To the end of the year 1849
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

To the Year 1850
(*=Intentions not recorded)
J. Bartlett of waterford, Ct. (s. Benjamin and Sally, a. 24). and Susan D. Rider, Jan. 3, 1849
Mrs. Hannah W., and Horace Whitcomb, both of Winchendon, Nov. 12, 1839. In Winchendon.*
Homer H., [N. in int.] of Hubbardston and Olive A. Houghton, Apr. 20, 1842.
Joseph of Barre and Thankful Holland, May 9, 1815.
Lucretia and Timothy Butterfield of Narragansett, No.. 6, Feb. 10, 1757.
Luther Jr. of barre and Lovicy Holland, Oct. 13, 1830.
Mary of Barre and John Carruth, int. Mar. 5, 1831.
William and Abigail Knap, int. May ---, 1770.
Amasa and Hannah Bancroft, Feb. 27, 1803.
Chloe and Benjamin Jr. , int. Mar. 25, 1803.
Forister and Lucy Peirce, Mar. 19, 1829.
Jacob [Jr. in int.] and Polly Wheeler, June 14, 1802.
Patty and Austin Brooks, Dec. 9, 1813.
Samuel and Betsy Hammond, Feb. 20, 1799.
H. Almedia of Hardwick and George P. Wheeler, int. May 20, 1848.
Charles B. of Worcester(s. Isaac and Sarah, a. 23) and Charlotte L. Eaton, May 15, 1845.
Nancy and Ebenezer Winslow, Nov. 21, 1802.
Polly and Daniel Wallis of Gilford, Nov. 26, 1801.
Thomas and Abigail Butterfield, June 5, 1836.
Mary Ann and Major Peckham, May 25, 1842.
Abner and Philadelphia Crowl of Ward, int. May 20, 1793.
Ann of Dana and Eli Ames of Greenfield, Oct. 29, 1841. In Dana.*
Anna of Barre and Capt. Rufus Stowell, int. Apr. 29, 1827.
Aron and Lucy Train, int. Oct. 15, 1768.
Cynthia and Alpheus Crowl, June 18, 1793.
David and Abigail Holden of Harvard, int. Oct. 15, 1757.
Elisha and Caroline Flint of Rutland, int. July 16, 1787.
Jeremiah and Lucy Farmer of Billerica, int. June 28, 1803.
Jonathan of Rutland District and Hannah Smith, Sept. 30, 1762.*
Joesph of Winchester and Molly Chesnut, Dec. 12, 1780.
Maria H. and Austin Whitney of Gardner, Dec. 26, 1843.
Mary and Nathanial Carpenter of Pomfret, Nov. 1, 1747.
Mary of Barre and Joel Powers, int. mar. 15, 1824.
[Rev. in int.] Warren of Orange and Lucy Grosvenor, Mar. 3, 1842.
Moses and Persis Negus, Sept. 1, 1761.
Eli of Greenfeld and Ann Allen of Dana, Oct. 29, 1841. In Dana*.
Amelia of Dana and Alfred J. Carruth, Mar. 26, 1844.
Anna of Dana and Amos Briggs Jr., int. Nov. 27, 1801.
Mrs. Anna L. and Samuel Whitney Jr. of Brimfeld, June 13, 1837.
Bezaleel and Anna Wardin, int. Nov. 14, 1778.
Charles and Lucy Jane Barnes of Hardwick, int. Dec. 14, 1842.
Charles E. and Diantha C. Peabody, Jan. 1, 1840.
Daniel H. of Dana and Anna L. Peckham, July 7, 1814.
David and Rebecca Peckham, int. oCT. 10, 1818.
Diantha C. and David L. Peabody, int. Dec. 8, 1845.
Ellis P. and Clarissa Vaughn of Prescott, Mar. 7, 1837.
Ephraim and Betty Woodward, Apr. 12, 1786.
Hannah and James Smith, int. Dec. 13, 1774.
Jacob and Mary How, Sept. 19, 1751.
Jacob and Sally Felton, Apr. 24, 1783.
Jacob of Dummerston, Vt. and Polly Bosworth, Mar. 13, 1822.
Joel [Jacob in int.] and Lucinda Partridge, Oct. 5, 1791.
Lauriston and Nancy Bosworth, Jan. 17, 1837.
Lucinda and Nelson Bosworth, int. Oct. 10, 1840.
Luthera and Lyman Johnson, both of Dana, Nov. 7, 1839. In Dana.*
Mary and James Claffin, June 11, 1767.*
Mary of Dana and Benjamin Butterfield, int. Feb. 13, 1839.
Persis and Benjamin Bosworth, int. July 12, 1779.
Philena and Charles A. Gleason, both of Dana, Mar. 10, 1841. In Dana.*
Polly and Joseph Smith of Barre, int. Jan. 3, 1801.
Polly and Harmon [Haman in int.] Town of Greenwich, Feb. 18, 1813.
Sally of Dana and Clark Hildreth, June 30, 1811.
Sally and Shubael Shaw of New Salem, Apr. 30, 1816.
Sarah and John Clemence, int. Apr. 4, 1772.
Seth W. and Fanny V. Doane, both of Dana, Mar. 23, 1840. In Dana*.
Thankful and Abiel Hodges, int. May 29, 1778.
Collins and Sabrina Elsworth of Barre, int. Nov. 17, 1848.
Aaron Esq. of Deerfield and Eliza Hapgood, June 27, 1826.
Clarisa of Sunderland and Luther Holland Jr. int. June 10. 1802.
Elizabeth and Ephraim Wheeler of Greenwich, Jan. 8, 1784.
ATHERTON (see Autherton)
Joshua and Mrs. Abigail Goss Jr. of Boston, int. Sept. 5, 1765.
Nathaniel and Jemima Daniels of Westmoreland, N.H., int. Dec. 5, 1800.
Reuben of Westminster [Vt. in int.] and Elizabeth Willard, Nov. 9, 1792.
Alfred of Barre and Marenia Dudley, May 19, 1836.
Elvira of New Salem and James S. Lamb, int. May 6, 1843.
Miriam H. of Erving and John Bouker, int. Apr. 19, 1845.
AUTHERTON (see Atherton)
Releaf of Templeton and Ezar Hidson, int. June 24, 1764.
Ruth of Hardwick and Seth Woodward, int. July 7, 1778.
Elias of Barre and Mrs. Ann C. Hawkes, Nov. 22, 1843.
BABBET (see Babet)
Anna and Lt. Joel Hathaway, Jan. 27, 1814.
Dorcas and Jermiah Gallond Jr., Mar. 15, 1801.
Erasmus and Sukey Dudley, June 29, 1749.
