Marriages - EGERTON to KNOWLES
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Dennis and Experienc Bears, Mar. 12, 1718-19.
ELESS (see Elles, Ellis)
Freemon and Sarah Bradford, Mar. 19, 1767. [Freeman Ellis, Mar. 18, C.R.]
Georg and Phebe Stephens, May 23, 1773. [George Ellis, P.C.R.]
Hannah and Caleb Bryant, June 4, 1767.
Jane and David Churchil Jr., Feb. 20, 1751. [Ellis and David Churchell, P.C.R.]
Joel Jr. [dup. Elles Jr., second dup. (Ellis), omits Jr.] and Annes Pratt [second dup. (Annis, ch. Nathaniel of P. (s. Daniel) and Mary (d. Nathaniel Cobb and Mary))], Sept. 26, 1765.
John [dup. (Ellis of Middleborough)] and Elisebath Comer [dup. (Elizabeth Coomer, d. William and Joanna)], May 1, 1740.
Samuel and Lydia Chandler, Jan. 20, 1761. [Ellis, P.C.R. C.R.]
Sarah and Isaac Cushmon, Nov. 16, 1769. [Ellis and Isaac Cushman, P.C.R. C.R.]
ELLES (see Eless, Ellis)
Catherine, wid. [int. Catharine Ellis of P., wid. Samuel], and Benjamin Allen Lint, of Attleborough], May 25, 1779. [Katharine Ellis and Benjamin Allen of Attleborough, C.R.]
Joseph and Hannah Shurtleff, May 20, 1773.
Thomas Jr. and Lovice Smith, Feb. 4, 1779. [Lowis, both of Middleboro, C.R.]
ELLIS (see Eless, Elles)
Abigail Sampson of P., d. Capt. Thomas dec'd of P. and Abigail (first w.), and James Cole of Carver, s. Hezekiah of Carver and Jane (first w.), Feb. 20, 1831, in P.
Betsy Robbins of Carver, d. James dec'd of Carver, and George Sherman formerly of P., "but who had resided in Carver a short time," s. Asa [int. dec'd] and Polly of P., May 28, 1837, in. P.
Betty and Jonathan Nye, Mar. 28, 1782.
Catharine of P., d. Willard of P. and Mary, and Ebenezer Leach of P., s. Asa and Eunice of Bridgewater, Sept. 6, 1832, in P.
Clara of P., wid. Joel, d. Capt. James Churchill of P., and Peleg Chandler of Duxbury, Plymouth Co., Apr. 28, 1817.
Clarissa, 37, cotton factory weaver, b. P., d. Joel and Clara, and Daniel Dean Wright, 46, farmer, b. P., s. Peleg and Hannah, all of P., May 30, 1849, in P.
(Ebenezer [int. of P.], s. Lt. Stephen and Susanna of P., and Polly Randall [int. of P.], d. Onesimus and Olive of P., Nov. 26, 1807, after their marriage, resided in Boston).
Edson of P., s. Marick dec'd of P. and Sophia, and Polly Sherman Jr. of Carver, d. Capt. Jabez of Carver and Polly, int. Dec. 19, 1830.
Elihu, Lt., of P., s. Marrick dec'd and Sophia of P., and Sarah Fuller 2d of Halifax, d. Samuel Jr. of Halifax and Nancy, June 4, 1837, in P.
Emeline, 26, family housework, b. P., d. Josiah T. Esq. and Sophia, and Edward Schuyler Wright, 25, shoemaker, b. P., s. Zebedee 2d and Mary, all of P., Dec. 1, 1847, in Dighton.
(Freeman Esq. of Maine) [dup. ch. Freemanl (s. Joel)) and Sarah] and Lydia Fuller [dup. (of Maine)], ch. Isaac and Lydea [see Isaac Fuller, b. Jan. 14, 1781], (----).
(James C. and Nancie Brewster, Dec. 25, 1830, P.R.2.
Jane, ch. Freeman ((s. Joel)) and Sarah, (and Sampson Reed of Hartford, Me., ----).
Joel Jr. and Clary [int. Clara] Churchill [int. both of P.], Apr. 1, 1802.
John Milton of P., s. Willard and Mary of P., and Abigail Ripley Chandler of Kingston, d. Spencer dec'd of Kingston and Lucretia, int. Apr. 24, 1836, cert. given May 21.
John P. of P. and Miss Sarah H. Barnes of Plymouth, int. Feb. 29, 1824, cert. given Mar. ----.
Josiah T. and Sophia Wright, both of P., Aug. 10, 1810.
Lydia of P., d. Lt. Stephen dec'd and Susanna of P., and William Cornish of Middleborough, Apr. 26, 1840, in P.
Marcy and Polycarpusca Parker, Oct. 12, 1795.
Marcy, ch. Freeman ((s. Joel)) and Sarah, and (Arvida Hayford Esq. of Maine, ----).
Mary [int. Marcy] of Plymouth and [int. Dea.] Samuel Churchill of P., Apr. 12, 1748, in Plymouth.
Mercy (see Marcy).
Meribah and Levi Loring, both of P., Nov. 28, 1800.
Mirick and Sophia Churchill, both of P., int. July 5, 1807.
Molley and Thomas R. Waterman, both of P. int. Apr. 5, 1801.
Molly and Rogers Waterman, Apr. 15, 1802.
Nathaniel of P., s. Joel dec'd of P. and Clara, and Eunice Brewster of Duxbury, d. Joseph of Duxbury and Sarah, int. June 12, 1836, cert. given June 30.
Patience and Billey Wright, July 5, 1786.
Phebe and [int. Lt.] Oliver Parker, both of P., Mar. 14, 1799.
Polly and Pelham Harlow, both of P., Feb. 22, 1814.
Ruth of Middleborough and Ebenezer Deane of P., Apr. 7, 1814, in Tiverton.
Ruth Avery of P., d. Maj. Samuel of P., and Allen Howland Jr. of Pembroke, s. Allen of Pembroke, Mar. 21, 1827.
Samuel and Mary Cushman, both of P., Dec. 3, 1741.
Samuel of P. and Marcy Marick of Taunton, (There are people by the name Merrick, Myrick and Marrett), int. Dec. 15, 1744.
Samuel of Plymouth and Lydia Lobdell [of Plympton crossed out], Jan. 25, 1753. [Lobden, C.R.]
Samuel and Abigail Parker [int. both of P.], Nov. 30, 1800.
(Samuel and Catharine Campbell, ch. Rev. Othniel and Catharine (Willard) (first w.), ----).
Sarah, second w., ch. Freeman ((s. Joel)) and Sarah, (and Nathan Sampson of Hartford, Me., ----).
Selah and Isaac Wright Jr., Aug. 28, 1788.
Selah of P., d. Josiah T. Esq. and Sophia of P., and Samuel Miller Tinkham of Taunton, s. Jeremiah and Abby of Taunton, int. Oct. 4, 1840, cert. given Oct. 18.
Southworth Jr., Lt., "afterwards a Captain," Middleborough, s. Capt. Southworth of Middleborough, and Lucia C. Thomas of P., d. Noah of P., Jan. 15, 1822.
Stephen of P. and Susanna Thompson of Halifax, Nov. 14, 1771, in Halifax.
Stephen Jr. and Betsey Stephens [int. Betsy Stevens], both of P., Nov. 4, 1798.
Susanna, 50, shoefitter and housewifery [dup. b. P.], wid. Capt. Thomas, d. Capt. John Bradford and Eunice, and Jonathan Parker Esq., widr., 71, farmer [dup. b. P.], s. Jonathan dec'd and Abigail, all of P., Mar. 10, 1846, in P.
Susy (Susanna is her Name) [dup. (Miss)] and Chandler Wright [dup. (ch. Isaac and Faith), see birth of Billya Wright], Mar. 7, 1795. [Mar. 17, C.R.]
Thomas [second dup. (Capt.)] of P. and Abigail Bradford Jr. of P. [dup. ch. Gideon Jr., see birth, and Abigail ((Sampson))], Dec. 22, 1808.
Thomas, Lt., and Phebe Nye, both of P., Mar. 29, 1814.
Thomas, Capt., of .P., s. Joel, and Susanna Bradford of P., d. Capt. John of P., Jan. 6, 1818. [Susanna, d. Capt. John and Eunice, P.R.4.]
