Vital Records of Pelham, Massachusetts
To the Year 1850
New England Historical Genealogical Society
Boston, Mass., 1902
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

ABBOT (see Abbott),
----,ch. Cheney and Pamelia, May 22, 1849.
ABBOTT (see Abbot)
Luther Cheney, s. Cheney and Rachael, May 11, 1831.
Milo Wells, s. Cheney (Abbot) and Rachel, Feb. 15, 1833.
Rachel Ellen, d. Cheney and Rachel, May 27,1839.
Zilphia S., d. Cheney and Pamelia, May 27, [18]47.
ABERCROMBIE (see Abercrombiee)
Ashel, s. Isaac and Martha, Oct. 21, 1807
Austin, s. David and Mary. June 18, 1818.
Clarisa d. Rob[er)t and Mary, July 30, 1800.
David, s. James and Margrey, Apr. 4, 1788.
Elijah Billings (Abercrombies), twin ch. William and Abigail, Apr. I5, 1818.
Emerson, s. David and Mary, Sept. 7, 1823.
Fanny, d. David and Mary, July 3, 1821.
George B., s. Hiram and Betsy, Mar 23, 1841.
George Frederick, s. Hiram and Elizabeth. Mar. 23, 1841.
Hiram, S. James and Margery, Mar. 9, 1807.
Horace, s. David and Mary, Nov. 4, 1827.
Ira, s. Isaac and Marthew, Sept. 25, 1797.
Ira, s. Isaac and Martha, Jan. 28, 1805.
Isaac, s. Isaac and Marthew, July 20, 1793.
James, s. James and Margrey, Apr. 18, 1790.
Jemima Darling, d. William and Jemima, Jan. 4, 1808.
Joel, s,. William and Abigail, Jan. 17, 1815.
Lucinda Castle, twin ch. William and Abigail, Apr. 15, 1818.
Margaret Stepenson, d. William and Jemima, Nov. 24, 1808.
Margret, d. James and Margrey, Oct. 11, 1781.
Mary Fields Billing, d. William and Abigail, June 22, 1813.
Mehetebel, d. James and Margrey, Jan. 31. 1786.
Rachel, d. James and Margrey, Mar. 25, 1792.
Rebekah, d. James and Margrey, Feb. 4, 1784.
Salley. d. Isaac and MarThew, May 11, 1798.
Sarah, d. Rev. Robert and Margaret, Oct. 11, 1756.
Sarah, d. James and Margrey, Oct. 17, 1794.
Siday, d. Isaac and Marthew, May 14, 1800.
Stilmon, s. David and Mary, Apr. 11, 1830.
Sumner, s. James and Margrey, Jan, 8, 1799
Warren B., s. Hiram and Betsy. Nov. 2, 1846.
William, s. Isaac and Marthew, Aug. 4, 1791.
Wyman, s. David and Mary, June 24, 1816.
ABERCROMBIEE (see Abercroanbie )
Lucindia, d. Isaac and Martha, Apr. 20, 1809.
Avery Ward, ch. Francis and Naomi, Oct 28, 1826, in New Braimtree.
Elizabeth Jane, ch. Francis and Naomi, June 16, 1820.
Francis Fisk, ch. Francis and Naomi, Sept. 24, 1833.
John Gray, ch. Francis and Naomi, Oct. 13, 1819, in New Braintree.
Nancy Park, ch. Francis and Naomi, July 22, 1821, in New Braintree.
Salina Holten, ch. Francis and Naomi, Apr. 15, 1818, in New Braintree.
Samuel Holten, ch. Francis and Naomi, Dec 29, 1823, at New Braintree.
AIKENS (see Akens)
Annis, d. Joseph and Hannah, Nov. 5, 1806.
Daniel [dup. Akens], S. Joseph and Hannah, Aug. 3,[dup. 5] 1792.
Sally, d. Joseph and Hannah, July 25, 1804.
Nancy, d. Buenos and Rachel, Dec. 26, 1799.
AKENS (see Aikens)
Hannah, d. Joseph and Hannah, June 7, 1796.
Joesph, s. Joseph and Hannah, June 17. 1795.
Polley, d. Joseph and Hannah, Apr. 23, 1798.
ALBE (see Albee, Albia, Alby) -
Cloey, d. Laben and Jonna, May 7,1798.
Nancy, d. Laben and Jonna, Feb. 23, 1801.
ALBEE (see Albe, Albia. Alby)
Benjaman, s. Laben and Jonna, May 13, 1803.
George Lewis, s Arba and Sally. Ang 24, 1821.
Lucinda, d. Laben and Johannah, Aug. 5, 1806.
Rebeca, d. Laben and Jonah, May 26, 1792, in Milford.
Warren, s. Laban and Joanna [dup. Susannna], Sept. 16, 1808.
ALBIA (see Albe, Albee, Alby )
Arba, s. Laben (Albee) and Jonnah, Mar. 22, 1794.
ALBY (see Albe, Albee, Albia)
Rarcy[?]. d. Alexander and Mairy, May 20, 1811.
Adeline, d. Nathaniel and Nancy, July 14, 1837.
Charles Phelps, s. Nehemiah and Diana, Dec. 2, 1837.
Eliza, d. Nathaniel and w., Mar. 2,1835.
Martin Grovner, s. Nathaniel and Nancy S., May 25, 1839.
Only, s. Asel and Olive, Aug. 1, 1815.
Orinda F., d. Nathaniel and Nancy, Oct. 1, 1844.
Reuben K., s. Artemas K. and Hannah, Sept. 9, 1849.
Sarah, d. Asel and Olive, June 9, 1819.
Sarah J, d. Nathaniel and Nancy. July 25. 1845.
____, s. Artemas and Hannah,---18, 1842.
Anna Caroline, d. Jesse and Anna, Jan. 25, 1812.
Charles Medcaff, s. Jess and Anna, Oct. 29, 1807.
David Houston, s. Sam[ue]l and Elisabeth, Oct. 11, 1816.
Debenport, s. Sam[ue]l and Elizabeth, Dec. 11, 1800.
Erastus Willard, ch. Welcome and Anna M, Feb. 8, 1827.
Joseph, s. Samuel and Elisabeth, May 21, 1813.
Joseph D., s. David and Hannah, Dec. 20, 1847.
Martha, d. Samuel and Elisabeth, Sept. 16, 1819.
Martha E, d. David and Hannah, Aug. 3, 1844, in Deerfield.
Nancy, d. Jesse and Anna, Sept. 3, 1814.
Nathaniel, s. Jesse and Anna, Aug. 23, 1817.
Parces, d. Samuel and Elizabeth, May 19, 1803.
Phines, s. Samuel and Elizabeth, Mar. 21, 1801.
Richard Montgomery, s. Jesse and Anna, Dec. 15, 1809.
Sally, d. Samuel and Elizabeth, July 3, 1805.
Sarah Maria, ch. Welcome and Anna M., July 29, 1831.
Silas, s. Polly, Apr. 3. 1799.
Susan A., d. David and Hannah, Sept. 29, 1845.
W[illia]m M., s. Welcom and Anna M., Mar. 24, 1823.
AMSDALE (see Amsdill)
Abigal, d. Abner and Susan[torn], Sept. 16, 1784.
Robert Sekene, s. Abner and Susannah, May 10, 1789.
AMSDILL (see Amsdale) -
Lydia, d. Abner and Susannah, Jan. 2, 1787.
ANDRESS (see Andrews)
Asa, s. Stephen(Andrews) and Bridget, Apr. 5, 1787.
ANDREWS (see Andrss)
Chaster, s. Stepen and Bridget, Apr. 9, 1790.
Joel, s. Steven and Bregget, June 15, 1785.
Leonard, s. Stephen and Bridget, Feb. 19, 1793.
Samuel Franklin, s. Savanah and Emeline, Nov. 7, 1828.
Saphronia, d. Savanah and Emaline, Mar. 19, 1827.
Joel, s. James and Rebecah, Jan. 30, 1805.
William, s William and Nancy, May 29, 1787.
Charles, s. Ebenezer and Mary. Nov. 1, 1826.
Joel, S. Ebenezer and Mary, June 16, 1825.
Mary Gage, d. Ebenezer and Mary, Sept. 3, 1835.
AYERS,see Airs.
BABBET (see, Babbit)
John, s. Sanford and Nancy, Aug. 17, 1801.
BABBIT (see Babbet)
Ezra, S. Silas and Sarah, Oct. 18, 1794. In Barry.
Irna, d. Silas and Sarah, Sept. 30, 1791, in Petersham.
Juda, d. Silas and Sarah, Apr. 13, 1790, in Petersham.
Samuel, s. Silas and Sarah, July 21, I797, in Greemwich.
Silas, s. Silas and Sarah, Aug. 7, 1801.
Elisabeth Lee, d. Rev. Winthrop and Hannah, Nov. 21, 1822.
Francis Parkman, s. Rev. Winthrop and Martha, Nov. 26, 1820.
Hannah Stanwood, d. Rev. Winthrop and Martha, June 8, 1817.
Idellia, M., d. Sidney and Marsha, July 9, 1846.
Levi N., s. Sidney and Marsha, Jan. 18, 1848.
Martha Gray, d. Rev. Winthrop and Martha, Feb. 19, 1819.
Naman Wesly, s. Sidney A. and Marsha S., Sept. 20, 1840.
Sairah Crosbey, d. Winthrop and Martha, Apr. 4, 1815.
----, d. Sidney and Marsha, Sept 15, 1844- [Rec. May 21, 1844, Prob. b. 1843.]
