Vital Records Of Pembroke Massachusetts To The Year 1850
Published By
The New England Historic Genealogical Society
At The Charge Of The Eddy Town-Record Fund
Boston, Mass. 1911
Marriages - JOSELIN to PETTEE
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

JOSELIN (see Josleyn, Joslin, Joslyn, Josselin, Josselyn, Jossleyn, Josslyen)
Francees of Hanover, and Isaac Foster, Jan. 6, 1732.
Rebeckah of Hannover, and Joseph Parry of Hannover, Apr. 24, 1728.
JOSLEYN (see Joselin, Joslin, Joslyn, Josselin, Josselyn, Jossleyn, Josslyen)
Charlote and Joshua Hall of Duxborough, July 12, 1792.
JOSLIN (see Joselin, Josleyn, Joslyn, Josselin, Josselyn, Jossleyn, Josslyen)
Abraham and Eunice Hill, May 18, 1769, in Bridgewater.
Henry of Scituate, and Hannah Oldham, Sept. 23, 1718.
JOSLYN (see Joselin, Josleyn, Joslin, Josselin, Josselyn, Jossleyn, Josslyen)
Henry and Louis Stetson of Scituate, Apr. 13, 1793, in Scituate.
Isaac and Lois Ramsdell of Hanover, Sept. 12, 1773. in Hanover.
Mercy and Timothy Rose Jr. of Hanover, June 9, 1795, in Hanover.
JOSSELIN (see Joselin, Josleyn, Joslin, Joslyn, Josselyn, Jossleyn, Josslyen)
Ruth and John Lowden, Feb. 23, 1786. P.R.191.
JOSSELYN (see Joselin, Josleyn, Joslin, Joslyn, Josselin, Jossleyn, Josslyen)
Abigail and Eleazer Ring, of Worthington, Sept. 23, 1784.
Abigail and Reuben Shaw of Abington, Sept. 30, 1811. [int. Aug. 24, P.R.2.]
Abraham and Mary Soul, Dec. 16, 1741.
Almina and Thomas Baker of Duxbury, Feb. 24, 1833.
Almy and Ebenezer Mann, Dec. 1, 1812. [Jossilyn, int. Nov. 12, P.R.2.]
Arabella W., 18, d. Jabez Jr. and Eliza, and Laban T. Rose, 20, shoemaker, of Hanover, s. Laban and Emily, int. Dec. 25, 1846.
Bethiah and Barnabas Perrey, ----, 1787.
Bethiah and William Estes of Hanover, int. July 22, 1815. P.R.2.
Betsey and Calvin Barstow, Aug. 7, 1814. [int. June 25, P.R.2.]
Caroline and Seth Jones of Hingham, Sept. 21, 1824.
Celia and Nathan Sprague, Mar. 31, 1785.
Celia and John White of Hanson, Nov. 20, 1823.
Charles Jr. and Lucy Dwelly, Nov. 14, 1790. [Dwelley, P.R.66.]
Charlotte and Gad Soper of Hanson, May 13, 1823.
David and Mary Thomas Bates, Dec. 15, 1822.
Deborah and Joshua Stetson of Scituate, Nov. 29, 1823.
Dorothy and Reuben Clark of Hanover, Dec. 23, 1768.
Dorothy M. and Alexander Killburn, Oct. 7, 1827.
Earl of Bridgewater, and Anna Brewster, Aug. 25, 1814. [int. July 20, P.R.2.]
Elanor and Thomas H. Samson, Dec. 6, 1821.
Eleazer and Bethiah Bourn, Jan. 9, 1783. [Bourne, P.R.98.]
Eleazer and Alice Wadsworth Howland, Mar. 5, 1807. [Eleazer, P.R.98.]
Elisha and Abby Standish, Apr. 12, 1835.
Elisha Keen [dup. Keene] and Lydia Dwelley, Mar. 12, 1797. [Elisha Keen Josselyn, P.R.186.]
Eliza and Jason Magoun of Hanover, Nov. 30, 1826.
Elizabeth and Seth Cox, Dec. 19, 1765.
Emily and Isaac Oldham Stetson, May 6, 1821.
Francis of Hanover, and Mary Hill Jr., Feb. 17, 1782.
Francis Jr. and Deborah House, Jan. 15, 1810. [int. Nov. 25, 1809, P.R.2.]
Freeman M. and Prissilla L. Oldham, Dec. 11, 1820. [Priscilla L., P.R.139.]
George M. and Eliza Dyer of Hanover, int. Oct. 18, 1845.
Hannah Jr. and Henry Munroe of Swanzey, Nov. 16, 1738.
Hannah Jr. and Seth Perrey, July 2, 1782. [Perry, P.R.101.]
Hannah and William P. Taylor of Boston, Apr. 5, 1825.
Henry and Charlotte Stetson of Scituate June 11, 1833.
Huldah and Josiah Dillingham, Feb. 29, 1792. [Dilingham, P.R.186.]
Isaac and Priscilla Bourn, Sept. 29, 1788. [Bourne, P.R.57.]
Jabez and Huldah Man, Dec. 27, 1795.
Jabez and Eliza White, Feb. 6, 1827.
James M. and [int. adds Mrs.] Abigail Delano, Apr. 16, 1843.
James R., 26, shoemaker, s. Elisha K. and Lydia, and Maria H. Mann, 19, b. Boston, d. John C. and Sylvia L., Sept. 1, 1847.
Jane (Josselyn) and Daniel Hall Jr. of Duxbury, Nov. 20, 1823.
Jemima L. and Henry H. Platt, Oct. 4, 1813. [int. Aug. 29, P.R.2.]
Joanna and Levi Loring of Duxborough, Feb. 7, 1802.
John and Lucy Lowden, Nov. 25, 1784.
Joseph of Hanover, and Mrs. Sylvester Barker, Oct. 3, 1751.
Joseph Jr. and Deborah Hatch of Bridgwater, Aug. 23, 1785.
Joseph and Molly Tilden of Marshfeild, July 10, 1789.
Joshua F., s. Jabez and w., and Mary D. Boylston, d. Joseph and Mary, int. Mar. 24, 1849.
Julius, 34, shoemaker, of Hanson, s. Eleazer and w., and Georgiana M. W. Oldham, 17, d. Aurora W. and Jane, int. Apr. 8, 1848.
Lois D. and James H. Dwelley Dec. 15, 1835. P.R.90.
Lucy and Josiah Bonney, Mar. 27, 1704. [Apr. ----, P.R.108.]
Lucy D. and Silas Smith of Portland, int. June 3, 1819. P.R.2.
Lydia and Samuell Eells, July 17, 1783. [Samuel Elles, P.R.191.]
Lydia and Jeremiah Stetson Jr., Jan. 14, 1808. [Joslyn, and Jeremiah Stetson 3d, P.R.97.] [Josselyn, and Jeremiah Stetson, P.R.110.]
Lydia and Benjamin Mann 3d of Hanover, Mar. 10, 1811. [int. Jan. 3, P.R.2.] [m. Mar. 10, 1810. P.R.66.]
Lyman and Betsey Delano of Plymouth, int. Sept. 11, 1814. P.R.2.
Margaret and Seth Foord. Jan. 7, 1747-8.
Margaret and Mathew Sylvester, Jan. 29, 1701.
Margaret and Thomas Ellis of Hanover, Mar. 20, 1814. [int. Feb. 26, P.R.2.]
Mary and Shubal Monro, Nov. 10, 1742.
Mary and Lemuel Keen, Jan. 22, 1784.
Mary Ann and Richard Bowker, Aug. 26, 1818. [int. Aug. 2. P.R.2.]
Nancy and Pratt Allen, Mar. 17, 1796.
Nathaniel of Freeport, and Mercy House, Sept. 18, 1803.
Oren and Mary C. Mann of Hanover, int. Jan. 20, 1816. P.R.2. [m. Feb. 14. P.R.66.]
Otis P., 21, school teacher, s. Jabez, and Abigail B. Delano, 16, b. Duxbury, d. Barker dec'd and Abigail dec'd, Mar. 28, 1845.
Priscilla and Fredom Chamberlain Jr., June 30, 1785. P.R.191.
Priscilla and Ezekiel Turner of Hanover, int. Jan. 22, 1820. P.R.2.
Rebecca H. and Joseph Estes of Boston, Nov. 26, 1830.
Ruth of Hanover, and Capt. Daniel Hall of Duxbury, Nov. 27, 1798.
Sally and Nathaniel Ellis Jr. of Hanover, Dec. 21, 1813. [int. Oct. 21, P.R.2.]
Samuel Williams and Elisabeth Josselyn Cox, May 20, 1798.
Seth of Hanover, and Priscilla Standish, Dec. 17, 1787.
Silvester and Joseph Shearman, July 26, 1780. [Sylvester and Joseph Sherman, P.R.191.]
Stockbridge and Olive Standish, Nov. 24, 1768.
Sylvester (see Silvester).
Tamar and James Bourn Jr., Feb. 13, 1783.
William and Abigail Barstow, Oct. 10, 1822. [William Warren Josselyn and Nabbie Barstow, P.R.106.]
JOSSLEYN (see Joselin, Josleyn, Joslin, Joslyn, Josselyn, Josselyn, Josslyen)
Eunice and Joseph Kingman of Bridgwater, Dec. 16, 1791.
Rebecca and Beza Ames of Bridgwater, Apr. 25, 1791.
JOSSLYEN (see Joselin, Josleyn, Joslin, Joslyn, Josselin, Josselyn, Jossleyn)
Charles and Rebecca Keen 3d. July 10, 1760. [Josselyn, and Rebec Keen 3d, P.R.191.]
Luce and Isaac Foord of Marshfield, Oct. 1, 1761. [Lucy Josselyn and Isaac Ford, P.R.191.]
