To the end of the year 1849
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

William and Thanfull Glezzeon, Dec. 27, 1759
Samuel and Patty Holland, int. Oct. 6, 1781.
Jemima of Westmoreland, N.H., and Nathaniel Atherton, int. Dec. 5, 1800.
DARBEE (see Derby)
Elenor and Zarah Houghton, int. Oct. 9, 1783.
Esther and Arlo Flagg, Oct. 17, 1821.
DAVENPORT (see Devanport)
Abel and Sally Nigh of Barre, int. Mar. 2, 1789.
Augustus and Augusta Wilber of New Salem, int. Sept. 2, 1849.
Azubah and Joshua Lackey of Sutton, Apr. 30, 1807.
Betsy R.S. and Nathaniel Curtis, June 19, 1814.
Charles W. and Phebe Goddard of Orange, int. Dec. 1, 1848.
Eunice and John Smith of Brookfield, Vt. Mar. 1, 1807.
Jereme and Polly Brooks of Athol, int. Aug. 28, 1807.
Jesse C. and Hannah M. Russell of Athol, int. Mar. 20, 1841.
Joel and Patty Bigelow of Athol, int. Mar. 8, 1807.
Lavina and James Munroe of Grafton, Jan. 7, 1835.*
Lucy and Ira Hosley, both of Gill, Oct. 15, 1798.*
Thomas and Releaf Wills, int. Sept. 21, 1787.
Warren and Pamela W. Thayer of New Salem, int. Nov. 1, 1834.
Nathan of Walpole, N.H. and Katy Claffin, Jan. 10, 1788.
Able of Rutland and Ruth Marble, int. June 23, 1788.
Elvira A. and William E. Southworth of New Braintree, Jan. 1, 1845.
John of Providence and Sally Peckham, int. Sept. 22, 1781.
Jonas of Chesterfield and Elizebath Hildreth, Nov. 4, 1762.
Mary A. of West Boylston and Franklin Hathaway, int. July 31, 1848.
Thomas and Christhona Manor of Somers, int. Sept. 3, 1772.
Rev. Hiram of So. Cornwall, Ct. and Emily L. Foster, May 7, 1844.
Pamelia Vogel of Essex, Vt. and Lewis Whitney, Oct. 17, 1848. In Essex, Vt.
Daniel and Jerusha Houghton, Dec. 22, 1801.
Deborah and Josiah Peckham,---1781.
Dr. Jeremiah of Newfane, Vt., and Fanny Negus, int. July 2, 1801.
Jeremiah and Jemima Houghton, July 14, 1802.
Lucy and John Doolittle, int. Sept. 20, 1779.
Mrs. Mary of Hardwick and Dea. Daniel Spooner, int. Sept. 23, 1780.
Phebe and David Clark Jr., Dec. 14, 1789.
Polly and Elihu Hotchkis, Mar. 20, 1781.
Rachel and Simeon Houghton, Jan. 28, 1802.
Rebekah and Ebenezer Winslow, int. July 11, 1773.
DEANE[Dean in int.]
Abigail and Israel Stone of New Salem, Apr. 5, 1829.
Seneca F. and Mary M. Harris, Aug. 18, 1842.
Andrew and Mrs. Anna Winslow, int. Nov. 5, 1757.
Peter of Gill and Ruby Carter, Jan. 29, 1837.
Peter of Warwick and Ruth Carter, Jan. 4, 1832.
Abigail H. and David Randall, Nov.---, 1836.
Dillea and Earl Flagg Jr., int. Aug. 3, 1773.
Dorothy R. and Jairus W. Stone, Sept. 23, 1841.
Lot and Nancy Osgood of New Salem, int. Nov. 9, 1836.
Lot (a. 35, widr.) and Eliza Stone, Apr. 23, 1845.
Maria and Daniel Hawes of Barre, Jan. 28, 1842.
DERBY (see Darbee)
Philander of Sutton and Viola Dunn, Feb. 27, 1839.
DEVANPORT (see Davenport)
Dolly and Jonathan Stone, Jan. 23, 1797.
John and Eunice Haws of Barre, int. Sept. 2, 1786.
Rev. Amasa and Hadassah Thompson of Monson, int. Jan. 10, 1837.
Ichebod and Abigail Smith, both of Perquage, int. May 10, 1759.
Joseph and Martha Smith, both of Pequiage, int. Aug. 21, 1756.
Mary and Benjamin Morton, both of Pequage, int. Sept. 6, 1760.
Mary Ann and Dr. Shepard Clark of Hubbardston, Jan. 27, 1825.
Samuel and Susannah Whitney, int. June 16, 1781.
Simeon and Salla McClallan, int. June 16, 1781.
Hannah and Samuel Gates, int. Nov. 22, 1789.
Hannah and Levi Houghton of Guilford, Vt., May 10, 1798.
Jesse of Guilford and Molla Stowell, int. Dec. 7, 1776.
Betsy of Boston and John Kneeland, int. Oct. 17, 1789.
Mercy and Joseph Woodward Jr., Sept. 20, 1797.
Alice and William Walker of Breadport, Vt., int. Jan. 24, 1818.
Aurelia and Lucian B. Williams, both of Dana, Nov. 7, 1839. In Dana.*
Ebenezer and Relief Twitchel of Athol, int. Dec. 23, 1814.
Fanny V. and Seth W. Amsden, both of Dana, Mar. 23, 1840. In Dana.*
Julia Ann and Charles E. Sewall of Lowell, Apr. 23, 1829.
Leonard and Harriet White of Dana, int. July 3, 1819.
Rufus and Sarah Hyde of Greenwich, int. Sept. 24, 1836.
Betsy of Sutton and John Peckham Jr., int. Apr. 25, 1801.
Sibel of Templeton and Johnathan Pirce, int. Sept. 2, 1778.
Joel and Tabitha Goodwin of Worcester, int. Sept. 10, 1776.
John and Lucy Dean, int. Sept. 20, 1779.
William of Warwick and Molla Chase, int. Nov. 23, 1779.
Polly and John Piper of Gerry, int. Aug. 16, 1788.
Nehemiah H. of Dana (s. Joseph and Lettea, a. 24.) and Abby E. Towne, May 2, 1849.
Jeremiah of Enfield and Mrs. Eucia G. Spooner, int. Mar. 10, 1833.
Charles A. of Montague (s. Jona H., a. 27) and Harriet E. Parker, Mar. 20, 1848.
Charlotte E. of Worcester and Parley D. Houghton, int. Mar. 7, 1846.
Eliza Ann of Plymouth and Rev. Ziba B. C. Dunham, int. May 4, 1844.
John Esq. of Colrain and Susan Reed, Dec. 1, 1813.
Thomas of Narragansett, No. 6, and Huldah Taylor of Shrewsbury, int. Feb. 1, 1755.
Abigail of Barre and Jotham Walker, int. Jan. 30, 1779.
Amos and Susan Braman, Dec. 28, 1841.
Bulah and Joseph Temple of Orange, Mar. 3, 1808.
Caleb and Susan Green, Nov. 24, 1819.
Emily and Chandler Moor of Orange, Apr. 6, 1837.
Harriet (d. Samuel and Lydia, a. 25) and Albert Carruth, Nov. 9, 1847.
John Jr. and Sally Hadskins of New Salem, int. Dec. 22, 1812.
Lucy and Walter Stratton of Athol, Sept. 21, 1814.
Marenia and Alfred Atwood of Barre, May 19, 1836.
Martha of Sutton and Simeon Gleeson, int. Feb. 18, 1764.
Mary of Sutton and Joel Wheeler, int. Nov. 2, 1765.
Mary and William Nichols, Sept. 29, 1812.
Nathan and Mary Hatstatt, July 4, 1819.
Simon and Clarissa Stowel, Mar. 5, 1816.
Sukey and Erasmus Babbit, June 29, 1794.
William (s. Samuel and Lydia, a. 30) and Lucy Witt of Dana, Mar. 27, 1849.*
Mrs. Zeruiah and David Wiswell, int. Jan. 18, 1824.
Mrs. Zerviah and Samuel Hodskins of New Salem, int. May 9, 1829.
Betsey and Gardner Stone, Jan. 30, 1821.
Abel and Lydia Mills, int. Aug. 24, 1771.
Daniel Jr. and Zervillah Rice, Jan. 21, 1765.
Levina and John Rice, int. Dec. 23, 1765.
Mary and James Jackson, Aug. 17, 1757.
Rev. Ziba B.C. and Eliza Ann Drew of Plymouth, int. May 4, 1844.
Abigail and David D. Ramsdell of Wardsboro, Vt. Apr. 5, 1843.
Lydia and Thomas Houghton, Apr. 5, 1815.
Martha A. of Phillipston (a. 19) and Joseph Gibbs, Sept. 30, 1849.
Viola and Philander Derby of Sutton, Feb. 17, 1839.
Sally of Hardwick and Perez Shumway, int.----[1811].
Thomas of Beverly and Louisa Bridge, int. July 29, 1799.
Betsey of Dedham and Micah Walker, Feb. 12, 1805.*
Charles and Lucy Holland, Mar. 1, 1820.
