[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

RANDAL (see Randall)
Clemens, ch. Job and Hannah ((d. Isaac Lobdell), Mr. Job Randall and family
moved to Maine), June 8, 1791.
Deborah (dup. (Randall, w. Abram Bradford (s. Gideon of P.))], ch. Onesimus
[dup. (of P.)] and Olive ((d. Capt. Thomas Sampson)), July 13, 1785.
Hannah, ch. Job and Hannah [see Clemens], May 26, 1771.
Isaac, ch. Job and Hannah [see Clemens], Aug. 7, 1781.
Job Jr., ch. Job and Hannah [see Clemens, Feb. 10, 1779.
Lucy, ch. Job and Hannah [see Clemens], Apr. 21, 1774.
Lucy (Randel) [dup. (Randall, w. Levi Standish (s. Shadrack))], ch. Onesimus and
Olive (d. Capt. Thomas Sampson)), Apr. 24, 1781.
Molley, ch. Job and Hannah [see Clemens], Dec. 1, 1786.
Olive, ch. Job and Hannah [see Clemens], Oct. 4, 1776.
Polley, ch. Onesimus and Olive ((d. Capt. Thomas Sampson)), May 24, 1787.
RANDALL (see Randal)
Daniel Webster, ch. Thomas (s. Onesimus) and Rebecca (d. Simeon Loring), Dec. 2,
George Webster, ch. Thomas Sampson [q. v.] and Hannah Byram (Ripley), Feb. 1,
(Lavinia, ch. Onesimus and Olive (d. Capt. Thomas Sampson), Dec. 23, 1794).
Marcia [dup. (w. Isaac Wright Jr. (s. Isaac Esq. and Selah))], ch. Onesimus
(Randal) and Olive ((d. Capt. Thomas Sampson)), Jan. 13, 1799.
(Sophia Sampson, ch. Onesimus and Olive (d. Capt. Thomas Sampson ), Mar. 20,
Thomas [dup. (h. Rebecca (d. Simeon Loring))], ch. Onesimus (Randal) and Olive
((d. Capt. Thomas Sampson), June 18, 1789.
Thomas Sampson, h. Hannah Byram (d. Sylvanus Ripley and Sally), s. Thomas [dup.
((s. Onesimus))] and Rebecca [dup. (d. Simeon Loring)], Apr. 6, 1819, in P.
William Loring, ch. Thomas (s. Onesimus) and Rebecca (d. Simeon Loring), June 5,
RANSOM (see Ransum)
Abigail, (w. Daniel Vaughan of Carver, then P.), ch. Samuell and Deborah, July
--, 1728.
Anna [dup. Ransom], ch. Robert and Anna, Nov. 18, 1711.
Benjamin, ch. Samuell and Deborah, Feb. 2, 1732-3.
David, ch. Samuel [dup. Samuell] and Deborah, Aug. 20, 1724.
Ebenezar [dup. Ebenezer], ch. Ebenezer and Jerusha, Apr. 6, 1728.
Ellis Horton, ch. John [q. v.] and Lucy Ripley (Weston) (first w.), July 20,
1831, in P.
Freeman Bartlett, ch. John [q. v.] and Hannah Stevens (Bartlett) (second w.),
Jan. 23, 1840, in Plymouth.
Hanah [dup. Hannah Ransum], ch. Ebenezer and Jerusha, Feb. 28, 1723--4.
Hannah Stevens, ch. John [q. v.] and Hannah Stevens (Bartlett) (second w.), Nov.
16, 1841, in P.
John, ch. John and Martha, Mar. 11, 1718-19.
(John, h. Lucy Ripley (d. Benjamin Weston of P. and Lucy), h. Hannah Stevens (d.
Freeman Bartlett and Sarah of Plymouth), s. Benjamin of Carver and Rebecca, July
11, 1804, in Carver).
John, ch. John [q. v.] and Lucy Ripley (Weston) (first w.), Oct. 5, 1828, in
Jonathan, ch. Samuel [dup. Samuell] and Deborah, Mar. 5, 1725-6 [dup. 1725].
Jonathan, ch. Samuell and Deborah, Jan. 1, 1729-30.
Joseph, Dec. 22, 1709.
Martha, ch. John and Martha, Oct. 18, 1724.
(Sally, w. Nathaniel Morton of Plymouth, second w. John Sherman Jr., d. Benjamin
of Carver and Rebecca, Dec. 4, 1792).
Samuell, ch. Samuell and Abigail [dup. Abigail ((d. Dea. John Rickard))], Sept.
25, 1718.
Sarah, ch. Robert and Sarah, Mar. 26, 1723.
Thomas, ch. John and Martha, Aug. 13, 1720.
William, ch. Robert and Sarah, May 9, 1720.
------, s. John [q. v.] and Lucy Ripley (Weston) (first w.), May 28, 1836, in
RANSUM (see Ransom)
James, ch. Joseph and Marcy, Apr. 16, 1732.
Marcy, ch. Joseph and Marcy, July 4, 1740.
Peleg, ch. Joseph and Marcy, Aug. 5, 1735.
Ruth, ch. Joseph and Marcy, Jan. 20, 1736.
(Mary Peterson, ch. Paul [q. v.] and Susanna (Weston) (second w.), Sept. 17,
1810, in P.)
(Paul, h. Sarah (d. Zadok Weston of P. and Mary), h. Susanna (d. Zadok Weston of
P. and Mary), s. Edward of Rochester and Mary, Sept. 11, 1784).
(Sarah Weston, ch. Paul [q. v.] and Sarah (Weston) (first w.), Jan. 21, 1808, in
Eliza, w. Lazarus Warren Rickard (s. Lazarus and Lucy of P.), d. Dean and Hannah
of Freetown, Dec. 12, 1822.
(Susan William, w. Lt. Martin Perkins (s. Josiah and Deborah), d. Capt. Simon
and Lydia Anderson (later w. Avery Deane), May 4, 1806, in Plymouth).
Abegail, (w. Ambrose Shaw), ch. Lameuel and Parceus [(Lemuel (s. Samuel and
Rachel) and Persis (wid. Isaac Shaw, d. James Harlow)], Apr. 13, 1756.
Abigail, ch. Joseph and Deborah [dup. Debourah, May 25, 1724.
(Abigail Harlow, ch. Simeon [q. v.] and Rebekah (Bartlett), Aug. 11, 1809).
Abner, ch. Elezer Jr. [(Eleazar (s. Samuel and Rebekah))] and Mary, Sept. 28,
Batte, (w. Elijah Rickard), ch. Theophilous and Hanah [(Theophilus (s. Samuel
and Rachel) and Hannah (d. James Harlow of P. and Hannah (d. Lt. Jonathan Shaw
(s. Dea. Jonathan of P.) and Mehetabel (first. w.)); s. Nathaniel, one of the
first Settlers of Plympton, and Abigail (Buck) ))], Sept. 28, 1754.(Betty, C.R.]
(Benjamin, ch. Josiah (s. Giles) and Rebekah (Eaton), Feb. 28, 1702).
Benjamin, [twin] ch. Benjamin and Thankfull [(Thankful (Pynchon))), Apr. 12,
Benjamin, ch. Theophilous and Hanah [see Batte], Jan. 25, 1749-50.
Benjamin Crocker, ch. Lazarus [q. v.] and Lucy (Dunham), Apr. 23, 1829.
Benjamin Warren, ch. Lazarus Warren [q. v.] and Eliza (Richmond), Aug. 6, 1842
[dup. in P.].
(Bethiah, ch. Samuel Sr. and Rebekah, Oct. 15, 1698. Taken from Plymouth Town
Records, except the two youngest Children).
Betty (see Batte).
Content, (w. Nathaniel Pratt Jr. w. Joseph Atwood), ch. Lameuel and Parceus [see
Abegail], Feb. 24, 1751-2.
Daborah, ch. Benjamin and Thankfuli ((Thankful (Pynchon)), Oct. 19, 1738.
Daborah, ch. Elezer Jr. [(Eleazar (s. Samuel and Rebekah))] and Mary, May 26,
(Daniel Vaughan, ch. Isaac [q. v] and Lydia (Vaughan), Dec. 12, 1797).
David, ch. Josiah ((s. Giles)) and Rebeckah [(Rebekah (Eaton))], Dec. 24, 1711.
Deborah, ch. Joseph and Deborah [dup. Debourah], Nov. 10, 1707.
Deborah (see Daborah).
Deborah, ch. Elijah and Bety, July 10, 1788.
Desier, ch. Josiah ((s. Giles)) and Rebeckah [Rebekah (Eaton))], Feb. 18, 1706.
Eleazer [dup. Elezer, second dup. (Eleazar)], ch. Samuell Sr. and Rebeckah
[second dup. (Samuel Sr. and Rebekah)), Mar. 8, 1709-10 [dup. 1709, see
Eleazer, ch. Eleazer and Sarah, June 14, 1712.
Eleazer, ch. Elijah and Bety, Feb. 19, 1790.
