[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

FANCE (see Faunce)
Barnebe, ch. James and Joanah, Apr. 5, 1763.[Barnebas, C. R.]
Benjamin, s. John of Kingston, bp. Apr. 18, 1742, C.R.
Marcy, ch. James and Joanah, Jan. 16, 1770.
Moly, ch. James and Joanah, Sept. 15, 1761.
Salune, ch. James and Joanah, Sept. 30, 1768.
Thomas, ch. Thomas and Hanah, Jan. 26, 1744-5.
William, ch. James and Jonah, Apr. 4, 1771.
FAUNCE (see Fance)
Desier, ch. James (Fance) and Joanah, Dec. 9, 1765.
James (Fance), ch. James and Sarah, Apr. 8, 1760.
Moley (Fance), ch. JJames and Sarah, Feb. 24, 1755-6.
Ruth (Fence), ch. James and Sarah, Sept. 11, 1757.
Sarah, ch. James and Sarah, Jan. 20, 1752-3.
(Susanna, w. Winslow Sturtevant (s. Caleb of Halifax), d. Elisha of Halifax,
Nov. 27, 1770, in Halifax).
Caroline Elizabeth, ch. Harrison [q. v.] and Elizabeth Warren (Morton , Jan. 10,
1840, in Plymouth.
Emma Jane, ch. harrison[q. v.] and Elizabeth Warren (Morton), Aug. 1, 1846, in
Frances Ann, ch. Harrison [q. v.] and Elizabeth Warren (Morton), Apr. 4, 1844,
in Taunton.
Gilbert Harrison, ch. Harrison [q. v.] and Elizabeth Warren (Morton), Feb. 11,
1849, in Marshfield.
Harrison, h. Elizabeth Warren (d. Thomas Morton of Plymouth and Nancy), s.
Leonard of Taunton, Oct. 16, 1826, in Taunton.
Lydia Almira, ch. Harrison [q. v.] and Elizabeth Warren (Morton), Aug 19, 1841,
in Taunton.
Susanna [dup. (first w. Daniel McLean)], ch. Dr. Nathan [dup. (Esq. of P.)] and
Susanna ((d. Ebenezer Soule)), Feb. 19, 1787.
Amos, s. Joseph "of the Church at Marsfeeld," bp. Oct. 23, 1709, C.R.
Paul [? s. Joseph), bp. July --, 1706, C.R.
(Amelia Drew, w. Cephas Cushman Bumpus (s. Dea. Cephas and Lydia), d. Capt.
Joseph of Kingston and Lydia, Jan. 20, 1806).
(Mary Jones, w. Isaac Packard of W. Bridgewater, w. Ezekiel Ripley , d. Samuel
and Mary, Nov. 20, 1799, in E. Bridgewater).
FREEMAN (see Freemon)
(Lydia, w. Capt. Daniel Weston (s. Dea. Jabez), d. Weston of Duxbury and Lurana,
Mar. 30, 1805, in Duxbury).
(Sarah, w. Zenas Davis [q. v.], d. Martin of Rochester and Mercy, Mar. 21, 1799,
in Middleborough).
FREEMON (see Freeman)
Charles, ch. Bradford ((moved to Conn.)) and Sarah; (s. Jonathan (Freeman) of
Harwich and Mercy (d. Maj. John Bradford)), Oct. 15, 1735.
Charles, ch. Bradford and Sarah [see Charles, Oct. 15, 1735], Mar. 26, 1751.
[Freeman, C.R.]
Hanah ch. Bradford and Sarah [see Charles, Oct. 15, 1735], July 19, 1737.
[Hannah, C.R.]
Jonathan, ch. Bradford and Sarah [see Charles, Oct. 15, 1735], Oct. 24, 1745.
[Freeman, C.R.]
Marcy, ch. Bradford and Sarah [see Charles, Oct. 15, 1735], Oct. 20, 1742.
Mary, ch. Bradford and Sarah [see Charles, Oct. 15, 1735}, Apr. 18, 1757.
Mercy (see Marcy)
Moley, ch. Bradford and Sarah [see Charles, Oct. 15, 1735], Oct. 20, 1739.
Abial (see Abyal)
Abiall, ch. Abiall and Annis, Mar. 17, 1711--12.
(Abigail, ch. Amos [see Amose] and Abigail (first w.), June 12, 1753).
Abigaill, ch. Abiall and Annis, Apr. 5, 1709.
Abyal, ch. Abyal [(Abiel)] and Sarah, Mar. 10, 1759. [Abial, s. Abial, C.R.]
Alden, s. Abial, bp. Apr. 24, 1757, C.R.
(Amos, ch. Amos [see Amose] and Rachel (second w.), Oct. 27, 1760).
Amos [dup. (h. Priscilla Vaughan (d. Capt. George Shaw of Middleborough and
Betsy ), h. Lucinda (d. Ward (Sturtevant and Lucinda of Halifax))], ch. Philemon
[q. v.] and Marcy [dup. (Mercy)), Sept. 23, 1796.
Amos Simmer, ch. Amos [q. v.] and Priscilla Vaughan (Shaw), Feb. 10, 1827.
Amose [second dup. (Amos, h. Abigail (d. James Harlow), h. Rachel (wid. Philemon
Sampson, d. Moses Standish))], ch. Nathaniell and Martha [dup. (Nathaniel, q.
v., and Martha (Sampson))], Feb. 12, 1718-19.
Anah, ch. Samuel and Anah, May 4, 1757. [Anna, d. Ann, C.R.]
Annis, ch. Abiall and Annis, May 28, 1718.
Archippus, ch. Seth and Sarah, May 17, 1721.
Asa, ch. Abyal [(Abial)) and Sarah, Dec. 18, 1760.
Barnabas [dup. Barnibus], ch. Nathanell and Martha [dup. (Nathaniel, q. v., and
Martha (Sampson))], Sept. 25, 1723.
Benjamin, ch. Samuel and Anah [Ann, C.R.],Dec. 10, 1752.
Benjamin Franklin, s. Benjamin dup. of Halifax] and Polly (d. Bennett [dup.
Bennet] Perkins and Hannah; s. Nathan), Mar. 28, 1821 [dup. in Halifax].
Benjamin, ch. Abiall and Annis, Mar. 13, 1705-6.
Betsy Shaw, ch. Amos [q. v.] and Priscilla Vaughan (Shaw), July 8, 1829, in
Bildad [dup. (h. Margaret (d. Joseph Bonney))], ch. Philemon [q. v.] and Marcy,
Nov. 23, 1789.
Charles [dup. (h. Deborah (d. Lt. Daniel Soule), h. Sarah (d. Jonathan Nye))],
ch. Philemon [q. v.] and Marcy, Apr. 6, 1787.
Charles Augustus, ch. Charles (a. Philemon) and Deborah (d. Lt. Daniel Souls),
Jane 30, 1816.
(Clara, ch. Ephraim [q. v.) and Zerviah (Chandler), Dec. 29, 1810).
Clara Lessenton, ch. Zebedee Chandler [q. v., dup. farmer] and Mary Martin
(Perkins) [dup. of P.], Nov. 16, 1849. [dup. in P.].
Darius Albert, h. Bildad [q. v.] and Margaret (Bonney), Apr. 7, 1819.
Deborah [dup. Deburah], d. Jabez and Patience [(Priscilla), dup. Pricila, Nov.
23, 1727.
Deborah, d. Seth, bp. Nov. 4, 1733, C.R.
Deborah, d. Priscilla, bp. Oct. 24, 1736, C.R.
Dexter, ch. Harvey (s. Philemon and Mercy) and Eliza Fuller (d. Levi Harlow and
Molly), July 12, 1831.
Earl, ch. Ephraim [q. v.] and Zerviah July ((Chandler), Oct. 1, 1823.
Edward [dup. h. Sophia Matilda (d. Otis Phinney and Betsy of P.)], ch. Harvey
and Eliza [dup. of P., see Dexter], Nov. 26, 1826.