Mary Jr. and William Cox Jr., Jan. 21, 1762.
David of Hingham, and Ruth Foord, June 18, 1718.
Sarah and Samuel Howland, Oct. 13, 1738.
JOYCE (see Joice, Joise)
Isaac and Olive Lewis of Marshfield, July 30, 1826.
Lucy of Marshfield, and Lemuel Keen, June 7, 1812 [int. Apr. 29, P.R.2.]
Lydia, 19, d. Isaac and Olive, and Samuel T. Taylor, 20, shoemaker, s. Samuel and w. int. June 11, 1848. [Lydia James Joyce and Samuel Tilden Taylor, m. July 21, P.R.40.]
Nethaniel and Nancy Sherman. Aug. 21, 1823. P.R.39.
Rachel of Marshfield, and William Church, Dec. 19, 1793, in Marshfield.
Ruth of Marshfield, and Joshua Crooker, Nov. 4, 1779, in Marshfield.
Seth of Marshfield, and Dorothy Sampson, Nov. 3, 1793.
KEEN (see Keene)
Abel and Lydia B. Samson, Dec. 11, 1834. [Abel Keene, 25 and Lydia B. Samson, 26. P.R.45.]
Abgil, d. Benjmin and Deabrah, and Prinse Barker, s. Isaac and Eelizebeth, Nov. 6, 1746. C.R.4.
Abigail, d. Isaac and Abigail dec'd, and Ebenezer Allen, s. Danil and Elizabeth dec'd of Sandwitch, Barnstable Co., June 25, 1783. C.R.4.
Abigail and Josiah Ripley, Dec. 1, 1814.
Abigail Booth and Abner Shepard of Dartmouth, Mar. 16, 1794.
Africa of Abington, and Betsey T. Keen, int. Mar. 27, 1845.
Alethea and Thomas Smith Coleman, Aug. 28, 1788.
Asa and Zilpha Hatch, Feb. 18, 1762. [Zilpah, P.R.191.]
Asher and Desire Witherel, Jan. 11, 1775.
Benjamin and Deborah Howland, Mar. 15, 1719-20.
Bethia and Judah West of Plymouth, Sept. 3, 1718.
Betse and David Church, Jan. 8, 1793.
Betsey T. and Africa Keen of Abington, int. Mar. 27, 1845.
Charles and Ruthy Magoun, Oct. 20, 1816. [int. Mar. 11, P.R.2.]
Charles Jr. of Duxbury, and Betsey W. Briggs, int. July 20, 1845.
Daniel and Betsey Turner of Hanover, July 25, 1805.
Diana of Duxborough, and Rufus Curtis of Abington, Nov. 29, 1802.
Diana and Isaac Ramsdel, Oct. 9, 1816. [int. Sept. 15, P.R.2.]
Edna and Thomas Gardet, Feb. 11, 1790. [Keene, and Thomas Gardner, P.R.164.]
Edna and Peleg Cook of Abington, int. Dec. 21, 1809. P.R.2.
Eleanor and Appoles Cushman of Duxborough, Mar. 1, 1768. [Apollos, P.R.191.]
Elinor and Joseph Thomas, Apr. 24, 1718.
Elisha and Rebecca Randal, May 14, 1813. [int. Apr. 5, P.R.2.]
Elisha Jr. and Hannah Stewart, Dec. 16, 1842.
Elizabeth and Hudson Bishop. Sept. 3, 1741.
Elizabeth and Jacob Guerney of Abington, Dec. 14, 1769.
Francis and Margaret Hunt, Nov. 1, 1739.
Galen and Diana Garnet, Feb. 2, 1794.
Hannah and John Blyth of Abington, Apr. 12, 1720.
Hannah and James Hall of Marshfield, Nov. 19, 1770, in Marshfield.
Hannah and David Sherwin of Bridgwater, Aug. 25, 1803.
Hannah, Mrs., and Lot Keen, Dec. 18, 1817. [int. Dec. 2, P.R.2.]
Ichabod and Ruth Ward of Marshfield, ----, 1840.
Isaac and Deborah Dwelley, Feb. 17, 1724, in Scituate.
Isaac and Abigail Booth, Aug. 30, 1726.
Isaac and Abigail Kent of Marshfield, Feb. 16, 1773, in Marshfield.
Isaac Jr. and Lydia Turner, Mar. 24, 1804.
Isaac, s. Isaac and Abigail dec'd, and Hannah Barker, d. Robert and Hannah dec'd of Hanover, Dec. 12, 1804. C.R.4.
Isaiah and Lydia Bourn, Apr. 16, 1781.
James [dup. Keene] of Duxborough, and Sally Magoun, Mar. 6, 1800. [Keen. P.R.186.]
James 2d and Lucinda Winsor of Duxbury, int. Dec. 20, 1844. [m. Jan. 5, 1845, P.R.27.]
Joanna and Isaac Randal, Dec. 20, 1812. [int. Nov. 12, P.R.2.]
Joseph Jr. and Chloe Wing of Hanover, Jan. 8, 1705, in Hanover.
Joshua Jr. and Lydia Crooker Jr., July 13, 1780.
Lemuel and Mary Josselyn, Jan. 22, 1784.
Lemuel and Lucy Joyce of Marshfield, June 7, 1812. [int. Apr. 29, P.R.2.]
Levi and Eunice Jennings, Feb. 19, 1746-7.
Lot and Joanna Sprague of Marshfield, Aug. 17, 1769, in Marshfield. [Keene, P.R.44.]
Lot and Mrs. Hannah Keen, Dec. 18, 1817. [int. Dec. 2, P.R.2.]
Lydia and Georg Partridg, Mar. 18, 1712-13.
Lydia B. and Nathaniel T. Lewis, Dec. 1, 1833.
Marcy and Nathaniell Magoun, May 16, 1785.
Margaret and Solomon Leavit, Aug. 31. 1756.
Mary and Robert Macklathlen, Oct. 13, 1763. [McLathlin, P.R.191.]
Mary, d. Joseph and Rebekah, and Abraham Booth Rogers, s. John and Sarah of Marshfield, Dec. 1, 1791. C.R.4.
Mary and Moses Jones of Abington, Jan. 13, 1814. [int. Sept. 23, 1813, P.R.2.]
Mercy (see Marcy).
Mercy and Peleg Samson, Aug. 11, 1822.
Molle Swan and Perrey Harden, July 25, 1779. [Molla Swan Keen and Perry Harden, P.R.191.]
Nathaniel and Thankful Winslow of Marshfield, Oct. 27, 1725, in Marshfield.
Nathaniel and Margery Oldham, Jan. 29, 1832.
Oren of Hanson, s. Ebenezer and w., and Hannah B. Ramsdell, d. David dec'd and w., int. Aug. 6, 1848.
Patience and Elisha Hatch of Scituate, Oct. 30, 1718.
Peggey and Samuell Rider, June 19, 1774. [Peggy and Samuel Rider, P.R.191.]
Polly and Joseph Eastes, Oct. 28, 1800.
Prince of Duxborough, and Elisabeth Foord, Mar. 7, 1758. [Elizabeth Ford, P.R.191.]
Rebecca 3d and Charles Josslyen, July 10, 1760. [Rebec 3d and Charles Josselyn, P.R.191.]
Rebecca and William Doll of Boston, Jan. 21, 1791.
Rebecca and Gridley Studley of Hanover, July 11, 1820.
Rebeckah and Lot Thatcher of Barnstable, Sept. 29, 1730.
Ruth and John Leavitt, Oct. 25, 1759.
Ruth Sprague and Cyrus White, Aug. 10, 1806.
Samuel and Margaret Redding of Situate, Jan. 4, 1737.
Sarah and Elisha Turner, Dec. 26, 1781.
Sarah and Miles Standish, Apr. 16, 1792.
Sarah and Zebulon Nash, Sept. 8, 1816. [int. July 19. P.R.2.]
Sarah and Timothy Percival of Sandwich, June 27, 1838.
Silve, d. Isaac and Abgil, and John Allen of Sandwich, Barnstabel Co., s. Judah and Rebecka, Mar. 27, 1751. C.R.4.
Snow and Rebeckah Burbank of Plymouth, Nov. 25, 1756, in Plymouth.
Solomon and Lucia Randall of Duxbury, Nov. 25, 1807.
Sophia, d. James and Sarah, and James Almy of New Bedford, s. George B. and Elizabeth of Warwick, Kent Co., R.I., Sept. 6, 1832. C.R.4.
Sylvia (see Silve).
Thirza and Isaiah Stetson, Apr. 28, 1814. P.R.123.
William and Maria W. Bates, int. Oct. 2, 1842.
KEENE (see Keen)
Benjamin and Nancy Sherman, Nov. 26, 1828. P.R.39.
Ebenezer B. and Mehitable Phillips, Dec. 8, 1804. P.R.122.
Lydia and Shadrach Thomas, Dec. 28, 1800. P.R.155.
Thomas and Betsy G. Goldthwait, Sept. 7, 1837. P.R.138.
Agness of Bridgewater, and Noah Bonney Jr., int. Apr. 19, 1819. P.R.2.
Deborah and Moses Ventress of Duxbury, July 15, 1821.
Lewis of Bridgewater, and Caroline Jones of Bridgewater, June 5, 1837.
Mark of Easton, and Marcy Paris, June 19, 1735, in Easton.
Sarah of Halifax, and John Record, Apr. 27, 1795.
Scepter of Hanson, and Chloe B. Dwelly, Aug. 7, 1831.
Ellen, 25, d. Mathew and Honora, and Charles Hastings, 30, civil engineer, of Boston, s. Charles and Lucretia, int. Apr. 15, 1840.
Jeremiah of Stoughton, and Elizabeth Thomas, Jan. 1, 1826.
