[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

LEACH (see Lecth)
(Arnold h. Polly (Fuller) [q. v.], s. Asa of Bridgewater (s. Ebenezer) and
Eunice (d. Micah Turner and Mary (Eaton)), Mar. 17, 1788, in Killingly, Conn.
Arnold Addison, ch. Arnold [q. v.] and Polly (Fuller), Dec. 21, 1814, in
Charles Granville, ch. Lt. Erastus [q. v.] and Maria (Bradford), June 2, 1834.
(Ebenezer, h. Catharine (d. Willard Ellis of P. and Mary (Marshall)), s. Asa of
Bridgewater and Eunice (Turner), July 30, 1803 , in Bridgewater)).
Edmund Quincy Marion, ch. Lt. Erastus [q.v., dup. school teacher, shoemaker, and
farmer] and Maria (Bradford) (dup. of P.]. Feb. 19, 1847 (dup. in P.].
Elizabeth [ch. Giles and Annah), Apr. 28, 1728.
(Erastus, Lt., h. Maria (d. Lt. John Bradford), s. Joseph of Middleborough and
Susanna, May 5, 1803).
Eunice Turner, ch. Ebenezer [q. v.] and Catharine (Ellis), July 4, 1833.
Giles, ch. Jesey (Lecth) and Elce [(Jesse Leach and Alice (d. Dea. Samuel
Churchill of P.))], May 12, 1746.
John [ch. Giles and Annah]. July 25, 1725.
(Joseph of P., h. Susanna, s. John and Betsey of Middleborough; s. Abiel and
Sarah of Middleborough (d. John Waterman and Lydia of Halifax (d. Eleazar
Cushman; s. Eld. Thomas Cushman (s. Robert) and Mary of Plymouth (d. Isaac
Allerton, who came to Plymouth in the Mayflower)); s. Dea. John Waterman and
Anna of P., now Halifax (d. Samuel Sturtevant of Plymouth)), Feb. 5, 1771, in
Maria Louisa, ch. Lt. Erastus [q. v.] and Maria (Bradford), Oct. 3, 1835.
Mary Fuller, ch. Arnold [q. v.] and Polly (Fuller), May 31, 1813, in
Melvin Granville, ch. Lt, Erastus [q. v.] and Maria (Bradford), Nov. 9, 1838.
Micah, s. Giles and Annah, Aug. 11, 1722.
Otis, ch., Arnold [q. v.] and Polly (Fuller), Mar. 18, 1819, in Kingston.
Sarah Cushman, ch. Arnold [q. v.] and Polly (Fuller), Mar. 24, 1817, in
Thomas Marshall, ch. Ebenezer [q. v.] and Catharine (Ellis), Nov. 4, 1840.
William Bradford, ch. Lt. Erastus [q. v.] and Maria (Bradford), Apr. 5, 1841.
LECTH (see Leach)
Ezekel, ch. Jesey and Elce [(Jesse Leach and Alice (d. Dea. Samuel Churchill of
P.)], Jan. 1, 1743-4.
Zabede (Letch), ch. Jesey and Elce [(Jesse Leach and Alice (d. Dea. Samuel
Churchill of P.))], June 18, 1749.
(Elizabeth, w. Rev. John Howland [q. v.], d. Rev. Daniel and Elizabeth (Hawkes);
s. John of Hingham and Hannah (Lincoln); s. James of Barnstable and Sarah
(Lane); s. George, who came from East Greenwich in Kent in England, sometime
between the years 1633 and 1636, and Settled at Scituate, and afterwards moved
to Barnstable, and Sarah (Jenkins), June 5, 1726).
(Elizabeth, w. Levi Bradford [q. v.], d. Daniel Esq. of Pembroke; s. Rev.
Daniel, the first Minister of Pembroke; s. John of Hingham; s. James of
Barnstable; s. George of Scituate, and afterwards of Barnstable, who came from
England to Scituate between . . . 1633 & 1636, Mar. 22, 1742-3 Old Style).
Marion Frances Dean (see Marion Frances Dean).
(Desire, w. Cornelius Churchill (s. Ebenezer), d. Ephraim of Scituate, Sept. 27,
1776, in Scituate).
Isaac, ch. George and Abigail ((d. Benjamin Soule, afterward w. Luke Perkins)),
Mar. 24, 1768.
Joseph, ch. George and Abigail ((d. Benjamin Soule, afterward w. Luke Perkins)),
Oct. 20, 1760.
LOBDELL (see Lobden, Lobdil, Lobdill)
Charles Henry, ch. Ebenezer (s. Capt. Ebenezer) and Elizabeth Fuller (d. Noah
Thomas), Oct. 20, 1817.
Ebenezer Thomas, ch. Ebenezer (s. Capt Ebenezer) and Elizabeth Fuller (d. Noah
Thomas), Apr. 29, 1814.
Ebenezer Thomas, ch. Ebenezer (s. Capt. Ebenezer) and Elizabeth Fuller(d. Noah
Thomas), Feb. 3, 1816.
George (dup. and second dup. add (Bryant), second dup. (h. Nancy (d. Capt.
Cornelius Pease of New Bedford and Phebe))], twin ch. Capt. Ebenezer (Lobdill)
and Judith [dup. see Ebenezer Lobdill], Feb. 25, 1791.
George Bryant, ch. George B. [q.v.] and Nancy (Pease), Nov. 28, 1825.
(George Granville, ch. jeremiah(ch. Capt. Ebenezer and Judith) and Maria
George Walter, ch. Ebenezer (s. Capt. Ebenezer) and Elizabeth Fuller (d. Noah
Thomas), June 17, 1823.
Hannah, ch. Capt. Ebenezer (Lobdill) and Judith [dup. see Ebenezer Lobdill],
Mar. 8, 1794.
Isaac Franklin, ch. George B. [q.v.] and Nancy (Pease), Mar. 16, 1835.
Lydiah (Lobdill), ch. Ebenezer and Lidia, June 4, 1733. [Lobden, C.R.]
Milton, ch. George B. [q. v.] and Nancy (Pease), Dec. 10, 1829.
Orlando Pease, ch. George B. [q. v.] and Nancy (Pease), July 14, 1827.