Dean of Barre and Lurana Babcock, int. Jan. 10, 1803.
Edward of Worcester and Catherine Chamberlin, Feb. 17, 1824.
Emeline and Simon W. Hodges of Norton, May 27, 1841.
Erasmus of Barre and Molla Walker, int. Jan. 9, 1779.
Ezra of Ware and Lucy Covill, Aug. 20, 1822.
Mary L. and Jonathan W. Fay of Athol, Sept. 11, 1828.
Sanford and Nancy Hawks, June 15, 1789.
Fanny and Joshua Chamberlain Jr. of Painted Post, N.Y. Oct. 7, 1821.
Laban S. and Polly Whipple, May 14, 1820.
Barbary of New Braintree and Samuel Chamberlin Jr., int. Dec. 3, 1790.
Lewis of Ware and Aurelia G. Gallond, Jan. 9, 1826.
Lurana and Dean babbit of Barre, int. Jan. 10, 1803.
Nancy and John L. Gallond, June 28, 1829.
Sewall and Polly Sibley, Nov. 14, 1814.
Susannah and William Clark, int. May 14, 1801.
Typheny and Hardin Clark, Nov. 20, 1794.
BABET (see Babbet)
Silas and Sarah Gallond, int. July 6, 1788.
BACKHAM [Packham in int.]
Samuel and Susanna Winslow, Oct. 9, 1769.
Avery of Barre and Mary Anne Harrington, Sept. 20, 1842.
John B.(s. David and Prudy, a. 21) and Abby M. Southland, Nov. 4, 1846.
Abel and Adeline E. Green, Nov. 27, 1838.
Alice and William Willson of Rutland District, int. Apr. 1, 1772.
Artemas and Lucretia Hemingway, Dec. 13, 1812.
Asa of Princeton and Nancy Holland, Mar. 29, 1830.
Charles Jr. of Templeton and Anna Jackson, int. Aug. 5, 1779.
Charles J. of Gerry and Huldah Haywood, Mar. 16, 1806.
Cyprin and Sibel Wilder, int. May 4, 1780.
Edward and Patince How of Marlborough, int. Oct. 2, 1756.
Edward and Mary Stacy of South Hadley, int. Jan. 31, 1840.
Francis and Fanny Hinkley of Barre, int. Oct. 25, 1820.
Francis and Sally B. Farrar, June 14, 1843.
Joseph and Polly Stevens, int. Mar. 5, 1787.
Joseph and Polly Jackson, Mar. 4, 1788.
Mrs. Lucretia and Samuel Randall, Oct. 1, 1832.
Lydia and Joel Brooks of Grafton, Oct. 7, 1784.
Lydia of Gerry and George W. Felton Jr. int. Apr. 2, 1814.
Mary of Templeton and Gardner Stevens, int. Feb. 6, 1783.
Nancy of Phillipston and Israel Taft, int. Aug. 9, 1822.
Octavia of Savoy and Moses Pike, int. Apr. 16, 1836.
James R. of Providence, R.I., and Mary P. Whipple, July 10, 1822.
Mary Thomas of Shirley and Calvin Willard Esq., int. Mar. 20, 1812.
Moses and Susannah Nutt, both of Pequoiage, int. Jan. 2, 1762.
Moses P. of Athol and Susan H. Peirce, Mar. 27, 1825.
Nathan and Jane Smith, Jan. 10, 1793.
Abigail and Theophilus Chandler, int. Sept. 1, 1773.
Almira and William Bullard of Oakham, Mar. 16, 1824.
Betsey and Harry Taft, Apr. 8, 1827.
Caroline H. and Josha Ballou, Nov. 2, 1841.
Fidelia and Levi Knapp, Apr. 10, 1838.
Joshua and Caroline H. Ballou, Nov. 2, 1841.
Philena(d. Joel and Caroline, a. 40) and Curtis Gould of Athol, May 30, 1849.
Asa of Warwick and Sally Clements, Apr. 6, 1814.
Benjamin Jr. and Chloe Ainsworth, int. Mar. 25, 1803.
Benjamin and Susanna Fay of Athol, int. Dec. 18, 1818.
Ebenzer [of Warwick in int.] and Lucy Knap, June 29, 1785.
Elizabeth M.(d. Harrison and Sally, a. 29) and Rufus Clement, July 2, 1849.
Hannah and Amasa Ainsworth, feb. 27, 1803.
Harrison and Sally Bosworth, int. May 21, 1818.
Harrison(a. 53, widr.) and Abba Fiske, Oct. 16, 1844.
Nancy and Samuel Clapp Jr., int. Mar. 28, 1819.
William Harrison and Lydia Hodges, Sept. 15, 1841.
Anson of Barre and Lydia O. Garfield, int. Apr. 7, 1837.
Elizabeth of Greenwich and Seth Woodard, int. Sept. 1, 1787.
Lydia of Plham and Shevereck Weeks, int. feb. 6, 1807.
Lauraette and Otis Moore, both of Whately, July 21, 1839. In Whately.*
Mehitable and Levi Nichols Jr. of Keene [N.H. in int], Mar. 27, 1789.
Lucy Jane of Hardwick and Charles Amsden, int. Dec. 14, 1842.
Willard of Hardwick [Warwick in int.] and Dolly Stephens, Nov. 20, 1794.
Mrs. Ann of New Braintree and Joshua Sanderson, int. dec. 24, 1831.
Phinehas W. and Mary M. Peirce of New Braintree, int. Apr. 6, 1833.
Lucy of Chelmsford and Ebenezer Wright of Narragansett, No. 56, int. Aug. 20, 1758.
Zacheus of Narragansett, No. 6, and Elizabeth Sprague of Westford, int. mar. 29, 1760.
Mary and Simeon Strong of Amherst, Jan. 16, 1787.
Rev. William of Framingham and Elizabeth C. Willard, Nov. [11], 1835.
Elizabeth H. and Barney Chamberlin, Jan. 24, 1804.
Parley of Orange and Dilla Goddard, Jan. 1, 1804.
Alvin and Sally Bliss, Dec. 13, 1815.
Harriet of Wendell and Lyman Stratton, int. May 19, 1842.
John [Bemman in int.] of Lancaster and Prudence Bullin, May 5, 1761.
Eliot and Rebecca Chamberlin, May 10, 1792.
Fanny and Levi Luther Jr. of East Haddam, Ct. June 15, 1817.
Mrs. Hannah and Mordacai Peckham, int. Nov. 27, 1827.
BEGELOW (see Bigelow, Bigow)
William and Anna Wilder of Barre, int. Apr. 19, 1800.
Amos of Winchendon and Lydia Goodenough. int. Dec. 20, 1785.
Cynthia of Dummerston, Vt. and Joel Chandler, int. Sept. 25, 1804.
