[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Mary Holmes, ch. Perez [q. v.] and Mercy Bradford (Sherman), July 27, 1844, in
Orlando, ch. Perez [q. v.] and Mercy Bradford (Sherman), Oct. 15, 1846, in
Orlando Hinds, s. Isaac of W. Bridgewater and Mary Jones, Sept. 6, 1817.
Perez, h. Mercy Bradford (d. Lt. Joseph Sherman and Nancy of P.), s. Isaac and
Mary Jones of W. Bridgewater, Dec. 4, 1821, in W. Bridgewater.
PADACK (see Paddock, Padock)
Jean, ch. Zachriah and Martha, July 30, 1752.
Joanah, ch. Zachriah and Martha, Aug. 24, 1750.
PADDOCK (see Padack, Padock)
(Jane, w. Gideon Bradford Esq. (s. Lt. Samuel), d. Ichabod of Yarmouth,
afterward of Middleborough, Aug. 30, 1717).
PADOCK (see Padack, Paddock)
Apollos, s. Zachariah, bp. Dec. 7, 1760, C.R.
Elisha, s. Zachariah, bp. June 9, 1754, C.R.
Gaius, s. Zachariah, bp. Apr. 8, 1759, C.R.
John, s. Zachariah, bp. July 17, 1763, C.R.
Peter, s. Zechariah, bp. Sept. 1, 1765, C.R.
(Bathsheba, w. Abner Bisbee (s. Hopestill). d. Samuel of Halifax. Jan. 12, 1735,
in Scituate).
(Lucy, w. Ebenezer Churchill (s. Ichabod), d. Samuel of Halifax, July 17, 1743).
Abegail [dup. Abigail, w. Maj. Samuel Ellis (s. Lt. Stephen))], ch. Jonathan Jr.
((s. Rev. Jonathan)) and Abegail [(Abigail (d. Dr. Polycarpus Loring))], Aug.
17, 1778.
Abigail, ch. Polycarpus (s. Jonathan)) and Marcy [dup. ((first w.))] ((d. Lt.
Stephen Ellis)), Feb. 25, 1800. [ch. Apollycarpus and Mercy, C.R.]
Abigail Loring, ch. Lt. Jonathan Jr. (q. v.] and Polly (Sherman) (second w.),
July 16, 1822.
(Avery, ch. Rev. Jonathan (s. Judge Daniel of Barnstable) and Ruth (first w., d.
Rev. John Avery of Truro), July 19, 1743).
Avery, ch. John Avry and Avrick, July 10, 1790.
Batte [dup. and second dup. (Betty)], ch. Rev. Jonathan] [dup. ((s. Judge Daniel
of Barnstable))] and Lydiah [dup. (Lydia (second w., d. Joseph Bartlett of
Plymouth and Elizabeth))], Feb. 13, 1754-5 [1754)].
Betsy [dup. w. Dr. Josiah Hammond, q. v.], ch. Lt. Jonathan Jr. [q. v., dup.
Esq.] and Polly (Sherman) (second w.), Mar. 9, 1818.
Betsy Coffin, ch. Oliver Jr. [q. v.] and Mary Bradford (Standish), Mar. 23,
Betty (see Batte).
(Caroline, ch. Lt. Oliver [q. v.] and Phebe (Ellis) (second w.), May 3, 1811).
(Charity Soule (dup. (second w. Lt. John Sampson (s. Gideon and Lydia))], ch.
Lt. Oliver [q. v.] and Phebe (Ellis) (second w.), Sept. 7, 1800).
(Daniel, ch. Judge Daniel,--------).
Daniel [dup. (Dr)], ch. Rev. Jonathan and Lydiah [dup. see Batte], Apr. 26,
(David, ch. Judge Daniel,------).
Edmund Oliver, ch. Oliver Jr.[q. v.] and Mary Bradford (Standish), Feb. 18,
1843 [dup. in P.].
Elezebeth [dup. (Elizabeth), ch. Rev. Jonathan and Ruth ((d. Rev. John Avery of
Truro)) [dup. see Avery, July 19, 1743], Apr. 6, 1741.
(Eliza, ch. Lt. Oliver [q. v.] and Phebe (Ellis) (second w.), May 30, 1804).
Elizabeth (see Elezebeth).
Elizabeth Bartlett, ch. Zaccheus Esq. [q. v., dup. Zacheus, merchant] and
Elizabeth (Bartlett) [dup. of P.], Oct. 31, 1845 [dup. in P.].
George Ellis, ch. Oliver Jr. [q. v., dup. farmer and manufacturer] and Mary
Bradford (Standish) [dup. of P.]. Sept. 30, 1847 [dup. in P.].
Gustavus, ch. Oliver Jr. [q. v.] and Mary Bradford (Standish), Oct. 27, 1830.
Hannah Stephens, ch. Lt. Jonathan Jr. [q. v.] and Polly (Sherman) (second w.),
Feb. 15, 1824.
Harmone [dup. (Harmony)], ch. Rev. Jonathan and Lydiah [dup. see Batte], Sept
29, 1761.
Ira [dup. Lt., h. Mary Delano (d. John Knowles and Mary Nelson of Truro,
afterwards of Plymouth)], s. Lt. Oliver [q. v.] and Phebe (Ellis) (second w.)
[dup. of P.], Aug, 14, 1813 [dup. in P.].
Ira Francis, ch. Lt. Ira [q. v., dup. farmer] and Mary (----?) (Knowles) [dup.
of P.], Nov. 22, 1845 [dup. in P.].
Jacob, ch. Jonathan Jr. and Abegail [see Abegail], July 10, 1776.
Jacob, ch. Oliver [dup. q. v.] and Charity (Soule), Aug. 7 (a
mistake...corrected by the request of his Father [to] Apr. 7), 1796.
Jerusha, ch. Rev. Jonathan and Lydiah [dup. see Batte], Nov. 29, 1759.
(Jerusha, w. Timothy Cobb of Carver, ch. Lt. Oliver [q. v.] and Phebe (Ellis)
(second w.), Feb. 20, 1809).
John Avery, ch. Oliver Jr. [q. v.] and Mary Bradford (Standish), July 23, 1840.
John Avry (dup. (Avery)], ch. Rev. Jonathan and Ruth ((d. Rev. John Avery of
Truro)) [dup. see Avery, July 19, 1743], Dec. 10, 1738.