Thomas [dup. adds (Jenkins)], twin ch. Capt. Ebenezer (Lobdill) and Judith [dup.
see Ebenezer Lobdill], Feb. 25, 1791.
Thomas (dup. adds (Jenkins)], ch. Capt. Ebenezer (Lobdill) and Judith [dup. see
Ebenezer Lobdill], June 25, 1797.
---------, s. Ebenezer Thomas and Agnes of Boston, June 12, 1849, in P.
LOBDEN (see Lobdell, Lobdil, Lobdill)
Isaac (dup. Lobdell, second dup. (h. Ruth (Clark))], ch. Ebenezer and Lidia,
Dec. 26, 1716.
Sarah [dup. and second dup. (Lobdell), dup. (w. Capt Thomas Loring (s. Caleb
Esq.))], ch. Ebenezer and Lidia, July 4, 1719.
LOBDIL (see Lobdell, Lobden, Lobdill)
Daborah, (w. Seth Bryant, w.-------). d. Isaac ((s. Ebenezer Lobdell)) and Ruth
(Clark)), Jan. 6, 1746-7.
Ebenezer (dup. (Lobdeli, Capt., h. Judith (d. Jeremiah Bumpus of Wareham and
Judith (Randall)))], ch. Isaac ((s. Ebenezer)) and Ruth ((Clark)), July 4, 1752.
Hanah, (w. Job Randall), d. Isaac ((s. Ebenezer Lobdell)) and Ruth ((Clark)),
Dec. 16, 1748.
Isaac, ch. Isaac ((s. Ebenezer Lobdeli)) and Ruth ((Clark)), Oct. 5, 1755.
Samuel, ch. Isaac ((s. Ebenezer Lobdell)) and Ruth ((Clark)), May 2, 1742.
Sarah. (w. George Bryant), ch. Isaac ((s. Ebenezer Lobdell)) and Ruth ((Clark)),
Mar. 2, 1744-5.
LOBDILL (see Lobdell. Lobden, Lobdil)
Ebenezer (dup. and second dup. (Lobdell), dup. (h. Elizabeth Fuller (d. Noah
Thomas))], ch. Capt. Ebenezer (second dup. ((s. Isaac and Ruth))j and Judith
(second dup. ((d. Jeremiah Bumpus of Wareham and Judith (Randall)))], Mar. 4,
Jeremiah [dup. (Lobdell, h. Maria (Drew))], ch. Capt. Ebenezer and Judith [dup.
see Ebenezer), May 10 [dup. May 9], 1788.
Judith (dup. (Lobdell, w. William Sturtevant)], ch. Capt. Ebenezer and Judith
[dup. see Ebenezer], Oct 13, 1781.
Marcy [dup. (Mercy Lobdell, w. Lt. Pelham Holmes)], ch. Capt. Ebenezer and
Judith [dup. see Ebenezer, July 23, 1777.
Ruth (dup. and second dup. (Lobdell, second dup. (w. Hon. Zabdiel Sampson (s.
George of P. and Hannah))], ch. Capt. Ebenezer [second dup. (of P.)] and Judith
[dup. see Ebenezer], Apr. 10, 1784 [second dup. (in P.)].
Salley [dup. (Sally Lobdell)], ch. Capt. Ebenezer and Judith [dup. see
Ebenezer], Aug, 12, 1779.
Abegail [dup. (Abigail, w. Jonathan Parker (s. Rev. Jonathan))), ch. Policarpus
[dup. (Dr. Polycarpus)] ((s. Caleb Esq.)) and Mary, Feb. 16, 1742-3.
Abigell, [ twin] ch. Policarpus ((s. Caleb Esq.) and Mary, Apr. 12, 1741.
[Abigail, ch. Dr. Loring, C.R.]
Almaria Everett, ch. Col. Thomas Ellis [q. v., dup. shoemaker] and Lydia Ann
(Standish) [dup. of P.], Sept. 3, 1843 [dup. in P.].
Almira (see Elmira).
Anna Lois, ch. Simeon Morton [q. v., dup. shoemaker] and Elizabeth (Blanchard)
[dup. of P.], Feb. 3, 1847 [dup. in P.].
Asabah, ch. (Capt.) John (moved from P. (s. Caleb Esq.)) and Ruth, June 22,
1746. [Azubah, C.R.]
Augustus Barnabas, ch. George [q. v.] and Hannah Harlow (Bryant), Sept. 15,
1840, in P.
Azubah (see Asabah).
Barsheba, ch. Ignatious ((Ignatius Esq. (s. Lt. Ignatius and Bathsheba, July 6,
1773. [Bathsheba, P.R. 4.)
Benjamin, ch. Melzar [q. v.] and Deborah ((d. Josiah Cushman). Aug. 10, 1796.
(Caleb, ch. Caleb Esq. and Lydia (see Caleb, Oct. 2, 1704]. June 7, 1697,
recorded at Plymouth).
Caleb, ch. (Capt.) CALEB (ESQ., physician), and Lidia [(Lydia (d. Edward Gray
and Dorothy (second w.) of Plymouth); s. Thomas and Hannah of Hull; s. Dea.
Thomas and Jane of Hingham, afterward of Hull)), (Oct. 2, 1704.)
Caleb, ch. Ignatius and Sarah [second dup. Ignatious ((s. Caleb Esq.)) and Sarah
((d. Capt. William Shurtleff))], Mar. 9, 1724-5.
Caleb, ch. Ignatius and Sarah [dup. see Caleb, Mar. 9, 1724-5]. July 19, 1727.
Caleb [dup. h. Sarah (wid. Caleb Packard of W. Bridgewater, d. Nathan Howard
Esq. of W. Bridgewater and Jane (d. Edward Howard))], ch. Policarpus [dup. (Dr.
Polycarpus)] ((s. Caleb Esq.)) and Mary, Jan. 22, 1746 [dup. (Jan. 28, 1746-7,
accoding to the account he gave of his birth . .in 1826.
Calvin, ch. Ignatious [Ignatius Esq. (s. Lt. Ignatius) and Bathsheba, Oct. 20,
Campbell Ellis, ch. Levi (s. Lt. Joshua) and Mira (d. Joel Ellis), Feb. 3, 1815,
in P.
