[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Ann Maria, d. John formerly of Boston and Nancy, Jan. 8, 1818, in P.
(Bathsheba, w. Daniel Bradford (s. Levi), d. Capt. Joshua of Kingston, Jan. 1,
(Mary, w. Seth Perkins(s. Lt. Zephaniah and Patience), d. Capt. Joshua of
Kingston and Mary, July 23, 1772, in Kingston).
(Sarah, w. John Perkins (s. Luke and Elizabeth (first w )), d. Capt. Joshua of
Kingston and Molly; s. Thomas of Kingston and Bathsheba (d. Isreal Bradford and
Sarah; s. Maj. William and Mary (third w.); s. Gov. William and Alice), Apr. 28,
ATTWOOD (see Atwood)
Ebenezer, ch. Lt. Nathaniell and Mary, May 22, 1735.
Elizabeth [dup. Elizebeth], ch. Barnabas [dup. Barnibus] and Lydia, Nov. 21,
Frances [dup. Francis], ch. [dup. Lt.] Nath[anie]ll and Mary, May.---, 1728.
Hannah, ch. Barnabas [dup. Barnibns] and Lydia, Oct, 17, 1724.
Ichabad (Atwood), ch. Lt. Nathaniell and Mary, Sept. 24, 1744.
Isaac, ch. Barnabas [dup. Barnibus] and Lydia, Nov. 12, 1728.
Joseph (Atwood), ch. Lt. Nathaniell and Mary, Aug. 1, 1742.
Keziah, (w. George Williams of Taunton), ch. Lt. Nathaniell and Mary, Dec. 1,
Mary [dup. (w. Benjamin Shaw of Carver)], ch. [dup. Lt.] Nathaniel] and Mary,
Dec. 9, 1725.
Nathaniel [dup. Nathanile], ch. [dup. Lt.] Nath[anie]ll and Mary, Dec. 11, 1725
William, ch. Lt. Nathaniell and Mary, Apr. 5, 1740.
ATWOOD (see Attwood)
Abegail, (w. Benjamin Shurtleff), ch. Nathaniel (Atwod) and Abegail
((wid.------- Lucas, d. Benoni Shaw)), Oct. 7, 1755.
Abner (Attwood), (h. Elizabeth Bishup of P.), ch. Nathaniel Jr. ((s. Lt.
Nathaniel)) and Suseanah ((d. Barnabas Shurtleff Esq.)). Aug. 6, "1752 or
1752-3" [sic, see Jemimah and Mary].
Caleb (Attwood), (h. Sarah Shaw), ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Suseanah [See Abner],
June 26, 1749.
Fanny Sturtevant, w. Winslow Bradford [q. v.], d. William of Middleborough and
Lois (d. James Smith of Middleborough), Apr. 30, 1825; in Middleborough.
Hulde, ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Suseanah [see Abner), Feb. 26, 1762.
Jemimah, ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Suseanah [see Abner], May 25, 1754 [sic, see
Joann Frances, w. Leonard Peirce (s. Benajah and Charity of Middleborough), d.
John and Joann, June 8, 1818, in Middleborough.
Joshua, ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Suseanah [see Abner], May 21, 1769.
Levi, ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Suseanah [see Abnerj, June 5, 1764.
Levy (Attwood), ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Suseanah [see Abner], Oct. 5, 1759.
Marcy(Attwood), (w. David Shurtleff), ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Suseanah [see
Atmer], Mar. 2, 1758.
Mary (Attwood), (w. Robert Shurtleff), ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Suseanah [see
Abnerj, Feb. 18, 1751-2 [sic, see Abner].
Mercy (see Marcy).
Nathaniel, ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Suseanah [see Abner], Feb. 14, 1767.
Samuel ch. Nathaniel (Atwod) and Abegail ((wid.---------Lucas, d. Benoni Shaw)),
Aug. 19, 1751.
Stephen, ch. Nathaniel (Atwod) and Abegail ((wid.--------Lucas, d. Benoni
Shaw)), Mar. 9, 1748-9.
Zenas, (h. Mary Perry), ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Suseauah [see Abner], Mar. 16,
(Elizabeth Parker, w. Lewis Robbins (s. Capt. Samuel of Plymouth and Sally), d.
Whiting and Lydia, grand d. Dr. Thaddeus Parker (s. Rev. Jonathan of P.), Mar.
14, 1808, in Athens, N. Y.)
Deborah, ch. Nicholas Spinks and Mehitable ((d Ichabod Phinney)), Aug. 24, 1802,
(in P.)
(Frederick (Bagnall)), ch. Nicholas Spinks and Mehitable ((d. Ichabod Phinney),
Mar. 21, 1806, in Kingston).
(Ichabod (Bagnall)), ch. Nicholas Spinks and Mehitable ((d. Ichabod Phinney),
June 23, 1816, in Plymouth).
Nancy (dup. (Bagnall, w. Lemuel Rickard of Plymouth, w. Isaac Rickard (s. Isaac
and Lydia))], ch. Nicholas Spinks and Mehitable ((d. Ichabod Phinney)), Apr. 17,
1799, (in P.)
(Oliver (Bagnall)), ch. Nicholas Spinks and Mehitabie ((d. Ichabod. Phinney),
Jan. 24, 1809, in P.)
Sally, ch. Nicholas Spinks and Mehitable ((d. Ichabod Phinney)), Sept. 15, 1795.
(in, P.)
(Susanaah (Bagnall)), ch. Nicholas Spinks and Mehitable ((d. Ichabod Phinney),
July 9, 1813, in P.)
Alvan Sampson, ch. Roswell and Hannah (d. George Sampson), May 4, 1817. in P.
BARNES (see Barns)
(Eleanor, w. John Sherman Jr. (s. Capt. John of Carver and Lydia), d. William of
Plymouth and Mercy, Nov. 26, 1794, in Plymouth).
BARNS (see Barnes)
Rebeckah Dexter, ch. Bethuel and Abigail, Sept. 3, 1804.
Thomas Waterman, ch. Bethuel and Abigail, Mar. 30, 1806.
BAROWS (see Barrow, Barrows)
Dabarah, ch. Zaduck and Jemimah, Dec. 28, 1760.
Jonathan (Barowes), ch. Jonathan ((s. Peleg Barrows of Carver)) and Lydia ((d.
Nathan Perkins, afterward second w. Josiah Chandler, moved ... into ... Maine)),
June 5, 1777.
CIeve (Barowes) [(Olive Barrows)], ch. Jonathan and Lydia [See Jonathan), Jan.
14, 1774.
Pricla [(Priscilla Barrows)], ch. Jonathan and Lydia [see Jonathan]. Sept. 24,
BARRET (see Barrett)
Ruth Ann, w. William Savery (s. Thomas and Joanna (second w.) of Plymouth), d.
