[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Abigell (dup. (Abigail)], twin ch. Rev. Othnell and Deberough [dup. (Rev.
Othniel and Deborah (second w.))], July 6, 1738.
Catherine (see Katharine).
Deborough [dup. (Deborah)], ch. Rev. Othnell and Deberough [dup. see Abigell],
Apr. 19, 1741.
Hannah, twin ch. Rev. Othnell and Deberough [see Abigell], July 6, 1738.
Katharine [dup. (Catharine, w. Samuel Ellis)], ch. Rev. Othnell and Katharine
[dup. (Rev. Othniel and Catharine (Willard) (first w.), Feb. 3, 1736.
Othnell [dup.(Othniel)], ch. Rev. Orthnell and Deberough[see Abigell), Nov. 10,
(Almira, w. Joseph Weston (s. Benjamin and Lucy), d. William and Mary of
Newport, R. I, Dec. 22, 1820, in New Bedford).
(Lois, w. Ansel Churchill (s. Ebenezer), d. Elijah of Middleborough, May 18,
1780, in Middteborough).
Mary Ann, second w. Capt. Jonathan Blanchard (s. Jonathan of Stoughton) [dup.
adds (w. Lewis Weston (s. Benjamin and Lucy))j, d. Pelatiah of York, Me., and
Mary, July 10, 1804, in York [Me.]).
CHAMBERLAIN(see Chamberlin)
Benjamin, ch. Samuel [q. v.] and Polly (Holmes), Apr. 4, 1828, in P.
Emily, ch. Samuet [q. v.] and Polly (Holmes), July 4, 1825, in Taunton.
Mary, ch. Samuel [q. v.] and Polly (Holmes). JuIy 13, 1820, in Raynham.
Nancy, w. Martin Everett Holmes (s. Sampson and Bathsheba of P.), d. Samuel [q.
v.] and Polly [dup. (Holmes)] formerly of P., now of Middleborough, Mar. 16,
1830, in P.
Priscilla Wright, ch. Robert Manlius [q. v., dup. house carpenterj and Eliza Ann
"reside ia Abington, ... but she was on a long visit at Plympton," Oct. 24,
1849, in P.
(Robert Manlius, h. Eliza Ann (d. Barzillai E. Wright and Priscilla V. of P.),
s. Aaron and Jane of Auburn, Me.,------- , in Auburn [Me.].
Sally, ch. Samuel[q. v.] and Polly (Holmes), May 17, 1822, in N. Bridgewater.
(Samuel, h. Polly (d. John Holmes of Taunton and Amy), s. Samuel and Hannah July
27, 1796, in Taunton].
Samuel, ch. Samuel [q. v.] and Polly (Holmes), Dec. 1, 1816, in Raynham.
CHAMBERLIN (see Chamberlain)
Elizabeth, ch. John ((s. Phillips)) and Patience ((d. Azariah Whiton)), Dec. 21,
Ezra, ch. John ((s. Phillips)) and Patience ((d. Azariah Whiton)), Oct. 5, 1778.
(James, s. Joseph and Susanna, Aug. 12, 1772, in P.)
John, ch. John ((s. Phillips)) and Patience ((d. Azariah Whiton)), June 22,
1792. [Chamberlain, C.R.]
Mehitable, ch. John ((s. Phillips)) and Patience ((d. Azariah Whiton)), Sept.
10, 1780.
Patience, ch. John ((s. Phillips)) and Patience (((d. Azariah Whiton)), Nov. 2,
Rebakah, ch. John ((s. Phillips)) and Patience ((d. Azariah Whiton), Nov. 6,
Abigail Ripley, w. John Milton Ellis (s. Willard and Mary), d. Spencer dec'd and
Lucretia of Kingston, Mar. 1, 1815, in Kingston.
Alden (see Aulden)
(Alen, s. Josiah (moved into ... Maine in ... 1812) and Lydia (second w., wid.
Jonathan Barrows, d. Nathan Perkins of P.),-------).
Arther [dup. (Arthur, h. Mercy (d William Ripiey)], ch. Zabede and Repentance
[Lt. Zebedee and Repentance (second w., formerly w. Arthur Bennet, d. Samuel
Lucas))], May 28, 1762.
Aulden, ch. Josiah and Rachel ((d. David Magoun of P.)), Mar. 8, 1777[Alden,
Betsey Darling, ch. Peleg (s. Asa of Duxbury and Martha) and Clara (second w.,
wid. Joel Ellis, d. Capt. James Churchill), Apr. 2, 1825, in Duxbury.
Bile ((Billy)], ch. (Lt.) Zebedee and Lydia ((first w., d. Caleb Loring Esq)),
Nov. 5, 1745.
(Caroline, ch. Arthur (s. Lt. Zebedee) and Mercy (d. William Ripley), Aug. 8,
Carroline, ch. Zebedee Jr. [q. v.] and Ruth ((Cole)), Nov 13, 1807.
Charlotte, ch. Zebedee ((s. Lt. Zebedee)) and Zeruiah ((d. Benjamin Cushman and
Zeruiah)), June 7, 1799.
Constant Southworth, ch. Nathaniel (s. Zebedee) and Harriot (d Dr. Richard
Briggs), June 21, 1814, in P.
Constantine, ch. Nathaniel ((s. Lt. Zebedee)) and Elsebath, May 2, 1769.
Edward, ch. PeIeg and Clara [see Betsey Darling Chandler), Aug. 20, 1822, in
Edward Taylor, ch. Peleg and Clara [see Betsey Darling Chandler], Oct. 11, 1820,
in Duxbury.
Elizabeth Bennet, ch. Zebedee and Zeruiah [see Charlotte], Nov. 31 [sicj, 1803.
Faith, ch. Zebedee and Lydia [see Bile], July 30, 1740.
Galen, s. Josiah, bp. Oct. 5, 1789, C.R.
George Stetson. Ch. Stetson and Eliza (d. Nymphas Marston of Barnstable), Oct.
19, 1827, in P.
Hanah, ch. Zebedee and Lydia [see Bile), Oct. 12, 1752.
(Hannah [dup. (w. Bela Sturtevant (s. Jabez of Halifax and Azubah))], ch. Arthur
[dup. (of P.)] (s. Lt. Zebedee) and Mercy (d. William Ripley), Feb. 21,
1785,(dup. in P.)].
(Henry Briggs, ch. Nathaniel (s. Zebedee) and Hamot (d. Dr. Richard Briggs),
Dec. 5, 1810, in Berlin, N. Y)
(Hervey, s. Josiah and Lydia [see Alea],-----).
Hervey, ch. Stetson and Eliza (d. Nymphas Marston of Barnstable), Feb. 17, 1823.
Isaac, ch. Zebedee and Zeruiah [see Charlotte], Sept. 29, 1787.
(Isaac, ch. Nathaniel (s. Zebedee) and Harriot (d. Dr. Richard Briggs), May 19,
1808, in Williamsburgh).
Isaac , ch. Zebedee Jr. [q. v.] and Ruth (Cole), Sept. 21, 1809.
Job Cole [dup. h, Nancy Bradford (d. Lt. Joseph Sherman and Nancy))]. ch.
Zebedee Jr. [q. v.] and Ruth ((Cole)), Dec. 23, 1804.
Job Cole, ch. Job Cole [q. v.] and Nancy Bradford (Sherman), Jan. 20, 1835, in
Job Cole, ch. Job Cole [q. v.] and Nancy Bradford (Sherman), Feb. 27, 1838, in
John Bradford, ch. Job Cole [q. v.j and Nancy Bradford (Sherman), Sept. 26,
1830, in P.
Joseph, ch. Zebedee and Lydia [see Bile], Aug. 28, 1750.
Joseph, ch. Josiah and Rachel ((d. David Magoun of P.)), Aug. 6, 1772.
(Joseph Bennet, ch. Arthur (s. Lt. Zebedee) and Mercy (d. William Ripley), July
5, 1798).
Joseph Sherman, ch. Job Cole [q. v.] and Nancy Bradford (Sherman), Feb. 27,
1833, in P.
Josiah, ch. Zebedee and Lydia [see Bile], Sept. 8, 1748.
Josiah, ch. Josiah and Rachel ((d. David Magoun of P.)), Nov. 23, 1774.
Josiah, ch. Job Cole [q. v.j and Nancy Bradford (Sherman), Oct. 2, 1840, in
Lidia, ch. Zebedee and Lydia [see Bile), Sept. 23, 1737.
[Lydia, ch. Nathaniel(s. Zebedee) and Harriot (d. Dr. Richard Briggs), Jan. 10,
1816, in P.
Louisa, ch. Nathaniel (s. Zebedee) and Harriot (d. Dr. Richard Briggs), Jan. 10,
1816, in P.
