Vital Records Of Norton, Bristol Co., Ma
To The Year 1850
Published By The New England Historic Genealogical Society,
At The Charge Of The Eddy Town-Record Fund.
Boston, Mass., 1906
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

FAIRBANK (see Fairbanks)
Benjamen and Mrs. Esther Hodges, int. Aug. 11, 1730.
Hannah [int. Farebanks], and Stephen Pond of Wrentham, June 27, 1750.
Rhoda of Petersham, and Jarvis Hodges, int. Apr. 20, 1828.
FAIRBANKS (see Fairbank)
Hannah [int. Farebanks], Mrs., of Dedham, and Rev. Roland Green, Nov. 12, 1761, in Dedham.
Joshua [int. Farbanks] of Wrenthem, and Sally [int. Sarah] Titus, July 17, 1796.
Ebenezer of Walpole, and Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] Rachel Pratt, Jan. 27, 1762.
[torn]emiah of Taunton, and Rachel [torn]el, int. [torn]y 4, 1771.
FALLIT (see Follit)
Samuell and Margrit Tisdale, Dec. 20, 1733.
FARINGTON (see Farrington)
Sarah [int. Furrington] of Mansfield, and Simon Briggs, Sept. 4, 1788, in Mansfield.
Mary of Hamden, Conn., and James C. Clapp, int. Oct. 9, 1831.
FARRAR (see Farror)
FARRINGTON (see Farington)
Benjamin and Sarah Grover 2d, Mar. 8, 1763.
John of Easton, and Patty Hardin, int. Sept. 28, 1824.
George [int. Farrar], Rev., of Easton, and Mrs. Sarah Dean 2d, June 2, 1756.
Sarah, Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.], and Dr. [int. omits Dr.] Gedeon Tiffaney of Attleborough, Feb. 8, 1759.
Marie and Philebert Ravet of Freeton, int. Mar. 28, 1783.
FEILD (see Feilds, Field)
Abiezer and Abigail Lincoln, int. May 16, 1784.
Jude [int. Field] of Taunton, and Abigail [int. Abigal] Carpenter 2d, Apr. 17, 1788.
Soloman and Lucy Patten, int. Apr. 23, 1790.
FEILDS (see Feild, Field)
Patience 2d of Taunton, and Samuell Patten, int. Oct. 17, 1789.
Rishard Jr. of Mansfield, and Betsy Newcomb, int. Apr. 6, 1789.
Abigail of Weston, and John Austin, Sept. 30, 1723, in Weston.
Ebenezer of Mansfield, and Metilda Newcomb of Mansfield, Feb. 15, 1795.
Mary of Westtoune, and Jeremiah Bassett, int. Mar. 3, 1721-2.
Ealiphalet [int. Eliphalet] of Dedham [int. Deadham], and Loney [int. Leony] Wetherell, Nov. 4, 1779.
FIELD (see Feild, Feilds)
Abizor [int. Abizer] Jr. and Hannah Wilbore, Jan. 4, 1807.
Albert and Abigail Hewins of Sharon, int. Mar. 13, 1818.
Anna of Raynham, and Elknah Woodward, int. Apr. 10, 1776.
Bethuel of Taunton, and Sally Lincoln, int. Mar. 23, 1799.
Celia and Newman Wetherell, Aug. 16, 1829.
Cynthia and Asa Patten, Apr. 25, 1815.
David and Selah Lincoln, int. Nov. 4, 1797.
David Jr. and Nancy A. Williams, May 16, 1836.
Dency and Benjamin Lincoln, int. Nov. 7, 1833.
Denis and Salley Smith of Taunton, int. Mar. 14, 1817.
Elisabeth and Peter Pursho, int. Jan. 21, 1730.
Eliza of Taunton, and Justus Lane of Taunton, Jan. 29, 1828.
George and Rachel Covel of Medway, int. July 30, 1817.
James and Prudence Lincoln of Wareham, int. July 10, 1812.
John of Taunton, and Silence Lincoln, int. Jan. 16, 1779.
Lucendia L. of Taunton, and Horatio Lincoln of Taunton, Apr. 6, 1823.
Lucy 2d and Sampson [int. Samson] Patten of Dedham, Apr. 13, 1815.
Lydia 2d, Mrs., of Mansfield, and Jonathan Clapp, Aug. 9, 1825.
Lydia of Taunton, and Joseph Wilbur, Mar. 27, 1838.
Mary and Robert Woodward 2d of Taunton, int. Jan. 18, 1766. "January 23d 1766 the publishing forbid by the above Named Mary field."
Mary and Daniel Knap, Nov. 27, 1766.
Mary M. of Raynham, and Arterton Wilbur of Raynham, Oct. 27, 1834.
Nabby and Pircy Atherton, int. Sept. 17, 1808.
Olive of Taunton, and Jesse Lincoln, int. Oct. 29, 1809.
Oliver L. and Sarah W. Pressey of Waterville, Me., int. Oct. 21, 1837.
Orilla of Taunton, and James C. Clapp, int. Sept. 12, 1813.
Rathbun and Mercy M. Leonard, int. May 13, 1841.
Richard of Taunton, and Rachel Clap, June 24, 1766.
Rosina M. M. of Rehoboth, and Ira D. Guello, int. Apr. 30, 1846.
Seth L. and Ann Eliza Round of Rehoboth, int. Oct. 7, 1848.
