[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

AATWOOD (see Attwood, Atwood)
Ebenezer and Leah Churchil, Nov. 25, 1762. [Atwood and Leah Churchell, P.C.R.]
ADAMS (see Addams)
(Bathsheba [int. Barsheba of Kingston] and Daniel Bradford [see birth, int. of P.], ch. Levi and Elizabeth, ----) [int. Nov. 16, 1800].
Jemima and Barnabas Shurtleff of P., Mar. 16, 1726-7, in Plymouth.
Joanah and John Holmes Jr., both of P., Aug. 12, 1743. [Joanna, P.C.R. C.R.]
Mercy of P., wid. Thomas of Boston, d. Dea. Thomas Savery of Carver, and Dr. Gad Hitchcock of Pembroke, s. Gad, D.D., of Pembroke, Mar. 25, 1816.
Saba of Kingston and Zachariah Cushman of P., Dec. 26, 1782, in Kingston.
Sarah of Kingston and John Perkins Jr. of P., May 20, 1784, in Kingston.
(Thomas) and Marcy Savery, ch. Dea. Thomas and Hannah, (----).
ADDAMS (see Adams)
Molley and Seth Perkins, Dec. 16, 1790. [Molly Adams, C.R.]
ADKINS (see Atkins)
Experience and Barnabas Sampson, Nov. 6, 1728.
Benjamin Runeles of Colebrook, Coos Co., N.H., s. Job of Colebrook [int. adds and Abigail], and Lucy Churchill 3d of P., d. Alfred of P., Sept. 30, 1827.
Benjamin [int. of Attleborough] and Catherine Elles, wid. [int. Catharine Ellis of P., wid. Samuel], May 25, 1779. [Benjamin of Attleborough and Katharine Ellis, C.R.]
Seth of Bridgwater and Rebeckah Rickard of P., int. Oct. 25, 1735.
Sidney, widr., 42, farmer and tack manufacturer, of E. Bridgewater, b. E. Bridgewater, s. David and Rachell [int. Rachel] of E. Bridgewater, and Elizabeth Bradford Hayward, 40, school teacher, of P., b. P., d. Capt. Martin of P. and Elizabeth, May 2, 1849, in P.
Henry of Lynn.and Mira Sturtevant of P., wid. Hiram, d. Billya Wright and Patience of P., May 12, 1839, in P.
Lewis of Bridgewater and Hannah Loring 2d [dup. omits 2d] of P. [dup. ch. (Lt.) Joshua ((s. Thomas 2d)) and Hannah], Apr. 9, 1815.
Sarah and Edward Hacket, June 13, 1717.
Ephraim and Lydia Jefery, Feb. 15, 1767. [Antiquite and Lydia Jeffrey, C.R.]
John and Mary Donham, Oct. 22, 1778.
Samuel and Molley Marshill, Apr. 7, 1786. [Samuel of Rochester and Molley Marshall, C.R.]
ATKINS (see Adkins)
(---- and Deborah Lothrop, wid. Joseph, ch. Josiah Perkins (s. Luke and Martha) and Deborah (d. Nehemiah Bennet), ----).
ATTWOOD (see Aatwood, Atwood)
Abner (see Abner Wood).
Azubah and Binny Cobb, Oct. 18, 1787.
Elizabeth and Jonathan Shaw, Dec. 3, 1713.
Elizabeth and Eli Thomas, Jan. 18, 1785.
Jemima and Aaron Cary, May 31, 1781.
Joseph [dup. (Atwood)] and Tente [(Content)] Pratt, (wid.) dup. (wid. Nathaniel Jr., ch. Lameuel Rickard), see birth], Feb. 5, 1789. [Joseph Wood and Tente Pratt, wid., C.R.]
Keziah [dup. (ch. Lt. Nathaniell and Mary)] and Georg Williams [dup. (George of Taunton)], Sept. 11, 1765.
Lydia and Silvanus Shaw, Mar. 24, 1785.
Marcy, ch. Nathaniel (Atwood) Jr. ((s. Lt. Nathaniel)) and Suseanah ((d. Barnabas Shurtleff Esq.), and David Shurtleff, ----).
Mary, ch. Nathaniel (Atwood) Jr. ((s. Lt. Nathaniel)) and Suseanah ((d. Barnabas Shurtleff Esq.), and Robert Shurtleff, ----).
Mercy (see Marcy).
Nathaniell Jr. and Lydia Washbon, June 5, 1788.
ATWOOD (see Aatwood, Attwood)
Abegail and Seth Barowes, Dec. 20, 1770.
Abegail Jr. [dup. see birth] and Benjamin Shurtliff Jr. [dup. (Shurtleff)), omits Jr.], June 7, 1774.
Caleb [dup. Attwood, ch. Nathaniel (Atwood) Jr. ((s. Lt. Nathaniel)) and Susenah ((d. Barnabas Shurtleff Esq.))] and Sarah Shaw, Apr. 13, 1777.
Elisebath [int. Elizabeth of P.] and Elkenah Shaw [int. Elkanah of Middleborough], Oct. 13, 1748.
Fanny Sturtevant, 21, bonnet maker, of Middleborough, d. William and Lois of Middleborough, and Winslow Bradford, 32, shoemaker, of P., s. Samuel and Lusannah of P., int. Sept. 6, 1846, cert. given Oct. 7.
Franceis and Elisebath Lucas, Aug. 27, 1747. [Francis Attwood and Elizabeth Lucas, P.C.R.]
Hanah and Benjamin Barows, June 5, 1757.
Ichebod and Hannah Shaw, Feb. 19, 1770.
John and Keziah Harlow, Dec. 8, 1763.
Joseph and Elisebath Shaw, Oct. 17, 1765.
Lydiah and Samuel Cobb, Mar. 17, 1757.
Mary of P. [dup. Attwood, ch. Lt. Nathaniell and Mary] and Benjamin Shaw of P. [dup. (Carver], Nov. 1, 1742.
Mary and Thomas Shaw, Sept. 18, 1760.
Nathaniel, Lt., and Abegal Lucas, Oct. 9, 1747. [Attwood and Abigail Lucas, Oct. 7, P.C.R.]
Nathaniel Jr. and Suseanah Shurtliff [dup. Susannah Shurtleff, see birth], Dec. 5, 1748.
Nathaniel of P. and Lydia Boult of Plymouth, Sept. 15, 1776, in Plymouth.
Samuel and Patiance Cobb, Nov. 27, 1777.
Sarah and Joseph Barowes, Apr. 3, 1755.
Stephen and Jennet Murdoch, May 11, 1769.
William and Lydiah Tilson, Dec. 4, 1766.
Zenas [dup. see birth] and Mary Perrey [dup. (Perry)], Aug. 6, 1780.
Joshua and Sarah Fance, May 14, 1771. [Austin and Sarah Faunce, P.C.R.]
AVEREY (see Avery)
Robart [dup. (Robert Avery)] and Anah Cushmon [dup. Anna Cushman, see birth], Feb. 23, 1741. [Robert Avery and Anna Cushman, P.C.R. Robert Avery and Anna Cushman, Feb. 23, 1741-2, C.R.]
