[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Lydia (see Lydia Holmes).
Henry Robbins, s. William of Plymouth and Temperance, May 30, 1828. a. 15 y. 7 m. 14 d., in P., where he had lived some years, bur. in Plymouth."
Isaac Feb. 26, 1717-18, in 23d y., G.R.1.
Levy (Attwood), ch. Nathaniel jr. (s. Lt. Nathaniel) and Suseanah (d. Barnabas Shurtleff Esq.), June 12, 1762.
Mary, w. Nathaniel (Attwood), Oct. 6, 1744.
Nathaniel (see Nathaniel Wood).
Harriet Newell, d. Thomas of Athol and Nancy W., grand d. Lemuel Cobb, guinsey and croop, Nov. 28, 1835, a. 2 y. 4 m. 17 d. on a visit in P.
Lemuel, July 26, 1805, "at Mr. Isaiah Ripleys."
BARROW (see Barrows)
Bethyah, Sept. 11, 1739, a. 59.
John, ch. Samuell and Lidia (Ransom),---------.
BARROWS (see Barrow)
Deborah, ch. John [q. v.] and Deborah Cobb (Doten), Jan. 16, 1819, in Carver.
Deborah Cobb, w. John [q. v.], d. Edward Doten and Deborah of Carver, Oct. 17, 1842, a. 43 y. 11 m. 16 d., in Carver.
John, Oct. 7, 1720, in P.
John, h. Deborah Cobb (Doten) [q. v.], s. Andrew and Sarah of Carver, Jan. 31, 1837, a. 40 y. 2 m. 4 d., in Carver.
Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Lydia, Aug. 25, 1801, in 25th y., G.R. 1.
Patience (Barows), w. Georg, Oct. 30, 1723, in P.
Sarah Perkins, ch. John [q. v.] and Deborah Cobb (Doten), Jan. 30, 1839, in Carver.
Maria Morton, w. James T., ch. Ezekiel Loring Jr. and Lydia (Sherman), Sept. 14, 1845, in Haverhill, N. H.
Hulde, (w. John of Kingston), d. Abner Besbe (s. Hopestill Bisbee) and Barshebe [(Bathsheba (d. Samuel Palmer of Halifax)], (Oct. 24, 1848, in Kingston). [Huldah, wid.,----,1849, C.R.]
Joseph, ch. Silvanus and Sarah (d. Ignatius Loring Esq.), July 21, 1803. [s. Sylvanus and Sarah, in 19th y., G.R.I.]
Mary L., d. Isaac and Mary, May 7, 1809, G.R.2.
Sarah, w. Silvanus (s. Silvanus of Plymouth), d. Ignatius Loring Esq., Oct. 16, 1822, a. 71 y. 2 m. 15 d. "New Style," in Salisbury, Conn.
Silvanus, h. Sarah (d. Ignatius Loring Esq.), s. Silvanus of Plymouth, Feb. 1, 1829, a. 78, in Salisbury, Conn.
(Lousana Doane, ch. Isaac (s. Joseph of Plymouth and Rebekah) and Elizabeth (d. Levi Wright of P.)---------, in Plymouth).
John, May 14, 1736, in 45th y., G.R.1.
BISBE (see Bisbee)
Abner [dup. Bisbee Jr., h. Rebekah (d. Ebenezer Churchill), ch. Abner (Besbe) (s. Hopestill Bisbee) and Barshebe [Bathsheba (d. Samuel Palmer of Halifax)], (Feb. 3, 1817) [dup. a. 45 y. 6 m. 9 d.].
Bezai [dup. (h. Betsey (d. Capt. Thomas Marshall of New Bedford and Phebe (d. Joel Ellis))], ch. Elijah (Bisbee) Jr. Esq. [q. v.] [Beza, d. Susanna (Ripley), Sept. 3, 1804, a. 25 y. 5 m. 6 d. [Beza, G.R.1.]
Elijah, ch. Elijah (Bisbee) Jr. Esq. [q. v.] and Susanna (Ripley), Nov. 23, 1797, a. 23 y. 4 m. 13 d, in Savannah, Ga.)
Elijah, father of Elijah Jr. Esq., Sept. 28, 1804, a. 84 y. 6 m.
John [dup. (Bisbee 2d, h. Priscilla (d. Isaiah Ripley)], s. Jonah [dup. (of Pembroke, and sometime resident in P.), putrid fever)], July 10, 1805 [dup. (in 23d y., in P.)].
Lydia Soule, ch. John (s. Elijah Bisbee) and Lydia (d. Ephraim Soule), May 6, 1825). (a. 26 y. 18 d, G.R.1.]
Olive, ch. Elijah and Deborah (d. George Samson), July 10, 1832). [Bisbee, July 9, C.R.]
William [dup. Bisbee, unm.], ch. Elijah (Bisbee) Jr. [dup. omits Jr.] Esq. [q. v.] and Susanna (Ripley) [dup. consumption], May 13, 1831)] [dup. a. 55 y. 6 m. 26 d.] [a. 55 y. 6 m. 28 d., G.R.1.].
Zenas, ch. Elijah (Bisbee) Jr. Esq. [q. v.] and Susanna (Ripley), May 8, 1788.
Zenas, ch. John (s. Elijah Bisbee) and Lydia (d. Ephraim Soule), Feb. 3, 1817). [a. 20 y. 11 m. 24 d, G.R.1.]
------, inf. Elijah (Bisbee) Jr. Esq. [q. v.] and Susanna (Ripley), still born, June 27, 1784.
------, ch. John (s. Elijah Bisbee) and Lydia (d. Ephraim Soule), Jan. 4, 1793.
BISBEE (see Bisbe)
Abner, h. Bathsheba (d. Samuel Palmer of Halifax), s. Hopestill, Mar. 23, 1823, a. 83 y. 8 m. 26 d. "New Style," in P.
Bathsheba, w. Abner (s. Hopestill), d. Samuel Palmer of Halifax, Jan. 7, 1822, a. 86 y. 11 m. 15 d. "New Style," in Rochester.
(Betsy, reputed d. Seth Bisbee and Molly (d. Elkanah Cushman Jr.), July 12, 1806, a. 1 y. 1 m. 12 d.)
Deborah, w. Elijah (Bisbe), d. George Samson [dup. George (s. George Sampson) and Hannah (d. Benjamin Soule)], 90 y. 7 m. New Style." [wid., C.R. G.R. 1.]
Eleanor, wid. Elijah, Apr. 4, 1749, a. 49 y. 8 m. 16 d., G.R.1.
Elijah, Sept. 7, 1743, in 52d y., G.R.1.
Elijah Esq., "Lieutenant of a military Company of Plympton," h. Susanna (d. William Ripley Sr.), s. Elijah and-------("a descendant of Capt. Miles Standish"), apoplectic fit, Apr. 21, 1831, a. 84 y. 7 m. 6 d. "New Style."
Felicia Hemans [dup. b. P.], ch. Capt. William Marshall (s. Beza of P. and Betsy) and Catharine Warren (d. Thomas B. Harrub of P. and Rachel), canker rash, Mar. 21, 1847 [dup. a. 2 y. 6 in. 4 d., in P.].
George formerly of P., h. Grace (d. William Ripley Jr.), s. Elijah, Mar. 2, 1839, a. 90 y. 5 m. 23 d. "New Style," in Kingston.
(Hannah, wid. Hopestill, d. William Churchill and Ruth, Nov. 5, 1797, a. 90 y. 2 d. New Style). [a. 90 y. 3 d., G. R. 1.]