Soloman Jr. and Mary Tuck of Dorcester, int. Oct. 29, 1820.
Stella L. and Charles J. Hodges, int. Dec. 23, 1845.
Stillman and Dinah W. Leonard, June 6, 1824.
Williams [int. Feild] of Mansfield, and Margeret Clapp [int. Margret Clap], June 23, 1795.
William and Sally Daggett [int. Daggett], Feb. 13, 1823.
Zebulon of Taunton, and Patience Wetherell [int. Wetherell, Feb. 22, 1749-50, in Easton.
FILEBROWN (see Fillebrown, Phillebrown)
James and Mary Tirrill of Waymouth, int. Dec. 19, 1765.
Lide and Joshua Athingten, int. Feb. ----, 1746-7.
FILLEBROWN (see Filebrown, Phillebrown)
James and Susannah White of Raynham, int. Nov. 2, 1753.
Samuel and Ketherine Williams, Jan. 25, 1753.
Thomas and Mary Payson [int. Persen of Stoughten], July 14, 1748.
Thomas and Sarah Grover, Nov. 28, 1754.
FINEY (see Finney)
Daniel of Easton, and Phebe Fisher, Nov. 3, 1762, in Easton.
Ebenezer and Abiah Campbell, Aug. 6, 1720.
John of Bristol, and Mary Cambel, Jan. 12, 1715-16.
Mary 2d and Ebenezer Jones of Rainhan, int. June 13 [1747].
FINNEY (see Finey)
Abijah and Lidia Jones of Rayham, int. [Apr.] 26 [1749].
Charles of Easton, and Esther Partridge, int. Nov. 22, 1755. "the publishment taken Down before it had stood fourteen Days."
Charles of Easton, and Anna Campbel [int. Anne Cambel], Mar. 2, 1758.
Esther and Phinehas Briggs, Dec. 27, 1739.
Hannah and George Mills, Feb. 9, 1758.
John Jr. and Elizabeth [int. Elizebeth] Jones [int. 2d] "late of Raynham," Aug. 2, 1751.
Lydia and John Briggs 3d, Mar. 12, 1741.
Lydia and Ebenezer Gilbert, Aug. 25, 1757.
Marcy of Swansey, and Benjamin Smith of Hardewick, Dec. 15, 1741.
Rosamond [int. Rosmond] and Nehemiah Briggs Jr., Mar. 22, 1818.
Sally and Isaac Babbit, Mar. 13, 1806.
Lynda of Taunton, and Elisha Cobb, int. June 29, 1800.
Abigail, Mrs., and Ebenezer [int. Ebeneazer] Cobb of Taunton, July 9, 1818.
Abijah and Mary Washburn [int. Woshbond] of Plymouth, July 23, 1752, in Plymouth.
Abijah Jr. and Hannah Smith, Jan. 25, 1780.
Amma and David Tucker, int. Nov. 26, 1773. "and Cryed One Day and then forbid by the Said David by writing from under his hand."
Anna [int. Annah] and Josiah Braman of Freetown, Sept. 20, 1759.
Charity and Jabish Amsbery of Rehobath, Mar. 19, 1740-1.
David and Ruth Bliss of Rehoboth [int. Rehoboth], May 5, 1763, in Rehoboth.
Edmond and Ruth Willis, Mar. 17, 1757.
Edmund and Elizabeth Austin, Dec. 3, 1730.
Eleazer of Stoughton, and Ruth Paine [int. Pain], June 20, 1751.
Elezer and Elizebeth Lane, May 13, 1726.
Elisabeth and Daniel Philips, Sept. 16, 1756.
Elizabeth and Jesse Briggs of Tanton, Apr. 8, 1736.
Ephraim and Jemima Harvey of Taunton, int. Jan. 6, 1769.
Eunice and Benjamin Trafton [int. Traffan] of Dighton, Mar. 22, 1764.
Evelina [int. Aveline] of Mansfield, and Ira Richardson, Dec. 22, 1833.
Hannah and Joseph Woodward, Jan. 20, 1731-2.
Hannah and Amos Dagget of Attleborough, Jan. 3, 1760.
Hannah of Attleborough, and Earl Dunham, int. Aug. 25, 1815.
Herman C. of Franklin, and Charlotte Smith, Oct. 31, 1820.
Isaac and Lowes Torey of Taunton, int. Dec. 2, 1762.
Israel Jr. and Ithamer Rice, Dec. 30, 1740.
Ithamer and Seth Briggs, Dec. 6, 1764.
Jeremiah of Dighton, and Margret King [int. 2d], May 22, 1760.
Johannah and David Whiteman of Waymouth, Jan. 26, 1736-7.
John and Mary Bolkam of Atelborrough, Mar. 30, 1732, in Atelborrough.
Jonathan and Abigail Whipple of Rehoboth, Oct. 12, 1738, in Rehoboth.
Lemuel and Mary White 3d, Apr. 7, 1763.
Lois of Taunton, and Dea. Seth Smith, int. May 28, 1788.
Luse and Stephen Sheapardson of Attleborough, int. Feb. 17, 1759.
Lydia and William Basset Jr. [int. Basset, omits Jr.], Mar. 16, 1748.
Marcy and David Darby of Waimouth, Nov. 12, 1741.
Mary, wid. [int. omits wid.], and Cornelius Tucker, Oct. 22, 1753.
