[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Aaron Wing, ch. Oliver ((s. Capt. John and Elizabeth)) and Sarah,--------.
Abby Jane, ch. Samuel Jr. [q. v.] and Lusannah (Cole), Jan. 9, 1835.
Abegail, (w. Caleb Stetson, rh. Samuell ((s. Maj. John of Kingston)) and Sarah
((d. Edward Gray of Tiverton, R. I.; s. Edward of Plymouth)). June 12, 1732.
[Abigail, ch. Lt. Samuel and Sarah. P.R. 4.]
Abigail, ch. Samuel [q. v ) and Susanna ((Vaughan) (first w.), Dec. 1, 1781.
Abigail (see Julah).
Abigail [dup.(Capt. Thomas Ellis(s. Joel)), ch. Gideon Jr.[q. v.] and Abigail
((Sampson)), July 25, 1786.
Abigail Jane (see Abby Jane).
Abigail Sampson, ch. Abram and Deborah (Randall) [see Abraham], Jan. 11, 1814.
Abigail Wright , ch. Calvin Jr. (s. Dr. Calvin) and Mary (d. Ichabod Hatch),
June 14, 1817.
Abraham (dup. and second dup. (Abram), dup. (h. Deborah (d. Onesimus Randall of
P.] twin ch. Gideon Jr. [q. v., dup. (of P.)] and Abigail ((Sampson)). Feb. 14,
Angelme Sampson, ch. Lt. William 2d (q. v.] and Fanny (Standish), June 23, 1828.
Ann Maria, ch. Lt. William 2d jq. v.] and Fanny (Standish), Dec. 27, 1829.
Arabella, ch. John [q. v.] and Sarah Fuller (Bradford), Sept. 19, 1837.
Aroline Bartlett, ch. Luther [q. v.] and Mary (Standish) (second w.), May 22,
Anoline Bartlett, ch. Luther (q. v.] and Mary (Standish) (second . w.), May 30,
Betsey, (second dup. (Betsy, w. William Wright (s. Billya)], ch. Gideon (s.
Gideon)) and Grace [dup. ((d. Zaccheus Holmes )], Feb. 22, 1805.
(Betsy, w. Otis Phinney (s. Barnabas), d Israel of Kingston, Nov. 9, 1803, in
Betsy Carver [dup. w. Thomas Dudley Ellis (s. Capt. Thomas and Susanna (third
w.))], ch. Samuel Jr. (q. v., dup. omits Jr.] and Lusannah (Cole), Jan. 11,
Betsy Carver, ch. Gideon [q. v., dup. shoemaker and farmer] and Sally (Chase)
[dup. of P.], Oct. 1, 1845 (dup. in P.].
Calvin (second dup. (Dr., h. Lucy (d. Nathaniel Pratt of P.) ch. Gideon and
Jennee [dup. Gideon Esq. [see Gidian] and Jane (d. Ichabod Paddock of Yarmouth,
afterward of Middleborough))], July 25, 1754. [bp. June 30, C.R.]
Calvin [second dup. (Jr., h. Mary (d. Ichabod Hatch)], ch. Calvin and Lucy [dup.
(Dr. Calvin, q. v., and Lucy (Pratt))], Mar. 16, 1785.
(Charles of Kingston, s. Nathaniel (s. James and Sarah of Kingston) and Sarah of
Kingston, Dec. 10, 1804, in Kingston).
(Charles Foster, ch. Abram and Deborah (Randall] [see Abraham],Oct. 30, 1811).
Charles Wright, ch, Calvin Jr. (s. Dr. Calvin) and Mary [d. Ichabod Hatch), Aug.
2, 1824, in Middleborough.
Christephar Prince, ch. Peciz [(Perez (s. Capt. John and Elizabeth))] and Sarah
(first w., (d. Kimball Prince of Kingston)). Sept. 18, 1777.
Clara Lorett, ch. Luther [q. v.] and Mary (Standish) (second w), Feb. 11, 1843
[dup. in P.].
Cynthia(see Synthia).
(Daniel Lewis), ch. Daniel ((s. Levi)) and Bathsheba ((d. Capt. Joshua Adams of
Kingston). June 4, 1811, in Boston).
(Daniel Perkins, ch. John (s. Capt. John) and Patience (d. Lt. Zephaniah
Perkins), Mar. 14, 1811). [s. Lt. John and Patience (first w.), P.R. 4.]
Daniell [dup. Daniei, h. Bathsheba (d. Capt. Joshua Adams of Kingston) , third
dup. (he lived for a time at Plympton and then at Boston, had six children)],
ch. Levi and Elizabath [second and third dups. (Levi (s. Gideon Esq.) and
Elizabeth (d. Daniel Lewis Esq. of Pembroke) ), May 8, 1774.
Deborah [dup. (w. Samuel Bryant (s. Joshua))], ch. Periz and Sarah (first w.)
[see Christephar Prince Bradford], Dec. 25, 1783.
De Witt Clinton, ch Luther [q. v.] and Mary (Standish) (second w.), Mar.
Edward Gray [dup. h. Lois Ann (d. James Chase and Patience of Dighton)), ch.
Samuel Jr. [q. v., dup. of P.j and Lusannah (Cole) Mar. 21, 1828 [dup. in P.].
Elisabeth [dup. and second dup. (Elizabeth),, ch. Levi and Elisebath [dup. and
second dup. see Daniell], July 26, 1778.
Elisabeth [dup. (Elizabeth)], ch. Gideon Jr. [q. v.] and Abigail ((Sampson)),
Jan. 8, 1789.
Elisabeth Lewis, ch. Daniel ((s. Levi)) and Bathsheba ((d. Capt. Joshua Adams of
Kingston)), July 27, 1804, (in P.)
Elisebath [dup. (Elizabeth)), ch. John and Elisebath [dup. (Capt. John, q. v.,
and Elizabeth (Holmes))j, Aug. 9, 1744.
Eliza Ann Waterman, ch. Calvin Jr. (s. Dr. Calvin) and Mary [d. Ichabod Hatch),
Apr. 23, 1827, in Middletown.
(Eliza Waterman, ch. Calvin Jr. (s. Dr. Calvin) and Mary (d. Ichabod Hatch),
Dec. 7, 1809.
Elizabeth (see Elisabeth and Elisebath).
Elizabeth, ch. Periz and Sarah (first w.) [see Christephar Prince Bradford],
Feb. 14, 1782.
Elizabeth Lewis (see Elisabeth Lewis Bradfard).
Eunice, ch. Capt. John ((s. Capt. John)) and Eunice (d Ignatius Loring Esq.)))
Jan. 31, 1779. [w. Capt. Asa Washburn, P.R. 4.]
(Eunice, ch. John (s. Capt. John) and Patience (d. Lt. Zephaniah Perkins), Jan.
14, 1808). (ch. Lt. John and Patience (first w.), P.R. 4.]
(Eveline), ch. Daniel ((s. Levi)) and Bathsheba ((d. Capt. Joshua Adams of
Kingston), Mar. 1, 1809, in Boston).
Ezra [second dup. (h. Polly Tobey)], ch. Levi and Elisebath [dup. and second
dup. see Daniell], May 13, 1776.
Fanny Standish, ch. Lt. William 2d [q, v.] and Fanny (Standish), Apr. 3, 1823.
Fanny Winslow [dup. Sturtevant, omits Winslow], ch. Winslow [q. v., dup.
Shoemaker] and Fanny Sturtevant (Atwood) q. v., dup. of P.j, Sept. 14, 1847
[dup. in P.].
Fitz Henry, ch. Winslow [q.v., dup. shoemaker and farmer] and Fanny Sturtevant (
Atwood) [q, v., dup. of P.], Sept. 11, 1849 [dup. in P.].
Frederic Milton, ch. John [q. v .] and Sarah Fuller (Bradford), Oct. 27, 1834.
George, ch. Oliver ((s. Capt. John and Elizabeth)) and Sarah, Sept. 30, 1793.
(George Brindly ) ch. Daniei ((s. Levi)) and Bathsheba ((d. Capt. Joshua Adams
of Kingston), July 15, 1814, in Boston).
((George Williams. ch. Isaac (s. Gideon) and Sally (d. Abner Holmes of
Kingston), Feb. 23, 1812).
Gideon [second dup. (Jr., h. Abigail (d. Zabdiel Sampson))), ch. Gideon and
Jennee [dup. see Calvin, JulY 25, 1754]. May 30, 1752.
