[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

CROCKER (see Crooker)
(Abigail, ch. Daniel and Abigail Roberts (second w.) [see Daniell], ---, in
Yarmouth, N. S.)
(Clarissa, first w. Rev. Elijah Dexter (s. Dea. Elijah of Rochester), d.
Joshua,-------- in Wareham).
(Daniel, ch. Daniel and Abigail Roberts (second w.) [see Daniell], ---, in
Yarmouth, N. S.)
Daniell [dup. (Daniel, h. Susanna Dunham), q. v., h. Abigail Roberts)], ch.
Abell and Mary [Dea. Abel [dup. (of Carver, then P.)] and Mary (Isham) of
Barnstable)], Aug, 28, 1722.
(Eleazar, ch. Daniel and Abigail Roberts (second w.) [see Daniell],--------, in
Yarmouth, N. S.).
Eleizer, (h. Hannah Cobb), ch. Abell and Mary [see Daniell] July 15, 1725.
Elijah, ch. Abell and Mary [see Daniell], May 8, 1729.
(Elijah, ch. Daniel and Susanna (Dunham) (first w.)) [see Daniell],--------, in
Carver, then P .)
(Hannah, ch. Daniel and Abigail Roberts (second w.) [see Daniell],--------, in
Yarmouth, N. S.)
(Hasadiah, w. Micah Foster of Pembroke, ch. Daniel and Susanna (Dunham) (first
w.) (see Daniell],---------, in Carver, then P.
(Heman h. Lydia (d. Capt. Perez Churchill of Middleborough), ch. Daniel and
Susanna(Dunham) (first w.) [see Daniell],-------, in Carver, then P.)
Joseph, ch. Abell and Mary [see Daniell], Sept. 23, 1737.
(Joseph, ch. Daniel and bigail Roberts (second w.) [see Daniell],----------in
Yarmouth, N. S.)
(Lucy, ch. Daniel and Abigail Roberts (second w.) [see Daniell],------, in
Yarmouth, N. S.)
Mary, (w. Dea. Thomas Savery), ch. Abell and Mary [see Daniell], July 25, 1727.
(Mary, ch. Daniel and Abigail Roberts (second w.) (see Daniell],----------, in
Yarmouth, N. S.)
(Phebe, w. Isaiah Tillson of Carver, then P., ch. Daniel and Susanna (Dunham)
(first w.) [see Daniell],-------, in Carver, then P.
Rebecca, w. James Churchill (s. Ansel and Lois), d. Heman and Rebecca of Carver,
July 27, 1817, in Carver.
Rebeckah, (w. Dea. Silvanus Dunham), ch. Abell and Mary [see Daniell], July 15,
(Rebekah, first w. Joseph Cobb of Carver, then P., ch. Daniel and
Susanna(Dunham) (first w.) [see Daniell],--------, in Carver, then P.)
(Rhoda, w. Daniel Perry of Middleborough, ch. Daniel and Susanna (Dunham) (first
w.) [see Daniell],------, in Carver, then P.)
(Rowland, ch. Daniel and Susanna (Dunham) (first w.) [see Daniell,-------, in
Carver, then P.)
Sarah, (w. Elijah Perry Middleborough), ch. Abell and Mary [see Daniell), June
12, 1733.
(Sarah, ch. Daniel and Abigail Roberts (second w.) [see Daniell],---------, in
Yarmouth, N.S.)
(Susanna, w. Lt. Lemuel Cole of Carver, then P., ch. Daniel and Susanna (Dunham)
(first w.), [see Daniell], Feb. 13, 1762, in Carver, then P.)
(------------, s. Daniel and Susanna (Dunham) (first w.) [see
Daniell],---------in Carver, then P.
--------, d. Daniel and Abigail Roberts (second w.) [see Daniell],------------,
in Yarmouth, N. S.)
CROOKER (see Crocker)
Abigail, ch. Capt. Benjamin and Deborah, May 23, 1797.
Benjamin, ch. Capt. Benjamin and Deborah, Feb. 28, 1799, in P.
(David, ch. John [q. v.] and Mary (Smith), Oct. 15, 1799, in Pembroke).
(David, ch. John [q. v.] and Mary (Smith), Nov. 18, 1803, in P.)
Deborah, ch. Capt. Benjamin and Deborah, Apr. 15, 1791.
Henry Smith, ch. John [q. v.] and Mary (Smith), Apr. 20, 1815, in P.
(John, h. Mary (d. Joseph Smith of Bridgewater), h. Lucy Witherell, wid., s.
David of Pembroke, July 31, 1774, in Pembroke).
John ch. John[q.v.] and Mary (Smith), Sept. 24, 1807, in P.)
John Henry, s. John Jr. (s. John) and Huldah(Hunt) Jr. of
Duxbury,--------- [1831].
Josiah, ch. Capt. Benjamin and Deborah, Feb. 9, 1801.
Lemuel, ch. Capt. Benjamin and Deborah, June 22, 1795.
Margaret, ch. Capt. Benjamin and Deborah, May 12, 1793.
Polly, ch. John [q. v.] and Mary (Smith), July 28, 1801, in P.)
(Ursula, first w. Spencer Churchill (s. Prince (s. Ebenezer) and Silence), d.
David and Ursula of Penbroke, May 12, 1791, in Pembroke).
(--------, s. John [q.v.] and Mary (Smith), Aug. 29, 1810).
(Hannah Wadsworth, w. Capt. David Ripley [q. v.], d. William of Plymouth, Apr.
1, 1781, in Plymouth).
CURTICE (see Cortis, Curtis)
Ruth, ch. John and Charity, May 20, 1710.
Sarah, ch. John and Charity, May 10, 1711.
Thankfull, ch. Elisha (Cordis) and Thankfull, Oct. 28, 1719, in P.
CURTIS (see Cortis, Curtice)
Ansel Harris, ch. John [q. v.] and Orpah (Loring), Jan. 6, 1817, in Stoughton.
Charity, d. Mary, bp. June 15, 1740, C.R.
Content, d. Marcy, bp. Dec. 2, 1739, C.R.
Deborah Page, ch. John [q. v.] Orpah (Loring), Dec. 2, 1838, in P.
Elhanan Bradford, ch. John [q. v.] and Orpah (Loring), July 19, 1815, in
Elisha, ch. Hannah--------,C.R.
Francis, ch. Hanah,---------, C.R.
Hannah Loring, ch. John [q. v.] and Orpah (Loring), Apr. 19, 1832, in W.
(John, moved. into Plympton in ... 1837, h. Orpah (d. Lt Joshua Loring and
Hannah of P.), s. William and Hannah of Stoughton, Aug. 27, 1789, in Stoughton).
John, ch. John [q. v.] and Orpah (Loring), Jan. 7, 1819, in Providence, R.I.
Lorenzo Thomas, ch. John [q. v.] and Orpah (Loring), Oct. 4, 1827, in W.
Nelson Campbell, ch. John [q. v.] and Orphan (Loring), Mar. 5, 1815, in
Sarah Jane, ch. John [q. v.] and Orpah (Loring), Jan. 16, 1830, in W.
Sophia Emily [dup w. James Stephens Bonney (a. Stephens and Frances of P.], ch.
John (q. v.] and Orpah (Loring), Sept. 22, 1821, in Providence, R. I.
Susanah [dup. Cortis], ch Francis [dup. Cotis] and Sarah, June 5, 1723.
William [dup. Cortis], ch. Francis [dup. Cotis] and Sarah, July 9, 1721.
William Leander, ch. John [q. v.] and Orpah (Loring), Aug. 20, 1823, in
Providence, R. I.
Abel, ch. Janes ((s. Col. Seth)) and Deborah ((d. Ebenezer Washburn Esq. of
Kingston), Apr. 28, 1813).
Abigail Ransom, ch. Elijah (s. Elijah) and Mary (d. Isaac Rickard), June 24,
1812, in P.
Augustus, ch. James and Deborah [see Abel], Aug. 19, 1807.
Barak [dup. (moved into New York, h. Irene Thomas))], ch. James and Deborah[sewe
Abel], June 17, 1805.
Bildad, ch. Elijah (s. Elijah) and Mary(d. Isaac Rickard), Oct. 29, 1815, in P.
(Daniel Vaughan, ch. Elijah (s. Elijah) and Mary (d. Isaac Rickard), Oct. 26,
1810, in P.)
Deborah, d. Ignatius, bp. Aug. 13, 1732, C.R.
Deborah, ch. James Deborah [see Abel], Apr. 26, 1801.
Deborah, ch. James and Deborah [see Abel], Aug. x6, 1803.
(Desire, ch. Isaac [q. v.] and Hannah (Churchill), Nov. 9, 1797).