Alexander M., Rev., of Rochester, and Rebecca Finney Morton of P., d. Nathaniel dec'd of Plymouth and Sally (afterward w. John Sherman of P.), June 22, 1842 [dup. in P.]. [Alexander M. of Mattapoisett, P.R.1.]
AVERY (see Averey)
Jerusha [dup. (Ruth), int. Mrs. Ruth Averey] of Truro [dup. (d. Rev. John of Truro)] and Rev. Jonathan Parker of P. [dup. (s. Judge Daniel of Barnstable)], Sept. 6, 1733, in Truro.
Thomas of Taunton, s. Levi of Athol, Mass. [int. Conn.], and Polly; and Nancy Williams Cobb of P., d. Lemuel of P. and Polly, Sept. 6, 1832, in P.
Elizabeth Parker of P., d. Whiting, and Lewis Robbins of Plymouth, s. Capt. Samuel of Plymouth, Sept. 12, 1826.
BAGNAL (see Bagnall)
Benjamin and Sarah Shurtliff, Sept. 28, 1760.
BAGNALL (see Bagnal)
Spinx (Nicholas Spinks Bagnall is the . . .man's real name) and Mehitable Phinney [dup. Mehitible Phyne, see birth], Mar. 8, 1793.
Roswell of P. and Hannah Sampson 2d of Plymouth, d. George of P., "who at that time resided in Plymouth," int. Oct. 20, 1816, cert. given Nov. 3, "as he was to be married in the evening."
Samuel S. of Lynn and Annis Wright of P., d. Billya of P. [dup. Billya (s. Isaac) and Patience (d. Joel Ellis)], June 24, 1832, in P.
Elisabeth and Israel May, Feb. 5, 1700.
Mary of Dorchester and Edward Cole of P., Dec. 8, 1721, in Dorchester.
Patience of Bridgewater and John Cole of P., Jan. 10, 1709, in Bridgewater.
BARCE (see Bearce, Bears, Bearse, Bers)
Austin (see Oston).
Hannah and Nathaniel Boney Jr., Nov. 27, 1766.
Oston and Mary Bradford, Dec. 1, 1768. [Austin Bearce, P.C.R. C.R.]
Sarah and Samuel Everson, Oct. 17, 1773. [Bearce, Oct. 14, P.C.R. Barce, Oct. 14, C.R.]
BARDEN (see Burden)
Betsey of Rehoboth and Aseph Briant of P., June 25, 1789, in Rehoboth.
Amittai and Lydia Churchill [dup. Lydian Churchil, see birth], June 6, 1781. [Amittai of Rochester and Lydia Churchill, C.R.]
Ebenezer and Rachell Wright, Nov. 18, 1719.
Obed and Rebackah Churchil, Mar. 25, 1773.
Sarah and Isaac Sampson, Oct. 26, 1715.
William and Joanna Warren, Oct. 15, 1735.
BARNES (see Barns)
Bethuel of P. and Abigail Turell of Quincy, int. Jan. 15, 1803.
Lemeuel and Abigail Hafford, Sept. 24, 1778. [Lemuel Barns of Halifax and Abigail Haffords, Sept. 29, C.R.]
Sarah H., Miss, of Plymouth, and John P. Ellis of P., int. Feb. 29, 1824, cert. given Mar. ----.
BARNS (see Barnes)
John [int. of Plymouth] and Ann Bonum [int. of P.], Mar. 1, 1738.
BAROWES (see Barows, Barrow, Barrowes, Barrows)
Abner and Barsheba Fance, Nov. 12, 1756. [Barrow and Basheba Faunce, P.C.R.]
Benjamin and Loes Tilson, Oct. 15, 1741.
Bennett [Mt. Bennet Barrows] and James Cole [int. both of P.], Aug. 16, 1748. [Bennett Barrows, P.C.R.]
Georg 3d and Patiance Cobb, Nov. 29, 1756. [George Barrow 3d and Patience Cobb, P.C.R.]
Hannah and Job Tucker, May 24, 1764. [Barrows, P.C.R.]
Hopstil and Caleb Samson, Feb. 4, 1773.
James and Mary Coffin, Mar. 23, 1746. [Barrow, P.C.R.]
Joseph and Sarah Atwood, Apr. 3, 1755.
Mahitebell [int. Mehetabel Barrows] of P. and Samuel Thomas of Middleborough, Jan. 4, 1744. [Mehitable Barows of P., P.C.R.]
Marcy and Bonnum Nye, both of P., Feb. 2, 1742.
Mehitable (see Mahitebell).
Mercy (see Marcy).
Rebackah and Elisha Lucas Jr., June 6, 1754. [Rebecca Barrow, P.C.R.]
Ruth and John Tilson Jr., Dec. 19, 1771.
Samuel [int. Barrows] Jr. of P. and Desier Roger [int. Desire Rogers] of Plymoth, Mar. 7, 1744. [Barrows and Desire Rogers, Mar. 7, 1744-5, C.R.]
Samuel and Hannah Fance, Sept. 10, 1767.
Sarah and Caleb Cushmon, both of P., Nov. 11, 1742.
Seth and Abegail Atwood, Dec. 20, 1770.
Simeon and Mary Shaw, Nov. 29, 1764.
Suseanah and Robart Wilkinson, June 27, 1754. [Susana Barrow and Robert Wilkinson, P.C.R.]
Zaduck and Jemimah Dotin, Feb. 28, 1760.
Zilpha and Thomas Savery Jr., Oct. 23, 1760.
BAROWS (see Barowes, Barrow, Barrowes, Barrows)
Benjamin and Hanah Atwood, June 5, 1757.
Content and Maletiah Cobb, Dec. 4, 1777.
John and Lydiah Shaw, Feb. 27, 1750. [Barrows, P.C.R.]
Jonathan and Lydia Perkins, Apr. 4, 1770. [Barrow, C.R.]
Samuel and Lidia Ransom, Jan. 8, 1723-4.
Deborah [int. Deberough Barrow] of P. and Caleb Benson of Middleborough, Jan. 11, 1732, in Rochester.
BARROW (see Barowes, Barows, Barrowes, Barrows)
Abener and Elizebeth Tilson, Dec. 29, 1782.
Deborah (see Deborah Barron).
Elezebeth [int. Elizebeth] and Azariah Whitton [int. Witton, both of P.], June 10, 1736.
George and Hannah Jackson, both of P., Dec. 20, 1736.
Lois and Francies Sturtevant, Feb. 22, 1781.
Patence and Cornelos Dunham, both of P., May 21, 1741.
Patience of P. and Joseph Waterman, int. Apr. 14, 1733.
Peleg and Hopesill Darling [int. Hopestell, both of P.] Nov. 26, 1733.
William and Sarah Dunham, June 8, 1780. [William Barrows, P.C.R.]
BARROWES (see Barowes, Barows, Barrow, Barrows)
Andrew [dup. Barowes, (ch. James Barrows and Tabitha (Rickard)), second dup. (Barrows)] and Sarah Perkins [second dup. see birth], Aug. 1, 1771.
Barshebe and Josiah Johnson, Oct. 29, 1767.
Patiance and James Lovel, Dec. 27, 1750. [Patience Barrow, P.C.R.]
