Vital Records of Pelham, Massachusetts
To the Year 1850
New England Historical Genealogical Society
Boston, Mass., 1902
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

PACCKARD (see Packard, Pakard)
Catharine [int. Katherine Packard] and Chester Hyde, Dec. 6, 1821.
PACK (see Peck)
Joseph of Amherst, and Isabel Hyde, int. Aug, 11, 1799.
PACKARD (see Pacckard, Pakard)
Ambrose and Elizabeth B. Smith, int. Mar. 17, 1822.
Ann K. and William, Brown, Sept. 9, 1831.
Barzillia of Belchertown, and Olive Rider, int. Nov. 14, 1807.
Cloa and Barnabas Faye, int. Dec. 9, 1782.
Cleorinda [int. Clarinda Packarrd], 42, d. Daniel and Nancy, and Wyat [int. Wryot] Barlow, widr.[int. omits widr.], Nov. 25, 1847.
David [int. Packord] of Enfield, and Azubah [int. Azuba] Whipple, Sept. 30, 1819.
Eliza of Enfield, and Joel Packard, int. Dec. 29, 1838.
Isaac of Enfield, and Sila [int. Silence] Cowin, Nov. 10, 1840.
Jene and Freeman Peppr[?] Jr., int. Aug. 17, [or 27 or 12], 1833.
Job and Martha Clark, int. May 23, 1805.
Joel and Eliza Packard, int. Dec. 29, 1838.
Justin and Sophia Wood, Dec. 26, 1822.
Maryann and Abial Robinson, int. Apr. 29, 1827.
Nancy and Zebina Rankin, int. Mar. 17, 1815.
Nancy and John M. Joslyn, int. Sept. 11, 1828.
Philena and Horatio N. Randall, int. Apr. 6, 1843.
Rhoda A. and Oliver Bryant, int. Oct. 8, 1829.
Sally, Mrs., of N. Bridgewater, and John Rankin Esq., int. Jan. 26, 1830.
Samuel H., 25, of Enfield, s. Abram of Enfield, and Sarah Ann Dodge, Oct. 23, 1844.
Serena and Reuben Newell, Oct. 29, 1817.
Sophia, Mrs., and John F. Mack, int. Apr. 23, 1842.
Thomas and Esther Dowin, int. June 1, 1811.
Abigail of Prescott, and John Cowan, int. Nov. 29, 1834.
PAKARD (see Pacckard, Packard)
Eliab and Lyda Forde, int. Oct. 15, 1803.
Elizabeth and Thomas Conkey, int. May 21, 1784.
Alden of New Salem, and Lucy Ashley, int. Sept. 17, 1792.
Metilda of Shutesbery, and James Thompson Jr., int. Mar. 6, 1796.
Susan E, Mrs., and Levi B. Hall, int. Apr. 26. 1849.
Stuard James and Nancy Gray, int. Apr. 29, 1798.
Hannah of Stow, and David Millen, int. Sept. 16, 1808.
Margret of Rutland, and Jonathan Gray, int. July 19, 1754.
Mary of Rutland, and Robert Clark, Mar. 2, 1762.
William of Greenwich, and Catrin Rice, int. Dec. 25, 1804.
Marcus J. of Collinsvill, Conn. [int. "Collinsville, C.T."], and Sarah C. Aldrich, Sept. 6, 1836.
PEASO (see Peeso, Peso)
Ruth of Belchertown, and James A. Hanks, int. Oct 22, 1842.
PEBBELS (see Pebbles, Pebels, Peblels, Peebles)
Patrick and Margret Taylor, Mar. 8, 1757.
Sarah [int. Pebels] and Allexanderr McColloch, Feb. 10, 1755.
PEBBLES (see Pebbels, Pebels, Peblels, Peebles)
John and Anne Shaw, int Mar. 17, 1770.
Sarah and David Houston, int. Jan. 26, 1785.
PEBLES (see Pebbels, Pebbles. Peblels, Peebles)
Anne and Nehemiah Hinds, Dec. 1, 1774.
James and Rachel Young, May 5, 1768.
John [int. Pebles] and Mary Cunningham [int. Cuningham], Aug. 17, 1759.
Mary [int. Pebbels] and David Housten, Apr. 26, 1757.
Mary and Allexander Conky Jr., June 11, 1776.
Robert and Elisabeth Cone, int. Jan. 30, 1761.
PEBLELS (see Pebbels, Pebbles, Pebels, Peebles)
John and Sarah Conkey, int. May 2, 1752.
PECK (see Pack)
Jesse F. and Matilda Tingley, int. Nov. 19, 1819.
Lavonia and Thornton Ferguson, June 6, 1831.
Simeon of Amherst, and Francis [int. Francesl Zuill, Oct. 17, 1776.
Winchester of Amherst, and Lydia Pirkens, int. Feb. 13, 1789.
PEEBLES (see Pebbels, Pebbles, Pebels, Pebles)
Ann, Mrs., and Rev. John Houston [int. Husten], Nov. 17, 1757.
Anne and Ebenezer Gray Jr., int. Nov. 23, 1800.
David of Hamilton, N.Y., and Elizabith Hamilton, int. Nov. 6, 1803.
Frank and Joseph Sears, int. Jan. 8, 1797.
James of Hamilton, N.Y., and Polly Millen, int. Sept. 18, 1803.
Margrett and Levy Dickinson. int. Sept. 6, 1782.
Pattrick and Jenney Gray, int. July 19, 1801.
Pattrick and Anne Hamilton, int. Jan. 3, 1802.
Pattrick of Maddison, N.Y., and Rebekkah Conkey, int. Sept 11, 1813.
Rachel and Samuel Hyde, int. Nov. 10, 1792.
William Forbush of Salem, N.Y., and Elizabeth Religh, int. Apr. 10, 1791.
PEESO (see Peaso, Peso)
Lydia and Gideon Hacket, int. Feb. 7, 1796.
Sally of Belchertown, and Joseph Randell, int. Jan. 3, 1819.
Sarah and Berijah Holcomb, int. Jan. 10, 1796.
PEIRCE (see Pierce)
Martha of Prescott, and Eli W. Chapin, int. Nov. 4, 1831.
Sally of New Salem, and Patrick Gray Jr., int. Mar. 24, 1810.