Gideon [dup. h. Grace (d. Zaccheus Holmes))], ch. Gideon Jr. [q. v.] and Abigail
((Sampson)) , Sept. 3, 1781.
(Gideon, ch. Isaac (s. Gideon) and Sally (d. Abner Holmes of Kingston), Nov. 7,
Gideon [dup. h. Sally (d. Levi Chase and Lucy of Carver)], ch. Samuel Jr. [q.
v., dup. omits Jr.] and Lusannah (Cole) [dup. of P.], Nov. 15, 1820 [dup. ia
Gidian, ch. Samuell and Sarah ((d Edward Gray of Tiverton, R I., s. Edward of
Plymouth)), [second dup. (Gideon Esq., b. Jane (Paddock), q.v., s. LT. Samuel of
P.; s. Maj. John of Kingstan; s. Maj. William of Plymouth; s. Gov. William, one
of the first Settlers in Plymouth)] (Oct. 27, 1718.
Hanah [dup. (Hannah, w. Jabez Waterman of Halifax)], ch. John and Elisebath
[dup. (Capt. John, q. v.,. and Elizabeth (Holmes))]. Jan. 16, 1755.
Hannah, ch. John (s. Capt. John) and Patience (d. Lt. Zephaniah Perkins), Aug.
21, 1823. [d. Lt. John and Patience (first w.), P.R. 4.]
(Hezekiah)[dup;(h. Margaret(wid. Daniel Parsons of Gloucester. d. Joesph Tucker
and Hannah of G;ouucester)] s. Periz and Sarah (first w.) [see Christephar
Prince Bradford](Aug. 31, 1793)[dup. in P.
Irene Shaw, ch. Luther[q.v.] and Mary (Standish) (second w.), Oct. 7, 1820.
Isaac [dup.(h. Sally (d. Abner Holmes of Kingston)] twin ch. Gideon Jr. [q. v.]
and Abigail ((Sampson)), Feb. 14, 1784.
(Israel, h. Hannah (d. Robert Everson of Kingston and Haanah Putnam), h. Olive
(Delano) (Luce) Jeffers [see Olive Delano], s. Ichabod and Mary (d. Peleg
Sampson; s. Isaac Sampson, one of the first Settlers of Plympton) of Kingston;
s. Israel and Sarah of Kingston; s. Maj. William and Mary (third w.); s. Gov.
William and Alice, Oct. 28, 1766, in Kingston).
Jane [dup. [w. Hezekiah Cole of Carver)], ch. Calvin and Lucy [dup. (Dr. Calvin,
q. v., and Lucy (Pratt))], Sept. 25, 1779.
Jane [dup. (w. Capt. Zaccheus Sherman (s. Asa))], ch. Capt. John ((s. Capt.
John)) and Eunes [(Eunice (d. Ignatius Loring Esq.)), July 26, 1797.
Jenne [second dup. (Jenny, w. Noah Bisbee (s. Elijah)), ch. Gideon and Jennee
[dup. see Calvin, July 25, 1754.] Mar. 12, 1756.
Joanna, ch. Perez ((s. Capt. John and Elizabeth)) and Lydia (second w., (wid.
Elisha Cushman of Kingston, d. Capt. Josiah Fuller of Kingston and Lydia)), Nov.
7, 1800.
(John, only ch. William (2d Governor of Plymouth Colony) and Dorothy (first w.),
[? in Holland]. Left no Children as I have yet found).
John [dup. (Capt., h. Elizabeth (d. Eleazar Holmes of Plymouth))], ch. Samuell
and Sarah ((d Edward Gray of Tiverton, R I.; s. Edward of Plymouth)) [dup. (Lt.
Samuel of P. and Sarah (Gray); s. Maj. John of Kingston and Mercy (Warren); S.
Maj. William of Plymouth and Alice Richards (first w.); s. William, 2d Governor
of Plymouth Colony, and Alice Southworth, wid. (second w.], Apr. 8, 1717. [ch.
Lt. Samuel and Sarah, P.R. 4.]
John, ch. John and Elisebath (dup. (Capt. John, q. v., and Elizabeth (Holmes))
July 18, 1748.
John (dup. (h. Patience (d. Lt. Zephaniah Perkins))], ch. Capt. John] (s. Capt.
John)) and Eunes [(Eunice (d. Ignatius Loring Esq. Feb. 4, 1785.
(John [dup. (h. Sarah Fuller (d. Nathaniel Bradford of P. and Abiga))], ch.
(dup. Lt.)] John [dup. (of P.)] (s. Capt. John) and Patience (d. Lt. Zephaniah
Perkins), JuIy 10, 1809). [s. Lt. John and Patience (first w.), P.R. 4.]
John, ch. John (q. v.] and Sarah Fuller (Bradford), Mar. 2, 1833.
John Calvin, ch. Calvin Jr. (a. Dr. Calvin) and Mary (d. Ichabod Hatch), June
14, 1914.
Joseph, (Dr.), ch. Gideon and Jennee [dup. see Calvin, July 25, 1754]. Oct. 19,
Joseph, ch. Levi and Elizabeth[dup. and second dup. see Daniell, Feb. 10, 1770.
Joseph, ch. Daniel ( s. Levi) and Bathsheba (d. Capt. Joshua Adamps of
Kingston)) July 29, 1802, (in P.)
(Joseph Warren, ch. Dr. Calvin [q. v.j and Lucy (Pratt), Mar. 7, 1795).
(Joseph Warren, ch. Luther [q. v.] and Ruth Cook (Holmes), Aug. 6, 1811).
Joseph Warren, ch. Luther (q. v.) and Mary (Standish) (second w.), Nov. 24,
Julah [(afterwards named Abigail)], ch. Oliver ((s. Capt. John and Elizabeth))
and Sarah, Aug. 31, 1782.
Levi (see Levy).
Levi [third dup. (Ensign Lieutenant ... Captain ... Major of the military
Company in Plympton, and Major of the Regiment), dup. (Major Levi . . . Jr. and
his Father ... moved December 21, 1816, to Homer, N. Y., h. Mercy (d. Capt.
Simeon Samson), had five Children)], ch. Levi and Elisebath [second and third
dups. see Daniell], Apr. 23, 1772.
(Levi), ch. Daniel ((s. Levi)) and Bathsheba ((d. Capt. Joshua Adams of
Kingston), Apr. 25, 1807, in Boston.
Levi Gray, ch. Capt. Levi [q. v.] and Mercy ((Samson)), June 14, 1811.
Levy [second and third dups.(Levi, h. Elizabeth (Lewis)), q. v.], ch. Gideon and
Jennee [dup. see Calvin, July 25, 1754], Feb. 16, 1742-3.
Lewis, ch. Levi and Elisebath [dup. and second dup. see Daniell], Mar. 20, 1768.
Lovisa, ch. Periz and Sarah (first w.) [see Christephar Prince Bradford], Oct.
26, 1779.
Lucy, ch. Calvin and Lucy [dup. (Dr. Calvin, q. v., and Lucy (Pratt))], Mar. 15,
Lucy, ch. Calvin Jr. (s. Dr. Calvin) and Mary (d. Icbabod Hatch), Aug. 30, 1819.
(Lucy Prince), ch. Periz and Sarah (first w.) [see Christephar Prince Bradford.
(Apr. 14. 1789).
Lusannah Edson, ch. Samuel Jr. [q. v.] and Lusannah (Cole), Dec. 1, 1825
Luther [second dup. (h. Ruth Cook (d. Francis HoImes), h. Mary (d. Jonathan
Standish))], ch. Calvin and Lucy dup. (Dr. Calvin, q. v., and Lucy (Pratt))],
May 18 [dup. and second dup. (May 28)], 1787.
(Lydia, ch. Dr. Calvin [q. v.] and Lucy (Pratt), May 22, 1797).
Lydia Holmes, ch. Luther (q. v.] and Ruth Cook [Holmes], Feb. 10, 1813.
Lydia Jane, ch. Calvin Jr. (s. Dr. Calvin) and Mary (d. Ichabod Hatch), May 28,
1829, in Middleborough.
Lydiah (dup. (Lydia, w. Capt. Levi Bryant (second dup. (then of P.)] (s. Ephraim
and Abigail))], ch. John and Elizabeth [second dup. (Capt. John, q. v., and
Elizabeth (Holmes). Feb. 16, 1757.
