.v.] and Ruth (Sampson), ----).
Mercy of Plymouth and William Donham of P., Mar. 11, 1770, in Plymouth.
Patience and James Bryant, Mar. 15, 1743-4. [Raiment, C.R.]
Paul of P. and Sarah Weston of P. [dup. (ch. Zadok, clothier, see birth, and Mary (Peterson))], Oct. 5, 1807.
Paul of P. and Susanna Weston of P. [dup. (ch. Zadok, clothier, see birth, and Mary (Peterson))], July 22, 1810.
Charlotte D., wid:, 48 [dup. family housework], of Halifax, d. Samuel Barker and Eleanor, and Joseph Everson, widr., 76, farmer, of Halifax, b. Kingston, s. Ebenezer and Betsy of Kingston, Nov. 2, 1848, in P.
RECHMOND (see Richmond)
Sarah of Plymouth and Samuel Wright Jr. of P., Nov. 8, 1783, in Plymouth.
Betsey [int. Betsy] of Plymouth and Henry Caswell of P., Mar. 25, 1808.
(Sampson of Hartford, Me.), and Jane Ellis, ch. Freeman ((s. Joel)) and Sarah, (----).
John and Susanah Ransom, Aug. 28, 1718.
REYNOLDS (see Raynolds).
RICHMOND (see Rechmond)
(Allen and Grace Bisbee, ch. George and Grace [see birth of Daniel Bisbe], ----).
Charlotte of P., wid. Oliver of Halifax, d. Zebedee Chandler of P., and Samuel Tolman 3d [int. Tollman] of Stoughton, s. Thomas of Stoughton, May 8, 1831, in P.
Eliza of Freetown, d. Dean and Hannah of Freetown, and Lazarus Warren Rickard of P., s. Lazarus dec'd said Lucy of P., int. Aug. 16, 1840, cert. given Sept. 15.
Lydia Anderson [int. of P.], formerly w. Capt. Simon, and Avery Deane [int. of P.], ---- [int. cert. given May 27, 1817].
Oliver of Halifax, Plymouth Co., and Charlotte Chandler of P., d. Zebedee of P., Jan. 7, 1819.
Susan William of P., d. Simon [int. Simon and ---- (later w. Avery Deane)], and Martin Perkins of P., s. Josiah of P., Feb. 25, 1827.
Abegail [dup. see birth, ch. Lameuel and Parceus] [dup. (Ambrose)] Shaw, Dec. 8, 1774.
Abigail Harlow of P., d. Simeon of P. and Rebekah, and Edwin Jackson Leach of Middleborough, s. Dea. Ephraim of Middleborough and Susan, Nov. 18, 1832, in P.
Abigaill, (d. Dea. John of P.), and Samuell Ransom, Dec. 12, 1717.
Abner and Suseanah Wright [dup. (Susanna), ch. Joseph ((s. Isaac)) and Sarah ((Brewster))], Mar. 23, 1769.
Benjamin and Thankfull Pincheon, Feb. 12, 1729-30.
Bethiah and John Chandler, May 6, 1724.
Betsy [dup. Batte, see birth, ch. Theophilous and Hanah] and Elijah Rickard, Nov. 17, 1785.
Content [dup. ch. Lameuel and Parceus, see birth of Abegail Rickard] and Nathaniel Pratt Jr. [second dup. (ch. Nathaniel and Mary), see Armes Pratt], Oct. 23, 1771.
Daborah and Edward Stranger, Dec. 15, 1775. [Deborah, Dec. 14, C.R.]
David of P. and Mary Morce [int. Morse] of Middlebrough, Oct. 20, 1740.
Deborah (see Daborah).
Deborah Holmes of P., d. Lemuel dec'd of Plymouth and Nancy, and Isaac Sherman Holmes of Plymouth, s. Samuel and Polly of Plymouth, Dec. 3, 1837, in P.
Eleizer Jr. and Mary Churchell, both of P., Aug. 2, 1739.
Elezer of P. and Martha King of Plymouth, Oct. 6, 1743. [Eleazer, P.C.R.]
Elezer of P. and Elizabeth Cushman of Kingston, Nov. 29, 1764, in Kingston.
Elijah and Betsy Rickard [dup. Batte, see birth, ch. Theophilous and Hanah], Nov. 17, 1785.