John Eavery (Perker), ch. Jonathan Jr. and Abegail [see Abegail], Sept. 25,
John Knowles, ch. Lt. Ira [q. v., dup. farmer and shovel manufacturer] and Mary
Delano (Knowles) [dup. of P.], July 24, 1848 [dup. in P.].
(Jonathan, Rev., ch. Judge Daniel,--------)
Jonathan [second dup. (h. Abigail (d. Dr. Polycarpus Loring))], ch. Rev.
Jonathan and Ruth ((d. Rev. John Avery of Truro)) [dup. see Avery, July 19,
1743], Aug. 16, 1736.
Jonathan (Perker) [dup. (Jr., Lt., h. Silence (d. Asaph Soule), h. Polly (d. Asa
Sherman))], ch. Jonathan Jr. and Abegail [see Abegail], July 17, 1774.
Jonathan, ch. Lt. Jonathan Jr. [q. v.] and Polly (Sherman) (second w.), Feb. 14,
Jonathan Sherman, ch. Zaccheus Esq. [q. v., dup. Zacheus, trader] and Elizabeth
(Bartlett) [dup. of P.], Apr. 30, 1848 [dup. in P.].
Joseph, Dr., ch. Rev. Jonathan and Lydiah [dup. see Batte], Aug. 20, 1750.
Joseph Avery, ch. Polycarpus (s. Jonathan) and Susanna (second w., d. Elijah
Bisbee Esq.), Apr. 1, 1818.
Lewis Bartlett [dup. h. Rebecca Whitman (d. Capt. Martin Perkins and Susan
Williams (Richmond))], ch. Zaccheus Esq. [q. v.] and Elizabeth (Bartlett) [dup.
of P.], Apr. 9, 1836 [dup. in P.].
Lucy, ch. Lt. Jonathan Jr. [q. v.] and Polly (Sherman) (second w.), Aug. 22,
Lydiah [dup. (Lydia, w. Elisha Parker of New Bedford, w. Capt. Benjamin Church
of Fairhaven)), ch. Rev. Jonathan] and Lydiah [dup. see Batte], Apr. 8, 1752.
Marcy Marick, ch. Polycarpus ((s. Jonathan)) and Marcy [dup. ((first w.))] ((d.
Lt. Stephen Ellis)), June 23, 1806. [ch. Apollycarpus and Mercy, C.R.]
Maria Williams, ch. Lt. Oliver [q. v.] and Phebe (Ellis) (second w.), May 12,
Maria Williams, ch. Oliver Jr. [q. v.] and Mary Bradford (Standish), June 7,
Mary (see Molly).
Mary Augustus, ch. Oliver Jr. [q. v.] and Mary Bradford (Standish), Apr. 8,
Mercy Merrick (see Marcy Marick Parker).
Moley [dup. (Molly, second w. William Gray of Athens, N. Y.)], ch. Rev.
Jonathan] and Lydiah [dup. see Batte], Feb. 5, 1756-7 [(1756)].
(Molly or Mary, w. Col. Josiah Edson of Bridgewater, ch. Judge Daniel,------).
(Nehemiah, ch. Judge Daniel,-------).
Oliver [dup. (Lt., h. Charity (d. Jacob Soule of Halifax), h. Phebe (d. Joel
Ellis))], ch. Jonathan Jr. and Abegail [see Abegail; Aug. 29, 1766.
(Oliver [dup. (Jr., h. Mary Bradford (d. Shadrach Standish Jr. and Mehetabel))],
s. Lt. Oliver [q. v.] and Phebe (Ellis) (second w.), May 11, 1802).
Oliver Ames, ch. Oliver Jr. [q. v.] and Mary Bradford (Standish), Feb. 7, 1833.
(Phebe Ellis, ch. Lt. Oliver [q. v] and Phebe (Ellis) (second w.), July 18,
Polecarpos [dup. and second dup. (Polycarpus, h. Marcy (d. Lt. Stephen Ellis),
h. Susanna (d. Elijah Bisbee Esq.))], ch. Jonathan Jr. and Abegail [see
Abegail], Oct. 9, 1767.
Polly Gray, ch. Polycarpus ((s. Jonathan)) and Marcy (dup. ((first w.))] ((d.
Lt. Stephen Ellis)). July 8, 1810. [ch. Apollycarpus and Mercy, C.R.]
Poly Stephens [dup. and second dup. (Polly Stephens), second dup. (w. Isaiah
Churchill (s. Oliver and Saba))], ch. Jonathan Jr. [second dup. (Esq.)] and
Polly [dup. (Lt. Jonathan Jr. (s. Jonathan) and Polly (second w., d. Asa
Sherman))], Mar. 13, 1809.
Polycarpus (see Polecarpos).
Polycarpus, ch. Polycarpus ((s. Jonathan)) and Marcy [dup. ((first w.))] ((d.
Lt. Polycarpus (s. Jonathan and Susanna(second w., d. Elijah Bisbee Esq.), Nov.
4, 1816.
Polycarpus Loring, ch. Polycarpus (s. Jonathan)) and Susanna (second w., d.
Elijah Bisbee Esq.), Nov. 4, 1816.
(Rebekab, w.-------, second w. Dea. Josiah Perkins of P., ch. Judge
Ruth [dup. (w. John Bishop of Norwich. Conn.)], ch. Rev. Jonathan and Ruth ((d.
Rev. John Avery of Truro)) [dup. see Avery, July 19, 1743], July 15, 1734.
Ruth, ch. Jonathan Jr. and Abegail [see Abegail], Dec. 14, 1771.
Ruth, ch. John Avry and Avrick, May 25, 1788.
(Samuel, ch. Judge Daniel,--------).
Silence [dup. second w. Joshua Curtis Thompson (s. Nehemiah of Halifax and
Experience)], ch. Lt. Jonathan Jr. [dup. Esq., q. v.] and Polly (Sherman)
(second w.) [dup. of P.], June 17, 1812.
Stephen, ch. Polycarpus ((s. Jonathan)) and Marcy [dup. ((first w.))] ((d. Lt.
Stephen Ellis), Aug. 26, 1797.
Stephen, ch. Polycarpus ((s. Jonathan)) and Marcy [dup. ((first w.))] (d. Lt.
Stephen Ellis)), May 11, 1802. [ch. Apollycarpus and Mercy, C.R.]