Elcanah (dup. Elkinah), ch. James and Judeth [dup. (James (s. Samuel and Mercy
of P.) and Judith (d. Henry Rickard Sr. of P.))], Feb. 9, 1725-6.
Eliza Chandler, ch. Ephraim [q. v.] and Zerviah (Chandler), Dec. 5, 1830.
(Elizabeth, twin ch. Nathaniel [q. v.] and Martha (Sampson), July 20, 1716).
[July 2, G.R.1.]
(Elizabeth, w. Lt. Nathaniel Harlow of P., d. Issachar (moved from Kingston to
that part of Plympton which is now Carver) and Elizabeth (first w.), Feb. 14,
1764, in Kingston.
Elizabeth, ch. Solomon [q. v.] and Mary (Soule), Sept. 18, 1842 [dup. in P.].
Elkanah (see Elcanah).
Elvira Lincoln, ch. Ephraim and Mary B., May 1, 1844.
(Ephraim, h. Zeravish (d. Zebedee Chandler of P.), s. Ephraim of Halifax, May 4,
1780, in Halifax).
Ephraim, ch. Ephraim [q. v.] and Zerviah (Chandler), Dec. 18, 1817.
Eunice, ch. Amos [q. v.] and Lucinda (Sturtevant) (second w.), Sept 25, 1841.
Felicia Hemans, ch. Edward [q. v., dup. seaman and shoemakerj and Sophia Matilda
(Phinney) [dup. of P.], June 12, 1848, [dup. ch. P.].
Gamalel, ch. Abyal [Abiel] and Sarah, May 1, 1745.
George Bonney [dup. h. Sarah Ramond (d. Charles Fuller and Sarah(second w.) of
P. ch. Bildad[q.v.] and Margaret (Bonney)[du[. of P.], Aug. 28, 1821[dup. in
George Frederick, ch. Ephraim and Mary B., Sept. 15, 1849, in Mlddleboro[ugh].
George Lindley, ch. Harvey and Elisa [see Dexter], May 14, 1834.
(Hannah, w. Peleg Cook of Kingston, w. Samuel Drew of Kingston, ch. Amos (s.
Nathaniel) and Abigail (first w., d. James Harlow), [Oct. 1, 1749.]
Hannah, ch. Ephraim[q.v.] and Zerviah(Chandler) Apr. 26, 1815.
Harve[dup.(Harvey, h. Eliza Fuller((d. Levi Harlow and Molly))), ch. Philemon
and Marcy [dup. (Mercy)], Feb. 14, 1792.
Hasadiah, ch. Benjamin and Mary, Mar. 3, 1721-2.
Henry, ch. Amos [q.v.] and Priscilla Vaughan (Shaw). Dec. 19, 1833.
Henry, ch. Amos [q. v., dup. farmer and carpenter] and Lucinda (Sturtevant)
(second w.) [dup. of P.], June 5, 1848 [dup. in P.].
Henry Solomon, ch. Solomon [q. v , dup. farmer] and Mary Soule) [dup. of P.],
Dec. 10, 1849 [(dup. in P.].
(Huldah, w. Nehemiah Sturtevant (s. Noah), d. Samuel of Halifax, June 1, 1752).
Isaac, ch. Isaac and Mary, Sept. 24, 1712.
Isaac, ch. Isaac ((s. Issachar of Carver)) and Lydea [(Lydia (d. John Ellis))
crossed out], Jan. 14, 1781.
(Isaac, h. Cynthia (d. Oliver Porter of Halifax and Susanna), s. Samuel of
Halifax and Sarah (d. Benjamin Cushman of P. and Zeruiah), May 5, 1799, in
Isaac Porter, ch. Isaac [q. v.] and Cynthia (Porter), Jan. 1, 1826, in
Jane Helen, ch. Amos [q. v., dup. mechanic] and Lucinda (Sturtevant) (second w.)
[dup. of P.], Mar. 18, 1846 [dup. in P.].
Jeptha, ch. Benjamen and Mary, July 26, 1720.
Jesse, ch. Nathaniel and Martha [dup. (Nathaniel, q. v., and Martha (Sampson)],
Feb. 18, 1725-6.
(Joanna, w. Abiel White[q.v.] d. Thomas of Halifax and Hannah (d. Jonathan
Ripley of Halifax (s. William of W. Bridgewater and brother of Dea. Timothy and
William of P. and of Sarah (w. Capt. George Bryant of P.)) and Hannah (d.
William Sturtevant of Halifax and Fear (d. Rev. Isaac Cushman, first Minister of
P., and Rebekah; s. Eld. Thomas Cushman of Plymouth and Mary (d. Isaac Allerton)
; s. Robert Cushman); s. Dea. Samuel STURTEVANT, one of the first Settlers of
Halifax, and Mercy (first w.); s. SAMUEL STURTEVANT of Plymouth) ); s. John;
FULLER of Halifax; s. John; of Halifax; s. John; s. Rev. Samuel, first Minister
of Middleborough, and Elisabeth; s. Dr. Samuel of Plymouth, who came . . . in
the Mayflower in 1620, Sept. 18, 1785, in Halifax).
(Joanna, w. Silvanus Eddy (s. Samuel formerly of Middleborough), d. Samuel of
Halifax, Nov. 16, 1787, in Halifax).
John, ch. Abiall and Annis, Feb. 25, 1703-4.
Joseph Henry [dup. h. Eleanor Faunce (d. Asa Cook and Rebecca D. of Kingston)],
ch. Bildad [q. v.] and Margaret (Bonney) (dup. of P., Sept. 22, 1816[dup. in
Josiah Soule, ch. Charles (s. Philemon) and Deborah (d. Lt. Daniel Soule), Nov.
17, 1817.
Juliet Maria, ch. George Bonney [q. v., dup. school teacher and shoemaker] and
Sarah Rosamond (Fuller) [dup. of P.], Aug. 17, 1847 [dup. in P.].
Lafayeyye, ch. Charles and Sarah (second w., d. Jonathan Nye), Feb 16, 1834.
Lewis Warren, ch. Amos [q. v.] and Lucinda (Sturtevant) (second w.), Feb. 21,
(Lydia, ch. Nathaniel Jr. [q. v.] and Lydia (Perry), Apr. 22, 1746).
(Lydia, w. Elisha Cushman Cushman [sic] of Kingston, second w. Perez Bradford
(s. Capt. John and Elizabeth), d. Capt. Josiah of Kingston and Lidia, Aug. 21,
Lydia, (w. Freeman Ellis Esq. of Maine), ch. Isaac and Lydea [see Isaac, Jan.
14, 1784], Jan. 9, 1783.
Marcus, ch. Ephraim [q. v.] and Zerviah (Chandler), Oct. 30, 1826.
(Martha, ch. Amos [see Amose] and Abigail (first w.), Dec. 15, 1746).
(Mary,h Amos [see Amose] and Abigail (first w.), May 24, 1745).
Mary, ch. Samuel and Anah, Nov. 23, 1748. [Molly, d. Ann, C.R.]
Mary Ellen, ch. Ephraim and Mary B., July 1, 1846.
Mary Francis, ch. Joseph Henry [q. v., dup. carpenter] and Eleanor Faunce (Cook)
[dup. of P.], Nov. 11, 1843 [dup. in P.).
(Nathaniel, h. Martha (d. first George Sampson of P. and Elizabeth), s. Samuel,
one of the first Settlers of Plympton, and Mercy; s. Rev. Samuel of
Middleborough and Elizabeth; s. Dr. Ssmuel, one of the first Pilgrims at
Plymouth, Nov. 14, 1687).
Nathaniel [dup. Nathaniell, second dup. (Nathaniel Jr., h. Lydia (Perry)], ch.
Nathaniel and Martha [dup. (Nathaniel, q. v., and Martha (Sampson))], May 26,
(Nathaniel, ch. Amos [see Amose] and Abigail (first w.), Dec. 12, 1747).
Phebe Nye, ch. Charles and Sarah (second w., d. Jonathan Nye), June 10, 1824.
