Vital Records of Pelham, Massachusetts
To the Year 1850
New England Historical Genealogical Society
Boston, Mass., 1902


[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

PACCKARD (see Packard, Pakard)
  • Catharine [int. Katherine Packard] and Chester Hyde, Dec. 6, 1821.
PACK (see Peck)
  • Joseph of Amherst, and Isabel Hyde, int. Aug, 11, 1799.
PACKARD (see Pacckard, Pakard)
  • Ambrose and Elizabeth B. Smith, int. Mar. 17, 1822.
  • Ann K. and William, Brown, Sept. 9, 1831.
  • Barzillia of Belchertown, and Olive Rider, int. Nov. 14, 1807.
  • Cloa and Barnabas Faye, int. Dec. 9, 1782.
  • Cleorinda [int. Clarinda Packarrd], 42, d. Daniel and Nancy, and Wyat [int. Wryot] Barlow, widr.[int. omits widr.], Nov. 25, 1847.
  • David [int. Packord] of Enfield, and Azubah [int. Azuba] Whipple, Sept. 30, 1819.
  • Eliza of Enfield, and Joel Packard, int. Dec. 29, 1838.
  • Isaac of Enfield, and Sila [int. Silence] Cowin, Nov. 10, 1840.
  • Jene and Freeman Peppr[?] Jr., int. Aug. 17, [or 27 or 12], 1833.
  • Job and Martha Clark, int. May 23, 1805.
  • Joel and Eliza Packard, int. Dec. 29, 1838.
  • Justin and Sophia Wood, Dec. 26, 1822.
  • Maryann and Abial Robinson, int. Apr. 29, 1827.
  • Nancy and Zebina Rankin, int. Mar. 17, 1815.
  • Nancy and John M. Joslyn, int. Sept. 11, 1828.
  • Philena and Horatio N. Randall, int. Apr. 6, 1843.
  • Rhoda A. and Oliver Bryant, int. Oct. 8, 1829.
  • Sally, Mrs., of N. Bridgewater, and John Rankin Esq., int. Jan. 26, 1830.
  • Samuel H., 25, of Enfield, s. Abram of Enfield, and Sarah Ann Dodge, Oct. 23, 1844.
  • Serena and Reuben Newell, Oct. 29, 1817.
  • Sophia, Mrs., and John F. Mack, int. Apr. 23, 1842.
  • Thomas and Esther Dowin, int. June 1, 1811.
  • Abigail of Prescott, and John Cowan, int. Nov. 29, 1834.
PAKARD (see Pacckard, Packard)
  • Eliab and Lyda Forde, int. Oct. 15, 1803.
  • Elizabeth and Thomas Conkey, int. May 21, 1784.
  • Alden of New Salem, and Lucy Ashley, int. Sept. 17, 1792.
  • Metilda of Shutesbery, and James Thompson Jr., int. Mar. 6, 1796.
  • Susan E, Mrs., and Levi B. Hall, int. Apr. 26. 1849.
  • Stuard James and Nancy Gray, int. Apr. 29, 1798.
  • Hannah of Stow, and David Millen, int. Sept. 16, 1808.
  • Margret of Rutland, and Jonathan Gray, int. July 19, 1754.
  • Mary of Rutland, and Robert Clark, Mar. 2, 1762.
  • William of Greenwich, and Catrin Rice, int. Dec. 25, 1804.
  • Marcus J. of Collinsvill, Conn. [int. "Collinsville, C.T."], and Sarah C. Aldrich, Sept. 6, 1836.
PEASO (see Peeso, Peso)
  • Ruth of Belchertown, and James A. Hanks, int. Oct 22, 1842.
PEBBELS (see Pebbles, Pebels, Peblels, Peebles)
  • Patrick and Margret Taylor, Mar. 8, 1757.
  • Sarah [int. Pebels] and Allexanderr McColloch, Feb. 10, 1755.
PEBBLES (see Pebbels, Pebels, Peblels, Peebles)
  • John and Anne Shaw, int Mar. 17, 1770.
  • Sarah and David Houston, int. Jan. 26, 1785.
PEBLES (see Pebbels, Pebbles. Peblels, Peebles)
  • Anne and Nehemiah Hinds, Dec. 1, 1774.
  • James and Rachel Young, May 5, 1768.
  • John [int. Pebles] and Mary Cunningham [int. Cuningham], Aug. 17, 1759.
  • Mary [int. Pebbels] and David Housten, Apr. 26, 1757.
  • Mary and Allexander Conky Jr., June 11, 1776.
  • Robert and Elisabeth Cone, int. Jan. 30, 1761.
PEBLELS (see Pebbels, Pebbles, Pebels, Peebles)
  • John and Sarah Conkey, int. May 2, 1752.
PECK (see Pack)
  • Jesse F. and Matilda Tingley, int. Nov. 19, 1819.
  • Lavonia and Thornton Ferguson, June 6, 1831.
  • Simeon of Amherst, and Francis [int. Francesl Zuill, Oct. 17, 1776.
  • Winchester of Amherst, and Lydia Pirkens, int. Feb. 13, 1789.
PEEBLES (see Pebbels, Pebbles, Pebels, Pebles)
  • Ann, Mrs., and Rev. John Houston [int. Husten], Nov. 17, 1757.
  • Anne and Ebenezer Gray Jr., int. Nov. 23, 1800.
  • David of Hamilton, N.Y., and Elizabith Hamilton, int. Nov. 6, 1803.
  • Frank and Joseph Sears, int. Jan. 8, 1797.
  • James of Hamilton, N.Y., and Polly Millen, int. Sept. 18, 1803.
  • Margrett and Levy Dickinson. int. Sept. 6, 1782.
  • Pattrick and Jenney Gray, int. July 19, 1801.
  • Pattrick and Anne Hamilton, int. Jan. 3, 1802.
  • Pattrick of Maddison, N.Y., and Rebekkah Conkey, int. Sept 11, 1813.
  • Rachel and Samuel Hyde, int. Nov. 10, 1792.
  • William Forbush of Salem, N.Y., and Elizabeth Religh, int. Apr. 10, 1791.
PEESO (see Peaso, Peso)
  • Lydia and Gideon Hacket, int. Feb. 7, 1796.
  • Sally of Belchertown, and Joseph Randell, int. Jan. 3, 1819.
  • Sarah and Berijah Holcomb, int. Jan. 10, 1796.
PEIRCE (see Pierce)
  • Martha of Prescott, and Eli W. Chapin, int. Nov. 4, 1831.
  • Sally of New Salem, and Patrick Gray Jr., int. Mar. 24, 1810.
