Vital Records Of Norton, Bristol Co., Ma
To The Year 1850
Published By The New England Historic Genealogical Society,
At The Charge Of The Eddy Town-Record Fund.
Boston, Mass., 1906
Marriages - JACKSON to PETTIS
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Elizabeth and William Harlow Jr. of Plymouth, Jan. 13, 1797.
Hannah of Atelborough and Jonathan White 2d, int. Nov. 8 [?] 1743.
Hannah of Attleborough, and Luke Little of Attleborough, May 23, 1751.
Levitt [int. Levet] Taylor of Brunswick, Me. [int. Brunswik, omits Me.], and Betsy [int. Betsey] Hall, June 22, 1820.
Patty and Wheaton Wheeler, int. Oct. 21, 1815.
Samuel of Attleborough, Bristol Co., and Freelove Eddy, May 15, 1810, in Providence, R.I.
Sarah of Attleborough [int. Attleborow], and Daniel Hunt, June 30, 1757, in Attleborough.
Susannah and John White 2d, July 13, 1758.
Jedidiah and Sarah Hall, int. Nov. 19, 1797.
Rachel [int. Johnnot] of Worcester, and Limos [int. Lymas] Leonard, Feb. 6, 1789, in Worcester.
Adam and Sarah Hodges, Oct. 14, 1773.
Bethiah [int. Bythiah] and Walley Sullard [int. Walle Sulled] of Easton, Mar. 29, 1759.
Ebenezer of Rainham, and Mary Finey, 2d, int. June 13, 1747.
Elezebeth and William Codington, int. Nov. 4, 1721.
Elizabeth "late of Raynham" [int. Elizebeth 2d of Rainham], and John Finney Jr., Aug. 2, 1751.
Elizebeth and William Clerk, int. Apr. 7, 1745.
Elizebeth and Robert Tucker Jr., Sept. 1, 1748.
John and Hopestell Francklin, int. Mar. 28, 1724.
Joseph of Easton [dup. Eastton], and Marcy Oewen of Easton [dup. Eastton], July 24, 1741.
Levina of Taunton, and Daniel Leonard, int. Feb. 12, 1791.
Lidia of Rayham, and Abijah Finney, int. [Apr.] 26 [1749].
Martha of Raynharn, and George B. Crane, int. Jan. 5, 1849.
Mary and John Cobb Jr., int. Nov. 4, 1721.
Mary (Jomes) of Rainham, and Shubell Cambell, int. Aug. 20, 1748.
Mercy of Taunton, and John Newland, int. June 3, 1768. "the publishing forbid by the above named John Newland July the 2d 1768."
Patty of Rayham, and Barnard Dean, int. Nov. 5, 1809.
Phebe of Willington, and Benjamin Stanley, June 4, 1815.
Rebecah and Robart Tucker, Feb. 18, 1724-5.
Rebecca [int. Becca] of Hopkinton, and Rev. [int. omits Rev.] Pitt Clark, Feb. 1, 1798, in Hopkinton.
Sarah of Tanton, and Josiah Pratt, Nov. 22, 1716.
Joseph [int. Keech] of Glocester, and Judeth [int. Judith] Tucker, Nov. 17, 1757.
KEITH (see Kieth, Kith)
Abigail and Samuel Bolkcom, int. Feb. 19, 1797.
Amos and Stella Hall of Raynham, int. Mar. 4, 1819.
Amos and Abigail Comey of Foxborough, int. Apr. 23, 1845.
Anna 2d and Joel Wilbor of Foxborough, Dec. 22, 1796.
Benjamin of Easton, and Betsay Godfray of Easton, May 30, 1799.
Jerusha of Easton, and Elias Quiggle of Mansfield, May 13, 1804.
John of Easton, and Hannah Briggs, May 28, 1766, in Easton.
Josiah of Easton, and Hannah Wetherell, Sept. 11, 1775, in Easton.
Nehemiah [int. Keth] of Easton, and Mary Eddy, Nov. 27, 1777.
Patty of Easton, and Jones Godfray Jr., int. July 12, 1807.
Phebe of Easton, and Daniel [int. Daniell] White, Sept. 3, 1746.
Semanthe of Prescott, and Lemuel B. Perry, int. June 13. 1840.
Seth of Easton, and Anne Williams, Jan. 12, 1773.
William and Rhoda [int. Rhody] Lothrop, Nov. 13, 1834.
KELLY (see Killey)
James of Easton, and Sabrina Chapman, int. July 26, 1835.
Zeno and Dulcebella W. Cobb, May 3, 1838.
Zeno, widr. [int. omits widr.], merchant, and Julia Ann Braman, 24, d. Sylvanas B. (Bramen), Apr. 2, 1845.
KELTON (see Kilton)
Eliza E. of Ringe, N.H., and John L. Shaw, int. June 16, 1849.
KIETE (see Keith, Kith)
Ansel and Betcy Andrews, Nov. 30, 1816.
Arza and Marcia Kingman of Bridgwarter, int. May 1, 1814.
Benjamin of Easton, and Elisabeth Williams of Easton, May 7, 1761.
KILLEY (see Kelly)
John and Eunice Lincoln, int. Feb. 25, 1771.
Stephen of Yarmouth, and Lydia Garey, Mar. 1, 1770.
Rhoda [int. Rhodia] of Taunton, and Oliver Mesinger [int. Messenger], Jan. 21, 1817, in Taunton.
Sarah of Taunton, and Allen Derry, int. Oct. 3, 1807.
Stephen of Taunton, and Celinda Eddy, int. Aug. 29, 1840.
KILBER (see Cimber)
Abiah and Jonathan Hunt, Feb. 2, 1758.
Benjamin and Peggey Bower of Summerset, int. July 28, 1805.
Calvin and Salley [int. Sally] Tucker. Nov. 23, 1789.
Dauphin [int. Dauphen], Capt., and Harriot A. Raymond. Oct. 2, 1825.
Dauphin, Capt., and Hannah Cornelia Dean Allen of Pembroke, int. June 14, 1840.
Emely and Marcus S. Carpenter of Foxborough, int. Feb. 25, 1846.
George M. and Prudence A. White, int. June 23, 1839.
Hannah and David Clap, Aug. 18, 1767.
Hezekiah and Jerusha Ware of Wrentham, July 11, 1734.
Jerusha and Jonathan Day of Wrentham, Apr. 5, 1742.
John Jr. and Abigail Morey, int. Apr. 15, 1757.
John and Rachel White, Aug. 28, 1766.
John Jr. and Ruth Bassett, Mar. 31, 1795.
John of Greenfield, N.Y., and Mrs. Rhoda Lathrop, Nov. 25, 1813.
Joseph and Betsy Abel, int. Mar. 28, 1802.
Josiah and Ruth Basset, Jan. 7, 1762.
Josiah Jr. and Meriam Cobb [int. 2d], May 29, 1787.
Josiah [int. adds Capt.] and Elizebeth Morey, Dec. 15, 1789.
Margaret [int. Margret] and John Prior, Mar. 31, 1791, in Mansfield.
Margret [int. 2d] and Jeremiah Fisher of Dighton, May 22, 1760.
Margret, Mrs., and Dea. Samuel Dean, Oct. 22, 1761.
Mary and Jedediah Caswell, July 11, 1726.
Nehemiah and Abiah Hodges, Dec. 26, 1738.
Peggy [int. Peggey] Bowers and George Leonard 2d, Sept. 26, 1805.
Phillip [int. Phillip] Jr. and Polly Hodges 2d, Aug. 29, 1802.
Rhoby [int. Roba] and Terry [int. Terra] Crane, Oct. 30, 1803.
Ruth [int. 2d] and Timothy Hodges Jr. of Taunton, Oct. 24, 1786.
Sarah and Nicholas White, May 1, 1728.
Sarah, wid., and Dea. Ebenezer Hovey of Weymouth, Nov. 13, 1735, Weymouth.
KINGMAN (see Kingmon)
Abel of N. Bridgewater [int. N. Bridgwater], and Mrs. Fanny Perry, Dec. 11, 1828.
Edward of Easton, and Sarah Newcomb [int. 2d], Apr. 29, 1766, in Easton.
Edward and Polly Knowles of Dighton, int. July 7, 1787.
Edward A., 28, carriage manufacturer, of Mansfield, b. Mansfield, s. Henry and Nancy of Mansfield, and Harriot Hodges, 27, school teacher, d. Elisha, Apr. 7, 1846.
Henry of Mansfield, and Nancy Carpenter, Dec. 8, 1814.
Henry W. of Mansfield, and Susanna H. Lincoln, int. Dec. 31, 1842.
Hiram A. of Mansfield, and Lydia W. Knowles, int. Oct. 17, 1835.
Marcia of Bridgwarter, and Arza Kieth, int. May 1, 1814.
Nathan of Bridgwarter, and Chloe Smith, Dec. 19, 1785.
Salle of Easton, and Daniel Briggs, int. Sept. 8, 1787.
Sally W., Mrs., and Francis Sturtevant [int. of N. Providence], Dec. 20, 1824.
Sarah and John Wild of Taunton, int. Apr. 21, 1782.
KINGMON (see Kingman)
Hosea [int. Kingman] and Sally Hodges, Jan. 12, 1809.
Willard of Franklin, and Nancy Makepeace, Oct. 5, 1815.
KINGSLEY (see Kinsley)
Benjamin of Providence, and Hannah Stone, int. Jan. 26, 1800.
Mason (Kinglsey) of Bristol, and Betsay Miller, int. Apr. 28, 1805.
KINSLEY (see Kingsley)
Lurana of Easton [int. Kingsley of Eastown], and Gershom [int. Garshum] Godfrey, Nov. 29, 1792, in Easton.
KITH (see Keith, Kieth)
Hannah and William Carpenter Jr., int. Feb. 20, 1779.
KNAP (see Knapp)
Abiel and Keziah Cheeney [int. Kezia Cheney 2d], Jan. 9, 1766.
Anna and Laban Smith, Dec. 20, 1792.
Bethiah and David Hodges, Sept. 9, 1762.
Daniel and Mary Field, Nov. 27, 1766.
Ebenezer of Taunton, and Elizabeth Cobb, July 25, 1728.
James of Labanon, and Sarah Cobb, int. July 19, 1754.
John and Jane Foster of Attleborough, Nov. 28, 1765.
