To the end of the year 1849
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

KEITH [Keth in int.]
James and Hannah Osborn, Mar. 5, 1789.
Lucinda of Conway and Buckminster Stone, int. Aug. 20, 1793.
Luther Jr. and Susanna White, Nov. 24, 1791.
George and Lydia Graves, both of Pequage, int. May 30, 1760.
KENDALL (see Kindall)
Lucy and Barre and Samson Wetherell, int. Jan. 19, 1822.
Polly of Templeton and James Ripley, int. May 15, 1813.
KENNEY (see Kinney)
John and Sophia Mahan, Apr. 9, 1807.
Thomas of Royalston and Sarah Warren, Jan. 19, 1769.
Clara N. of Barre and Artemas Hawes, int. Dec. 12, 1846.
Elijah of Grafton and Unice Taft, Jan. 13, 1814.
Elisabeth of Fitchburg and Charles Whitney, Oct. 31, 1765.
KINDALL (see Kendall)
Seth and Deborah Strattin, both of Pequiage, int. Feb. 14, 1756.
Samuel Jr. of New Salem and Lucy Whitney, int. May 4, 1776.
Beulah and James Peirce, both of Narragansett, No. 6, Jan. 8, 1760.
Cyrus and Mary L. Forbes, both of Barre, Apr. 11, 1840.*
Desire and Elisha Woodward, int. Jan. 28, 1792.
Henry and Releaf Wilson, Apr. 16, 1790.
Jonathan and Rachel Claflin, Apr. 25, 1787.
Lydia and bartholomew Hutchinson, Feb. 8, 1793.*
Samuel of Templeton and Molly Whitney, int. Mar. 20, 1773.
KINNEY (see Kenney)
Nathan and Lydia Robbinson, Aug. 10, 1782.
Mrs. Abigail of Pomfret and Daniel Miles, int. Nov. 6, 1762.
Abigail and William Agar, int. May---,1770.
Benjamin and Lucy Wheeler, int. Mar. 2, 1776.
Elizabeth and William Peckham, int. Jan. 31, 1779.
John and Elizabeth Felton of Templeton, int. Jan. 2, 1779.
Lucretia and Isaac Miller of Hatfield, int. Jan. 31, 1776.
Lucy and Silas Rice of Marlbororough, int. Feb. 13, 1773.
Lucy and Ebenezer Bancroft, June 29, 1785.
Jazaniah and Betsy How, int. Apr. 7, 1798.
Levi and Fidelia Ballou, Apr. 10, 1838.
Lucy and Joseph Ingals of Surry, N.H., int. Aug. 4, 1800.
Lydia and Edward Powers of Gerry, Dec. 29, 1808.
Polly and Amos Johnson, Oct. 18, 1807.
John and Betsy Divrick of Boston, int. Oct. 17, 1789.
Ainsworth of Phillipston and Nancy N. Campbell of Royalston, Nov. 11, 1840.*
Clarissa A. and Calvin Peabody, int. Feb. 14, 1846.
Abraham of Narragansett, No. 6, and Cumfort Holman of Bolton, int. Nov. 3, 1758.
Jacob and Rhoda Smith, both of Gerry, Jan. 10, 1800.*
Calven of N. Fane[New Fane Vt., in int.] and Sophia Willard, Feb. 3, 1793.
Lucinda of Newfane, Vt. and Samuel Willard, int. Jan. 29, 1791.
Lyman and Ruthy B. Jackson, June 16, 1823.
Joshua of Sutton and Azubah Davenport, Apr. 30, 1807.
James S. and Alvira Atwood of New Salem, int. May 6, 1843.
Joel of Gerry and Louisa Pratt, May 30, 1811.
Joshua of Leicester[Spenser in int.] and Mary Cooley, June 7, 1764.
Sarah and Manasah Wilder, Nov. 29, 1792.
Sarah and Ansel C. Stowell, Sept. 13, 1842.
Susan and Prescot Holland, int. Oct. 20, 1833.
Job and Molly Herbert, int. Aug. 9, 1760.
LARNED (see Learned)
Mehitable of templeton and Ellis Peckham, int. Oct. 1, 1791.
Ira of Stillwater, N.Y. amd Susan Ross, Mar. 3, 1816.
David and Hannah Snow of Chelmsford, int. Nov. 10, 1763.
Dorcas and Nathan Sanderson, int. July 7, 1770.
Hannah and Abner Chase, Dec. 30, 1762.
Jane and Asa Perry of New Salem, int. Apr. 30, 1772.
Ruth and Moses Learned of Arvinshire, Nov. 20, 1776.
John and Mary Hooker of Greenwich, int. Oct. 21, 1783.
Lydia of Warren and Francis Hall of Brookfield, May 19, 1841.*
LEARNED (see Larned)
James of Dennis and Eliza Gardner of Enfield, May 3, 1837.*
Moses of Arvinshire and Ruth Lawson, Nov. 20, 1766.
Benjamin and Rebecca Sloane, Dec. 29, 1825.
Arza of Taunton and Alvira Braman of North Bridgewater, Dec. ----,1835.*
Joseph of Shutesbury and Mrs. Prudence Burrows, int. Apr. 25, 1816.
Alanson and Laura Graves of Athol, int. Aug. 1, 1818.
Burt and Mary Powers, June 15, 1814.
Caleb and Patty Whiting of Barre, int. May 19, 1790.
Enos Jr. of Belchertown and Lucy Bosworth, Feb. 15, 1832.
Hannah and John Foster, Nov. 8, 1807.
Lucinda and Oliver Clap, Sept. 6, 1794.
Lucy and Rev. Joseph B. Goddard of Sandgate, Vt., Sept. 19, 1827.
Luke and rebeckah Wait of Malden, int. Nov. 29, 1759.
Lydia and Nathan Prentiss, Oct. 20, 1791.
Lydia and William Peirce, May 29, 1797.
Nathanel and Elizabeth Rixford of Rutland, int. Apr. 7, 1774.
Olivia K. and Dr. Samuel Taylor, Dec. 28, 1841.
Rachel of New Braintree and Henry Chase Jr., int. June 15, 1771.
Sally[Sarah in int.] and Samuel Clap, May 25, 1795.
Sarah A. B. (d. Alanson and Laura, a. 22) and N. Loomis Look of Prince William Co., Va. Jan. 10, 1848.
Susanna and Timothy Sprague, Oct. 4, 1802.
Thomas of Athol and Allis Mann, int. Nov. 12, 1802.
Thomas and Sally M. Lyon, Oct. 27, 1808.
Dr. Ebenezer and Susanna P. Foster, Jan. 9, 1827.
Phebe and Rev. George W. Green, Jan. 1, 1840.
Mary Ann and Joseph J. Woodbury of New Salem, int. Apr. 22, 1824.
Calista A. (d. Daniel and Chloe, a. 21) and Dexter Hale of New Salem, Nov. 25[30 in dup.], 1848.