Marcey, ch. Samuell and Sarah (see Abegail], Apr. 12, 1731. [Mercy, ch. Lt.
Samuel and Sarah, P.R. 4.]
Marcia Samson, ch. Capt. Levi [q. v.] and Mercy ((Samson)), Dec. 4, 1801.
Marcy (dup. (Mercy, w. Lt. Holmes Sears of Halifax)), ch. John and Elisebath
[dup. (Capt. John, q. v., and Elizabeth (Holmes))], Dec. 20, 1761.
Marcy, ch. Capt. John (s. Capt. John)) and Eunes [(Eunice (d. Ignatius Loring
Esq.))], Apr. 16, 1791. [Mercy. P.R. 4.]
Marcy, ch. William ((s. Capt. John and Elizabeth)) and Polley ((d. Asaph
Soule)), Feb. 12, 1800.
Maria [dup. w. Lt. Erastus Leach (s. Joseph of Middleborough and Susanna)], ch.
(dup. Lt.) John (s. Capt. John) and Patience (d. Lt. Zephaniah Perkins), Apr. 5,
1813. (d. Lt. John and Patience (first w.), P.R. 4.]
Maria, w. Lemuel Bryant, (s. Lemuel and Clarissa of P.), d. Thomas and Lydia of
Kingston, Oct. 2, 1817, in Kingston.
Marlborough (see Molborough)
Martha Gray, ch. Zabdiel (s. Gideon) and Mary (d. Shadrach Standish), Feb. 23,
1818, in Watertown.
Mary, (w. Abiel Cook of Tiverton, R. I.), ch. Samuell and Sarah [see Abegail),
Oct. 16, 1722. [ch. Lt. Samuel and Sarah, P.R. 4.]
Mary, ch. Calvin and Lucy [dup. (Dr. Calvin, q. v., and Lucy (Pratt), June 9,
(Mary, ch. Zabdiel (s. Gideon) and Mary (d. Shadrach Standish), May 22, 1807, in
Mary, ch. Calvin Jr. (s. Dr. Calvin) and Mary (d. Ichabod Hatch), Mar. 10, 1812.
Mary Angelina, ch. Luther [q. v.] and Mary (Standish) (second w.), Nov. 17,
Mary Angelina, ch. Luther [q. v.] and Mary (Standish) (second w.), June 20,
Mary Mercy, ch. Wiilim (s. Lt. William) and Salome (d. Perez Bradford), Apr. 20,
Matilda (see MetiIdia).
Melven, ch. Oliver ((s. Capt. John and Elizabeth)) and Sarah, Nov. 30, 1791.
Mercy (see Marcey and Marcy).
Metildia, ch. Oliver ((s. Capt. John and Elizabeth)) and Sarah, Oct. 11, 1787.
Minerva, ch. William (s. Lt. William) and Salome (d. Perez Bradford), May 27,
Molbarough, ch. Oliver ((a Capt. John and Elizabeth)) and Sarah, Sept. 10, 1789.
Mole (dup. (Molly, w. John Churchill of Pittsfieid)], ch. John and Elisebath
[dup. (Capt. John, q. v., and Elizabeth (Holmes), May 15, 1746.
Nancy [dup. w. Lt. Joseph Sherman (s. Asa], ch. Capt. John ((s. Capt. John)) and
Eunes [(Eunice (d. Ignataus Loring Esq.)). Mar. 20, 1789.
(Nancy Wyman, w. Ezra Phinney (a. Barnabas), d. Israel of Kingston; Apr. 26,
Nathaniel [dup. (h. Abiga (d. Isaac Cobb of Carver))], ch. Samuel [q. v.] and
Sarah ((Fuller)) (second w.), July 2, 1788.
Nathaniel Bartlett, ch. Luther [q. v.] and Mary (Standish) second w.), Sept. 14,
Nathaniel Cole, ch. Samuel Jr. [q. v.] and Lusannah (Cole), Feb. 8, 1823.
Nelsun, ch. Samuel [q. v.] and Sarah (Fuller)) (second w.), Dec. 29, 1791.
Olever, ch. John and Elisebath, [dup. (Oliver, s. Capt. John, q. v., and
Elizabeth (Holmes)] Jan, 10, 1759.
Olive, ch. Capt. John (s. Capt. John)) and Eunes [(Eunice (d. Ignatius Loring
Esq.) Jan. 14, 1781.
Olive, ch. Capt. John (s. Capt. John)) and Eunes [(Eunice (d Ignatius Loring
Esq.), Oct. 28, 1782. [w. Asaph Soule Jr. of P., P.R. 4.]
Oliver (see Olever).
Orrin Herbert, ch. Gideon [q. v., dup. shoemaker] and Sally (Chase) [dup. of
P.], Feb. 10, 1848 [dup. in P.].
Pamela Dunham (see Permela Donham Bradford).
Patience Perkins, ch. John (s. Capt. John) and Patience (d. Lt. Zephaniah
Perkins), Mar. 10, 1815. [d. Lt. John and Patience (first w.), P.R. 4.]
Peres [dup. (Perez, h. Sarah (d. Kimball Prince of Kingston.), h. Lydia (wid.
Elisha Cushman of Kingston, d. Capt. Josiah Fuller of Kingston and Lydia))], ch.
John and Elisebath [second dup. (Capt. John, q. v., and Elizabeth (Holmes), Nov.
10, 1752.
(Perez), ch. Periz and Sarah (first w.) [see Christephar Prince Bradford],
(Sept. 9, 1791.).
Pamela Doaham [dup. (Parmela Dunham Bradford)], ch. Gideon (s. Gideon)) and
Grace [dup. ((d. Zaccheus Holmes))], Jan. 30, 1807.
Phebe, (w. Shubael Norton), ch. Samuell and Sarah [see Abegail, Mar. 30, 1735. [
ch. Lt. Samuel and Sarah, P.R. 4.]
(Phebe, ch. Dr. Calvin [q. v.] and Lucy (Pratt), Jan. 16, 1792).
(Phebe Standish, ch. Calvin Jr. (s. Dr. Calvin) and Mary (d. Ichabod Hatch),
Dec. 3, 1807.
Poley Soule, ch. William (s. Capt. John and Elizabeth)) and Polley (d. Asaph
Soule)), Jan. 7, 1798.
Polly, (dup. (w. Maj. Ellis Standish (oldest s. Shadrach and Mary of P.))], ch.
Capt. John ((s. Capt. John) and Eunes , [(Eunice (d. Ignatius Loring Esq.)),
dup. (of P. )j, Oct. 10, 1777.
Polly Soule (see Poley Soule Bradford).
Pricela, ch. John and Elisebath, [dup. (Priscilla, w. Nathaniel Rider of
Halifax, ch. Capt. John, q. v., and Elizabeth (Holme) Sept. 4, 1750.
Priscilla, ch. Oliver ((s. Capt. John and Elizabeth)) and Sarah,------[rec.
after ch. b. Sept. 30, 1793].
(Ruth), ch. Periz and Sarah (first w.) [sae Christephar Prince Bradford], (June
10, 1787).
Ruth Cook, ch. Luther [q. v.j and Ruth Cook (Holmes), Feb. 15, 1815.
Ruth Cook, ch. Luther [q. v.] and Mary (Standish) (second w.), Nov. 30, 1818.
Saba Soule [dup. (w. Asa Sherman Jr. (s. Asa,) ch. (dup. Lt.)] William ((s.
Capt. John and Elizabeth)) and Polley (d. Asaph Soule)). Dec. 27, 1792.
Sally Holmes, ch. Isaac (s. Gideon) and Sally ((d. Abner Holmes of Kingston),
Jan. 19, 1815.
Salome [dup. (w. William Bradford (s. Lt. William.))], ch. Perez and Lydia
(second w.) [see Joanna], Aug. 27, 1802.
Samson [dup. (Sampson)], ch. Gideon Jr. [q. v] and Abigail ((Sampson)), Feb. 5,
Samuel, ch. Samuell and Sarah [see Abegail], Apr. 13, 1740[s. Samuel dec'd, bp.
Apr. 20, C.R. ch. Lt. Samuel and Sarah, P.R. 4.]
Samuel [dup. (h. Susanna (d. Daniel Vaughan of P.), h. Sarah (d. Amos Fuller of
P. and first w.))],ch. Gideon and Jennee [second dup. see Calvin, July 25,
1754], June 20, 1750.