Mary [int. Tisher] of Wrentham, and Elisha Briggs [int. 1st], Mar. 30, 1758, in Wrentham.
Mary and Jotham Briggs of Dighton, Jan. 28, 1762.
Mary Ann, 22, b. Mansfield, d. Samuel, and Soranus [int. Soranous] G. Wrightington, 27, mechanic, b. Taunton, July 4, 1847.
Mercy (see Marcy).
Meriam [int. Miriam] and Henry Boks [int. Bokes] "a transient person," July 12, 1769.
Nathaniel and Mrs. Rebecca [int. Rebeccah] Daggett, Mar. 31, 1839.
Nehemiah and Mary Willis of Taunton, Aug. 14, 1746.
Nemiah and Sarah Morse, Mar. 23, 1726-7.
Olive and Gedeon Basset, Mar. 26, 1767.
Paciance and John Simons, June 4, 1730.
Phebe and Daniel Finey of Easton, Nov. 3, 1762, in Easton.
Rachel and John Partridge of Raynham, June 13, 1765.
Ruth and Ichabod Perrey of Attleboroug [int. Attleborough], Feb. 8, 1753.
Samuel and Hannah Thayes of Easton, May 15, 1729, in Easton.
Samuel and Mary Tucker, Mar. 8, 1762.
Sarah of Taunton, and John Smith 3d of Taunton, Mar. 25, 1739-40.
Sarah and Abiell Linton, Nov. 12, 1747.
Seth and Sarah Leonard, Dec. 30, 1736.
Sibell [int. Sybil] and Andrew Starkey of Atelborrough [int. Attleboro], May 4, 1749.
Silence [int. Silance] and Amos Tucker, Nov. 21, 1765.
Ursula of Wrentham, and Jarvis Carpenter, int. Sept. 24, 1830.
William of Attleborough, and Abigail Grover, int. July 19, 1754.
Abijah W. [int. omits W.] of Charlton, and Betsey Penno, Mar. 4, 1819.
Ellen and Pattrick Gallagan, int. July 2, 1849. "July 7th 1849 The above named Pattrick Gallagan Ordered the Publishment taken down."
FOBES (see Fobs)
Abigail of Bridgewater [int. Bridgewatter], and John Morey, July 18, 1774 [sic, int. Apr. 6, 1776], in Bridgewater.
Daniel [int Forbes] of Easton, and Mary Phillips [int Philips] 2d, July 18, 1768.
Hannah and Hezekiah Tucker, Mar. 24, 1793.
Joseph of Easton, and Farrah Blancherd [int. Blancher], Nov. 3, 1747, in Easton.
Mehetable and Abner Allen of Rehoboth, Apr. 17, 1792, in Rehoboth.
Thomas and Rachel Dean, Oct. 20, 1791.
Timothy of Bridge-water, and Mary Dean, Oct. 20, 1766.
William R. and Angeline Wetherell, int. Jan. 20, 1844.
FOBS (see Fobes)
Suckey of Bridgwater, and William Morey, int. June 11, 1780.
Eliza M. of Nantucket, and Rev. John C. Paine of Rehoboth, Apr. 25, 1839, in Nantucket.
Mary of Nantucket, and Rev. Cyrus W. Allen, int. Mar 13, 1837.
FOLLIT (see Fallit)
Jonathan of Attelburough, and Abiah Hodges, May 20, 1735.
FORBES (see Fobes, Fobs)
Benjamin and Rachel Thorp of Dedham, Dec. 15, 1712, in Dedham.
FOREST (see Forrest, Forrist)
John Jr. [int. Forrest] of Stoughton, and Sarah Welman [int. Wellman], July 13, 1749, in Stoughton.
FORREST (see Forest, Forrist)
Molle of Stoughtonham, and Benjamin Wetherel Jr., int. Sept. 4, 1767.
Samuel [int. Forrest] and Mary Skinner [int. 3d], Oct. 29, 1747.
FORRIST (see Forest, Forrest)
Charlotta [int. Charlotte] of Foxborough, and Josiah Newcomb, Dec. 12, 1833.
Jack of Bridgewater, and Meriah Lock, int. Nov. 18, 1775.
Jane of Attleborough, and John Knap, Nov. 28, 1765.
Peres and Hannah Balkorn, int. Mar. 26, 1837.
FRANCES (see Francis)
Abigail of Mansfield, and Asabel Snow of Mansfield, Mar. 22, 1818.
Chloe and Alfred Dunham of Mansfield, int. Nov. 29, 1812.
Levi and Elisabeth Babbet [int. Babbit], Apr. 12, 1758.
Sarah [int. Francis], Mrs., and Dea. Timothy Briggs, July 6, 1819.
FRANCIS (see Frances)
Elizabeth Williams [int. Frances] and Daniel Presbrey [int. Prisbury], Aug. 29, 1823.
Fanny and Simeon Green of Mansfield, Apr. 29, 1823.
Levi [int. Levy Frances] and Sarah Blancherd [int. Blanchard], Jan. 28, 1779, in Mansfield.
Susa of Rehoboth, and Abraham Badcock, int. Mar. 10, 1795.
Tisdale and Elizabeth [int. Elizebeth] Gilbert 2d of Mansfield, Apr. 29, 1790, in Mansfield.
FRANCKLIN (see Franklin)
Hopestell and John Jones, int. Mar. 28, 1724.