Elezer, ch. Elezer Jr. [(Eleazar (s. Samuel and Rebekah)] and Mary, July 22,
(Elhanan, ch. Samuel Sr. and Rebekah, June 7, 1704) [see Bethiah].
Elijah (see Eljiah).
Elijah, ch. Elezer Jr. [(Eleazar (s. Samuel and Rebekah))] and Mary, Jan. 24,
Elisibath, (w. John Everson of Kingston), ch. Samuel ((s. Samuel and Rebekah; s.
Giles)) and Rachel ((Farrar) (of Hingham)), Mar. 2, 1732-3. [Elisabeth, C.R.]
(Eliza, ch. Simeon [q. v.] and Rebekah (Bartlett), Oct. 6, 1811.
Elizabeth (see Elisibath).
(Elizabeth, ch. Isaac [q. v.] and Lydia (Vaughan), May 14, 1780).
(Elizabeth, ch. Isaac [q. v.] and Lydia (Vaughan), Feb. 1, 1791).
Eljiah, ch. Benjamin and Thankful [(Thankful (Pynchon))], Sept. 21, 1734.
Ezra, ch. Abner and Susanna, Feb. 21, 1770.
Febea, ch. Joseph and Debourah, Mar. 26, 1731.
Giles, ch. Isaac [q. v.] and Nancy (Bagnall) (Rickard), Jan. 28, 1833.
Hanah, (seoond w. Timothy Cobb of Carver), ch. Theophilous and Hanah [see
Batte], May 20, 1751. [Hannah, C.R.]
(Hannah, ch. Samuel Sr. and Rebekah, Sept. 25, 1693) [see Bethiah].
(Hannah Harlow, ch. Simeon [q. v.] and Rebekah (Bartlett), May 24, 1799).
(Hannah Harlow, dup. (w. Jonathan Standish Jr. (s. Jonathan of Middleborough))],
ch. Simeon [q. v.] and Rebekah (Bertlett), May 29, 1801).
Henry, ch. Samuel Sr. and Rebekah, Feb. 4, 1700) [see Bethiah].
Henry, ch. Isaac [q. v.] and Nancy (Bagnall) (Rickard), Jan. 28, 1831.
Hiram, ch. Lazarus [q. v.] and Lucy (Dunham), July 6, 1818, in P.
Isaac ch. Henry and Elce, Feb. 6, 1728.
Isaac [dup. (h. Lydia (Vaughan)), q. v.], ch. Samuel and Parceus [see Abigail],
July 25, 1754.
(Isaac, ch. Isaac [q. v.] and Lydia (Vaughan), Mar. 29, 1784).
(Isaac [dup. (h. Nancy (wid Lemuel Rickard of Plymouth, d. Nicholas Spinks
Bagnall and Mehetabel))], ch. Isaac (q. v.] and Lydia (Vaughan), Sept. 13,
Isaac, ch. Isaac [q. v.] and Nancy (Bagnall) (Richard), Aug. 24, 1829.
Isaac Winslow, ch. Lazarus [q. v.] and Lucy (Dunham), Jan. 7, 1824.
Issachar, ch. Joseph, bp. Sept. 14, 1740, C.R.
Jacob, ch. Joseph and Deborah [dup. Debourah], Mar. 21, 1725-6.
James Cole, ch. Jonathan [q. v.] and Susanna (Cole), Sept 5, 1830.
Japhet, ch. Joseph and Deborah [dup. Debourah), Feb. 23, 1722-3.
Joanah, ch. Eleazer and Sarah, Oct. —, 1709.
John, ch. Joseph and Deborah [dup. Debourah], Nov. 14, 1715.
Jonathan, ch. Theophilaus and Hanah [see Batte], Jan. 22, 1753-4.
Jonathan, ch. Elijah and Bety, Mar. 31, 1787.
(Jonathan [dup. (h. Susanna (d. Lt. Lemuel Cole and Susanna))], ch. Simeon [q.
v.] and Rebekah (Bartlett), Dec. 21, 1804).
Jonathan, ch. Jonathan [q. v.] and Susanna (Cole), May 25, 1829.
Joseph, ch. Joseph and Deborah [dup. Debourah], Nov. 20, 1713.
Joseph Borden, ch. Lazarus Warren [q. v., dup. laborer] and Eliza (Richmond)
[dup. of P.], June 6, 1846 [dup. in P.].
(Josiah, ch. Josiah (s. Giles) and Rebekah (Eaton),----------,1704.
Judah, ch. Henery and Elce, Mar. 1, 1725.
Judeth [(Judith, w. James Fuller], ch. Henery Sr. and Mary [dup. (first w.)],
Sept. 2, 1705.
Keziah, ch. Elezer Jr. [Eleazar (s. Samuel and Rebekah))] and Mary, Aug. 26,
Lameuel, ch. Theophitous and Hanah [see Batte], May 29, 1757. [Lemuel, C.R.]
(Lazerus (dup. (h. Lucy (d. John Dunham of Carver))], ch. Isaac [q. v.] and
Lydia (Vaughan), Sept. 6, 1788).
Lazarus Warren [dup. h. Eliza (d. Dean Richmond and Hannah of Freetown)], ch.
Lazarus [q. v.] and Lucy (Dunham) [dup. of P.], July 31, 1815, in Plymouth.
Lazerus, ch. Samuel and Rachel [see Elisibath], May 29, 1730.
Lemuel [dup. Lemnell], ch. Samuell and Rachel [dup. see Elisibath], Nov. 6,
Lemuel (see Lameuel).
(Lemuel, d. Isaac [q. v.] and Lydia (Vaughan), Aug. 19, 1792).
Lemuel, ch. Isaac [q. v.] and Nancy (Bagnall) (Rickard), Sept. 29, 1838.
Louisa. [dup. w. Benjamin Franklin Weston (s. Benjamin and Lucy of P.)], ch.
Lazarus [q. v.] and Lucy (Dunham) [dup. of P.], Mar. 28, 1821, in P.
Lucy Faxon, ch. Lazarus [q. v.] and Lucy (Dunham), June 6, 1813, in Carver.
Lydia, ch. Joseph, bp. Sept. 14, 1740, C.R.
(Lydia, ch. Isaac (q. v.] and Lydia (Vaughan), Dec. 17, 1778).
Lydia Richmond, ch. Lazarus [q. v.] and Lucy (Dunham), July 28, 1832.
Marcy, ch. Elezer Jr. [(Eleazar (s. Samuel and Rebekah))] and Mary, July 6,
Margret, ch. John and Sarah, Apr. 5, 1708.
Maria (see Moriah).
Martin, ch. Isaac [q. v.] and Nancy (Bagnall) (Rickard), July 31, 1836.
(Mary, ch. Samuel Sr. and Rebekah, Apr. 8, 1702) [see Bethiah].
Mary, ch. John and Sarah, Oct. 4, 1709.
Mary, ch. Joseph and Deborah [dup. Debourah], Oct. 29, 1711.
Mary, ch. Elezer Jr. [(Eleazar (s. Samuel and Rebekah))] and Mary, Aug. 29,
(Mary [dup. (w. Elijah Cushing (s. Elijah))], ch. Isaac [q. v.] and Lydia
(Vaughan), Feb. 4, 1782) [dup. in P.)].
Mehetebell [dup. Mehetable, second dup. (Mehetabel)], ch. Samuell Sr. and
Rebeckah [second dup. (Samuel Sr. and Rebekah)), Apr. 1, 1707 [see Bethiah].
Mehitebel, (w. Nehemiah Cobb Esq. of Carver), ch. Lameuel and Parceus [see
Abegail], Nov 2, 1752.
Mercy (see Marcy).
Moriah, ch. John and Sarah, Sept. 29, 1711.
Nancy Bagnall, ch. Isaac [q. v.] and Nancy (Bagnall) (Rickard), Nov. 22, 1834.
Naomi Lucas, ch. Lazarus [q. v.] and Lucy (Dunham), Oct. 4, 1826.
Nathaniel, ch. Benjamin and Thankfull ((Thankful (Pynchon))], Oct. 10, 1736.
(Persis Harlow, ch. Isaac [q. v.] and Lydia (Vaughan), Aug. 27, 1786.
Phebe (see Febea).
Phebe Ann, ch. Jonathan [q. v.] and Susanna (Cole), Apr. 6, 1833.
Pressellah [dup. Priselah], ch. Joseph and Deborah [dup. Debourah], Jan. 21,
Rachel, (w. Abner Harlow of P.), ch. Samuel and Rachel [see Elisibath], May 17,
(Rachel, ch. Simeon [q. v.] and Rebekah (Bartlett), May 29, 1807).
Rebackah, ch. Samuel and Rachel [see Elisibath], Apr. 17, 1740. [Rebekah, C.R.]
Rebackah, (w. Ebenezer Doten of Carver, ch. Theophilous and Hanah [see Batte],
Feb. 24, 1759. [Rebekah, C.R.]