Betsey and Robert Torrance, Sept. 24, 1816. [int. July 28, P.R.2.]
Silvina of Duxhury, and Robert G. Mcfarland, Mar. 4, 1819. [Selvina, int. Feb. 20, P.R.2.]
William of Duxbury, and Hannah Mcfarland, Sept. 24, 1809. [int. June 5, P.R.2.]
Ann of Salem, and John Bishop, Aug. 2, 1726, in Salem.
Abigail of Marshfield, and Isaac Keen, Feb. 16, 1773, in Marshfield.
Andrew, 22, shoemaker, s. Peleg T. and Sarah, and Lucetta E. Chandler, 16, d. Perez and Lucetta, int. Sept. 2, 1848.
KERBY (see Curbe)
Sarah, d. Barnahas dec'd and Elizabeth of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., and Benjamin Estes, s. Robert and Beulah of Hanover. May 8, 1799. C.R.4.
Alexander and Dorothy M. Josselyn, Oct. 7, 1827.
Greenleaf and Sophia B. (Pratt) Vinson, June 11, 1846. P.R.79.
Christopher and Martha Linsey of Scituate, Nov. 4, 1731, in Scituate.
Dauphin, Capt., of Norton, and Hannah C. D. Allen, July 12, 1840.
Edward of Boston, and Alice Perrey, July 30, 1759. [Perry, P.R.191.]
Chloe of Bridgwater, and Barzilla [dup. Barzy] Sturtevant, Feb. 3, 1803.
Deborah and Thomas Sherman, Nov. 2, 1806.
Joseph of Bridgwater, and Eunice Jossleyn, Dec. 16, 1791.
Esther of Dedham, and Amos Standish, Dec. 14, 1783, in Dedham.
KIRBY (see Kerby).
Abigail and James Hayse, Feb. 25, 1730.
Hannah and Benjamin Ramsdell Jr., Dec. 5, 1770.
Hannah and David Robins "a Trancient Person," Apr. 1, 1777.
John Jr. of Hannover, and Sarah Staples of Hannover, Nov. 4, 1728.
Isaac of Hingham, and Sarah Hatch, Oct. 1, 1759.
Abijah and Sarah Hartwell, Nov. 14, 1700.
Bershaba and Jesse Turner, May 3, 1780. [Bathsheba, P.R.191.]
Bethiah Ames and Consider Samson of Duxborah, Jan. 11, 1791.
Betsey A. and Nathaniel Rogers of Marshfield, Mar. 20, 1833.
Caleb and Sarah Fish, Mar. 13, 1777.
Caleb and Mrs. Sally Cobb of Middleborough, int. May 19, 1816. P.R.2. [Caleb Jr. and Sally (Eddy) Cobb, wid., m. May ----. P.R.153.
Caleb Jr. and Abigail C. Soper of Hanson, ----. [Caleb 3d and Abigal Soper, Nov. 2, 1834, P.R.153.]
Charles of Marshfield, and Mary Holmes, Mar. 1, 1795.
Ebenezer R. and Ruth Hatch of Duxbury, int. Nov. 27, 1819. P.R.2.
Jesse of Scituate, and Mercy Randall, Nov. 15, 1762. [Randal, Nov. 25, P.R.191.]
Lemuel of Marshfield, and Lydia Magoun, Nov. 25, 1792.
Mary and Lemuel Little, Mar. 18, 1779.
Molly and Alexander Bonney, Nov. 27, 1800.
Naomi and Lot Foord, Mar. 15, 1787. P.R.191.
Oliver and Hannah E. Sherman, Oct. 22, 1826. P.R.153.
Oliver Jr., 22, s. Oliver and Hannah, and Mahitabel B. Sherman, 18, of New Bedford, d. Jared and Eunice, int. Nov. 10, 1849.
Rogers of Marshfield, and Sarah Franklin Church, Dec. 28, 1794.
Ruth and Jacob Barstow, May 20, 1792.
Sarah F. and Arthur Rogers of Marshfield, Nov. 7, 1822.
Silvanus (see Sylvanus).
Sophia and Melzar Crooker, Mar. 30, 1820. [int. Jan. 22, P.R.2.]
Sylvanus of Marshfield, and Keziah Barstow, Apr. 12, 1795.
Thankful of Scituate, and Joseph Fish, Dec. 8, 1774, in Marshfield.
Ezra of Abington, and Mol Jeffrey, Sept. 26, 1765. [Lawrence, and Mol Geofry, P.R.191.]
Sarah of Bridgewater, and Benjamin Darling, Jan. 27, 1785, in Bridgewater.
Andrew of Midleboro, and Hannah Hobart, Aug. 9, 1778.
Eunice and Jacob Rideout, July 11, 1802.
Mary of Halifax, and Jeptha Harden "alias Jeptha Derz," July 14, 1757, in Halifax.
Patience of Easton, and John Beals, Nov. 17, 1791, in Easton.
Shepard, Capt., of Easton, and Phebe Torrey, Nov. 29, 1804.
Solomon of Bridgewater, and Jerusha Bryant, Apr. 19, 1739, in Bridgewater.
Thompson of Hallifax, and Prissilla Clark, Aug. 10, 1797.
LEAVIT (see Leavitt, Levit, Levitt)
Jacob and Silvine Bonney, Mar. 15, 1753.
John of Rochester, and Lydia Howland, Oct. 18, 1804.
Laban and Celia Winslow Turner, Feb. 13, 1805.
Lucy and Solomon Leavit of Salem, Sept. 12, 1802.
Salley and James Barstow, Dec. 13, 1781. [Sarah, P.R.191.]
Solomon and Margaret Keen, Aug. 31, 1756.
Solomon of Salem, and Lucy Leavit, Sept. 12, 1802.
LEAVITT (see Leavit, Levit, Levitt)
Deborah of Hingham, and Nathan Stevens, int. Nov. 13, 1819. P.R.2.
Elizebeth and John Holmes Jr. of Halifax, ----, in Halifax.
John and Ruth Keen, Oct. 25, 1759.
Margrat and Jesse Delano, May 9, 1784. [Margaret Leavit, P.R.191.]
Rebecca of Hingham, and Nathan Stevens, Nov. 1, 1770, in Hingham.
Solomon and Susanna Harden of Halifax, May 16, 1749, in Halifax.
Sumner and Betsey Witherell, Oct. 23, 1831.
Susannah and Ebenezer Drake of Bridgwater, Feb. 18, 1773.
Ephraim of Easton, and Abigail Howland, Nov. 24, 1805.
Levi of Mansfield, and Ruth C. Bates, Apr. 4, 1830.
Ruth C., Mrs., and Horace Hall, ----, 1836.
LEVIT (see Leavit, Leavitt, Levitt)
Gad and Huldah Perry of Scituate, May 22, 1791, in Scituate.
LEVITT (see Leavit, Leavitt, Levit)
Mary and Nathaniell Fish, Mar. 15, 1778. [Leavit, and Nathaniel Fish, P.R.191.]
Charles H. and Ann M. Fish, int. June 23, 1844.
Cornelia D. and William H. George of Wrentham, int. Sept. 15, 1844.
Daniel and Elizabeth Hawkes of Hingham, Dec. 11, 1712, in Hingham. [Hawk, P.R.41.]
Daniel Jr. and Sarah Bisbe Jr., Sept. 30, 1736. [Bisbee, P.R.41.]
Daniel and Mercy Winslow of Marshfield, Jan. 21, 1768, in Marshfield.
Elizabeth Jr., Mrs., and Rev. John Howland of Plimton, Jan. 21, 1747-8.
John W., 25, shoemaker, s. Nathaniel and Anna, and Abigail C. Sylvester, 31, of Scituate, d. Abigail Stodard, int. OCt. 22, 1846.
Joseph Jr. of Duxbury, and Jane Little, Mar. 12, 1835.
Mercy of Marshfield, and James Foord Jr., int. Apr. 21, 1810. P.R.2.
Nathaniel of Duxbury, and Anna Witherel, Oct. 4, 1807.
Nathaniel T. and Lydia B. Keen, Dec. 1, 1833.
Olive of Marshfield, and Isaac Joyce, July 30, 1826.
Penelope L. of Marshfield, and James H. Magoun, May 5, 1839, in Marshfield.
Urbane of Hingham, and Abigail Jones, Feb. 4, 1762.
LINCHOL (see Linclon, Lincoln, Lincolne)
Leah and John Rogers, Mar. 6, 1722-3.
LINCLON (see Linchol, Lincoln, Lincolne)
Content Jr. and Benjamin Hiland Jr. of Scituate, Oct. 1, 1778. [Lincoln, and Benjamin Highland, P.R.191.]
Susanna and Diaman Perrey, Dec. 30, 1773. [Susannah Lincoln and Daman Perry, P.R.191.]
LINCOLN (see Linchol, Linclon, Lincolne)
Benjamin Jr. of Hingham, and Mary Cushing, Jan. 15, 1756.
Betsey of Hanson, and Robert B. McLaughlin of Kingston, Aug. 27, 1843.
Eliz and Elisha Bonney, Dec. 10, 1729. [Elizabeth, P.R.156.]
Hannah and Thomas Cook of Hanover, Mar. 26, 1770. [Cooke, P.R.191.]
Jedidiah of Hingham, and Mary Barker, wid., June 10, 1736.
John Jr. and Content Turner of Hanover, Feb. 25, 1740.
Levi and Lucy Bonney, June 30, 1799.
Lucy and Cephas Bryant of Plympton, Mar. 3, 1816. [int. Oct. 13, 1815, P.R.2.]
Rebecka and Benjaman Tolman, July 26, 1787. P.R.191.
Susannah Jr. and Nathaniel Baker, Dec. 29, 1740.