Winslow of Sterling and Demarus Wilder, Feb. 20, 1794.
EAMES (see Emes)
Peter and sally Clark, Jan. 22, 1793.
Ira and Iris Butterfield, Feb. 19, 1829.
Alvira B. of Phillipston and Almon French, int. Apr. 14, 1843.
Anna of Farmingham and Brigham Eaton, int. Feb. 23, 1778.
Benjamin H. of West Bridgewater and Mary Braman. Oct. 18, 1832.
Brigham and Anna Eaton of Farmingham, int. Feb. 23, 1778.
Charlotte L. (d. Joseph and Patty, a. 18) and Charles B. Albent of Worcester, May 15, 1845.
Harriet R. of Winchester, N.H. and Lorenzo Blanchard, int. Mar. 11, 1847.
Nabby of Barre and Nathaniel Brimhall, int. Nov. 4, 1816.
Esther and John K. Williams of Athol, July 21, 1822.
Gratia of Warwick and Henry Brooks, int. Oct. 17, 1835.
Rufus Charlton and Rebecca Johnson, May 12, 1829.
Abigale of Bridgewater and Barzalel Flagg, int. Dec. 15, 1785.
Anna and Robert Sever, Feb. 26, 1786.
Clarinda of Barre and Samuel Clark, int. Mar. 22, 1834.
Harriet and Lewis Bigelow, Feb. 24, 1805.
ELIOT (see Ellot)
Mary Ann and Isreal Houghton, int. May 28, 1767.
Lucy of Athol and Artemas Wilder, int. Feb. 21, 1808.
Daniel A. of Athol and Priscilla A. Mann, int. Nov. 25, 1846.
John of Hardwick and Marcy Peckham, May 20, 1833. *
[Eliot in int.], Jane and Moses Boyden of Rutland District, June 29, 1769.
Sabrina of Barre and Collins Andrews, int. Nov. 17, 1848.
EMES (see Eames)
Capt. Jesse of Staatsburg, N.Y., and Mrs. Fanny Parmenter, Jan. 29, 1819.
Sarah of Rutland and Micajah How, int. Oct. 18, 1756.
Joel of Rutland and Elizabeth Cook, May 20, 1834.
Bodalphus and Polly Parmenter, Feb. 17, 1799. *
Abigail of Sterling and Seth Ross, int. May 8, 1786.
Bulah of Ashburnham and Josiah Willard, int. Jan. 27, 1800.
Jabez of Sterling and Persis Bowker, Feb. 28, 1792.
Rhoda and Jarvis Hodges of Newton, May 26, 1828.
Whitcomb of Bangor, Me. and Pollina Carter, Dec.---, 1841.
Daniel M. and Harriot N. West, Mar. 15, 1786.
Mary of Bristol and Robert Peckham, Jan. 19, 1786.
Mary Ann A. (d. Capt. Daniel, a. 29) and Joshua Tolman of Dana, Oct. 2, 1844.
Sarah K. (d. Daniel and Lucy, a. 28) and D. Berkey Goddard, Apr. 9, 1845.
Elizabeth of Chesterfield, N.H. and John Hildreth, int. Feb. 6, 1768.
Lucy of Billerica and Jeremiah Allen, int. June 28, 1803.
Ephraim and Sarah Marble, int. May 5, 1775.
Anna and Josiah Miles, jan. 30, 1815.
Anna and Lysander Wilder, Jan. 8, 1839.
Joseph Jr. and Lydia Stevens, Nov. 9, 1806.
Lydia E. and Jonathan P. Grosvenor of Paxton, June 8, 1842.
Marianna (d. Humphrey and Catherine, a. 21) and Nelson Frost of Brattleboro, Vt. Apr. 2, 1849.
Mary B. and James S. Fay of Athol, July 4, 1837.
Nathaniel of Scituate and Eliza A. Felton, Nov. 10, 1812.
Polly and Joseph Stevens, May 4, 1814.
Sally B. Francis Baker, June 14, 1843.
Dexter M. of Troy N.Y. and Eunice K. White, Nov. 13, 1838.
Francis Ball of Southborough and Nancy Brigham, Nov. 10, 1819.
James S. of Athol and Mary B. Farrar, July 4, 1837.
Jonathan W. of Athol and Mary L. babbit, Sept. 11, 1828.
Susanna of Athol and Benjamin Bancroft, int. Dec. 18, 1818.
Daniel and Lois Wilder, int. Mar. 20, 1774.
David and Elezabeth Wilder, int. May 28, 1774.
Eliza[Elizabeth in int.] A. and Nathaniel Farrar of Scituate, Nov. 10, 1812.
Elizabeth of Templeton and John Knap, int. Jan. 2, 1779.
George W. and Hannah Oliver of Athol, int. Aug. 17, 1785.
George W. Jr. and Lydia Baker of Gerry, int. Apr. 2, 1814.
Nanc and David Stone Jr., int. Apr. 9, 1774.
Nathaniel and Abigail H. Bouker of Phillipston, int. Sept. 9, 1826.
Rachel and Jonathan Johnston, int. Aug. 21, 1773.
Sally and Jacob Amsden, Apr. 24, 1783.
Peter of Rutland District and Mary Oliver of Pequage, int. Aug. 27, 1761.
Lydia of Manson and Ensign Mann Jr., int. Sept. 10, 1808.
Joel and Harriet Lion, int. Dec. 31, 1810.
John and Ruth Robbins, int. Jan. 16, 1773.
John and Triphenia Negus, int. Feb. 4, 1776.
[Findley on int.] John and Rhoda Wood, Jan. 20, 1785.
Elizabeth and Thomas Shaw of Hardwick, int. May 14, 1777.
Daniel and Sarah Shattuck of Hinsdale, N.H., int. Dec. 6, 1822.
George of Warwick and Ruth Woodward, June 1, 1820.
Joshua of Beverly and Mrs. Ann Bridge, Nov. 4, 1807.
Mrs. Abigail and Ebenezer Lock of Wendell, Mar. 10, 1802.
Daniel[3d in int.] of Wendell and Sally Paridge, Mar. 10, 1796.
Ebenezer of Wendell and Rachel Partridge, Apr. 29, 1798.
Jonathan and Jerusha Smith, June 6, 1794.
Samuel of Barre and Lydia Stow, int. Dec. 6, 1800.
Abba (d. John, a. 35) and Harrison Bancroft, Oct. 16, 1844.
David of Barre and Eliza Loring, Sept. 24, 1820.
Harriet V. and John Howes, Mar. 4, 1841.
Isaac of Barre and Dulcena Loring, int. Jan. 14, 1819.
John and Sally Gibbs of Gerry, int. Mar. 6, 1789.
Ruth of Gerry and James Jackson Jr., int. Jan. 3, 1793.
Sally[Sarah in int.] and John Wilson of Newtown, Dec. 9, 1792.
John of Guilford and Lucinda Hapgood, June 16, 1791.
Earl and Unis Johnson of Greenwich, int. July 2, 1768.
Allas and Samuel Miller of Williamsburg, Oct. 24, 1799.
Arlo and Relief Briggs of Greenwich, int. June 6, 1812.
Arlo and Esther Darling, Oct. 17, 1821.
Barzalel and Abigail Edson of Bridgewater, int. Dec. 15, 1785.
Betty and Nathaniel Parkhurst, int. Mar. 3, 1780.
Earl Jr. and Dillea Dennis, int. Aug. 3, 1773.
Earl Jr. of Barre and Hannah Partridge, Feb. 17, 1795.
Elisha and Elizabeth Willson, Jan. 16, 1751.
Elisha and Molly Man of Paxton, int. Oct. 16, 1772.
Elisha and Elizabeth Harvey, Feb. 24, 1791.
Elizebath and Jeremiah Sibbley of Hardwick, Aug. 27, 1752.
Lephe and Perez Shumway, Feb. 16, 1797.
Lucy and John Stone, int. Mar. 6, 1773.
Lydia of Barre and Moses Briggs, int. May 21, 1803.
Lyman of Barre and Arathusa Curtis, Feb. 26, 1817.
Rufus and Lucy Wheeler of Gerry, int. May 13, 1811.
Sarah and George Smith of New Salem, int. Feb. 11, 1782.
Silas and Polly of Hardwick, int. Dec. 1, 1808.
Oliver of Wendell (s. William and Patty, a. 27) and Sarah M. Smith, Nov. 29, 1849.
Ephraim of Newport N.H., and Mrs. Joanna Stratton, Apr. 16, 1811.
Caroline of Rutland and Elisha Allen, int. July 16, 1787.
Dr. Joseph H. and Hannah W. Reed, Sept. 14, 1811.
Sarah of Rutland and John Bouker Jr., int. June 4, 1764.
Rusha R. and John F. Woodward, both of Hubbardston, Dec. 29, 1836.*
Charles of Westborough and Marian Rider, Apr. 4, 1839.
Mary L. and Cyrus King, both of Barre, Apr. 11, 1840.*
Moses B. of Townsend, Vt. and Azubah Stone, May 31, 1830.