Freeman Jr., of Ware, and Jene Packard, int. Aug. 17, [? or 27, or 12], 1833.
PERKINS (see Pirkens, Purkins)
Mary A., Mrs., of Palmer, and Sumner Harkness, int. Jan. 17, 1845.
Nathan C. of Belchertown, and Lois Tomson, int. Mar. 30, 1843.
PESO (see Peso, Peeso]
Nathen and Lucretia Dorety, int. Mar. 3, 1805.
Samuel and Polly Davison, int. Oct. 5, 1800.
Rehoda [int. Rhoda] and Abizer [int. Abiezer] Edson, Dec. 3, 1772.
PETTENGAL (see Pettingel)
Lydia Amerson of Belshertown, and Jonathen Leach, int. Apr. 3, 1796.
Adam of Shutsbery, and Jenner Rinken, July 7, 1778.
James and Mary Green, Dec. 11, 1777.
Mary and William Clark, Nov. 22, 1764.
Naomi [int. Peteson] and William BerrY, Jan. 27, 1780.
Robert and Dinah Dick, int. Apr. 4, 1761.
William and Margret King, May 18, 1749.
PETTINGEL (see Pettengal)
Nathan of Belchertown, and Lurana Tower, int. Nov. 25, 1808.
Asahel of Northhampton, and Polly Sears, int. Oct, 31, 1802.
Benjamin C., Rev. [int. omits Rev.], of Mystic, Conn., and Sarah P. Humphry [int. Humphrey],----[rec. during year preceding Apr. 13, 1839; int. May 31, 1838.
Betsy of Holden, and Haffield Gould, int. May 6, 1809.
Pattrick of Boston, and Mary Given Oliver, int. Jan. 29, 1804.
PIERCE (see Peirce]
Hezekiah H. and Elcey Works, int. July 19, 1839.
Josiah Jr. and Ruth Ayres, int. Apr. 8, 1811.
Louisa of Amherst, and Simon Cook,----[rec. during year Preceding Apr. 2, 1827; int. Apr. 27, 1826].
PIRKENS (see Perkins, Purkins)
Lydia and Winchester Peck, int. Feb. 13, 1789.
Robert of Rutland, and Silence Leach, int. Sept. 2, 1776.
POLLEY (see Polly)
Sumner O. and Marrak [Mariah ?] Brown, int. Oct. 1, 1847.
POLLY (see Polley)
Abigail D. and Phinehas P. Hartwell, int. May 28, 1846.
POMROY (see Pumroy)
Luther of Amherst, and Sibeliah Tower, int. Jan. 4, 1812.
Isaac of Madison, N.Y., and Anna Mellin, int. June 19, 1807.
Joanna and Moses Wilder, "Both of Roadtown So Called," int. Nov. 6, 1756.
Levina of Shutesbery, and Hugh Moore Johnston, int. Feb. 5, 1793.
Ruth of Shutesbery, and Aaron Gray, int. Oct. 23, 1796.
PRAT (see Prate, Pratt, Prett)
Margaret and James Rankin, int. Nov. 1, 1811.
Martha, and David Huston, int. Jan. 10, 1792.
Nathan and Abigail Whitten, int. July 30, 1779.
Olive and Rufus Nowley, int. July 6, 1811.
Zube and Cato Dunsett, int. Mar. 5, 1786.
PRATE (see Prat, Pratt, Prett)
Micaih and Merthew Conkey, int. Aug. 14, 1781.
PRATT (see Prat, Prate, Prett)
John and Adaline Aldrich, Jan. 5, 1826.
Nathaniel of Belchertown, and Mary H. Kingman, May 10, 1827.
Silvanes and Lidiah Southworth, int. Dec. 6, 1783.
Virgil, 30, b. Belchertown, s. Elihu and Abagail of Belchertown and Maryann (int. Mary Ann) Randall, Nov. 1, 1847.
Warner, 22, b. Belchertown. s. Elisha Pratt of Belchertown, and Saphrona (int. Sophronia) Arnold, Oct. 1, 1846.
William Conkey and Battsey Hatheway, int. Nov. 11, 1804.
Betsey [int. Betsy] F., 18, and Edwin A. Marsh [int. March], Mar. 7, 1849.
Jane H., 22, d. Zadoc, and Benjamin Fay, June 1, 1846.
PRETT (see Prat, Prate, Pratt)
Micah Jr. and Phibe Halley, int.----1778.
Isaac Jr. of Shutesbury, and Mrs. Eliza Erwin, int. Jan. 2, 1841.
PUMROY (see Pomroy)
Nancy and William Ashley, int. Apr. 2, 1786.
Daniel of Munson, and Marinda Jillson, int. Mar. 28, 1824.
PURKINS (see Perkins, Pirkens)
Judith, wid., and William McFall, int. Jan. 11, 1809.
Hannah of New Salem, and Abiel B. Smith, int. Apr. 24, 1825.
Elisabeth and William Anderson, int. Sept. 23, 1763.
RAMSDALE (see Ramsdel, Ramsdell)
Abner and Susannah Sekiel, int. Oct. 24, 1783.
RAMSDEL (see Ramsdale, Ramsdell)
Lucy of Greenwich, and John McKee, int. Apr. 22, 1775.
RAMSDELL (see Ramsdale, Ramsdel)
Jacob and Hannah Owen [int. Owens], " Both of Quabin [int. Quaben] So Called ," Jan. 23, 1747.
RANDALL (seE Randel, Randell)
Arminda and Samuel C. Hanks, int. Nov. 6, 1848.
Benjamin of Belchertown, and Lucy Davission, int. Apr. 18, 1812.
Elijah and Mrs. Sarah Gould, int. Dec. 5, 1840.
Fidelia S. and Henry Strong 2d, Nov. 22, 1848.
Horatio N. of Belchertown, and Philena Packard, int. Apr. 6, 1842.
Mary and William H. Elmer, int. Apr. 4, 1840.
Maryann [int. Mary Ann], 24, d. Ephram and Hannah, and Virgil Pratt, Nov. 1, 1847.
Melinda and Ora Grout, int. Nov. 20, 1830.
Nancy (int. Rendell] and William Hanks, Oct. 29, 1833.
Warren and Asenath P. Aldrich, int. Mar. 11, 1840.