  • Freeman Jr., of Ware, and Jene Packard, int. Aug. 17, [? or 27, or 12], 1833.
PERKINS (see Pirkens, Purkins)
  • Mary A., Mrs., of Palmer, and Sumner Harkness, int. Jan. 17, 1845.
  • Nathan C. of Belchertown, and Lois Tomson, int. Mar. 30, 1843.
PESO (see Peso, Peeso]
  • Nathen and Lucretia Dorety, int. Mar. 3, 1805.
  • Samuel and Polly Davison, int. Oct. 5, 1800.
  • Rehoda [int. Rhoda] and Abizer [int. Abiezer] Edson, Dec. 3, 1772.
PETTENGAL (see Pettingel)
  • Lydia Amerson of Belshertown, and Jonathen Leach, int. Apr. 3, 1796.
  • Adam of Shutsbery, and Jenner Rinken, July 7, 1778.
  • James and Mary Green, Dec. 11, 1777.
  • Mary and William Clark, Nov. 22, 1764.
  • Naomi [int. Peteson] and William BerrY, Jan. 27, 1780.
  • Robert and Dinah Dick, int. Apr. 4, 1761.
  • William and Margret King, May 18, 1749.
PETTINGEL (see Pettengal)
  • Nathan of Belchertown, and Lurana Tower, int. Nov. 25, 1808.
  • Asahel of Northhampton, and Polly Sears, int. Oct, 31, 1802.
  • Benjamin C., Rev. [int. omits Rev.], of Mystic, Conn., and Sarah P. Humphry [int. Humphrey],----[rec. during year preceding Apr. 13, 1839; int. May 31, 1838.
  • Betsy of Holden, and Haffield Gould, int. May 6, 1809.
  • Pattrick of Boston, and Mary Given Oliver, int. Jan. 29, 1804.
PIERCE (see Peirce]
  • Hezekiah H. and Elcey Works, int. July 19, 1839.
  • Josiah Jr. and Ruth Ayres, int. Apr. 8, 1811.
  • Louisa of Amherst, and Simon Cook,----[rec. during year Preceding Apr. 2, 1827; int. Apr. 27, 1826].
PIRKENS (see Perkins, Purkins)
  • Lydia and Winchester Peck, int. Feb. 13, 1789.
  • Robert of Rutland, and Silence Leach, int. Sept. 2, 1776.
POLLEY (see Polly)
  • Sumner O. and Marrak [Mariah ?] Brown, int. Oct. 1, 1847.
POLLY (see Polley)
  • Abigail D. and Phinehas P. Hartwell, int. May 28, 1846.
POMROY (see Pumroy)
  • Luther of Amherst, and Sibeliah Tower, int. Jan. 4, 1812.
  • Isaac of Madison, N.Y., and Anna Mellin, int. June 19, 1807.
  • Joanna and Moses Wilder, "Both of Roadtown So Called," int. Nov. 6, 1756.
  • Levina of Shutesbery, and Hugh Moore Johnston, int. Feb. 5, 1793.
  • Ruth of Shutesbery, and Aaron Gray, int. Oct. 23, 1796.
PRAT (see Prate, Pratt, Prett)
  • Margaret and James Rankin, int. Nov. 1, 1811.
  • Martha, and David Huston, int. Jan. 10, 1792.
  • Nathan and Abigail Whitten, int. July 30, 1779.
  • Olive and Rufus Nowley, int. July 6, 1811.
  • Zube and Cato Dunsett, int. Mar. 5, 1786.
PRATE (see Prat, Pratt, Prett)
  • Micaih and Merthew Conkey, int. Aug. 14, 1781.
PRATT (see Prat, Prate, Prett)
  • John and Adaline Aldrich, Jan. 5, 1826.
  • Nathaniel of Belchertown, and Mary H. Kingman, May 10, 1827.
  • Silvanes and Lidiah Southworth, int. Dec. 6, 1783.
  • Virgil, 30, b. Belchertown, s. Elihu and Abagail of Belchertown and Maryann (int. Mary Ann) Randall, Nov. 1, 1847.
  • Warner, 22, b. Belchertown. s. Elisha Pratt of Belchertown, and Saphrona (int. Sophronia) Arnold, Oct. 1, 1846.
  • William Conkey and Battsey Hatheway, int. Nov. 11, 1804.
  • Betsey [int. Betsy] F., 18, and Edwin A. Marsh [int. March], Mar. 7, 1849.
  • Jane H., 22, d. Zadoc, and Benjamin Fay, June 1, 1846.
PRETT (see Prat, Prate, Pratt)
  • Micah Jr. and Phibe Halley, int.----1778.
  • Isaac Jr. of Shutesbury, and Mrs. Eliza Erwin, int. Jan. 2, 1841.
PUMROY (see Pomroy)
  • Nancy and William Ashley, int. Apr. 2, 1786.
  • Daniel of Munson, and Marinda Jillson, int. Mar. 28, 1824.
PURKINS (see Perkins, Pirkens)
  • Judith, wid., and William McFall, int. Jan. 11, 1809.
  • Hannah of New Salem, and Abiel B. Smith, int. Apr. 24, 1825.
  • Elisabeth and William Anderson, int. Sept. 23, 1763.
RAMSDALE (see Ramsdel, Ramsdell)
  • Abner and Susannah Sekiel, int. Oct. 24, 1783.
RAMSDEL (see Ramsdale, Ramsdell)
  • Lucy of Greenwich, and John McKee, int. Apr. 22, 1775.
RAMSDELL (see Ramsdale, Ramsdel)
  • Jacob and Hannah Owen [int. Owens], " Both of Quabin [int. Quaben] So Called ," Jan. 23, 1747.
RANDALL (seE Randel, Randell)
  • Arminda and Samuel C. Hanks, int. Nov. 6, 1848.
  • Benjamin of Belchertown, and Lucy Davission, int. Apr. 18, 1812.
  • Elijah and Mrs. Sarah Gould, int. Dec. 5, 1840.
  • Fidelia S. and Henry Strong 2d, Nov. 22, 1848.
  • Horatio N. of Belchertown, and Philena Packard, int. Apr. 6, 1842.
  • Mary and William H. Elmer, int. Apr. 4, 1840.
  • Maryann [int. Mary Ann], 24, d. Ephram and Hannah, and Virgil Pratt, Nov. 1, 1847.
  • Melinda and Ora Grout, int. Nov. 20, 1830.
  • Nancy (int. Rendell] and William Hanks, Oct. 29, 1833.
  • Warren and Asenath P. Aldrich, int. Mar. 11, 1840.
RANDEL (see Randall, Randell)
  • Arba [int. Randell] of Belchertown, and Esther N. Smith, Apr. 19, 1821.