Sally of Deerfield and George W. Waters, int. Sept. 1, 1821.
Moses of Hardwick and Patty Marble, int. May 11, 1784.
Rhoda of Fitzwilliam, N.H., and Thomas S. Rider, int. Mar. 12, 1844.
Capt. David J. and Charlotte Fowle of Boston, int. Jan. 3, 1835.
Elisha of Dana and Emela Parmenter, May 26, 1812.
Emeline[A. in int.] and Charles B. Mosley of Springfield, Feb. 15, 1837.
Emily L. (d. Mrs. Hannah) and Rev. Hiram Day of So. Cornwall, Ct. May 7, 1844.
Emory B. and Adeline D. Littlefield, Apr. 14, 1839.
Rev. Festus and Patience Wells of Rowe, int. Oct. 15, 1802.
Hannah of Dana and Joel Chamberlin, int. Sept. 15, 1815.
Henry of New Salem and Isabella Sampson, int. May 2, 1846.
John and Hannah Lincoln, Nov. 8, 1807.
Jonathan of N. Salem and Elizabeth Bosworth, Nov. 23, 1794.
Lucy[L. in int.] and Oren Tower, Jan. 5, 1836.
Mrs. Mary of New Salem and David Curtis, int. Oct. 5, 1777.
Richard (s. Isaac and Susanna, a. 56, widr.) and Esther Brewer, May 16, 1848.
Susanna P. and Dr. Ebenezer Lindsey, Jan. 9, 1827.
Tilly and Abigail Hammond, int. Nov. 27, 1782.
Charlotte of Boston and Capt. David J. Foster, int. Jan. 3, 1835.
Mehitable A. of Boston and Rev. Josiah A. Coolidge, int. Apr. 15, 1844.
Anne of Athol and Francis Mazro, int. Mar. 27, 1784.
Hannah of Hardwick and Reuben Newton, int. Dec. 13, 1799.
Rachel of Hardwick and Abel Stowell, int. June 7, 1792.
Almon and Alvira B. Eaton of Phillipston, int. Apr. 14, 1843.
Elizabeth L. (d. Timothy L. and Betsy, a. 19) and Spencer C. Nickerson of Marlboro, Vt., Feb. 15, 1847.
Timothy and Betsy Oakman, Jan. 7, 1816.
Elizabeth of Rutland District and Theophilus Chandler, int. Apr.---1763.
Louis and Abijah Hawks, Jan. 5, 1792.
Sally and Asa Town, int. Dec. 17, 1791.
Samuel and Beulah Pratt, Apr. 3, 1750.
Solomon and Eunice Wood, int. Nov. 10, 1780.
Nelson of Brattleboro, Vt. (s. Benjamin and Lydia, a. 36, widr.) and Marianna Farrar, Apr. 2, 1849.
Aaron of Deerfield and Fanny Negus, Sept. 27, 1820.
Joseph N. of Deerfield (s. Aaron and Fanny, a. 22) and Lydia Ann White, Nov. 27, 1845.
Warren of Worcester (s. Alden and Sarah, a. 26) and Sarah Hastings, Oct. 10, 1848.
George and Esther Twichel, int. Dec. 25, 1776.
Caroline A. and Benjamin Pierce of Chesterfield, N.H.. Nov. 11, 1842.
Chauncy of Paxton (s. Nahum and Emily, a. 29) and Hannah D. Walker, July 28, 1846.
Daniel Jr. and Betsey Holland, Nov. 29, 1809.
George F. and Vesta R. Orcutt of Cummington, int. Sept. 30, 1848.
Hannah A. (d. Jesse and Hannah, a. 27) and Parmely Carleton of Winchester, N.H., Nov. 27, 1845.
Harriet (d. Jesse and Hannah, a. 30) and Milo Carleton of Sullivan, O., Sept. 8, 1846.
Jane and William W. Willis of Winchester, N.H., Nov. 7, 1839.
Jesse and Hannah Holland, int. Nov. 30, 1805.
John H. and Arathusa W. Holton of Winchester, N.H., int. D{ec?] 6, 1846.
Lewis and Eliza Willard, Sept. 30, 1834.
Luther and Sally Spooner, Dec. 28, 1800.
Luther of Heath and Nancy Spooner, Oct. 3, 1822.
Mary and Loring Haskins of New Salem, int. July 6, 1843.
Nahum and Emily Holland, Nov. 22, 1814.
Nahum and Martha Coit of Norwich, int. Aug. 17, 1820.
Patty and Philip Spooner, Jan. 14, 1802.
Philip of Heath and Susan Johnson, Oct. 10, 1835.
[Gallond in int.], Joseph and Irana Woodward, Feb. 16, 1792.
GALLOND (see Gallant)
Almira and Joseph Moore of Ware, Oct. 14, 1828.
Aurelia G. and Lewis babcock of Ware, Jan. 9. 1826.
Clarissa and William Cook, Oct. 31, 1824.
George B. (s. Jeremiah and Dorcas, a. 22) and Adeline Blanchard, June 22, 1847.
Jeremiah Jr. and Dorcas Babbet, Mar. 15, 1801.
John and Sally Gleason of Hardwick, int. May 1, 1804.
John L. and Nancy Babcock, June 28, 1829.
John L. (s. John and Sarah, a. 41, widr.) and Nancy B. Williams, Sept. 3, 1848.
Joseph and Nancy Williams, May 19, 1836.
Louisa A. and Nathaniel Cook, June 11, 1834.
Mary and Abraham Haskell of Munson, Dec. 4, 1808.
Ruth and Elijah Glover (Grover?) of Montague, Oct. 29, 1802.
Sarah and Silas Babet, int. July 6, 1788.
William and Margaret Oliver, both of New Rutland, Mar. 19, 1753.*
Benjamin and Susanna Cook of New Salem, int. Apr. 24, 1772.
Eliza of Enfield and James Learned of Dennis, May 3, 1837.*
GARFIELD (see Gerfield)
Lydia O. and Anson Banes of Barre, int. Apr. 7, 1837.
Abby D. and Luther S. Benjamin, May 9, 1848.
Anna and Daniel H. Wiswell of Barre, Dec. 16, 1824.
Charles and Mercy White, May 31, 1832.
Charles and Mary A. Tower, Mar. 24, 1836.
Eldridge G. and Martha S. Grosvenor, Jan. 11, 1826.
George and Lucy Howe, int. Aug. 29, 1818.
Harriet and Thomas E. Winchester of Leicester, May 19, 1835.
John and Elizabeth Gleason of Barre, int. June 1, 1806.
Lovicy and George Holland, int. Aug. 11, 1821.
Moses and Anna Towne, Dec. 25, 1823.
Oliver C. and Mary Howe, Nov. 3, 1805.
Polly and Samuel Henry of Rutland, Oct. 22, 1795.
Samuel and Hannah Dike, int. Nov. 22, 1789.
Susanna and Samuel McNear, Sept. 8, 1788.
Sylvanus H. and Louisa Parmenter, Apr. 30, 1835.
William Esq. of Lunenburg, Vt., and Mrs. Betsey Hapgood, Jan. 28, 1829.
Sarah of Luninburgh and Moses Whitney, int. Aug. 16, 1766.
GERFIELD (see Garfield)
Elijah and Jane Nichols of Leominster, int. Apr. 18, 1771.
Hannah and George Bosworth, June 4, 1793.
Joseph (s. Leavitt H. and Charlotte, a. 24) and Martha A. Dunn of Phillipston, Sept. 30, 1849.
Lucinda of Greenwich and Horatio Holbrook, int. Jan. 20, 1838.
Lucy of New Salem and Samuel Calhoon, int. Nov. 18, 1788.
Sally of Gerry and John Fiske, int. Mar. 6, 1789.
Sarah of Prescott (d. Solomon and Olive, a. 25) and L. Eaton Marsh of New Salem, May 23, 1848.*
Bowman C. of Prescott and Eleanor F. Houghton, Mar. 17, 1841.
Esther W. and Henry Clark of Rindge, N.H., Dec. 21, 1841.
Harvey of Brookfield and Diantha A. Stevens, Jan. 29, 1828.
Nancy of Athol and Neri F. Ripley, Aug. 18, 1839.
GLEASON (see below)
Betsy of Farmingham and John Negus, int. Mar. 22, 1794.
Betsey and Nathan Gould of Leverett, Oct. 23, 1804.
Charles A. and Philena Amsden, both of Dana, Mar. 10, 1841. In Dana.*
Clarissa and Cephas Willard, June 13, 1809.
Curtis and Luna Hildreth, Dec. 8, 1813.
Deborah and Nahum Ward of Shutsbury, June 3, 1792.
Eliza and Josiah Randall, July--,1837.
Elizabeth of Barre and John Gates, int. June 1, 1806.
Hannah D. of New Braintree and Benjamin F. Hamilton, int. May 11, 1840.
Harriet and Oren Tower, June 1, 1823.
Joesph [Jr. in int.] and Sukey Whitney, Oct. 24, 1802.
Louisa and Samson Wetherell, Aug. 23, 1830.