(Hopestill, h. Hannah (d. William Churchill and Ruth), Mar. 17, 1784, in 83d y.)
Isaac, unm., ch. George (s. Elijah) and Grace (d. William Ripley Jr.), Sept. 3, 1820, in New Orleans.
Jenny, w. Noah (s. Elijah), d. Gideon Bradford Esq., suddenly, Mar. 26, 1837, a. 82 y. 14 d., in Richmond, N. H.
John [dup. farmer], revolutionary pensioner, h. Lydia (d. Ephraim Soule), s. Elijah [dup. old age], June 24, 1842, a. 86 y. 9 m. 9 d. [dup. in P.]
Lydia, w. Reuben, May [ ]4, 1771, in 38th y., G.R.1.
Lydia, w. John (s. Elijah), d. Ephraim Soule [dup. Ephraim (s. Zechariah) and Rebekah, (d. Richard Whitmarsh of Abington)], Oct. 13, 1826, a. 65 y. 11 m.
Mercy (see-------Bisbee).
Noah, ch. Noah [q. v.] and Jenny (Bradford). "killed in the Battle at Bridgewater in upper Canada," July 24, 1814.
Noah, h. Jenny (d. Gideon Bradford Esq.), s. Elijah. Jan. —, 1839, in 87th y., in Richmond. N. H. "family moved to Richmond . . . in April ... 1806."
Rachel Magoun [dup. b. P.]. ch Capt. William Marshall and Catharine Warren (Harrub) [see Felicia Hemans Bisbee], hooping cough, Feb. 3, 1846 [dup. a. 4 m. 4 d., in P.].
Silvanus, m., had no children, s. Hopestill Jr. (s. Hopestill Sr.) and Abigail (d. Nathaniel Churchill), Apr. 23, 1812, a. 33 y. 8 m. 9 d., in P. [Sylvanus, G.R.1.]
Susanna, wid. Elijah Esq. [q. v,] d. William Ripley Sr., Apr. 19, 1837, a. 91 y. 5 m. 19 d. "New Style."
William Wallace, ch. Capt. William Marshall and Catharine Warren (Harrub) [see Felicia Hemans Bisbee], Sept. 30, 1834. [in 2d y., G.R.1]
-------, ch. Asaph, Oct. 6, 1786, in P., C.R. [Mercy, d. Asaph and Jinne, Oct. 5, a. 11 m. 5 d., G.R.1.]
BISHOP (see Bishup)
Eugenia Emily [dup. b. P.], ch. William Albin (s. James P. and Charlotte of Braintree) and Lydia Nelson (d. Martin Waterman and Priscilla), consumption, Sept. 12, 1843, a. 5 m. 7 d. [dup. in P.]
BISHUP (see Bishop)
Betsy, ch. William and Ruth, Aug. 1, 1795. (Bishop, a. 2 y. 7 m. 12 d. G.R.1.]
Betsy, ch. William and Ruth, July 17, 1809. [Bishop, C.R. Bishop, a. 13 y. 5 m. G.R.1]
Deborah, (w. James), ch. William Samson (s. George Sampson) and Joannah [(Joanna (Vaughan)] Dec. 3, 1791. [Bishop, in 60th y., G.R.1.]
Deborah, ch. William and Ruth, Aug. 9, 1795. [Bishop, a. 13 m. 9 d., G.R.1.]
(James, h. Deborah (d. William Sampson), Sept. 27, 1796, in 67th y.) [Bishop, G.R.1.]
James, ch. William and Ruth, drowned, June 18, 1809. [Bishop, June 18, C.R. Bishop, June 10, a. 3 y. 3 m. 20 d., G.R.1.]
William, "The name Bishup is here spelled as that family spelled it themselves," s. James and Deborah, May 10, 1827, a. 63 y. 3 d., in Attleborough. "He had moved from Plympton."
Augustus, s. Dinah, colored, May 5, 1830, a. 10 y. 6 m. 29 d., in P.
Walter, colored, abt. "three quarters negro," s. Dinah, consumption, Apr. 4, 1843, a. 16 y. 10 m. 24 d., in P.
Jonathan, "Captain of the Standing Military Company in Plympton," h. Saba [q. v.], h. Mary Ann (d. Pelatiah Caswell of York, Me., and Mary), s. Jonathan of Stoughton, lost out of a Diving Bell, Sept. 18, 1831, a. 39 y. 2 m. 29 d., in Buzzards' Bay, bur. at Little Compton, R. I.
Lucia Ann, ch. Jonathan [q. v.] and Saba (Ripley), Dec. 16, 1834, in Stoughton.
Saba, w. [Capt., G.R.1.] Jonathan (s. Jonathan of Stoughton), d. Ezekiel Ripley of P., Oct. 15, 1826, a. 35 y. 2 M. 13 d.
Sarah, ch. Benjamin and Moly, (Jan. 12, 1777). [a. 7 y. 4 d., G.R.1.]
(Zaccheus, h. Sarah, Aug. 11, 1760, in 47th y.)
BONEY (see Bonney)
(Austin (Bonney), ch. Nathaniel Jr. (s. Nathaniel) and Hannah,--------.
Batty (Bony), ch. Nathaniel Jr. (s. Nathaniel Bonney) and Hannah, Sept. 8, 1775. [Betty Bonney, Sept. 8, 1776, a. 5 y. 10 m. 3 d., G.R.1.]
Beriah, (unm.), s. Martha Boney (second w. Isaac Thayer), Mar. 21, 1768). [Bonney, in 47th y., G.R.1.]
Betty (see Batty)
Isaac, s. Isaac and Mary, Dec. 7 [dup. Dec. 15], 1729.
Margrett, ch. Nathaniel and Lydiah, Sept. 30, 1775. [Margaret Bonney, d. Nathaniel and Lydia, Sept. 30, 1776, a. 16 y. 8 m. I6 d., G.R.1.]
Nathaniel, Sept. 19, 1775, (a. 61 lacking 3 days). [Bonney, G.R.1.]
Zeruuah, ch. Nathaniel Jr. (s. Nathaniel Bonney) and Hannah, Aug. 28, 1775. [Aug. 28, 1776, a. 1 y. 9 m. 28 d., G.R.1.]
BONNEY(see Boney)
America, ch. [dup. Capt.] Isaac and Hannah (second w., d. Lt. Zephaniah Perkins), Sept. 25, 1819 [dup. a. 25 y. 11 m. 19 d.], in Westport.
Angeline, ch. Isaac and Abigail (d. Caleb Stetson and Jane), s. Capt. Isaac and Sally; s. Ebenezer; s. Isaac; s. William, " one of the first Settlers in Plympton," Oct. 20, 1826, in Turner, Me.
Anna, second w. [dup. wid.] Ebenezer (s. Isaac and Mary), d. Noah Sturtevant, Mar. 23, 1823, a. 78 y. 6 d. "New Style." [Mar. 22, C.R.]
Catherine, w. Charles, d. Noah Thomas (s. Eleazar of Middleborough) and Sarah (d. Rev. John Howland of Carver), June 26, 1832, in Rochester.
Charles, ch. Joseph (s. Nathaniel and Lydia) and Mary (d. Col. Seth Cushing), Dec. 30, 1834, in Rochester).
(Daniel, h. Abiah s. Nathaniel. Mar. 6, 1799, a. 48 y. 8 m. 5 d. New Style).
Ebenezer, ch. Ebenezer (s. Isaac and Mary) and Deborah (Drew) (first w.), Apr. 29, 1768.