Samuel (dup. (Jr., h. Lusannah (d. Nathaniel Cole of Middleborough) ch. Samuel
[q. v.] and Susanna ((Vaughan)(first w. ) Sept. 12, 1783.
Samuel Nelson, ch. Samuel Jr. (q. v.) and Lusannah (Cole), June 9, 1818.
Sarah, (w. Ephraim Paddock), ch. Samuell and Sarah [see Abegail, Apr. 4, 1725.
[ch. Lt. Samuel and Sarah, P.R. 4.]
Sarah, ch. Gideon and Jeanee [dup. See Calvin, July 25, 1754]. May 19, 1748.
Sarah [dup.(w. Jabez Bosworth of Halifax)], ch. John and Elisebath [dup. (Capt.
John, q. v., and Elizabeth (Holmes))], Oct. 8, 1769.
Sarah [second dup. (w. Lt. Isaiah Tillson Jr. of Carver), third dup. adds ((s.
Isaiah of Carver))], ch. Levi and Elisebath [dup. and second dup. see Daniell],
Jan. 7, 1782 [third dup. (in P.].
Sarah, ch. Periz and Sarah (first w.) [see Christephar Prince Bradford), Aug.
28, 1785.
(Sarah, ch. Dr. Calvin [q. v.] and Lucy (Pratt), May 17, 1789).
Sarah, ch. Perez and Lydia (second w.) [see Joanna], Feb. 25, 1799.
Sarah Ann, ch. Luther [q. v.] and Mary (Standish) (second w.), Sept. 19, 1823.
(Sarah Fuller [dup. (w. John Bradford (s. Lt. John of P. and Patience))], ch.
Nathaniel [q. v., dup. (of P.)] and Abigail (Cobb), Dec. 1, 1811.)
Sarah Holmes (see Sally Holmes Bradford).
Seth Chipman, ch. Oliver ((s. Capt. John and Elizabeth)) and Sarah, Dec. 22,
Shadrach Standish, ch. Zabdiel (s. Gideon) and Mary (d. Shadrach Standish), May
24, 1812, in P.
Simeon Samson, ch. Capt. Levi [q. v.] and Mercy ((Samson)), Oct. 21, 1804.
Sophia [dup. (w. William Perkins (s. Lt. Zephaniah))], ch. Capt. John ((s. Capt.
John)) and Eunes [(Eunice(d. Ignatius and Loring Esq. )], Mar. 23, 1793.
Sophia, ch. Oliver ((s. Capt. John Elizabeth)) and Sarah,------.
Surrannus Standish, ch. Lt. William 2d [q. v.] and Fanny (Standish), June 14,
1831, in Middleborough.
Susan Vaughan, ch. Samuel Jr. [q. v.] and Lusannah (Cole), Sept. 2, 1831.
Susanna [dup. (w. Hamblin Tillson (s. Isaiah))j, ch. Samuel[q. v.] and Susanna
((Vaughan) (first w.)), Oct. 12, 1780.
Susanna, ch. Capt. John ((s. Capt. John)) and Eunes [(Eunice (d. Ignatius Loring
Esq.) Dec. 30, 1786.
Susannah [dup. Susanna, third w. Capt. Thomas Ellis (s. Joel)] ch. Capt. John
((s. Capt. John)) and Eunes [(Eunice (d. Ignatius Loring Esq.))], Mar. 19, 1795.
Synthia [dup. Cynthia)), ch. Gideon Jr. [q. v.] and Abigail ((Sampson)], Sept.
4, 1791.
Thomas Gray, ch. John (s. Capt. John) and Patience (d. Lt. Zephaniah Perkins),
Nov. 17, 1816: [s. Lt. John and Patience (first w.), P. R. 4.]
Thomas Thaxter, ch. Capt. Levi [q. v.] and Mercy ((Samson)), June 26, 1809.
Vollentine, ch. Oliver ((s. Capt. John and Elizabeth)) and Sarah, 4, 1785.
William, ch. Samuell and Sarah [see Abegail], Dec. 16, 1720. [s. Ens. Samuel and
Sarah, G.R. 1. ch. Lt. Samuel and Sarah, P.R. 4.]
William, ch. Samuell and Sarah [see Abegail], Nov. 4, 1728. [ch. Lt. Samuel and
Sarah, P.R. 4.]
William, ch. John and Elisebath [dup. (Capt. John, q. v., and Elizabeth
(Holmes))], June 8, 1766. [Lt., h. Polly (Soule), P.R. 4.]
William [dup. h. Salome (d. Perez Bradford))], ch, [dup. Lt. William ((s. Capt.
John and Elizabeth)) and Polley ((d. Asaph Soule)), Mar. 22, 1795.
William [dup. (2d, Lt., h. Fanny (d. Jonathan Standish of Middleborough))], ch.
Gideon Jr. [q. v.] and Abigail ((Sampson)), Dec. 16, 1797.
William, ch. William (s. Lt. William) and Salome (d. Perez Bradford), Sept. 14,
William Allen, ch. Lt. William 2d [q. v.] and Fanny (Standish), July 9, 1826.
William Harrison, ch. Luther [q. v.] and Mary (Standish)(second w.) Oct. 11,
William Lewis, ch. Capt. Levi) (q. v.) and Mercy ((Samson)). July 12, 1807.
Willam Loring, ch. John (s. Capt. John) and Patience (d. Lt. Zephaniah Perkins),
Jan. 22, 1819. [s. Lt. John and Patience (first w.), P.R 4.]
William, ch. Samuel [q. v.] and Susanna ((Vaughan) (first w.)). Apr. 8, 1785.
Winslow, h. Fanny Sturtevant (Atwood)[q. v], s. Samuel [dup. Jr.] and Lusanna of
P. [dup. Lusannah (d. Nathaniel Cole Of Middleborough)]; s. Samuel and Susanna
Vaughan (first w.) of P.; s. Gideon Esq. and Jane (Paddock) of P.; s. Lt. Samuel
and Sarah Gray of P.; s. Maj. Joan and Mercy of Kingston (d. Joseph Warren and
Priscilla of Plymouth; s. Richard Warren and Elizabeth of Plymouth, "who came to
Plymouth in the Mayflower in 1620"); s. Maj. WiLLiam and Alice Richards (first
w.) of Plymouth; s. Gov. William and Alice Carpenter (second w.), Dec. 26, 1813,
in P.
(Zabdiel, ch. Zabdiel (s. Gideon) and Mary (d. Shadrach Standish), July 13,
1809, in Marshfield).
Zebdial [dup. (Zabdiel, h. Mary (d. Shadrach Standish))]. ch. Gideon Jr. [q. v.]
and Abigail ((Sampson)), Jan. 19, 1779.
(Priscilla, w,. Capt. John Sampson (g. (George), d. Benjamin Esq. formerly of
Plymouth, Apr. 4, 1789, in Plymouth).
(Nancy, w. Capt. James Churchill Ellis (s. Joel). d Joseph of Duxbury and Sarah,
July 21, 1810) [in Duxbury].
BRIANT(see Bryant)
(Abigail (Bryant)), Ch. Samuel [(Dea. Samuel)] and Johanah; (s. Lt. John and
Abigail of P.; s. John of Scituate and Mary (d. George Lewis of Scituate,
afterwards of Barnstable), July 5, 1703, recorded at Plymouth).
Ebenezer, ch. John and Mary, (Mar. 14, 1705).
Elisha, ch. John and Mary, June 28, 1707.
(Elizabeth (Bryant)), ch. Samuell and Johanah [see Abigail],-------, (born
between Abigail and Lydia).
Ephraim, ch John and Mary, Jan. 18, 1710.
Hanah, ch. Benjamen and Hanah, [dup. Hannah Bryant, ch. Benjamin and Hannah]
Mar. 24, 1716-17.
Ichabod, ch. Mehetable "belonging to plimouth Chutch,"bp-----, C.R.
(James), ch. John and Mary, (Aug. 27, 1702).
Jerusha [dup. Bryant], ch. Benjamen and Hanah, [dup. Benjamin and Hannah], Feb.
7, 1721-2.
Joanah [dup. (Bryant)], ch. Georg and Sarah [see Ephraim Bryant, Apr. 12, 1726],
Aug. 28, 1723.