RANDELL (see Randall, Randel)
  • Charles and Hannah Griffin, Aug. 13, 1827.
  • Joseph and Sally Peeso, int. Jan. 3, 1819.
  • Titus of Greenwich, and Patty Davison, int. Oct. 12, 1797.
RANKIN (see Renken, Rinken)
  • Abiel and Mary A. Bryant, Dec. 26, 1822.
  • Ansel A. and Vienna Hall, int. Dec. 17, 1832.
  • Cynthia and David Dexter Jr., int. Sept. 6, 1830.
  • Daniel and Bathiah Leach, int. Apr. 1, 1783.
  • Hiram and Betsy P. Dunbar, int. Mar. 2, 1783.
  • James and Margaret Prat, int. Nov. 1, 1811.
  • John Esq. and Mrs. Sally Packard, int. Jan. 26, 1830.
  • John Esq. and Mrs. Abigail Harkness, int. Nov. 12, 1832.
  • Margaret, Mrs., and Asahel Aldrich, Nov. 17, 1825.
  • Patty and David Millen, int. Mar. 20, 1813.
  • Silas and Sally Robbins, int. Dec. 9, 1813.
  • William C. of Westfield, s. James dec'd, and Amelia M. Hall, Dec. 31, 1843.
  • Zebina and Nancy Packard, int. Mar. 17, 1815.
  • Elisabeth and Philip Freker, Sept. 6, 1776.
  • Moses and Jennet Ferguson, Oct. 24, 1776.
  • Sina of Cumberland, Providence Co., R.I., and Silas Cook, int. Mar. 9, 1816.
  • Salley and William Barry 2d, int. July 22, 1798.
  • William of Greenwich, and Mary Croset, May 19, 1774.
  • Elizabeth and William Forbush Peebles, int. Apr. 10, 1791.
  • Daniel and Rhoda Comins, int. Oct. 3, 1814.
  • Huldah and David Newell, int. Mar. 10, 1835.
  • Nancy and Rufus Grout, Jan. 24, 1841.
RENKEN (see Rankin, Rinken)
  • Joseph and Jemima Keeet, int. June 10, 1788.
RHOADS (see Rhodes)
  • Polley and James Harkness, int. Dec. 29, 1798.
RHODES (see Rhoads)
  • Caroline, d. Joel and Nelson [int.Wilson] Horr, widr., Dec. 19, 1829.
  • Dexter and Martha Demmon, Mar. 2, 1829.
  • Joel [int. Rodes] and Lucy Allen, Oct. 2, 1828.
  • Relief, 16, d. Joel and Lucy, and John Rider, Dec. 17, 1846.
  • RICE Catrin and William Paul, int. Dec. 25, 1804.
  • Timothy of Chesterfield, and Mary Halbert, July 25, 1769.
  • Henry [int. Lt.] and Saloma Snow, June 20, 1816.
  • Percila and Timothy Ingrem, Sept. 6, 1776.
  • Cloe of Enfield, and Daniel Bartlet, Aug. 20, 1828.
  • Giles of Belchertown, and Alsey Brown, int. Mar. 25, 1815.
  • Giles and Lucy Wood, Apr. 16, 1822.
  • Giles and Hannah Cook, int. Mar. 27, 1830.
  • John and Rebekah [int. Rebecca] Wood, Nov. 10, 1819.
  • John, 24, s. John and Rebecca, and Relief Rhodes, Dec. 17, 1846.
  • Lucy and Ichabod Wood Jr., int. May 25, 1816.
  • Nancy and Benjamin Guardner, both of Enfield, Sept. 29, 1828.
  • Olive and Barrillia Packard, int. Nov. 14, 1807.
Right (see Wright)
  • Gaius and Lucy Shalden, int. Oct. 10, 1799.
RINKEN (see Rankin, Renken)
  • Battsey and John Gray 2d [?], int. Sept. 24, 1797.
  • James and Sarah Hunter, int. July 18, 1788 [dup. int. Aug. 21, 1788].
  • Jennet and Adam Petteson, July 7, 1778.
  • John and Mary Torrance, Oct. 6, 1774.
  • John Jr. and Anne Hunter, int. Oct. 17, 1802.
  • Joseph and Elisabeth Gray, Apr. 21, 1748.
  • Joseph and Polly Harkness, int. Nov. 17, 1805.
  • Martha and Oliver Holland, June 1, 1775.
  • Matthew and Martha Torrance [int. Torranc], June 26, 1777.
ROBBENS (see Robbins, Robins)
  • Abigal of Belchertown, and Levi Gray, int. Sept. 13, 1798.
ROBBENS (see Robbens, Robins)
  • Sally of Belchertown, and Silas Rankin, int. Dec. 9, 1813.
  • Samuel of Montague, and Annis Grout, Nov. 7, 1837.
ROBESON (see Robsion)
  • Joseph of Greenwich, and Sarah Wilson, int. Sept. 22, 1793.
ROBINS (see Robbens, Robbins)
  • Abigal of Shutsbery, and Thomas Fisher, int. Oct. 8, 1813.
  • Daniel [int. Robbins] of Boston, and Harriot [int. Herriot] Wilson, May 21, 1818.
  • Abial and Maryann Packard, int. Apr. 29, 1827.
  • Deborah, wid., of Hardwich, and Alexander Bartlett, int. Nov. 15, 1838.
  • Ebenezer W. of Hardwick and Susannah Bartlet, int. Dec. 10, 1842.
  • Prudence and Joseph Shaw, int. Aug. 20, 1791.
  • Smith of Greenwich, and Ama Sears, int. Nov. 12, 1820.
  • Susan of Hardwick, and Alexander Bartlet Jr., int. Nov. 13, 1841.
ROBSION (see Robeson)
  • Sally and Capt. Harvy Kingman, int. Mar. 7, 1812.
  • Mary of Ware, and Paul Thuston, int. Jan. 8, 1790.
ROTHRIDGE (see Lotheridge, Lotherige)
  • Reuben [int. Lotherige] and Margrey [int. Margary] Nolten, Nov. 8, 1770.
  • Lucy A., 20, d. Lyman and w., and George T. Goodale, May 28, 1844.
  • Prudence of Greenwich, and Sampson Hill, int. Aug. 17, 1764.
  • Adin [Int. Aiden] and Cynthia [int. Cyntha] Snow, Apr. 25, 1816.
  • Samuel and Elisabeth Cowden, July 28, 1774.
  • Daniel Jr. of Hadley, and Bashshaba Latham, int. May 31, 1795.
  • Samuel W. and Lydia W. Fessenden, May 1, 1844.