Ebenezer, ch. James and Deborah [see Abel], Jan. 18, 1810.
(Elijah,) h. Mary (d. Isaac Rickard), s. Elijah,---------, in Kingston.
Elisabeth, d. Ignatius, bp. Oct. 7, 1733, C.R.
( Friend , ch. Isaac [ q .v.] a n d Hannah (Churchill), Apr. 26, 1805).
Hannah, (w. Capt. Isaiah Thomas of Kingston), ch. Sath Jr. and Lydiah [(Col.
Seth and Lydia (d. James Everson of Kingston); s. Seth and Lydia (d.----------,
Fearing and--------- d. Capt. James Hawkes of Hingham and sister of Elizabeth
w. Rev. Daniel Lewis of Pembroke))], Mar. 12, 1759.
(Hardy, ch. Lt. John (s. Col. Seth) and Lucy (d. Asa Sherman), Jan. 7, 1812.
Hugh, ch. Lt John (s. Col. Seth) and Lucy (d. Asa Sherman), Nov. 26, 1813.
Iguatius, ch. Ignatius and Ruth, Nov 8, 1720.
(Isaac, h. Hannah (d. William Churchill of P.), s. Elijah of Kingston, Feb. 23,
1768, in Pembroke).
(Isaac [dup. (h. Lydia Bisbee (d. Ransom Jackson of Plymouth))], ch. Isaac [q.
v.) and Hannah (Churchill), Sept. 25, 1795).
Isaac Rickard, ch. Elijah (s. Elijah) and Mary (d. Isaac Rickard), Aug. 29,
James [dup. (moved to Homer, N. Y., h. Deborah (d. Ebenezer Washburn Esq. of
Kingston))], ch. Sath Jr. and Lydiah [see Hannah], May 3, 1768.
James, ch. James and Deborah see Abel], Oct. 26, 1799.
James, ch. James and Deborah [see Abel], Sept. 27, 1811.
(Jeremiah Turner, ch. Elijah (s. Elijah) and Mary (d. Isaac Rickard), Aug. 6,
1809, in P.)
Joab, ch. Elijah (s. Elijah) and Mary (d. Isaac Rickard), Dec. 10, 1813, in P.
John [dup. Lt., (moved to Truxton, N. Y., h. Lucy (d. Asa Sherman))], ch. Sath
Jr. and Lydiah [see Hannah], Aug. 21, 1783.
Josiah Cotton [dup. h. Harriet Whitmore (d. David Williams Wilbur of
Bridgewater)), ch. Isaac (s. Isaac) and Lydia Bisbee (d. Ransom Jackson of
Plymouth), July 28, 1822 [dup. in P.]
Louisa, ch. Lt. John (s. Col. Seth) and Lucy (d. Asa Sherman), Sept. 5, 1815.
Lucinda Thomas, ch. Elijah (s. Elijah) and Mary (d. Isaac Rickard), Apr. 4,
1817, is P.
Lydia, (w. John Paddock), ch. Sath Jr. and Lydiah [see Hannah], June 28, 1766.
Lydia Everson ch. Lt. John ((s. Col. Seth)) and Lucy ((d. Asa Sherman)), Nov. 9,
Mary, ch. Ignatius and Ruth, Mar. 7, 1729-30.
Mary [dup. (w. Joseph Bonney (s. Nathaniel and Lydia))), ch. Sath Jr. and Lydiah
[see Hannah], May 28, 1764.
Mary Turner, ch. Isaac [q. v.] and Hannah (Churchill), Nov. 15, 1814.
Nathaniel, ch. Ignatius and Ruth, Jan. 19, 1723.
Polly, ch. Lt. John (s. Col. Seth) and Lucy (d. Asa Sherman). Dec. 5, 1817.
Rachel, ch. Ignatius and Ruth, Apr. 12, 1728.
Rachel [dup. (first w. Rev. William Harlow (s. Capt. James))], ch. Sath Jr.
[dup. (of P.)] and Lydiah [see Hannah]. May [dup. (Mar. from a family record
kept by her father)] 5, 1775.
Ruth, ch. Ignatius and Ruth. Nov.-----[illegible], 1719, in Plymouth.
Ruth, ch. Ignatius and Ruth, Feb. 14, 1725.
Ruth, (w. Stephen Bradford of Kingston), ch. Sath Jr. and Lydiah [see Hannah],
July 1, 1777.
Sarah, ch. Sath Jr. and Lydiah [see Hannah], Mar. 24, 1770.
Seth, ch. Sath Jr. and Lydiah [see Hannah], Apr. 18, 1762.
Sherman, ch. Lt. John ((s. Col. Seth)) and Lucy ((d. Asa Sherman)), Apr 23,
(Silvanus, ch. Isaac [q. v.] and Hannah (Churchill), Dec. 9, 1801).
Susannah, (w. Timothy Thompson), ch. Sath Jr. and Lydiah [see Hannah], Oct. 15,
Thomas, ch. Ignatius and Ruth, Dec. --,1722.
---------, s. Josiah Cotton [q.v., dup. cotton factory workman] and Harriet
Whitmore (Wilbur) [dup. of P.], Feb. 20, 1847, in P.
CUSHMAN (see Cushmon)
Abigail, (w. Gideon Samson). ch. (Lt.) Isaac Jr. ((s. Rev. Isaac)) and Marcy
((second w., d. Maj. John Bradford of Kingston)), Dec. 31, 1722.
Abigal, (w. Zabdiel Sampson), ch. Benjamin and Sarah ((Eaton); s. Thomas and
Abigail (second w.); s. Eld. Thomas of Plymouth and Mary; s. Robert), Nov. 22,
Abner, ch. Moses and Mary, Mar. 10, 1722.
Alden, ch. Josiah ((s. Josiah)) and Deborah ((d. Andrew Ring of Kingston,
afterward of N. Yarmouth, and a descendant of Miles Standish)), Sept. 30, 1780.
Aleton, ch. Allerton and Elethea, May 3, 1740.
Alice (see Alles).
(Alice), ch. Allerton [q. v.] and Elizabeth ((Sampson) (second w.), June 19,
(Allerton, h. Mary (Buck), h. Elizabeth (d. George Sampson), s. Dea. Elkanah of
P. and Martha (second w.), Nov. 21, 1683).
Allerton, ch. Allerton [q. v.] and Mary ((Buck) (first w.)), Dec. 16, 1712.
Allerton, ch. Allerton and Elethea, May 4, 1738.
Allerton (see Aleton).
Alles, ch. (Lt.) Isaac Jr. ((s. Rev. Isaac)) and Sarah ((first w.)), June 26,
Andrew, ch. Josiah and Deborah [see Alden], Aug. 23, 1773.
Anna, (w. Robert Avery), ch. Josiah [q. v.] and Susanah ((Shurtleff), May 20,
(Asenath [dup. (w. Daniel Vickery (s. Elijah of Taunton))], ch. Ebenezer (s.
Elkanah) and Lucy (second w., d. Abner Bisbee), Sept. 12, 1791) [dup. (in P.].
Aseneth, ch. Allerton and Elethea, Nov. 22, 1735. [Asenath, ch. Allerton and
Alethea, C.R.]
Bartholomew, ch. Thomas and Anna, July 5, 1776.
Benjamen [second dup. (Benjamin Jr., h. Zeruiah (d. William Sampson and
Joanna))], ch. Benjamin and Sarah [see Abigail, May 25, 1722.
(Benjamin, ch. Benjamin Jr. (s. Benjamin and Sarah) and Zeruiah ((d. William
Sampson and Joanna),----------) rec. between ch. b. Feb. 29, 1747-8, see Jacob
Cushmon, and ch. b. Jan. 13, 1750-1, (the order in which they were born)).
Benjamin, s. Caleb, bp. Sept. 23, 1753, C.R.
(Benjamin, ch. Benjamin Jr. and Zeruiah [see Benjamin), July 10, 1761).
Caleb, ch. Benjamin and Sarah [see Abigail], May 15, 1715.
Chipman, ch. Thomas and Anna, Feb. 7, 1769.
Consider, ch. Nathaniell [(Nathaniel (s. Lt. Isaac Jr.))] and Sarah((Coomer)),
July 6, 1740.
(Daniel, ch. Ebenezer (s. Elkanah) and Rebekah (first w., d. Ichabod Churchill),
July 4,-----) [rec. after ch. b. Sept. 2, 1781].
Desier, ch. Samuell and Fear, Sept. 18, 1710.
(Ebenezer, ch. Ebenezer and Rebekah [see Daniel), ----,1779).
Elcanah [second dup. (Elkanah, h. Hannah (d. Zachariah Standish), h. Patience
(wid. John Perkins, d. Ichabod Paddock))], ch. Josiah [q. v.] and Susanah
((Shurtleff)), Sept. 8, 1721.