Jonathan and Mebetibel Tucker, Feb. 19, 1734-5.
Jonathan Jr. and Mercy Cook, Mar. 13, 1760.
Mary and John Philips of Taunton, int. Mar. 11, 1763.
Mary and Peletiah Day, Apr. 17, 1766.
Masa and Lucy Briggs, int. Mar. 8, 1788.
Mehetabel and Ebenezer Titus, Mar. 20, 1764.
Molley [int. Molly] and William Lane, Feb. 3, 1791.
Patience and John Thayer of Taunton, Dec. 4, 1756.
Samuel and Rachel Grover, Jan. 17, 1769.
KNAPP (see Knap)
Abiather and Hannah Woodward of Taunton, June 4, 1809.
Charles and Hannah Brown Wiswell [int. Wisewell], Mar. 20, 1807.
Charles F. and Rachel Pond of Franklin, int. Apr. 6, 1828.
Hannah and Oliver Hunt, Sept. 11, 1799.
Harriot P. [int. Knap] and Hiram Drake of Easton, Nov. 29, 1838.
Joseph [int. Knap] and Susan [int. Susannah] Packard of Bridgewater [int. Bridgwater], Aug. 28, 1760, in Bridgewater.
Lucy and Thomas Allen of Canton, June 3, 1804.
Peddy and Moses Hunt, Dec. 1, 1808.
Sumner and Phebe Patten, Mar. 15, 1825.
Eliza R. and Lemuel Brow of Andover, June 16, 1841.
Asa and Lucy Smith, Nov. 30, 1796.
Betsy [dup. Knowls] and Richard [int. Richad) Newcomb, Sept. 15, 1797.
David and Fidelia Danforth, Oct. 9, 1832.
Elbridge G. and Elizabeth Drake of Sharon, int. Oct. 20, 1837.
Henry and Nancy Knowles, Jan. 20, 1822.
Lydia W. and Hiram A. Kingman of Mansfield, int. Oct. 17, 1835.
Nancy and Henry Knowles, Jan. 20, 1822.
Polly of Dighton, and Edward Kingman, int. July 7, 1787.
William and Almira Griffin [int. Giffin], May 6, 1827.
Sarah [int. Lebaron], Mrs., and John White Jr. [int. omits Jr.] of Haverhill [int. Haverel], Nov. 10, 1761.
David of Coventry, R.I., and Betsey M. Makepeace, int. Oct. 26, 1828.
LAMBERT (see Lamburd)
Susanna [int. Susannah Lambard, and Abiather Shaw, Dec. 21, 1780.
LAMBERT (see Lambert)
Lydia and Lamech Blanding, int. Oct. 22, 1780.
Abiel and Stisannnh Lane, Apr. 9, 1761.
Albert and Elmira Godfrey, int. Oct. 18, 1834.
Allen and Elizabeth Hunt, Apr. 14, 1804.
Allen D. and Rebecca C. Braman, Apr. 17, 1839.
Allen D. and Lucy M. Pidge, int. Apr. 15, 1849.
Angelina and Oliver S. Titus, Oct. 12, 1828.
Anne and William Bassett [int. Basset] 3d, Nov. 8, 1770.
Asaph and Perthene Willard, Dec. 4, 1755.
Augustus, 30, farmer, s. Allen and Elizabeth, and Mary A. Hodges, 24, d. Williams and Avis, June 27, 1849.
Benjamin and Jane Whitman of Easton, int. Sept. 4, 1758. "and his Publishing was forbid September 1758 By the select men of the town of Norton from under Their hands in Writing."
Betsy [int. Betsey] and Leonad Wilmoth [int. Larnard Wilmouth] of Attleborough, Apr. 9, 1795.
Betsy and Elbridge G. Hunt, Jan. 4, 1824.
C. Warren, 23, house carpenter, s. Calvin and Margaret, and Abby A. Stanley, 20, d. Benjamin and Phebe, Oct. 8, 1846.
Calvin and Margaret [int. Margarett] Dudley, Dec. 5, 1822.
Charles and Mary Ann Titus, Jan. 16, 1825.
Charles D. and Fanny H. Crossman, June 16, 1847.
Chloe 2d and Leonard Hodges Jr., Nov. 24, 1825.
Clarrissa L. (Lone) and Charles C. Sumner of Foxborough, int. Oct. 25, 1845.
Cordelia E. and Caleb S. Wetherell, Nov. 7, 1842.
Daniel and Eunice Danforth, Nov. 12, 1794.
Daniel Jr. and Mrs. Hannah [int. adds S.] Edson, May 1, 1826.
Daniel 3d and Ann E. Pidge of Dighton, int. Mar. 11, 1849.
David and Luranah Hodges 2d [int. omits 2d], Jan. 20, 1803.
David C. and Abiah Wilde of Taunton, int. Oct. 9, 1829.
Don Ferdinand and Harriet Titus, int. Mar. 23, 1834.
Ebenezer and Bethiah Shaw, Jan. 1, 1735-6.
Elijah and Hannah Wilmouth of Attleboro, int. Aug. 13, 1796.
Elizabeth C. and Nathaniel B. Hall of Raynham, Apr. 15, 1841.
Elizebeth and Elezer Fisher, May 13, 1726.
Elkanah Jr. and Easther Dinsmore 2d of Attleborough, int. Feb. 27, 1768.
Elkenah and Hannah Tingley of Atelborrough, June 10, 1742.
Emily A. and Stephen D. Read [int. Reed], Mar. 25, 1838.
Epharim and Mehithobel Stone, Sept. 21, 1738.
Ephraim and Patience [int. Perthene] Willard of Newton [int. Newtown], Dec. 7, 1752, in Newton.
Ephraim 3d and Elizabeth [int. Elisabeth] Copland, Feb. 9, 1764.
Ephraim [int. 1st] and Hannah Lawrence [int. Lawrance] of Wrentham, May 15, 1765, in Wrentham.
Ephraim and Lamyra A. Chace of Taunton, int. Sept. 7, 1834.
Fanny [int. fanney] and Nathan Dean Jr., Oct. 9, 1815.
Gardner and Amelia Carver, Apr. 5, 1840, in Mansfield.
George and Chloe Allen of Mansfield, int. Oct. 17, 1813.
Hannah and Timothy Bishop of Attleborough, Mar. 5, 1767, in Attleborough.
Harriot and Earl Hodges, Apr. 22, 1831.
Harrison, 33, operator in cotton manufactery, s. Daniel, and Mary Augusta Babbett [int. Babbitt], b. Taunton, d. Mary, Sept. 1, 1844.
Isaac and Miriam [int. Meriarn] Hodges, Apr. 14, 1796.
Jerusha. H. and Carlos Freeman of W. Bridgwater [int. W. Bridgewater], Oct. 23, 1837.
Johanah and Phinehas Grover, Feb. 11, 1741-2.
Joseph Jr. of Mansfield, and Margaret Raymond, Sept. 21, 1815.
Justus of Taunton, and Eliza Field of Taunton, Jan. 29, 1828.
Lavinia and James W. [int. Waterman] Perry of Lebanon, Conn., Jan. 30, 1826.
Levi and Penelope [int. Penilipe] Smith, Apr. 13, 1755.
Luce and Cyriel Carpentor of Attleborough, int. Oct. 19, 1765.
Lurana W. and Newton S. Hodges of Taunton, Oct. 1, 1829.
Luranah, Mrs., and Capt. Samuel Hunt, June 16, 1824.
Mehitable [int. Mehetible] and Maj. Isaac White of Mansfield, Feb. 6, 1783.
Melatiah and Jonathan Woodcock of Attelborouh, Oct. 11, 1728.
Meriam [int. 2d] and Enos Dean of Savoy, Nov. 13, 1821.
Nathaniel and Rebecca [int. Rebekah] Cobb, Nov. 8, 1764.
Pathene [int. Pethene] and William Wetherbe of Attleborough, Sept. 22, 1763.
Polley [int. Polly] and Briant [int. Bryant] Hall, Jan. 3, 1788.
Ruth and John Pratt of Attelburough, Sept. 24, 1741.
Samuel and Elizabeth ---- [int. Cook], Nov. 21, 1751.
Samuel H., 34, farmer, s. Allen and Elizabeth, and Rebecca [int. Rebeccah] P. Sweet, 28, d. Alanson and Betsey, Oct. 21, 1847.
Sarah and Benjamin Silley, Dec. 11, 1718.
Sarah and Thomas Sweet, Dec. 3, 1818.
Seth and Hannah Skinner, June 28, 1750.
Simeon H. and Zilpha H. Short of Taunton, int. May 4, 1830.
Susannah and Abiel Lane, Apr. 9, 1761.
William and Sarah [int. Lidea] Sweet of Attleboro [int. Atelberrough], Oct. 12, 1748.
William and Molley [int. Molly] Knap, Feb. 3, 1791.
William Jr. and Betsy Wild of Taunton, int. Jan. 23, 1823.
William S. and Emmy Eddy, Apr. 20, 1834.
Alfred [int. Langley] of Hawley, and Julia M. Read, Jan. 18, 1842.
LATHROP (see Lothrap, Lathrop)
Mardy, S. [int. Lothrop] of Mansfield, and Thomas Braman 3d, May 19, 1833.
Rhoda and John King of Greenfield, N.Y., Nov. 25, 1813.
Soloman and Fanny Chace of Freetown, int. June 8, 1816.
LAURANCE (see Lawrance, Lawrence)
Sarah and John Salsbery of Providence, Dec. 8, 1730.
LAWRANCE (see Laurance, Lawrence)
Jonathan Jr. [int. Lawrence, omits Jr.] and Lucey [int. Lucy] Ware, Feb. 2, 1748 [Sic, int. Dec. 31, 1748].
LAWRENCE (see Laurance, Lawrance)
Hannah [int. Lawrance] of Wrentham, and Ephraim Lane [int. 1st.] May 15, 1765, in Wrentham.
James and Mrs. Sophia Heradon [int. Heridon], May 24, 1818.
James H. and Clarrassa Barrows of Attleborough, int. Oct. 29, 1843.
Hellen W. and Moses K. Arndros [int. Andrews] of Mansfield, Nov. 30, 1848.
Job of Mansfield, and Patience Eldridge of Mansfield, Mar. 30, 1834.