FRANKLIN (see Francklin)
Abel and Mary Anandrews [Andrews of Taunton, int. Oct. 14, 1785.
Cynthia (see Sintha).
Ichabud of Atteleburough, and Hannah Andrews, Sept. 20, 1739.
Lucy and Enos Newland, int. Aug. 23, 1794.
Nathan and Rachel Torry of Taunton, int. Aug. 20, 1764.
Nathan Jr. of Westmorland, and Lydia Wetherell [int. Wetherl] 2d, Sept. 2, 1790.
Record and Rachel Hodges, Apr. 25, 1751.
Sintha [int. Cinthe] and Levi Lincoln, May 26, 1785.
FREEMAN (see Freemand, Freemon, Freman)
Abigail [int. Abigal] (Freeman) and James Tisdale of Taunton, Oct. 22, 1774.
Benjamin of Attleborough, and Sarah Willis, Dec. 12, 1764.
Bethiar [int. Bethiah 2d] and Zophar [int. Zopher] Skinner, ---- [int. Sept. 28, 1798].
Carlos of W. Bridgwater [int. W. Bridgewater], and Jerusha H. Lane, Oct. 23, 1837.
Fanny [int. Fanna] and Daniel Martin, May 26, 1805.
George W. and Jane T. Snow of Sidney, Me., int. Sept. 5, 1835.
John [int. Treeman] and Abigail Williams, Oct. 28, 1792.
Lucinda and Libeus Shelly of Wrentham, Jan. 28, 1836.
Mason and Hannah S. Braman, Sept. 4, 1832.
Nancy and Sanforth Freeman, May 14, 1809.
Nancy A. and Otis Blandin [int. Blondin] Jr., July 17, 1832.
Nathaniel and Bethiah [int. Bythiah] Hodges, Feb. 10, 1763.
Nathaniel and Salley Martin, int. Aug. 8, 1802.
Nathaniel and Sarah J. Blandin, int. Mar. 21, 1840.
Rachel and Winslow Packard of New Salem, Nov. 28, 1810.
Sally 2d and Thomas Green, int. Apr. 17, 1808.
Sanforth and Sally Cobb, Nov. 27, 1806.
Sanforth and Nancy Freeman, May 14, 1809.
Sarah and Nathaniel Donham [int. Jr.], Sept. 15, 1751.
Schuyler and Sally M. Wetherell, Oct. 26, 1837.
FREEMAND (see Freeman, Freemon, Freman)
James [int. Freeman] Jr. and Lettis [int. Lettice] Titus, May 5, 1811.
FREEMON (see Freeman, Freemand, Freman)
Henry S. [int. Freeman] and Roxana Coombs, May 26, 1839.
FREMAN (see Freeman, Freemand, Freemon)
John and Sarah Ramsdell, Feb. 2, 1737-8.
Alford Makepeace and Turzey Tucker of Raynham, int. Nov. 10, 1816.
David of Berkley [int. Berklyl and Nancy Makepeace, Feb. 19, 1822.
Eli and Submit Tucker, int. Dec. 2, 1797.
Ephriam [int. Ephraim] and Diana [int. Diania] Andrew, Apr. 16, 1815.
James and Sarah Tucke [? Tucker], int. Sept. 5, 1795.
James Jr. and Lois Blake, July 31, 1796.
James of Attleborough, and Mary Moulton of Attleborough, Sept. 29, 1811.
Nancy C. and Simeon G. Blandin, Oct. 23, 1843, in Middleborough.
Nathaniel and Patty [dup. and int. Patty] Tucker, Jan. 6, 1791.
William of Bridgwater [int. Bridgewater], and Zurviah [int. Zerviah] Tucker, Sept. 12, 1751.
Zilpha and Joseph Dagget, int. Sept. 12, 1795.
Emmely J. of Smithfield, R.I., and Ebenezer Hamilton, int. Apr. 2, 1842.
James [int. Frye] and Loise [int. Lois] Packard of Easton, Oct. 8, 1795, in Easton.
Abigail of Taunton, and Edwin Briggs of Mansfield, Nov. 24, 1825.
Ebenezer Jr. of Carver, and Hannah F. Wilbur, int. Aug. 24, 1845.
Ezekiell of Atelberrough, and Abigail Richardson of Atelberrough, Dec. 23, 1747.
George of Attleborough, and Sarah White, Feb. 7, 1754.
Joseph and Molley [int. Mollay] Storey, ---- [int. Oct. 31, 1802].
Lemuel of Easton, and Fanny [int. Fanney] Briggs, Feb. 4, 1796.
Mary of Stoughton, and Noah Woodward, int. July 20, 1764.
Sarah and John Martin [int. Marten], Nov. 30, 1758.
Sarah of Rehoboth, and William Carpenter, Dec. 21, 1775. in Rehoboth.
GALLAGAN (see Galligan)
Pattrick and Ellen Flannegan, int. July 2, 1849. "July 7th 1849. The above named Pattrick Gallagan ordered the Publishment taken down."
GALLIGAN (see Gallagan)
Charles and Tereza Smith, int. Jan. 21, 1849.
GALUCIA (see Galusha, Golusha, Gushey)
Anna [int. Galieucia] and Jacob Shaw, Sept. 21, 1786.
Charity [int. Galusha] and Elihu Daggett [int. Dagget] of Attleborough, Dec. 9, 1773, in Attleborough.