RANDEL (see Randall, Randell)
Arba [int. Randell] of Belchertown, and Esther N. Smith, Apr. 19, 1821.
RANDELL (see Randall, Randel)
Charles and Hannah Griffin, Aug. 13, 1827.
Joseph and Sally Peeso, int. Jan. 3, 1819.
Titus of Greenwich, and Patty Davison, int. Oct. 12, 1797.
RANKIN (see Renken, Rinken)
Abiel and Mary A. Bryant, Dec. 26, 1822.
Ansel A. and Vienna Hall, int. Dec. 17, 1832.
Cynthia and David Dexter Jr., int. Sept. 6, 1830.
Daniel and Bathiah Leach, int. Apr. 1, 1783.
Hiram and Betsy P. Dunbar, int. Mar. 2, 1783.
James and Margaret Prat, int. Nov. 1, 1811.
John Esq. and Mrs. Sally Packard, int. Jan. 26, 1830.
John Esq. and Mrs. Abigail Harkness, int. Nov. 12, 1832.
Margaret, Mrs., and Asahel Aldrich, Nov. 17, 1825.
Patty and David Millen, int. Mar. 20, 1813.
Silas and Sally Robbins, int. Dec. 9, 1813.
William C. of Westfield, s. James dec'd, and Amelia M. Hall, Dec. 31, 1843.
Zebina and Nancy Packard, int. Mar. 17, 1815.
Elisabeth and Philip Freker, Sept. 6, 1776.
Moses and Jennet Ferguson, Oct. 24, 1776.
Sina of Cumberland, Providence Co., R.I., and Silas Cook, int. Mar. 9, 1816.
Salley and William Barry 2d, int. July 22, 1798.
William of Greenwich, and Mary Croset, May 19, 1774.
Elizabeth and William Forbush Peebles, int. Apr. 10, 1791.
Daniel and Rhoda Comins, int. Oct. 3, 1814.
Huldah and David Newell, int. Mar. 10, 1835.
Nancy and Rufus Grout, Jan. 24, 1841.
RENKEN (see Rankin, Rinken)
Joseph and Jemima Keeet, int. June 10, 1788.
RHOADS (see Rhodes)
Polley and James Harkness, int. Dec. 29, 1798.
RHODES (see Rhoads)
Caroline, d. Joel and Nelson [int.Wilson] Horr, widr., Dec. 19, 1829.
Dexter and Martha Demmon, Mar. 2, 1829.
Joel [int. Rodes] and Lucy Allen, Oct. 2, 1828.
Relief, 16, d. Joel and Lucy, and John Rider, Dec. 17, 1846.
Catrin and William Paul, int. Dec. 25, 1804.
Timothy of Chesterfield, and Mary Halbert, July 25, 1769.
Henry [int. Lt.] and Saloma Snow, June 20, 1816.
Percila and Timothy Ingrem, Sept. 6, 1776.
Cloe of Enfield, and Daniel Bartlet, Aug. 20, 1828.
Giles of Belchertown, and Alsey Brown, int. Mar. 25, 1815.
Giles and Lucy Wood, Apr. 16, 1822.
Giles and Hannah Cook, int. Mar. 27, 1830.
John and Rebekah [int. Rebecca] Wood, Nov. 10, 1819.
John, 24, s. John and Rebecca, and Relief Rhodes, Dec. 17, 1846.
Lucy and Ichabod Wood Jr., int. May 25, 1816.
Nancy and Benjamin Guardner, both of Enfield, Sept. 29, 1828.
Olive and Barrillia Packard, int. Nov. 14, 1807.
Right (see Wright)
Gaius and Lucy Shalden, int. Oct. 10, 1799.
RINKEN (see Rankin, Renken)
Battsey and John Gray 2d [?], int. Sept. 24, 1797.
James and Sarah Hunter, int. July 18, 1788 [dup. int. Aug. 21, 1788].
Jennet and Adam Petteson, July 7, 1778.
John and Mary Torrance, Oct. 6, 1774.
John Jr. and Anne Hunter, int. Oct. 17, 1802.
Joseph and Elisabeth Gray, Apr. 21, 1748.
Joseph and Polly Harkness, int. Nov. 17, 1805.
Martha and Oliver Holland, June 1, 1775.
Matthew and Martha Torrance [int. Torranc], June 26, 1777.
ROBBENS (see Robbins, Robins)
Abigal of Belchertown, and Levi Gray, int. Sept. 13, 1798.
ROBBENS (see Robbens, Robins)
Sally of Belchertown, and Silas Rankin, int. Dec. 9, 1813.
Samuel of Montague, and Annis Grout, Nov. 7, 1837.
ROBESON (see Robsion)
Joseph of Greenwich, and Sarah Wilson, int. Sept. 22, 1793.
ROBINS (see Robbens, Robbins)
Abigal of Shutsbery, and Thomas Fisher, int. Oct. 8, 1813.
Daniel [int. Robbins] of Boston, and Harriot [int. Herriot] Wilson, May 21, 1818.
Abial and Maryann Packard, int. Apr. 29, 1827.
Deborah, wid., of Hardwich, and Alexander Bartlett, int. Nov. 15, 1838.
Ebenezer W. of Hardwick and Susannah Bartlet, int. Dec. 10, 1842.
Prudence and Joseph Shaw, int. Aug. 20, 1791.
Smith of Greenwich, and Ama Sears, int. Nov. 12, 1820.
Susan of Hardwick, and Alexander Bartlet Jr., int. Nov. 13, 1841.
ROBSION (see Robeson)
Sally and Capt. Harvy Kingman, int. Mar. 7, 1812.
Mary of Ware, and Paul Thuston, int. Jan. 8, 1790.
ROTHRIDGE (see Lotheridge, Lotherige)
Reuben [int. Lotherige] and Margrey [int. Margary] Nolten, Nov. 8, 1770.
Lucy A., 20, d. Lyman and w., and George T. Goodale, May 28, 1844.
Prudence of Greenwich, and Sampson Hill, int. Aug. 17, 1764.
Adin [Int. Aiden] and Cynthia [int. Cyntha] Snow, Apr. 25, 1816.
Samuel and Elisabeth Cowden, July 28, 1774.
Daniel Jr. of Hadley, and Bashshaba Latham, int. May 31, 1795.