(Ebenezer, h. Deborah (Drew), h. Anna (d. Noah Sturtevant), s. Isaac and Mary, July 13, 1802, a. 66 y. 4 m. New Style). [in 68th y., G.R.1.]
George Watson, ch. Stephens (s. Capt. Isaac) and Frances (d. Oliver Churchill), Aug. 24, 1828. [a. 11 m. 22 d., C.R. 1.]
(Hannah, second w. Capt. Isaac (s. Ebenezer), d. Lt. Zephaniah Perkins, Dec. 4, 1800, a. 36 y. 3 m. 11 d.) [a. 36 y. 4 m. 14 d., G.R.1.]
Hannah, wid. William, July 20, 1803, in 44th y., G.R.1.
(Hannah), ch. Isaac and Hannah (second w., d. Lt. Zephaniah Perkins).--------).
Harvey [dup. unm.], ch. Joseph (s. Nathaniel and Lydia) and Mary (d. Col. Seth Cushing) (dup. fever and ague caught years ago], Dec. 14, 1840) [dup. a. 5o y. 4 m. 14 d.]. [Dec. 13, C.R. Dec. 14, in 5oth y., G.R.2.]
(Henry), ch. Joseph (s. Nathaniel and Lydia) and Mary (d. Col. Seth Cushing),-----, a. abt. 3).
Isaac, h. Mary (Horrel) (sister of Humphrey), s. William, one of the first Settlers of Plympton, and Mehetabel (second w.), May 9, 1772. a. 70 y. 5 m. 14 d. New Style, in P.) [in 70th y., G.R.1.]
Isaac, ch. Isaac and Sally (d. Edward Stephens), Feb. 15, 1788). (ch. Isaac and Sarah, a. 5 m. 10 d, G.R.1.]
(Isaac, Captain of the Military Company in Plympton, h. Sally (d. Edward Stephens), h. Hannah (d. Lt. Zephaniah Perkins), h. Lydia (d. Noah Sturtevant), s. Ebenezer, Feb. 11, 1809, a 43 y. 3 m. 27 d., in Dartmouth).
Joseph, ch. Joseph (s. Nathaniel and Lydia) and Mary (d. Col. Seth Cushing), June 6, 1809, at sea. [Bony, C.R.]
Joseph, h. Mary (d. Col. Seth Cushing), s. Nathaniel and Lydia, May 16, 1840, a. 84 y. 4 m. 18 d.
Lydia (see----------Bonney).
Mary, housewifery, b. P., wid. Joseph [dup. (s. Nathaniel and Lydia)], d. Seth Cushing and Lydia, old age, June 26, 1843, a. 79 y. 28 d., in P.
(Mary, ch. Isaac and Hannah (second w., d. Lt. Zephaniah Perkins)-----).
(Mary, w. Isaac [q. v.], sister of Humphrey Horrel,------- in P.)
(Mehetabel [dup. (Mehitable)], second w. and wid. of William William [sic], formerly second w. James Harlow, w. Barnabas Phinney, w. James Morton, [dup. (mother of Barnabas Harlow)] d. Dea. Samuel Churchill of P., May 25, 1797, a. 80 y. 6 m. 9 d. New Style, in P.)
(Nathaniel, h. Hannah, s. Nathaniel, Apr. 20, 1802, a. 59 y. 10 m. 26 d. New Style).
Sally, w. Isaac (s. Ebenezer), (d. Edward Stephens), Mar. 18, 1791, (in 21st y.)
(William, h. Patience Morey, h. Mehetabel (Churchill) (Morton) (Phinney) Harlow [q. v.], s. William and Anne (first w.), Dec. 24, 1772, a. 78 y. 11 M. 9 d. New Style, in P. had no Children).
------, w. Samuel, Mar. 27, 1786, in P., C.R. [Lydia, Feb. 27, in 42d y., G.R.1
BOSWORTH (see Bozworth)
(Almira, ch. Joseph [s. James of Halifax and Mehetabel) and Deborah (d. William Waterman of Halifax and Deborah), Oct. 23, 1806, in Portland, Me.)
Deborah Cushman, ch. James [q. v.] and Sally (Soule), Sept. 25, 1837, in P. [a. 5 y. 7 m. 23 d., G.R.1.]
Hannah, d. Noah and Lydia, Mar. 21, 1777, a. 1 y. 5 m. 23 d., G.R.1.
James [dup. farmer), h. Sally (d. Lt. Daniel Soule), s. Joseph of P. and Deborah, consumption, Jan. 14, 1843, a. 43 y. 5 m. 9 d. in P.
James Frederic, ch. James [q. v.) and Sally (Soule), Sept. 12, 1837, in P. [a. 10 m. 2 d., G.R.1.]
Mary Magoun (see Unidentified).
Mercy, w. Dea. David, Apr. 23, 1707, in 31st y., G.R.1.
Nehemiah, lost at sea,------,1847, G.R.1.
Rebecca Soule, ch. James [q. v.] and Sally (Soule), Oct. 3, 1837, in P. [Oct. 4, C.R. Oct. 3, a. 3 y. 8 m. 5 d., G.R.1.]
Ruth Ring, ch. James [q. v.] and Sally (Soule), Jan. 5, 1831, in Halifax.
Sarah, wid. Jabez of Halifax, d. Capt. John Bradford and Elizabeth of P., consumption, Apr. 27, 1843, a. 73 y. 6 m. 19 d., "at her son-in-law, Mr. Alexander Churchill's in Plympton, bur. in Halifax." [Apr. 30, C.R.]
(---, s. Joseph and Deborah [see Almira), Apr. 8, 1811, in Halifax).
BOZWORTH (see Bosworth)
Allice, w. Jonathan, child bed, Aug.-----, 1724, in P. [Aug. 13, in 20th y., G.R.1.]
Susanah, w. Nehemiah, Sept. 10, 1728.
Susanah, ch. Nehemiah and Susanah, Dec. 8, 1724.
------, inf. Jonathan and Allice, Aug. —, 1724, in P. [ch. Jonathan and Alice, "buried with its mother," a. 3 d., G.R.1.
Abigail, wid. Gideon [dup. Jr.] (s. Gideon Esq.), d. Zabdiel Sampson, Apr. 17, 1813, a. 54 y. 9 M. 6 d.
Abigail, ch. Samuel [q. v.] and Susanna (Vaughan) (first w.), Mar. 19, 1818) [dup. a. 36 y. 3 m. 18 d.].
Abram [dup. h. Deborah (d. Onesimus Randall of P.)], twin ch. Gideon Jr. [q. v., dup. of P.] and Abigail (Sampson) [ dup. consumption] , Feb. 13, 1828 [dup. a. 43 y. 11 m. 29 d., in P.]. (Abraham, C.R. Abram, G.R.1.]
Aroline Bartlett, ch. Luther (s. Dr. Calvin) and Mary (second w., d. Jonathan Standish), July 29, 1832. [a. 3 m., C.R.]
Bathsheba, doctress and midwife, wid. Daniel (s. Levi), d. Capt. Joshua Adams of Kingston, Mar. 24, 1845, a. 70 y. 2 M. 23 d., in S. Boston.
Calvin, Dr., h. Lucy (d. Nathaniel Pratt of P.), s. Gideon Esq., Apr. 24, 1835, a. 80 y. 8 m. 29 d., in P.
Charles of Kingston, worked in the Nail Factory in P., s. Nathaniel (s. James and Sarah of Kingston) and Sarah of Kingston, consumption, Mar. 5, 1837, a. 32 y. 2 m. 25 d., in P., bur. in Kingston. "He had a wife and one child, both of which died before he died."