Thomas Dudley, s. Capt. Thomas and Susanna (third w.), and Betsy Carver Bradford, d. Samuel and Lusannah, all of P., Oct. 14, 1841.
Willard and Mary Marshill, Apr. 6, 1790. [Marshall, C.R.]
Willard Jr. of P., s. Willard, and Christiana Wright of P., d. Lt. Joseph of P., Jan. 18, 1824.
(Olive) and James Mackfarlin, ch. John ((s. Solomon Mackfarling)) and Martha ((Glover), ----).
Elizabeth of Kingston and Jedediah Samson of P., Nov. 29, 1749, in Kingston.
Hannah of Kingston and Nathan Weston of P., Aug. 29, 1751, in Kingston.
James Jr. (see ---- Everson).
John [dup. (of Kingston)] and Elisebath [dup. Elisibath, see birth] Rickard, Oct. 24, 1754. [Eaverson Jr. and Elisabeth Rickard, P.C.R. Everson Jr. of Kingston and Elizabeth Rickard, C.R.]
Joseph Jr. and Hannah Randal, Aug. 14, 1792. [Joseph Jr. of Kingston and Hannah Randall, C.R.]
Joseph [int. of Kingston] and Lydia Bryant [int. of P., dup. ch. Benjamin ((s. Dea. Nathaniel)) and Sarah (second w., (d. James Harlow))], Mar. 21, 1803.
Joseph, widr., 76, farmer, of Halifax, b. Kingston, s. Ebenezer and Betsy of Kingston, and Charlotte D. Raynolds, wid., 48 [dup. family housework], of Halifax, d. Samuel Barker and Eleanor, Nov. 2, 1848, in P.
Martha and Josiah West Jr., June 28, 1779. [both of Kingston, C.R.]
Mary of Kingston and Lazarus Rickard. of P., Oct. 24, 1754, in Kingston.
Rebecca of Kingston and Nathaniel King of P., Oct. 1, 1767, in Kingston.
Richard [dup. and second dup. (Jr. of Kingston)] and Averick Standish [second dup. (wid. Ebenezer, d. Isaac Churchill)], Oct. 30, 1750.
Ruth and John Ryder, Aug. 3, 1788.
Saba of P. and Charles Thomas of Duxborough, Nov. 4, 1798.
Samuel and Sarah Barce, Oct. 17, 1773. [Bearce, Oct. 14, P.C.R. Barce, Oct. 14, C.R.]
---- and ---- Thomas, wid., both of Kingston, [James Everson Jr. and Lydia Thomas, see Kingston Vital Records] June 29, 1780, C.R.
FANCE (see Faunce)
Barsheba and Abner Barowes, Nov. 12, 1756. [Basheba Faunce and Abner Barrow, P.C.R.]
Elce and Edmond Wood Jr., both of Middleborough, Jan. 7, 1773.
Hannah and Samuel Barowes, Sept. 10, 1767.
John, (John Faunce is probably mistaken for John Cole Jr.) [int. John Cole Jr. of P.], and Hannah Telson [int. Tilson of P.], Feb. 18, 1733.
John [int. Jr. of Plymouth] and Ruth Samson. [int. of P.], Nov. 29, 1733.
John [int. Faunce] Jr. of Kingston and Hannah Coock [int. Cook] of P., Dec. 26, 1744.
Joseph and Hannah Winslow, both of Middleborough, Aug. 11, 1772.
Ruth and David Darlin, June 9, 1742. [Faunce and David Darling, P.C.R.]
Sarah and Ezekel Samson, Apr. 4, 1765.
Sarah and Joshua Auston, May 14, 1771. [Faunce and Joshua Austin, P.C.R.]
FAUNCE (see Fance)
Abegail and Lameuel Muxam, Dec. 12, 1776.
Benjamin Jr. and Nancy Washburn, both of Kingston, Apr. 1, 1821.
Caroline W., d. Ezra, and Isaiah Pratt Jr., s. Isaiah, all of Carver, July 5, 1827.
Joanna and Zenas Cook of P., June 27, 1792, in Kingston.
John 2d of Kingston, s. Eliezer of Kingston, and Sarah Bradford 2d of P., d. Dr. Calvin of P., Oct. 19, 1818.
Molly of Kingston and John Cook of P., int. Aug. 22, 1778.
FEARING (see Ferens, Ferren)
Hulday, (wid. David), d. Benjamin Cushman and Sarah ((Eaton) [see birth of Abigal Cushman], and John Millard, ----).
FERENS (see Fearing, Ferren)
Hanah, Mrs., and Rev. Roland Thacher, Sept. 16, 1754. [Mrs. Hannah Ferren, Sept. 15, P.C.R.]
FERREN (see Fearing, Ferens)
David [dup. (Fearing)] and Huldah Cushmon [dup. Hulday Cushman, ch. Benjamin and Sarah ((Eaton)), see birth of Abigal Cushman], Dec. 23, 175[worn]. [Dec. 23, 1756, P.C.R.]
FINNEY (see Phenney, Phiney, Phinney, Phiny)
James of Plymouth, s. George and Abigail of Plymouth, and Jane Stetson Wright of P., d. Southworth and Jane of P., Dec. 3, 1835, in P.
Lucinda of Kingston and Seth Tinkham of P., int. Nov. 11, 1804.
Zerviah P., 19, of Pembroke, d. Joseph and Roxana of Pembroke, and James T. Simmons, 30, agent for the Plympton Station of the Old Colony Railroad, residing in P., s. James and Joanna of Kingston, int. Jan. 30, 1848, cert. given Mar. 17.
Nathaniell and Bula Edy, Sept. 26, 1728.
Jeremiah and Thankfull King, Mar. 7, 1722-3.
Joshua and Marcy Churchil, June 5, 1754. [Mercy Churchill, P.C.R. Joshua of Bridgewater and Marcy Churchill, C.R.]
Martin and Elizabeth Eaton, Oct. ----, [1793].
Nathan and Susanna Soule, Mar. 20, 1786. [Dr. Nathan, C.R.]
Susanna 2d of P. and Daniel McLean of N. Providence, R.I., July 5, 1814.
(Susanna, wid. Dr. Nathan, d. Ebenezer Soule, and William Strobridge, second h., of Middleborough, ----).
FOORD (see Ford)
Elisabitha of Pembroke and Samuel Bryant of P., Mar. 28, 1723, in Pembroke.
FORD (see Foord)
Abia and James Bears (Bearce), Sept. 23, 1713.
Amas and Rebeckah Churchell, Nov. 25, 1731.
(Consider of Marshfield) and Mary Sampson Harlow [int. of P.], ch. Levi ((s. Nathaniel)) and Molley ((d. Capt. Thomas Sampson), ----) [int. cert. given Feb. 12, 1826].
Thankfull and Shubal Bers, Nov. 16, 1709.
Abigail of Pembroke and Elisha Whitten of P., May 10, 1757, in Pembroke.
Amelia Drew of Kingston, d. Capt. Joseph dec'd of Kingston and Lydia, and Cephas Cushman Bumpus of P., s. Dea. Cephas C. of P. and Lydia, Oct. 5, 1834, in Kingston.
Hector of Abington and Mary Grozier [int. Grozer] Churchill of P., d. Isaac of P., Oct. 30, 1828.
Micah [dup. (of Pembroke)] and Hazediah Crocker [dup. (Hasadiah, ch. Daniel, [q.v., and Susanna (Dunham))], Mar. 7, 1765.
Mary, "Indian Squaw," of Rochester, and John Sepit, Indian, of P., Feb. 11, 1768, in Wareham.
John and Johanah Rickard, Sept. 30, 1731.
Jonathan of P. and Sarah Rider of Plymouth, Dec. 19, 1728, in Plymouth.
Lydia, Miss, of Duxbury, and Capt. Daniel Weston of P., s. Dea. Jabez of P., int. Dec. 3, 1826, cert. given Dec. 29.
Marcy, wid. Jonathan of Harwitch, (d. Maj. John Bradford), and Isaac Cushman Jr., Oct. 10, 1717.
Mercy and Thomas Waterman, June 12, 1728.
(Stephen, Capt., of Weymouth, and Hannah Loring, wid. Thomas (s. Dea. Thomas of Hingham, afterwards of Hull, and Jane), ----).