Martin of Easton, and Sylvia Powers, int. Sept. 13, 1801.
LEAVITT (see Levvit)
LE BARON (see Labaron)
Bridget of Taunton, and James Gilson [?], int. June 28, 1849.
Nathan B. and Ann T. Hall, Mar. 30, 1837, in Taunton.
LENORD (see Leonard)
Jacob of Tanton, and Mary Wild, Oct. 13, 1737.
LEONARD (see Lenord)
Abial [int. Abiell] and Abigail [int. Abigail] Elliot, Dec. 4, 1745.
Ahigaill and Worham Williams, May 23, 1728.
Abner 2d of Taunton, and Caroline Crane, int. Apr. 19, 1839.
Anna, Mrs., and Nathaniel Thomas Esq. of Plymouth, Sept. 3, 1730.
Anna [int. adds Mrs.] and Gardner [int. Col. Gardniner] Chandler Esq. [int. omits Esq.] of Worcester, Aug. 2, 1767.
Betcy and David Godfrey, int. Mar. 28, 1818.
Cromwell and Belinda [int Belindia] Copeland of Mansfield, June 15, 1815.
Cromwell, Hon., and Harriet Morse of E. Cambridge, int. June 2, 1849.
Daniel and Mrs. Anne White of Taunton, int. Jan. 3, 1767.
Daniel and Levina Jones of Taunton, int. Feb. 12, 1791.
Daniel of Taunton, and Hannah Smith of Taunton, June 7, 1818.
Daniel and Ruth H. Leonard, int. Dec. 7, 1823.
Deborah and George White of Easton, int. Feb. 18, 1810.
Dinah W. and Stillman Field, June 6, 1824.
Elenor [int. Eleonar] and Aruna Smith, Jan. 20, 1791.
Elijah H. of Easton, and Louisa C. H. Leonard, May 1, 1842.
Ephraim Esq., Capt., and Mrs. Judith Perkins of Norwich, May 28, 1739, in "Newent in Norwich."
Ephraim Esq. and Mrs. Miletiah Ware of Wrentham, int. June 28, 1745.
Ephraim [int. adds Col.] and [int. adds Mrs.] Abigail Williams of Easton, Mar. 18, 1760, in Easton.
Esther of Foxburough, and Lazarus Tinkham, int. Sept. 16, 1810.
Eunic of Easton, and Alpheus Drake of Easton, Dec. 9, 1792.
Eunice and Walter Webb, int. Feb. 12, 1834.
Fidelia (see Fidelia Downing).
Gamaliel of Raynham, and Anna Wetherell, int. Sept. 15, 1782.
George and Rachell Clap of Siteuate, int. Sept. 8, 1721.
George Jr. Esq. [int. Maj., omits Jr. Esq.] and Mrs. Experience White of Taunton, Nov. 27, 1759.
George 3d and Sarah Thatcher of Boston, int. Aug. 28, 1765.
George 2d and Peggy [int. Peggey] Bowers King, Sept. 26, 1805.
George and Ruth Leonard of Easton, Apr. 3, 1833.
George R. and Patience E. Lincoln, Oct. 3, 1837.
Hannah 2d of Taunton, and John Eddy, int. July 1, 1796.
Harriot of Taunton, and John Hall Jr., int. June 13, 1821.
Harriot C. and Horace M. Leonard, int. May 2, 1843.
Hathaway and Polly B. [int. omits B.] Wetherell, Sept. 9, 1824.
Horace M. and Harriot C. Leonard, int. May 2, 1843.
Ichabod Jr. of Taunton, and Phebe Andrews, Mar. 13, 1804.
Ira A. of Taunton, and Loura [Laura] Ann Elliot, int. Oct. 31, 1840.
Jacob and Rhoda Wheeler of Rehoboth [int. Whealler of Rebobath], Dec. 8, 1763, in Rehoboth.
James Jr. and Welthy Smith of Taunton, int. Sept. 5, 1818.
James and Rachel Briggs of Raynham, Oct. 10, 1836, in Taunton.
Jane of Rainham, and James Chamberlin of Rainham, Sept. 30, 1792.
Jerusha of Tanten, and Nicholas Smith, Jan. 21, 1724-5.
Jonathan and Eleanor Cambell [int. Ellaner Cambel], Feb. 17, 1763.
Jonathan and Rebecca [int. Rebeka] Smith [int. 2d] of Rehoboth [int. Rehoboth], July 13, 1769, in Rehoboth.
Limos [int. Lymas] and Rachel Johns [int. Johnnot] of Worcester, Feb. 6, 1789, in Worcester.
Louisa C. H. and Elijah H. Leonard of Easton, May 1, 1842.
Louisa B. and Henry D. Evans of Easton, int. Mar. 18, 1845.
Lucinda of Taunton, and Capt. Lyman Eddy. int. June 6, 1827.
Luin [int. Luen] C. and Eunice H. Wetherell, Apr. 26, 1841.
Lydia and Eddy Lincoln, June 15, 1834.
Lydia B. of Taunton, and James Lincoln of Taunton, Apr. 3, 1831.
Marcy, Mrs., and Thomas Clap of Taunton, Sept. 9, 1731.
Margret, Mrs., and Robert [int. Robbert] Luscomb Esq. of Taunton, Aug. 23, 1769.
Maria of Raynham, and Calvin Wilkbore, int. Nov. 9, 1815.
Martha M., 30, d. Cromwell and Beinda, and Royal P. Hodges, 28, carpenter, s. Leonard dec'd and Hannah, Sept. 9, 1846.
Mary and Seth Clerk, Sept. 5, 1744.
Mary of Easton, and Nathan White, Feb. 15, 1759.
Mary 3d of Taunton, and Nehemiah Linkon, int. Oct. 27, 1764.
Mary of Raynham, and Sumner W. Lincoln, int. Feb. 4, 1837.
Mehittable of Taunton, and Andrew Hodges, int. Mar. 2, 1752.
Mercy (see Marcy).
Mercy M. and Rathbun Field, int. May 13, 1841.
Molly [int. Mollay] of Foxborough, and John Hall, Mar. 31, 1803.
Nancy and John Morgan, int. Feb. 13, 1824.
Nathaniel and Nancy Chamberlain, Nov. 11, 1821.
Peddy and Hon. Jabez Bowen [int. Esq.] of Providence, May 21, 1801.
Peddy of Taunton, and Simeon Woodward, int. Apr. 29, 1818.
Phebe, Mrs., and Joseph Reynalds of Bristol, Aug. 26, 1718.
Polley of Taunton, and George Makepeace, int. Aug. 9, 1817.
Polly of Taunton, and George Washington Morey, Apr. 7, 1803.
Polly and Levi Babbit, Dec. 29, 1803.
Polly and Jacob Smith of Sharon, Apr. 15, 1805.
Prisilla, Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.], and Dr. [int. omits Dr.] William McKinstrey [int. McKinstry] of Taunton, Nov. 27, 1760.
Rachel 2d [int. omits 2d], Mrs., and Rev. David Barns of Scituate, Aug. 5, 1756.
Rebecca of Taunton, and Field Smith of Taunton, Aug. 15, 1803.
Rebecca and Simeon Skinner of Mansfield, int. Oct. 23, 1825.
Rebecca and Gineason Lincoln, Mar. 22, 1831.
Ruth 2d of Taunton, and Ezra Eddy, int. Jan. 18, 1784.
Ruth and Timothy Lincoln, Dec. 3, 1821.
Ruth of Easton, and George Leonard, Apr. 3, 1833.
Ruth H. and Daniel Leonard, int. Dec. 7, 1823.
Sally L. of Taunton, and Daniel F. Guello, int. July 2, 1836.
Sarah and Seth Fisher, Dec. 30, 1736.
Sarah and Asa Smith, int. Mar. 3, 1782.
Sephrona A. and Sylvester R. Woodward of Taunton, int. Nov. 6, 1845.
Silveste [int. Sylvester] of Taunton, and Sally Makepec [int. Makepeace], Dec. 7, 1794.
Susan and Ephraim Wilber Jr., int. Oct. 13, 1811.
Susanna of Taunton, and Edward Maddin, int. Jan. 1, 1795.
Thomas [int. Leonad] of Easton, and Mary [int. Mery] 2d, Oct. 18, 1798.
William and Abigail Wetherel, Apr. 1, 1718.
William of Taunton, and Dinah Burt 2d, Dec. 9, 1804.
Lewis Dr. [int. Dr. Lewes Le Prilete, dup. Leprelete, omits Dr.], and Deborah Allen, Mar. 16 [dup. Mar. 15], 1784.
Lousnizar [? Lonizar] L. of Mansfield, and Oren Wilbur Jr., int. Mar. 25, 1848.
Mary Ann of Nantucket, and William C. Childs of Nantucket, June 18, 1841, in Nantucket.
LINCOL (see Lincoln, Linken, Linkon)
Dina and Nathaniel Wetherel Jr., Aug. 4, 1737.
LINCOLN (see Lincol, Linken, Linkon)
Abial [int. Abiel] Jr. and Anna Smith, Dec. 10, 1795.
Abiather of Taunton, and Mary Bibbit, int. Aug. 24, 1783.
Abiel Jr. and Hannah Wetherel, Apr. 5, 1770.
Abiel Jr. and Lois [int. Lowes] Smith [int. of Wrentham], Jan. 22, 1778, in Franklin.
Abigail and Ephraim Tucker, Mar. 25, 1779.
Abigail and Abiezer Feild, int. May 16, 1784.
Abijah and Lydia White, Nov. 5, 1787, in Easton.
Abner and Zerviah [int. Zeuriah] Eddy 2d [int. omits 2d], Nov. 5, 1795.
Amasa and Betsey Liscomb of Taunton, int. Sept. 16, 1786.
Amasa of Rayenham, and Susan Wilbur of Rayenham, Dec. 7, 1841.
Ambros Jr. of Taunton, and Loas Smith, int. Jan. 26, 1783.
Amity of Taunton, and Isaac Woodward, int. Sept. 30, 1825.
Amity and Jonathon J. Standley, Mar. 29, 1842.
Annes A. and Nancy Arnold, int. May 18, 1826.
Apollos R. of Easton, and Lois R. Daggett, int. June 1, 1833.
Asa and Sarah Carpenter, June 7, 1774.