Cynthia (see Synthia).
Daniel, h. Bathsheba (d. Capt. Joshua Adams of Kingston), s. Levi, Oct. 23, 1833, a. 59 y. 5 m. 15 d., in S. Boston.
Elisabeth [dup. and second dup. (Elizabeth)], ch. Levi and Elisebath [dup. and second dup. (Levi, q. v., and Elizabeth (Lewis)], Jan. 2, 1787, in 9th y. [in P., C.R. a. 8 y. 5 m. 7 d., G.R.1.]
Elisabeth (dup. (Elizabeth)], ch. Gideon Jr. [q. v.] and Abigail (Sampson), Oct. 27, 1795). [a. 6 y. [broken] 12 d., G.R.1.]
Elisabeth [dup. (Elizabeth)], wid. Capt. John [q. v., dup. (d. Eleazar Holmes of Plymouth)], Dec. 30, 1806 [dup. (in 85th y., in P.)].
Eliza Waterman, ch. Calvin Jr. (s. Dr. Calvin) and Mary (d. Ichabod Hatch), July 12, 1826, in Middleborough.
Elizabeth (see Elisabeth).
Elizabeth, w. Levi (s. Gideon Esq.), d. Daniel Lewis Esq. of Pembroke; s. Rev. Daniel, "the first Minister of Pembroke ; " s. John of Hingham; s. James of Barnstable; s. George of Scituate and afterwards of Barnstable, "who came from England to Scituate between ... 1633 & 1636," Oct. 25, 1813, a. 70 y. 6 m. 23 d. [dup. "New Stye "] in P.
Eunice [Bradford, sic, ? Washburn], ch. Capt. John (s. Capt. John) and Eunes [(Eunice (d. Ignatius Loring Esq.)], Jan. 14, 1808.
Eunice, w. Capt. John (s. Capt. John), d. Ignatius Loring Esq., Nov. 15, 1813, a. 60 y. 5 m. 4 d. [wid., in 62d y., G.R.1. wid., a. 60 y. 5 m. 4 d., in P., P.R. 4.]
Ezra, h. Polly Tobey, "had 3 sons and six daughters," ch. Levi [q. v.] and Elizabeth (Lewis), Jan. 3, 1827, a. 50 y. 7 m. 20 d., in Greenwood, Me.
Gideon Esq., h. Jenney [dup. Jane, q. v., (s. Lt. Samuel of P.; s. Maj. John of Kingston ; s. Maj. William of Plymouth ; s. Gov. William, one of the first settlers at Plymouth)], Oct. 18, 1793, in 75th y. [in P., C.R.]
Gideon [dup. Jr.)], (h. Abigail (d. Zabdiel Sampson), s. Gideon Esq.), [chip. (left two daughters)] Apr. 5, 1805. [in 53d y., in P., C.R. a. 52, G.R.1.]
(Gideon [third dup. (h. Grace (d. Zaccheus Holmes)], ch. Gideon Jr. [q. v.] and Abigail (Sampson), May 8, 1808) [third dup. (a. 26 y. 8 m. 5 d.)]. [May 6, sic, G.R.1. May 8, in P., C.R.]
Hezekiah, mason, h. Margaret (wid. Daniel Parsons of Gloucester, d. Joseph Tucker and Hannah of Gloucester), s. Perez and Sarah (first w.), fever, Nov. 16, 1836, a. 43 y. 2 m. 16 d., in P. "left a widow, but had no children."
Jenney [dup. (Jane)], wid. Gideon Esq. [dup. q. v., (d. Icbabod Paddock of Yarmouth, afterwards of Middleborough)], Apr. 18, 1795, in 78th y. [Jane, in P., C.R. Jane, G.R.1.]
Joanna, ch. Perez [q. v.] and Lydia (Fuller) (Cushman) (second w.), July 12, 1805. [a. 4 y. 8 m. 5 d., G.R.1.]
(John, Captain of the Military Company in Plympton, h. Elizabeth (d. Eleazar Holmes of Plymouth), s. Lt. Samuel of P. and Sarah (Gray); s. Maj. John of Kingston and Mercy (Warren); s. Maj. William of Plymouth and Alice Richards (first w.); s. William, 2d Governor of Plymouth Colony, and Alice Southworth, wid. (second w.), Sept. 28, 1770, a. 53 y. 5 m. 9 d. New Style). [a. 53 y. 5 m. 20 d., G.R.1.)
John, Capt., h. Eunice (d. Ignatius Loring Esq.), s. Capt. John, June 11, 1807, a. 58 y. 10 m. 12 d. New Style). [in P., C.R. a. 58 y. 24 d., G.R.1. a. 58 y. 10 m.12 d., in P., P.R.4.]
John, Lt., millwright, h. Patience (d. Lt. Zephaniah Perkins), s. Capt. John, Oct. 16, 1831, a. 46 y. 8 m. 12 d. [John Sr., C.R. h. Patience (Perkins), h. Betsy (d. Billya Wright of P.), in P., P.R.4.]
Joseph, Dr. [dup. (m., no children)], ch. Gideon and Jennee [dup. (Gideon Esq., q. v., and Jane (Paddock)), Aug. —, 1787, in 42d y., in Washington, Beaufort Co., N. C. [dup. (after a short residence there)]
Joseph [dup. (unm., carpenter, worked at Boston most of the time)j, ch. Levi and Elisebath [dup. (Levi, q. v., and Elizabeth (Lewis)), Aug. 4, 1810 [dup. (Aug. 3, 1810, in P.)]. [Aug. 3, in 41st y., G.R.1.]
(Joseph Warren, ch. Dr. Calvin [q. v.] and Lucy (Pratt), Apr. 9, 1796). [a. 13 m. 2 d., G.R.1.]
Joseph Warren, ch. Luther (s. Dr. Calvin) and Ruth Cook (d. Francis Holmes), May 19, 1815. [a. 3 y. 9 m. 14 d., G.R.1.]
(Levi), ch. Daniel (s. Levi) and Bathsheba (d. Capt. Joshua Adams of Kingston), Apr. 30, 1810, in Boston).
Levi, h. Elizabeth (Lewis) [q. v.], s. Gideon Esq., Sept. 5, 1822, a. 79 y. 6 m. 6 d., in Homer, N. Y. "moved to Homer .. . New York, Dec. 21, 1816, with his son Levi."
Levi, Maj., h. Mercy (d. Capt. Simeon Samson), s. Levi, dropsy followed by dysentery, Sept. 23, 1849, a. 77 y. 5 m., in Homer, N. Y. "Major Levi ... Jr. and his Father.. moved December 21, 1816, to Homer, N. Y."
Lucy, w. Dr. Calvin (s. Gideon Esq.), d. Nathaniel Pratt of P., Nov. 18, 1834, a. 82 y. 2 m. 7 d. "New Style," in P.
Lydia, ch. Dr. Calvin [q. v.) and Lucy (Pratt), June 29, 1827, a. 30 y. 1 m. 7 d.
Lydia, wid. Perez (s. Capt. John and Elizabeth), wid. Elisha Cushman Cushman [sic] of Kingston, d. Capt. Josiah Fuller of Kingston and Lydia, July 17, 1842, a. 82 y. 10 m. 26 d., in Kingston.
Lydia Jane, ch. Calvin Jr. (s. Dr. Calvin) and Mary (d. Ichabod Hatch), Sept. 12, 1833, in Middleborough.
Marcey, ch. Samuell and Sarah [(Lt. Samuel, q. v., and Sarah (Gray)], June 1, 1731. [June 3, a. 7 w., G.R.1. Mercy, June 17, P.R.4.]