Rebeckah, ch. Josiah ((s. Giles) and Rebeckah [(Rebekah (Eaton))), Aug. 24,
(Rebekah, ch. Samuel Sr. and Rebekah, Feb. 9, 1690-1) [see Bethiah].
(Rebckah, ch. Simeon [q. v.] and Rebekah (Bartlett), Sept. 19, 1795).
Ruth, ch. Theophilous and Hanah [see Batte], Mar. 25, 1768.
Samuel, s. Giles, Jan. 14, 1662. Taken from the Old Colony Records).
(Samuel, ch. Samuel Sr. and Rebekah, May 21, 1696) [see Bethiah].
Samuel, ch. Lazerus and Moley [(Lazarus (s. Samuel and Rachel) and Mary
(Everson) (of Kingston, aunt of Samuel and Joseph Everson of Kingston))], Oct.
22, 1755.
Samuel, ch. Theophilous and Hanah [see Batte, Apr. 30, 1764 (sic, see
Samuell, ch. Henery and Elce, Sept 26, 1724.
Samuell, ch. Samuell and Rachel [dup. see Elisibath], Oct. 12, 1727 [dup. 1728].
Sara, ch. Abner and Susanna, June 9, 1772.
Sarah, ch. Elezer Jr. [(Eleazar (s. Samuel and Rebekah))] and Mary, Oct. 9,
Silas, ch. Joseph and Deborah [dup. Debourah], Apr. 26, 1717.
Silve [(Sylvia, w. Daniel Vaughan Jr. of Carver)], ch. Theophulous and Hanah
[see Batte], Apr. 13, 1761.
(Silvia, w. Capt. Charles Cobb of Carver, ch. Simeon [q. v.] and Rebekah
(Bartlett), May 6, 1794).
Simeon [dup. (h. Rebekah (d. William Bartlett of Plymouth))], ch. Theophulous
and Hanah [see Batte], Oct. 9, 1766.
(Simeon. ch. Simeon [q. v.] and Rebekah (Bartlett), July 6, 1797).
Simeon, ch. Jonathan [q. v.] and Susanna (Cole), Apr. 10, 1841.
Sollomon [dup. Soloman], ch. Joseph and Deborah [dup. Debourah], Apr. 8, 1719.
Susanna, ch. Abner and Susanna, Feb. 25, 1775.
Sylvia (see Silve and Silvia).
Tabatha, ch. Eleazer and Sarah, Apr. —, 1707.
Thankfull, [twin] ch. Benjamin and Thankfull [(Thankful (Pynchon))], Apr. 12,
Theophilus, ch. Samuell and Rachel [dup. see Elisibath], Jan. 26, 1725 [dup.
Theophilus, ch. Theophulous and Hanah [see Batte], Oct. 4, 1763 [sic, see
Samuel]. [bp. Nov. 28, 1762, C.R.]
(Warren, ch. Isaac [q. v.] and Lydia (Vaughan), June 11, 1800).
Warren, ch. Isaac [q. v.] and Nancy (Bagnall) (Rickard), Feb. 19, 1841.
William, ch. Joseph and Deborah [dup. Debourah], Oct. 27, 1720.
Earl Edson, ch. Ezra [q. v.] and Eleanor (Cooper), Apr. 8, 1812.
Elisebath, ch. John and Susanah, Aug. 4, 1761.
(Ezra, h. Eleanor (d. Richard Cooper of P.), s. Nathaniel of Halifax, May 12,
1783, in Halifax).
(Ezra Bradford, ch. Ezra [q. v.] and Eleanor (Cooper), Feb. 20, 1810, in P.)
Hannah Sampson, ch. Ezra [q. v.] and Eleanor (Cooper), Nov. 23, 1813.
(Harriet, w. Joseph Sampson (s. George), d. Capt. George of Plymouth and
Deborah, Sept. 30, 1799, in Plymouth).
John Bradford, s. Nathaniel, bp. Apr. --, 1779, C.R.
Lloyd Anson, ch. Ezra [q. v.] and Eleanor (Cooper), Jan. 29, 1818, in Halifax.
Lydia Cooper, ch. Ezra [q. v.] and Eleanor (Cooper), Oct. 6, 1816.
(Margaret, w. John Bonney (s. Joseph of P. and Mary), d. John Bradford of
Thomastown, Me., formerly of Halifax, Oct. 25, 1811, in Thomastown, Me.)
Nathaniel, ch. Nathanil and Pricla, Jan. 13, 1774.
Elesabath, May 9, 1708.
Liddia, d. Eleazer, Nov. 20, 1710.
(Polly, w. Benjamin Soule (s. Benjamin and Mehetabel of P.), d. Francis and Mary
of Kingston,------, in Kingston).
(Ruth Sylvester, third w. Lt. Isaiah Ripley 2d, d. Francis of Kingston, Dec. 19,
1785, in Kingston).
RIPLEY (see Riply)
(Abigail [dup. (w. Capt. Nathaniel Harlow (s. Levi and Molly))], ch. Isaiah (s.
Dea. Timothy) and Jerusha (d. Thomas Cushman), July 19, 1786).
Angeline Gibbs, ch. Capt. David [q. v.] and Hannah Wadsworth (Cuffs), July 8,
1815, in P.
Celesta Maria, ch. Joseph Shurtleff [q. v.] and Maria (Winsor), Apr. 29, 1842,
in Bridgewater.
(Cephas [dup. (h. Deborah Bradford (d. Capt. Samuel Bryant))], ch. Isaiah (s.
Dea. Timothy) and Jerusha (d. Thomas Cushman), May 7, 1791).
Charles Edward, ch. Ephraim Cushman [q. v., dup. farmer] and Eliza (Soule) [dup.
of P.], Aug. 23, 1844 [dup. in P.].
Charles Henry, ch. Ezekiel [q. v., dup. shoemaker] and Mary Ann (Vose) (second
w.) [dup. of P.], Oct. 22, 1844 [dup. in P.].
Chipman [dup. (h. (d. Zebedee Wright and Rhoda of P.)], ch. Ezekiel ((s. Dea.
Timothy)) and Priscilla. [dup. (of P.)] (d. Ebenezer Fuller of Halifax and
Lydia)), June 1, 1800.
Christopher Bradford, ch. Jonathan (s. Timothy)) and Ruth ((d. Perez Bradford)),
Sept. 2, 1808.
Coomer, ch. Ezekiel and Priscilla [see Chipman], June 20, 1793.
(David, ch. William Jr. (s. William and Hannah), Dec. 7, 1749, in Kingston.
(David, Capt., h. Hannah Wadsworth (d. William Cuffs of Plymouth), s. David
formerly of P., Mar. 1, 1782, in P.)
David Kimball, ch. Capt. David [q. v.] and Hannah Wadsworth (Cuffs), Apr. 30,
1812, in P.
Deborah Bradford, ch. Cephas [q. v.] and Deborah Bradford (Bryant), July 16,
Deborah Bradford, ch. Cephas [q. v.] and Deborah Bradford (Bryant), Oct. 12,
Edwin, ch. Chipman [q. v.] and Rhoda (Wright), Oct. 4, 1839, in Halifax.
(Eleazar, ch. William Jr. (s. William and Hannah), Oct. 22, 1751, in Kingston).
Eliza Maria, ch. Cephas [q. v.] and Deborah Bradford (Bryant), Dec. 30, 1830.
Eliza Soule, ch. Ephraim Cushman [q. v., dup. farmer] and Eliza (Soule) [dup. of
P.], Feb. 16, 1846 [dup. in P.].
Emily Maria, ch. Ephraim Cushman [q. v., dup. farmer] and Eliza (Soule) [dup. of
P.], May 16, 1847 [dup. in P.].
Ephraim Cushman [second dup. (h. Eliza (d. Benjamin Soule of Kingston, formerly
of P., and Polly))], ch. Isaiah Jr. [q. v., dup. (Lt. Isaiah 2d)] and Zerviah
dup. ((first w.))], Oct. 2, 1808.
Ephraim Cushman, ch. Ephraim Cushman [q. v.] and Eliza (Soule), Aug. 30, 1837.
Eunice, ch. Temothy Jr. and Hannah ((d. Benjamin Soule and Hannah)), Aug. 14,
Eunice, ch. Capt. William and Lucy, Mar. 4, 1793.
Ezekiel (dup. h. Mary J., h. Mary Ann (wid. Levi White of Keene, N. H., d.
William Vose and Mary Ann of Keene, N. H.)], ch. Ezekiel and Priscilla [dup. of
P.), see Chipman], June 3, 1797.
Ezekiel William Vose, ch. Ezekiel (q. v.] and Mary Ann (Vose) (second w.), Nov.
24, 1841.
Franklin Winsor, ch. Joseph Shurtleff [q. v.] and Maria (Winsor), Mar. 21, 1840,
in Bridgewater.
George Washington, ch. Chipman [q. v.] and Rhoda (Wright), July 4, 1842, in P.
