Vital Records Of Norton, Bristol Co., Ma
To The Year 1850
Published By The New England Historic Genealogical Society,
At The Charge Of The Eddy Town-Record Fund.
Boston, Mass., 1906
Marriages - PHILIPS to TITUS
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

PHILIPS (see Phillips, Phillop)
Daniel and Elisabeth White 2d, int. May 30, 1752. "the publishment did not stand. 14 Days."
Daniel and Elisabeth Fisher, Sept. 16, 1756.
Emeline and John Carroll of Easton, int. Jan. 14, 1824.
James of Prividence, and Elizabeth Tucker, Apr. 29, 1718.
John of Taunton, and Mary Knap, int. Mar. 11, 1763.
Joseph and Mercy Titus, wid. [int. omits wid.], Sept. 12, 1754.
Lydia [int. Phillips 2d] and George Wetherel, July 25, 1765.
Mary of Smithfield, and Samuel Eddy, int. Feb. 22, 1770.
Sarah [int. Philips] of Easton, and Elijah Storey, Aug. 29, 1784, in Easton.
Tamer of Easton, and John Randal Jr. of Easton, Apr. 30, 1761.
PHILLEBROWN (see Filebrown, Fillebrown)
Abigail [int. Abigail Filebroune] and Epliphelit [int. Eliphlit] Hodges of Stoughton, Mar. 4, 1745.
PHILLIPS (see Philps, Phillop)
Daniel and Rachel Lincoln of Taunton, int. Nov. 10, 1782.
Daniel Jr. and Marey Bassett, int. May 27, 1785.
Elizebeth [int. Elisabeth] and Isaac Taylor, Feb. 23, 1785.
John and Bethiah Hixson of Dorchester, int. July 8, 1721.
Julia [int. Philips] and Samuel Hunt 2d, Nov. 17, 1811.
Mary 2d [int. Philips] and Daniel Fobes of Easton, July 18, 1768.
Miner and Anna Richardson of Attleborongh, int. Mar. 12, 1809.
Sally and Isaac Williams, Mar. 24, 1805.
Silas of Easton, and Mary Drake, int. Dec. 19, 1813.
PHILLOP (see Philips, Phillips)
Macy of Easton, and Rebecca Wetherell of Easton, Feb. 20, 1814.
PHINNEY (see Finey, Finney)
PIDDG (see Pidge)
Jonathan of Attleborough, and Mary White, int. Jan. 14, 1767.
PIDGE (see Piddg)
Ann E. of Dighton, and Daniel Lane 3d. int. Mar. 11, 1849.
Lucy M. and Allen D. Lane, int. Apr. 15, 1849.
Sarah of Mansfield, and Oliver Greenwood, int. Oct. 29, 1789.
Barsheba of Middleborough, and Zebalon White Jr., int. Mar. 26, 1809.
John L. of Taunton, and Mary W. Wilbur, int. Oct. 19, 1829.
Oliver and Rosalinda Varry [int. Verry], NOv 17, 1811.
Rufus, Dr., and Polly Cobb, Apr. 7, 1811.
PIERSON (see Payson, Person)
Benjamin of Mortlone, and Sarah Stone, Aug. 19, 1741.
Benjamin of N.Y., and Sarah Parker, Nov. 27, 1805.
James of Taunton, and Prudence White, Nov. 30, 1809.
Samuel of Taunton, and Mehetabel [int. Mehetable] Bishop, Sept. 28, 1761.
Henry and Eliza M. Woodward of Taunton, int. Sept. 5, 1848.
Darces and Benjamin Penno, Mar. 22, 1818.
Joseph C. and Sally Eddy, int. July 23, 1848.
Abigail [int. Abigail] of Taunton, and Silvenus [int. Savanus] Cambell, May 20, 1746.
Jonathan of Taunton [int. Taunton], and Abigail Morse [int. Abigail Mors], June 10, 1747.
Lydia of Taunton, and William Cambel, Nov. 4, 1731.
Mary of Stoughton, and Samuel Capp, Nov. 10, 1733, in Stoughton.
Joshua and Elezabeth Willmouth 2d of Attleborough, int. Mar. 3, 1782.
Mary of Mansfield, and Noah Wiswall, Mar. 23, 1780.
Rachel of Franklin, and Charles F. Knapp, int. Apr. 6, 1828.
Samuel Metcalf and Marguate Danforth, int. Sept. 21, 1806.
Stephen of Wrentham, and Hannah Fairbank [int. Fairbanks], June 27, 1750.
Stephen and Mary Pratt, Feb. 16, 1764.
Stephen of Mansfield, and Sarah Gilbert [int. Gilbart], May 7, 1778.
Edmon of Stoughton, and Abby Ann Smith, int. Dec. 21, 1844.
Anna and Peter Thayer of Braintree, June 1, 1732.
George of Rehoboth, and the [int. Experience] Hodges, Mar. 22, 1789.
Judith and Ebenezer Hewins of Stoughton, Nov. 19, 1730.
Peter of Taunton, and Elizabeth White, int. Dec. 4, 1755.
Ruth and Samuel Hodges, Dec. 6, 1739.
James of Atelborough, and Abigaile Welman of Atelborough, Nov. 11, 1730.
Hannah of Littleton, and Daniel Hunt, int. Oct. 23, 1753.
Sylvia and Martin Leach of Easton, int. Sept. 13, 1801.
PRAT (see Pratt)
Elizabeth and Nathaniell Dunham of Plimtown, Dec. 8, 1714.
PRATT (see Prat)
Aaron and Lydia Eddy, Feb. 25, 1762.
Abigail of Easton, and Stephen Blancher, Sept. 15, 1736, in Easton.
Abigail and William Rogers [int. of Stoughton], July 7, 1752.
Abigail and Amos Sheapardson, Aug. 14, 1755.
Abigail and John Pratt 2d, Mar. 1, 1764.
Ann and Salvenas Cambell, Dec. 1, 1726.
Bathshaeba [int. Bathsheba Prat] and Abiel Clap, Apr. 6, 1758.
Benjamin of Taunton, and Mary Turner of Taunton, Jan. 22, 1728-9.
Charity and Elijah Wilbore of Raynham, int. July 14, 1759. "And the publishing forbid by the said Charity pratts Mother Tabitba pratt July 18th 1759."
Charity and John Davenport of Bridgwater [int. Bridgewater], Feb. 29, 1764.
Eliza and John C. Crane, int. Nov. 13, 1844.
Expeerance and Henery Rew of Diton, int. Nov. 1, 1721.
Hannah of Mansfield, and Joseph Blanchard of Mansfield, Aug. 6, 1792.
Hannah and Jones Godfrey of Easton, Sept. 16, 1835, in Taunton.
Hannoh, wid., of Weymouth, and Thomas Randall of East Precinct, Dec. 23, 1719, in Wermouth.
Johanah and Jacob Talbot of Diton, int. Oct. 21, 1721.
John of Attelburough, and Ruth Lane, Sept. 24, 1741.
John 2d and Abigail Pratt, Mar. 1, 1764.
John [int. 1st] and Sarah Golusha, Mar. 22, 1764.
Jonathan of Tanton, and Abigail Mors, July 25, 1728.
Jonathan and Rachel Braman, Mar. 13, 1745-6.
Jonathan and Hepzebah Billing of Stoughton, int. Jan. 10, 1758.
Jonathan Jr., of Easton, and Molly Tisdale, int. Mar. 6, 1786.
Joseph and Anna Tucker, Jan. 15, 1784.
Josiah and Sarah Jones of Tanton, Nov. 22, 1716.
Josiah and Tabetha [dup. Tabethey] Smith, May 20, 1725.
Josiah Jr. and Abigail Williams [?], int. Sept. 171 1743.
Judith [int. Judah] and Joseph Newcomb, Oct. 3, 1745.
Judith and Nehemiah Pratt Jr., Nov. 15, 1769.
Ketherine and Isaac Williams, int. Mar. 18, 1763.
Lovina of Taunton, and Colvin M. Hunt, int. Sept. 15, 1836.
Marcy of Taunton, and Samuel Wild, int. May 9, 1752.
Mary and Isaac Hodges, Jan. 31, 1751.
Mary and Sheubel Cambel of Raynham, Feb. 11, 1761.
Mary and Stephen Pond, Feb. 16, 1764.
Mercy (see Marcy).
Naomei and Joseph Hodges Jr., Nov. 26, 1739.
Nehemiah and Abigail [int. Abigaill] Newland, June 28, 1748.
Nehemiah Jr. and Judith Pratt, Nov. 15, 1769.
Nehemiah B. of Taunton, and Ann Frances Monroe, Oct. 27, 1841.
Neheniah and Esther Nuland, int. Mar. 30, 1747.
Phebe of Taunton, and David Arnold, int. Dec. 9, 1756.
Rachel and Benjamin Billings of Stoughton, int. Oct. 19, 1759.
Rachel, Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.], and Ebenezer Fales of Walpole, Jan. 27, 1762.
Ruth and Aaron Cutting of Attleboro, Nov. 24, 1748.
Samuel [int. 2d] and Experience White, Jan. 15, 1756.
Sarah and Stephen Briggs, Sept. 26, 1765.
Sibbel and Isaac Dean, July 13, 1755.
Soloman [int. Solomon] and Hannah White 3d, May 13, 1767.