  • Livena of Ashfield, and Patrick Millen, int. Nov. 4, 1809.
SAMPSON (see Samson)
  • Abisha and Damaries King, int. Sept. 7, 1794.
  • Cloy and Laben Bats Jr., int. Sept. 9, 1804.
  • Thomas and Batsey Darling, int. Oct. 27, 1805.
SANSON (see Sampson)
  • Nathaniel [int. Sampson] and Nancy Harkness, Sept. 21, 1780.
  • Melinda and Ellis W. Bunce,---- (rec. during year preceding Apr. 2, 1827; int. Jan. 7, 1826].
  • Bildad of South Hampton, and Phebe Gray, int. Nov. 23, 1794.
  • Martha and John Gray Jr. [int. omits Jr.], Apr. 17, 1755.
  • Thankfull of Rutland, and Isaac Stiveuson (int. Steviuson], Nov. 15, 1764.
  • Elisabeth of Leicester, and David Sloan, June 2, 1774.
  • Horatio of Uxbridge, and Berthia [int. Berthia] Ward, May 9, 1834.
  • Ama and Smith Robinson, int. Nov. 12, 1820.
  • Barnabas[int. Barnabus] Jr. and Polly Gray, May 21, 1818.
  • Jonathan F. and Polley Town, int. Aug. 16, 1813.
  • Joseph and Frank Peebles, int. Jan. 8, 1797.
  • Polly and Asabel Phelps, int. Oct. 31, 1802.
  • Polly and Levi Millen, int. July 27, 1809.
  • Sally and William Lewis, int. Oct. 26, 1803.
  • Lucey [Sekins ?] of Deerfield, and Justus Gray, int. Feb. 12, 1792.
  • Susannah and Abner Ramsdale, int. Oct. 24, 1783.
SELFRIDG (see Selfridge)
  • Nane and James Dunlap, int. Dec. 29, 1781.
SELFRIDGE (see Selfridg)
  • Elisabeth, and John Buck, Feb. 4, 1773.
  • Oliver and Ester Smith, Dec 28, 1756.
  • William and Catrin [int. Catren] McMaster, Mar. 17, 1757.
SHALDEN (see Sheldon)
  • Lucy of Ludlow, and Gaius Right, int. Oct. 10, 1799.
  • Anne of S. Brimfield, and John Pebbles, int. Mar. 17, 1770.
  • Elias of Belchertown, and Mary Thuston, int. Mar. 24, 1799.
  • Elias of Belchertown, and Rachel Bartlett, July 20, 1827.
  • George L. of Enfield, and Amy Ama Cook, int. May 11, 1841.
  • Jacob of Shutesbery, and Isabel Gray, int. Oct. 4, 1795.
  • James of Granby, and Eunice Fales, July 4, 1816.
  • Joseph of Canterbery, Conn., and Prudence Robinson, int. 20, 1791.
  • Lois of Greenwich, and Thomas Vaughn Jr., int. May 29, 1813.
  • Lydia of New Salem, and Chester Gray, May 8, 1817.
  • Maria E,, 18, d. Steward and Mary, and Charles Austin, Aug. 1, 1848.
  • William of Belchertown, and Eunice Baker, int. Nov. 26, 1803.
  • Hannah and Seth Foster, int. Feb. 5, 1793.
SHELDON (see Shalden)
  • Legrand C., 24, of Southampton, s. Wareham and Rebecca of Southampton, and Ataline Wedge, Sept. 10, 1846.
  • Robeson of Hamilton , N.Y., and Nabby Leach, int. Jan. 25, 1801.
SHIRTLIEF (see Shirtlieff)
  • Vise and Edward Foster Jr., int. Apr. 12, 1789.
SHIRTLIEFF (see ShirtlieE)
  • Iroa and Anne Taylor, int. June 23, 1794.
  • Asa of Palmer, and Orinda H. [int. omits H.] Eaton, wid., Jan. 3, 1838.
  • Maria and Whitcomb Gray, both of Belchertown, Apr. 21, 1830.
  • Polly B., Mrs., and Nathan Washburn, Feb. 16, 1826.
  • Venis of Shutesbery, and Thomas Fisher, int. Oct. 27, 1805.
  • Martha and Andrus Conkey, int, Nov. 24, 1787.
  • Abigail of New Salem, and Patrick Gray, int. June 29, 1782.
  • Agness and John Hamilton [int. Jr.], Dec. 27, 1759.
  • Andrew of Watterford [int. Waterford], N.Y., and Mehetable Conkey, Jan. 20, 1818.
  • David and Elisabeth Scot, June 2, 1774.
  • Elisabeth and John White, int. Apr. 21, 1783.
  • E1oaer and Barnes Cooly, int. Aug. 12, 1777.
  • Gardner and Polly B . . .. Oct. 27, 1806.
  • Gardner and Roxana Gray, int. Apr. 14, 1812.
  • James and Hannah Leach, int. Apr. 29, 1804.
  • Jinney and Samuel Mullen, int. Dec 18, 1801.
  • John of Selam[Salem] and Mary Butler [int. Buttler], Dec. 3, 1761.
  • John and Ann Ferguson, Jan. 10, 1765.
  • Lorana S. of Prescott, and Preston Cowan, int. Sept. 18, 1848.
  • Martha and Samuel Stevenson, int. Mar. 31, 1787.
  • Mary and Seth Morton, Mar. 15, 1770.
  • Samuell and Eunice [int. Eunis] Dick, Nov. 30, 1779.
  • Sarah and Moses Coolley, June 16, 1774.
  • Abiel B. and Hannah Putnum, int. Apr. 24, 1825.
  • Andrew of Holden, and Jean Cleark, May 18, 1748.
  • Elisabeth of Worcester, and John Young, int. Feb. 2, 1760.
  • Elizabeth B. of Needham, and Ambrose Packard, int. Mar. 17, 1822.
  • Ester and Oliver Selfridge, Dec. 28, 1756.
  • Esther N. and Arba Randel [int. Randell], Apr. 19, 1821.
  • Experience of Whatley, and Obed Dickerson, int. Aug. 14, 1804.
  • Georg and Battsey Clevland, int. May 2, 1803.
  • Hannah of Holden, and William McMullin, int. Nov. 3, 1781.
  • Hannah of Hardwick, and John Barker, int. Jan. 21, 1794.
  • Hannak[Hannah?] and Sidney Dillon, int. July 11, 1841.
  • Hugh and Jennet McFall, int. Dec. 17, 1783.
  • James of Kingstown, and Margret McColoch [nit. Margret McColloch], Oct. 27, 1748.