(Joanna (Bryant)), ch. Samuell and Johanah [see Abigail], (Mar. 1, 1701--2,
recorded at Plymouth).
John (dup. (Bryant)], ch. Georg and Sarah [see Ephraim Bryant, Apr. 12, 1726],
Jan. 12, 1720 [dup. 1720-1].
Jonathan, ch. Jonathan and Margery, May 11, 1711.
Lidia, ch. Samuell and Johanah [see Abigail], Mar. 16, 1708. (born after
Plympton became a Town in 1707).
Lidia [dup. Bryant, (w. Nathaniel Bonney)], ch. Georg and Sarah [dup. see
Ephraim Bryant, Apr. 12, 1726], May 10, 1718.
Marcy [dup. Bryant], ch. Benjamin and Hanah [dup. Benjamin and Hannah], Jan. 3,
Mary, ch. Jonathan and Margery, Nov. 24, 1707.
Mercy (see Marcy).
Micah [dup. Bryant], ch. Benjamen and Hanah [dup. Benjamin and Hannah], Apr. 2,
(Nathaniel (Bryant). Dea.), ch. Samuell and Jobanah [see Abigailj,-------,
Phebe [dup. Bryant], ch. Benjamen and Hanah [dup. Benjamin and Hannah], Sept.
18, 1713.
Salvanus [(Silvanus ch. Samuell and Johanah [see Abigail], Apr. 8, 1710,(born
after Plympton became a Town in 1707).
(Samuel (Bryant) [dup. (Bryant, Dea., h. Tabbatha (Ford))). ch. Samuell [dup.
(Dea. Samuel)] and Johanah [see Abigail), (May 14, 1699, recorded at Plymouth).
(Sarah (Bryant), w. David Morse), ch. John and Mary,--------, Silvanus (see
Elizabeth, w. Isaiah Wright (s. Zebedee and Rhoda of P.), d. Zachariah of
Kingston and Lydia, Dec. 25, 1816 . [ ? in Kingston].
BRIGGS (see Brigs)
(Abigail, w. Ebenezer Tinkham of Middleborough, ch. Samuel [q. v.] and Mercy
(first w.), Feb. 13, 1792, in Halifax).
(Anna Thomas, w. Sylvanus Tinkham of Middleborough, ch. Samuel [q. v.] and Mercy
(first w.), Oct. 11, 1788, in Halifax).
Catharine Williams, ch. Seneca [q. v.) and Molly (Holmes), Aug. 30, 1835, in P.
(Ebenezer, youngest ch.) John (Brigs) and Sarah,(------)
(Ephraim Bartlett, twin ch. Samuel (q. v.] and Mercy (first w.), Nov. 12, 1802,
in Middleborough).
Ephraim Bartlett, ch. Seneca [q. v.] and Molly (Holmes), Nov. 1, 1822.
Hannah Marcia, ch. Lewis Jr. [q. v., dup. shoemaker and farmer] and Hannah
(Vickery) [dup. of P.]. May 6, 1844 [dup. in P.].
(Harriot, w. Nathaniel Chandler (s. Zebedee), d. Dr. Richard, Mar. 8, 1787, in
(Isaac, ch. Samuel [q. v.] and Mercy (first w.), Mar. 20, 1798, in Pembroke).
Isaac Sylvester, ch. Seneca [q. v.] and Molly (Holmes), Aug. 14, 1831, in
Jacob Bryant, ch. Lewis Jr. (q. v., dup. shoemaker] and Hannah (Vickery) [dup.
of P.], Mar. 31, 1847 [dup. in P.).
(Joann Bryant, w. Silvanus Thomas (s. Nelson and Anna of Hanson), d. Lewis and
Joanna of Halifax, July 22, 1811, in Halifax).
Lewis Jr., h. Hannah (d. Daniel Vickery and Asenath of P.), s. Lewis and Joanna
of Halifax, Oct. 22, 1814, in Halifax.
Lewis Harvey, ch. Lewis Jr. [q. v.] and Hannah Vickery), Aug. 3, 1841, in P.
Lorinda, ch. Seneca (q. v.) and Molly (Holmes), May 7, 1825, in Pembroke.
(Lucy, w. Asaph Tinkham of Middieborough, ch. Samuel [q. v.] and Mercy (first
w.), Mar. 15, 1787, in Halifax).
Mary, ch. Dr. Richard and Huldah, Aug. 4, 1803, in Abington.
Mary Ann Bradford, ch. Seneca [q. v.] and Molly (Holmes), Dec. 2, 1827, in
Mary Hobart, ch. Dr. Richard and Huldah, June 11, 1805, in P.
(Mercy Dammon, twin ch. Samuel [q. v.] and Mercy (first w.), Nov. 12, 1802, in
Mercy Dammon, ch. Seneca [q. v.] and Molly (Holmes), Aug. 31, 1821.
(Nathan Stevens, ch. Samuel [q. v.] and Rebekah (second w.), June 2, 1810, in
(Nathaniel, ch. Samuel [q. v.] and Mercy (first w.), Feb. 26, 1790, in Halifax).
Rebecca Jane, ch. Seneca [q. v.] and Molly (Holmes), Dec. 19, 1836, in P.
(Samuel, h. Mercy (d. Elijah Dammon of Pembroke and Anna), h. Rebekah (d. Nathan
Stevens of Pembroke and Rebekah), s. John of Middleborough, afterwards of
Halifax, and Abigail (seoond w.), Nov. 5, 1763, in Middleborough).
(Samuel, ch. Samuel [q. v.] and Mercy (first w.), Mar. 5, 1800, in Pembroke).
(Seneca [dup. (h. Molly (d. Sylvester Holmes of Kingston))], ch. Samuel [q. v.,
dup. (now in 1824 of Plympton)] and Mercy (first w.), Dec. 6, 1794, in
Seneca Francis, ch. Seneca [q. v] and Molly (Holmes), Mar. 9, 1830, in Hanson.
BRIGS (see Briggs)
Barnabus [dup. Barnibus], ch. John and Sarah, Aug. 15, 1720.
Hannah, ch. John and Sarah, Feb. 27, 1715-16.
John, ch. John and Sarah, June 15, 1718.
John, s. Martha "of the Church at Taunton," bp.------, C.R.
Samuel, ch. John Jr. and Remember, Mar. 25, 1744.
Sarah, ch. John Jr. and Remember, Oct. 9, 1741.
Albert, s. John Brittan and Was Adeline C. Wright, Apr. 2, 1831, in P.
BRYANT (see Briant)
Abegail, ch. (Dea.) Benjamin (s. Dea. Nathaniel)) and Sarah (second w., (d.
James Harlow)), Feb. 2, 1773. [Abigail, C.R.].
Abejah, ch. Ebenezer and Elezebeth, May 4, 1735.
Abigail (see Abegail).
Abigell [dup. Abigal], ch. Samuell [dup. Samuel Briant] Jr. [(Dea. Samuel (s.
Dea. Samuel))] and Tabbatha ((Ford)), Mar. 13,1727-8.
Abigial, ch. Levy [q. v.] and Lydia ((Bradford)), Dec. 6, 1778.
Abijah (see Abejah).
Abishai, ch. James [dup. (Briant)] ((s. John and Sarah)) and Darkas [dup.
Dorkas], Jan. 3, 1728 [dup. 1728-9].
(Adeline) [dup. Adaline, w. Cephas Cobb (s. Lemuel))], ch. Lemuel and Clarisa;
(s. Peleg of Kingston and first w.; s. John of P., May 9, 1808).
Albert Thomas, ch. Lemuel [q. v., dup. shoemaker and farmer] and Maria
(Bradford) [dup. of P.], Apr. 21, 1846 [dup. in P.].
Alexander (see Elexsander).
Alida (see Elydia).
Alvin, ch. Lemuel and Clarisa [see Adeline], May 6, 1806. [Alvan, C.R.]
Amos, ch. Ebenezer and Elezebeth, Sept. 2, 1737.
Amos, ch. Micah (q. v.] and Drusilla ((Harlow)). May 27, 1806.
(Ana), ch. Zenas ((s. John)) and Mary ((d. Dr. Thomas Ruggles of Rochester and
Mary (d. Polycarpus Loring of P.) Mar. 20, 1797).
Aseph ch. (Dea. Benjamin ((s. Dea. Nathaniel)) and Sarah, Feb. 12, 1767.