John Jr. and Martha Samson, both of Middleborough, Dec. 25, 1764.
Abigail and John Shurtleff, Apr. 18, 1734. [Shurtliff, C.R.]
Abigail, Mrs., and William Shurtliff, Dec. 16, 1790.
Alfred and Miss Mary P. Mitchell, both of Halifax, Apr. 16, 1837, in P.
Amos of P. and Abegail [dup. Abigaill, int. Abigail] Harlow of P. [dup. ch. James and Hannah, see birth of Abigail], June 11, 1744.
Amos and Rachel Samson [dup. (Sampson, wid. Philemon (s. Benjamin), d. Moses Standish)], Oct. 25, 1759.
Amos of P., s. Philemon of P., and Priscilla Vaughan Shaw, d. Capt. George of Middleborough, July 3, 1826.
Amos of P., s. Philemon and Mercy of P., and Lucinda Sturtevant Jr. of Halifax, d. Ward and Lucinda of Halifax, Aug. 4, 1836, in Halifax.
Ann and Thomas Harlow, May 3, 1762. [Anna, P.C.R.]
Archipus and Mary Pratt, Aug. 23, 1748.
Archipus of P. and Mariah Churchill of Plymouth, Sept. 26, 1753, in Plymouth.
Barnabas of P. and Rebecca Cushman of Kingston, Mar. 16, 1747-8, in Kingston.
Benjamin of P. and Abigail King of Kingston, Dec. 15, 1774, in Kingston.
Benjamin of Halifax, Plymouth Co., and Mary [dup. and int. Polly] Perkins of P., d. Bennet of P. [dup. Bennett ((s. Nathan)) and Hannah], Mar. 30, 1820.
Benjamin Franklin, 25, seaman and shoemaker, of P. [dup. and int. formerly of Halifax], b. Halifax, s. Benjamin [int. dec'd] and Polly [int. Mary dec'd] of Halifax, and Lucy Williams Stone, 23, dressmaker, of Carver, b. Plymouth, d. Newell and Olive of Plymouth, Nov. 15, 1846, in P.
Betsy Shaw, 18, woollen factory weaver, of P., b. Colerain, d. Amos and Priscilla V. (first w.) of P., and Charles Henry Nesmith, 24, woollen factory weaver, of Halifax, b. Woolwich [Kent Co., Eng.], s. William H. and Mary Ann of Woolwich, Kent Co., Eng., Dec. 12, 1847, in Kingston.
Betty and Nathaniel Harlow Jr., Jan. 6, 1785.
Bildad and Miss Margaret Bonney, both of P., Dec. 5, 1815, in Halifax.
Charles and Deborah Soule 2d [int. both of P.], Nov. 29, 1813.
Charles of P., s. Philemon, and Sarah Nye of P., d. Jonathan of P., Sept. 10, 1823.
Charles Augustus, 32, carpenter, of P. b. P., s. Charles and Deborah (first w.) of P. and Miss Cordelia Ann Douglass, 22, dressmaker, of Dedham, b. Amherst, int. Sept. 3, 1848, cert. dated Sept. 17.
Chipmon [dup. Chipman] and Thankful Wright, Dec. 9, 1779. [Chipman of Halifax, C.R.]
Consider and Lydiah Bryant, Feb. 21, 1759. [Consider of Kingston and Lydia Bryant, C.R.]
Consider of Kingston and Hannah Eaton of P., int. June 22, 1806.
Daborah and Thomas Clerk Jr., Apr. 16, 1778.
Ebenezer of Halifax and Abigail Sampson of P., int. Nov. 9, 1817, cert. given Nov. 29.
Edward, 21, seaman and shoemaker, b. P., s. Harvey and Eliza F., and Sophia Matilda Phinney, 17, cotton factory weaver, b. P., d. Otis and Betsy, all of P., Feb. 22, 1848, in P. [Feb. 23, C.R.]
Eleazar R., Capt., of Kingston, s. John of Kingston, and Abigail Harlow of P., wid. Capt. Nathaniel of P., d. Isaiah Ripley, Mar. 1, 1835, in P.
Elezer and Margret Holmes, Jan. 6, 1763. [Eleazer and Margaret Holmes, P.C.R. Eleazer of Kingston and Margeret Holmes, C.R.]
Elisabeth and James Raiment, Jan. 30, 1723-4.
Ephraim Jr. of Halifax and Zerviah Chandler of P., int. July 24, 1808.
Ephraim Jr., s. Ephraim and Zerviah, and Mary Bisbee Nye, d. Lt. Joseph [int. dec'd] and Mary, all of P., Apr. 10, 1842.
Essecher and Elezebath Dotin, Jan. 19, 1747. [Eseker and Elizabeth Doten, P.C.R. Issachar and Elizabeth Dotey, Jan. 19, 1747-8, C.R.]
Ezra of Kingston, s. Consider of Kingston, and Eliza Cobb of Carver, d. Isaac formerly of Carver, Oct. 8, 1818, in Carver.
Gamaliel Jr. of Wareham and Drusilla Savery of Carver, d. Peleg of Carver, Sept. 12, 1824 [in Carver.]
George Bonney, 25, school teacher and shoemaker, b. P., s. Bildad and Margaret, and Sarah Rosmond Fuller, 17, tayloress, b. P., d. Charles and Sarah [dup. and int. (second w.)], all of P., Jan. 31, 1847, in P.
Hannah [dup. (d. Amos (s. Nathaniel) and Abigail (first w., d. James Harlow))] and Peleg Coock [dup. (Cook of Kingston)], Dec. 3, 1767.
Hannah of P., d. Ephraim of P., and George Washington May of Stoughton, s. David of Stoughton and Sarah, Feb. 1, 1835, in P.
Harrison, 27, shoemaker, of Halifax, b. Halifax, s. Samuel and Nancy of Halifax, and Sophia Rider, 31, cotton factory weaver, of Halifax, b. Halifax, d. John B. and Nancy of Thomastown, Me., formerly of Halifax, Nov. 3, 1847, in P.
Harvey of P., s. Philemon, and Eliza F. Harlow of P., d. Levi of P., Dec. 16, 1824.
Hazediah and James Sturtevant Jr., May 22, 1740.
Huldah of Halifax and Nehemiah Sturtevant of P., May 28, 1778, in Halifax.
Isaac and Mary Prat, Sept. 1, 1709.
Issacher (see Essecher).
Jabez and Deborah Soull, Nov. 12, 1724.
Jabez and Priscilla Sampson, Jan. 12, 1726-7.
Jabez and Ruth Wright, Apr. 24, 1766.
Jabez of Middleborough, s. Dr. Jonathan of Middleborough, and Sarah H. Churchill of P., d. James Jr. of P., Sept. 7, 1815.
James and Judeth [dup. and second dup. (Judith)] Rickard [dup. ch. Henery [second dup. Sr.] and Mary (first w.)], May 19, 1725.
James and Mercy Perkins, May 22, 1729.
John and Deborah Ring, Feb. 7, 1722-3.
John and Rebaca Robins, Apr. 28, 1768.
John and Betty Smith, July 29, 1779. July 27, C.R.] [Betty of Middleboro, July 27, C.R.]
John of Halifax and Hannah Cooper of P., May 16, 1811.
Joseph Henry of P., s. Bildad and Margaret of P., and Eleanor Faunce Cook of Kingston, d. Asa and Rebecca D. of Kingston, int. Oct. 17, 1841, cert. given Oct. 31.
Josiah of Kingston and Lucy Bradford of P., Nov. 29, 1807.
Louisa, shoe fitter, of P., b. Kingston, d. Smith and Louisa of Kingston, and John Vaill, 21, shovel finisher, of P., b. Carver, s. John C. and Rebecca of Carver, Mar. 19, 1848, in P.
Lydia and John Lucas, Nov. 16, 1769.
Lydia [dup. (of Maine)], ch. Isaac and Lydea [see Isaac Fuller, b. Jan. 14, 1781], (and Freeman Ellis Esq. of Maine [dup. ch. Freeman ((s. Joel)) and Sarah], ----).
Lydiah [dup. (Lydia, wid. Nathaniel Jr. (s. Nathaniel and Martha))] and Ebenezer Dunham [dup. (then of P.)], May 12, 1748.
Marcy and Ebenezer Raiment, July 28, 1726.