GALUSRA (see Galucia, Golusha, Gushey)
Daniel and Hannah Lindsy of Danvers [int. Linsy of Danves], Dec. 28, 1768, in Danvers.
Joseph of Stoughtonham, and Abigail Cobb 2d, Feb. 1, 1781.
GAREY (see Gary, Geary)
Lydia and Stephen Killey of Yarmouth, Mar. 1, 1770.
Stephen Jr. of Taunton, and Lyda Ransdil, Jan. 21, 1741-2.
Stephen and Mercy Puffer, int. June 27, 1761.
GARY (see Gary, Geary)
Ann of Taunton, and Thomas M. C. Coffe, int. Mar. 10, 1842.
Stephen Jr. [int. Grey] and Prisilla [int. Persilla] Aldrige [int. 2d], Jan. 28, 1761.
Benjamin of Raynham, and Mary Storey, int. Apr. 25, 1756.
Patince and George Briggs, Feb. 16, 1737.
GEARY (see Garey, Gary)
John and Elizebeth Cuting of Atelborrough, int. July 20 [1746].
GEULLOW (see Geulo, Guello, Guellow, Guillo, Guillow, Gullo, Gullon, Gullow)
Francis (Trancis) and Phebe Bassett, int. Jan. 20, 1787.
GEULO (see Geullow, Guello, Guellow, Guillo, Guillow, Gullo, Gullon, Gullow)
Frances [sic] [int. Geulo, dup. int. Quelo] and Molle Derbey, Feb. 19, 1761.
Nathan of Easton, and Hannah Willes of Easton, Apr. 1, 1756.
Abigail and David Smith, Mar. 14, 1754.
David and Deborah Green of Mansfield, int. Jan. 26, 1800.
Ebenezer and Lydia Finney, Aug. 25, 1757.
Elizabeth [int. Elizebeth] 2d of Mansfield, and Tisdale Francis, Apr. 29, 1790, in Mansfield.
Horatio of Taunton, and Cordelia E. Perry, Dec. 1, 1831.
Huldah [int. Hulday] and Elkanah Hall, May 6, 1784.
Huldah [int. Hulda] and Linus Wilbore of Raynham [int. Wilbor of Rainham], Aug. 28, 1806.
James and Elisabeth Williams 3d, June 24, 1761.
Job of Warwick, and Zibiah Sweating, Aug. 19, 1769.
John and Polly [Int. Molley] Bass, Aug. 28, 1783.
Josiah and Rachel Babbet, int. Nov. 12, 1763.
Lemuel of Easton, and Bethiah [int. Bythiah] Grover, Feb. 15, 1768.
Mary and John Wetherel 3d, Oct. 16, 1740.
Patty and Daniel Braman of Cambridge, Jan. 13, 1805.
Sally and Joseph Hodges Jr., Aug. 15, 1805.
Sarah [int. Gilbart] and Stephen Pond of Mansfield, May 7, 1778.
Seth [int. Guilbert] and Rebecah Wethrell [int. Rebeccah Witherell], Dec. 28, 1749.
Wealthy [int. Welthy] of Mansfield, and Joseph Burt Jr., Oct. 28, 1782 [sic, int. Aug. 25, 1792], in Mansfield.
GILE (see Guild)
Joseph of Attleborough, and Elizabeth Thayer, int. Feb. 2, 1775.
Susan Wiet and Chandler Hall, int. July 19, 1823.
GILLSON (see Gilson)
[? Gilson] James and Bridget Leddy of Taunton, int. June 28, 1849.
Cassander, widr. [int. omits widr.], boot and shoe manufacturing, of Raynham, b. Raynham, s. Otheniol of Raynham, and Mary H. Braman, 26, d. Sylvanos B., Mar. 3, 1845.
Henry T., boot and shoe manufacterer, of Raynham, b. Raynham, s. Otheniol of Raynham, and C. Adaline [int. Adeline] Braman, 22 y. d. Sylvanol B. (Bramen), Mar. 3, 1845.
GILSON (see Gillson)
Jane P. of Tyngsborough, and Alanson Makepeace Jr., int. May 1, 1836.
Rachel of Stoughton, and Benjamin Holmes [int. Homes], June 28, 1785, in Stoughton.
Samuel of Stoughton, and Elenor Hawes [int. Elener Hose]. Jan. 17, 1787.
GODFRAY (see Godfree, Godfrey)
Abigail of Taunton, and Timothy Lincoln, int. Feb. 12, 1809.
Betsay of Easton, and Benjamin Keith of Easton, May 30, 1799.
Hannah and Ebenezer Copeland Jr. of Bridgwater, May 17, 1801.
Jones Jr. and Patty Keith of Easton, int. July 12, 1807.
Nancy and Lewis White, Oct. 5, 1809.
GODFREE (see Godfray, Godfrey)
Joseph and Hannah White of Easton, int. Nov. 19 [1748].
GODFREY (see Godfray, Godfree)
Abbe and Ebenezer Copland of Bridgewater, Mar. 19, 1771.
Albert Williams and Keziah Drake, int. Feb. 20, 1816.
Bathsheba and Thomas Morey Jr., Mar. 22, 1759.
Betsy and Benjamin Williams of Easton, Mar. 4, 1794.
Charlotte and Nathaniel S. Godfrey of Easton, int. Sept. 6, 1823.
David and Betcy Leonard, int. Mar. 28, 1818.