Elisebath [dup. Elisibath, see birth] and John Everson [dup. (of Kingston)], Oct. 24, 1754. [Elisabeth and John Eaverson Jr., P.C.R. Elizabeth and John Everson Jr. of Kingston, C.R.]
Eliza of P., d. Simeon of P. and Rebekah, and Atwood Drew of Plymouth, s. Nicholas of Plymouth and Azubah, Aug. 23, 1832, in P.
Elizabeth (see Elisebath).
Elkanah and Keturah Bishup, Aug. 25, 1729.
Giles and Mary Edye, Nov. 18, 1724.
Hanah and Josiah Birum, Apr. 12, 1720.
Hannah of P. [dup. Hanah, ch. Theophilous and Hanah, see birth of Batte Rickard] and Timothy Cobb of Carver, Mar. 9, 1797, in Carver.
Hannah H., d. Simeon, and Jonathan Standish Jr., s. Jonathan, all of P., Mar. 22, 1821.
Hervey of P. and Ellis Oldham of Pembroke, Feb. 19, 1723-4, in Pembroke.
Isaac and Lydia Voughn [int. Vaughan, both of P.], Mar. 12, 1778.
Isaac and Huldah Murdoch, Apr. 10, 1788.
Isaac of P., s. Isaac of P., and Nancy Rickard of Plymouth, wid. Lemuel of Plymouth, d. Nicholas Spinks Bagnall, int. July 20, 1828, cert. given Aug. 18.
Johana, (Joanna, d. Dea. John) [dup. adds (and Mary)], and Israell Dunham [dup. (Israel Sr.)], June 18, 1713.
Johanah and John Freeman, Sept. 30, 1731.
John Jr. of P. and Lydia King of Plymouth, Feb. 23, 1769, in Plymouth.
Jonathan of P., s. Simeon of P. [int. adds and Rebekah], and Susanna Cole Jr. of Carver, d. Lt. Lemuel of Carver and Susanna, Nov. 29, 1827.
(Josiah, s. Giles, and Rebekah Eaton, Nov. 21, 1699).
Judeth [dup. and second dup. (Judith), dup. ch. Henery [second dup. Sr.] and Mary (first w.)] and James Fuller, May 19, 1725.
Judith and Edward Warshbourn, Apr. 20, 1732. [Washborn, C.R.]
Keziah and Joseph Ransom, June 20, 1781.
Lameuel [(Lemuel)] and Parceus Shaw [(Persis Isaac (s. John, clerk of Popes Point Furnace), d. James Harlow), dup. see birth of Abigail Harlow], Feb. 8, 1749. [Feb. 3, P.C.R. Feb. 8, 1749-50, C.R.]
Lazarus of P. and Mary Everson of Kingston, Oct. 24, 1754, in Kingston.
Lazarus of P. and Lucy Dunham of Carver, int. Nov. 22, 1812.
Lazarus Warren of P., s. Lazarus dec'd and Lucy of P., and Eliza Richmond of Freetown, d. Dean and Hannah of Freetown, int. Aug. 16, 1840, cert. given Sept. 15.
Lemuel (see Lameuel).
Louisa, d. Lazarus and Lucy, and Benjamin Franklin Weston, s. Benjamin dec'd and Lucy, all of P., Aug. 13, 1837, in P.
Marcy, (d. Dea. John of P.), and Ephraim Tilson, Apr. 14, 1709.
Marcy and James Wright Jr., Dec. 15, 1768.
Margeret and Benjamin Prat, Feb. 27, 1728-9.
Mariah (see Meriah).
Mary and Joseph Phinney, Jan. 9, 1734-5.
Mary [dup. (second w., wid. Lazarus, d. ---- Everson of Kingston and aunt of Samuel and Joseph Everson of Kingston)] and Ebenezer Dotin [dup. (Doter)], Feb. 25, 1764. [Dotey, Feb. 23, C.R.]
Mehitebel [dup. ch. Lameuel and Parceus, see birth of Abegail Rickard] and Nahemiah Cobb [dup. (Nehemiah Esq. of Carver)], Nov. 4, 1773.
Mercy (see Marcy).
Meriah and James Cole, Feb. 14, 1749. [Feb. 14, 1749-50, C.R.]
Molly and Consider Chase, Dec. 14, 1780.
Nancy of Plymouth, wid. Lemuel of Plymouth, d. Nicholas Spinks Bagnall, and Isaac Rickard of P., s. Isaac of P., int. July 20, 1828, cert. given Aug. 18.