Spencer of Mansfield, and Lucy Sweeting, int. Mar. 23, 1771.
William Jr. and Rachell Deen, int. Oct. 28, 1721.
Zepheniah and Abigal Shepherd [int. Abigaill Shepard] of Wrentham, Apr. 2, 1747.
PRESBREY (see Presbry, Prisbery, Prisbury)
Daniel [int. Prisbury] and Elizabeth Williams Francis [int. Frances], Aug. 29, 1811.
Daniel and Anna Hanover Blake of Taunton, int. Oct. 21, 1815.
Nancy [int. Presbury] and Terrell [int. Terrel] Cobb, Apr. 9, 1813.
Simeon [dup. Prisbey, int. Prisbury] of Taunton, in 23d y., and Anna [dup. Anne] Newland, in 23d y., ---- [int. June 17, 1781].
Simeon and Mrs. Redwith Smith, int. Jan. 18, 1815.
PRESBRY (see Presbrey, Prisbery, Prisbury)
William 3d of Taunton, and Sally Barney of Taunton, Nov. 27, 1825.
PRESHO (see Persho, Pershoe, Pershow, Pursho)
Phebe of Raynham, and Elijah D. Lincoln, int. Apr. 29, 1836.
Sarah W. of Waterville, Me., and Oliver L. Field, int. Oct. 21, 1837.
John and Margaret [int. Margret] King, Mar. 31, 1791, in Mansfield.
Nathaniel Jr. and Chloe [int. Cloe] Skinner of Mansfield, Nov. 11, 1784, in Mansfield.
Nathaniel and Hypsey Butler, int. Aug. 16, 1794.
PRISBERY (see Presbrey, Presbry, Prisbury)
Joseph and Martha Smith, Dec. 9, 1714.
PRISBURY (see Presbrey, Presbry, PriSbery)
Simeon Jr. and Rebecca [int. Rebecah] Newcomb 2d, Dec. 8, 1804.
Benjamin and Abigail Tucker, Oct. 31, 1779.
Mary and David Cobb of Hollowell, Oct. 24, 1771.
Mehetable and Francis Richardson, Oct. 21, 1796.
Mercy and Stephen Garey, int. June 27, 1761.
Nancy and Moses Hunt Jr., July 25, 1833.
Pliney [int. Plyna Puffor] and Lettice Wetherell, Aug. 14, 1803.
Rebecca [int. Rebekah] 2d, and Moses Ware Jr., Dec. 3, 1761.
Seth of Dighton, and Mercy Betis of Dighton, Feb. 12, 1753.
William Jr. and Mary Wetherel [int. 2d], Feb. 27, 1753.
PULLEN (see Pulling)
Seraphene [int. Seraphina] S., 21, of E. Winthrop, Me., b. E. Winthrop, Me., d. James and Hannah of F. Winthrop, Me., and Dr. Benjamin Mason Round 28, b. Taunton, s. Benjamin (Rounds) and Devena of Taunton, Dec. 28, 1845.
PULLING (see Pullen)
Jane of Attleborough, and David Balkcom, int. Feb. 27, 1780.
PURSHO (see Persho, Pershoe, Pershow, Presho)
Peter and Elisabeth Field, int. Jan. 21, 1750.
Elias of Mansfield, and Jerusha Keith of Easton, May 23, 1804.
George, widr. [int. omits widr.], 48, b. Easton, and Phebe Smith, wid. [int Mrs., omits wid.], 47, b. Raynham, Jan. 21, 1849.
George W. and Fidelia Downing, int. Feb. 9, 1834. "FideHa Downing was published through mistake her name was Fidelia Leonard."
RAIMENT (see Raymond)
Rebecah [int. Rebecca Rayman] of Taunton, and Thomas Pain [int. Paine], Aug. 9, 1750.
RAMSDELL (see Ransdil)
Sarah and John Freman, Feb. 2, 1737-8.
Moses of Wrentham, and Mehittable [int. Mehitable] Titus 2d, Dec. 1, 1805.
RANDAL (see Randall)
John Jr. of Easton, and Tamer Philips of Easton, Apr. 30, 1761.
RANDALL (see Randal)
Andrew B. of Easton, and Ardelia Bates, Oct. 15, 1837.
Betty of Easton [int. Betsy Randell of Eastown], and Abraham White Jr., Feb. 10, 1793, in Easton.
Elisabeth of Easton, and Daniel Niles Jr. of Easton, Nov. 20, 1760.
Macey [int. Jr.] of Easton, and Betsey Bolkcom [int. Balkcom], Dec. 30, 1838.
Mary of Rochester, and James Clarke, Apr. 15, 1768, in Rochester.
Milson of Foxborough, and Shepard Godfrey, int. Nov. 30, 1834.
Thomas of East Precinct, and Hannoh Pratt, wid., of Weymouth, Dec. 23, 1719, in Weymouth.
Ziba of Easton, and Maria H. Godfrey, int. Mar. 24, 1839.
Mary and Abijah Wetherel, int. Mar. 16, 1766.
James of Yorck, and Priscilla Shaw, Mar. 21, 1728-9.
RANSDIL (see Ramsdell)
Lyda and Stephen Garey Jr. of Taunton, Jan. 21, 1741-2.
Philebert of Freeton, and Marie Fealon, int. Mar. 28, 1785.
RAYMOND (see Raiment)
Ephraim A. and Rebecca A. Smith of Rehoboth, int. July 5, 1829.
Harriot A. and Capt. Dauphin [int. Dauphen] King, Oct. 2, 1825.
Margaret and Joseph Lane Jr. of Mansfield, Sept. 21, 1815.
Maria and Leonard Chester Parsons of N.Y., Sept. 8, 1813.
Rachel of Taunton, and Zepheniah Newland, int. Dec. 27, 1750.
Sarah Dean [int. Raymand] and Otis Robinson of Attleborough, July 12, 1810.
READ (see Reed)
Abby Jane, 24, of Middleborough, b. Middleborough, d. Apolos and Abby, and Marcus O. Richardson, 22, operative, s. Simeon and Lucinda, Oct. 17, 1847.
Hodges of Taunton, and Clarissa Hodges, May 13, 1813.
Jason M. of Taunton, and Adah M. Shepard, May 25, 1841.
Julia M. and Alfred Langley [int. Langley] of Hawley, Jan. 18, 1842.
Otis, Dea., and Lydia Shepard, int. Mar. 13, 1841.
Stephen D. [int. Reed] and Emily A. Lane, Mar. 25, 1838.
REDDING (see Reding)
Olive A. and Joseph S. Adams, int. May 2, 1845.
REDING (see Redding)
Jonathan of Raynham, and Olive Richmond, int. Jan. 12, 1818.
REED (see Read)
John Q. A. of Taunton, and Irena C. Makepeace, int. Aug. 31, 1844.
Samuel, Rev., of Warwick, and Anna Shaw, int. Nov. 14, 1779.
Sarah, Mrs., of Midleborough, and Rev. William Nelson, int. July 16, 1774.
Experiance and John Martin of Bristoll, Feb. 9, 1726-7.
Henery of Diton, and Expeerance Pratt, int. Nov. 1, 1721.
Joseph of Bristol, and Mrs. Phebe Leonard, Aug. 26, 1718.
Ithamer and Israel Fisher Jr., Dec. 30, 1740.
Sabrah of Greenwich, and Nathan Bishop, int. Dec. 12, 1802.
William of Enfield, and Elizabeth [int. Elezebeth] Copeland, Oct. 17, 1816.
Hannah of Roxbery, and Rev. Ebenezer White, int. ---- [rec. between Apr. 26 and June 26, 1749].
Susanna [dup. Susannah Richads] of Sharon, and Elijah Briggs [int. Jr.], Oct. 8, 1795, in Sharon.
Abiather [int. Abiathar Jr.] of Attleborough, and Sally Bolkcom, June 23, 1811.
Abigaill of Atelberrough, and Ezekiell Fuller of Atelberrough, Dec. 23, 1747.
Anna of Attleborough, and Miner Philips, int. Mar. 12, 1809.
Benjamin and Bethiah Skinner of Mansfield, Sept. 26, 1771, in Mansfield.
Ebenezer of Attleborough, and Esther Cheney, int. Dec. 21, 1764.
Ezekiel Jr. of Franklin, and Chloe Smith, Sept. 25, 1817.
Francis and Mehetable Puffer, Oct. 21, 1796.
French of Attleborough, and Nancy Crosman [int. Crossman], Oct. 26, 1820.
Ira and Evelina [int. Aveline] Fisher of Mansfield, Dec. 22, 1833.
Marcus O., 22, operative, s. Simeon and Lucinda, and Abby Jane Read, 24, of Middleborough, b. Middleborough, d. Apolos and Abby, Oct. 17, 1847.
Phebe of Attleborough, and Barnam Hodges, int. May 19, 1811.
Rhoda and Elkanah Whealer [int. Wheelerl Sept. 12, 1830.
Sarah of Attleborough, and Jonathan Shaw, int. Jan. 30, 1762.
Sarah 2d of Attleborough, and Thomas Braman Jr, int. Dec. 24, 1798.
Sarah F. and Ezra B. Heath of Attleborough, int. Dec. 14, 1849.
Seth of Attelborough, and Abigalle Skinner, Oct. 25, 1739.