Lydia (see Lidia)
(Lydia, w. Caleb Sturtevant of Halifax), ch. Josiah and Rachel((d. David Magoun
of P.), ---------). [bp. June 22, 1782, C.R.]
Lydiah, ch. Zabede and Repentance [see Arther], Dec. 1, 1766.
Marcy, ch. Nathaniel (s. Lt. Zebedee)) and Elsebath [Elizabeth, C.R.], Mar. 1,
(Mary, ch. Arthur (s. Lt. Zebedee) and Mercy (d. William Ripley), Jan. 26,
Mercy (see Marcy)
(Mercy, ch. Arthur (s. Lt. Zebedee) and Mercy (d. William Ripley), Apr. 8,
Mercy, ch. Zebedee Jr. [q v.] and Ruth ((Cole)), Apr. 25, 1806.
Merrick Edward, ch. Merrick Ellis [q. v., dup. mechanic] and Mary (Barrows)
[dup. of P.], Oct. 2, 1843 [dup. in P.].
Merrick Ellis [dup. h. Mary (d. John Barrows of Carver and Deborah Cobb)], ch.
Peleg [dup. of Duxbury] and Clara [see Betsey Darling Chandler], Jan. 18, 1818,
in Daxbury.
Nancy Bradford, ch. Job Cole [q. v.] and Nancy Bradford (Sherman), July 10,
1843, in Carver.
Nathaniel (Chandler), ch. Zebedee and Lydia [see Bile], Aug. 26, 1742.
Nathaniel [dup. (h. Harriot (d. Dr. Richard Briggs))], ch. Zebedee and Zeruiah
[see Charlotte], Mar. 31, 1783.
Nymphas Marston, ch. Stetson and Eliza (d. Nymphas Marston of Barnstable), May
13, 1821.
(Olive, w. Capt. Samuel Winsor of Duxbury, second w. Capt. Samuel Bryant, d.
Samuel of Duxbury, July 3, 1781, in Duxbury).
Perez, ch. Zebedee and Lydia [see Bile), Nov. 4, 1754.
Perez, ch. Zebedee and Lydia (see Bile], Nov. 29, 1758.
(Rachel, w. Rev. Otis Thompson of Reboboth), ch. Josiah and Rachel ((d. David
Magoun of P.),---------). [bp. Aug. 6, 1780, C.R.
(Rebekah, ch. Arthur (s. Lt. Zebedee) and Mercy (d. William Ripley), Mar. 12,
Sally [dup.(w. Josiah Blanchard (a Jonathan of Stoughton)] , ch. Zebedee [dup.
(of P.)], and Zeruiah [see Charlotte, Oct. 31, 1794.
Samuel Virgin, ch. Stetson and Eliza (d. Nymphas Marston of Barnstable), Mar.
13, 1825.
(Sophia Peterson, w. Lemuel Cobb Jr. (s. Lemuel and Polly of P.), d. Charles and
Anna of Duxbury, Aug. 31, 1804, in Duxbury).
(Stetson, h. Eliza (d. Nymphas Marston of Barnstable), s. Perez of Duxbury, Nov.
30, 1791, in Duxbury).
William (see Bile)
William Bradford, ch. Job Cole [q. v.] and Nancy Bradford (Sherman), Sept. 3,
1843, in Carver.
William Wallace ch. Merrick Ellis [q. v.] and Mary (Barrows), Oct. 8, 1840.
Zabede [dup. Zebedee, h. Zeruiah ((d. Benjamin Cushman and Zeruiah))], Ch.
Zabede and Repentance [see Arther], Apr. 22, 1764.
Zebedee [dup. Jr. (Ruth (d. Job Cole of Carver))], ch. Zebedee and Zeruiah, Apr.
6, 1785.
Zeruiah [dup. (Zarviah, w. Ephraim Fuller (s. Ephraim of Halifax))], ch. Zebedee
(dup. (of P.)] and Zeruiah [see Charlotte], Oct. 8, 1791 [dup. in P.)].
---------, d. David of Duxbury and Laura (ch. Capt. Andrew Churchill and Jane),
Mar. 29, 1823, in P.
Lois Ann, w. Edward Gray Bradford (s. Samuel of P. and Lusannah), d. James and
Patience of Dighton, Apr. 20, 1828, in Dighton.
Sally, w. Gideon Bradford (s. Samuel and Lusannah of P.), d. Levi and Lucy of
Carver, Apr. 30, 1821, in Carver.
Jacob, ch. Jacob, bp. June 3, 1733, C.R.
Mary, d. Jacob, bp. Aug. 6, 1738, C.R.
Mercy (see Marcy Cushman).
Priscilla, ch. Jacob, bp. June 3, 1733, C.R.
William (see William Churchell)
CHURCHEL (see Churchell, Churchil, Churchill)
David, ch. David and Hannah, bp. Aug. 11, 1734, C.R.
Mary, d. Isaac, bp. Mar. 3, 1733-4, C.R.
Samuel, s. Nathanael, bp. May 12, 1751, C.R.
CHURCHELL(see Churchel, Churchil, Churchill)
Abigell [dup. Abigail Churchelj, ch. William [dup. Jr.] ((s. William)) and Ruth
((d. John Bryant, sister of Capt. George Bryant)), July 11, 1720.
Alles [second dup. Alice Churchill w. Jesse Leach)), ch. Samuell [second dup.
(Dea. Samuel of P.)] and Johana [dup. (Dea. Samuel (s. William) and Joanna
(Bryant)), q. v.], June 18, 1719.
Averick [dup. Churchel, second dup. (Churchill, w. Ebenezer Standish Jr. (s.
Zachariah), w. Richard Everson Jr, of Kingston)], ch. Isaac and Susanah [Isaac
Churchill (s. William and Lydia, among the first Settlers of Plympton) and
Susanna(Leach) Sept. 15, 1723.
Benjamin (Churchil), Ch. Benjamen [(Benjamin Churchill (s. William, one of the
first Settlers of Plympton, and Lydia))] and Mary ((Shaw)), Jan. 31, 1728.
David, ch. William and Ruth [see Abigell], Nov. 4, 1709.
David [dup. Churchel], ch. David ((Churchill (s. William)) and Mary (Magoun)),
Aug. 9, 1729.
Ebenezer, ch. William and Ruth [see Abigell], Oct. 18, 1705.
Ebenezer, ch. Ebenezer ((s. William Churchill)) and Leah, Apr. 26, 1734.
Elias (Churchil) ch. David [(Churchill (s. William))] and Mary (Magoun), Aug. 2,
Elisebeth (Churchil) [dup. Elizabeth Churchill)], (first w. Luke Perkins), ch.
Isaac and Susanah [see Averick], June 4, 1737.
Elizebeth, ch. Benjamen and Mary [see Benjamin], Apr. 15, 1725.
Ephariham, ch. Josiah ((s. William Churchill. one of the first Settlers of
Plympton, and Lydia)) and Jamima [(Jemima (Hamblin))],------ (rec. after ch. b.
Jan. 21, 1723].
Hanah (Churchil), ch. David [(Churchill (s. William))] and Mary ((Magoun)), June
17, 1733.
Hanah (Churchil), ch. Ebenezer ((s. William Churchill)) and Leah, May 17, 1747.
[Hannah, C.R.]
Hannah, ch. William and Ruth [see Abigell], Oct. 23, 1707.
Ichabud (dup. Ichabod Churchel], ch. William and Ruth [see Abigell], Sept. 24,
Isaac [dup. (Churchill, h. Melatiah (d. Joshua, Bradford; s. Israel; s. Maj.
W.; s. Gov. W.), He had other Children born in Plympton besides ... Mical. He
moved from Plympton), ch. Ebenezer ((s. William Churchill)) and Leah, Feb. 11,
Isaac (Churchil), ch. Isaac and Susanah [see Averick], July 16, 1741.
Isrill, ch. Josiah and Jamima [see Ephariham],-------[rec. before ch. b. Mar. 6,
Jabiz [dup. Jabez Churchel], ch. Josiah and Jamima [see Ephariham], Jan. 21,
1723 [dup. (1723-4].
James, ch. Benjamen and Mary (see Benjamin], Dec. 30, 1726.
James {Churchil), ch. David [(Churchill (s. William))] and Mary ((Magoun)), May
29, 1746.
Joanna, d. John, bp. May 30, 1762, C.R.
Joannah [dup. Churchel], ch. Ebenezer [dup. Ebenezar] ((s. William Churchill))
and Leah, Apr. 28, 1730.
Johanah [dup. and second dup. Churchel], ch. William and Ruth [see Abigell], May
22, 1727.
John, ch. Ebenezer (s. William Churchill)) and Leah, Nov. 14, 1731.
Joshua (Churchil), ch. Ebenezer ((s. William Churchill)) and Leah, Feb. 23,
Josiah (Churchel), ch. Josiah and Jamima [see Ephariham], Mar. 6, 1730.