Percis [dup. Persis, ch. James Harlow and Hannah, see birth of Abigail Harlow, second dup. (Persis, wid. Lemuel, wid. Isaac Shaw, d. James Harlow)] and [dup. and second dup. (Capt.)] Perez Churchill, Feb. 6, 1786. [Parcis, wid., and Capt. Perez Churchill of Middleborough, C.R.]
Percis of P. and Eliab Wood of Carver, int. Oct. 16, 1808.
Polly of P. and Elijah Cushing of Kingston, July 2, 1809.
Preselah and Benjamin Wood, both of P., int. Nov. 25, 1732.
Rachel [dup. ch. Samuel and Rachel, see birth of Elisibath Rickard] and Abner Harlow [dup. (of P.)], June 2, 1757.
Rachel of P., d. Simon [int. Simeon and Rebekah], and Elias Ellis Standish of Taunton, s. John [int. adds and Jane], Oct. 12, 1829 [int. cert. given Oct. 12, 1828].
Rebecca of Kingston and Robert Barrows of P., Dec. 18, 1764, in Kingston.
Rebecca [dup. Rebackah, ch. Theophilous and Hanah, see birth of Batte Rickard] and Ebenezer Dotten [dup. (Doten of Carver)], May 22, 1788.
Rebackah, (d. Dea. John of P.), and Thomas Prat, Oct. 8, 1724.
Rebeckah of P. and Seth Allen of Bridgwater, int. Oct. 25, 1735.
(Samuel and Rebekah Snow, Dec. 3, 1689).
Samuel Jr. of P. and Priscilla Holmes of Plymouth, Dec. 7, 1786, in Plymouth.
Sarah and Perez Wright, Oct. 23, 1778. [Perez of Plimouth, Oct. 22, C.R.]
Silva [dup. (Sylvia), ch. Theophilous and Hanah, see birth of Batte Rickard] and Daniel Vaughan Jr. [dup. (Vaughan Jr. of Carver)], Aug. 22, 1782.
Sylvia of P. [dup. Silvia, ch. Simeon, see birth, and Rebekah ((Bartlet))]and [dup. (Capt.)] Charles Cobb of Carver, May 9, 1813. [Charles of Carver, C.R.]
Tabitha and James Barrows, Nov. 3, 1726.
Thophilus [dup. (Theophilus)] and Hanah Harlow [dup. Hannah, ch. James and Hannah, see birth of Abigail Harlow], Apr. 18, 1749.
Warren of P. and Miss Hannah Shaw of Rochester, int. Jan. 25, 1824, cert. given Feb. 29.
RIDDER (see Rider, Ridor, Ryder)
John [dup. (Rider)] and Suseanah Bryant [dup. ch. George and Sarah, see Ephraim, b. Apr. 12, 1726], May 15, 1760.
Sarah and William Churchil, Nov. 29, 1759. [Rider and William Churchell, P.C.R. Ryder and William Churchel Jr., C.R.]
RIDER (see Ridder, Ridor, Ryder)
Eunice, Miss, and Samuel Bradford, both of Plymouth, Nov. 23, 1840.
Hannah and John Simmons, Dec. 22, 1791. [John of Kingston, C.R.]
Harriet of Plymouth and Joseph Sampson of P., int. Mar. 23, 1817, cert. given Apr. 7.
Lucy of Plymouth and William Loring of P., Oct. 25, 1768, in Plymouth.
Margaret, 34, taylorless, of Halifax, b. Thomastown, Me., d. John B. and Nancy of Thomastown, Me. [dup. formerly of Halifax], and John Bonney, 52, farmer, of P., b. P., s. Joseph and Mary of P., June 20, 1846, in P.
Nathaniel [dup. (of Halifax)] and Priclea Bradford [dup. (Priscilla, ch. Capt. John, see birth, and Elizabeth (Holmes))], Nov. 5, 1772. [Nathanel of Plymouth, C.R.]
Phebe of Plymouth and Rufus Sherman of P., July 20, 1775, in Plymouth.
Sarah of Plymouth and Jonathan Freeman of P., Dec. 19, 1728, in Plymouth.
Sophia, 31, cotton factory weaver, of Halifax, b. Halifax, d. John B. and Nancy of Thomastown, Me., formerly of Halifax, and Harrison Fuller, 27, shoemaker, of Halifax, b. Halifax, s. Samuel and Nancy of Halifax, Nov. 3, 1847, in P.