LION (see Lyon)
Harriet and Joel Filmore, int. Dec. 31, 1810.
Adeline D. and Emory B. Foster, Apr. 14, 1839.
Electa and Jabez Stratton, May 1, 1833.
Harriet and Ebenezer Stratton Jr. of Athol, Nov. 21, 1832.
Abigail of Hardwick and Joel Sanderson, int. Dec. Dec. 11, 1773.
Ebenezer of Wendell and Mrs. Abigail Fisk, Mar. 10, 1802.
Ephraim of Wendell and Thankful Peckham, Feb. 26, 1795.
N. Loomis of Prince William Co., Va. (s. Samuel and Polly, a. 28), and Sarah A.B. Lincoln, Jan. 10, 1848.
Hannah of Athol and Joel Bryant, int. Jan. 17, 1801.
Stephen and Mary Morton, both of Pequage, int. Mar. 18, 1760.
Thomas and Leanora Smith, both of Pequage, int. Oct. 18, 1760.
William and Mary Praston, both of Pequage, int. Sept. 7, 1760.
Abel and Mary Holland, int. Apr. 21, 1821.
Abby H. (d. Abel and Mary H., a. 21) and James M. Stone, Apr. 6, 1848.
Asa and Maria Mason of Rutland, int. Nov. 6, 1817.
Calista and Ari T. Boynton of Courtlandville, N.Y., Sept. 17, 1832.
Dulcena and Isaac Fiske of Barre, int. Jan. 14, 1819.
Eliza and David Fiske of Barre, Sept. 24, 1820.
Mary M. and Oliver O. Richmond of Hardwick, June 28, 1838.
William W. and Eliza Bouker, Apr. 2, 1838.
Rev. Ziba and Pamela Manning, Apr. 27, 1833.
Levi and Sarah Jones of Winchester, N.H., int. Jan. 7, 1832.
Levi Jr. of Royalston and Mary M. Campbell, int. Apr. 30, 1836.
Betsey and Evander Morse of Woodstock, int. Sept. 6, 1780.
Mary A. of Douglas and Scotto Berry Jr., int. Feb. 2, 1839.
Joanna and Sumner P. Hale, int. Sept. 25, 1847.
Sarah of Greenwich and Samuel Mann, int. Apr. 24, 1824.
Levi Jr. of east Haddam, Ct. and Fanny Beckwith, June 15, 1817.
Jonathan and Mrs. Rhoda McIntyer of Hardwick, int. Mar. 28, 1778.
LYON (see Lion)
Sally M. and Thomas Lincoln, Oct. 27, 1808.
Nathaniel and Polly Cook of Worcester, int. Oct. 4, 1783.
Betta and Benjamin Remington, int. Jan. 3, 1778.
Betsy and Nathaniel Sanderson, int. Jan. 5, 1788.
David Jr. and Hannah Sawyer of Lancaster, int. Nov.---,1780.
Harrington and Sally Washburn of Brookfield, int. May 11, 1805.
Harrington and fanny Towne, int. Feb. 14, 1818.
Salla and Simeon Dickinson, int. June 16, 1781.
Emely and Issachar Wetherell of Barre, June 22, 1825.
Lucy and Edmund Mathews of Brookfield, Dec. 30, 1806.
Lydia and Thomas Brown of Brookfield, Sept. 5, 1796.
Polly and Jonathan Smith Jr. of Warwick, Dec. 20, 1796.
Reuben and Allas Wilder, Dec. 10, 1797.
Sally and Daniel Wilder, int. May 11, 1801.
William and Lucretia Phelps, int. Aug. 20, 1793.
Emory and Mary Stowell, Apr. 16, 1829.
Pamma and Ami Harrington, int. May 10, 1788.
Capt. haskell C. and Nancy E. Tower, Apr. 16, 1844.
Mrs. Roda of Hardwick and Jonathan Lynde, int. Mar. 28, 1778.
Hannah C. (d. Lewis and Amanda, a. 22) and Frederick Howe of Worcester, Nov. 26, 1846.
Capt. Lewis and Amanda Stone, May 27, 1821.
Capt. Lewis (s. Samuel and Susannah, a. 54, widr.) and Anna Stowell, Apr. 15, 1846.
Sally and Loring Sprague, Nov. 16, 1815.
Samuel and Susanna Gates, Sept. 8, 1788.
Alexander of Greenbush, N.Y., Betsey Hammond, Sept. 5, 1814.
Catherine and David Harrington, int. Aug. 6, 1803.
Sophia and John Kenney, Apr. 9, 1807.
John and Pheby Chase, Dec. 18, 1780.
MAN (see Mann)
Elijah of Rutland District and Susannah Wilder, int. Mar. 2, 1764.
Elijah and Mary Man of Hanover, int. June 13, 1773.
Ensign and Alice Whitney, int. Aug. 5, 1773.
[Mann in int.] Larnard of Middlebury, Vt. and Patty Rice, Jan. 1, 1813.
Mary of Hanover and Elijah Man, int. June 13, 1773.
Molly of Paxton and Elisha Flagg, int. Oct. 16, 1772.
Mary C. of West Bridgewater and Seth H. Rice, int. June 8, 1844.
Eliza Ann and Erastus M. Brooks, Nov. 1, 1837.
MANN (see Man)
Alice W. and Joseph Stratton of Athol, July 14, 1842.
Allis and Thomas Lincoln of Athol, int. Nov. 12, 1802.
Dwight and Ann Carpenter of Grafton, int. Oct. 19, 1847.
Ensign Jr. and Lydia Fillmore of Manson, int. Sept. 10, 1808.
Hannah and John Briggs of Athol, int. May 24, 1823.
Wid. Lydia and James Sanderson Jr., int. July 15, 1815.
Priscilla A. and Daniel A. Ellinwood of Athol, int. Nov. 25, 1846.
Samuel and Sarah Luce of Greenwich, int. Apr. 24, 1824.
Thomas and Esther Stone, int. Oct. 23, 1807.
John of Woodstock, Ct., and Lois Parmenter, Feb. 6, 1800.
Mary of Phillipston and Simon Pike, int. Oct. 31, 1830.
Pamela and Rev. Ziba Loveland, Apr. 27, 1833.
Christona of Somers and Thomas Davis, int. Sept. 3, 1772.
Sally P. and James Steward of Fitchburg, Feb. 18, 1810.
Abner and Zerviah Rice of Hardwick, int. Apr. 1, 1768.
Calvin and Susannah Goodale, int. Nov. 28, 1772.
David and Susanna Goodale, Sept. 30, 1764.
Elizabeth and John Saunders, both of Pequoig, int. Sept. 29, 1761.
Hannah and Joesph Becknan Jr. of Perquage, int. Sept. 29, 1758.
Jonathan and Rebecca Pratt, Jan. 30, 1749.