BARROWS (see Barowes, Barows, Barrow, Barrowes)
Benjamin of P. and Elizabeth Perkins of Duxbury, int. Feb. 23, 1739.
Edward Doten, 23, shoemaker, b. Carver, s. John [dup. dec'd] and Deborah C., and Hannah Dunham Chase, 22, shoefitter, b. Carver, d. Benjamin and Kezia, all of Carver, Dec. 7, 1845, in P.
Georg and Anna Ransom, wid., June 25, 1724.
George Jr. of P. and Mary Ransom of Halifax, June 10, 1745, in Halifax.
Hannah and William Bumpus, Feb. 10, 1780. [Bump, P.C.R.]
Jacob Thomas of Middleborough, s. Jacob of Middleborough, and Lydia Holmes Bradford of P., d. Luther of P. and Ruth C. (first w.), May 19, 1835, in P.
James and Tabitha Rickard, Nov. 3, 1726.
James and Elizabeth Shaw, Nov. 4, 1784.
(James of Carver and Agatha Cobb, ch. William (s. Nathan of that Part of Plympton, afterwards Carver, and Joanna) and Mary Pynchon, ----).
(Joseph of Carver and Hannah Cole, ch. Lt. Joseph [q.v.] and Ruth (Sampson), ----).
Keziah and Samuell Benson, Nov. 21, 1728.
Louisa of Carver, d. George of Carver and Sophia, and Daniel Perkins of P., s. John dec'd of P. and Sarah, int. June 10, 1832, cert. given June 30.
Lydia of P. and Isaac Jackson of Plymouth, Feb. 4, 1764, in Plymouth.
(Lydia, second w., wid. Jonathan, d. Nathan Perkins of P., and Josiah Chandler, moved into Maine in 1812, ----).
Malatiah and Abigail Lucas, Oct. 23, 1783.
Mary and Daniel Shaw, Aug. 6, 1778.
Mary [int. of Carver], d. John [see birth, int. adds dec'd] and Deborah Cobb (Doten) [int. of Carver], and Lt. [int. omits Lt.] Merrick E. [int. Ellis] Chandler of P. [int. s. Peleg dec'd and Clara of Duxbury], ---- [int. cert. given May 2, 1840].
Mary Ann of P., d. George of Carver and Sophia, and Joseph Chadbourn of Dedham, Mar. 18, 1838, in P.
Melatiah (see Malatiah).
Moses and Mary Carver, Dec. 4, 1717.
Moses Jr. of P. and Deborah Totman of Plymouth, Dec. 29, 1748, in Plymouth.
Olive and Issachar Bisbee (Bisbee jur ought to have been), Nov. 11, 1793.
Peleg of P. and Jemima Drew of Halifax, May 4, 1775, in Halifax.
Robert of P. and Rebecca Rickard in Kingston, in of Kingston, Dec. 18, 1764, in Kingston.
Ruth and Seth Sampson, Mar. 19, 1723-4.
(Ruth, second w.), and James Mackfarlin, ch. John ((s. Solomon Mackfarling)) and Martha ((Glover), ----).
Thomas Edward (see Thomas Edward Burroughs).
(James T. and Maria Morton Loring, ch. Ezekiel Jr. [see birth] and Lydia (Sherman), ----).
BARTLET (see Bartlett)
Silvenus (Brartlet) and Sarah Loring, Nov. 19, 1772.
BARTLETT (see Bartlet)
Betsy of Plymouth, d. Capt. Ansel of Plymouth and Elizabeth, and Zaccheus Parker of P., s. Jonathan Esq. of P. and Polly, Dec. 10, 1834, in P.
Caroline of Plymouth and Marston Sampson of P., int. Oct. 7, 1821, cert. given dated Oct. 22.
Elizabeth 2d of Plymouth and Elias Nye of P., Apr. 23, 1786, in Plymouth.
Hannah Stephens of Plymouth, d. Freeman of Plymouth and Sarah, and John Ransom of Plymouth, s. Benjamin of Carver, July 4, 1837, in Plymouth.
Isaac, Dr., and Mercy [int. Mary] Bryant [dup. Mary Loring Bryant, see birth], both of P., Nov. 2, 1797, in Halifax.
John and Moly Bony [dup. Moley Boney, ch. Nathaniel and Lydiah], Apr. 17, 1777.
John of Kingston and Huldah Bisbee [dup. Hulde Bisbe, see birth] of P., d. Abner of P., May 14, 1816.
Lydia, Mrs., of Plymouth, and Rev. Jonathan Parker of P., July 5, 1748, in Plymouth.
Martha and Seth Mitchell of New Bedford, July 30, 1795.
Nancy of Plymouth, d. Ansel of Plymouth, and Capt. Zaccheus Sherman of P., s. Asa of P. and Polly, int. June 22, 1828, cert. given Aug. 2.
Sally and George Sampson Jr. [int. both of P.], Sept. 1, 1803.
Betsy Adams of P., d. Isaac [int. resident in P.], and Calvin Sturtevant of P., s. Zenas of Halifax and Betsy (first w.), Apr. 22, 1832.
Isaac of Duxbury and Betsey Wright of P., int. Nov. 27, 1806.
Rebekah Harlow of P d. Isaac, resident in P., and John Noyes Jr. of Abington, int. Aug. 7, 1831, cert. given Aug. 26.
(Samuel of Wareham) and Suseananh Mackfarlin, ch. John ((s. Solomon Mackfarling)) and Martha ((Glover), ----).
Sarah of Wareham and William Washburn of P., Nov. 8, 1759, in Wareham.
Wealthy Alden of P., d. Isaac, resident in P., and Abijah Holmes of W. Bridgewater, Apr. 22, 1832, in P.
Levi Jr. of Hingham and Miss Lucy Stoddard of Hanson, Nov. 13, 1836, in Hanson.
Robart [Beanse ? misreading of Bearse] and Abigail Lucas, Oct. 31, 1782. (At Carver Oct. 27, 1826, I enquired . . .who Robert Beanse was, and was satisfactorily informed that Robert Bearce married Abigail Lucas, daughter of Mr. Benjamin Lucas.) [Robert Benson, sic, P.C.R.]
BEARCE (see Barce, Bears, Bearse, Bers)
(Austin and Sarah Sturtevant, wid. Isaac, ch. Nathaniel Fuller [see birth] and Martha (Sampson), ----).
Betty of Pembroke and Nathan Bryant Of P., June 24, 1773, in Pembroke.
Lucy of Halifax and Ezekiel Bryant of P., Oct. 31, 1768, in Halifax.
Robert (see Robart Beanse).
BEARS (see Barce, Bearce, Bearse, Bers)
Experienc and Dennis Egerton, Mar. 12, 1718-19.
James (Bearce) and Abia Ford, Sept. 23, 1713.
Mary and Elisha West, Dec. 10, 1718.
Priscilla and Josiah Bourn, Feb. 12, 1718.
Rebekah and Joseph Chard, Nov. 30, 1727.
Thankfull and Elisha Cortis, Dec. 19, 1718.
BEARSE (see Barce, Bearce, Bears, Bers)
Robert (see Robart Beanse).