Benjamin 3d [int. Linkon] of Taunton, and Elisabeth White, May 17, 1764.
Benjamin 3d of Taunton, and Sophia Makepeace, June 15, 1817.
Benjamin and Dency Field, int. Nov. 7, 1833.
Betsey, Mrs., and Reuben Woodward, int. July 21, 1832.
Betsey, Mrs., and Michael Cunningham, int. July 26, 1835.
Betsey and Alonzo Daily, Dec. 1, 1836, in Taunton.
Betsey B. and Jason White of Easton, May 21, 1837.
Betsy [int. Betsay] and Daniel Austin of Taunton, July 29, 1807.
Betsy of Taunton, and Nathaniel Newcomb, int. Oct. 31, 1822.
Calvin and Ruth Lincoln, int. Nov. 29, 1817.
Charles L. and Maria Louisa Dyer, Sept. 3, 1841.
Charlotte [int. Charlottee] and Warren Wild of Walpole, Apr. 1, 1827.
Chloe and Ebenezar Snow Jr. of Raynham, int. Oct. 13, 1821.
Cynthia [int. 2d] and Daniel Shepard, Mar. 28, 1811.
David [int. Linkon] and Deborah Crossman [int. Crosman] of Easton, Nov. 1750, in Easton.
David 3d and Bethiah Dean of Taunton, int. May 23, 1800.
David and Abigail Makepiece [int. Makepeace], Oct. 6, 1805.
Deborah 2d and Assell Deane of Taunton, int. Feb. 13, 1780.
Ebnezer of Taunton, and Sarah Willis 2d, int. Mar. 21, 1802.
Eddy and Lydia Leonard, June 15, 1834.
Eleanor of Taunton, and Cornelius W. Lothrop of Taunton, Feb. 20, 1831.
Elighty S. of Taunton, and Otis Dean, int. Oct. 14, 1835.
Elijah and Patience Bates of Plymouth, int. Mar. 10, 1815.
Elijah D. and Phebe Presho of Raynham, int. Apr. 29, 1836.
Eliza and Oliver Cromwell Danforth, Sept. 27, 1818.
Elkanah Jr. and Susannah Torre of Taunton, int. May 25, 1768.
Eunice and John Killey, int. Feb. 25, 1771.
Ezekiel of Taunton, and Mercy Woodward, June 6, 1776.
Fanny and Josiah Hunt, Apr. 7, 1803.
Gineason and Rebecca Leonard, Mar. 22, 1831.
Hannah of Taunton, and Levi White, int. Nov. 2, 1765.
Hannah and Lt. [int. omits Lt.] John Burt of Taunton, Nov. 26, 1778.
Hannah of Taunton, and Lyman Eddy, int. Jan. 17, 1824.
Hannah J. and Ambros M. Woodward of Taunton, int. Aug. 5, 1846.
Harrison T. and Almira Round of Rehoboth, int. Oct. 11, 1848.
Horatio of Taunton, and Lucendia L. Field of Taunton, Apr. 6, 1823.
James of Taunton, and Lydia B. Leonard of Taunton, Apr. 3, 1831.
Jesse and Olive Field of Taunton, int. Oct. 29, 1809.
John and Lydia Babbet [int. Babbitt], June 16, 1842.
Jonathan and Caroline P. Aldrich of Taunton, int. June 22, 1839.
Laban and Susanna Lincoln of Taunton, int. Mar. 15, 1817.
Levi and Sintha [int. Cinthe] Franklin, May 26, 1785.
Lewis and Catharine [int. Catherine] H. Alger of W. Bridgewater, Oct. 11, 1840.
Lucinda, 27, tayleress, Laban and Susanna, and Benjamin Harvey, school teacher and farmer, of Taunton, b. Taunton, s. David of Taunton, Mar. 17, 1846.
Lucy and Samuel Lincoln of Taunton, int. Apr. 3, 1808.
Lucy and Asa Williams Jr., Jan. 13, 1833.
Lurana and Josiah Woodward Jr., Dec. 2, 1822.
Luther and Rachel Macomber [int. 2d] of Taunton, Feb. 9, 1792, 111 Berkley.
Lydia 2d and Ebenezer Wetherel, July 30, 1765.
Marcey 2d of Taunton, and James Andrews, int. Apr. 19, 1801.
Mary of Cohasset, and Solomon Briggs, Feb. 7, 1763, in Cohasset.
Mary A. and William Davis, May 1, 1837, in Taunton.
Mary Jane and Joseph Adoms, int. Sept. 28, 1844.
Matilda M. and Samuel Cone of Holley, N.Y., int. May 26, 1824.
Mercy (see Marcy).
Minor [int. Miner] Sprague of Boston, and Elizabeth [int. Elezebeth] Wheaton, May 17, 1818.
Molle of Taunton, and Ezra Godfrey, int. Mar. 30, 1764.
Molly and Bezaleel Shaw, int. June 26, 1786.
Nadebiah Jr. and Deborah Wilbore of Taunton, int. July 5, 1807.
Nancy and Samuel Hunt Jr. of Providence, int. Oct. 19, 1824.
Nancy, d. Simeon, and Isaac Drew, widr. [int. omits widr.], boot maker, of Easton, Aug. 24, 1845.
Olive, Mrs., and Elkanah Wood, int. May 13, 1818.
Otis, 30, mechanic, s. Timothy of Sutton, and Phebe A. Crane, b. Taunton, d. John and Caroline of Taunton, Oct. 26, 1845.
Patience E. and George R. Leonard, Oct. 3, 1837.
Phylenia [int. Phylena], Mrs., and Samuel Lincoln, Mar. 29, 1842.
Prudence of Taunton, and William Burt, Jan. 11, 1770.
Prudence of Wareham, and James Field, int. July 10, 1812.
Rachel of Taunton, and Daniel Phillips, int Nov. 10, 1782.
Rosana and James B. Horton, int. May 3, 1834.
Rufus and Barsheba Morey, Sept. 21, 1783.
Ruth and Calvin Lincoln, int. Nov. 29, 1817.
Ruth A. and Samuel W. Gulliver of Taunton, int. May 16, 1840.
Sally and Bethuel Field of Taunton, int. Mar. 23, 1799.
Samuel and Abigail Hodges, Apr. 28, 1774.
Samuel Jr. of Taunton, and Anna Woodward 3d, Mar. 9, 1800.
Samuel of Taunton, and Lucy Lincoln, int. Apr. 3, 1808.
Samuel and Mrs. Phylenia [int. Phylena] Lincoln, Mar. 29, 1842.
Samuel R. and Sally Godfrey of Easton, int. Feb. 25, 1826.
Sarah 2d and Soloman [int. Solomon] Wetherel, Apr. 27, 1769.
Selah and David Field, int. Nov. 4, 1797.
Silas W. and Mary V. Hathaway of Fallriver, int. Sept. 20, 1838.
Silas W. and Susan A. Bassett of Easton, int. Nov. 1, 1845.
Silence and John Field of Taunton, int. Jan. 16, 1779.
Simeon and Nancy Robinson of Taunton, June 22, 1791.
Simeon Jr. and Abigail Shaw of Middleborough, int. Nov. 23, 1816.
Solmon and Hannah Smith of Taunton, int. June 24, 1804.
Sophia and Ebenezer [int. Ebeneazer] Snow Jr. [int. omits Jr.] of Raynham, Dec. 11, 1817.
Stillman and Elsa D. Ripley, int. July 3, 1839.
Sumner W. and Mary Leonard of Raynham, int. Feb. 4, 1837.
Susanna [int. 2d] and William Thayer of Taunton, Feb. 5, 1789.
Susanna of Taunton, and Laban Lincoln, int. Mar. 15, 1817.
Susanna H. and Henry W. Kingman of Mansfield, int. Dec. 31, 1842.
Thomas of Taunton, and Easther Newland 2d, int. Oct. 24, 1784.
Thrina of Taunton, and Henry W. Adams, May 26, 1834.
Timothy and Abigail Godfrey of Taunton, int. Feb. 12, 1809.
Timothy of Taunton, and Delight Clapp of Taunton, Feb. 6, 1820.
Timothy and Ruth Leonard, Dec. 3, 1821.
Woodward of Taunton, and Susanna Woodward, int. Aug. 19, 1824.
LINDSY (see Linsey)
Hannah of Danvers [int. Linsy of Danves], and Daniel Galusha, Dec. 28, 1768, in Danvers.
LINKEN (see Lincol, Lincoln, Linkon)
Joseph Jr. [int. Lincoln] and Rebecah [int. Rebecca] Hunt, Aug. 27, 1730.
LINKON (see Lincol, Lincoln, Linken)
Abiell and Sarah Fisher, Nov. 12, 1747.
Dinah and Simeon White of Taunton, Apr. 26, 1730.
Hephzebah and Jonathan Barney of Taunton, int. Oct. 27, 1763.
John Jr. of Easton, and Meriam [int. Miriam] Caswell, Aug. 15, 1754.
John and Ruth Blanchard, int. Mar. 27, 1736. "The Banes forbidden by Stephen Blanchard."
Jonathan Jr. and Marcey [int. Marcy] Stephens. Feb. 19. 1745-6.
Joseph and Abigail Stevens of Marshfield, int. Apr. 7, 1749.
Lidea of Tanton, and Ephraim Citell of Jamestowne, Dec. 23, 1728.
Molley of Hingam, and Solomon Briggs, int. Nov. 20, 1762.
Nehemiah and Mary Leonard 3d of Taunton, int. Oct. 27, 1764.
Welthey and Azariah Thayer of Taunton, int. Apr. 22, 1758.
LINSEY (see Lindsy)
Molle and Isaac Tucker of Berkley, int. Apr. 17, 1767.
LISCOMB (see Luscomb)
Betsey of Taunton, and Amasa Lincoln, int. Sept. 16, 1786.
Remember of Situate [int. Remembrance of Scituate], and Solomon Briggs, Dec. 15, 1760, in Situate.
Luke of Attleborough, and Hannah Jackson of Attleborough, May 23, 1751.
Meriah and Jack Foster of Bridgewater, int. Nov. 18, 1775.
LOMBARD (see Lambert, Lamburd)
LONGLEY (see Langley)
LOTEROP (see Lathrop, Lothrap)
Susanna and Kingman Cook of Bridgwater, int. May 10, 1834.