Jonathan Jr. and Patience Wardin, int. Oct. 4, 1771.
Lucy and Luther Sever of Athol, July 24, 1783.
Luther and Ruth Claffin, int. Oct. 21, 1780.
Molly and Abel Shattuck, int. Mar. 10, 1780.
Patty and Moses Forbush of Hardwick, int. May 11, 1784.
Ruth and Able Davis of Rutland, int. June 23, 1788.
Samuel and Abigail Wood of New Rutland, Oct. 15, 1751.
Sarah and Ephraim Farnsworth, int. May 5, 1775.
Susanna and Caleb Briant, int. Dec. 27, 1777.
Betsey and Nathanial Wilder, Aug. 30, 1808.
Ephraim L. and Martha P. Robinson of Barre, int. Sept. 26, 1835.
George and Lena Thayer of Hardwick, int. Mar. 19, 1801.
Hiram of Barre and Emily Randall, Apr. 1, 1835.
Dr. L. Eaton of New Salem (s. John C. and Elapha, a. 24) and Sarah Gibbs of Prescott, May 23, 1848.*
Nancy and John Hammond, Nov. 30, 1814.
William and Nabby Weeks, Sept. 9, 1810.
Elizabeth and James Stevenson[of Rockingham, Vt. in int.] Jan. 30, 1792.
Edyph and Joseph Ward, NOv. 21, 1811.
Henry Jr. and Emily W. Howe of Keene, N.H., int. May 10, 1845.
Keturah of Greewich and Ephraim Briggs, int. Oct.---1778.
Maria of Rutland and Asa Loring, int. Nov. 6, 1817.
Martha Ann (d. Luther, a. 25) and David J. Weeks of Worcester, July 29, 1845.
Mary of Barre and Moses Hopkins, int. Oct. 29, 1808.
Newhall and Arthusa Stearns, int. Oct. 27, 1787.
Roxana and Benjamin Whiting of Barre, Dec. 24, 1833.
Sarah and John Carruth, Dec. 16, 1813.
Solomon and Lydia Boman of Westborough, int. Dec. 17, 1757.
Edmund of Brookfield and Lucy McClallen, Dec. 30, 1806.
Capt. Gardner of Gerry and Patience Perry, July 5, 1797.
Hannah Allen of Amherst and Sanderson Carter of Berlin, Nov. 20, 1788.*
Horace of Templeton and Sophia Sanderson, May 16, 1837.
Horace[Hollis in int.] of Templeton and Ann Johnson, Jan. 24, 1839.
Mrs. Huldah of Shrewsbury and Jacob Wheeler, int. Feb. 20, 1778.
Francis and Anne Fredefick of Athol, int. Mar. 27, 1784.
Vercey of Dana and Elias H. Hill, Jan. 4, 1816.
William and Mary Ann Stevens of Athol, int. Apr. 1, 1835.
Abigail H. and Mason Pike of Athol, June 6, 1839.
Azubah and Seth Hathaway, May 23, 1819.
Benjamin of New Salem and Catherine C. Walker, Nov. 3, 1840.
Hiram A. and Fiducia Johnson, both of Dana, July 4, 1840. In Dana.*
Mary and Joel Chamberlin, Oct. 19, 1817.
Orator and Audersa Holden of Orange, Jan. 27, 1839. At South Orange.
Bulah and Nathaniel Simmons, Jan. 1, 1769.
Jonathan and Lydia Hutchinson, Feb. 17, 1800.
John Jr. of Holliston and Sally J. Brooks, Nov. 20, 1826.
George and Hannah Sabins, int. Apr. 28, 1770.
William of Roxbury and Rhoda Powers, int. Nov. 22, 1798.
Calista A. and Harry Taft, May 22, 1825.
[Mandell in int.] Mary and Amos Johnson, Mar. 29, 1827.
Paul Jr. of Hardwick and Mary Briges, int. May 18, 1776.
John and Sarah Johnson, int. Apr. 13, 1771.
Mehitable and Gardner Bullard, Dec. 12, 1796.*
Nathaniel of Chesterfield, N.H. and Tamzin Howard, int. May 26, 1800.
Nathaniael and Mehepsebeth Cummings of Templeton, Apr. 23, 1782.*
Ruth of Farmingham and Martin Pike, int. Jan. 6, 1828.
William and Eliza W. Haskell, July 4, 1844.
[Wid. in int.] Abigail and David Sanderson, May 16, 1786.
Ann F, and William P. Goddard, Nov. 15, 1843.
Daniel and Mrs. Abigail Kinsely of Pomfret, int. Nov. 6, 1762.
Daniel Jr. and Comfort Bouker of Nothbury, int. Nov. 30, 1771.
Elbridge G. and Hannah Carruth, Dec. 31, 1835.
Josiah and Anna Farrar, Jan. 30, 1815.
Pamela D. of Lancaster and Daniel Stowell, int. Oct. 22, 1831.
Patience and Caleb Perry, int. Aug. 25, 1775.
Susanna and Samuel Curtis, Apr. 5, 1767.
Isaac of Hartfield and Lucretia Knap, int. Jan. 31, 1776.
Rosanna and Joseph Negus, Aug. 14, 1765.
Samuel of Williamsburg and Allas Flagg, Oct. 24, 1799.
Sarah and Silas Wheeler, int. May 14, 1768.
Lydia and Abel Duncan, int. Aug. 24, 1771.
Chandler[Charles in int.] of Orange and Emily Dudley, Apr. 6, 1837.
Dana and Anna G. Washburn, Nov. 27, 1820.
Grace of Gerry and John Howe, int. Feb. 8, 1810.
Joseph of Ware and Almira Gallond, Oct. 14, 1828.
Mark of Warwick and Sarah Briant, Feb. 17, 1790.
Otis and Lauraette Bardwell, both of Whately, July 21, 1839. In Whately.*
MORE [Moore in int.]
Mary of Athol and James Clemence Jt., May 27, 1772.
Abby B. and Amos Brooks Jr. Esq., Apr. 28, 1822.
Augusta R. of Brimfield and Charles Bigelow Jr., int. Feb. 14, 1846.
Henry and Mrs. Becca Russell of Dana, int. Mar. 10, 1827.
Sarah A. and Caleb Chase of Eastport, Me. Aug. 6, 1827.
Anna of Athol and Oliver Holman, int. Sept. 22, 1808.
Evander of Woodstock and Betsy Lovett, int. Sept. 6, 1780.
Hannah 2nd and Jairus Williams, int. Jan. 18, 1790.
John of Dommerston, Vt. and Polly Holmes of Hardwick, Apr. 22, 1800.*
Lydia and Alkanah Hoskins, Apr. 5, 1791.
Lyman B. and Louisa C. Blodgett, int. Sept. 11, 1847.
Samuel and Hannah Chandler, Dec. 30, 1767.