Hannah, ch. Temothy Jr. and Hannah ((d. Benjamin Soule and Hannah)), Oct. 11,
Hannah Byram [dup. w. Thomas Sampson Randall (s. Thomas and Rebecca)], ch.
Sylvanus [q. v.] and Sally (s. Sherman), Aug. 12, 1822 [dup. in P.].
(Hannah Wadsworth, ch. Capt. David [q. v.] and Hannah Wadsworth (Cuffs), July 5,
1805, in Plymouth).
(Isaiah) [dup. (h. Jerusha (d. Thomas Cushman))], ch. (Dea.) Timothy and Eunice
((d. William Coomer and Joanna), Jan. abt. 22 or 23, 1747).
Isaiah [dup. (2d, Lt., h. Zerviah (d. Ephraim Fuller of Halifax), h. Sarah (d.
Francis Holmes), h. Ruth Sylvester (d. Francis Ring of Kingston))], ch. Dea.
Josiah and Sarah (d. Thomas Cushman of Kingston)), July 19, 1776. [bp. July 30,
1775, C.R.]
Isaiah Sylvester, ch. Lt. Isaiah [q. v.] and Ruth Sylvester (Ring) (third w.),
Sept, 9, 1825.
James Granville, ch. Cephas [q. v.] and Deborah Bradford (Bryant), Oct. 8, 1836.
(Janet Churchill, ch. Capt. David [q. v.] and Hannah Wadsworth (Cuffs), Jan. 13,
1810, in P.)
John Adams, ch. Chipman [q. v.] and Rhoda (Wright), Mar. 8, 1835, in Hanson.
Jonathan, ch. Temothy Jr. and Hannah ((d. Benjamin Soule and Hannah)), Mar. 16,
Jonathan Blanchard, ch. Chipman [q. v.] and Rhoda (Wright), Apr. 2, 1832, in
Joseph, ch. Lt. Isaiah 2d [q. v.] and Sarah (Holmes) (second w.), Mar. 22, 1818.
Joseph, ch. Lt. Isaiah [q. v.] and Ruth Sylvester (Ring) (third W.), July 7,
Joseph, ch. Chipman [q. v.] and Rhoda (Wright), Feb. 6, 1838, in Halifax.
Joseph Frederic, ch. Joseph Shurtleff [q. v., dup. farmer] and Maria (Winsor)
[dup. of P.], Feb. 6, 1848, in P.
Joseph Shurtleff, h. Maria (d. Samuel G. Winsor and Lydia), s. William and Chloe
of Plymouth, Sept. 29, 1814, in Plymouth.
Josiah Wilson, ch. Ephraim Cushman [q. v.] and Eliza (Soule), Feb. 24, 1841.
Leydia, ch. Ezekiel and Priscilla [see Chipman], Aug. 27, 1789.
Lucy [dup. w. Benjamin Weston (s. Zadock )], ch. Temothy Jr. and Hannah ((d.
Benjamin Soule and Hannah)), Sept. 23, 1781.
Lucy, ch. Capt. William and Lucy, Aug. 25, 1795.
Lucy Ann, ch. Chipman [q. v.] and Rhoda (Wright), Nov. 18, 1833, in Hanson.
Lydia (see Leydia).
Lysander, ch. Jonathan ((s. Timothy)) and Ruth ((d. Perez Bradford)), Oct. 26,
Mary Frances, ch. Ephraim Cushman [q. v.] and Eliza (Soule), Aug. 25, 1835.
Mary Jane, ch. Chipman [q. v.] and Rhoda (Wright), Dec. 28, 1840, in Halifax.
Mary Prior, w. George Henry Bonney (s. Isaac and Abigail), d. Daniel and Jane of
Duxbury, Oct. 10, 1817, in Duxbury.
(Mary Williams, ch. Capt. David [q. v.] and Hannah Wadsworth (Cuffs), Nov. 1,
1807, in Plymouth).
Nahum ch. Capt. William and Lucy, Feb. 28, 1791.
Polley [dup. (Polly, w. Caleb Sturtevant (s. Zenas)], ch. Temothy Jr. [dup.
(Timothy of P.), omits Jr.] and Hannah ((d. Benjamin Soule and Hannah)), June 6,
Priscilla, ch. Temothy Jr. and Hannah ((d. Benjamin Soule and Hannah)), July 6,
Priscilla (dup. (w. John Bisbee 2d (s. Jonah of Pembroke))], ch. Isaiah (s. Dea.
Timothy) and Jerusha (d. Thomas Cushman), Jan. 16, 1781).
Priscilla (dup. (w. Martin Waterman (s. Moses of Halifax and Sarah))], ch.
Ezekiel and Priscilla [see Chipman], Aug. 28, 1795.
Ruth[------], w. Dea. Josiah, Apr. 14, 1746, in Bridgewater.
Ruth, ch. Francis ((s. Wiliam Jr.)) and Elisabeth ((d. Nathaniel Pratt Jr.)),
Nov. 3, 1791.
Ruth [dup. (w. Jonathan Barrows Perkins (s. Bennet))], ch. Ezekiel and Priscilla
[see Chipman], June 10, 1802.
Ruth Sylvester, ch. Lt. Isaiah [q. v.] and Ruth Sylvester (Ring) (third w.), May
4, 1828.
Saba (dup. (w. Jonathan Blanchard (s. Jonathan of Stoughton))], ch. Ezekiel
[dup. (of P.)] and Priscilla [see Chipman], Aug. 2, 1791.
Saley, ch. Temothy Jr. and Hannah ((d. Benjamin Soule and Hannah)), June 5,
Samuel, s. William, bp. Sept. 1, 1765, C.R.
Sarah, ch. William and Hannah ((Bosworth)), Jan. 22, 1728.
Sarah, ch. William (Riply) Jr. ((s. William and Hannah)) and Lydiah, Sept, 23,
Sarah, ch. Dea. Josiah and Ruth, Nov. 30, 1785.
Sarah Holmes, ch. Lt. Isaiah 2d (q. v] and Sarah (Holmes) (second w.), May 13,
(Sarah Prince), ch. Jonathan ((s. Timothy)) and Ruth ((d. Perez Bradford), June
8, 1818).
Sarah Williams, ch. Sylvanus [q, v.] and Sally (Sherman), May 14, 1837.
Silvanus(see Sylvanus).
(Sophia, w. John Tinkham of Middleborough), ch. Francis ((s. William Jr.)) and
Elisabeth ((d. Nathaniel Pratt Jr.),------).
Susanna (------------) [dup. (Ripley)], w. Elijah Bisbe Jr. [dup. Bisbee, omits
Jr.] Esq. [q. v.], [dup. (d. William Sr.)], Oct. 20, 1745 "old stye."
Sylvanus [dup. (h. Sally (d. Thomas Sherman of Plymouth))], ch. Temothy Jr. and
Hannah ((d. Benjamin Soule and Hannah)), Mar. 28, 1790.
Temothy, ch. Temothy Jr. and Hannah ((d. Benjamin Soule and Hannah)), Sept. 28,
Thomas Sherman, ch. Sylvanus [q. v.] and Sally (Sherman), Aug. 12, 1827.
Timothy (see Temothy).
William [dup. (Jr., h. Lydiah)], ch. William and Hannah ((Bosworth)), July 3,
William. ch. Capt. William and Lucy, Mar. 14, 1798.
(William), ch. Jonathan ((s. Timothy)) and Ruth ((d. Perez Bradford), Sept. 2,
William, ch. Chipman [q. v.] and Rhoda (Wright), May 30, 1836, in Hanson.
(Zenas, ch. Isaiah (s. Dea. Timothy) and Jerusha (d. Thomas Cushman), Sept. 19,
Zerviah Standish [second dup. w. Rufus Wright (s. Zebedee and Rhoda)], ch. Lt.
Isaiah 2d (q. v.] and Sarah (Holmes) (second w.), Oct. 8 [dup. Oct. 2, second
dup. Oct. 8], 1812.
-------, s. Sylvanus [q. v.] and Sally (Sherman), Sept. 30, 1820.
--------, d. Lt Isaiah [q. v.] and Ruth Sylvester (Ring) (third w.), Apr. 29,
-------, d. Ephraim Cushman [q. v., dup. farmer] and Eliza (Soule) [dup. of P.],
June 22, 1843 [dup. in P.].
RIPLY (see Ripley)
Daniel, ch. William Jr. ((s. William Ripley and Hannah)) and Lydiah, July 10,
Eunece, ch. (Dea.) Timothy and Eunice (d. William Coomer and Joanna)), May 26,
1739. [Eunice Ripley, C.R.]
Ezekiel, ch. (Dea.) Timothy and Eunice ((d. William Coomer and Joanna)), Dec.
25, 1758.
Francis, ch. William Jr. ((s. William Ripley and Hannah)) and Lydiah, July 26,
Grace [dup. (Ripley, w. George Bisbee (s. Elijah))], ch. William Jr. ((s.
William Ripley and Hannah)) and Lydiah, Oct. 26, 1753.