Harriet Newel and William Robinson Jr. both of Barre, Nov. 7, 1839. In Barre.*
Luther S. and Abby D. Gates, May 9, 1848.
Eunice and Robert Goddard Jr., Jan. 23, 1805.
Patty and Elisha Goddard, Sept. 24, 1815.
Betsey and Lyman Wilder, Oct. 29, 1806.
Mary and Jonas Wheeler, Dec. 18, 1787.
Scotto Jr. and Mary A. Lovett of Douglas, int. Feb. 2, 1839.
BIGELOW (see Begelow, Biglow)
Abigail of Worcester and Joel Brooks Jr. int. Oct. 16, 1824.
Charles Jr. and Agustta R. Morgan of Brimfield, int. Feb. 14, 1846.
Charlotte and Thomas S. Howe, June 9, 1847.
Daniel and Anna Johnson of Worcester, int. Jan. 10, 1783.
David Jr. of Barre and Susan Gray, int. Aug. 8, 1818.
Eliza and David H. Grosvenor, Jan. 11, 1837.
Elizabeth and Dr. Leander Harding, Apr. 23, 1835.
Esther and Isaiah Richardson of Athol, July 3, 1783.
Hannah and John Whitney, Nov. 8, 1787.
Hannah and Dr. William Parkhurst, Apr. 14, 1817.
Lewis and Harriot Edwards, Feb. 24, 1805.
Lucy W. and Alonzo Woodcock of Phillipston, June 26, 1826.
Mary of Barre and Christopher L. Williams, int. Aug. 12, 1840.
Nancy of Barre and Joseph Dudley, int. June 5, 1814.
Nancy(d. Samuel and Betsey, a. 47) and Solan Stevens of Lowell, Jan. 9, 1849.
Patty of Athol and Joel Davenport, int. Mar. 8, 1807.
Susan and Merrick Ross, Jan. 21, 1821.
William of Guilford and Damaris Hapgood, Mar. 15, 1782.
BIGOW (see Beglow, Bigelow)
Joel and Sarah Stowell, int. Aug. 13, 1774.
Jotham of Athol and Mary Powers, int. Oct. 13, 1771.
Polly of Hardwick and Silas Flagg, int. Dec. 1, 1808.
Silas of Hardwick and Roxanna Parkhurst, Dec. 3, 1809.
Sophia Ann of Athol and Elbridge W. Whitney, int. Sept. 25, 1841.
Timothy of Harwick and Melinda Hopkins, Nov. 17, 1805.
Elmira S. of Dana and William Smith, int. Mar. 30, 1834.
Luke of Westborough and Harriet F. Harrington, Jan. 19, 1820.
Abiathar and Lydia Stowel, Dec. 9, 1813.
Abigail and LUke Osgood or Barre, int. Nov. 22, 1809.
Adeline(d. Abiathar and Lydia, a. 25) and George B. Gallond, June 22, 1847.
Joab and Lucinda Osment of Salem, int. Jan. 3, 1847.
Lorenzo and Harriet R. Eaton of Winchester, N.H., int. Mar. 11, 1847.
Merick of Boston(s. Abiathar, a. 24) and Lucy Ann Hammond, Feb. 29, 1848.
Calvin and Abigail Butterfield of Greenwich, int. June 28, 1823.
Clarissa and Gardner Wheeler of Greenwich, Feb. 4, 1810.
Sally and Alvin Bassett, Dec. 13, 1815.
Louisa C. and Lyman B. Morse, int. Sept. 11, 1847.
Lysander W. Mary L. Pratt, Mar. 26, 1843.
Lydia of Westborough and Solomon Mathews, int. Dec. 17, 1757.
Jonas and Lydia Hapgood, Feb. 8, 1789.
Lucy and Jesse Goodenow, May 22, 1791.
Lydia and Nathan Wheeler, May 10, 1785.
William and Rosannah Negus, Oct. 14, 1794. [1793?]
BORDEN [Barden in int.]
Sally and Stephen Whitaker of Ware, Oct. 20, 1828.
Albert of Montgomery and Susanna M. Stone of Dana, Mar. 20, 1839.*
Benjamin and Perses Amsdan, int. July 12, 1779.
Danford F. Sophronia Braman, May 15, 1835.
Daniel and Sally Crowl, Apr. 16, 1812.
Daniel and Mrs. Weeks, Dec. 28, 1825.
Dicea and Jonathan Bouker Jr. of Twmpleton [Phillipston in int.], May 8, 1827.
Elizabeth and Jonathan Foster of N. Salem, Nov. 23, 1794.
Gardner and Hannah Crowl, int. Sept. 7, 1824.
George and Hannah Gibbs, June 4, 1793.
George and Eunice Powers, Jan. 26, 1823.
George Jr. and Lucinda Clapp, Oct. 2, 1827.
George and Sarah Clapp of Brookfield, int. Mar. 11, 1833.
Lucy and Enos Lincoln Jr. of Belchertown, Feb. 15, 1832.
Mary and Benjamin Guild, Apr. 5, 1827.
Nancy and Lauriston Amsden, Jan. 17, 1837.
Nelson and Lucinda Amsden, int. Oct. 10, 1840.
Polly and Jacob Amsden of Dummerston, Vt. Mar. 13, 1822.
Royal and Eliza Stowell, Jan. 1, 1822.
Sally and Samuel Hildreth of Chesterfield, N.H., Jan. 10, 1788.
Sally and Harrison Bancroft, int. May 21, 1818.
Lt. Samuel and Methitable Crowl, Jan. 4, 1813.
Zilpha and Josiah D. Pease, June 21, 1831.
BOUKER (see Bowker)
Abigail H. of Phillipston and Nathanial Felton, int. Sept. 9, 1826.
Asa of Templeton and Susanna Bryant,--- ---, 1781.
Betty and Samuel Briant, May 8, 1760.*
Comfort of Northbury and Daniel Miles Jr., int. Nov. 30, 1771.
Eliza and William W. Loring, Apr. 2, 1838.
Esther and Asa How, int. May 8, 1786.
Huldah F. and John Wood of Barre, Apr. 29, 1826.
John Jr. and Sarah Flint of Rutland, int. June 4, 1764.
John Jr. and Elisebath Wilder, Apr. 27, 1768.
John and Miriam H. Austin of Erving, int. Apr. 19, 1845.
Jonathan Jr. of templeton [Phillipston in int.] and Dicea Bosworth, May 8, 1827.
Lucy and Dexter Cheney of Royalston, Apr. 26, 1842.
Mary and Elijah Stow, int. Aug. 1, 1824.
Polly and Ebenezer Cheney of Barre, May 2, 1838.
