Marriages - COAD to EDYE
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Sarah, 18, woollen factory weaver and shoefitter, of P., b. Plymouth, d. John and Lucy of N.Y., formerly of Plymouth, and Cyrus Wright, 26, laborer and shovelgrinder, of P., b. P., s. Zebedee and Rhoda of P., Jan. 24, 1847, in P.
COAL (see Coall, Cole)
Thomas and Mary Ripley, Mar. 23, 1726-7.
COALL (see Coal, Cole)
Mary and Isaac Wright, Dec. 19, 1717.
COB (see Cobb)
Mary [int. Cobb] and Nathaniel Pratt, both of P., Nov. 17, 1740.
COBB (see Cob)
Abija of Carver and Nathaniel Bradford of P., int. June 9, 1811.
(Agatha, ch. William (s. Nathan of that Part of Plympton, afterwards Carver, and Joanna) and Mary Pynchon, and James Barrows of Carver, ----).
Barnabas and Jerusha Cobb, Apr. 16, 1785.
Benjamin and Sarah Ransom, Apr. 28, 1774.
Binny and Azubah Attwood, Oct. 18, 1787.
Cephas, s. Lemuel, and Adeline Bryant, d. Lemuel [dup. see birth of Adeline], all of P., June 4, 1829, in P.
Charles [dup. (Capt.)] of Carver and Sylvia Rickard of P. [dup. Silvia, ch. Simeon, see birth, and Rebeckah ((Bartlett))], May 9, 1813. [Charles of Carver, C.R.]
Daborah and Edward Cole, Jan. 8, 1761.
Ebenezer and Elizabeth Cobb, Nov. 6, 1783.
Elisebath and John Samson, May 19, 1763.
Eliza of Carver, d. Isaac formerly of Carver, and Ezra Fuller of Kingston, s. Consider of Kingston, Oct. 8, 1818, in Carver.
Elizabeth (see Elisebath).
Elizabeth and Ebenezer Cobb, Nov. 6, 1783.
Ezra of P. and Mehitable Cobb of Carver, int. Sept. 30, 1804.
Frederick of Carver, Plymouth Co., and Lucy P. Bradford of P., int. Sept. 13, 1818, cert. given Oct. 18.
Hanah [dup. (Hannah)] and Elezer Croocker [dup. Eleizer Crocker, (ch. Abel of Carver, then P., and Mary (Isham) of Barnstable)], May 10, 1748. [Hannah and Elizer Crocker, P.C.R.]
Hannah and Jacob Cushmon, May 10, 1764.
Hannah [dup. ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Rebackah] and Joseph Voughn [dup. (Vaughan)], Nov. 21, 1771.
Harriet Newell of P., d. Lemuel and Polly of P., and Andrew Jackson Stone of Wayland, June 8, 1841.
Isaac and Eunice Dunham, Nov. 7, 1786.
(James) [int. Cob of Kingston] and Ruth Fuller [int. of P.], ch. Nathaniel [(Nathaniel), see birth] and Martha ((Sampson), ----) [int. Oct. 28, 1732.]
James and Delievrance Shaw, Nov. 9, 1780.
Jerusha and Barnabas Cobb, Apr. 16, 1785.
(Joanna, ch. William [q.v.] and Mary Pynchon, and Calvin Tillson of Middleborough, ----).
John and Pricela Lucas, Sept. 17, 1766.
John of P., s. Isaac, then residing in P., and Elizabeth Bent of Middleborough, d. Lt. John of Middleborough, June 13, 1815.
Jonathan and Meriah Cole, Aug. 6, 1771.
Joseph [dup. (of Carver, then P.)] and Rebacca Crocker [dup. (Rebekah, ch. Daniel, [q.v., and Susanna (Dunham))], Apr. 28, 1774.
Joseph and Susanna Dunham, Dec. 30, 1787.
Joseph and Susanna Weston [int. both of P.], Dec. 26, 1804.
Lemuel of P. and Polly Whitmore of Middleboro, int. June 1, 1800.
Lemuel Jr. of P., s. Lemuel of P., and Sophia Peterson Chandler of Duxbury, d. Charles of Duxbury and Anna, int. Aug. 30, 1829, cert. given Sept. 13.
Levi and Hannah Soule, Apr. 4, 1793.
Lucia and Jonathan Tilson, May 4, 1748. [Luce and Jonathan Tilison, P.C.R.]
Lydia of Plymouth and Daniel Pratt of P., Nov. 23, 1759, in Plymouth.
Lydia and Asaph Dunham, Mar. 18, 1784.
Maletiah and Content Barows, Dec. 4, 1777.
Maria (see Meriah).
Marston of P. and Miss Anna Shaw of Middleborough, int. Sept. 7, 1823, cert. given Sept. 21.
Mehetabel of P., d. Lemuel of P., and Lt. William Wallace Porter of Taunton, June 1, 1828.
Mehitable of Carver and Ezra Cobb of P., int. Sept. 30, 1804.
Melatiah (see Maletiah).
Melinda of P., d. Lemuel and Polly of P., and Eber Goddard of Athol, s. Josiah and Ruth of Athol, Nov. 13, 1836, in P.
Meriah and Samuel Hackit, Mar. 8, 1778.
Nahemiah [dup. (Nehemiah Esq. of Carver)] and Mehitebel Rickard [dup. ch. Lameuel and Parceus, see birth of Abegail Rickard], Nov. 4, 1773.
Nancy of P. and Marcus Clark of Halifax, int. Aug. 7, 1814.
Nancy Williams of P., d. Lemuel of P. and Polly, and Thomas Babbitt of Taunton, s. Levi of Athol, Mass. [int. Conn.], and Polly, Sept. 6, 1832, in P.
Nathaniel of P. and Sarah Holmes of Plymouth, Nov. 22, 1772, in Plymouth.
Nehemiah (see Nahemiah).
Patiance and Georg Barowes 3d, Nov. 29, 1756. [Patience and George Barrow 3d, P.C.R.]
Patiance and Samuel Atwood, Nov. 27, 1777.
Polly W. of P., d. Lemuel of P., and Eleazar Caswell of Middleborough, Nov. 19, 1823.
Rebecca [dup. Rebackah, ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Rebackah] and Sodderd [dup. (Stoddard)] Totman, Mar. 16, 1780.
Rebecca and Joshua Perkins Jr., Dec. 26, 1782.
Roland and Hannah Stutson, Nov. 16, 1758.
Samuel and Lydiah Atwood, Mar. 17, 1757.
Samuel of Middleborough and Sarah Churchil of Wareham, Sept. 24, 1772.
Susanna and Zurishaddai Palmer, Dec. 24, 1778. [Dec. 21, P.C.R.]
Timothy and Daborah Churchil, Apr. 16, 1765.
Timothy of Carver and Hannah Rickard of P. [dup. Hanah, ch. Theophilous and Hanah, see birth of Batte Rickard], Mar. 9, 1797, in Carver.
Timothy of Carver, s. [int. Capt.] Thomas Esq. of Carver, and Jerusha Parker 2d of P., d. Lt. Oliver of P. [dup. Lt. Oliver, see birth, and Phebe (Ellis) (second w.)], May 24, 1831, in P,
William [dup. (s. Nathan of that Part of Plympton, ..afterwards Carver, and Joanna)] and Mary Pinchin [dup. (Pynchon)], Dec. 3, 1761.
Mary and James Barowes, Mar. 23, 1746. [Barrow, P.C.R.]
James and Zilpha Shaw, July 18, 1782.
COLE (see Coal, Coall)
Benjamin of P. and Rebeckah Harlow of Plymouth, int. Nov. 11, 1732.
(Bethiah, ch. Lt. Joseph [q.v.] and Ruth (Sampson), and Adam Turner of Pembroke, ----, and moved to Hebron, Me.)
Betty and Barnebas Lucas, Feb. 17, 1783.
Consider of P. and Content Norris of Pembroke, Apr. 16, 1755, in Pembroke.
(Consider, ch. Lt. Joseph [q.v.] and Ruth (Sampson), and Miss Abiga Vaughan of Middleborough, ----, and moved to Maine).
Debrah, wid. Samuel, and Seth Fuller, Mar. 8, 1726-7.