Isaac, ch. William Jr. ((s. William Ripley and Hannah)) and Lydiah, Dec. 11,
Isaac, ch. Nathaniel and Lucea, Feb. 19, 1779.
John. ch. William Jr. ((s. William Ripley and Hannah)) and Lydiah, May 8, 1774.
Joseph, ch. (Dea.) Timothy and Eunice ((d. William Coomer and Joanna)), Sept.
21, 1749.
Joseph, ch. Samuel and Phebe, June 17, 1777.
Josiah, ch. (Dea.) Timothy and Eunice ((d. William Coomer and Joanna)), Nov. 10,
1744. [Ripley, C.R.]
Levy, ch. William Jr. ((s. William Ripley and Hannah)) and Lydiah, Mar. 7, 1772.
Lydiah [dup.(Lydia Ripley, w. Gideon Sampson (s. Zabdiel)], ch. William Jr.
Ripley, (s. William Ripley and Hannah)] and Lydiah, Oct. 1, 1759.
Marcy [dup. (Mercy Ripley, w. Arthur Chandler (s. Lt. Zebedee))], ch. William
Jr. ((s. William Ripley and Hannah)) and Lydiah, Sept 11, 1761.
Nathaniel, ch. William Jr. ((s. William Ripley and Hannah)) and Lydiah, Oct. 5,
Pricela, ch. (Dea.) Timothy and Eunice ((d. William Coomer and Joanna)), Apr.
13, 1752. (Priscilla Ripley, C.R.]
Timothy, ch. (Dea.) Timothy and Eunice ((d. William Coomer and Joanna)), Apr.
16, 1742. [Ripley, C.R.]
William, ch. (Dea.) Timothy and Eunice ((d. William Coomer and Joanna)), Dec.
31, 1754.
William, ch. William Jr. ((s. William Ripley and Hannah)) and Lydiah, July 25,
--------, [twin] s. (Dea.) Timothy and Eunice (d. William Coomer and Joanna)),
Feb. 24, 1740-1.
--------, [twinj d. (Dea.) Timothy and Eunice ((d. William Coomer and Joanna)),
Feb. 24, 1740-1.
ROBBINS (see Robins)
Abigail [dup. Abigall Robins], ch. Jeduthan (Robins) [dup. Sr.] and Hanah [dup.
Hannah], Oct. 26, 1718.
Abigail, ch. Eleazer and Sarah, Oct. 16, 1785.
Arabella Taylor, ch. Lewis [q. v.] and Elizabeth P., Aug. 12, 1838.
Charlotte (Robins), ch. Eleazer and Sarah, May 9, 1789.
Lemuell [dup. Robins], ch. Jeduthan (Robins) [dup. Sr.] and Hanah [dup. Hannah],
Apr. 20, 1715.
(Lewis, h. Elizabeth Parker (Backus) [q. v.], s. Capt. Samuel of Plymouth and
Sally, Nov. 10, 1799, in Plymouth).
Lewis Curtis, ch. Lewis [q. v.] and Elizabeth P., May 28, 1828.
Lois, [twin] ch. Eleazer and Sarah, Apr. 16, 1783.
Mebetable [dup. Robins], ch. Jeduthan (Robins) [dup. Sr.] and Hanah [dup.
Hannah], July 9, 1713.
Oliver, ch. Eleazer and Sarah, Mar. 28, 1779.
Rebecca, [twin] ch. Eleazer and Sarah, Apr. 16, 1783.
Ruth, ch. Eleazer and Sarah, Dec. 11, 1781.
Sarah, ch. Eleazer and Sarah, Nov. 6, 1781.
Sylvester Holmes, ch. Lewis [q. v.] and Elizabeth P., July 27, 1830, in
Thaddeus Parker, ch. Lewis [q. v.] and Elizabeth P., Nov. 13, 1841.
ROBENS (see Robbins, Robins)
ROBENSON (see Robinson)
Lydia, d. Increase, bp. Apr. 21, 1745, C.R.
ROBINS (see Robbins)
Benjamin (Robens), ch. Jeduthan and Rebeckah, Nov. 7, 1732.
Benjamin, ch. Elezer and Elisebath, JuIy 17, 1765.
Consider [(Robbins)], ch. Elezer and Rebekah, Oct. 7, 1761.
Elezer, ch. Jeduthan and Rebeckah, June 9, 1724.
Elezer [(Robbins)], ch. Elezer and Rebekah, Dec. 1, 1754.
Elisebath ((Robbins)], ch. Elezer and Rebekah, Jan. 1, 1749-50.
Elisebath, ch. Elezer and Elisebath, Feb. 27, 1767.
Elisebeth [dup. Elizebeth], ch. Jeduthan [dup. Sr.] and Hanah (dup. Hannah],
Mar. 26, 1708.
James (Robens), ch. Jeduthan and Rebeckah, Sept. 23, 1727.
James, ch. James and Ruth, Apr. 23, 1756.
James, ch. Elezer and Elisebath, Aug. 19, 1763.
Jemimah [(Robbins)], ch. Elezer and Rebekah, May 25, 1757.
Joseph, ch. Jeduthan and Rebeckah, Oct. 4, 1719.
Mary (Robbins) [dup. Robins], ch. Jeduthan and Rebeckah, Oct. 25, 1721.
Mary [(Robbins)], ch. Elezer and Rebekah, May 14, 1759.
Rebeckah, ch. Jeduthan and Rebeckah, Nov. 22, 1733.
Rebeckah [(Robbins)], ch. Elezer and Rebekah, Mar. 3, 1748.
Rufus (Robens), ch. Jeduthan and Rebeckah, Oct. 27, 1729.
Ruth, ch. James and Ruth, Jan. 25, 1758.
Samuel (Robens), ch. Jeduthan and Rebeckah, Apr. 6, 1726.
Sarah, ch. Jeduthan and Rebeckah, Oct. 13, 1723.
Sarah [(Robbins)], ch. Elezer and Rebekah, Jan. 14, 1752.
Seth, ch. Elezer and Elisebath, May 12, 1769.
ROBINSON (see Robenson)
Asey, ch. Increase and Margit [(Margaret (Bonney))), Mar. 6, 1740--1. [Asa,
Increase, ch. Increase and Margit [(Margaret (Bonney))], Apr. 17, 1739.
Joseph, ch. Increase and Margit [(Margaret (Bonney))], Feb. 14, 1742-3.
RYDER (see Rider).
SAMPSON (see Samson)
(Abiah, ch. Gideon (s. Zabdiel) and Lydia (d. William Ripley Jr.), May 29,
(Abigail, ch. Gideon (s. Zabdiel) and Lydia (d. William Ripley Jr.), Apr. 6,
1793). [Nabby, C.R.]
Abigaill, ch. Georg and Elezebeth, Jan. 22, 1680-1.
Abigal [dup. Abigale Samson, (w. Jabes Prior of Duxbury)], ch. Jonathan and
Joannah [dup. JONATHAN and (Joanna (Lucas); s. Isaac, one of the first Settlers
in Plympton, and Lydia (d. Alexander Standish; s. Capt. Miles))], Apr. 12, 1727.
[Abigail Samson, C.R.]
(Algernon Sidney, ch. Hon. Zabdiel (s. George of P. and Hannah) and Ruth (d.
Capt. Ebenezer Lobdell of P. and Judith), Feb. 26, 1809, in Plymouth).
Algernon Sidney, ch. Hon. Zabdiel and Ruth [see Algernon Sidney Sampson], July
25, 1815, in Plymouth.
Almira, ch. Marston (s. George) and Leonice (d. Elnathan Holmes of Plymouth),
Dec. 17, 1817, in P.
Alvarado Rockwood, ch. Ichabod [q. v.] and Mary (Thompson), Jan. 3, 1849, in
Amanda, ch. Philemon ((s. Zabdiel)) and Fanny, Oct. 14, 1800.
Benjamine, ch. Georg and Elezebeth, Sept. 19, 1686.
Benjamine, ch. Benjamin and Margret, Dec. 25, 1712.
Bethiah (Samson) [dup. Samson, (w. Joseph Sampson)], ch. Jonathan and Joannah
[dup. see Abigal], Apr. 22, 1731.
(Bethiah, w. Benjamin Shaw, ch. Peleg (s. Joseph) and Sarah (d. John
Mackfarlin), June 25, 1803).
Betsy Parker, ch. Lt. George (s. George of P., afterwards of Plymouth, and then
of P.) and Sally (d. Silvanus Bartlett), June 21, 1817, in P.
Caroline, ch. George (Samson) and Hannah [see Alvin Samson], Dec. 10, 1801.
Caroline Elizabeth, ch. Capt. John (s. George) and Priscilla (d. Benjamin
Bramhall Esq. formerly of Plymouth), Apr 5, 1824, in P.
Caroline Marston, ch. Marston dec'd (s. George) and Caroline (second w., d.
Ansel Bartlett of Plymouth), June 22, 1823.
Charles, ch. Philemon ((s. Zabdiel)) and Fanny, July 18, 1798.