Susan, ch. Polycarpus ((s. Jonathan)) and Marcy [dup. ((first w.))] ((d. Lt.
Stephen Ellis)), Sept. 26, 1808. [ch. Apollycarpus and Mercy, C.R.]
(Temperance, ch. Judge Daniel,---------).
Theadis [dup. (Dr. Thaddeus)], ch. Rev. Jonathan] and Lydiah [dup. see Batte],
Jan. 10, 1758-9 [dup. (1758)]. [bp. Jan. 15, 1758. C.R.]
William Gray, ch. Polycarpus (s. Jonathan) and Susanna (second w., d.. Elijah
Bisbee Esq), June 2, 1815. [ch. Apolycarpus and W., C.R.]
Zaccheus (second dup. (h. Elizabeth (d. Capt. Ansel Bartlett of Plymouth and
Elizabeth))], ch. Jonathan Jr. [second dup. (Esq.)] and Polly [see Poly Stephens
Parker, second dup. (of. P)], May 26, 1810 (second dup. (in P.)].
Zaccheus Theodore, ch. Zaccheus Esq. [q. v.] and Elizabeth (Bartlett) Jan. 29,
PARKINS (see Perkins).
PARSONS (see Person)
Charles Daniel, June 11, 1817, in Boston.
PEARSON (see Person).
(Nancy, w. George Bryant Lobdell (twin s. Capt. Ebenezer), d. Capt. Cornelius of
New Bedford and Phebe, Mar. 6, 1792, in Wareham).
PEIRCE (see Pierce)
Joann Frances, ch. Leonard [q. v.] and Joann Frances (Atwood), Apr. 4, 1838, in
(Leonard, h. Joann Frances (d. John Atwood and Joann), s. Benajah and Charity of
Middleborough, July 29, 1807, in Middleborough).
PERKER (see Parker).
Abegail, (w. Maj. John Shaw), d. Capt. Joshua ((s. Dea. Josiah)) and Hanah ((d.
George Sampson)), Apr. 22, 1757.
Abegail, (w. Benjamin Eaton), ch. Luke ((s. Dea. Josiah)) and Abegail [(Abigail
(d. Benjamin Soule))], Jan. 17, 1770.
Abigail Barrows, ch. Daniel [q. v.] and Louisa (Barrows), Feb. 23, 1834.
Abner, ch. (Dea.) Josiah ((s. Luke and Martha)) and Deborah ((d. Nehemiah
Bennet)), Apr. 4, 1731.
Abner, ch. Josiah and Deborah [see Abner, Apr. 4, 1731], May 20, 1735.
Abner, ch. Martha, June 21, 1757, in Kingston.
Ambross, ch. William and Elisebath, Jan. 6, 1745-6.
Andrew Jackson, ch. Jonathan Barrows (q. v.. dup. farmer] and Ruth (Ripley)
[dup. of P.], Aug. 29, 1848, in P.
Angeline Maria, ch. Josiah Jr. [q. v.] and Deborah (Hall). Apr. 12, 1835.
(Ann, w. Thomas Perkins (twin s. Bennet and Hanaah), d. Nathan of Middleborough
and Charlotte, Apr. 9, 1805, in Middleborough).
Benneett, ch. Nathan, May 14, 1753. in Kingston.
Bennett, ch. Nathan, Apr. 29, 1760, in Kingston. [Bennet, C.R.]
Bennett, ch. Bennett ((s. Nathan)) and Hannah, May 3, 1806.
Betsy, ch. John (s. Luke) and Sarah ((d. Capt. Joshua Adams)), Apr. 4, 1790.
Bette, ch. Capt. Joshua ((s. Dea. Josiah)) and Hannah ((d. George Sampson)),
July 7, 1796.
(Beza), ch. John ((s. Luke)) and Sarah ((d. Capt. Joshua Adams). Nov. 3, 1809).
Beze, ch. Luke ((s. Dea. Josiah)) and Abegail [(Abigail (d. Benjamin Soule))],
Mar. 19, 1772.
Calven, ch. Josiah Jr. ((s. Dea. Josiah)) and Daborah [(Deborah (d. Dea.
Ebenezer Soule))], Dec. 25, 1763.
Charles, ch. John (s. Luke) and Sarah (d. Capt. Joshua Adams)), May 29, 1792.
Charles Anderson Simon, ch. Lt. Martin [q. v.] and Susan William (Richmond),
June 29, 1828.
Charles Henry (dup, crossed out, omits Henry], ch. Levi (s. Luke and Abigail
(second w.)) and Jane (d. Elijah Sturtevant of Kingston). July 21, 1822.
Clarinda, ch. Jonathan Barrows [q. v. dup. farmer] and Ruth (Ripley) [dup. of
P.]. Mar. 4, 1845 [dup. in P.].
Daborah, (w. Bartlett Murdock Jr.), ch. Capt. Joshua ((s. Dea. Josiah)) and
Hanah (d. George Sampson)), Mar. 20, 1755.
Daborah, ch. Josiah Jr. and Daborah [see Calven], Sept 13, 1766.
Daniel, ch. Zapheniah and Patience [(Lt. Zeplianiah (s. Dea. Josiah) and
Patience (d. William Ripley Sr. of P.))], Dec. 10, 1773.
Daniel [dup. (h. Louisa (d. George Barrows of Carver and Sophia))]; ch. John
((s. Luke)) and Sarah ((d. Capt. Joshua Adams)), Feb. 13, 1803.
Daniel Webster, ch. Daniel [q, v., dup, farmer] and Louisa (Barrows) [dup. of
P.], Dec. 18, 1843 [dup. in P.].
Deborah, (w. Joseph Lothrop, w.--------Atkins), ch. Josiah and Deborah [see
Abner, Apr. 4, 1731], Oa. 16, 1737.
Deborah (see Daborah).
Deborah Ellis, ch. Jonathan Barrows [q. v.] and Ruth (Ripley), May 13, 1829.
Drusilla, (w. Eliab Ward), ch. Capt. Joshua and Hanah ((d. George Sampson)),
Sept. 2, 1771.
Ebenezer, ch. Josiah Jr. and Daborah [see Calven], May 14, 1757.
Edmund, ch. Jonathan Barrows [q. v.] and Ruth (Ripley), Nov. 11, 1831.
Edward Sampson, ch. Lt. Martin [q. v., dup. carpenter and farmer] and Susan
William (Richmond) [dup. of P.], Jan. 26, 1849 (dup. in P.].