Susan L. of Winchendon and Dr. Joshua Tucker of Boston, June 4, 1840. In Winchendon. *
Thomas of Hinsdale and Betsy Smith, June 30, 1793.
Benjamin and Mary Dexter, both of Pequage, int. Sept. 6, 1760.
Capt. Joel of Athol and Mrs. Phebe Wood, May 13, 1829.
Lydia of Athol and John Sanderson, int. Jan. 8, 1812.
Mary and Stephen Lord, both of Pequage, int. Mar. 18, 1760.
Phinehas of Athol and Huldah Brown, Apr. 27, 1800.
Jerusha of Pequiage and Jonas Bradish of Westborough, int. Feb. 7, 1757.
Charles B. of Springfield and Emeline Foster, Feb. 15, 1837.
Hannah M. and Stillman Hubbard of Holden, Oct. 18, 1832.
Rebecca of Westminester and Levi Wilson, int. Feb. 9, 1805.
Nathan of Prescott and Mrs. Sabrina Himes, int. Oct. 10, 1835.
Capt. Sewall of Hubbardston and Mrs. Lurenza Taft, Dec. 20, 1838.
John G, of Northfield (s. John G. and Sarah, a. 28) and Eliza A. Wetherell, Dec. 7, 1848.
John of Lexington and Lydia Whitting, int. Apr. 11, 1780.
Garce and Reuben Stone Jr., Sept. 18, 1768.
Polly and Ebenezer King harris, Sept. 30, 1787.
James of Grafton and lavina Davenport, Jan. 7, 1835.*
Betsy and Abijah Thayer, int. Sept. 10, 1801.
Reuben of Hardwick and Susannah Wait Gore, int. Apr. 16, 1785.
Reuben T. and Abigail P. Oaks, Apr. 5, 1842.
Hannah and Abel Howe, int. Oct. 8, 1775.
Mary of Templeton and John How, int. July 3, 1775.
William Jr. and Elizabeth Smith of South Hadley, int. Mar. 9, 1755.
Arathusa and Jonas Howe, Dec. 1, 1816.
Benjamin and Elizebath Woodcock of Swansey, Dec. 5, 1755.
Fanny and Dr. Jeremiah Dean of Newfane, Vt., int. July 2, 1801.
Fanny and Aaron Fuller of Deerfield, Sept. 27, 1820.
Jerusha and Benjamin Chandler Jr., int. Dec. 28, 1776.
Joel and Bessy Gould of Leveret, int. Nov. 7, 1788.
Joseph and Rosanna Miller, Aug. 14, 1765.
John and Betsy Gleason of Framingham, int. Mar. 22, 1794.
Laura and Lebbeus Spooner, May 22, 1831.
Lucy and Adam Whitting, int. July 30, 1774.
Luthera and Eli Wright of deerfield, Jan. 11, 1826.
Mary Angela and Stevens Spooner, May 22, 1831.
Paul and Rachel Gregory, Dec. 5, 1798.
Persis and Moses Alvord, Sept. 1, 1761.
Rosannah and William Bond, Oct. 14, 1794[1793?].
Wid. Susan of Thompson, Ct. and Taylor Simmons, int. Dec. 5, 1818.
Triphenia and John Finley, int. Feb. 4, 1776.
Bulah and Ephraim Thayer, int. Aug. 24, 1781.
Hannah and William Woodward, int. Feb. 13, 1779.
Mary and Ezekiel Thayer, int. May 8, 1779.
George and Melancia Bowker of East Cambridge, int. June 25, 1831.
Abby S. of Phillipston and William L. Cook, int. May 12, 1848.
Chloe of Hardwick and Samuel Chamberlin, int. Dec. 11, 1803.
Deborah H. G. and Rev. Erastus Curtis of Meriden, Ct. int. May 8, 1833.
Eucla G. and Samuel Spooner, May 1, 1822.
Lorenza and John Taft, Apr. 18, 1826.
Lurenza M. and Arnold W. Cheney of Barre, Mar. 29, 1840.
Luther of Framingham and Patty Bruce, int. Feb. 13, 1804.
Philena and Thomas E. Winchester of Monson, Mar. 31, 1829.
Reuben and Hannah Freeman of Hardwick, int. Dec. 13, 1799.
Sarah and Joshua Smith, Dec. 15, 1762.
Sarah M. of Templeton and Lambert Howe, int. Oct. 22, 1831.
Susanna of New Salem and Ephraim Claflin, int. Aug. 25, 1775.
Warren and Mrs. Susan Holland, Feb. 4, 1840.
Zerviah and William Wood of Rutland District, July 24, 1755.
Mrs. Bethia of Lancaster and Dea. Daniel Spooner, int. Aug. 15, 1767.
Jane of Leominster and Elijah Gerfield int. Apr. 18, 1771.
Levi Jr. of Keene[N.H. in int.] and Mehitable Barnard, mar. 27, 1789.
William and Mary Dudley, Sept. 29, 1812.
Spencer C. of Marlboro, Vt. (s. John and Mary, a. 26) and Elizabeth L. French, Feb. 15, 1847.
NIE (see Nye)
Anny[Anne Nye in int.] and Merryfield Vicory, Sept. 2, 1788.
NIGH (see Nye)
Sally of Barre and Abel Davenport, int. Mar. 2, 1789.
Susannah and Moses Ball, both of Pequoiage, int. Jan. 2, 1762.
NYE (see Nie, Nigh)
Deborah of Hardwick and Joseph Chamberlin, int. Jan. 29, 1776.
Mehitable and Capt. Ruggles Spooner, Jan. 19, 1793.
Oliver and Lucinda Houghton, Nov. 17, 1791.
OAKES (see Oaks)
Susan H. and George C. Underwood of Hubbardston, Apr. 5, 1842.
Joel and Abigail Peirce, Apr.4, 1820.
Betsey and Timothy Frence, Jan. 7, 1816.
Joseph and Lucy Wheeler, int. Feb. 26, 1787.
Joesph Baits and Azubah Pierce, Mar. 27, 1798.
Lucretia and Daniel Crane of wendell, Sept. 19, 1821.
OAKS (see Oakes)
Abigail P. and Reuben T. Nedd, Apr. 5, 1842.
Samuel and Adeline Weeks, June 27, 1831.
William and Nancy Callahan, int. Feb. 14, 1778.
Harriet (d. Josiah and Hannah, a. 25) and Col. Ira Haskell, both of Greenwich, May 12, 1845.*
Robert of Perquage and Lydia Gray of Pelham, int. July 2, 1759.
Hannah of Athol and George W. Felton, int. Aug. 17, 1785.
Margarit and William Galloway, both of New Rutland, Mar. 19, 1753.*
Mary of Pequage and Peter Fessenden of Rutland District, int. Aug. 27, 1761.
Vesta R. of Cummington and George F. Gale, int. Sept. 30, 1848.