(Caroline, ch. Levi (s. Lt. Joshua) and Mira (d. Joel Ellis), Aug. 8, 1808, in
Caroline Matilda, ch. Col. Thomas Ellis [q. v.] and Lydia Ann (Standish), Aug.
11, 1833, in P.
Charles, ch. Ezekiel and Hannah (dup. (Lt. Ezekiel (s. Capt. Thomas) and Hannah
(d. Elisha Stetson of Kingston and Hannah))], Mar. 18, 1788.
Clintha, ch. Ezekiel Jr. (s. Lt. Ezekiel and Hannah) and Lydia [dup. (d. Elijah
Sherman of Plymouth and Hannah)], Oct. 11, 1815.
Clinthea [dup. (Clintha)], ch. Ezekiel and Hannah [dup. see Charles], Apr. 27,
Daniel, ch. (Lt.) Joshua ((s. Thomas 2d)) and Hannah, July 28, 1782.
Daniell, ch. Policarpus ((s. Caleb Esq.)) and Mary, Feb. 1, 1739. [Daniel, bp.
Feb. 24, 1739-40, C.R.]
Daniell, [twin] ch. Policarpus ((s. Caleb Esq.)) and Mary, Apr. 12, 1741.
[Daniel, ch. Dr. Loring, C.R.]
Deberough, ch. (Capt.) John ((s. Caleb Esq.) and Ruth, May 15, 1735. [Deborah,
Deborah (dup. and second dup. (second w. Daniel McLean of P.), [q. v.] and
Deborah ((d. Josiah Cushman)), Mar. 25, 1791.
(Elmira, ch. Levi (s. Lt. Joshua) and Mira (d. Joel Ellis), Nov. 3, 1811, in
Eunice, ch. Ignatious [(Ignatius Esq. (s. Lt. Ignatius))) and Bathsheba, June
11, 1753. [w. Capt. John Bradford of P., P.R. 4.]
Eveline Kimball, ch. Ezekiel Jr. [q. v.] and Lydia (Sherman), May 1, 1828.
(Ezekiel [dup.(Lt. Ezekiel, h. Hannah (d. Elisha Stetson of Kingston and
Hannah))] ch. Capt. Thomas [q.v.] and Sarah (Lobdell), July 27, 1742).
Ezekiel [dup. and third dup. (Jr.), third dup. (sold his farm in Plympton and
moved . . . September 12, 1833, with all his family then living except his two
oldest Children, to .. . Homer . . . County of Cortland in . . . New York—He had
for a time been a Captain or Master of a vessel, h. Lydia (d. Elijah Sherman of
Plymouth and Hannah))], ch. Ezekiel and Hannah [second dup. see Charles], Nov.
23, 1786.
(Fanny, ch. Jacob [q. v.] and Lydia (Tillson), Aug. 27, 1803, in P.)
Friend, ch. Ezekiel and Hannah [dup. see Charles], Sept. 19, 1780.
George, h. Hannah Harlow (d. Micah Bryant and Drusilla), s. Lt. Friend (s. Lt.
Ezekiel and Hannah of P.) and Rhoda of Portland, Me., May 14, 1816, in Portland,
George Edward, ch. George (q. v.] and Hannah Harlow (Bryant), Jan. 24, 1843
[dup. in P.].
(Hannah, w. Joseph Thomas Esq. of P., ch. Caleb Esq. and Lydia [see Caleb, Oct.
2, 1704], Aug, 7, 1698, recorded at Plymouth).
Hannah, ch. Policarpus ((s. Caleb Esq.)) and Mary, Aug. 31, 1731. [eldest d. Dr.
Polycarpus and Mary, G.R. 1.]
(Hannah[--------], w. Lt. Joshua (s. Thomas 2d), July 28, 1752, in Rainham.
Hannah, (w. Lewis Ames of Bridgewater), ch. (Lt.) Joshua ((s. Thomas 2d)) and
Hannah, June 1, 1790.
Helcena Frances, ch. Simeon Morton [q. v., dup. shoemaker] and Mary Elizabeth
(Blanchard) [dup. of P.], Feb. 18, 1846 [dup. in P.].
(Heman, Ch. Jacob [q. v.] and Lydia (Tillson), Sept. 17, 1786, Halifax).
Ignatious, s. Ignations and Sarah (see William], Aug. 14, 1729 [Ignatius, h.
Bathsheba Bass, P.R. 4]
Ignatious, ch. Ignatious [(Ignatius Esq. (s. Lt. Ignatius))] and Bathsheba, Dec.
26, 1755.
(Ignatius, Lt., ch. Caleb Esq. and Lydia (see Caleb, Oct. 2, 1704], Dec. 27,
1699, recorded at Plymouth).
Isaac, ch. Ignatious [(Ignatius Esq. (s. Lt. Ignatius))] and Bathsheba. Nov. 1,
Isaac, twin ch. Ignatious [(Ignatius Esq. (s. Lt. Ignatius))] and Bathsheba,
June 8, 1780.
Isaac, ch. Ezekiel and Hannah [dup. see Charles], Oct. 20, 1795.
(Isaac [dup. (Isaac 2d, h. Elizabeth (d. Lemuel Morton of Plymouth and Azubah),
ch. Simeon [dup. of P.)] (s. Thomas Jr.) and Rebecca (d. Ephraim Soule), Aug.
10, 1799).
Jabez, ch. Hannah, Dec. 25, 1769.
Jacob, ch. Caleb and Lidia [dup. see Caleb, Oct. 2, 1704], May 15, 1711.
Jacob, ch. Policarpus ((s. Caleb Esq.)) and Mary, Dec, 1, 1735.
Jacob [dup. (h. Lydia (d. John Tillson of Halifax))], ch. Ignatius [(Ignatius
Esq. (s. Lt. Iguatius))). and Bathsheba, Feb. 14, 1762.
James, ch. (Capt.) John ((s. Caleb Esq.)) and Ruth, May 1, 1739.
Jane, ch. Ignatious [(Ignatius Esq. (s. Lt. Ignatius and Bathsheba. May 12,
John, ch. Caleb and Lidia [dup. see Caleb, Oct. 2, 1704], Nov. 17, 1715.