Eleazer, s. John, bp. Oct. 19, 1740, C.R.
Elezibeth, ch. Josiah [q. v.] and Susanah ((Shurtleff)), Sept. 22, 1728.
Elijah, ch. Moses and Mary, Feb. 14, 1724-5 [sic, see Mary].
Elisabeth. [twin] ch. Thomas and Anna, Feb. 19, 1761.
Elizabeth (see Elezibeth).
Elkanah (see Elcanah).
Elkanah, ch. Thomas of Kingston, bp. Apr. 18, 1742, C.R.
Elkanah, ch. Elkanah (Cushmon) Jr. ((s. Elkanah and Hannah (first w.))) and
Hannah ((d. David Churchill Jr.)), Dec. 8, 1786.
Ephraim, ch. Allerton [q. v.] and Mary ((Buck) (first w.)), Oct.. 25, 1720.
Ephraim (Cushmon), ch. Allerton and Elethea, Feb. 20, 1742-3.
Experienc, ch. Ichabod and Patience, July 12, 1719.
Fear, (w. Nehemiah Sturtevant Jr.), ch. Isaac Jr. and Marcy [see Abigail], July
10, 1718.
(Frances Maria, ch. Capt. Zenas [q. v.] and Deborah Lathrop (Johnson), Mar. 1,
1830, in P.)
Gedion, s. Caleb, bp, Oct. 6, 1751, C.R.
Hannah, d. Mary, bp. Feb. 13, 1731—2, C.R.
(Hannah, ch. Ebenezer and Rebekah [see Daniel], ------) [rec. before ch. b. Aug.
28, 1773].
(Harriet, w. Capt. Abiel Washburn (s. Abiel of Middleborough and Abigail), d.
Ignatius and Ruth of Belmont, Me., formerly of P., June 10, 1810, in Belmont)
Hulday, (w. David Fearing, w. John Millard), ch. Benjamin and Sarah [see
Abigail, Apr. 6, 1735.
Ichabod, ch. Ichabod and Patience, May 12, 1725.
Irena. ch. Jacob (s. Benjamin and Zeruiah) and Sava [(Sylvia (Sampson)), q. v.],
Nov. 8, 1801.
Isaac, ch. Isaac Jr. and Marcy [see Abigail], Sept. 29, 1721.
Isaac, ch. Moses and Mary, Feb. 19, 1730.
Isaac, ch. Ichabod and Patience; (s. Rev. Isaac; s. ELD. Thomas; s. Robert),
Aug. 12, 1730.
Isaac, ch. Nathaniell and Sarah [see Consider], Oct. 20, 1734.
Isaac, s. Caleb, bp. Sept. 11, 1748, C. R.
(Isaac, ch. Ebenezer (a. Elkanah) and Lucy (second w., d. Abner Bisbee), Apr.
22, 1789).
Isaiah, ch. Josiah [q. v.] and Susanah ((Shurtleff)), Feb. 2, 1730-1.
Jabiz [dup. Jabez], ch. Benjamin and Sarah [see Abigail, Aug. 11, 1713.
Jacob, ch. Samuell and Fear, Mar. 20, 1719-20.
Jacob, ch. Jacob and Silva [see Irena], Apr. 30, 1800.
James (see Jamis).
Jamima, ch. Samuell and Fear, Oct. 23, 1724.
Jamis dup. James], ch. Allerton [q. v.] and Mary ((Buck) (first w.)), May 27,
Jane, ch. Elkanah (Cushman) Jr. and Hannah [see Elkanah], Dec. 30, 1783.
Jemima (see Jamina).
Jeremiah, ch. Josiah and Deborah [see Alden], Sept. 22, 1783.
Jerusha, ch. Benjamin and Sarah (see Abigail, Dec. 7, 1719.
Jerusha, (w. George Sturtevant), ch. Benjamin and Sarah [see Abigail], Oct. 18,
Jerusha dup. (w. Isaiah Ripley (s. Dea. Timothy))], ch. Thomas and Anna, Feb.
19, 1755.
Joanah, ch. Elkenah(Cushmon) and Patiance (see Hannah Cushmon], Oct. 1, 1767
[Joanna, C.R.]
Joanna [see Johanah]
(Joanna, ch. Benjamin Jr. and Zeruiah [see Benjamin],---------) [rec. after ch.
b. Jan. 13, 1750-1, (the order in which they were born)].
Job, ch. Thomas of Kingston, bp. Apr. 18, 1742, C.R.
Job, ch. Thomas and Anna, Aug. 15, 1753.
Johanah, ch. Ichabod and Patience, Dec. 17, 1713.
Joseph, ch. Samuel and Fear, Jan. 7, 1717.
Joseph, ch. Allerton [q. v.] and Elizabeth ((Sampson) (second w.)), Feb. 24,
(Joseph, ch. Benjamin Jr. and Zeruiah [see Benjamin],---------) [rec. before ch.
b. July 10, 1761, (the order in which they were born)].
Joshua, s. Moses, bp. Mar. 3, 1733-4, C.R.
(Josiah, Lt., h. Susanna (d. Capt. William Shurtleff of P.), s. Dea.. Elkanah of
P. and Martha Cooke (second w.); s. Eld. Thomas of Plymouth and Mary (d. Isaac
Allerton and Mary); s. Robert, Mar. 21, 1688).
Josiah, ch. Josiah [q. v.] and Susanah ((Shurtleff)), Aug. 12, 1719.
(Josiah), ch. Josiah (Cushmon) and Sary [(Sarah (first w., d. Zechariah
Standish))], (Oct. 26, 1749).
Josiah, (moved from P.), ch. Isaiah (Cushmon) and Sarah (see Andrew Cushmon],
Aug. 20, 1782.
Kazia, ch. Job, bp. June 6, 1780, C.R.
Laura, ch. Benjamin, bp. Sept. 25, 1825, C.R.
(Levi, ch. Ebenezer and Rebekah [see Daniel],--------) (rec. before ch.
Levi, ch. Lt. Zachariah, (s. Elkanah)) and Saba ((d. Capt. Joshua Adams of
Kingston), Sept. 4, 1785.
Lidia, ch. Allerton and Elethea,)}Oct. 2, 1741. [Lydia, C.R.]
Lothrop, (moved to Conn.), ch. Isaiah (Cushmon) and Sarah [see Andrew Cushmon],
Aug. 18, 1773.
Luther (Cushmon), ch. Allerton and Elethea, Oct. 14, 1747.
Lydia (see Lidia).
Lydia [d. (w. Ebenezer Standish (s. Moses Jr. and Mary))], ch. Thomas and Anna,
Apr. 3, 1767.
(Lydia [dup. (w. Alfred Churchill (s.Ebenezer ))], ch. Ebenezer and Rebekah (see
Daniel], Aug. 28, 1773).
(Lydia. w. Cephas Bumpus (s. Lot of Wareham), d. Elisha of Kingston, July 18,
1784, in Kingston).
Marcy, ch. Samuel and Fear, Feb. 8, 1712—13.
(Marcy [Cushman, sic, ? Chipman], w. Philemon Fuller (s. Amos), d. Capt. Seth,
June 22, 1766, in Kingston).
Martha, (w. Robert Waterman jr. of Halifax), ch. Josiah [q. v.] and Susanah
(Shurtleff), Jan. 12, 1712—13.
Mary, ch. Allerton [q. v.] and Mary ((Buck) (first w.)), June 5, 1718.
Mary, ch. Ichabod and Patience Dec. 22, 1723.
Mary, ch. Moses and Mary, Sept. 21, 1725 [sic, see Elijah].
Mary (Cushmon), ch. Allerton and Elethea, Dec. 23, 1744.
Mary, ch. Benjamin and Laury, bp. June 18, 1820, C.R.
Mary Mercy ch. Capt. Zenas [q. v.] and Deborah Lothrop (Johnson), Feb. 6, 1826,
in Kingston.
Marcy(see Marcy)
Nancy, ch. Lt. Zachariah and Saba [see Levi, Sept. 4, 1785], Oct. 10, 1789.
Nathaniel, ch. Job, bp. June 6, 1780, C.R.
Nathaniell, ch. Isaac Jr. and Sarah [see Alles], May 28, 1712.
Nathaniell [dup. Nathaniel Cushmon], ch. Josiah and Deborah [dup. Deborah, see
Alden], Aug. 3, 1768.
Nathaniell, ch. Nathaniell and Sarah [see Consider), Sept. 2, 1738. [Nathaniel,
Patience, ch. Ichabod and Patience, Apr. 8, 1721.
Patty, ch. Elkanah (Cushmon) Jr. and Hannah [see Elkanah], Mar. 5, 1779.