(Ebenezer) [int. of P.] and Ruth Churchell [dup. and int. Churchill, int. of P.], ch. William ((s. William)) and Ruth ((d. John Bryant and sister of Capt. George Bryant), ----) [int. Jan. 6, 1732].
Edward of P. and Mary Barber of Dorchester, Dec. 8, 1721, in Dorchester.
Edward and Daborah Cobb, Jan. 8, 1761.
(Elizabeth, first w., and Dea. Elkanah Cushman, s. Eld. Thomas of Plymouth (s. Robert) and Mary (d. Isaac Allerton and Mary), ----).
Elizabeth and Joseph Dunbar, Oct. 30, 1729.
Epheram and Bethiah Samson, Jan. 2, 1759. [Ephraim, P.C.R.]
Ephraim and Sarah Cook, May 16, 1717.
Ephraim and Mary Holmes, Jan. 23, 1772.
Garsham [dup. (Gershom, ch. Lt. Joseph, [q.v., and Ruth (Sampson))] and Abegail Voughn [dup. (Miss Abigail Vaughan Jr. of Carver, then P.)), Nov. 7, 1776.
(Gershom, ch. Lt. Joseph [q.v.] and Ruth (Sampson), and Miss ---- Thomas of Pembroke, ----, and moved to Buckfield, Me.)
Hannah and John Gamons, Sept. 3, 1765.
(Hannah, ch. Lt. Joseph [q.v.] and Ruth (Sampson), and Joseph Barrows of Carver, ----).
Hezekiah and Elisebath Shurtliff [dup. Shurtleff, ch. Barnabas ((s. Capt. William)) and Jemima ((Adams) (of Kingston))], July 18, 1765.[July 8, P.C.R.]
Hezekiah [dup. and int. of Carver] and Jane Bradford [int. of P., dup. (ch. Dr. Calvin (s. Gideon Esq.) and Lucy (d. Nathaniel Pratt of P.))], June 25, 1802.
James and Marcy Tilson, both of P., Dec. 16, 1742.
James and Bennett Barowes [int. Bennet Barrows, both of P.], Aug. 16, 1748. [Bennett Barrows, P.C.R.]
James and Meriah Rickard, Feb. 14, 1749. [Feb. 14, 1749-50, C.R.]
James of P. and Deborah Devenport of Plymouth, Dec. 4, 1755, in Plymouth.
James of Carver, s. Hezekiah of Carver and Jane (first w.), and Abigail Sampson Ellis of P., d. Capt. Thomas dec'd of P. and Abigail (first w.), Feb. 20, 1831, in P.
Joanah and Nathaniel Bryant, Feb. 21, 1759. [Nathaniel Jr., P.C.R.]
Job [dup. (of Carver), second dup. (ch. Lt. Joseph, [q.v., and Ruth (Sampson))] and Mary Savery [dup. ch. Dea. Thomas, second dup. adds ((of Carver)), and Zilpha], Nov. 30, 1780.
(Job, ch. Lt. Joseph [q.v.] and Ruth (Sampson), and Martha Ransom, second w., wid. Ebenezer Jr., ----. Had no children).
John of P. and Patience Barber of Bridgewater, Jan. 10, 1709, in Bridgewater.
John Jr. (see John Fance).
(Joseph, Lt., s. John Jr. and Patience, and Ruth Sampson, d. Gershom of Middleborough and Ruth (Clark) of Stoughton, ----).
Joseph, Lt. [dup. (s. John Jr. and Patience)), and Sarah Wales [dup. (Wallis, wid., of Carver)], June 29 [dup. (June 27)], 1777.
Lemuel [dup. (Lt. Lemuel of Carver, then P.), second dup. (ch. Lt. Joseph, [q.v., and Ruth (Sampson))] and Susanna Crocker [dup. (ch. Daniel, [q.v., and Susanna (Dunham))], Nov. 20, 1783.
Lusanna of Middleborough and Samuel Bradford Jr. of P., int. Sept. 6, 1812.
Macy and Noah Pratt, Mar. 18, 1755. [Mercy, P.C.R.]
Maria (see Meriah).
Mary of Plymouth, d. Samuel of Plymouth, and Winslow Wright of P., s. Josiah of P., int. July 22, 1827, cert. given Oct. 6.
Mercy (see Macy).
Meriah and Jonathan Cobb, Aug. 6, 1771.
Molly and Rufus Edson, Aug. 22, 1783.
Nathaniel and Hezediah Samson, Nov. 20, 1760.
Noah of P. and Hannah Russel of Pembroke, May 19, 1761, in Pembroke.
Patiance and Nathaniell Jackson Jr. [int. both of P.], Mar. 24, 1734.
(Phebe, ch. Lt. Joseph [q.v.] and Ruth (Sampson), and Joshua Raymond of Middleborough, ----).
Ruth of Carver and Zebedee Chandler Jr. of P., int. July 1, 1804.
Samuel of P. and Deborah Edward, Sept. 12, 1723, in Rochester.
Susanah and Robert Harlow, Oct. 10, 1717.
Susanna Jr. of Carver, d. Lt. Lemuel of Carver and Susanna, and Jonathan Rickard of P., s. Simeon of P. [int. adds and Rebekah], Nov. 29, 1827.
Waitstil and Samuel Voughn, Nov. 19, 1767.
Paterack and Moly Mackfarlin, Oct. 27, 1768. [Patrick and Molly Mackfarland, P.C.R.]
Charles W., 23, publisher of books, of Boston, s. ---- of Syracuse, N.Y., and Joanna M. Capen, 23, housekeeper, of Boston, d. Dr. Robert and Mary of Boston, Nov. 12, 1848, in P. [Nov. 13, C.R.]
COLWELL (see Caldwell)
Galen of W. Bridgewater and Lucy Waterman Bosworth of P., d. Joseph of P., int. Dec. 24, 1826, cert. given Jan. 23, 1827.
COMER (see Coomer)
Elisebath [dup. (Elizabeth Coomer, d. William and Joanna)] and John Eless [dup. (Ellis of Middleborough)], May 1, 1740.
Eunes [int. Youness of P., dup. (Eunice Coomer, d. William and Joanna)] and [dup. (Dea.)] Timothy Rippley [dup. (Ripley of P.), int. Ripply of P.], Nov. 15, 1737.
Hannah [dup. (Coomer, d. William and Joanna)] and Benjamin Weston [dup. (of P.)], Oct. 15, 1731.
Joanah [dup. (Joanna Coomer, d. William and Joanna)] and John Bridgham [dup. (of P.)], Feb. 28, 1754.
Caleb [dup. (Coombs)] and Hannah [dup. Hanah, see birth] Bisbe, Nov. 5, 1772. [Cooms of Middleborah and Hannah Bisbee, C.R.]
COOCK (see Cook, Cooke)
Asey [int. Asa Cook of Kingston] and Luseanah Bryant [int. Lucy of P.], Nov. 10, 1742. [Asa Cook and Lusanna Bryant, P.C.R. C.R.]
Bethiah and James Chumuck, Dec. 21, 1775.
Hannah [int. Cook] of P. and John Fance [int. Faunce] Jr. of Kingston, Dec. 26, 1744.
Nathaniel and Suseanah ---- (The church records say Nathaniel Cook and Mary Sampson), Jan. 7, 1741 [dup. (1741-2)]. [Nathaniel Cook and Mary Samson, Jan. 7, 1741-2, C.R.]
Peleg [dup. (Cook of Kingston)] and Hannah Fuller [dup. (d. Amos (s. Nathaniel) and Abigail (first w., d. James Harlow))], Dec. 3, 1767.
Robart of Kingston and Hanah Bisbe of P., Nov. 25, 1742. [Robert Cook and Hannah Bysbey, C.R.]
COOK (see Coock, Cooke)
(Abiel of Tiverton, R.I.), and Mary Bradford, ch. Samuell and Sarah [see birth of Abegail], (----).
Amos Jones of Bridgewater and Hannah Soule Weston of P., d. Benjamin dec'd and Lucy of P., Nov. 7, 1839, in P.
Caleb and Hanah Shurtlef, Mar. 4, 1724-5.