William and Ruth of Plymouth, Feb. 17, 1816, in Plymouth.
BARRETT (see Barret)
Clarissa B., w. Edward Marshall Haley, May 14, 1814, in Plymouth.
BARROW (see Barows, Barrows)
Abner, ch. Samuell and Lidia ((Ransom)), Mar. 29, 1732.
Ebenezer (Barowes), ch. Samuell and Lidia ((Ransom)), Aug. 16, 1740.
George, ch. George Jr. and Desiah, Dec. 5, 1727.
Hannah, ch. Samuell and.Lidia ((Ransom)), Feb. 3, 1729.
John, ch. Samuell and Lidia ((Ransom)), Aug. 18, 1726.
John, ch. Samuell and Lidia ((Ransom)). Dec. 3, 1727.
Lydia (Barowes), ch. Samuell and Lidia ((Ransom)). Jan. 16, 1744-5.
Patcince, ch. George Jr. and Desiah, Apr. 26, 1724.
Robart (Barowes), ch. Samuell and Lidia ((Ransom)), Jan. 17, 1737-8.
Samuell [dup. Samuel Barrows], ch. Samuell (dup. Samuel] and Lidia ((Ransom)),
Mar. 8, 1723-4.
Zadock, ch. Samuell and Lidia (Ransom)), Aug. 17, 1734.
BARROWS (see Barows, Barrow)
Andrew (Barowes), (h. Sarah (Perkins)), ch. James and Tabithe [(Tabitha
(Rickard)) sic, see mar. James and Mary Coffin,] Apr. 1, 1748
Carver (Barows), ch. Moses Jr. and Mary, Jan. 16, 1752.
Deborah, ch. John [q. v.] and Deborah Cobb (Doten), Nov. 20, 1818, in Carver.
Deborah Doten, ch. John [q. v.j and Deborah Cobb (Doten), Oct. 6, 1836, in
Ebenezer, ch. James and Tabithe [(Tabitha (Rickard))], Nov. 4, 1736.
Edward Doten, ch. John [q. v.] and Deborah Cobb (Doten), Feb. 15, 1822, in
Elezer (Barowes), ch. James and Tabithe ((Tabitha (Rickard))], Feb. 12, 1734-5
[sic, see James].
George (Barowes), ch. James and Tabithe [(Tabitha (Rickard)) sic, see mar. of
James and Mary Coffin], Mar. 14, 1750-1.
George, ch. John [q. v.] and Deborah Cobb (Doten), Sept. 12, 1824, in Carver.
James, ch. James and Tabithe [(Tabitha (Rickard))], Dec. 17, 1734 [sic, see
(John, h. Deborah Cobb (d. Edward Doten and Deborah of Carver), s. Andrew and
Sarah of Carver, Nov. 27, 1796, in Carver).
John, ch. John [q. v.] and Deborah Cobb (Doten), Mar. 24, 1833, in Carver.
Keziah, ch. James and Tabithe [(Tabitha (Rickard))], Aug. 8, 1732.
Lidia, ch. James and Tabithe [(Tabitha (Rickard))j, Nov. 26,----- (rec. before
ch. b. Aug. 8, 1732].
(Louisa, w. Daniel Perkins, (s. John), d. George of Carver and Sophia, Apr. 8,
Lydia (see Lidia).
Mary (Barows), ch. Moses Jr. and Mary, June 22, 1755.
Mary, w. Lt. Merrick E. [dup. Ellis] Chandler of P. [dup. (s. Peleg of Duxbury
and Clara (second w.))], ch. John [q. v., dup. of Carver] and Deborah Cobb
(Doten). Feb. 15, 1820, in Carver.
Nathan Cobb, ch. John [q. v.] and Deborah Cobb (Doten), June 9, 1827, in Carver.
Sarah Perkins, ch. John [q. v.j and Deborah Cobb (Doten), Apr. 12, 1830, in
Seth [dup. Barrow], ch. Moses and Mary, Apr. 30, 1719.
(Sophia Washburn, w. Earl Sturtevant (s. Winslow and Susanna.), d. George of
Carver and Sophia, Feb. 19, 1809, in Carver).
Alvin, ch. Silvanus and Sarah ((d. Ignatius Loring Esq)), Feb. 9, 1782 [sic, see
Bathsheba, ch. Silvanus and Sarah ((d. Ignatius Loring Esq)), Apr. 19, 1774.
Betsey, ch. Silvanus and Sarah ((d. Ignatius Loring Esq.)), Sept. 8, 1781 [sic,
see Alvin].
(Caroline, second w. Marston Sampson (s. George), d. Ansel of Plymouth, Aug. 1,
1802, in Plymouth).
(Elizabeth, w. Zaccheus Parker (s. Jonathan Esq. and Polly of P.), d. Capt.
Ansel of Plymouth and Elizabeth, Apr. 20, 1809, in Plymouth).
(Hannah Stevens, second w. John Ransom, d. Freeman and Sarah of Plymouth, Oct.
21, 1800, in Plymouth).
Ignatius, ch. Silvanus and Sarah ((d. Ignatius Loring Esq.)), July 1, 1788
Isaac, ch. Silvanus and Sarah ((d. Ignatius Loring Esq.)). Jan. 16, 1780.
Isiaiah, ch. Silvanus and Sarah ((d. Ignatius Loring Esq.)), June 12, 1793.
Jerusha, ch. Silvanus and Sarah ((d. Ignatius Loring Esq.)), Feb. 21, 1791.
Joseph, ch. Silvanus and Sarah ((d. Ignatius Loring Esq.)), Jan. 15, 1784.
Loring, ch. Silvanus and Sarah ((d. Ignatius Loring Esq)), Oct. 1, 1785.
(Lydia, second w. Rev. Jonathan Parker (s. Judge Daniel of Barnstable), d.
Joseph and Elizabeth of Plymouth, Dec. 30, 1722).
Lydia, ch. Silvanus and Sarah ((d. Ignatius Loring Esq.)), Feb. 9, 1794.
Martha, ch. Silvanus and Sarah ((d. Ignatius Loring Esq.)), July 14, 1775.
Mary L., d. Isaac and Mary, Apr. 13, 1809, G.R.2.
(Nancy, second w. Capt. Zaccheus Sherman, d. Capt. Ansel of Plymouth and
Elizabeth, Jan. 24, 1792, in Plymouth).
(Rebekah, w. Simeon Rickard (s. Theophilus), d. William of Plymouth, Oct. 13,
1774, in Plymouth).
Sarah dup. (Sally, w. Lt. George Sampson (s. George))j, ch. Silvanus and Sarah
(( d. Ignatius Loring Esq.)), July 30, 1778.