Marcia Samson, ch. Capt. Levi [q. v.] and Mercy (Samson), Nov. 23, 1842, in Homer, N. Y.)
Marcy (see Marcey).
Marcy, ch. Capt. John (s. Capt. John) and Eunes [(Eunice (d. Ignatius Loring Esq.)], (Jan. 13, 1798). [Mercy, a. 6 y. 8 m. 27 d., G.R.1.]
Marcy, ch. William (s. Capt. John and Elizabeth) and Polley (d. Asaph Soule), Sept. 30, 1818). [Mercy, C.R. Mercy, d. Lt. William and Polly, a. 18 y. 7 m. 18 d., G.R.1.]
Mary Angelina, ch. Luther (s. Dr. Calvin) and Mary (second w., d. Jonathan Standish), Sept. 20, 1837.
Mercy (see Marcey and Marcy).
Mercy, w. Maj. Levi [q. v.], d. Capt. Simeon Samson, June 18, 1838, a. 60 y. 11 m. 6 d., in Homer, N. Y.
Nathaniel [dup. h. Abiga (d. Isaac Cobb of Carver)], ch. Samuel [q. v.] and Sarah (Fuller) (second w.), (Mar. 12, 1813) [dup. a. 24 y. 8 m. 10 d.].
Nathaniel Bartlett, ch. Luther (s. Dr. Calvin) and Mary (second w., d. Jonathan Standish), July 12, 1831. [July 11, a. 10 m., C.R.]
Nathaniel Cole, s. Samuel Jr. (s. Samuel) and Lusannah (d. Nathaniel Cole of Middleborough), "fell into the inside of the Plympton Cotton Factory Water wheel and was killed," May 15, 1834. a. 11 y. 3 m. 7 d., in P.
Olive, ch. Capt. John (s. Capt. John) and Eunes [(Eunice (d. Ignatius Loring Esq.)], Mar. 10, 1782. [a. 1 y. 2 m. 10 d., G.R.1. Mar. 24, P.R.4.]
Oliver formerly of P., h. Sarah, s. Capt. John and Elizabeth, Nov. 14, 1835, a. 76 y. 10 m. 4 d., in Fairhaven.
Orrin Herbert [dup. b. P.], ch. Gideon (s. Samuel and Luseanah of P.) and Sally (d. Levi Chase and Lucy of Carver), Oct. 15, 1848, a. 8 m. 5 d., in P. [Orren Herbert, G.R.4.]
Patience, w. John (s. Capt. John), d. Lt. Zephaniah Perkins, Sept. 16, 1823, a. 39 y. 1 m. 14 d. [Patia, C.R. Patience, w. Lt. John, G.R.1. P.R.4.]
Perez, h. Sarah (d. Kimball Prince of Kingston), h. Lydia (Fuller) [q. v.], s. Capt. John and Elizabeth, Mar. 15, 1834, a. 81 y. 4 m. 5 d., in P.
(Phebe, ch. Dr. Calvin [q. v.] and Lucy (Pratt), Dec. 6, 1795). [a. 3 y. 10 m. 17 d., G.R.1.]
Poley Soule, ch. William (s. Capt. John and Elizabeth) and Polley (d. Asaph Soule), May 28, 1813). [Polly, C.R. Polly, d. Lt. William and Polly, a. 15 y. 4 m. 21 d., G.R.1.]
Polley [(Polly)], wid. William (s. Capt. John and Elizabeth), d. Asaph Soule), Oct. 30, 1810, (a. 42 y. 3 m.) ] [Polly, wid. Lt. William, d. Asaph Soule and Mary, G.R.1.]
Ruth Cook, w. Luther, [dup. ch. Francis Holmes and Lydia (d. Philemon Samson)] Mar. 6, 1815, a. 22 y. 11 m. 28 d. [Mar. 5, C.R. Mar. 6, G.R.1.]
Ruth Cook, ch. Luther (s. Dr. Calvin) and Ruth Cook (d. Francis Holmes), Dec. 31, 1815. [a. 10 m. 15 d., G.R.1.]
Samuel, Lt., (h. Sarah (d. Edward Gray of Tiverton, R. I.; s. Edward of Plymouth), s. Maj. John of Kingston, Mar. 26, 1740, (a. 56 y. 3 m. 3 d., in P.) [in 56th y., G.R.1. a. 56 y. 3 m. 3 d., P.R.4.]
Samuel, ch. Samuell and Sarah [(Lt. Samuel, q. v., and Sarah (Gray)], (Aug. 1, 1813, in Williamsburgh).
Samuel, h. Susanna (d. Daniel Vaughan of P.), h. Sarah (d. Amos Fuller of P. and first w.), s. Gideon Esq., Mar. 26, 1835, a. 84 y. 8 m. 25 d. "New Style," in P.
Sarah, ch. Periz [(Perez), q. v.] and Sarah (first w.), (Apr. 29, 1796). [a. 10 y. 8 m., G.R.1.]
(Sarah, first w. Perez (s. Capt. John and Elizabeth), d. Kimball Prince of Kingston, Dec. 26, 1797, in 42d y.)
Sarah, second w. Samuel (s. Gideon Esq.), d. Amos Fuller of P. and first w., Apr. 30, 1834, a. 83 y. 13 d. "N. S."
Sarah, wid. Oliver [q. v.], June 1, 1839, a. 75 y. 26 d., in Fairhaven.
(Susanna, first w. Samuel (s. Gideon Esq.), d. Daniel Vaughan of P., Sept. 27, 1786, a. 35 y. 10 m. 15 d.)
Susanna, ch. Capt. John (s. Capt. John) and Eunes [(Eunice (d. Ignatius Loring Esq.)], (Apr. 30, 1788). [a. 15 m. 29 d., G.R.1.]
Synthia [dup. Cynthia)], ch. Gideon Jr. [q. v.] and Abigail (Sampson), Jan. 8, 1792). [Cynthia, a. 4 m. 4 d., G.R.1.]
Thomas, Mar. —, 1837, C.R.
William, ch. Samuell and Sarah [(Lt. Samuel, q. v., and Sarah (Gray)], Feb. 16, 1724 [dup. 1724-5, in P.]. [s. Ens. Samuel and Sarah, G.R.1.]
William [dup. Lt., (h. Polly (d. Asaph Soule)], ch. John and Elisebath [dup. (Capt. John and Elizabeth), Jan. 19, 1802 [dup. (a. 35 y. 7 m. 11 d. [in P., P.R.4.]
William, h. Salome (d. Perez Bradford), s. Lt. William, consumption, May 19, 1838, a. 43 y. 1 m. 27 d.
William Jr., apprentice to a carpenter, ch. William (s. Lt. William) and Salome (d. Perez Bradford), typhus fever, Oct. 19, 1843, a. 20 y. 1 m. 5 d., in Bridgewater, bur. in P.
William Loring [dup. seaman], Lt. John (s. Capt. John) and Patience (d. Lt. Zephaniah Perkins) [dup. probably New Orleans fever], Aug. 13, 1842, a. 23 y. 6 m. 21 d., at sea.
Winslow [dup. ch. Samuel [q. v.] and Susanna (Vaughan) (first w.) [dup. suddenly], Jan. 9, 1814) [dup. a. 28 y. 9 m. 1 d.]
Zabdiel [dup. trader and shoemaker, b. P.], h. Mary (d. Shadrach Standish), s. Gideon [dup. adds and Abigail], fiery humor striking at his stomach, May 29, 1843, a. 64 y. 4 m. 10 d, at the Almshouse in P. "His wife had left him for a number of years past." [Zebedee, C.R.]