Thomas and Elizabeth [int. Elisabeth] Turner, Jan. 9, 1765.
Vinton of Attleborough, and Hannah White 3d, int. Feb. 9, 1770.
Zaccheus of Taunton, and Sally Braman, Sept. 20, 1807.
RICHMAN (see Richman, Richmond)
Judah and Samuel Woodward of Taunton, int. May 19, 1816.
Rozanah and William Harvey of Taunton, int. May 20, 1816.
RICHMON (see Richman, Richmond)
Diner of Rehoboth, and Isaac Solomon, int. Apr. 10, 1794.
RICHMON (see Richman, Richmon)
Barsheba and Addoniram Hodges, int. May 10, 1812.
Benjamin Jr. and Mercy Hodges of Mansfield, int. Mar. 29, 1818.
Benjamin, 59, widr., farmer, s. Benjamin and Betsey, and Hannah Bates, 50, d. Dr. Leavet and Hannah, int. Oct. 13, 1849.
Benjamin H., 23, shoemaker, s. Benjamin, and Julia Ann Bates, 16, d. David C. dec'd, Oct. 22, 1844.
Betsay S. and Alanson Sweet of Attleborough, int. June 28, 1812.
Clarissa and Simeon Round Jr. of Rehoboth, int. Aug. 26, 1803.
Edward [int. Richman], Rev., of Stoughton, and Lucy Palmer, Oct. 2, 1793.
Eunice and Warren Adams, ----, 1812.
Hannah of Taunton, and Nathan Wetherel, int. Aug. 11, 1733.
Homes and Betsay Hodges, June 28, 1809.
Isaac [int. Richmon] and Leona Perry, Jan. 29, 1801.
Kingman and Almira Hersey of Middleborough, int. Apr. 25, 1818.
Lucindia and David Woodward, Mar. 27, 1817.
Mary [int. Mercy] Ann and Cyriel S. Sweet of Attleborough, Feb. 9, 1842.
Olive and Jonathan Reding of Raynham, Jan. 12, 1818.
Phebe [int. Richman] and Enoch Tucker, Aug. 19, 1802.
Phebe and Abiather Thayer Jr. of Attleborough, int. Aug. 19, 1820.
Ward and Olive Burt Wilbur, int. June 19, 1824.
Nancy W. and Charles White of Hanson, May 26, 1829.
RIPLAY (see Ripley)
Samuel [int. Jr.] of Easton, and Alice Deane [int. Elsa Dean], July 6, 1810.
RIPLEY (see Riplay)
Abiel of Eastown, and Molly Ranger Wetherell 2d, int. Nov. 12, 1790.
Elsa D. and Stillman Lincoln, int. July 3, 1839.
Fidelia W. of Easton, and Silas V. Clapp of Easton, Jan. 1, 1839.
Rebeccah of Easton [int. Rebecah of Eastown], and John Wetherell [int. 2d], June 12, 1792, in Easton.
Charles of Providence, and Amelia Morey, int. May 15, 1808.
Jack [int. Robins] of Attleborough, and Hannah Eason, Dec. 3, 1787, in Attleborough.
ROBBINSON (see Robinson)
John and Phebe Clap, May 28, 1761.
Eliza V. of Roxbury, and John M. McCormick, int. Jan. 15, 1849.
ROBINSON (see Robbinson)
Ebenezer Jr. of Raynham, and Elizabeth Atherton, Jan. 24, 1739-40.
Egburt R. and Phebe K. Derry, Dec. 5, 1830.
George and Ruth Slack [int. Stack] of Attleborough, June 2, 1791, is Attleborough.
Jonathan of Raynham, and Phebe Williams, int. Jan. 16, 1779.
Nancy of Taunton, and Simeon Lincoln, June 22, 1791.
Otis of Attleborough, and Sarah Dean Raymond [int. Raymand], July 12, 1810.
Ozias (Bobinson) of Mansfield, and Rachel J. Newcomb, int. Oct. 17, 1835.
Sarah Jane of Mansfield, and Samuel G. Hicks, int. Sept. 11, 1847.
Seth of Stoughtonlam, and Rachel Braman, Jan. 22, 1776.
Patience of Rrentham, and Joseph Custice, July 4, 1715, in Dorchester.
RODGERS (see Rogers)
Charles and Harriot Balcom [int. Harriot C. Balkcomb], Sept. 27, 1843, in Taunton.
ROGERS (see Rodgers)
Benjamin and Hannah Newcomb, Oct. 8, 1761.
Hannah 2d of Mansfield, and Williara Burt Jr., int. Mar. 21, 1801.
John of Mansfield, and Eliza Ann Williams of Mansfield, Oct. 15, 1833.
William [int. of Stoughton] and Abigail Pratt, July 7, 1752.
Cornelius of Easton, and Clarrisa R. Wilbur, int. Dec. 7, 1831.
Ira C. [dup. adds Capt.], shoemaker, and Clarrinda [dup. and int. Clarinda] M. Hodges, 25, d. Stephen, Apr. 23, 1843.
Smith and Eunice H. Adams, int. Dec. 20, 1833.
John of Taunton, and Sibbel Cobb, int. Mar. 17, 1752.
ROUND (see Rounds)
Abner [int. Rounds] of Rehoboth, and Watey Tucker, Oct. 5, 1797, in Rehoboth.
Almira of Rehoboth, and Harrison T. Lincoln, int. Oct. 11, 1848.
Ann Eliza of Rehoboth, and Seth L. Field, int Oct. 7, 1848.
Benjamin M., Dr., and Sophia Morey of Taunton, int. May 26, 1849.
Benjamin Mason, Dr., 28, b. Taunton, s. Benamen (Rounds) and Devena of Taunton, and Seraphene [int. Seraphina] s. Pullen, 21, of E. Winthrop. Me., b. E. Winthrop, Me., d. James and Hannah of E. Winthrop [Me.], Dec. 28, 1845.
Marcus T. of Taunton, and Charlott [int. Charlotte] A. Crosman, Nov. 19, 1826.
Polly of Rehoboth, and Abijah Dean, int. Mar. 2, 1806.
Polly Mary of Rehoboth, and Josiah Tacker [Tucker], int. May 6, 1810.
Roxana of Rehoboth and Apolas Dean, int. Dec. 13, 1807.
Sally B. of Taunton, and Lewis Hodges, int. July 7, 1832.
Simeon Jr. of Rehoboth, and Clarissa Richmond, int. Aug. 26, 1803.
ROUNDS (see Round)
Ellethear of Attleborough, and John Norton, int. June 20, 1802.
Gilbert W. of Rehoboth, and Submit M. Briggs, int. May 4, 1839.
ROYCE (see Roise)
Sally of Mansfield, and Oliver Greenwood, Oct. 14, 1790, in Mansfield.
John of Providence, and Sarah Laurance, Dec. 8, 1730.
SAMPSON (see Samson)
Abel of Bridgwater, and Patty Keith White, Nov. 27, 1806.
SAMSON (see Sampson)
Levi of Taunton, and Mary Morey 2d, int. Oct. 15, 1768.
Ursla [int. Ursley] and William Martin, Nov. 28, 1782.
Harriot B. of Mansfield, and Gilford C. Newcomb, Oct. 3, 1837.
Seneca Jr. of Attleborough, and Emily Hodges, int. Apr. 2, 1849.
John H. of Chesterfield, N.H., and Mary E. Tucker, int. Jan. 9, 1845.
SCOLLAY (see Skolley)
Benjamin Gay of Barrington, N.H., and Lucinday Hodges, int. Aug. 2, 1812.
Horace, Rev., of Bloomfield, Conn., and Louisa Lathrop, Mar. 3, 1840.
Samuel of Taunton, and Lepha M. Hodges, int. Apr. 9, 1832.
Sophronia of Taunton, and William Carpenter Jr., int. Mar. 13, 1808.
SEELE (see Seely, Silley)
Hannah and Joseph Hart, Aug. 4, 1748.
Sarah, Mrs. (int. omits Mrs.], and Benjamin Hodges, May 29, 1749.
SEELY (see Seele, Silley)
Thankfull of Easton, and Thomas Buck of Easton, Oct. 1, 1761.
Eunice of Bridge Watter, and Sesar Eason, int. Dec. 25, 1776.
Abia [int. Abiah] and Dea. Benjamin Person [int. Pearson], May 26, 1784.
Abiather and Susanna Lambert [int. Susannah Lambard], Dec. 21, 1780.
Abigail of Middleborough, and Simeon Lincoln Jr., int. Nov. 23, 1816.
Anna and Rev. Samuel Reed of Warwick, int. Nov. 14, 1779.
Benjamin of Boston, and Jane [int. Jaen] Derbey, May 27, 1767.
Benjamin of Mansfield, and Eunice Hayward [int. Eunic Haward], Nov. 17, 1791, in Mansfield.
Bethiah and Ebenezer Lane, Jan. 1, 1735-6.
Bethiah and Benjamin Morey Jr., Mar. 30, 1775.
Bezaleel and Molly Lincoln, int. June 26, 1786.
Caroline E. [int. of Raynham], b. Raynham, d. Samuel and Rachel of Raynham, and Daniel H. Briggs, 22, farmer, s. Daniel dec'd, May 8, 1844.