  • James and Betsey Otis, int. Jan. 6, 1816.
  • Jean of Holden, and Jacob Gray, Sept. 26, 1780.
  • Job and Mahetable Abercrombie, int. Nov. 11, 1804.
  • Job and Martha Conkey, int. Nov. 12, 1831.
  • Josiah of Boston, and Chloe Harkness, int. Jan. 29, 1814.
  • Levi of Amhast, and Hanah Ho1an, int. July 1, 1781.
  • Margaret of "Rutland Destrick," and James Berry, int. Oct. 27, 1768.
  • Margret of Kingstown [int. "So Called"], and Robert McColloch, Nov. 13, 1746.
  • Mecy [int. Mecie] and Thomas [int. Tomas] Thompson, Aug. 31, 1780.
  • Nancy and Daniel Chapman, int. Apr. 4, 1809.
  • Olive and Sarah Gay, int. Nov. 8, 1808.
  • Oliver of Boston, and Lovicy Harkness, int. Jan. 29, 1814.
  • Olive Jr., Lt., and Abigail Clapp, int. Sept. 6, 1817.
  • Patty of Rurland, and Lt. John Gray, int. Aug. 29, 1814.
  • Rebekah and Dr. Albigame [int. Abbigane] King, Mar. 26, 1825.
  • Sally C. and Jared T. Wescott, Dec. 29, 1829.
  • William and Rebeca Albercrombie, int. Nov. 6, 1803.
  • Cynthia [int. Cyntha] and Adin [int. Aiden] Ruggles, Apr. 25, 1816.
  • Sally of Greenwich, and William Millen Jr., int. Sept. 12, 1809.
  • Saloma and [int. Lt.] Henry Richardson, June 20, 1816.
  • Avis and Eli Hamilton, int. Oct 21, 1787.
  • Gilbert and Olive M. Kellogg, int. Sept. 29, 1849.
  • Hensibah and Charles N. Woods, int. Dec. 27, 1834.
  • Peter and Mary Boynton, int. Apr. 9, 1836.
  • Abia and Kezeiah Boltwood, int. Oct. 20, 1794.
  • Bridger and Stephan Andrews, int. Dec. 3, 1783.
  • Lidiah and Silvanes Pratt, int. Dec. 6, 1783.
  • Martha and Davis Howard, Mar. 15, 1825.
SPEAR (see Spears)
  • Harvy [int. Hervey] of Shutesbury, and Hannah Cook, Mar. 26, 1823. [prob. m. but rec. among int. Int. Mar. 9.]
SPEARS (see Spear)
  • Sarah A. of Belchertown, and Cyrus B. Dodge, int. Jan. 10, 1844.
  • JONATHAN of Ashfield, and Elisabeth Clark, June 17, 1766.
  • Sarah and Edward Adams, int. Dec. 12, 1777.
  • Charles and Susannah Millen, May 27, 1817.
  • Jasper and Patty Wyman, int. Oct. 10, 1807.
  • Hanaah of Sutesbery, and Matthew Clark, int. Sept, 14, 1771.
  • Sarah and John Davieson, int. Nov. 22, 1760.
  • Sarah and Samuell Hathay, Aug. 24, 1780.
STEVENSON (see Stivenson)
  • James of Greenwich, and Anne Conkey, int. Nov. 2, 1806.
  • John of Greenwich, and Elizabeth McKliam, int. Sept. 13, 1801.
  • Samuel and Martha Sloan, int. Mar. 31, 1787.
  • Charles of Coldrain, and Jennet Linsey, int. Apr. 24, 1759.
  • Jean of Braintree, and Adam Clark, int. Sept. 3, 1773.
STIVENSON (see Stevenson)
  • Isaac [int. Stevenson] and Thankfull Savige, Nov. 15, 1764.
  • Daniel of Athol, and Eunice [int. H.] Oliver, May 1, 1828.
  • Benany of Cumberland, and Sally Allen, int. Aug. 3, 1811.
  • Hanery of Northfield, and Anne Montgomery, int. Oct. 5, 1799.
  • Henry 2d [int. of Northhampton], and Fidelia S. Randall, Nov. 22, 1848.
  • John of Northhampton, and Patience Eaton, int. May 31, 1795.
  • Henry of Greenfield, and Jennet Allexander, Oct. 27, 1757.
  • Robert of Greenwich and Isa Crosett, int. Feb. 19, 1795.
  • Clark of Hardwick, and Louisa Turner, int. Jan. 12, 1846.
  • Robert of Bladfoard, and Agnos Gillmore, int. May 9, 1752.
  • James [int. Teft] of Worcester, and Martha Gray, Feb. 26, 1761.
  • Nathaniel of Blanfoard and Janet Hamelton, Jan. 16, 1753.
  • Francs A. of Ludow, and Margret J. Brown, int. Oct. 5, 1840.
  • Anne and Iroa Shirtlieff, int. June 23, 1794.
  • Irael H. Dr., and Lavina Crossett, int. Dec. 10, 1842.
  • James and Abeih Moor, int. May 7, 1763.
  • James and Sarah C. Bailey, Dec. 18, 1829.
  • John and Marthew Thompson, int. Mar. 31, 1799.
  • John, Capt, of Rowe [int. Franklin Co.], and Sarah Houston, July 1, 1827.
  • John Jr. and Lucy D. [int. omits D.] Gaski11, Nov. 17, 1836.
  • Lucy and John O. Houston, June 17, 1819.
  • Margret and Patrick Pebbels, Mar. 8, 1757.
  • Uzial of S. Hadley, and Polly Clark, int. Nov. 28, 1802.
THAYER (see There)
  • Gideon S. of Belchertown, and Eunice A. Wheeler, int. Mar. 20, 1835.
  • John 3d of Belchertown, and Polly Hayward, int. Mar. 16, 1807.
  • Lucinda, Mrs., and William Gaylord, int. Jan. 9, 1830.
  • Nathen of Boston, and Rhene Cloagh, int. Jan. 5, 1805.
  • Susannah of Belchertown, and James Thurston, int. Mar. 3, 1817.
THERE (see Thayer)
  • Daniel of Chesterfield, and Mary Hathaway, int. July 12, 1777.
  • David and Elisebeth [int. Elisabeth] Cowan, Apr. 24, 1750.
  • David and Elisabeth Harper, Nov. 18, 1755.
  • Jenney of Worcester and William Croset, Dec. 10, 1778.
  • Martha and John Maklem, Jan. 9, 1772.
  • Mary and John Hamilton Jr., int. May 21, 1786.
  • Susanna of Worcester, and James Torner, Apr. 1, 1760.