(Mary, formerly w. Dr. Thomas, d. Rev. John Howland and Elizabeth, and Rev. Ezra Weld of Braintree, ----).
Mercy (see Marcy).
Mercy A., 18, family housework and shoefitting, of Middleborough, b. Middleborough, d. Consider and Mercy Abby of Middleborough, and William Loring Randall, 22, farmer and shoemaker, of P., b. P., s. Thomas and Rebecca of P., int. June 17, 1849. cert. given July 1.
Nathaniel Jr. of P. [dup. (s. Nathaniel, see birth, and Martha (Sampson))] and Lydian Parree [dup. (Miss Lydia Perry)] of P., June 12, 1744.
Nathaniel and Lydia Holmes, Mar. 29, 1770.
Nathaniell and Martha Sampson, Jan. 24, 1711–12.
(Philemon and Mercy Chipman, both of P., abt. 1786, in P.)
Philemon Jr. of Fairhaven, formerly of P. s. Philemon of P., and Eunice Bradford of P., d. Lt. John of P. June 4, 1828.
Polly of Rehoboth, Bristol Co., and Arthur Chandler of P., int. Oct. 25, 1820, cert. given Nov. 3.
Rebecca, wid., 29, family housework, b. Halifax, d. Ebenezer Fuller and Abigail, and Zephaniah L. P. Brittan, 24, shoemaker, b. Halifax, s. Zephaniah L. and Elsey, all of Halifax, Nov. 7, 1847, in P.
Rube and Joseph Lucas, Sept. 24, 1767.
Ruth [int. of P.], ch. Nathaniell [(Nathaniel), see birth] and Martha ((Sampson), and James Cobb [int. Cob of Kingston], ----). [int. Oct. 28, 1732].
Samuel of P. and Anne Tinkum of Kingston, Oct. 27, 1747, in Kingston.
Samuel [dup. (of Halifax)] and Salley Cushman [dup. (Sarah, ch. Benjamin Jr. (s. Benjamin and Sarah) and Zeruiah (d. William Sampson and Joanna))], Dec. 15, 1785. [Samuel of Halifax and Sally Cushman, C.R.]
Sarah [dup. (ch. Nathaniel, see birth, and Martha (Sampson))] and Isaac Sturtevant, Apr. 8, 1731.
(Sarah, ch. Amos (s. Nathaniel) and Abigail (first w., d. James Harlow), and Samuel Bradford of P., ----).
Sarah of P., d. Philemon of P., and Lt. John Standish of Taunton, Bristol Co., s. Nathaniel of Middleborough, Jan. 30, 1825.
Sarah 2d of Halifax, d. Samuel Jr. of Halifax and Nancy, and Lt. Elihu Ellis of P., s. Marrick dec'd and Sophia of P., June 4, 1837, in P.
Sarah Rosmond, 17, tayloress, b. P., d. Charles and Sarah [dup. and int. (second w.)], and George Bonney Fuller, 25, school teacher and shoemaker, b. P., s. Bildad and Margaret, all of P., Jan. 31, 1847, in P.
Sath (Full) Jr. and Hanah Dotin, Sept. 28, 1750. [Samuel Nores [sic] and Hannah Doten, P.C.R.]
Seth and Sarah Wright, May 12, 1720.
Seth and Debrah Cole, wid. Samuel, Mar. 8, 1726-7.
Silvia [int. Sylvia] and Silvans Stevens [int. Silvans Stephens, both of P.], Nov. 4, 1779.
Solomon of P., s. Ephraim and Zerviah of P., and Mary Soule of P., d. Benjamin of Kingston, formerly of P., and Polly, May 9, 1841.
Sylvia (see Silvia).
Thomas, Dr., and Polly Howland [dup. (Mary, ch. Rev. John, see birth, and Elizabeth (Lewis))], June 11, 1778.
Thomas of Halifax and Sally Sturtevant of P., int. Aug. 18, 1811.
Zebedee Chandler, 23, shoemaker and farmer, b. P., s. Ephraim and Zerviah, and Mary Martin Perkins, 18, tayloress, b. P., d. Josiah and Deborah, all of P., Sept. 22, 1844, in P.
Zerviah of Halifax and Isaiah Ripley Jr. of P., int. Dec. 23, 1804.
Zerviah Thompson of P., d. Ephraim, and Ira May, of Stoughton, s. David and Sarah of Stoughton, May 25, 1828.
GAMMAN (see Gammons, Gamons)
Rhoda of Middleboro and Zebedee Wright of P., int. Feb. 1, 1807.
GAMMONS (see Gamman, Gammons)
Benjamin of P. and Deborah Cornish of Plymouth, Apr. 1, 1773, in Plymouth.
GAMONS (see Gamman, Gammons)
John and Hannah Cole, Sept. 3, 1765.
GANNET (see Gannett)
Thomas and Suseanah Loring, Jan. 10, 1777.
GANNETT (see Gannet)
(Benjamin of Bridgewater and Deborah Sampson, served in the . . .Revolution as a Soldier in wens apparel, d. Jonathan Jr. and Deborah of P. (d. Elisha Bradford of Kingston), ----, after the War).
Abel and Susannah Bryant, Dec. 15, 1785. [Abel of Kingston, C.R.]
Molley and Joseph Tinkham, Feb. 1, 1779.
Marcy, (Her name was found to be Goward), and John Shurtliff, Apr. 2, 1772.
(Charles and Hannah Wright, ch. Samuel of P. and Abigail (Standish) [see Abigail Wright, b. July 9, 1756], ----).
Merabah of Easton and William Churchel of P., Nov. 9, 1757, in Easton.
Susanna of Easton and Ichabud Churchel of P., Feb. 6, 1755, in Easton.
Dilly and Swanzy Hart, Aug. 19, 1787.
John Clark of Montville, Me., and Lucy Franklin Soule, ch. Benjamin [see birth] and Polly (Ring), ----.
Rose and King, negro, Apr. 17, 1778. [King Bridgwater, C.R.]
George Woodville, 20, school teacher, b. P., s. Zenas T. and Caroline, and Mary Ann Bryant, 21, dressmaker, b. P., d. Silvanus and Mary, all of P., Mar. 14, 1847, in P.
Thomas of Duxbury, "Glass' real name was Zenas Thomas Glass," and Caroline Bryant of P., d. Joshua dec'd of P., Nov. 26, 1820.
Zenas Thomas (see Thomas Glass).
Martha (Glove) (Glover) and John Mackfarlin, Nov. 26, 1754. [Glover, C.R.]
Eber of Athol, s. Josiah and Ruth of Athol, and Melinda Cobb of P., d. Lemuel and Polly of P., Nov. 13, 1836, in P.
George W. [int. Washington] of Stoughton or Randolph and Lucy Loring of P., d. Jacob of P., Apr. 16, 1815.
(Le Baron, Capt., of Plymouth, and Sarah Thomas Jr. of P. [dup. ch. Noah ((s. Eleazar of Middleborough)) and Sarah ((d. Rev. John Howland of Carver, then P.))], Jan. 5, 1812).
Sarah Le Baron of P., d. Capt. Le Baron [dup. of N.Y.] and Sarah [int. (first w.)] (d. Noah Thomas of P. [dup. adds and Sarah]), and Milton Seaman Esq. [dup. lawyer] of Medina, N.Y., June 21, 1843, in P.
GOWARD (see Gaurd).
Ruth of Plymouth and Alpheus Witon of P., Nov. 5, 1753, in Plymouth.
GRAY (see Graye)
Bethia of Halifax [int. Kingston] and Benjamin Bryant [int. Jr.] of P., July 23, 1797, in Halifax.
(Dorothy (Lettice), wid. Edward of Plymouth, and Nathaniel Clark Esq., ----).
(Edward, widr., of Plymouth, and Dorothy Lettice, Dec. 12, 1665).
(William of Athens, N.Y., and Molly Parker, second w., ch. lived in Rev. Jonathan, and Lydia (second w.), ----, lived in Plympton several years, and then moved to Cairo, N.Y.)
GRAYE (see Gray)
Sarrah and Samuell Bradford, Oct. 21, 1714.
William of Mansfield, s. Moses and Betsy of Concord, Vt., formerly of Henniker, N.H., and Dexter Bumpus [dup. 20 y. 2 m. 25 d.] of P. [dup. b d. Dea. Cephas and Lydia of P., Nov. 8, 1843, in P.