(Philemon, h. Marcy (d. Capt. Seth Cushman [sic, ? Chipman) s. Amos and Rachel
[dup. ((second w., wid. Philemon Sampson, d. Moses Standish))]; s. Nathaniel of
P.; s. SAMUEL, one of the first Settlers of Plympton; s. Rev. SAMUEL, the first
Minister of Middleborough; s. DR. SAMUEL of Plymouth, who came . . . in the
Mayflower in 1620. Oct. 20, 1763).
Philemon, ch. Philemon [q. v.] and Marcy, June 16, 1794.
Philemon, ch. Harvey and Eliza (see Dexter], Oct 24, 1838.
(Polly, w. Arnold Leach (q. v.], d. Samuel of Halifax (s. Samuel of Halifax and
Elizabeth (Thompson)) and SARAH (d. BENJAMIN Cushman of P. and Zeruiah (d.
William Sampson and Joanna (Vaughan) ; s. George Sampson, one of the first
Settlers of Plympton, and Elizabeth); s. BENJAMIN Cushman of P. and Sarah
(Eaton) (first w.); s. Thomas, one of the first Settlers of Plympton, and
Abigail (Fuller) (second w.); oldest s. Eld. Thomas of Plymouth and Mary
(Allerton); s. Robert), Nov. 10, 1789, in Halifax).
Reliance, ch. Isaac and Mary, Dec. 28, 1710.
Rube, ch. Samuel and Anah, Jan. 20, 1750-1. (Ruby, d. Ann, C.R.]
Ruth [dup. (w. James Cobb , ch. Nathaniel and Martha (dup. (Nathaniel, q. v.,
and Martha (Sampson))], Mar. 4, 1713—14.
Sameuel, ch. Isaac and Lydea[ses Isaac, Jan. 14,1781], Dec. 1,1784.
Samuel, s. Seth, bp. Apr. 30. 1738, C.R.
Samuell, ch. Benjamen and Mary, May 14, 1724.
Samuell, ch. Nathaniell and Martha [dup.(Nathaniel, q. v., and Martha
(Sampson))], Nov. 11, 1729.
Sarah [dup. (w. Isaac Sturtevant, w. Austin Bearce)), ch. Nathaniell and Martha
[dup. (Nathaniel, q. v., and Martha (Sampson))], Sept. 28, 1712.
Sarah. d. Seth and Deborah, Jan. 27, 1727-8.
(Sarah, [dup. (second)] w. Samuel Bradford of P., ch. Amos [see Amose, dup. (of
P.)] and Abigail (first w.), Apr. 6, 1751.)
Sarah, ch. Isaac and Lydea (see Isaac, Jan. 14, 1781],Nov. 7, 1778.
(Sarah, ch. Philemon [q. v.] and Marcy, Apr. 6, 1804).
Sarah, w. Lt. Elihu Ellis (a. Marrick and Sophia of P.), d. Samuel Jr. of
Halifax and Nancy, Sept. 18, 1818, in Halifax.
Sarah Rosmond [dup. w. George Bonney Fuller, q. v.], ch. Charles and Sarah
(second w.) dup. of P.] (d. Jonathan Nye), Mar. 23, 1829 [dup. in P.].
Seth, ch. Abiall and Annis, June 12, 1715.
Silvenes, ch. Samuel and Anah, Mar. 16, 1755. [Silvans, d. Ann, C.R.]
Solomon [second dup. h. Mary (d. Benjamin Soule and Polly), h. Catharine (d.
Micah Gibbs and Elizabeth E. of Wareham)], ch. Ephrann [q.v.] and Zerviah
(Chandler) [dup. of P.], Nov 13, 1812.
Susan Frances, ch. Solomon [q. v., dup. farmer] and Mary (Soule) [dup. of P.],
June 26, 1846 [dup. in P.].
(Warren, ch. Philemon [q. v.] and Marcy, Oct. 5, 1799).
(William, twin ch. Nathaniel [q. v.] and Martha (Sampson), July 20, 1716). [July
2, G.R.1.]
(William, ch. Nathaniel Jr. [q. v.] and Lydia (Perry), Mar. 15, 1744-5).
William, ch. Amos [q. v.] and Lucinda (Sturtevant) (second w.), Feb. 6, 1838.
Zebedee Chandler [dup. h. Mary Martin (d. Josiah Perkins Jr. and Deborah of
P.)], ch. Ephraim [q. v.] and Zerviah (Chandler) [dup. of P.], July 22, 1821.
(Zerviah Thompson, ch. Ephraim [q. v.] and Zerviah (Chandler), Feb. 28, 1809.).
---------, two ch. Jabez and Deborah, Jan. 24, 1724-5, G.R.1.
---------, ch. Zebedee Chandler [q.v., dup. shoemaker], and Mary Martin
(Perkins) [dup. of P.], Aug. 19, 1845 [dup. in P.].
(Rhoda, w. Zebedee Wright (s. Ebenezer of P. and Deliverance (second w.)), d.
John of Middleborough, July 21, 1789, in Middleborough).
(Thomas, h. Susanna (d. Dr. Polycarpus Loring), s. Joseph of Bridgewater and
Hannah (second w.), Mar. 31, 1736 "old Style").
Ann, ch. Joseph Jr. [q . v.] and Elisabeth (Nash), Dec. 21, 1823, in Trowbridge
Charles Nash, ch. Joseph Jr. [q.v.] and Elizabeth (Nash), Aug. 12, 1833, in P.
George, ch. Joseph Jr. [q. v.] and Elizabeth (Nash), Mar. 28, 1822, in
Trowbridge, Eng.
James, ch. Joseph Jr. [q. v.] and Elizabeth (Nash), Mar. 27, 1829, in
Trowbridge, Eng.
(Joseph Jr , h. Elizabeth (Nash) [q. v.], s. Joseph and Ann, Nov. 25, 1802, in
Trowbridge, Wiltshire, Eng., first landed in the City of New York, May 8. 1827,
and resided there and in New Jersey till May 12, 1828, and then returned to
England. He landed again in the City of New York .. . July 3, 1830, ... then
went to Lowell ... then he came to Plympton sometime in October 1830).
Rebecca, ch. Joseph Jr. [q. v.] and Elizabeth (Nash), Dec. 22, I825, in
Trowbridge, Eng.
Thomas Nash, ch. Joseph Jr. [q. v.] and Elizabeth (Nash), Jan. 23, 1832, in P.
Content, d. Else, bp. Mar. 28, 1756, C.R.
(Catharine, second w. Solomon Fuller, d. Micah and Elizabeth E. of
Wareham,---------, in Wareham).
(Mercy, w. Abner Hall )(s. Abner), d. Josiah of Sandwich, Dec. 5, 1765, in
Alonzo Lewis, ch. Zenas Thomas [q. v.] and Caroline (Bryant), May 5, 1831.
George Wellington, s. George Woodville [q. v.] and Mary Ann (Bryant), July 15,
1849, in Halifax.
George Woodville [dup. h. Mary Ann (d. Silvanus Bryant and Mary of P.], ch.
Zenas Thomas [q. v ] and Caroline (Bryant) [dup. of P.], May 7, 1826 [dup. in
Mary Caroline, ch. George Woodville [q.v. dup. school teacher and shoemaker] and
Mary Ann(Bryant) [dup. of p.] Oct. 19, 1847 [dup. in P.].
Otis White, ch. Zenas Thomas [q. v.] and Caroline (Bryant), May 2, 1823.
Thomas Stillman, ch. Zenas Thomas [q. v.] and Caroline (Bryant), Feb. 14, 1822.
(Zenas Thomas, h. Caroline (d. Joshua Bryant of P.), s. Ezekiel of Duxbury, July
22, 1799).
Eli, s. Jesse, bp. Apr. 1, 1750, C.R.
Levi, s. Jesse, bp. Aug. 7, 1748, C.R.
Marcy (Griffon), d. Jesse, bp. Aug 14, 1743, C.R.
(Polly, w. Isaac. Churchill Jr. (s. Isaac 3d), d. William of Truro, May 21,
1787, in Truro).