Anna, d. John and Hannah, June 26, 1807.
Anson, s. Ezekiel and Hannah, Aug. 7, 1801.
Benjamin, s. Isaac and Rebecha, Oct. 26, 1778.
Braton, s. John and Hannah, Feb. 8, 1801.
Davis, s. John and Hannah, Mar. 11, 1799.
Elisha, s. James and Sally, Dec. 21, 1790.
Eliza, d. John and Hannah , Apr. 18, 1800.
Ezkiel, s. Ezkiel and Hannah, Feb. 20, 1802.
Hannah Smith, d. Johm and Hannah. July 2,1805.
Isaac, s. Ezekiel and Hannah. June 17, 1788.
James,s. James and Sally, July 31,1788.
John, s. Ezkiel and Hannah, June 25,1799.
Jonathan, s. John amd Hannah, Apr. 20, 1795.
Joseph, s Ezekiel and Hannah, Feb. 8, 1792.
Joshua, s. Ezekiel and Hannah, Oct. 8, 1786.
Moses, s. Ezekiel and Hannah, Aug. 17, 1796.
Rachel. d. Ezekiel and Hannah. May 29, 1794.
Rebeckah , d. James and Sally, Mar. 1, 1797.
Samuel, s. James and Sally, July 20, 1793.
William, s. John and Hannah, Dec. 17, 1796.
Aurila, d. Joshua and Polly, Mar. 13, 1808, in New Salem.
Abinem, s. Stephen and Alsa, Sept. 19, 1823.
Adaline Aldridg, d. Leonard and Pheebe, Sept 26, 1826.
Alonzo, s. Leonard and Phebe, Jan. 22, 1820.
Alonzo, ch. Stephen and Elsa, Nov. 24, 1825.
Angeline Elisebeth B., d. Leonard and Phebe, Nov. 12, 1830.
Barton, s. Stephen, June 22, 1813.
Bethany, d. Stephen and Alise, June 1, 1811.
Emory, s. Stephen and Alice, Sept. 6, 1813.
George, ch. Leonard and Phebe, Nov. 25, 1833.
Hiram, ch. Stephen and Elsa, Sept. 19, 1823.
John Braley, s. Learned and Pheebe, Oct. 28, 1823.
Lillis. d. Stephen and Allice, Jan. 25, 1809.
Live H., s. Learned and Pheebe, Sept. 12, 1821.
Martin Lyman, S. Emery and Mariah, May 7, 1838.
Mary A., d. Hyram and Elisabrth, Oct. 18, 1849.
Orson M., s. Emery and Maria. Dec. 23, 1843.
Rozina, d. Leonard and Phebe, Sept 23, 1817.
Theadore Sampson, s. Leonard and Phebe, July 30, 1829.
Welcome, s Stephen and Alice, Sept 7, 1803, in Cumberland.
Elizebeth, d. Isaac Banet and Rebecca Baker, Aug. 17, 1791.
Betheiah, twin, d. Andrew and Bethiah, Feb. 22, 1796.
William, [twin] s. Andrew and Bethiah, Feb. 22, 1796.
Asael, s. John and Azubah, June 17, 1800.
Binjebin , a Robertt and Sarah, Nov. 23, 1751.
Chester, s. John and Azubah, Dec. 11, 1794.
John, s. Robert and Sarah, Sept. 19, 1757.
John, s. John and Azubah, June 15, 1792.
Margret, d. Robert and [tornl Feb. 22,1755.
Matthew, s. Robert and Sar[torn), Apr. 8, 1753.
Nancy, d. John and Azubah, June 3, 1802.
Parmelia, d. John and Azubah, May 22, 1797.
Rebecca. d. John and Azubab, Mar. 6, 1790.
Sarah, d, John and Azubah, Jan. 6, 1788.
Selina, d. John and Azubah, Sept. 6, 1807.
Warren, s. John and Azubah, Dec. 6, 1785.
BARNES (see Barns)
Dexter R., s. Ansel and Deborah. Oct. 8, 1942.
Harriett L., d. Ansel and Deborah, Oct. 29, 1846.
Lewis C., s. Ansel and Deborah, Apr. 9, 1835, in Hardwick.
Louis M., d. Ansel and Deborah, Aug. 23, 1848.
Martha A., d. Ansel and Deborah. Feb. 27. 1840, in Hardwick.
Susan E., d. Ansel and Deborah, Mar. 6, 1833, in Hardwick.
BARNS (see Barnes)
Estes, Ch. [dup. s.] Dwight and Lois [dup. Vila), Mar. 27, 1830.
James Dwight, ch. Dwight and Lois, Aug. 27, 1827.
Joseph Millen, ch. Dwight and Lois, Oct. 9, 1828.
Isaac, ch. Joseph and Patience, Nov. 24, 1811, in Attleborough.
Joseph, ch. Joseph and Patience, Dec 29, 1813, in Attleborough.
Laura Ann, ch. Joseph and Patience, Apr. 8, 1827.
Mary Carroline, d. Joseph and Patience, Nov. 18, 1829.
William, ch. Joseph and Patience, Aug. 26, 1819, in Atteborough.
BARRY (see Berrey, Berry)
Alexander, s Alexander and Marthew, APr. 30, 1791.
Battsey, d. Robert and Parley, Sept.. 8, 1805.
John, s. Alexander and Marthew, July 15, 1788.
Polly, d. Allexander and Marthew, Dec. 9, 1784.
BARTLET (see Bartlett, Barttlett)
Martha Anne, d. Alexander and Deborah, July 9, 1844. [Rec. May 21, 1844, prob. b. 1843.]
Adelia A., d. Philander and Susanna, Feb. 9, 1839, in Enfield.
Alexander, ch. Alexander and Lucy, Aug. 11, 1816, in Enfield.
Almaria, ch. Avery and Hannah. June 5, 1833.
Almira, d. Luther and Olive, Nov. 24, 1805.
Alvin, s. Lucas and Lorancy, Oct 28. 1829, in Enfield.
Avery Franklin, ch. Avery and Hannah, July 5, 1836.
Chester, ch. Alexander and Lucy, Sept. 3, 1826, in Shutesbury.
David, s. Lucas and Lorancy, Oct. 23. 1827, in Enfield.
Eliza Maria, d. Hoace and Sarah. July 21, 1835.
Ellen M., d. Philander and Susanna, Apr. 4, 1847.
Franceses M., d. Philander and Susanna, Feb. 2, 1837, in Enfield.
Henrietta, d. Marshall J. and Abigail. Jan 5, 1848.
Hiram, s. Luther and Olive, Jan. 13, 1804. in Brookfield.
James Emerson, s. Alexander and Deborah, Sept. 19. 1839.
Liberty, s. Luther and Olive, Apr. 8, 1807.
Lucy, d. Alexander and Lucy, Dec. 5, 1818.
Mariva, d. Lucas and Lorancy, Oct. 12, 1831, in Enfield.
Mirian E., d. Philander and Susanna, Apr 2, 1843, in Belchertown.
Ocran H. S. Lucas and Lorancy, May 13, I828, in Shutesbury.
Oliver W., s. Philander (b. Enfield) and Susanna, b Belchertown, June 20 [dup. 19, 1849.
Paulina H. (dup. Perlina Hunter], d. Lucas and Lorancy, Oct 3,1836.
Sally, ch. Alexander and Lucy, Jan. 19, 1829, in Shutesbury.
Sally E., d. Lucas and Lorancy, Dec. 31, 1825.
Samuel Baxter, s. Horace and Sarah, Mar. 27, 1837.
Susannah, d. Alexander and Lucy, Sept. 5, 1821.
Sylvanus, cH. Alexander and Lucy, Dec. 21, 1823, [in] Shutesbury.
Benjamin Franklin, s. Robert and Elinor [dup. Elenor], July 22, 1820.
Isaac, s. Robert and Elenor, Jan. 25, 1824.
John Leason, s. Samuel and Polly, May 13, 1826, in Enfield.
Lydia, d. Robert and Elenor, Oct. 25, 1822.
BARTLETT (see Bartlet, Bartlett)
Eliza Earle, d. Luther and Olive, Dec 15, 1808.
Lydia, d. Eli and Abigal, Aug. 17, 1802.
BATS (see Banet)
Adalaide, d. Danford and Content, Sept 21, 1844.
Cornelia N., d. Danford Jr. and Frinda, July 18, 1844.
BERREY (see Barry, Berry)
James, s. Alexander (Berry) and Martha, May 10, 1777, in New Salem.
Molley d. Alexander and Martha, Dec 9, 1784.
BERRY (see Barry, Berrey)
Axy, d. John and Betsey. Dec 29, 18I0.
Betsey, d. John and Dorcas, Oct 24, 1813.
John, s. John and Dorcas, Feb. 27, 1818.
Locket, s. Allexander(Berrey) and Martha, Oct. 23, 1778. In New Salem.
William Alexander, s. John and Betsey, Sept. 18, 1809.
[torn]er, s. James and Jean, Feb. 5, 1747.
[torn], s. James and Jean, Oct.--1749.
[torn], s. James and Jean, June 18, 1751.
[torn], d. James and Jean, June 18,1753.
[torn], d. James and Jean, June 25, 1755.
[torn], s. James and Jean, May 26, 1758.
Charles Elliot, s. William F. (b. Malborough) and Sarah (b.Monson), July 17, 1847, in Springfield.
Jane Hellen, [twin] d. William F., (b; Malborough) and Sarah (b. Monson), Apr. 10, 1845, in Springfield.