Mrs. Lucenda and Caleb Chamberlin, Oct. 14, 1828.
Mary of Langdon, N.H. and David Powers, int. Jan. 22, 1814.
[Glesen in int.] Polly and Abiel Parmenter, Sept. 20, 1793.
Sally and Windsor Gleason of Charlestown[N.H. in int.], Jan. 21, 1787.
Sally of Hardwick and John Gallond, int. May 1, 1804.
Sarah C. and Amasa Chamberlin, May 8, 1823.
Stephen and Betsy Curtis, int. Nov. 23, 1807.
Wid. Sukey and James Thompson of New Salem, Dec. 22, 1813.
Windsor of Charlestown[N.H. in int.] and Sally Gleason, Jan. 21, 1787.
Simeon and Martha Dudley of Sutton, int. Feb. 18, 1764.
Lucenda and Nathanial Glesen Jr., of Hardwick, int. Apr. 7, 1800.
Nathaniel Jr. of Hardwick and Lucenda Glesen, int. Apr. 7, 1800.
Fanny and Artemus Crowl, int. Apr. 22, 1797.
James and Sarah Chandler, Sept. 4, 1767.
Joseph[Glesson in int.] and Sarah Curtis, Aug. 14, 1766.
Thankfull and William Dagget, Dec. 27, 1759.
[Grover in int.], Elijah[of Montague in int.] and Ruth Gallond, Oct. 29, 1802.
Miriam and Caleb CooK of Hadley, Nov. 29, 1798.
Ann and Col. Thomas Townsend of Athol, Sept. 17, 1827.
Anna of Sutton and Joel Goddard, int. Jan. 16, 1786.
Anna S. and Amos S. Hale of Barnet, Vt. Jan. 29, 1839.
Ashbel and Betsey S. Grosvenor, May 9, 1816.
Calvin and Clarissa Sanderson, Nov. 25, 1817.
Daniel of Reading, Vt. and Betsey Stearns, Oct. 9, 1804.
Daniel and Mary Smith of New Salem, int. Oct. 17, 1820.
David Jr. and Mary Johnson, Aug. 4, 1822.
Dilla and Parley Barton of Orange, Jan. 1, 1804.
D. Berkely (s. Asbel and Elizabeth, a. 24) and Sarah K. Fales, Apr. 9, 1845.
Elisha and Patty bennett, Sept. 24, 1815.
Elizabeth of Grafton and Robert Goddard, int. Nov. 29, 1759.
Hannah and Sylvanus Ward of Athol, int. Nov. 21, 1775.
Irane[Irana G. in int.] and David R. Grosvenor, Mar. 18, 1829.
Joel and Anna Goddard of Sutton, int. Jan. 16, 1786.
Dea. Joel and Hannah Grosvenor of Pelham, int. June 18, 1825.
Rev. Joseph B. of Sandgate, Vt. and Lucy Lincoln, Sept. 19, 1827.
Lois of Royalston and Solomon Bragg, int. Aug. 16, 1781.
Lucy and Col. Salmon Goddard of Royalston, int. Apr. 22, 1825.
Melinda and Charles Pike, Nov. 7, 1824.
Nahum and Sally Richardson of Shrewsbury, int. Dec. 8, 1800.
Nathan and Doritha Stevems, Nov. 28, 1748.
Nathaniel and Anna Goddard of Conway, int. Jan. 24, 1788.
Nathaniel and Ruth Hale of Brookfield, int. Apr. 17, 1809.
Phebe of Orange and Charles W. Davenport, int. Dec. 1, 1848.
Rhoda and Nathaniel Stone[Reading, Vt. in int.], Feb. 11, 1793.
Rhoda and Solomon Wilson of Chester, Vt. Feb. 28, 1804.
Rhoda and Daniel Robinson of Hardwick, Oct. 20, 1831.
Robert and Elizabeth Goddard of Grafton, int. Nov. 29, 1759.
Robert Jr. and Eunice Bennett, Jan. 23, 1805.
R. Louisa (d. Stephen and Rachel) and Jonathan P. Grosvenor, May 2, 1849.
Col. Salmon of Royalston and Lucy Goddard, int. Apr. 22, 1825.
Sarah and Isaac Hastings of Templeton, int. Oct. 6, 1774.
Stephen and Rachel Woodward, Dec. 9, 1807.
Stephen D. and Catherine Cook, int. Oct. 4, 1834.
William P. and Laura Spooner, Nov. 19, 1836.
William P. and Ann F. Miles, Nov. 15, 1843.
Mary and Stephen Rogers of Greenwich, int. Mar. 17, 1786.
Joseph of Hardwick and Abigail Warden, int. Apr. 19, 1780.
Nathaniel and Sarah Parkhurst, Feb. 12, 1776.
Susanna and David Marble, Sept. 30, 1764.
Susannah and Calvin Marble, int. Nov. 28, 1772.
Lydia and Silas Harris, int. Nov. 12, 1772.
Lydia and Amos Bemas of Winchendon, int. Dec. 20, 1785.
Jesse and Lucy Bond, May 22, 1791.
Josiah W.[Willis in int.] of Farmington and Mary Sanger, May 7, 1816.
Mrs. Lucy of Prescott and Dea. Ellis Peckham, int. Jan. 23, 1833.
Tabitha of Worcester and Joel Doolittle, int. Sept. 10, 1776.
Peter and Sarah Pike of Leicester, Int. Jan. 28, 1758.
Susannah Waite and Reuben Ned of Hardwick, int. Apr. 16, 1785.
Mrs. Abigail Jr. of Bolton and Joshua Atherton, int. Sept. 5, 1756.
Calvin and Betsy Russell of Rindge, N.H., int. Sept. 2, 1797.
Bessy of Leverett and Joel Negus, int. Nov. 7, 1788.
Curtis of Athol (s. William and Rhoda, a. 49, widr.) and Philena Ballou, May 30, 1849.
Jedediah and Elizabeth Sanderson, int. Jan. 30, 1778.
Joseph A. of Hardwick and Relief Shumway, Feb. 18, 1839.
Nathan of Leverett and Polly Curtis, Nov. 26, 1801.
Nathan of Leverett and Betsey Gleason, Oct. 28, 1804.
Oliver of Leuningburg and Mary Stockwell, May 3, 1759.*
Prudence of Leverett and Lemuel Stowel, int. Apr. 21, 1787.
Anna of Midway and Robert Grant, int. May 26, 1762.
Robert and Anna Grant of Midway, int. May 26, 1762.
Laura of Athol and Alansot[?] Lincoln, int. Aug. 1, 1818.
Lydia and George Kelton, both of Pequage, int. May 30, 1760.
Abel and Lucretia Sanderson, Apr. 13, 1819.
Betsey and Nathaniel Sanderson 2d, Feb. 9, 1808.
Lydia of Pelham and Robert Olever of Perquage, int. July 2, 1759.
Susan and David Bigelow Jr. of Barre, int. Aug. 8, 1818.
Adeline E. and Abel Baker, Nov. 27, 1838.
Dolly of Lancaster and Nathaniel Chandler, int. May 16, 1802.
Elizabeth of Granby and Samuel Hale, int. Dec. 23, 1773.
Elizabeth of Boston and John Chandler Esq. int. May 8, 1800.
Eunice of Lancaster and John Richardson, int. Oct. 26, 1765.
Rev. George W. and Phebe Lindzie, Jan. 1, 1840.
Jeduthan of Rutland and Mrs. Nancy Hawes, Feb. 12, 1832.
Mary F. and Freeman Woodward, Nov. 18, 1821.*
Sophronia and Abijah Thayer Jr., Apr. 19, 1825.
Susan and Caleb Dudley, Nov. 24, 1819.
Francis and Thankful Richmond, June (Jan.?] 5, 1792.
Thomas B. of Templeton (s. John, a. 26) and Eliza B. Whitney, Oct. 6, 1845.
Rachel and Paul Negus, Dec. 5, 1798.
John and Anna Rixford, int. Nov. 21, 1779.
Thomas and Hannah Pratt, int. Aug. 25, 1786.
Thomas and Hannah Prat, int. June 8, 1782. [Probably the same as above}
Anner and Abel Rogers Jr. May 19, 1790.
Betsey S.[Sophia in int.] and Ashbel Goddard, May 9, 1816.
[Col. in int.] David H. and Eliza Bigelow, Jan. 11, 1837.
David R. and Irane Goddard, Mar. 18, 1829.
Hannah of Pelham and Dea. Joel Goddard, int. June 18, 1825.
Jonathan P. of Paxton and Lydia E. Farrar, June 8, 1842.
Jonathan P. (s. David H. and Patty, widr) and R. Louisa Goddard, May 2, 1849.
Lucy and [Rev. in int.] Warren Allen of Orange, Mar. 3, 1841.
Lucy W.[Williston in int.] and Rev. Joel Wright of Leverett, Dec. 30, 1812.
Martha S. and Elbridge G. Gates, Jan. 11, 1826.
Rev. Moses G. of Acworth, N.H. and Sophia W. Grout, Feb. 10, 1830.
Abel of Templeton and Dorcas Chase, int. Jan. 23, 1779.