Charles, ch. Edward Marshall and Clarissa B. (Barrett), Feb. 19, 1847.
Clarissa, ch. Edward Marshall and Clarissa B. (Barrett), Nov. 14, 1845.
Edward, ch. Edward Marshall and Clarissa B. (Barrett), Apr. 14, 1843.
(Edward Marshall, h. Clarissa B.(Barrett), Sept. 8, 1810, in Dublin, Ire.)
Elisabeth, ch. Edward Marshall and Clarissa B. (Barrett), Aug 3, 1841.
John, ch. Edward Marshall and Clarissa B. (Barrett), Oct. 29, 1832.
Mary M., ch. Edward Marshall and Clarissa B. (Barrett), May ,18, 1836.
Ruth B., ch. Edward Marshall and Clarissa B. (Barrett), Jan. 23, 1839.
Susan B., ch. Edward Marshall and Clarissa B. (Barrett), Aug. 18, 1834.
Thomas, ch. Edward Marshall and Clarissa B. (Barrett), Mar. 4, 1831.
William ch. Edward Marshall and Clarissa B. (Barrett), July 10, 1837.
HALL (see Haul)
(Abner, h. Mercy (d. Josiah Combs of Sandwich), s. Abner, Oct. 15, 1731, in
(Abner. ch. Abner [q. v.] and Mercy (Gibbs), Sept. 15, 1796, in P.)
(Daniell. ch. Abner [q. v.] and Mercy (Gibbs), Sept. 18, 1802, in P.)
(Deborah, w. Josiah Perkins Jr. (s. Josiah), d. John of Raynham and Abiah
Andros, Feb. 8, 1801, in MiMeborough).
(Joanna, ch. Abner [q. v.] and Mercy (Gibbs), Sept. 22, 1784, in Kingston).
(Judah, ------, had a family of Children, ch. James and Sarah (d. Samuel Wright
and Anna),-------)
(Larnet, ch. Abner [q. v.] and Mercy (Gibbs), Mar. 30, 1789, in P.)
(Lemuel, ch. Abner [q. v.] and Mercy (Gibbs), June 9, 1791, in P.)
(Martin, ch. Abner [q. v.] and Mercy (Gibbs), Apr. 12, 1799, in P.)
(Mehetabel, ch. James and Sarah (d. Samuel Wright and Anna),------).
(Mercy, ch. Abner [q. v.] and Mercy (Gibbs), Feb. 13, 1794, in P.).
(Polly, ch. Abner [q. v.] and Mercy (Gibbs), Dec. 5, 1786, in P.)
HAMMOND (see Hamond)
George, ch. George (Hamond) and Luce, May 4, 1768.
Hannah, ch. George (Hamond) and Luce, Aug. 1, 1770.
Josiah Parker, ch. Dr. Josiah Sturtevant [q. v.] and Betsy (Parker), Nov. 24,
(Josiah Sturtevant, Dr., h. Betsy (d. Jonathan Parker Esq. and Polly), s.
Benjamin (s. Capt. George; s. Roland of P. now Carver) and Hannah of Carver (d.
Lt. SAMUEL Stafford STURTEVANT; s. CAPT. Josiah; s. Dea. SAMUEL, one of the
first Settlers of that part of Plympton now Halifax; s. Samuel of Plymouth). May
14, 1810, in Carver).
Luce, ch. George (Hamond) and Luce. May 20, 1766.
(Priscilla Palmer, w. Reuben Sherman (s. Capt. John of Carver) d. Benjamin of
Carver, Aug. 3, 1804) [in Carver].
William Penn, ch. Dr. Josiah Sturtevant [q. v.] and Betsy (Parker) (dup. of P.).
Sept. 15, 1843 (dup. in P.].
HAMOND (see Hammond)
Anne, ch. George and Luce, Apr. 18, 1762.
Lydiah, ch. George and Luce, Nov. 15. 1759.
Mary, ch. George and Luce, Mar. 17, 1764.
Abigail [second dup. (first w. Amos Fuller (s. Nathaniel))], ch. James and
Hannah [dup. James ((s. Nathaniel, one of the first Settlers of Plympton; s.
William of Plymouth)) and Hannah ((d. Lt. Jonathan Shaw and Mehetabel (first
w.)))], Aug. 9, 1722.
Abner, ch. James and Hannah [see Abigail], June 10, 1733.
Amherst, ch. Levi ((s. Nathaniel)) and Molley [(Molly (d. Capt. Thomas
Sampson))], Aug. 26, 1792.
Amherst, ch. Levi and Molley [see Amherst], Nov. 1, 1795.
Barnabas, ch. James and Mehetabel, (s. Nathaniel, one of the first Settlers of
Plympton; s. William of Plymouth), Nov. 5, 1750.
(Betsy, w. Jabez Harlow (s. Ephraim of Plymouth and Jerusha), d. Lewis of
Plymouth and Hannah. Aug. 29, 1800, in Plymouth).
Campbell Ellis ch. Pelham (s. Levi) and Polly (d. Willard Ellis), Nov. 15, 1815.
Caroline Frances, ch. Jabez [q. v.] and Betsy (Harlow), Aug. 29, 1840, in P.
(Cynthia, w. Capt. Stephen Clark (s. Lothrop of Plymouth and Mary), d. Joseph of
Plymouth and Susanna, Dec. 22, 1801, in Plymouth).
Dexter, ch. Levi and Motley [see Amherst, Aug. 26, 1792]., Mar. 16, 1808.
Drusilla [dup. (w. Micah Bryant (s. Amos of Middleborough))], ch. Barnabas ((s.
James)) and Molley ((d. Dea. Peter West of Kingston)), Nov. 7, 1782.
Ebenezer, ch. Robert and Susanah, Apr. 16, 1719.
Elizabeth Fuller (dup. (w. Harvey Fuller (s. Philemon and Mercy))], ch. Levi and
Molley [see Amherst, Aug. 26, 1792, Mar. 15, 1804. [adopted d. Lt. Nathaniel
Harlow and Elizabeth, bp: Aug. 21, 1808, C.R.]
Hanah [dup. Hannah, (w. Theophilus Rickard)], ch. James and Hanah [dup. see
Abigail]. Jan. 27, 1723-4.
Hannah, ch. Abner ((s. James)) and Rachel ((Rickard)), Sept 29, 1760.
Hannah, ch. Barnabas and Molley[see Drusilla], Apr. 4, 1793.
Hannah Churchill, ch. Jabez [q.v.] and Betsy (Harlow), Nov. 20, 1830, in
Isaiah Ripley, ch. Capt. Nathaniel (s. Levi and Molly) and Abigail (d. Isaiah
Ripley and Jerusha), Dec. 6, 1827.
(Jabez, h. Betsy (d. Lewis Harlow of Plymouth and Hannah), s. Ephraim of
Plymouth and Jerusha, Oct. 30, 1800, in Plymouth).
Jabez, ch. Jabez [q. v.] and Betsy (Harlow), Feb. 6, 1824, in Plymouth.
James, ch. James and Hanah [dup. see Abigail], June 2, 1725 ,[sic, see
James [second dup. (Capt., h. Mercy (d. Robert Cushman of Kingston), h. Sarah
(wid. Silvanus Bryant of P., d. Edward Sears of Halifax))], ch. James and Hanah
[dup. see Abigail], Apr. 12, 1730.
James, ch. James Jr. and Marcy (dup. (Capt.. James, q. v., and Mercy (Cushman)
(first w.))], Nov. 19, 1757.
James, ch. Rev. William (s. Capt. James) and Naomi (second w., d. Jonathan
Watson and Naomi of Warner, N. H.), Feb. 5, 1814, in Chester, N. H.
James Henry, h. Maria Louisa (d. Dr. Ebenezer Dean and Ruth), s. Stephen and
Patience Ellis of Middleborough, Sept. 11, 1814, in Middleborough.
Jerusha Doten, ch. Jabez [q. v.] and Betsy (Harlow), July 6, 1837, in Carver.