GREGORY (see Grigery, Jeggery).
Mary and Josiah Bryant, Jan. 1, 1756.
Abegail and Ichebad Binson, Feb. 13, 1777.
GRIGERY (see Jeggery)
Anne and James Whitin, Aug. 12, 1746. [Ann Jeggery and James Whyton, C.R.]
Polly of Provincetown and Isaac Churchill Jr. of P., int. Nov. 2, 1806.
John of Abington and Ruth Sampson Wright of P., d. Levi Jr. of P. and Rebecca, int. Sept. 23, 1832, cert. given Oct. 7.
Perkins and Patience Tinkham, Sept. 9, 1779.
HACKET (see Hacket)
Edward and Sarah Andrew, June 13, 1717.
HACKIT (see Hacket)
Samuel and Meriah Cobb, Mar. 8, 1778.
HAFFORD (see Hayford)
Abigail and Lemeuel Barnes, Sept. 24, 1778. [Haffords and Lemuel Barns of Halifax, Sept. 29, C.R.]
HALL (see Haul)
Hannah of Middleborough and Bennet Perkins of P., int. Apr. 8, 1799.
Ann and John Tilson, Nov. 25, 1737.
Jamima and Josiah Churchel, May 16, 1723.
HAMMON (see Hammond, Hamond)
George and Lucy Southworth, Oct. 2, 1788.
HAMMOND (see Hammon, Hamond)
Anne and Dr. William Bridgham, Nov. 18, 1779. [Anna, Nov. 15, P.C.R.]
Asa Cook, 23, carpenter, of Kingston, b. Pembroke, s. David and Judith of Pembroke, and Amanda Clark, 22, dressmaker, of P., b. Plymouth, d. Capt. Stephen and Cynthia of P., int. Oct. 14, 1849, cert. given Nov. 2.
George of P. and Lucy Sturtevant of Halifax, Nov. 16, 1758, in Halifax.
Josiah Sturtevant, Dr., of P., s. Benjamin of Carver and Hannah, and Mary Andrews Taber of New Bedford, d. Nathan of New Bedford and Mary, int. Feb. 8, 1835, cert. given Feb. 22.
Josiah Sturtevant, Dr., of P. s. Benjamin and Hannah of Carver, and Betsy Parker of P., d. Jonathan Esq. and Polly of P., Nov. 25, 1838, in P.
Lydia and James Mordoch, Nov. 9, 1780. [Murdock Jr., P.C.R.]
Melissa Cobb of Carver, d. Thomas Esq. dec'd of Carver and Persis, and Samuel Virgin of P. s. Capt. Samuel dec'd of P. and Esther, Dec. 31, 1837, in P.
Roland [int. of Rochester] and Lidia [int. Lydia] Bonum [int. of P.], Sept. 4, 1737.
HAMOND (see Hammon, Hammond)
Roland and Mary Southworth, May 5, 1757.
Abegail of P. [int. Abigail, dup. Abigail, ch. James and Hannah, see birth of Abigail] and Amos Fuller of P., June 11, 1744.
Abigail and Robert Cook, Nov. 29, 1716.
Abigail of P. wid. Capt. Nathaniel of P., d. Isaiah Ripley, and Capt. Eleazar R. Fuller of Kingston, s. John of Kingston, Mar. 1, 1835, in P.
Abner [dup. (of P.)] and Rachel Rickard [dup. ch. Samuel and Rachel, see birth of Elisibath Rickard], June 2, 1757.
Barnebas and Molley West, Dec. 22, 1779. [Barnabas and Molly West of Kingston, C.R.]
Drusilla and Micah Bryant, Mar. 29, 1801.
Eleazer and Hanah Prat, July 21, 1720.
Eliza F. of P., d. Levi of P., and Harvey Fuller of P., s. Philemon, Dec. 16, 1824.
Hanah [dup. Hannah, ch. James and Hannah, see birth of Abigail Harlow] and Thophilus [dup. (Theophilus)] Rickard, Apr. 18, 1749.
Hannah and Luke Perkins Jr. [int. both of P.], Nov. 10, 1796.
James and Hanah Shaw, Apr. 9, 1719.
James and Mehitibel Phiney, June 22, 1749.
James of P. and Mercy Cushman of Kingston, Aug. 26, 1754, in Kingston.
James [dup. (Capt.)] and Sarah Bryant [dup. (wid. Silvanus (s. Dea. Samuel), d. ---- Sears)], Mar. 18, 1773.
James (see Jemes)
James Henry of P., s. Stephen and Patience of Middleborough, and Maria Louisa Dean of P., d. Dr. Ebenezer of P. and Ruth, July 25, 1837, in P.
Jane D., Miss, of P., and John K. White of Dorchester, Norfolk Co., Nov. 20, 1823.
Jemes and Plebe [sic, Phebe] Doten, Feb. 22, 1781.
Joanah [dup. (Joanna, wid., second w.)] and Thomas Watermon [dup. (Waterman, widr., s. Robert and Mary, first w., of Halifax)], Jan. 5, 1763.
Joanna of P. and Bela Bosworth of Kingston, Jan. 6, 1812.
Keziah and John Atwood, Dec. 8, 1763.
Levi Jr. and Rebekah Chandler, both of P., Oct. 14, 1813.
(Levi) and Moly Samson, ch. Thomas and Ruth [see Abegail Samson, b. Jan. 29, 1766], (----).
Maria Elizabeth, 22, dressmaker, b. Plymouth, d. Jabez and Betsy, and Horatio Williams Blanchard, 26, shoe and bootmaker, b. P., s. Capt. Jonathan and Saba, all of P., int. Mar. 26, 1848, cert. given Apr. 11.
Mary and Samuel Voughn, both of P., July 29, 1745. [Vaughn, C.R.]
Mary and Isechar Bisbe, Apr. 28, 1766.
Mary Sampson [int. of P.], ch. Levi (s. Nathaniel)) and Molley ((d. Capt. Thomas Sampson), and Consider Ford of Marshfield, ----) [int. cert. given Feb. 12, 1826].
Mary Sampson of P., d. Pelham dec'd of P., and Thomas Hewett of Marshfield, s. Capt. Asa and Mercy of Marshfield, int. Mar. 12, 1837, cert. given Mar. 26.
Molley, ch. Barnabas ((s. James)) and Molley ((d. Dea. Peter West of Kingston), and Reuel Packard, ----).
(Nathaniel Sr., s. William of Plymouth, and Miss Abigail Buck, Mar. 17, 1691, as appears by Plymouth Town Records).
Nathaniel Jr. and Betty Fuller, Jan. 6, 1785.
Nathaniel 2d, Capt., of P., s. Levi, and Abigail Ripley of P., d. Isaiah of P., Jan. 25, 1827.
Parceus [dup. and second dup. (Persis), dup. ch. James and Hannah, see birth of Abigail Harlow] and Isaac Shaw, Sept. 18, 1746.
Pelham and Polly Ellis, both of P., Feb. 22, 1814.
Persil (see Parceus).
Phebe and Barnebus Shurtliff, May 18, 1775.
Rebecca and Edward Winslow of Duxbury, Feb. 27, 1795.
Rebeckah of Plymouth and Benjamin Cole of P., int. Nov. 11, 1732.
Rebeckah of Plymouth and Eben Ransom of P., May 24, 1753, in Plymouth.
Rebekah, wid. Levi Jr., d. Arthur Chandler, and Dea. Ebenezer Sevrance of St. Johnsbury, Caledonia Co., Vt., Mar. 17, 1830.
Robert and Susanah Cole, Oct. 10, 1717.
Samuel of P. and Joanna Holmes of Plymouth, Apr. 18, 1768, in Plymouth.
Sarah [dup. ch. James and Hannah, see birth of Abigail Harlow] and [dup. (Dea.)] Benjamin Bryant, Sept. 13, 1768.
(Sarah 3d of P., d. Nathaniel, and Amasa Shurtleff of P., s. William, Dec. 25, 1783).
Sarah [int. wid.] and Ephraim Soule [int. both of P.], Oct. 2, 1806.
Suseanah [int. Susanna] and Noah Sturtevant, both of P., Nov. 22, 1744.
Thomas of Plymouth and Patiance Tilson of P., Nov. 18, 1736.