Sarah Ellen, [twin] d. William, F. (b. Malborough) and Sarah (b. Monson), Apr. 10, 1845, in Springfield.
Melinda Bell, d. Abigail (Billng), May 26, 1808, in Amhest.
BLACKMER (see Blackmor, Blackmore)
William Hack, s. Amos and Margret, Apr. 14, 1814.
BLACKMOR (see B1ackmer, Blackmore)
Amos Harvey, s. Amos (Blackmer) and Margaret, Nov. 12, 1817.
BLACKMORE (see Blackmer, Blackmor)
Pter, s. David and Margeret, Oct 31, 1811.
Annace Mahala, d. Samuel and Ruba, Aug. 28, 1814, in Ware.
Calvin Danforth, s. Samuel and Ruba, Nov. 12, 1827.
Calvin Dunia, s. Samuel and Ruba, Mar. 6, 1817, in Ware.
Clarissa Duena, d. Samuel [and] Ruba, Mar. 23, 1823, in Ware.
Louisana Sherman, d. Samuel and Ruba, May 14.1825, in Ware.
Sally Caroline, d. Samuel and Ruba, June 11, 1812, in Ware.
William Strong, S. Samuel and Ruba, Mar. 9, 1820, in Ware.
[torn]m s. John and Sarah, Nov. 12, 1744.
[torn]beth, d. John and Sarah, Jan. 26, 1745.
[torn] d. John and Sarah, Sept. 17, 1746.
[torn]na, d. John and Sarah, Apr. 22, 1748.
[torn] Kelso s. John and Sarah, Apr. 21, 1750.
[torn] d. John and Sarah, Apr. 10, 1752.
[torn] s. John and Sarah, Feb. 25, 1754.
[torn] d. John and Sarah, Nov. 15, 1755.
[torn]h, d. John and Sarah, Oct. 3, 1757.
[torn] d. John and Sarah, Aug. 21 1760.
BOSSWORTH (see Bosworth)
Ruth, d. Rufus and Mary, May 7, 1823.
BOSWORTH (see Bossworth)
Julia Ann. d. Rufus and Mary. Apr. 20, 1825.
Nathaniel, s. Rufus and Mary, Aug. 17, 1827.
Albert C, S. Sanford [dup.]. Sandford] and Mary. May 1, 1847.
Clara E, d. Erastus P. and Mary R. (b. Belchertown), Nov. 10, 1845, in Belchertown.
John D., s Erastus P. and Mary, Feb, 23, 1848.
Lydia Ann, d. Pliny and w., Oct. 26, 1831.
BOYINGTON (see Boynton, Byingtown)
Caroline Frances, d. Emery and Mary Ann, Aug. 6, 1839.
Hannah Herington, d. Silas and Olive, Apr. 27, 1813.
Jeremiah, s. Silas and Olive, Dec. 9, 1802, in Prexton.
Lucey, d. Silas and Olive, Aug. 20, 1805.
Phebe Maria, d. Silas and Eliza, Nov. 17, 1846.
BOYNTON (see Boyington, Byingtown)
Alpha, s. Ebenezer and Mary, Oct 3, 1803.
Anna, d. Ebenezer and Mary, Oct. 5, 1811.
Asa Jr., s. Asa and Persi[s], ]an. 7, 1825.
Betseyann, d. Alfred and Sarahann, Nov. 16, 1844, in Palmer.
Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer and Mary, Oct. 30, 1806.
Ebenezer s. Asa and Persis. Mar. 3, 1817, in Vt.
Emory, s. Eben[eze]r and Mary, Mar. 1, 1809.
Hannah, d. Asa and Perses, Dec. 26, 1814.
Jane Augusta, d. Emery and Maryann, Aug. 13, 1837.
Joseph Elehu, s. Silas and Eliza, Nov. 16, 1844.
Loran Sargent s. Silas Jr. and Almira, May 11, 1837
Maria, d. Asa and Persis, Nov. 23, 1818, in Va.
Martha Ann, d. Silas and Eliza, Jan. 17, 1840,
Mary d. Ebenezer and Mary, Apr. 13. 1801.
Mary Ann, d. Asa and Persis, July 30, 1815, in N.Y.
Merinda, d. Asa and Persis, Oct. 19, 1800, in Va.
Phebe, d. Asa and Persis, Oct. 26, 1803, in Pexton.
Rufus Sumner, s. Silas and Olive, Nov. 6, 1816.
Sally Harrington, d. Silas and Olive, Aug. 4, 1809.
Sarah, d. Ebenezer and Mary, Jan. 1, 1798, in Milford.
Semantha Jane, d. Silas and Eliza, May 27, 1842.
Silas [ Dup.Boyington], s. Silas and Olive, Jan. 21, 1807.
Silas 2d, s. Asa and Persis, Jan. 28, 1809, in Pexton.
BRAILEY (see Braily, Braley) -
John Quincy, ch. John and Almira, May 23, 1827.
Laura Ann, d. John and Almira, Nov. 22, 1825.
Manly, ch. John and Almira Mar. 31, 1835.
BRAILY (see Brailey, Braley)-
Alford, ch. John and Almira, Apr. 30, 1833.
Joseph, s. Elijah and Parthina, Oct. 30, 1810.
Mary Marsh, d. Elijah and Parthina, May 16. 1809.
BARLEY (see Brailey, Braily)
Amos, s. Solomon and Esther, July 19, 1803. in Mendon.
Collins, s. Solomon and Esther, June 30. 1786, in Franklin.
Deborah, d. Solomon and Esther, Jan. 28• 1794, in Mendon.
George, s. Solomon and Esther, Apr. 10, 1796, in Mendon.
John, s. Solomon and Esther, Sept. 14. 1800, in Mendon.
Lydia, d. Solomon and Esther. Feb. 3, 1791, in Cumberland.
Maranda, d. Solomon and Esther, June 11, 1798, in Mendon.
Nancy, d. Solomon and Esther, Nov. 8, 1807.
Silvy, d. Solomon and Esther, June 2, 1805, in Mendon.
Betsey Andrews, d. Isaac and Betsey. Dec. 23, 1825.
Charlotte Dutton, d. Aseph (Brigg) and Lilly, July 7, 1826.
Elisha Andrews, s. Isaac and Betsey, Aug 29, 1819.
Emily L., d. Jociah and Emely, June 2, 1844.
Erastus Elbert, s. Isaac and Betsy Jr., Dec. 15, 1830.
Francis Wayland, s. Isaac and Betsey, July 23, 1823.
Isaac Francis, s Isaac and Betsey, May 28, 1828.
Rhoda Jane, d. Isaac and Betsey, June 2, 1821.
Welthy Ann, d. Isaac and Betsey, Feb. 10, 1818.
Barna Lovering, s. Barna and Anna, Feb. 2, 1813.
Basha Hamilton, d. Barna and Anna, Sept 18, 1805.
Benjamin Fay, s. Lyscom and Marthew, Aug. 25, 1800.
Charles Fredrick [dup. Fredic], s. Barna and Anna [dup. Anne], Jan. 19, 1807.
Curtius s. Lyscom and Marthew, May 21, 1793, in Westborough.
Ebenezer Lyscom, s. Lyscom and Marthew, Now. 13, 1797.
Henry, s. Barna and Anna, Mar. 25, 1815.
Martha, d. Lyscom and Marthew, May 7, 1795, in Hopkintown.
Martia Ann, d. Barna and Anna, Oct. 14, 1817.
Nehemiah Hinds, S. Barna and Anna, Mar. 13, 1809.
Stilmon, s. Lyscob and Martha Jan. 19, 1808.
Tilly, S. Barna and Anna, Nov. 4, 1810.
Vesta Conkey, d. Barna and Anna, Apr. 10. 1819.
Caroline, ch. Robert Jr. and Eliza, June 20, 1823, in Belchertown.
Charles, Ch. Robert Jr. and Eliza, Sept. 30, 1821, in Belchertown.
Deborough, twin d. William and Alse, Aug. 17, 1803, in Cumberland.
Dexter, s. William and Alse, Aug. 11, 1809.
Elisa, d. William and Alse Mar. 9, 1808.
Isaac Lincoln, s. Ezra and Polly, Dec. 17, 1810.
John, s. William and Alse, Sept. 15, 1805, in Cumberland.
Louis, d. Ezra and Polly, Nov. 1, 1812.
Lacy Ann, ch. Robert Jr. and Eliza, Jan. 12, 1825, [in] Belchertown.
Lacy Ann, ch. Robert Jr. and Eliza. Feb. 13, 1829, in Belchertown.
Lydia, ch. Robert Jr. and Eliza, Dec. 5, 1827, [in] Belchertown.
Mary, [twin] d. William and Alse, Aug. 17, 1803, in Cumberland.
Milton, s. Ezra and Polly, Nov. 9, 1816.
Saloma Wright, d. Era and Polly, May 16, 1822.
William, s. Elizabeth, Jan. 17, 1824.
Diana, ch. Abijah and Rizpah, Apr. 3, 1799, in Milford.
Eden, ch. Abidjah and Rizpah, June 24, 1811, in Dover, Vt.
Elisha, ch. Abijah and Rizpah, Jan. 2, 1804, in Milford.
Ellis Whelock, ch. Abijah and Rizpah, Apr. 27, 1801, in Milford.
Lendol, ch. Abijah and Rizpah, May 3, 1797, in Milford.
Rizpah Maria, d. Ellis and Melinda, Mar. 18, 1826.
Sabra, ch. Abijah and Rizpah, Jan. 27, I794, in Milford.