Joanna [dup. Bela Bosworth (s. David of Halifax))], ch. Barnabas [dup. (of P.)]
and Molley [see Drusilla], Mar. 6, 1788.
Jonathan, ch. James and Hanah [dup. see Abigail], Sept. 2, 1725 [sic, see James,
dup. 1726.
Lazerus, ch. Abner (s. James)) and Rachel ((Rickard)), Mar. 17, 1758.
Levi, ch. Levi and Molley [see Amherst, Aug. 26, 1792], Mar. 17, 1788.
Levy [(Levi)], ch. Nathaniel Jr. [q. v.] and Sarah ((Bonney)), Apr. 6, 1762.
(Louisa, ch. Rev. William (s. Capt. James) and Rachel (first w., d. Col. Seth
Cushing of P.), Mar. 27, 1806, in Kingston).
Marcy [dup. (Mercy)], ch. James Jr. and Marcy [dup. see James, Nov. 19, 1757],
Sept. 7, 1765.
Maria Elizabeth [dup. w. Horatio Williams Blanchard (s. Capt. Jonathan and
Saba)], ch. Jabez [q. v., dup. of P.] and Betsy (Harlow), Aug. 21, 1825, in
Maria Louisa, ch. James Henry [q. v] and Maria Louisa (Dean), Dec. 20, 1837.
Mary, ch. James and Hanah [dup. see Abigail], Aug. 7, 1720.
Mary Sampson, (w. Consider Ford of Marshfield. Levi and Molly [see Amherst, Aug.
26, 1792], Aug. 15, 1799.
Mary Sampson, ch. Pelham (s. Levi) and Polly (d. Willard Ellis), Nov. 13, 1817.
Mercy (see Marcy).
Molley, (w. Reuel Packard), ch. Barnabas and Molley [see Drusilla], Nov. 18,
1785. [Molly, C.R.]
Naomi Watson, ch. Rev. William and Naomi [see James, Feb. 5, 1814], Oct. 1,
1818, in Salisbury.
Nathaniel, (h. Sarah (d. Isaac Bonney), s. Nathaniel (s. Nathaniel and Abigail)
and Patience (Lucas). Mar. 15, 1726.
Nathaniel, ch. Nathaniel Jr. [q. v.] and Sarah ((Bonney)), Oct. 16, 1758.
Nathaniel (dup. (Capt., h. Abigail (d. Isaiah Ripley and Jerusha))], ch. Levi
and Molley [see Amherst, Aug. 26, 1792], Feb. 20, 1797.
Olive, ch. Levi and Molley [see Amherst, Aug. 26, 1792], July 19, 1801.
Pashe ((Patience)], ch. Nathaniel Jr. [q. v.] and Sarah ((Bonney)), July 21,
Pelham [dup. (h. Polly (d. Willard Ellis))], ch. Levi and Molley [see Amherst.
Aug. 26, 1792], May 18, 1790.
Pelham, ch. Pelham (s. Levi) and Polly (d. Willard Ellis), Mar. 11, 1820.
Perses [dup. Persis, (w. Isaac Shaw, w. Lemuel Rickard, w. Capt. Perez
Churchill)], ch. James and Hanah [dup. see Abigail], Feb. 8, 1728 [dup. 1728-9].
(Rachel Cushing. ch. Rev. William and Rachel [see Louisa], May 21, 1808, in
Warner, N. H.)
Robart (dup. (Robert)], ch. James Jr. and Marcy [dup. see James, Nov. 19, 1757],
June 25, 1763.
Sampson, ch. Levi and Molley [see Amherst, Aug. 26, 1792], Apr. 16, 1806.
Samuel, s. Capt. Samuel and Remember, Feb. 14, 1773. G. R.1.
Sarah, (w. Dea. Benjamin Bryant), ch. James and Hannah [see Abigail], Jan. 5,
Sarah, ch. Nathaniel Jr. [q. v.] and Sarah ((Bonney)), July 17, 1764.
Sarah, d. Rev. William and Naomi [see James, Feb. 5, 1814], Aug. 13, 1823, in
Thomas, ch. Thomas and Anna, July 12, 1768.
Thomas Doten, ch. Jabez [q. v.] and Betsy (Harlow), Sept 10, 1833, in Carver.
William, ch. James and Hannah[see Abigail, Jan. 11, 1734-5.
William, ch. Abner (s. James))and Rachel((Rickard)), May 4, 1762.
(William, ch. Capt. James [q. v.] and Mercy (Cushman) (first w.). Sept. 23,
1766) [Sept. 23, 1756, G.R. 1]
William [second dup. (Rev., h. Rachel (d. Col. Seth Cushing of P.), h. Naomi (d.
Jonathan Watson and Naomi of Warner, N. H.), h.--------. )], ch. James Jr. and
Marcy (sic, dup. (Capt. James (s. James) and Sarah (second w., wid. Silvanus
Bryant of P., d. Edward Sears of Halifax)]. Aug. 3, 1776.
William, ch. Rev. William and Naomi [see James, Feb. 5, 1814] June 13, 1810,
Warner, N. H.)
Zebedee, Marcy (sic, dup. (Capt. James (s. James) and Sarah (second w., wid.
Silvanus Bryant of P., d. Edward Sears of Halifax))], Sept. 2, 1774.
Catharine B. [dup. (Catherine Warren Harrub), second dup. (Catharine Warren
Harrub, w. Capt. William Marshall Bisbee (s. Beza of P. and Betsy))], ch. Thomas
B. [second dup. (of P.)] and Rachel [dup. (Thomas Bowers (s. Thomas Bowers) and
Rachel (d. James Magoun of P.))]. Jan. 3, 1808. [Katherine Warren Harrub, P.R.
Charles Otis, ch. Thomas B. and Sophia (second w., d. John Wright), Apr. 1,
Darius, ch. Thomas Bowers [q. v.] and Rachel (Magoun), Apr. 18, 1812.
David B. [dup. (David Magoun Harrub)], ch. Thomas B. and Rachel [dup. see
Catharine B.], Apr. 16 [dup. (Apr. 14)], 1806. [David Magoun Harrub, Apr. 14,
Fred Magoun, ch. George Whitefleld [q. v., dup. shoemaker] and Mary (Bryant)
[dup. of P.], July 2, 1848 [dup in P.].
George Edwin, ch. George Whitefield [q. v., dup. trader] and Mary (Bryant) (dup.
of P.], Dec. 12, 1844 [dup. in P.].
George Whitefield [dup. h. Mary (d. Lemuel Bryant and Clarissa)], ch. Thomas
Bowers [q. v.] and Rachel (Magoun) [dup. (first w.)]. Mar. 15. 1814.
Isaac Magoun, ch. Thomas B. and Rachel [dup. see Catharine B.], Nov. 26, 1802.
James Magoun [dup. h. Abby White (d. James Simmons and Nabby of Duxbury)], ch.
Thomas Bowers [q. v.] and Rachel (Magoun) [dup. (first w.) of P.], Sept 13, 1816
[dup. in P.].
James Magoun, ch. James Magoun [q. v.. dup. merchant and farmer and Abby White
(Simmons) (dup. of P.], Oct. 13, 1849 [dup. in P.].
John Quincy, ch. Thomas B. and Sophia (second w., d. John Wright), Aug. 1, 1825.
[Aug. 2, P.R. 5.]
John Wright, ch. Thomas B. and Sophia (second w., d. John Wright), Jan. 14,
Marcus Morton, ch. Thomas B. and Sophia (second w., d John Wright), May 9, 1828.
Mary Alice, ch. James Magoun [q v., dup. trader] and Abby White (Simmons) [dup.
of P.], [Mar. 1, 1848 [dup. in P.].
Mary Frances, ch. George Whitefield [q. v., dup. shoemaker] and Mary (Bryant)
[dup. of P.]. Dec. 5. 1846 [dup. in P.].
Nancy Curtis, ch. Thomas B. and Sophia (second w., d. John Wright), May 7, 1824.