LOTHROP (see Lathrop. Lothrap)
Bezar of Bridgwater and Vesta Cobb of Mansfield, May 3, 1820.
Calvin of Boston, and Betsy [int. Betsey] Clapp, May 14, 1807.
Cornelia W., 20, d. Solomon, and Alvin D. Wilbur [int. Wilber], of Raynham, b. Raynham, s. ----, of Raynham, May 4, 1845.
Cornelius W. of Taunton, and Eleanor Lincoln of Taunton, Feb. 20, 1831.
Edmund Jr. of Easton, and Rhoda Bishop, int. Dec. 27, 1801.
Eliza R. and Franklin Haskins of Middlelborough, int. July 16, 1838.
Louisa and Rev. Horace Seaver of Bloomfield, Conn., Mar. 3, 1840.
Rhoda [int. Rhody] and Williams Keith, Nov. 13, 1834.
David of Mansfield, and Keziah White, Nov. 15, 1772, in Mansfield.
Lois of Mansfield, and Adam Howard, int. Dec. 12, 1813.
LUMBARD (see Lambert, Lamburd)
LUSCOMB (see Liscomb)
Robert [int. Robbert] Esq. of Taunton, and Mrs. Margret Leonard, Aug. 23, 1769.
Nancy A., labourer, d. ---- of Raynham, and James L. Adams, labourer, b. Taunton, s. Edward and Hannah, July 13, 1845.
Sarah of Rehobath, and Joshua Briggs of Rehobath, Nov. 6, 1735.
Catharine and Francis Donahue, int. Sept. 10, 1845.
Janes and Margaret Harrigan, int. Nov. 13, 1846.
Caleb of Woodstock, and Elisabeth Hodges 2d [int. omits 2d], Apr. 28, 1756.
Sarah [int. Salley Mabrey] and Bela [int. Meleah] Woodcock of Easton [int. Eastown], Aug. 25, 1791, in Easton.
John "trancent parson," and Ann Boyce, Jan. 29, 1735-6.
MACOMBER (see Macombor)
Ard [sic] of Middleborough, and Wealthy Eddy, June 1, 1807.
Ezra and Welthy Hodges 2d, Dec. 27, 1792.
Job of Taunton, and Hannah Woodward, int. July 1, 1758.
Josiah and Phebe Tripp of Willington, int. Aug. 21, 1820.
Matilda of Taunton, and Terry Crone [Crane], int. Jan. 24, 1802.
Matthew of Taunton, and Sarah Woodward, int. Jan. 21, 1769.
Polly [int. Polley] and Washborn Braman, Dec. 31, 1818.
Prudence (see Rhoda).
Rachel [int. 2d] of Taunton, and Luther Lincoln, Feb. 9, 1792, in Berkley.
Rhoda, "Should have Been Called prudence Macomber published Rhoda through mestake," of Mddleborough, and Barnard Dean, int. Mar. 17, 1816.
Weltha and Caleb E. [int. Ephriam] Perry of Ardeborough, June 5, 1816.
Zilpha [int. Zilpah] and Seth Tisdale of Easton, Feb. 28, 1813.
MACOMBOR (see Macomber)
Linday of Taunton, and Joseph Drayton, int. July 8, 1810.
Charlotte of Nantucket, and Samuel B. Hussey of Fall River, June 22, 1841, int. Nantucket.
Edward and Susanna Leonard of Taunton, int. Jan. 1, 1795.
MAHONEY (see Mehoney)
MAKEPEAC (see Makepeace, Makepeas, Makepease, Makepec, Makepeice, Make Peice, Makepiece)
Lysander and Sarah Wild [int. 2d], Sept. 11, 1794.
Salley [int. Makepeace] of Rainham, and Derius Drake, Mar. 10, 1792 [sic, int. Nov. 17, 1792].
MAKEPEACE (see Makepeac, Makepeas, Makepease, Makepec, Makepeice, Make Peice, Makepiece)
Abigail and John Patten, Feb. 5, 1755.
Abigail and Elisha Capron [int. of Attleborough]. Jan. 29, 1761.
Alanson and Deborah Walker of Franklin, int. July 13, 1806.
Alanson Jr. and Jane P. Gilson of Tyngsborough, int. May 1, 1836.
Alvan and Elizabeth Tucker, Aug. 18, 1822.
Anna (Bakepeace) [dup. Makepeas] and Benjamin Braman, Mar. 26, 1777.
Betcy [int. Betsey] and Capt. Davis [int. Davice, omits Capt.] Thayer of Franklin, Nov. 26, 1812.
Betsey M. and David Lacy of Coventry, R.I., int. Oct. 26, 1828.
Britannia [int. Brittannia] M. and Timothy P. Stanley of Attleborough, Jan. 1, 1826.
Calistia [int. Calista] and Daniel Briggs Jr., Apr. 22, 1821.
David W. and Abigail S. White of Mansfield, int. Sept. 28, 1841.
Eunice [int. Unice] and George Shepard [int. Sheepard], Sept. 6, 1781.
Eunice and Nathaniel C. Towle, M.D., June 2, 1831. [Dr. Nathaniel Carter Towle, G.R.4.]
Experienc [int. Experieanc] (Makepeace) and David Burt, Nov. 7, 1793.
Fanny and John Arnold Jr., int. Nov. 14, 1821.
George and Sarah Person 2d, May 12, 1757.
George and Polley Leonard of Taunton, int. Aug. 9, 1817.
Hannah and William Wetherel, June 7, 1764.
Hannah and Israel [int. Isreal] Trow [int. Jr.], May 28, 1788, in Mansfield.
Irena C. and John Q. A. Reed of Taunton, int. Aug. 31, 1844.
Isaac and Anna Hodges, July 28, 1785.
Jason T. L. and Mehitable W. Thurber, int. Oct. 7, 1847.
Lucinda and Rev. Silas Hall of Abington, Nov. 28, 1832.
Lurana and John Tisdale of Foxborough, int. Dec. 16, 1842.
Lysander, widr. [int. adds Dea., omits widr.], 76, farmer, and Eunice Sweet, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 76, Apr. 18, 1847.
Lysander O. and Esther E. Dunhom [int. Dunham] of Attleborough, May 23, 1838, in Attleborough.
Mary [int. 2d] and George Wetherel, Dec. 11, 1754.
Mehitable and Isaac Bassett, Aug. 20, 1778.
Nancy and Willard Kingsbury of Franklin, Oct. 5, 1815.
Nancy and David French of Berkley [int. Berkly], Feb. 19, 1822.
Nancy M. and Benjamin Williams Jr., June 6, 1842.
Peter and Hephzibah Hart, int. Dec. 3, 1753.
Peter and Abigail Morey, int. Apr. 10, 1756.
Polly and John Clap, May 10, 1785.
Polly [int. Polley] and Allen Boyden Tucker, Oct. 17, 1819.
Ruth 2d and Cyrus Snow of Bridgwarter [int. Bridgwater], Aug. 9, 1801.
Sarah 2d and Lt. Lemuel Perry, Nov. 23, 1817.
Sarah Ann and George White Jr., int. May 6, 1837.
Sophia and Benjamin Lincoln 3d of Taunton, June 15, 1817.
William and Anne Cobb 2d, Sept. 8, 1757.
William and Deborah Briggs, Feb. 17, 1773.
William and Ruth Hunt, Dec. 8, 1774
MAKEPEAS (see Makepeac, Makepeace, Makepease, Makepec, Makepeice, Make Pelee, Makepiece)
David [int. Makepeac] and Silvay [int. Lucilva] Bishop of Attleborough, Aug. 24, 1797.
MAKEPEASE (see Makepeac, Makepeace, Makepeas, Makepec, Makepeice, Make Peice, Makepiece)
Seth and Marey Ware, June 21, 1732.
MAKEPEC (see Makepeac, Makepeace, Makepeas, Makepease, Makepeice, Make Peice, Makepiece)
Sally [int. Makepeace] and Silveste [int. Sylvester] Leonard of Taunton, Dec. 7, 1794.
MAKEPEICE (see Makepeac, Makepeace, Makepec, Make Peice, Makepeice.)
Don P. [int. Makepeace] [widr.], 44, farmer, s. David and Silvy, and Elizabeth Dean, 32, d. John and Elizabeth, May 17, 1848.
Lidea of Tanton, and Simeon Wethrell, int. Oct. 1, 1723.
MAKE PEICE (see Makepeac, Makepeace, Makepeas, Makepease, Makepec, Makepeice, Makepiece)
Willaim [int. Makepeice] and Experience [int. Experance] Aldrich, Jan. 14, 1724-5.
MAKEPIECE (see Makepeac, Makepeace, Makepeas, Makepease, Makepec, Makepeice, Make Peice)
Abigail [int. Makepeace] and David Lincoln, Oct. 6, 1805.
Amasa [int. Makepeas] and Betcy [int. Betsy] Babbit, May 18, 1800.
Elijah of Wrentham, and Jemima Skinner, Oct. 7, 1735.
Mary of Wrentham, and Jacob Newland [int. Jr.], Oct. 30, 1765.
William and Rhoda Drake, int. Aug. 3, 1828.
Lidea and William Hayard [int. Howard], Jan. 11, 1723-4.
Rebeckah and John Whitman, "both of the Esten of Taunton north purchase," int. Feb. 25, 1712-13.
MANN (see Man)
Juliet and John Standley of Attleboro, int. Aug. 5, 1797.
MARSHAL (see Marshall)
Mehittable of Hopkinton, and Samuel Danforth, int. Feb. 7, 1808.
MARSHALL (see Marshal)
Mary of Framingham, and Thomas Danforth 2d, int. Mar. 5, 1804.
Daniel and Fanny [int. Fanna] Freeman, May 26, 1805.
John of Bristoll, and Experiance Rew, Feb. 9, 1726-7.
John [int. Marten] and Sarah Fuller, Nov. 30, 1758.
John Jr. and Rachel Cobb, Feb. 24, 1785.
Salley and Nathaniel Freeman, int. Aug. 8, 1802.
Sarah of Attleborough, and Lewis Derry, int. July 26, 1751.
Sarah B. of Attleborough, and Alcott Hardin, int. Apr. 14, 1844.
William and Ursla [int. Ursley] Samson, Nov. 28, 1782.