Leah (Churchil), ch. Ebenezer ((s. William Churchill)) and Leah, Apr. 17, 1740.
Luesannah (Churchill), ch. Benjamen and Mary (see Benjamin], Apr. 2, 1733.
Macy [dup.(first w. David Darling)), ch. Samuell and Johana [dup. see Alles],
Mar. 1, 1713-14.
Mary [dup. Churchel], ch. Beajamen and Mary [see Benjamin], Apr. 17, 1720.
Mehetaball [dup. Mehetable], ch. Samuell and Johana (dup. see Alles], Nov. 5,
Mercy(see Marcy)
Nathaniell [dup. Nathaniel], ch. William and Ruth [see Abigell], May 11, 1718.
Perez [dup. Churchel], ch. Benjamen and Mary [see Benjamin], Oct. 15, 1722.
Rebacah (Churchil), ch. Ebenezer ((s. William Churchill)) and Leah, Apr. 20,
Rebeckah, ch. William and Ruth (see Abigell], Jan. 8, 1711, [dup. 1711-12].
Ruth, (w. Ebenezer Cole), ch. William and Ruth [see Abigell], Sept. 14, 1716.
Ruth (Churchil), ch. Ebenezer ((s. William Churchill)) and Leah, Feb. 12,
Sarah [dup. Churchel], ch. William and Ruth (see Abigell], Feb. 7, 1724 [dup.
Suseanah (Churchel), (first w. David Weston), ch. Isaac and Susanah [see
Averick], Dec. 3. 1726.
William. [dup. Church], ch. William and Ruth [see Abigell] Dec. 15, 1714.
William (Churchil), ch. David [(Churchill (s. William))] and Mary ((Magoun)),
Nov. 28, 1739.
CHURCHIL (see Churchel, Churchell, Churchill)
Abegail, ch. John and Joannah [(John (Churchill) and Joanna (Bisbee); s.
Ebenezer and Leah; s. William and Ruth)], Aug. 28, 1765.
Abigail, (w. Hopestill Bisbee Jr.), ch. Nathaniel ((s. William Churchill)) and
Suseanah [(Susanna (Mackfarling or McFarland) (first w.))], May 10, 1744.
Alford [dup. (Alfred Churchill, h. Lydia (d Ebenezer Cushman))], ch. Ebenezer
[q. v.] and Luce [(Lucy (Palmer))], Feb. 19, 1773.
Caleb, ch. John and Joannah[see Abegail], Apr. 4, 1757.
Christiana (see Cristiana).
Cornelos [dup. (Cornelius Churchill, h. Desire (d. Ephraim Litchfield of
Scituate))], ch. Ebenezer [q. v.] and Luce [(Lucy (Palmer)), Nov. 4, 1780.
Cristiana, ch, James and Pricela [see Clara Churchill], Sept, 19, 1778.
[Christiana, C.R]
Daborah, ch. Ichebad [(Ichabod Churchill (s. William))] and Rebackah [(Rebekah),
Jan. 7, 1749-50.
David [dup. (Churchill, h. Lucy (d. Ebenezer Churchill))], ch. Isaac 3d ((s.
Isaac)) and Eunice (d. Dea. Timothy Ripley of P.)), Aug. 4, 1767.
David, ch. David Jr. ((s. David Churchill)) and Jenne [(Jane (Ellis) May 18,
Deborah (see Daborah)
Ebenezer [dup. (Churchill, h. Lucy (d, Samuel Palmer of Halifax))] ch. Ichebad
and Rebackah [see Daborah], Mar. 1, 1744.
Ebenezer, ch. Ebenezer [q. v.] and Luce [(Lucy (Palmer))], July 3, 1768.
Edward, ch. Ichabad Jr. [(Ichabod Churchill Jr. (moved from P., s. Ichabod)) and
Abigail, Sept. 1, 1776.
Elias [dup. (Churchill, Capt., h. Hannah (d. Elkanah Cushman), ch. David Jr.
((s. David Churchill)) and Jenne[Jane(Ellis), Jan. 26, 1759.
Etisebath, ch. WilIiam [s. David Churchill)) and Sarah ((Rider)), Mar. 24, 1763.
Eunes, ch. Ichebad and Suseanah [(Ichabod Churchill (s. William) and Susanna),
Jan. 20, 1765.
Gean, ch. James and Pricela [see Clara Churchill], Mar. 21, 1776. [Jane, C.R.]
Hannah [dup. (Churchill, w. Elkanah Cushman Jr. (s. Elkanah and Hannah (first
W.)))], ch. David Jr. ((s. David Churchill)) and Jenne [(Jane (Ellis)) June 14,
Hannah [dup. (Churchill, w. Isaac Cushing (s. Ehjah of Kingston))], ch. William
(dup. (of P.)] (s. David Churchill)) and Sarah ((Rider)), Sept. 8, 1773.
Ichebad, ch. Ichebad and Rebackah [see Daborah], Sept. 7, 1751.
Isiaiah, ch. James and Pricela [see Clara Churchill), Oct. 5, 1773.
Jacob, ch. Ebenezer [q. v.] and Luce [(Lucy (Palmer))], Dea 21, 1766.
James, ch. James and Pricela [see Clara Churchill], Feb. 26, 1771.
Jane (see Gean).
Jenne, (w. David Ripley), ch. David Jr. ((s. David Churchill)) and Jenne [Jane
(EIIis], Aug. 30, 1756.
Joanah, ch. Ichebad and Rebackah (see Daborah). Jan. 27, 1746-7.
Joanah, ch. Ichabad Jr. [see Edward] and Abigail, Oct. 20, 1779.
Joseph, ch. William (s. David Churchill)) and Sarah (Rider), Oct. 24, 1761.
Josiah, ch. Isaac 3d and Eunice (see Daniel], July 23, 1766.
Josiah, ch. Isaac 3d and Eunice [see Daniel], Jan. 19, 1770.
Lameuel, ch. John ((Churchill)) Jr. and Mary ((d. Capt John Bradford)): Feb. 9,
Leah, ch. John and Joannah [see Abegail], July 18, 1768.
Lemuel (see Lameuel).
Levy, ch. David Jr. ((s. David Churchill)) and Jenne [(Jane (Ellis), July 4,
Levy [dup. (Levi Churchill)], ch. Elias and Hannah [dup. see Clarissa
Churchill], Aug. 14, 1779.
Lucy [dup. (Churchill, w. Daniel Churchill (s. Isaac))], ch. Ebenezer [q. v.]
,and Luce [(Lucy (Palmer))], Feb. 20, 1776.
Lydiah, (w. Amittai Barlow), ch. Nathaniel and Suseanah [see Abigail], Mar. 17,
Marcy, (w. Jonathan Holmes), ch. William ((s. David Churchill) and Sarah
(Rider), Feb. 5, 1769.
Mariam, ch. John and Joannah [see Abegal], Sept. 20, 1759. [Miriam Churchel,
Mary (see Moly).
Mercy (see Marcy).
Mical, ch. Isaac Jr. (moved from P. (s. Ebenezer Churchill) and Maletiah
[Melatiah(d. Joshua Bradford; s. Israel; s. Maj. W.; s. Gov. W.))], Jan. 26,
1766, (in P.) [Michal, bp. May 22, 1776, C.R.]
Miriam (see Mariam).
Moly, ch. David Jr. and Jenne [(Jane (Ellis))], [dup. (Mary Churchill, w.
Shadrach Standish, q. v., d. David Jr. and Jane; s. David and Mary; s. William
and Ruth; s. William, one of the first Settlers in Plympton, and Lydia)] July
21, 1754.
Nathaniel, ch. Nathaniel and Suseanah [see Abigaill, May 10, 1746.
Olever [dup. (Oliver Churchill, h. Saba (d. Asaph Soule))], ch. James and
Pricela [see Clara Churchill], Apr. 21, 1766.
Patte, ch. David Jr. ((s. David Churchill)) and Jenne [(Jane Ellis)], Mar. 12,
Pricela, ch. James and Pricela (see Clara Churchill], Oct. 31, 1768. [Priscilla,
Prince, ch. Ebenezer [q. v.] and Luce [Lucy (Palmer))], Aug. 23, 1765.
Priscilla (see Pricela).
Rachel, ch. Isaac Jr., bp. May 12, 1776, C.R.
Rebackah [dup. (Rebekah Churchchil, w. Ebenezer Cushman (s. Elkanah)) ch.
Ichebad and Rebackah [see Dabarah], Dec. 9, 1753.
Rebackah [dup. (Rebekah Churchill. w. Abner Bisbee Jr. (s. Abner))], ch.
Ebenezer [q. v.] and Luce [(Lucy (Palmer))], Sept. 14, 1778.