Eleanor Faunce of Kingston, d. Asa and Rebecca D. of Kingston, and Joseph Henry Fuller of P., s. Bildad and Margaret of P., int. Oct. 17, 1841, cert. given Oct. 31.
Francis and Ruth Silvester, Feb. 4, 1719.
(Hannah, wid. Peleg, d. Amos Fuller (s. Nathaniel) and Abigail (first w., d. James Harlow), and Samuel Drew [dup. (of Kingston)], ----).
John of P. and Molly Faunce of Kingston, int. Aug. 22, 1778.
John [dup. Dea.] of Kingston, s. Silvans of Kingston, and Sarah Loring 2d of P., d. Lt. Ezekiel of P. [dup. adds and Hannah], Dec. 11, 1821.
Lydia, Miss, of Kingston, and Asa Whitten of P., May 8, 1771, in Kingston.
Lydia A., Miss, and Ezra Perkins, s. Seth, all of Kingston, Oct. 15, 1827.[in P.]
Melinda of Kingston, d. Capt. Elkanah of Kingston, and Benjamin F. Vaughan of Kingston, s. Lt. Nathaniel, June 1, 1828, in P.
Olive [int. Cooke of Kingston] and Noah Weston of P., May 8, 1796, in Kingston.
Peleg of Raynham and Miss Adaline Stranger of Kingston, Mar. 22, 1838, in P.
Robert and Abigail Harlow, Nov. 29, 1716.
Robert [int. Coock of Kingston] and Patience Phinney [int. of P.], Oct. 23, 1735.
Ruth, wid. Francis Jr., and Samuel Ring, Jan. 28, 1724-5.
Sarah and Ephraim Cole, May 16, 1717.
Susanah and James Sturtevant, Feb. 15, 1710-11.
Zenas of P. and Joanna Faunce, June 27, 1792, in Kingston.
COOKE (see Coock, Cook)
(Martha, second w., and Dea. Elkanah Cushman, s. Eld. Thomas of Plymouth (s. Robert) and Mary (d. Isaac Allerton and Mary), ----).
COOMBS (see Comes).
COOMER (see Comer)
(Mary [int. Corner of P.], d. William and Joanna, and John Wright Jr. of P., who afterwards moved to Connecticut, ---- [int. July 31], 1736).
(Sarah [int. Comer] of P., d. William and Joanna, and Nathaniel Cushman of P., He moved to Connecticut, ----) [int. Sept. 29, 1733].
Susanna [int. Susanah Comer of P., dup. (d. William and Joanna)] and [dup. (Dea.)] Ebenezer Soule [dup. (of P.), int. Sole of P.], Aug. 9, 1733. [Susanna Comer and Ebenezer Soul, C.R.]
Eleanor of P. and Ezra Ridor [dup. and int. Rider] of Halifax, Feb. 2, 1809. [Rider of Halifax, C.R.]
Hannah of Plymouth and George Sampson of P., Oct. 8, 1780, in Plymouth.
Hannah of P. and John Fuller of Halifax, May 16, 1811.
Molley and Jabez N. Cushman, June 2, 1791. [Jabez Newland Cushman, P.C.R.]
Priscilla V., d. Richard, and Barzillai E. Wright, s. Billya, all of P., Dec. 8, 1822.
Richard and Hannah Sampson, Jan. 7, 1784.
Richard Jr. and Lydia Wright 3d, both of P., Apr. 1, 1813.
Richard of P. and Mercy Wright, second w. [dup. int. of P.], ch. Samuel of P. and Abigail (Standish) [see Abigail Wright, b. July 9, 1756], ----, "1814 'or 1815” [int. Dec. 4, 1814].
Richard Jr. and Deborah Samson, both of P., int. Aug. 17, 1817, cert. given Sept. 15.
Ralph Jr., 23, shoemaker, of Middleborough, b. Middleborough, s. Ralph and Anne of Middleborough, and Nancy Bradford Bryant, 18, of Bridgewater, b. P., d. Silvanus and Mary of P., Nov. 26, 1847, in P.
(Deborah of Plymouth and Benjamin Gammons of P., Apr. 1, 1773, in Plymouth.
Sarah, Mrs. [int. wid.], of Plymouth [int. b. Freetown, d. Bailey Reed of Middleborough and Elizabeth], and Rev. William Harlow of P. [int. s. Capt. James of P. and Sarah (second w.)], June 18, 1827, in Plymouth.
William of Middleborough and Lydia Ellis of P., d. Lt. Stephen dec'd and Susanna of P., Apr. 26, 1840, in P.
Fear and Samuell Cushman, Dec. 8, 1709.
CORTIS (see Curtic, Curtice, Curtis)
Elisha and Thankfull Bears, Dec. 19, 1718.
Francis and Sarah Ransom, May 12, 1720.
Thomas and Mary Dunham, Sept. 20 [dup. (Oct. 1, recorded twice .. . under different dates)], 1806. [Sept. 20 [dup. Oct. 1], C.R.]
Bethiah Young, 23, family housework, of New Bedford, b. Rochester, d. Richard and Sarah of Rochester, and Stephen Cobb Phinney, 19, shoemaker, of P., b. P., s. Ezra and Nancy of P., int. Apr. 1, 1849, cert. given Apr. 15.
Ebenezer Jr. of Middleboro and Sarah Ripley of P., int. Oct. 12, 1806.
Phebe Dean, 42, cotton factory spinner, residing in P., b. Berkley, d. Col. Adoniram and Clarrisa of Berkley, and James Waterman, widr., 37, farmer, of Carver, b. Carver, s. John and Hannah of Carver, int. Sept. 23, 1849, cert. given Oct. 7.
(Elizabeth and Charles Howland, ch. Rev. John [see birth] and Elizabeth (Lewis), ----).
CROCKER (see Croocker, Crooker)
Clarissa, Miss, of New Bedford, and Rev. Elijah Dexter of P., int. Mar. 26, 1809.
Daniel [dup. (s. Dea. Abel of Carver, then P., and Mary (Isham) of Barnstable)] and Suseanah Dunham dup. (Susanna, first w., d. Israel and Joanna (d. Dea John Rickard and Mary of P.))], Dec. 31, 1741.
(Daniel, s. Dea. Abel of Carver, then P., and Mary (Isham) of Barnstable, and Abigail Roberts, second w., ----, in Yarmouth, N.S.)
Hazediah [dup. (Hasadiah, ch. Daniel, [q.v., and Susanna (Dunham))] and Micah Foster [dup. (of Pembroke)], Mar. 7, 1765.
Hemon [dup. (Heman, ch. Daniel, [q.v., and Susanna (Dunham))] and Lydia Churchil [dup. (Churchill, d. Capt. Perez of Middleborough)], Oct. 13, 1774.
Joseph and Margret Jackson, June 4, 1767.
Joseph and Dabrah Ransom, Mar. 31, 1774.
Lydiah and Benjamin Lucas, Apr. 3, 1755.
Mary [dup. (ch. Abel of Carver, then P., and Mary (Isham) of Barnstable)] and Dea. Thomas Savry [dup. (Savery)], May 30, 1771. [Savory, P.C.R.]
Phebe [dup. (ch. Daniel, [q.v., and Susanna (Dunham))] and Isaaih Tilson [dup. (Isaiah Tillson of Carver, then P.)], Feb. 6 [dup. (Feb. 17)] 1766.
Rebacca [dup. (Rebekah, ch. Daniel, [q.v., and Susanna (Dunham))] and Joseph Cobb [dup. (of Carver, then P.)], Apr. 28, 1774.
Rebecca Jr. of Carver, d. Heman and Rebecca of Carver, and James Churchill of P., s. Ansel and Lois, formerly of P., int. Apr. 2, 1837, cert. given Apr. 26.
Rebeckah [int. of P., dup. (ch. Dea. Abel of Carver, then P., and Mary (Isham) of Barnstable)] and Salvenus [dup. (Dea. Silvanus)] Dunham [int. of P.], Feb. 22, 1738.
Rode [dup. (Rhoda, ch. Daniel, [q.v., and Susanna (Dunham))] and Daniel Perre [dup. (Perry of Middleborough)], Nov. 20, 1777,
Sarah [dup. (ch. Dea. Abel of Carver, then P., and Mary (Isham) of Barnstable)] and Elijah Parree [dup. (Perry of Middleborough)], Aug. 1, 1751.