John, ch. (Capt.) John ((s. Caleb Esq.)) and Ruth. Apr. 13, 1748.
John, ch. Ezekiel and Hannah [dup. see Charles], Nov. 18 (dup. Nov. 19], 1776.
John [dup. (h. Mary (Whitten) of Kingston)], ch. Melzar [q.v.] and Deborah ((d.
Josiah Cushman), Apr. 19, 1794).
John Thomas, ch. Ezekiel Jr. (s. Lt. Ezekiel and Hannah) and Lydia (dup. see
Clintha. Aug. 17, 1821.
Jonathan, ch. Ignatious [(Ignatius Esq. (s. Lt. Ignatius))] and Bathsheba, Dec.
3, 1759. [s. Ens. Ignatius and Bathsheba, G.R. 1.]
(Jonathan, ch. Jacob W. [q. v.] and Lydia (Tillson), Feb. 22, 1785. in Halifax).
Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Sarah, grand s. Jacob, Mar. 30, 1815, in Braintree.
Joseph, ch. Caleb and Lidia [dup. see Caleb, Oct. 2, 1704], July 25, 1713.
Joseph, ch. Ignatius and Sarah [see William], May 1, 1734.
Joshua [dup.(Lt.), second dup.(h. Hannah(d. Shubael Campbell of Raynham))], ch.
Thomas Jr. and Zilpha [dup. and second dup. (Thomas 2d, q. v., and Zilpah, Nov.
19, 1751, in Duxborough.
Joshua, ch. (Lt.) Joshua ((s. Thomas 2d)) and Hannah, Jan. 4, 1788.
Leonica [dup. (Leonice)], ch. Ezekiel and Hannah [dup. see Charles], Feb. 4,
Levi (dup. (h. Mira (d. Joel Ellis))], ch. (Lt.) Joshua ((s. Thomas 2d)) and
Hannah, Mar. 19, 1778 [dup. (in P.)].
(Levi [dup. (Jr., h. Ruth Hatch (d. Perez Sampson of Pembroke and Lucinda))],
ch. Levi [dup. (of P.)] (s. Lt. Joshua) and Mira (d. Joel Ellis). Aug. 1, 1802.
in Raynham).
Levy [(Levi)], ch. Ignatious [(Ignatius Esq. (s. Lt. Ignatius))] and Bathsheba,
May 16, 1768.
Lewis, ch. Ezekiel and Hannah [dup. see Charles], Feb. 17, 1785.
Lidia, ch. Caleb and Lidia [see Caleb, Oct. 2, 1704],-----,(1706).
Lidia, (first w. Lt. Zebedee Chandler of P.), ch. Caleb and Lidia [see Caleb.
Oct. 2, 1704], Aug. 23, 1721.
Lidia. (w. Ebenezer Porter of Bridgewater), ch. Ignatious and Sarah [see
William], June 1, 1736. [Lydia, C.R. P.R. 4]
Lucinda Sampson. ch. Levi Jr. [q.. v.] and Ruth Hatch (Sampson), Jan. 7, 1828.
(Lucy, ch. Jacob [q. v.] and Lydia (Tillson), May 8, 1793. in P.)
Lydia (see Lidia).
Lydia [dup. (w. Josiah Wright (s. Levi)), ch. Ezekiel and Hannah [second dup.
see Charles], May 17, 1782.
Lydia Sherman, ch. Ezekiel Jr. (s. Lt. Ezekiel and Hannah) and Lydia [dup. (d.
Elijah Sherman of Plymouth and Hannah)], Aug. 4, 1818.
Maria Louisa, ch. Thomas bp. Apr. 29, 1849, C.R.
Maria Morton, w. James T. Barstow, ch. Ezekiel Jr. [q. v.] and Lydia (Sherman).
Aug. 19, 1824.
Mary [second dup. (w. Thomas Thompson of Halifax)), ch. Ignatius and Sarah
[second dup. see Caleb, Mar. 9, 1724-5], Feb. 1, [dup. Jan. 31], 1725-6.
Mary, d. Ruth, wid., bp. Oct. 7, 1758, C.R.
(Maryann [dup. and second dup. (Mary Ann, w. Oliver Churchill Jr. of P.), q.
v.], ch. Ezekiel Jr. and Lydia [dup. see Clintha; second dup. (Capt. EZEKIEL of
P. and Lydia; S. LT. EZEKIEL and Hannah ; s. Capt.. Thomas and Sarah; s. Caleb
Esq. and Lydia, all of P.)], May 18, 1811).
Melzar [dup. and second dup. (h. Deborah (Cushman) Jr.), q. v.] ch. Thomas Jr.
and Zilpha [dup. and second dup. (Thomas 2d of P., q. v., and Zilpah)], June 19,
1755, in Duxborough.
Melzar, ch. Melzar [q. v.] and Deborah ((d. Josiah Cushman)), Oct 13, 1782.
(Mira Ellis, ch. Levi (s. Lt. Joshua} and Mira (d. Joel Ells). Mar. 25, 1801, in
Moley, ch. Policarpus ((s. Caleb Esq.)) and Mary, Sept. 5, 1733.
Molly (see Polly).
Moly, ch. Ignatious [(Ignatius Esq. (s. Lt. Ignatius))] and Bathsheba, Mar. 19,
Nancy Sherman, ch. Isaac 2d [q. v.] and Elizabeth (Morton), Sept 9, 1830.
Nathanael Thomas, s. John, bp. Dec. 3, 1749, C.R.
Orpha [dup. (Orpah, w. John Curtis (s. William and Hannah of Stoughton))], ch.
(Lt.) Joshua ((s. Thomas 2d)) and Hannah [dup. of P.)]. Jan. 31, 1793 [dup. (in
Peleg, s. John, bp. Nov. 17, 1751, C.R.
(Perez, ch. Jacob [q. v.] and Lydia (Tillson), Dec. 6, 1788, in Halifax).
Polly, (w. Charles Brewster of Duxbury), ch. (Lt.) Joshua ((s. Thomas 2d)) and
Hannah, Apr. 28, 1785. [Molly, C.R.]