Barnabas Harlow [dup. (h. Sarah Standish (d. Allen Hatch of E. Bridgewater and
Sarah))], ch. Micah [q. v.] and Drusalla (Harlow)), Apr. 3, 1802.
Barnibus [dup. Barnebus Briant], ch. James (s. John and Sarah)) and Sarah
((first w., d. Rev. Isaac Cushman of P.)), Mar. 7, 1710[dup. 1710-11].
Barnibus [dup. Barnabus Briant), ch. James and Sarah. [see Barnibus], Nov. 18,
Benjamin, ch. Natbaniell and Zeviah ((Dea. Nathaniel (s. Dea. Samuel) and
Zeruiah (Curtis) (of Pembroke))]. Dec. 25, 1734.
Benjamin, ch. (Dea.) Benjamin and Sarah (second w.) [see Abegal], Nov. 27, 1774.
Benjamin, ch. Bethiah, wid., bp. July 15, 1810, C.B.
Bete, ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Joanah. June 2, 1759.
Betey, ch. Joshua (s. Dea. Samuel) and Zilpha [Zilpah (d. William Sampson and
Joanna)], Oct. 30, 1759.
Billie [dup.] (William) ch. Joseph (s. Dea. Samuel) and Zilpha [(Zilpah (d.
William Sampson and Joanna)). Oct. 30, 1759.
Caleb, ch. John Jr. ((s. Capt. George)) and Abegail. Mar. 8, 1744-5.
Caleb, ch. Zenas and Mary [see Ann), Jan. 30, 1784.
Caleb, ch. Zenas and Mary [see Ann], May 3, 1789.
Calvin Hardin, ch. Barnabas Harlow (q. v.) and Sarah Standish (Hatch), Aug. 5,
Caroline [dup. (w. Zenas Thomas Glass (s. Ezekiel of Duxbury))], ch. Joshua
[dup. (of P.)] ((s. Dea. Samuel)) and Darcas, Dec. 15, 1799.
Cephas, ch. Joshua ((s. Dea. Samuel)) and Darcas, Aug. 10, 1788.
Charles Edward, ch. Silvanus (a Joshua) and Mary (d. Barnabas Phinney), Oct. 5,
(Clara Ann), ch. Lemuel and Clarisa [see Adelinej, (Mar. 2, 1815).
Clarasia (Bryannt), ch. Levy [q. v.] and Lydia ((Bradford)), Jan. 9, 1783.
Clarisa [------], w. Lemuel [q. v., Mar. 20, 1772]. (Jan. 31, 1779, Kingston).
Consider, ch. (Dea.) Benjamin ((s. Dea. Nathaniel)) and Sarah, Dec. 6, 1764.
David, ch. James Jr. and Abiah, May 1, 1748.
(Deborah Bradford (dup. (w. Cephas Ripley (s, Isaiah))], ch. [dup. (Capt.)]
Samuel (s. Joshua) and Deborah (d. Perez Bradford), Nov. 13, 1806).
Edwin, ch. Lemuel and Clarisa [see Adeline], Mar. 13, 1804.
Elexsander, ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Joanah, Nov. 6, 1761.
Elisebath, ch. Nathaniell and Zeviah [see Benjamin, Dec. 25, 1734j, May 31,
1744. [Elizabeth, C.R]
Eliza Gray, ch. Bethiah, wid., bp. July 15, 1810, C.R.
(Eliza Holmes, w. Edward Holmes), ch. Lemuel and Clarisa [see Adeline], (Dec 11,
Elizabeth (see Elisebath).
Elizabeth Phinney, ch. Silvanus (s. Joshua) and Mary (d. Barnabas Phinney), Oct.
13, 1831, in Halifax.
Ella, ch. Lemuel [q. v., dup. farmer] and Maria (Bradford) [dup. of P.], Jan.
15, 1849 dup. in P.].
Elvira, ch. Bethiah, wid., bp. July 15, 1810, C.R.
Elydia, ch. Nathaniel Jr. (s. Dea. Nathaniel)) and Joanah, Aug. 28, 1773.
Ephraim, ch. Georg (Briant) and Sarah (dup. (Capt. George (s. John and Sarah)
and Sarah (d. William Ripley and Mary of W. Bridgewater))], Apr. 12, 1726.
Ephriam, ch. Levy [q. v.] and Lydia ((Bradford)), Jan. 23, 1780.
Eunies, ch. Nathaniel Jr. ((s. Dea. Nathaniel)) and Joanah, May 10, 1767.
Ezekiel, ch. Nathaniell and Zeviah [see Benjamin, Dec. 25, 1734], June 16, 1746.
Ezekiel, ch. Nathaniel Jr. ((s. Dea. Nathaniel)) and Joanah, Apr. 18, 1775.
Ford, ch. Silvenus [(Silvanus (s. Dea. Samuel))] and Sarah [((Sears), afterward
w. Capt. James Harlow)], Oct. 21, 1762.
George, ch. (Capt.) George ((s. John and Sarah)) and Sarah ((d. William Ripley
and Mary of W. Bridgewater)), Apr. 25, 1737.
George, ch. George Jr. and Sarah, May 6, 1764.
George (Bryannt), ch. Levy (q. v.] and Lydia ((Bradford)), Aug. 22, 1784.
(George), ch. Zenas and Mary [see Ann], (Feb. 26, 1803).
George, ch. Micah [q. v.] and Drusilla (Harlow), July 8, 1818.
Hannah Harlow (dup. w. George Loring, q. v.], ch. Micah [q. v.] and Drusilla
(Harlow), May 28, 1820.
Hopstill[dup. Briant], ch. James and Sarah [see Barnibus, Mar. 7, 1710], June
23, 1715.
Horatio, ch. Micah (q. v.] and Drusilla ((Harlow)), June 9, 1809.
Isaac, s. Ebenezer, bp. Sept. 29, 1745, C.R.
Israel, ch. Silvanus, bp. Nov. 9, 1766, C.R.
Jabez, ch. James Jr. and Abiah, Oct. 27, 1746.
Jacob, ch. James Jr. and Abiah, Feb. 18, 1757.
(James, He lived in that part of Plympton which was afterwards Halifax, h. Sarah
(d. Rev. Isaac Cushman of P.), h. Darkas, s. John and Sarah, July 26, 1682.
James, s. Sarah, wid., bp. Nov. 25, 1770, C.R.
Jane (see Jene).
(Jane, w. Eleazar Dunham of Carver, afterwards of Maine, ch. Joseph (s. Dea.
Samuel) and Zilpah (d. William Sampson and Joanna),------)
Jemiah, ch. James ((s. John and Sarah)) and Darkas, July 10, 1732 . [Jemima,
Jene[dup. (Jane, w. Caleb Stetson), q. v.], d. Joanah [dup. (Joanna ](ch. George
and Sarah), Feb. 6, 1752.
Jerusha, ch. Josiah and Mary, Dec. 6, 1756.
Joanah, ch. Samuell Jr. [Dea. Samuel (s. Dea. Samuel)] and Tabbatha ((Ford)),
July 12, 1739.[Joanna, C.R.]
(Joanna, w. Dea. Samuel Churchill (s. William}, d. John and Sarah of P., sister
of Capt. George of P., Nov. 13, 1690).
Joseph, s. Ebenezar and Elizabeth, Sept. 12, 1731.
Joseph, ch. Samuell Jr. [(Dea. Samuel (s. Dea. Samuel))] and Tabbatha ((Ford)),
June 3, 1734.
(Joseph, ch. Joseph [q. v.] and Zilpah (Sampson),--------).
Joshua (see Jushua)
Joshua, ch. Samuell Jr. [(Dea. Samuel (s. Dea. Samuel))] and Tabbatha ((Ford)),
Feb. 16, 1744-5.
Joshua, ch. Joshua ((s. Dea. Samuel) and Darcas, Oct. 6, 1781.
Josiah, ch. Ebenezer and Elezebeth, July 9, 1733.
Josiah, s. Elizabeth, bp. Nov. 17, 1734, C.R.
Judith Crocker, d. Nathiel and w., bp. Oct. 23, 1814, C.R.
Jushua, ch. Nathaniell and Zeviah [see Benjamin, Dec. 25, 1734, July 26, 1741.
(Joshua, s. Nathanael, C.R.]
(Laura, w. Benjamin Cushman of Duxbury, ch. Zenas and Mary [see Ann], (Aug. 22,
Laura Ann, ch. Micah [q. v.] and Drusilla (Harlow), Jan. 27, 1815. [bp. Nov. 17,
1814, C.R.]