Samuel [dup. Churchill, h. Deborah (d. Jacob Wright))], ch. William (s. David
Churchill)) and Sarah ((Rider)), June 29, 1760.
Samuel, (moved to ... Maine), ch. Ebenezer [q. v.] and Luce [(Lucy (Palmer))],
Aug. 29, 1770.
Sarah, cb. Ichebad and Suseanah (Ichabod Churchill (s. William) and Susanna)],
Mar. 9, 1758.
Sarah, ch. William ((s. David Churchill)) and Sarah (Rider)), Feb. 15, 1765.
Sarah, ch. John ((Churchill)) Jr. and Mary ((d. Capt. John Bradford)), Oct. 19,
Seth, ch. Isaac Jr., bp. May 12, 1776, C.R.
Silvanus, ch. Nathaniel and Suseanah [see Abigail], May 16, 1755.
Silve [Sylvia], ch. David Jr. ((s. David Churchill)) and Jenne [Jane (Ellis))],
Feb. 21, 1767.
Simeon, ch. Isaac 3d and Eunice [see Daniel], Feb. 2, 1772.
Stephen, ch. Nathaniel and Suseanah [see Abigail], Jan. 27, 1752.
Susannah, (w. Holmes Thomas), ch. Nathaniel and Suseanah [see Abigail], Jan. 19,
Suseanah, ch. Isaac 3d and Eunice [see Daniel], Oct. 1, 1774.
Sylvia (see Silve).
Thomas [dup. (Churchill, h. Polly (d. Zaaccheus Holmes of Plymouth and Ruth))],
ch. Ichebad and Suseanah ((Ichabod Churchill (s. William) and Susanna), dup.
((second w.), Mar. 7, 1756.
Timothy, ch. Isaac 3d and Eunice [see Daniel], Dec. 3, 1764.
William, ch. Ichebad and Suseanah [(lchabod Churchill (s. William) and
Susanna)], Feb. 18, 1761.
William, ch. William ((s. David Churchill)) and Sarah ((Rider)), Mar. 8, 1767.
Winslow, ch. Isaac Jr., bp. May 12, 1776, C.R.
Zakeus, Ch. Thomas [q. v.] and Moly (Polly (Holmes))], Apr. 20, 1779.
Zenus, ch. William ((s. David Churchill)) and Sarah ((Rider)), May 28, 1771.
CHURCHILL (see Churchlll, Churchell, Churchill)
(Abigail, ch. Alfred (s. Ebenezer) and Lydia (d. Ebenezer Cushman), Nov. 6,
(Abigail Washburn, w. Lt. Simeon Thompson s. Jabez), of Plymouth and Susan, July
28, 1808, in Plympton South).
Achsah, ch. (Capt.) Joshua ((s. Joshua)) and Silva, Sept. 12, 1808.
(Albert Smith), ch. Josiah ((s. Isaac)) and Deborah ((d. Ichabod Phinney), Apr.
19, 1815).
Alexander Lyman, ch. Alexander (s. Josiah and Deborah) and Lydia Standish
(Bosworth) [q. v.], Feb. 26, 1837.
Allexander [dup. (Alexander, h. Lydia Standish (Bosworth)), q.v. ch. Josiah ((s.
Isaac)) and Deborah ((d. Ichabod Phinney))Apr. 3, 1807.
Almira (see Elmira).
(Andrew, Capt., h. Jane (d. Shadrach Standish), s. Joshua and Elizabeth, Nov.
18, 1772, in P.)
Ann Janett, ch. Simeon (s. Josiah) and Sally Cushman (d. John Bisbee 2d), May
13, 1831.
Ansel [dup. (h. Lois (d. Elijah Caswell of Middleborough))], ch. Ebenezer
(Churchil) [q. v.] and Luce [(Lucy (Palmer)), Aug. 22, 1787.
(Ansel [dup. Jr., h. Sarah Pruden (d. Nathan Delano and Mercy of P.))], ch.
Ansel [q. v.] and Lois (Caswell) [dup. (of P.)], Dec. 23, 1809, in P.)
Asaba, ch. David Jr. ((s. David)) and Luraney (second w.) [(Lurana
(Mackfarling), But Urania is ... correct .. . Also McFarland)], Feb. 1, 1787.
Bartholomew Cushman, ch. Simeon (s. Josiah) and Sally Cushman (d. John Bisbee
2d), Nov. 23, 1837.
Bathsheba, (w. Elijah Vickery), ch. Ebenezer (Churchil) [q. v.] and Luce [(Lucy
(Palmer)] Aug. 29, 1784.
Bethany, ch. Cornelius (s. Ebenezer) and (d. Ephraim Litchfield of Scituate),
Apr. 21, 1812.
(Betsey, ch. Zadock (s. Samuel) and Betty (d. Abner Bisbee), July 7, 1800).
Charles, ch. Thomas (Churchil) [q. v.] and Moly [(Polly (Holmes))], Sept. 10,
(Charles, ch. Cornelius and Desire [see Bethany], July 16, 1807).
Charlotte, ch. Simeon (s. Josiah) and Sally Cushman ((d. John Bisbee 2d), July
20, 1840.
Charlotte Perkins, ch. Isaiah [q. v.] and Polly Stephens (Parker), June 6, 1835.
[Charlotte Parker Churchill, P.R.6.]
Clara (dup. (w Joel Ellis (s. Joel), w. Peleg Chandler of Duxbury ], ch. (Capt.)
James (Churchill) ((s. David Churchill)) and Priscilla (d. Benjamin Soule))],
June 15, 1782.
(Clarissa, ch. Capt. Elias (s. David Jr.) and Hannah (d. Elkanah Cushman), July
30 1796).
Cordelia [dup. w. George Henry Sherman (s. George and Betsy(first w.) ch.
Timothy [q.v.] and Ruth Hatch (Soule) [dup. of P.], Oct. 3, 1829 [dup. in P.].
(Cornelius, ch. Cornelius and Desire [see Bethany], Nov. 22, 1802).
Cynthia, ch. Sarah, Apr. 14, 1776.
Cyrus, ch. Jacob (s. Ebenezer) and Joanna (second w., d. Ichabod Bosworth and
Rececca (d. Caleb Sturtevant), May 3, 1793.
(Daniel [dup. (Jr., h. Rebeccea Whitmarsh (d. Zechariah Soule), h. Mary Thuston
(d. Lemuel Sturtevant of P.)], ch. Daniel (s. Isaac) and Lucy (d. Ebenezer
Churchill), June 19, 1800).
David, ch. David Jr. and Luraney (second w.) [see Asaba], June 11, 1778.
Deborah, ch. Sameuel and Daborah [dup. (Samuel (s. William) and Deborah (d.
Jacob Wright))], Apr. 12, 1785.
(Deborah [dup. (w. Isaac Ripley Sturtevant (s. Bela and Hannah of P.], ch. Seth
(s. Isaac 3d) and Rebecca (d. Ichabod Phinney) [dup. (of P.)), Feb. 3, 1810).
(Deliverance, second w. Ebenezer Wright, d. Capt. Perez of Middleborough, Dec.
31, 1742, in Middleborough).
Desire, ch. Sameuel and Daborah [dup. see Deborah, Apr. 12, 1785], Sept. 21,
(Earl, ch., Capt. Elias (s. David Jr.) and Hannah (d. Elkanah Cushman), May 14,
Edmund Findlay, twin ch. Isaiah [q. v.] and Polly Stephens(Parker), Feb. 21,
Edwin Crocker, ch. James [q. v.] and Rebecca (Crocker), Apr. 15, 1839, in P.
Elias, ch. Elias (Churchil) and Hannah [dup. see Clarissa], Nov. 4, 1785.
Elisabeth [dup. (Elizabeth)], ch. Sameuel and Daborah [dup. see Deborah], Apr.
12, 1785], Oct. 4, 1788.
(Eliza Ellis, ch. Capt. Elias (s. David Jr.) and Hannah (d. Elkanah Cushman),
Mar. 17, 1803).
Eliza Josephine, ch. Harry [q.v.] dup. farmer] and Eliza Paine (Vose)[dup. in
P.], Mar. 6, 1845[dup. in P.].
Elizabeth(see Elisabeth).
Ellis, ch. (Capt.) Joshua ((s. Joshua)) and Silva, Sept. 10, 1796.
Elmira, ch. Isaac Jr. [q. v.] and Polly (Grozer), Feb. 21, 1825.
Emily, ch. Isaac Jr. [q. v.] and Polly (Grozer), Aug. 10, 1818.
(Ephraim, ch. Cornelius and Desire [see Bethany], Nov. 3, 1804).
(Esther, ch. Capt. Elias (s. David Jr.) and Hannah (d. Elkanah Cushman), Oct. 2,
(Eunice, ch. Daniel (s. Isaac) and Lucy (d. Ebenezer Churchill), Apr. 1, 1798).