THOMPSON (see Thomson, Tompson, Tomson)
  • Andrew and Almedia Keep, int. Mar. 15, 1810.
  • Daniel and Sarah Conkey, int. Nov. 15, 1801.
  • Daniel, Dr., and Caroline Augusta Hunt, int. June 2, 1827.
  • Dorcas and John Berry, int. Apr. 15, 1812.
  • Dorcas and Benjamin North, int. May 10, 1845.
  • Edmond and Mrs. Sylvia C. Boyington, int. Oct. 28, 1842.
  • Elizebeth and Ezekiel Conkey, int. Dec. 24, 1784.
  • Elizebeth and Jonathan Harkness, int. July 31, 1789.
  • Erastus C. and Sarah H. Gray, int. Ang. 31, 1830.
  • Hannah and Pliney Wilson, int. Oct. 8, 1808.
  • Hannah, wid., and William Millen "Cenior," int. Dec. 31, 1814.
  • Isaac and Mercia Horr, int. Apr. 14, 1822.
  • James 2d and Hannah Gray, int. Mar. 4, 1788.
  • James Jr. and Metilda Parce, int. Mar. 6, 1796.
  • John and Prudence Clark [int. Cleark], Dec. 13, 1757.
  • John Jr. and Katuran Clark, int. Aug. 21, 1788.
  • John M. and Hannah Millen, int. Apr. 27, 1812.
  • Joseph and Margaret Croset, June 30, 1774.
  • Martha and Samuel Keruth, int. Sept. 16, 1786.
  • Martha and James Hyde, int. Feb. 11, 1787.
  • Marthew and Squire Abbet, int. Oct. 19, 1795.
  • Marthew and John Taylor, int. Mar. 31, 1799.
  • Mary [int. Tompson] and John Lindsey, Dec. 17, 1761.
  • Mary and George Washington Hoer, int. Mar. 8, 1834.
  • Molley and John McColloch, int. Mar. 31, 1788.
  • Molley and Joel Conkey, int. Jan. 2, 1796.
  • Pekeg P. and Pamilia White, int. Mar. 19, 1833.
  • Permelia, wid., 35, b. Ashfield, d. Sylvenus----and Martha of Chesterfield, and Cheney Abbott, widr., Aug. 30, 1846.
  • Sarah and John Cole, int. Jan. 19, 1795.
  • Sarah, Mrs., and Ebenezer Gray, Jan. 23, 1828.
  • Thomas and Jean Meklem, Sept. 11, 1777.
  • Thomas [int. Tomas] and Mecy [int. Mecie] Smith, Aug. 31, 1780.
THOMSON (see Thompson, Tompson, Tomson)
  • Susanah and Eisha Conkey, int. Oct. 28, 1782.
  • Susanah and Samuel Carruth Jr., int. Mar. 23, 1806.
  • Ester and James Ferguson, Dec. 4, 1746.
  • Lucy and William Bosworth, int. Nov. 7, 1802.
  • Joanna and Tisdall [int. Tisdle] Crossman, Dec. 22, 1825.
  • Ozias and Mrs. Phebe Gaskell [int. Miss Phebe Gaskell], Aug. 30, 1825.
  • William M. and Harriet L. Williams, int. Dec. 4, 1847.
  • William W. and Pamelia [int. Permelia] Wheeler, May 2, 1822.
THURSTING (see Thurston, Thusten, Thuston)
  • Mary, wid., and Reuben Wescott, int. June 13, 1839.
THURSTON (see Thursting, Thusten, Thuston)
  • Betsy and Thomas Barnes,----, 1836.
  • Emily and Forris Jepson, int. Mar. 16, 1838.
  • James and Susannah Thayer, int. Mar. 3, 1817.
  • James and Maria Gleson, int. Nov. 1, 1827.
  • John T. and Betsy M. Jepson, int. Apr. 4, 1842.
  • Margret and Elijah Lane, int. May 23, 1829.
  • Marilla and Job S. Miller, int. Feb. 23, 1847.
  • Mary and John T. Jurden, int. Jan. 8, 1830.
  • Stillman and Esther M. Conkey, Apr. 14, 1842.
  • Susan [int. Susannah], 28, d. Paul and Mary, and william H. Goodenough [int. Goodenow], Nov. 24, 1846.
  • Susan M. and Oliver Hill, int. Apr. 17, 1843.
  • Thomas and Lydia Westcott, int. May 4, 1837.
THUSTSN (see Thursting, Thurston, Thuston)
  • Elizabeth and Caleb Tilson, int. Mar. 18, 1803.
THUSTON (see Thursting, Thurston, Thusten)
  • Mary and Elias Shaw, int. Mar. 24, 1799.
  • Mary and Robert Abercrombie, int. Oct. 7, 1799.
  • Paul and Mary Rogers, int. Jan. 8, 1790.
  • Paul and Mary Moody, int. Aug. 31, 1806.
  • Caleb of Greenwich, and Elizabeth Thusten, int. Mar. 18, 1803.
  • Matilda of Attleborough, and Jesse F. Peck, int. Nov. 19, 1819.
  • Levi and Polly Barlow, int. June 10, 1788.
  • John C. and Sarah Jane Whipple, Oct. 4, 1837.
  • Phebee and Callister Gray, int. May 13, 1799.
TOMPSON (see Thompson, Thomson, Tomson)
  • Eunice and David Conkey 2d, int. May 25, 1797.
  • George and Mary Croset, Dec. 5, 1765.
  • James and Mary Cowan, July 24, 1766.
TOMSON (see Thompson, Thomson, Tompson)
  • Lois and Nathan C. Perry, int. Mar. 30, 1843.
  • Sophia J., b. Palmer, d. Asa and Ruth, and Francis Kingman, Mar. 9, 1848.
  • James and Susanna Thomas, Apr. 1, 1760.
  • Sarah and Joseph McCraken, Feb. 12, 1760.
TORRANCE (see Torreace)
  • Allexander and Presila Heket, Mar. 2, 1781.
  • Martha [int. Torranc] and Matthew Rinken. June 26, 1777.
  • Mary of Belchertown, and John Rinken, Oct. 6, 1774.
  • Thomas [int. Torrans] of Braintree, and Agness Cochran, Oct. 9, 1766.
TORRENCE (see Torrance)
  • John of Belchertown, and Chloe Bartlett, int. Mar. 3, 1810.
  • Betsy and Eli Haskell, int. Feb. 16, 1808.
  • Isaac Jr. and Polly Haskell, int. Feb. 17, 1809.
  • Lurana and Nathan Pettingel, int. Nov. 25, 1808.
  • Sibeliah and Luther Pomroy, int. Jan. 4, 1812.