Thomas and Ann Fuller, May 3, 1762. [Anna, P.C.R.]
Thomas and Panelope White, July 29, 1778.
William and Rachel Cushing, Sept. 12, 1805.
(William, Rev., and Miss Naomi Watson of Warner, N.H., June 29, 1809) [? in Henniker, N.H.].
William, Rev., of P. [int. s. Capt. James of P. and Sarah (second w.)], and Mrs. Sarah Cornish [int. wid.] of Plymouth [int. b. Freetown, d. Bailey Reed of Middleborough and Elizabeth], June 18, 1827, in Plymouth.
Catharine Warren, d. Thomas B., and Beza Bisbee, "Beza Bisbee got his name changed to that of William Marshall Bisbee" [int. first mate], s. Beza, all of P., Nov. 30, 1829.
George Whitefield, 29 y. 11 m. 10 d., trader, s. Thomas B. and Rachel [dup. (first w.)], and Mary Bryant, 24 y. 5 m. 25 d., b. P., d. Lemuel and Clarissa [second dup. see birth of Adeline Bryant], all of P., Feb. 25, 1844, in P.
James Magoun of P., s. Thomas B. and Rachel (first w.) of P., and Miss Abby W. Simmons of Duxbury, int. Apr. 21, 1844, cert. given May 12.
Thomas B. and Rachel Magoun, both of P., int. May 9, 1802.
Thomas B. and Sophia Wright, d. John, all of P., Nov. 26, 1820.
Thomas B. [int. Bowers], third h., of P. [int. s. Thomas Bowers of Dedham], and Lucy Croaker, third w., of P. [int. wid. John of P., wid. Jabez Witherell of Pembroke, d. Samuel Perry of Pembroke], Oct. 16, 1836, in P.
Swansy and Bethia Sepat, June 9, 1785.
Swanzy and Dilly Gilbart, Aug. 19, 1787.
Nathan and Sally Ripley, Nov. 7, 1789. [Hartwell of Bridgewater, C.R.]
HARVEY (see Hervey).
(---- of Maine and Hannah Vaughan, d. Joseph of Carver, sister of Lt. Nathaniel, Fall of 1806, in P.) [Thaddeus Hastings, both of Maine, C.R.]
Ichabod [dup. (of Tamworth, N.H.)] and Abigail Wright [dup. see birth, (ch. Samuel of P. and Abigail (Standish)], July 4, 1782. [Ichabod of Halifax and Nabby Wright, C.R.]
Mary and Calvin Bradford Jr., both of P., int. May 24, 1807.
HAUL (see Hall)
Abner and Mehitebel Chamberlin, June 24, 1764. [Hall, P.C.R. Hall and Mehetabel Chamberlain, C.R.]
James [dup. (Hall)] and Sarah Wright [dup. ch. Samuell of P. and Ann, see Edmund Wright, b. Oct. 28, 1730], Sept. 25, 1746.
Lydiah [(Lydia Hall)], ch. James and Sarah ((d. Samuel Wright and Anna), and Dea. Ichabod Thompson of Halifax, ----).
HAWARD (see Hayward, Howard)
Dorcas and Joshua Bryant, Feb. 18, 1779. [Hayward and Joshua Bryant, P.C.R. Howard and Joshua Bryant, C.R.]
HAYFORD (see Hafford)
(Arvida Esq. of Maine) and Marcy Ellis, ch. Freeman ((s. Joel)) and Sarah, (----).
Samuel and Reba ackah Watermon [dup. ch. Thomas and Marcey, see birth of Abegall Watermon], Jan. 31, 1754.
Thomas and Zilpha Holmes, Oct. 25, 1781. [Hefford, P.C.R.]
HAYWARD (see Haward, Howard)
Elizabeth Bradford, 40, school teacher, of P., b. P., d. Capt. Martin of P. and Elizabeth, and Sidney Allen, widr., 42, farmer and tack manufacturer, of E. Bridgewater, b. E. Bridgewater, s. David and Rachell [int. Rachel] of E. Bridgewater, May 2, 1849, in P.
Ira and Miss Olive McLauthlen, both of Kingston, Feb. 11, 1827 [in P.].
Martin Jr., 26, farmer and nail factory workman, b. P., s. [dup. Capt.] Martin and Elizabeth, and Priscilla Fuller Bosworth, 19, dressmaker and school teacher, b. P., d. James and Sally, all of P., Nov. 22, 1847 [dup. in New York City].
Mary Briggs [dup. 26 y. 7 m. 21 d.] of P., d. Capt. Martin and Elizabeth of P., and Jeremiah Soper of Hanson, Oct. 23, 1842. [dup. in P].
Rebecca Magoun of P., d. Capt. Martin of P. and Elizabeth, and Stephen Bradford Jr. of Kingston, s. Stephen of Kingston, int. Nov. 9, 1834, cert. given Nov. 23.
Ruth and William Bishup, Jan. 24, 1792.
HEFFORD (see Hafford, Hayford).
Silence, Miss, and Hosea Jackson, both of Plymouth, May 14, 1827[? in Plymouth].
Thomas of Marshfield, s. Capt. Asa and Mercy of Marshfield, and Mary Sampson Harlow of P., d. Pelham dec'd of P., int. Mar. 12, 1837, cert. given Mar. 26.
Gad, Dr., of Pembroke, s. Gad, D.D., of Pembroke, and Mercy Adams of P., wid. Thomas of Boston, d. Dea. Thomas Savery of Carver, Mar. 25, 1816.
HOLLOWAY (see Holoway).
HOLME (see Holmes, Homes)
Mary of Kingston and Francis Sturtevant, int. June 22, 1734.
HOLMES (see Holme, Homes)
Abijah of W. Bridgewater and Wealthy Alden Bates of P., d. Isaac, resident in P., Apr. 22, 1832, in P.
Alexander, 18, shoemaker, b. P., s. Sampson and Bathsheba, and Mrs. Sophia Bonney Thrasher, 18, shoe fitter, b. P., [int. w. Benjamin G. of Middleborough], d. Daniel Vickery and Asenath, all of P., July 30, 1848.
Barnabas Dean, 25, shovel finisher, of P., b. Easton, s. Abner and Lucy of Stafford, Conn., formerly of Plymouth, and Charlotte Bonney, 17, family housework, of Halifax, b. Hanson, d. Ezekiel and Sally of Halifax, Apr. 11, 1847, in P.
Bathsheba Nelson of Kingston and Ellis Wright of P., int. Apr. 9, 1815.
Content of Plymouth and Daniel Soule Jr. of P., int. June 15, 1817, cert. given July 19.
Daborrah of P. [dup. (Deborah, d. John Jr. and Joanna)] and James Sole [dup. (Soule)] of Middleboroug, June 6, 1744.
Darius of Halifax, s. Nathaniel of Halifax, and Sally Adams Perkins of P., d. John of P., Oct. 20, 1830, in P.
Deborah (see Daborrah).
Desier of Marshfield and Edward Seears of P., int. Feb. 24, 1732.
Edward of Kingston, s. Joseph of Kingston and Lucy, and Eliza Holmes Bryant of P., d. Lemuel dec'd of P. and Clarissa [dup. see birth of Adeline Bryant], Jan. 1, 1838, in P.
Eleazer of P. and Ruth Waterman of Halifax, int. Apr. 3, 1803.
Elizabeth of Plymouth and John Bradford of P., Nov. 10, 1743, in Plymouth.
Ephraim Jr. and Zeruiah Bryant [second dup. Zeruiah, ch. Nathaniell and Zeviah, see Benjamin, b. Dec. 25, 1734], Oct. 30, 1765.
Franes [sic] and Lydia Samson, Dec. 3, 1767.
Francis, s. Francis dec'd, and Lydia Wright 2d, d. Ebenezer dec'd, all of P., Jan. 12, 1823.
Grace and Gideon Bradford [int. Gidion Jr., both of P.,] June 14, 1804.
Ira Sampson of P., s. Sampson and Bathsheba of P., and Rebecca Wood Wright of Woodstock, Vt., d. Adam dec'd (s. Levi and Betsy of P.) and Rebecca of Woodstock, Vt., int. June 2, 1839, cert. given July 2.
Isaac and Ruth Ranson, Oct. 27, 1768.