Sally and Jacob White, Nov. 24, 1791.
Hannah and James Keith, Mar. 5, 1789.
Ephraim H. of Grafton and Freedom B. Pike, int. Mar. 12, 1831.
Hannah of Lancaster and Joseph Willson Jr., int. Oct. 24, 1760.
Isaac and Mary Johnson of Barre, int. mar. 6, 1841.
Joel of Harvard and Henrietta Hastings, Mar. 6, 1804.
Capt. Joel of New Salem and Eliza Ingersoll, Sept. 7, 1840.
Luke of Barre and Abigail Blanchard, int. Nov. 22, 1809.
Mary L. of Barre and Reuben Stone, int. May 11, 1828.
Nancy of New Salem and Lot Dennis, int. Nov. 9, 1836.
Lucinda of Salem and Joab Blanchard, int. Jan. 3, 1847.
Henry of North Bridgewater and Louisa W. Braman, Apr. 3, 1842.
Betsy of Hardwick and Edward Clark, int. Nov. 12, 1799.
John A. of Boston and Lucy Hopkins, Oct. 27, 1842.
Martha and Joseph Stowell, July 2, 1761.
Priscilla and Solomon Willson, Dec. 19, 1751.
Abby of Hardwick and Joseph W. Hammond, int. Apr. 27, 1844.
David C. of Hardwick and Miranda Houghton, Mar. 30, 1837.
James[Jr. in int.] of Boston and Thirza Hopkins, July 8, 1810.
John A. of Boston and Susan R. Hopkins, Oct. 1, 1833.
Thankful R. of Hardwick and Capt. Abialbon Carter, Inô Feb. 10, 1822.
Elizabeth of Worcester and Joseph Trumble, int. Dec. 31, 1785.
(Partridge in int.], Sally and Daniel Fisk of Wendell, Mar. 10, 1796.
[Parris in int.], Eliza and Elna Hoyt of Boston, Nov. 28, 1814.
Daniel of Princeton and Nancy Bryant, Oct. 29, 1827.
Harriet E. (d. Samuel G. and Sarah D., a. 18) and Charles A. Drake of Montague, Mar. 20, 1848.
Hollis of Hubbardston and Lovice Bragg, int. July 2, 1774.
Isaac C. of Littleton, N.H. and Rebecca Chamberlin, Sept. 28, 1840.
Joseph P. of Athol and Eliza H. Stone, int. Mar. 11, 1842.
Luther A. of Littleton, N.H. (s. Isaac and Hannah, a. 31) and Lydia W. Chamberlin, Sept. 5, 1848.
Orilla of Battleboro, Vt. and Amos D. Johnson, int. Apr. 25, 1846.
Samuel F. and Angeline C. Pratt of Boston, Sept. 1, 1840.
Arathusa and George C. Willson of Thermopylae, Ill. Sept. 27, 1837.
Helen E. and A. Sumner Haskell of Hillsboro, Ill. Apr. 9, 1844.
Jonathan and Mary Whitmore, Aug. 14, 1751.
Jonathan and Elizabeth Smith of New Salem, int. Feb. 21, 1784.
Nathaniel and Betty Flagg, int. Mar. 3, 1780.
Roxanna and Silas Billings of Hardwick, Dec. 3, 1809.
Sarah and Nathaniel Goodale, Feb. 12, 1776.
Dr. William and Hannah Bigelow, Apr. 14, 1817.
Eri of Barre and Mary A. Clark, Dec. 27, 1827.
Martin L. of Malone, N.Y., and Minerva Carruth, Feb. 14, 1830.
Sally and Seth Stone, Mar. 11, 1791.
[Parmiter in int.] Abiel and Polly Gleason, Sept. 20, 1793.
Clarissa[G. in int.] and Jacob Stacy of Prescott, Feb. 4, 1824.
Emela and Elisha Foster of Dana, May 26, 1812.
Mrs. Fanny and Capt. Jesse Emes of Staatsburg, N.Y., Jan. 29, 1819.
Joseph G. and Elvira Clapp, Apr. 4, 1826.
Lois and John Manning of Woodstock, Feb. 6, 1800.
Louisa and Sylvanus H. Gates, Apr. 30, 1835.
Mary and Walter Sanderson of Vernon, Ct. Aug. 4, 1823.
Mrs. Mary and Col. Josiah Taft, May 20, 1839.
Polly and Bodolphus Esubrooks, Feb. 17, 1799.*
Rhoda and Joel Hunter, Feb. 22[May 31 in dup.], 1801.
Roswell and Sarah Slater of Worcester, int. Aug. 9, 1816.
Fanny and Jonas Towers, Feb. 14, 1792.
Hannah and William Spring of Northfield, Jan. 7, 1793.
Rhena and James Walker, Feb. 4, 1794.
Ezra of Rutland District and Mary Stone, Oct. 29, 1765.
Theophilus Esq. of Taunton and Catherine A. Chandler, May 7, 1823.
PART (Pratt?)
Ephrim and Mary Hale, Dec. 5, 1754.
PARTRIDGE (see Paridge)
Hannah and Earl Flagg Jr. of Barre, Feb. 17, 1795.
Lucinda and Joel Amsden, Oct. 5, 1791.
Oliver and Susanna Powers of Greenwich, int. Oct. 4, 1788.
Polly and Nathan Smith, Oct. 28, 1787.
Rachel and Ebenzer Fisk of Wendell, Apr. 29, 1798.
Benjamin of Worcester and Betsey Braman, Feb. 26, 1809.
Henry and Dolly D. Stearns, Apr. 19, 1829.
Jenny[Jane in int.] and Artemas Crowl, Nov. 19, 1823.
Adeline D. and Rev. Ira Washburn Jr. , Nov. 10, 1841.
Calvin and Hannah Twitchell of Athol, int. Dec. 23, 1820.
Calvin and Clarissa A. Knights, int. Feb. 14, 1846.
David L. and Diantha C. Amsden, int. Dec. 8, 1845.
Diantha C. and Charles E. Amsden, Jan. 1, 1840.
Hannah C. of Athol and Gustavus A. M. Hunt, int. June 17, 1843.
Luther and Sarah Childs, Mar. 23, 1824.
Phila M. and Meletiah G. Stone, Oct. 26, 1824.
Phinehas and Mrs. Susanna Crossett, Sept. 1, 1808.
Phinehas and Elenor Childs of New Salem, int. July 22, 1814.
Josiah D. and Zilpha Bosworth,June 22, 1831.
Abigail and Phinehas Pratt of Athol, int. Dec. 4, 1785.
Anna L. Daniel H. Amsden of Dana, July 7, 1814.
Benjamin and Sarah A. Sprague, Feb. 15, 1843.
Betsey and Sirel Peirce, June 30, 1811.
Ellis and Mehitable Larned of Templeton, int. Oct. 1, 1791.