(Peleg, ch. Ebenezer and Rebekah [see Daniel],----------) [rec. before ch. b.
Mar. 29, 1786].
Phoebe, ch. Isaac Jr. and Sarah [see Alles], Mar. 14, 1702-3.
Polly, ch. Thomas and Anna, May 7, 1771.
Prissilah, (w. Israel Holmes of P.), ch Isaac Jr. and Marcy [see Abigail), Dec.
12, 1719.
Rebeckah, (first w. Jabez Newland), ch. Isaac Jr. and Sarah [see Alles], Oct.
14, 1707.
Rebeckah, ch. Ichabod and Patience, July 11, 1727.
(Rebekah [dup. (Rebecca, w. Levi Wright Jr. (s. Levi))], ch. Ebenezer and
Rebekah [see Daniel], Sept. 2, 1781).
(Rebekah, ch. William (q. v.] and Sarah Holloway (first w.),----------)
Robart, ch. Josiah and Deborah [see Alden], Feb. 15, 1776. [Robert, C.R.]
(Ruth, w. Luke Perkins Jr. (s. Luke and Martha), d. Thomas Jr. probably, of P.;
or She might be the daughter of his Son Robert of Kingston, Mar. 25, 1700).
Ruth, "alias Ruth Sturtevant," d. Mary, Aug. 14, 1727.
Sally, ch. Lt. Zachariah and Saba [see Levi, Sept. 4, 1785], Sept. 29, 1783.
Samuel, ch. Thomas and Anna, Nov 27, 1756.
Samuell, ch. Samuell and Fear, July 10, 1715.
Sarah, ch. Isaac Jr. and Sarah [see Alles), Dec. 2, 1709.
Sarah, ch. Ichabod and Patience, Nov 8, 1717, in Midleborough.
Sarah, ch. Benjamin and Sarah [see Abigail], Sept. 29, 1725.
Sarah, ch. Moses and Mary, Oct. 20, 1727.
Sarah, ch. Nathaniell and Sarah [see Consider], Nov. 12, 1736.
Sarah [dup. Cushmon], ch. Josiah and Deborah [dup. Daborah, see Alden], Nov. 29,
Sarah, ch. Thomas and Anna, July 3,1765.
(Sarah, w. Samuel Fuller of Halifax, ch. Benjamin Jr. and Zeruiah [see
Benjamin], July 7, 1766).
Silvanus, s. John, bp. Apr. 10, 1748, C.R.
Solloman [dup. Sollomon], ch. Benjamin and Sarah [see Abigail, Sept. 9, 1717.
Susanah, ch. Josiah [q. v.) and Susanah ((Shurtleff)), Sept. 16, 1710.
Susanah, (w. Benjamin] Shurtleff), ch. Josiah [q. v.] and Susanah ((Shurtleff)),
May 24, 1715.
Susanna, ch. Josiah and Deborah [see Alden], Mar. 3, 1771.
(Susanna, ch. William [q. v.] and Sarah Holloway (first w.),-------.
Thomas, ch. Benjamin and Sarah [see Abigail, Oct. 11, 1730.
Thomas, ch. Thomas and Anna, Jan. 30, 1758-9.
(Violette Brewster, ch. Ebenezer and Rebekah [see Daniel], Mar. 29, 1786].
William, ch. Ichabod and Patience, Oct. 13, 1715.
William [second dup. (moved to Conn., h. Sarah Holloway, in Connecticut he
married a Second wife by whom he had several Chldren)], ch. Josiah (q. v.] and
Susanah ((Shurtleff), Feb. 26, 1723-4.
William [ dup. Chushmon] ch. Josiah and Deborah [dup. Deborah, see Alden], Feb.
13, 1764.
Winslow Bradford, ch. Jacob and Silva [see Irma], May 1,1805.
Zachriah, [twin] ch. Thomas and Anna, Feb. 19, 1761. [Zacharias, C.R.]
Zebede, ch. Thomas and Anna, July 28, 1763. [Zebedee, C.R.]
Zelpha, ch. Allston and Elethea, Feb. 3, 1736. [Zilpah, ch. Allerton and
Alethea, C.R.]
(Zenas, Capt., h. Deborah Lothrop (Johnson) [q. v.], s. James of Kingston and
Mercy; s. Thomas of Kingston and Mehetabel; s. Robert of Kingston and Persis; s.
Thomas of P. and Ruth (Howland) (first w.); s. Eld. Thomas of Plymouth and Mary
(Allerton); s. Robert, who visited Plymouth in Nov. 1621, July 17, 1791, in
(Zenas, ch. Ebenezer and Rebekah[see Daniel],---------) [rec. after ch. b. Aug.
28, 1773.
(Zeruiah, ch. Benjamin Jr. and Zeruiah [see Benjamin],--------- [rec. between
ch. b. July 10, 1761 and ch. b. Apr. 17, 1764, (the order in which they were
(Zeruiah, w. Zebedee Chandler of P., ch. Benjamin Jr. and Zeruiah [see
Benjamin], Apr. 17, 1764).
Zilpah (see Zelpha).
(Zilpah, ch. Benjamin Jr. and Zeruiah [see Benjamin],------) [rec. between
Joanna and Joseph, (the order in which they were born.
CUSHMON (see Cushman)
Abegail, ch. William (Cushman) [q. v.] and Sarah (Holloway (first w.)), Feb. 28,
Andrew, (moved to Maine), ch. Isaiah ((s. Lt. Josiah Cushman) and Sarah ((d.
Andrew Ring and Zeruiah (d. Ebenezer Standish of P. and Hannah))), Jan. 6, 1761.
Barnebus, ch. John Jr. and Deborah, Dec 7, 1751. [Barnabas Cushman, C.R.]
Caleb, ch. Alorton and Daborah (second w.), Oct. 21, 1749.
Caleb [dup. Cushman)], ch. Benjamin Jr. and Zeruiar (dup. (Zeruiah), see
Benjamin Cushman], Jan. 13, 1750-1.
Deborah, ch. Alorton and Daborah (second w.), Sept. 26, 1751. [Deborah Cushman,
d. Allerton, C.R.]
Deborah [dup. and second dup. (Deborah Cushman Jr.), second dup. (w. Melzar
Loring), q. v.], ch. Josiah and Deborah (second dup. (Josiah of P. and Deborah
(second w., d. Andrew Ring of Kingston [dup.(afterwards of N. Yarmouth)] and
Zerviah (d. Ebenezer StandIsh of P. and Hannah; s. Alexander Standish of
Duxbury; s. Capt. Mlles Standish)); s. Lr. Josiah of P. and Susanna Shurtleff;
s. Dea. Elkanah of P. and Martha Cooke (second w.) ; s. Eld. Thomas of Plymouth
and Mary (Allerton) ; s. Robert, who came to Plymouth in the Ship Fortune about
the 9th of November 1621)], Dec. 28, 1761 [second dup. (in P.)].
Daniel, ch. William (Cushman) [q. v.] and Sarah (Holloway (first w.)), June 28,
Deborah (see Daborah).
Ebenezer [dup. (Cushman, h. Rebekah (d. Ichabod Churchill), h. Lucy (d. Abner
Bisbee))], ch. Elkenah and Hanah [(Elkanah (s. Lt. Josiah) and Hannah (first w.,
d. Zachariah Standish), Mar. 26, 1750.
Elkanah, ch. Elkenah and Hanah [see Ebenezer], Mar. 3, 1747-8.
Ephram, ch. John Jr. and Daborah, Feb. 20, 1754.[Ephraim Cushman, C.R.]
Ezra, ch. Elkenah and Harrah [see Ebenezer , Mar. 26, 1744.
Ezra, ch. William (Cushman) [q. v.] and Sarah (Holloway (first w.)), Nov 29,
Ezra, ch. Elkanah Jr. and Hannah [see Elkanah Cushman, Dec. 8, 1786]. July 29,
Hanah, ch. Caleb (s. Benjamin Cushman)) and Sarah, Jan. 4, 1745-6. [Hannah
Cushman, C.R.]
Hannah [dup.(Cushman, w. Capt. Elias Churchill (s. David Jr.)) ch. EIkenah and
Patiancx [Elkanah (s. Lt Josiah) and Patience (second w., wid. John Perkins, d.
Ichaod Paddock))), July 2, 1759.
Ignatious [dup. Ignatius Cushman], ch. Josiah and Daborah [dup. see Alden
Chushman], Aug. 10, 1766.
Isaac, (moved Conn.), ch. Isaiah and Sarah [see Andrew], Dec. 31, 1759.
Isaiah, (Moved to Maine), ch. Isaiah and Sarah [see Andrew], Feb. 6, 1757.