Pollycarpus, ch. Ignatious [Ignatius Esq. (s. Lt. Ignatius))] and Bathsheba,
Feb. —, 1770. [Polycarpus, Feb. —, 1772, sic, see Calvin, P.R. 4]
(Polycarpus, Dr., ch. Caleb Esq. and Lydia [see Caleb, Oct. 2, 1704], Jan.
—,1700-1, recorded at Plymouth).
Polycarpus, twin ch. Ignatious [(Ignatius Esq. (s. Lt. Ignatius)] and Bathsheba,
June 8, 1780.
Priscila, ch. (Capt.) John ((s. Caleb Esq.)) and Ruth, Aug. 17, 1737.
[Priscilla, C.R.]
Rebackah, ch. (Capt.) John ((s. Caleb Esq.)) and Ruth, Nov. 10, 1742. [Rebekah,
(Rebecca [dup. (w. Thomas Randall (s. Onesimus))], ch. Simeon (s. Thomas Jr.)
and Rebecca (d. Ephraim Soule), Apr. 3, 1793).
Robert [dup. (Robert)] Bradford, ch. Melzar [q. v.] and Deborah ((d. Josiah
Cushman)), Jan. 8, 1799.
(Robert, ch. Jacob [q. v.] and Lydia (Tillson), July 13, 1806, in P.)
Ruth, ch. (Capt.) John ((s. Caleb Esq.)) and Ruth, Jan. 9, 1740-1.
Ruth Thomas, ch. Levi Jr. [q. v.] and Ruth Hatch (Sampson), Feb. 3, 1826.
[Sarah, ch. Ignatius and Sarah [dup. see Caleb, Mar. 9, 1724-5], Oct. 11, 1731.
Sarah, ch. Ignatious [Ignatius Esq. (s. Lt. Ignatius))] and Bathsheba. July 21,
Sarah [dup. (w. Dea. John Cook of Kingston)], ch. Ezekiel and Hannah [dup. see
Charles], Aug. 10, 1778.
(Sarah, ch. Jacob [q. v.] and Lydia (Tillson), Sept. 25, 1795, in P.)
Seth, ch. Ezekiel and Hannah [dup. see Charles], Nov. 8, 1783.
(Seth Lewis, ch. Ezekiel Jr. (s. Lt Ezekiel and Hannah) and Lydia [dup. see
Clintha], Feb. 20, 1809).
Simeon [dup. and second dup. (h. Rebecca (d. Ephraim Soule of P.)], ch. Thomas
Jr. and Zilpha [second dup. (Thomas 2d, q. v., and Zilpah)], Dec. 26, 1762, in
Simeon Morton [dup. h. Mary Elizabeth (d. Capt. Jonathan Blanchard and Mary Ann
(second w.))], ch. Isaac 2d [q. v.] and Elizabeth (Morton) [dup. of P.], Oct.
15, 1826 [dup. in P.].
Sophia, ch. Ezekiel and Hannah [dup. see Charles], Oct. 8, 1789.
Southworth, ch. Melzar [q. v.] and Deborah ((d. Josiah Cushman)), Nov. 3, 1784.
Southworth, ch. Levi (s. Lt. Joshua) and Mira (d. Joel Ellis), July 20, 1818, in
Susanah, (w. Thomas Gannett), ch. Policarpus ((s. Caleb Esq.)) and Mary, Feb. 6,
Thomas [dup. (Capt., h. Sarah (d. Ebenezer Lobdell))], ch. Caleb and Lidia
[second dup. see Caleb, Oct. 2, 1704], Apr. 14, 1718.
(Thomas 2d, h. Zilpah (Bradford) [see death of Zilpah], s. Thomas of Duxbury and
Mary (Southworth); s. THOMAS and Deborah (Cushing) of Duxbury, Apr. 19, 1725).
Thomas, ch. Ezekiel and Hannah (dup. see Charles), May 11, 1774.
(Thomas, ch. Levi (s. Lt. Joshua) and Mira (d. Joel Ellis), May 9, 1804, in P.)
Thomas, ch. Ezekiel Jr. (s. Lt. Ezekiel and Hannah) and Lydia [dup. see
Clintha], July 24, 1813.
(Thomas Ellis [dup. (Col., h. Lydia Ann(d. Thomas C. Standish of P. and Bethiah
S.))], ch. Levi (s. Lt. Joshua and Mira (d. Joel Ellis), May 17, 1806, in P.)
William, ch. Ignatious ((s. Caleb Esq.)) and Sarah ((d. Capt. William
Shurtleff)), Apr. 15, 1738.
Zilpah Ch. (Lt.) Joshua ((s. Thomas 2d)) and Hannah, Oct. 10, 1779.
------, d. Dr. Polycarpus and Mary, Feb. 15, 1742-3 [see Abegail], G.R.1.
(---—), d. Capt. Thomas [q. v.] and Sarah (Lobdell),(------).
--------, s. George [q.v.] and Hannah Harlow (Bryant), Sept. 19, 1837.
-------, s. George [q.v.] and Hannah Harlow (Bryant), Nov. 29, 1838, in Homer,
N. Y.
Peter, ch.---------("of the Church att Hull"), bp. Oct.----1707, C.R.
Abegail, ch. Dea. Samuel and Abegail, Aug. 23, 1762.
Abegal, ch. Dea. Samuel and Abegail, Aug. 18, 1756.
Abial, ch. Samuel and Abegail, Aug. 2, 1737.
Abigail (see Abegail and Abegal).
Abijah, ch. Dea. Samuel and Abegail, Feb. 5, 1759.
Barnabas, ch. Joseph and Peircis, Dec. 17, 1721.
Barnabas, s. Joseph and Malatiah, Oct. 30, 1729.
Bezaleel, ch. Dea. Samuel and Abegail, Apr. 22, 1771.
Daniel, ch. Samuel 3d ((s. Dea. Samuel)) and Jemima, Apr. 2, 1781.
David, ch. John and Lydiah, May 5, 1746.
Elisebath, ch. Samuel and Abegail, Feb. 17, 1734-5.
Elisebath, ch. Dea. Samuel and Abegail, Sept. 1, 1768.
Ezra, ch. Samuel 3d ((s. Dea. Samuel)) and Jemima, Mar. 15, 1786.