Dea. Ellis and Mrs. Lucy Goodman of Prescott, int. Jan. 23, 1833.
Hubbard and Arathusa Johnson of Templeton, int. Nov. 6, 1825.
Hubbard and Louisa Tower, Mar. 5, 1835.
Horatio N. and Lucy Piper of Phillipston, Dec. 25, 1835.
Joel and Mary Piper of Phillipston, int. June 14, 1830.
John Jr. and Eunice Clark of Providence, R. I., int. Sept. 8, 1786.
John Jr. and Betsy Dodge of Sutton, int. Apr. 25, 1801.
John and Mrs. Sarah Sibley of Dana, int. June 15, 1816.
John and Mrs. Celia Johnson of Hardwick, int. Apr. 3, 1841.
John A. of Charlestown and Elizabeth R. Henson, Sept. 8, 1828.
Jonathan and Mary Ann Sanborn of Greenwich, int. Mar. 16, 1837.
Joesph and Abigail Smith of Barre, int. Nov. 1, 1811.
Josiah and Deborah Dean,----,1781.
Lewis and Eliza Sprague, Jan. 1, 1838.
Lucinda and Moses Thayer, Nov. 28, 1833.
Major and Mary Ann Allard, May 25, 1842.
Marcy and John Ellis of Hardwick, May 20, 1833.*
Mary and Charles H. Perry of Phillipston, Apr. 20, 1835.
Mordacai and Mrs. Hannah Beckwith, int. Nov. 27, 1827.
Rebecca and David Amsden, int. Oct. 10, 1818.
Robert and Mary Fales of Bristol, Jan. 19, 1786.
Robert and Ruth Sawyer of Bolton, Feb. 7, 1813.*
Sally and John Davis of Providence, int. Sept. 22, 1781.
Silvina[Levina in int.] and David Peirce of Sutton, Apr. 25, 1805.
Thankful and Ephraim Lock of Wendell, Feb. 26, 1795.
William and Elizabeth Knap, int. Jan. 31, 1779.
William 2nd and Betsey Shaw of New Salem, int. Feb. 12, 1813.
William and Mrs. Polly Smith of Dana, Dec. 24, 1818.
PEIRCE (see Pierce)
Abigail and Joel Oakes, Apr. 4, 1820.
Benjamin and Fanna Severs, int. Aug. 19, 1780.
Betsey and Windsor White of Phillipsston, Oct. 2, 1834.
Charles M. of New Salem and Charlotte L. Clapp, int. May 6, 1848.
David of Sutton and Silvina Peckham, Apr. 25, 1805.
James and Beulah King, both of Narragansett, No. 6, Jan. 8, 1760.
Jonathan of Windsor, N.Y., and Susannah Stone, int. May 5, 1775.
Lucy and Forister Ainsworth, Mar. 19, 1829.
Mary M. of new Braintree and Phinehas W. Barr, int. Apr. 6, 1833.
Sirel[Ceril in int.] and Betsey Peckham, June 30, 1811.
Susan H. and Moses P. Ball of Athol, Mar. 27, 1825.
William and Lydia Lincoln, May 29, 1797.
Mary Ann of Dorchester and Rev. William Walcott, int. Aug. 29, 1831.
Nathaniel and Hannah Stone, Mar. 6, 1793.
Asa of New Salem and Jane Lawson, int. Apr. 30, 1772.
Caleb and Patience Miles, int. Aug. 25, 1775.
Charles H. of Phillipston and Mary Peckham, Apr. 20, 1835.
Mary of Gerry and Abraham Scholl, June 17, 1798.
Mary and Capt. James Calhoon, Feb. 10, 1803.
Patience and Capt. Gardner Maynard of Gerry, July 5, 1797.
Rebeckah of New Salem and Samuel Warden, int. Nov. 29, 1786.
John and Phebe Stevens, int. Oct. 3, 1778.
Lucretia and William McClallen, int. Aug. 20, 1793.
Nancy and Asa Savage, July 13, 1817.
PIERCE (see Peirce, Pirce)
Azubah and Joseph Baits Oakman, Mar. 27, 1798.
Benjamin of Chesterfield, N.H. and Caroline A. Gale, Nov. 11, 1842.
Lucy and Laton Hildreth of Chesterfield, Dec. 6, 1784*
PIKE (see Pipe)
Charles and Melinda Goddard, Nov. 7, 1824.
Charles and Alma Hale of New Salem, int. Oct. 27, 1827.
Elijah of New Salem and Lydia Totman, int. Mar. 1, 1812.
Freedom R. and Ephraim H. Osgood of Grafton, int. Mar. 12, 1813.
Martin and Ruth Merritt of Framington, int. Jan. 6, 1828.
Mason of Athol and Abigail H. Meachum, June 6, 1839.
Moses and Octavia Baker of Savoy, int. Apr. 16, 1836.
Samuel and Lydia Bowker, Jan. 3, 1793.
Sarah of Leicester and Peter Gore, int. Jan. 28, 1758.
Sarah R. and George Hager of New Salem, Apr. 7, 1839.
Simon E. and Mary Manning of Phillipston, int. Oct. 31, 1830.
PIPE (Pike?)
Nathan and Nancy Cutter of Sudbury, int. Mar. 16, 1806.
Alvah pf Phillipston and Elvira Hildreth, Nov. 5, 1833.
Electa W. (d. Abel and Electa, a. 24) and Henry A. Shattuck, Nov. 29, 1849.
John of Gerry and Polly Dorrity, int. Aug. 16, 1788.
Lucy of Phillipston and Horatio N. Peckham, int. Dec. 25, 1835.
Marcy and Zarah Houghton, June 1, 1769.
Mary of Phillipston and Joel Peckham, int. June 14, 1830.
Sarah and Shevah Houghton, int. Oct. 25, 1771.
PIRCE (see Pierce)
Jonathan and Sibel Dodge of Templeton, int. Sept. 2, 1778.
Asahel Esq. of Northampton and Mrs. Susannah Reed, Feb. 25, 1813.
Benjamin and Anna Raymont of Athol, int. Aug. 1, 1786.
Betsey of Hardwick and Charles Spooner, int. May 9, 1818.
David and Mary Gleason of Langdon, N.H., int. Jan. 22, 1814.
Edward Jr. and Priscilla Curtis, int. Aug. 15, 1778.
Edward of Gerry and Lydia Knapp, Dec. 29, 1808.
Eunice and George Bosworth, Jan. 26, 1823.
Hephzibah of Littleton and Jonas Powers, int. Oct. 2, 1790.
Jacob and Eunice Curtis, Nov. 4, 1780.
Joel and Mary Allen of Barre, int. Mar. 15, 1824.
Jonas and Hephzilbah Powers of Littleton, int. Oct. 2, 1790.
Lydia and Andrew Smith of Barre, int. Mar. 14, 1818.