Thomas and Lydia Randall, Feb. 13, 1766. [Randal, P.R.191.]
LINCOLNE (see Linchol, Linclon, Lincoln)
John and Susannah Nicholls, Mar. 29, 1717.
LINDSEY (see Lindsy, Linsey, Lyndsey, Lyndsy)
Ephraim and Ann Bonney, Dec. 1, 1771. [Lindsay, and Ann Bonny, P.R.191.]
James and Urane Sharman, June 20, 1784.
James Jr. of Hanover, and Lois Hill 2d, June 26, 1808.
Jane and George Turner of Bridgwater, Nov. 9, 1758.
Laurania, Mrs., and James Crooker, int. July 23, 1813. P.R.2.
Melzar and Rebecca Turner, Sept. 30, 1804.
LINDSY (see Lindsey, Linsey, Lyndsey, Lyndsy)
Rebecca and Capt. Joseph Estes, int. Jan. 4, 1846.
LINSEY (see Lindsey, Lindsy, Lyndsey, Lyndsy)
Andrew and Jane Curbe, Apr. 5, 1733.
Andrew and Ruth Parrish, Sept. 30, 1736 [? in Pembroke]. P.C.R.
Martha of Scituate, and Christopher King, Nov. 4, 1731, in Scituate.
Desire [dup. Desire Litchied Churchill of Bridgewater] and Cornelius Churchhill [dup. Churchill] of Bridgwater, July 29, 1800. [Desire Litchfield Churchill of Bridgewater and Cornelius Churchill, P.R.186.]
Ebenezer of Scituate, and Deborah Witherell of Hanover, July 15, 1782.
LITEL (see Little)
Nathaniel, s. Isaac and Marey and Lydia Barker, d. Isaac and Eelizebth, July 25, 1745. C.R.4.
LITTLE (see Litel)
Abigail, Mrs., and John Arbuthnot of Boston, June 14, 1720.
Abigail and Bailey Hall. Sept. 23, 1793.
Almira of Marshfield, and Rev. Joseph Torrey, int. Oct. 3, 1816. P.R.2.
Almira, d. Edward P. and Edy R. of Marshfield, Plymouth Co., and Richard Peterson of Philadelphia Co., Pa., s. George and Jane of Philadelphia Co., Pa., Feb. 15, 1844. C.R.4.
Anna and Jonathan Packard of Bridgwater, Sept. 27 1789.
Betsey and Benjamin Standish. Jan. 25, 1843.
Charles and Sarah Loring Jr., Oct. 24, 1795.
Constant of Marshfield, and Sarah Barker Jr., Aug. 19, 1773.
Edward P. of Marshfield, s. George dec'd and Rachel of Marshfield, Plymouth Co., and Edy Rogers, d. Joseph and Elizabeth of Marshfield, Mar. 13, 1807. C.R.4.
Elizabeth M., Mrs., and Samuel B. Allen of E. Bridgewater, Oct. 30, 1842.
George Jr. of Scituate, and Mary Torrey, Feb. 9, 1806.
Isaac Esq. and Mrs. Abigail Thomas, NOV. 29, 1732.
Isaac and Lydia Hatch, Oct. 27, 1760. [Isaack, P.R.191.]
Isaac and Welthea Winsor of Duxboro, Jan. 15, 1788.
Jane and Joseph Lewis Jr. of Duxbury, Mar. 12, 1835.
Judith and William Loring Jr. of Duxborough, Dec. 18, 1794.
Lemuel and Mary Lapham, Mar. 18, 1779.
Mary of Marshfield, and John Turner, Feb. 26, 1761, in Marshfield.
Mary J. of Marshfield, d. Edward P. and Edy R. of Marshfield, and Stephen R. Rogers of Marshfield, s. Moses F. and Beulah W. of Marshfield. Sept. 30, 1849. C.R.4.
Rachel W., d. Edward P. and Edy of Marshfield, Plymouth Co., and Joseph Healy of N. Providence, Providence Co., Providence Plantations, R.I., s. Daniel and Lucy dec'd of Collins, Erie Co., N.Y., Apr. 12, 1832. C.R.4.
Samuel W. and Elizabeth M. Simmons, Dec. ----, 1839.
Sarah and Benjamin Barstow, Dec. 31, 1820.
Sarah and Isaac Barker Jr., Feb. 5, 1823.
Sarah, Mrs., and Dea. Gideon T. White, May 5, 1824.
Sarah G., d. Edward P. and Edy (Rogers) of Marshfield, Plymouth Co., and Elisha J. Sherman of Marshfield, Plymouth Co., s. Aaron and Lydia dec'd of Marshfield, Plymouth Co., Dec. 9, 1841. C.R.4.
Wealthy and Seth Sprague Jr. of Duxbury, Aug. 13, 1813. [int. June 12, P.R.2.]
Sarah and John Roan, Oct. 24, 1717.
Alden of Duxbury, and Lucinda Briggs, Sept. 15, 1808.
Amelia and Joseph Meigs of Rochester, Sept. 14, 1808. [int. Aug. 13, P.R.2.]
Deborah and Jehiel Simmons of Duxborough, Oct. 22, 1761.
Edward S. and Ann B. Jones, May 16, 1830.
Elisha B. and ---- ----, Feb. 24, 1839, in Canton. P.R.46.
Elizabeth B. and Thomas A. Poyen of W. Amesbury, int. Oct. 8, 1843. [Elisabeth B. m. Oct. 20. P.R.46.]
Hannah and Wait Foord, June 26, 1780. [Ford, P.R.191.]
Henry B. of Duxbury, and Lucy D. Loring of Duxbury, Mar. 26, 1837.
Laura H. and ----, Patten, July 4, 1841, in Newburyport. P.R.46.
Levi of Duxborough, and Joanna Josselyn, Feb. 7, 1802.
Levi Jr. of Plympton, and Ruth H. Samson, May 8, 1825.
Lucia A. and Otis Bailey of Andover, Feb. 7, 1833. [Lucinda A., P.R.46.]
Lucy D. of Duxbury, and Henry B. Loring of Duxbury, Mar. 26, 1837.
Nathaniel Jr. and Catharine S. Thomas, Feb. 17, 1805.
Nathaniel B. and Mrs. Ann P. Faunce [int. of Roxbury], Nov. 20, 1843, in Roxbury.
Nathaniell Jr. and Sarah Baker Jr., Sept. 1, 1771. [Nathaniel Jr. and Sarah Baker 3d, P.R.191.]
Priscilla and Daniell Baker, Jan. 6, 1782. [Daniel, P.R.191.]
Priscilla and George Browinll of Dartmouth, Apr. 8, 1787.
Priscilla and Ebenezer Barker, Apr. 2, 1761. [Priscilla, P.R.139. P.R.191.]
Samuell and Prudence Chapman, Dec. 25, 1777. Samuel, P.R.191.]
Sarah and John Thomas, June 10, 1770.
Sarah Jr. and Charles Little, Oct. 24, 1795.
Sopha and John Shepherd, int. Mar. 29, 1845. [Sophia, m. Apr. 5, in Malden, P.R.46.] [Sophia, m. Apr. 27, P.R.149.]
William Jr. of Duxborough, and Judith Little, Dec. 18, 1794.
Abraham and Hannah Pierce, June 3, 1808.
LOUDON (see Lowden, Lowdon)
Puffer of Marshfield, and Violet Osgood, Mar. 16, 1786.
Hannah of Marshfield, and Samuel Taylor, Feb. 15, 1784, in Marshfield.
John and Susanna Gilford of Hanover, Apr. 22, 1731, in Hanover.
LOWDEN (see Loudon, Lowdon)
Bethiah of Duxbury, and Jonathan Crocker Jr., Jan. 14, 1742, in Duxbury.
Elizabeth of Duxborough, and Comfort Bates Jr., July 17, 1747.
John and Hannah Goold, Nov. 23, 1770. [Gould, P.R.191.]
John and Ruth Josselin, Feb. 23, 1786. P.R.191.
Lucy and John Josselyn, Nov. 25, 1784.
Richard Jr. and Betsey Hatch of Bridgwater, Jan. 9, 1788.
LOWDON (see Loudon, Lowden)
Sylvanus of Duxborough, and Betcy Nash, Dec. 22, 1791.
Barnabas of Plimton, and Anna Peirce, June 28, 1753.
Deborah of Plymouth, and Noah Curtis, June 14, 1781, in Plymouth.
LYNDSEY (see Lindsey, Lindsy, Linsey, Lyndsy)
Permela and Patrick Boyles "a transient person," May 3, 1824.
Rebeca M. [int. Rebecca M. Lindsey], 37, d. Melzar and Rebecca, and Edward P. Mansfield, 25, shoemaker, of Abington, s. William dec'd and Hannah, Feb. 27, 1847.
LYNDSY (see Lindsey, Lindsy, Linsey, Lynclsey)
Ephraim and Anne Howland, May 22, 1760. [Lindsey, and Ann Howland, P.R.156.]
MACAMBER (see Macomber)
Thomas Jr. and Rebecca Bowker, Mar. 3, 1808.
MACFARLAND (see Mackfarland, McFarland, McFarlen, McFarlin)
Lusanna and Elijah Delano of Duxbury, Nov. 9, 1806.
Rebecca and Abraham Pierce, Oct. 19, 1803.
MACKFARLAND (see Macfarland, McFarland, McFarlen, McFarlin)
Hannah and George Rusel, Dec. 18, 1732.
Isaac and Sarah Foster, Dec. 8, 1731.
John Jr. and Mary Foster, Mar. 28, 1726.
Martha Jr. and William Curtiss, Nov. 14, 1738.
Rebacca and Joseph Newil, Jan. ----, 1755. [Rebecca McFarland and ---- Newel, P.R.191.]