Susanna [dup. (ch. Daniel, [q.v., and Susanna (Dunham))] and Lamuel Cole [dup. (Lt. Lemuel of Carver, then P.), second dup. (ch. Lt. Joseph, [q.v., and Ruth (Sampson))], Nov. 20, 1783.
Theophlus and Lydia Edy, Nov. 19, 1730.
CROOCKER (see Crocker, Crooker)
Elezer [dup. Eleizer Crocker, (ch. Abel of Carver, then P., and Mary (Isham) of Barnstable)] and Hanah [dup. (Hannah)] Cobb, May 10, 1748. [Elezer Crocker and Hannah Cobb, P.C.R.]
CROOKER (see Crocker, Croocker)
Benjamin and Deborah Voughan, July 6, 1780. [Crocker and Deborah Vaughan, P.C.R.]
Elijah of P. and Hannah Mitchell, Dec. 8, 1793, in Kingston.
Elizabeth and Edward Stevens Jr., Dec. 15, 1785.
Japheth Jr. and Lydia Bonney, Sept. 20, 1792. [Japhet Jr. of Pembroke, C.R.]
John of Pembroke, s. David of Pembroke, and Miss Mary Smith of Bridgewater, Dec. 20, 1798 [in Bridgewater], P.R.10.
John [dup. and int. widr.] of P., s. David of Pembroke, and Lucy Witherell of Pembroke, wid. Jabez of Pembroke, d. Samuel Perry of Pembroke, ---- [int. cert. given Jan. 1, 1828]. [m. Jan. 6, 1828, P.R.10.]
John Jr. [int. of P.], s. John [int. of P.], and Huldah Hunt Jr. of Duxbury [int. d. Seth of Duxbury and Huldahl, ---- [int. Sept. 6, 1829, cert. given Apr. 21, 1830].
Lucy, third w., of P. [int. wid. John of P., wid. Jabez Witherell of Pembroke, d. Samuel Perry of Pembroke], and Thomas B. [int. Bowers] Harrub, third h., of P. [int. s. Thomas Bowers of Dedham], Oct. 16, 1836, in P.
Margaret and Reuben Macfarling, Nov. 26, 1778. [Crocker and Reuben Macfarland, P.C.R.]
Polly of Pembroke and Nathaniell Bryant Jr. of P., int. Nov. 13, 1803.
Hannah Williams of Plymouth and David Ripley Jr. of P., int. Mar. 4, 1804.
CURTIC (see Cortis, Curtice, Curtis)
Elesabath and Elknah Smith, Feb. 18, 1708.
CURTICE (see Cortis, Curtic, Curtis)
Zervyah of Pembrook and Nathaniell Bryant of P. int. Sept. 15, 1733. [Zerviah P., and Nathanael Bryant, m. Nov. 8, C.R.]
CURTIS (see Cortis, Curtic, Curtice)
Ephraim (see Ephraim Wampus).
John of Stoughton and Orpha Loring of P. [dup. ch. (Lt.) Joshua ((s. Thomas 2d)) and Hannah], Oct. 12, 1813.
Nehemiah and Hannah Standish, June 27, 1780. [Nehemiah of Halifax, C.R.]
Nelson Campbell, s. John and Orpah, and Phebe Waterman Standish, d. Thomas C. and Bethiah S., all of P., Sept. 3, 1840.
Phebe Cushing, Miss, of Scituate, and Thomas Perkins of P., s. John and Sarah, int. Sept. 28, 1828, cert. given Oct. 12.
Rebackah and Ichebad Churchil, both of P., Nov. 14, 1742.
[Rebecca and Ichabod Churchel, Nov. 11, P.C.R. Rebekah and Ichabod Churchel, Nov. 11, C.R.]
Rufus, widr., 50, cordwainer or shoemaker, of Randolph [dup. b. Randolph], s. Joshua and Nancy [dup. of Randolph], and Adaline C. [dup. Adeline Crocker] Churchill, 31 y. 10 m. 12 d., boot and shoe fitter, of E. Bridgewater [dup. b. P.], wid. Levi of E. Bridgewater, formerly of P., d. Zebedee Wright and Rhoda of P., Jan. 28, 1846, in P.
Sophia Emilly, 21 y. 10 m. 28 d., b. Providence, R.I., d. John and Orpah, and James Stephens Bonney, 19 y. 10 m. 8 d., laborer, b. P., s. Stephens and Frances, all of P., Aug. 20, 1843 [dup. in Middleborough].
William L. [int. Leander, 25, bootmaker] of P. [int. b. Providence, R.I., s. John and Orpah of P.] and Ann Elizabeth Wright [int. 22, dressmaker] of P. [int. b. P., d. William and Betsy of P.], ---- [between May 1, 1848 and Dec. 31, 1849, int. May 6, 1849], in Boston.
Augustus of Homer [int. adds Cortland Co.], N.Y., s. James of Homer, N.Y., formerly of P., and Laura Ann Bryant of P., d. Micah of P., Oct. 6, 1833, in P.
Barak of Homer, Cortland Co., N.Y., s. James of Homer, N.Y., formerly of P., and Irene Thomas of P., d. Noah of P. [dup. see birth], Oct. 7, 1827.
Charles [int. of Scituate] and Christiana Thomas [int. of P.], Apr. 29, 1804. [Christina, C.R.]
Daborah and Simeon Samson, Nov. 1, 1759.
Elijah of Kingston and Polly Rickard of P., July 2, 1809.
Hanah [(Hannah, d. Col. Seth, sister of Mary (w. Joseph Bonney of P.))] and Isaiah Holmes [sic, (Isaiah Holmes is mistaken for Isaiah Thomas of Kingston, brother of Holmes Thomas)], Nov. 11, 1776, (moved to Portland).
Isaac and Hannah Churchill [dup. Churchil, ch. William ((s. David Churchill)) and Sarah ((Rider))], Mar. 26, 1795.
Isaac of P., s. Isaac formerly resident in P., and Lydia B. Jackson of P., d. Ransom of Plymouth, Nov. 4, 1821.
James of P. and Deborah Washburn Jr. [int. omits Jr.], Feb. 15, 1799, in Kingston.
James E., s. Seth, and Deborah A. Bradford, d. Nathaniel, all of Kingston, June 15, 1824 [in P.].
Jerusha (see Jerusha Cushmon).
John and Lucy Sherman [int. both of P.], Sept. 18, 1807.
Lydia [dup. ch. Sath Jr. and Lydiah, see birth of Hannah Cushing] and John Paddock, Nov. 9, 1786.
Lydia, d. Seth, and James Hervey Holmes, s. Jedidiah Esq., all of Kingston, Mar. 25, 1824 [in P.].
Margrett and Lt. Samuel Darlin, Nov. 25, 1756. [Darling, P.C.R.]
(Mary [dup. ch. Sath Jr. and Lydiah, see birth of Hannah Cushing] and Joseph Bonney, Apr. 29, 1785).
Nahemiah [dup. (Nehemiah)], Capt., and Hanah Thomas [dup. (Hannah, wid. Joseph Esq. (s. Nathaniel Esq. of Marshfield), d. Caleb Loring Esq. of P.)], Sept. 5, 1750.
Rachel and William Harlow, Sept. 12, 1805.
Ruth of P. [second dup. (ch. Sath Jr. and Lydiah), see birth of Hannah Cushing] and Stephen Bradford of Kingston, Apr. 23, 1809.
Seth Jr. and Hannah Bonney [dup. Boney, ch. Nathaniel Jr. ((s. Nathaniel Bonney)) and Hannah], Mar. 14, 1794.
Susanna of P. [dup. Suseanah, ch. Sath Jr. and Lydiah, see birth of Hannah Cushing] and Timothy Thompson [int. Tomson] of Halifax, Oct. 9, 1797, in Halifax.
CUSHMAN (see Cushmon)
Alice ,and Jonathan Bosworth, Dec. 19, 1723.
Allerton and Mary Buck, Jan. 11, 1710-11.
Allerton and Elisabeth Sampson, Sept. 15, 1726.
Allerton of P. and Alethea Soule of Duxbury, Jan. 30, 1734-5, in Duxbury.