Sally Sumner, ch. Thomas B. and Rachel [dup. see Catharine B.], Mar. 25, 1810.
Sally Sumner, ch. Thomas Bowers [q. v.] and Rachel (Magoun), Aug. 7, 1818.
Sarah Abby, ch. James Magoun [q. v., dup. trader] and Abby White (Simmons) [dup.
of P.), Jan. 24, 1846 [dup. in P.).
Sophia Wright, ch. Thomas B. and Sophia (second w., d. John Wright), Oct. 17,
Thomas B. [dup. (Bowers)), ch. Thomas B. and Rachel [dup. see Catharine B.]. May
2, 1804. [Thomas Bowers Harrub, ch. Thomas Bowers and Rachel, C.R.]
(Thomas Bowers, h. Rachel (d. James Magoun of P.), s. Thomas Bowers, Aug. 25,
1780, in Dedham). [h. Rachel (Magoun), h. Sophia (d. John Wright), P.R.5.]
Walter Balfour, ch. Thomas B. and Sophia (second w., d. John Wright). July 16,
----------, s. James Magoun [q. v.] and Abby White (Simmons), Jan. 1, 1845.
Eliza Parris, ch. Nathan and Sally [see Roxana], Dec. 23, 1807.
Hannah Soule, ch. Nathan and Sally [see Roxana], Aug. 17, 1803.
Henry Thaxter, ch. Nathan and Sally [see Roxana], Sept. 1, 1810.
John, ch. Nathan and Sally [see Roxana], Jan. 1, 1806.
Marcus, ch. Nathan and Sally [see Roxana], Mar. 31, 1790.
Nathan, ch. Nathan and Sally [see Roxana], July 1, 1792.
Nathan, ch. Nathan and Sally [see Roxana], Nov. 29, 1797.
(Roxana), ch. Nathan and Sally, (Dec. 30, 1812. Mr. Nathan Hartwell and family
moved to Ohio.)
Sally Ripley [dup. (w. Samuel Stewart)], ch. Nathan and Sally [see Roxana], Jan.
11, 1796.
Timothy Ripley, ch. Nathan and Sally [see Roxana], Aug. 15, 180I.
(Mary, w. Calvin Bradford Jr. (s. Dr. Calvin), d. Ichabod, Mar. 23, 1788, in
Tamworth, N. H.)
(Sarah Standish, w. Barnabas Harlow Bryant (s. Micah), d. Allen of E.
Bridgewater and Sarah, Apr. 28, 1803).
HAUL (see Hall)
Lydiah ((Lydia Hall, w. Dea. Ichabod Thompson of Halifax)], ch. James and Sarah
((d. Samuel Wright and Anna)), Feb. 23, 1747-8.
HAYES (see Haze)
HAYWARD (see Howard)
Cordelia, ch. Capt. Martin [q. v.] and Elizabeth (Magoun), July 10, 1826.
(Dorcas, w. Joshua Bryant of P., d. Nathaniel and Elizabeth of Bridgewater, June
30, 1758).
Elisabeth [dup. (Elizabeth Bradford Hayward)], ch. Martin and Elisabeth (dup.
(Capt. Martin, q. v., and Elizabeth (Magoun))], Apr. 15, 1809.
Ellen [dup. adds Maria], ch. Martin Jr. [q.. v., dup. nail factory workman and
overseer] and Priscilla Fuller (Bosworth) [dup. of P.], Aug. 20, 1849 [dup. in
Jane Bradford, ch. Capt. Martin [q. v.] and Elizabeth (Magoun), Dec. 7, 1813.
Lucia, ch. Capt. Martin [q. v.] and Elizabeth (Magoun), Dec. 8, 1824.
(Martin, Capt., h. Elizabeth (d. James Magoun of P.), s. Solomon of Bridgewater,
Nov. 9, 1784, in Bridgewater).
Martin [dup. Jr., h. Priscilla Fuller (d. James Bosworth and Sally of P.)], ch.
Capt. Martin [q. v.] and Elizabeth (Magoun) [dup. of P.], Nov. 2, 1821 [dup. in
Mary Briggs, ch. Capt. Martin [q. v.] and Elizabeth (Magoun), Mar. 2, 1816.
Rebecca, [dup. adds (Magoun)], ch. Martin and Elisabeth [dup. (Capt. Martin, q.
v., and Elizabeth (Magoun))], Mar. 31, 1811.
Ursula Williams, "name changed to Mary Ursula Churchill," d. Williams Haze,
laborer, "resident for a time in Bridgewater, formerly in Ireland," and [dup.
Miss] Lucia Ann Churchill of P., July 19, 1846, in P.
(Margaret Dyer, w. Lt. Harrison Gray Otis Ellis (s. Capt. Josiah T. and Sophia),
d. Capt. Jeremiah of Plymouth and Margaret. June 28, 1811, in Plymouth).
Alexander (dup. h. Sophia Bonney (d. Daniel Vickery and Asenath of P.)], ch.
Sampson [q. v.] and Bathsheba (Bisbee) [dup. of P.]. June 28, 1830 [dup. in P.].
Barnabas Dean, h. Charlotte (d. Ezekiel Bonney and Sarah of Hanson), s. Abner
and Lucy of Stafford, Conn., June 30, 1822, in Easton.
Bartlett, ch. Job ((moved to Maine)) and Mehitebel,--------- 25, 1773.
(Bathsheba Nelson, w. Lt. Ellis Wright (s. Isaac Esq.), d. Abner of Plymouth,
afterward of Kingston, Sept. 22, 1793, in Kingston).
Bradford, ((moved to Maine)) and Mehitebel,--------- 22, 1771.
Caleb, ch. Job ((moved to Maine)) and Mehitebel, Dec. 24, 1764.
(Content, w. Daniel Soule Jr. (s. Lt. Daniel), d. Barnabas of Plymouth, Mar. 9,
1790, in Plymouth.
(Deborah. w. James Soule of Middleborough, d. John Jr. and Joanna,--------)
Elezer, ch. Job ((moved to Maine)) and Mehitebel, Apr. 19, 1762.
Eliezer, ch. Francis and Lydia ((d. Philemon Samson)), May 2, 1776.
Emily Augusta, ch. Martin Everett [q. v., dup. shoemaker] and Nancy
(Chamberlain) [dup. of P.], Sept. 4, 1847 [dup. in P.].
Ephraim ch. John Jr. and Elizebeth, Apr. 19, 1719.
Eunice Woods, ch. Peleg [q. v.] and Eunice ((Woods)), Apr. 28, 1800.
Francis, h. Lydia ((d. Philemon Samson)), Jan. 28, 1744 "old stile," in
Francis, ch. Francis and Lydia ((d. Philemon Samson)), Apr. 17, 1772.
George Lewis, ch. Peleg [q. v.] and Eunice ((Woods)), Sept. 3, 1806.
Grace [dup. (w. Gideon Bradford (s. Gideon)], ch. Zaccheus [q. v.] and Miriam
((Churchill)), Sept 19, 1785.
Henry Sampson, ch. Alexander [q. v.] and Sophia Bonney (Vickery) [dup. of P.],
Aug. 22, 1848 [dup. in P.].
Ira Sampson [dup. h. Rebecca Wood (d. Adam Wright and Rebecca of Woodstock, Vt.,
formerly of P.)], ch. Sampson [q. v.] and Bathsheba (Bisbee), May 25, 1820.
Israiel, ch. John Jr. and Joanah, June 14, 1744.
James, ch. John jr. and Joanah, Apr. 20, 1746.
James, ch. Job ((moved to Maine)) and Mehitebel, Aug.—, 1759.
(James Lobdell, The Name of Mr. James Lobdell Holmes . . was changed . . . to
that of Pelham Holmes, h. Jane (Sturtevant) [q, v.], s. [Lt. C.R.] Pelham Esq.
of Kingston, afterwards of P., and Mercy; s. Joseph and Jemima of Kingston; s.