Mary and Jotham Biglow of Athol, int. Oct. 13, 1771.
Mary and Burt Lincoln, June 15, 1814.
Rhoda and William Melvill of Roxbury, int. Nov. 22, 1798.
Sarah and Freeborn Raymond of Athol, int. Jan. 17, 1778.
Susanna of Greenwich and Oliver Partridge, int. Oct. 4, 1788.
Mary and William Lord, both of Pequage, int. Sept. 7, 1760.
PRAT (see Part)
Hannah and Thomas Grose, int. June 8, 1782. [Probably same as Hannah Pratt below.]
Angeline C. of Boston and Samuel F. Parker, Sept. 1, 1840.
Beulah and Samuel Frizzel, Apr. 3, 1750.
Hanah and Thomas Groce, int. Aug. 25, 1786.
Louisa and Joel Lamb of Gerry, May 30, 1811.
Martin L. and Polly Hunt of Shutesbury, int. Apr. 18, 1818.
Mary L. and Lysander W. Blodgett, Mar. 26, 1843.
Phinehas of Athol and Abigail Peckham, int. Dec. 4, 1785.
Rebecca and Jonathan Marble, Jan. 30, 1749.
Thankfull of Bolton and Israel Hail, int. Apr. 20, 1759.
Josiah S. Esq. of Ward and Mrs. Mary Stevens, int. Aug. 17, 1828.
Eliza and Jared Weed, Esq., Apr. 29, 1821.
Mary and Capt. Tidd of New Braintree, Dec. 28, 1825.
Nathan and Lydia Lincoln, Oct. 20, 1791.
Otis of Ward and Lucretia Jackson, int. May 30, 1795.
Henry of Shrewsbury, Vt. and Lucy Rogers, Sept. 12, 1811.
Ezra of Dana and Patience hammond, June 14, 1809.
Plummer of Spencer and Sarah G. Holman, June 30, 1842.
Lydia of New Salem and Jonas Wheeler, int. Sept. 18, 1801.
Mary and Robert Vallintine, int. July 24, 1779
David D. of Wardsboro, Vt. and Abigail Dunn, Apr. 5, 1843.
Benjamin and Lucy Wilder, Jan. 1, 1800.
Charles and Mrs. Luthera Johnson of Dana, int. July 2, 1842.
David and Abigail H. Dennis, Nov.---,1836.
Eliza and Benjamin Rice of Barre, May 2, 1838.
Emily and Hiram Marsh of Barre, Apr. 1, 1835.
Harriet and Elbridge G. Williams, Oct. 16, 1835.
Ira and Cyrena Tolman of Dana, Mar. 31, 1844.
Ira (s. Samuel and Jane, a. 30, widr.) and Hannah Chamberlain, May 16, 1848.
Josiah and Eliza Gleason, July ----, 1837.
Samuel and Mrs. Lucretia Baker, Oct. 1, 1832.
John and Mrs. Sarah Ann Hodskins, Aug. 18, 1837.
Freeborn of Athol and Sarah Powers, int. Jan. 17, 1778.
Dr. Paul of Swanzey, N.H. and Sally Walker, Feb. 21, 1808.
Anna of Athol and Benjamin Powers, int. Aug. 1, 1786.
Ana and John Remele, Mar. 7, 1776.
Eliza G. and Benjamin Clark of Boston, Oct. 2, 1833.
Capt. George W. and Lydia Smith of Barre, int. Nov. 18, 1832.
Hannah W. and Dr. Joseph H. Flint, Sept. 14, 1811.
Mary of Harvard and Joesph Brown, int. Aug. 24, 1822.
Samuel G. of Boston and Maria Chamberlin, June 6, 1838.
Rev. Solomon and Mrs. Susanna Willard of Winchester, N.H., int. Feb. 17, 1781.
Solomon of Rowe and Lucy Ward, June 12, 1811.
Susan [Susanna in int.] and John Drury Esq. of Colrain, Dec. 1, 1813.
Mrs. Susannah and Asabel Pomory Esq. of Northampton, Feb. 24, 1813.
John and Ana Read, Mar. 7, 1776.
Benjamin and Betta McClallan, int. Jan. 3, 1778.
Aaron 2nd and Sally Hinkley of Barre, int. Oct. 27, 1831.
Abigail and Elias Wilder, Apr. 18, 1749.
Abigail of Barre and Joab Holland, int. Dec. 30, 1779.
Abigail H. and Henry K. Copeland of Ordwell, Vt., Feb. 6, 1828.
Amos Jr. and Jane Robbins, May 31, 1772.
Aura (d. Nathaniel and Betsy Sanderson, a. 48, wid.) and James W. Jenkins of Barre, June 25, 1848.
Bathsheba and John Hager of Shutesbury, int. Jan. 20, 1776.
Benjamin of Barre and Eliza Randall, May 2, 1828.
Earl of Barre and Wid. Hannah Rice, int. Mar. 20, 1811.
Earl of Barre and Mrs.Betsey White, Oct. 15, 1817.
Ephraim Jr. and Joanna Wilder, June 11, 1760.
Wid. hannah and Earl Rice of Barre, int. Mar. 20, 1811.
Hannah of Barre and Joshiah D. Howe, int. May 11, 1832.
Hannah of Barre and Asa W. Wait, int. Apr. 25, 1840.
James Jr. of Barre and Hannah Hammond, June 23, 1805.
Joel of Barre and Susanna Wilder, Oct. 21, 1804.
John and Levina Duncan, int. Dec. 23, 1765.
John of Hardwick and Polly Woods of Greenwich, Dec. 10, 1789.*
Joseph of New Salem and Azubah Crowl, Apr. 2, 1821.
Lydia and William S. Copeland of Middlebury, Vt., Feb. 19, 1815.
Martain and Ruth Hastings, int. Apr. 3, 1779.
Martha of New Rutland and William Walker, Mar. 15, 1754.
Mary of Rutland District and Silvanus How[both of Petersham, int.] Dec. 26, 1763.
Nancy of Barre and Jonas Rider, int. Mar. 3, 1842.
Patty and Larned Man of Middlebury, Vt., Jan. 1, 1813.
Paul of Barre and Harriet Brigham, Mar. 9, 1814.
Percila and James Williams of Hubbardston, Oct. 2, 1811.*
Ralph of New Rutland and Sarah Sawyer, June 27, 1749.
Relief and Samuel S. Tower, int. Apr. 14, 1845.
Sarah and Ezra Robbinson of Battlebury, June 25, 1764.
Seth H. and Mary C. Mandell of West Bridgewater, int. June 8, 1844.
Silas and Sarah Wilder, June 14, 1762.
Silas of Marlborough and Lucy Knap, int. Feb. 13, 1773.
Stephen and Anna Hammond, Apr. 6, 1785.
Stephen and Lois Spooner, Jan. 30, 1803.