Allerton [int. of New Bedford] and Sally Bryant [int. of P., dup. Salley, ch. Zenas and Mary, see birth of Ann Bryant], Oct. 3, 1805.
Ann Gray of P. and Josiah Robbins of Plymouth, Sept. 12, 1811.
Asenath of P. and Daniel Vickry of Taunton, Mar. 1, 1810. [Vickery of Taunton, C.R.]
Bartholomew, Dr., of Sandwich, and Phebe Bryant of P. [dup. ch. Zenas and Mary, see birth of Ann Bryant], Nov. 27, 1811.
Benjamin of Duxbury, Plymouth Co., and Laura Bryant of P., d. Zenas of P. [dup. see birth of Ann Bryant], Oct. 18, 1818.
Benjamine and Sarah Eaton, Jan. 8, 1712.
Ebenezer and Lucy Bisbe, Sept. 18, 1788.
Eleizer [int. Eleazar] and Unis [int. Eunice] Stoddard, both of P., Mar. 3, 1740 [int. Feb. 11, 1740-1].
Elezebeth [dup. (Elizabeth), int. Elizabeth], Mrs., (wid. Allerton)) [dup. (second w. Allerton, d. George Sampson)], and Dea. Samuel [int. Sarnuell] Bryant (of P.), Oct. 4, 1737.
Elizabeth of Kingston and Elezer Rickard of P., Nov. 29, 1764, in Kingston.
Elezebeth, (second w., d. Dea. Elkanah), and Robert Waterman, Dec. 5, 1723.
(Elkanah, Dea., s. Eld. Thomas of Plymouth (s. Robert) and Mary (d. Isaac Allerton and Mary), and Elizabeth Cole, first w., ----).
(Elkanah, Dea., s. Eld. Thomas of Plymouth (s. Robert) and Mary (d. Isaac Allerton and Mary), and Martha Cooke, second w., ----).
Elkenah and Hannah Churchil, May 17, 1770.
Fear [dup. ch. (Lt.) Isaac Jr. ((s. Rev. Isaac)) and Marcy ((second w., d. Maj. John Bradford of Kingston))] and Nehemiah Sturtevant [dup. (Jr.)], Dec. 11, 1734.
Fear of Halifax and Aseal Lyon of P., Oct. 10, 1776, in Halifax.
Gideon and Ruth Shaw, Feb. 25, 1773.
Hannah (Cushmam) of P. and John Besse of Wareham, Nov. 29, 1764, in Wareham.
Ichabod and Patience Holmes, Nov. 27, 1712.
Ignatious of P. and Ruth Washburn of Plymouth, Oct. 17, 1793, in Plymouth.
Irene of P., d. Jacob of P., and Otis Soule of Middleborough, s. James of Middleborough, Apr. 15, 1827.
Isaac Jr. and Marcy Freeman, wid. Jonathan of Harwitch, (d. Maj. John Bradford), Oct. 10, 1717.
Jabez N. and Molley Cooper, June 2, 1791. [Jabez Newland Cushman, P.C.R.]
Jacob and Sylvia Sampson [int. Silva Samson], both of P., Apr. 16, 1799.
Jacob Jr. of P., s. Jacob of P., and Olive Sampson Doten of Wareham, but resident in P., d. Nathaniel of Wareham, June 3, 1827.
Joanna and Isaac Bosworth, Nov. 7, 1791. [Bozworth, C.R.]
John and Joanah Prat, Jan. 19, 1715.
John Jr. of P. and Deborah Raymond of Middleborough, int. Dec. 22, 1746.
Josiah and Susanah Shurtlef, Dec, 29, 1709.
Lidia and John Watterman, Dec. 29, 1709.
Lydia and Ebenezer Standish, both of P., Jan. 24, 1784.
Lydia and Alfred Churchill, July 11, 1793.
Lydia of Kington [int. P.] and Peres [int. Perez] Bradford of P., Aug. 8, 1798.
Lydia of Kingston and Cephas Bumpus of P., int. Aug. 21, 1808.
Martha and Nathaniell Homes, June 6, 1717.
Martha [int. of P.], d. Lt. Josiah of P. [dup. (Josiah, see birth, and Susanna (Shurtlef))], and Robert Waterman Jr. of Halifax [int. P.], Apr. 8, 1734.
Mary of P. and Isaac Mitchill of N. Yarmouth, int. Mar. 25, 1738.
Mary and Samuel Ellis, both of P., Dec. 3, 1741.
Mercy of Kingston and James Harlow of P., Aug. 26, 1754, in Kingston.
Moses (Cushmas) and Mary Jackson, Aug. 22, 1721.
(Nathaniel of P., He moved to Connecticut, and Sarah Coomer [int. Comer] of P., d. William and Joanna, ----) [int. Sept. 29, 1733).
Nathaniel and Lucia Crocker Howland, both of P., Apr. 16, 1799.
Perccilla of P. [int. Priscilla, dup. Prissilah, ch. (Lt.) Isaac Jr. ((s. Rev. Isaac)) and Marcy ((second w., d. Maj. John Bradford of Kingston))] and Isrell Homes [dup. and int. Israel Holmes] of P., Sept. 6, 1739.
Phebe and Nathaniell Spooner, Nov. 6 1729.
Polly and Joseph Chandler, Nov. 27, 1794.
Priscilla (see Perccilla).
Rebecca of Kingston and Barnabas Fuller of P., Mar. 16, 1747-8, in Kingston.
Rebecca and Levi Wright Jr., Feb. 12, 1802.
Rebeckah [dup. (Rebekah, d. Isaac Jr. and Sarah (first w.))] and Jabez Newland, Dec. 8, 1726.
Ruth [dup. (d. Thomas Jr. probably, of P.; or She might be the daughter of his Son, Mr. Robert Cushman of Kingston)] and Luke Perkins [dup. (Jr.)], Jan. 28, 1716 [dup. (1716-17)].
Salley [dup. (Sarah, ch. Benjamin Jr. (s. Benjamin and Sarah) and Zeruiah (d. William Sampson and Joanna))] and Samuel Fuller [dup. (of Halifax)], Dec. 15, 1785. [Sally and Samuel Fuller of Halifax, C.R.]
Sally and Thomas Sturtevant, both of P., int. Feb. 8, 1801.
Samuell and Fear Corsser, Dec. 8, 1709.
Sarah and James Brient, July 8, 1708.
Sarah and Benjamin Spooner, Nov. 23, 1731.
Sarah, Miss, of Kingston, and Josiah Ripley of P., Oct. 30, 1771, in Kingston.
(Sarah, first w., of P., d. Josiah, and Lt. Daniel Soule of P., May 1, 1783).
Sarah (see Salley).
William of P. and Bathsheba Loring of Kingston, Sept. 7, 1795. in Kingston.
(William) and Zilpha Savery, ch. Dea. Thomas and Hannah, (----).
(William, s. Lt. Josiah, and ---- (second w.), ----, in Conn.)
Zachariah of P. and Saba Adams of Kingston, Dec. 26, 1782, in Kingston.
(Zeruiah, ch. Benjamin Jr. and Zeruiah [see Benjamin, b. ----], and Zebedee Chandler of P., ----).
CUSHMON (see Cushman)
Abegail and Gideon Samson, Dec. 31, 1741.
Abegail [dup. and int. Abigail Cushman, int. of P., second dup. Abigal Cushman, see birth, ch. Benjamin and Sarah ((Eaton))] and Zabdial Samson [dup., second dup. and int. Zabdiel Sampson, int. of P., dup. (s. George)], Dec. 31, 1747.
Anah [dup. Anna Cushman, see birth] and Robart Averey [dup. (Robert Avery)], Feb. 23, 1741. [Anna Cushman and Robert Avery, P.C.R. Anna Cushman and Robert Avery, Feb. 23, 1741-2, C.R.]
Benjamin and Sarah Bell, Mar. 14, 1738. [Cushman, Mar. 14, 1738-9, C.R.]
Benjamin Jr. and Zuruiah Samson, Aug. 27, 1747.
Caleb and Sarah Barowes, both of P., Nov. 11, 1742.