Zillah, wid. Winslow of P., Apr. 4, 1843, a. 54 y. 4 d., in Plymouth.
BRIANT (see Bryant)
Abigail, w. Lt. (John (Bryant), May 12, 1715, in P.
Barnabas, Apr. 25, 1717, in P.
Benjamen, drownded, May 4, 1724. on plimouth shore."
Hanah, w. Benjamen, Mar. 4, 1723-4, in P.
Sarah (Bryant), [dup. (first)] w. James (of Halifax, d. Rev. Isaac Cushman) [dup. (of P.)], Feb. 2, I724-5, (a. 4o y. 9 m. 15 d.), in P. [in 40th y., G.R.1.]
BRIGGS (see Brigs)
(Ephraim Bartlett, twin ch. Samuel [q. v.] and Mercy (first w.), Jan. 29, 1803, in Middleborough).
John, Rev., Sept. 18, 1811, in Richmond, N. H.
John, machinery workman, s. Godfrey of Berkly, Jan. 11, 1814, a. 21 y. 17 d., bur. in P.
Mary, ch. Dr. Richard and Huldah, Feb. 11, 1804, in P. [a. 6 m. 7 d., G.R.1.]
(Mercy, first w. Samuel [q. v.], d. Elijah Dammon of Pembroke and Anna, July 19, 1806, in Middleborough).
Mercy Dammon, ch. Seneca (s. Samuel, "now in 1824 of Plympton") and Molly (d. Sylvester Holmes of Kingston), Oct. 23, 1839, in P. [d. Seneca and Mary, Oct. 21, in 19th y., G.R.2.]
Samuel [dup. farmer, b. Middleborough], h. Mercy [q. v.], h. Rebekah (d. Nathan Stevens of Pembroke and Rebekah), s. John of Middleborough, afterwards of Halifax, and Abigail (second w.), inflamation of the bladder and kidneys, June 19, 1843, a. 79 y. 7 m. 14 d., in P.
BRIGS (see Briggs)
Mehetable, Mar. 16, 1725-6, in P.
(Simon, h.----------(sister of Hannah Mitchell), Mar. 21, 1804, in. P. He and his family was one of the families of the neutral French, brought from Nova Scotia in . . . 1755).
(--, w. Simon, sister of Hannah Mitchell,-----, many years before Mar. 21, 1804).
BRYANT (see Briant)
Abigail, wid. John [dup. (s. Capt. George)], d. William Churchill, Feb. 1, 1820, a. 99 y. 6 m. 10 d. "New Style," in P. [a. 99 y. 6 m. 20 d., G.R.1.]
Abishai, ch. James [dup. (Briant)] (s. John and Sarah) and Darkas [dup. Dorkas], Feb. 22, 1728 [dup. 1728-9].
Alvin [dup. and second dup. Alvan, second dup. farmer, b. P., dup. h. Betsy Johnson)], s. Lemuel [q. v.] and Clarisa [dup. and second dup. of P., palpitation of the heart], (Mar. 25, 1845) [dup. and second dup. a. 38 y. 10 m. 19 d., second dup. in P.].
Amos [dup. unm.], ch. Micah (s. Amos of Middleborough) and Drusilla (d. Barnabas Harlow), June 4, 1827) [dup. a. 21 y. 8 d., in P.].
Benjamin, ch. (Dea.) Benjamin (s. Dea. Nathaniel) and Sarah (second w., (d. James Harlow), drowned, Feb. --, 1804, at sea. He had a wife and children). [in 3oth y., G.R.1.]
Benjamin [dup. Dea., h. Sarah, h. Sarah (d. James Harlow), ch. Nathaniell and Zeviah [(Dea. Nathaniel (s. Dea. Samuel) and Zeruiah (Curtis) (of Pembroke)], (May 2, 1824) [dup. a. 89 y. 3 m. 28 d. " New Style, " in P.
Caleb, ch. John Jr. (s, Capt. George) and Abegail, (Oct. 28, 1777). [a. 32 y. 7 m. 20 d., G.R.1.]
Caleb, ch. Zenas [q. v.] and Mary (Ruggles), Feb. 4, 1789. [s. Zenas and Polly, a. 5 y. 4 d., G.R.1.]
(Clara Ann), ch. Lemuel [q. v.] and Clarisa, (Dec. 22, 1820). [a. 5 y. 9 m. 20 d., G.R.1.]
(Deborah, w. Samuel, [dup. (d. Perez Bradford), second dup. d. Periz Bradford (s. Capt. John and Elizabeth) and Sarah (first w., (d. Kimball Prince of Kingston)] Jan. 13, 1811, in 28th y.) [a. 27 y. 28 d., G.R.1.]
Dorcas, housewifery, b. Bridgewater, wid. [dup. third, w.] Joshua of P. [dup. "He had no Children by his 2d wife," second dup. (s. Dea. Samuel)], d. Nathaniel Hayward and Elizabeth [dup. of Bridgewater], old age, July 11, 1846, a. 88y. 11 d. in P.
Edwin, ch. Lemuel [q. v.] and Clarisa, (Dec. 14, 1820). [a. 16 y. 9 m. 1 d., G.R.1.]
Elisebath, ch. Nathaniell and Zeviah [see Benjamin, May 2, 1824], Sept. 15, 1747.
Eliza H.,------, 1843, C.R.
(Elizabeth, w. Dea. Samuel, second w. Allerton Cushman, d. George Sampson, Apr. 17, 1744, in P.) [in 52d y., G.R.1.]
Elizabeth (see Elisebath).
Ephraim, s. John and Mary, Oct. 25, 1724, a. 14 y. 9 m., G.R.1.
(Ephraim, h. Abegail (d. Ephraim Samson), s. Capt. George and Sarah, father of Levi, Feb. 14, 1784. a. 57 y. 9 m. 21 d. New Style, bur. in P. A number of years after his death, his widow and his son Levi moved into Maine where they died). [in 57th y., G.R.1.]
(George, Captain of the military company in Plympton, h. Sarah (Ripley) [q. v.], s. John and Sarah, Oct. 21, 1779, a. 85 y. 10 m. 7 d. New Style).
(Joanna, w. Dea. Samuel [q. v.] , Dec. 18, 1736, in 65th y., in P.)
(John), ch. John (Briant) and Mary [sic, see John, b. Jan. 12, 1720], (Oct. 25, 1724, a. 4 y. 9 m.)
(John, h. Sarah, father of Capt. George, s. John of Plymouth, Mar. 29, 1736, in 87th y).
(John, h. Abigail, s. Capt. George, Nov. 22, 1789, a. 68 y. 9 m. 29 d.)
Joseph, s. Ebenezar and Elizabeth, Oct. 8, 1731.
(Joseph, ch. Joseph [q. v.] and Zilpah (Sampson), May 13, 1759, a. 1 y. 7 m. 4 d. Taken from his gravestone).
Joseph, h. Zilpah (d. William Sampson and Joanna), s. Dea. Samuel, May 30, 1813, a. 78 y. 11 m. 16 d. "New Style." " ... moved to Middleborough, where he lived a long time and where his wife died. But he returned to Plympton a Short time before he died."
(Joshua, h. Lucana, h. Dorcas, s. Dea. Samuel, Apr. 24, 1799, in 55th y.)
Joshua, ch. Nathaniell and Zeviah [see Benjamin, May 2, 1824], Sept. 22, 1743.