Lemuel, h. Clarisa, (s. Peleg of Kingston and first w., grand s. John of P.,
Mar. 20, 1772, in Kingston).
Lemuel, h. Maria (d. Thomas Bradford and Lydia of Kingston), s. Lemuel and
Clarissa [dup. Clarisa, see Adeline] of P., May 5, 1822, in P.
Levy [dup. (Levi, Captain of a military Company in Plympton. He moved into ...
Maine before the writer hereof became Town Clerk, h. Lydia (d. Capt. John
Bradford))], ch. Ephraim (s. Capt. George and Sarah)) and Abegail [dup. Abigail]
((d. Ephraim Samson)), Sept. 23, 1756.
Lewis, ch. Bethiah, wid., bp. July 15, 1810, C.R.
Lois [dup. Briant], ch. Samuell [dup. Samuel] Jr. [(Dea. Samuel (s. Dea.
Samuel))] and Tabbatha ((Ford) , Jnne 9, 1725.
(Lois, ch. Joseph (s. Dea. Samuel) and Zilpah (d. William Sampson and
Louisa Harlow, ch. Micah [q. v.] and Drusilla (Harlow). May 18, 1824.
Luce, ch. John Jr. ((s. Capt. George)) and Abegail, Feb. 27, 1747-8.
Luceana, ch. Joshua ((s. Dea. Samuel)) and Lucana, Aug. 8, 1767. [Lucanna, C.R.]
Luceanah, ch. Silvenus and Sarah (see Ford], June 17, 1754. [Lusanna, C.R.]
Lucy (see Luce).
Lucy [dup.(w. Joshua Parker Kittrell (s. Dempsey of Bertie Co., N. C., and
Martha))], ch. Joshua ((s. Dea. Samuel)) and Darcas, Dec. , 7, 1795.
Lusanah [dup. Briant] ch. Samuell [dup. Samuel] Jr. [(Dea. Samuel (s. Dea.
Samuel))] and Tabbatha ((Ford), Jan. 19, 1723-4.
Lusanna (see Luceana and Luceanah).
Luther, ch. Silvenus and Sarah [see Ford], Apr. 5, 1756.
Lydia, ch. Samuell Jr. [Dec. Samuel (s. Dea. Samuel))] and Tabbatha ((Ford)),
May 12, 1741.
Lydia (see Elydia).
Lydia, (w. Joseph Everson of Halifax), ch. (Dea.) Benjamin and Sarah [second w.]
(see Abegail), Feb. 7, 1781.
Lydia (Bryannt), ch. Levy [q. v.] and Lydia ((Bradford)), May 30, 1781.
Margret, ch. Micah [q. v.] and Drusilla ((Harlow)), Dec. 31, 1803.
Margret, ch. Micah [q. v.] and Drusilla ((Harlow)), May 23, 1808.
Marten, ch. Nathaniel Jr. ((s. Dea. Nathaniel)) and Joanah, Dec. 27, 1765.
Mary, ch. George (Briant) and Sarah [dup. see Ephraim, Apr. 12, 1726], Jan. 20,
1724 (dup. 1729-30].
Mary, w. George Whitefield Harrub (s. Thomas B. and. Rachel (first w.)), ch.
Lemuel and Clarissa (dup. Clarisa, see Adeline]. Ang. 30, 1819.
Mary Ann [dup. w. George Woodvile Glass (s. Zenas T. and Caroline of P.)], ch.
Silvanus (s. Joshua) and Mary [dup. of P.] (d. Barnabas Phinney), Nov. 4, 1825
[dup. in P.].
Mary Harlow, ch. Micah [q. v.] and Drusilla (Harlow), Apr. 22, 1812.
[Mary Loring, (w. Dr. Isaac Bartlett), ch. Zenas and Mary [see Ann], Apr. 9,
Mary Ruggles, ch. Zenas Jr. Esq. (s. Zenas) and Judith Lobdell(Sturtevant) [q.
v.], Sept. 6, 1824.
Mathew, ch. James [dup. (Briant)] ((s. John and Sarah)) and Darkas [dup.
Dorkas], Dec. 15, 1727.
(Micah, h. Drusilla (d. Barnabas Harlow), s. Amos of Middleborough, Feb. 14,
Moley, ch. (Dea.) Benjamin ((s. Dea. Nathaniel)) and Sarah, Nov. 5, 1759.
Nancy Bradford, ch. Silvanus (s. Joshua) and Mary (d. Barnabas Phinney), Dec.
12, 1828.
Nancy Winsor, ch. Capt. Samuel (s. Joshua) and Olive (second w., wid. Capt.
Samuel Winsor of Duxbury, d. Samuel Chandler of Duxbury), June 8, 1823.
Nathan, ch. James Jr. and Abiah, Sept. 5, 1750.
Nathaniel, ch. Nathaniel Jr. ((s. Dea. Nathaniel)) and Joanah, May 3, 1769.
Nathaniel, ch. (Dea.) Benjamin and Sarah (second w.) (see Abegail), Dec. 4,
1776. (He had a wife and moved from Plympton).
Nathanill (Bryat), ch. Nathaniell and Zeviah [see Benjamin, Dec. 25, 1734], June
21, 1737. [Nathanuel, C.R,]
Oleve, ch. Joshua ((s. Dea. Samuel)) and Lucana, Mar. 10, 1769. [Olive, C.R.]
Parterick, ch. Nathaniel Jr. ((s. Dea,. Nathaniel)) and Joanah, Apr. 7, 1764.
Patiance, ch. James Jr. and Abiah, Oct. 20, 1752.
Patrick (see Parterick).
(Paul, ch. Joseph (s. Dea. Samuel) and Zilpah (d. William Sampson and
Joanna),------- .
Peleg, ch. John Jr. ((s. Capt. George)) and Abegail, Feb. 22, 1742-3.
Phebe, (w. Dr. Bartholomew Cushman of Sandwich), ch. Zenas and Mary [see Ann],
Sept. 15, 1791.
Polly, ch. Joshua ((s. Dea. Samuel)) and Darcas, Apr. 4, 1791.
Prudence, ch. Joshua ((s. Dea. Samuel)) and Darcas, Dec. 5, 1789.
Prudence, ch. Joshua (( Dea. Samuel)) and Darcas, JM 23, 1793.
Rebeckah, May 17, 170[worn, ? 7 or 9]
Rebeckah [dup. Briant], ch. James and Sarah [see Barnibus, Mar. 7, 1710], Feb.
4, 1720=1.
Rebekah, d. Ebenezer, bp. Aug. 24, 1740, C.R.
Rhodolphus (see Rodolfus).
Richard, ch. George Jr. and Sarah, Aug. 15, 1766.
(Rizpah, w. Eleazer Thomas of Middleborough, ch.Joseph (s. Dea. Samuel) and
Zilpah (d. William Sampson and Joanna),-------).
Rodolfus [(Rhodolphus)], ch. Nathaniel Jr. ((a Dea. Nathaniel)) and Joanah. Apr.
23, 1763.
Royial, ch. Nathaniel Jr. (Dea. Nathaniel)) and Joanah, Jan. 31, 1771.
Ruth, (w. Capt. Thomas Sampson), ch. John Jr. ((s. Capt. George)) and Abegail,
Apr. 13, 1741.
Ruth [dup. (w. William Shaw 2d of Middleborough], ch. Joseph ((s. Dea. Samuel)
and Zilpha [Zilpah (d. William Sampson and Joanna)], Feb. 28, 1765.
Saba Sampson, ch. Capt. Samuel (s. Joshua) and Saba (third w., wid. Capt. John
Brown of Duxbury, d. Capt. Andrew Sampson of Duxbury), Sept. 2, 1831, in
Salley, (--------erton Cushman), ch. Zenas and Mary [see Ann], Apr. 3, 1781.
(SalIy Prince, ch. Samuel (s. Joshua) and Deborah (d. Perez Bradford), Sept. 13,
Salome, ch. Joshua ((s. Dea. Samuel)) and Darcas, Oct. 15, 1783.
Samuel, ch. Samuell Jr. [Dea. Samuel (s. Dea. Samuel))] and Tabbatha (Ford)),
Nov. 18, 1736.