David and Betsey Newcomb, int. Oct. 3, 1846.
Elijah of Easton, and Betsey Smith, July 8, 1838.
Elmira and Albert Lane, int. Oct. 18, 1834.
Ezra and Mae Lincoln of Taunton, int. Mar. 30, 1764.
George of Taunton, and Bethiah Hodges, May 9, 1744.
Gershom [int. Garshum] and Lurana Kinsley of Easton [int. Kingsley of Eastown], Nov. 29, 1792, in Easton.
Hannah and James Cooper of Taunton, int. Aug. 24, 1753.
Henry of Easton, and Julia A. Drake, Nov. 8, 1840.
James 2d and Sarah Clap, int. July 14, 1787.
Jones of Easton, and Hannah Pratt, Sept. 16, 1835, in Taunton.
Joseph of Easton, and Beeke [int. Becke] Tisdale, Sept. 30, 1762.
Maria H. and Ziba Randall of Easton, int. Mar. 24, 1839.
Mary 2d and John Cook, Mar. 22, 1759.
Nathan P. of Cambridge, and Emeline S. Holmes, int. Mar. 2, 1844.
Nathaniel S. of Easton, and Charlotte Godfrey, int. Sept. 6, 1823.
Rachel and Edmond Hodges Jr., July 25, 1764.
Rebakah 2d of Easton, and Josiah Newcomb. int. Oct. 27, 1782.
Sally of Easton, and Samuel R. Lincoln, int. Feb. 25, 1826.
Samuel and Elizebeth [int. Elizabeth] Hodges, July 8, 1767.
Samuel and Mary Hodges, Dec. 29, 1774.
Samuel and Elizebeth Caulwdll of Taunton, int. Jan. 4, 1794.
Shepard and Milson Randall of Foxborough, int. Nov. 30, 1834.
Benjamin of Taunton, and Salley Dagget, int. May 3, 1817.
David F. and Clarrissa D. Stacey of Taunton, int. Mar. 7, 1846.
Rufus of Attleborough, and Abigail Guillow, int. June 4, 1837.
Silas R. and Hannoh [int. Hannah] Jane Horton, Jan. 28, 1841.
Silas R. and Mrs. Roxana Horton, d. Samuel Lincoln and Anna, int. Oct. 20, 1849.
GOLUSHA (see Galucia, Galusha, Gushey)
Sarah and John Pratt [int 1st], Mar. 22, 1764.
Daniel [int. Goodwine] of Easton, and Polly [int. Polley] Briggs, Nov. 1, 1795.
Edward B. and Mary Wardwell of Providence, R.I., int. Oct. 30, 1837.
Hannah Lebaron [int. Lebarron] of Easton, and Daniel Wheaton, Feb. 3, 1794, in Easton.
Dwelly [int. Dwelley] of Easton, and Eliza Hodges, Feb. 7, 1828.
Jacob and Betsal Dean, Nov. 3, 1800.
Abigaile and William Haraden, July 1, 1731.
Joseph and Jean Heridon, Apr. 30, 1730.
Mary and John Braman, May 28, 1718.
Mary of Taunton, and Alanson Bruce of Taunton, Sept. 8, 1834.
Winthrop Parker of Newbury-port, and Lucindia Carpenter, int. Aug. 7, 1814.
Deborah of Mansfield, and David Gilbert, int. Jan. 26, 1800.
Joseph and Hannah Balcom [int. Bolkcom], May 24, 1810.
Linsiord of Wrentham, and Elizabeth Haradon [int. Elisabeth Harridon], Mar. 7, 1765.
Roland, Rev., and Mrs. Hannah Fairbanks [int. Farebanks] of Dedham, Nov. 12, 1761, in Dedham.
Simeon of Mansfield, and Elizabeth [int. Elizebeth] Wheaton Hodges, Apr. 5, 1803.
Simeon of Mansfield, and Fanny Francis, Apr. 29, 1823.
Thomas and Sally Freeman 2d, int. Apr. 17, 1808.
Oliver and Sarah Pidge of VnnsAeld, int. Oct. 29, 1789.
Oliver and Sally Ruse of Mansfield, Oct. 14, 1790, in Mansfield.
Almira [int. Giffin] and William Knowles, May 6, 1827.
William [int. adds Perkins] of Portland, and Rachel Wiswall [int. Wiswell], Mar. 29, 1804.
GROVER (see Grovier)
Abiel and Lydia Grover [int. Bate], May 26, 1766.
Abigail and William Fisher of Attleborough, int. July 19, 1754.
Abigail and Benjamin Tiffeney, Dec. 16, 1755.
Abigaill and Josiah Newland, Feb. 12, 1729-30.
Alice and Uriah AtherttOn, Jan. 1, 1740.
Andrew and Hannah Baily, Feb. 16, 1740-1.
Anne and Elisha Thayer, Jan. 12, 1763.
Bethiah [int. Bythiah] and Lemuel Gilbert of Easton, Feb. 15, 1768.
David and Rebeckah [int. Rebekah] Grover, May 15, 1755.
Ebenezer and Hannah Welman, June 12, 1744.
Elisabeth [int. Elizabeth] and Amos Skiner, Dec. 24, 1764.
Elizabeth and Samuel Skinner, Mar. 10, 1736-7.
Ephraim and Jemima Newland, July 25, 1728.