Silas and Bethia Ward of Marlborough, int. Nov. 2, 1759.
BOWKER (see Bouker)
Benjamin and Lucy Wilder, int. May 27, 1792.
Ellen and John W. Bryant, Feb. 20, 1844.
Ezekiel and Mary Wilder, July 10, 1788.
George and Betsey Woodward, Jan. 5, 1820.
John and Betsey Whitney, Nov. 10, 1814.
Jotham and Patty Whitney, Aug. 7, 1791.
Lucy and Enoch Hammond, July 9, 1792.
Lydia and Samuel Pike, Jan. 3, 1793.
Melancia of East Cambridge and George Newell, int. June 25, 1831.
Persis and Jabez Fairbanks of Sterling, Feb. 28, 1792.
Moses of Rutland District and Jane Ellot, June 29, 1769.
Ari T. of Courtlandville, N.Y. and Calista Loring, Sept. 17, 1832.
John and Chloe Brown of Mason, N.H., int. Oct. 27, 1826.
Jonas of Westborough and Jerusha Morton of Pequiage, int. Feb. 7, 1757.
Robert of Athol and Naby Jackson, Sept. 23, 1793.
Lovice and Hollis Parker of Hubbardston, int. July 2, 1774.
Lucy and Ebenezer Sanderson, Feb. 2, 1782.
Miriam and Silvanus How of Templeton, Feb. 25, 1798.
Samuel and Eunice Totman of of New Salem, int. 13, 1832.
Sibellah and Joel Bryant, May 18, 1788.
Solomon and Lois Goddard of Royalston, int. Aug. 16, 1781.
Zerviah and Seth Stone, Nov. 17, 1784.
Alvira of North Bridgewater and Arza Leonard of Taunton, Dec. ---, 1835.*
Betsey and Benjamin Patch of Worcester, Feb. 26, 1809.
Charles and Eleanor Houghton, Mar. 21, 1813.
Charles H. and Lydia L. Harrington, int. Oct. 7, 1837.
Hannah J. and Arza Carruth, Apr. 12, 1838.
Louisa W. and Henry Packard of North Bridgewater, Apr. 3, 1842.
Mary and Benjamin H. Eaton of West Bridgewater, Oct. 18, 1832.
Mary A. of Barre and William Harrington, Oct. 3, 1845. In Barre.
Sophronia and Danford F. Bosworth, May 15, 1835.
Susan and Amos Dudley, Dec. 28, 1841.
Esther(d. David and Caroline Hole, a. 53., wid.) and Richard Foster, May 16, 1848.
John and Caroline E. Starks of Savoy, int. Aug. 16, 1837.
BRIANT (see Bryant)
Caleb and Susanna Marble, int. Dec. 27, 1777.
Samuel and Betty Bouker, May 8, 1760.*
Samuel Jr. and Sarah Wilder, int. Nov. 25, 1779.
Sarah and Mark Moore of Warwick, Feb. 17, 1790.
Thomas and Azubah Stone, int. Jan. 26, 782.
Mrs. Anna and Joshua Fisher of Beverly, Nov. 4, 1807.
Louisa and Thomas Dyson of Beverly, int. July 29, 1799.
Ebenezer of Belchertown and Abigail Willard, Feb. 18, 1807.
Guy of Hinsdale, Vt. and Eunice Hapgood, Feb. 17, 1797.
Naby of Hinsdale, Vt. and Gardner Stevens, int. Apr. 20, 1792.
BRIDGGS [Briggs in int.]
Job and [Mrs. in int.] Abigail Woodard, Aug. 15, 1788.
Mary and Paul Mendall Jr. of Hardwick, int. May 18, 1776.
BRIGGS (see Bridggs)
Abigail E. of New Salem and Sylvanus Sibley, int. Apr. 21, 1848.
Amos Jr. and Anna Amsden of Dana, int. Nov. 27, 1801.
Ephraim and Keturah Mason of Greenwich, int. Oct.---,1778.
Hannah and Stephen Wood, int. July 19, 1806.
Huldah and Nathaniel Brown of N. Salem, Apr. 25, 1793.
Job and Elizabeth Shaw, Mar. 21, 1798.
John of Athol and Hannah Mann, int. May 24, 1823.
Moses and Lydia Flagg of Barre, int. May 21, 1803.
Nancy and Josua Chamberlin, Nov. 20, 1794.
Phebe of New Salem and Lucius Sibley, int. Apr. 8, 18 [35]?
Relief of Greenwich and Arlo Flagg, int. June 6, 1812.
Artemas and Sophronia Witt, Dec. 20, 1827.
Catherine and Capt. Charles Sibley Jr. of Barre, Apr. 2, 1833.
Edward and Bulah Hawes of Barre, int. Jan. 8, 1791.
Elvira and Capt. James Holland of Barre, Apr. 16, 1828.
Harriet and Paul Rice of Barre, Mar. 9, 1814.
Lydcom of Shutesbury and Mrs. Betsey Hoar, int. Oct. 13, 1818.
Nancy and Francis Ball Fay of Southborough, Nov. 10, 1819.
Sarah B. and Philander Woods of Barre, int. May 2, 1833.
Nathaniel and Nabby Eaton of Barre, int. Nov. 4, 1816.
Aaron of Grafton and Sally Grout, int. Mar. 5, 1789.
Maj. Aaron and Louisa Sanderson, Jan. 30, 1810.
Aaron Jr. Esq. and Abby B. Morgan, Apr. 28, 1822.
Aaron Jr. Esq. and Martha A. Wilson, Sept. 4, 1831.
Maj. Aaron and Mrs. Prudence Wood of Westborough, int. June 2, 1846.
Austin and Patty Ainsworth, Dec. 9, 1813.
Burroman and Molly Carruth, int. Nov. 18, 1816.
Eliza and Rev. William R. Clarke, int. Apr. 14, 1845.
Elizabeth and Nathan Tyler of Mendon, June 20, 1811.
Erastus M. and Eliza Ann Manley, Nov. 1, 1837.
Francis A. Esq. and Frances Butler of Groton, int. Aug. 23, 1847.
Henry and Gratia Eddy of Warwick, int. Oct. 17, 1835.
Joel of Grafton and Lydia Baker, Oct. 7, 1784.
Joel and Patty Jackson, Dec. 25, 1787.
Capt. Joel and Mrs. Sarah Holbrook of Grafton, int. Mar. 9, 1818.
Joel Jr. and Abigail Bigelow of Worcester, int. Oct. 16, 1824.
John and Puah Holbrook, int. Apr. 3, 1819.
John F. and Isabella R. Brown of Royalston, int. Apr. 15, 1842.
Lydia of Grafton and Hiram Stow, int. Sept. 6, 1782.