(Eunice, ch. Seth (s. Isaac 3d) and Rebecca (d. Ichabod Phinney) Mar. 22, 1808.)
Eunice Ripley, ch. Isaac Jr. [q. v.] and Polly (Grozer), Apr. 15, 1823.
Eunice Ripley, ch. Daniel Jr. (s. Daniel) and Rebecca Whitmarsh (d. Zechariah
Soule), Nov. 1, 1832.
Ezra, ch. Isaac Jr. [q. v.] and Polly (Grozer), May 20, 1821.
Ezra, ch. Isaac Jr. (q. v.) and Polly (Grozer), Jan. 17, 1827.
Ezra Bryant, ch. Spencer [q. v.] and Livona (Osborn) (Wade) (second w.), Feb.
24, 1840.
Frances [dup. (w. Stephens Bonney (s. Capt. Isaac))], ch. Oliver ((s. Capt.
James)) and Saba ((d. Asaph Soule)), Aug. 28, 1797.
Frederick Stephens, ch. Isaiah [q. v.] and Polly Stephens (Parker), Mar. 18,
Freeman Grozer, ch. Isaac Jr. [q. v.] and Polly (Grozer), Jan. 2, 1815.
Geore, ch. Joseph ((s. William)) and Eunis ((d. Ichabod Churchill) Oct. 29,
George Lewis [dup. h. Louisa Faunce (d. Ezekiel Bonney and Sarah of Duxbury)],
ch. Ansel [q. v.] and Lois (Caswell) [dup. of P.], Sept. 15, 1817.
Georgiana Morton, twin ch. George Lewis[q.v., dup. laborer] and Louisa Faunce
(Bonney [dup. of P.), Apr. 5, 1844[dup. in P.]
Granville Mellen, ch. Isaiah [q. v] and Polly Stephens (Parker), Sept. 24, 1836.
Hannah, ch. Elias (Churchill) and Hannah [dup. see Clarissa], Feb. 20, 1790.
Hannah, ch. James (Churchil) and Pricela [see Clara], June 18, 1791.
Harriot, ch. James (Churchil) and Pricela [see Clara], Mar. 25, 1785.
(Harry [dup. (h. Eliza Paine (d. William Voss and Mary Ann of Keene, N. H.))],
ch. Daniel (s. Isaac) and Lucy dup. (of P.)) (d. Ebenezer Churchill), Apr. 11,
Henry, ch. Ansel (q. v.] and Lois (Caswell), Jan. 15, 1813, in Carver.
Hervey [dup. (h. Asenath (d. Daniel Vickery and Asenath), ch. (Capt. Joshua ((s.
Joshua)) and Silva [dup. (Sylvia)), Feb. 23, 1801.
Hervey Lebbeus Ellis, ch. Hervey (s. Caapt. Joshua Sylvia), and Asenath (d.
Daniel Vickery and Asenath), Nov. 5, 1830.
Hiram, ch. Joseph((s. William)) and Eunis ((d. Ichabod Churchill), Sept. 1,
Hosea, ch. Nathaniel Jr. ((s. Nathaniel)) and Daborah [(Deborah (d. Joseph
Wright))], Feb. 21, 1774.
Hosea, ch. , Joseph ((s. William)) and Eunis ((d. Ichabod Churchill) Aug. 24,
(Isaac [dup. (Jr., h. Polly (d. William Grozer of Truro))], ch. Isaac 3d (s.
Isaac) and Eunice (d. Dea. Timothy Ripley of P.), Apr. 26, 1782).
(Isaac, ch. Isaac Jr. [q. v.] and Polly (Grozer), Oct. 14,1807).
Isaiah [dup. (h. Polly Stephens (d. Jonathan Parker Esq. and Polly)], ch. Oliver
((s. Capt. James)) and Saba ((d. Asaph Soule), Oct. 10, 1806.
Isaiah Francis, twin ch. Isaiah [q. v.] and Polly Stephens (Parker), Feb. 21,
(Ivory, ch. Capt. Elias (s. David Jr.) and Hannah (d. Elkanah Cushman), Mar. 18,
Jacob, ch. Jacob (Churchil) ((s. Ebenezer)) and Huldah [sic,(Eunice (first w.,
d. Jabes Sturtevant and Azubah of Halifax] Mar. 14, 1788.
James [dup. h. Rebecca (d. Herman Crocker and Rebecca of Carver)), ch. Ansel [q.
v.] and Lois (Caswell), July 5, 1815, in P.
James Oliver, ch. Oliver Jr. [q. v.] and Mary Ann (Loring) [q. v.], July 15,
Jane [ dup. (w. John Standish (s. Capt. John of Halifax))), ch. Elias (Churchil)
[dup. (of P.)] and Hannah [second dup. see Clarissa ], Aug. 19, 1787.
Jane, ch. Isaac Jr. [q. v.] and Polly (Grozer), July 6, 1816.
Jane Hudson, ch. Oliver (s. Capt. James) and Saba (d. Asaph Soule), June 22,
Jesse, ch. David Jr. and Luraney (second w.) [see Asaba), Aug. 28, 1784.
Joann Holmes), ch. Josiah ((a. Isaac)) and Deborah ((d. Ichabod Phinney), Mar.
27, 1812).
Joanna, ch. Jacob and Joanna [see Cyrus], Nov. 14, 1801.
John, ch. Joseph ((s. William)) and Eunis ((d. Ichabod Churchill)), Aug. 15,
(John, ch. Cornelius and Desire [see Bethany], July 9, 1809.
(John Jr. or 2d, moved to Pittsfield, h. Mary (d. Capt. John
Bradford),---------, in Plymouth).
Joseph, ch. Nathaniel Jr. (s. Nathaniel)) and Daborah [(Deborah (d. Joseph
Wright), Dec. 13, 1781.
Joseph, ch. Joseph ((s. William)) and Eunis ((d. Ichabod Churchill)), Aug. 10,
(Joshua, Capt., h. Silva, s. Joshua, Feb. 1, 1769, in P.)
(Josiah, h. Jemima(Hamblin), s. William, one of the first settlers of Plympton,
and Lydia, Aug. 21, 1702).
Josiah Soule, ch. Timothy[q. v.] and Ruth Hatch (Soule), Sept. 19, 1833.
Juliet, ch. Alexander (s. Josiah and Deborah) and Lydia Standish (Bosworth) [q.
v.], Jan. 31, 1841.
(Laura, w. David Chandler of Duxbury, ch. Capt. Andrew [q. v.] and Jane
(Standish), June 29, 1799).
Lavonia Spencer (see Livona Spencer Churchll).
Leander Scott, ch. Simeon, (s. Josiah) and Sally Cushman (d. John Bisbee 2d),
Dec. 19, 1832.
Lebbeus, ch. (Capt.) Joshua ((s. Joshua)) and Silva, Aug. 23, 1805.
Lemuel Pierce, ch. Pelham [q. v.] and Eunice Torry (Simmons), Apr. 2, 1831, in
Levi, ch. Nathaniel Jr. ((s. Nathaniel)) and Daborah [(Deborah (d. Joseph
Wright))], July 25, 1776.
Levi, ch. David Jr. and Luraney (second w.) [see Asaba], Feb. 20, 1780.
Lewis, ch. Nathaniel Jr. ((s. Nathaniel)) and Daborah [(Deborah (d. Joesph
Wright), Dec. 12, 1771.
Livona (Spencer [q.v.] and Livona(Osborn)(Wade)(second w.), Jan. 11, 1839, in P.
(Louisa, ch. Ansel [q. v.] and Lois (Caswell), May 10, 1811, in P.)
Lucia Ann, ch. Spencer [q. v.] and Ursula (Crooker) (first w.), Dec. 23, 1820,
in Pembroke.
(Lucy, ch. Alfred (s. Ebenezer) and Lydia (d. Ebenezer Cushman), Nov 8, 1805).
Lucy Ann [dup. w. Otis Williams Phinney (s. Otis and Betsy of P.)], ch. Daniel
Jr. (s. Daniel) and Rebecca Whitmarsh (d. Zechariah Soule), Aug. 22, 1827 [dup.
in P.].
(Lydia, ch. Alfred (s. Ebenezer) and Lydia (d. Ebenezer Cushman), Nov 18, 1793).
(Lydia, ch. David Jr. and Luraney (second w.) [see Asaba],------)
Lydia Ann, ch. Alexander [dup. farmer] (s. Josiah and Deborah) and Lydia
Standish (Bosworth) [q. v., dup. of P.], Apr. 21, 1844 [dup. in P.].
Maria, ch. (Capt.) Joshua ((s. Joshua)) and Silva, Mar. 31, 1803.
Maria, ch. Ansel [q. v.] and Lois (Caswell), Aug. 18, 1819.
Maria Louisa, ch. Timothy [q. v.] and Ruth Hatch (Soule) June 24, 1836.