Samuel [dup. (Capt., h. Deborah (d. Perez Bradford), h. Olive (wid. Capt. Samuel
Winsor of Duxbury, d. Samuel Chandler of Duxbury), h. Saba (wid. Capt. John
Brown of Duxbury, d. Capt. Andrew Sampson of Duxbury))], ch. Joshua [dup. (of
P.)] ((s. Dea. Samuel)) and Darcas, Dec. 27, 1784.
Sarah [dup. Briant], ch. James ((s. John and Sarah)) and Darkas [dup. Dorkas],
Sept. 14, 1726.
Sarah [dup. (w. Zachariah Soule, w. John Thompson, w Reuben Thomson], ch. Georg
(Briant) and Sarah (dup. see Ephraim, Apr. 12, 1726], Oct. 31, 1731.
Sarah, (w. Capt. Joshua Holmes, left no children), ch. John Jr. ((s. Capt.
George )) and Abegail, Mar. 1, 1750-1.
Sarah, ch. Silvanus, bp. Nov. 9, 1766, C.R.
Sarah, (second w. Ebenezer Wright), ch. (Dea.) Benjamin [dup. (of P.)] and Sarah
(second w.) [see Abegail], Jan. 24, 1771.
Sarah Prince, ch. Capt. Samuel (s. Joshua) and Olive (second w., wid. Capt.
Samuel Winsor of Duxbury, d. Samuel Chandler of Duxbury), Apr. 29, 1820.
Sath, ch. George and Sarah [see George, Apr. 25, 1737]. Feb. 6, 1739-40.
Seth [dup. Briant], ch. James and Sarah [see Barnibus, Mar. 7, 1710], July 16,
(Silence, first w. Prince Churchill then of P., ch. Joseph (s. Dea. Samuel) and
Zilpah (d. William Sampson and Joanna),---------).
Silvanus, ch. Samuell [dup. Samuel Briant] Jr. [(Dea. Samuel (s. Dea. Samuel))]
and Tabbatha ((Ford), Mar. 20, 1729-30.
Silvanus (dup. (h. Mary (d. Barnabas Phinney))], ch. Joshua [ s. Dea. Samuel))
and Darcas, Aug. 4, 1794.
Silvenus, ch. Silvenus and Sarah (see Ford], May 5, 1758. (Silvanus, C.R.]
Solomon, ch. Samuell Jr. [(Dea. Samuel (s. Dea. Samuel)] and Tabbatha ((Ford)),
Jan. 4, 1746-7.
Suseanah, (w. John Rider), ch. George and Sarah [see George, Apr. 25, 1737],
Oct. 19, 1734. [Susanna, C.R]
Tabbatha, ch. Samueu Jr. [Dea. Samuel (s. Dea. Samuel)] and Tabbatha (Ford),
Apr. 14, 1732.
(Tabitha, ch. Joseph (s. Dea. Samuel) and Zilpah (d. William Sampson and
(Thomas Ruggles), ch. Zenas and Mary [see Ann), (Aug. 18, 1800.
William (see Bille).
William Allen, ch. Barnabas Harlow [q. v.j and Sarah Standish (Hatch), Nov. 18,
William Sturtevant, ch. Zenas Jr. Esq (s. Zenas) and Judith Lobdell (Sturtevant)
(q. v.), Nov. 28, 1840.
Zebedee, s. Silvanus, bp. May 29, 1768, C.R.
Zenas (dup. (Jr. Esq., h. Judith Lobdell (Sturtevant)), q. v.], ch. Zenas and
Mary (see Ann], Dec. 21, 1786.
Zenas Francis, ch. Zenas Jr. Esq. (s. Zenas) and Judith Lobdell (Sturtevant)
[q.v.] July 14, 1833.
Zenus, ch. John Jr., ((s. Capt. George)) and Abegail, July 12, 1753.
Zerviah, (w. Ephraim Holmes Jr.), ch. Nathaniell and Zeviah [see Benjamin, Dec.
25, 1734]. July 24, 1739.
Zerviah, ch. Joshua ((s. Dea. Samue1) and Darcas, Jan. 18, 1787.
Angeline, d. Henry and Deborah. Mar. 7, 1809, G.R.2.
Deborah [-----], w. Henry, Mar. 7, 1772, G.R.2.
Henry, Sept. 6, 1770, C.R.2.
BUMP (see Bumpus)
Mary Ann Cushman, w. Asa Foster Pope (s. Freeman and Abigail of Rochester), d.
Nathaniel and Lydia of Middleborough, Mar. 1, 1821, in Middleborough.
BUMPUS (see Bump)
Amelia Louisa, ch. Cephas Cushman [q. v.] and Amelia Drew (Foster), July 16,
1835, in P.
(Cephas, Dea., h. Lydia (d. Elisha Cushman of Kingston), s. Lot of Wareham,
Mar. 5, 1785, in Wareham).
(Cephas Cushman [second dup. (h. Amelia Drew (d. Capt. Joseph Foster of Kingston
and Lydia))], ch. Dea. [dup. omits Dea.] Cephas (q. v.] and Lydia (Cushman).
July 9, 1811.
Edgar Lewis, ch. Cephas Cushman [q. v.] and Amelia Drew (Foster), Jan. 18, 1838,
in N. Bridgewater.
Everett Cephas, ch. Cephas Cushman ( q v., dup. shoemaker) and Amelia Drew
(Foster) [dup. of P.], Nov. 28, 1844. [dup. in P.].
Fanny Woodbury (dup. w. Alden Miller (s. Aden of Middleborough and Millison)],
ch. Dea. Cephas jq. v.] and Lydia (Cushman) (dup. of P.], Sept. 10, 1815[dup. in
Joann Summer, ch. Dea. Cephas [q. v.] and Lydia (Cushman), Mar. 2, 1821.
(Judith, w. Capt. Ebenezer Lobdell (s. Isaac and Ruth), d. Jeremiah of Wareham
and Judith (Randall), June 20, 1760).
Lewis Bradford. ch. Dea. Cephas [q. v.] and Lydia (Cushman), Sept. 24, 1813.
Lutheria Ann, ch. Cephas Cushman [q. v.] and Amelia Drew (Foster), Feb. 15,
1840, in P.
Lydia Cushman, ch. Dea. Cephas (q. v.) and Lydia (Cushman), Apr. 14, 1818, in
Lydia Foster, ch. Cephas Cushman [q. v.] and Amelia Drew (Foster), June 16,
Mary Dexter ch. Dea. Cephas [q. v.] and Lydia (Cushman), Sept. 13, 1823.
Mary Seaman [dup. Seamans], ch. Cephas Cushman (q. v., dup. shoemakerj and
Amelia Drew (Foster) (dup. of P.), Aug. 25, 1849 [ P.].
Sarah Bradford dup. w. Edward Stephens Sherman (s. Lt. Joseph and Nancy of P.)),
ch. Dea Cephas (q. v.] and Lydia (Cushman) [dup. of P.], Mar. 21, 1826 [dup. in
Abigail Thomas, ch. Thomas Edward [q. v.j and Persis H., June 28, 1833, in
Angelo Allen, ch. Thomas Edward [q. v.] and Persis H., Oct. 28, 1843, in E.
(Thomas Edward, h. Persis Harlow (d. Freeman Pope and Abigail of Rochester), s.
Thomas and Polly of Plymouth, June 11, 1811, in Middleborough).
Thomas Edward, ch. Thomas Edward [q. v., dup. mechanic] and Persia H. [dup. of
P.], Feb. 8, 1845, In P.
Nathan, "child living in the family" of Rev. Elijah Dexter, bp. Sept. 30, 1810,
BUSHUP (see Bishop, Bishup, Byshop)
Elizabath, ch. James (Bishup and Daborah [(Deborah (d. William Sampson)], Mar.
3, 1757.
James, ch. James and Deborah (see Elzabath]. Jan. 16 , 1755.
Levy, ch. James and Daborah [see Elizabath], Nov. 1, 1767.
Ruth, ch. James and Daborah [see Elizabath], Nov. 16, 1759.
William, ch. James and Daborah [see Elizabath], May 7, 1764.
BYSBY (see Bisbe, Bisbee)
Joanna, ch. Eiijah, bp. Mar. 27, 1739-40, C.R.
John, ch. Elijah, bp. Mar. 27,1739-40, C.R.
BYSHOP(see Bishop, Bishup, Bushup)
Henrey, s. John, bp. June 6, 1842, C.R.