Daniel of Taunton, and Mary Andrews, int. Mar. 18, 1758. "The publishing forbid by the above named mary Andrews March 26th 1758."
Daniel of Rehoboth, and Fanny Bolkcom, Dec. 5, 1822.
Hannah 2d and Simeon Cobb, Jan. 1, 1761.
Ichabod and Sarah Aldrich, Dec. 16, 1730.
Ichabod Jr. and Zilpah Bolcom of Attleborough, int. Aug. 6, 1763.
Jacob and Susanah [int. Susannah] Newcomb, Dec. 16, 1784.
Jacob and Anna Galucia, [int. Galieucia], Sept. 21, 1786.
John L. and Eliza E. Keyes of Ringe, N.H., int. June 26, 1849.
Jonathan and Sarah Richardson of Attleborough, Jan. 30, 1762.
Lydia of Rainham and George Wheaton, int. Apr. 16, 1798.
Lyra W., d. John and Polly, and Hezekiah Sweet Jr., 25 y. 6 m., mechanic, of Taunton, s. Hezekiah of Attleborough, int. Sept. 24, 1849.
Maria S. and Horace B. Witherell, Sept. 25, 1828.
Mary of Taunton, and Philip Snow of Taunton, Aug. 6, 1826.
Nancy and Melatiah Everett, int. Sept. 22, 1805.
Nathan and Sarah Wetherel 4th, June 4, 1771.
Pamelia C. of Middleborough, and Wilson Shaw, int. Nov. 10, 1846.
Polly T. [int. Show], d. John and Polly, and Alfred Briggs, farmer, of Attleborough, s. Emerson, Apr. 10, 1845.
Prisalla and James Rankins of Yorck, Mar. 21, 1728-9.
Thomas and Hannah Stone, Apr. 8, 1736.
Thomas Jr. and Sarah Copland [int 2d], Feb. 15, 1759.
Wilson and Pamela C. Shaw of Middleborough, int. Nov. 10, 1846.
Zilpah of Plimton, and Melatiah Washburn, int. Jan. 31, 1756.
[torn] and Mary Thayer of [torn]field, int. [torn] 5, 1770.
SHEAPARD (see Shepard, Sheperd, Shepherd)
Eunice of Wrentham, and Elijah Dean, Mar. 18, 1765.
Sarah and John Basset [int. Bassett] of Taunton, Jan. 25, 1757.
SHEAPARDSON (see Shepardson)
Amos and Abigail Pratt, Aug. 14, 1755.
John of Attleborough, and Anna Blanchard, Jan. 17, 1754.
Stephen of Attleborough, and Luse Fisher, int. Feb. 17, 1759.
Zabediah of Attleborough, and Deborah Cook, int. Aug. 7, 1762.
George and Dorcas Eddy, int. Sept. 8, 1805.
Lewis [int. Shelden] and Sarah Antheney [int. Anthony], Nov. 26, 1790.
SHELLEY (see Shelly)
Baranubus and Lydia Cole of Rainham, Aug. 26, 1792.
SHELLY (see Shelley)
Jonathan [int. Jr. of Sharon] and Polly Cole, Aug. 14, 1795.
Libeus of Wrentham, and Lucinda Freeman, Jan. 28, 1836.
Rachel and Seth Wilber of Bridgwater, int. July 26, 1801.
SHEPARD (see Sheapard, Sheperd, Shepherd)
Adah [int. Ada] and Allen Norton, July 1, 1812.
Adah M. and Jason M. Read of Taunton, May 25, 1841.
Daniel and Cynthia [int, Cyntha] Lincoln [int. 2d], Mar. 28, 1811.
George [int. Sheepard] and Eunice [int. Unice] Makepeace, Sept. 6, 1781.
Jacob. Lt. [int. Sheepard, omits Lt.] and Lydia Clap, Jan. 11, 1781.
Jacob Jr. and Mahala Tisdale of Taunton, int. Dec. 19, 1813.
Jacob, Capt., and Mary A. White of Attleborough, int. Dec. 30, 1826.
Joshua and Elizebeth Oukinton of Needham, May 23, 1728.
Lyra and Dea. Otis Read, int. Mar. 13, 1841.
Olive and Noah Clap, Apr. 16, 1776.
Seth and Rachel Dunham, May 28, 1776.
SHEPARDSON (see Sheapardson)
Daniell of Atelborrow, and Mary Woshbon of Tanton, May 9, 1728.
Elona of Rehoboth, and Daniel Hodges, Mar. 12, 1787, in Rehoboth.
Ruth P., 26, of Franklin, d. John (Sheperdson) and Mary, and Cyrus N. White, 22, S. Cyrus and Sarah (Moulder), int. Dec. 22, 1849.
SHEPERD (see Sheapard, Shepard, Shepherd)
Thomas and Content White of Tanton, June 5, 1735.
SHEPHERD (see Sheapard, Shepard, Sheperd)
Abigal [int. Abigaill Shepard] of Wrentham, and Zepheniah Pratt, Apr. 2, 1747.
SHERMAN (see Shearman)
Silva and John Dimond, int. Nov. 26, 1778.
Luther of Rehoboth, and Zilpha Hodges, Nov. 29, 1792.
Zilpha H. of Taunton, and Simeon H. Lane, int. May 4, 1830.
Moses of Taunton, and Mary Hewet of Taunton, Feb. 17, 1824.
SILLEY (see Seek, Seely)
Benjamin and Sarah Lane, Dec. 11, 1718.
John and Hannah Briggs, Jan. 12, 1723-4.
Sarah 2d and John Hill of Rehobath, Nov. 17, 1737.
SIMMON (see Simmons, Simons)
Edward [int. Simmons] Jr. and Seley [int. Selah] Wetherell, Dec. 5, 1793.
SIMMONS (see Simmon, Simons)
Anna [int. Amia] and Asa Crosman, Sept. 1, 1794.
William H. of Coventry, R.I., and Sarah S. Blandin, int. June 29, 1848.
SIMONS (see Simmon, Simmons)
Eliphalet [int. Eliphlet Simmons] and Lurana [int. Lurania] Bullock of Rehoboth [int. Rehobauth], Jan. 11, 1795, in Rehoboth.
John and Paciance Fisher, June 4, 1730.
Patience and Seth Eddy of Atelburough, Jan. 18, 1736-7.
SIMPSON (see Simson)
Caroline wid. [dup. and int. Mrs., omits wid.], 38, d. Geerge Wetherell, and Jarvis Carpenter, widr. [dup. and int. omit widr.], 47, shoemaker, s. William dec'd, June 8, 1843.
SIMSON (see Simpson)
Benjamin and Hannah Blacke of Tanton, May 10, 1716.
George W. of Boston, and Caroline Wetherell, Nov. 7, 1825.
Francis of Taunton, and Hannah Eason, int. July 1, 1780.
SKiner (see Skinner)
Amos and Elisabeth [int. Elizabeth] Grover, Dec. 24, 1764.
Anne and Hezekiah Peck of Attleboroug [int. Attleborough], Feb. 5, 1755.
Bathsheba and Christopher Thayer, int. Nov. 29, 1754.
David and Phebe Grover, Mar. 1, 1764.
Easter and Ebenezer Brintnell, Dec. 16, 1728.
Easther and Jacob Briggs, Mar. 28, 1765.
Ezra and Mary Hewet of Taunton, Oct. 17, 1764.
Harrah [int. Hannah] and John Grover, Sept. 20, 1722.
Jacob and Lona Hodges, Apr. 19, 1770.
James and Phebe Braman, Mar. 16, 1768.
Samuel and Martha Grover, Aug. 20, 1761.
Solemon and Mary Grover, Jan. 10, 1722-3.
Solomon [int. Jr.] and Sarah Britnell [int. Britnel], Mar 10, 1757.
Thomas [int. Skinner Jr.] and Hannah Bates of Wrentham. Nov. 14, 1751.
SKINNER (see Skiner)
Abert and Elizabeth M. Hicks, int. Jan. 14, 1849, "On the 15th of January 1849. Gilbert Hicks the Father of the above Elizabeth forbid the Bans of Marriage and on the 20th of January 1849. The above named Elizabeth M. Hicks requested the Town Clerk to take the Publishment down as She had given no consent to be published."
Abigaile and Seth Richardson of Attelborough, Oct. 25, 1739.
Benjamin and Abigaile Wild, Aug. 24, 1731.
Bethiah of Mansfield, and Benjamin Richardson, Sept. 26, 1771, in Mansfield.
Betsy [int. Betsay 2d] and Lincoin Wetherell, Aug. 11, 1805.
Chloe int. Cloe] of Mansfield, and Nathaniel Prior Jr., Nov. 11, 1784, in Mansfield.
Ebenezer and Joanna Bacon of Needham, Sept. 30, 1732, in Needham.
Elizabeth and Benjamen Hall, Apr. 23, 1744.
Elizebeth [int. Betsay] and Simeon Briggs 2d, Apr. 8, 1813.
Ezra [int. Ezrah Skiner] and Elizabeth Swaim [int. Elisebeth Swon], Jan. 8, 1724, in Medford.
George of Mansfield, and Abigail Norton, Dec. 18, 1803.
Hannah and Seth Lane, June 28, 1750.
Hannah [int. 3d] of Mansfield, and Nathaniel Hodges, May 24, 1774, in Mansfield.