Mary, ch. Joseph ((s. William)) and Eunis ((d Ichabod Churchill), Aug. 20, 1794.
Mary Granville, ch. Isaiah [q. v.] and Polly Stephens (Parker), Oct. 10, 1838.
(Mary Grozer, ch. Isaac Jr. [q. v.] and Pony (Grozer), Jan. 9, 1809.
Mary Magoun, ch. Oliver ((s. Capt. James)) and Saba ((d. Asaph Soule)), June 16,
1811. [w. Martin Bosworth of Halifax, P.R.6.]
Mary Ursula (see Ursula Williams Haze).
(Mercy, ch. Samuel (s. William) and Deborah (d. Jacob Wright), Oct. 4,1791).
Mercy Sekins [dup. w. Robert Waterman Weston (s. Benjamin and Lucy of P.)], ch.
Ansel [q. v.] and Lois (Caswell), Jan. 25, 1823.
Molly, (w. Barnabas Phinney), ch. William (Churchil) ((s. David Churchill)) and
Sarah ((Rider)), July 26, 1777.
(Nancy, ch. Alfred (s. Ebenezer) and Lydia (d. Ebenezer Cushman), Aug. 25,
Nansay, ch. Thomas (Churchil) [q. v.] and Moly [(Polly (Holmes)), Apr. 3, 1781.
Nathaniel, ch. Nathaniel Jr. ((s. Nathaniel)) and Deborah [(Deborah (d. Joseph
Wright))], May 13, 1784.
(Olive, ch. Cornelius and Desire [see Bethany] Feb. 21, 1801).
Olive Soule [second dup. (w. Lemuel Sturtevant (s. Zenas of Halifax))], ch.
James Jr. ((s. Capt. James)) (dup..(of P.)] and Sarah ((d. Ebenezer Soule)),
Feb. 11,1795.
Oliver [dup. (Jr., h. Mary Ann (Loring)), q. v.,] Oliver (s. Capt. James)) and
Saba ((d. Asaph Soule)) [dup. (Oliver and Saba, s. Capt. James of P. and
Priscilla; s. David of P. and Mary; s. William of P. and Ruth; s. William, one
of the first Settlers of Plympton] Nov. 19, 1794.
(Otis, ch. David Jr. and Luraney (second w.) [see Asaba]--------].
Otis, ch. Isaac Jr. [q v.] and Polly (Grozer), Oct. 6, 1828.
Patty, ch. Elias (Churchil) and Hannah [dup. see Clarissa], May 11, 1782.
Pelham [dup. h. (Eunice Torry (d. Lemuel Simmons of Plymouth and Abigail))], ch.
Josiah ((s. Isaac)) and Deborah ((d. Ichabod Phinney) , Mar. 14, 1800.
Pelham Francis Russell, ch. Pelham [q. v.] and Eunice Torry (Simmons), Dec. 11,
1828, in Newport, R. I.
Polly, ch. Thomas (Churchil) [q. v.] and Moly[Polly (Holmes))], Dec. 18, 1786.
Priscilla Ripley, ch. Simeon (s. Josiah) and Sally Cushman (d. John Bisbee 2d),
Oct. 24, 1835.
Rebecca, ch. Seth (s. Isaac 3d) and Rebecca (d. Ichabod Phinney), Nov. 23, 1816.
Rebecca Soule, ch. Daniel Jr. (s. Daniel) and Rebecca Whitmarsh (d. Zechariah
Soule), May 8, 1825.
Rebeckah, ch. Jacob and Joanna [see Cyrus] Sept. 9, 1797.
Reuben, ch. Isaac Jr. [q. v.] and Polly (Grozer), May 30, 1813.
Ruphas, ch. David Jr. and Luraney (second w.) [see Asaba], Oct. 10, 1789.
(Ruth, ch. Samuel (s. William) and Deborah (d. Jacob Wright), Sept. 27, 1795).
Ruth Dyer, ch. Isaac Jr. [q. v.] and Polly (Grozer), May 12, 1820.
Ruth Hatch [dup. w. Nelson Wright, q. v.], ch. Daniel Jr. (s. Daniel) and
Rebecca Whitmarsh (d. Zechariah Soule), Aug. 17, 1821.
Saba Soule, ch. Oliver ((s. Capt. James)) and Saba ((d. Asaph Soule)), July 5,
1800. [w. Samuel Churchill Jr. of Halifax, P.R. 6.]
Salle[dup]. ((Sally, w. Capt., James Prideaux ( s. Whitmore of Md.) ch. Joesph
[dup. (Capt. Joesph of P.] (s. William)) and Eunis ((d. Ichabod Churchill)),
June 13, 1786.
Sally, ch. Seth (s. Isaac 3d) and Rebecca (d. Ichabod Pinney), Feb. 18, 1813.
Salvanus, ch. Joseph ((a. William)) and Eunis ((d. Ichabod Churchill), Nov. 9,
(Samuel, ch. Samuel William) and Deborah (d. Jacob Wright), May 20, 1804, in
Sarah Elisabeth, ch. Alexander (a. Josiah and Deborah) and Lydia Standish
(Bosworth) [q. v.], Mar. 24, 1839.
Sarah Hudson [dup. crossed out omits Hudson], ch. James Jr. ((s. Capt. James))
and Sarah ((d. Ebenezer Soule)), May 6, 1797.
Sarah James, ch. Timothy [q. v.) and Ruth Hatch (Soule), Dec. 21, 1826.
Sarah Mercy, ch. Ansel Jr. [q. v.j and Sarah Pruden (Delano), May 20, 1849.
(Seth [ dup. (h. Rebecca (d. Ichabod Phinney))], ch. Isaac 3d and Eunice, [see
Isaac, Apr. 26, 1782], Sept. 29, 1777]
Silvans (see Salvanus).
Silvanus, ch. Josiah ((s. Isaac)) and Deborah ((d. Ichabod Phinney)], Dec. 15,
Simeon [dup. (h. Sally Cushman (d. John Bisbee 2d))], ch. Josiah ((s. Isaac))
and Deborah ((d. Ichabod Phinney)), May 25, 1802.
Sophia, [dup.(w. Marick Ellis (s. Lt. Stephen)), ch. James (Churchil) and
Pricela[see Clara], Nov. 3, 1787.
(Sophia, (ch. Isaac Jr. [q. v.] and Polly (Grozer), Apr. 29, 1810).
(Spencer, h. Ursula (d. David Crooker and Ursula of Pembroke), d. Livona. (wid.
Thomas Wade of Pembroke, d. Thomas Osborn and Hannah of Pembroke), s. Prince (s.
Ebenezer) and Silence, Oct. 4, 1797, in P.)
Stephen, ch. Nathaniel Jr. (s. Nathaniel)) and Deborah [(Deborah (d. Joseph
Wright], Apr. 19, 1779.
(Susan, w. Ichabod W. Thompson, d. Nathaniel and Susan of Plymouth, Feb. 27,
Susanna, ch. Joseph ((s. William))) and Eunis ((d. Ichabod Churchill) , Apr. 14,
Susanna, ch. Josiah ((s. Issac) and Deborah ((d. Ichabod Phinney)), Aug 20,
Teperance (Temperance), ch. Thomas (Churchil) [q. v.j and Moly [Polly (Holmes
)], June 30, 1783.
Thadeus, ch. David Jr. and Luraney (second w.) [see Asabaj, Mar. 18, 1782.
Theodore Parker, ch. Isaiah [q. v., dup. farmer and stone cutter) and Polly
Stephens (Parker) [dup. of P.], May 3, 1844 [dup. in P.].
Thomas, ch. Thomas (ChurchiI) [q. v.) and Moly [(Polly (Holmes))), May 10,1789.
Thomas, ch. Thomas (Churchil) [q. v.] and Moly [(Polly (Holmes))), Aug 4, 1796.
Thomas Loring, ch. Oliver Jr. [q. v.] and Mary Ann (Loring) {q.v.], Apr. 3,
Timohy, [dup. (h. Ruth Hatch (d. Zechariah Soule and Nancy)) ch. Josiah ((s.
Isaac)) and Deborah ((d. Ichabod Phinney)). Aug. 7, 1797.
(William Grozer, ch. Isaac Jr. [q. v.) and Polly (Grozer), Nov. 17, 1811).
William Lewis, ch. George Lewis [q v.] and Louisa Faunce (Bonney), Feb. 27,
1841, in Kingston.
Zadock (dup. (h. Betty (d. Abner Bisbee) , ch. Sameuel and Deborah [second dup.
see Deborah, Apr. 12, 1780], July 13, 1780 [dup in P.)].
Zarah, ch. Isaac Jr., bp. May 12, 1776, C.R.
Zebde, ch. Ichabad (Churchil) Jr. [see Edward and Abigail, May 15, 1784.