  • Polley of Greenwich, and Jonathan F. Sears, int, Aug. 16, 1813.
  • Abigail and William Harkness, Dec. 12, 1816.
  • Caroline and John Willace, int. May 21, 1847.
  • Jonathan and Eliza Bartlett, int. Feb. ---, 1825.
  • Jonathan, widr. [int. omits widr.], 55, s. Ells and Thankful, and Persis Allen, Jan. 29, 1846.
  • Louisa and Clark Sumner, int. Jan. 12, 1846.
  • Zylphia and Nahum Wallis, Nov. 6, 1823.
  • Amos of Hinsdale, and wid. [of] Phinius Larrabee, int. Dec. 5, 1807.
  • Mary Maria of Amherst and Moses Hannum, int. Mar. 4, 1848.
VAUGHAN (see Vaughn)
  • Sally and John Wheeler, int. July 23, 1807.
VAUGHN (see Vaughan)
  • Thomas Jr. and Lois Shaw, int. May 29, 1813.
  • Horice of Monson, and Lucy Hunter, Oct. 20, 1824.
  • Henry of Upton, and Mrs. Mary Boynton, Apr. 12, 1830.
  • Loise of Hardwick and Luice [Lewis] Baker, int. May 14, 1786.
  • Sarah of Adams, and Thomas Johnston, int. July 30, 1792.
WALLAS (see Walless, Wallis)
  • James of Rutland, and Mary McCleland, Apr. 9, 1756.
WALLESS (see Wallas, Wallis)
  • John of Colrain [int. Coldrain], and Agness Linsey, Oct. 13, 1761.
WALLIS (see Wallas, Walless)
  • Charlotte and Austin W. Conky (dup. and int. Conkey], Apr. 29, 1830.
  • Chloe and Thomas Heydon Jr. [int. omits Jr. and adds Lt.], Nov. 27, 1823.
  • Nahum and Zylphia Turner, Nov. 6, 1823.
  • Bertha [int. Bethiah] and Horatio Seagraves, May 9, 1834.
  • Bethiah of Belchertown, and Nathaniel [int. Nathanil] Cook, Nov. 23, 1834.
  • Elmira and Eseek Cook 2d, int. Dec 7, 1844.
  • Hannah and Abel Brown, Dec. 17, 1829.
  • John Jr. of Belchertown, and Polly Davison, int. Jan. 11, 1807.
  • John B. of Ware Village, and Louisia Cook, int. Apr. 17, 1837.
  • Joseph G., 27, b. Canidy, s. Joseph and Greecash of Canidy, and Angeline A. Buffum, Mar. 2, 1847.
  • Lucretia and Nathaniel K. Batchelor, Mar. 30, 1841.
  • Martha and Aron H. Ingram, int. Aug. 21, 1841.
  • Mary and Philander S. Knight, June 11, 1837.
  • Moses L., s. Moses of Belchertown, and Sally R. Kingman, Apr. 3, 1845.
  • Cullen of New Marlborough, and Lucy Cooley, Oct. 10, 1819.
  • Zubee and John Barber, int. July 17, 1785.
  • Nathan [int. of Easton], and Mrs. Polly B. Sibley, Feb. 16, 1828.
  • Pattey and David Conkey Jr., int May 31, 1801.
  • Salley and Ebenezer Gats, int. Nov. 30, 1797.
  • Charles N., 24, s. Ezekiel and Matilda, and Sarah E. Webster, Mar. 28, 1849.
  • Martha L., 21, d. Augustus and Amy, and Warren G Wedge, Mar. 28, 1840.
  • Sarah E., 24, d. Augustus and Amy, and Charles N. Webster, Mar. 28, 1849.
  • Amy and Calvin Chapin, int. Oct. 30, 1840.
  • Ataliae, 23, d. Lemuel C. and Cintha, and Legrand C. Shedon, Sept. 10, 1846.
  • Esther C., 22, d. Lenuel C. and Cyntha, and Orrin [int. Orin] E. Darling, June 13, 1848.
  • Lamuel of Shutesbury [int. Shutesbary], and Cynthia Wescott [ int. Cyntha Westcott], Nov. 11, 1821.
  • Lemuel C. and Lucy Jillson, int. Dec. 15, 1842.
  • Naham and Rhoda Chapin, int. Mar. 10, 1812.
  • Roxsa and Joseph Hodgekins Jr., int. Aug. 12, 1821.
  • Warren C., 21, s. Lemuel and Cynthia, and Martha L. Webster, Mar. 28, 1849.
  • Theverick of Petersham, and Lydia Borden, int. Feb. 4, 1807•
WELLINGTON (see Willington)

  • Almira and Elem Osborn, both of Enfield, Apr.--- 1818.
WESCOTT (see Westcott)
  • Cynthia (int. Cyntha Westcott] and Samuel C. Wedge, Nov. 11, 1821.
  • Harriet M., Mrs., d. William Wilson, and William Newell, Apr. 24, 1844.
WESTCOTT (see Wescott)
  • Amy and Lt. Alanson Chapin, Mar. 28, 1825.
  • Jared T. and Sally C. Smith, Dec. 29, 1829 Jared T. and Ann Baker June 20, 1838, in Marcellns, Onondaga Co. N.Y.
  • Lydia and Thomas Thurston, int. May 4, 1837.
  • Reuben and Mary Thursting, wid., int. June 13, 1839.
  • Walter and Harriet M. Willson, int Nov. 18, 1833.
  • Zechariah and Emeline Gould, Dec. 16, 1833.
  • Laura [int. Witherby] and David Millen, May 15, 1817.
  • Benjamin of New Marlborough, and Anna Dunn, int. Sept. 2, 1815.
  • Chancelor L. and Catherine A. Crossett, [int.] Jan. 10, 1848.
  • Clarisa [int. Clarissa H.] and Gennat [int. Gennett] Brown, Apr. 18, 1830.
  • Epheriam of Shutesbery, and Rebekah Crosett, int. Nov. 11, 1798.
  • Eunice A. and Gideon S. Thayer, int. Mar. 20, 1835.
  • John of Greenwich, and Sally Vaughan, int. July 23, 1807.
  • Mary Ann Angusta and Emery Boynton, int. July 19, 1834.
  • Nathaniel of Shutesbury, and Fathfull Herrington, int. June 25, 1808.
  • Pamela [int. Permelia] and William W. Thurber, May 2, 1822.
  • Ephraim and Hannah Marks, "both of Quaben[int. Quabin], so called," Nov. 10, 1746.
  • AbigaIl J. and George W. Chapman [int. Chatman], Nov. 3, 1836.
  • Arubah [int. Azuba] and David Packard, Sept. 30, 1819.