Hannah of Mansfield, and Thomas Braman, Aug. 31, 1775, in Mansfield.
James and Jemima Grovier [int. Jemime Grover], Dec. 21, 1749.
Jemima and Elijah Man of Wrentham, Oct. 7, 1735.
Jemima [int. Jemimah] of Mansfield, and Elijah Bolcom, Feb. 12, 1778, in Mansfield.
John and Bethiah Slack of Attleborongh, int. Dec. 8, 1749.
Joseph and Phebey Grover, Mar. 10, 1736-7.
Mary [int. 3d] and Samuell Forrest [int. Forrest], Oct. 29, 1747.
Rachell and John Thayer, int. Aug. 28, 1750.
Rufus of Mansfield, and Elizabeth [int. Elizebeth] Storey 2d, Feb. 5, 1800.
Ruth and Abiel Peck of Attleborough, July 11, 1731.
Samuel and Elizabeth Grover, Mar. 10, 1736-7.
Sarah [int. Skiner] and Ichabod Ware of Wrentham, May 30, 1754, in Wrentham.
Selon [dup. and int. Celand] of Mansfield, and Rachel Eddy Blake, Oct. 19, 1812.
Simeon of Mansfield, and Rebecca Leonard, int. Oct. 23, 1825.
Susanna [int. Sussannah] and David Harding, Mar. 20, 1751.
Tabitha [int. Tabethy Skinmer] and Benjamin [int. Benjamen] Capron of Attleboro [int. Atelborrough], Oct. 12, 1748.
Timothy and Hannah Tiffeny [int. Tifeny], Nov. 6, 1748.
Zebadiah of Mansfield, and Hannah Hodges of Mansfield, Feb. 20, 1803.
Zophar [int. Zopher] and Bethiar [int. Bethiahl Freeman [int. 2d], ---- [int. Sept. 28, 1798].
Zopher and Polley Sweet of Attleborough, int. Apr. 7, 1817.
Grover and Anna Cobb, Nov. 11, 1725.
Bethiah of Attleborough, and John Skinner, int. Dec. 8, 1749.
Ruth [in. Stack] of Attleborough, and George Robinson, June 2, 1791, in Attleborough.
Abby Ann and Edmon Pope of Stoughton, int. Dec. 21, 1844.
Abby P. and Lemuel L. Danforth, int. Feb. 17, 1849.
Abigail 2d [int. 3d] and John Bolkum [int. Balkcom], Apr. 23, 1795.
Abisha [int. Abishai] and Phylene Morey, Nov. 10, 1785.
Adeline, 20, d. Jarvis and Henrietta, and Stillmon [int. Stillman] A. Wetherell, 25, farmer, s. George and Lydia, Apr. 13, 1848.
Amos and Ketherine White, int. Mar. 24, 1770. "The publishment Did not stand up 14 Days."
Andrew of Tanton, and Marcy Very, int. Dec. 15, 1722.
Anna and Abial [int. Abiel] Lincoln Jr., Dec. 10, 1795.
Anna, Mrs. [int. 2d] and Arunah [int. Aruna] Smith, Feb. 20, 1814.
Anna 2d and Ollis Clapp of Walpole, Dec. 27, 1814.
Anne [int Anna 3d] and Edward Babbit Jr. [int. omits Jr.]. Sept. 12, 1793.
Aruna and Elenor [int. Eleonar] Leonard, Jan. 20, 1791.
Arunah [int. Aruna] and Mrs. Anna Smith [int. 2d], Feb. 20, 1814.
Arunah and Mrs. Sally Smith of Staughton, int. Apr. 7, 1831.
Asa and Sarah Leonard, int. Mar. 3, 1782.
Barned Esq. of Bristol, and Margaret Peck of Bristol, Oct. 28, 1804.
Benjamin of Hardewick, and Marcy Finney of Swansey, Dec. 15, 1741.
Betsay of Middleborough, and Ichabod Capp, int. Mar. 13, 1803.
Betsey and Elijah Godfrey of Easton, July 8, 1838.
Betsy of Mansfield, and Isaac Carpenter, int. Jan. 15, 1809.
Bradford W. and Charlotte Sarver [Carver], int. Apr. 8, 1832.
Charlotte and Herman C. Fisher of Franklin, Oct. 31, 1820.
Chloe and Nathan Kingman of Bridgwatr [int. Bridgwaters], Dec. 19, 1785.
Chloe and Ezekiel Richardson Jr. of Franklin, Sept. 25, 1817.
David and Abigail Gilbert, Mar. 14, 1754.
David 2d and Lydia Burt of Attleborough, int. Apr. 23, 1757. "the publishing forbiden by Ebenezer Burt of Norton."
Eleanor of Taunton, and Erin Briant of Easton, Mar. 20, 1831.
Elisabeth 2d and Epharim White of Taunton, int. Aug. 18, 1788.
Elizabeth of Stoughton, and Saul White, June 12, 1776, in Stoughton.
Elizebeth of Taunton, and Josiah White, Nov. 13, 1740.
Esther and Daniel Briggs [int. 2d], Feb. 1, 1791.
Eunice and Silas [int. Silos] Cobb Jr., Sept. 17, 1801.
Field of Taunton, and Rebecca Leonard of Taunton, Aug. 15, 1803.
Hannah and Thomas Grover, Oct. 25, 1738.
Hannah and John Austen 3d, int. Dec. 27, 1755.
Hannah and Abijah Fisher Jr., Jan. 25, 1780.
Hannah of Taunton, and Solmon Lincoln, int. June 24, 1804.
Hannah of Taunton, and Daniel Leonard of Taunton, June 7, 1818.
Harrison and Sarah M. Perry, Sept. 30, 1841, in Attleborough.
Henry K. W., 26, machinist, s. Stillman and Eunice, and Hannah Jane Wetherell, 28, d. Elias and Sarah, Jan. 26, 1846.
Ira and Nancy Shaw Hodges, int. Oct. 20, 1797.
Isaac and Mary Briggs [int. 5th], July 26, 1764.
Jacob of Sharon, and Polly Leonard, Apr. 15, 1805.
James Jr. and Molley Woodward, Nov. 7, 1819.
James Jr. and Rachel L. Woodward of Taunton, int. June 9, 1848.
Jarvis of Danvers, and Henrietta Sweet, int. Apr. 3, 1824.
Job of Taunton, and Phebe Briggs, Jan. 3, 1808.
John Jr. and Mary Briggs, Nov. 9, 1714.
John 3d of Taunton, and Sarah Fisher of Taunton, Mar. 25, 1739-40.
John of Mansfield, and Amia Hodges of Mansfield, Apr. 20, 1818.
Jonathan and Sarah Tisdale, int. May 23, 1784.
Jonathan and Lydia Harding [int. Harden], May 24, 1793.
Josiah and of Walpole, and Susan Tucker, Mar. 13, 1815.
Kezia of Taunton, and Josiah White 2d, int. Sept. 23, 1764.
Laban and Anna Knap, Dec. 20, 1792.
Leonard and Lucinda [int. Lucinda] Harvey, July 24, 1825.
Leonard and Betsey Whiting of Norfolk, Va., int. July 26, 1828.
Loas and Ambros Lincoln Jr. of Taunton, [int. Jan. 26, 1783.
Lois [int. Lowes of Wrentham] and Abiel Lincoln Jr., Jan. 22, 1778, in Franklin.
Louisa of Taunton, and Barney Eddy Jr. of Taunton, Aug. 18, 1825.
Lucy and Asa Knowles, Nov. 30, 1796.
Marcy and Joseph Drake, int. Nov. 4, 1721.
Marritte of Mansfield, and Derias Drake, int. Nov. 1, 1817.
Martha and Joseph Prisbery, Dec. 9, 1714.
Mary of Sudbury, and Micajah Dormand [int. Dorman], July 4, 1752, in Sudbury.
Mercy (see Marcy).
Molly and James Crossman of Plainfield, int. Oct. 7, 1786.
Nancy and Thompson Tripp of Boston, Apr. 23, 1837.
Nancy [dup. Nancty] Morey and John Pattin [int. Patten], Oct. 12, 1820.
Nathan and Olive B. Willis, Nov. 6, 1836.
Nathaniel of Stoughton, and Abigail Bolkcom, Jan. 25, 1824.
Nicholas and Jerusha Leonard of Tanten, Jan. 21, 1724-5.
Nicholas [int. Nicholas] and Hannah Caswell [int. Caswell], Mar. 28, 1748.
Noah of Taunton, and Peggy Capron, Sept. 7, 1786.
Noah and Judah Willis, int. May 17, 1797.
Noah of Mansfield, and Nancy Hodges [int. 2d], Jan. 23, 1812.
Olliver of Taunton, and Joanna Harridan, int. Oct. 3, 1766. "publishing forbid by the above named Joanna Harridon."
Patience and Ezekiell Tytus [int. Titus], Aug. 7, 1744.
Penelope [int. Penilipe] and Levi Lane, Apr. 13, 1755.
Phebe of Taunton, and William Clark, int. Sept. 5, 1767. "the publishing forbid by the select men Sept. 14, 1767 and a hearing being had before 2 Justices of the peace I was to proceed and out publish sd William Clark and phebe Smith."
Phebe, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 47, b. Raynham, and George Quindley, widr. [int. omits widr.], 48, farmer, b. Easton, Jan. 21, 1849.