Elisebath, (w. Andrew Ring), ch. Luke ((s. Dea. Josiah)) and Abegail [(Abigail
(d. Benjamin Soule))], Dec. 7, 1767.
Eliza, ch. Levi (s. Luke and Abigail (second w.)) and Jane (d. Elijah Sturtevant
of Kingston), Nov. 14, 1813.
Eliza Barrett, ch. John [q. v.] and Adeline (Tupper), Mar. 31, 1827.
Elizabeth (see Elisebath).
Eudora Holmes, ch. Josiah Jr. (q. v.] and Deborah (Hall), June 24, 1827.
(Ezra, ch. Seth [q. v.] and Mary (Adams), May 14, 1798, in P.)
George, ch. Luke ((s. Dea. Josiah)) and Abegail [(Abigail (d. Benjamin Soule))],
Feb. 14, 1766.
Gideon, ch. Capt. Joshua. ((s. Dea. Josiah)) and Hanah ((d. George Sampson)),
Feb. 25, 1750-1.
Hanah [dup. Hannah, (w. Capt. Nathaniel Shaw)], ch. Luke and Ruth (dup. Luke Jr.
((s. Luke and Martha)) and Ruth ((d. Thomas Cushman Jr. probably, of P.; or She
might be the daughter of his Son, Mr. Robert Cushman of Kingston))], May 27,
Hanah, (w. Seth Waterman of Halifax), ch. Josiah and Deborah [see Abner, Apr. 4,
1731], June 30, 1740. [Hannah, C.R.]
Hannah, (w. Peleg Savery), ch. Capt. Joshua, ((s. Dea. Josiah)) and Hanah ((d.
George Sampson)), July 29, 1763.
Hannah, ch. Zapheniah and Patience [see Daniel, Dec. 10, 1773], July 23, 1764.
(Hannah, ch. Seth [q. v.] and Mary (Adams), Dec. 25, 1800).
Henry, ch. Levi (s. Luke and Abigail (second w.)) and Jane (d. Elijah Sturtevant
of Kingston), Aug. 12, 1817.
Henry, ch. Jonathan Barrows [q. v.] and Ruth (Ripley), Jan. 18, 1840.
Ignatias [dup. Ignatious], ch. Luke and Ruth [dup. see Hanah, May 27, 1723],
July 15, 1720.
Isaac, ch. Jonah and Deborah [see Abner, Apr. 4, 1731], July 7, 1744.
Isaac, ch. Luke((s. Dea. Josiah)) and Abegail [(Abigail (d. Benjamin Soule))],
June 21, 1780.
Jabez, twin ch. Bennett ((s. Nathan)) and Hannah, Mar. 13, 1809.
Jabez, ch. Thomas [q. v.] and Ann (Perkins), Feb. 9, 1836, in P.
(Jane, ch. Levi (s. Luke and Abigail (second w.)) and Jane (d. Elijah Sturtevant
of Kingston), Nov. 4, 1808).
Joanah [(Joanna, w. Lt. John Soule)], ch. Nathan ((s. Dea. Josiah)) and Moly
((d. Jonathan Samson)), Mar. 24, 1762.
John [second dup. (h. Mehetable (Shaw))], ch. Josiah and Deborah [see Abner,
Apr. 4, 1731], Feb. 22, 1725-6.
John [dup. (h. Sarah (Adams)), q. v.], ch. Luke((s. Dea. Josiah)) and Elisebath
[second dup. (Elizabeth (first w.))] ((d. Isaac Churchill)), Feb. 17, 1758.
John, ch. Patience Cushman "by her first husband," bp. Apr. 7, 1765, C.R.
John (dup. (h. Adeline (d. Capt. Peleg Tupper of Kingston and Violate))], ch.
John [dup. (of P.)] ((s. Luke)) and Sarah ((d. Capt. Joshua Adams)), Aug. 18,
Jonathan, ch. Josiah and Deborah [see Josiah, Mar. 3, 1796],-----. [This entry
crossed out.]
Jonathan Barrows [dup. (h. Ruth (d. Ezekiel Ripley))], ch. Bennett [dup.
(Bennet)] ((s. Nathan)) and Hannah, Mar. 4, 1804.
Jonathan Barrows, ch. Jonathan Barrows [q. v.] and Ruth (Ripley), Nov. 9. 1836.
Joseph, ch. Josiah Jr. and Daborah [see Calven], Dec. 23, 1754.
Joseph Barrows, ch. Daniel [q. v.] and Louisa (Barrows), Sept. 29, 1838.
Joshua, ch. Josiah and Deborah [see Abner, Apr. 4, 1731], June 16, 1729.
Joshua, ch. Capt. Joshua ((s. Dea. Josiah)) and Hanah ((d. George Sampson)), May
14, 1759.
Joshua, ch. John ((s. Luke)) and Sarah ((d. Capt. Joshua Adams)), Dec. 23, 1786.
Josiah, ch. Josiah and Deborah [see Abner, Apr. 4, 1731], Apr 4, 1732.
Josiah, ch. Nathan. Jan. 3, 1751, in Kingston.
Josiah, ch. Josiah Jr. and Daborah [see Calven], Jan. 9, 1759.
Josiah [dup. (Jr., h. Deborah (d. John Hall and Abiah Andros of Raynham))], ch.
Josiah ((s. Nathan, grand s. Dea. Josiah)) and Deborah ((d. Elijah Bisbee and
Deborah)), Mar. 3, 1796.
Josiah Frederick, ch. Lt. Martin [q. v.] and Susan William (Richmond), June 22,
Levi [dup. (h. Jane (d. Elijah Sturtevant of Kingston, ch. Luke ((s. Dea.
Josiah)) and Abegail [(Abigail [dup. ((second w.))] (d. Benjamin Soule))], Nov.
3, 1776.
Levi, ch. Levi (s. Luke and Abigail (second w.)) and Jane (d. Elijah Sturtevant
of Kingston), June 12, 1811).
Lothrop, ch. Capt. Joshua ((s. Dea. Josiah)) and Hanah ((d. George Sampson)),
Apr. 15, 1761.
Lucien Leonidas, ch. Lt. Martin [q. v.] and Susan William (Richmond), July 31,
Luke, ch. Josiah and Deborah [see Abner, Apr. 4,. 1731], Nov. 17, 1733.