Ephraim 3d and Mercy Tiffany, Nov. 15, 1764.
Gedeon and Rachel Pain of Stoughtonham, int. Jan. 6, 1770.
Hannah and Solomon Bates of Wrentham, Nov. 12, 1729, in Wrentham.
James and Sarah Welman, Apr. 18, 1754.
Jams and Sarah Austen, Nov. 17, 1726.
John and Harrah [int. Hannah Skiner, Sept. 20, 1722.
Lewis F., 22, mechanic, s. Halsey and Sally, and Sarah E. Bramen [int. Braman], 18, b. Mansfield, d. Thomas (Braman) Jr. and Sally, Sept. 27, 1846.
Lucy and Daniel Gullow, int. Sept. 23, 1810.
Luther of Taunton, and Ann W. Caswell of Taunton, Oct. 7, 1824
Lydia [int. Bate] and Abiel Grover, May 26, 1766.
Margret and Thomas Grover 3d, May 14, 1752.
Martha and Noah Tiffeney, Apr. 23, 1741.
Martha and Samuel Skiner, Aug. 20, 1761.
Mary and John Ballcum of Atterburo, Mar. 29, 1720.
Mary and Solemon Skiner, Jan. 10, 1722-3.
Mary [int. Grovier] and Ruben Welman [int. Reuben Wellman], Jan. 16, 1752.
Mercy and Jonathan White 2d, Dec. 6, 1769.
Mercy 2d [int. Marcy, omits 2d] of Mansfield, and Asa Clarke [int. Clark], Sept. 18, 1794, in Mansfield.
Phebe and David Skiner, Mar. 1, 1764.
Phebey and Joseph Skinner, Mar. 10, 1736-7.
Phinehas and Johanah Lane, Feb. 11, 1741-2.
Rachel and Samuel Knap, Jan. 17, 1769.
Rebeckah [int. Rebekah] and David Grover, May 15, 1755.
Sarah [int. Grovier] and Samuel White, Sept. 26, 1749.
Sarah and Thomas Fillebrown, Nov. 28, 1754.
Sarah and Benjamin Farrington, Mar. 8, 1763.
Sarah and Abijah Bailey [int. Bayley], Nov. 20. 1765.
Sarah and Ebenezer White, June 25, 1766.
Stephen and Sarah Thayer, Nov. 28, 1738.
Tabitha and Benjamin Bailey [int. Bayley], Mar. 5, 1761.
Thomas [int. Jr.] and Sarah Newland, Mar. 21, 1722-3.
Thomas and Hannah Smith, Oct. 25, 1738.
Thomas 3d and Margret Grover, May 14, 1752.
William and Betsey Cole of Rehoboth, int. May 4, 1828.
GROVIER (see Grover)
Jemima [int. Jemime Grover] and James Skinner, Dec. 21, 1749.
Mary and John White, Sept. 5, 1751.
GUELLO (see Geullow, Geulo, Guellow, Guillo, Guillow, Guillon, Gullow)
Daniel F. and Hannah Braman, Oct. 3, 1831.
Daniel F. and Sally L. Leonard of Taunton, int. July 2, 1836.
Ira D. and Rosina M. M. Field of Rehoboth, int. Apr. 30, 1846.
GUELLOW (see Geullow, Geulo, Guello, Gullo, Guillo, Gullow Gullo, Gullon Gullow)
Francis and ---- ----, Feb. 7, 1784.
Sarah Ann and George F. Holbrook, int. Nov. 21, 1846.
GUILD (see Gile)
Richard [int. Guile] of Wrentham, and Hannah Hodges 2d, Dec. 3, 1761.
GUILLO (see Geullow, Geulo, Guello, Guellow, Guillow, Gullo, Gullon, Gullow)
Daniel and Phebe Briggs, int. Nov. 29, 1817.
GUILLOW (see Geullow, Geulo, Guello, Guellow, Guillo, Gullo, Gullon, Gullow)
Abigail and Rufus Goff of Attleborough. int. June 4, 1837.
Samuel W. of Taunton, and Ruth A. Lincoln, int. May 16, 1840.
GULLO (see Geullow, Geulo, Guello, Guellow, Guollo, Gulllow, Gullon, Gullow)
Lucy G. and Charles C. Perrigo, int. June 13, 1846.
GULLON (see Geullow, Geulo, Guello, Guellow, Guillo, Guillow, Gullo, Gullow)
Jeremiah and Sarah Austen, Apr. 28, 1763.
GULLOW (see Geullow, Geulo, Guello, Guellow, Guillo, Guillow, Gullo, Gullon)
Daniel and Lucy Grover, int. Sept. 23, 1810.
GUSHEY (see Galucia, Galusha, Golusha)
Silvey of Raynham, and Eleazer Clap, int. Mar. 7, 1784.
Chloe, Mrs., and Ebenezar Willis of Taunton [int. Tauntion], Feb. 21, 1826.
Hanan of Taunton, and Cloe [int. Chloe] Braman, May 26, 1816.
Meletiah and James Austen, int. Jan. 6, 1770.
Walter and Content W. Danforthe [int. Content Walker Danforth], Jan. 11, 1829.
Betsey of Mansfield, and Otis Sweet Jr. of Mansfield, Jan. 25, 1839, in Mansfield.
Abiah 2d and Samuel Wild 3d [int. Jr.] of Taunton, June 4, 1794.