Charles, ch. Capt. John and Priscilla [see Caroline Elizabeth], Mar. 16, 1817,
in Plymouth.
Columbia Norwood, ch. Ichabod [q. v.) and Mary (Thompson), Jan. 18, 1847, in
Deborah, ch. Joseph and Anne, Aug. 22, 1706.
(Deborah, ch. Gideon (s. Zabdiel) and Lydia (d. William Ripley Jr.), Aug. 19,
Elizabeth, ch. Georg and Elezebeth, Dec. 22, 1692.
(Ephraim, h. Abigail (Horrel) (sister of------- (w. Isaac Bonney)), s. Isaac,
one of the first Settlers of Plympton, and Lydia, May 8, 1698).
(Eudora Rowland, ch. Hon. Zabdiel and Ruth (see Algernon Sidney Sampson], June
19, 1807, in Fairhaven).
Fanny Drew, ch. Philemon ((s. Zabdiel)) and Fanny, May 15, 1791.
(Frances), ch. Rev. Ezra (Samson) and Moley [see Charles Samson],-------(in P.)
[bp. July 24, 1791, C.R.]
Georg, ch. Georg and Elezebeth, Mar. 10, 1690-1.
George Stetson, ch. Philemon((s. Zabdiel)) and Fanny, May 11, 1803.
(George William, ch. Lt. George and Sally (see Betsy Parker Sampson], Jan. 17,
1806, in Plymouth).
(Gideon, ch. Gideon (s. Zabdiel) and Lydia (d. William Ripley Jr.), June 10,
(Gideon, ch. Gideon (s. Zabdiel) and Lydia (d. William Ripley Jr.), Dec. 15,
Gidian [dup. Samson]. ch. Georg Jr. and Hannah [dup. George ((s. George)) and
Hannah ((d. Benjamin Soule))], Oct. 15, 1719.
Hannah [dup. (w. Roswell Ballard)], ch. George (Samson) and Hannah [see Alvin
Samson], Dec. 23, 1799.
(Hannah Cushing, ch. Lt. George and Sally [see Betsy Parker Sampson], Feb. 17,
1810, in P.
Hannah Wright, ch. Lt John W. [q. v.] and Charity Soule (Parker) (second w.),
July 31, 1838.
Harriet Amelia [dup. w. John Brooks Simmons (s. Capt. Simmons of Plymouth and
Mercy)], ch. Joseph (s. George) and Harriet (d. Capt. George Rider of Plymouth
and Deborah) [dup. of P], Nov. 27 1824 [dup. in P.].
Harriet Newell, ch. Joseph and Harriet [see Harriet Amelia], July 30, 1821.
Ichabod, h. Mary (d. Isaac Thompson of Halifax and Phebe), s. John of Wareham
and Rebecca, May 14, 1818, in Wareham.
(Isaac Jr., moved from Plympton to Middleborough, grandfather of Rev. Ezra
Sampson of P., s. Isaac, one of the first Settlers of Plympton, and Lydia (d.
Alexander Standish; s. Capt. Miles), Apr. 18, 1688).
Jadadiah, ch. Joseph and Anne, June 21, 1714.
Joannah [dup. Samson], ch. Jonathan and Joannah [dup. see Abigal), July 31,
(John [dup. (Lt., h. Hannah (d. Isaac Wright Esq. and Selah), h. Charity Soule
(d. Lt. Oliver Parker and Phebe (second w.)))], ch. Gideon (s. Zabdiel) and
Lydia (d. William Ripley Jr.), Sept. 28, 1797).
(John, ch. Peleg (s. Joseph) and Sarah (d. John Mackfarlin), Apr. 18, 1808.
John Augustus, ch. Capt. John and Priscilla (see Caroline Elizabeth], Oct. 21,
1812, in Plymouth.
John Francis, ch. Lt. John (s. Gideon and Lydia) and Hannah (d. Isaac Wright,
Esq. and Selah), Oct. 8, 1833.
Jonathan (Samson) [dup. Samson, (h. Deborah (Bradford))], ch. Jonathan and
Joanne (dup. see Abigail, Apr. 3, 1729.
Joseph, ch. Georg and Elezebeth, July 14, 1679.
(Joseph), ch. Rev. Ezra (Samson) and Moley [see Charles Samson],-------, (in P.)
[bp. Oct. 27, 1793, C.R.]
(Joseph, ch. Peleg (s. Joseph) and Sarah (d. John Mackfarlin), Aug. 5, 1806).
Joseph, ch. Joseph and Harriet [see Harriet Amelia], Aug. 2, 1818.
Joseph Allen, ch. Lt. George and Sally [see Betsy Parker Sampson], Nov. 10,
1814, in P.
Josiah (Samson), ch. Jonathan and Joannah [dup. see Abigail], Jan. 23, 1734-5.
Judeth, ch. Georg and Elezebeth, Mar. 3, 1682--3.
Judeth, ch. Joseph and Anne, Sept. 27, 1708.
Judith Lobdell, twin ch. Hon. Zabdiel and Ruth [see Algernon Sidney Sampson],
Oct. 29, 1827, in Plymouth.
Kezia, ch. Philemon ((s. Zabdiel)) and Fanny, Feb. 15, 1793.
(Leonice, ch. Marston (s. George) and Leonice (d. Elnathan Holmes of Plymouth),
Sept. 15, 1811, in Plymouth).
(Lloyd Granville, ch. Lt. George and Sally [see Betsy Parker Sampson], Feb. 11,
1808, in Plymouth).
Lucia Ann, ch. Lt. George and Sally [see Betsy Parker Sampson], June 9, 1812, in
Homer, N. Y.
(Lucy, w. Isaac Waterman of Halifax, w. Lt. Daniel Soule of P., ch. Joseph {s.
Thomas and Lydia) and Bethiah (d. Jonathan Sampson), Mar. 6, 1761).
(Lucy, ch. Gideon (s. Zabdiel) and Lydia (d. William Ripley Jr.), Dec. 28,
(Lucy, w. Capt. Calvin Peirce of Duxbury, second w. Spencer Holmes, d. Oliver of
Kingston, Sept. 17, 1784) [in Kingston].
(Lydia, youngest ch. Joseph (s. Thomas and Lydia) and Bethiah (d. Jonathan
Lydia, ch. Gideon (s. Zabdiel) and Lydia, (d. William Ripley Jr.), Sept. 3,
(Marcia Lobdell, ch. Hon. Zabdiel and Ruth [see Algernon Sidney Sampson], June
4, 1811, in Plymouth).
Maria Louisa, ch. Hon. Zabdiel and Ruth [see Algernon Sidney Sampson], Oct. 22,
1813, in Plymouth.
Martha [dup. (w. Nathaniel Fuller), q. v], ch. Georg and Elezebeth [dup. (first
George of P. and Elizabeth)], Oct. 25, 1689.
Mary [dup. Samson, (w. Nathan Perkins)], ch. Jonathan and Joannah (dup. see
Abigai], July 6, 1722.
(Milton Lobdell [Lobdell written in pencil], ch. Hon.. Zabdiel and Ruth [see
Algernon Sidney Sampson], Oct. 9, 1805, in Fairhaven).
(Nancy, ch. Gideon (s. Zabdiel) and Lydia (d. William Ripley Jr.), Apr. 16,
Nancy Ripley, twin ch. Hon. Zabdiel and Ruth [see Algernon Sidney Sampson], Oct.
29, 1827, in Plymouth.
Nathaniell, ch. Benjamin and Margret, Sept 25, 1718.
Oscar, ch. William Henry (s. Gideon and Lydia) and Sarah (d. Hon. Seth Sprague
of Duxbury and Deborah Sampson), Feb. 9, 1829.
(Patience Howland, w. Joseph White Jr. (s. Joseph of Duxbury), d George 2d
formerly of Plymouth, Oct. 27, 1799, in Plymouth).
(Phebe, w. Samuel Ripley of P. (He moved into Vermont), ch. Joseph (s. Thomas
and Lydia) and Bethiah (d. Jonathan Sampson),-------, older than her Sister
Phebe Ellen, ch. Ichabod [q. v.] and Mary (Thompson). Dec. 29, 1843, in Halifax.
Philemon (dup. (h. Rachel (d. Moses Standish))], ch. Benjamin and Margret, Sept.
12, 1720.
Priscilla [dup. Priscila Samson. (w. Joseph Perry)], ch. Jonathan and Joannah
[dup. see Abigal], Apr. 14, 1726.
Priscilla, (w. Capt. Judah Washburn of Kingston), ch. Ephraim (Samson) and
Abigail [see Abigal Samson],--------[rec. after ch. b. Apr, 10, 1745]. [bp. July
24, 1748, C.R.]
Priscilla, ch. Capt. John and Priscilla [see Caroline Elizabeth], Apr. 19, 1819,
in Plymouth.
Ruth, ch. Georg and Elezebeth, Dec. 22, 1684.
Ruth, ch. Benjamin and Margret, July 11, 1716.