Silvanus, ch. Silvanus and Sarah ((d. Ignatins Losing Esq.)), Nov. 1, 1776.
(Betsy Adams [dup. (w. Calvin Sturetevant), q. v.], ch. Isaac (q. v.) and
Elizabeth, Oct. 15, 1809, [dup. (Sept. 27, 18077) sic, see Rebekah Harlow
Bates], in Plymouth).
(Isaac, h. Elizabeth (d. Levi Wright of P.), s. Joseph of Plymouth and Rebekah,
Sept. 12, 1787, in Plymouth).
Isaac Harlow, ch. Isaac [q. v] and Elizabeth. Dec. 2, 1827, in P.
Lousana Doane, ch. Isaac [q. v.] and Elizabeth, July 15, 1814, in Plymouth.
(Rebekah Harlow, ch. Isaac [q. v.] and Elizabeth, Sept. 27, 1807, in Plymouth).
Wealthy Alden, ch. Isaac [q. v.] and Elizabeth, Apr. 9, 1812, in Plymouth.
Bathsbeba, ch. John, bp. Oct.----, 1733, C.R.
Desire (Battels), d. John, bp. Sept. 16, 1730, C.R.
Edward, ch. John, bp. Oct.----, 1733, C.R.
John, ch. John, bp. Oct.-----, 1733, C.R.
Jonathan, ch. John, bp. Oct.----, 1733, C.R.
Joshua, s. John, bp. May 30, 1736, C.R.
Martha, ch. John, bp. Oct.----, 1733, C.R.
Mary, ch. 7ohn, bp. Oct.----, 1733, C.R.
Timothy, ch. John, bp. Oct.----, 1733, C.R.
Andrew, ch. Shubell [dup. Shuball] and Thankfull [(Shubael Bearce and Thankful
(Ford))], Dec. 8, 1716.
Austin [(Bearce), dup. Berce], ch. James Jr. [dup. omits Jr.] and Abia [dup.
((Ford))], July, 16, 1714.
Gidian, ch. John [dup. Bercej and Sarah, Mar. 6, 1722-3.
Hannah [dup. Hanah], ch. Shubell (dup. Shuball] and Thankfull [see Andrew],
Sept. 1, 1712.
Hesekiah [(Hezekiah)], ch. Shubell [dup. Shuball] and Thankfull [see Andrew],
Apr. 6, 1720.
Jacob, eh. Shubell [dup. Shuballj and Thankfull [see Andrew],, Nov. 16, 1718.
James [(Bearce), dup. Bearce], ch. James Jr. (dup. Berce, omits Jr.] and Abia
[dup. ((Ford))], Apr. 13, 1717.
Joseph [dup. Berce], ch. John and Sarah, Mar. 26, 1721.
Miall [ Bearce), dup. Bearce], ch. James Jr. [dup. Berce, omits Jr.] and Abia
[dup. ((Ford))], Feb. 2, 1719-20 [dup. 1719].
Shubell [dup. Shuball], ch. Shubell [dup. Shuball] and Thankfull [see Andrew],
Aug. 1, 1715.
Thomas, ch. Shubell (dup. Shuball] and Thankfull [see Andrew], Oct. 2, 1723.
BENNET (see Bennett)
(Elizabeth, ch. Arthur and Repentance (d. Samuel Lucas),------).
(Joseph, ch. Arthur and Repentance (d. Samuel Lucas),---------)
(Kezia, ch. Arthur and Repentance (d. Samuel Lucas),-----------)
BENNETT (see Bennet)
Mary, ch. Arther and Rebakah. Nov. 17, 1782.
(Mercy, w.-------- Tinkham, w. Levi Wright of P., it is said that her first
husband Tinkham was living at the time of her Marriage with Wright, d. William
and Sarah, Feb. 16, 1775, in Middleborough).
Sarah, ch. Joseph and Jemiah, Jan. 27, 1730.
BERCE (see Bears).
James Dennison, ch. Nathan Dennison [q. v., dup. shoemaker and farmer] and
Rebecca Gammans (Wright) [dup. of P.], Feb. 26, 1847 (dup. in P.].
Nathan Dennison, h. Rebecca Gammans (d. Zebedee Wright and Rhoda of P.), s. Joel
and Sarah of Woodstock, Vt., Apr. 19, 1819, in Woodstock.
Rebecca Ellen, ch. Nathan Dennison [q. v., du . farmer and shoemaker] and
Rebecca Gammans (Wright) [dup, of P.], Feb. 16, 1849 [dup. in P.].
BISBE (see Bisbee, Bysbey)
Abegail, ch. Hopsil Jr. and Abegall [(Hopestill Bisbee Jr. (moved to Rochester,
s. Hopestill Sr.) and Abigail (d. Nathaniel Churchill))], Oct. 21, 1767.
Abner [dup. (Bisbee, h. Bathsheba (d. Samuel Palmer of Halifax))], ch. Hopstil
and Hanah [(Hopestill and Hannah (d. William Churchill and Ruth))]. June 16,
1739, [Bysbey, bp. July 16, 1738,[sic, see death], C.R.]
Abner, ch. Abner(Besbe) ((s. Hopestill Bisbee)) and Barshebe [(Bathsheba (d.
Samuel Palmer of Halifax))], July 24, 1771.
Asaph, ch. Elijah and Deborah ((d. George Samson)), Mar. 31, 1758.
Aseph, ch. George (s. Elisho) and Grace, (dup. (Asaph Bisbee, ch. George (s.
Elijah) and Grace (d. William Ripley Jr.))] Dec. 3. 1784.
Barsheba [dup. (Bathsheba Bisbee, w. Sampson Holmes (s. Francis)), ch. Abner Jr.
((s. Abner Bisbee)) and Rebeckah ((d. Ebenezer Churchill)), Dec. 17, 1798.
Barshebe, ch. Abner (Besbe) and Barshebe [see Abner, July 24, 1771], Jan. 5,
Benjamin, ch. Benjamin and Hannah, Apr. 19, 1766.
Betty [dup. (B isbee, w. Zadock Churchill (s. Samuel))], ch. Abner (Besbe) and
Barshebe [see Abner, July 24, 1771], Aug. 8, 1776.
Bezai, ch. Elijah Jr. Esq. [q. v.,] and Susanna ((Ripley)), Mar. 28, 1779.
Bezai, (Bezai Bisbee ... got his name changed to that of William Marshall
Bisbee) [dup. (Capt. William Marshall Bisbee, h. Catharine Warren (d. Thomas B.