Zenas, ch. Joesph (s. William))and Eunis((d. Ichabod Churchill), June 28, 1797.
Zurviah, ch. Ichabad (Churchil) Jr. [see Edward Churchill and Abigail, Sept. 20,
--------,ch. (Capt.) Joshua ((s. Joshua)) and Silva, Jan. 31, 1795. [Jan. 29,
------, s. Andrew and Jane, May 10, 1801, G.R. 1.
(------, ch. Capt. Elias (s. David Jr.) and Hannah (d. Elkanah Cushman), May 15,
--------, ch. Capt. Andrew, Aug --,1808, in P., C.R.
--------, s. Daniel Jr. (s. Daniel) and Rebecca Whitmrsh (d. Zechariah Soule),
Nov. 23, 1842.
-------, twin d. George Lewis [q. v., dup. laborer] and Louisa Faunce (Bonney)
[dup. of P.], Apr. 5, 1844, is P.
(Charlotte Cushing, w. Jabez Wright (s. Lt. Joseph and Priscilla), d. Enos and
Hannah Barker Bryant, Aug. 10, 1790, in Scituate).
Amanda, ch. Capt. Stephen [q. v.] and Cynthia (Harlow), Aug. 23, 1827, in
Dennis, ch. Capt. Stephen (q..v.l and Cynthia (Harlow), June 20, 1831, in
(Fanny, w. Walter Thomas (s. Noah of P.), d. Lemuel of Halifax, May 14, 1796, in
Harriot, ch. Capt. Stephen [q. v.] and Cynthia (Harlow), Mar. 13, 1829, in
Henry Franklin, ch. Capt. Stephen [q. v., dup. farmer and seaman] and Cynthia
(Harlow) [dup. of P.], Jan. 21, 1844 (dup. in P.
Hiram Harlow, ch. Capt. Stephen [q. v.] and Cynthia (Harlow), Oct. 3, 1839, in
Joseph Harlow, ch. Capt. Stephen [q. v.] and Cynthia (Harlow), Mar. 7, 1835, in
(Mehetabel, w. Shadiach Standish Jr. (s. Shadrach of P. and Mary ), d. Ebenezer
and Mehetabel, Jan. 6, 1780, in Wareham).
(Stephen, Capt., purchased a farm in ... Plympton in . ..1839 and moved on to
it, h. Cynthia (d. Joseph Harlow of Plymouth and Susanna), s. Lothrop of
Plymouth and Mary. Mar. 31, 1797, in Plymouth).
Stephen, ch. Capt. Stephen [q. v ] and Cynthia (Harlow), Mar. 5, 1833, in
Susan Harlow, ch. Capt. Stephen [q. v.] and Cynthia (Harlow), Dec. 27, 1825, in
Thomas Harlow, ch. Capt. Stephen [q. v.] and Cynthia (Harlow), Feb 25, 1837, in
William Holmes, ch. Capt. Stephen [q. v.] and Cynthia (Harlow), Aug. 28, 1841,
in P.
COALL (see Cole).
(Abiga, writes her name Abiga and pronounces it Abija, w. Nathaniel Bradford (s.
Samuel and Sarah (second w.)), w. Henry Marston [dup. ((a. Nymphas)), d. Isaac
of Carver [dup. (formerly of Middleborough and Carver but now in Plympton)],
July 1, 1793) [dup. (1784, in Middleborough)].
Adeline Augusta, ch. Cephas (s. Lemuel) and Adaline (d. Lemuel Bryant), Jan. 6,
(Agatha, w. James Barrows of Carver, ch. William (s. Nathan of that Part of
Plympton afterwards Carver and Joanna) and Mary Pynchon, Aug. --, 1762, in P.)
(Ansehm, ch. William and Mary [see Agatha],--------, 1773, in P.)
Asenath, ch. Ebenezer and Joanah, Jan. 14, 1768.
Barnebus, ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Rebackah, July 4, 1761.
Benjamin, ch. Nathan and Joanah, Feb. 2, 1749-50.
(Bennet, h. Mercy (d. Ebenezer Doten of Carver), s. Nehemiah Esq of Carver, Dec.
13, 1785, in Carver).
(Bennet, ch. Bennet [q. v.] and Mercy (Doten), Sept. 28, 1811). [Bennitt, s.
Bennett and Mercy, C.R.]
Caroline, ch. Lemuel [q. v.] and Polly ((Whitmore)), Mar. 14, 1810.
Cephas [dup. (h. Adaline (d. Lemuel Bryant))], ch. Lemuel [q. v.] and Polly
((Whitmore)), July 25, 1802.
(Fanny Clark), ch. Lemuel [q. v.] and Polly ((Whitmore), Apr. 2, 1817).
Fanny Clark, ch. Bennet [q. v.] and Mercy (Doten), June 6, 1823, in Carver.
Francelia Brainerd, ch. Cephas (s. Lemuel) and Adeline (d. Lemuel Bryant), Oct.
7, 1833.
(George, ch. William and Mary [see Agatha],----—, 1771, in P.)
(Hannah, ch. Nathaniel (first lived at Plymouth and afterwards in Plympton) and
Mary, Sept. 6, 1728, taken from Plymouth Town Records).
Hannah, (w. Joseph Vaughan), ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Rebackah, May 20, 1752.
(Harriet Newell), ch. Lemuel [q. v.] and Polly ((Whitmore), Dec. 7, 1814). [bp.
Nov. 17, 1814, C.R.]
Henry Francis, second ch. John ("moved into Plympton March 14, 1831, and
sometime in April 1832, he moved from thence to Middleborough, where he had
formerly lived") and Elvira, Feb. 3, 1832, is P.
Jerusha, ch. Rowland (moved to . . . Maine) and Jerusha, Nov. 5, 1786.
Joann Bennet, ch. Bennet [q. v.] and Mercy (Doten), Mar. 7, 1815. [Joann Bennett
Cobb, ch. Bennett and w., bp. Nov. 17, 1814, C.R.]
(Joanna, w. Calvin Tillson of Middleborough, ch. William and Mary [see Agatha],
---, 1766, in P.)
John Davis, ch. Lemuel Jr. [q. v.] and Sophia Peterson (Chandler), June 26,
1840, in P.
Jonathan, ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Rebackah, Sept. 29, 1749.
Jonathan, eh. Rowland (moved to . . . Maine) and Jerusha, Sept. 13, 1798.
Joseph, ch. Nathan and Joannh, Jan. 5, 1747-8.
Joseph, ch. Joseph ((s. Joseph of Carver)) and Susanna ((d. Dea. Jabez Weston)),
Sept. 9, 1805.
Julia Webster, ch. Lemuel Jr. [q. v.] and Sophia Peterson (Chandler), Nov. 29,
1837, is Athol.
(Lemuel, h. Polly (d. Richard Whitmore, s. Nehemiah Esq. of Carver, Dec. 21,
1774, in Carver).
Lemuel [dup. Jr., h. Sophia Peterson (d. Charles Chandler and Anna of Duxbury))
, ch. Lemuel [q. v.] and Polly ((Whitmore)) [dup. (of P.)], Mar. 6, 1801.
(Lucy, ch. Nathaniel and Mary [see Hannah, Sept. 6, 1728], June 24, 1730) [in
Lydiah, ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Rebackah, Jan. 14, 1755.
Marcy , ch. Rowland ( moved to ... Maine) and Jerusha, Sept. 2, 1793.
(Mary, w. Nathaniel Pratt (s. Daniel), d. Nathaniel and Mary [see Hannah, Sept.
6, 1728], Oct. 5, 1722) [in Plymouth]. Matilda, ch. Bennet [q. v.] and Mercy
(Doten), Oct. 28, 1818.
Mehitable, ch. Lemuel [q. v.] and Polly ((Whitmore)), Sept. 21, 1805.
Melinda, ch. Lemuel [q. v.] and Polly ((Whitmore)), Nov. 16, 1807.
Mercy (see Marcy).
Mercy Doten, ch. Bennet [q. v.] and Mercy (Doten), Mar. 13, 1823.
(Nancy Williams) ch. Lemuel [q. v.] and Polly ((Whitmore), July 26, 1812.
(Nathaniel, ch. Nathaniel and Mary [see Hannah, Sept. 6, 1728], Sept. 19, 1724)
[in Plymouth].
Nathaniel, ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Rebackah, Oct 11, 1747.
Nathaniel, ch. Rowland moved to . . . Maine) and Jerusha, Dec. 6, 1788.
Polley Whitmore, ch. Lemuel [q. v.] and Pony ((Whitmore)), Jan. 11, 1804.
Rebackah, (w. Stoddard Totman), ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Rebackah, Ang. 1, 1759.
Rebeckah, ch. Rowland(moved to . . . Maine) and Jerusha, June 4, 1790.
Roland, ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Rebackah, July 12, 1757.