Isaac Sherman of Plymouth, s. Samuel and Polly of Plymouth, and Deborah Holmes Rickard of P., d. Lemuel dec'd of Plymouth and Nancy, Dec. 3, 1837, in P.
Isaiah [sic, (Isaiah Holmes is mistaken for Isaiah Thomas of Kingston, brother of Holmes Thomas)] and Hanah Cushing [(Hannah, d. Col. Seth, sister of Mary (w. Joseph Bonney of P.))], Nov. 11, 1776, (moved to Portland).
James Hervey, s. Jedidiah Esq., and Lydia Cushing, d. Seth, all of Kingston, Mar. 25, 1824 [in P.].
James Lobdell of P., s. Pelham Esq. [int. dec'd] of P. and Mercy, and Jane Sturtevant of P., d. Ichabod (s. Noah [int. dec'd of P.]) and Ruth of Pembroke, formerly of P., Mar. 15, 1840.
Joanna of Plymouth and Samuel Harlow of P., Apr. 18, 1768, in Plymouth.
John and Elizebeth Tilson, Jan. 6, 1718.
John Jr. and Joanah Adams, both of P., Aug. 12, 1743. [Joanna, P.C.R. C.R.]
John Jr. and Abegail Shaw, Feb. 15, 1775.
John and Eliza Winsor, both of Duxbury, Nov. 19, 1820.
(Jonathan of Kingston) and Mary Waterman [int. of P.], ch. Robert and Mary [see birth of Anna Waterman], (----) [int. Oct. 27, 1733].
Jonathan and Marcy Churchill [dup. Churchil, Ch. William ((s. David Churchill)) and Sarah ((Rider))], June 25, 1786.
Joseph (of Kingston) and Rebeckah Waterman, (d. Robert [dup. see birth of Anna Waterman], grand d. Rev. Isaac Cushman), May 20, 1731.
Joshua [dup. (Capt.)] and Sarah Bryant [dup. ch. John Jr. ((s. Capt. George)) and Abegail], May 5, 1774.
Lydia and Nathaniel Fuller, Mar. 29, 1770.
(Lydia, Miss, of Middleborough, and Nathaniel Wright, ch. Isaac and Faith [see birth of Billya Wright], ----).
Margret and Elezer Fuller, Jan. 6, 1763. [Margaret and Eleazer Fuller, P.C.R. Margeret and Eleazer Fuller of Kingston, C.R.]
Martin Everett, 22, shoemaker, of P. [dup. b. P.], s. Sampson and Bathsheba of P., and Nancy Chamberlain, 16, family housework, formerly of P., but now resident in Middleborough [dup. b. P.], d. Samuel and Polly formerly of P., but now resident in Middleborough, Nov. 8, 1846, in P.
Martin W. of Halifax and Jane Standish of Halifax, d. Shadrach of Halifax, formerly of P., Jan. 24, 1839, in P.
Mary and James Morton, Oct. 9, 1766.
Mary and Ephraim Cole, Jan. 23, 1772.
Mercy of P., d. Peleg of P., and Melzar Waterman of Lynn, Essex Co., s. Isaac of Halifax, Apr. 6, 1817.
Molley and Thomas Churchill, July 28, 1778.
Molly 2d of Kingston, Plymouth Co., and Seneca Briggs of P., int. Aug. 8, 1819, cert. given Sept. 3.
Nancy of Plymouth, wid. Seth of Plymouth, d. Richard Blackmer of Plymouth and Nancy (Ellis), and Josiah Morey of P., s. Cornelius and Jerusha of Plymouth, int. May 5, 1839, cert. given May 21.
Patience and Ichabod Cushman, Nov. 27, 1712.
Peleg of P. and Eunice Wood [int. Woods] of Halifax, Jan. 21, 1798, in Halifax.
Pelham [dup. (Lt.)] of Kingston and Mercy Lobdell of P. [dup. (ch. Capt. Ebenezer and Judith), see birth of Ebenezer Lobdil], Nov. 11, 1799.
Priscilla of Plymouth and Samuel Rickard Jr. of P., Dec. 7, 1786, in Plymouth.
Rebackah and James Dunham, May 2, 1751. [Rebeccah, P.C.R.]
Rebeckah of Plymouth and Azariah Whitten [int. Whiting] of P., Sept. 10, 1745, in Plymouth.
Rebeckah of Plymouth and Peter Shurtleff of P., Nov. 5, 1767, in Plymouth.
Ruth C. [int. Cooke] and Luther Bradford, both of P., Jan. 29, 1811.
Sampson, s. Francis dec'd, and Bathsheba Bisbee 2d, d. Abner Jr. dec'd, all of P., Apr. 7, 1819.
Sarah of Plymouth and Nathaniel Cobb of P., Nov. 22, 1772, in Plymouth.
Sarah and Isaiah Ripley 2d, both of P., Sept. 23, 1811.
Simeon of Halefax and Abiah Sturtevant of P., Dec. 1, 1743.
Spencer of P., s. Jedidiah Esq. of Kingston, and Lucy Pierce [dup. second w.] of P., wid. Capt. Calvin of Duxbury, d. Oliver Sampson of Kingston, Jan. 3, 1820.
Zaccheus of Plymouth and Miriam Churchill of P., Dec. 30, 1784.
Zilpha and Thomas Hayford, Oct. 25, 1781. [Hefford, P.C.R.]
(----, d. John Jr. and Joanna, and Edward Sears of Halifax, ----).
Sarah [dup. (Holloway)] and William Cushmon [dup. (Cushman, s. Lt. Josiah)], Sept. 3, 1747.
HOMES (see Holme, Holmes)
Isrell [dup. and int. Israel Holmes] of P. and Perccilla [int. Priscilla] Cushman of P. [dup. Prissilah, ch. (Lt.) Isaac Jr. ((s. Rev. Isaac)) and Marcy ((second w., d. Maj. John Bradford of Kingston))], Sept. 6, 1739.
Nathaniell and Martha Cushman, June 6, 1717.
(Asa) and Easter Wright, ch. Adam ((s. John)) and Ruth ((first w., d. Thomas Sampson), ----).
Esther and Isaac Shurtleff Nov. 28, 1805.
Ruth and Elkanah Shurtleff, both of P., Jan. 5, 1797.
HORREL (see Horrill)
Abigal and Ephraim Sampson, Nov. 15, 1728.
Mary and Isaac Boney, Feb. 22, 1727-8.
HORRILL (see Horrel)
Elisabeth of Beverly and Samuel Sturtevant of P., Aug. 12, 1715, in Beverly.
Elisabeth and Moses Sturtevant, June 16, 1720.
William W. of Dighton and Olive Bradford Sherman, 24, work in cotton factory, of Dighton, b. P., d. [dup. Lt.] Joseph and Nancy of P., Dec. 22, 1844, in P.
HOWARD (see Haward, Hayward)
Elisha and Marcy Within, July 10, 1760. [Mercy Whiten, P.C.R. Haward of Halafax and Marcy Whyrton. C.R.]
Martin [int. Hayward] and Betsy Magoun, both of P., June 12, 1808.
Molley of Pembroke and Elisha Whitten of P., Feb. 10, 1774, in Pembroke.
Nathaniel [dup. (of Bridgewater)] and Hannah Soul [dup. Sole, ch. Zachariah and Mary, see birth of Ephraim Sole], Mar. 24, 1769. [Nathaniel Hayward, P.C.R. C.R.]
Rebaca and Nathaniel Randle, Nov. 27, 1781. [Rebecca Hayward and Nathaniel Randal, P.C.R. Rebeckah Howard and Nathaniel Randall of Kingston, C.R.]
Abraham Jr. of Pembroke and Sarah Simmons of P., Mar. 11, 1731, in Pembroke.
Allen Jr. of Pembroke, s. Allen of Pembroke, and Ruth Avery Ellis of P., d. Maj. Samuel of P., Mar. 21, 1827.
Calvin of P. [dup. (had a family, and some years after his Father's death, he moved to Warren, Me., ch. Rev. John, see birth, and Elizabeth (Lewis))] and Abagil [dup. (Abigail)] Church of Rochester, May 21, 1790, in Rochester.
(Charles, ch. Rev. John [see birth] and Elizabeth (Lewis), and Elizabeth Crease, ----).
(Daniel, ch. Rev. John [see birth] and Elizabeth (Lewis), and Thankful Morse, ----).