Smith, ch. Abijah and Rizpah, Aug. 22, 1814, in Dover, Vt.
Willard, ch. Abijah and Rizpah, Apr. 2, 1806, in Dover, Vt.
Winsor ch. Abijah and Rizpah, June 7. 1808, in Dover Vt.
---s. Abijah and Rizpah, Apr. 11, 1821.
BRYANT (see Bryent)
Caroline, d. Ichabod and Silence, Sept. 29, 1817.
Elizabeth, d. Ichabod and Silence, Feb. 11, 1808.
Laura Nancy, d. Icbabod and Silence, Dec. 1, 1814.
Samuel Conkey, s. Ichabod and Silence, Sept. 17, 1812.
Seth, s. Ichabod and Silence, Feb.--, 1810.
BRYENT (see Bryant)
Anna, d. Ichabod and Tyla, Sept. 10, 1795, in Amherst.
Charles Gustavus s. Ichabod and Tyla, June 27, 1800.
Edwin, s. Ichabod and Silence, Aug. 21, 1805.
Mary, d. Ichabod and Tyler, Feb. 25, 1798, in Amherst.
Oliver, s. Ichabod and Tyla, Dec. 23, 1802.
Philip S. Ichabod and Tila, Sept 5, 1793, in Bridgwater.
Angeline Amanda, ch. Thomas and Betsey, Jume 23, 1828.
David, Ch. Thomas and Betsey, 0ct. 1, 1829.
Eliza Ann, ch. Thomas and Betsey, Feb. 8, 1833.
George Henry, s. Thomas and Betsey, Jan. 20, 1831.
John Pratt, s. Thomas and Betsy, Feb. 4, 1837.
Joseph Calhoun, s. Thomas and Betsey B., July 11, 1839.
Miron, S. Thomas and Betsey, Sept. 11, 1841.
William Foster, ch. Thomas and Betsey, Jan. 4, 1835.
Olive, d. Znus and Bridget, Jan. 31, 1807, in Belchertown.
Abigale Aldrich, d. Ellis W. and Melinda, Mar. 11, 1828.
Battsey, s. [sic] Moses and Abigal, Sept. 10. 1792.
Ephraim, s. Moses and Abigal, June 13, 1785, in Barre.
Polly, d. Moses and Abigal, Feb. 28, 1788, in Hardwick.
Sally, s. [sic] Moses and Abigal, May 8, 1790.
BYINGTOWN (see Boyington, Boynton)
Louiza, d. Silas and Olive, Apr. 11, 1804.
CABBOT (see Cabott)
Caroline Marilla, d. Sebestin Columbus and Electy, Nov. 12, 1817.
Cordelia Calista, d. Sebestin Columbus and Electy, May 30, 1815.
Daniel Lamson, s. Sebestin Columbus and Electy, June 21, 1812, in Belchertown.
William Horrace, s. Sebestin Columbus and Electy, Feb. 11, 1810, in Belchertown.
CABOTT (see Cabbot)
Columbus Dwight, ch. Sebastian C. and Electa, Feb. 15, 1819.
Erastus Elbridge, ch. Sebastian C. and Electa, Feb. 18, 1821,in Enfield.
Mary Emma, ch. Sebastian C. and Electa , Dec. 14, 1824, in Enfield.
Billenda, d. Daniel and Olive, May 15, 1809.
Elisabeth Wharton, d. John and Jarusha P., Jan. 25, 1840.
Eliza Mason, ch. Harvey and Mary, Sept. 15, 1833.
Harriet Amanda, ch. Harvey and Mary, Mar. 2, 1827, in Waldoboro.
John Harvey, s. Harvey and Mary, Apt. _1, 1831.
Mary, ch. Harvey and Mary, Jan. 20, 1829.
Sarah Jane, ch. Harvey and Mary, Apr. 9, 1822, in Waldoborough.
Emela (Chambrlin) d. Freedom and Percila, June 27, 1803.
CHAPEN (see Chapens, Chapin)
Battsey, d. Luther and Polly, May 17, 1800.
--.--, ch. Alanson and Amy, Feb. 7,1835.
CHAPENS (see Chapen, Chapin)
Emma, d. Seth and Mary, Mar. 26, 1805.
Luther, Luther and Mary, Oct. 19, 1805.
CHAPIN (see Chapen, Chapens)
Alanson Layman, s. Alanson and Amy, Nov. 27, 1830.
Albert Newell, s. Lt. Alanson, June 25, 1828.
Cynthia, (dup. Synthia], d. Seth and Mary, Oct. 13, 1807.
Daniel Webster, s. Alanson and Amy, Sept. 25, 1836.
Eli Wedge, s. Luther and Mary, Dec. 13, 1811, in Shutesbury.
Ester, d. Luther and Mary, Apr. 29, 1802.
Frances A., d. Calvin and Amy, May 31, 1843.
Hiram Johnson, s. Alanson and Amy, Apr. 23, 1833.
Lemur Russel, twin s. Lt. Alanson and Amy, May 13, 1826.
Lovilla Amanda, d. Alanson and Amy, Feb. 9, 1840.
Luther Rawson, twin s. Lt. Alanson and Amy, May 13, 1826.
Mary A., d. Calvin and Amy, July 10, 1844.
Miranda Emeline, d. Eli W. and Martha, Feb. 19, 1833.
Osmya w., s. Calvin and Amey, Sept. 24,1841.
Otis Harrington, s. Ens. Alanson and Almira, May 18, 1822.
-----, d. Calvin and Amy, July 10, 1844.
-----, ch. Alanson and Any, Nov. 3, 1844. [Rec. May 21, 1814, Prob. 1843.
Clarinda, d. Robert and Claricy, Oct. 15, 1815.
Emeline, d. Robert and Olive, Feb. 22, 1833.
Leonard Robert, ch. Robert S. and Claricy, June 26, 1825.
Mary Ann, ch. Robert S. and Claricy, Dec. 5, 1827.
Stephen Joseph, a. Robert and Clarisa, Apr 2, 1822.
Tryphena Jones, d. Rob(er]t and Claricy. Sept 30, 1818.
Abigail Martha, d. Asa F. and Saphrona, Apr. 8, 1839.
Mary Adeline, d. Asa F. and Sophrony, Now 19, 1844. [Rec. May 21, 1844, prob. b. 1843.]
CHILSON (see Jillson,Jilson)
Almira, d. Luther Chilson and Olive Montgomery, Dec. 8, 1805.
Maximilliam, s. William and Mary, Jan. 8, 1787.
Rocseeny, d. William and Polly, Feb. 14, 1791.
Adam, s. John and [torn], July 19, 1749.
Adam s. Adam and Jane, Feb. 23, 1780, in New Brantry, Worcester Co.
Amanda, d. Matthew and Hannah, July 23, 1801.
Benjamin, s. Adam and Jean, Dec. 24, 1787.
Caleb, s. Samuel and Susanna Jr., July 5, 1830.
Calven, s. Matthew and Hannah, May 19,1791.
Charles Hinckley [dup. Hinkley], s, Samuel Jr. [dup. omits Jr.] and Susanna [dup.. Susana], Aug. 29, 1816.
Charles Jarvies, s. Adam and Jean, Jan. 24, 1792.
Clarissa, ch. Samuel and Mary "Now Mary Fales" [rec. 1831-2], Aug. 31, 1817, in Hardwick.
David, s. Matthew and Hannah, Apr. 12, 1794.
Elijah Dwight, s. Samuel and Susannah, Jan. 18, 1822.
Elizabeth, d. Matthew and Hannah, July 8, 1797.
Hanah, d. Matthew and Hanna. Dec. 27, 1781.
Hannah Gray, d. Sam[ue]l and Susannah, June 27, 1826.
Isaac Stodart, s. Samuel and Susan, Oct. 27, 1832.
James, s. John and Sarah. Sept. 22, 1760.
Jane, [rec. after 4 chn. of Adam and Jane], Nov. 8, 1785.
Joel Warner, s. Samuel Jr. [dup. omits Jr.] and Susanna [dup. Susan] May 19, 1818.
John, s. Matthew and Hannah, Apr. 13, 1789.
Joseph Steward, s. Adam and Jane, Mar.--- 1782, in New Brantry.
Katrien, d. John and Anne, Sept 4, 176.
Levi, S. Adam and Jennet, Mar. 30, 1790.
Lucy, d. Matthew and Hanna, Aug. 2, 1776.
Lydie, d. Matthew and Hannah, Apr. 14, 1787.
Mary Nye, ch. Samuel and Mary, "Now Mary Fales" [rec. 1831-2], Nov. 18, 1819, at Hardwick.
Matthew, s. Adam and Jane, Dec. 7, 178[torn. Rec. after Joseph b. 1782] in New Brantry.
Molley, d. Adam and Jane, Nov. 6, 1774.
Samuel Wild, s. Samuel and Susannah, Apr. 30, 1824.
Sarah Robinson, ch. Samuel and Mary, "Now Mary Files" [rec. 1831-2], May 10, 1822, at Hardwick.
Silas, s. Matthew and Hanah, May, 9, 1784.
Susanah, d. Matthew and Hanah, Feb. 6, 1779.
[torn] d. John and Mary, Jan. 22, 1743.
[torn] d. John and Sarah, Feb. 15, 174[torn].
[torn]rat, d. John [torn], Feb. 26, 1750.
[torn] d. John [torn], Nov. 2, 1752.
[torn] S. John [torn] Aug. 14, 1754.
John, S. Thomas and Margaret, Aug. 5, 1759.