Luke. ch. Capt Joshua ((s. Dea. Josiah)) and Hanah ((d. George Sampson)), Aug.
1, 1773.
Luke, ch. Luke and Abegail [see Abegail, Jan. 17, 1770], July 16, 1774.
Lydia, ch. Nathan, Feb. 21, 1749, in Kingston.
Lydia Anderson, ch. Lt Martin [q. v., dup. carpenter and farmer] and Susan
William (Richmond) (dup. of P.], Sept. 4, 1846 [dup. in P.].
Marcia Sampson, ch. Lt. Martin [q. v., dup. carpenter and farmer) and Susan
William (Richmond) [dup. of P.], Mar. 29, 1844 [dup. in P.].
Marcus, ch. Bennett ((s. Nathan)) and Hannah, Feb. 5, 1802.
Martha, (w. Nathaniel Sampson of Middleborough), ch. Josiah and Deborah [see
Abner, Apr. 4, 1731], Oct. 22, 1727.
Martha, (w. Capt. Elisha Murdock), ch. Capt. Joshua ((s. Dea. Josiah)) and Hanah
((d. George Sampson)), July 4, 1767.
Martin [dup. (Lt., h. Susan William, (d. Capt. Simon Richmond and Lydia
Anderson))], ch. Josiah and Deborah [see Josiah, Mar. 3, 1796], Nov. 30, 1800.
Mary, ch. Luke and Ruth [dup. see Hanah, May 27, 1723], June 28, 1726.
Mary, ch. Nathan, Feb. 23, 1755, in Kingston.
(Mary Godfrey, ch. Seth [q. v.] and Mary (Adams), July 30, 1806, in Kingston).
Mary Isabella, ch. Nathan [q. v.] and Mary Holmes (Soule), May 7, 1838.
Mary Louisa, ch. Daniel [q. v.] and Louisa (Barrows), Oct. 31, 1841.
Mary Martin [dup. w. Zebedee Chandler Fuller (s. Ephraim and Zerviah of P.)),
ch. Josiah Jr. [q. v.] and Deborah (Hall) [dup. of P.], Apr. 28, 1825.
Moley, ch. William and Elisebath, Jan. 3, 1747-8.
Nathan, ch. Josiah and Deborah see Abner, Apr. 4, 1731], Aug. 19, 1723.
Nathan, ch. Nathan, Jan. 23, 1757, in Kingston.
Nathan [dup. (h. Mary Holmes (d. Asaph Soule Jr. and Polly))], ch. Josiah and
Deborah (see Josiah, Mar. 3, 1796], Apr. 13, 1805.
Nathaniel Samson [dup. (Sampson)], ch. Seth [q. v.] and Molley (dup. ( Mary
Adams))], July 19, 1792 [dup.(in P.)]
Olever (Parkins), ch. Josiah Jr. and Daborah [see Calven] Aug. 18, 1760.
Olive Bisbee, ch. Nathan [q. v.] and Mary Holmes (Soule), July 18, 1830.
Oliver (see Olever).
Pamela James, ch. Nathan [q. v.] and Mary Holmes (Soule), Nov. 29, 1835.
[Pamelia J., G.R.1.]
Patiance [dup. Patience)), (w. Lt. John Bradford) (dup. ((s. Capt. John))], ch.
Zapheniah [dup. (Lt. Zephaniah)] and Patiance [see Daniel, Dec. 10, 1773], Aug.
2, 1784.
Patience, ch. Patience Cushman "by her first husband," bp. Apr. 7, 1765, C.R.
Polly, ch. Josiah and Deborah [see Josiah, Mar. 3, 1796], Sept. 6, 1798.
Polly, (w. Benjamin Fuller of Halifax), ch. Bennett ((s. Nathan)) and Hannah,
Mar. 30, 1800.
Polly, ch. Jonathan Barrows [q. v.] and Ruth (Ripley), Nov. 18, 1824.
Pricela, ch. Nathan, Dec. 27, 1745, in Kingston.
Priscilla Fuller ch. Jonathan Barrows [q. v.] and Ruth (Ripley), Feb. 16, 1834.
Rebacah, ch. Josiah Jr. and Daborah [see Calven], Mar. 24, 1768.
Rebackah, ch. Capt. Joshua ((s. Dea. Josiah)) and Hanah ((d. Sampson)), George
Sampson)), Aug. 27, 1765.
Rebecca, ch. Zapheniah and Patiance [see Daniel, Dec. 10, 1773], Dec. 3, 1768.
Rebecca [dup. w. Ebenezer Tyler Dean (s. Dr. Ebenezer and Ruth), second dup. of
P., w. Alonzo Wright (s. Adam and Rebecca of Woodstock, Vt.)], ch. William [q.
v.] and Sophia (Bradford) [second dup. of P.], Apr. 8, 182O [second dup. in P.].
Rebecca Whitman [dup. w. Lewis Bartlett Parker (s. Zaccheus and Elizebeth
(Bartlett)], ch. Lt. (dup. Capt.] Martin [q. v.] and Susan William [dup.
Williams] (Richmond), Sept. 27, 1839.
Robot Cowen, ch. Nathan [q. v., dup. farmer and carpenter] and Mary Holmes
(Soule) [dup. of P.], June 16, 1848 [dup. in P.].
Ronald Herdwick, ch. John [q. v.] and Adeline (Tupper), Aug. 1, 1829.
(Saba Adams, ch. Seth [q. v.] and Mary (Adams), Sept. 23, 1795, in P.).
Saba Ripley, ch. Jonathan Barrows [q. v.] and Ruth (Ripley), Dec. 7, 1826.
(Sally Adams), ch. John ((s. Luke)) and Sarah ((d. Capt. Joshua. Adams), Aug.
16, 1807).
Sally Adams, ch. Daniel [q. v.] and Louisa (Barrows), Feb. 29, 1836.
Samson, ch. Capt. Joshua (s. Dea. Josiah)) and Hanah ((d. George Sampson)), Mar.
14, 1777.
Sarah, (w. Andrew Barrows), ch. Capt. Joshua (s. Dea. Josiah)) and Hanah ((d.
George Sampson)), Feb. 27, 1753.
Sarah Jane Wayne, ch. Lt. Martin [q. v.] and Susan William (Richmond), July 9,
Seth [dup. (h. Mary (d. Capt. Joshua Adams of Kingston and Mary))], ch.