Phylene and Joel Daniels Jr. of Franklin, int. Apr. 14, 1810.
Rachel 2d and Elkanah Watson Jr., of Freetown [m. Freeton], Mar. 3, 1789.
Rebecca of Rehoboth [int. Rebeka 2d of Rebobath], and Jonathan Leonard, July 13, 1769, in Rehoboth.
Rebecca A. of Rehoboth, and Ephraim A. Raymond, int. July 3, 1829.
Redwith, Mrs., and Simeon Presbrey, int. Jan. 18, 1815.
Salley of Taunton, and Denis Field, int. Mar. 14, 1817.
Sally and Joseph Morse of Franklin, Oct. 12, 1820.
Sally, Mrs., of Staughton, and Arunah Smith, int. Apr. 7, 1831.
Samul and Sarah W. Smith, int. Mar. 11, 1843.
Sarah of Taunton, and William Merry, int. Jan. 31, 1747-8. "feb 9th 1747-8 the select men of norton fer Bid these being Published."
Sarah and Timothy White of Taunton, Nov. 7, 1782.
Sarah and [int. adds Dr.] Willliam Thomson, Sept. 29, 1793.
Sarah and Gideon Sweet of Attleborough, Mar. 19, 1807.
Sarah Jane and Washington L. Newcomb, int. Mar. 3, 1849.
Sarah W. and Samul Smith, int. Mar. 11, 1843.
Seth and Elizabeth Allen of Weston, Sept. 30, 1725, in Weston.
Seth Jr. and Sarah Cobb 2d, Oct. 10, 1754.
Seth and Easther Dean 2d, Sept. 19, 1769.
Seth Jr. and Rachel Newcomb, Mar. 16, 1780.
Seth, Dea., and Lois Fisher of Taunton, int. May 28, 1788.
Seth, Dea., and Mrs. Anna Hodges of Taunton, Feb. 18, 1795.
Seth and Sally M. Wetherell, Feb. 15, 1826.
Simeon of Taunton, and Sally Wilson of Taunton, Oct. 24, 1824.
Stephen and Susey Smith, int. Feb. 10, 1782.
Stephen of Taunton, and Nancy Hereden, int. Mar. 22, 1807.
Steven and Nancy Woodward, Feb. 25, 1795.
Stillmon L. B., 22, machinist, s. Stillmon and Eunice, and Anna E. Torrey, 23, d. Samuel, Feb. 14, 1848.
Stilman and Eunice Wetherell 2d. Nov. 28, 1816.
Susey and Stephen Smith, int. Feb. 10, 1782.
Tabetha [dup. Tabethey] and Josiah Pratt, May 20, 1725.
Tereza and Charles Galligan, int. Jan. 21, 1849.
Thomas of Taunton, and Rachel White of Taunton, Nov. 22, 1795.
Timothy and Hannah Hall 5th of Raynham, int. July 6, 1751.
Timothy and Mary Bass of Brantrey, int. Feb. 14, 1766.
Timothy, Dr. [int. Jr., omits Dr.], and Anna Morey, Oct. 20, 1778.
Timothy and Louisa Clapp of Petersham, int. May 17, 1828.
Welthy of Taunton, and James Leonard Jr., int. Sept. 5, 1818.
Asahel of Mansfield, and Abigail Frances of Mansfield, Mar. 22, 1818.
Cyrus of Bridgwarter [int. Bridgwater], and Ruth Makepeace 2d, Aug. 9, 1801.
Ebenezar Jr. of Raynham, and Chloe Lincoln, int. Oct. 13, 1821.
Ebenezer Jr. [int. Ebeneazer, omits Jr.] of Raynham, and Sophia Lincoln, Dec. 11, 1817.
Jane T. of Sidney, Me., and George W. Freeman, int. Sept. 5, 1835.
Joseph and Nancy Parlow of Rochester, int. Apr. 22, 1832.
Nancy of Mansfield, and Jasiah L. Newcomb, int. Apr. 29, 1841.
Orrin of Raynham, and Sarah Dean, Dec. 14, 1823.
Philip of Taunton, and Mary Shaw of Taunton, Aug. 6, 1826.
Isaac and Diner Richmon of Rehoboth, int. Apr. 10, 1794.
Samuel [int. "ales Walle"] "a negro man of Capt Thomas Cobb of Taunton," and Abinoh [int. Alinah], "a negro woman belonging to George Leonard Esq." Dec. 5, 1745.
Consider A. of Stoughton, and Sarah Tisdale, int. Nov. 22, 1826.
Elijah of Canton [int. Conton] and Sally Clapp, Mar. 31, 1812.
SPROUGHT (see Sprout)
Hannah [int. Sproat], Mrs., and Pentacoast Walcutt [int. Pentacost Walcut] of Attleborough, May 21, 1809.
SPROUT (see Sprought)
Zebedee of Middleborough, and Hannah Walker, int. Mar. 23, 1771.
STACEY (see Stacy, Stasey)
Charles Church and Scukey [int. Sukey] Woodward, Mar. 12, 1815.
Clarrissa D. of Taunton, and David F. Goff, int. Mar. 7, 1846.
Lemuel Jr. of Taunton, and Mrs. Sophia Heredon, int. Aug. 9, 1815.
STACY (see Stacey, Stasey)
Amos [int. Stacey] of Taunton, and Abigal [int. Naby] Burt, Apr. 8, 1790.
David Jr. [int. omits Jr.] of Taunton, and Rhoda Eddy, Apr. 21, 1763.
Lacy and Ebenezer Burt Jr., Nov. 19, 1789.
Harriot F. and Benjamin W. Burt of Taunton, int. Sept. 18, 1844.
STANDLAY (see Standley, Standly, Stanlay, Stanley)
Dilla and John Hall 3d, int. Apr. 1, 1803.
STANDLEY (see Standlay, Standly, Stanlay, Stanley)
Benjamin D. and Harriot E. Chivers, May 6, 1841.
John of Attleboro, and Juliet Marsh, int. Aug. 5, 1797.
Jonathon [int. Jonathan] J. and Amity Lincoln, Mar. 29, 1842.
Nancy and Silas Hall, Mar. 25, 1794.
STANDLY (see Standlay, Standley, Stanlay, Stanley)
William Jr. of Attlebortrough, and Mary Stone, int. Feb. 1, 1786.
STANLAY (see Standlay, Standley, Standly, Stanley)
Otis and Nancy Danforth of Taunton, int. June 10, 1810.
STANLEY (see Standlay, Standley, Standly, Stanlay)
Abby A., 20, d. Benjamin and Phebe, and C. Warren Lane, 23, house carpenter, s. Calvin and Margaret, Oct. 8, 1846.
Benjamin and Phebe Jones of Willington, June 4, 1815.
Mindwell of Attleborough, and Nathaniel Claflen Jr., int. Dec. 21, 1800.
Phebe M. and James O. Messenger, May 26, 1836.
Sally and Jason Wiswall [int. Wiswell], Oct. 29, 1807.
Serel of Attleborough, and Lona Atherton, int. Dec. 9, 1819.
Timothy P. of Attleborough, and Britannia [int. Brittannia] M. Makepeace, Jan. 1, 1826.
Harriot B. of Taunton, and Samuel A. Newcomb, int. Dec. 30, 1843.
Samuel of Taunton, and Hannah Braman, Nov. 2, 1775.
Andrew of Atelborrough [int. Attleboro], and Sibell [int. Sybil] Fisher, May 4, 1749.
Augustus A. of Attleborough, and Mary Ann Sweet, int. Apr. 20, 1844.
STASEY (see Stacey, Stacy)
Betsy [? Storey] of Taunton, and Joseph Howard of Taunton, Oct. 7, 1829.
STEARNS (see Sterns)
Elizabeth of Franklin, and Nathaniel J. Wheeler, int. Feb. 16, 1844.
Thomas W. [int. Stebbins of Brookline, Vt.] and Harriot C. Blondin, Mar. 30, 1841.
Ebeneazer, Capt., of Cambridge, and Polley Braman, int. Mar. 2, 1817.
STEPHEN (see Stevens)
John and Alma Willis of Taunton, int. June 11, 1743.
Marcey [int. Marcy] and Jonathan Linkon Jr. [int. omits Jr.], Feb. 19, 1745-6.
Samuel of Brantrey, and Lydia Veasey, Oct. 12, 1732.
Samuel and Amme Whittford of Rehoboth, int. Dec. 10, 1780.
Seth and Abigail Hide, int. Aug. 17, 1753.
STERNS (see Stearns)
Nathan of Wrentham, and Mercy White, int. Jan. 22, 1762.
STEVENS (see Stephens)
Abigail of Marshfield, and Joseph Linkon, int. Apr. 7, 1749.
Judah and Obediah Willis of Taunton, int. [Mar.] 9 [17748-9].
Caleb of Boston, and Nabby Morton of Boston, Aug. 29, 1798.
John J. of Providence, R.I., and Abigail M. [int. Morton] Clark, Oct. 23, 1828.
Mary Jones of Hopkinton, and Rev. Pitt Clerk, int. Sept. 20, 1812.
Anna and Enoch Hunt of Attleborough int. July 18, 1778.
Anna and Isaac Haredon [int. Heredon], Mar. 10, 1796.