Lemuel, h. Clarissa, s. Peleg of Kingston and first w., grand s. John of P., suddenly, Oct. 31, 1825, a. 53 y. 7 m. 11 d., in Kingston, bur. in P. [a. 53 y. 8 m. 20 d., G.R.1.]
(Levi, Captain of a military Company in Plympton, h. Lydia (d. Capt. John Bradford), s. Ephraim and Abigail,----, in Maine. He moved into . . . Maine before the writer hereof became Town Clerk.)
Louisa Harlow, ch. Micah (s. Amos of Middleborough) and Drusilla (d. Barnabas Harlow), Feb. 27, 1825.
Lucana, w. Joshua (s. Dea. Samuel), July 22, 1773. [Lusanna, in 29th y., G.R.1.]
Luce, ch. John Jr. (s. Capt. George) and Abegail, (Oct. 31, 1764).
Lucinda, d. Cephas and Lucy, Sept. 26, 1820, a. 1 y. 7 m. 3 d., in P.
Lucy (see Luce).
Lusanna (see Lucana).
Margret, ch. Micah (s. Amos of Middleborough) and Drusilla (d. Barnabas Harlow), Nov. 13, 1805.
Margret, ch. Micah (s. Amos of Middleborough) and Drusilla (d. Barnabas Harlow), July 3, 1808. [Margaret, a. abt. 6 w., in P., C.R.]
Mary, ch. (Capt.) George [q. v.] and Sarah (Ripley), Jan. 20, 1790). [in 62d y., G.R.1.]
Mary, w. Zenas (s. John), d. Dr. Thomas Ruggles of Rochester and Mary (d. Dr. Polycarpus Loring of P.), consumption, July 20, 1819 in 62d y.
Mary Ruggles, ch. Zenas Jr. Esq. (s. Zenas) and Judith Lobdell (Sturtevant) [q. v.], Dec. 16, 1837. [Dec. 13, C.R. Dec. 13, a. 13, G.R.1.]
Mathew, ch. James [dup. (Briant)] (s. John and Sarah) and Darkas [dup. Dorkas], Mar. 22, 1727-8.
(Nathaniel, Dea., h. Zeruiah (Curtis) of Pembroke, s. Dea. Samuel, brother of Dea. Samuel, Dec. 6, 1793, in 82d y.)
Olive, second w. Capt. Samuel, formerly w. Capt. Samuel Winsor of Duxbury, d. Samuel Chandler of Duxbury, Sept. 14, 1828, a. 47 y. 2 m. 11 d.
(Paul, ch. Joseph (s. Dea. Samuel) and Zilpah (d. William Sampson and Joanna), Nov. 4, 1791, a. 21 y. 3 m., in U. S. Army).
Peleg, ch. John Jr. (s. Capt. George) and Abegail, (Apr. 9, 1821, in Kingston).
Phebe, ch. John Jr. (s. Capt. George) and Abegail, (Feb. 11, 1784). [a. 23, G.R.1.]
Prudence, ch. Joshua (s. Dea. Samuel) and Darcas, Oct. 7, 1791. [d. Joshua and Dorcas, a. 1 y. 10 m. 2 d., C.R.1.]
Rebeckah [dup. Briant], ch. James (s. John and Sarah) and Sarah (first w., d. Rev. Isaac Cushman), Apr. 26, 1711.
Royial, ch. Nathaniel Jr. (s. Dea. Nathaniel) and Joanah, Jan. 3. 1773.
Saba Sampson, ch. Capt. Samuel (s. Joshua) and Saba (third w., wid Capt. John Brown of Duxbury, d. Capt. Andrew Sampson of Duxbury), Oct. 21, 1832, a. 1 y. 1 m. 19 d, in Duxbury.
Sally Prince, ch. Samuel (s. Joshua) and Deborah (d. Perez Bradford), May 11, 1813. [May 10, a. 4 y. 7 m. 27 d. G.R.1.]
(Samuel, Dea., h. Joanna, [dup. (father of Dea. Nathaniel) s. Lt. John and Abigail of P.; s. John of Scituate and Mary (d. George Lewis of Scituate, afterwards of Barnstable), Mar. 3, 1750, a. 76 y. 1 m., in P.)
(Samuel, Dea., h. Tabitha (Ford), s. Dea. Samuel of P., May 21, 1774, a. 74 y. 11 m. 26 d.) (Sarah, wid., John (s. John of Plymouth) Jan. 10, 1741-2, in 89th y.)
Sarah, w. Benjamin, Aug. 28, 1767, in 34th y., G.R.2.
Sarah, d. Silvanus and Sarah, Nov. 4, 1770, in 5th y., G.R.2.
(Sarah, w. Capt. George (s. John and Sarah), d. William Ripley and Mary of W. Bridgewater, July 15, 1779, in 84th y.)
(Sarah, second w. Dea. Benjamin (s. Dea. Nathaniel), d. James Harlow, Nov. 13, 1808, a. 71 y. 9 m. 26 d. New Style).
Silvanus, Nov. 3, 1770, in 41st y., G.R.2.
(Tabitha (Ford), w. Dea. Samuel [q. v.], Aug. 25, 1773, in 75th y.) [in 72d y., G.R.1.]
William Allen, ch. Barnabas Harlow (s. Micah) and Sarah Standish (d. Allen Hatch of E. Bridgewater and Sarah), fits, June 14, 1842, a. 6 y. 6 m. 26 d. [dup. in P.) [June 15, C.R. June 14, G.R.1.]
Zebedee, s. Silvanus and Sarah, Oct. 29, 1770, a. 2 y. 8 m. 24 d., G.R.2.
Zenas, h. Mary (Ruggles) [q. v.], s. John, June 28, 1835, a. 81 y. 11 m. 16 d, in P.
(Zeruiah (Curtis) of Pembroke, w. Dea. Nathaniel (s. Dea. Samuel), Apr. 21, 1790. a. 83 y. 3 m.)
(Zilpah, w. Joseph (s. Dea. Samuel), d. William Sampson and Joanna,-----, in Middleborough).
Angeline, d. Henry and Deborah, Nov. 4, 1827, G.R.2.
Lewis Bradford, ch. Dea. Cephas (s. Lot of Wareham) and Lydia (d. Elisha Cushman of Kingston), Oct. 1, 1832. [a. 19, C.R. a. 19 y. 7 d., G.R.1]
------, ch. Mr. Bumpus, Feb. 6, 1810, C.R.
George Riley, s. Capt. Lancelot dec'd of Kingston, May 12, 1827, a. 10 y. 11 m. 19 d., in P., bur. in Kingston. [May 11, C.R.]
Lewis Warren, s. Capt. Lewis and Sarah of Plymouth, salt rheum, Aug. 16, 1841, a. "just" 3 m., in P., on a visit, bur. in Plymouth.
(Catharine (Willard), first w. Rev. Othniel,--------,bur. in Carver).
(Othniel, Rev., h. Catharine, h. Deborah, Oct. —, 1778, a. 82, in Tiverton, R. I.)
John, Jr., Apr. 27, 1724, in P.
CHAMBERLAIN (see Chamberlin)
Emily, Ch. Samuel (s. Samuel and Hannah) and Polly (d. John Holmes of Taunton and Amy), Oct. 7, 1826, a. 1 y. 3 m. 3 d., in P.
Joseph, s. Samuel dec'd, grand s. Joseph, Shot himself with musket, Oct. 6, 1825, a. 23 y. 9 m. 23 d., in P. [Oct. 13, C.R.]
CHAMBERLIN (see Chamberlain)
James, s. Joseph and Susanna, inward cancer, Jan. 25, 1849, a. 76 y. 5 m. 13 d., in R. I. " He was some in the Almshouse in Plympton."