RIDOR (see Ridder, Rider, Ryder)
Ezra [dup. and int. Rider] of Halifax and Eleanor Cooper of P., Feb. 2, 1809. [Rider of Halifax, C.R.]
Andrew and Zeruiah Standish [dup. ch. Ebenezer and Hannah], May 20, 1724.
Andrew and Elisabeth Perkins [dup. Elisebath, ch. Luke (s. Dea. Josiah)) and Abegail ((d. Benjamin Soule))], May 29, 1791.
Ann Janet of P., d. Rufus resident in P., formerly of Kingston and Mansfield, and Ebenezer Soule Sturtevant of P., s. Lemuel and Olive S. of P., Sept. 29, 1840.
Daborah and Josiah Cushmon, July 20, 1758.
Deborah and John Fuller, Feb. 7, 1722-3.
Elephes and Rebackah Weston, Sept. 20, 1764. [Eliphaz and Rebekah Weston, C.R.]
Elizabeth P. of Mansfield, d. Rufus, now resident in P., and Stephen T. Lincoln of Mansfield, Sept. 29, 1840, in P.
Francess [sic] and Moly [(Mary)] Weston, Apr. 21, 1768.
George of Kingston and Luce Chipman of P., Apr. 14, 1747, in Kingston.
Mary and Peleg Sampson, Nov. 7, 1722.
Phebe and Ichabod Standish, Nov. 26, 1719.
Ruth S. of Kingston and Lt. Isaiah Ripley 2d of P., int. June 2, 1820, cert. given June 12.
Samuel and Ruth Cook, wid. Francis Jr., Jan. 28, 1724-5.
Samuel of Kingston, s. Francis of Kingston, and Lydia Weston 2d of P., wid. Capt. Daniel of P., July 1, 1832, in P.
Sary [dup. (Sarah, d. Andrew and Zeruiah (d. Ebenezer Standish of P. and Hannah))] and Isaiah Cushmon [dup. (Cushman, s. Lt. Josiah)], Nov. 1, 1753.
Susanah and Nehemiah Bozworth, Jan. 27, 1725-6.
RIPLEY (see Riply, Rippley)
Abigail of P., d. Isaiah of P., and Capt. Nathaniel Harlow 2d of P., s. Levi, Jan. 25, 1827.
Cephas of P., s. Isaiah [int. of P.], and Deborah Bradford Bryant of P., d. Capt. Samuel [int. of P.], June 15, 1829, in P.
Chipman, s. Ezekiel dec'd and Rhoda Wright Jr., d. Zebedee, all of P., June 26, 1831, in P.
David Jr. of P. and Hannah Williams Cuffs of Plymouth, int. Mar. 4, 1804.
Ephraim Cushman of P., s. Lt. Isaiah dec'd [int. of P.] and Zerviah, and Eliza Soule of Kingston, d. Benjamin dec'd of Kingston, formerly of P. [dup. Benjamin, see birth, and Polly (Ring)], Nov. 16, 1834, in P.
Ezekiel of P., s. Ezekiel dec'd of P., and Mary Jones Packard of Abington, wid. Isaac of W. Bridgewater, d. Samuel Foster of Abington and Mary Jones, int. Apr. 3, 1831, cert. given Apr. 18.
Ezekiel of P., s. Ezekiel [int. dec'd] and Priscilla of P., and Mary Ann White of P., wid. Levi of Keene, N.H., d. William Vose and Mary Ann of Keene, N.H., Feb. 3, 1841.
Francis and Elizabeth Pratt, Apr. 11, 1790.
Hannah of P. and Zenas Sturtevant of Halifax, Nov. 26, 1807.
Hannah Byram, d. Sylvanus and Sally, and Thomas Sampson Randall, s. Thomas and Rebecca, all of P., July 22, 1841.
Isaiah [dup. (of P.)] and Jerusha Sturtavant, wid. [dup. (Sturtevant, wid. Samuel (belonged to Halifax))], Jan. 20, 1780.
Isaiah Jr. of P. and Zerviah Fuller of Halifax, int. Dec. 23, 1804.
Isaiah 2d and Sarah Holmes, both of P., Sept. 23, 1811.
Isaiah 2d, Lt., of P., and Ruth S. Ring of Kingston, int. June 2, 1820, cert. given June 12.