Patince, d. Tho(ma)s and Margaret, Jan. 25, 1762.
[torn] s. Thomas and Margret, Feb. 1, 1741.
[torn] d. Thomas and Margret, June 9, 1744.
[torn] s. Thomas and Margret, July 8, 1746.
[torn] d. Thomas and Margret, Aug. 17, 1748.
[torn] d. Thomas and Margret, Feb. 8, 1751.
[torn] d. Thomas and Margret, Aug. 24, 1754.
[torn]el, s. Thomas and Margret, July 1, 1764.
COMSTOCK (see Cumstock)
Leonard D., s. William [and] Almina, Jan. 14, 1841.
Lucy Draper (dup. Lucy D. Cumstock], d. William and Elmira, Oct. 1, 1843.
CONKEY (see Cooky)
Achsy, d. William and Mary, Jan. 22, 1796.
Allexander, s. Elisha and Susannah, Apr. 10, 1785.
Anna, d. John and Margret, Apr. 26, 1786.
Ansel, s. William and Mary, June 23, 1799.
Asa, s. Asa and Margret, Nov. 22, 1784.
Angustus, s. Isaac A. and Vesta, July 24, 1812.
Austian Wells s. David and Patty, Sept. 21, 1804.
Benjamin, s Thomas and Elizebeth, Dec. 23, 1786.
Benjamin F., s. A. W., Oct. 11, 1839.
Betsy [dup. Battsey], d. Elisha and Susannah, July 8, 1803.
Betsy, ch. Warren and Polly, July 5, 1815.
Bettsy, d. Ezkiel and Elizebeth, June 18, 1795.
Carlia, d. Ezkiel and Elisabeth, Mar. 18. 1799.
Charles Warren, ch. Warren and Polly, Sept. 19, 1817, in Greenwich.
David. S. John and Margret, Sept. 27, 1775.
Dolley, d. Elisha and Susannah, Apr. 17, 1794.
Eleazer s. John and Margret, Feb. 25, 1784.
Electa, d. Tho[ma]s and Elizabeth, Jan. 14, 1798.
Elinor, d. Elisha and Susanah, Apr. 13, 1795.
Elisha, s. Elisha and Susanah, Apr. 18, 1797
Elizabeth, d. Thomas and Elizebeth. Nov. 26, 1784.
Elizabeth, d. Isaac and Rebecca, Oct. 7, 1782.
Elizebeth, d. Thomas and Elizebeth, Nov. 26, 1784.
Esther Mariva, ch. Warren and Polly, Aug. 25, 1821, in Hardwick.
Ezekiel, s. William and Rebakh, June 15, 1761.
Ezekiel, s. Ezkiel and Elizabeth, Aug. 25, 1797.
George, ch. Austin and Charlotte, June 27, 1834.
George Washington, s. Israel and Hannah, Nov, 15, 1807.
Hannah, d. Thomas and Elizabeth, Apr. 23. 1794.
Hannah d. Isreal and Hannah, Mar. 9, 1803.
Henry Martin, ch. Austin and Charlotte, Aug. 7, 1832.
Hyslop Abercrombie, s. Alexander and Lucy, Sept. 12, 1811.
Isaac, s. John and Margret, Aug. 7, 1780.
Isaac Gilman[dup. G.], s. Warran and Mary [dup. Warren and Polly], Jan. 12, 1809.
Israel, s. John and Margaret, Apr. 15, 1774, in Belchertown.
Isreal, s. Isreal and Hannah. Sept 2, 1805.
Ithamar, s. John and Margret. May 7, 1788.
James [s. Asa and Margret], Apr 7, 1782.
James, s. Israel and Ann, Aug. 29, 1793, in "Hallifax, British Dominines.
James, s. Elisah and Susannah, Mar. 9, 1802.
Joel, s. William and Rebekh, Oct. 28, 1773.
John, s. John and Margret, Dec. 1, 1778.
John, s. Ezekiel and Elizebeth, Dec. 21, 1787.
John, s. David and Sarah, Apr. 3, 1791.
John McCrelles, s. William and Rebakh, May 27, 1767.
John Quincy Adams, s. Israel and Hannah, Mar. 4, 1811.
John Thompson, s. Elisha and Susannah, Apr. 23, 1790.
Joshua, s. John and Margret, Feb 10, 1777.
Joshua, s. David sad Eunice, Feb. 26, 1804.
Lazetta Hinds, d. Isaac A. and Vesta, Aug. 23, 1809.
Levi Washburn, s. David and Patty, Oct. 26, 1802.
Linus Staphenson[dup. S.], s. Warren and Mary [dup. Polly], Dec. 1, 1806.
Livy, d. David Jr. and Patty, Feb. 20, 1809.
Lucindia, d. Isaac and Rebecah, Dec. 28, 1791.
Lucy, d. James and Batty, Sept. 22, 1804.
Margret, d. Asa and Margret, Feb. 12, 1780.
Margrey, d. William and Rebakh, Dec. 6, 1756.
Marindy, d. David and Eunice , Aug 31, 1799.
Martha, d. William and Rebakh, Apr. 1, 1764.
Martha Ann, d. Austin W. and Charlotte. Nov. 11, 1836.
Mary, d. Isaac and Rebecah, May 7, I786.
Mary, d. James and Betsey, Aug. 8, 1813.
Mary. d. David and Patty, Aug. 11, 1813.
Mary Rebakh, d. William and Rebakh. Feb. 28, 1771.
Mebitable, d. Maj. John and Margarett, Feb. 27, 1791.
Meriam, d. Asa and Margarett, Apr. 29, 1791.
[Miran[day], d. David and Eunice, Aug. 31, 1899. [prob. 1799]
Molly, d. William and Mary, Jan. 13, 1787.
Nancy, d. David and Eunice, Sept. 1, 1797.
Nehemiah, s. Allexander and Mary, June 15, 1792.
Nehemiah, s. James and Batty, Aug. 25, 1806.
Otis McColough, s. Alexander and Lucy, Dec.--, 1808.
Oran Sidney, s. James and Betsey, Feb. 28, 1811.
Pattey, d. David Jr. and Patty, May 5, 1811.
Polly, d. William and Mary, Jan. 13, 1787.
Prudence, d. Elisha and Susanah, Oct. 2, 1786.
Rebakah, d. Asa and Margret, Jan. 9, 1778.
Rebecah, d. Isaac and Rebeccah, Apr. 25, 1788.
Rebekah, d. Ezkiel and Elisebith, Apr. 29, 1789.
Robert, s. Will[ia]m and Mary, Sept. 21, 1792.
Ruben, s. Elisha and Susannah, Sept 3, 1788.
Salley, d. David and Sarah, Jan. 16, 1794.
Samuel, s. Isaac and Rebecah, Mar. 16, 1783.
Sarah, d. John and Margret, May 8, 1783.
Sarah, d. Elisha and Susanah, Apr. 4, 1792.
Silas, s. Isaac and Rebecah, Mar. 29. 1790.
Silvia Maria, d. Warren and Mary, [Dup. Warren and Polly], Jan. 19, 1811.
Sophia. d. Isrial and Hannah, Sept. 14. 1799.
Susanah, d. Elisha and Susanah, Apr. 22, 1799
Thomas, s. William and Rebakh, Mar. 28, 1758.
Thomas, s. Asa and Margaret, Sept 22, 1788.
Thomas, s. Thomas and Elizabeth, Dec. 25, 1788.
Tyla, d. Isaac and Rebecah, Aug. 8, 1795.
Warren, s. David and Sarah, May 21, 1788.
Willard, s. James and Betty, June 14, 1816.
William, s. Thomas and Elizabeth, Mar. 29, 1791.
William, s. Allexander and Elinor, Apr. 7, 1804.
William, s. James and Betsy, Nov. 6, 1808.
William, ch. Warren and Polly, July 13, 1823, in Hardwick
William Hunter, s. David and Sarah, July 20, 1780.
CONKY (see Conkey)
Albert. s. Allexander and Sarah, Oct. 29, 1761.
Andrew, s. Allexander and Sarah, Dec. 4, 1749.
Harriet, d. Allexander and Sarah, Jan. 29, 1758.
Janet, d. Allexander and Sarah, June 7, 1753.
[torn], d. William and Mary, Apr. 30, 1742.
[torn], d. William and [torn], Feb. 14, 1743.
[torn], d. William [torn], Apr. 28, 1746.
[torn], d. James and Isabel, April [torn], 1748.
[torn], s. William [torn], Sept. 11, 1748.
[torn], s. James and Esebel, [torn], 19, 1749.
[torn], d. James and Esebel, May 9, 1750.
[torn], s. William [torn], Feb. 1, 1751.
[torn], s. William [torn] May 17, 175[torn] following 1751.
[torn], s. James and Esebel, July 14, 1754.
------, s. Allexander and Sarah, May 24, 1756.
[torn], s. James and Isebel, June 27, 1756.
[torn], d. Allexander and Sarah, July 20, 1764.
Abigail, d. Whipple and Asenath, July 24, 1833.
Adaline, ch. Lewis and Nancy, June 17, 1827.
Alanson, s. Levi and Amy, Apr. 22, 1808
Amasa, ch. Lewis and Nancy, July 12, 1825.
Ambrose, s. Aanmon and Harriot, Oct. 28, 1825.
Amelia, ch. Simon and Loiza, May 24, 1829.
Amma, d. Adanis and Susanna, Dec. 16, 1806.
Amos Whippe, s. Ammon and Harriet, Aug. 15, 1835.