Susannah and Mical May, June 21, 1721.
Abigaile of Taunton, and Ephraim Whiting of Wrentham, June 23, 1731.
John D. of Pembroke, and Mary F. Thayer of Mansfield, Jan. 1, 1834.
MATHEWS (see Matthews)
David and Elenor Bourn [int. Barn], Oct. 11, 1781, in Attleborough.
MATTHEWS (see Mathews)
Joseph "a transient person," and Mary Story, int. Mar. 6, 1767. "publishing was forbid By the select of Norton in Writing."
Mary of Bridgewater of Bridgwater, and Nathaniel Wetherell [int. Wetherell, Oct. 9, 1775 [sic, int. Sept. 18, 1755], in Bridgewater.
Mical and Susannah Marvel, June 21, 1721.
Molly (see Molly Morey)
McCAFFERY (see Coffe)
John M. and Eliza V. Robertson of Roxbury, int, Jan. 15, 1849.
John and Lydia White, int. May 7, 1780.
Eleanor and Lewis Derry, int. July 16, 1749.
William, Dr. [int. McKinstry, omits Dr.], of Taunton, and Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] Prisilla Leonard, Nov. 27, 1760.
Salley of Bridgwater, and Asahel Dean, int. Dec. 30, 1797.
MERREY (see Merry)
Lydia and Elijah White, int. Mar. 18, 1769.
MERRY (see Merrey)
Marcy and John Woodberry, Nov. 10, 1729.
Sarah and John Braman, int. Mar. 23, 1793.
William and Sarah Smith of Taunton, int. Jan. 31, 1747-8. "feb 9th 1747-8 the select men of norton fer Bid these being Published."
MESINGER (see Messenger)
Oliver [dup. Messenger, int. Mesenger] of Wrentham [dup. and int. Wrentham], and Patience [dup. Patine] Miller, Apr. 7, 1803 [sic, int. Dec. 2, 1803].
Oliver [int. Messenger] and Rhoda [int. Rhodia] Kilton of Taunton, Jan. 21, 1817, in Taunton.
MESSENGER (see Mesinger)
Austin and Selina A. F. Alden, Dec. 26, 1840, in Mansfield.
James O. and Pbebe M. Stanley, May 26, 1836.
Louisa and Sumner Blanding, Sept. 26, 1831.
William and Jane Cope of Boston, int. Apr. 6, 1759.
Betsay and Mason Kinesey [Kingsley] of Bristol, int. Apr. 28, 1805.
Moses of Rehobath, and Judah Newcomb, int. Jan. 16, 1745-6].
Patience [dup. Patince] and Oliver Mesinger [dup. Messenger, int. Mesenger] of Wrentham [dup. and int. Wrentham], Apr. 7, 1803 [sic, int. Dec. 2, 1803].
Rebecca [int. Rebecah] and Peleg Wood of Bristol, May 21, 1802.
Robert of Rebobath, and Hannah Eddy, Mar. 7, 1725-6.
Ruhamah, wid., of Hopkinton [int. Amiruhamah Millen of Hopkinton], and Samuel Morey, June 22, 1774, in Hopkinton.
Samuel 2d of Rehobath, and Eunice Clark [int. Clerk], Mar. 30, 1770.
George and Hannah Finney, Feb. 9, 1758.
Sarah C. and John R. Holms [int. John K. Holmes] of Taunton, Aug. 21, 1842.
MOISE (see Mors, Morse)
Solomon [int. Mors] of Stoughton, and Abigail Blanchard [int. Abigaill Blancher], Nov. 30, 1747.
MONROE (see Monrow, Munro, Munroe)
Ann Frances and Nehemiah B. Pratt of Taunton, Oct. 27, 1841.
John L [int. John Linsay Munro] of Providence, and Polly Hodges, Sept. 15, 1806.
MONROW (see Monroe, Munro, Munroe)
Nathaniel of Providence, and Anna Hall, Mar. 29, 1786.
MOREY (see Mory)
Abigail and Peter Makepeace, int. Apr. 10, 1756.
Abigail and John King Jr., int. Apr. 15, 1757.
Amelia and Charles Rivera of Providence, int. May 15, 1808.
Anna and Dr. [int. omits Dr.] Timothy Smith [int. Jr.], Oct. 20, 1778.
Barsheba and Rufus Lincoln, Sept. 21, 1783.
Benjamin Jr. and Bethiah Shaw, Mar. 30, 1775.
Chloe and Isaac Stone, Dec. 4, 1794.
Daniel and Chloe Nelson Walker, Oct. 11, 1818.
Ebenezer and Lydia Copland, Mar. 31, 1774.
Elizebeth and [int. adds Capt.] Josiah King, Dec. 15, 1789.
Fanny [int. Fanny] and Laban Wheaten [int. Laben Wheaton] Esq., June 1, 1794.
George [int. Mory] Jr. and Mary Hodges [int. Hadges], Nov. 23, 1748.
George, Capt., and Mrs. Love Day of Providence, int. Nov. 1, 1765.
George, Rev., of Walpole, and Anna Palmer, June 22, 1784.
George Washington, and Polly Leonard of Taunton, Apr. 7, 1803.
Hannah and Nathan Hodges Jr., Nov. 7, 1751.
Isaac, Lt., and Lydia Morey, int. Feb. 20, 1780.
John and Abigail Fobes of Bridgewater [int. Bridgewarter], July 18, 1774 [sic, int. Apr. 6, 1776], in Bridgewater.
Lettice and Rev. Nathan Holman of Attleborough, int. Aug. 9, 1801.
Lydia and Lt. Isaac Morey, int. Feb. 20, 1780.
Mary and Samuel Newcomb, Apr. 13, 1758.
Maryand Levi Samson of Taunton, int. Oct. 15, 1768.
Maryand Joshua Cook, int. Sept. 23, 1769.
Mary and Oliver Sweet, Dec. 20, 1802.
Mehetabel [int. Mehetable] and Nathaniel White Jr. of Taunton, Aug. 5, 1762.
Molly [int. Molly May] and George Wiswall, Nov. 11, 1798.
Phylene and Abisha [int. Abishal] Smith, Nov. 10, 1785.
Samuel and Mary Hodges, May 3, 1750.
Samuel and Rukamah Miller, wid., of Hopkinton int. Amiruhamah Millen of Hopkinston], June 22, 1774, in Hopkinton.
Samuel, Dr., and Sarah Palmer 2d, Apr. 19, 1787. [d. Joseph and Sarah, G.R.2.]
Sarah and Elijah Hodges [int. Jr.] of Mansfield, Mav 4, 1779.
Sophia and Willard Babbit of Easton [int. Eastown], Apr. 13, 1815.
Sophia of Taunton, and Dr. Benjamin M. Round, int. May 26, 1849.
Thomas and Mehetobel Hodges, Dec. 21, 1732.
Thomas and Lydia White, Jan. 29, 1735-6.
Thomas and Ursula White, int. Nov. 21, 1748.
Thomas Jr. and Bathsheba Godfrey, Mar. 22, 1759.
William and Suckey Fobs of Bridgwater, int. June 11, 1780.
John and Nancy Leonard, int. Feb. 13, 1824.
MORS (see Morse, Morse)
Abigail and Jonathan Pratt of Tanton, July 25, 1728.
MORSE (see Moise, Mors)
Abigail [int. Abigaill Mors] and Jonathan Pollard of Taunton, June 10, 1747.
Elijah of Walpole, and Anne Titus, int. Mar. 27, 1761.
Harriet of E. Cambridge, and Hon. Cromwell Leonard, int. June 2, 1849.
Jacob of Stoughton, and Sarah Welman, May 25, 1769.
Joseph of Franklin, and Sally Smith, Oct. 12, 1820.
Mary and Christophar Thane of Brantry, Sept. 29, 1735.
Mary (see ---- Morse).
Sarah and Nemiah Fisher, Mar. 23, 1726-7.
---- [int. Mary] and Dea. [int. omits Dea.] Ebenezer Burt, ---- [int. Nov. 5, 1780].
Nabby of Boston, and Caleb Stimson of Boston, Aug. 29, 1798.
MORY (see Morey)
Elizebeth and George Wheeton [int. Wheeten], Oct. 4, 1750.
George and Elisebeth Hodges, int. Jan. 3, 1723.
George, Capt., and Margerett Wadsworth of Duxbery, int. June 22, 1749.
Mary of Attleborough, and James French of Attleborough, Sept. 29, 1811.
MUNRO (see Monroe, Monrow, Munroe)
Betsey [int. Betsa] and John Munro, Nov. 10, 1805.
John and Betsey [int. Betsa] Munro, Nov. 10, 1805.
MUNROE (see Monroe, Monrow, Munro)
Julia-ann [int. Julia Ann] and Chandler Hall, Apr. 2, 1815.
Laurana (Lauruna) of Canton, and David L. Carver, int. Apr. 17, 1842.
William, Rev., and Mrs., Sarah Reed of Midleborough, int. July 16, 1774.
William, Rev., and Mrs. Hannah Backus of Canterbury, int. Apr. 10, 1778.
NEULARD (see Newland, Nuland)
David [int. Newland] and Abigail Bobbit [int. Boblit] of Easton, ---- [int. [June] 27 [1744]].
Joseph of Easton, and Abigail Bobbit, Nov. 22, 1744.
Abigail 2d [int. omits 2d] and Asa Copeland, Sept. 3, 1801.
Abigail Walker and Abiather Wilbore [int. Wilbur] of Raynham, Feb. 22, 1818.
Anna and Dr. Nathan Babbit [int. Jr.], ---- [int. Mar. 14, 1779].
Annas and Abigail Babbit, int. May 15, 1783.
Asa and Sally Sweet 2d [int. omits 2d] of Mansfield, Apr. 6, 1790, in Mansfield.
Benjamin and Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] Mary Everet of Dedham, Nov. 24, 1743, in Dedham.
Betsey and David Godfrey, int. Oct. 3, 1846.
Betsey T. and William A. Hayward of Milford, int. Jan. 28, 1844.
Betsy and Rishard Feilds Jr. of Mansfield, int. Apr. 6, 1789.
Caroline and John Crane of Taunton, int. Mar. 27, 1817.
Charlotte, Mrs., and Peleg West of Easton, int. Sept. 22, 1837.