Betsey[Elizabeth in int.] and Hutchins Hapgood, Oct. 20, 1789.
Dolly and Eber Hapgood, July 13, 1803.
Joel and Sarah Hudson, Nov. 3, 1753.
John and Prucence Wilder, Mar. 1, 1803.
Sally and Aaron Brooks of Groton, int. Mar. 5, 1789.
Sarah and Ephraim Stockwell, int. Nov. 8, 1757.
Sophia W. and Rev. Moses G. Grosvenor of Acworth, N.H., Feb. 10, 1830.
GROVER (see Glover)
Benjamin and Mary Bosworth, Apr. 5, 1827.
John of Westminster and Reuhama Cummings, int. Jan. 9, 1791.
HADSKINS (see Hodgkins, Hoskins)
Sally of New Salem and John Dudley Jr. int. Dec. 22, 1812.
Aaron and Rachel Stone, int. Mar. 13, 1780.
Moses of Hubardston and Lydia B. Brooks, Nov. 30, 1808.
Mrs. Esther and Braddyll Smith, both of new Salem, Nov. 29, 1840, in New Salem.*
George of New Salem and Sarah R. Pike, Apr. 7, 1839.
John of Shutesbury and Bathsheba Rice, int. Jan. 20, 1776.
Sally of New Salem and Thadeus Crowl, int. May 11, 1801.
Simeon of New Marlborough, Vt., and Mary Claflin, Jan. 21, 1788.
HAIL (see Hale)
Israel and Thankfull Pratt of Boston, int. Apr. 20, 1759.
Timothy and Elizabeth Byham, both of Narragansett, No. 6, int. May 19, 1760.
Margret and Asa Vorce (both of Brookfield), Nov. 19, 1766.*
HALE (see Hail)
Alma of New Salem and Charles Pike, int. Oct. 27, 1827.
Amos S. of Barnet, Vt. and Anna S. Goddard, Jan. 29, 1839.
Daniel and Levina Whitaker, int. Mar. ---, 1780.
Dexter of New Salem (s. Levi and Sarah, a. 22) and Calista A. Linzie, Nov. 25[30 in dup.], 1848.
Euice of Greenwich and Thomas Worden, int. Dec. 8, 1781.
Lucy of Greenwich and John Warden, int. Oct. 29, 1779.
Mrs. Martha and Capt. Joseph Ward, int. Nov. 19, 1832.
Mary and Ephrim Part, Dec. 5, 1754.
Mrs. Miriam P. of Jaffrey, N.H., and William Clark, int. June 26, 1848.
Russell and Hannah Harris, Jan. 24, 1822.
Ruth of Brookfiel and Nathaniel Goddard, int. Apr. 17, 1809.
Samuel and Elizabeth Green of Granby, int. Dec. 23, 1773.
Stephen of Royalston and Mary G. Brooks, Apr. 4, 1838.
Sumner P. and Joana Luce, int. Sept. 25, 1847.
Francis of Brookfield and Lydia Lawton of Warren, May 19, 1841.*
Benjamin F. of New Braintree and Catherine Wilson, Mar. 24, 1836.
Benjamin F. and Hannah D. Gleason of New Braintree, int. May 11, 1840.
Esther and John S. Weeks, Apr. 7, 1836.
Harriet and Samuel Holbrook, Apr. 28, 1826.
Louisa and John H. Snow[of Athol in int.], Apr. 7, 1836.
Lucy A. and Elbridge G. Smith of New Salem, Apr. 9, 1835.
Merrit of Wendell and Sophronia Curtis, Nov. 2, 1842.
Obediah and Sally Haven of New Salem, July 15, 1802.
Abigail and Tilly Foster, int. Nov. 27, 1782.
Abigail and Jaber E. Whipple of Sutton, Feb. 17, 1809.
Anna and Stephen Rice, Apr. 6, 1785.
Betsey and Samuel Ainsworth, Feb. 20, 1799.
Betsey and Alexander Mahan of Greenbush, N.Y., Sept. 5, 1814.
Betsy and Shadrach Hoar Jr. of New Salem, int. Jan. 6, 1802.
Charles and Sally Herrick of Barre, Dec. 31, 1804.
Charles and Elizabeth Clark, Mar. 29, 1821.
Charles and Mary A. Stevens, Mar. 30, 1826.
Charlotte and Peter Chamberlin, Nov. 17, 1791.
Deborah and Oliver Woodward of Wardsboro, Vt. int. Feb. 18, 1803.
Ebenezer and Wid. Isabel Whittemore of Dana, int. June 16, 1814.
Eliza C. and Asa K. Bruce of Hardwick, Apr. 16, 1839.
Enoch[Jr. in int.] and Lucy Bowker, July 9, 1791.
Fanny and Israel Houghton 2nd, June 14, 1814.
Hannah and James Rice Jr. of Barre, June 23, 1805.
John and Nancy Marsh, Nov. 30, 1814.
Joseph W. and Abby Paige of Hardwick, int. Apr. 27, 1844.
Mrs. Louisa and Capt. Israel Houghton, Dec. 30, 1827.
Lucy and Simon Whitney, Mar. 20, 1783.
Lucy Ann (d. Charles and Mary A., a. 20) and Merick Blanchard of Boston, Feb. 29, 1848.
Luke and Susan S. Rice of Barre, int. Nov. 29, 1828.
Lydia and Lemuel Hodges, Mar. 29, 1814.
Patience and Ezra Prouty of Dana, June 14, 1809.
Samuel and Polly Wheeler of Westmoreland, int. Sept. 20, 1794.
Samuel and Eveline Winslow of Barre, int. Sept. 9, 1826.
Timothy W. of Hardwick and Mary A. Houghton, May 14, 1835.
Zilphia (d. Charles and Mary A., a. 19) and Adin Tolman, Sept. 30, 1849.
Eunice A. [Almira in int.] of Dana and Jonathan Sanderson 2nd, May 27, 1829.
Thomas and Sophia Holland, Nov. 15, 1785.
Mrs. Betsey and William Gates Esq. of Lunenbury, Vt., Jan. 28, 1829.
Damaris and William Bigelow of Guiilford, Mar. 15, 1782.
Eber and Dolly Grout, July 13, 1803.
Eliza and Aaron Arms Esq. of Deerfield, June 27, 1826.
Eunice and Guy Bridgewater Of Hinsdel, Vt. Feb. 17, 1797.
Hucthins and Betsy Grout, Oct. 20, 1789.
Lucinda and John Fitch of Guilford, June 16, 1791.
Lydia and Jonas Bond, Feb. 8, 1789.
Maria and Ephraim Hinds Esq. of Harvard, Apr. 28, 1823.
Mary F. and Elijah Kimball of Grafton, Mar. 31, 1840.
Oliver of New Ipswich, N.H., and Lucy Smith, Nov. 10, 1799.
Seth and Lydia Wilson, July 24, 1831.
Sophia of Barre and John Wilder Jr., int. Dec. 5, 1778.
Susan Elizabeth and Joseph Warren Upton, May 17, 1842.
Thomas and Betsey Hopkins, int. Jan. 15, 1818.
Dr. Leander and Elizabeth Bigelow, Apr. 23, 1835.
HARIS[Harris in int. (see Harrice)]
Ebenezer King and Polly Munro, Sept. 30, 1787.
HARRICE (see Harris)
Robert[Harris in int.] and Mahitable Rogers, May 6, 1761.
HARRING[Harrington in int.]
John of New Salem and Azubah Bryant, Apr. 18, 1803.
Ami and Pamma Maclaling, int. May 10, 1788.
Catherine and Joseph Curtis, Sept. 15, 1836.
David and Catherine Mahan, int. Aug. 6, 1803.
Ebenezer of Palintine, N.Y. and Lucy Smith, int. Oct. 18, 1796.
Harriet F. and Luke Blake of Westborough, Jan. 19, 1820.
Joel and Ruth Wheeler of Shutsbury, int. Sept. 14, 1791.
Lydia L. and Charles H. Braman, int. Oct. 7, 1837.
Mary Ann and Avery Bacon of Barre, Sept. 20, 1842.
Mrs. Prudence of Westborough and Capt. Clap Spooner, int. Mar. 26, 1819.
Tabitha of Worcester and Elisha Crosby, int. May---,1763.
William and Mary A. Braman of Barre, Oct. 3, 1843, in Barre.
Hannah and Russell Hale, Jan. 24, 1822.
Jane and Sprague Smith, July 4, 1825.
Mary M. and Seneca F. Deane, Aug. 18, 1842.
Richard of Athol and Celia Sprague, Nov. 16, 1806.
Samuel and Sally Hemengway, May 2, 1814.
Silas and Lydia Goodenough, int. Nov. 12, 1772.
Elizabeth and Elisha Flagg, Feb. 24, 1791.
Polly and Beriah Woodward, Aug. 2, 1792.
Abigail of Hardwick and William Haskell, int. Apr. 28, 1821.
Abraham of Munson and Mary Gallond, Dec. 4, 1808.