Sarah and Benjamin Cushmon, Mar. 14, 1738. [Cushman, Mar. 14, 1738-9, C.R.]
BENETT (see Bennet, Bennett)
Hannah and Thomas Savery, Oct. 24, 1765.
BENNET (see Benett, Bennett)
Arthar and Rebecca Shaw, Dec. 27, 1781.
BENNETT (see Benett, Bennet)
John Jr. and Kezia Shaw, Nov. 30, 1769.
Joseph and Moly Blosom, Dec. 5, 1771.
Repentance and Zabede Chandler, Aug. 6, 1761. [Bennet and Zebedee Chandler, P.C.R.]
Silvanes and Hannah Ramond, Dec. 16, 1779.
William and Tabetha Bryant, Nov. 26, 2 , 1753. [Bennett of Middleborough and Tabathe Briant, P.C.R. Benet and Tabatha Bryant, Nov. 27, C.R.]
BENSON (see Binson)
Benjamen and Elizebeth Briant, Mar. 17, 1714-15.
Caleb of Middleborough and Deborah Barron [int. Deberough Barrow] of P., Jan. 11, 1732, in Rochester.
Robert (see Robart Beanse).
Samuell and Keziah Barrows, Nov. 21, 1728.
Allice and Barnabas Rayment, May 8, 1729.
Bethiah of Middleborough, d. Lt. Experience of Middleborough, and Sebre Briggs of Middleborough, s. Ebenezer, May 25, 1819.
Betsy, wid., 42, housekeeper, of Middleborough, b. Middleborough [dup. wid. Everett of Middleborough], d. Zenas Bent of Middleborough, and Caleb Lucas, widr., 49, farmer and furnace man, of Middleborough, b. Carver, s. Caleb of Carver, Aug. 15, 1848, in P.
Elizabeth of Middleborough, d. Lt. John of Middleborough, and John Cobb of P., s. Isaac, then residing in P., June 13, 1815.
Joseph and Jemima Billington, Oct. 17, 1728.
Sarah and John Briggs, May 5, 1785.
William and Sarah Samson, Aug. 29, 1768.
BERS (see Barce, Bearce, Bears, Bearse)
Shubal and Thankfull Ford, Nov. 16, 1709.
Daniel (see Daniel Bisbe).
BESBEY (see Bisbe, Bisbee)
Hopestill and Hannah Churchill, Nov. 25, 1731.
John of Wareham and Hannah Cushmam of P., Nov. 29, 1764, in Wareham.
BILINTON (see Billington)
Lydia and Jabez Weston, Oct. 12, 1776. [Billington, P.C.R. Billington, C.R.]
Nathan Dennison, 26, farmer, of P., b. Randolph, Vt., s. Joel and Sally of Randolph, Vt., and Rebekah Gammans Wright, 18, boot and shoe fitter, of P., b. P., d. Zebedee and Rhoda of P., Mar. 12, 1846.
BILLINGTON (see Bilinton)
Jemima and Joseph Bent, Oct. 17, 1728.
BINSON (see Benson)
Caleb Jr. and Ruth Bridgham, Nov. 24, 1774.
Consider and Elisebath Warshborn, Dec. 3, 1751. [Benson and Elizabeth Washburn, P.C.R.]
Ichebad and Abegail Grifin, Feb. 13, 1777.
Josiah and Hanah Rickard, Apr. 12, 1720.
BISBE (see Besbey, Bisbee)
Abner Jr. and Rebeckah Churchill, both of P., Dec. 4, 1797.
Betsey [int. of P.] and Zadok Churchill [int. of Halifax], Apr. 1, 1800. [Betsy Bisbee and Zadok Churchill of Halifax, C.R.]
Beza and Betsey Marshall [int. both of P.], ---- [int. Jan. 17, 1802]. [Bisbee and Betsey Martial, ----, 1802, C.R.]
Daniel [int. Besbe of Kingston] and Abigail Standish [int. of P.], Oct. 31, 1802.
Elijah and Daborah Samson, Apr. 26, 1744.
Elijah Jr. and Suseanah Riply, Dec. 16, 1773.
Georg and Grace Riply, Apr. 8, 1773.
Hanah of P. and Robart Coock of Kingston, Nov. 25, 1742. [Hannah Bysbey and Robert Cook, C.R.]
Hanah and Job Weston, Oct. 23, 1766.
Hannah [dup. Hanah, see birth] and Caleb Comes [dup. (Coombs)], Nov. 5, 1772. [Hannah Bisbee and Caleb Cooms of Middleborah, C.R.]
Hopstil [dup. (Hopestill Bisbee)] Jr. and Abegail [dup. Abigail, see birth] Churchil, Sept. 4, 1766.
Isechar and Mary Harlow, Apr. 28, 1766.
John and Lydia Soule, Nov. 13, 1791.
Lucy and Ebenezer Cushman, Sept. 18, 1788.
Noah and Jenne Bradford, Feb. 12, 1778. [Jane, P.C.R. C.R.]
Polly and Joseph Nye, both of P., Oct. 18, 1814.
Ruth and Jonah Sturtevant, both of P., Dec. 1, 1803.
Sarah [dup. Sary, see birth] and Ephraim Warshborn [dup. (Washburn)], Dec. 9, 1773.
Sarah of P. and Joshua Morse of Middleboro, int. Feb. 25, 1798.
Susanna 2d and Polycarpus Parker, both of P., May 5, 1814.
Zebb of P. and Hannah Doten of Kingston, int. Dec. 16, 1804.
BISBEE (see Besbey, Bisbe)
Bathsheba and Samuel Bonney, Oct. 24, 1789. [Bisbe and Lt. Samuel Bonney, C.R.]
Bathsheba 2d, d. Abner Jr. dec'd, and Sampson Holmes, s. Francis dec'd, all of P., Apr. 7, 1819.
Beza, "Beza Bisbee got his name changed to that of William Marshall Bisbee" [int. first mate], s. Beza, and Catharine Warren Harrub, d. Thomas B., all of P., Nov. 30, 1829.
Deborah and Josiah Perkins, Mar. 19, 1795.
Elijah 2d of P., s. Beza (s. Elijah Esq. of P.), and Maria Soule of P., d. Aaron of P., Jan. 2, 1825.
(Grace, ch. George and Grace [see birth of Daniel Bisbe], and Allen Richmond, ----).
Huldah [dup. Hulde Bisbe, see birth] of P., d. Abner of P., and John Bartlett of Kingston, May 14, 1816.
Issachar (Bisbee jur ought to have been) and Olive Barrows, Nov. 11, 1793.
Joanna of Bridgewater and John Churchill of P., int. Dec. 27, 1765.
John [int. Bisbe] 2d and Priscilla Ripley [int. both of P.], July 16, 1804.
Polly [int. of P.], ch. George and Grace [see birth of Daniel Bisbe], and Howard Chandler [int. Jr.] of Duxbury, ---- [int. cert. given Dec. 8, 1825].
Rebecca 2d of P., d. John and Lydia of P., and Algernon S. Sylvester of N. Bridgewater, int. Oct. 27, 1844, cert. given Nov. 11.
(Reuben of P. and Eunice Pratt, wid. Joshua, ----).