Harrab of P. and Rachel )], ch. Bezai dec'd [dup. (of P.)] ((s. Elijah Bisbee
Esq.)) and Betsey[dup. Betsy]((d. Capt. Thomas Marshall of New Bedford and Phebe
(d. Joel Ellis))], Mar. 8, 1805.
Cloe, ch. Esecher and Moly [(Issachar (moved from P., s. HopestiIl Sr.) and Mary
(d. Thomas Harlow))], Nov. 17, 1768.
Daniel [dup. (Bisbee)], ch. George (s. Elisho) and Grace [dup. (George (s.
Elijah) and Grace (d. William Ripley Jr.))]. Jan. 19, 1776.
Deborah, ch. Elijah and Deborah ((d. George Samson)), Apr. 26, 1760 [(1763)].
Deliverence Rouse, ch. Esecher and Moly [see Cloe], Jan. 12, 1791.
Elijah [dup. Jr. Esq., (Lt.), h. Susauna ((d. William Ripley)]. ch. Elijah and
Deborah ((d. George Samson)), [dup. He was by his mother, a descendant of Capt.
Miles Standish)] Sept. 4, 1764 "old Stile."
Elijah, ch. Elijah Jr. Elijah Esq. [q. v.,] and Susanna ((Ripley)). July 10,
Elijah, [dup. (Bisbee 2d, h. Maria (d. Aaron Soule))], ch. Bezei [dup. Beza]
((s. Elijah Bisbee Esq.)) and Betsey((d. Capt. Thomas Marshall of New Bedford
and Phebe (d. Joel Ellis) July 4, 1802.
Ephraim Warshbon, ch. Esecher and Moly [see Cloe], Aug. 28, 1779.
Esecher, [(Issachar)] ch. Hopstil and Hanah [see Abner, June 16, 1779]
Esecher [(Issachar)], ch. Hopstil and Hanah [see Abner, June 16, 1739], Apr. 11,
Eunice, ch. Esecher and Moly [see CIoe], June 6, 1782.
Ezra, ch. Abner (Besbe) and Barshebe [see Abner, July 24, 1771], Oct. 8, 1763.
George [dup. Georg, second dup. (Bisbee, h. Grace (d. William Ripley Jr.))], ch.
Elijah [dup. Elzsbo] and Deborah ((d. George Samson)), Aug. 28 [dup. and second
dup. Aug. 29], 1748 "old Stile."
George [dup. (Bisbee)], ch. George (s. Elisho) and Grace (dup. see Daniel], Mar.
1, 1774.
Gideon [dup. Bisbee)], ch. George (s. Elisho) and Grace [dup. see Daniel, Nov.
10, 1782.
Grace [dup. (Bisbee, w. Allen Richmond)], ch. George (s. Elisho) and Grace [dup.
see Daniel], June 14, 1780.
Hanah, (w. Caleb Coombs), ch. Hopstil and Hanah [see Abner, June 16, 1739], Feb.
20, 1751-2. [Hannah, C.R.]
Hanah, ch. Escher and Moly [see Cloe], Apr. 2, 1774.
Hannah [dup. (Bisbee, w. Lt. Job Weston (s. Benjamin))], ch. Elijah dup. (of
P.)] and Deborah ((d. George Samson)), July 19, 1744 "old Stile."
Hannah, ch. Elijah Jr. Esq. [q. v.] and Susanna ((Ripley)), Jan. 15, 1781.
Hopstil, ch. Hopstil and Hanah [see Abner, June 16, 1739], May 20, 1741.
Hopstil, ch. Hopsil Jr. and Abegail [sac Abegail], Oct. 11, 1769.
Hulde (Bisbe), (w. John Bartlett of Kingston), ch. Abner (Besbe) and Batshebe
[See Abner, July 24, 1771]. Oct. 8, 1761.
Ira, ch. Esecher and Moly (see Cloe], Feb. 11, 1788.
Isaac (Bisbe), ch. Abner (Besbe) and Barshebe (see Abner, July 24, 1771], Jan.
12, 1760.
Isechar, ch. Esechar and Moly [see Cloe], Aug. 21, 1771.
Issachar (see Esecher).
John (dup. h. Lydia ((d. Ephraim Soule))], ch. Elijah (dup. (Bisbee)] and,
Deborah ((d. George Samson)), Sept. 15, 1755 "New Stile."
John. ch. John (s. Elijah Bisbee)) and Lydia ((d. Ephraim Soule) , May 12, 1794.
Leinda, ch. Abner (Besbe) and Barshebe [see Abner, July 24, 1771]. Aug. 22,
Loes [Lois] ch. Esecher and Moly [see Cloe], Apr. 7, 1777.
Luce (dup. (Lucy Bisbee, second w. Ebenezer Cushman (s. Elkanah))], ch. Abner
(Besbe) and Barshebe [see Abner, July 24, 1771], May 20, 1758.
Lydia Soule, ch. John ((s. Elijah Bisbee) and Lydia (( d. Ephraim, Soule)), Apr.
18, 1799.
Mary (see Polley).
Moly, ch. Benjamin and Hannah. Dec. 25, 1761.
Moly, ch. Esecher and Moly [see Cloe], Nov. 24, 1766.
Noah [dup. (Bisbee, h. Jenny (d. Gideon Bradford Esq.))], ch. Elijah and Deborah
((d. George Samson)), May 23, 1752 "old Stile."
Olive, ch. Elijah and Deborah ((d.George Samson)), Dec. 5, 1769.
Orre, ch. Benjamin and Hannah. Feb. 24, 1764.
Patience, ch. Esecher and Moly [see Cloe,------28, 1785.
Polley [dup. (Mary Bisbee, w. Lt. Joseph Nye (s. Jonathan))], ch. Elijah Jr.
[dup. omits Jr.] Esq. (q. v.] and Susanna ((RipIey)), July 3, 1785.
Rebeckah, ch. John ((s. Elijah Bisbee)) and Lydia ((d. Ephraim Soule)), Mar. 28,
Sarah, ch. Abner (Besbe) and Barshebe (see Abner, July 24, 1771], Mar. 1, 1774.
Sary, (w. Epraim Washburn), ch. Hopstil and Hanah [see Abner, June 16, 1739],
Mar. 7, 1746-7. [Sarah, C.R.]
Susanna [dup. (Bisbee, second w. Polycarpus Parker)], ch. Elijah Jr. Esq. [q.
v.] and Susanna ((Ripley)), Mar. 22, 1777.
William, ch. Elijah Jr. Esq. [q. v.] and Susanna ((RipIey)), Oct. 17, 1775.
Zebb, ch. George (s. Elisho) and Grace, Feb. 4, 1778. [d. William Ripley Jr.),
Feb. 9, 1778, by ....Mr. George Bisbee in a certificate he gave to Town Clerk
dated Jan. 13, 1826.