Samuel W. and Lydia W. Fessenden, May 1, 1844.
Livena of Ashfield, and Patrick Millen, int. Nov. 4, 1809.
SAMPSON (see Samson)
Abisha and Damaries King, int. Sept. 7, 1794.
Cloy and Laben Bats Jr., int. Sept. 9, 1804.
Thomas and Batsey Darling, int. Oct. 27, 1805.
SANSON (see Sampson)
Nathaniel [int. Sampson] and Nancy Harkness, Sept. 21, 1780.
Melinda and Ellis W. Bunce,---- (rec. during year preceding Apr. 2, 1827; int. Jan. 7, 1826].
Bildad of South Hampton, and Phebe Gray, int. Nov. 23, 1794.
Martha and John Gray Jr. [int. omits Jr.], Apr. 17, 1755.
Thankfull of Rutland, and Isaac Stiveuson (int. Steviuson], Nov. 15, 1764.
Elisabeth of Leicester, and David Sloan, June 2, 1774.
Horatio of Uxbridge, and Berthia [int. Berthia] Ward, May 9, 1834.
Ama and Smith Robinson, int. Nov. 12, 1820.
Barnabas[int. Barnabus] Jr. and Polly Gray, May 21, 1818.
Jonathan F. and Polley Town, int. Aug. 16, 1813.
Joseph and Frank Peebles, int. Jan. 8, 1797.
Polly and Asabel Phelps, int. Oct. 31, 1802.
Polly and Levi Millen, int. July 27, 1809.
Sally and William Lewis, int. Oct. 26, 1803.
Lucey [Sekins ?] of Deerfield, and Justus Gray, int. Feb. 12, 1792.
Susannah and Abner Ramsdale, int. Oct. 24, 1783.
SELFRIDG (see Selfridge)
Nane and James Dunlap, int. Dec. 29, 1781.
SELFRIDGE (see Selfridg)
Elisabeth, and John Buck, Feb. 4, 1773.
Oliver and Ester Smith, Dec 28, 1756.
William and Catrin [int. Catren] McMaster, Mar. 17, 1757.
SHALDEN (see Sheldon)
Lucy of Ludlow, and Gaius Right, int. Oct. 10, 1799.
Anne of S. Brimfield, and John Pebbles, int. Mar. 17, 1770.
Elias of Belchertown, and Mary Thuston, int. Mar. 24, 1799.
Elias of Belchertown, and Rachel Bartlett, July 20, 1827.
George L. of Enfield, and Amy Ama Cook, int. May 11, 1841.
Jacob of Shutesbery, and Isabel Gray, int. Oct. 4, 1795.
James of Granby, and Eunice Fales, July 4, 1816.
Joseph of Canterbery, Conn., and Prudence Robinson, int. 20, 1791.
Lois of Greenwich, and Thomas Vaughn Jr., int. May 29, 1813.
Lydia of New Salem, and Chester Gray, May 8, 1817.
Maria E,, 18, d. Steward and Mary, and Charles Austin, Aug. 1, 1848.
William of Belchertown, and Eunice Baker, int. Nov. 26, 1803.
Hannah and Seth Foster, int. Feb. 5, 1793.
SHELDON (see Shalden)
Legrand C., 24, of Southampton, s. Wareham and Rebecca of Southampton, and Ataline Wedge, Sept. 10, 1846.
Robeson of Hamilton , N.Y., and Nabby Leach, int. Jan. 25, 1801.
SHIRTLIEF (see Shirtlieff)
Vise and Edward Foster Jr., int. Apr. 12, 1789.
SHIRTLIEFF (see ShirtlieE)
Iroa and Anne Taylor, int. June 23, 1794.
Asa of Palmer, and Orinda H. [int. omits H.] Eaton, wid., Jan. 3, 1838.
Maria and Whitcomb Gray, both of Belchertown, Apr. 21, 1830.
Polly B., Mrs., and Nathan Washburn, Feb. 16, 1826.
Venis of Shutesbery, and Thomas Fisher, int. Oct. 27, 1805.
Martha and Andrus Conkey, int, Nov. 24, 1787.
Abigail of New Salem, and Patrick Gray, int. June 29, 1782.
Agness and John Hamilton [int. Jr.], Dec. 27, 1759.
Andrew of Watterford [int. Waterford], N.Y., and Mehetable Conkey, Jan. 20, 1818.
David and Elisabeth Scot, June 2, 1774.
Elisabeth and John White, int. Apr. 21, 1783.
E1oaer and Barnes Cooly, int. Aug. 12, 1777.
Gardner and Polly B . . .. Oct. 27, 1806.
Gardner and Roxana Gray, int. Apr. 14, 1812.
James and Hannah Leach, int. Apr. 29, 1804.
Jinney and Samuel Mullen, int. Dec 18, 1801.
John of Selam[Salem] and Mary Butler [int. Buttler], Dec. 3, 1761.
John and Ann Ferguson, Jan. 10, 1765.
Lorana S. of Prescott, and Preston Cowan, int. Sept. 18, 1848.
Martha and Samuel Stevenson, int. Mar. 31, 1787.
Mary and Seth Morton, Mar. 15, 1770.
Samuell and Eunice [int. Eunis] Dick, Nov. 30, 1779.
Sarah and Moses Coolley, June 16, 1774.
Abiel B. and Hannah Putnum, int. Apr. 24, 1825.
Andrew of Holden, and Jean Cleark, May 18, 1748.
Elisabeth of Worcester, and John Young, int. Feb. 2, 1760.
Elizabeth B. of Needham, and Ambrose Packard, int. Mar. 17, 1822.
Ester and Oliver Selfridge, Dec. 28, 1756.
Esther N. and Arba Randel [int. Randell], Apr. 19, 1821.
Experience of Whatley, and Obed Dickerson, int. Aug. 14, 1804.
Georg and Battsey Clevland, int. May 2, 1803.
Hannah of Holden, and William McMullin, int. Nov. 3, 1781.
Hannah of Hardwick, and John Barker, int. Jan. 21, 1794.
Hannak[Hannah?] and Sidney Dillon, int. July 11, 1841.
Hugh and Jennet McFall, int. Dec. 17, 1783.
James of Kingstown, and Margret McColoch [nit. Margret McColloch], Oct. 27, 1748.