Sally Cushman of P., d. John 2d [dup. adds and Priscilla], and Simeon Churchill of P., s. Josiah of P., Mar. 7, 1830, in P.
Susan Williams, 22, seamstress, b. P., d. Elijah and Maria, and Joseph Bradish Nye, 25, trader, b. P., s. Lt. Joseph and Mary, all of P., July 4, 1848, in Boston.
William Marshall (see Beza).
BISHOP (see Bishup, Bushup)
Hannah and Benjamin Westorn of P., Jan. 2, 1723-4, in Pembroke.
William Albin [dup. 23 y. 11 m. 3 d.] of Braintree, s. James P. and Charlotte of Braintree, and Lydia Nelson Waterman [dup. 16 y. 7 m. 15 d.] of Braintree, d. Martin and Priscilla of P., Nov. 24, 1842, in P. [dup. "lived there for a time after marriage"].
BISHUP (see Bishop, Bushup)
Elizabeth [dup. (of P.)] and Abner Wood [dup. (Attwood), ch. Nathaniel (Atwood) Jr. ((s. Lt. Nathaniel)) and Susanah ((d. Barnabas Shurtleff Esq.))], Apr. 10, 1779 [dup. (moved to Colerain)].
John [dup. (Bishop of Norwich, Conn.)] and Ruth Parker [dup. see birth], Oct. 18, 1753. [Byshop of Norwich, C.R.]
Keturah and Elkanah Rickard, Aug. 25, 1729.
William and Ruth Hayward, Jan. 24, 1792.
Rhoda, 38, family housework, of Middleborough, b. W. Cambridge, d. William and Betsy of W. Cambridge, and Ezra Lucas, 49, farmer, of P., b. Carver, s. Nehemiah and Hannah of Carver and P., June 10, 1846, in P. [June 18, C.R.]
Martha [int. of Sandwich] and James Churchill [int. Jr.] of P., Jan. 28, 1727-8 [sic, int. Dec. 19, 1747], in Sandwich.
Robert, "an alien in Plympton," and Priscilla Sturtevant of Middleborough, int. Aug. 22, 1813.
Horatio Williams, 26, shoe and bootmaker, b. P., s. Capt. Jonathan and Saba, and Maria Elizabeth Harlow, 22, dressmake, b. Plymouth, d. Jabez and Betsy, all of P., int. Mar. 26, 1848, cert. given Apr. 11.
Jonathan Jr. of Randolph [int. adds Norfolk Co.] and Saba Ripley of P., d. Ezekiel of P., Oct. 29, 1815.
Jonathan, Capt., of P., s. Jonathan of Stoughton, and Mary Ann Caswell of Charlestown, d. Pelatiah of York, Me., and Mary, int. May 11, 1828, cert. given June 30.
Josiah of Stoughton, Norfolk Co., and Sally Chandler of P., int. Oct. 22, 1815.
Mary Ann of P. wid. Capt. Jonathan of P., d. Pelatiah Caswell P., and Mary of York, Me., and Lewis Weston of P., s. Benjamin dec'd and Lucy of P., Dec. 22, 1436, in P.
Mary Elizabeth, 15, boot and shoe fitter, b. P., d. Capt. Jonathan and Mary Ann (second w.), and Simeon Morton Loring, 19, shoemaker, b. P., s. Isaac 2d and Elizabeth, all of P., .Oct. 26, 1845, in P.
Saba Ripley, 25, b. P., d. Jonathan and Saba, and Zenas Milton Washburn, 25, shoemaker, b. P., s. Zenas and Sarah, all of P., Sept. 22, 1844, in P.
Simeon of Taunton, Bristol Co., and Rebekah Davis of P., d. Capt. Joseph, resident in P., June 2, 1816.
BLOSOM (see Blosum)
Benjamin and Moly Riply, Apr. 18, 1769. [Blossom and Molly Ripley, Apr. 13, P.C.R. C.R.]
Ebenezer and Hannah Murdoch, Nov. 11, 1773.
Moly and Joseph Bennett, Dec. 5, 1771.
BLOSOM (see Blosom)
Sarah and Isaac Spraugh, Jan. 6, 1763. [Blossom and Isaac Sprague, P.C.R. Blossom and Isaac Sprague of Hingham, C.R.]
Thankfull of Bridgwater and Moses Wright of P., int. Jan. 12, 1733.
BOLTON (see Boulton)
Soloman and Elizebeth Pratt, Dec. 7, 1780.
BOLTS (see Boult)
Elizabeth and John Butterworth, Sept. 27, 1778. [Boult, P.C.R.]
BONEY (see Bonney, Bony)
Ebenezer and Daborah Drew, Mar. 22, 1764. [Bonney and Deborah Drew, P.C.R.]
Isaac and Mary Horrel, Feb. 22, 1727-8.
Lydia [dup. Lydiah, d. Nathaniel and Lydiah] and Josiah Sears, Feb. 5, 1767.
Margaret and Increse Roberson, Jan. 9, 1737. [Increase Robenson, Jan. 9, 1737-8, C.R.]
Mary [int. of P.] and Ebenezer Tinkham [int. of Plymouth], July 20, 1732.
Mary [dup. ch. Isaac and Mary] and Thomas Miller, Apr. 17, 1766.
Mehitebal and Benjamin Soul, May 5, 1757. [Mehitable Bonney, P.C.R.]
Nathaniel Jr. and Hannah Barce, Nov. 27, 1766.
Nathaniell [dup. (Nathaniel Bonney), int. Nathanell of P.] and Lydia Bryand [dup. Lidia Bryant, ch. George and Sarah [see Ephraim, b. Apr. 12, 1726], int. Lidia Bryant of P.], Oct. 27 [1737].
Simeon and Thankfull Whitin, Nov. 21, 1751. [Whiten, P.C.R. Witton, C.R.]
William and Patience Mory, June 16, 1730.
BONNEY (see Boney, Bony)
Ann and John Jeggery, (Perhaps Gregory was meant), Apr. 2, 1736. [Jeggery, C.R.]
Charles of Rochester, s. Joseph of P., and Catharine [dup. Catherine, see birth] Thomas of P., d. Noah of P., Aug. 17, 1828.
(Charles of Rochester) and Mary Shaw Thomas, ch. Noah [see birth] and Sarah ((Howland), Oct. 20, 1833).
Charlotte, 17, family housework, of Halifax, b. Hanson, d. Ezekiel and Sally of Halifax, and Barnabas Dean Holmes, 25, shovel finisher, of P., b. Easton, s. Abner and Lucy of Stafford, Conn., formerly of Plymouth, Apr. 11, 1847, in P.
Emily Adeline, Miss, and Ebenezer Churchill, both of Kingston, Feb. 5, 1837, in P.
George Henry of P., s. Isaac and Abigail, and Mary Prior Ripley of Duxbury, d. Daniel and Jane of Duxbury, Oct. 29, 1837, in P.
Hannah [dup. Boney, ch. Nathaniel Jr. ((s. Nathaniel Bonney)) and Hannah] and Seth Cushing Jr., Mar. 14, 1794.