Elizabeth Lewis [dup. (had a family and lived in Woodstock, Vt., ch. Rev. John, see birth, and Elizabeth (Lewis))] and Joseph Ripley, Nov. 4, 1787.
(James, had a family and lived in Walpole, N.H., ch. Rev. John [see birth] and Elizabeth (Lewis), and Sarah Mason, ----).
John, Rev., of and Mrs. Elizabeth Lewis Jr. of Pembroke, Jan. 21, 1747-8, in Pembroke.
Lucia Crocker and Nathaniel Cushman, both of P., Apr. 16, 1799.
Polly [dup. (Mary, ch. Rev. John, see birth, and Elizabeth (Lewis))] and Dr. Thomas Fuller, June 11, 1778.
Sally [dup. (Sarah, had a family, . . .and lived in Plympton, ch. Rev. John, see birth, and Elizabeth (Lewis))] and Noah Thomos [dup. (Thomas)], Jan. 1, 1786.
(Sophia, ch. Rev. John [see birth] and Elizabeth (Lewis), and Nathan Sampson, ----).
(William, ch. Rev. John [see birth] and Elizabeth (Lewis), and Mary McClintick, ----).
Huldah Jr. of Duxbury [int. d. Seth of Duxbury and Huldah] and John Croaker Jr. [int. of P.], s. John [int. of P.], ---- [int. Sept. 6, 1829, cert. given Apr. 21, 1830].
(John of Duxbury) and Easter Wright [int. of P.], ch. John and Mary [see birth of Adam Wright], (----) [int. Apr. 6, 1733.]
William [dup. (of Martha's Vineyard)] and Mrs. Sarah Bradford [dup.(wid. Lt. Samuel (s. Maj. John of Kingston), d. Edward Gray of Tiverton, R.I. (s. Edward of Plymouth))], Sept. 7, 1749.
Abigail and Jonathan Chandler, Nov. 29, 1723.
Abreham and Marcy Whiting, Nov. 5, 1741. [Abraham and Mary Wyton, C.R.]
Abreham of Plymouth and Bethiah Whitin of P., Sept. 25, 1744. [Abraham of Plimouth, P.C.R.]
Benjamin and Hope Bryant [int. both of P.], Mar. 14, 1733.
Bethiah and Barnabus Raymend, Nov. 5, 1779. [Barnabas Raymond, P.C.R.]
Content and John Weston, Nov. 29, 1723.
Deborah and Joshua Brewster, Mar. 13, 1721-2.
Faith [int. of Plymouth] and James Shurtlef [int. Shurtleff of P.], Aug. 14, 1734.
Hannah and George Barrow, both of P., Dec. 20, 1736.
Hosea and Miss Silence Hervey, both of Plymouth, May 14, 1827 [? in Plymouth].
Isaac of Plymouth and Lydia Barrows of P., Feb. 4, 1764, in Plymouth.
Lydia B. of P., d. Ransom of Plymouth, and Isaac Cushing of P., s. Isaac formerly resident in P., Nov. 4, 1821.
Marcy and John Perkins, Apr. 18, 1721.
Margret and Joseph Crocker, June 4, 1767.
Mary and Moses Cushmas [sic, Cushman], Aug. 22, 1721.
Mercy (see Marcy).
Nathaniell Jr. and Patiance Cole [int. both of P.], Mar. 24, 1734.
Ransum [int. of P.] and Elinar Doty [int. Elener of Middlebrough], Sept. 28, 1746.
Rebackah and Elezer Robins, May 7, 1747.
Sarah of Plymouth, wid. Ransom of Plymouth, d. Daniel Faunce, late of Carver, and Polycarpus Parker of P., s. Jonathan of P., May 25, 1819.
Susanah (Jackon) and Edmon Weston, Jan. 21, 1724-5.
William and Elisebath Voughn, June 4, 1772. [Elizabeth Vaughan, P.C.R.]
JEFERY (see Jeffery)
Lydia and Ephraim Anequit, Feb. 15, 1767. [Jeffrey and Ephraim Antiquite, C.R.]
JEFFERY (see Jefery)
Amos of P. and Phebe Sopit of Plymouth, Indians, Nov. 10, 1763, in Plymouth.
JEGGERY (see Grigery)
John, (Perhaps Gregory was meant), and Ann Bonney, Apr. 2, 1736. [Jeggery, C.R.]
Leteres [int. Laterus Jenny] of Dartmoth and Marcy Robins [int. Mercy Robbins] of P., Nov. 17, 1743.
Betsy, Miss [int. Betsey of Kingston, d. Capt. John dec'd of Kingston], and Alvan Bryant [int. of P.], s. Lemuel [int. dec'd] and Clarissa of P., ---- [int. cert. given Dec. 2], 1832.
Daniel, Rev., of Orleans, and Maria Sampson [dup. Samson] of P., Oct. 29, 1809.
Jacob and Eunes Cushman, Oct. 9, 1764. [Jacob of Plymouth and Eunice Cushman, C.R.]
Josiah and Barshebe Barrowes, Oct. 29, 1767.
Amanda of Carver and William McCanester (McAllister . . .was his real name) formerly of Philadelphia, now resident in Carver, Sept. 17, 1819.
Joseph [dup. (Josselyn)] and Marcy Watermon [dup. Marcey, ch. Thomas and Marcey, see birth of Abegall Watermon], Apr. 1, 1756. [Joseling and Mary Waterman, P.C.R. Josselyn of Pembroke and Mercy Waterman, C.R.]
Moses [dup. (of Winthrop, Me.)] and Huldah Soule [dup. (ch. Benjamin and Mehetabel), see birth of Aaron Soule], Oct. 8, 1788.
Leah and Ebenazor Churchel of P., Mar. 18, 1727-8, in Rochester.
Alice of Bridgewater and Libeus Washburn of P., Mar. 16, 1792, in Bridgewater.
Zephaniah, widr., 70, farmer, of Bridgewater, b. Bridgewater, s. Salmon and Chloe of Bridgewater, and Patience Robbins, wid., 59, family housework, residing in P., b. Carver, d. Job Morton and Patience of Carver, int. Sept. 30, 1849, cert. given Oct. 15.
KELLY (see Kille).
KEMPTON (see Cempton).
Jerimiah (Killy or Kelly) and Rebackah Samson [dup. see Elisebath], July 3, 1753. [Jeremiah Kille and Rebecca Samson, P.C.R.]
KIMBALL (see Kimpbel)
Abigail and Jobe Prince, Dec. 24, 1719.
Sarah and Thomas Shirtlef, May 21, 1713.
KIMPBEL (see Kimball)
Hannah [dup. (Campbell, d. Shubael of Raynham)] and Joshua Loring [dup. (ch. Thomas 2d, see birth, and Zilpah (Bradford))], Jan. 22, 1778. [Kimball, C.R.]
Abigail of Kingston and Benjamin Fuller of P., Dec. 15, 1774, in Kingston.
Benjamin [int. of Plymouth] and Lydia Dunham [int. of P.], Jan. 15, 1778.
Elizabeth and Ebenezer Bryant, Mar. 19, 1729-30.
(Isaac and Mehetabel Bryant, Aug. 13, 1689).
Isaac and Mary Leach, Aug. 13, 1718.
John Jr. of P. and Hannah Peirce of Plymouth, Apr. 25, 1750, in Plymouth.
Joseph and Asenath Pratt, Dec. 28, 1786.
Lydia of Plymouth and John Rickard Jr. of P., Feb. 23, 1769, in Plymouth.
Martha [int. of P.] and Jonathan Morce [int. of Middlebrough], Mar. 7, 1737.
Martha of Plymouth and Elezer Rickard of P., Oct. 6, 1743. [Eleazer, P.C.R.]
Mehetabell and James Snow, Nov. 4, 1719.
Nathaniel of P. and Rebecca Everson of Kingston, Oct. 1, 1767, in Kingston.
Thankfull and Jeremiah Flowra, Mar. 7, 1722-3.
Joshua P. of Kingston and Lucy Bryant of P., Apr. 6, 1815.
Charles and Sibbil Dike, both of Plymouth, Apr. 8, 1813.
Mary Delano, Miss, of Plymouth, and Lt. Ira Parker of P., s. Lt. Oliver and Phebe (second w.) of P., int. June 18, 1843, cert. given July 2.