Jonathan and Ruth Bradford, both of P., Dec. 17, 1807.
Joseph and Elizabeth Lewis Howland [dup. (had a family and lived in Woodstock, Vt., ch. Rev. John, see birth, and Elizabeth (Lewis))], Nov. 4,1787.
Josiah of P. and Miss Sarah Cushman of Kingston, Oct. 30, 1771, in Kingston.
Josiah, Dea., and Ruth Washburn, wid., June 14, 1781.
Lucy and Benjamin Weston, both of P., Apr. 29, 1801.
Lydia and Gideon Samson Jr., June 29, 1780.
Lydia and Levi Churchill, both of P., Nov. 3, 1799.
Lydia of P. and Zephaniah Lothrop Jr. of Bridgewater, June 21, 1812.
Martha and John Ransom, June 26, 1718.
Mary and Thomas Coal, Mar. 23, 1726-7.
Mary Prior of Duxbury, d. Daniel and Jane of Duxbury, and George Henry Bonney of P., s. Isaac and Abigail, Oct. 29, 1837, in P.
Nathaniel and Lucy Sturtevant, Mar. 5, 1778.
Polly of P., d. Timothy of P., and Caleb Sturtevant, resident in P. [int. formerly of Halifax], s. Zenas of Halifax, Nov. 27, 1815.
Priscilla and John Bisbee 2d [int. Bisbe, both of P.], July 16, 1804.
Priscilla Jr. of P., d. Ezekiel dec'd of P., and Martin Waterman of Halifax, Jan. 27, 1820.
Prisilla [int. Priscilla] and Job Cushman [int. Cushman, both of P.], Aug. 6, 1778.
Ruth, d. Ezekiel dec'd, and Jonathan B. Perkins, s. Bennet, all of P., Aug. 16, 1824.
Saba of P., d. Ezekiel of P., and Jonathan Blanchard Jr. of Randolph [int. adds Norfolk Co.], Oct. 29, 1815.
Sally and Nathan Hartwell, Nov. 7, 1789. [Hartwell of Bridgewater, C.R.]
Sarah and Georg Briant, Jan. 26, 1715.
Sarah and Isaiah Cushmon Jr., Sept. 14, 1778. [Sally, Sept. 15, C.R.]
Sarah of P. and Ebenezer Cox Jr. of Middleboro, int. Oct. 12, 1806.
Silvanus (see Sylvanus).
(Sophia, ch. Francis (s. William Jr.) and Elisabeth (d. Nathaniel Pratt Jr.), and John Tinkham of Middleborough, ----).
Sylvanus of P. and Sally Sherman of Plymouth, Plymouth Co., int. May 24, 1818, cert. given June 7.
William Jr. and Lucy Chipman, Dec. 13, 1789.
Zerviah Standish, d. Lt. Isaiah and Sarah (second w.), and Rufus Wright, s. Zebedee and Rhoda, all of P., Nov. 6, 1833, in P.
RIPLY (see Ripley, Rippley)
David [dup. and int. Ripley, int. of P.] and Jenne Churchil [int. Jane Jr. of P., dup. ch. David Jr. ((s. David Churchill)) and Jenne [(Jane (Ellis))]], Dec. 3, 1772.
Eunice and Isaac Churchil 3d, Jan. 26, 1764. [Ripley and Isaac Churchell 3d, P.C.R.]
Grace and Georg Bisbe, Apr. 8, 1773.
Mosey [int. Molly Ripley] and Isaac Weston [int. both of P.], June 30, 1748.
Moly and Benjamin Blosom, Apr. 18, 1769. [Molly Ripley and Benjamin Blossom, Apr. 13, P.C.R. C.R.]
Patiance and Zepheniah Perkins, Dec. 22, 1763. [Patience Ripley, P.C.R. C.R.]
Samuel [dup. (Ripley of P., He moved into Vermont)] and Phebe Samson [dup. (Sampson, see birth, ch. Joseph and Bethiah)], Apr. 5, 1776. [Apr. 4, C.R.]
Suseanah and Elijah Bisbe Jr., Dec. 16, 1773.
Thadeus and Abegail Ransom, Feb. 8, 1770.
Timothy Jr. and Hannah Watermon, Feb. 14, 1765.
RIPPLEY (see Ripley, Riply)
Jonathan [dup. Ripley] and Hannah Sturtevant, Jan. 20, 1731 [(in the Church Records 1732), dup. 1732]. [Ripley, Jan. 20, 1732, C.R.]