A. Sumner of Hillsboro, Ill., and Helen E. Parkhurst, Apr. 9, 1844.
Charles A. of New Salem and Prudence Stearns, Dec. 2, 1835.
Eliza W. and William Merry, July 4, 1844.
Col. Ira (s. Elias and Mercy, a. 46, widr.) and Harriet Oldes, both of Greenwich, May 12, 1845.*
William and Abigail Haskell of Hardwick, int. Apr. 28, 1821.
William N. of Hardwick and Susan B. Johnson, Apr. 27, 1841.
Loring of New Salem and Mary Gale, int. July 6, 1843.
Lydia and Daniel Hunt 2nd, both of Prescott, Apr. 15, 1840., in Prescott.*
Sophia S. and William H. Tolman of New Braintree, int. Feb. 7, 1842.
Ruth and Martain Rice, int. Apr. 3, 1779.
Amherst and Hariot Stearns of Hardwick, int. Oct. 18, 1811.
Caroline S. (d. Walter and Mary, a. 25) and Emory Sibley, May 29, 1849.
Elizabeth and Josiah Wheeler, int. Apr. 19, 1819.
Ellen C. (d. Dan and Alice) and Harding C. Rogers of Nashua, N.H., Aug. 2, 1848.
Henrietta and Joel Osgood of Harvard, Mar. 6, 1804.
Henry and Abigail Haws of Barre, int. June 1, 1785.
Isaac of Templeton and Sarah Goddard, int. Oct. 6, 1774.
John Jr. of Heath and Lucretia Ward, Jan. 29, 1823.
Louis[Louisa in int.] and Asaph Browning of Hubbardston, Apr. 9, 1816.
Mrs. Mary of Barre and Timothy Whitney, int. Jan. 5, 1848.
Sarah (d. Dan and Alice) and Warren Fuller of Worcester, Oct. 10, 1848.
Sukey of Warwick and Ebenezer Walker, int. Mar. 31, 1809.
Franklin and Mary A. Davis of West Boylston, int. July 31, 1848.
Lt. Joel and Anna Babbet, Jan. 27, 1814.
Seth and Azubah Meachum, May 23, 1819.
Thomas and Militiah Hixon of Greenwich, int. Jan. 13, 1801.
Betsey and James Stone, Nov. 16, 1817.
(see Stone), Mrs. Beluah and Samuel Stone, Feb. 23, 1823.
Mary and Nathan Dudley, July 4, 1819.
Aaron and Betsy Town, int. Apr. 6, 1801.
Elizabeth N. of Dedham and Rev. Solomon Clark, int. Apr. 17, 1841.
Sally of New Salem and Obediah Hamilton, July 15, 1802.
Samuel S. of Athol and Anna Stevens, int. Jan. 20, 1841.
Artemas and Clara N. Kiloer of Barre, int. Dec. 12, 1846.
Bulah of Barre and Edward Brigham, int. Jan. 8, 1792.
Daniel of Barre and Maria Dennis, Jan. 28, 1842.
Mrs.[Miss in int.] Nancy and Jeduthan Green of Rutland, Feb. 12, 1832.
Susanna of Newtown and Amos Stone, int. Dec. 7, 1788.
Abigail of Barre and Henry Hastings, int. June 1, 1785.
Eunice of Barre and John Davenport, int. Sept. 2, 1786.
Lois of Barry and Joshua Wilder, int. Sept. 16, 1781.
Mrs. Ann C. and Elias Ayers of Barre, Nov. 12, 1843.
Edwin of Templeton and Fanny Johnson, Apr. 22, 1840.
Abijah[Jr. in int.] and Louis Frizel, Feb. 5, 1792.
James and Olive Willias of Hardwick, int. Jan. 27, 1776.
Nancy and Sanford Babbit, June 15, 1789.
Elna of Boston and Eliza Paris, Nov. 28, 1814.
Huldah and Charles J. Baker of Gerry, Mar. 16, 1806.
Joseph of Boston and Lydia Chandler, int. Oct. 11, 1800.
Sally and Samuel Harris, May 2, 1814.
Susanna and Joseph Hinds, Sept. 23, 1819.
Lucretia and Artemas Baker, Dec. 13, 1812.
Solomon of Rutland District and Rebeckah Willson, int. Apr. 13, 1776.
Joel of Lancaster, N.H. and Esther Houghton, int. Aug. 3, 1806.
Jonathan of Rutland and Martha Resine Wilder, int. Apr. 9, 1773.
David of Rutland and Jane Cook, June 27, 1831.
Horatio F. of Boston and Mary Holland, Oct. 17, 1831.
John of Heath and Eliza Spooner, Nov. 7, 1827.
Samuel of Rutland and Polly Gates, Oct. 22, 1795.
Elizabeth R. and John A. Peckham of Charleston, Sept. 8, 1828.
Molly and Job Larkcom, int. Aug. 9, 1760.
Sally of Barre and Charles Hammond, Dec. 31, 1804.
Azubah of Keen, N.H. and Nahum Clark, int. Nov. 2, 1811.
Clark and Sally Amesden of Dana, June 30, 1811.
Elijah and Polly Stearns, June 15, 1795.
Elijah and Melinda Williams of Dana, int. Feb. 20, 1830.
Elizabeth and Jonas Davis of Chesterfield, Nov. 4, 1762.
Elizabeth and Benjamin Simons, Dec. 19, 1802.
Elvira and Alvah Piper of Phillipston, Nov. 5, 1833.
[wid] in int.] Esther and James Wheeler of Chesterfield, Dec. 1, 1768.
Isaac of Cherfield and Sarah Wheeler, int. Dec, 11, 1773.
John and Elizabeth Far of Chesterfield, N.H., int. Feb. 6, 1768.
John Jr. and Eunice Clark of Providence, R.I., int. June 5, 1794.
Laton of Chesterfield and Lucy Pierce, Dec. 6, 1784.*
Luna and Curtis Gleason, Dec. 8, 1813.
Oliver and Rhoda Clark, Oct. 11, 1804.
Paul and Fanny P. Tower, Nov. 14, 1824.
Paul and Susan Clark, July 7, 1829.
Polly and Samuel B. Hubbard of Littleton, N.H., Feb. 14, 1813.
Samantha and Daniel Wood of Mendon, Dec. 3, 1836.
Rachel and Howlan Clark of Providence, Dec. 10, 1797.
Sally and John Hubbard of Chesterfield, N.H., Nov. 28, 1816.
Samuel of Chesterfield, N.H., and Sally Bosworth, Jan. 10, 1788.
Silas and Lydia Clements, May 4, 1830.
Ekias H. and Vercy Meacham of Dana, Jan. 4, 1816.
Elias H. (s. Leonard and Margaret, a. 63, widr.) and Charlotte Johnson, Apr. 20, 1848.
Levine of Athol and David Wheeler, Nov. 11, 1795.
Mrs. Sabrina and Nathan Moulton of Prescott, int. Oct. 10, 1835.
Charlotte of Dana and Lucius Johnson, int. May 13, 1820.
Cornelius of Hubbardston and Augusta Witt, Apr. 17, 1834.
Eda and Thomas J. Chamberlin, Jan. 15, 1826.
Ephraim Esq. of Harvard and Maria Hapgood, Apr. 28, 1823.
Joseph and Susanna Hemenway, Sept. 23, 1819.
Samuel M. of Lancaster and Sarah Cook, May 14, 1834.
Susannah of Greenwich and James Calhoon, int. June 29, 1787.
Fanny of Barre and Francis Baker, int. Oct. 25, 1820.
Sally of Barre and Aaron Rice 2nd, int. Oct. 27, 1831.
Militiah of Greenwich and Thomas Hatstat, int. Jan. 23, 1801.
Mrs. Betsey and Lyscom Brigham of Shutesbury, int. Oct. 13, 1818.
Shadrach Jr. of New Salem and Betsy Hammond, int. Jan. 6, 1802.
Abiel and Thankfull Amsden, int. May 29, 1778.
Henry A. (s. Jerry and Mary, a. 28) and Martha A. Upton, Sept. 13, 1848.
Jarvis of Norton and Rhoda Fairbanks, May 26, 1828.
Lemuel and Lydia Hammond, Mar. 29, 1814.
Lydia and William Harrison Bancroft, Sept. 15, 1841.
Simeon W. of Norton and Emeline Babbit, May 27, 1841.
HODGKINS (see Hadskins, Hoskins)
John of Charlestown, Vt. (N.H. in int.), and Hannah Spooner, May 6, 184.
Samuel and Mrs. Catherine Howe of New Salem, int. Apr. 16, 1836.
HODSKINS[Hadskins in int.],
Betsey and Eliphlet Totman, Feb. 4, 1812.
Sally and Stevens Spooner of Springfield, N.Y., Feb. 15, 1789.
Samuel of New Salem and Mrs. Zerviah Dudley, int. May 9, 1829.
Samuel and Mrs. Anna Robbins of Orange, June 26, 1838.
Mrs. Sarah Ann and John Rathburn, Aug. 18, 1837.
William and Mrs. Lucy Russell, May 8, 1836.