Deborah [int. Deberah] and Jonathan Hodges 1st [int. omits 1st], Mar. 20, 1745-6.
Gilford C. and Harriot B. Sanford of Mansfield, Oct. 3, 1837.
Hannah and Benjamin Rogers, Oct. 8, 1761.
James and Esther Dean of Taunton, int. Oct. 10, 1778.
Jasiah L. and Nancy Snow of Mansfield, int. Apr. 29, 1841.
John and Lydia Bassett 2d, Dec. 4, 1777.
John B. and Abby N. Copeland of Brewer, Me., int. Apr. 15, 1848.
Jonathan [dup. Nucamb 2d] and Marcy Everett [dup. Marcey Everit] of Dedham, May 3, 1737, in Dedham.
Jonathan Jr. and Elizabeth Copeland [int. Elisabeth Copland] 2d, Feb. 9, 1769.
Joseph and Judith [int. Judah] Pratt, Oct. 3, 1745.
Joseph and Abigail Walker of Dighton, Oct. ----, 1777. [sic, int. Dec. 5, 1778], in Dighton.
Josiah [int. Newland] and Esther int. Easther] Briggs of Easton, Feb. 16, 1758.
Josiah and Rebakah Godfrey 2d of Easton, int. Oct. 27, 1782.
Josiah Jr. and Nancy Cobb of Mansfield. Mar. 30, 1815.
Josiah and Charlotta [int. Charlotte] Forrist of Foxborough, Dec. 12, 1833.
Josiah L. (see Jasiah L.)
Josiah L. and Sarah A. C. Dane of Mansfield, int. Oct. 10, 1846.
Judah and Moses Miller of Rehobath, int. Jan. 16, 1745-6.
Judeth [int. Judah Nucomb] and Bliss Tolman of Stoughton [int. Stoughton], May 23, 1748.
Judith and John Ambross, int. Nov. [?], ---- [rec. between Nov. 8 [?] [1743] and Mar. 2, 1743-4].
Judith and Lt. Nathan Babbit, int. Nov. 8, 1782.
Lydia 2d and John Wild, Feb. 11, 1802.
Mary and Gideon Horton, Nov. 24, 1774.
Matilda (see Metilda).
Mehitable [dup. Mehetabul, int. Mehetable] and Elkanah Hall of Mansfield, Sept. 2, 1790 [dup. 1789] [int. Mar. 29, 1789].
Mercy 2d [int. omits 2d] and Benjamin Williams Jr., Oct. 29, 1765.
Metilda of Mansfield, and Ebenezer Felch of Mansfield, Feb. 15, 1795.
Nathaniell and Betsy Lincoln of Taunton, int. Oct. 31, 1822.
Polly and Henry Harvey of Taunton, int. Apr. 26, 1812.
Rachel and Seth Smith Jr., Mar. 16, 1780.
Rachel J. and Ozias Bobinson [Robinson] of Mansfield, int. Oct. 17, 1835.
Rebecca [int. Rebecah] 2d and Simeon Prisbury Jr., Dec. 8, 1804.
Richard [int. Richad] and Betsy Knowles [dup. Knowls], Sept. 15, 1797.
Samuel and Mary Morey, Apr. 13, 1758.
Samuel A. and Harriot B. Staples of Taunton, int. Dec. 30, 1843.
Sarah and John Bennit Jr. of Wrentham, int. Oct. 1 [?1743].
Sarah [int. 2d] and Edward Kingman of Easton, Apr. 29, 1766, in Easton.
Silvester and Phebe Hall of Rainham, int. Apr. 11, 1791.
Susanah [int. Susannah] and Jacob Shaw, Dec. 16, 1784.
Washington L. and Sarah Jane Smith, int. Mar. 3, 1849.
William and Mary Barney [int. 2d], Mar. 20, 1755.
William of Taunton, and Almira Hodges, Jan, 2, 1828.
Jemima of Taunton, and Nahum W. Hill, int. July 2, 1846.
NEWLAND (see Neuland, Nuland)
Abiah and Joshua Atherton Jr. of Mansfield, int. Aug. 5, 1777.
Abigail [int. Abigail] and Nehemiah Pratt, June 28, 1748.
Abigail and Samuel Briggs, Mar. 13, 1755.
Amos and Esther [int. Easther] Briggs, May 2, 1765.
Amoss and Sarah Born of Dighton, int. Nov. 20, 1762.
Anna [dup. Anne], in 23d y., and Simeon Presbrey [dup. Prisbey, int. Prisbury] of Taunton, in 23 d y., ---- [int. June 17, 1781].
Benjamin and Elizabeth Caswell, Nov. 29, 1716.
David and Dency Wetherell, Oct. 16, 1794.
Deborah and Robert [int. Robbert] Cole, Nov. 29, 1759, in Easton.
Easther and Thomas Lincoln of Taunton, int. Oct. 24, 1784.
Enos and Lucy Franklin, int. Aug. 23, 1794.
Hannah and John Watters, int. Feb. 15, 1777. "Cryed one Time and forbid by the Select meen."
Israel and Abigalle Allen, Dec. 26, 1734.
Israel and Easther Wetherel, Jan. 5, 1769.
Jacob and Priscilla White, Mar. 27, 1739.
Jacob [int. Jr.] and Mary Man of Wrentham, Oct. 30, 1765.
Jemima and Ephraim Grover, July 25, 1728.
Jeremiah and Mary Burt, Jan. 14, 1752.
Jeremiah and Experience Hunt [int. 2d], Mar. 31, 1757.
Jeremiah and Susanah Cambel, Oct. 19, 1769.
John and Hannah Caswell, int. Aug. 5, 1721.
John and Mercy Jones of Taunton, int. June 3, 1768. "the publishing forbid by the above named John Newland July the 2d 1768."
John and Lydia Thayer of Taunton, int. Aug. 11, 1782.
Jonathan and Hannah Danforth, Apr. 14, 1807.
Joseph of Easton, and Abigail Bittes, int. Apr. 9, 1744.
Josiah and AbigailGrover, Feb. 12, 1729-30.
Josiah (see Josiah Newcomb).
Kaziah and Benjamin Cheney, Mar. 9, 1737-8.
Mary, wid., and Daniel Hunt, int. Feb. 7, 1756.
Masa and Nancy Wetherell [int. Wetheril], Nov. 19, 1795.
Naomi and Jotham Basset, Apr. 30, 1761.
Persillah [int. Persalla], d. Jacob, and Beal Caswell [int. Caswel], Jan. 3, 1760.
Rachel and Timothy Welman, Aug. 14, 1755.
Sarah and Thomas Grover [int. Jr.]. Mar. 21, 1722-3.
Zepheniah and Deborah Crosman of Easton, int. Dec. 5, 1749.
Zepheniah and Rachel Raymond of Taunton, int. Dec. 27, 1750.
Elizabeth [int. Elizabeth of Taunton] and Daniel Bassett, Sept. 25, 1792.
Lydia and Isaac Burt, Apr. 5, 1796, in Rehoboth.
Samuel [int. Nicols] and Silence Bleen [int. Blane] of Bridgewater, ---- [int Aug. 1], 1776, in Bridgewater.
NICHOLSON (see Nickerson)
Elizabeth of Wrentham, and Nathon Deane, Dec. 28, 1737, in Wrentham.
NICKERSON (see Nicholson)
Rebecca of Patucket, and John A. Coney of Johnston, R.I., Nov. 18, 1838, in Pawtucket.
NIGHTINGALE (see Nitengell)
Daniel Jr. of Easton, and Elisabeth Randall of Easton, NOV. 20, 1760.
David of Alexandria, N.H., and Betsy Downing, Sept. 2, 1792.
William of Brantrey [int. Brantery], and Mary Cuper, May 22, 1722.
Elizabeth [int. Elisabeth] of Shrewsbury, and Silas Cook, Apr. 1, 1763, in Shrewsbury.
Rufus and Maloney Daley of Smithfield, R.I., int. Nov. 27, 1836.
Abigail and Levi Olafflin, Nov. 19, 1789.
Abigail and Daniel Elles of Mansfield, int. Nov. 27, 1803.
Abigail and George Skinner of Mansfield, Dec. 18, 1803.
Allen and Adah [int. Ada] Shepard, July 1, 1812.
John of Taunton, and Bethiah Hodges of Taunton, Sept. 1, 1793.
John and Ellethear Rounds of Attleborough, int. June 20, 1802.
Sally and Enos Storey, int. Sept. 27, 1800.
William and Charity Harridon, int. June 26, 1767.
NULAND (see Neuland, Newland)
Esther and Nehemiah Pratt, int. Mar. 30, 1747.
Marcy of Easton [dup. Eastton], and Joseph Jones of Easton [dup. Eastton], July 24, 1741.
Sarah of Atelberough, and William Clerk, int. Apr. 18 [? 1746].
Elizebeth of Needham, and Joshua Shepard, May 23, 1728.
OWEN (see Oewen)
Abijah W. and Emeeline E. Tucker, Oct. 9, 1834.
Loise [int. Lois] of Easton, and James Fry [int. Frye], Oct. 8, 1795, in Easton.
Rhoda of Bridgewater, and Abijah Stowel, Oct. 17, 1771, in Bridgewater.
Susan of Bridgewater [int. Susannah of Bridgwater], and Joseph Knapp [int. Knap], Aug. 28, 1760, in Bridgewater.
Winslow of New Salem, and Rachel Freeman, Nov. 28, 1810.
PADDLEFORD (see Padelford)
Pelegg of Taunton, and Sarah Clap 2d, int. July 3, 1756.
PADELFORD (see Paddleford)
Fanny [int. Paddleford] of Taunton, and Alvan [int. Alvin] Perry, Mar. 29, 1810.
Experience and Solomon [int. Solomen] Briggs of Taunton, Mar. 23, 1747-8.
Sarah of Rehoboth, and Samuel Eddy, Apr. 10, 1735.
PAIN (see Paine)
Elisabeth of Stoughtonham, and Levet Bates [int. Bate], Nov. 15, 1769.
Jemima and Michael Woodcock of Stoughton, int. Jan. 29, 1761.
Rachel of Stoughtonham, and Gedeon Grover, int. Jan. 6, 1770.
Thomas [int. Paine] and Rebecah Raiment [int. Rebecca Rayman] of Taunton, Aug. 9, 1750.