William and Sarah Peterson of Duxborough, Nov. 18, 1734.
MACKLATHLEN (see Maclathlin, Maglathlen, McGlathlin, McLaughlin, McLauthlin.)
Robert and Mary Keen, Oct. 13, 1763. [McLathlin, P.R.191.]
Jane and Andrew Miller, Dec. 19, 1727.
MACLATHLIN (see Macklathlen, Maglothlen, McGlathlin, McLaughlin, McLauthlin)
Lydia and Nathaniel Bonney Jr. of Plymton, Feb. 9, 1800.
MACOMBER (see Macamber)
Charles. Dr., of Marshfield, and Dorothy Hitchcock, Apr. 21, 1805.
MAGLATHLEN (see Macklathlen, Maclathlin, McGlathlin, McLaughlin, McLauthlin)
Elisha of Kingston, and Olive Bryant, Nov. 27, 1791.
MAGOON (see Magoun, Magoune, Majoun, McGoon, McGown)
Aaron and Mary Church of Scituate, Jan. 21, 1768, in Scituate.
Elisha and Abigail Neal of Scituate, Dec. 29, 1782, in Scituate.
Elisha and Lydia Neal of Scituate, Mar. 20, 1789, in Scituate.
Marcy, wid. Nathaniel, d. Joseph Keen and Rebekah, and Barnabas Shepherd, s. John and Abigail of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., Dec. 1, 1791. C.R.4.
Ruth and James Randal, June 15. 1737.
MAGOUN (see Magoun, Magoune, Majoun, McGoon, McGown)
Aaron S. and Mercy Webb, Sept. 10, 1809. [Aaron Soule Magoun, int. Apr. 16, P.R.2.]
Abigail and John Stetson Jr., May 24, 1792.
Abner and Ruth Briggs, Oct. 14, 1765. [Megoun, P.R.191.]
Abner Jr. and Mary Bates of Hanover, Dec. 16, 1796.
Asaph and Lydia Holmes Clapp of Scituate, int. Dec. 10, 1809. P.R.2.
Catherine and James Bonney, May 15, 1822. [Catharine, May 16, P.R.108.]
Daniel and Mary Pincin of Bridgewater, int. Sept. 28, 1816. P.R.2.
David and Rachel Soule, Sept. 26, 1728, in Duxbury.
Deborah M., 21, d. Nathaniel and Polly, and Jason W. Drake, 22, cotton spinner, of Stoughton, s. Nathan Jr. and Sally, Jan. 4, 1846.
Elias and Esther Sampson, June ----. 1799. P.R.170.
Elias and Susan Haile of Warren, R.I., Mar. 10, 1801. P.R.170.
Elisabeth and Levi Simmons of Duxbury, Oct. 15, 1817. [int. Sept. 27, P.R.2.]
Elisha and Hannah Mitchel, Dec. 19, 1805.
Elizabeth (see Elisabeth).
Esther A. and Franklin Howard of W. Bridgewater, June 23, 1842.
Hannah Jr. and David Standish, Jan. 24, 1745-6.
Hulda and Jonathan Stetson of Bridgewater, June 14, 1791.
Isaac and Lydia Mcfarland, Feb. 1, 1776. [Isaac, s. David, and Lydia MacFarland, d. Isaac, P.R.92.] [Isaack McGoon and Lydia McFarland, P.R.191.]
Isaac Jr. and Margaret Sylvester, Oct. 8, 1812. [int. Aug. 21, P.R.2.]
James H. and Penelope L. Lewis of Marshfield, May 5, 1839, in Marshfield.
Jason of Hanover, and Eliza Josselyn, Nov. 30, 1826.
Jerusha and Whittemore Peterson of Duxbury, Dec. 25, 1814. [int. Dec. 3, P.R.2.]
John and Huldah Shurtleff of Marshfield, Nov. 30, 1768, in Marshfield.
Joseph and Sarah Magoun, Feb. 21, 1775. [McGoon, and Sarah McGoon, P.R.101.]
Joseph W. and Sa[torn] Baker, June 15, 1524.
Joshua and Sylvina Stetson, Oct. 25, 1781. [McGown, P.R.191.]
Joshua and Elizabeth Pierce, Feb. 13, 1804.
Leonice and Joseph Sampson of Wareham, Apr. 12, 1796.
Luther and Eliza Sampson of Marshfield, May 15, 1836. P.R.170.
Lydia and Lemuel Lapham of Marshfield, Nov. 25, 1792.
Lydia H. C. [? C.] and Ezra C. Stevens of Barnstable, Feb. 15, 1835.
Mary and Joseph Dwelly, Jan. 7, 1762. [McGoon, and Joseph Dwelle, P.R.191.]
Mary 2d and David Ropes of Salem, Apr. 4, 1809. [Mary Magoun Jr. and David Ropes Jr. of Salem, int. Mar. 11, P.R.2.]
Mary Sylvester of Hanover, and Benoni Gurney, Oct. 10, 1819. [int. Apr. 3, P.R.2.]
Mercy O., Mrs., and Luther Briggs, Aug. 3, 1834, in Newbury.
Nabby and Comfort Bates Jr., Sept. 3, 1780. [McGoon, P.R.191.]
Nabby and Martin Simmons of Duxbury, Dec. 14, 1815. [int. Nov. 19, P.R.2.]
Nathaniel and Polly Mitchell of Marshfield, int. Nov. 9, 1809. P.R.2.
Nathaniell and Marcy Keen, May 16, 1785.
Paul and Jane T. Stevens, Jan. 10, 1838.
Rebecca and Ebenezer Man, Aug. 22, 1751.
Recompence and Ruth Crooker, July 20, 1742.
Robert and Sylvina Bates, Jan. 16, 1829.
Ruth Jr. and James Cox, Feb. 15, 1770. [McGoon, P.R.191.]
Ruth and Reuben Healy, May 17, 1804.
Ruth and Samuel Brick of Boston, Feb. 20, 1806.
Ruth and Snow Magoun of Boston, Jan. 11, 1837.
Ruthy and Charles Keen, Oct. 20, 1816. [int. Mar. 11, P.R.2.]
Sally and James Keen [dup. Keene] of Duxborough, Mar. 6, 1800. [Keen, P.R.186.]
Sally and Joel Peterson of Duxbury, Mar. 13, 1803.
Sarah and Joseph Magoun, Feb. 21, 1775. [McGoon, and Joseph McGoon, P.R.191.]
Sarah and William Currier Jr. of Newbury, Dec. 1, 1831.
Silvina and Caleb Barstow, Nov. 22, 1770. [Sylvina McGoon, P.R.191.]
Seth and Abigail Eames, Sept. 6, 1787, in Marshfield.
Snow of Boston, and Ruth Magoun, Jan. 11, 1837.
Susan J., 29, d. Daniel and Mary, and Lorenzo Sherman, 29, ship joiner, of Marshfield, s. Ebenezer and Grace of Marshfield, Sept. 5, 1849.
Sylvina (see Silvina).
Thomas and Mary Wales of Marshfield, Apr. 24, 1770, in Marshfield.
Thomas and Mrs. Mary Bishop of Hanover, Sept. 19, 1814. [int. Sept. 3, P.R.2.]
Zuviah and Josiah Bonney, Oct. 10, 1827. [Zerviah, P.R.108.]
MAGOUNE (see Magoon, Magoun, Majoun, McGoon, McGown)
Sarah, wid., and John Sturtevant, Dec. 15, 1833.
MAHUREN (see Meharen).
MAJOUN (see Magoon, Magoun, Magoune, McGoon, McGown)
Huldah and Cornelius Briggs Church of Scituate, Mar. 11, 1802.
MAN (see Mann)
Bettey and Thomas Nash, Dec. 7, 1780. [Betty, P.R.191.]
David and Elisabeth Bates Jr., Dec. 24, 1778. [Elizabeth, P.R.191.]
Ebenezer and Rebecca Magoun, Aug. 22, 1751.
Ebenezer and Ursula Randall Jr., Oct. 1, 1772. [Randal, P.R.191.]
Huldah and Jabez Josselyn, Dec. 27, 1795.
Rebecca and Joshua Turner 3d, June 19, 1783.
MANN (see Man)
Adeline and John Oldham, Sept. 6, 1843, in Brooklyne, N.Y. [John 2d, P.R.139.]
Almira and George Taber, Sept. 20, 1835.
Andrew of Abington, and Abigail O. Torrance, int. July 27, 1843. [Andrue and Abagail O. Torrance, m. Sept. 24, P.R.18.]
Benjamin 3d of Hanover, and Lydia Josselyn, Mar. 10, 1811. [int. Jan. 3, P.R.2.] [m. Mar. 10, 1810, P.R.66.]
Benjamin Esq. of Hanover, and Lydia C. Waterman, Feb. 13, 1839.
Betsey and John Turner 2d, Nov. 23, 1817. [int. Oct. 18, P.R.2.]
David Jr. and Rebecca Oldham, Jan. 24, 1805.
David O., 35, iron founder, s. David and Rebeca and Nancy Austin, 33, of Foxborough, d. William dec'd and Elizabeth dec'd, May 14, 1844.
Ebenezer and Almy Josselyn, Dec. 1, 1812. [Jossilyn, int. Nov. 12, P.R.2.]
Elizabeth B. and Robert Ramsdell, Sept. 20, 1835. [Elizebeth R., P.R.91.]
Jonathan Oldham and Eliza Ann Sears, Nov. 4, 1834, in E. Dennis. P.R.105.
Lucy P., 24, d. David and Rebecca, and Horace J. Foster, 22, ship Wright, s. David H. and Deborah, Oct. 25, 1846.
Maria H., 19, b. Boston, d. John C. and Sylvia L., and James R. Josselyn, 26, shoemaker, s. Elisha K. and Lydia, Sept. 1, 1847.