Hannah and Thomas Shaw, Apr. 8, 1736.
Hannah 2d and Moses Copland, Sept. 25, 1766.
Hannah and Benjamin Kingsley of Providence, int. Jan. 26, 1800.
Hannah and Samuel Bassett of Taunton, Apr. 6, 1808.
Isaac and Chloe Morey, Dec. 4, 1794.
Larnard and Mrs. Roxey Harris of Attleborough, int. May 6, 1848.
Lydia and Jeremiah Bassett Jr. of Taunton, Nov. 22, 1809.
Mary and William Standly Jr. of Attleborerough, int. Feb. 1, 1786.
Mason and Abigail M. Pattin, Sept. 13, 1825.
Mason, Col., and Mary K. Holman of Attleborough, int. May 3, 1845.
Mehithobel and Epharim Lane, Sept. 21, 1738.
Nathaniel and Sarah Woodward, Feb. 19, 1746-7.
Nathaniel and Content Daws, Jan 25, 1759.
Nathaniel and Elisabeth Tucker, Feb. 8, 1769.
Nathaniel Jr. and Rebekah Woodward of Taunton, int. July 18, 1778.
Nathaniel and Jane Ames of Boston, int. Aug. 23, 1807.
Nathaniel Jr. and Chloe Cobb of Mansfield, int. May 13, 1815.
Sarah and Benjamin Pierson of Mortlone, Aug. 19, 1741.
Sarah and Zephaniah [int. Zaphaniah] Bishop of Attleborough, Aug. 6, 1765.
Sybil and Ambrose Woodward Jr. of Taunton, Sept. 7, 1806.
William Jr. and Hannah Briggs, Aug. 26, 1756.
William Jr. and Hannah Tolman of Stoughton, Aug. 17, 1769, in Stoughton.
George W. and Adelia M. Wrigley, int. May 2, 1846.
Thomas and Elizebeth White of Taunton, Nov. 7, 1727.
STOREY (see Story)
Anna and Tisdale Briggs of Berkley, int. Oct. 25, 1812.
Betsy and Daniel White Jr., Jan. 13, 1809.
Betsy (see Betsy Stasey).
Catharine M. and Loomas J. Wheelock, Mar. 25, 1834.
Elijah and Sarah Philips [int. Phillips] of Easton, Aug. 29, 1784, in Easton.
Eliza B. and Simeon A. Dean, May 16, 1836.
Elizabeth [int. Eilzebeth] 2d and Rufus Skinner of Mansfield, Feb. 5, 1800.
Enos and Molley Woodcock of Easton, int. May 4, 1795.
Enos and Sally Norton, int. Sept. 29, 1800.
Mary and Benjamin Gashet of Raynham, int. Apr. 23, 1756.
Molley [int. Mollay] and Joseph Fuller, ---- [int. Oct. 31, 1802].
Sarah and Otis Drake of Easton [int. Eastown], Dec. 22, 1791.
Sophia and Elijah White, Apr. 15, 1813.
Thomas and Sarah Cambel, int. Jan. 5, 1754.
Thomas and Judith White of Mansfield, Nov. 27, 1772.
Thomas [int. Jr.] and Susannah [int. Suza] Cole, ---- [int. Oct. 29, 1780.]
Thomas Jr. and Anna Drake of Easton [int. Eastown], Aug. 22, 1793, in Easton.
Thomas Jr. and Betsay Sturdefant, int. Nov. 22, 1812.
Wilder P. and Julia Ann Paull of Taunton, int. July 2, 1831.
William [int. Story] and Betty Campbell, ---- [int. Oct. 15, 178o.]
STORY (see Storey)
Mary and Joseph Matthews "a transient person," int. Mar. 6, 1767. "publishing was forbid By the select of Norton in Writing."
Mary and David White, June 20, 1768.
Abijah and Rhoda Packard of Bridgewater, Oct. 17, 1771, in Bridgewater.
Richard of Foxborough, and Eliza Ann Swetlaud, Jan. 9, 1833.
Woodbridge, Dr., of Boston, and Eliza F. Wheaton, June 27, 1826.
STURDEFANT (see Sturtevant)
Betsay and Thomas Storey jr., int. Nov. 22, 1812.
STURTEVANT (see Sturdefant)
Francis of N. Providence. and Mrs. Sally W. Kingman, Dec. 20, 1824.
SULLAD (see Sullard)
Peter and Bethiah Adams of Tanton, July 4, 1735.
SULLARD (see Sullad)
Walley [int. Walle Sulled] of Easton, and Bethiah [int. Bythiah] Jones, Mar. 29, 1759.
Charles C. of Foxborough, and Clarrissa L. Lone [Lane], int. Oct. 25, 1845.
Elizabeth [int. Elisebeth Swon] and Ezra Skinner [int. Ezrah Skiner], Jan. 8, 1724, in Medford.
SWEATING (see Sweeting)
Hannah [int. Sweeting] and Solomon Wetherel, Oct. 30, 1765.
Zbiah and Job Gilbert of Warwick, Aug. 19, 1769.
Alanson of Attleborough, and Betsay S. Richmond, int. June 28, 1812.
Alanson and Lydia Blanchard, July 4, 1836.
Benjamin and Lydia C. Blake of Mansfield, int. Sept. 1, 1826.
Cyriel S. of Attleborough, and Mary Ann Richmond, Feb. 9, 1842.
Elizabeth [int. adds A.] and Earl C. White, Apr. 25, 1841.
Eunice and Isaac Harden [int. Hardon] Jr. of Walpole, Oct. 22, 1815.
Eunice, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 76, and [int. adds Dea.] Lysander Makepeace, widr. [int. omits widr.], 76, farmer, Apr. 18, 1847.
George M. and Sarah W. Andros, July 18, 1839.
Gideon of Attleborough, and Sarah Smith, Mar. 19, 1807.
Henrietta and Jarvis Smith of Danvers, int. Apr. 3, 1824.
Hezekiah Jr., 25 y. 6 m., mechanic, of Taunton, s. Hezekiah of Attleborough, and Lydia W. Shaw, d. John and Polly, int. Sept. 14, 1849.
James M. and Sophia J. Hunt, Dec. 22, 1835.
Jane M. and Samuel Crawford Esq. of Mineral Point, Wis., int. July 16, 1849.
Joseph D. and Abba [int. Abby] Ann Hodges, Nov. 22, 1836.
Lidea (see Sarah).
Mary Ann and Augustus A. Starkey of Attleborough, int. Apr. 20, 1844.
Michael Jr. and Mary S. Westcoatt of Providence, int. Feb. 5, 1810.
Newton and Clarissa Walker, Dec. 31, 1816.
Oliver and Mary Morey, Dec. 20, 1802.
Otis Jr. of Mansfield, and Betsey Hale of Mansfield, Jan. 25, 1839, in Mansfield.
Phebe and Asa Danforth, May 21, 1826.
Polley of Attleborough, and Zopher Skinner, int. Apr. 7, 1817.
Rebecca [int. Rebeccah] P., 28, d. Alanson and Betsey, and Samuel H. Lane, 34, farmer, s. Allen and Elizabeth, Oct. 21, 1847.
Sally 2d [int. omits 2d] of Mansfield, and Asa Newcomb, Apr. 6, 1790, in Mansfield.
Sarah of Attleboro' [int. Lidea of Atelberrough], and William Lane, Oct. 12, 1748.
Sarah K. [int. H.] and Horatio Bates, Sept. 26, 1838, in Attleborough.
Sarah L. and Benjamin C. Wetherell, Apr. 9, 1838.
Sarah T. and David C. Bates, May 30, 1826.
Thomas and Sarah Lane, Dec. 3, 1818.
William, 55, farmer, s. Michael dec'd. and Phebe, and Lydia Walker, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 47, b. Berkley, d. Nathaniel Hathaway and Anna of Berkley, Apr. 15, 1847.
William J. and Mary A. Wrigley, int. Mar. 9, 1844.
SWEETING (see Sweating)
Lewis and Abiah Cobb, Nov. 21, 1744.
Lucy and Spencer Pratt of Mansfield, int. Mar. 23, 1771.
SWEETLAND (see Swetland, Swettland)
Edwin, farmer, s. Rufus, and Philinda Davis, Nov. 28, 1844.
SWETLAND (see Sweetland, Swettland)
Eliza Ann and Richard Stratton of Foxborough, Jan. 9, 1833.
SWETTLAND (see Sweetland, Swetland)
Seth of Berkley, and Hannah Babbit, int. Dec. 24, 1754. [This entry erased]
Betsy B. and Wilks Derry, int. Apr. 15, 1826.
Hannah D. and Luther B. Crapo of Rochester, int. Apr. 9, 1826.
Jacob of Diton, and Johamah Pratt, int. Oct. 21, 1721.
Sarah of Bilireca and Noah Wiswall Jr., int. Sept. 19, 1778.
TAYLOR (see Taylor)
James of Newport, and Abigail Hodges 2d, int. Mar. 5, 1781.
TAYLOR (see Tayler)
Isaac and Elizebeth [int. Elisabeth] Phillips, Feb. 23, 1785.
Miriam (see Marrianne Perry).
THARE (see Thayer, Thayes)
Christophar of Brantry, and Mary Morse, Sept. 29, 1735.
Sarah of Brantrey, and Seth Dorman, Aug. 13, 1715.