Benjamin Olney, ch. Simon and Loiza, June 23, 1835.
Betsy, ch. Lewis and Nancy, Dec. 2, 1839.
Charles D., s. Aaron and Clarisa, Aug. 31, 1845.
Clara A. d, Amasa and Mehitable, Sept. 14, 1848.
Daniel, s. Lewis and Nancy, May 17, 1830.
David, s. Presorved and Phebe, Feb 3, 1802.
Dexter B., s. Dana and Betsey, Aug. 9, 1823.
Dwight Madison, s. Olney and Emily, May 23, 1837.
Elias Smith, s. Adanis and Susanna, June 4, 1809.
Eliza Ann, d. Whipple and Asenath, Mar. 12, 1831.
Ellis Arnold, s. Levi and Rachel, May 2, 1821.
Emaline, d. Whipple and Aseneth, Sept 12, 1817.
Femer, D. s. Nathaniel and Bethiah, Dec. 30. 18485.
Fenner, ch. Ziba and Sally, Mar. 31, 1832.
Frances Wallace, ch. Ziba and Sally, May 26, 1830.
Francis Olney, ch. Olney and Emily, Apr. 21, 1829, in Malbury, Vt.
Hannah, d. Aidnus and Susannah, June 8, 1804.
Harriet E., d. Olney and Emely, July 23, 1844.
Harriet M., d. Olney and Emely, May 2, 1842.
Horace, s. Nathaniel and Bethiah, Sept 19, 1836.
Ira Gray, s. Zebina and Mary, June 10, 1818.
James Monroe, s. Ziba and Sally, Feb. 7, 1822.
James O., ch. Simon and Loiza, Apr. 14, 1831.
Jane Warner, d. Lewis and Nancy, Aug. 5, 1832.
Jason W., s. Whipple and Aseaneth, May 12, 1821.
Julia Caraline [dup. C], d. Oney and Emily, Jan. 2, 1840.
Juliet, d. Elias and Jane, Jan. 10, 1842.
Lavina, ch. Ziba and Sally, Sept. 26, 1827.
Lliis, d. Ammon and Harriet, July 7, 1828.
Lois Thurston, d. Lewis and Nancy, July 21, 1834.
Lucius Webster, s. Olney and Emily, Oct. 20, 1832.
Lucy, ch. Lewis and Nancy, May 3, 1829.
Lycurgus Van Buren, ch. Olney and Emily, Dec. 7, 1830, [in] Malbury, Vt.
Lyman, s. Ziba and Sally, Sept. 12, 1825.
Marcelia, d. Simon and Louisa, Jan. 23, 1842.
Marcus Draper [dup. D.], s. Olney and Emily, Jan. 18. 1835.
Marianna, d. Silas and Sina, Apr. 4, 1819.
Mary, d. Adanis and Susanna, May 5, 1793, in Smithfield.
Mary, d. Whipple and Aseanth, Aug. 28, 1823.
Mary Ann, d. Simon and Loiza, Jan. 8, 1833.
Martha, d. Lewis and Nancy, Nov. 24, 1836.
Martha, ch. Lewis and Nancy, Nov. 3, 1837.
Martin Grout, ch. Whipple and Asenath, Apr. 6, 1829.
Nancy, d. Lewis and Nancy, Jan. 10, 1822.
Nathan, s. Ammon and Harriet, Mar. 4, 1857.
Nathaniel Henry, s. Nathaniel 1st. and Bethiah, Apr. 25, 1838.
Rhoda Wilder, ch. Whipple and Asenath, Sept. 17, 1826.
Roselend Bethia, ch. Nathaniel and Bethia, Oct. 7, 1839.
Rozilla, d. Armmon and Harriet, Dec. 12, 1831.
Sally, d. Hannah, Jan. 6 [dup. 8], 1823.
Sarah Maria, d. Nathaniel and w., July 20, 1835.
Serepta Whipple, d. Simon and Loisa, June 15, I827.
Silas, s. Ziba and Sally, Sept. 27, 1823.
Silvester, s. Simon and Louisa, Dec. 21, 1839.
Smith Monroe, s. Nathaniel and Bethiah, July 8, 1842.
Thankfull, ch. Lewis and Nancy, Oct. 20, 1823.
Theodore Frederick, ch. Nathaniel and Bethia, Jan. 6, 1842.
Vienna, d. Whipple and Aseneth, Apr. 21, 1819.
Washington, s. Simon and Louisa, Jan. 13, 1838.
Anna, d. Obediah and Lucy, Nov 18, 1812.
Benjamin Walker, s. Obediah and Lucy, Apr 23, 1808.
Obedrah, s. Obediah and Lucy, May 22, 1805.
CORBET (see Corbit)
George Washington[dup. George W. Corbit] s. Jason and Maryann, Feb. 21, 1837.
CORBIT (see Corbet)
Albina A., d. Sumner and Diana, May 30, 1843, in Palmer.
Charles F., s. Jason and Maryann, Apr. 24, 1848.
Emma E., d. Sumner and Diana, June 6, 1848.
Harriet E., d. Jason and Maryann, Mar. 23, 1833, in Palmer.
Sarah E., d. Jason and Maryann, Aug. 23, 1834, in Palmer.
William H., s. Jason and Maryann, Oct. 28, 1841, in Palmer.
Jeanison, s. Samuel and Susannah, July 2, 1806.
COWAN (see Cowen, Cowin)
Ambrous, s. James and Mary, Feb. 11, 1799.
Bettey, d. James and Molley, Jan. 9, 1782, in Wenchester.
Francis Page, s. John Jr. and Abigail, Nov. 8, 1 837.
George, s. James and Margaret, Nov. 13, 1757.
Georg, s. James and Mary, Aug. 5. 1805.
James, s. James and Margaret, May 19, 1761.
James, s. James and Mary, Apr. 6, 1790.
James Merrick, ch. John and Susannah, Aug. 5, 1887.
John, s. James and Margaret, Aug. 3, 1759.
John, s. James and Mary, Apr. 27, 1786.
Justice, s. James and Mary, July 14, 1794.
Lucy, d. James and Mo[torn], Apr. 1, 1784.
Lucy Conkey, ch. John and Susannah, Aug. 16, 1829.
Marrick, s. James and Mary, Dec. 14, 1803.
Mary, d. James and Mary, Jan. 22, 1801.
Mary M., d. Preston and Lorana S., Oct. 12, 1849.
Presson, s. John and Suanaah, Feb. 22, 1824.
Sila, d. John and Susannah. Nov 12, 1821.
Silence, d. James and Mary, May 18, 1792.
SilveY, d. James and Marcy, Mar. 30, 1797.
Willard, s. James and Mary, Feb. 5, 1788.
[torn] d. James and Margaret, Apr. 22,[torn ?] 1763.
Elisabeth, d. David and [torn], Jan. 25, 1754.
James, s. David and Frain[torn], Feb. 15, 1745.
Jennet, d. David [torn], Aug. 16, 1749.
Martha, d. David and [torn], Jan. 27, 1752.
Susanna, d. John and Molly, Sept. 7, 1763.
Thomas, s. David and Frank, Mar 13, 1762.
William, s. David and Fr[torn], May 28, 1747.
[torn] d. David and Frank, Feb. 10, 1756.
[torn], s. David and Frank (Cowdin), Jan. 12, 1758.
[torn] Simson. s. Ja[torn]es and [torn], Sept. 27, 1762.
COWEN (see Cowan, Cowin)
Cyrus, s. John and Susannah, Aug. 28, 1826.
Fordyce, s. John and Susannah, Sept 23, 1819.
John Jr., s. John and Susannah, Jan. 25, 1813.
Mary, d. John and Susanah, Sept. 11, 1814.
COWIN (see Cowan, Cowen)
Ambrose B., s. Cyrus and Maryann, Aug. 31, 1844, at Prescott.
Anne, d. John and Susannah, Apr. 1, 1772.
Chester, s. Levi and Patty, Apr. 30, 1809.
Daniel, s. Levi and Marthew, April 3, 1804.
ELi, s. Levi and Marthew, Oct 15, 1799.
Hannah, d. John and Susanna, Aug. 29, 1762.
Harvey, S. Levi and Marthew, Nov. 18, 1806.
Ira, s. Levi and Martha, Aug. 22, 1801.
Isreal, s. John and Susannah. Aug. 21, 1775.
Joel S. John and Susannah, Mar. 2, 1767.
John, s. John and Susanna, June 11, 1761.
John, s. John and Susannah, Jan. 11, 1765
Levi. s. John and Susannah, July 9, 1769.
Lucindia, d. Levi and Martha. Mar. 30, 1812.
Margaret, d. John and Susannah, Dec. 15, 1779
Susannah, d. John and Susannah, May 19, 1773.
[torn]bert, s. John and Susannah, July 29, 1754.
[torn], d. Susannah Crawford and Jo[torn], [17]56.
[torn], s. John and Sussannah, Mar. 9, 1758.
[torn]el, s. Levi and Martha, July 14, 1797.
CROSET (see Crosett, Crosset)
Iseral, s. Archabald and Sarah, Mar. 3, 1759.
John Savige, s. Archabald and Sarah, July 24, 1769.
Rachel, d. Archabald and Sarah, Jan. 21. 1757.
Sarah , d. Archabald and Sarah, June 5, 1767.
[torn]as, s. William and Elisabeth, Jan. 6, 1745.
[torn]ary, d. William and Elisabeth, July 25, 1746.
[torn]abeth, d. William and Elisabeth, Mar. 8, 1748.