Lydia B. and Moses Hagar of Hubardston, Nov. 30, 1808.
martha A. and Daniel Cummings, Sept. 14, 1843.
Mary G. and Stephen Hale of Royalston, Apr. 4, 1838.
Polly of Athol and Jereme Davenport, int. Aug. 28, 1807.
Sally J. and John Mellem Jr. of Holliston, Nov. 20, 1826.
Thomas D. and Mary L. Sawtelle of Templeton, int. Jan. 2, 1836.
Andrew and Maria Smith of New Salem, int. Nov. 5, 1849.
Andrew J. of Worcester and Mary Jane Willard, Jan. 3, 1844.
Cloe of Mason, N.H. and John Boynton, int. Oct. 27, 1826.
Frederick F. and Mrs. Mary Chandler, Jan. 21, 1827.
Huldah and Phinehas Morton of Athol, Apr. 27, 1800.
Isabella R. of Royalston and John F. Brooks, int. Apr. 15, 1842.
Joseph and Mary Reed of Harvard, int. Aug. 24, 1822.
Capt. Joseph and Fanny C. Williams, Feb. 28, 1843.
Kezia and William Walker, Sept. 28, 1808.
Lydia of Phillipston(d. Thaddeus, a. 55) and Thomas D. Houghton, July 17, 1848.
Nathaniel of N. Salem [New Salem in int.] and Huldah Briggs, Apr. 25, 1793.
Thomas of Brookfield and Lydia McClallen,Sept. 5, 1796.
Asaph of Hubbardston and Louis Hastings, Apr. 9, 1816.
Asaph and Mary Covell of Dana, Nov. 19, 1843.
Asa K. of Hardwick and Eliza C. Hammond, Apr. 16, 1839.
David of Southbury and Widow Lydia Chamberlin, int. Nov. 8, 1769.
Joseph and Mrs. Abigail Stowell, Aug. 22, 1838.
Patty and Luther Newton of Farmingham, int. Feb. 13, 1804.
BRYANT (see Briant)
Artemas and Methitable Wilson, Sept. 1, 1819.
Azubah and John Harring(Harrington?) of New Salem, Apr. 18, 1803.
Joel and Sibellah Bragg, May 18, 1788.
Joel and Hannah Lord of Athol, int. Jan. 17, 1801.
John W. and Ellen Bowker, Feb. 20, 1844.
Lucy and Timothy Whitney, Oct. 28, 1817.
Lydia and Lemuel Whitney, Sept. 6, 1787.
Nancy and Daniel Parker of Princeton, Oct. 29, 1827.
Polly and John White Jr., int. Mar. 31, 1784.
Rufus and Sally Wilson, Sept. 18, 1827.
Susanna and Asa Bouker of Templeton,----,1781.
Joseph Jr. of Perquage and Hannah Marble, int. Sept. 29, 1758.
Elias of Wendell and Betsey Howe, Dec. 12, 1827.
Gardner and Mehitable Meriam, Dec. 12, 1796.*
William of Oakham and Almira Ballou, Mar. 16, 1824.
Prudence [Bulling in int.] and John Beaman of Lancaster, May 5, 1761.
William of Gilford(province of New York) and Miriam Whitney, int. Sept. 29, 1760.
Mrs. Prudence and Joseph Lewis of Shutesbury, int. Apr. 25, 1816.
Frances of Groton and Francis A. Brooks Esq., int. Aug. 23, 1847.
Abigail of Greenwich and Calvin Bliss, int. June 28, 1823.
Abigail [G. in int.] and Thomas Aldrich, June 5, 1836.
Benjamin and Mary Amsden of Dana, int. Feb. 13, 1839.
Iris and Ira Earl, Feb. 19, 1829.
Oriss M. of Palmer and Augustus W. Sawtelle of Warren, May 25, 1840. In Palmer.*
Timothy of Narragansett, No. 6, and Lucretia Adams, Feb. 10, 1757.
Abraham and Mary Cooley, Jan. 5, 1758.
Samuel of Narragansett, No. 6, and Beulah Whitney of Leicester, int. Aug. 20, 1758.
Elizabeth and Timothy Haild, both of Narragansett.
Phenehus of Narragansett, No. 6, and Tabitha Chamberlin of Westford, int. Apr. 12, 1760.
Anna and Phinehas Robbins of Athol, Apr. 18, 1793.
James and Susannah Hinds of Greenwich, int. June 29, 1787.
Capt. James and Mary Perry, Feb. 10, 1803.
Lydia and Ebenezer Cheny [Cheney in int.] of Holden, Feb. 26, 1792.
Samuel and Lucy Gibbs of New Salem, int. Nov. 18, 1788.
Nancy and William Obrim, int. Feb. 14, 1778.
Benjamin and Elizabeth Shattuck, int. Nov. 5, 1774.
Mary M. and Levi Lovering Jr. of Royalston, int. April 30, 1836.
Nancy N. of Royalston and Ainsworth Knight of Phillipston, Nov. 11, 1840.*
Mary A. of Gill and Samuel Rogers, int. Aug. 26, 1821.
Milo of Sullivan O.(s. Joseph and Dolly, a. 32), and Harriet Gale, Sept. 8, 1846.
Parmely of Winchester, N.H.(s. Rodolphus and Anna, a. 31.), and Hannah A. Gale, Nov. 27, 1845.
Ann of Grafton and Dwight Mann, int. Oct. 19, 1847.
Nathanael of Pomfret and Mary Allen, Nov. 1, 1747.
Jonathan and Zerviah Wheeler, Jan. 20, 1796.*
Albert(s. Jonas and Martha, a. 29.) and Harriet Dudley, Nov. 9, 1847.
Alfred J. and Amsden of Dana, Mar. 26, 1844.
Arza and Hannah J. Braman, Apr. 12, 1838.
Charles of Barre(s. John and Sarah, a. 29) and Tryphena Clark, Mar. 28, 1849.
Hannah and Elbridge G. Miles, Dec. 31, 1835.
Jemima and Solomon Clark, June 6, 1792.
John and Sarah Mason, Dec. 16, 1813.
John and Mary Adams of Barre, int. Mar. 5, 1831.
Margaret of Barre and John Clark, Dec. 28, 1800.
Minerva and Martin L, Parlin of Malone, N.Y., Feb. 14, 1830.
Molly and Burroman Brooks, int. Nov. 18, 1816.
Perry and Mary Wood, Apr. 12, 1838.
William and Lithuania Whipple, both of Barre, May 2, 1843.*
Capt. Abialbon and Thankful R. Paige of Hardwick, int. Feb. 10, 1822.
Catherine and Charles Spooner, Jan. 4, 1795.