Hanah [dup. Hannah], ch. Joseph and Peircis [dup. (Dea.) Joseph and Peirces
[(Persis (first w., d. Lt. JONATHAN Shaw and Mehetabel (first w.); s. Dea.
JONATHAN))]], Nov. 10, 1717.
Hannah, ch. John and Lydiah, Apr. 5, 1750.
Isaac, ch. Dea. Samuel and Abegail, Aug. 23, 1750.
Isaac Shaw, ch. Dea. Samuel and Abegail, May 8, 1757.
Isaac Winslow, h. Emily A. (d. Capt. Richard Rankin of Winterport, Me., and
Elmira (Heywood)), ch. Nathaniel [q. v.] and Mary (Wright), May 26, 1835.
Jemima, ch. Samuel 3d ((s. Dea. Samuel)) and Jemima, July 22, 1788.
John, ch. Joseph and Peircis [dup. see Hanah], Dec. 14, 1715.
John, ch. John and Lydiah, July 5, 1744.
Joseph, ch. John and Lydiah, Oct. 3, 1742.
Louis, ch. Samuel 3d ((s. Dea. Samuel)) and Jemima, Feb. 5, 1779.
Lucia Robbins, w. Frederick Wright (s. Winslow of Boston and Sarah), d. Jesse
and Deborah of Carver, Oct 12, 1829, in Carver.
Lydiah, ch. John and Lydiah, Mar. 27, 1748.
Moley, ch. Samuel and Elisebath, May 26, 1723.
(Nathaniel, h. Mary (d. Isaac Wright Esq. and Selah), s. Nehemiah of Carver and
Hannah; s. Barnabus and Joanna (Pierce); s. Dea. Joseph and Malatiah (second
w.), Sept. 9, 1800, in Carver).
Parsus, ch. John and Lydiah, Jan. 15, 1741-2.
Patiance, (w. Joseph Robbins), ch. Dea. Samuel and Abegail, July 3, 1766.
Patience, ch. Joseph and Peircis [dup. see Hanah], Jan. 17, 1723-4.
Persis(see Parsus).
Rebacca, ch. Samuel 3d ((s. Dea. Samuel)) and Jemima, Feb. 14, 1777.
Repentance, ch. Samuel and Elisebath. Jan. 7, 1725-6.
Samuel, ch. Samuel and Abegail, Nov. 12, 1732.
Samuel, ch. Dea. Samuel and Abegail, June 15, 1752.
Samuel, ch. Samuel 3d ((s. Dea. Samuel)) and Jemima, July 28, 1783.
Samuell [dup. Samuel], ch. Joseph and Peircis [chip. see Hanah], Dec. 19, 1719.
Sarah Ford, w. Joshua Pratt [q. v.], d. William and Pamela of Plymouth, Nov. 11,
1821, in Scituate.
Suseanah, ch. John and Lydiah, July 6, 1752.
William, ch. John and Lydiah, Oct. 12, 1755.
Zilpha, ch. Dea. Samuel and Abegail, Apr. 22, 1773.
Hannah, ch. William [q. v.] and Amanda (Jones), Nov. 6, 1821, in Carver.
James Clemens, ch. William [q. v.] and Amanda (Jones). Feb. 16, 1820, in P.
Sarah Pasco, ch. William (q. v.] and Amanda (Jones), Oct. 23, 1823, in P.
(William, h. Amanda (d. Josiah Jones), Patrick, June 11, 1799, in Passyunk,
Philadelphia Co., Pa.)
MACKFARLIN (see Mackfarling)
David, ch. Elijah Jr. and Sarah, Oct. 26, 1780.
Elijah, ch. Elijah Jr. and Sarah, Dec. 31, 1777.
Huit, (h. Mercy Tillson), ch. John ((s. Solomon Mackfarling)) and Martha
((Glover)), Aug. 9, 1766.
James (h. Olive Elms, h. Ruth Barrows), ch. John ((s. Solomon Mackfarling)) and
Martha ((Glover)), Jan. 20, 1757.
Josiah, ch. Elijah Jr. and Sarah, Oct. 31, 1774.
Martha, (w. Nathaniel Low of Waterville, Me.), ch. John ((s. Solomon
Mackfarling)) and Martha ((Glover)), Sept. 11, 1761.
Mary [dup. (Mackfarling)], ch. Elijah and Luranah [dup. (Lugrana), see Abigail
Mackfarling]. July 18, 1746.
Sarah (dup. (w. Peleg, Sampson (s. Joseph)), ch. John ((s. Solomon Mackfarling))
and Martha ((Glover)), Oct. 5, 1768 [dup. (in P.)].
Solomon, (h. Deborah Marshall), ch. John ((s. Solomon Mackfarling) and Martha
((Glover)), Sept. 18, 1764.
Suseananh, (w. Samuel Bates of Wareham), ch. John ((s. Solomon Mackfarling)) and
Martha ((Glover)), Sept. 8, 1759.
MACKFARLING (see Mackfarlin)
(Abigail, ch. Elijah and Lurana (d. ELISHA BRADFORD of Kingston and Bathsheba
(Le Brock); s. JOSEPH and Jael (Hobart); youngest ch. Gov. William of Plymouth
and Alice (Carpenter)),-------).
(David, ch. Elijah and Lurana [see Abigail],---- ).
(Elijah, ch. Elijah and Lurana [see Abigail],---------).
(Hannah, ch. Elijah and Lurana [see Abigail],--------).
Joseph, ch. Elijah and Lurana [see Abigail],--------).
(Lurana, second w. David Churchill Jr., d. Elijah and Lurana [see Abigail], Aug.
18, 1755).
(Saba, ch. Elijah and Lurana (see Abigail],---------).
(-----------, one or two chn. (who died young) Elijah and Lurana [see
Almira Barker, ch. Elisha Jr. [q. v.] and Abigail (Wright), Oct. 13, 1823, in
(Elisha Jr., h. Abigail (d. John Wright of P.), s. Elisha of Kingston,---------,
in Kingston).
(Judith, w. Spencer Holmes (s. Jedidiah Esq. of Kingston), d. Robert of
Kingston, Feb. 26, 1779, in Kingston).