Sarah of Boston, and George Leonard 3d, int. Aug. 28, 1765.
THAYER (see Thare, Thayes)
Abiather Jr. of Attleborough, and Phebe Richmond, int. Aug. 19, 1820.
Abner of Taunton, and Lydia Abel, int. Apr. 9, 1807.
Avis of Braintree, and William Clarke, July 30, 1771, in Braintree.
Azariah of Taunton, and Welthey Linkon, int. Apr. 22, 1758.
Basheba [int. Barsheba] and Joshua Bassett, July 26, 1790.
Bethiah and Samuel Waters [int. Samuel Woters], Aug. 31, 1723.
Christopher and Bathsheba Skiner, int. Nov. 29, 1754.
Davis, Capt. [int. omits Capt.], of Franklin, and Betcy [int. Betsey] Makepeace, Nov. 26, 1812.
Elisha and Anne Grover, Jan. 12, 1763.
Elizabeth and Joseph Gile of Attleborough, int. Feb. 2, 1775.
Hannah and Alven Bassett, int. Mar. 17, 1792.
John and Rachell Skinner, int. Aug. 28, 1750.
John of Taunton, and Patience Knap, Dec. 4, 1756.
Jonathan of Taunton, and Huldah Wetherel, int. Nov. 2, 1770.
Lydia of Taunton, and John Newland, int. Aug. 11, 1782.
Mary of [torn]field, and [torn] Shaw, int. [torn] 5, 1770.
Mary 2d of Taunton, and Nathan Dean Jr., int. Nov. 5, 1785.
Mary F. of Mansfield, and John D. Mason of Pembroke, Jan. 1, 1834.
Nancy and Daniel Elles of Easton, int. Oct. 16, 1803.
Peter of Braintree, and Anna Porter, June 1, 1732.
Rebeccak H. of Taunton, and Laban Arnold, int. Jan. 14, 1831.
Sarah and Stephen Grover, Nov. 28, 1738.
Sarah of Taunton, and Plyna Dean, int. Dec. 17, 1791.
Simeon Jr. of Brantree [int. 2d of Brantre], and Olive Braman, Apr. 8, 1779.
Swaine and Salley Drake, int. Jan. 16, 1818.
William of Taunton, and Susanna Lincoln [int. 2d], Feb. 5, 1789.
THAYES (see Thare, Thayer)
Hannah of Easton, and Samuel Fisher, May 15, 1729, in Easton.
Nathaniel Esq. of Plymouth, and Mrs. Anna Leonard, Sept. 3, 1730.
THOMPSON (see Thomson)
Prutia and Daniel White of Mansfield, int. Oct. 31, 1817.
THOMSON (see Thompson)
William [int. adds Dr.] and Sarah Smith, Sept. 29, 1793.
Rachel of Dedham, and Benjamin Force, Dec. 15, 1712, in Dedham.
Mehitable W. and Jason T. L. Makepeace, int. Oct. 7, 1847.
Moses of Easton, and Betcy [int. Betsy] Wetherell, Mar. 11, 1824.
TIFFANEY (see Tiffany, Tiffeney, Tiffeny, Tipheney)
Daniel 3d of Attleborough, and Miriam Hodges 2d, Apr. 17, 1760.
Gedeon, Dr. [int. omits Dr.], of Attleborough, and Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] Sarah Farror, Feb. 8, 1759.
Mercy and Ephraim Grover 3d, Nov. 15, 1764.
William and Miriam Ingraham [int. Ingram] of Stoughtonham, Oct. 5, 1766.
TIFFANY (see Tiffany, Tiffeney, Tiffeny, Tipheney)
Elizebeth [int. Elezabeth] and Joel Tiffany of Brimfield, Jan. 17, 1782.
Joel of Brimfield, and Elizabeth [int. Elezabeth] Tiffany, Jan. 17, 1782.
Samuel [int. Jr.] of Attleborough, and Hannah Bolkcom [int. Balcom 2d], June 2, 1769.
TIFFENEY (see Tiffaney, Tiffany, Tiffeny, Tipheney)
Benjamin and Abigail Grover, Dec. 16, 1755.
James of Attleborough, and Kezia Tiffeney, Nov. 15, 1753.
Kezia and James Tiffeney of Attleborough, Nov. 15, 1753.
Marcy and John Caswell Jr, Nov. 10, 1737.
Noah and Martha Grover, Apr. 23, 1741.
William and Marcy Braman, Mar. 4, 1741-2.
TIFFENY (see Tiffaney, Tiffany, Tiffeney, Tipheney)
Elizabeth [int. Tifeny] and Edward Paine, June 24, 1746.
Hannah [int. Tifeny] and Timothy Skinner, Nov. 6, 1748.
William [dup. Tiffeney, int. Tiffany] and Miriam Wethrell [dup. and int. Meriam Witherell], Mar. 1, 1750.
Harriot of Exeter, R.I., and Joseph Allen, int. Feb. 21, 1835.
Hannah of Atelborrough, and Elkanah Lane, June 10, 1742.
Ebenezer [dup. and int. Jr.], moulder, b. Middleborough, and Adeline Arnold, 34, d. Lemuel, Apr. 10, 1843.
Lazarus and Esther Leonard of Foxburrough, int. Sept. 16, 1810.
Ruben and Jemime Blake of Wrentham, int. Mar. 1, 1818.
TIPHENEY (see Tiffaney, Tiffany, Tiffeney, Tiffeny)
Martha and Benjamin Day Jr. of Attleborough, int. Feb. 3, 1753.
Mary of Waymouth, and James Filebrown, int. Dec. 19, 1765.
TISDAL (see Tisdale)
Esther and Philip Allen of Attleborough, int. Dec. 19, 1779.
John and Hannah White 2d of Rainham, int. Apr. 9, 1780.
TISDALE (see Tisdal)
Beeke [int. Becke] and Joseph Godfrey of Easton, Sept. 30, 1762.
Elijah of Easton and Marrianne Perry [int. Miriam Terry] of Freetown, May 13, 1759, in Freetown.
George of Taunton, and Rany [int. Raney] Hodges, July 10, 1783.
James of Taunton, and Abigail [int. Abigail] Freeman, Oct. 22, 1794.
Job Jr. of Taunton, and Hannah Hodges, int. Sept. 26, 1784.
John of Easton, and Abigail White, int. Oct. 25, 1807.
John of Foxborough, and Lurana Makepeace, int. Dec. 16, 1842.
Mahala of Taunton, and Jacob Shepard Jr., int. Dec. 16, 1813.
Margrit and Samuell Fallit, Dec. 20, 1733.
Mehitable and Jarves [int. Jarvis] Hodges, Dec. 3, 1821.
Molly and Jonathan Pratt Jr. of Easton, int. Mar. 6, 1786.
Rhoda and James Bliss 3d of Rehoboth, int. Dec. 17, 1820.
Ruben and Rachel Crane, int. Dec. 31, 1780.
Sarah and Jonathan Smith, int. May 23, 1784.
Sarah and Consider A. Southworth of Stoughton, int. Nov. 22, 1826.
Seth Jr. and Abia Hoskins of Taunton, int. June 8, 1770.
Seth of Taunton, and Silence Hall, int. Jan. 23, 1803.
Seth of Easton, and Zlipha [int. Zilpah] Macomber, Feb. 28, 1813.
TITUS (see Tytus)
Anne and Elijah Morse of Walpole, int. Mar. 27, 1761.
Cordelia E. and Harrison Crossman, Apr. 6, 1842.
Ebenezer and Mehetabel Knap, Mar. 20, 1764.
Harriet and Don Ferdinand Lane, int. Mar. 23, 1834.
Joseph and Content Walker of Mansfield, Jan. 7, 1802.
Joseph, widr. [int. omits widr.], 72, farmer, s. Ebenezer and Mehetable, and Lydia Wetherell, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 67, d. Joseph Hunt and Eunice, Nov. 22, 1846.
Lettis [int. Lettice] and James Freemand [int. Freeman] Jr., May 5, 1811.
Levi and Joanna Harridon [int. Johannah Harradon], July 20, 1769.
Marcy and John Whiting, June 18, 1795.
Marcy [int. Mercy] Rich and Samuel Copeland Jr., Nov. 3, 1811.
Mary of Rehoboth [int. Rehoboth], and Moses Wares [int. Ware], Sept. 18, 1746, in Rehoboth.
Mary Ann and Charles Lane, Jan. 16, 1825.
Mehittable [int. Mehitable] 2d and Moses Rand of Wrentham, Dec. 1, 1805.
Mercy, wid. [int. omits wid.], and Joseph Philips, Sept. 12, 1754.
Mercy (see Marcy).
Nancy and George Walker, Jan. 20, 1803.
Oliver S. and Angelina Lane, Oct. 12, 1828.
Polly and George Walker, June 22, 1806.
Sally [int. Sarah] and Joshua Fairbanks [int. Farbanks] of Wrentham, July 17, 1796.
Samuel and Hannah Beswick [int. Bezwick] of Stoughton, Jan. 16, 1756.
Sarah and Ephraim Drake of Easton, Aug. 9, 1757, in Easton.
Silas and Mercy Hodges, Dec. 22, 1741.
Silvester and Nancy Draper of Attleborough, int. Aug. 14, 1797.