Zapheniah and Patiance [dup. (Lt. Zephaniah and Patience), see Daniel, Dec. 10,
1773], Aug. 25, 1766 (dup. in P.)].
(Seth, ch. Seth [q. v.] and Mary (Adams), Dec. 10, 1808, in Kingston).
Silence, ch. Josiah Jr. and Daborah [see Calven], June 30, 1770.
Sophia Bradford [dup. w. Darius White (s. Abiel and Joanna)], ch. William [q.
v.] and Sophia (Bradford) [dup. of P.], Nov. 4, 1817 [dup. in P.].
Susan William Richmond, ch. Lt. Martin [q. v.] and Susan William (Richmond),
Nov. 27, 1832.
Susannah, ch. Josiah Jr. and Daborah [see Calven], July 6, 1762.
Thomas, ch. Nathan ((s. Dea. Josiah)) and Moly ((d. Jonathan Samson)), Oct. 1,
Thomas, ch. John ((s. Luke)) and Sarah ((d. Capt. Joshua Adams)), Nov. 30, 1796.
Thomas [dup. (h. Ann (d, Nathan Perkins of Middleborough and Charlotte))], twin
ch. Bennett [dup. (Bennet)] ((s. Nathan)) and Hannah, Mar. 13, 1809.
Thomas, ch. Thomas [q. v.] and Ann (Perkins), Mar. 22, 1833, in Middleborough.
William, ch. Josiah and Deborah [see Abner, Apr. 4, 1731], Oct. 26, 1724.
Wiliam [dup. (h. Sophia (d. Capt. John Bradford)) , ch. Zapheniah and Patiance
[see Daniel, Dec. 10, 1773], Mar. 29, 1772.
(William, ch. Seth [q. v.] and Mary (Adams), Jan. 24, 1812, in Kingston).
William, ch. William [q. v.] and Sophia (Bradford), Feb. 23, 1824.
William Martin, ch. Lt. Martin [q. v.] and Susan William (Richmond), Oct. 7,
Wilson, ch. Jonathan Barrows [q. v.] and Ruth (Ripley), May 26, 1842 [dup. in
Zepheniah, ch. Josiah and Deborah [see Abner, Apr. 4, 1731], Apr. 9, 1742.
[Zephaniah Parkins, C.R.]
-------, s. Daniel [q. v., dup. farmer] and Louisa (Barrows) [dup. of P.], Apr.
11, 1846 [dup. in P.].
Egebe, ch. Mary "belonging to plimouth Church," bp. Mar. ----, 1704, C.R.
(Lucy, w. Jabez Witherell of Pembroke, second w. John Crooker of P. (s. David of
Pembroke), d. Samuel of Pembroke, Mar. 24, 1780). [in Pembroke, P. R. 10.]
Samuell, s. Mary "belonging to plimouth Church," bp. Mar. --, 1704, C.R.
PERSON (see Parsons)
Martha Buck, w. William Putnam Bradford Phinney [q. v.], d. Abiel and Olive of
Cavendish, V t., Feb. 1, 1825, in Reading, V t.
(Jemima, w. Joel Ellis (s. Joel and Clara), d. Thomas of Duxbury and Abigail,
May 1, 1798, in Duxbury).
PHINEY (see Phinney, Phyne)
Acsa [(Achsah)], ch. Joseph and Mary, May 28, 1738.
Expearance, ch. Joseph and Mary, Aug. 14, 1736. [Experience, C.R.]
Paletiah, ch. Joseph and Mary, Apr. 8, 1740. [Peletiah Phenney, C.R.]
PHINNEY (see Phiney, Phyne)
Ann Gurley Churchill [Churchill crossed out], ch. Otis Williams [q. v.] and Lucy
Ann (Churchill), July 15, 1849 [sic, see Eunice Ripley Churchill Phinney].
Barnabas, ch. Otis [q. v.] and Betsy (Bradford), Sept. 7, 1832.
Berl Francis, ch. Ezra [q. v.] and Nancy Wyman (Bradford), Nov. 4, 1831.
Clark Winsor, ch. Otis [q. v.] and Betsy (Bradford), May 17, 1835.
Edward Franklin, ch. Ezra [q. v.] and Nancy Wyman (Bradford), Mar. 27, 1843
[dup. in P.].
Eliza Ann Bradford, ch. Otis [q. v.] and Betsy (Bradford), July 24, 1828.
Elizabeth Bradford, ch. Otis [q. v.] and Betsy (Bradford), Nov. 27, 1823, in P.
Elisabeth Bradford, ch. Otis [q. v.] and Betsy (Bradford), Aug. 22, 1827.
Eunice Ripley Churchill, d. Otis W., seaman, and Lucy Ann of P., July 5, 1849.
in P. [sic, see Ann Gurley Churchill Phinney]
Experience (Phiney), ch. Joseph and Easter, Apr. 8, 1716.
Ezra [dup. (h. Nancy Wyman (d. Israel Bradford of Kingston))], ch. Barnabas and
Mary, May 20, 1799.
Ezra, ch. Ezra [q. v.] and Nancy Wyman (Bradford), Jan. 8, 1823.
Ezra, ch. Otis [q. v., dup. seaman] and Betsy (Bradford) [dup. of P.], Nov. 24,
1845 [dup. in P.).
Hanah (Phiney), ch. Joseph and Easter, Apr. 8, 1720.
Hannah Everson, ch. Ezra [q. v.] and Nancy Wyman (Bradford), Apr. 1, 1826.
Hannah Everson, ch. Ezra [q. v.] and Nancy Wyman (Bradford), Feb. 6, 1828.
Ichabod, ch. Baxnabas and Mehetabel (Churchill) (Morton),-----). [Phiney, s.
Barnabas of Barnstable, bp. July 6, 1746, C.R.]
Isabella Otis Williams, ch. Otis Williams [q. v., dup. seaman and Lucy Ann
(Churchill) [dup. of P.], Mar. 23, 1844 [dup. in P.].
Israel Bradford, ch. Ezra (q. v.] and Nancy Wyman (Bradford), May 19, 1836.
James Otis, ch. Otis Williams (q. v., dup. seaman] and Lucy Ann (Churchill)
[dup. of P.], Aug. 19, 1847 [dup. in P.].
John (Phiney) [dup. Phinney], ch. John and Rebeckah, Jan. 1, 1724-5 [dup. 1724].