Jabez Nuland (moved from P.), ch. Isaiah and Sarah [see Andrew], Nov. 28, 1766.
Jacob [dup. Cushman), second dup. (Cushman, h. Sylvia (Sampson)), q. v.], ch.
Benjamin Jr. and Zeruiar [dup. Zeruiah), see Benjamin Cushman], Feb. 29 [sic],
1748-9, (The said Jacob Cushman says he was born February 29, 1747-8) [dup.
James, ch. Elkenah and Patiance [see Hannah]. Dec. 17, 1761.
Joanah, ch. John Jr. and Daborah, Apr. 29, 1749. [Joanna Cushman, C.R.]
Josiah, ch. Josiah and Sary [(Sarah (first w., d. Zacharlah Standish))), Feb. 9,
Levy, ch. Elkenah and Hanah [see Ebenezer], Aug. 11, 1755. [Levi Cushman, C.R.]
Moley, ch Solomon [(Cushman (s. Benjamin))] and Ruth, Apr. 18, 1744.
Moly, ch. Elkanah Jr. and Hannah [see Elkanah Cushman], June 14, 1774.
Ollever, (moved from P.), ch. Isaiah and Sarah [see Andrew], June 21, 1765.
[Oliver, C.R.]
Pricelah, ch. Solomon [(Cushman (s. Benjamin))) and Ruth. Jan. 6, 1749-50.
Rebackah, ch. Elkenah and Patience [see Hannah], Feb. 25, 1764. [Rebekah, C.R.]
Ruth, ch. Solomon (Cushman (s. Benjamin))] and Ruth, June 8, 1742. [Cushman.
Sarah, ch. Caleb ((s. Benjamin Cushman)) and Sarah, Nov 12, 1743.
Sarah ch. Solomon [(Cushman (s. Benjamin))] and Ruth, Jan. 6, 1747-8.
Sarah, (w. Joseph Perkins), ch. Isaiah and Sarah [see Andrew], Apr. 19, 1763.
Solomon, ch. Solomon [(Cushman (s. Benjamin))] and Ruth, Aug. 2, 1745.
Suze ((Susanna], ch. Elkenah and Harrah [see Ebenezer], Mar. 6, 1745-6. [Susa
Cushman, C.R.]
Thomas, ch. William (Cushman) [q. v.] and Sarah (Holloway (first w.), Jan. 5,
William, ch. William (Cushman) [q. v.] and Sarah (Holloway (first w.), Mar. 3,
Zachriah [dup. (Lt. Zachariah Cushman, h. Saba(d. Capt. Joshua Adams of
Kingston], ch. Elkenah and Hanah [see Ebenezer], Mar. 14, 1753-4 [dup.1753.
Zuraiah, (w. Beza Soule), ch. Isiah and Sarah[see Andrew], June 3, 1755.
[Zeruiah Cushman, C.R.]
(Mercy, That name is usually written Damon, but is written Dammon by this
family, first w. Samuel Briggs [q. v.], d. Elijah of Pembroke and Anna, Feb. --,
DARLIN (see Darling)
Joseph, ch. Samuel and Margrett, Oct. 24, 1757. (Darling, C.R.]
Pege, ch. Samuel and Margrett, Dec. 21, 1762. [Pegge Darling, C.R.]
Samuel, ch. Samuel and Margrett, Sept. 8, 1759. [Darling, C.R.]
DARLING (see Darlin)
Joseph, s. David, bp. Mar. 5. 1737-8, C.R.
Samuel, s. David, bp. Aug 17, 1735, C.R.
Lucia, ch. Zenas (q. v.] and Sarah (Freeman), July 19, 1826, in P.
(Zenas, h. Sarah (d. Martin Freeman of Rochester and Mercy), a. Capt. Timothy of
Kingston and Pamela; s. Dea. NIcolas of Kingston, Jan. 20, 1802, in Kingston).
DEAN(see Deane)
Ebenezer Tyler [dup. b. Rebecca (d. William Perkins and Sophia)], ch. Dr.
Ebenezer (s. Dr. Ebenezer Deane of P.) and Ruth (d. Capt. Southworth Ellis of
Middleborough), Dec. 27, 1816.
George Washington, ch. Dr. Ebenezer and Ruth (Ellis) [see Ebenezer Tyler Dean],
May 4, 1828.
Helen, ch. Ebenezer Tyler [q.v.] and Rebecca (Perkins), May 7, 1841.
Horatio Bowen [dup. Capt., h. Mary Ann (d. Zebedee Wri 2d and Mary of P.)], ch.
Dr. Ebenezer and Ruth(Ellis) [dup. of P., see Ebenezer Tyler Dean], Feb. 24,
1815 [dup. in P.].
Horatio Bowen, ch. Capt. [dup. omits Capt.] Horatio Bowen (q.v., dup. farmer]
and Mary Ann (Wright) [dup. of P.], July 21, 1846[dup. in P.].
Juliet Tyler, ch. Ebenezer Tyler [q. v.] and Rebecca (Perkins), Mar. 31,
1843[dup. in P.].
Maria Louisa [dup. w. James Henry Harlow (s. Stephen and Patience Ellis; of
Middleborough], ch. Dr. Ebenezer and Ruth (Ellis) [see Ebenezer Tyler Dean, Feb.
22, 1818.
Marion Frances, d. Mary Peterson Dean, reputed ch. Joseph Lincoln, July 29,
-----s. Ebenezer Tyler [q. v.] and Rebecca (Perkins), May 25, 1840.
DEANE (see Dean)
Arabell Whitman, ch. Ebenezer Whitman [q. v.] and Adeline Harrison (Washburn),
Oct. 7, 1830, in P.
(Avery [dup. (h. Lydia Anderson (wid. Simon Richmond, d. Lemuel Simmons of
Plymouth))], ch. Dr. Ebenezer [q .v., dup. (of P.)] and Hannah (Whitman), Sept.
1, 1789) [dup. (in P.)].
(Ebenezer, Dr., h. Hannah (d. Ebenezer Whitman of Bridgewater), s. Dea. Samuel
of Dedham, May 31,1742).
(Ebenezer [dup. (Dean, Dr., h. Ruth (d. Capt. SDouthworth Ellis of
Middleborough))], ch. Dr. Ebenezer [q. v., dup. (of P.)] and Hannah (Whitman),
May 26,1771). [bp. Dec. 30, 1770, C.R.]
(Ebenezer Whitman [dup. (h. Adeline Harrison (d. Zenas Washburn and Sarah))],
ch. Winslow [q. v.] and Rebecca (Weston), Nov. 26, 1804).
(Edmund Weston, ch. Winslow [q. v.] and Rebecca (Weston), June 19, 1810).
George Avery Richmond, ch. Avery [q. v.) and Lydia Anderson (Simmons)
(Richmond), June 9, 1825.
(Hannah [dup. (w. Peleg Wright(s. Samuel of P.))], ch. Dr. Ebenezer [q. v., dup.
(of P.)] and and Hannah (Whitman), Aug. 9, 1773).
(Horatio Winslow, ch. [q. v.] and Rebecca (Weston), June 23, 1807.
Mary Peterson, ch. Winslow [q. v.] and Rebecca (Weston), Dec. 5, 1818.
(Rebecca, ch. Dr. Ebenezer [q. v.] and Hannah (Whitman), July 26, 1781). [Dean,
Rebecca Whitman, ch. Avery [q. v.] and Lydia Anderson (Simmons) (Richmond),
Sept. 20, 1818.
Samuel Pearson, ch. Winslow [q. v.] and Rebecca (Weston), June 4,1815.
(Sarah, ch. Dr. Ebenezer [q. v.] and Hannah (Whitman), Dec. 7, 1774).[Dean, bp.
Apr. 24, 1774, sic. C.R.
(Winslow[dup.(h. rebecca(d. Zadock Weston of P.))), ch. Dr. Ebenezer [q. v.,
dup. (of P.)] and Hannah (Whitman), Dec. 26, 1777) (dup. (in P.].
Zadock Weston, ch. Winslow [q. v.] and Rebecca (Weston), Sept. 23, 1812.
(Briggs Bradford, ch. Nathan [q. v.] and Mercy (Holmes)), Oct. 30, 1808, in
Catharine, ch. Nathan [q. v.] and Mercy (Holmes), June 16, 1822, in Duxbury.
(Marcia, ch. Nathan [q. v.] and Mercy (Holmes), Sept. 12, 1803, in Duxbury).
(Mary, ch. Nathan [q. v.] and Mercy (Holmes), Sept. 16, 1802, in Duxbury)
(Nathan, purchased a farm in Plympton, and moved on to said farm .. 1837, h.