Joseph, a descendant of the Rev. John Holmes, the Second Minister of Duxbury,
and Rebekah of Kingston (d. Robert Waterman of Halifax and Mary (d. Rev. Isaac
Cushman, first Minister of Plympton); s. Dea. John Waterman of P.), Apr. 30,
1800, in Kingston).
(Jedidiah, ch. Spencer [q. v.] and Judith (McLauthlen), July 22, 1810, in P.)
Joanna, ch. Zaccheus [q. v.] and Miriam ((Churchill)), Oct. 9, 1787.
Job, ch. Job ((moved to Maine)) and Mehitebel, Apr. 6, 1757.
John, ch. John Jr. and Elizabeth, Apr. 25, 1721.
John Thomas, ch. Peleg [q. v.] and Eunice ((Woods)), Oct. 2, 1808.
(Jonathan), ch. Job ((moved to Maine)) and Mehitebel, (older than Job, James,
Elezer, Caleb, Sarah, Moly, Bradford and Bartlett, but not born in Plympton).
Judith. ch. Spencer [q. v.] and Judith (McLauthlen), Oct. 4, 1807, in P.)
(Leonice, w. Marston Sampson (s. George), d. Elnathan of Plymouth, Oct. 10,
1788, in Plymouth).
Lothrop Turner, ch. Martin [q. v.] and Mary Turner (Johnson), Mar. 29, 1824, in
Lucy Sampson, ch. Spencer [q. v.] and Lucy (Sampson) (Peirce) (second w.), June
6, 1821.
(Lydia), ch. Job ((moved to Maine)) and Mehitebel, (older than Job, James,
Elezer, Caleb, Sarah, Moly, Bradford and Bartlett, but not born in Plympton).
Lydia, ch. Francis and Lydia((d Philemion Samson)), Mar. 6, 1783.
(Marcus), ch. Peleg [q. v.] and Eunice ((Woods), Feb. 27, 1818).
Marcy, ch. Peleg [q.v.] and Eunice ((Woods)), Aug. 3, 1798.
Maria Frances, ch. Barnabas Dean [q. v., dup. shovel manufactory workman] and
Charlotte (Bonney) [dup. of P.], Feb. 22, 1849, in P.
(Martin, h. Mary Turner (d. Capt. Richard Francis Johnson of Kingston), s.
Jedidiah Esq. of Kingston, Mar. 7, 1794, in Kingston).
Martin, ch. Martin [q.v.] and Mary Turner (Johnson), Oct. 12, 1819, in Kingston.
Martin Everett [dup. h. Nancy (d. Samuel Chamberlain and Polly formerly of P.,
now of Middleborough)], ch. Sampson [q.v.] and Bathsheba (Bisbee) [dup. of P.].
Jan. 25, 1824 (dup. in P.].
Mary Alden, ch. Spencer [q v.] and Lucy (Sampson) (Peirce) (second w.), Aug. 15,
Mary Harlow, ch. Spencer and Judith, sister of Spencer, Judith, and Jedidiah,
bp. Oct. 25, 1812, C.R.
(Mercy, w. Nathan Delano [q. v.], d. Levi and Lydia of Kingston (d. BENJAMIN
Bradford; s. Israel and Sarah; s. MAJ. William and Mary (third w.) ; s. Gov.
William and Alice (second w.)), Sept 10, 1781, in Kingston).
Mercy (see Marcy).
Mercy Jane, ch. James Lobdell [q. v.] and Jane (Sturtevant), May 17, 1840.
Molly, d. Ruth, wid., of Plymouth, bp. Oct. 14, 1770, C.R.
(Molly. w. Seneca Briggs (s. Samuel now in 1824 of Plympton), d. Sylvester of
Kingston, Aug. 3, 1795).
Moly, ch. Job ((moved to Maine)) and Mehitebel, Dec. 15, 1768.
Newland, ch. Peleg [q. v.] and Eunice ((Woods)), Mar. 15, 1802.
Nuland, ch. Francis and Lydia ((d. Philemon Samson)), Sept. 13, 1779.
Peleg, ch. Francis and Lydia ((d. Philemon Samson)), Aug. 31, 1769.
Peleg [dup. (h. Eunice (d. Francis Woods sometime of Brookfield and Rebecca)),
ch. Francis and Lydia ((d. Philemon Samson)). Apr. 5, 1774.
(Peleg), ch. Peleg [q. v.] and Eunice ((Woods). May, 14, 1811.
Pelham Esq., Justice of the Peace, s. Joseph of Kingston. Nov. 10, 1774,
Pelham (see James Lobdell Holmes).
Pelham, ch. James Lobdell [q. v.] and Jane (Sturtevant), Nov. 15, 1841.
Philander, ch. Peleg [q. v.] and Eunice ((Woods)), Feb. 16, 1804.
(Polly, w. Samuel Chamberlain (s. Samuel and Hannah), d. John of Taunton and
Amy, Aug. 22, 1797.)
Priscilla, ch. John Sr. and Experienc [dup. Experence], Apr. 9, 1714.
Priscilla, d. Israel, bp. June 24, 1744. C.R.
Ruth Cook [dup. (w. Luther Bradford (s. Dr. Calvin)], ch. Francis and Lydia ((d.
Philemon Samson)), Mar. 9, 1792.
(Sally, w. Isaac Bradford (s. Gideon), d. Abner of Kingston, Mar. 16, 1786).
Sampson [dup. (h. Bathsheba, (d. Abner Bisbee Jr.))], ch. Francis and Lydia ((d.
Philemon Samson)), May 4, 1789.
Sarah, d. Isrial ((s. John Jr.)) and Prisela, May 1, 1742.
Sarah, ch. Job (moved to Maine)) and Mehitebel Oct. 20, 1766.
Sarah [dup. (second w. Lt. Isaiah Ripley 2d (s. Dea. Josiah))], ch. Francis and
Lydia ((d. Philemon. Samson)), May 29, 1785.
Sarah Ann, ch. James Lobdell (q. v., dup. Pelham, farmer] and Jane (Sturtevant)
[dup. of P.], Aug. 9, 1843 [dup. in P.].
Sarah Antoniette, ch. Ira Sampson [q. v., dup. shoemaker and farmer] and Rebecca
Wood (Wright) [dup. of P.], May 15, 1847 [dup. in P.].
Seth Richard, s. Seth Jr. and Nancy, Jan. 27, 1828, in Plymouth.
(Spencer, h. Judith (d. Robert McLauthlen of Kingston), h. Lucy (Sampson) Peirce
(q. v.], s. Jedidiah Esq. of Kingston, Jan. 13, 1781, in Kingston).
(Spencer, ch. Spencer [q. v.] and Judith (McLauthlen), Nov. 8, 1805 , in
Walley (Holms), s. Simion, bp. May 2, 1762, C.R.
Wilson Adams, ch. Ira Sampson [q. v., dup. shoemaker] and Rebecca Wood (Wright)
[dup. of P.], Feb. 25, 1844 [dup. in P.].
(Zaccheus, Revolutionary Pensioner, h. Miriam (d. John Churchill), s. Zaccheus
of Plymouth and Ruth, Jan. 7, 1762, in Plymouth).
-------, s. Francis and Lydia ((d. Philemon Samson)), Mar. 3, 1782.
(--------, w. Edward Sears of Halifax, d. John Jr. and Joanna,----------).
Asa, ch. Asa and Esther, Sept. 30, 1782.
Esther, ch. Asa and Esther, June 4, 1788.
Polly, ch. Asa and Esther, Mar. 18, 1793.
Ruth, ch. Asa and Esther, May 4, 1774.
Eleanor Augusta, ch. William Wood [q. v.] and Olive Bradford (Sherman), Oct. 11,
1847, in Providence. R. I.
George Washington, ch. William Wood [q. v.] and Olive Bradford (Sherman). Feb.
28, 1846, in Dighton.
(William Wood, h. Olive Bradford (d. Lt. Joseph Sherman of P. and Nancy), s.
George of Dighton and Hannah,---------).
Gideon, s. Gideon, bp. Apr. 15, 1798, C.R.