James and Betsey Otis, int. Jan. 6, 1816.
Jean of Holden, and Jacob Gray, Sept. 26, 1780.
Job and Mahetable Abercrombie, int. Nov. 11, 1804.
Job and Martha Conkey, int. Nov. 12, 1831.
Josiah of Boston, and Chloe Harkness, int. Jan. 29, 1814.
Levi of Amhast, and Hanah Ho1an, int. July 1, 1781.
Margaret of "Rutland Destrick," and James Berry, int. Oct. 27, 1768.
Margret of Kingstown [int. "So Called"], and Robert McColloch, Nov. 13, 1746.
Mecy [int. Mecie] and Thomas [int. Tomas] Thompson, Aug. 31, 1780.
Nancy and Daniel Chapman, int. Apr. 4, 1809.
Olive and Sarah Gay, int. Nov. 8, 1808.
Oliver of Boston, and Lovicy Harkness, int. Jan. 29, 1814.
Olive Jr., Lt., and Abigail Clapp, int. Sept. 6, 1817.
Patty of Rurland, and Lt. John Gray, int. Aug. 29, 1814.
Rebekah and Dr. Albigame [int. Abbigane] King, Mar. 26, 1825.
Sally C. and Jared T. Wescott, Dec. 29, 1829.
William and Rebeca Albercrombie, int. Nov. 6, 1803.
Cynthia [int. Cyntha] and Adin [int. Aiden] Ruggles, Apr. 25, 1816.
Sally of Greenwich, and William Millen Jr., int. Sept. 12, 1809.
Saloma and [int. Lt.] Henry Richardson, June 20, 1816.
Avis and Eli Hamilton, int. Oct 21, 1787.
Gilbert and Olive M. Kellogg, int. Sept. 29, 1849.
Hensibah and Charles N. Woods, int. Dec. 27, 1834.
Peter and Mary Boynton, int. Apr. 9, 1836.
Abia and Kezeiah Boltwood, int. Oct. 20, 1794.
Bridger and Stephan Andrews, int. Dec. 3, 1783.
Lidiah and Silvanes Pratt, int. Dec. 6, 1783.
Martha and Davis Howard, Mar. 15, 1825.
SPEAR (see Spears)
Harvy [int. Hervey] of Shutesbury, and Hannah Cook, Mar. 26, 1823. [prob. m. but rec. among int. Int. Mar. 9.]
SPEARS (see Spear)
Sarah A. of Belchertown, and Cyrus B. Dodge, int. Jan. 10, 1844.
JONATHAN of Ashfield, and Elisabeth Clark, June 17, 1766.
Sarah and Edward Adams, int. Dec. 12, 1777.
Charles and Susannah Millen, May 27, 1817.
Jasper and Patty Wyman, int. Oct. 10, 1807.
Hanaah of Sutesbery, and Matthew Clark, int. Sept, 14, 1771.
Sarah and John Davieson, int. Nov. 22, 1760.
Sarah and Samuell Hathay, Aug. 24, 1780.
STEVENSON (see Stivenson)
James of Greenwich, and Anne Conkey, int. Nov. 2, 1806.
John of Greenwich, and Elizabeth McKliam, int. Sept. 13, 1801.
Samuel and Martha Sloan, int. Mar. 31, 1787.
Charles of Coldrain, and Jennet Linsey, int. Apr. 24, 1759.
Jean of Braintree, and Adam Clark, int. Sept. 3, 1773.
STIVENSON (see Stevenson)
Isaac [int. Stevenson] and Thankfull Savige, Nov. 15, 1764.
Daniel of Athol, and Eunice [int. H.] Oliver, May 1, 1828.
Benany of Cumberland, and Sally Allen, int. Aug. 3, 1811.
Hanery of Northfield, and Anne Montgomery, int. Oct. 5, 1799.
Henry 2d [int. of Northhampton], and Fidelia S. Randall, Nov. 22, 1848.
John of Northhampton, and Patience Eaton, int. May 31, 1795.
Henry of Greenfield, and Jennet Allexander, Oct. 27, 1757.
Robert of Greenwich and Isa Crosett, int. Feb. 19, 1795.
Clark of Hardwick, and Louisa Turner, int. Jan. 12, 1846.
Robert of Bladfoard, and Agnos Gillmore, int. May 9, 1752.
James [int. Teft] of Worcester, and Martha Gray, Feb. 26, 1761.
Nathaniel of Blanfoard and Janet Hamelton, Jan. 16, 1753.
Francs A. of Ludow, and Margret J. Brown, int. Oct. 5, 1840.
Anne and Iroa Shirtlieff, int. June 23, 1794.
Irael H. Dr., and Lavina Crossett, int. Dec. 10, 1842.
James and Abeih Moor, int. May 7, 1763.
James and Sarah C. Bailey, Dec. 18, 1829.
John and Marthew Thompson, int. Mar. 31, 1799.
John, Capt, of Rowe [int. Franklin Co.], and Sarah Houston, July 1, 1827.
John Jr. and Lucy D. [int. omits D.] Gaski11, Nov. 17, 1836.
Lucy and John O. Houston, June 17, 1819.
Margret and Patrick Pebbels, Mar. 8, 1757.
Uzial of S. Hadley, and Polly Clark, int. Nov. 28, 1802.
THAYER (see There)
Gideon S. of Belchertown, and Eunice A. Wheeler, int. Mar. 20, 1835.
John 3d of Belchertown, and Polly Hayward, int. Mar. 16, 1807.
Lucinda, Mrs., and William Gaylord, int. Jan. 9, 1830.
Nathen of Boston, and Rhene Cloagh, int. Jan. 5, 1805.
Susannah of Belchertown, and James Thurston, int. Mar. 3, 1817.
THERE (see Thayer)
Daniel of Chesterfield, and Mary Hathaway, int. July 12, 1777.
David and Elisebeth [int. Elisabeth] Cowan, Apr. 24, 1750.
David and Elisabeth Harper, Nov. 18, 1755.
Jenney of Worcester and William Croset, Dec. 10, 1778.
Martha and John Maklem, Jan. 9, 1772.
Mary and John Hamilton Jr., int. May 21, 1786.
Susanna of Worcester, and James Torner, Apr. 1, 1760.