Mary C. of Hanover, and Oren Josselyn, int. Jan. 20, 1816. P.R.2. [m. Feb. 14, P.R.66.]
Mary T., d. David and Rebecca, and Seth Whitman Jr., widr., house wright, s. Seth and Joanna, Sept. 23, 1846.
Priscilla J., 19, b. Boston, d. John C. and Sylvia, and Dr. Francis Collamore, 23, s. Horace and Laura, Apr. 29, 1849.
Edward P., 25, shoemaker, of Abington, s. William dec'd and Hannah, and Rebeca M. Lyndsey, [int. Rebecca M. Lindsey], 37, d. Melzar and Rebecca, Feb. 27, 1847.
Lyman W. of E. Bridgewater, and Martha Ramsdell of E. Bridgewater, Apr. 26, 1835, in Hanson.
Martha, Mrs. (second w.), 36, of Hanson, d. Samuel Ramsdell and Rebecca, and David O. Howland, 38, house wright, s. Allen and Sally, int. Oct. 20, 1849. [m. Dec. 1, P.R.69.]
Noah of Boston, and Lucinda Stetson, July 15, 1804.
Sally and Capt. Richard Johnson of Kingston, ----, 1831.
Desire and Calvin Gardner, Mar. 11, 1734.
McFARLAND (see Macfarland, Mackfarland, McFarlen, McFarlin)
Abigail and John Osburn, Apr. 6, 1788.
Foster and Bethiah Glover, June 21, 1787.
Hannah and William Kender of Duxbury, Sept. 24, 1809. [int. June 5, P.R.2.]
John and Lucy Pierce, Nov. 25, 1813. [int. Sept. 24, P.R.2.] [McFarlen, P.R.33.]
Judith and Michel Osburn, Nov. 30, 1786.
Lucanna and Daniel Russel, Aug 18, 1779. [Susanna and Daniell Russell, P.R.191.]
Lydia and Isaac Magoun, Feb. 1, 1776. [Lydia MacFarland, d. Isaac, and Isaac Magoun, s. David, P.R.92.] [McFarland, and Isaack McGoon, P.R.191.]
Rebecca and Ebenezer Witherel, Feb. 21, 1775. [Macfarland, and Ebenezer Witherel, P.R.191.]
Robert G. and Silvina Kender of Duxbury, Mar. 4, 1819. [Selvina, int. Feb. 20, P.R.2.]
Samuel and Lydia Pierce, Sept. 18, 1814. [int. Sept. 2, P.R.2.]
Seth and Sally D. Everson of Kingston, int. July 26, 1816. P.R.2.
Susanna (see Lucanna).
McFARLEN (see Macfarland, Mackfarland, McFarland, McFarlin)
Deborah P. and Seth Ford, May 1, 1842.
Delia and Edward Bates, Apr. 16, 1834. [Apr. 17, 1833, P.R.33.]
Hannah and Martin Simmons, Jan. 3, 1847. P.R.33.
Isaac, 22, shoemaker, s. James N. and Lydia, and Priscilla B. Pierce, 19, d. Christopher and Priscilla, int. Apr. 7, 1849.
John and Hariet N. Ford, int. May 14, 1843. [Harriet. m. June 11, P.R.33.] [Harriet N., m. June 11, P.R.34.] [Harriet N., int. [sic] May 28, P.R.177.]
Joseph N. and Sally Samson, Jan. 1, 1824.
Lydia M. of Hanover, and David Tower Jr. of Hanover, June 26, 1842.
Ruth M. and David Tower Jr. of Hanover, int. Aug. 18, 1844. [int. [sic] Sept. 1, P.R.177.]
McFARLIN (see Macfarland, Mackfarland, McFarland, McFarlen)
Seth and Rebecca Newels, Feb. 7, 1790.
McGLATHLIN (see Macklathlen, Maclathlin, McLaughlin, McLaughlin)
Peter W. and Hannah B. Weston of Marshfield, int. Oct. 26, 1809. P.R.2.
McGOON (see Magoun, Magoun, Magoune, Majoun, McGown)
Lydia and Christopher Pierce, Apr. 24, 1785. P.R.191.
McGOWN (see Magoon, Magoun, Magoune, Majoun, McGoon)
Thomas and Priscilla Barker, Apr. 23, 1786. P.R.191.
McLAUGHLIN (see Macklathlen, Maclathlin, Maglathlen, McGlathlin, McLauthlin)
Nathan C. of Duxbury, and Selina W. McLaughlin, Feb. 21, 1843.
Polly and Abner Stetson, Nov. 22, 1787, in Kingston.
Robert B. of Kingston, and Betsey Lincoln of Hanson, Aug. 27, 1843.
Selina W. and Nathan C. McLaughlin of Duxbury, Feb. 21, 1843.
McLAUTHLIN (see Macklathlen, Maclathlin, Maglathlen, McGlathlin, McLaughlin)
Pamelia and Joseph Ford, Jan. 23, 1825. P.R.173.
McLUCAS (see Macklucas)
Bethia [dup. Bethiah Mahuren] and Ezra Churchill of Bridgewater [dup. Bridgwater], Feb. 3, 1800. [Bethia Meharen and Ezra Churchel of Bridgewater, P.R.186.]
Joseph of Rochester, and Amelia Loring, Sept. 14, 1808. [int. Aug. 13, P.R.2.]
MERRIL (see Merrill)
Rhoda and Joseph Bonney, s. Ichabod and Mary (Turner), Feb. 4, 1796. P.R.156.
MERRILL (see Merril)
Anna and Ichabod Bonney, s. Ichabod and Mary (Turner), Feb. 21, 1788. P.R.136.
MILLAR (see Miller)
Mary and Henry Munro Jr., Sept. 12, 1771.
MILLER (see Millar)
Andrew and Jane Macklucas, Dec. 19, 1727.
MITCHEL (see Mitchell)
Hannah and Elisha Magoun, Dec. 10, 1805.
Jacob and Mary Howland, Jan. 18, 1721.
John Jr. of Scituate, and Rizpha Richard, June 2, 1763. [Rispha, P.R.191.]
Nahum, widr. [int. Mitchell, omits widr.], 30, carpenter, of Marshfield, s. ---- dec'd of Marshfield, and Nancy [int. adds W.] Collamore, 26, d. Anthony, Nov. 28, 1844.
Samuel Hatch of Marshfield, and Patty Holmes, Nov. 8, 1801.
MITCHELL (see Mitchel)
Mary A. of Marshfield, and John W. Hatch, int. Jan. 14, 1843.
Polly of MarshfeId, and Nathaniel Magoun, int. Nov. 9, 1809. P.R.2.
MONRO (see Munro, Munroe)
Catherine I. of Hanson, and Christopher B. Jones of Hanson, June 6, 1839.
Eliza of Hanover, and Benjamin Stetson 2d, Dec. 11, 1838.
MOORE (see More)
Isaac and Hannah Studly of Hanover, Mar. 18, 1782.
James M. of Marshfield, and Joann W. Taylor, int. Nov. 12, 1843. [Joanna, int. [sic] Nov. 26, P.R.177.]
MORE (see Moore)
Mary and James Hatch, Jan. 27, 1763.
Jabez and Mrs. Ruth Turner, Mar. 1, 1812. [int. Feb. 11, P.R.2.]
Jabez and Mrs. Nancy Seagraves of Salem, int. May 22, 1842.
Joseph of E. Bridgewater, and Martha C. Ford. Apr. 2, 1838.
Nathaniel of Stoughton, and Nancy C. Curtis of Duxbury Dec. 16, 1827.
Priscilla of Abington, and Nathanie Harden, July 22, 1785, in Abington.
Ruth T. and Freeman Hinckley of Barnstable, int. June 4, 1843.
Carroline and Robert Briggs of Boston, Mar. 11, 1821.
Elizebeth Foster and William Putnam Ripley of Plymouth, Dec. 6, 1821.
Harriet and Caleb C. Gilbert of New Bedford, Apr. 23, 1832.
Lucia D. and Isaac Folsom of "E. C. N. Carolina," Feb. 20, 1825.
Henry S. of Colchester, Conn., and Mrs. Ursula Freeman, Apr. 14, 1811. [Henry Smith Mosher of Colchester, Conn., int. Apr. 7, P.R.2.]
MUNRO (see Monro, Munroe)
Cyrus of Halifax, and Chrissa W. Phillips, Dec. 8, 1812. [int. Oct. 3, P.R.2.] [m. Dec. 1. P.R.60.]
Daniel of Bridgewater, and Philebert Christian of Bridgewater, Apr. 29, 1809.
Hannah and Job Stetson of Hanover, July 8, 1762.
Henry and Elisabeth Bisbe, June 16, 1761.
Henry Jr. and Mary Millar, Sept. 12, 1771.
Margaret and Peter Samson, Mar. 15, 1812. lint. Feb. 20, P.R.2.]
Mary and Jacob Bearce, Sept. 12, 1771.
Mary and Joshua Sturtevant, Nov. 27, 1800.
Mercy and Richard Everson, Apr. 27, 1813. [int. Oct. 17, 1812. P.R.2.]
Sarah and Kingman Cook of Bridgewater, Aug. 13, 1815. [int. Mar. 19. P.R.2.]
Shubal and Mary Josselyn, Nov. 10, 1742.
MUNROE (see Monro, Munro)
Bennet and Lucy Sprague, Jan. 7, 1796.
Hector of Halifax, and Mercy P. Turner, ----, 1831.
Henry of Swanzey, and Hannah Josselyn Jr., Nov. 16, 1738.
Chloe and Nathaniel Bonney, June 25, 1799. P.R.5.
Chloe and Blaney Phillips, Dec. 21, 1816. [int. Nov. 23, P.R.2.]