PAINE (see Pain)
Edward and Elizebeth Tiffany [int. Tifeny], June 24, 1746.
John C., Rev., of Rehoboth, and Eliza M. Folger of Nantucket, Apr. 25, 1839, in Nantucket.
Katherine [int. Katharine] Robinson [int. Pane] and Eliab Briggs of Benson, Vt., June 18, 1813.
Ruth [int. Pain] and Dearer Fisher of Stoughton, June 20, 1751.
PALMER (see Palner)
Anna and Rev. George Morey of Walpole, June 22, 1784.
George and Nancy Danforth, Oct. 1, 1794.
Joseph, Rev. [int. omits Rev.], and [int. adds Mrs.] Sarah Eames [int. Emes of Hopkinton], Mar. 10, 1757, in Hopkinton.
Julia, 18, b. Dighton, and Thomas J. White, 19, farmer, of Raynham, b. Raynham, s. Joshua and Nancy of Raynham, Mar. 10, 1847.
Lucy and Rev. Edward Richmond [int. Richman] of Stoughton, Oct. 2, 1793.
Sarah 2d and Dr. Samuel Morey, Apr. 19, 1787. [d. Joseph and Sarah, G.R.2.]
PALNER (see Palmer)
Hannah [? Palmer] and Isaac Braman of Rowley, int. July 1, 1797.
Daniel, Dr., of Wrentham, and Abigail Hewes [int. Hews of Wrentham], ---- [int. Aug. 9, 1777].
James B. and Elizabeth Hall of Mansfield, int. Jan. 20, 1822.
Sarah and Benjamin Pike of N.Y., Nov. 27, 1805.
Nancy of Rochester, and Joseph Snow, int. Apr. 22, 1832.
Elizabeth of Attleborough, and Amos Hewit, Oct. 1, 1772, in Attleborough.
Mary [int. Palmetrey] of Attleborough, and Jesse Briggs, Aug. 21, 1766, in Attleborough.
Nancy T. [int. Parice], 22, of Rehoboth, and Salmon S. Hodges, 37, mechanic, s. Stephen and Lintha, Oct. 21, 1846.
Leonard Chester of N.Y., and Maria Raymond. Sept. 8, 1813.
PARTRIDGE (see Patridg)
Easther of Raynham, and Nathaniel Dunham 1st [int. omits 1st.], Dec. 21, 1757.
Esther and Charles Finney of Easton, int. Nov. 22, 1755. "the publishment taken Down before it had stood fourteen Days."
John of Raynham, and Rachel Fisher, June 13, 1765.
PATRIDG (see Partridge)
Elisha of Stoughton, and Hannah Welman, Dec. 11, 1740.
PATTEN (see Pattin)
Asa and Cynthia Field, Apr. 25, 1815.
Daniel and Phebe Perry, Feb. 17, 1803.
Harriot and Daniel S. Cobb, Nov. 1 [int. Dec. 15, sic], 1836.
John and Abigail Makepeace, Feb. 5, 1755.
Lucy and Soloman Feild, int. Apr. 23, 1790.
Phebe and Sumner Knapp, MaR. 15, 1825.
Sally Daniels of Foxborongh, and Daniel Burt, int. Apr. 2, 1819.
Sampson [int. Samson] of Dedham, and Lucy Field 2d, Apr. 13, 1815.
Samuel and Patience Feilds 2d of Taunton, int. Oct. 17, 1789.
[torn] of Stoughton, and Timothy Briggs Jr., int. May 18, 1770.
PATTIN (see Patten)
Abigail M. and Mason Stone, Sept. 13, 1825.
John [int. Patten] and Nancy [dup. Nancty) Morey Smith, Oct. 12, 1820.
PAUL (see Paull)
Enoch Toby [int. Enoch Tobey Paull] and Salley Hall, Apr. 22, 1814.
PAULL (see Paul)
Julia Ann of Taunton, and Wilder P. Storey, int. July 2, 1831.
PAYSON (see Person, Pierson)
Ketherine [int. Katharine Pearson] of Stoughton, and Silas Welman [int. Wellman], Mar. 5, 1752.
Mary of Stoughton [int. Person of Stoughten], and Thomas Fillebrown, July 14, 1748.
Sarah of Stoughton [int. Peson of Stoton], and Ebenezer Wellman, May 28, 1747.
PEARSON (see Payson, Person, Pierson)
Bartlet, Elder [int. Peas, omits Elder], of Willington, and Charlotte Perry, Oct. 15, 1818.
Abiel of Attleborough, and Ruth Skinner, July 11, 1751.
Bela of Rehoboth, and Roby [int. Ruba] Wheelar, Nov. 8, 1807.
Hannah of Rehoboth, and Leonard Hodges, int. Feb. 11, 1798.
Hezekiah of Attleborough [int. Attleborough], and Anne Skiner, Feb. 5, 1755.
Joseph S. of Rehoboth, and Lucinda Woodward 2d, May 14, 1837.
Margaret of Bristol, and Barned Smith Esq. of Bristol, Oct. 28, 1804.
William of Bristol, and Peggey Calwall, int. Nov. 25, 1797.
Benjamin of Providence, R.I., and Roby Dary [int. Derry 2d], Nov. 30, 1815.
Benjamin and Darces Place, Mar. 22, 1818.
Betsey and Abijah W. [int. omits W.] Fitt, of Charlton, Mar. 4, 1819.
Hannah [int. Panno] and Rufus Woodcock, Nov. 27, 1806.
John and Pegga Hill, Mar. 10, 1808.
William and Clarissa Briggs, int. Aug. 21, 1808.
Judith, Mrs., of Norwich, and Capt. Ephrima Leonard Esq., May 28, 1739, in "Newest in Norwich."
Mary Ann and Thomas Danforth, int. Dec. 6, 1833.
PERREY (see Perry)
Ichabod of Attleboroug [int. Attleborough], and Ruth Fisher, Feb. 8, 1753.
Ichabod Jr. of Atteborough, and Experience Braman 2d. Mar. 3, 1772.
Ichabod and Luranah Burt of Taunton, int. Apr. 18, 1778.
Nathaniel of Easton, and Mary Williams of Easton, Apr. 1, 1762.
Charles C. and Lucy G. Gullo, int. June 13, 1846.
PERRY (see Perrey)
Alvan [int. Alvin] and Fanny Padelford [int. Paddleford] of Taunton, Mar. 29, 1810.
Ann B. and Martin D. Hubbard of Troy, N.Y., int. Jan. 8, 1843.
Anna and Nathan Wilmoth 2d of Attleborough, int. Mar. 1, 1798.
Caleb E. [int. Ephriam] of Attleborough, and Weltha Macomber, June 5, 1816.
Celia M., b. Providence, R.I., d. Ichabod and Celia, and Nathaniel Webber, mechanic, b. Taunton, July 27, 1847.
Charlotte and Elder [int. omits Elder] Bartlett Pease [int. Peas] of Willington, Oct. 15, 1818.
Cordelia E. and Horatio Gilbert of Taunton, Dec. 1, 1831.
Fanny and Enos Hoard, May 19, 1799.
Fanny, Mrs., and Abel Kingman of N. Bridgewater [int N. Bridgwater], Dec. 11, 1828.
Henry C., 21, farmer, s. James W. and Lovina, and Nancy Briggs, 19, of Dighton, d. George and Syntha, int. Sept. 29, 1849.
Ichabod [int. Ichobad] Jr. and Elizabeth [int. Elezebeth] Horton, Feb. 15, 1818.
Ichobad and Trifenah Burt of Berkley, int. Jan. 19, 1815.
Ichobud of Attlborough [int. Ichabod of Attleborough], and Experience [int. Experiance] Braman, Mar. 4, 1784.
James of Easton, and Zurviah Wetherel, Jan. 31, 1765.
James L. [int. Leonard] of Easton, and Phebe A. [int. Arnold] Hodges, Nov. 20, 1825.
James W. [int. Waterman] of Lebanon, Conn., and Lavinia Lane, Jan. 30, 1826.
Lemuel and Content Hunt, Jan. 1, 1809.
Lemuel, Lt., and Sarah Makepeace 2d, Nov. 23, 1817.
Lemuel Esq. and Mrs. Mille K. Deane of Middleborough, int. Feb. 9, 1832.
Lemuel B. and Semanthe Keith of Prescott, int. June 13, 1840.
Leona and Isaac Richmond [int. Richmon], Jan. 29, 1801.
Marrianne [int. Miriam Terry] of Freetown, and Elijah Tisdale of Easton, May 13, 1759, in Freetown.
Metada of Rehoboth, and Jacob Bolkum of Rehoboth, Nov. 20, 1794.
Nathan of Bristoll, and Elizebeth Eddy, Apr. 28, 1726.
Nathan and Phebe Braman, May 20, 1773.
Nathan of Bridgwater, and Tiley Clapp, int. Sept. 21, 1806.
Phebe and Daniel Patten, Feb. 17, 1803.
Sarah M. and Harrison Smith, Sept. 30, 1841, in Attleborough.
PERSHO (see Pershoe, Pershow, Presho, Pursho)
Lucinda of Taunton, and Hezekiah Briggs of Mansfield, s. Hezekiah, Dec. 1, 1822.
PERSHOE (see Persho, Pershow, Presho, Pursho)
Abi and Samson Pershoe of Raynham, int. Mar. 21, 1784.
Samson of Raynham, and Abi Pershoe, int. Mar. 21, 1784.
PERSHOW (see Persho, Pershoe, Presho, Pursho)
Hannah of Raynham, and Simeon Wetherell, int. Apr. 1, 1775.
Jean of Middleberough [int. Janney Peshoe of Midelberrow], and Job Wethrell, July 12, 1744.
PERSON (see Payson, Pierson)
Benjamin, Dea. [int. Pearson], and Abia [int. Abiah] Shaw, May 26, 1784.
James and Abigail Cook, June 23, 1757.
John and Sarah White, Mar. 14, 1753.
Sarah, wid., and Nicolas White Jr., int. Jan. 24, 1756.
Sarah 2d and George Makepeace, May 12, 1757.
Benjamin [int. Pettingill] of Easton, and Judah Artheston, Jan. 11, 1753.
Sarah of Rehoboth, and Welcome Eddy, int. Feb. 23, 1800.