  • Brookey [int. Broocky] and Isreal H. Gibbs, Mar. 17, 1825.
  • James G. and Ann Maria Dodge, Apr. 2, 1837.
  • Joseph and Dolley Caboon, int. Feb. 23, 1806.
  • Mary Ann and John M. Keth [int. Keith], Sept. 16, 1833.
  • Sarah Jane and John C. Tolman, Oct. 4, 1837.
  • James and Mary Cowdin [int. Cowden], July 4, 1776.
  • John of Belchertown and Elisabith Sloan, int. Apr. 21, 1783.
  • Levince and Jermiah Hase, int. June 10, 1791.
  • Pamilia and Peleg P. Thompson, int. Mar. 19, 1833.
  • Marcy of New Salem, and Moses Gray, int. July 8, 1793.
  • Harriet [int. Herriat] and Ammon Cook, Apr. 7, 1825.
  • Lucy and Luther Lincoln, Mar. 7, 1826.
  • Lucy and Obed Hunt, int. Apr. 28, 1787.
  • Abigail of Braintree, and Nathan Prat, int. July 30, 1779,
  • Haley of Stirling, and Stacy Linzie [male], int. July 24, 1816.
  • Lucius E. of Philipston [int. Phillipston], and Emeline Cook--- (rec. during year preceding Apr. 13, 1839; int. July 20, 1838.
  • Moses and Joanna Powers, " Both of Roadtown So Called," int. Nov. 6, 1756.
  • John and Caroline Turner, int. May 21, 1847.
WILLEY (see Williey, Wyllie)
  • Elisabeth of Worcester, and Jonathan Gray, Mar. 8, 1774.
  • Anne of Shutesbury [int. Anna of Shuttsbury], and Jonathan Leach, May 26, 1784.
  • Harriet L. of Amherst, and William M. Thurber, int. Dec. 4, 1847.
  • Moses of Amherst and Luriah Bartlet, int. Oct. 7, 1814.
WILLIEY (see Willey, Wyllie)
  • Samuel of Worcester, and Eunes Conkey, int. Feb. 17, 1783.
  • Luke oŁ Sterling, and Eliza Benit, int. Mar. 10, 1811.
WTLLIS (see Willace)
WILLSON (see Wilson)
  • Harriet M. and Walter Westcott, int. Nov 18, 1833.
WILSON (see Willson)
  • Alice and Isaac Cowan Hunter, int. Feb. 16, 1795.
  • Amy of Belchertown, and John Harkness, int. Mar. 6, 1837.
  • Anna M. and Welcom Allen, Sept 22, 1822.
  • Asa Jr. [int. Willson] of Belchertown, and Rachel Aldrich, Aug. 27, 1828.
  • Daniel of Belchertown, and Vesta Harkness, int. Dec. 8, 1810.
  • Esther of Belchertown, and John Harkness Jr., int. Dec. 8, 1810.
  • Harriot [int. Herriot] and Daniel Robins [int. Robbins], May 21, 1818.
  • Lucy and Isaac Lazell, int. Mar. 12, 1808.
  • Martha of Okham, and Elihu Gray, int. Aug. 20, 1791.
  • Pliney of Belchertown and Hannah Thompson, int. Oct. 8, 1808.
  • Samuel [int. Samll Wilson of Colran] of Colrain and Sarah [int. Saram] Cowan, Nov. 24, 1761.
  • Samuel [int. Samll Wilson] of Colrain and Agness Dunlap, Dec. 9, 1767.
  • Sarah and Joseph Robeson, int. Sept. 22, 1793.
  • William Jr. and Margaret Abercrombie, int. Sept. 25, 1803.
  • Bettiah, Mrs., of Belchertown, and Ebeneaer Austin, int. Apr. 6, 1846.
  • Mary A. and Mendall Latham, int. May 11, 1834.
  • David and Poley Newcomb, int. July 22, 1798.
WOOD (see Woods)
  • Coziah [int. Cuziah] and Samuel Buckman, Mar. 6, 1780.
  • George, N. of New York City, and Joanna C. Gaskill, int. Sept. 10, 1834.
  • Hannah and Asaph Lyon, int. Sept. 9, 1775.
  • Icabod Jr. of Enfie1d, and Lucy Rider, int. May 25, 1816.
  • Ira and Mary Montgomery, both of Enfield, Hampshire Co., June 20, 1839.
  • James, Dr., of Springfield, and Ana Hollond, int. Sept. 25, 1784.
  • Jonathan [int. Johnathan] and Fanny Hayden, Mar. 3, 1842.
  • Live [Levi ?] and Bethani Fuller int. Oct. 19, 1786.
  • Lucy and Frederick Denio, int. Nov. 29, 1773.
  • Lucy of Enfield, Hampshire Co., and Giles Rider, Apr. 16, 1822.
  • Lydia and George W. Buckland, Dec. 6, 1826.
  • Mary, wid., and Samuel Orcutt, int. Aug. 27, 1808.
  • Rebecah (int. Rebecca] of Enfield, and John Rider, Nov. 10, 1819.
  • Salvenus and Polly Gray, int. Jan. 1, 1797.
  • Sophia and Justin Packard, Dec. 26, 1822.
WOODS (see Wood)
  • Charles N. and Hepsibah Southwick, int, Dec. 27, 1834.
  • Daniel of New Braintree, and Nabby Joslin, wid., int. Mar. 17, 1815.
  • Mary of Shutesbery, and John Atkinson, int. May 22, 1790.
  • Elcey of Shutesbury, and Hezekiah H. Pierce, int. July 19, 1839.
  • Rachel and John Marklem, int. Feb. 7, 1767.
WRIGHT (see Right)
  • Sally and James Bruce, int. July 17, 1800.
WYLLIE (see willey, Williey)
  • George S. of Ware, and Margaret Gates, int. Sept. 2, 1843.
  • Patty of Wenchendon and Jasper Stearns, int. Oct. 10, 1807.
  • John and Margaret Conky, Feb. 22, 1759.
  • John and Elisabeth Smith, int. Feb. 2, 1760.
  • Mary and William Cambell [int. Cambel], Nov. 18, 1766.
  • Rachel and James Pebels, May 5, 1768.
  • Robert of Athull, and Elisabeth Gray, Dec. 20, 1764.
  • Francs [int. Frances] and Simeon Peck, Oct. 17, 1776.
UNIDENTIFIED --------, Rebekah of "ye Union So called," and Robert Meklem, int, Sept. 7, 1751.
  • --------, Sarah of Lovrik [Leverett ?], and James Croiset, int. June 13, 1778.
  • Blind Counter