Abel and Lucanna Tracy, Dec. 15, 1774. [Susannah, P.R.101.]
Abigail Thomas, 20, d. Zebulon and Sarah (Keen), and Joseph W. Briggs. shoemaker, of Halifax, s. Joseph and Priscilla B. (Ryder), June 25, 1843.
Betcy and Sylvanus Lowdon of Duxboraugh, Dec. 22, 1791.
Betsey Mann and David Hammond, Apr. 3, 1808.
Charlotte and Isaiah Samson Jr., Jan. 26, 1815. [int. Jan. 7, 1814, P.R.2.]
Elizabeth W. and Henry A. Wade of Hanover, Apr. 23, 1843.
Loring of E. Bridgewater, and Hannah Perrey, Aug. 13, 1826.
Lydia of Abington, and Enos Cox, Mar. 10, 1799, in Abington.
Sarah K. and George Glover. Feb. 11, 1836.
Simeon of Dartmouth, and Huldan Bates, Jan. 18, 1770. [Hulda, P.R.191.]
Thomas of Scituate, and Eunice Stetson, Feb. 18, 1766. [Betty, P.R.191.]
Thomas and Bettey Man, Dec. 7, 1780. [Betty, P.R.191.]
Zebulon and Sarah Keen, Sept. 8, 1816. [int. July 10, P.R.2.]
Zebulon T. and Martha L. Adams of Boston, int. Oct. 30, 1842.
Abigail of Scituate, and Elisha Magoun, Dec. 29, 1782, in Scituate.
Lydia of Scituate, and Elisha Magoun, Mar. 29, 1789, in Scituate.
Mary and Matthew Gannet of Scituate, Dec. 1, 1714.
Hannah and James Brand, Dec. 1, 1782.
Dennis of Hartford, and Sarah Howland, Mar. 31, 1801.
Mehitable and Edward Stephens Jr., Dec. 3, 1778. [Mehetabel Newberry and Edward Stevens Jr., P.R.191.]
Abigal and Ebenezer Holmes, Apr. 5, 1744.
NEWELL (see Newell, Newil)
Jonah and Huldah Howland, Feb. 2, 1758.
NEWELS (see Newell, Newil)
Rebecca and Seth McFarlin, Feb. 7, 1790.
Rebekah and Nathaniel Jackson Jr. of Plymouth, Apr. 25, 1790.
Daniel of Lynn, Essex CO., s. Daniel dec'd and Hannah dec'd "late" of Lynn, and Mary Bailey, d. John and Mary dec'd of Hanover, June 6, 1805. C.R.4.
NEWIL (see Newell, Newels)
Joseph and Rebacca Mackfarland, Jan. ----, 1755. [Newel, and Rebecca McFarland, P.R.191.]
Keturah and Anthony Pearce, Apr. 27, 1727.
NICCOLS (see Nicholls, Nichols, Nicols)
Susannah and Isaac Wadsworth, Dec. 16, 1730. [Nicols, P.R.159.]
NICHOLLS (see Niccols, Nichlos, Nicols)
Susannah and John Lincolne, Mar. 29, 1717.
NICHOLS (see Niccols, Nicholls, Nichols)
Joseph and Lydia Bisbee, Apr. 12, 1772.
NICOLS (see Niccols, Nicholls, Nichols)
Hannah and Joseph Ford Jr., Mar. 6, 1735.
Mary Dodge and Joseph Torrey, Oct. 28, 1801.
Patience of Bridgwater, and Samuel Wade, Apr. 7, 1782.
Annah and Samuell Ramsden, Aug. 20, 1750.
Content and Consider Cole of Plimton, Apr. 16, 1755.
Joseph [of Scituate] and Mercy Randall, June 23, 1835. P.R.178.
Mehitable of Scituate, and Elisha West, Nov. 30, 1749, in Scituate.
NORTHY (see Northey)
Sarah of Scituate, and Zebedee Delano, Jan. 31, 1750-1.
Jacob of Chilmark, and Mrs. Hannah Barker, June 8, 1727.
Aurora W. and Jane M. Smith, Nov. 3, 1824. P.R.139.
Daniell and Desire Ransom, June 15, 1769. [Daniel and ---- Withrell, P.R.191.]
David Jr. and Deborah Barker, Sept. 24, 1798. P.R.139.
Deborah and Caleb Howland, May 2, 1762.
Deborah, Mrs. [dup. omits Mrs.], and Alexander Soper, Oct. 17, 1790. [Mrs. Deborah, P.R.186.]
Ellis and Henry Rickard of Plympton. Feb. 13, 1723-4.
Georgiana M. W., 17, d. Aurora W. and Jane, and Julius Josselyn, 34, shoemaker, of Hanson, s. Eleazer and w., int. Apr. 8, 1848.
Hannah and Luther Howland, Dec. 27, 1797. P.R.142.
Hannah and Henry Joslin of Scituate, Sept. 23, 1718.
Isaac Jr. and Mary Stetson, Nov. 11, 1731.
Isaac Jr. and Deborah Buker, Feb. 12, 1756.
Jane R. W., 20, d. Aurora W. and Jane R. and Isaac G. Stetson, 20, shoemaker, s. Isaac O. and Emily, Oct. 25, 1846.
Joel and Melinda B. Fish, int. Aug. 10, 1840. P.R.177.
John and Lydia Sylvester of Hanover, Apr. 28, 1776. in Hanover.
John and Adeline Mann, Sept. 6, 1843, in Brooklyne, N.Y. [John 2d, P.R.139.]
Julia Ann and Isaiah Perry of Hanson, May 5, 1831. [Juli Ann and Isaiah S. Perry. P.R.139.]
Lucy and Samuel Perry Jr., Nov. 27, 1807. [Nov. 26, P.R.107.]
Lydia and Barnabas Jackson "Transient," Oct. 19, 1775.
Margery and Nathaniel Keen, Jan. 29, 1832.
Mary and Edward Y. Perry, July 8, 1834. [Mary B., P.R.139.]
Prissilla L. and Freeman M. Josselyn, Dec. 11, 1820. [Priscilla L., P.R.139.]
Rebecca and David Mann Jr., Jan. 24, 1805.
Rebecca C. and Pelham W. Bonney, Oct. 12, 1828. [Rebecca Chandler Oldham and Pelham Winslow Bonney, P.R.156.]
Ruth and Gideon Walker of Marshfield, July 28, 1774.
Salley and Abel Stetson, Dec. 1, 1782. [Sally, P.R.191.]
Sally and Allen Howland. Oct. 23, 1796. [Oct. 25, P.R.63.]
Sophronia and Charles Dyer of Hanson, Oct. 21, 1832. [Oct. 4, P.R.139.]
James of Lynn, Essex Co., s. Henry dec'd and Ruth of Lynn, and Elizebeth Brown, d. Smith and Lydia dec'd, May 3, 1821. C.R.4.
John of Bridgwater, and Mary Webster, Mar. 31, 1740.
ORSBORN (see Osborn, Osborne, Osbourn, Osburn)
Abigail and Samuel Taylor, Nov. 30, 1826.
OSBORN (see Orsborn. Osborne, Osbourn, Osburn)
George Jr. and Jerusha Fish, Mar. 14, 1782.
Hugh and Zuba Wade, Jan. 13, 1785.
Martin of Halifax, and Mrs. Eleanor Jennings, June 14, 1818. [Osbourn of Haifax and Mrs. Eleanor Jennings, int. Apr. 29, P.R.2.] [Osbourn, and Eleanor Jennings, P.R.157.]
OSBORNE (see Orsborn, Osborn, Osbourn, Osburn)
George and Deborah Taylor of Halifax, Aug. 9, 1778, in Halifax.
Lucy F. and Nathan B. Simmons, Dec. 21, 1834.
Nancy and Anthony Tammer, Dec. 29, 1807.
OSBOURN (see Orsborn, Osborn, Osborne, Osburn)
Deborah and Asa Hudson of Bridgwater, Jan. 20, 1804.
OSBURN (see Orsborn, Osborn, Osborne, Osbourn)
John and Abigail McFarland, Apr. 6, 1788.
Michel and Judith Mcfarland, Nov. 30, 1786.
Richard and Abigal Quason, Sept. 9, 1756.
Suke and Richard Hite, Dec. ----, 1786. P.R.191.
Violet and Puffer Loudon of Marshfield, Mar. 16, 1786.
Joseph and Marcy Thomas, Dec. 8, 1736.
Joseph and Elizabeth Baker of Marshfield, Sept. 8, 1774, in Marshfield.
Edward of Bridgewater, and Ruth Bonney, Dec. ----, 1757. [Bonny, P.R.191.]
Jonathan of Bridgwater, and Anna Little, Sept. 27, 1789.
Robert and Susanna Bennett, May 26, 1766. [Susannah Bennet, P.R.191.]
Stephen and Lucena Ford, Apr. 17, 1834. [Lucena, ch. Bille and Lucena (Howland), P.R.189.]
William and Agatha Stetson, May 31, 1742.
Elisha of Hanover, and Jerusha Stetson, Dec. 31, 1741.
Jeduthan and Sarah Turner, Apr. 25, 1811. [Jeduthun, int. Apr. 1, P.R.2.]
Sarah of Hanover, d. Josiah dec'd and Sarah, and Lemuell Dillingham of Hanover, s. Malletiah and Mary, Sept. 23, 1756. C.R.4.
Sarah of Hanover, and Joshua Barker of Hanover, Apr. 21, 1782.
PARIS (see Parris, Parrish, Parriss)
Marcy and Mark Keith of Easton, June 19, 1735, in Easton.
PARRIS (see Paris, Parrish, Parriss)
Abigal and Job Simmons Of Plymton. Oct. 20, 1742.