Mary, w. John Bonney 2d (s. Ezekiel and Sarah), d. Joseph and Deborah of
Pembroke, Oct. 14, 1813, in Pembroke.
Nancy Hervey, ch. Belisha Jr. (q. v.] and Abigail (Wright), June 25, 1822, in P.
Andrew Duncan, ch. Daniel [q. v.] and Deborah (second w.), Mar. 3, 1835.
(Daniel, Emigrated from . . . Glasgow ... landed in ... New York.. March 25,
1811, h. Susanna (d. Dr. Nathan Fobes Esq. of P.), h. Deborah (d. Melzar
Loring), s. Angus and Margaret (d. Hugh McKay and Sally (Robertson)), Dec. 21,
1787, in Barnakill in the Sheriffdom of Knapsdale, Argyle Co., Scot., G. B.).
Daniel Southworth, ch. Daniel [q. v.] and Deborah (second w.), Nov. 28, 1824.
John, ch. Daniel [q, v.] and Deborah (second w.), Aug. 18, 1829.
Susanna, ch. Daniel [q. v.] and Deborah (second w.), Oct. 16, 1826.
-------, ch. Daniel [q. v.] and Susanna [Lusanna, G.R. 1.] (Fobes), May 26,
Andrew, ch. Andrew of Portsmouth, Newport Co., R. I., bp. May 10, 1805, C.R.
John, ch. Andrew of Portsmouth, Newport Co., R. I., bp. May 10, 1805. C.R.
Thomas Gray, ch. Andrew of Portsmouth, Newport Co., R. I., bp. May 10, 1805,
William Cook, ch. Andrew of Portsmouth, Newport Co., R. I., bp. May 10, 1805,
David (Megon), ch. James ((s. David Magoun)) and Elisabeth [(Elisabeth (d. Capt.
John Bradford))], Sept. 9, 1768.
Elisabeth [dup. (Elizabeth, w. Capt. Martin Hayward (s. Solomon of
Bridgewater))], ch. James [dup. (of P)] and Elisabeth [see David], Jan. 24, 1786
[dup. (in P.)].
Isaac, ch. James (Megon) and Elisabeth [see David], Oct. 7, 1777.
James. ch. James (Megon) and Elisabeth [see David], July 15, 1773.
James, ch. James (Megon) and Elisabeth [see David], "July 7th -2d" [sic], 1783.
John, ch. James (Megon) and Elisabeth [see David], Oct. 10, 1771.
Rachel (Megone) [dup. (Magoun, w. Thomas Bowers Harrub (s. Thomas Bowers))], ch.
James [dup. (of P.)] and Elisebeth [see David], Feb. 27, 1780.
Rebekah, ch. James (Megon) and Elisabeth (see David), Apr. 8, 1770.
Warren, ch. James (Megon) and Elisabeth [see David], May 17, 1775.
Deborah, ch. Josiah (Marshal) and Sarah ((d. William Churchill)), Jan. 16, 1766.
Mary, ch. Josiah (Marshal) and Sarah ((d. William Churchill)), Feb. 19, 1758.
Sarah (Marshal), ch. Josiah and Sarah ((d. William Churchill)), Aug. 16, 1751.
Charles Augustus, ch. Henry [q. v.] and Abiga, Mar. 15, 1828.
(Eliza, w. Stetson Chandler (s. Perez of Duxbury), d. Nymphas of Barnstable,
Nov. 21, 1795, in Barnstable).
Elizabeth Cooper, ch. Henry [q. v.] and Abiga, Mar. 23, 1826.
George Winslow, ch. Henry [q. v.] and Abiga , July 4, 1823.
(Henry, h. Abiga (wid. Nathaniel Bradford, d. Isaac Cobb formerly of
Middleborough and Carver), s. Nymphas, Sept. 11, 1794, in Barnstable).
Lucia Sampson, ch. Henry [q. v.] and Abiga, Aug. 22, 1821.
Nathaniel Henry, ch. Henry [q. v.] and Abiga, May 30, 1818, in P.
Nymphas, ch. Henry [q. v.] and Abiga, July 10, 1831.
Edward, ch. Israel (May) and Elisabeth [dup. Isrell and Elizabeth], Mar. 22,
Elisabeth (May) [dup. Elizabeth Maye], ch. Israel and Elisabeth [dup. Isrell and
Elizabeth], Feb. 28, 1714-15.
Marcy, ch. Israel (May) and Elisabeth [dup. Isrell and Elizabeth], Sept. 12,
Moses, ch. Israel (May) and Elisabeth [dup. Isrell and Elizabeth], Oct. 2, 1708.
Sarah, ch. Israel (May) and Elisabeth [dup. Isrell and Elizabath], Oct. 2, 1720.
MEGON (see Magoun).
Jabez, s. Hanah Jackson, Jan. 23, 1720-1.
Alden, h. Fanny Woodbury (d. Dea. Cephas Bumpus and Lydia of P.), s. Aden of
Middleborough and Millison, Aug. 3, 1814, in Middleborough.
Ardelia Millison, ch. Alden [q. v.] and Fanny Woodbury (Bumpus), Dec. 11, 1837,
in Middleborough.
William Alden, ch. Alden [q. v., dup. farmer and shoemaker] and Fanny Woodbury
(Bumpus) [dup. of P.], July 17, 1847, in P.
(Rebekah, w. Joshua Pratt (s. Nathaniel and Mary), d. Benjamin and Mary of
Kingston, Mar. 26, 1760) [in Kingston].
(Josiah, h. Nancy (wid. Seth Holmes of Plymouth, d. Richard Blackmer and Nancy
of Plymouth), s. Cornelius and Jerusha of Plymouth, June 22, 1797, in Plymouth).
Josiah, ch. Josiah [q. v.] and Nancy (Blackmer) (Holmes). Mar. 17, 1840.
Fear, ch. Ephraim and Fear, Oct. 9, 1765
Joseph, ch. Ephraim and Fear, Feb. 12, 1764.
Martha, ch. Ephraim and Fear, Jan. 14, 1768.
Moly, ch. Ephraim and Fear, Oct. 18, 1762.
Parnal, ch. Ephraim and Fear, Jan. 15, 1772.
Sarah, ch. Ephraim and Fear, Feb. 8, 1770.