Zenas, ch. Elijah Jr. Esq. (q. v.) and Susanna ((Ripley)), Apr. 3, 1787.
Zenas, ch. John ((s. Elijah Bisbee)) and Lydia ((d. Ephraim Soule)), Feb. 10,
----------, ch. EIijah Jr. Esq. [q. v.] and Susanna, ((Ripley)), June 27, 1784.
----------, ch. John ((s. Elijah Bisbee)) and Lydia ((d. Ephraim Soule)), Dec.
30, 1792.
BISBEE (see Bisbe, Bysbey)
Aelius Marcellus, ch. Capt. William Marshall and Catharine Warren (Harrub) [see
Bezai, Bisbe, Mar. 8, 1805], Oct. 22, 1841.
(Betsy, ch. Noah (s. Elijah) and Jenny (d. Gideon Bradford. Esq.), Apr. 1,
(Betsy, reputed d. Seth Bisbee and Molly (d. Elkanah Cushman Jr.), May 31,
Catharine Warren, ch. Capt. William Marshall and Catharine Warren (Harrub) [see
Bezai Bisbe, Mar. 8, 1805], Apr. 19,1835.
Celeia Myrtis, ch. Capt. [dup. omits Capt.] William Marshall and Catharine
Warren (Harrub) [see Bezai Bisbe, Mar. 8, 1805], Nov. 20, 1842 [dup. in P.].
Deborah, ch. George (Bisbe) (s. Elisho) and Grace (dup. see Daniel Bisbe],Dec.
7, 1789.
Elijah, ch. Elijah 2d (s. Beza; s. Elijah Esq.) and Maria (d. Aaron Soule), Oct.
12, 1827.
Elizabeth Marshall, ch. Elijah 2d (s. Beza; s. Elijah Esq.) and Maria (d. Aaron
Soule, Jan. 19, 1842.
Felicia Hemans, ch. Capt. [dup. omits Capt.] William Marshall [dup. farmer and
shipmaster] and Catharine Warren (Harrub) [dup. of P., see Bezai Bisbe, Mar. 8,
1805], Sept. 17, 1844 [dup. in P.].
Felicia Magoun, ch. Capt. [dup. omits Capt.] William Marshall [dup. farmer,
formerly master of a vessel] and Catharine Warren (Harrub) [dup. of P., see
Bezai Bisbe, Mar. 8, 1805], June 13, 1847 [dup. in P.].
Isaac, ch. George (Bisbe) (s. Elisho) and Grace (dup. see Daniel Bisbel, July
20, 1794.
(Jane, ch. Noah (s. Elijah) and Jenny (d. Gideon Bradford Esq.), Feb. 27, 1779).
Jane, ch. John, sister of John, Zenas, Lydia, and Rebecca, bp.----, 1804, C.R.
(Job, ch. Noah (s. Elijah) and Jenny (d. Gideon Bradford Esq.), Nov. 24, 1783).
John, ch. George (Bisbe) (s. Elisho) and Grace [dup. see Daniel Bisbe], Feb. 12,
John Thomas, ch. Elijah 2d [dup. farmer and shoemaker] (s. Beza; s. Elijah Esq.)
and Maria [dup. of P.] (d. Aaron Soule), May 20, 1848 [dup. in P.].
Lucia Soule, ch. Elijah 2d (s. Beza; s. Elijah Esq.) and Maria (d. Aaron Soule),
June 15, 1835.
Lydia, ch. George (Bisbe) (s. Eiisho) and Grace [dup. see Daniel Bisbe], Feb.
23, 1792.
Maria, ch. Elijah 2d (s. Beza; s. Elijah Esq.) and Maria (d. Aaron Soule), May
31, 1831.
(Noah, ch. Noah (s. Elijah) and Jenny (d. Gideon Bradford Esq.), Feb. 17, 1781).
Polly [dup. (w. Howard Chandler of Duxbury)], ch. George Bisbe) (s. Elisho) and
Grace (dup. see Daniel Bisbe], Dec. 6, 1798.
Rachel Magoun, ch. Capt. [dup. omits Capt.] William Marshall [dup. master of a
vessel and farmer) and Catharine Warren (Harrub) [dup. of P., see Bezai Bisbe,
Mar. 8, 1805], Sept. 29 [dup. Oct. 1, 1845 [dup. in P.].
(Sally, ch. Noah (s. Elijab) and Jenny (d. Gideon Bradford Esq.), Jan. 24,
(Sally Cushman, w. Simeon Churchill [dup. ((s. Josiah))], ch. John 2d dec'd (s.
Jonah of Pembroke and sometime resident in P.) and Priscilla (d. Isaiah Ripley),
Oct. 9, 1805).
(Seth, ch. Noah (s. Elijah) and Jenny (d. Gideon Bradford Esq.), June 11, 1789).
Susan Williams (dup. w. Joseph Bradish Nye (s. Lt. Joseph and Mary of P.)], ch.
Elfiah 2d (s. Beza; s. Elijah Esq.) and Maria [dup. of Aaron Soule); Dec. 9,
1825 (dup. in P.].
(William Bradford, ch. Noah; ch. Noah and Jenny (d. Gideon Bradford, Esq.); ch.
Elijah, Dec. 22, 1811).
William Marshall (see Bezai Bisbe)
William Wallace, ch. Capt. William Marshall and Catharine Warren (Harrub) [see
Bezai Bisbe, Mar. 8, 1805, July 15, 1833.
William Wallace, ch. Capt. William Marshall and Catharine Warren (Harrub) (see
Bezai Bisbe, Mar. 8, 1805], July 3, 1838.
BISHOP (see Bishup, Bushup, Byshop)
Eugenia Emily, ch. William Albin [ q. v.] and Lydia Nelson (Waterman), Apr. 5,
1843[dup. in P.]
William Albin h, Lydia Nelson (d. Martin Waterman and Priscilla), s. James P.
and Charlotte of Braintree, Dec. 19, 1818, in Bradford.
BISHUP(see Bishop, Bushup, Byshop)
Betsy, ch. William and Ruth, Dec. 19, 1792.
Betsy, ch. William and Ruth, Feb. 17, 1796.
Deborah, ch. William and. Ruth. July 1, 1794.
Deborah, ch. William and Ruth, Dec. 31, 1798.
Elezebeth, ch. John and Ann, June 22, 1727.
Hannah, ch. John and Ann, Aug. 21, 1732. [Bishop, C.R.]
James, ch. John and Ann, Mar. 31, 1730.
James, ch. William and Ruth, Feb. 20, 1806. [Bishop, C.R.]
John, ch. John and Ann, Feb. 21, 1738. [Byshop, C.R.]
Mary, ch. William and Ruth, Jan. 31, 1800.