Deborah [dup. and second dup. (Cushman Jr.), dup. (d. Josiah of P. and Deborah (second w.)), see birth of Daborah Cushman] and Meizar Loring [dup. and second dup. (s. Thomas 2d of P. and Zilpah)], June 12, 1782.
Ebenezer and Rebackah Churchil, Apr. 4, 1771.
Elkenah and Hanel Standish, both of P., Apr. 7, 1743. [Elkanah Cushman and Hannah Standish, P.C.R. C.R.]
Elkenah and Patiance Perkins, Mar. 16, 1758.
Eunes and Jacob Johnson, Oct. 9, 1764. [Eunice Cushman and Jacob Johnson of Plymouth, C.R.]
Hannah and Elias Churchill, Oct. 22, 1778.
Huldah [dup. Hulday Cushman, ch. Benjamin and Sarah ((Eaton)), see birth of Abigal Cushman] and David Ferren [dup. (Fearing)], Dec. 23, 175[worn]. [Dec. 23, 1756, P.C.R.]
Hulde and John Warshbon, Nov. 23, 1775.
Isaac and Sarah Eless, Nov. 16, 1769. [Cushman and Sarah Ellis, P.C.R. C.R.]
Isaiah [dup. (Cushman, s. Lt. Josiah)] and Sary Ring [dup. (Sarah, d. Andrew and Zeruiah (d. Ebenezer Standish of P. and Hannah))], Nov. 1, 1753.
Isaiah Jr. and Sarah Ripley, Sept. 14, 1778. [Sally, Sept. 15, C.R.]
Jacob and Hannah Cobb, May 10, 1764.
Jerusha [dup. Cushman, ch. Benjamin and Sarah ((Eaton)), see birth of Abigal Cushman] and Goerge sturtevant [dup. (George Sturtevant)], May 11, 1748. [Cushing and George Sturtevant, C.R.]
Job [int. Cushman] and Prisilla [int. Priscilla] Ripley [int. both of P.], Aug. 6, 1778.
Jonathan and Elizabeth Whitten, Dec. 13, 1780. [Jonathan Whitman [sic], P.C.R. Cushman of Kingston, C.R.]
Joseph [dup. (Cushman)] and Elisebath Samson [dup. ch. George ((s. George Sampson)) and Hannah ((d. Benjamin Soule))], Jan. 5, 1758.
Josiah Jr. and Sary Standish, July 10, 1749. [Cushman Jr. and Sarah Standish, P.C.R.]
Josiah and Daborah Ring, July 20, 1758.
Josiah Jr. and Patiance Perkins, Nov. 25, 1773.
Rebaca and Robart Waterman, Dec. 13, 1781.
Sarah and Zebede Churchil, May 24, 1764.
Sarah [dup. ch. Isaiah, [q.v., and Sarah ((Ring))] and Joseph Perkins, Oct. 5, 1780.
Suseanah of P. [dup. Susanah Cushman, (ch. Josiah, see birth, and Susanna (Shurtleff))] and Benjamin Shurtliff [dup. (Shurtleff)] of P., Mar. 25, 1745.
William [dup. (Cushman, s. Lt. Joseph)] and Sarah Holoway [dup. (Holloway)], Sept. 3, 1747.
Zeruiah [dup. Zuruiah, ch. Isaiah, [q.v., and Sarah ((Ring))] and Beze Sole [dup. (Reza Soule)], Jan. 18, 1776.
Mary, Miss, of Ashburnham, and Joseph Tillson of Halifax, Mar. 21, 1843, in Halifax.
DARLIN (see Darling)
David and Ruth Fance, June 9, 1742. [Darling and Ruth Faunce, P.C.R.]
Samuel, Lt., and Margrett Cushing, Nov. 25, 1756. [Darling, P.C.R.]
DARLING (see Darlin)
(David) [int. of P.] and Marcy Churchell [int. Marcey Churchill of P., dup. ch. Samuell and Johana; (Dea. Samuel Churchill (s. first William in P.) and Joanna (d. John Bryant and Sarah, and sister of Capt. George Bryant, all of P.))], (----) [int. Jan. 6, 1732].
(David of Pembroke) and Lydia Samson, ch. Thomas ((Sampson, s. Benjamin)) and Lidia [(Lydia (d. first Dea. Samuel Bryant))], (----).
Hopesill [int. Hopestell] and Peleg Barrow [int. both of P.], Nov. 26, 1733.
Mary, wid., and Jonathan Shaw, Nov. 16, 1715.
Mary and Moses Shaw, Nov. 4, 1725.
Thomas and Rebeckah Weston, Nov. 18, 1725.
DAVENPORT (see Devenport).
Rebekah of P., d. Capt. Joseph, resident in P., and Simeon Blandin of Taunton, Bristol Co., June 2, 1816.
Hannah and Lt. Nathaniel Vaughan, both of P., Nov. 29, 1812.
DEAN (see Deane)
Ebenezer of P. and Hannah Whitman of Bridgewater, May 11, 1769, in Bridgewater.
Ebenezer Tyler, s. Dr. Ebenezer and Ruth, and Rebecca Perkins, d. William and Sophia, all of P., Apr. 26, 1840.
Horatio Bowen, Capt., of P., s. Dr. Ebenezer and Ruth of P., and Rebecca Tillson of Plymouth, d. Hamblin and Susanna of Plymouth, int. May 19, 1839. "This Couple were not married."
Horatio Bowen [dup. and int. Capt.], 29, farmer, b. P., s. [dup. and int. Dr.] Ebenezer and Ruth, and Mary Ann Wright, 19, b. Halifax, d. Zebedee 2d and Mary, all of P., Jan. 1, 1845, in P.
Joel [dup. (Deane)] and Hannah Weston [dup. Hanah, ch. Benjamin and Hannah ((second w., d. William Coomer and Joanna))], Sept. 10, 1761.
Maria Louisa of P., d. Dr. Ebenezer of P. and Ruth, and James Henry Harlow of P., s. Stephen and Patience of Middleborough, July 25, 1837, in P.
Mary Peterson, 27, shoe fitter, of P., b. P., d. Winslow and Rebecca of P and James B. Lovell, 30, shoemaker, of Middleborough, b. Barnstable, s. [dup. and int. Dea.] Robert and Jerusha of Barnstable, Sept. 6, 1846, in P.
Rebecca, 26, shoefitter and family housework, of P. [int. b. P.], wid. Ebenezer Tyler Dean of P., d. William Perkins and Sophia of P., and Alonzo Wright, 25, shoemaker, of P., s. Adam, formerly of P. and Rebecca of Woodstock, Vt., June 2, 1846, in P.
Samuel Pearson, s. Winslow and Rebekah, and Miss Ruth Barrows Bourne, all of P., Apr. 26, 1841.
DEANE (see Dean)
Avery [int. of P.] and Lydia Anderson Richmond [int. of P.], formerly w. Capt. Simon, ---- [int. cert. given May 27, 1817].
Ebenezer of P. and Ruth Ellis of Middleborough, Apr. 7, 1814, in Tiverton.
Ebenezer Whitman of Braintree, s. Winslow of P., and Adeline Harrison Washburn of P., d. Zenas of P., Jan. 17, 1830, in P.
Hannah [int. of P., dup. (ch. Dr. Ebenezer, see birth, and Hannah (Whitman))] and Peleg Wright [int. of P.], Oct. 9, 1796.
Winslow [int. Dean of P.] and Rebecca [int. Rebeckah] Weston [int. of P. dup. (ch. Zadok, clothier, see birth, and Mary (Peterson))], June 14, 1804.
Catharine of P., d. Nathan and Mercy of P., formerly of Duxbury, and Shadrach Standish Jr. of Halifax, s. Shadrach and Mehetabel of Halifax, formerly of P., Dec. 3, 1840.
Jephthah of Duxbury and Sarah Churchill of P., wid. James Jr. [dup. (s. Capt. James)], d. Ebenezer Soule of P., Nov. 17, 1816.
John, widr., of Duxbury, b. Duxbury, s. Nathaniel and Deborah of Duxbury, and Susanna Nye, 49, of P., b. P., wid. [dup. Lt.] Joseph [dup. and int. of P.], d. Josiah Churchill and Deborah of P., Jan. 18, 1845, in P.