[torn]rgret, d. William and Elisabeth, Dec. 2, 1749.
[torn], s. Archabald and Sarah, Dec. 19, 1749.
[torn]lliam, s. William and Elisabeth, Sept. 19, 1751.
[torn] d. Archabald and [torn], 1752.
[torn]bert, s. William and Elisabeth, Nov. 2, 1753.
[torn], d. Archabald and [torn], 1754.
[torn], s. William and Elisabeth, Aug. 3, 1755.
[torn], d. Archabald and Sarah, May 15, 1761.
[torn] s. Archaibald and Sarah, May 10, 1763.
[torn], d. Archibald, May 19, 1765.
CROSETT (see Croset, Crosset)
Anna, d. Robert and Nancy, June 26, 1794.
Betsy, d. Robert and Nancy, Nov. 24, I792.
Clarry, d. Isreal and MartheW, July 22, I795.
Ester, d. Robert and Nancy, Dec. 4, 1783.
Fanney, d. Isrieland Marthew, May 23, 1793.
James, s. Rob[er]t and Nancy, June 26, 1787.
James Lyman, s. James and Polly, Feb. 23, 1816.
Levina, d. Robert and Nancy, Apr. 7, 1797.
Robert. s. Robert and Nancy, May 28, 1790.
Sophia, d. Isriel and Martha, Nov. 3, 1789.
Tyla, d. Israel and Martha, Nov. 9, 1791.
William, s. Rob[er]t and Nancy, Jan. 20, 1785.
William Conkey, s. James ana Polly, Aug. 17, 1818.
CROSSET (see Croset, Crosett)
[torn] s. William (Crosett) and Elisabeth, Feb. 13, 1743.
Caroline Eastman, d. Arther and Submit, Nov. 12, 1822.
CUMSTOCK (see Comstock)
Lorenzo B., s. William and Elmira, Apr. 14, 1842.
Clarisa L., d. Joseph and Patience L., Oct. 20, 1844, in Ware.
Stephen M., s. Joseph and Patience L., Oct. 19, 1849.
Abigail Stimson, d. Samuel and Mehitable, Nov. 14, 1811.
Appleton Howe, s. Samuel and Mehitable, July 8, 1817.
Benjamin. s. Samuel and Mehitable, ]an. 24, 1814.
Henry, s. Samuel and Mehitable, Aug. 6, 1810.
Nancy Marshal, d. Samuel and Mehitable, Jan. 24, 1815.
Richard Sears, s. Samuel and Mehitable, Jan. 26, 1809.
Richard Sears, s. Samuel and Mehitable, June 26, 1819.
Abigal, d. Joseph and Lucy, June 17, 1799, in Mendon.
Anna, d. Joseph and Lucy, Feb. 10, 1802, in Meadow.
David Haris, s. Joseph and Lucy, Feb. 10, 1805, in Worcester.
Lucy, d. Joseph and Lucy, Feb. 16, 1809, in Worcester.
Ruth, d. Joseph and Lucy, Nov. 15, 1797, in Mendon.
Albert, ch. Samuel and Marilla, Jan. 28, 1834.
Henry, s. Samuel and Martha, Sept. 11, 1844.
Jane M., d. Moses and Sally, Mar. 27, 1836.
John Barton [dup. B.], s. Samuel and Marilla, Oct 2, 1838.
Maria Jane, ch. Moses and Sarah, Mar. 27, 1836.
Ruth Elizabeth, ch. Samuel and Marilla, Apr. 20, 1837.
Samuel Benjamin, ch. Samuel and Marilla, June 1, 1835.
Sarah Ann, d. Moses and Sally, Apr. 11, 1831.
Seth N., s. Moses and Sally [dup. Sarah], Dec. 26, 1833.
Seth Nehan, s. Moses and Sally, Dec. 26, 1834.
Harriet Adalaide, d. Laprelate and Harriet E., July 22, 1844.
Hurburt A., s. Laprelate and w., June 24. 1847.
Minerva A., d. Laprelate and w., Oct. 26, 1845.
Ann, d. John and Jean, July 14, 1763.
Cattran, d. Thomas and Mary, Jan. 15, 1781.
David, s. Thomas and Mary, Jan. 27, 1787.
John, s. Thomas and Mary, Sept. 20, 1753.
Levi, s. Thomas and Mary, July 25, 1785.
[torn], d. Thomas and Margret, Dec. 18, 1738.
[torn], d. Thomas and Margret, Jan. 4, 1738.
[torn], d. Thomas and Margret, Aug. 29, 1742.
[torn], d. Thomas and Margret, Oct. 7, 1743.
[torn], d. Thomas and Margret, May 4, 1744.
[torn], d. Thomas and Margret, Mar. 31, 1746.
[torn], d. John and J[torn], July 17, 1746.
[torn], d. Thomas and Margret, Sept. 17, 1748.
[torn], d. Thomas and Margret, May 12, 1750.
Dick?,[torn], d. John[torn], [torn]50.
[torn], d. Thomas and Margret, June 30, 1751.
Dick?. [torn] d. John[torn],[torn]t. 20, 1752.
[torn], d. Thomas and Margret, June 14, 1754.
[torn], d. John and Jean, July 28, 1754.
[torn], d. Thomas and Margret, July 13, 1756.
[torn], s. John and Jean, Dec. 30, 1756.
[torn], d. Thomas and Margret, Aug. 12, 1759.
DICKENSON (see Dickinson)
Charles, s. Eli and Lovisa, Sept, 23, 1805.
Eli, s. Eli and Lovesa, Mar. 11, 1803.
(torn)oshea Smith, s. Obed and Experianc, July 14,1805.
DICKINSON (see Dickenson)
Esther Maria, d. Hen[r]y and Esther M., May 14, 1833.
Henry William, ch. Henry B., and Esther M., Oct. 2, 1830.
Mary Ann, ch. Henry B. and Esther M., Jan. 1, 1829.
Julia Elisabeth, d. Sidney and Hannah, Jan. 3, 1843.
Abel s. Daniel and Esther, Nov. -, 1823.
Achsah, d. Daniel and Esther, Jan. 14, 1816.
Achsa Maria, d. Chester J. and Levica, Mar. 29, 1834.
Annamaria, d. Daniel and Esther, Dec. 16, 1817.
Cyrus Brown, ch. Daniel and Esther, Apr. 23, 1821.
Fanny, d. Chester and Lovica, Sept 23, 1825.
Frances, d. Chester and Louisa, Dec. 12, 1840.
Harrison, ch. Daniel and Esther, Feb. 27, 1813.
Hollis, ch. Elison and Esther, Sept. 13, 1831.
Lewis, ch. Elison and Esther, Oct 12, 1829.
Lorinda, d. John c. and Lovicia, Sept. 6, 1837.
Mary, d. Chester and Lovica, Sept. 19, 1827.
Nancy, d. Elison [dup. Alason] and Esther, Nov. 12, 1620.
Ora, ch. John Chester and Lovisa, Jan. 31, 1832.
Otis, ch, John Chester and Lovisa, Nov. 23, 1829.
Pelina, d. Daniel and Esther, July 26, 1831.
Philo T., s. Ralph K. and Susan J., Aug 26, 1849.
Ralph Kellogg, s. Daniel and Esther, June 14, 1827.
Sarah Ann, d. Elison and Esther, Nov. 27, 1824.
Adeline Orne, d. Mary Ann and Lyman, Oct 2, 1832.
Albert Lyman, s. Lyman and Sally, Apr. 18, 1826.
Alonzo O., s. Learned and Anna, Jan. 23, 1824.
Angeline Maria, d. Learned and Anna, Feb. 25, 1830.
Cordelia Emely, d. Learned and Anna, June 11, 1826.
Edgar Leroi, s. Lyman and Mary Anne, Feb. 15, 1843.
Emelia, d. Lewis and Lucy, Feb. 1, 1806, in Attleborough.
Emeline, d. Lewis L. and Margret, Oct. 25, 1828.
Henry Emerson, S. Lewis L. and Margret, NOV. 2, 1831.
Henry Oscar, s. Lyman and Maryann, Jan. 19, 1836.
Larnard Orne, s. Lewis and Lucy, Sept. 20, 1793, in Attleborough.
Lewis, s. Learned and Anna, Aug. 14, 1822.
Lewis Le Prelite, s. Lewis and Lucy, Mar. 28, 1801, in Attleborough.
Lucy, d. Lewis and Lucy, Jan. 21, 1790, in Attleborough.
Lyman, S. Lewis and LuCY, Mar 9, 1790, in Attleborough.
Maria, d. Lewis and Lucy, Feb. 3, 1809.
Mary Ann, d. Learned and Anna, Feb. 5, 1825.
Miranda Philena, d. Larnard O. and Anne, June 17, 1831.
Sarah Ann, d. Lyman and Sally, Feb. 20, 1821.
Chester, s. Josiah and Patty, Oct 16,1796.
Eunice, d. Josiah and Marthew, Mar. 26. 1799.
Josiah, s. Josiah and Patty, Sept. 2, 1794.
Stephen, s. Josiah and Patty, June 11, 1804.
James, s. James and Margaret, Mar. 8, 1772.
James, s. John and Mary, Feb. 13, 1819.
Jane, ch. John and Mary, Sept 13, 1824.
Margarett, d. John and Mary, June 19, 1810.
Mary Ann, ch. John and Mary, May 19, 1828.
Nancy, d. John and Mary, June 8, 1815.
Sarah, d. John and Mary, Oct 12, 1808.
William 2d, s. John and Mary, June 14, 1821.