Mercy (Holmes) [q. v.], s. Malachi and Sybil of Duxbury, Sept. 8. 1780, in
Nathan [dup. Jr., h. Abigail Weston (d. Capt. Samuel Hunt and Sarah of Duxbury
)], ch. Nathan [q. v.] and Mercy (Holmes), Apr. 4, 1814, in Duxbury.
(Olive, w. Thomas Luce of Plymouth, w. William Jeffers, second w. Israel
Bradford [q. v], ch. Charles of Duxbury and Hannah, Sept. 20, 1793.
(Sarah Holmes, ch. Nathan (q. v.] and Mercy (Holmes), July 12, 1805, in
Sarah Pruden [dup. w. Ansel Churchill Jr. (s. Ansel and Lois of P.)], ch. Nathan
[q. v.] and Mercy (Holmes), Apr. 28,1827, in Duxbury.
(Sophia, ch. Nathaniel[q. v.] and Mercy (Holmes), Jan. 2, 1810, in Duxbury).
Winthrop Ellis, ch. Nathan(?)[q. v.] and Abigail Weston (Hunt), Aug. 19, 1838.
David Brainerd, ch. Rev. Elijah [q. v.] and Mary (Morton) (second w.), Oct. 18,
(Elijah, Rev., Minister . . . in Plympton for over forty years, h. Clarissa (d.
Joshua Crocker), h. Mary (d. Nathaniel Morton Esq. of Freetown), s. Dea. Elijah
of Rochester, Sept. 1, 1786, in Rochester.
Elijah, ch. Rev. Elijah [q. v.] and Mary (Morton) (second w.), Aug. 1, 1816.
Elijah Crocker, ch. Rev. Elijah and Clarissa [dup. ((Crocker) (first w.)), see
Rev. Elijah], Sept. 9, 1810.
Henry Martyrn, ch. Rev. Elijah,[q.v.] and Mary (Morton)(second w.), Aug. 13,
Nathaniel Morton, ch. Rev. Elijah [q. v.] and Mary (Morton) (second w.), Sept.
28, 1814.
DOTEN (see Dotey, Dotin, Doting)
Abegail, [twin] ch. Edward (Dotin) and Joanah, Jan. 28, 1755.
Caleb, ch. Ebenezer (Doton) and Marcy, Apr. 11, 1751.
(David Millard, h. Betsy (d. John Prince of Kingston and Betsy), s. Silas of
Rochester and Sarah, Mar. 22, 1800, in Rochester).
(Deborah Cobb, w. John Barrows (s. Andrew and Sarah of Carver), d. Edward and
Deborah of Carver, Nov. 11, 1798, in Carver).
Edwin Webster, ch. David Millard [q. v.] and .Betsy (Prince), Oct. 2, 1832, in
(Hannah, second w. Lt. Isaiah Tillson, d. Ebenezer of Carver, Feb. 9, 1791) [in
James, ch. Edward (Dotin) and Joanah, Aug. 6, 1752.
James, ch. John and Polly, Nov. 13, 1797.
John, s. Jacob, bp. Aug. 1, 1746, C.R.
May, [twin] ch. Edward (Dotin) and Joanah, Jan. 28, 1755.
(Mercy, w. Bennet Cobb (s. Nehemiah Esq. of Carver), d. Ebenezer of Carver, Mar.
30, 1789, in Carver).
Seth, ch. Solomon (Dotin) and Joanah, Dec. 29, 1756.
Solomon, ch. Solomon (Dotin) and Joanah, Oct. 2, 1759.
DOTEY (see Doten, Dotin, Doting)
Betsey, ch. Thomas and Joanna, Apr. 9, 1789.
James Watermon, ch. Thomas and Joanna, July 15, 1785.
DOTIN(see Doten, Dotey, Doting)
Ephraim [Doten)), ch. Edward and Josiah. Mar. 3, 1757.
Isace ((Doten)), ch. Edward and Joanah, Feb. 1, 1760.
John [(Doten) , ch. Edward and Joanah. Sept 3, 1750.
Zabede[(Doten)], ch. Edward and Joanah, Apr. 23, 1762.
DOTING (see Doten, Dotey, Dotin)
Fear [(Doten)], ch. Jacob and Daborah, June 10, 1741.
Hanah [Doten], ch. Jacob and Daborah, May 7, 1732.
Jacob(Doten), ch. Jacob and Daborah, Mar. 13, 1736-7.
Jemimah[(Doten)], ch. Jacob and Daborah, Apr. 19, 1734.
Solomon [ ch. Jacob and Daborah, July 26, 1730.
Zephaniah [(Doten)j, ch. Jacob and Daborah, June 1, 1739.
(Betsy, w. George Sherman (s. Asa and Polly), d. Nicholas of Plymouth and
Azubah, Feb. 18, 1803).
(Abigail, w. Ebenezer Wright, ch. Ebenezer and Lydia (Perry) (second w., wid.
Nathaniel Fuller Jr.), June 28, 1763).
Abigail Ransom, ch. James [q. v.] and Ruth (Pratt), Oct. 8, 1826, in P.
Asey, ch. Salvenus and Rebeckah, [(Asa, ch. Dea. Silvans (s. Israel) and Rebekah
(d. Dea. Abel Crocker))) Jan. 25, 1759.
Cornelias, ch. Isreal [Israel), dup. Israel) and Joanah [Joanna (d. Dea. John
Rickard of P], Aug. 12, 1716.
Ebenezer, ch. Israeli and Joanah (see Corneas), Feb. 5, 1718-19.
(Ebenezer, ch. Ebenezer and Lydia (Perry) (second w., wid. Nathaniel Fuller
Elezer, ch. Salvenus and Rebeckah [see Asey], Aug. 24, 1761.
Elijah, ch. Salvenus and Rebeckah (see Aseyj, May 22, 1753.
(Eunice, ch. Ebenezer and Lydia (Perry) (second w., wid. Nathaniel Fuller
(Hannah, ch. Ebenezer and Lydia (Perry) (second w., wid. Nathaniel Fuller
Henry Allen, ch. James [q. v.] and Ruth (Pratt), Aug. 17, 1830, in P.
Isaac, ch. Salvenus and Rebeckah [see Asey], Mar. 31, 1755.
Isrell[Isreal] ch. Salvenus and Rebeckah [see Asey], Oct. 20, 1741.
Jabez Luther, ch. James [q.v.] and Ruth (Pratt), Nov. 20, 1828, in Carver.
James, ch. Israeli and Joanah [see Cornelias], Dec. 9, 1723.
(James, h. Ruth (d. Isaiah Pratt of Carver and Ruth), s. John of Carver and
Lucy, Mar. 31, 1801, in Carver).
(Jesse, ch. Ebenezer and Lydia (Perry) (second w., wid. Nathaniel Fuller Jr.),
Joanah, ch. Micajah and Mary, Nov. 5, 1709.
(Joanna, ch. Ebenezer and Lydia (Perry) (second w., wid. Nathaniel Fuller Jr.),
Nov. 24, 1750).
John, ch. James [q. v.] and Ruth (Pratt), Sept. 3, 1822, in Carver.
Lucas, ch. Ebenezer and Phebe, Mar.19, 1745-6.
(Lucy, w. Lazarus Rickard (s. Isaac), d. John of Carver, Nov. 13, 1791, in
Moley, ch. Salvenus and Rebeckah [ses Asey), Feb. 13, 1757.
(Nancy, w. Zechariah Soule (s. Ephraim), d. Robert of Plymouth, Oct. 17, 1768,
in Plymouth).
(Nathaniel, ch. Ebenezer and Lydia (Perry) (second w., wid. Nathaniel Fuller
Patiance, (w. Perez Shaw), ch. Salvenus and Rebeckah [see Asey], Apr. 8, 1740.
(Phebe, ch. Ebenezer and Lydia (Perry) (second w., wid. Nathaniel Fuller
Rebeckah, ch. Salvenus and Rebeckah [see Asey], Mar. 11, 1745-6.
Rolinda Frances, ch. James [q. v.] and Ruth (Pratt), Nov. 22, 1832, in P.
Ruth James, ch. James [q. v.] and Ruth (Pratt), Aug 14, 1824, in Carver.
(Silas Jr., resident at Pembroke at the time of the recording hereof, s. Silas,
grand s. Silvanus who lived in that part of Plympton which is now Carver, Mar.
29, 1783, whether ... at Plympton or not the account . . . did not specify).
Silos, ch. Salvenus and Rebeckah [see Asey , Mar. 17, 1749-50.
Silvanus, ch. Israell and Joanah [see Cornelias), May 26, 1714.
(Silvanus, ch. Ebenezer and Lydia (Perry) (second w., wid. Nathaniel Fuller
Silvenes, ch. Salvenus and Rebeckah [see Asey], Mar. 9, 1744.