Alexander and Silvina Stetson, Apr. 19, 1801.
Ambrose and Mahala Howland, Oct. 28, 1832.
Elizabeth and Ebenezer Bonney, Oct. 16, 1729.
Hannah Gannet and Jonathan Crooker Jr., Jan. 19, 1794.
Thomas and Grace Record, Jan. 31, 1714.
PARRISH (see Paris, Parris, Parriss)
Ruth and Andrew Linsey, Sept. 30, 1736 [? in Pembroke]. P.C.R.
PARRISS (see Paris, Parris, Parrish)
Samuel and Ruth Bonney, Jan. 21, 1725.
PARRY (see Perrey, Perry)
Agatha and Isaac Soul, Mar. 11, 1725.
Barnabas and Alice Soul of Duxbury, Mar. 30, 1732.
John T. and Deborah Reed, Aug. 22, 1841.
John T. and Betsey J. Bailey of Methuen, int. Apr. 30, 1843.
Joseph of Hannover, and Rebeckah Joselin of Hannover, Apr. 24, 1728.
Mary, wid., and Joseph Stetson, Mar. 1, 1736.
Samuel and Unice Withrel of Hanover, Sept. 27, 1734.
Susannah and Thomas Hayford, Sept. 23, 1734.
Thomas and Margaret Gorden, May 30, 1728.
PARTRIDG (see Partridge)
Georg and Lydia Keen, Mar. 18, 1712-13.
PARTRIDGE (see Partridg)
Rebecca and Benjamin Barker, June 23, 1791, in Boston.
----, and Laura H. Loring, July 4, 1841, in Newburyport. P.R.46.
Elizebeth of Hanover, and John Wallis, Dec. 29, 1741.
Billings P. and Olive S. Hatch, Mar. 20, 1842.
PAULDING (see Polden, Poldon).
PEARCE (see Peirce, Pierce)
Anthony and Keturah Newland, Apr. 27, 1727.
Nehemiah and Eliz Hanks, Oct. 27, 1731.
PEIRCE (see Pearce, Pierce)
Abraham Jr. and Hannah Gilbert of Hanover, Apr. 5, 1781.
Anna and Barnabas Lucas of Plimton, June 28, 1753.
Benjamin and Eunice Torrey, Mar. 26, 1750.
Joseph and Olif Fish, May 23, 1769. [Oliff, P.R.191.]
Samuel of Hanover, and Rachel Cordwell of Hanover, June 12, 1742.
Sarah of Bridgewater, and John Pratt, Aug. 28, 1750, in Bridgewater.
Comfort, Mrs., of Charlestown, and Thomas Gardner, Sept. 15, 1840.
Timothy of Sandwich, and Sarah Keen, June 27, 1838.
Daniel H., 26, hammersman, of Weareham, s. Thomas and Betsey, and Caroline M. Samson, 19, d. Peleg R. and Sophia, int. Oct. 31, 1846.
Deborah of Bridgewater, and Abel Delano, Jan. 21, 1796, in Bridgewater.
Hannah and Isaac Bonney, Feb. 7, 1792. P.R.156.
Jacob of Bridgwater, and Mary Thomas, Dec. 18, 1808. [int. Oct. 14, P.R.2.]
Jonathan of Bridgwater, and Priscilla Bourn, Feb. 24, 1757.
Ornan of Bridgewater, and Betsey Crooker, July 12, 1818. [int. Apr. 15, P.R.2.]
Owen D. of E. Bridgewater, and Mary W. Thomas, Apr. 30, 1826.
James of Boston, and Sarah Randal, May 19, 1752.
PERREY (see Parry, Perry)
Alice and Edward King of Boston, July 30, 1759. [Perry, P.R.191.]
Barnabas and Bethiah Josselyn, ----, 1787.
Diaman and Susanna Linclon, Dec. 30, 1773. [Diman Perry and Susannah Lincoln, P.R.191,]
Dimon and Nabby Cushing, Apr. 26, 1763. [Diman Perry and Nabbe Cushing, P.R.191.]
Elijah and Chloe Stetson, July 6, 1806.
Hannah and Loring Nash of E. Bridgewater, Aug. 13, 1826.
John and Rhoda Barker, Jan. 27, 1793.
Luce of Hanover, and Benjamin Farrow of Scituate, Nov. 1, 1781.
Mary and Jacob Ford 3d of Abbigton, Oct. 11, 1792.
Sarah of Hanover, and Belcher Clerk of Hanover, Aug. 4, 1783.
Seth and Hannah Josselyn Jr., July 2, 1782. [Perry, P.R.191.]
PERRY (see Parry, Perrey)
Adam and Elizabeth House of Hanover, Oct. 6, 1776, in Hanover.
Alice and Josiah Cornish of Hanover, June 6, 1754.
Alice B. and Levi C. Wright of E. Bridgewater, June 24, 1827.
Almira and Thatcher Perry, Nov. 26, 1840.
Anne and George Cushman of Duxbury, Feb. 1, 1787.
Betty and Amos Turner of Hanover, Feb. 14, 1771.
Charles and Hannah Bisbee, Jan. 30, 1794.
Charles B. and Sarah Thomas, Apr. 14, 1817. [int. Mar. 29, P.R.2.]
Dimond of Minot, and Hannah House, Dec. 25, 1803.
Edward and Mary Oldham, July 8, 1834. [Mary B., P.R.139.]
Gideon of Hanover, and Katy Perry, Mar. 21, 1816. [Gidion, int. Apr. 6, P.R.2.]
Hannah L. and Lorenzo Tower of Halifax, Jan. 4, 1844.
Henry and Mary Saunders, Jan. 7, 1724.
Henry Jr. and Contente Barker, Apr. 25, 1790.
Huldah of Scituate, and Gad Levit, May 22, 1791, in Scituate.
Isaiah of Hanson, and Julia Ann Oldham, May 5, 1831. [Isaiah S. and Juli Ann Oldham, P.R.139.]
Joshua and Mary Thomas 2d, int. Feb. 14, 1818. P.R.2.
Katy and Gideon Perry of Hanover, Mar. 21, 1816. [Gidion, int. Apr. 6, P.R.2.]
Lydia B. of E. Bridgewater, and Barzilla T. Eelles of E. Bridgewater. Apr. 21, 1838.
Mary and Howland Beals, Dec. 29, 1757.
Mehitabel of Easton, and Benjamin Barnes, Mar. 29, 1798, in Easton.
Mercy and Job Caswell Jr. of Newport, Apr. 18, 1751.
Nabby and Charles Barstow, Apr. 10, 1796.
Nathaniel S., 27, farmer, s. Charles and Hannah, and Nancy W. Burgess, 27, b. Middleborough, d. Stephen and Sally [int. Sarah], Oct. 14, 1847.
Nehemiah and Hannah Stoddard of Stoughton, Sept. 18, 1791, in Stoughton [dup. Cantonl.
Noah and Jane Hobart, Oct. 1, 1772.
Otis of Hanson, and Mrs. Rebecca K. Estes, Dec. 6, 1840.
Priscilla A. and Thomas Drake of Abington, Jan. 6, 1828. [Priscilla R., P.R.76.]
Samuel and Alice Baker of Marshfield, Mar. 26, 1769, in Marshfield.
Samuel Jr. and Lucy Oldham, Nov. 27, 1807. [Nov. 26, P.R.107.]
Samuel Baker and Ann Bates of Hanover, Feb. 2, 1786, in Hanover.
Sarah B. and Otis H. Bates, Mar. 10, 1844.
Thatcher and Almira Perry, Nov. 26, 1840.
Zeniah of Easton, and Ezekiel Bonney, Sept. 18, 1787, in Easton.
Abigail of Duxbury, and Abraham Pierce Jr., Sept. 25, 1729, in Duxbury.
Alice of Duxbury, and Aaron Soule Jr., May 5, 1727, in Duxbury.
Alice and Daniell Teague, Mar. 19, 1761.
Calvin, 21, box maker, of Duxbury, s. Samuel and Ruth, and Maria L. Witherell, 24, d. Joshua R. and Sarah, int. Oct. 2, 1847. [m. Oct. 26, in Duxbury, P.R.38.] [int. [sic] Oct. 23, P.R.177.]
Deborah and David Foster, Apr. 8, 1762.
Jacob and Betse Turner Jr., Mar. 2, 1785. P.R.191.
Joel of Duxbury, and Sally Magoun, Mar. 13, 1803.
Jonathan of Duxborough, and Jael Dillingham, June 21, 1744.
Laura and Pelham Bonney. Nov. 20, 1825. P.R.108.
Lidia Jr. of Duxborough and Aron Soul Jr., Dec. 26, 1733.
Mary T. of Duxbury, and Adoniram J. Fish, int. Sept. 4, 1842. [Mary P. of Duxbury, int. [sic] Sept. 18. P.R.177.]
Nehemiah and Princes Dillingham, Dec. 13, 1764, in Duxbury.
Richard of Philadelphia Co., Pa., s. George and Jane of Philadelphia Co., Pa., and Almira Little, d. Edward P. and Edy R. of Marshfield, Plymouth Co., Feb. 15, 1844. C.R.4.
Samuell and Lydia Cowin, July 6, 1780. [Samuel, P.R.191.]
Sarah of Duxborough, and William Mackfarland, Nov. 18, 1734.
Sophia and Benjamiin Bearce Jr., Mar. 12, 1811. [Bearse, int. May 20, 1810, P.R.2.] [Bearce, P.R.159.]
Thomas of Duxborough, and Lydia Foord, Mar. 14, 1802.
Whittemore of Duxbury, and Jerusha Magoun, Dec. 25, 1814. [int. Dec. 3, P.R.2.]
William C. of Wrentham, and Sarah E. Cobb, Apr. 1, (?)