(Rowland, ch. Nathaniel and Mary [see Hannah, Sept 6, 1728], July 9, 1732)[in
Rowland, ch. Rowland (moved to . . . Maine) and Jeuusha, Dec. 19, 1796.
(Samuel, ch. Nathaniel and Mary [see Hannah, Sept. 6, 1728], Jan. 18, 1735-6)[in
Silvah, ch. Ebenezer and Jonah, Dec. 28, 1769.
Sophia Mary Ann, ch. Lemuel Jr. [q. v.] and Sophia Peterson (Chandler), Oct. 12,
1830, in Middleborough.
Sylvia (see Silvah).
(William, ch. William and Mary [see Agatha], Aug. 15, 1764, in P.)
(Barnabas, ch. Lt. Joseph[q. v.] and Ruth (Sampson),---- , set down in the order
they were born) [rec. between Job and Joseph].
Barnibus, ch. John Jr. and Patience, Nov. 14, 1735.
Benjamin, ch. Benjamin and Rebackah, Jan. 15, 1740-1.
Benjamin, ch. John Sr. and Susanah [(Snsanna(d. Edward Gray of Plymouth and
Dorothy second w.))], Feb. 15, 1707-8.
(Bethiah, w. Adam Turner of Pembroke, ch. Lt Joseph [q. v.] and Ruth
(Sampson),---- , set down in the order they were born) [rec. between Hannah and
(Betsy, ch. Lt. Joseph [q. v.] and Ruth (Sampson),-----, set down in the order
they were born) [rec. between Gershom and Job].
Consider, ch. John Jr. and Patience, Oct. 29, 1729.
Consider, ch. John Jr. and Patience, Oct. 25, 1732.
(Consider, h. Abiga (Vaughan) of Middleborough, ch. Lt. Joseph[q. v.] and Ruth
(Sampson), --, set down in the order they were born) [rec. after Phebe].
Ebenezer, ch. John Jr. and Patience, Oct. 17, 1711.
Elisabeth [dup. Elisabeth], ch. Edward and Martha, Sept. 5, 1722.
Elisabeth, ch. John Sr. and Susanah [see Benjaimine], June 4, 1710.
(Gershom, h. Abigail (Vaughan) Jr. of Carver, then P., h.-----(Thomas) of
Pembroke, ch. Lt. Joseph [q. v.] and Ruth Sampson),-----, set down in the order
they were born) [rec. between Joseph and Betsy.
Hannah, ch. John Jr. and Patience, Nov 3, 1715.
(Hannah, w. Joseph Barrows of Carver, ch. Lt. Joseph [q.v.]and Ruth
(Sampson),---- , set down in the order they were born) [rec. between Ruth and
Hezekiah, ch. John Jr. and Patience, July 29, 1722.
Hezekiah [dup. Hezekiah], ch. John Jr. and Patience, Apr. 9, 1725.
Isaac, ch. Benjamin and Rebackah, Jan. 2, 1735-6.
James, ch. John Jr. and Patience, Jan. 31, 1717-18.
(Job, h. Mary (d. Dea. Thomas Savery of Carver), h. Martha Ransom, wid., ch. Lt.
Joseph [q. v.] and Ruth (Sampson), Jan. 2, 1755).
John[dup. Coall], ch. John Jr. and Patience, Oct. 16, 1713.
Joseph, ch. John Sr. and Susanah[see Benjamin], Feb. 14, 1705-6.
Joseph[second dup. (Lt., h. Ruth (d Gershom Sampson of Middleborough and Ruth
(Clark) of Stoughton), h. Sarah Wallis, wid., of Carver (no children by her],
ch. John Jr. and Patience, Dec. 26, 1726 [dup. (His Children were all born in
that Part of Plympton, which was afterward .. . Carver)].
(Joseph, ch. Lt. Joseph [q. v.] and Ruth (Sampson),----, set down in the order
they were born) [rec. before Gershom].
(Joseph, ch. Lt. Joseph [q. v.] and Ruth (Sampson),------, set down in the order
they were born) (rec. between Barnabas and Lemuel].
(Lemuel, h. Susanna, (d. Daniel Crocker), ch. Lt. Joseph [q. v.] and Ruth
(Sampson), Feb. 25, 1761).
(Lusannah, w. Samuel Bradford (s. Samuel), d. Nathaniel of Middleborough, June
12, 1794).
Lydiah, ch. Benjamin and Rebackah, July 10, 1738.
Marcey, ch. John Jr. and Hannah ((Tillson)), July 20, 1735.
(Mary, w. Winslow Wright (s. Josiah and Lydia), d. Samuel of Plymouth and Sally;
s. Job of Carver and Mary (d. Dea. Thomas Savery), Nov. 20, 1803, in Plymouth).
Mercy (see Marcey)
Nathaniel, s. John, bp. Mar. 18, 1732-3, C.R.
Patience, ch. John Jr. and Patience, June 18, 1710.
(Phebe, w. Joshua Raymond of Middleborough, ch. Lt. Joseph [q.v.] and Ruth
(Sampson), ---- set down in the order were born) [rec. before Bethiah and
Rebackah, ch. Benjamin and Rebackah , July 5, 1745.
Ruth, d. Ebenezer, bp. June 4, 1744, C.R.
(Ruth, ch. Lt. Joseph [q. v.] and Ruth (Sampson),---- , set down in the order
they were born) [rec. between Lemuel and Hannah].
Silos, ch. Benjamin and Rebackah, Apr. 3, 1743.
(Susanna, w. Jonathan Rickard (s. Simeon and Rebeckah, d. Lt. Lemuel and
Susanna, Juky 15, 1801, in Carver).
WiIliam, ch. Benjamin and Rebackah, Mar. 28, 1734.
William, s. Ebenezer, bp. Apr. 15, 1750, C.R.
COMER (see Coomer)
Joanner, d. Joamer, bp. Feb. 6, 1731-2, C. R.
Eleanor Faunice, w. Joseph Henry Fuller (s. Bildad and Margaret of P.), d. Asa
and Rebecca D. of Kingston, Nov. 16, 1819, in Kingston.
Lydia, d. Charles of Kingston, bp. Sept. 5, 1742, C.R.
(Olive, w. Noah Weston (s. Lt. Job), d. Josiah of Kingston and Lydia, July 27,
Ruth, ch. Francis Jr. anndd Ruth, Feb. 4, 1721-2 [dup. 1721].
Susannah, ch. Francis Jr. and Ruth, July 28, 1723.
COOMER (see Comer), - (William, it is said moved from Plympton to Duxbury, s.
William and Joanna,-------).
(Betsy, ch. Richard [q. v.] and Hannah (Sampson), Aug. 6, 1793.).
(Eleanor [dup. (w. Ezra Rider (s. Nathaniel of Halifax)) ch. Richard [q. v.]
and Hannah (Sampson), Apr. 3, 1788 (dup. (in P.)].
(Eliza, ch. Richard [q. v.] and Hannah (Sampson), Sept. 23, 1799.
(Esther, w. Capt. Samuel Virgin (s. Samuel of Williamston, N. C.), d. Capt.
Richard of Plymouth and Hannah, Oct. 29, 1777, in Plymouth).
(Hannah, w. Sampson (s. Zabdiel and Abiah (second w.)), d. Capt. Richard of
Plymouth and Hannah, July 1, 1761).
(Hannah, ch. Richard [q. v.] and Hannah (Sampson), Dec. 13, 1786).
(John Dexter [dup. (h. Sarah Bollard (d. Simeon Newton of Templeton and Sally),
ch. Richard [q. v.] and Hannah (Sampson), Dec 1, 1802).
John Dexter, ch. John Dexter [q. v.] and Sarah Bollard (Newton), June 26, 1825,
in Mendon.
(Polly, ch. Richard [q. v.] and Hannah (Sampson), Oct. 5, 1791).
(Priscilla Virgil [dup. (w. Barzllai Ellis Wright (s. Billya))], ch. Richard [q.
v.] and Hannah (Sampson), Apr. 11, 1797).
(Richard of P., h. Hannah (d. Zabdiel Sampson of P.) s. Capt. Richard of
Plymouth, Jan. 30, 1763, in Plymouth).
(Richard, ch. Richard [q. v.] and Hannah (Sampson), Dec. 1, 1784).
Richard, ch. John Dexter [q. v.] and Sarah Bollard (Newton), Apr. 14, 1828, in
CORTIS (see Curtice, Curtis)
Beriah, ch. Elisha and Rebeckah, July 14, 1710.
Rebeckah, ch. Elisha and Rebeckah, July 20, 1713.
COTTRELL (see Kittrell).
Bethiah Young, w. Stephen Cobb Phinney (s. Ezra and Nancy of P.), d. Richard and
Sally of Rochester, Oct. 5, 1825, in Rochester.