Simeon, ch. Salvenus and Rebeckah [see Asey], Apr. 25, 1747.
Susannh [second dup. (Susanna, w. Daniel Crocker), q. v.], ch. Israell and
Joanah [see Cornelias, second dup. (Joanna, d. John Rickard and Mary of P.)],
July 16, 1721.
Susanah, ch. Salvenus and Rebeckah [see Asey), July 9, 1751.
DWELLE (see Dwelly)
Simeon, s. Richard, bp. May 15, 1737, C.R.
DWELLY (see Dwelle) -
Thankful [dup. Thankfull], d. Richard and Margaret, Jan. 5, 1726-7.
Ann Janett Augusta, ch. Jabez (q. v.) and Ann Janett (Ring) (Sturtevant), June
23, 1845, in P.
Jabez, "moved from Plympton to Mansfield sometime in March 1846," h. Ann Janett
(wid. Ebenezer S. Sturtevant of P., d. Rufus Ring of Mansfield, formerly of
Kingston), s. Freedom of Halifax, formerly of P., Nov. 24, 1821, in Halifax.
EDDY(see Edye)
Ebenezer, ch. Jabiz Jr. and Thankfull, Nov. 3, 1730.
John. ch. Jabiz Jr. and Thankfull, Nov. 26, 1733.
(Lydia, w. Joseph Sherman Jr. (s. Lt. Joseph and Nancy), d. Arnold of Swanzey
and Hannah, Oct. 25, 1807, in Rehoboth).
Marget, ch. Jabiz Jr. and Thankfull, Aug.11, 1735.
Mary, ch. Jabiz Jr. and Thankfull, Dec. 23, 1732.
Sally Paddock, ch. Silvanus [q. v.] and Joanna (Fuller), Feb. 23, 1814, in P.
(Samuel, ch. Silvanus [q. v.] and Joanna (Fuller), Feb. 21, 1812, in New
(Silvanus, h. Joanna (d. Samuel Fuller of Halifax), s. Samuel formerly of
Middleborough, Mar. 16, 1788, in Middleborough).
(Silvanus Fuller, ch. Silvanus [q. v.] and Joanna (Fuller), May 4, 1810, in New
Susanah, ch. Jabiz Jr. and Thankfull, Dec. 15, 1731.
------, s. Ezra and Nancy, Nov. 17, 1834.
EDYE(see Eddy)
Beulah, ch. Jabez and Mary, June 6, 1707.
Hasadiah, ch. Jabez and Mary, Mar. 20, 1711-12.
Jabez, ch. Jabez and Mary, Apr. 14, 1700.
Ledia, ch. Jabez and Mary, Feb. 3, 1703--4.
Mary, ch. Jabez and Mary, Jan. 24, 1701-2.
Moses, ch. Jabez and Mary, Aug. 24, 1709.
ELESS (see Ellis)
Moly, ch. Samuel and Catharn, Apr. 27, 1769.
Stephen, ch. Samuel and Marcy, Oct. 15, 1748.
Willard, ch. Samuel and Catharn, Apr. 8, 1767.
ELLIS (see Eless)
(Abigail Samson, ch. Capt. Thomas (s. Joel) and Abigail (first w., d. Gideon
Bradford Jr.), Dec. 13, 1810). [Abigail Sampson Ellis, C.R.]
Alexander Loring, ch. Capt. Thomas and Susanna (third w., d. Capt. John
Bradford), Oct. 27, 1824.
Angeline Everett, ch. Edson [q. v.] and Pony (Sherman), Oct. 19, 1835.
Barzilla, ch. Josl and Annis ((d. Nathaniel Pratt and s. Joel and Phebe; s.
Capt. Joel of Middleborough and Elizabeth (Churchill) of Plymouth), Feb. 10,
Bazillai (see Berzilah)
Barslllai Freeman, ch. Joel ((s. Joel)) and Clara ((d. Capt. James Churchill)),
Nov. 9, 1809.
Benjamin, ch. Joell Jr. ((Joel (s. Joel of Middleborough and Elizabeth
(Churchill) of Plymouth))] and Phebe, Feb. 11, 1740-1.
Benjamin, ch. Freeman ((s. Joel)) and Sarah, June 23, 1771.
Beniamm, twin ch. Willard and Mary (d. Capt. Thomas Marshall and Phebe (d. Joel
Ellis of P.), July 13, 1794.
Berzilah (Elles), ch. Joel Jr. and Phebe (see Benjamin, Feb. 11, 1740-1], June
23, 1747. [Berzillai, C.R.]
(Betsy Robbins, second w. George Sherman, d. James and Susanna of Carver, July
10, 1809, in Carver)
(Betsey Thomas, ch. Thomas Dudley[q.v., dup shoemaker] and Betsy Carver
(Bradford) [dup. of P.], May 29, 1843 [dup. in P.].
(Betty [dup. (w. Jonathan Nye (s. Isaac))], ch. Joel Jr. [dup. (of P. )]] and
Phebe [see Benjamin, Feb. 11, 1740-1], July 18, 1754.
Caleb Loring, ch. Maj. Samuel (s. Lt. Stephen) and Abigail (d. Jonathan Parker),
May 26, 1813.
Campbell, ch. Willard and Mary [see Benjamin, July 13, 1794],Oct. 15, 1790.
Catharines [dup.(w. Ebenezer Leach](s. Asa of Bridgewater and Eunice (Turner)
ch. Willard [dup. (of P.)] and Mary [see Benjamin, July 13, 1794], June 2, 1809.
Charles Leonard, ch. Josiah Thompson (s. Lt. Stephen) and Sophia (d. Lt. Isaac
Wright), Oct. 12, 1833.
Charles Pinkney, ch. Capt. Thomas and Susanna (third w , d. Capt. John Bradford)
June 29, 1820.
(Clarissa), ch. Joel ((s. Joel)) and Clara ((d. Capt. James Churchill). May 7,
Ebenezer, ch. Lt. Stephen and Susanna, Aug. 26, 1785.
(Edson [dup. (h. Polly (d. Capt. Jabez Sherman of Carver and Polly)) , ch.
Marick (s. Lt. Stephen and Sophia (d. Capt. James Churchill), Aug. 21, 1808).
[[Etson, C.R.]
(Elihu [dup. (Lt., h. Sarah d. Samuel Fuller Jr. of Halifax and Nancy))], ch.
Marick [dup. (Merrick)] (s. Lt. Stephen) and Sophia (dup. (of P.) (d. Capt.
James Churchill), Mar. 12, 1811) [dup. (in P.)].
Elizabeth Nye, ch. Capt. Thomas and Phebe (second w., d. Jonathan Nye), Jan. 24,
Emeline, ch. Josiah Thompson (s. Lt. Stephen) and (Sophia (d. Lt. Isaac Wright),
Oct. 29, 1821.
Etson(see Edson)
Eunice Ada [dup. mils Ada], ch. Capt. [dup. omits Capt.] James Churchill [q. v.,
dup. farmer] and Nancy (Brewster) [dup. of P.]. Sept. 15, 1843[dug. in P.].
[Eunice Ada, Sept. 11, P.R.2.]
Freeman, h. Lydia Fuller of Maine), ch. Freeman ((s. Joel)) and Sarah, Oct. 29,
Freemon (Elles), ch. Joell Jr. and Phebe [see Benjamin, Feb. 11, 1740-1] July 7,
1745. [Freeman, C.R.]
George Livingston, ch. Edson [q. v.] and Polly (Sherman), Nov. 10, 1838.
Gustavus Billington, ch. Joel [q. v.] and Jemima (Phillips), Dec. 4, 1834.
Harrison, ch. Lt. Harrison Gray Otis [q. v.) and Margaret Dyer (Holbrook), Dec.
13, 1834.
(Harrison Grey Otis[dup. (Lt. h. Margaret Dyer(d. Capt. Jeremiah Holbrook of
Plymouth and Margaret)], ch. [dup. Capt. Josiah Thompson (s. Lt. Stephen) and
Soph [d. Lt. Isaac Wright), Oct. 16, 1810).
Henry Kneeland, ch. Capt. James Churchill [q. v.] and Nancy (Brewster), Sept.
15, 1831.
Isabella, ch. Capt. James Churchill [q. v.] and Nancy (Brewster), Feb. 26, 1840.
[Isabella Drew Ellis, P.R.2.]
James Churchill [dup. Capt., h. Nancy (d. Joeph Brewster of Duxbury and Sarah)],
ch. Joel s.( Joel)) and Clara((d. Capt. James Churchill)), June 18, 1806.
Jane, (w. Sampson Reed of Hartford, Me.), ch. Freeman ((s. Joel)) and Sarah.
June 14, 1773.