THOMPSON (see Thomson, Tompson, Tomson)
Andrew and Almedia Keep, int. Mar. 15, 1810.
Daniel and Sarah Conkey, int. Nov. 15, 1801.
Daniel, Dr., and Caroline Augusta Hunt, int. June 2, 1827.
Dorcas and John Berry, int. Apr. 15, 1812.
Dorcas and Benjamin North, int. May 10, 1845.
Edmond and Mrs. Sylvia C. Boyington, int. Oct. 28, 1842.
Elizebeth and Ezekiel Conkey, int. Dec. 24, 1784.
Elizebeth and Jonathan Harkness, int. July 31, 1789.
Erastus C. and Sarah H. Gray, int. Ang. 31, 1830.
Hannah and Pliney Wilson, int. Oct. 8, 1808.
Hannah, wid., and William Millen "Cenior," int. Dec. 31, 1814.
Isaac and Mercia Horr, int. Apr. 14, 1822.
James 2d and Hannah Gray, int. Mar. 4, 1788.
James Jr. and Metilda Parce, int. Mar. 6, 1796.
John and Prudence Clark [int. Cleark], Dec. 13, 1757.
John Jr. and Katuran Clark, int. Aug. 21, 1788.
John M. and Hannah Millen, int. Apr. 27, 1812.
Joseph and Margaret Croset, June 30, 1774.
Martha and Samuel Keruth, int. Sept. 16, 1786.
Martha and James Hyde, int. Feb. 11, 1787.
Marthew and Squire Abbet, int. Oct. 19, 1795.
Marthew and John Taylor, int. Mar. 31, 1799.
Mary [int. Tompson] and John Lindsey, Dec. 17, 1761.
Mary and George Washington Hoer, int. Mar. 8, 1834.
Molley and John McColloch, int. Mar. 31, 1788.
Molley and Joel Conkey, int. Jan. 2, 1796.
Pekeg P. and Pamilia White, int. Mar. 19, 1833.
Permelia, wid., 35, b. Ashfield, d. Sylvenus----and Martha of Chesterfield, and Cheney Abbott, widr., Aug. 30, 1846.
Sarah and John Cole, int. Jan. 19, 1795.
Sarah, Mrs., and Ebenezer Gray, Jan. 23, 1828.
Thomas and Jean Meklem, Sept. 11, 1777.
Thomas [int. Tomas] and Mecy [int. Mecie] Smith, Aug. 31, 1780.
THOMSON (see Thompson, Tompson, Tomson)
Susanah and Eisha Conkey, int. Oct. 28, 1782.
Susanah and Samuel Carruth Jr., int. Mar. 23, 1806.
Ester and James Ferguson, Dec. 4, 1746.
Lucy and William Bosworth, int. Nov. 7, 1802.
Joanna and Tisdall [int. Tisdle] Crossman, Dec. 22, 1825.
Ozias and Mrs. Phebe Gaskell [int. Miss Phebe Gaskell], Aug. 30, 1825.
William M. and Harriet L. Williams, int. Dec. 4, 1847.
William W. and Pamelia [int. Permelia] Wheeler, May 2, 1822.
THURSTING (see Thurston, Thusten, Thuston)
Mary, wid., and Reuben Wescott, int. June 13, 1839.
THURSTON (see Thursting, Thusten, Thuston)
Betsy and Thomas Barnes,----, 1836.
Emily and Forris Jepson, int. Mar. 16, 1838.
James and Susannah Thayer, int. Mar. 3, 1817.
James and Maria Gleson, int. Nov. 1, 1827.
John T. and Betsy M. Jepson, int. Apr. 4, 1842.
Margret and Elijah Lane, int. May 23, 1829.
Marilla and Job S. Miller, int. Feb. 23, 1847.
Mary and John T. Jurden, int. Jan. 8, 1830.
Stillman and Esther M. Conkey, Apr. 14, 1842.
Susan [int. Susannah], 28, d. Paul and Mary, and william H. Goodenough [int. Goodenow], Nov. 24, 1846.
Susan M. and Oliver Hill, int. Apr. 17, 1843.
Thomas and Lydia Westcott, int. May 4, 1837.
THUSTSN (see Thursting, Thurston, Thuston)
Elizabeth and Caleb Tilson, int. Mar. 18, 1803.
THUSTON (see Thursting, Thurston, Thusten)
Mary and Elias Shaw, int. Mar. 24, 1799.
Mary and Robert Abercrombie, int. Oct. 7, 1799.
Paul and Mary Rogers, int. Jan. 8, 1790.
Paul and Mary Moody, int. Aug. 31, 1806.
Caleb of Greenwich, and Elizabeth Thusten, int. Mar. 18, 1803.
Matilda of Attleborough, and Jesse F. Peck, int. Nov. 19, 1819.
Levi and Polly Barlow, int. June 10, 1788.
John C. and Sarah Jane Whipple, Oct. 4, 1837.
Phebee and Callister Gray, int. May 13, 1799.
TOMPSON (see Thompson, Thomson, Tomson)
Eunice and David Conkey 2d, int. May 25, 1797.
George and Mary Croset, Dec. 5, 1765.
James and Mary Cowan, July 24, 1766.
TOMSON (see Thompson, Thomson, Tompson)
Lois and Nathan C. Perry, int. Mar. 30, 1843.
Sophia J., b. Palmer, d. Asa and Ruth, and Francis Kingman, Mar. 9, 1848.
James and Susanna Thomas, Apr. 1, 1760.
Sarah and Joseph McCraken, Feb. 12, 1760.
TORRANCE (see Torreace)
Allexander and Presila Heket, Mar. 2, 1781.
Martha [int. Torranc] and Matthew Rinken. June 26, 1777.
Mary of Belchertown, and John Rinken, Oct. 6, 1774.
Thomas [int. Torrans] of Braintree, and Agness Cochran, Oct. 9, 1766.
TORRENCE (see Torrance)
John of Belchertown, and Chloe Bartlett, int. Mar. 3, 1810.
Betsy and Eli Haskell, int. Feb. 16, 1808.
Isaac Jr. and Polly Haskell, int. Feb. 17, 1809.
Lurana and Nathan Pettingel, int. Nov. 25, 1808.
Sibeliah and Luther Pomroy, int. Jan. 4, 1812.