Oliver Howard, ch. William and Ruth, Apr. 12, 1802.
Ruth, ch. William, and Ruth. Dec. 23, 1807. [Ruth Hayward Bishup, C.R.]
Welthea, ch. William and Ruth, Feb. 22, 1811. [Wealthia Bishop, C.R.]
William Henery, ch. William and Ruth, Jan. 31, 1804.
(Rhoda, w. Ezra Lucas of P., d. William and Betsy of W. Cambridge, Aug. 22,
1807, in W. Cambridge)
(Nancy, w. Seth Holmes of Plymouth, w. Josiah Morey (s. Cornelius and Jerusha of
Plymouth), d. Richard and Nancy of Plymouth. Jan. 8, 1804, in Plymouth).
Helen, ch. Robert (q. v.] and Priscilla (Sturtevant), May 20, 1814, in P.
[Blayer, d. Robert S., C.R.]
(Robert, h. Priscilla (d. Dr. Thomas Sturtevant Esq. of Middleborough). s. John
of Cether, Stirling Co., Scot., June 3, 1784, in Cether).
Walter, colored, abt. 3/4 negro, s. Dinah, May 10, 1826, "was not born in
Horatio Williams [dup. h. Maria Elizabeth (d. Jabez Harlow of P. and Betsy)],
ch. [dup. Capt.) Jonathan [q. v.] and Saba (Ripley). Jan. 6, 1822 [dup. in P.].
(Jonathan, Capt., h. Saba (d. Ezekiel Ripley of P.), h. Mary Ann (d. Pelatiah
Caswell of York, Me., and Mary), s. Jonathan of Stoughton, June 19, 1792, in
Jonathan Clark, ch. Capt. Jonathan[q.v.] and Mary Ann(Caswell) (second w.), Jan.
29, 1831.
(Josiah, h. Sally (d. Zebedee Chandler of P. and Zeruiah), s. Jonathan of
Stoughton, Sept. 19, 1793).
Lucia Ann, ch. Jonathan [q. v.] and Saba (Ripley), Oct. 27, 1816.
Mary Elizabeth [dup. w. Simeon Morton Loring (s. Isaac 2d and Elizabeth of P.)],
ch. Capt. Jonathan [q. v.] and Mary Ann (Caswell) (second w.), Dec. 3, 1829[dup.
1839, sic, in P.].
Saba Ripley [dup. w. Zenas Milton Washburn (s. Zenas and Sarah of P.)], ch. [dup
. Capt.] Jonathan [q. v.] and Saba (Ripley) [dup. (first w. of P.), May 30, 1819
[dup. in P.].
William, ch. Josiah [q. v.] and Sally (Chandler), Apr. 1, 1816, in P.
BLAYER (see Blair)
Benjamin, ch. Zacheus and Sarah, Nov. 14, 1746.
Benjamin, ch. Benjamin and Moly, Dec. 27, 1774.
John, ch. Zacheus and Sarah, July 8, 1752.
John, ch. Benjamin and Moly, Nov. 15, 1777.
Mary, ch. Zacheus and Sarah. May 31, 1755.
Sarah, ch. Zacheus and Sarah, June 1, 1749.
Sarah, ch. Benjamin and Moly, Sept. 13, 1769.
Zaccheus, ch. Benjamin and Moly, Jan. 15, 1771.
Zenas, ch. Benjamin and Moly, Oct. 17, 1772.
BONEY (see Bonney)
Abigail, (w. Ezekiel Powers), ch. Isaac and Mary, June 18, 1749.
(Austin (Bonney)), ch. Nathaniel Jr. ((s. Nathaniel)) and Hannah, (Mar.
25),------[rec. after cb. b. Oct. 17, 1779] [bp. May 19, 1782, C.R.]
Batee(Betty)], ch. Nathaniel and Lydiah, Dec. 24, 1744.
Batty, ch. Nathaniel Jr. ((s. Nathaniel Bonney)) and Hannah, Nov. 5, 1770.
Beriah, s. Martha Boney ((second w. Isaac Thayer)), Sept. 6, 1721.
Betty (see Batee and Batty)
Daborah, ch. Simeon and Thankfull, Sept. 6, 1770.
Daniel, ch. Nathaniel and Lydiah. June 20, 1750.
Daniel, ch. Simeon and Thankfull, June 26, 1766.
Deborah (see Daborah)
Ebenezer, ch. Isaac and Mary, Mar. 2, 1735-6. [bp. Mar. 30, 1735[1734-5] C.R.]
Elisebath, (w. Joshua Churchill), ch. Isaac and Mary, Apr. 21, 1746. [Elizabeth,
Hannah, (w. Seth Cushing Jr.), ch. Nathaniel Jr. ((s. Nathaniel Bonney)) and
Hannah, Oct. 16,, 1768.
Isaac, s. Isaac and Mary, Apr. 19, 1729.
Isaac, ch. Simeon and Thankfull, Feb. 6, 1758.
James, ch. Simeon and Thankfull, Nov. 24, 1752.
Joseph [dup. Bonney, (h. Mary (d. Col. Seth Cushing))], ch. Nathaniel and Lydiah
[dup. Lydiah)], Dec. 28, 1755.
Joseph. ch. Simeon and Thankfull, July 18, 1763.
Lydiah, (w. Josiah Sears, w. Zebulon Robinson], ch. Nathaniel and Lydiah, Nov.
24, 1747.
Margrett, ch. Nathaniel and Lydiah, Jan. 14, 1759. [Margaret Bonney, C.R.]
Mary, d. Isaac, bp. Mar. 18, 1732-3, C.R.
Mary, (w. Thomas Miller), ch. Isaac and Mary, Mar. 14, 1733-4.
Mehetabel (dup. (Bonney, w. Benjamin Soule), q. v., Feb. 1, 1730-1], ch. Isaac
and Mary, May 28, 1739.
Moley, (w. John Bartlett), ch. Nathaniel and Lydiah, Mar. 8, 1753.
Nathaniel, ch. Nathaniel and Lydiah, May 13, 1742.
(Nathaniel (Bonney)), ch. Nathaniel Jr. ((s. Nathaniel)) and Hannah, (Oct. 17,
Rebackah, ch. Simeon and Thankfull. Sept. 26, 1768.
Rufus (Bonney), ch. Nathaniel Jr. ((s. Nathaniel Bonney)) and Hannah, Feb. 1,
Samuel, ch. Isaac and Mary, July 16, 1737.
Sarah [ch. Isaac and Mary,] Apr. 5 [dup. Apr. 4], 1731.
Silve, ch. Simeon and Thankfull, Aug. 3, 1772.
Simeon, ch. Simeon and Thankfull, June 24, 1761.