John, h. Patience (d. Azariah Whiton), s. Phillips, Sept. 14, 1834, a. abt. 80, in Abington. " John . . . and his family moved to Abington . . . about ... 1794."
Arthur, h. Mercy (d. William Ripley), s. Lt. Zebedee, Aug. 13, 1826, a. 64 y. 2 m. 15 d., in Rehoboth, "moved from Plympton to Rehoboth in December 1822."
(Caroline, ch. Arthur [q. v.] and Mercy (Ripley), June 6, 1807). [a. 3 y. 10 m., G.R.1.]
Constantine, s. Nathaniel and Elizabeth, Apr. 16, 1770, a. 11 m. 14 d., G.R.1.
Edward Taylor, ch. Peleg [q. v.] and Clara (second w.), Mar. 20, 1822, In Duxbury.
Job Cole, ch. Job Cole (s. Zebedee Jr. and Ruth) and Nancy Bradford (d. Lt. Joseph Sherman and Nancy), Apr. 12, 1837, a. 2 y. 2 m. 20 d., in Carver.
(Joseph Bennet, ch. Arthur [q. v.] and Mercy (Ripley), June 10, 1804). [a. 5 y. 11 m. 5 d., G.R.1.]
(Josiah, ch. Josiah and Rachel (first w., d. David Magoun) of P., lost May 17, and was found dead ... towards the Federal Furnace in Carver, May 21, 1780, a. 5 y. 5 m. 28 d.) [a. 5 y. 3 m. 28 d., G.R.1.]
Laura, w. David of Duxbury, ch. Capt. Andrew Churchill [dup. (s. Joshua and Elizabeth) and Jane [dup. (d. Shadrach Standish)], Apr. 13, 1823, a. 23 y. 9 m. 14 d., in P.
Louisa, ch. Nathaniel (s. Zebedee) and Harriot (d. Dr. Richard Briggs), May 22, 1833, in Middleborough.
(Lydia, first w. Lt. Zebedee, d. Caleb Loring Esq., Apr. 2, 1760, a. 38 y. 6 m. 29 d. New Style).
Mercy, w. Arthur [q. v.), d. Williams Ripley, Mar. 7, 1816, a. 54 y. 5 m. 26 d. [Mar. 8, G.R.1.]
Peleg, h. Clara (second w., wid. Joel Ellis, d. Capt. James Churchill), s. Asa of Duxbury and Martha, Feb. 24, 1825, in Duxbury.
Perez, ch. (Lt.) Zebedee and Lydia (d. Caleb Loring Esq.), Nov. 27, 1756. [a. 2 y. 23 d, G.R.1.]
Perez, s. Zebedee and Lydia, Jan. 14, 1760, a. 13 m. 16 d., G.R.1.
(Rachel, w. Josiah (who m. 2d Lydia, wid. Jonathan Barrows, d. Nathan Perkins of P., and moved to Maine in 1812), d. David Magoun of P., Sept. 23, 1786, in 38th y., in P.) [Sept. 22, C.R. Sept. 23, G.R.1.]
Repentance, second w. [wid., G.R.1.] Lt. Zebedee, formerly w. Arthur Bennet, d. Samuel Lucas, Mar. 5, 1816, a. 90 y. 1 m. 5 d. "New Style."
William Wallace, ch. Merrick Ellis (s. Peleg of Duxbury and Clara (second w.) and Mary (d. John Barrows of Carver and Deborah Cobb), croup, June 25, 1841 [dup. a. 8 m. 17 d., in P.]. [s. Merrick E. and Mary E., a. 8 in. 18 d., G.R.4.]
(Zebedee, Lt., h. Lydia (d. Caleb Loring Esq.), h. Repentance (d. Samuel Lucas), small pox, Dec. 2, 1777, a. 65 "wanting 34 days").
Zebedee, widr., farmer, b. P. [dup. h. Zeruiah (d. Benjamin Cushman and Zeruiah)], s. [dup. and second dup. Lt.] Zebedee [second dup. of P.] and Repentance [second dup. (second w.)], dropsy, Jan. 23, 1844, a. 79 y. 9 m. 1 d., in P. [Jan. 24, C.R. Jan. 23, G.R. 1.]
Zeruiah, w. Zebedee (s. Lt. Zebedee) [dup. of P.), d. Benjamin Cushman [dup. Jr. (s. Benjamin and Sarah)] and Zeruiah [dup. (d. William Sampson and Joanna)], July 1, 1826, a. 62 y. 2 m. 14 d.
-------, inf. Josiah, Sept. 22, 1786, in P., C.R. [inf. Josiah and Rachel, G. R. 1.]
--------, d. David of Duxbury and Laura (ch. Capt. Andrew Churchill and Jane), Mar. 29, 1823, "less than one day old," in P.
Lydia, w. [dup. wid.] Capt. Benjamin of Fairhaven, wid. Elisha Parker of New Bedford, d. Rev. Jonathan Parker [dup. of P.] (s. Judge Daniel of Barnstable) and Lydia (second w., d. Joseph Bartlett and Elizabeth of Plymouth), July 12, 1827, a. 75 y. 2 m. 23 d. N. S., in P. " She had no Children."
CHURCHELL (see Churchil, Churchill)
David [dup. (Churchill, h. Lurana (second w., d. Elijah Mackfarling)], ch. David [(Churchill (s. William)) and Mary (Magoun), Feb. 28, 1812) [dup. (a. 82 y. 6 m. 8 d. New Style, in Hingham)].
Ebenezer, ch. Ebenezer (s. William Churchill) and Leah, Apr. 10, 1738. [Churchill, a. "nearly" 4, G.R.1.]
Elias (Churchil), ch. David [(Churchill (s.William)] and Mary (Magoun), June 3, 1751). [a. 8 y. 10 m. 1 d., G.R.1]
Hanah (Churchil), ch. David (Churchill (s. William)] and Mary (Magoun), May 17, 1744. [Churchill, a. 11 y. and abt. 11 m., G.R.1.]
James (Churchil) [dup. (Churchill, Captain of Military company in Plympton, h. Priscilla (d. Benjamin Soule)], ch. David [(Churchill (s. William)] and Mary (Magoun), Mar. 12, 1803 [dup. (a. 56 y. 9 m. 3 d. New Style)].
Joannah [dup. Churchel], ch. Ebenezer [dup. Ebenezar] (s. William Churchill) and Leah, May 14, 1730. [a. 17 d., G.R.1.]
Johanah [dup. Churchell, ch. William (Churchill) [q. v.] and Ruth (Bryant), Apr. 16, 1728). [Joanna Churchill, a. 10 m. 26 d., G.R.1.]
Perez, ch. Benjamen (Benjamin Churchill (s. William, one of the first Settlers of Plympton, and Lydia)] and Mary (Shaw), Oct. 22, 1797.
William Sr. [dup. and second dup. (Churchill), dup. (one of the First Settlers in Plympton, h. Lydia, s.---- of Hobb's Hole Plymouth), had six sons and two daughters], Oct. 5, 1722, (a. 66), in P. (a. 63, G.R.1]
William, ch. William (Churchill) [q. v.] and Ruth (Bryant), Mar. 7, 1739). [in 25th y. G.R.1.]
William (Churchil) [dup. Churchill, h. Sarah (Rider)], ch. David [(Churchill (s. William)] and Mary (Magoun), Mar. 7, 1824) [dup. a. 84 y. 2 m. 29 d. "New Style," second dup. bur. in P.].