Almira and Alva Wilber of New Salem, Nov. 30, 1825.
Betsey of Holden and Theodore Winn, int. Dec. 5, 1811.
Charlotte and David Rogers of Greenwich, int. Nov. 13, 1835.
Horatio and Lucinda Gibbs of Greenwich, int. Jan. 20, 1838.
Martha and Lt. John R. Whipple of Orange, int. Feb. 20, 1825.
Matilda of Greenwich and Woodman Wheeler, Mar. 25, 1839.
Puah and John Brooks, int. Apr. 3, 1819.
Samuel and Harriet Hamilton, Apr. 28, 1826.
Mrs. Sarah of Grafton and Capt. Joel Brooks, int. Mar. 9, 1818.
Abigail of Harvard and David Allen, int. Oct. 15, 1757.
Audersa of Orange and Orator Meachum, Jan. 27, 1839. At South Orange.
Jonna of Harvard and Ephraim Robbins, int. Jan. 19, 1765.
Betsey and Daniel Gale Jr., Nov. 29, 1809.
Emily and Nahum Gale, Nov. 22, 1814.
Esther and Abraham Robbinson, Nov. 20, 1781.
George and Lovicy Gates, int. Aug. 11, 1821.
Hannah and Jesse Gale, int. Nov. 30, 1805.
Ivory and Martha Rogers,---, 1762.
Capt. James of Barre and Elvira Brigham, Apr. 16, 1828.
John and Hannah Cutting, int. July 30, 1771.
John and Thankfull Wilder, int. Nov. 26, 1774.
Jonas and Hannah Spooner, int. Feb. 25, 1787.
Jonas and Susannah Willard, Feb. 25, 1790.
Lovicy and Luther Adams Jr. of Barre, Oct. 13, 1830.
Lucy and Charles Eager, Mar. 1, 1820.
Luther and Elisabeth Spooner, Dec. 10, 1775.
Luther Jr. and Clarisa Ashley of Sunderland, int. June 10, 1802.
Mary and Abel Loring, int. Apr. 21, 1821.
Mary and Horatio F. Henry of Boston, Oct. 17, 1831.
Nancy and Asa Baker of Princeton, Mar. 29, 1830.
Park and Lucy Spooner, int. Aug. 3, 1784.
Patty and Samuel Daney, int. Oct. 6, 1781.
Mrs. Polly and Ebenezer Cox of Barnard, Vt., Feb. 19, 1829.
Prescott and Susan Laraby, int. Oct. 20, 1833.
Prescott and Betsey Slye of Dummerston, Vt. Feb. 11, 1815.
Sarah S. and George W. Chamberlin, Oct. 17, 1831.
Sophia and Thomas Hancock, Nov. 15, 1785.
Mrs. Susan and Warren Newton, Feb. 4, 1840.
Thankful and Joseph Adams of Barre, May 9, 1815.
Vashti and Benjamin How, int. Dec. 21, 1783.
Wilder and Polly Stone, Mar. 26, 1797.
Sophia of Barre and Alexander Joslin, int. Feb. 16, 1792.
Cumfort of Bolton and Abraham Knolton of Narragansett, No. 6, int. Nov. 3, 1758.
Francis of Ward and Sally Holman, int. Oct. 27, 1788.
John M. (s. Oliver and Anna, a. 33) and Eunice Sanderson, May 31, 1848.
Judith and Moody Severy of Sutton, Sept. 21, 1793.
Oliver and Anna Morse of Athol, int. Sept. 22, 1808.
Sally and Francis Holman of Ward, int. Oct. 27, 1788.
Sarah G. and Plummer Prouty of Spencer, June 30, 1842.
Lucy and Ephraim Willard, int. Jan. 31, 1801.
Polly of Hardwick and John Morse of Dommerston, Vt., Apr. 22, 1800.*
Sarah of Worcester and William Willard Jr., Feb. 25, 1790.
Polly of New Salem and Peter Chase, Mar. 15, 1798.
HOLTON (see Houlton)
Arathusa W. of Winchester, N.H., and John H. Gale, int. Dec. 6, 1846.
Lemuel of Northfield and Lydia Shattuck, int. May 30, 1776.
Mary of Greenwich and John Lawton, int. Oct. 21, 1783.
Betsey and Thomas Hapgood, int. 15, 1818.
Lucy and John A. Page of Boston, Oct. 27, 1842.
Melinda and Timothy Billings of Hardwick, Nov. 17, 1805.
Moses and Mary Mason of Barre, int. Oct. 29, 1808.
` Susan R. and John A. Paige of Boston, Oct. 1, 1833.
Thirza and James Paige of Boston, July 8, 1810.
Experience and Abraham Sawyer, both of Narragansett, No. 6, Apr. 30, 1761.*
Alkanah and Lydia Morse, Apr. 5, 1791.
[Hodskins in int.] Sibel and Calib Chamberlin, Nov. 7, 1794.[1793?]
Ira and Lucy Devenport, both of Gill, Oct. 15, 1798.*
Elihu and Polly Dean, Mar. 20, 1783.
Asa of Putney and Lydia Presen Houghton, Oct. 23, 1782.
Ebenezer of Putney and Hadasah Houghton, int. Sept. 26, 1776.
Eleanor and Charles Braman, Mar. 21, 1815.
Eleanor F. and Bowman C. Gilbert of Prescott, Mar. 17, 1841.
Esther and Joel Hemmingway of Lancaster, N.H.. int. Aug. 3, 1806.
Hadasah and Ebenezer Houghton of Putney, int. Sept. 26, 1776.
Israel and Mary Eliot, int. May 28, 1767.
Israel and Lydia Shaw, Oct. 11, 1802.
Israel 2nd and Fanny Hammond, June 14, 1814.
Capt. Israel and Mrs. Louisa Hammond, Dec. 30, 1827.
James of Guilford and Betsy Stowell, Jan. 21, 1790.
Jane and Maj. George White, May 8, 1832.
Jemima and Jeremiah Dean, July 14, 1802.
Jerusha and Daniel Dean, Dec. 22, 1801.
Jonas and Phebe Rixford, int. Sept. 13, 1785.
Jotham and Esther Taylor, int. Nov. 12, 1759.
Jotham and Eunice Wilder, Oct. 6, 1762.
Levi of Guilford, Vt. and hannah Dimick, May 10, 1798.
Lucinda and Oliver Nye, Nov. 17, 1791.
Lucy R. and Kies Upton of New Salem, Apr. 20, 1843.
Lydia Presen and Asa Houghton of Putney, Oct. 23, 1782.
Mary of Leominster and David Willson, int. June 5, 1773.
Mary A. and Timothy W. Hammond of Hardwick, May 14, 1835.
Miranda and David C. Page of Hardwick, Mar. 30, 1837.
Olive and Enoch Cleveland, Sept. 23, 1784.
Olive A. and Homer H. of Hubbardston, Apr. 20, 1842.
Parley D. and Charlotte E. Dresser of Worcester, int. Mar. 7, 1846.
Pharas and Jemima Southward, int. Jan. 2, 1775.
Shevah and Sarah Piper, int. Oct. 25, 1771.
Simeon and Rachel Dean, Jan. 28, 1802.
Tamar of Leominster and Levi Woods, int. Dec. 4, 1762.
Thaddeus and Prudence Wilder, May----, 1765.
Thomas and Lydia Dunn, Apr. 5, 1815.
Thomas D. (s. Zarah and Elenor, a. 58, widr.) and Lydia Brown of Phillipston, July 17, 1848.
Zarah and Marcy Piper, June 1, 1769.
Zarah and Elenor Darbee, int. Oct. 9, 1783.
HOULTON (see Holton)
Henry of Salem and Hannah Winslow, int. Aug. 21, 1767.
HOW (see Howe)
Abel and Hannah Needham, int. Oct. 8, 1778.
Asa and Esther Bowker, int. May 8, 1786.
Benjamin and Vashti Holland, int. Dec. 21, 1783.
Betsy and Jazaniah Knapp, int. Apr. 7, 1798.
Ephraim Jr. and Lydia Wilder, int. Oct. 21, 1809.
George and Lephe Stratton of Garry, int. May 3, 1795.
Joel and Sally How, int. Jan. 30, 1801.
John and Mary Needham of Templeton, int. July 3, 1775.
Mary and Jacob Amsden, Sept. 19, 1751.
Micajah and Sarah Emes of Rutland, int. Oct. 18, 1756.
Patince of Marlbororough and Edward Baker, int. Oct. 2, 1756.
Sally and Joel How, int. Jan. 30, 1801.
Silvanus and Mary Rice of Rutland District[both of Petersham, int.]. Dec. 26, 1763.
Silvanus[Jr. in int.] of Templeton and Miriam Bragg, Feb. 25, 1798.
Theodore of Hanaca and Lydia Johnson, int. Oct. 3, 1771.
John of West Springfield and Jerusha Rogers, Dec. 19, 1795.
Lydia A. of Winchester, N.H., and Hudson H. Tolman, int. Mar. 13, 1844.
Tamzin and Nathaniel Merrick of Chesterfiel, N.H., int. May 26, 1800.