Sylvia (see Selve)
William, ch. Simeon and Thankfull, Apr. 25, 1754.
Zeruiah, ch. Nathaniel Jr. ((s. Nathaniel Bonney)) and Hannah, Nov. 1, 1773.
BONNEY(see Boney)
Abigail Stetson, ch. Isaac [q. v., Nov. 10, 1788] and Abigail (Stetson), Apr. 1,
1816, in Turner, Me.
(America) , ch. Isaac and Harmah ((Second w., d. Lt. Zephaniah Perkins), Oct. 6,
America Perkins, ch. Isaac [q. v., Nov. 10, 1788] and Abigail (Stetson), July 9,
1828, in P.
Angeline, ch. Isaac [q. v., Nov. xo. 1788] and Abigail (Stetson), Jan. 27, 1826,
in Turner, Me.
Ann, ch. William and Anne, Mar. 4, 1696-7.
Caroline, ch. Isaac [q. v., Nov. 10, 1788] and Abigail (Stetson), Sept. 17,
1818, in Turner, Me.
Charles, ch. Joseph ((s. Nathaniel and Lydia)) and Mary ((d. Col. Seth Cushing))
June 4. 1801.
Charlotte, w. Barnabas Dean Holmes (s. Abner and Lucy of Stafford, Conn.), d.
Ezekiel and Sarah of Hanson, Sept. 8, 1829, in Hanover.
(Daniel, ch. Daniel (s. Nathaniel) and w.,---------, older than Joshiah, Lucy
and Ezekiel.
Debora Drwe([(Drew)], ch. Isaac and Sally ((d. Edward Stephens)). Mar. 21, 1786.
Ebenezer, ch. William and Mehetebell ((King)), June 23, 1710.
Ebenezer, ch. Ebenezer (s. Isaac and Mary))] and Deborah ((Drew) (first w.)),
July 17, 1764.
Ebnezer, ch. Ebenezer ((s. Isaac and Mary)) and Anna ((second w., d. Noah
Sturtevant)), Feb. 24, 1784.
(Edward Stephens, ch. Isaac [q. v., Nov. 10, 1788] and Abigail (Stetson), May 5,
1811, in P.)
Emily Sophia, ch. James Stephens [q. v.] and Sophia Emily Curtis), [dup. Sophia
Emily Augusta, d. James S., mechanic and farmer, and Sophia E. of P.] Mar. 13,
1846[dup. in P.].
Ezekiel, ch. Daniel ((s. Nathaniel)) and Abiah. Dec. 14, 1780.
Frances Williams, ch. Stephens (s. Capt. Isaac) and Frances (d. Oliver
Churchill), Mar. 29, 1831.
(George, ch. Daniel (s. Nathaniel) and w.,---------- , older than Josiah, Lucy,
and EzekieI).
George, ch. Joseph ((s. Nathaniel and Lydia)) and Mary ((d. Col. Seth Cushing)),
May 31, 1796.
George Henry [dup. h. Mary Prior(d. Daniel Ripley and Jane of Duxbury)], ch.
Isaac [q. v., Nov. 10, 1788] and Abigail (Stetson), July 28, 1814, in P.
George Henry, ch. George Henry [q. v.] and Mary Prior (Ripley), Feb. 10,
1840[sic, see Mary Jane].
George Watson, ch. Stephens (s. Capt. Isaac) and Frances (d. Oliver
Churchill),Sept. 2, 1827.
(Hannah), ch. Isaac and Hannah (second w., d. Lt. Zephaniah Perkins),--------).
Harvey, ch. Joseph ((s. Nathaniel and Lydia)) and Mary ((d. Col. Seth Cushing)),
July 31, 1790.
(Henry), ch. Joseph ((s. Nathaniel and Lydia)) and Mary ((d. Col. Seth
Isaac, ch. William and Mehetebell (King)), Nov. 14, 1701.
Isaac, ch. Ebenezer ((s. Isaac and Mary)) and Deborah (Drew)(first w.)Oct. 14,
Isaac, ch. Isaac and Sally(d. Edward Stephens). Sept. 5, 1787.
Isaac [dup.(h Abigail (d, Caleb Stetson and Jane))], ch. Isaac and Sally ((d.
Edward Stephens)) [dup. (Capt. Isaac and Sally; s. Ebenezer; s. Isaac; s.
William, one of the first Settlers in Plympton)], Nov. 10, 1788.
Isaac Milton, ch. Isaac [q, v., Nov. 10, 1788] and Abigail (Stetson), Apr. 24,
1823, in Turner, Me.
Jacob Loring, ch. William and Hannah, Oct. 29, 1785.
James Stephens (dup. h. Sophia Emily (d. John Curtis and Orpah of P.], ch.
Stephens (s. Capt. Isaac) and Frances [dup. of P.] (d. Oliver Churchill), Oct.
12, 1823.
Jane Stetson, ch. Isaac (q. v., Nov. 10, 1788] and Abigail (Stetson), Mar. 15,
1821, in Turner, Me.
John [dup. (h. Margaret (Rider)), q. v.], ch. Joseph((s. Nathaniel and Lydia))
and Mary (dup. of P.) ( d. Col. Seth Cushing)), June 20, 1793 [dup. in P.].
John 2d, h. Mary (d. Joseph McLauthlen and Deborah of Pembroke), s. Ezekiel and
Sarah, June 30, 1814, in Middleborough.
John Alden, ch. John 2d [q. v.] and Mary (McLauthlen), Sept. 10, 1840.
Joseph, ch. Joseph (s. Nathaniel and Lydia)) and Mary ((d. Col. Seth Cushing)).
Oct. 8, 1785.
Josiah, ch. Daniel ((s. Nathaniel)) and Abiah, Dec. 9, 1785.
Louisa Faunce, w. George Lewis Churchill (s. Ansel and Lois), d. Ezekiel and
Sarah of Duxbury, Feb. 2, 1817, in Middleborough.
Lucy, ch. Daniel (s. Nathaniel)) and Abiah. Sept. 29, 1787.
(Lydia, ch. Daniel (s. Nathaniel) and w.,-----, older than Josiah, Lucy, and
Margaret [dup. (w. Bildad Fuller (s. Philemon), d. Joseph (s. Nathaniel and
Lydia)) and Mary ((d. Col. Seth Cushing), Apr. 27, 1788.
Martha, (second w. Isaac Thayer), ch. William and Anne, June 5, 1699.
Mary, ch. William and Mehetebell ((King)), May 9, 1704.
(Mary,) ch. Isaac and Hannah (second w., d. Lt. Zepbaniah Perkins)-----).
Mary Jane, ch. George Henry [q. v.] and Mary Prior (Ripley), Apt. 3, 1840 [sic,
see George Henry].