(Hannah, formerly w. Isaac of Winthrop, Me., ch. Benjamin Soule of P. and Mehetabel (Bonney) [see birth of Aaron Soule], and Silas Lambert of Winthrop, Me., ----).
Isaac [dup. (of Winthrop, Me.)] and Hannah Soul [dup. (Soule, ch. Benjamin of P. and Mehetabel (Bonney)), see birth of Aaron Soule], Mar. 22, 1781.
Isaac and Sarah Stevens, Oct. 20, 1785.
Isaac and Hannah Perkins, Feb. 1, 1792.
Isaac [int. Capt.] and Lydia Sturtevant [int. both of P.], May 9, 1802. [Capt. Isaac, C.R.]
Isaac and Abigail Stetson, both of P., int. July 8, 1810.
James Stephens, 19 y. 10 m. 8 d., laborer, b. P., s. Stephens and Frances, and Sophia Emily Curtis, 21 y. 10 m. 28 d., b. Providence, R.I., d. John and Orpah, all of P., Aug. 20, 1843 [dup. in Middleborough].
John, residing in P., formerly resided in Duxbury, and Miss Mary McLauthlen, residing in P., formerly resided in Pembroke, Feb. 9, 1840, in P.
John, 52, farmer, of P., b. P., s. Joseph and Mary of P., and Margaret Rider, 34, tayloress, of Halifax, b. Thomastown, Me., d. John B. and Nancy of Thomastown, Me. [dup. formerly of Halifax], June 20, 1846, in P.
(Joseph and Mary Cushing [dup. ch. Sath Jr. and Lydiah, see birth of Hannah Cushing], Apr. 29, 1785).
Louisa, Miss, of Kingston, and George Lewis Churchill of Kingston, s. Ansel formerly of P., Jan. 2, 1838, in P.
Lydia and Japheth Crooker Jr., Sept. 20, 1792. [Japhet Jr. of Pembroke, C.R.]
Margaret, Miss, and Bildad Fuller, both of P., Dec. 5, 1815, in Halifax.
Martha [dup. (second w.), ch. William and Anne] and Isaac Thayer, Apr, 5, 1736.
Nathaniell Jr. of P. and Lydia Mclaughlon of Pembroke, int. Jan. 26, 1800.
Samuel and Bathsheba Bisbee, Oct. 24, 1789. [Lt. Samuel and Bathsheba Bisbe, C.R.]
Seth and Deborah Weston, both of P., Mar. 29, 1798.
Stephens of P., s. Capt. Isaac formerly of P., and Frances Churchill of P., d. Oliver of P., Nov. 17, 1822. [Nov. 19, C.R. Frances, d. Oliver (s. Capt. James) and Saba (Soule), Nov. 17, P.R.6.]
William and Hannah Ruggles, Aug. 16, 1781. [William of Pembroke, C.R.]
Ann [int. of P.] and John Barns [int. of Plymouth], Mar. 1, 1738.
Elizabeth and Ichabod Nye, Feb. 16, 1709-10.
Lidia [int. Lydia of P.] and Roland Hammond [int. of Rochester], Sept. 4, 1737.
Ruth and Jabez Nye, May 31, 1711.
BONY (see Boney, Bonney)
Abegail [dup. Abigail Boney, ch. Isaac and Mary] and Zekiel [dup. (Ezekiel)] Powers, Apr. 12, 1770. [Abigail Boney and Ezekiel Powers, C.R.]
Elizabeth [dup. Boney, ch. Isaac and Mary] and Joshua Churchil [dup. (Churchill)], Feb. 4, 1768.
Moly [dup. Moley Boney, ch. Nathaniel and Lydiah] and John Bartlett, Apr. 17, 1777.
BOSWORTH (see Bozworth)
Bela of Kingston and Joanna Harlow of P., Jan. 6, 1812.
David and Priscilah Shaw, Dec. 22, 1720.
Ichabod, shoemaker and farmer, of Halifax, b. Halifax, s. Jabez and Sarah of Halifax, and Jane Bradford Sherman, 22 y. 7 m. 9 d., of P., b. P., d. [dup. and int. Capt.] Zacheus and Jane [dup. and int. (first w.)] of P., Feb. 11, 1844, in P.
Isaac and Joanna Cushman, Nov. 7, 1791. [Bozworth, C.R.]
(Jabez of Halifax and Sarah Bradford [int. of P.], ch. Capt. John [see birth] and Elizabeth (Holmes), ----).BOSWORTH, James of P., s. Joseph, and Sally Soule of P., d.
James of P., s. Joseph and Sally Soule of P., d. Lt. Daniel of P., Dec. 8, 1824.
Jonathan and Alice Cushman, Dec. 19, 1723.
Lucy Waterman of P., d. Joseph of P., and Galen Colwell of W. Bridgewater, int. Dec. 24, 1826, cert. given Jan. 23, 1827.
Lydia Standish of Halifax, d. Jabez of Halifax and Sarah (d. Capt. John Bradford and Elizabeth), and Alexander Churchill of P., s. Josiah of P. and Deborah, int. July 12, 1835. [m. Aug. 25, P.R.8.]
Martin of Halifax, s. Seth [int. dec'd] of Halifax, and Mary Magoun Churchill of P., d. Oliver of P. and Saba, Sept. 2, 1832, in P.
Priscilla Fuller, 19, dressmaker and school teacher, b. P., d. James and Sally, and Martin Hayward Jr., 26, farmer and nail factory workman, b. P., s. [dup. Capt.] Martin and Elizabeth, all of P., Nov. 22, 1847 [dup. in New York City].
Sally Soule, 19, school teacher, b. P., d. James [dup. and int. dec'd] and Sally, and Thomas Cushman Standish Jr., 22, farmer and shoemaker, b. P., s. Thomas Cushman and Bethiah Sampson, all of P., May 8, 1845, in P.
BOULT (see Bolts)
Lydia of Plymouth and Nathaniel Atwood of P., Sept. 15, 1776, in Plymouth.
BOULTON (see Bolton)
Elizebeth of Bridgewater and Joseph Tompson of P., int. Jan. 17, 1732.
BOURN (see Bourne)
Josiah and Priscilla Bears, Feb. 12, 1718.
BOURNE (see Bourn)
Ruth Barrows, Miss, and Samuel Pearson Dean, s. Winslow and Rebekah, all of P., Apr. 26, 1841.
BOWLES (see Boals).
BOZWORTH (see Bosworth)
James and Mehitebel Shaw, Feb. 2, 1773.
Jonathan and Ruth Tilson, Sept. 30, 1725.
Nehemiah and Susanah Ring, Jan. 27, 1725-6.
Nehemiah and Sarah Tomson, Mar. 26, 1729.
Salah and Rebecca Perkins, Feb. 21, 1788.
Sarah and Cornelos Sturtevant, Dec. 16, 1766.
Salah (see Salah).
Abegail [see birth], ch. Samuell and Sarah, and (Caleb Stetson, ----).
Abiga of P., wid. Nathaniel of P., d. Isaac Cobb, residing in P., formerly of Middleborough [dup. of Carver], and Henry Marston, residing in P., Mar. 4, 1818.