Polley of Greenwich, and Jonathan F. Sears, int, Aug. 16, 1813.
Abigail and William Harkness, Dec. 12, 1816.
Caroline and John Willace, int. May 21, 1847.
Jonathan and Eliza Bartlett, int. Feb. ---, 1825.
Jonathan, widr. [int. omits widr.], 55, s. Ells and Thankful, and Persis Allen, Jan. 29, 1846.
Louisa and Clark Sumner, int. Jan. 12, 1846.
Zylphia and Nahum Wallis, Nov. 6, 1823.
Amos of Hinsdale, and wid. [of] Phinius Larrabee, int. Dec. 5, 1807.
Mary Maria of Amherst and Moses Hannum, int. Mar. 4, 1848.
VAUGHAN (see Vaughn)-
Sally and John Wheeler, int. July 23, 1807.
VAUGHN (see Vaughan)
Thomas Jr. and Lois Shaw, int. May 29, 1813.
Horice of Monson, and Lucy Hunter, Oct. 20, 1824.
Henry of Upton, and Mrs. Mary Boynton, Apr. 12, 1830.
Loise of Hardwick and Luice [Lewis] Baker, int. May 14, 1786.
Sarah of Adams, and Thomas Johnston, int. July 30, 1792.
WALLAS (see Walless, Wallis)
James of Rutland, and Mary McCleland, Apr. 9, 1756.
WALLESS (see Wallas, Wallis)
John of Colrain [int. Coldrain], and Agness Linsey, Oct. 13, 1761.
WALLIS (see Wallas, Walless)
Charlotte and Austin W. Conky (dup. and int. Conkey], Apr. 29, 1830.
Chloe and Thomas Heydon Jr. [int. omits Jr. and adds Lt.], Nov. 27, 1823.
Nahum and Zylphia Turner, Nov. 6, 1823.
Bertha [int. Bethiah] and Horatio Seagraves, May 9, 1834.
Bethiah of Belchertown, and Nathaniel [int. Nathanil] Cook, Nov. 23, 1834.
Elmira and Eseek Cook 2d, int. Dec 7, 1844.
Hannah and Abel Brown, Dec. 17, 1829.
John Jr. of Belchertown, and Polly Davison, int. Jan. 11, 1807.
John B. of Ware Village, and Louisia Cook, int. Apr. 17, 1837.
Joseph G., 27, b. Canidy, s. Joseph and Greecash of Canidy, and Angeline A. Buffum, Mar. 2, 1847.
Lucretia and Nathaniel K. Batchelor, Mar. 30, 1841.
Martha and Aron H. Ingram, int. Aug. 21, 1841.
Mary and Philander S. Knight, June 11, 1837.
Moses L., s. Moses of Belchertown, and Sally R. Kingman, Apr. 3, 1845.
Cullen of New Marlborough, and Lucy Cooley, Oct. 10, 1819.
Zubee and John Barber, int. July 17, 1785.
Nathan [int. of Easton], and Mrs. Polly B. Sibley, Feb. 16, 1828.
Pattey and David Conkey Jr., int May 31, 1801.
Salley and Ebenezer Gats, int. Nov. 30, 1797.
Charles N., 24, s. Ezekiel and Matilda, and Sarah E. Webster, Mar. 28, 1849.
Martha L., 21, d. Augustus and Amy, and Warren G Wedge, Mar. 28, 1840.
Sarah E., 24, d. Augustus and Amy, and Charles N. Webster, Mar. 28, 1849.
Amy and Calvin Chapin, int. Oct. 30, 1840.
Ataliae, 23, d. Lemuel C. and Cintha, and Legrand C. Shedon, Sept. 10, 1846.
Esther C., 22, d. Lenuel C. and Cyntha, and Orrin [int. Orin] E. Darling, June 13, 1848.
Lamuel of Shutesbury [int. Shutesbary], and Cynthia Wescott [ int. Cyntha Westcott], Nov. 11, 1821.
Lemuel C. and Lucy Jillson, int. Dec. 15, 1842.
Naham and Rhoda Chapin, int. Mar. 10, 1812.
Roxsa and Joseph Hodgekins Jr., int. Aug. 12, 1821.
Warren C., 21, s. Lemuel and Cynthia, and Martha L. Webster, Mar. 28, 1849.
Theverick of Petersham, and Lydia Borden, int. Feb. 4, 1807•
WELLINGTON (see Willington)
Almira and Elem Osborn, both of Enfield, Apr.--- 1818.
WESCOTT (see Westcott)
Cynthia (int. Cyntha Westcott] and Samuel C. Wedge, Nov. 11, 1821.
Harriet M., Mrs., d. William Wilson, and William Newell, Apr. 24, 1844.
WESTCOTT (see Wescott)
Amy and Lt. Alanson Chapin, Mar. 28, 1825.
Jared T. and Sally C. Smith, Dec. 29, 1829
Jared T. and Ann Baker June 20, 1838, in Marcellns, Onondaga Co. N.Y.
Lydia and Thomas Thurston, int. May 4, 1837.
Reuben and Mary Thursting, wid., int. June 13, 1839.
Walter and Harriet M. Willson, int Nov. 18, 1833.
Zechariah and Emeline Gould, Dec. 16, 1833.
Laura [int. Witherby] and David Millen, May 15, 1817.
Benjamin of New Marlborough, and Anna Dunn, int. Sept. 2, 1815.
Chancelor L. and Catherine A. Crossett, [int.] Jan. 10, 1848.
Clarisa [int. Clarissa H.] and Gennat [int. Gennett] Brown, Apr. 18, 1830.
Epheriam of Shutesbery, and Rebekah Crosett, int. Nov. 11, 1798.
Eunice A. and Gideon S. Thayer, int. Mar. 20, 1835.
John of Greenwich, and Sally Vaughan, int. July 23, 1807.
Mary Ann Angusta and Emery Boynton, int. July 19, 1834.
Nathaniel of Shutesbury, and Fathfull Herrington, int. June 25, 1808.
Pamela [int. Permelia] and William W. Thurber, May 2, 1822.
Ephraim and Hannah Marks, "both of Quaben[int. Quabin], so called," Nov. 10, 1746.
AbigaIl J. and George W. Chapman [int. Chatman], Nov. 3, 1836.