Jonathan, ch. John and Rebeckah, Feb. 10, 1722-3 [dup. 1722].
Joseph (Phiney), ch. Joseph and Easter, Apr. 10, 1709.
Lucy Williams, ch. Otis [q. v.] and Betsy (Bradford), July 30, 1838.
Lydia Dexter, ch. Otis [q. v.] and Betsy (Bradford), Jan. 24, 1843 [dup. in P.].
Marcy, ch. Joseph and Easter, Sept. 19, 1707.
Mary [dup. (w. Silvanus Bryant (s. Joshua))], ch. Barnabas and Mary, Sept. 13,
Mary [dup. w. Charles Kelsey Taylor (twin s. William and Sarah of P.)], ch. Ezra
[q. v.] and Nancy Wyman (Bradford) [dup. of P.], May 31, 1824 [dup. in P.].
Mercy (see Marcy).
Nancy, ch. Ezra [q. v.] and Nancy Wyman (Bradford), Aug. 10, 1833.
Otis (dup. (h. Betsy (d. Israel Bradford of Kingston))], ch. Barnabas and Mary,
Oct. 18, 1800.
Otis Williams [dup. h. Lucy Ann (d. Daniel Churchill Jr. and Rebecca W. of P.)],
s. Otis [q. v.] and Betsy (Bradford) [dup. of P.], Oct. 4, 1821, in Kingston.
Patience (Phiney), ch. Joseph and Easter, Aug. 19, 1713.
Pelatiah, ch. Joseph and Easter, Mar. 21, 1710-11.
Polly Churchill, ch. Otis [q. v.] and Betsy (Bradford), Jan. 4, 1841.
Sarah Everson, ch. Ezra [q. v.] and Nancy Wyman (Bradford), Apr. 22, 1839.
Sophia Matilda [dup. w. Edward Fuller (s. Harvey and Eliza F. of P.)], ch. Otis
[q. v.] and Betsy (Bradford) [dup. of P.], July 5, 1830.
Stephen Cobb [dup. h. Bethiah Young (d. Richard Cowing and Sally of Rochester)],
ch. Ezra [q. v.] and Nancy (Bradford) [dup. of P.], Oct. 18, 1829 [dup. in P.]
William Bradford, ch. William Putnam Bradford [q. v., dup. seaman] and Martha
Buck (Person) [dup. of P.], Sept. 10, 1847 [dup. in P.].
William Putnam Bradford, h. Martha Buck {Person} [q. v.], s. Otis [q. v.] and
BETSY of P. (d. Israel BRADFORD of P., formerly of Kingston, and Hannah (first
w., d. Robert Everson and Hannah Putnam of Kingston); s. ICHABOD and Mary of
Kingston (d. Peleg Sampson and Mary Ring; s. Isaac Sampson and Lydia of P. (d.
Alexander Standish and Sarah Alden (first w.) of Duxbury; s. Capt. Miles
Standish, who came to Plymouth in the Mayflower)); s. Israel, and Sarah of
Kingston; s. MAJ. WILLIAM and Mary (third w.) of Plymouth, now Kingston; s. Gov.
WILLIAM, who came to Plymouth in the Mayflower, and Alice Carpenter (second w.)
of Plymouth), Jan. 18, 1826, in P.
Zenas Churchill, h. Cynthia (d. Samuel Smith and Persis of Middleborough), s.
Barnabas and Mary of P., Mar. 12, 1814.
Zenas Edson, ch. Zenas Churchill [q. v.] and Cynthia (Smith), Nov. 1, 1842 (dup.
in P.].
PHYNE (see Piney, Phinney)
Barnebas, ch. Ichabod ((s. Barnabas Phinney and Mehetabel of Cape Cod)) and
Daborah [Deborah (d. Ichabod Churchill))), Sept. 16, 1774.
Daborah, (w. Josiah Churchill), ch. Ichabod and Daborah [see Barnebas], Sept.
21, 1776.
Mehitible [dup. (Mehitable Phinney)], (w. Nicholas Spinks Bagnell), ch. Ichabod
and Daborah [see Barnebas], Nov. 2, 1772.
Rebaca [dup. (Rebecca Phinney, w. Seth Churchill (s. Isaac 3d))], ch. Ichabod
and Daborah [see Barnebas], Mar. 22, 1771.
PIERCE (see Peirce)
(Otis Sampson, s. Capt. Calvin and Lucy (afterward second w. Spencer Holmes),
Sept. 17, 1811, in Duxbury).
POMEROY (see Pumery)
Edward Price, ch. Eliab [q. v.) and Caroline Chandler (Sturtevant), Mar. 10,
(Eliab, h. Caroline Chandler (d. Bela Sturtevant and Hannah of P.), s. John of
Halifax and Hannah, Apr. 3, 1799, in Halifax).
Horace Watson. ch. Eliab [q. v.] and Caroline Chandler (Sturtevant), May 20,
1839, in P.
Sarah Elizabeth, ch. Eliab [q. v., dup. laborer] and Caroline Chandler
(Sturtevant) [dup. of P.], Sept. 21, 1843 [dup. in P.].
Abby [dup. Abbey] Seaver, ch. Asa Foster [q. v., dup. shovel finisher] and Mary
Ann Cushman (Bump) [dup. of P.], June 14, 1845, in P.
Asa Foster, h. Mary Ann Cushman (d. Nathaniel Bump and Lydia of Middleborough),
s. Freeman and Abigail of Rochester, Jan. 23, 1817, in Rochester.
Mary Davis, ch. Asa Foster [q. v.] and Mary Ann Cushman (Bump), Feb. 3, 1840, in
(Persis Harlow, w. Thomas Edward Burbank (s. Thomas and Polly of Plymouth), d.
Freeman and Abigail of Rochester, Sept. 13, 1809, in Carver).
(Cynthia, w. Isaac Fuller [q. v.], d. Oliver of Halifax and Susanna, Oct. 2,
1803, in Halifax).
David, ch. Mathew, bp. Sept. 3, 1786, C.R.
Mathew, ch. Mathew, bp. Sept. 3, 1786, C.R.
Ruth, ch. Mathew and Luceanah, May 13, 1781.
Sarah, ch. Mathew and Luceanah, Oct. 23, 1779.
PRAT (see Pratt)
Abigail, d. James, bp. Jan. 13, 1754, C.R.
Benajah, ch. Joseph and Martha, Mar. 27, 1708-9.