Stephen (s. Martin and Ruth, a. 63, widr.) and Aura Sanderson, Feb. 24, 1846.
Susan S. of Barre and Luke Hammond, int. Nov. 29, 1828.
Uriah of Warwick and Eunice Church, int. Aug. 18, 1780.
Zerviah of Hardwick and Abner Marble, int. Apr. 1, 1768.
Zervillah and Daniel Duncan Jr., Jan. 21, 1765.
Abihail[of Gerry in int.] and Joseph Sever, May 14, 1794.
Timothy and Patty Vose, Mar. 25, 1806.
Caroline and Elisha Stratton of Athol, May 23, 1786.
Dorcas of Wrentham and Linus Woodward, int. Mar. 4, 1815.
Isaiah and Esther Bigelow of Athol, July 3, 1783.
John and Eunice Green of Lancaster, int. Oct. 26, 1765.
Lettice and Nathaniel Woodward, int. Oct. 19, 1816.
Polly and John Clements Jr., Jan. 5, 1800.
Sally of Shrewsbury and Nahum Goddard, int. Dec. 8, 1800.
Samuel H. of Dana and Caroline Chipman, int. Mar. 4, 1836.
Mary M. (d. Artemas and Mercy Loring, a. 22, wid.) and Ellis Cook, Sept. 24, 1844.
Oliver O. of Hardwick and Mary M. Loring, June 28, 1838.
Thankful and Francis Greenwood, June [Jan.?] 5, 1792.
John Jr. and Lydia Johnson, Jan. 1, 1839.
Jonas and Nancy Rice of Barre, int. Mar. 3, 1842.
Marian[Mary Ann in int.] and Charles Forbes of Westborough, Apr. 4, 1839.
Seth of Athol and Deborah Chase, int. Mar. 23, 1776.
Susan D. (d. John and Nancy, a. 23) and J. Bartlett Ackerman of Waterford, Ct. Jan. 3, 1849.
Theodore S. and Rhoda Forristall of Frizwilliam, N.H., int. Mar. 12, 1844.
James and Polly Kendall of Templeton, int. May 15, 1813.
Neri F. and nancy Gilbert of Athol, Aug. 18, 1839.
Anna and John Gridley, int. Nov. 21, 1779.
Elizabeth of Rutland and Nathanel Lincoln, int. Apr. 7, 1774.
Phebe and Jonas Houghton, int. Sept. 13, 1785.
Mrs. Anna of Orange and Samuel Hodskins, June 26, 1838.
Asa and Hannah Russell of Harvard, int. Oct. 15, 1757.
Ephraim and Jonna Holden of Harvard, int. Jan. 19, 1765.
Jane and Amos Rice Jr., May 31, 1772.
Phinehas of Athol and Anna Calhoon, Apr. 18, 1793.
Ruth and John Finch, int. Jan. 16, 1773.
ROBBINSON (see Robinson)
Abraham and Judeth Stone of Rutland District, int. July 29, 1774.
Abraham and Esther Holland, Nov. 20, 1781.
Ezra of Brattlebury and Sarah Rice, June 25, 1764.
Lydia and Nathan Kinney, Aug. 10, 1782.
[Robinson in int.], Katherine and Eli Clark, Jan. 17, 1787.
ROBINSON (see Robbinson)
Daniel of Hardwick and Rhoda Goddard, Oct. 20, 1831.
Jonathan of Hardwick and Huldah Woodward, Nov. 10, 1808.
Lyman of Boston and Lydia Chamberlin, Sept. 16, 1814.
Martha P. of Barre and Ephraim L. Marsh, int. Sept. 26, 1835.
William Jr. and Harriet Newel Bemis, both of Barre, Nov. 7, 1839. In Barre.*
Lucinda and Levi Johnson, May 14, 1834.
Reuben of Winchester and Mary Willson, Nov. 24, 1762.
Abby and Daniel S. Ward, June 8, 1842.
Abel and Sarah Young of Athol, int. Sept. 123, 1769.
Abel Jr. and Anner Gross, May 19, 1790.
Charles and Olive S. Holman, Apr. 19, 1843.
David of Greenwich and Charlotte Holbrook, int. Nov. 13, 1835.
Elizabeth and Asa Stratton 2nd of Athol, Dec. 19, 1821.
Frederick and Elizabeth Witt, int. Aug. 17, 1771.
Harding C. of Nashua, N.H. (s. Freeman S. and Eliza), and Ellen C. Hasting, Aug. 2, 1848.
Jerusha and John Howard of West Springfield, Dec. 19, 1795.
Jesse of Dana and Eliza M. Chamberlin, Feb. 24, 1829.
John and Eunice Sanderson, Apr. 5, 1767.
Katherine and Jonas Carter, int. June 13, 1774.
Lucy and Henry Priest of Shrewsbury, Vt., Sept. 12, 1811.
Mahetable and Robert Harrice, May 6, 1761.
Martha and Ivory Holland,----,1762.
Mehitable H. and Samuel Stratton of Guilford, Vt., Jan. 29, 1815.
Nancy and William Johnson, int. Sept. 28, 1816.
Rebeca and Rev. John Jackson of Gill, Feb. 27, 1798.
Rebecca W. of Paris, Me., and Charles C. Williams, int. Sept. 28, 1843.
Rispah and Tarrant Sibley, Mar. 9, 1841.
Samuel and Sally Seaver, Dec. 26, 1802.
Samuel and Emma Chambers of Boston, int. Jan. 10, 1806.
Samuel and Mary A. Cannon of Gill, int. Aug. 26, 1821.
Sarah Y. and Harry Taft, Feb. 1, 1821.
Stephen of Greenwich and Mary Gogins, int, Mar. 17, 1786.
Thomas and Martha Hubbard of Worcester, July 14, 1742.
Eliza of Oakham and Joseph Willard, int. Nov. 26, 1831.
Abigail and Bridgeman Stevens, int. Apr. 24, 1819.
Harriet and William Ward, int. Jan. 29, 1819.
Merrick and Susan Bigelow, Jan. 21, 1821.
Seth and Abigale Fairbanks of Sterling, int. May 8, 1786.
Seth Jr. and Abigail Stevens, Feb. 21, 1826.
Susan[Susanna in int.] and Ira Lawrence of Stillwater, N.Y., Mar. 3, 1816.
Phebe and Elias Whitmore, int. May 5, 1770.
Mrs. Becca of Dana and Henry Morgan, int. Mar. 10, 1827.
Betsy of Rindge, N.H., and Calvin Goss, int. Sept. 2, 1797.
Hannah of Harvard and Asa Robbins, int. Oct. 15, 1757.
Hannah M. of Athol and Jesse C. Davenport, int. Mar. 20, 1841.
Levi (s. Daniel and Sally, a. 39, widr.) of Hadley and Cylindia Stowell, May 30, 1844.
Mrs. Lucy and William Hodskins, May 8, 1836.