HOWE (see How)
Abel and Martha Williams of Hubbardston, int. Apr. 12, 1841.
Artemas of Barre and Sophia M. Wetherell, Jan. 1, 1823.
Betsey and Elias Bullard of Wendell, Dec. 12, 1827.
Mrs. catherine of New Salem and Samuel Hodskings, int. Apr. 16, 1836.
Dolly and Edward Wilcox, May 3, 1835.
Emily W. of Keene, N.H. and Henry Mason Jr., int. May 10, 1845.
Frederick of Worcester (s. Asa and Relief, a. 23) and Hannah C. NcNear, Nov. 26, 1846.
Mrs. Grace and Silas Sawyer of Phillipston, int. Apr. 19, 1841.
Jedediah B. of Worcester and Amanda Chamberlin, Mar. 29, 1829.
John and Grace Moore of Gerry, int. Feb. 8, 1810.
John R. (s. Washington and Silence, a. 26) and Lucy K. Wetherell, Jan. 27, 1848.
Jonas and Arathusa Negus, Dec. 1, 1816.
Jonas H. and Margaret A. Swindell of Boston, int. May 8, 1846.
Josiah D. and Hannah Rice of Barre, int. May 11, 1832.
Lambert and Sarah M. Newton of templeton, int. Oct. 22, 1831.
Lucy and George Gates, int. Aug. 29, 1818.
Mary and Oliver Gates, Nov. 3, 1805.
Rebecca M. (d. Washington, a. 35) and Antrim White of Barre, Apr. 2, 1845.
Stephen and Betsey T. White, June 10, 1840.
Thomas S. and Charlotte Bigelow, June 9, 1847.
John and Harriet V. Fiske, Mar. 4, 1841.
Sarah of Dana and Ephraim Covell, int. June 2, 1821.
Catherine and Ebenezer Claflin of Boston, int. Jan. 4, 1815.
John of Chesterfield, N.H., and Sally Hildreth, Nov. 28, 1816.
Martha of Worcester and Thomas Rogers, July 14, 1742.
Samuel B.[Billings in int.] of Littleton, N.H., and Polly Hildreth, Feb. 14, 1813.
Stillman of Holden and Hannah M. Mosier, Oct. 18, 1832.
Zebina of Sunderland and Lydia Ann Whipple, Oct. 4, 1837.
HUTCHINSON (see Hutchinson)
Bartholomew and Lydia King. Feb. 8, 1793.*
Ezar and Releaf Autherton of templeton, int. June 24, 1764.
Naby of new Braintree and Stephen White, int. Jan. 7, 1792.
Sarah and Joel Grout, Nov. 3, 1756.
Seth and Abigail Sanderson, int. June 12, 1777.
Daniel 2nd and Lydia Haskins, both of Prescott, Apr. 15, 1840. In Prescott.*
Gustavus A.M. and Hannah C. Peabody of Athol, June 17, 1843.
Henry Willard and Sarah Woods, int. May 24, 1775.
Lydia of Greenwich and Joab Stowell, int. May 29, 1778.
Polly of Shutesbury and Martha L. Pratt, int. Apr. 18, 1818.
Betsy and William Thomson of Barre, June 20, 1802.
Joel and Rhoda Parementer, Feb. 22[May 31 in dup.], 1801.
HUTCHINSON (see Huchinson)
Lydia and Jonathan Mead, Feb. 17, 1800.
Sarah of Greenwich and Rufus Doane, int. Sept. 14, 1836.
Joesph of Surry, N.H. and Lucy Knapp, int. Aug. 4, 1800.
Sarah and Samuel Sibbely of Hardwick, int. Aug. 16, 1773.
Azubah and Capt. Welcome Wadsworth, int. Aug. 29, 1824.
Eliza and Capt. Joel Osgood of New Salem, Sept. 7, 1840.
Mary and William Smith of New Salem, Feb. 15, 1821.
Richard of New Salem and Ann Chamberlin, Aug. 9, 1843.
Ruth and Samuel Chamberlin, int. Nov. 28, 1776.
Loas and William Chamberlin, int. Dec. 11, 1777.
Anna and Charles Baker Jr. of Templeton, int. Aug. 5, 1779.
Ellis E. and Mary Ann Johnson, int. Jan. 16, 1826.
James and Mary Duncan, Aug. 17, 1757.
James Jr. and Ruth Fiske of Gerry, int. Jan. 3, 1793.
James A. and Melinda Curtis, Feb. 7, 1833.
Rev. John of Gill and Rebeca Rogers, Feb. 27, 1798.
Lucretia and Otis Prentiss of Ward, int. May 30, 1795.
Mary and John M. Woodis, Sept. 3, 1838.
Naby and Robert Brandish of Athol, Sept. 23, 1793.
Nathan and Betsy Stevens of Gerry, int. Apr. 11, 1800.
Patty and Joel Brooks, Dec. 25, 1787.
Polly[Mary in int.] and Joesph Baker, Mar. 4, 1788.
Ruthy B. and Lyman Knowton, June 16, 1823.
Sophis and Moses Sanderson, int. Aug. 14, 1784.
John of Hardwick and Rhoda Smith, int. Oct. 1, 1785.
JENISON (see Jennison)
John and Dolly Spooner, May 4, 1806.
James W. of Barre (s. Southworth and Huldah, a. 68, widr.) and Aura Rice, June 25, 1848.
JENNISON (see Jenison)
George C. of Ware and Elizabeth H. Wilder, June 2, 1842.
Aaron and Betsey Crosset, Nov. 19, 1804.
Amos and Polly Knapp, Oct. 18, 1807.
Amos and Mary Mendall, Mar. 29, 1827.
Amos D. and Orilla Parker of Battleboro, Vt. int. Apr. 25, 1846.
Ann and Horace Maynard of Templeton, Jan. 24, 1839.
Anna of Worcester and Daniel Bigelow, int. Jan. 10, 1783.
Arathusa of Templeton and Hubbard Peckham, int. Nov. 6, 1825.
Caleb and Sarah Sanderson, int. Jan. 23, 1773.
Mrs. Celia of Hardwick and John Peckham, int. Apr. 3, 1841.
Charlotte (d. Samuel and Martha Hinds, a. 46, wid.) and Elias H. Hill, Apr. 20, 1848.
Daniel and Sylvia Vining of Chesterfield, N.H., int. Dec. 6, 1828.
Fanny and Edwin Hawkes of Templeton, Apr. 22, 1840.
Fiducia and Hiram A. Meachum, both of Dana, July 4, 1840. In Dana.*
Henry and Lucy Clements, Apr. 20, 1820.
Jaazaniah M. K. and Lydia Twitchell, Jan. 1, 1838.
Jonathan and Rachel Felton, int. Aug. 21, 1773.
Jonathan and Margaret Wheeler Jr., Dec. 6, 1801.
Jonathan Jr. and Melinda Wheeler, Oct. 8, 1811.
Joshua Jr. and Hannah Townsend of New Salem, int. Oct. 2, 1796.
Joshua Jr. and Lucinda Johnson of Dana, int. Nov. 4, 1826.
Levi and Hannah Wheeler, Apr. 10, 1796.
Levi and Mrs. Betsey Weeks, Aug. 25, 1809.
Levi and Lucinda Rockwood, May 14, 1834.
Lucinda of Dana and Joshua Johnson Jr., int. Nov. 4, 1826.
Lucinda of Dana and Isaiah Woods, int. Mar. 2, 1829.
Lucius and Charlotte Hinds of Dana, int. May 13, 1820.
Mrs. Luthera of Dana and Charles Randall, int. July 2, 1842.
Lydia and Theodore How of Hanaca, int. Oct. 3, 1771.
Lydia and John Rider Jr., Jan. 1, 1839.
Lyman and Luthera Amsden, both of Dana, Nov. 7, 1839. In Dana. *
Mary and David Goddard Jr. Aug. 4, 1822.
Mary of Barre and Isaac Osgood, int. Mar. 6, 1841.
Mary Ann and Ellis E. Jackson, int. Jan.16, 1826.
Polly of templeton and Jonathan Simmons, int. Dec. 14, 1823,
Rachel and Samuel Towne of Dana, Apr. 3, 1834.
Rebecca and Rufus Eddy of Charlton, May 12, 1829.
Sarah and John Mendell, int. Apr. 13, 1771.
Silas of Hardwick and Patience Walker, int. June 16, 1766.
Susan and Phillip Gale of Heath, Oct. 10, 1835.
Susan B. and William N. Haskell of Hardwick, Apr. 27, 1841.
Unis of Greenwich and Earl Flag, int. July 2, 1768.
William and Persis Willson, int. Oct. 18, 1771.
William and Nancy Rogers, int. Sept. 28, 1816.
Benjamin of Templeton and Mercy Wilder, int. Aug. 20, 1775.
Harvey of Milton, N.Y. and Mrs. Harriet Ward, Feb. 4, 1834.
Sarah of Winchester, N.H. and Levi Lovering, int. Jan. 7, 1832.
Alexander and Sophia Hollet of Barre, int. Feb. 16, 1792.