Abigail Jr. of P. [dup. ch. Gideon Jr., see birth, and Abigail ((Sampson))] and [second dup. (Capt.)] Thomas Ellis of P., Dec. 22, 1808.
Abigail (see Abegail).
Betsy of Kingston and Otis Phinney of P., int. Feb. 11, 1821, cert. given Feb. 28.
Betsy 2d of P., d. Gideon and Grace, and William Wright of P., s. Billya, Feb. 2, 1826.
Betsy Carver, d. Samuel and Lusannah, and Thomas Dudley Ellis, s. Capt. Thomas and Susanna (third w.), all of P., Oct. 14, 1841.
Calvin and Lucy Pratt, Dec. 31, 1778.
Calvin Jr. and Mary Hatch, both of P., int. May 24, 1807.
Daborah [dup. (Deborah, d. E. B.)] and Jonathan Samson [dup. ch. Jonathan and Joannah, see birth of Abigal Sampson], Oct. 27, 1751.
(Daniel [see birth, int. of P.], ch. Levi and Elizabeth, and Bathsheba Adams [int. Barsheba of Kingston], ----) [int. Nov. 16, 1800].
Deborah (see Daborah).
Deborah and Samuel Bryant [int. both of P.], July 27, 1806.
Deborah A., d. Nathaniel, and James E. Cushing, s. Seth, all of Kingston, June 15, 1824 [in P.].
De Witt Clinton, 20, shoemaker, of P. b. P., s. Dr. Luther and Mary (second w.) of P., and Lydia Soule, 18, seamstress [int. shoe fitter], of Middleborough, b. Middleborough, d. Isaac and Nancy (second w.) of Middleborough, Apr. 9, 1848, in Middleborough.
Edward Gray, 21, farmer and shoemaker, of P., b. P., s. Samuel and Lusannah of P., and Lois Ann Chase, 21, cotton factory weaver, of Carver, b. Taunton, d. James and Patience of Taunton, Oct. 14, 1849, in P.
Elisebath and James Megone, May 19, 1768. [Magoun, P.C.R. Elizabeth, d. Capt. John and Elizabeth, and James Magoun of P., P.R.4.]
Elizabeth and Azariah Whitten of P., July 12, 1753, in Kingston.
Eunice and Asa Washburn, both of P., int. May 17, 1801. [Eunice, d. Capt. John and Eunice, and Capt. Asa Washburn, m. June ----, 1801, P.R.4.]
Eunice of P., d. Lt. John of P., and Philemon Fuller Jr. of Fairhaven, formerly of P., s. Philemon of P., June 4, 1828.
(Ezra, ch. Levi and Elizabeth [see birth of Daniell], and Polly Tobey, ----).
Gideon of P. and Jane Paddock of Plymouth, Oct. 8, 1741, in Plymouth.
Gideon Jr. and Abegail Samson 2d, Jan. 8, 1778.
Gideon [int. Gidion Jr.] and Grace Holmes [int. both of P.], June 14, 1804.
Gideon of P., s. Samuel and Lusannah of P., and Sally Chase of Carver, d. Levi and w. of Carver, int. Nov. 10, 1844, cert. given Nov. 28.
Hannah [dup. (ch. Capt. John, see birth, and Elizabeth (Holmes))] and Jabez Waterman [dup. (Waterman of Halifax)], Mar. 14, 1776.
Hezekiah and Margaret Parsons, wid. Daniel of Gloucester, d. Joseph Tucker and Hannah of Gloucester, Nov. 4, 1824.
Irene Shaw, 22 y. 8 m. 29 d., of P., d. Luther and Mary [dup. and int. (second w.)] of P., and Simeon Macomber Pratt, widr., farmer, of Middleborough, b. Middleborough, s. Thomas and Lydia of Middleborough, July 6, 1843, in P.
James of Duxbury and Zerviah Bryant of P., int. Mar. 18, 1804.
Jane [int. of P., dup. (ch. Dr. Calvin (s. Gideon Esq.) and Lucy (d. Nathaniel Pratt of P.))] and Hezekiah Cole [dup. and int. of Carver], June 25, 1802.
Jane of P., d. Capt. John late of P., and Zaccheus Sherman of P., s. Asa of P., Dec. 6, 1818. [Jane, d. Capt. John and Eunice, and Capt. Zacheus Sherman, P.R.4.]
Jenne and Noah Bisbe, Feb. 12, 1778. [Jane, P.C.R. C.R.]
John of P. and Elizabeth Holmes of Plymouth, Nov. 10, 1743, in. Plymouth.
John, Capt., and Eunes Loring, Dec. 26, 1776. [Capt. John, s. Capt. John and Elizabeth, and Eunice Loring, d. Ignatius Esq. and Bathsheba Bass of P., P.R.4.]
(John, Lt.) [int. Jr. of P., omits Lt.], and Patiance Perkins [int. Patience of P.], ch. Zapheniah and Patiance [see Daniel, b. Dec. 10, 1773], (----) [int. Dec. 21, 1806]. [Lt. John, s. Capt. John, and Patience Perkins, d. Lt. Zephaniah of P., P.R.4.]
John, Lt., of P., s. Capt. John, and Betsy Wright of P., d. Billya of P. [dup. Billya (s. Isaac) and Patience (d. Joel Ellis)], Sept. 30, 1824.
John, s. Lt. John [int. dec'd] and Patience, and Sarah Fuller Bradford, d. Nathaniel [int. dec'd] and Abiga, all of P., Apr. 25, 1832, in P.
Levi Jr. of P. [dup. (ch. Levi (s. Gideon Esq.) and Elizabeth (Lewis)), see birth] and Mercy Sampson [dup. (Samson)] of P., Sept. 14, 1800.
Levy and Elisebath Lewes, Nov. 16 [dup. Nov. 15], 1764. [Nov. 15, P.C.R. Levi and Elizabeth Lewis, Nov. 15, C.R.]
Lucy of P. and Josiah Fuller of Kingston, Nov. 29, 1807.
Lucy P. of P. and Frederick Cobb of Carver, Plymouth Co., int. Sept. 13, 1818, cert. given Oct. 18.
Luranna (see Raunah).
Luther and Ruth C. [int. Cooke] Holmes, both of P., Jan. 29, 1811.
Luther and Mary Standish 2d, both of P., int. Jan. 25, 1818, cert. given Feb. 27.
Lydia [dup. (ch. Capt. John, see birth, and Elizabeth (Holmes))) and Levy Bryant [dup. (Capt. Levi then of P.)], Dec. 24, 1777. [Dec. 25, C.R.]
Lydia Holmes of P., d. Luther of P. and Ruth C. (first w.), and Jacob Thomas Barrows of Middleborough, s. Jacob of Middleborough, May 19, 1835, in P.
Maletiah and Isaac Churchil Jr., Aug. 1, 1765.
Maria of P., d. Lt. John dec'd of P., and Erastus Leach of P., s. Joseph of Middleborough and Susanna, Apr. 22, 1832.
Maria of Kingston, d. Thomas and Lydia of Kingston, and Lemuel Bryant of P., 23, farmer and shoemaker, s. Lemuel dec'd and Clarissa of P., int. Aug. 31, 1845, cert. given Sept. 14.