Joanna, ch. Freeman (s. Joel)) an Sarah, July 9, 1767.
Joel [dup. Clara (d. Capt. James Churchill))), ch. Joel and Annis (see
Barzilla), May 22, 1777.
Joel [dup. Jemima (d. Thomas Phillips of Duxbury and Abigail)], ch. Joel ((s.
Joel)) and Clara ((d. Capt. James Churchill)), Apr. 16, 1803.
Joel Freeman, ch. Capt. Thomas and Susanna (third w., d. Capt. John Bradford),
Mar. 27, 1827.
Joel, ch. Joel Jr. and Phebe [see Benjamin, Feb. 11, 1740-1], Dec. 22, 1738.]
{Joel C.R.]
John Milton [dup. (h. Abigail Ripley (d. Spencer Chandler and Lucretia of
Kingston], ch. Willard and Mary (see Benjamin July 13, 1794, Mar. 15, 1807.
John Parker, ch. (Maj. Samuel(( s. Lt. Stephen)) and Abigail (( Jonathan
Parker)), Aug. 7, 1802.
Joseph, twin ch. Willard and Mary [see Benjamin, July 13, 1791,] July 13, 1794.
Josiah Thompson, ch. Josiah Thompson (s. Lt. Stephen) and Sophia (d. Lt. Isaac
Wright), Aug. 9, 1824.
Josiah Tomson [dup. (thompson, Captain of the Rife Company in Plympton h.
Sophia(d. Lt Isaac Wright)], ch. Lt. S tephen and Susanna, Sept. 20, 1789.
Lucia Maria Frances, ch. Capt. Southworth Jr. [q. v.] and Lucia Crocker
(Thomas), Oct. 16, 1827.
Lydia, ch. Lt. Stephen and Susanna, May 8, 1793.
Marcy, (w. Arvida Hayford Esq. of Maine), ch. Freeman ((s. Joel) and Sarah, June
29, 1769.[Mercy C.R.]
Marcy(dup. (w. Polycarpus Parker (s. Jonathan)], ch. Lt. Stephen and Susanna,
Jan. 7, 1773.
Maria John, ch. Milton [q. v.] and Abigail Ripley (Chandler) Nov. 24, 1837.
Marick[dup. (Marich is here spelled as the . .person spelled it himself; but in
printed books it is spelled Merrick, which is the correct spelling, h. Sophia
(d. Capt. James Churchill))], ch. Lt. Stephen and Susanna, July 23, 1787.
Mary(see Polly)
Mary Edson, ch. Edson [q. v.] and Polly (Sherman), Dec. 15, 1832.
Mary Loring, ch. (Maj.) Samuel ((s. Lt. Stephen)) and Abigail ((d. Jonathan
Parker)), July 31, 1807.
Mary Thompson, ch. Josiah Thompson (s. Lt. Stephen) and Sophia (d. Lt. Isaac
Wright), Sept. 29, 1812.
Mercy (see Marcy).
Mercy, ch. Josiah Thompson (s. Lt Stephen) and Sophia (d. Lt. Isaac Wright),
Sept. 15, 1814.
Meribah (see Mira)
Merrick (see Marick).
Mira [dup. (w. Levi Loring (s. Lt. Joshua)], ch. Joel and Annis ch. Joel and
Annis[see Barzilla, July 24, 1774[dup.(in P.)
Molly, ch. Lt. Stephen and Susanna, Nov. 8, 1782.
Myra (see Mira)
Nancy Sherman, ch. Edson [q. v.] and Polly (Sherman), Mar. 6, 1843[dup. in P.].
Nancy Williams, twin ch. Capt. James Churchill [q. v.] and Nancy (Brewster),
June 14, 1838. [Nancy William Ellis, P.R.2.]
Nathaniel, ch. Joel and Annis [see Barzilla], Nov. 27, 1779.
(Nathaniel), ch. Joel dec'd ((s. Joel)) and Clara ((d. Capt. James Churchill),
Nov. 1, 1814).
Pashence [dup. (Patience, w. Brillya Wright (s. Isaac))], ch. Joel and Annis
[see Barsilla], Sept. 2, 1766.
(Patience, ch. Joel Jr. and Phebe [[see Benjamin, Feb. 11, 1740-1],------- about
2 years after her sister Betty).
(Phebe, ch. Joel Jr. and Phebe (see Benjamin Feb. 11,1740-1], June—, 1752].
Phebe (dup. (second w. Lt. Oliver Parker (s. Jonathan))], ch. Joel and Annis
(see Barzilla , Feb. 5, 1772.
Polly (dup. (w. Pelham Harlow Levi))], ch. Willard and Mary, [see Benjamin, July
13, 1794, Aug. 27, 1792. [Mary, C.R.]
(Ruth, w. Dr. Ebenezer Dean (s. Dr. Ebenezer),d. Capt. Southworth of
Middleborough, July 31, 1793.)
Ruth Avery (dup. (w. Allen How land (s. Allen of Pembroke and Sally))], ch.
(Maj.) Samuel (dup. (of P.)] ((s. Lt. Stephen)) and Abigail ((d. Jonathan
Parker)), Nov. 5, 1804.
Samuel (dup. (Maj., h. Abigail (d. Jonathan Parker))], ch. Lt. Stephen and
Susanna, Nov. 15, 1776.
Samuel Pearce, ch. Capt. Thomas and Susanna (third w., d. Capt. John Bradford),
Aug. 29, 1822.
Sarah, (second w. Nathan Sampson of Hartford, Me.), ch. Freeman ((s. Joel) and
Sarah, June 25, 1775.
Sarah James, ch. Capt. James Churchill [[q.v.] and. Nancy (Brewster), Oct. 11,
1836. [Oct. 14, 1836, P.R.2.]
Sarah Phine, ch. Lt. Elihu [q. v., chip. boarding house keeper] and Sarah
(Fuller) [dup. of P.],. Feb. 20, 1847 [dup. in P.].
Selah [dup. (w. Isaac Wright Jr. Esq. (s. Isaac))], ch. Joel and Annis (see
Barzilla], Jan. 5, 1770.
Selah, h. Josiah Thompson (s. Lt Stephen) and Sophia (d. Lt. Isaac Wright), July
18, 1819.
Sophia, ch. Josiah Thompson (s. Lt. Stephen) and Sophia (d. Lt. Isaac Wright),
Jan. 22, 1817.
(Southworth Jr., Capt., h. Lucia Crocker(d. Noah Thomas), s. Capt. Southworth of
Middleborough, July 25, 1795).
Stephen, ch. Lt. Stephen and Susanna, Oct. 12, 1778.
Stephen, ch. Josiah Thompson (s. Lt. Stephen) and Sophia d. Lt. Isaac Wright),
Dec. 2, 1826.
Susanna, ch. Lt. Stephen and Susanna, Oct 25, 1774.
Susanna Bradford, ch. Capt.Thomas and Susanna (third w., d. Capt. John
Bradford), Sept. 27, 1829.
Thomas, Capt. (dup. (h. Abigail (d. Gideon Bradford. Jr.), h. Phebe (Jonathan
Nye), h. Susanna (d. Capt. John Bradford))], ch.. Joel and Annis (see Barzilla],
Apr. 2, 1783.
Thomas Dudley [dup. h. Betsy Carver (d. Samuel Bradford and Lusatinah)], ch.
Capt. Thomas and Susanna (third w., d. Capt. John Bradford), Nov. 9, 1818.
Thomas Marshall, ch. Willard and Mary [see Benjamin, July 13, 1794], July 31,
Thomas Southworth, ch. Capt. Soutlrworth Jr. [q. v.] and Lucia Crocker (Thomas),
Apr. 1824.
Willard, ch. Willard and Mary [see Benjamin, July 13, 1794], Mar. 22, 1799.
William Frederick, ch. Capt. Southworth Jr. [q. v.] and Lucia Crocker (Thomas),
Oct. 29, 1825.
William Irving, ch. Josah,Thompson (s. Lt. Stephen) and Sophia (d. Lt. Isaac
Wright), Sept. 25, 1829.
---- ch. Willard and Mary [see Benjamin, July 13, 1794], May 20, 1797.
--------, (s. Capt. Thomas (s. Joel) and Abigail (first w., d. Gideon Bradford
Jr.), Oct. 13, 1809).
--------, s. Capt. Thomas and Phebe (second w., d. Jonathan Nye), Feb. 3, 1816.
-------, twin s. Capt. James Churchill [q. v.] and Nancy (Brewster), June 14,
Abigail, d. Ephraim of Kingston, bp. June 13, 1842, C.R.
Benjamin, ch. Richard and Elizabeth, Jan. 26, 1711.
Elizabeth, ch. John and Elizabeth, Sept. 13, 1707.