Hosea(s. John and Ruth, a. 45.) and Martha H. Town, July 29, 1845.
John and Mrs. Hannah Spring, Dec. 23, 1826.
John and Sarah W. Stearns, int. July 6, 1832.
Jonas and Katherine Rogers, int. June 13, 1774.
Lucy and Joel Stearns, Apr. 30, 1804.
Pollina and Whitcomb Fairbanks of Bangor, Me., Dec.---, 1841.
Ruby and Peter Delvey of Gill, Jan. 29, 1837.
Ruth and Peter Delvy of Warwick, Jan. 4, 1832.
Sanderson of Berlin and Hannah Allen Maynard of Amherst, Nov. 20, 1788.*
Thirza of Palmer and Daniel S. Collins of Hardwick, Sept. 7, 1840. In Palmer.*
Elbridge G. and Mary L. Wheeler, int. May 11, 1828.
Hannah(d. John and Hannah, a. 23) and Ira Randall, May 16, 1848.
Joseph and Deborah Nye of Hardwick, int. Jan. 29, 1776.
Lucy and Elijah Wilson, int. Nov. 6, 1768.
Amanda and Jedediah B. Howe of Worcester, Mar. 29, 1829.
Amasa and Sylvia Skinner of Danna, int. Aug. 29, 1818.
Amasa and Sarah C. Gleason, May 8, 1823.
Ann and Richard Ingersoll of New Salem, Apr. 9, 1834.
Barney and Elizabeth H. Bartlett, Jan. 24, 1819.
Caleb and Mrs. Lucinda Gleason, Oct. 14, 1828.
Calib and Sibel Hoskins, Nov. 7, 1794 [1793?].
Catherine and Edward Babbit of Worcester, Feb. 17, 1824.
Eliza M. and Jesse Rogers of Dana, Feb. 24, 1829.
George W. and Sarah S. Holland, Oct. 17, 1831.
Hannah and Joshua W. Witherill, Dec. 28, 1815.
Joel and Hannah Foster of Dana, int. Sept. 15, 1815.
Joel and Mary Meachum, Oct. 19, 1817.
John of Dana and Mrs. Hannah Clark, Nov. 14, 1820.
Joshua and Nancy Briggs, Nov. 20, 1794.
Joshua Jr. of Painted Post, N.Y. and Fanny Babbitt, Oct. 7, 1821.
Josiah and Mary Cheny of newton, int. June 4, 1777.
Lydia and Abner Willson, int. July 4, 1760.
Widow Lydia and David Bruce of Southbury, int. Nov. 8, 1769.
Lydia and Lyman Robinson of Boston, Sept. 16, 1814.
Lydia W.(d. Caleb and Sybel, a. 29) and Luther A. Parker of Littleton, N.H., Sept. 5, 1848.
Maria [L. in int.] and Samuel G. Reed of Boston, June 6, 1838.
Nabby and William Tolman of Dana, Nov. 11, 1804.*
Nancy and Zuri Williams of Dana, int. Dec. 25, 1813.
Peter and Charlotte Hammond, Nov. 17, 1791.
Rebecca and Eliot Beckwith, May 10, 1792.
Rebecca and Isaac C. Parker of Littleton, N.H., Sept. 28, 1840.
Ruth of Dana and John Smith, int. June 30, 1821.
Samuel and Lydia Willson, Jan. 9, 1766.
Samuel and Ruth Ingersoll, int. Nov. 28, 1776.
Samuel Jr. Barbary Babcock of New Braintree, int. Dec. 3, 1790.
Samuel and Chloe Newton of Hardwick, int. Dec. 11, 1803.
Sophronia G. and Paul M. Stone of Boston, Oct. 18, 1831.
Susanna and Ammial Weeks, Apr. 6, 1769.
Tabitha of Westford and Phenehus Byham of Narragansett, No. 6, int. Apr. 12, 1760.
Thomas J. and Eda Hinds, Jan. 15, 1826.
William and Loas Ingersoll, int. Dec. 11, 1777.
Emma of Boston and Samuel Rogers, int. Jan. 10, 1806.
Achsah and John Shareman of Barre, Feb. 17, 1811.
Benjamin Jr. and Jerusha Negus, int. Dec. 28, 1776.
Benjamin and Martha Walker, int. Apr. 21, 1781.
Catherine A. and Theophilus Parsons Esq. of Taunton, May 7, 1823.
Hannah and Samuel Morse, Dec. 30, 1767.
Joel and Cynthia Bemis of Dummerston, Vt. int. Sept. 25, 1804.
John and Lydia Ward [Mrs. in int.] Apr. 4, 1766.
John Esq. and Elizabeth Green of Boston, int. May 8, 1800.
Lucy and Solomon Wilson of Chester, Vt. Feb. 3, 1789.
Lydia and Joseph Head of Boston, int. Oct. 11, 1800.
Mrs. [Miss in int.] Mary and Frederick F. Brown, Jan. 21, 1827.
Nathaniel and Dolly Green of Lancaster, int. May 16, 1802.
Rebeckah and Reuben Cummings Jr. of Templeton, int. Aug. 7, 1773.
Sarah and James Glezeon, Sept. 24, 1767.
Theophilus and Abigail Ballard, int. Sept. 1, 1773.
William and Lydia Walker, Oct. 6, 1782.
Abner [of Greenwich in int.] and Hannah Lawson, Dec. 30, 1762.
Caleb of Eastport, Me. and Sarah A. Morgan, Aug. 6, 1827.
Deborah and Seth of Athol, int. Mar. 23, 1776.
Dorcas and Abel Grout of Templeton, int. Jan. 23, 1779.
Elisha and Mary Wheeler of New Salem, Apr.8, 1748.
Elisha and Prudence Curtis, Jan. 4, 1782.
Henry and Abigail Stratton of Pequioge, Dec. 29, 1746.
Henry Jr. and Rachel Lincoln of New Braintree, int. June 15, 1771.
Henry and Susanna Shattuck, Sept. 12, 1782.
Louis and Samuel Stone, May 22, 1791.
Molla and William Dorral of Warwick, int. Nov. 23, 1779.
Peter and Polly Holt of New Salem, Mar. 15, 1798.
Pheby and John Mahon, Dec. 18, 1780.
Arnold W. of Barre and Lurenza M. Newton, Mar. 29, 1840.
Dexter of Royalston and Laura Bouker, Apr. 26, 1842.
Ebenezer of Barre and Polly Bouker, May 2, 1838.
[Cheney in int.], Ebenezer of Holden and Lydia Calhoon, Feb. 26, 1792.
Mary of Newton and Josiah Chamberlin, int. June 4, 1777.