Youplan[?] Oliver, d. John and Mary, Mar. 28, 1817.
[torn], s. James [torn], Nov. 29, 1773.
DWLLEY (see Dwelley, DWELLY)
Daborah Barker, d. Aaron(Dwaly) and Abigal, June 15, 1804.
DWELLEY (see Dwalley, Dwelly)
Aaron Saul[twin], s. Aaron and Abigal, Oct. 25, 1814.
Rebekkah Pattridge, d. Aaron and w., Dec. 21, 1811.
DWELLY (see Dwalley, Dwelley)
John, s. Aaron and Abagal, Nov. 5, 1808.
Prince B., s. Aron and Abigail, Oct 20, 1802.
Silas Bigelow Thompson, [twin] s. Aaron and Abigal, Oct. 25, 1814.
Amos Madison, s. Marson Jr. and Betsy, Oct 21, 1833.
Calvin Dutton [dup. D.], s. Marson and Charlotte, Oct. 20, 1814.
Charlotte, [--] w. Marson, Aug. 21, 1776, in Ladlow.
Demascus[?], s. Marson and Charlotte, Sept. 10, 1798, in Belchertown.
Frances Attossa, d. Abin J. and Delight, Now. 3, 1840.
Francis Lapierre, s. Monroe and Clarisa, Mar. 5, 1843.
Hannah, d. Marson and Charlottee, Sept 25, 1808.
Heman D., s. Calvin D. and Harriet E., Jan. 16, 1842.
Homer, s. Calvin D. and Harriet E., May 9, 1846.
Jefferson, s. Marson and Charlotte, June 26, 1804, in Amherst.
Julia Emeline, d. Calvin D. and Harriet E., Sept. 6, 1848.
Leonard, s. Walter and Larviah, Mar. 15, 1807.
Lilly, d. Marson and Charllott, June 29, 1800, in Bechertown.
Madson, s. Marson and Charlotte, Aug. 23, [dup. 20], 1811.
Marson [h. Charlotte], Apr. 13, 1769, in Thamson, Conn.
Marson Jr., s. Marson and Charlotte, May 5, 1806, in Amherst.
Mary, d. Marson and Charlotte, Dec. 29, 1795, in Belchertown.
Monroe, s, Marson and Charlott, -- 24, 1817, in Shutesbury.
Morton Monroe, s. Monroe and CLarisa, Apr. 21, 1839.
Rufus, s. Marson and CharlOtte, May 1, 1794.
Rufus Joslyn, s. Marson Jr. and Betsey, Nov. 3, 1831.
Walter, s. Marson and Charlotte, July 24, 1802, in Belchertown.
----, ch. Monroe and Clara, Apr. 18, 1848.
Dorcas, d. Benjamin and Anna, June 20, 1796.
Ekam, s. Banjamin and Anna, May 24, 1789.
Georg, s. Seth and Desire, July 6, 1800.
Hirum, s. Seth and Desire, Aug. 24, 1807.
Irene, d. Banjamin and Anne, Sept. 26, 1791.
Luther, s. Seth and Desire, May 8, 1805.
Martin, s. Benjamin and Anna, Mar. 11, 1794.
Olive, d. [Jacob and w.], June 12, 1783.
Phebe, d. Seth and Desire, Sept. 3, 1802.
Rufus, s. Seth and Desire, Aug. 27, 1809.
Alonzo, s. Stephen and Nancy, Mar. 7, 1817.
Banjamia, s. Stephen and Nancy, Mar. 26, 1823.
Esther Sophi, d. Stephen and Nancy, Dec. 16, 1833.
Hannah Graves, d. Stephen and Nancy, Apr. 27, 1821.
Isaac, s. Stephen and Nancy, Nov 10, 1818.
Nancy, d. Stephen and Nancy, Apr. 23, 1815.
Nancy, d. Stephen and Nancy, Jan. 26, 1825.
Polly Briggs, d. Stephin and Nancy, Sept 1, 1813.
Steven Stratton, s. Steven and Nancy, Jan. 16, 1831.
FAILES (see Fails, Fales)
Oliver, s. Sewel and Lowis, Feb. 24, 1811.
FAILS (see Failes, Fales)-
Caroline Amelia, d. Abijah and Mary, Apr. 10, 1840.
FALES (see Failes, Fails)
Abijah Thurston, s. Sewal and Lois, Dec. 25, 1801, in Holden.
Adaline, ch. Daniel and Elizabeth, Aug. 3, 1834.
Almira, d. Sewal and Lois, Feb. 10, 1800, in Walpole.
Anthea Hunter, d. Abijah and Polly, Jan. 19, 1837.
Caroline Augusta, d. Daniel and Elizabeth Sophia, Sept 12, 1831.
Charles, s. Sewal and Lois, July 10, 1807.
Daniel, s. Sewell and Lois, Nov. 29, 1803, in Holden.
Edward A., ch. Daniel and Elizabeth, Apr. 30, 1840.
Edwin Augustus, ch. Daniel and Elizabeth, Jan. 17, 1838.
Emma J., d. Daniel and Elisabeth, Jan. 27, 1845.
Emoline, d. Daniel and Lucy, Mar. 27, 1819.
Eunice, d. Amos and Mille, Feb. 7, 1822.
Frances Sophia, ch. Daniel and Elizabeth, Apr. 7, 1836.
Francis Edwin, s. Daniel and Elizabeth, Dec. 29, 1828.
George Lyman, s. Abijah and Polly, Nov. 1, 1831.
Henry, S. Daniel and Lucy, Sept. 28, 1821.
Joseph, s. Amos and Milla, May 23, 1817.
Juliet Maria, d. Daniel and Elizabeth, Jan. 12, 1833.
Lois, d. Sewal and Lois, Feb. 28, 1809.
Louis, d. Abijah and Mary, Dec. 28, 1829.
Madison, s. Daniel and Elisabeth Jan. 6, 1846.
Mary Ann Andrews, d. Daniel and Lucy, Oct. 10, 1846.
Nancy, d. Sewal and Lois, Mar. 22, 1798, in Wrenthem.
Norman, s. Daniel and Elizabeth, May 29, 1848.
Pedee Blake, d. Sewal and Lois, Mar. 29, 1816.
Permillo R., ch. Daniel and Elizabeth, Sept. 4, 1841.
Sarah Kingsbury, d. Daniel and Lucy,--24, I817.
Sene Blake, d. Amos [and] Milley, Aug. 13, 1814.
Sewal (Fals), s. Sewal and Lois, Aug. 9, I805.
Silas, S. Sewal and Lois, June 20, 1821.
William Albert, s. Abaijah and Mary, July 5, 1828.
William Baxter, s. Daniel and Elisebeth, May 16, 1830.
FALTEN (see Falon, Felton)
Mary Powers, d. Nathen and Mary, Dec. 16, 1801.
FALTON (see Falten, Felton)
Nathen, s. Nathen and Mary, Oct. 5, 1805.
FELTON (see Falten, Falton)
Angustus Wales, s. Nathan and Mary, Oct. 26, 1807.
Catharine, d. Nathan and Mary, May 15, 1816.
Charles Shephard, s. Nathan and Mary, Ang. 11, 1810.
Lertta HindS, d. Nathan and Mary, Jan. 8, 1817.
Ruth Hamilton, d. Nathan and Mary, May 4, 1818.
William Harrison, S. Nathan and Mary, May 12, I8I3.
Anne, d. William and Jann[torn], Oct. 9, 1744.
Jannet, d. William and Janne[torn], Apr. 4, 1752.
John, s. William and Jann(torn], Mar. 25, 1755.
Susannah, d. William and Jann[torn], Apr. 26, 1746.
William, s. William and Ja[torn], Apr. 25, 1748.
David Henry, s. Zebina (b. Prescott) and Sharlotte(b. Morristown, Vt.) Oct. 8, 1848, in Enfield.
Harriet Maria, d. Zebina (b. Prescott) and Sharlotte (b. Morristown, Vt.), Oct. 13, 1846, in Enfield.
Dorcas H., d. Albert and Polly E., Oct 17, 1847.
Jeanette, d. Albert and Polly E., Nov. 21, 1845.
Marshall T., s. Albert and Polly E., Aug. 27, 1849.
Amelia Jane, d. Cummings and Esther, June 20, 1837.
Edwin C., s. Lewis B. and Polly, June 6, 1844.
Emily Angelia, d. Cummings and Esther, Jan. 8, 1839.
Francis Wesley, s. Cummings and Esther, Nov. 23, 1831.
Leroy Franklin, s. Cummings and Esther, Aug. 13, 1830.
Mary Angeline, d. Cummings and Esther, Ang. 14, 1827, in Casenvia, N.Y.
FLACHER (see Flather)
Solomon, S. Solomon and Dorkes, Dec. 29, 1801.
FLATCHER (see Flacher)
ALVIN, s. Solomon (Flacher) and Dorces, May 19, 1805.
Ellen Matilda, d. Sanuel and Sarah Ann, May 15, 1846.
Hiram A., s. Hiram and Charlotte, Aug. 25, 1844.
Mabel A., s. [sic] Hiram and Charlott, Aug. 19, I845.
Maryett T., d. Hiram and Charlott, May 24, 1843.
William H., s. Hiram and Charlott, Nov. 19, 1846.
Bathsheba, ch. Benjamin and Siene, Feb, 6, 1828.
Betsey, d. Benjamin and Siene, Apr. 3, 1826.
Washington, s. Benjamin, Apr. 5, 1822, at Winchindon.