(Elizabeth, w. Isaac Loring 2d (s. Simeon of P. and Rebecca), d. Lemuel of
Plymouth and Azubah, Nov. 8, 1798. in Plymouth).
Elizabeth Warren, w. Harrison Field (s. Leonard of Taunton), d. Thomas of
Plymouth and Nancy, Dec. 11, 1818, in Plymouth.
James, ch. James and Mehetabell, Apr. 4, 1739.
Josiah, ch. James and Mary, May 10, 1767.
Mary, ch. James and Mary, Oct. 28, 1768.
(Mary, second w. Rev. Elijah Dexter, d. Nathaniel Esq. of Freetown, Sept. 28,
1758, in Freetown).
(Mary, w. Zebedee Wright 2d (s. Billya), d. Bartlett of Plymouth, Feb. 7, 1794,
in Rochester).
Andrew, ch. James and Hannah, Oct. 31, 1758.
Daborah, ch. James and Hannah, Apr. 4, 1744.
Edmond, ch. James and Hannah, June 3, 1763.
Hannah, ch. James and Hannah, Apr. 4, 1752.
Hulde, ch. James and Hannah, Nov. 8, 1760.
James, ch. James and Hannah, Aug. 24, 1754.
Jennet, ch. James and Hannah, May 5, 1746.
John, ch. James and Hannah, June 6, 1742.
Lameuel, ch. James and Faith, Apr. 2, 1770.
Mehitebel, ch. James and Faith, Nov. 18, 1767.
(Elizabeth, w. Joseph Gayton Jr. [q. v.], d. Henry and Catharine of Trowbridge,
Wiltshire, Eng., Jan. 23, 1803, in Halifax, Eng. She landed at Boston, Ms.
November 8, 1830).
(Sarah Bollard, w. John Dexter Cooper (s. Richard and Hannah), d. Simeon of
Templeton and Sally, Dec. 1, 1805, in Marlborough, N. H.)
Mercy Ann, d. Samuel James ("moved into Plympton Aug. 16, 1832, and moved from
thence sometime in December 1832 to Halifax, Ms.") and Mercy, Aug. 30, 1832, in
Samuel James, s. Samuel James [see Mercy Ann] and Mercy, Mar. 12, 1831, in
(Bartlett), ch. Elias ((moved from P., s. Isaac and Sarah)) and Elisabeth
[(Elizabeth (Bartlett) (of Plymouth))], (------- , in P.)
Bonum, ch. Jabez and Ruth, Sept. 4, 1716.
(Elias), ch. Isaac and Sarah, (Mar. 25, 1752 old Style).
(Elizabeth Bartlett), ch. Elias and Elisabeth [see Bartlett], (------, in
(Freeman), ch. Elias and Elisabeth [see Bartlett]. (-----, in Carver).
Isaac, ch. Isaac and Sarah, Apr. 1, 1733.
(Isaac, ch. Jonathan [q. v.] and Betty (Ellis), Oct. 19, 1782).
(Isaac), ch. Elias and Elisabeth [see Bartlett], (------, in Boston).
Jonathan, ch. Jabez and Ruth, Apr. 1, 1711.
(Jonathan) dup. (h. Betty (d. Joel Ellis Jr. of P.))], s. Isaac [dup. (of P. now
Carver)] and Sarah, (June 21, 1746).
(Jonathan, ch. Jonathan [q. v.] and Betty (Ellis). May 10, 1787).
Joseph, ch. Isaac and Sarah, Oct. 4, 1735.
(Joseph [dup. (Lt., h. Mary (d. Elijah Bisbee Esq), h. Susanna (d. Josiah
Churchill and Deborah))], ch. Jonathan [q. v.] and Betty (Ellis), June 9, 1788).
Joseph Bradish [dup. h. Susan Williams (d. Elijah Bisbee and Maria of P.)], ch.
Lt. Joseph [q.v.] and Mary (Bisbee) [dup. of P.], Aug. 13, 1822 [up. in P.].
Margrit Bartlett, ch. Elias and Elisabeth [see Bartlett], Dec. 1, 1788, (in
Mary, (w.---------Orcutt), ch. Isaac and Sarah, May 10, 1738.
Mary Bisbee, ch. Lt. Joseph [q. v.] and Mary (Bisbee), Nov. 2, 1823.
(Meribah, w. James Palmer, ch. Isaac and Sarah, Apr. 11, 1726, not born in
(Phebe [dup. (second w. Capt. Thomas Ellis)), ch. Jonathan [q. v.] and Betty
(Ellis), Feb. 5, 1784).
Ruth, ch. Bonum and Mary, Nov. 21, 1744.
Ruth, ch. Elias and Elisabeth [see Bartlett], Apr. 5, 1787 (in Carver).
(Sarah, w. Francis Pomeroy of Middleborough), ch. Isaac and Sarah, (June 3,
Sarah, ch. Bonum and Mary, Feb. 26, 1746-7.
(Sarah [dup. (w. Charles Fuller)], ch. Jonathan [q. v.] and Betty (Ellis). Apr.
14, 1791).
Sary, ch. Jabez and Ruth, July 28, 1713.
Sary, ch. Jabez and Ruth, Oct. 26, 1719.
(Thomas), ch. Elias and Elisabeth [see Bartlett], (----- , in P.)
-------, s. Isaac and Sarah, June 4, 1729, not born in Plympton).
(----------, d. Isaac and Sarah. Nov. 14, 1731, not born in Plympton).
---------, d. Lt. Joseph [q. v.] and Mary (Bisbee). Aug. 28, 1817.
---------, d. Lt. Joseph [q. v.] and Mary (Bisbee). Apr. 19, 1820.
OSBORN (see Osborne)
(Livona, w. Thomas Wade of Pembroke, second w. Spencer Churchill (s. Prince (s.
Ebenezer) and Silence), d. Thomas and Hannah of Pembroke, Jan. 22, 1802, in E.
OSBORNE (see Osborn)
Eliza Ann, w. Earl Josselyn (s. Earl and Sarah Perkins of E. Bridgewater), d.
Peleg and Sally of E. Bridgewater, Apr. 5, 1823, in E. Bridgewater.