Benjamine, ch. Daniell (Pratt) and Mary,-------28, 1707.
Deborah, ch. Benajah and Sarah ("belonging to plimouth Church"), bp.-----, C. R.
Elcanah, ch. Joseph and Martha, Mar. 12, 1710-11.
Ester, ch. Daniell (Pratt) and Mary, Mar. 30, 1709.
James [dup. Pratt], ch. Ebenezer and Anna, Oct. 13, 1717.
Joseph, ch. Joseph and Martha, June 28, 1707.
Martha, ch. Joseph and Martha, Oct. 28, 1712.
Samuel, s. James, bp. Mar. 8, 1752, C.R.
Samuell [dup. and second dup. (Samuel)], ch. Daniell [second dup. (Daniel)] and
Martha, Nov. 26, 1715.
PRATT (see Prat)
Abegail, ch. Joshua and Eunice, July 6, 1757.
(Annis, w. Joel Ellis, ch. Nathaniel of P. (s. Daniel) and Mary (d. Nathaniel
Cobb and Mary), June 30, 1744).
(Azubah, w. Ephraim Lucas then of Carver, ch. Nathaniel and Mary [see
Annis],------) [rec. between Selah and Hannah (b. Aug. 18, 1762 ), (in the
order, in which they were born)].
(Consider, h. Betsy Sturtevant, h. Mary Thayer, ch. Nathaniel and Mary [see
Annis], bp. Apr. 14, 1751, taken from Plympton Church Records).
Eleazer (Prat), ch. Eleazer and Hannah, Sept. 17, 1705.
Elizebeth, ch. Eleazer (Prat) and Hannah, Mar. 4, 1707--8.
(Eunice), ch. Joshua and Eunice,--------.
(Hannah, ch. Nathaniel and Mary [see Annis],--------) [rec. between Consider and
Lucy, (in the order, in which they were born)].
(Hannah, w. Nehemiah Lucas of Carver, ch. Nathaniel and Mary [see Annis], Aug.
18, 1762).
(Huldah, w. Lemuel Sturtevant of Rochester, ch. Nathaniel and Mary [see
Annis],----) [rec. after ch. b. Aug. 31, 1752, (in the order, in which they were
Jane, twin ch. Eleazer (Prat) and Hannah, Mar. 20, 1710-11.
Jonathan, ch. Joseph and Kesiah [(Kezia))], Mar. 26, 1754.
Joseph, ch. Joseph and Kesiah [(Kezia)], June 2, 1752.
Joshua (Prat) [dup. Pratt], ch. Daniell and Easter [dup. (Daniel and Esther (d.
Adam Wright of P.))], Dec. 27, 1701.
(Joshua, h. Rebekah (Mitchell), ch. Nathaniel and Mary [see Annis],------) [rec.
after ch. b. Aug. 18, 1762, (in the order, in which they were born)].
(Joshua, h. Sarah Ford (d. William Lucas and Pamela Harlow of Plymouth), s.
NATHANIEL and Mary Elizabeth; s. CONSIDER of Halifax; s. NATHANIEL and Mary of
P., Apr. 28, 1811, in Canton).
(Lucy [dup. (w. Dr. Calvin Bradford (s. Gideon Esq.))], ch. Nathaniel and Mary
[see Annis], Aug. 31, 1752).
Lucy Weston, ch. Winslow [q. v.] and Priscilla (Weston), June 14, 1836, in P.
Marcy, ch. Joseph and Kesiah [(Kezia)], Apr. 2, 1743.
Martha, ch. Joseph and Kesiah [(Kezia)], July 22, 1746.
(Mercy, ch. Nathaniel and Mary [see Annis], Nov. 18, 1742).
Mercy (see Marcy).
(Molly, w. Job Thomas then of Middleborough, but moved from thence, ch.
Nathaniel and Mary [see Annis], bp. July 4, 1742, taken from Plympton Church
(Nathaniel, h. Content Rickard, ch. Nathaniel and Mary [see Annis], bp. Dec. 7,
1746, taken from Plympton Church Records).
Nathaniel Bosworth, ch. Joshua [q. v., dup. shoemaker] and Sarah Ford (Lucas)
[dup. of P. ], May 31, 1845, in P.
Priscilla Peterson, ch. Winslow [q. v.] and Priscilla (Weston), Oct. 21, 1827,
in Carver.
(Ruth, w. James Dunham (s. John of Carver and Lucy), d. Isaiah of Carver and
Ruth, Oct. 4, 1801, in Carver).
(Samuel, ch. Nathaniel and Mary [see Annis], bp. Dec. [sic] 11, 1749, taken from
Plympton Church Records)). [bp. June 11, C.R.
Sarah (Prat), ch. Daniell and Easter [dup. (Daniel and Esther (d. Adam Wright of
P.))], Oct. 1, 1703.
(Selah, ch. Nathaniel and Mary [see Annis],-------) (rec. between Huldah and
Azubah, (in the order, in which they were born)]. [bp. May 7, 1758, C. R.]
Sylvester, ch. Winslow [q. v.] and Priscilla (Weston), Aug. 19, 1833, in Carver.
William, twin ch. Eleazer (Prat) and Hannah, Mar. 20, 1710-11.
(Winslow, h. Priscilla (d. Benjamin Weston of P. and Lucy), s. Isaiah of Carver
and Ruth, Apr. 25, 1805, in Carver).
Winslow, ch. Winslow [q. v.] and Priscilla (Weston), Nov. 12, 1830, in P.
(--------, s. Nathaniel [q. v.] and Content Rickard,---------).
(-----, w.-------, d. Nathaniel [q. v.] and Content Rickard, -------).
(-----, w.-------, d. Nathaniel [q. v.] and Content Rickard,-------.
(James, Capt., h. Sally (d. Capt. Joseph Churchill of P.), s. Whitmore of Md.,
May 4, 1787, in Md.)
(James, ch. Capt. James [q. v.] and Sally (Churchill), Oct. 13. 1809)
Sally, ch. Capt. James [q. v.] and Sally (Churchill), June 5, 1817.
(Betsy, w. David Millard Doten (s. Silas of Rochester and Sarah), d. John of
Kingston and Betsy, Aug. 11, 1809. in Kingston).
Joseph, ch. Frances [sic] and Hannah, July 10, 1732.
Sarah, ch. Frances [sic] and Hannah, Mar. 15, 1733-4.