Arubah [int. Azuba] and David Packard, Sept. 30, 1819.
Brookey [int. Broocky] and Isreal H. Gibbs, Mar. 17, 1825.
James G. and Ann Maria Dodge, Apr. 2, 1837.
Joseph and Dolley Caboon, int. Feb. 23, 1806.
Mary Ann and John M. Keth [int. Keith], Sept. 16, 1833.
Sarah Jane and John C. Tolman, Oct. 4, 1837.
James and Mary Cowdin [int. Cowden], July 4, 1776.
John of Belchertown and Elisabith Sloan, int. Apr. 21, 1783.
Levince and Jermiah Hase, int. June 10, 1791.
Pamilia and Peleg P. Thompson, int. Mar. 19, 1833.
Marcy of New Salem, and Moses Gray, int. July 8, 1793.
Harriet [int. Herriat] and Ammon Cook, Apr. 7, 1825.
Lucy and Luther Lincoln, Mar. 7, 1826.
Lucy and Obed Hunt, int. Apr. 28, 1787.
Abigail of Braintree, and Nathan Prat, int. July 30, 1779,
Haley of Stirling, and Stacy Linzie [male], int. July 24, 1816.
Lucius E. of Philipston [int. Phillipston], and Emeline Cook--- (rec. during year preceding Apr. 13, 1839; int. July 20, 1838.
Moses and Joanna Powers, " Both of Roadtown So Called," int. Nov. 6, 1756.
John and Caroline Turner, int. May 21, 1847.
WILLEY (see Williey, Wyllie)
Elisabeth of Worcester, and Jonathan Gray, Mar. 8, 1774.
Anne of Shutesbury [int. Anna of Shuttsbury], and Jonathan Leach, May 26, 1784.
Harriet L. of Amherst, and William M. Thurber, int. Dec. 4, 1847.
Moses of Amherst and Luriah Bartlet, int. Oct. 7, 1814.
WILLIEY (see Willey, Wyllie)
Samuel of Worcester, and Eunes Conkey, int. Feb. 17, 1783.
Luke oŁ Sterling, and Eliza Benit, int. Mar. 10, 1811.
WTLLIS (see Willace)
WILLSON (see Wilson)
Harriet M. and Walter Westcott, int. Nov 18, 1833.
WILSON (see Willson)
Alice and Isaac Cowan Hunter, int. Feb. 16, 1795.
Amy of Belchertown, and John Harkness, int. Mar. 6, 1837.
Anna M. and Welcom Allen, Sept 22, 1822.
Asa Jr. [int. Willson] of Belchertown, and Rachel Aldrich, Aug. 27, 1828.
Daniel of Belchertown, and Vesta Harkness, int. Dec. 8, 1810.
Esther of Belchertown, and John Harkness Jr., int. Dec. 8, 1810.
Harriot [int. Herriot] and Daniel Robins [int. Robbins], May 21, 1818.
Lucy and Isaac Lazell, int. Mar. 12, 1808.
Martha of Okham, and Elihu Gray, int. Aug. 20, 1791.
Pliney of Belchertown and Hannah Thompson, int. Oct. 8, 1808.
Samuel [int. Samll Wilson of Colran] of Colrain and Sarah [int. Saram] Cowan, Nov. 24, 1761.
Samuel [int. Samll Wilson] of Colrain and Agness Dunlap, Dec. 9, 1767.
Sarah and Joseph Robeson, int. Sept. 22, 1793.
William Jr. and Margaret Abercrombie, int. Sept. 25, 1803.
Bettiah, Mrs., of Belchertown, and Ebeneaer Austin, int. Apr. 6, 1846.
Mary A. and Mendall Latham, int. May 11, 1834.
David and Poley Newcomb, int. July 22, 1798.
WOOD (see Woods)
Coziah [int. Cuziah] and Samuel Buckman, Mar. 6, 1780.
George, N. of New York City, and Joanna C. Gaskill, int. Sept. 10, 1834.
Hannah and Asaph Lyon, int. Sept. 9, 1775.
Icabod Jr. of Enfie1d, and Lucy Rider, int. May 25, 1816.
Ira and Mary Montgomery, both of Enfield, Hampshire Co., June 20, 1839.
James, Dr., of Springfield, and Ana Hollond, int. Sept. 25, 1784.
Jonathan [int. Johnathan] and Fanny Hayden, Mar. 3, 1842.
Live [Levi ?] and Bethani Fuller int. Oct. 19, 1786.
Lucy and Frederick Denio, int. Nov. 29, 1773.
Lucy of Enfield, Hampshire Co., and Giles Rider, Apr. 16, 1822.
Lydia and George W. Buckland, Dec. 6, 1826.
Mary, wid., and Samuel Orcutt, int. Aug. 27, 1808.
Rebecah (int. Rebecca] of Enfield, and John Rider, Nov. 10, 1819.
Salvenus and Polly Gray, int. Jan. 1, 1797.
Sophia and Justin Packard, Dec. 26, 1822.
WOODS (see Wood)
Charles N. and Hepsibah Southwick, int, Dec. 27, 1834.
Daniel of New Braintree, and Nabby Joslin, wid., int. Mar. 17, 1815.
Mary of Shutesbery, and John Atkinson, int. May 22, 1790.
Elcey of Shutesbury, and Hezekiah H. Pierce, int. July 19, 1839.
Rachel and John Marklem, int. Feb. 7, 1767.
WRIGHT (see Right)
Sally and James Bruce, int. July 17, 1800.
WYLLIE (see willey, Williey)
George S. of Ware, and Margaret Gates, int. Sept. 2, 1843.
Patty of Wenchendon and Jasper Stearns, int. Oct. 10, 1807.
John and Margaret Conky, Feb. 22, 1759.
John and Elisabeth Smith, int. Feb. 2, 1760.
Mary and William Cambell [int. Cambel], Nov. 18, 1766.
Rachel and James Pebels, May 5, 1768.
Robert of Athull, and Elisabeth Gray, Dec. 20, 1764.
Francs [int. Frances] and Simeon Peck, Oct. 17, 1776.
--------, Rebekah of "ye Union So called," and Robert Meklem, int, Sept. 7, 1751.
--------, Sarah of Lovrik [Leverett ?], and James Croiset, int. June 13, 1778.