(Ruth Hatch, w. Levi Loring Jr. (s. Levi of P. and Mira), ch. Perez of Pembroke
and Lucinda, Dec. 25, 1803, in Pembroke).
Ruth Lobdell, ch. Hon. Zabdiel and Ruth [see Algernon Sidney Sampson], Feb. 3,
1819, in Plymouth.
(Saba, w. Capt. John Brown of Duxbury, third w. Capt. Samuel Bryant, d. Capt.
Andrew of Duxbury, Oct. 6, 1789, in Duxbury).
(Sally ch. Gideon (s. Zabdiel) and Lydia (d. William Ripley Jr.), Dec. 4, 1785).
(Sally Bartlett, ch. Lt. George and Sally [see Betsy Parker Sampson], May 16,
1804, in Plymouth).
Sarah [dup. Samson], ch. Georg Jr: and Hannah [dup. George ((s. George)) and
Hannah ((d. Benjamin Soule))], Apr. 29, 1721.
Seth, ch. Georg and Elezebeth, Dec. 22, 1697.
Sophia, ch. Philemon ((s. Zabdiel)) and Fanny, Mar. 31, 1796.
Susanah, ch. Joseph and Anne, May 9, 1716.
(Sylvia, w. Jacob Cushman [q. v.), d. Jonathan Jr. (s. Jonathan and Joanna) and
DEBORAH of P. (d. Elisha BRADFORD of Kingston and Bathsheba (Le Brock) and
mother of Deborah Sampson (who served in the war of the Revolution as a Soldier
in men's apparel and after the War married Benjamin Gannett of Bridgewater); s.
Joseph and Jael (Hobart); S. Gov. WILLIAM and Alice (Carpenter) (second w.) ),
Apr. 1, 1766).
Thomas [dup. (h. Lydia. (d. first Dea. Samuel Bryant of P.))] ch. Benjamin and
Margret, Feb. 8, 1710-1).
Wealthea, ch. Joseph and Anne, July 2, 1712.
William [dup. (h. Joanna (Vaughan))), ch. Georg [dup. George)] and Elezebeth,
July 8, 1695.
(William Henry [dup. (h. Sarah (d. Hon. Seth Sprague of Duxbury and Deborah
Sampson))], ch. Gideon (s. Zabdiel) and Lydia. (d. William Ripley Jr.), Aug. 30,
William Marston, ch. Marston (s. George) and Leonice (d. Elnathan Holmes of
Plymouth), Oct. 13, 1815, in Plymouth.
Zabdiel, ch. Marston (s. George) and Leonice (d. Elnathan Holmes of Plymouth),
Nov. 16, 1819.
Zabdiel Silsbee, ch. Hon. Zabdiel and Ruth [see Algernon Sidney Sampson], May 9,
1821, in Plymouth.
(Zilpah, w. Joseph Bryant, ch. William (s. George) and Joanna
(Vaughan),----------) [rec. after ch. b. Dec. 24, 1731].
(-----, d. Peleg (s. Joseph) and Sarah (d. John Mackfarlin), Aug. 10, 1801).
SAMSON (see Sampson)
Abegail [dup. (Abigail Sampson, w. Gideon Bradford Jr. (s. Gideon Esq.))), ch.
Zabdial [(Zabdiel Sampson (s. George))] and Abiah, July 11, 1758.
Abegail, (w. Moses Thompson, ch. Thomas ((Captain of the militia in the
revolutionary war, s. Thomas Sampson)) and Ruth ((d. John Bryant)), Jan. 29,
Abiah, ch. Zabdial [(Zabdiel Sampson (s. George))] and Abiah, Feb. 15, 1764.
Abigail (see Abegail).
Abigal [dup. (w. Ephraim Bryant)], d. Ephraim [dup. (Sampson (s. Isaac, one of
the first Settlers of Plympton, and Lydia))) and Abigal (dup. Abigail, (Abigail
(Horrel) (sister of----------, (w. Isaac Bonney)))], Oct. 25, 1729. [Abigail,
Alvin, ch. George ((s. Zabdiel Sampson and Abiah (second w.))) and Hannah ((d.
Capt. Richard Cooper of Plymouth and Hannah), Feb. 18 [(Mar. 18 according to the
family record)], 1791.
Ann, ch. Jediah and Lowes, Dec. 11, 1739.
Anna, d. Isaac, bp. Apr 25, 1736, C.R.
Barnabas [dup. Barnibus], s. Barnabas and Experience [dup. Barnabus ((s. Isaac
Sampson and Lydia)) and Experience ((Atkins))), Feb. 26, 1730-1.
Benjamin, ch. Benjamin Jr. and Mary, Jan. 1, 1745-6.
Benjamin, ch. Philemon [(Sampson (s. Benjamin))] and Rachal [(Rachel (d. Moses
Standish))], July 29, 1753.
Betty, ch. Seth, bp. Aug. 1, 1742, C.R.
Charles, ch. Rev. Ezra and Maley ((Her name is written Mary Sampson in the
Church Records)), May 25, 1788.
Deborah, ch. George ((s. George Sampson)) and Hannah ((d. Benjamin Soule)), Mar.
14, 1724-5.
Deborah, ch. Nathaniel [(Sampson (s. Benjamin of P.))] and Martha ((d. Dea.
Josiah Perkins)), Mar. 22, 1747-8.
Deborah, (w. James Bishup), ch. William [Sampson (s. George))] and Joannah
[(Joanna (Vaughan))], Dec. 24, 1731.
(Deborah Cushing, twin ch. George Washington (moved to Homer, N. Y., s. Capt.
Simeon) and Hannah Crossman, Aug. 14, 1809).
Elisebath, (w. Joseph Cushman), ch. George ((s. George Sampson)) and Hannah ((d.
Benjamin Soule)), June 19, 1737. [Elizabeth, C.R.]
Elizabeth, (w. Silas Sturtevant), d. Ephraim and Abigail [see Abigail, Mar. 29,
1732. [Elisabeth, C.R.]
Elizabeth, ch. Barnabus ((s. Isaac Sampson and Lydia)) and Experience
((Atkins)), Dec. 18, 1734.
Esechar, ch. Zabdial [(Zabdiel Sampson (s. George))) and Abiah, June 12, 1768.
Eunice, ch. Ephraim and Abigail [see Abigail, May 15, 1737.
Experence, ch. Barnabus ((s. Isaac Sampson and Lydia)) and Experience
((Atkins)), Jan. 1, 1733-4.
Ezra, ch. Rev. Ezra and Moley [see Charles], Sept. 11, 1777.
Filemon, ch. Zabdial ((Zabdiel Sampson (s. George))] and Abiah, Mar. 6, 1766.
Georg, ch. George ((s. George Sampson)) and Hannah ((d. Benjamin Soule)), Jan.
20, 1733.
Georg, ch. Benjamin Jr. and Mary, Aug. 4, 1739.
Georg (dup. (George Sampson)) h. Hannah (d. Capt. Richard Cooper of Plymouth and
Hannah))] ch. Zabdial [(Zabdiel Sampson (s. George))] and Abiah [dup. (second w.
00], Sept. 3, 1755.
George (see Goarge).
George [dup. (Sampson, Lt., h. Sally (d. Silvanus Bartlett))], ch. George [dup.
(of P., afterwards of Plymouth, and then of P.)] and Hannah [see Alvin], June 8,
1783 [dup. (in P.].
(George Whitefield, ch. George Washington (moved to Homer, N. Y., s. Capt.
Simeon) and Hannah Crossman, Feb. 28, 1808).
Gideon [dup. (Sampson, h. Lydia (d. William Ripley Jr.))], ch. Zabdial [(Zabdiel
Sampson (s. George)] and Abiah, Mar. 15, 1760.
Goarge, ch. Seth, bp. Aug. 1, 1742, C.R.
Hanah, (w. Joshua Perkins), ch. George ((s. George Sampson)) and Hannah ((d.
Benjamin Soule)), Oct. 15, 1730.
Hannah [dup. Hanah Sampson], ch. Isaac Jr. and Sarah ((Barlow); s. Isaac
Sampson, one of the first Settlers of Plympton, and Lydia (d. Alexander
Standish; s. Capt. Miles)), Apr. 21, 1716.
Hannah [dup. Sampson, w. Richard Cooper of P. (s. Capt. Richard of Plymouth))],
ch. Zabdial [(Zabdiel Sampson (s. George)), dup. (of P.)] and Abiah, Mar. 3,
Horatio Gates, ch. George Washington (moved to Homer, N. Y., s. Capt. Simeon)
and Hannah Crossman, July 7, 1812, in Kingston.
Isaac, ch. Rev. Ezra and Moley [see Charles], July 6, 1779.
Issachar, ch. Seth, bp. Aug. 1, 1742, C.R.
Issachar (see Esechar).
Jerimiah, ch. Philemon and Rachal [see Benjamin, July 29, 1753], Dec. 15, 1755.
[Jeremiah, C.R.]