(John and Mary Weston, ch. Edmund of Duxbury, ----).
Sarah Pruden, 19, family housework, b. Duxbury, d. Nathan and Mercy, and Ansel Churchill Jr., 36, shovel finisher, b. P., s. Ansel and Lois, all of P., Oct. 18, 1846 [dup. in Kingston].
Deborah of Plymouth and James Cole of P., Dec. 4, 1755, in Plymouth.
Elijah, Rev., of P., and Miss Clarissa Crocker of New Bedford, int. Mar. 26, 1809.
Elijah, Rev., of P., and Miss Mary Morton of Freetown, int. Dec. 6, 1812.
Elijah, Rev., of P., and Miss Clarissa Crocker of New Bedford, int. Mar. 26, 1809.
Elijah, Rev., of P., and Miss Lydia Thompson of Middleborough, int. May 9, 1824, cert. given May 23.
Henry Martyn of P., s. Rev. Elijah and Mary of P., and Emmieline Palmer of Boston, d. Simeon of Boston, int. Oct. 27, 1844, cert. dated Nov. 10. "The Town Clerk would have written her name Emeline if it had not been written as above in the application."
Sibbil and Charles Knapp, both of Plymouth, Apr. 8, 1813.
DIMAN (see Dimon)
Hannah of Rehoboth and Benjamin Shirtliff of P., Oct. 21, 1736, in Rehoboth.
DIMON (see Diman)
Josiah [dup. (Diman, Dea.)] of Plymouth and Sophia Sampson of P. [dup. Sofia Samson, ch. Thomas ((s. Thomas)) and Ruth ((d. John Bryant))], June 2, 1799. [Dimon of Plymouth, C.R.]
Calvin, 25, stove manufacturer, of Wareham, b. Orleans [int. Truro], s. Seth and Abigail of Orleans, and Huldah Willis, 21, school teacher, of P., b. Bridgewater, d. Nathan and Sabina of P., Feb. 9, 1847, in P.
Elisebath and Benjamin Drew, Nov. 22, 1764. [Elizabeth Doggett and Benjamin Drew of Plymouth, C.R.]
DONHAM (see Donhan, Dunham)
James and Elizabeth Robbins, Oct. 19, 1780.
Mary and John Apling, Oct. 22, 1778.
Moses of P. and Margaret Morton of Plymouth, Jan. 15, 1785, in Plymouth.
Rebacca and Silvenas Shaw, Aug. 15, 1780.
William of P. and Mercy Raymond of Plymouth, Mar. 11, 1770, in Plymouth.
DONHAN (see Donham, Dunham)
Sameuel and Elizebeth Morton, Dec. 13, 1781.
William, 40, laborer, of Easton, b. Cork Co., Ire. s. Daniel and Joanna of Cork Co., Ire., and Lucia Ann Churchill, 28, family housework, of P., b. Pembroke, d. Spencer and Ursula (first w.) of P., June 12, 1849, in P.
Rufus Bowman of N. Bridgewater, s. Nathan of Boston, and Eliza Perkins of N. Bridgewater, d. Levi and Jane of P., July 12, 1832, in P.
DOTEN (see Dotin, Dotten, Doty)
David of Bridgewater and Miss Betsy Sherman Prince of Kingston, June 24, 1832, in P.
Ebenezer of P. and Mercy Whitton of Plymouth, June 12, 1749, in Plymouth.
Hannah of Kingston and Zebb Bisbe of P., int. Dec. 16, 1804.
John of Plymouth and Molley Wright of P. [dup. (Molly, ch. Isaac and Faith), see birth of Billya Wright], Nov. 27, 1796.
Lydia and John Sherman Jr., Feb. 25, 1787.
Mary of Rochester and Samuell Waterman, Aug. 23, 1722.
Olive Sampson of Wareham, but resident in P., d. Nathaniel of Wareham, and Jacob Cushman Jr. of P., s. Jacob of P., June 3, 1827.
Plebe [sic, Phebe] and Jemes Harlow, Feb. 22, 1781.
Stephen 3d [dup. and int. of Plymouth] and Hannah Wright [int. of P., dup. (ch. Isaac and Faith), see birth of Billya Wright], Apr. 20, 1800. [Stephen 3d of Plymouth, C.R.]
Susanah and Elkinah Pratt [int. both of P.], Mar. 28, 1734.
DOTEY (see Doten, Dotin, Dotten, Doty).
DOTIN (see Doten, Dotten, Doty)
Abegail and Ichebad Churchil Jr., Oct. 12, 1775.
Ebenezer [dup. (Doten)] and Mary Rickard [dup. (second w., wid. Lazarus, d. ---- Everson of Kingston and aunt of Samuel and Joseph Everson of Kingston)], Feb. 25, 1764. [Dotey, Feb. 23, C.R.]
Edward [dup. (Doten)] and Joanah Whitin [dup. Joannah Witton, ch. Elisha and Joannah, see Abegail Whitin], Nov. 23, 1749. [Joanna Whitten, Nov. 16 [sic], P.C.R. Joanna Whyton, Nov. 23, C.R.]
Eles and Alice Whitin, July 27, 1742.
Elezebath and Essecher Fuller, Jan. 19, 1747. [Elizabeth Doten and Eseker Fuller, P.C.R. Elizabeth Dotey and Issachar Fuller, Jan. 19, 1747-8, C.R.]
Elisebath and David Wood Jr., Dec. 6, 1770.
Ellis (see Eles).
Hanah and Sath Fuller Jr., Sept. 28, 1750. [Hannah Doten and Samuel Nores [sic], P.C.R.]
Jemimah and Zaduck Barowes, Feb. 28, 1760.
Joanah and John Stutson, Feb. 3, 1763. [Joannah Doten and John Stetson, P.C.R. Joanna Dotey and John Stetson of Hallifax, C.R.]
John of P. and Hanah Shearmon of Plymouth, Apr. 25, 1745. [Doten of P. and Hannah Sherman of Plimouth, P.C.R.]
Mary and Ephraim Chandler, Oct. 11, 1775.
Solomon and Joanah Bryant, Sept. 13, 1755. [Doten and Joannah Bryant, P.C.R. Dotey and Joanna Bryant, C.R.]
Zepheniah and Rebaccah Dunham, Dec. 14, 1762.
DOTTEN (see Doten, Dotin, Doty)
Ebenezer [dup. (Doten of Carver)] and Rebecca Rickard [dup. Rebackah, ch. Theophilous and Hanah, see birth of Batte Rickard], May 22, 1788.
DOTY (see Doten, Dotin, Dotten)
Elinar [int. Elener of Middlebrough] and Ransum Jackson [int. of P.], Sept. 28, 1736.
Faith of Rochester and James Shaw of P., Apr. 14, 1719, in Rochester.
John and Lidia Dunham, July 8, 1724.
Lidia and John Lucas, both of P., June 10, 1739.
Sarah and Jonathan Tilson, Jan. 27, 1785.
Thomas of P. and Joanna Waterman of Plymouth, Feb. 10, 1784, in Plymouth.
Cordelia Ann, Miss, 22, dressmaker, of Dedham, b. Amherst, and Charles Augustus Fuller, 32, carpenter, of P., b. P., s. Charles and Deborah (first w.) of P., int. Sept. 3, 1848, cert. dated Sept. 17.
Ebenezer W., M.D., 29, of Middleborough, b. Stoughand Catharine of Stoughton, and Mary Elizabeth Capen, 21, seamstress, of Boston, d. Dr. Robert and Mary of Boston, May 3, 1848, in Boston [dup. ? in P.].
Abigail Jr. of Halifax and Samuel Lucas Jr. of P., Nov. 21, 1771, in Halifax.
Atwood of Plymouth, s. Nicholas of Plymouth and Azubah, and Eliza Rickard of P., d. Simeon of P. and Rebekah, Aug. 23, 1832, in P.
Benjamin and Elisebath Doged, Nov. 22, 1764. [Benjamin of Plymouth and Elizabeth Doggett, C.R.]
Betsy, Miss, of Plymouth, and George Sherman of P., int. Sept. 12, 1824, cert. given Oct. 7.
Daborah and Ebenezer Boney, Mar. 22, 1764. [Deborah and Ebenezer Bonney, P.C.R.]