Mary, ch. Samuell and Sarah [see birth of Abegail], and (Abiel Cook of Tiverton, R.I., ----).
Mary and Oston Barce, Dec. 1, 1768. [Austin Bearce, P.C.R. C.R.]
Melatiah (see Maletiah).
Mercy and Thomas Perkins, Oct. 21, 1790.
Mercy [dup. (ch. Capt. John, see birth, and Elizabeth (Holmes))] and [dup. (Lt.)] Holmes Sears [dup. (of Halifax)], Nov. 25, 1790. [Holmes of Halifax, C.R.]
Moly [dup. (Molly, ch. Capt. John, see birth, and Elizabeth (Holmes))] and John Churchil [dup. (Churchill of Pittsfield)], Apr. 4, 1771. [Mary and John Churchil of Plymouth, C.R.]
Nancy and Maj. [Maj. blurred out] Joseph Sherman, both of P., May 15, 1809. [Lt. Joseph, May 15, 1808, P.R.4.]
Nancy Wyman of Kingston and Ezra Phinney of P., int. June 17, 1821, cert. given July 2, 1822 [sic,? 1821].
Nathaniel of P. and Abija Cobb of Carver, int. June 9, 1811.
Olive and Asaph Soule Jr. [int. both of P.], Oct. 24, 1803. [Olive, d. Capt. John and Eunice, P.R.4.]
Oliver and Sarah Chipman, Feb. 21, 1782. [Sally Chipman, C.R.]
Peres [int. Perez] of P. and Lydia Cushman of Kington [int. P.], Aug. 8, 1798.
Perez of P. and Sarah Prince of Kingston, Mar. 13, 1777, in Kingston.
Phebe, ch. Samuell and Sarah [see birth of Abegail], and (Shubael Norton, ----).
Poly [int. Polly] and Ellis Standish, both of P., June 7, 1797. [Polly, d. Capt. John and Eunice, and Maj. Ellis Standish, P.R.4.]
Priclea [dup. (Priscilla, ch. Capt. John, see birth, and Elizabeth (Holmes))] and Nathaniel Rider [dup. (of Halifax)], Nov. 5, 1772. [Nathanel of Plymouth, C.R.]
Raunah of P. [int. Luranah, (Urania, d. Elisha of Kingston)] and Elijah Mackfarlin [int. Mackfarling, (McFarland)] of P., Nov. 14, 1745.
Ruth and Jonathan Ripley, both of P., Dec. 17, 1807.
Ruth Cook of P., d. Luther and Mary (second w.) of P., and Thomas Addison Pratt of Middleborough, s. Thomas of Middleborough, June 4, 1837, in P.
Saba S. and Asa Sherman Jr., both of P., Apr. 12, 1813.
Salome, d. Perez, and William Bradford, s. Lt. William dec'd, all of P., Nov. 24, 1822.
Sameuel and Susanna Vaughn, Nov. 11, 1779. [Vaughan, P.C.R.]
(Samuel of P. and Sarah Fuller, ch. Amos (s. Nathaniel) and Abigail (first w., d. James Harlow), ----).
Samuel Jr. of P. and Lusanna Cole of Middleborough, int. Sept. 6, 1812.
Samuel and Miss Eunice Rider, both of Plymouth, Nov. 23, 1840.
Samuel Nelson, 25 y. 4 m. 26 d., of P., b. P., shoemaker and farmer, s. Samuel and Lusannah of P., and Abigail Soule of Middleborough, b. Middleborough, d. Isaac 2d and Abigail [dup. and int. (first w.)] of Middleborough, Nov. 14, 1843, in P.
Samuell and Sarrah Graye, Oct. 21, 1714.
Sarah of P. [dup. ch. Samuell and Sarah, see birth of Abegail] and Ephraim Padack [dup. (Paddock)] of Plymouth, Nov. 25, 1742.
Sarah, Mrs. (dup. (wid. Lt. Samuel (s. Maj. John of Kingston), d. Edward Gray of Tiverton, R.I. (s. Edward of Plymouth))], and William Hunt [dup. (of Martha's Vineyard)), Sept. 7, 1749.
Sarah and Freeman Eless, Mar. 19, 1767. [Freeman Ellis, Mar. 18, C.R.]
(Sarah [int. of P.], ch. Capt. John [see birth] and Elizabeth (Holmes), and Jabez Bosworth of Halifax, ----).
Sarah [int. of P., dup. (ch. Levi and Elizabeth), see birth of Daniell] and Isaiah Tilson [int. Jr. of Carver, dup. (Lt. Isaiah Tillson Jr. of Carver)], Dec. 5, 1802. [Tillson Jr., C.R.]
Sarah 2d of P., d. Dr. Calvin of P., and John Faunce 2d of Kingston, s. Eliezer of Kingston, Oct. 19, 1818.
Sarah 2d of P., d. Perez, and Oliver Churchill Jr. of P., s. Oliver, Dec. 28, 1825.
Sarah Ann, 22, dressmaker, of P., b. P., d. Luther and Mary of P., and Jonathan Benson Waterman, 24, farmer, of Halifax, b. Halifax, s. Jonathan [dup. and int. dec'd] and Clara of Halifax, Nov. 30, 1845, in P.
Sarah Fuller, d. Nathaniel [int. dec'd] and Abiga, and John Bradford, s. Lt. John [int. dec'd] and Patience, all of P., Apr. 25, 1832, in P.
Simeon and Phebe Whiten, Jan. 23, 1755. [Whiton, P.C.R.]
Sophia, d. Capt. John, and William Perkins, s. Lt. Zephaniah, all of P., Dec. 16, 1816. [Sophia, d. Capt. John and Eunice, P.R.4.]
Stephen of Kingston and Ruth Cushing of P. [second dup. (ch. Sath Jr. and Lydiah), see birth of Hannah Cushing), Apr. 23, 1809.
Stephen Jr. of Kingston, s. Stephen of Kingston, and Rebecca Magoun Hayward of P., d. Capt. Martin of P. and Elizabeth, int. Nov. 9, 1834, cert. given Nov. 23.
Susanna [int. of P., dup. (ch. Samuel (s. Gideon Esq.) and Susanna (first w., d. Daniel Vaughan))] and Hamblin Tilson [dup. (Tillson), int. of Carver], May 5, 1803. [Tilson, C.R.]
Susanna of P., d. Capt. John of P., and Capt. Thomas Ellis of P., s. Joel, Jan. 6, 1818. [Susanna, d. Capt. John and Eunice, P.R.4.]
Urania (see Raunah).
William and Polley Soule, Aug. 14, 1791.
William, s. Lt. William dec'd, and Salome Bradford, d. Perez, all of P., Nov. 24, 1822.
William 2d of P. and Miss Fanny Standish of Middleborough, int. Nov. 24, 1822, cert. given Dec. 12.
Winslow, 32, shoemaker, of P., s. Samuel and Lusannah of P., and Fanny Sturtevant Atwood, 21, bonnet maker, of Middleborough, d. William and Lois of Middleborough, int. Sept. 6, 1846, cert. given Oct. 7.
Zabdiel and Polly Standish [int. Mary, both of P.], Nov. 29, 1804.