John [dup. Sampson, Capt., h. Priscilla (d. Benjamin Bramhall Esq. formerly of
Plymouth))], ch. George and Hannah (see Alvin], Apr. 6, 1788 (dup. in P.)].
(John Shaw, ch. George Washington (moved to Homer, N. Y., s. Capt. Simeon) and
Hannah Crossman, Dec. 21, 1806).
Joseph, ch. Thomas [(Sampson (s. Benjamin))] and Lydia [(Lydia (d. first Dea.
Samuel Bryant in P.))], Apr. 18, 1732.
Joseph, ch. Jediah and Lowes, Mar. 31, 1738.
Joseph [dup. (Sampson, h Harriet d. Capt. George Rider of Plymouth and
Deborah))), ch. George and Hannah [see Alvin], Oct. 4, 1794 [dup. (in P.)].
Leuie, ch. Thomas and Lidia [see Joseph, Apr. 18, 1732], Mar. 4, 1739-40. [Levi,
(Lorenzo, ch. George Washington (moved to Homer, N. Y., s. Capt. Simeon) and
Hannah Crossman, Nov. 27, 1810).
Lusanah, ch. Ephraim and Abigail (see AbigaI], Nov. 7, 1734.
Lydia, d. Ephraim, bp. Mar. 22, 1741, C.R.
Lydia, (w. David Darling of Pembroke), ch. Thomas and Lidia [see Joseph, Apr.
18, 1732], Aug. 15, 1744.
Lydia [dup. (Sampson, w. William Shaw Jr.)] ch. Peleg and Sarah [dup. (Peleg
(s. Joseph) and Sarah (d. John Mackfarlin))], Feb. 15, 1799.
Lydiah [dup. (Lydia, w. Francis Holmes)], ch. Philemon and Rachal [see Benjamin,
July 29, 1753], Jan. 19, 1749-50 [dup. (in P.)].
Margaret [dup. Sampson], ch. Isaac Jr. and Sarah [see Hannah, Apr. 21, 1716],
Apr. 15, 1728.
Marget, ch. Benjamin Jr. and Mary, Aug. 25, 1741.
Maria, d. Capt. Simeon and Deborah, bp. June 27, 1784, C.R.
Marstin [dup. (Marston Sampson, h. Leonice (d. Elnathan Holmes of Plymouth), h.
Caroline (d. Ansel Bartlett of Plymouth))], ch. George and Hannah [see Alvin],
Oct. 1, 1785 {dup. in P.)].
Mary, ch. Ephiaim and Abigail (see Abigal], Apr. 10, 1745.
Mary, ch. Oakes [(Sampson (s. Capt. Thomas))] and Abigail ((d. Isaac Lobdell
Jr.)), Mar. 1, 1796.
(Mary Eaton, twin ch. George Washington (moved to Homer, N. Y., s. Capt. Simeon)
and Hannah Crossman, Aug. 14, 1809.
(Mercy, w. Capt. Levi Bradford [q. v.], d. Capt. Simeon June 12, 1777).
Molley [(Polly)], ch. Rev. Ezra and Moley [see Charles], Mar. 21, 1785. [Molley,
bp. Mar. 7, 1784, C.R.]
Moly, (w. Levi Harlow), ch. Thomas and Ruth [see Abegail, Jan. 29, 1766], Mar.
13, 1769.
Moses, ch. Philemon and Rachel [see Benjamin, July 29, 1753], May 30, 1751.
Nuland, ch. Philemon and Rachal (see Benjamin, July 29, 1753], Dec. 31, 1744,
[Newland, C.R.]
Oakes, ch. Thomas and Ruth [see Abegail, Jan. 29, 1766], May 13, 1774.
Olive [dup. (Sampson)), (w. Onesimus Randall), ch. Thomas and Ruth [see Abegail,
Jan. 29, 1766], Jan. 19, 1763.
Peleg (dup. (Sampson, h. Sarah (d. John Mackfarlin))], ch. Joseph ((s. Thomas
and Lydia)) and Bethiah ((d. Jonathan Sampson)), Sept. 26, 1754 [dup. (in P.)].
Phebe, d. Thomas, bp. May 1, 1743, C.R.
Philemon, ch. Philemon and Rachal [see Benjamin, July 29, 1753], Feb. 24,
Philemon (see Filemon).
Polly (see Molley).
Rebackah, (w. Jeremiah Kelly), ch. George ((s. George Sampson)) and Hannah ((d.
Benjamin Soule)), Jan. 27, 1734-5. [Rebekah, C.R.]
Ruth [dup. (Sampson, first w. Adam Wright (s. John))], ch. Thomas and Lidia [see
Joseph, Apr. 18, 1732], Mar. 18, 1733-4.
Ruth [dup. (Sampson)]. (w. Aaron Soule) [q. v.], ch. [dup. (Capt.)] Thomas
(dup.(of P.)] and Ruth [see Abegail, Jan. 29, 1766, Nov. 7, 1782.
Ruth, ch. Oakes [Sampson (s. Capt. Thomas))] and Abigail ((d. Isaac Lobdell
Jr.)), Nov. 29, 1797.
Sarah [dup. Sampson], ch. Isaac Jr. and Sarah [see Hannah, Apr. 21, 1716], Jan.
4, 1719-20.
Sarah, ch. Ephraim and Abigail [see Abigail, Jan. 31, 1742-3.
Sarah, ch. Philemon and Rachal [see Benjamin, July 29, 1753], Oct. 28, 1746.
Sarah, ch. Zabedial [(Zabdiel Sampson (s. George))] and Abegal, June 2, 1749.
Schuyler, ch. George and Hannah [see Alvin] Jan. 16, 1797.
Seth, ch. Seth, bp. Aug. 1, 1742, C.R.
(Silvanus Sampson, ch. Thomas and Lidia [see Joseph, Apr. 18, 1732]---------
[rec. after ch. b. Aug. 15, 1744]. [bp. July 31, 1748, C.R.]
(Simeon, ch. George Washington (moved to Homer, N. Y., s. Capt. Simeon) and
Hannah Crossman, Nov. 15, 1805).
Sofia, ch. Thomas and Ruth [see Abegaii, Jan. 29, 1766], June 10, 1777.
Sofia, (w. Dea. Josiah Diman of Plymouth), ch. Thomas and Ruth (see Abegail,
Jan. 29, 1766], Jan. 20, 1779.
Thomas, ch. Thomas and Lidia (see Joseph, Apr. 18, 1732], Dec. 14, 1737.
Thomas, ch. Thomas and Ruth (see Abegail, Jan. 29, 1766], Dec. 22, 1767.
Uriah [dup. Sampson], (father of Rev. Ezra Sampson), ch. Isaac Jr. and Sarah
[see Hannah, Apr. 21, 1716], July 30, 1727.
William, ch. William [(Sampson (s. George)] and Joannah ((Joanna (Vaughan))],
Nov. 25, 1727.
William, ch. Zabdial [(Zabdiel Sampson (s. George))] and Abiah, Feb. 3, 1756-7.
Zabdial, ch. Zabedial and Abegal [sic], [dup. (Zabdiel Sampson, s. Zabdiel (s.
George) and Abiah Whitmarsh (second w.))], July 6, 1754.
Zabdial (dup. Zabdial, second dup. (Zabdiel Sampson, h. Abigail Cushman, h.
Abiah Whitmarsh, ch. George (Sampson) Jr. and Hannah [dup. George ((s. George))
and Hannah (d. Benjamin Soulel))], Apr. 26, 1727.
Zabdiel(see Zoebdial)
Zeruiah [second dup. Sampson, w. Benjamin Cushman Jr.)], ch. William [dup.
(Sampson (s. George))) and Joannah [dup. (Joanna (Vaughan))], Mar. 18, 1725--6.
Zoebdial [dup. (Hon. Zabdiel Sampson, h. Ruth (d. Capt. Ebenezer Lobdell of P.
and Judith))], ch. George [dup. (of P.)] and Hannah [see Alvin], Aug. 22, 1781
[dup. in P.)].
Augusta Stoddard, ch. William [q. v.] and Ruth Ann (Barret), Feb. 22, 1838, in
Marcy, (w. Thomas Adams), ch. Dea. Thomas and Hannah, June 26, 1768.
Mary, (w. Job Cole of Carver), ch. Dea. Thomas and Zilpha, Aug. 28, 1761.
Mercy (see Marcy).
Peleg, [twin] ch. Dea. Thomas and Zilpha, Mar. 7, 1764.
Thomas, [twin] ch. Dea. Thomas and Zilpha, Mar. 7, 1764.
William, h. Ruth Ann (d. William Barret and Ruth of Plymouth), s. Thomas and
Joanna (second w.) of Plymouth, Sept. 27, 1816, in Plymouth.
William, ch. William [q. v.. dup. shovel manufactory workman] and Ruth Ann
(Barret) [dup. of P.], July 31, 1838, in P.
Zilpha, (w. William Cushman), ch. Dea. Thomas and Hannah, Aug. 16, 1766.