Mehetebell (Boney), [twin] ch. William and Mehetebell ((King), Apr. 11, 1708.
Mercy Vaughan, w. James Snell Withington (s. Henry of Canton), d. Ezekiel of
Hanson and Sally, May 5, 1822, in Hanson.
Molley, ch. Ebenezer (s. Isaac and Mary)) and Deborah ((Drew) (first w.)), Feb.
15, 1769.
(Polly, ch. Capt. Isaac (s. Ebenezer) and Lydia (third w., d. Noah Sturtevant),
July 18, 1802).
Sally Stephens, ch. Isaac and Sally ((d. Edward Stephens)), Dec. 7, 1790.
Sarah (Boney), [twin] ch. William and Mehetebell ((King)), Apr. 11, 1708.
(Seth, ch. Daniel (s. Nathaniel) and w.,-----, older than Josiah, Lucy, and
Sophis Emily Augusta(see Emily Sophia)
Stephens [dup. (h. Frances (d. Oliver Churchill), ch. [dup. (Capt.)] Isaac and
Hannah ((second w., d. Lt. Zephaniah Perkins)), Aug. 28, 1792.
(Thomas, ch. Daniel (s. Nathaniel) and w.,-----, older than Josiah, Lucy, and
Thomas Edward, ch. Stephens (s. Capt. Isaac) and Frances (d. Oliver Churchill),
Dec. 12, 1834.
William, ch. William and Anne, Jan. 4, 1693-4.
William Leander, ch. James Stephens [q. v., dup. mechanic and farmer] and Sophia
Emily (Curtis) (dup. of P.]. July 16, 1844 (dup. in P.].
BOSWORTH (see Bozworth)
Abigail Inglee, ch. Bela [q. v.] and Joanna (Harlow) Aug 6, 1817.
(Almira, ch. Joseph [q. v.j and Deborah (Waterman), July 13, 1805, in Portland,
Almira, ch. Joseph [q. v.] and Deborah (Waterman), Jan. 28, 1815, in Halifax.
(Bela, h. Joanna (d. Barnabas Harlow of P.),s. David of Halifax, July 16,1788,
in Halifax).
Caroline Frances, ch. James (q. v.] and Sally (Soule), July 27, 1838.
(Deborah, ch. Joseph [q.v.] and Deborah (Waterman), Nov. 20, 1808, in Portland
Deborah Cushman, ch. James [q. v.j and Sally (Soule), Feb. 2, 1832, in Halifax.
Deborah Cushman, ch. James [q. v.] and Sally (Soule), Feb. 21, 1841.
Edwin William, ch. Joseph [q. v.] and Deborah (Waterman). Mar. 11, 1819, in P.
(Frances, ch. Joseph [q. v.] and Deborah (Waterman), Oct. 19, 1800, in Falmouth.
George Washington Franklin, ch. Bela [q. v.] and Joanna (Harlow), Sept. 5, 1823.
Hannah (Bozwoth), ch. Noah and Lydia, Sept. 27, 1775.
(Harriet, ch. Joseph [q.v.] and Deborah (Waterman), Mar. 4, 1807, in Portland,
Henry Edwards, ch. Bela [q. v.] and Joanna (Harlow), Nov. 18, 1815.
(James (dup. (h. Sally (d. Lt. Daniel Soule))], ch. Joseph [q. v., dup. (of P.)]
and Deborah (Waterman), Aug. 5, 1799, in Falmouth (dup. (Westbrook)], Me.)
James Frederie, ch. James [q. v.] and Sally (Soule). Nov. 10, 1836, in P.
(Joanna, second w. Jacob Churchill (dup. of P.)] (s. Ebenezer), d. Ichabod
Bosworth and Rebekah [d. Caleb Sturtevant, all of Halifax], July 30, 1763, in
Jonathan, ch. Noah and Lydia, May 29, 1770(
(Joseph, h. Deborah [Waterman) [q. v.] s. James of Halifax and MehetabeI, Aug.
25, 1774, in Halifax).
Joseph, twin ch. Joseph [q. v.] and Deborah (Waterman), Feb. 5, 1813, in
(Lucy Waterman, ch. Joseph [q. v.] and Deborah (Waterman), Nov. 28, 1802, in
Portland, Me.)
(Lydia Standish, w. Alexander Churchill (s. Josiah and Deborah), d. Jabez and
Sarah (d. Capt. John Bradford) of Halifax, Nov. 24, 1807, in Halifax).
Mehetabel Shaw, twin ch. Joseph [q, v.] and Deborah (Waterman), Feb. 3, 1813, in
Nehemiah, ch. Bela [q. v.] and Joanna (Harlow), Nov. 19, 1812.
Noah, ch. Noah and Lydia, Dec. 27, 1767.
Noah, ch. Joseph [q. v.] and Deborah (Waterman), Apr. 28, 1817, in P.
Priscilla Fuller [dup. w. Martin Hayward Jr. (s. Capt. Martin and Elizabeth of
P.)], ch. James [q. v.] and Sally (Soule), Jan. 11, 1828, in Halifax.
Rebecca Soule, Ch. James [q. v.] and Sally (Soule), Jan. 28, 1834, in P.
Ruth Ring, ch. James (q. v. ] and Sally (Soule), Feb. 26, 1830, in P.
Sally Soule [dup. w. Thomas Cushman Standish Jr. (s. Thomas Cushman and Bethiah
Sampson)], ch. James q. v.] and Sally (Soule) (dup. of P.], Nov. 24, 1825 [dup.
in P.].
Stephen (Bozworth), ch. Noah and Lydia, Jan. 25, 1773.
Zadock (Bozward), rh. Noah and Lydia, July 12, 1778.
(----------, s. Joseph [q. v.] and Deborah (Waterman), Apr. 5, 1811, in Halifax.
BOZWORTH (see Bosworth)
Alice, d. Jonathan and Ruth, Sept. 30, 1727.
Deborah [dup. Debourah], ch. Nehemiah and Susanah, Nov. 19, 1726.
Elisabeth [dup. Elizabeth], ch. David [dup. Jr.) and Priscilla [dup. Priscila],
Apr. 11, 1722.
Jabiz, ch. Jonathan and Ruth, July 3, 1732.
John, s. Nehemiah and Sarah, Dec. 29, 1729.
Jonathan, ch. Jonathan and Ruth, Apr. 8, 1730.
Nehemiah, ch. Nehemiah and Sarah, Apr. 3, 1731.
Peter, ch. Nehemiah and Sarah, Jan. 2, "172/3" [Sic, ? 1732-3, rec. after ch. b.
Apr. 3, 1731].
Susanah, ch. Nehemiah and Susanah, Sept. 8, 1728.