HOWARD(see Hayward)
(Sarah, w. Caleb Packard of Bridgewater, w. Caleb Loring (s. Dr. Polycarpus and
Mary), d. Nathan Esq. of W. Bridgewater and Jane (d. Edward Howard), Aug. 1,
1760) [in Bridgewater].
HOWES (see House)
(Allen, h. Ruth Avery (d. Maj. Ellis of P.), s. Allen of Pembroke and Sally.
Oct. 14, 1799 in Pembroke).
Caleb Ellis, ch. Allen [q. v.] and Ruth Avery (Ellis), July 27, 1832, in
Calvin [dup. (h. Abigail Church)], ch. Rev. John and Elisebath [dup. (Rev. John.
q. v., and Elizabeth (Lewis))), Dec. 8, 1762.
Charles [dup. (h. Elizabeth Crease)], ch. Rev. John and Elisebath [dup. (Rev.
John, q. v., and Elizabeth (Lewis))], Feb. 13, 1765.
Daniel [dup. (h. Thankfull Morse), ch. Rev. John and Elisabeth [dup. (Rev. John,
q. v., and Elizabeth (Lewis))], Mar. 25, 1749.
Daniel, s. Daniel, bp. July 6, 1788, C.R.
Elisabeth. ch. Rev. John and Elisebath, Sept. 28, 1752 [dup. (Elizabeth, ch.
Rev. John, q. v., and Elizabeth (Lewis), Sept. 20, 1752)].
Elisebath Lewis, ch. Rev. John and Elisebath, [dup. (Elizabeth Lewis Howland, w.
Joseph Ripley, ch. Rev. John, q, v., and Elizabeth (Lewis))] Mar. 18, 1754.
James [dup. (h. Sarah Mason)], ch.. Rev. John and Elisebath [dup. (Rev. John. q.
v., and Elisabeth (Lewis))), July 18, 1760.
(John, Rev., h. Elizabeth (Lewis) [q. v.], s. John of Barnstable and Mary
(Crocker), and a descendant of Mr. John Howland who came in the Mayflower ...
1620, Feb. 13. 1720).
John, ch. Rev. John and Elisebath [dup. (Rev. John, q. v., and Elizabeth
(Lewis))], Nov. 18, 1750.
Mary [dup. (w. Dr. Thomas Fuller, w. Rev. Ezra Weld of Braintree)], ch. Rev.
John and Elisebath [dup. (Rev. John, q. v., and Elizabeth (Lewis))], June 5,
Samuel Allen, ch. Allen [q. v.] and Ruth Avery (Ellis), Mar. 2, 1828.
Sarah[dup.(w. Noah Thomas (s. Eleazar of Middleborough))], ch.. Rev. John [dup.
(of Carver)] and Elisebath [second dup. (Rev. John, q. v., and Elizabeth
(Lewis))], Mar. 10, 1767 [dup. (in Carver then P.)].
Sophia, (w. Nathan Sampson, ch. Rev. John and Elisebath [dup. (Rev. John, (q.
v., and Elizabeth (Lewis))], Mar. 9, 1770.
William [dup. (h. Mary McClintick)], ch. Rev. John and Elisebath [dup. (Rev.
John, q. v., and Elizabeth (Lewis))], Mar. 22, 1756.
(Mary, w. Asaph Soule, d. Wiliam of Bridgewater and Sarah. May 20, 1747, in
(Silence, w. Ebenezer Soule (s. Dea. Ebenezer), d. William of Bridgewater and
Sarah, Apr. 15, 1740 Old Style).
Abigail Weston, w. Nathan Delano Jr. (s. Nathan and Mercy), d. Capt. Samuel and
Sarah of Duxbury, Jan. 15, 1818, in Duxbury.
Lydia. Bisbee, w. Isaac Cushing (s. Isaac), d. Ransom of Plymouth, Feb. 19,
JEFFREY (see Geffery).
(Deborah Lothrop, w. Capt. Zenas Cushman [q. v.], d. Capt. Richard Francis of
Kingston and Mary, Oct. 26, 1798, in Kingston).
(Elijah, h. Sarah (d. Moses Stacey of Marblehead), s. Elijah of Salem. Aug. 5,
1781, in Salem).
(Elijah Weston, ch. Elijah [q. v.] and Sarah (Stacey), Dec. 23, 1807, in Salem).
(Elizabeth Frances, ch. Elijah [q. v.] and Sarah (Stacey), Oct. 10, 1809, in
(Jane Miles, ch. Elijah (q. v.] and Sarah (Stacey), Sept 1, 1811, in P.)
(John Miles, ch. Elijah [q. v] and Sarah (Stacey), Jan. 14, 1806, in Salem).
(Mary Turner, w. Martin Holmes (s. Jedidiah Esq. of Kingston), d. Capt Richard
Francis of Kingston, Apr. 22, 1793, in Kingston).
Moses Stacey, ch. Elijah [q. v.] and Sarah (Stacey), Sept. 8, 1813, in P.
Susanna Fobes, ch. Elijah [q. v.] and Sarah (Stacey), Aug. 14, 1818, in P.
(Temperence, w. Elijah Weston (s. Lt. Job), d. Elijah of Salem, June 10, 1783,
in Salem).
William, ch. Elijah [q. v.] and Sarah (Stacey), June 3, 1804, in Salem).
(Amanda, w. William McAllister (s. Patrick), d. Josiah, May 18, 1801, in
Earl, h. Eliza Ann (d. Peleg Osborne and Sally of E. Bridgewater), s. Earl and
Sarah Perkins of E. Bridgewater, May 16, 1822, in Boston.
Eliza Ann, ch. Earl [q. v.] and Eliza Ann (Osborne), Sept. 15, 1843, in E.
Ellen Augusta, ch. Earl [q. v.] and Eliza Ann (Osborne), June 11, 1846, in
(Sarah, second w. William Taylor, d. Jonas and Jane of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Jan.
27, 1778, in Poughkeepsie).
Eliezer [dup. Eleizer], ch. John and Hannah, Feb. 21, 1719-20.
Hannah [dup. Hanah], ch. John and Hannah, May 29, 1710.
John, ch. John and Hannah, Mar. 19, 1714--15.
Thankfull, d. Samuell "belonging to plimouth Church," bp.--------, C.R.
Aaron Spivey, ch. Joshua Parker [q. v.] and Lucy (Bryant), Dec. 31, 1815, in P.
Charles Lewis, ch. Joshua Parker [q. v.] and Lucy (Bryant), Nov. 2, 1828, in P.
Dorcas Hayward, ch. Joshua Parker [q. v.] and Lucy (Bryant), Jan. 3, 1827.
Eveline Simmons, ch. Joshua Parker [q. v.] and Lucy (Bryant), Sept. 19, 1822, in
George, ch. Joshua Parker [q. v.] and Lucy (Bryant), May 27, 1830, in P.
Henry Spellor, twin ch. Joshua Parker [q. v.] and Lucy (Bryant), Aug. 28, 1825,
in P.
(Joshua Parker, h. Lucy (d. Joshua Bryant), s. Dempsey of Bertie Co., N. C., and
Martha, May 18, 1792).
Lucy Bryant, ch. Joshua Parker [q. v.] and Lucy (Bryant), Feb. 6, 1817, in
Mary Hervey, ch. Joshua Parker [q. v.] and Lucy (Bryant), Nov. 9, 1819, in
Prudence Bryant, ch. Joshua Parker [q. v.] and Lucy (Bryant), Dec. 1, 1823, in
Solomon Holmes, ch. Joshua Parker [q. v.] and Lucy (Bryant), Aug. 23, 1821, in
William Joshua, ch.. Joshua Parker [q. v.] and Lucy (Bryant), Aug. 1, 1818, in
-----------, twin s. Joshua Parker [q. v.] and Lucy (Bryant), Aug. 28, 1825 [in
Mary Delano, w. Lt. Ira Parker (s. Lt. Oliver and Phebe (second w.) of P.), d.
John and Mary Nelson of Truro, afterwards of Plymouth, Jan. 4, 1822, in