Molly and Joseph Allen of Winchester, Dec. 12, 1780.
[Chivers in int.], Sally and Benjamin Stone of Greenwich, May 5, 1796.
Elenor of New Salem and Phinehas Peabody, int. July 22, 1814.
Sarah and Luther Peabody, Mar. 23, 1824.
Caroline and Samuel H. Richardson of Dana, int. Mar. 4, 1836.
Charles and Betty Wheeler, June 13, 1782.
Constant and Deborah Wheeler, July 5, 1784.
Eunice and Uriah Rice of Warwick, int. Aug. 18, 1780.
Mary and Clap Spooner, int. Aug. 22, 1783.
Thomas and Lucy Wood, June 15, 1785.
Daniel and Katherine Witt, int. Nov. 21, 1771.
Ebenezer of Boston and Catherine Hoyt, int. Jan. 4, 1815.
Ephraim and Susanna Newton of New Salem, int. Aug. 25, 1775.
Katy and Nathan Davidson of Walpole, N.H. Jan. 10, 1788.
Mary and William Woods of Athol, int. June 4, 1782.
Mary and Simeon Hager of New Marlborough, Vt., Jan. 21, 1788.
Mary A. of Worcester and Lorenzo West, int. July 23, 1842.
Rachel and Jonathan King, Apr. 25, 1787.
Ruth and Luther Marble, int. Oct. 21, 1780.
Elizabeth and Samuel Wheeler of New Salem [Salem in int.] May 19, 1767.
James and Mary Amsden, June 11, 1767.*
Oliver and Lucinda Lincoln, Sept. 6, 1794.
Samuel and Sally Lincoln, May 25, 1795.
Charlotte L. and Charles M. Peirce of New Salem, int. May 6, 1848.
Elvira and Joseph G. Parmenter, Apr. 4, 1826.
Louisa and Timothy Smith of Norton, July 22, 1828.
Lucinda and George Bosworth Jr. Oct. 2, 1827.
Lucy of Grafton and Ira Cook, int. Sept. 3, 1837.
Lydia W. and Gilbert H. Clark, May 2, 1826.
Samuel Jr. and Nancy Bancroft, int. Mar. 28, 1819.
Sarah of Brookfield and George Bosworth, int. Mar. 11, 1833.
CLARK (see Clerk)
Benjamin of Boston and Eliza G. Reed, Oct. 2, 1833.
David Jr. and Phebe Dean, Dec. 14, 1789.
David and Mary Wilder of Barre, Dec. 22, 1802.
Edward and Betsy Page of Hardwick, int. Nov. 12, 1799.
Eli and Katherine Robertson, Jan. 17, 1787.
Elizabeth [Eliza in int.] and Charles Hammond, Mar. 29, 1821.
Esther of Newtown and Seth Stone, int. Aug. 25, 1775.
Eunice of Providence, R.I. and John Peckham Jr., int. Sept. 8, 1786.
Eunice of Providence , R.I. and John Hildreth Jr. int. Hune 5, 1794.
Gilbert H. and Lydia W. Clapp, May 2, 1826.
Mrs. Hannah and John Chamberlin of Dana, Nov. 14, 1820.
Hardin and Trypheny Babcock, Nov. 20, 1794.
Hardin and Betsy Titus of Greenwich, int. Aug. 23, 1799.
Henry of Rindge, N.H. and Esther W. Gilbert, Dec. 21, 1841.
Howlan of Providence and Rachel Hildreth, Dec. 10, 1797.
John and Margaret Curruth of Barre, Dec. 28, 1800.
Jonah and Ann Wheeler, Jan. 24, 1788.
Lydia and Luther Stowell, Dec. 25, 1796.
Mary and Thomas Curtis, May 10, 1782.
Mary and Jairus Witt of Dana, Dec. 2, 1830.
Mary A. [H. in int.] and Eri Parlin of Barre, Dec. 27, 1827.
Molly and Samuel Smith Jr. of Barre, Jan. 26, 1795.
Nahum and Azubah Hildreth of Keen, N.H., int. Nov. 1, 1811.
Rhoda and Oliver Hildreth, Oct. 11, 1804.
Ruhamah and Uriah Wiggins of Kennebunk, Me. Jan. 16, 1834.
Sally and Peter Eames, Jan. 22, 1793.
Samuel Jr. and Mary Woods of Hardwick, int. Feb. 5, 1817.
Lt. Shepard of Hubbardston and Mary Ann Dickinson, Jan. 27, 1825.
Samuel and Clarinda Edson of Barre, int. Mar. 22, 1834.
Solomon and Jemima Carruth, June 6, 1792.
Rev. Solomon and Elizabeth N. Haven of Dedham, int. Apr. 17, 1841.
Susan and Paul Hildreth, July 7, 1829.
Tryphena(d. Hardin, a. 29) and Charles Carruth of Barre, Mar., 28, 1849.
William and Mrs. Miriam P. Hale of Jaffrey, N.H., int. June 26, 1848.
William and Susannah Babcock, int. May 14, 1801.
Rev. William R. and Eliza Brooks, int. Apr. 14, 1845.
James Jr. and Mary More of Athol, May 27, 1772.
John and Sarah Amsden, int. Apr. 4, 1772.
Samuel and Marcy Voyning of Warwick, int. June 26, 1780.
Thomas and Mary Smith of Barre, int. Aug. 28, 1778.
Lucy and Henry Johnson, Apr. 20, 1820.
Marilla L. of Dana and William B. Whitney, July 12, 1841.
Rufus(s. Jonathan and Mary, a. 36) and Elizabeth M. Bancroft, July 2, 1849.
Asa and Esther Town of Gerry, int. July 12, 1794.
John Jr. and Polly Richardson, Jan. 5, 1800.
Lydia and Silas Hildreth, May 4, 1830.
Polly and Jonas Washburn, Apr. 4, 1810.
Sally and Asa Bancroft of Warwick, Apr. 6, 1814.
Samuel Jr. and Olive Wheeler, Feb. 19, 1810.
Hardin and Mrs. Hannah Wood of Dana, int. Jan. 29, 1818.
Enoch and Olive Houghton, Sept. 23, 1784.
Olive of Hardwick and Silas Whitaker, int. Dec. 4, 1784.
Royal of Harwick and Sally Smith, June 1, 1820.
Miles of Hardwick and Lucretia Totman, int. Dec. 18, 1826.
Amasa of Chesterfield and Lucy Sanderson, int. Nov. --,1777.
Martha of Norwich and Nahum Gale, int. Aug. 17, 1820.
Asa of Leverett and Pamela Severence, int. Nov. 17, 1832.
Daniel S. of Hardwick and Thirza Chaffe of Palmer, Sept. 7, 1840. In Palmer.*
Moses of Greenwich and Dorcas Winslow, Mar. 25, 1784.