Timothy [dup. (Ripley, Dea., of P.), int. Ripply of P.] and Eunes Comer [int. Youness of P., dup. (Eunice Coomer, d. William and Joanna)], Nov. 15, 1737.
ROBBINS (see Robins)
Elizabeth and James Donham, Oct. 19, 1780.
Hanah and Barnabus Wood of Middleborough, Mar. 30, 1726.
John and Elisabeth Tomas, Mar. 16, 1725-6.
Joseph and Elizabeth Stevens, June 6, 1779.
Josiah of Plymouth and Ann Gray Cushman of P., Sept. 12, 1811.
Lewis of Plymouth, s. Capt. Samuel of Plymouth, and Elizabeth Parker Backus of P., d. Whiting, Sept. 12, 1826.
Mary and Elijah Lucas, Oct. 25, 1781.
Patience, wid., 59, family housework, residing in P., b. Carver, d. Job Morton and Patience of Carver, and Zephaniah Keith, widr., 70, farmer, of Bridgewater, b. Bridgewater, s. Salmon and Chloe of Bridgewater, int. Sept. 30, 1849, cert. given Oct. 15.
Samuel V. of Plymouth and Sarah Loring 3d of P., d. Jacob of P., Apr. 2, 1821. [Samuel F. of Plymouth, C.R.]
ROBENS (see Robbins, Robins).
ROBENSON (see Roberson, Robeson).
ROBERSON (see Robeson)
Increse and Margaret Boney, Jan. 9, 1737. [Increase Robenson, Jan. 9, 1737-8, C.R.]
(Abigail, second w., and Daniel Crocker, s. Dea. Abel of Carver, then P., and Mary (Isham) of Barnstable, ----, in Yarmouth, N.S.)
ROBESON (see Roberson)
Zabelon [dup. (Zebulon Robinson)] and Lydia Sears [dup. Lydiah, (formerly w. Josiah), ch. Nathaniel Boney and Lydiah], Mar. 15, 1770.
ROBINS (see Robbins)
Elezer and Rebackah Jackson, May 7, 1747.
Elezer and Prisela Lucas, Dec. 7, 1762. [Eleazer and Priscilla Lucas, P.C.R.]
Jemiamah and Samuel Lucas 3d, Mar. 21, 1776.
Joseph [dup. (Robbins)] and Patience Lucas [dup. Patiance, ch. Dea. Samuel and Abegail], Dec. 28, 1786.
Lemuel (see Samuel).
Marcy [int. Robbins] of P. and Leteres Jeney [int. Laterus Jenny] of Dartmoth, Nov. 17, 1743.
Preclea and Lameuel Barowes, July 13, 1777.
Rebaca and John Fuller, Apr. 28, 1768.
Samuel [int. Lemuell Robens] of P. and Esther Dunham of Plymouth, Nov. 15, 1737, in Plymouth.
Sarah and Willard Sears, Nov. 3, 1772.
ROBINSON (see Roberson, Robeson).
ROGER (see Rogers)
Desier [int. Desire Rogers] of Plymoth and Samuel Barowes [int. Barrows] Jr. of P., Mar. 7, 1744. [Desire Rogers and Samuel Barrows, Mar. 7, 1744-5, C.R.]
ROGERS (see Roger)
Elisebath and Thomas Edward Burroughs, Jan. 15, 1771. [Barrows, P.C.R.]
RUGGLES (see Rugles)
Hannah and William Bonney, Aug. 16, 1781. [William of Pembroke, C.R.]
Thomas, Dr., and Moley Loring, Dec. 4, 1755. [Dr. Thomas of Royeston and Molly Loring, C.R.]
RUGLES (see Ruggles)
Moly and Zenus Bryant, Oct. 2, 1777. [Molly Ruggles and Zenas Bryant, P.C.R. C.R.]
RUSEL (see Russel)
Benjamin and Abegail Dunham, Jan. 16, 1777.
John and Elisebath Bridgham, June 4, 1755. [Russel and Elizabeth] Bridgham, P.C.R.]
RUSSEL (see Rusel)
Hannah of Pembroke and Noah Cole of P., May 19, 1761, in Pembroke.
RYDER (see Ridder, Rider, Ridor)
John and Ruth Everson, Aug. 3, 1788.