Fanny and Philemon Samson of P., Jan. 3, 1790, in Kingston.
Jemima of Halifax and Peleg Barrows of P., May 4, 1775, in Halifax.
Lidia of Kingston and Isaac Peterson of P., int. Jan. 9, 1733.
Lydia of Eastown and Ezra Burbank of Plymouth, Apr. 3, 1792, in Plymouth.
Lydia H., d. Capt. George, and Dr. Cyrus Morton, s. Dr. Nathaniel and Joanna, all of Halifax, Nov. 25, 1841 [in P.].
Maria [int. of Kingston] and Jeremiah Lobdell [int. of P.], ch. Capt. Ebenezer of P. (s. Isaac and Ruth) and Judith (d. Jeremiah Bumpus of Wareham and Judith (Randall)), ---- [int. cert. given Nov. 2, 1816].
(Samuel [dup. (of Kingston)] and Hannah Cook, wid. Peleg, d. Amos Fuller (s. Nathaniel) and Abigail (first w., d. James Harlow), ----).
Stephen, 30, shoemaker, of Halifax, b. Halifax, s. [dup. and int. Capt.] George and Sarah of Halifax, and Jane Williams Soule, 25, family housework, of P., b. P., (d. Aaron and Ruth of P., Nov. 7, 1847, in P.
Joanna, d. Joseph of Hingham, and John Tilson of P., Jan. 6, 1713—14, in Hingham.
Joseph and Elizabeth Cole, Oct. 30, 1729.
Josiah Jr. of N. Bridgewater, s. Josiah of N. Bridgewater and Sybil, and Jane Perkins of N. Bridgewater, d. Levi and Jane of P., July 12, 1832, in P.
Susan and Samuel Willard, both resident in P., int. Nov. 27, 1814.
DUNHAM (see Donham, Donhan)
Abegail and Benjamin Rusel, Jan. 16, 1777.
Abigail [dup. (ch. Ebenezer and Lydia (Perry) (second w., wid. Nathaniel Fuller Jr.))] and Ebenezer Wright Jr. [dup. omits Jr.], Dec. 5, 1786. [Nabby and Ebenezer Wright Jr., C.R.]
Asaph and Lydia Cobb, Mar. 18, 1784.
Cornelos and Patence Barrow, both of P., May 21, 1741.
Desier and Gideon Perkins, May 23, 1771.
Ebenezer of P. and Phebe Lucas of Plymouth, Apr. 25, 1745, in Plymouth.
Ebenezer [dup. (then of P.)] and Lydiah Fuller [dup. (Lydia, wid. Nathaniel Jr. (s. Nathaniel and Martha))], May 12, 1748.
Ebnezer and Sally Chase, Dec. 15, 1785.
(Eleazar of Carver, afterwards of Maine, and Jane Bryant, ch. Joseph and Zilpah (d. William Sampson and Joanna), ----).
Esther of Plymouth and Samuel Robins [int. Lemuel Robens] of P., Nov. 15, 1737, in Plymouth.
Eunice and Isaac Cobb, Nov. 7, 1786.
George and Phebe Lucas, Oct. 15, 1778.
Israell [dup. (Israel Sr.)] and Johana [(Joanna)] Rickard, (d. Dea. John) [dup. adds (and Mary)], June 18, 1713.
Israil and Hannah Whitin, Dec. 13, 1764.
James and Rebackah Holmes, May 2, 1751. [Rebeccah, P.C.R.]
James and Moly Ranson, Jan. 19, 1777.
Joanna, (wid. Israel) [dup. and second dup. (wid. Israel Sr., d. Dea. John Rickard of P. and Mary)], and Elisha Whitton [dup. and second dup. (Whiting)], Oct. 10, 1728.
Lidia and John Doty, July 8, 1724.
Lucas and Rebackah Wood, Oct. 14, 1773.
Lucy of Carver and Lazarus Rickard of P., int. Nov. 22, 1812.
Lydia (see Lydia).
Lydia [int. of P.] and Benjamin King [int. of Plymouth], Jan. 15, 1778.
Mary and Thomas Covington, Sept. 20 [dup. (Oct. 1, recorded twice . . .under different dates)], 1806. [Sept. 20 [dup. Oct. 1], C.R.]
Patiance [dup. ch. Salvenus [(Dea. Silvanus (s. Israel))] and Rebeckah ((d. Abel Crocker))] and Peres [dup. (Perez)] Shaw, Dec. 31, 1761. [Donham, P.C.R.]
Rebaccah and Zepheniah Dotin, Dec. 14, 1762.
Salome (see Solame).
Salvenus [dup. (Dea. Silvanus), int. of P.] and Rebeckah Crocker [int. of P., dup. (ch. Dea. Abel of Carver, then P., and Mary (Isham) of Barnstable)], Feb. 22, 1738.
Sarah and Walliam Barrow, June 8, 1780. [William Barrows, P.C.R.]
Silos and Moly Tilson, Apr. 8, 1773.
Silvanus (see Salvenus and Simeon).
Simeon and Lydia Shaw, Feb. 27, 1772. [Silvanus Donham, P.C.R.]
Solame and Abijah Bryant, Dec. 28, 1786. [Elijah, P.C.R.]
Susanna and Joseph Cobb, Dec. 30, 1787.
Suseanah [dup. (Susanna, first w., d. Israel and Joanna (d. Dea. John Rickard and Mary of P.))] and Daniel Crocker [dup. (s. Dea. Abel of Carver, then P., and Mary (Isham) of Barnstable)], Dec. 31, 1741.
(Sally, Miss, first w., and Winslow Wright, ch. Isaac and Faith [see birth of Billya Wright], ----) [in Boston].
Richard and Margret. Prat, Nov. 10, 1720.
Benjamen and Marcy Sturtevant, July 7, 1726.
Benjamin of P. and Abigail Perkins of P. [dup. Abegail, ch. Luke ((s. Dea. Josiah)) and Abegail ((d. Benjamin Soule))], Nov. 29, 1798.
Elizabeth and Martin Fobes, Oct. ----, [1793].
Hannah and Benjamine Briant, July 31, 1712.
Hannah of P. and Consider Fuller of Kingston, int. June 22, 1806.
Jabez, 22, shoemaker, of P., b. Halifax, s. Freedom and Elizabeth of P. and Halifax, and Ann Janett Sturtevant of Mansfield, b. Kingston, wid. Ebenezer S. [dup. and int. of P.], d. Rufus Ring of Kingston, Mansfield, and P., Aug. 13, 1844, in Attleborough.
Mary and Zachariah Soull, June 9, 1720.
(Rebekah and Josiah Rickard, s. Giles, Nov. 21, 1699).
Sarah and Benjamine Cushman, Jan. 8, 1712.
EDDY (see Edy, Edye)
(Ebenezer of Middleborough and Miss Betsy [int. Betsey] Stetson of P., Feb. 15, 1807).
Ezra of Middleborough, s. Seth of Middleborough, and Nancy Churchill of P., d. Alfred of P., Jan. 15, 1827.
Hesediah and Shubell Lewes, [int. both of P.], Mar. 14, 1733 [int. 1733-4].
John [int. of Middleboro] and Abiah Sturtevant [int. of P.], May 25, 1803.
Joshua, Capt., and Lydia Paddock, Apr. 16, 1778. [Capt. Joshua of Middleborough, C.R.]
Lydia of Dighton, d. Arnold of Swanzey and Hannah, and Joseph Sherman Jr. of P., s. Lt. Joseph of P. and Nancy, May 27, 1834, in P.
Josiah, Capt. [dup. (afterward Col of Bridgewater)], and Mary Parker [dup. (Molly or Mary, ch. Judge Daniel)], Nov. 25, 1746.
Rufus and Molly Cole, Aug. 22, 1783.
Deborah and Samuel Cole of P., Sept. 12, 1723, in Rochester.
EDY (see Eddy, Edye)
Bula and Nathaniell Fisher, Sept. 26, 1728.
Jabez and Patience Pratt, Oct. 16, 1729.
Lydia and Theophlus Crocker, Nov 19, 1730.
EDYE (see Eddy, Edy)
Mary and Giles Rickard, Nov. 18, 1724.