[Commee in int.], Nancy of Hardwick and Joel Woodward, Aug. 17, 1796.
Reuhama and John Hadley of Westminster, int. Jan. 9, 1792.
COMMINS (see Cummings)
Joesph B. of Phillipston and Mercy L. Covell, Feb. 22, 1842.
Caleb of Hadley and Miriam Godard, Nov. 29, 1798.
Catherine and Stephen D. Goddard, int. Oct. 4, 1834.
Elizabeth and Joel Estabrook of Rutland, May 20, 1834.
Ellis(s. Wid. Lydia, a. 25) and Mary M. Richmond, Sept. 24, 1844.
Ira and Lucy Clapp of Grafton, int. Sept. 3, 1837.
Jane and David Henry of Rutland, June 27, 1831.
Nathaniel and Louisa A. Gallond, June 11, 1834.
Nathaniel and Sarah Collidge, Jan. 18, 1843.
Polly of Worcester and Nathaniel Maccarty, int. Oct. 4, 1783.
Ruth and Joshua Wyart, int. Nov. 24, 1832.
Samuel Jr. and Lucinda Wetherell of Hardwick, May 15, 1825.
Sarah and Samuel M. Hinds of Lancaster, May 14, 1834.
Susanna of New Salem and Benjamin Ganson, int. Apr. 24, 1772.
William and Clarissa Gallond, Oct. 31, 1824.
William L. and Abby S. Newton of Phillipston, int. May 12, 1848.
Charles of Sunderland and Polly Stowell, Feb. 16, 1815.
[Widow in int.] Mary and Abraham Byam, Jan. 5, 1758.
Mary and Joshua Lamb of Leicester [Spenser in int.], June 7, 1764.
Moses and Sarah Sloan of Pelham, int. May 7, 1774.
Simon of Sunderland and Anna Stowel, int. Feb. 9, 1786.
Rev. Josiah A. and Mehitable A. Fowle of Boston, int. Apr. 15, 1844.
Sarah and Nathaniel Cook, Jan. 18, 1843.
Henry K. of Orwell, Vt. and Abigail H. Rice, Feb. 6, 1828.
William S. of Middlebury, Vt. and Lydia Rice, Feb. 19, 1815.
Ephraim and Sarah Howes of Dana, int. June 2, 1821.
Mary of Dana and Asaph Browning, Nov. 19, 1843.
Mercy L. and Joseph B. Commins of Phillipston, Feb. 22, 1842.
Lucy and Ezra Babbit of Ware, Aug. 20, 1822.
James and Olive Willson, Oct. 1, 1760.
John of Rutland and Molly Willson, Nov. 6, 1760.
Susanna and Christopher Smith, int. Oct. 3, 1784.
Ebenezer of Barnard, Vt. and Mrs. Polly Holland, Feb. 19, 1829.
Daniel of Wendell and Lucretia Oakman, Sept. 19, 1821.
Eli of New Salem and Eliza Twitchell, Sept. 17, 1822.
Michael of Chesterfield and Margaret Wheeler, int. Oct. 8, 1791.
Achsa of Sunderland and Dexter Stowel, int. Jan. 15, 1814.
Daniel B. Sunderland and Susan M. Stowell, Dec. 25, 1838.
Elisha and Tabitha Harrington of Worcester, int. May--,1763.
Susannah and Loring Simmins of Stephentown, N.Y., May 8, 1799.*
Betsey and Aaron Johnson, Nov. 29, 1804.
Mrs. Susanna and Phinehus Peabody, Sept. 1, 1808.
Alpheus and Cynthia Allen, June 18, 1793.
Artemus and Fanny Glezen, int. Apr. 22, 1797.
Artemas and Jenny Patterson, Nov. 19, 1823.
Azubah and Joseph Rice of New Salem, Apr. 2, 1821.
Hannah and Gardner Bosworth, int. Sept. 7, 1824.
Lucy and John Weeks, May 2, 1825.
Mehitable and Lt. Samuel Bosworth, Jan. 4, 1813.
Philadelpha of Ward and Abner Allen, int. May 20, 1793.
Sally and Daniel Bosworth, Apr. 16, 1812.
Thadeus and Sally Hager of New Salem, int. May 11, 1801.
CUMMINGS (see Commings)
Daniel and Martha A. Brooks, Sept. 14, 1843.
James of Swanzey, N.H. and Betsy Walker, Mar. 19, 1811.
Mehepsebeth of Templeton and Nathaniel Merrill, Apr. 23, 1782.*
Reuben Jr. of Templeton and Rebeckah Chandler, int. Aug. 7, 1773.
Arathusa and Lyman Flagg of Barre, Feb. 26, 1817.
Betsy and Stephen Gleason, int. Nov. 23, 1807.
David and Mrs. Mary Foster of New Salem, int. Oct. 5, 1777.
Ebenezer and Sarah Town, Oct. 14, 1789.
Rev. Erastus of Meriden, Ct. and Deborah H.G. Newton, int. May 8, 1833.
Eunice and Jacob Powers, Nov. 4, 1780.
Joseph and Catherine Harrington, Sept. 15, 1836.
Lewis and Lucy W. Sargent, May 8, 1836.
Melinda and James A. Jackson, Feb. 7, 1833.
Molla [Molly in int.] and Jonathan Sanderson, Mar. 8, 1768.
Nathaniel and Betsy R. S. Davenport, June 19, 1814.
Polly and Nathan Gould of Leverett, Nov. 26, 1801.
Priscilla and Edward Powers Jr., int. Aug. 15, 1778.
Prudence and Elisha Chase, Jan. 4, 1782.
Samuel and Susanna Miles, Apr. 5, 1767.
[Curties in int.] Sarah and Joseph Glezeon, Aug. 14, 1766.
Thomas and Mary Clark, May 10, 1782.
Sophronia and Merritt Hamilton of Wendell, Nov. 2, 1842.
Mrs. Melinda and John Stearns, Jan. 23, 1825.
Robert of Greenwich and Parna Stone, May 10, 1825.
Samuel and Betsy Wheeler of Brookfield, int. Mar. 27, 1790.
Nancy of Sudbury and Nathan Pipe(Pike?), int. Mar. 16, 1806.
George and Lois Sanderson, Apr. 19, 1771 [int. Apr. 27, 1771].
Hannah and John Holland, int. July 30, 1771.
John of Warwick and Lizzie Sanderson, int. Jan. 8, 1774.
Lois and Samuel Young of Athol, int. Nov. 17, 1778.
Dea. William of Hinsdale, N.H. and Mrs. Sally Witt, Sept. 23, 1829.