Andrew H. of Taunton, and Hannah W. Crane, Nov. 8, 1832.
Ann T. and Nathan B. Lee, Mar. 30, 1837, in Taunton.
Anna and Nathaniel Monrow of Providence, Mar. 29, 1786.
Benjamin and Elizebeth Skinner, Apr. 23, 1744.
Benjamin S. and Caroline J. Hodges [int. Hodgs], Jan. 7, 1830.
Betsy [int. Betsey] and Levitt [int. Levet] Taylor Jackson of Brunswick, Me., June 22, 1820.
Briant [int. Bryant] and Polley [int. Polly] Lane, Jan., 1788.
Chandler and Julia-ann [int. Julia Ann] Munroe, Apr. 2, 1815.
Chandler and Susan Wiet Gillet, int. July 19, 1823.
Charity [int. Charety] and Joseph Welman [int Wellmon], July 31, 1722.
Elizabeth of Mansfield, and James B. Parker, int. Jan. 20, 1822.
Elkanah and Huldah [int. Hulday] Gilbert, May 6, 1784.
Elkanah of Mansfield, and Mehitable [dup. Mehetabul, int. Mehetable] Newcomb, Sept. 2, 1790 [dup. 1789] [int. Mar. 29, 1789].
Ephraim of Attleborongh, and Mrs. Silence Tucker, May ----, 1807.
Hannah and Samuell Welman, June 9, 1730.
Hannah 5th of Raynham, and Timothy Smith, int. July 6, 1751.
Hannah and Elisha Dean [int. Deane] Jr. of Easton [int. Eastownl, Mar. 24, 1793.
John and Sarah Wellman, Mar. 7, 1726-7.
John and Elisabeth White [int. 3d], Sept. 14, 1758.
John "a Foreigner," and Olive Tucker, Dec. 24, 1781.
John 3d and Sarah Bragg [int. 2d] of Wrentham [int. Wrenthem], Feb. 15, 1789, in Wrentham.
John Jr. and Silva [int. Sylva] Dean of Mansfield, Nov. 3, 1789, in Mansfield.
John and Molly [int. Mollay] Leonard of Foxborough, Mar. 31, 1803.
John 3d and Dilla Standlay, int. Apr. 1, 1803.
John Jr. and Harriot Leonard of Taunton, int. June 13. 1821.
Josias of Taunton, and Susanna Andrews, Dec. 8, 1791.
Leonard of Taunton, and Roby K. Crane, June 3, 1827.
Lydia and Philip White, Mar. 17, 1730-1.
Lydia of Taunton, and Benjamin Willis, int. Jan. 30, 1762.
Mehetabel and Joseph Briggs, Oct. 20, 1718.
Nathaniel B. of Raynham, and Elizabeth C. Lane, Apr. 15, 1841.
Phebe of Rainham, and Silvester Newcomb, int Apr. 11, 1791.
Richard H. and Mary Ann Bates, July 23, 1830.
Salley and Enoch Toby Paul [int. Enoch Tobey Paull]. Apr. 22, 1814.
Sarah and Ebenezar Wellman, Dec. 11, 1716.
Sarah and Jedediah Jewit, int. Nov. 19, 1797.
Silas and Nancy Standley, Mar. 25, 1794.
Silas, Rev., of Abington, and Lucinda Makepeace, Nov. 28, 1832.
Silence and Seth Tisdale of Taunton, int. Jan. 23, 1803.
Stella of Raynham, and Amos Keith, int. Mar. 4, 1819.
Susan W., Mrs., and Laban Hodges, int. Apr. 26, 1840.
Ebenezer and Emmely J. Frost of Smithfield, R.I., int. Apr. 2, 1842.
Phebe, Mrs., and Ansel Wood of Middleborough, June 14, 1842.
HARADEN (see Haradon, Haredon, Harradon, Harridon, Heradon, Hereden, Heridon)
Elisha and Sophia Woodward, int. Feb. 23, 1807.
William and Abigaile Gray, July 1, 1731.
HARADON (see Haraden, Haredon, Harradon, Harridon, Heradon, Hereden, Heridon)
Elizabeth [int. Elisabeth Harridon] and Linsford Green of Wrentham, Mar. 7, 1765.
John [int. Harradon] and Charity Hoar, Feb. 5, 1754.
HARDEN (see Hardin, Harding)
Clarissa of Mansfield, and Simeon Derry, int. Feb. 9, 1816.
Isaac Jr. [int. Hardon] of Walpole, and Eunice Sweet, Oct. 22, 1815.
HARDIN (see Harden, Harding)
Alcott and Sarah B. Martin of Attleborough, int. Apr. 14, 1844.
Patty and John Farrington of Easton, int. Sept. 28, 1824.
Sarah and Nathaniel Brintinal, Feb. 21, 1736-7.
HARDING (see Harden, Hardin)
David and Susanna [int. Sussannah] Skinner, Mar. 20, 1751.
Lydia [int. Harden] and Jonathan Smith, May 24, 1793.
Martha S. of Newsalem, and Rev. Asarelah M. Bridge, int. June 30, 1838.
HAREDON (see Haraden, Haradon, Harradon, Harridon, Heradon, Hereden, Heridon)
Isaac [int. Heredon] and Anna Stone, Mar. 10, 1796.
William Jr. of Plymouth, and Elizebeth Jackson, Jan. 13, 1797.
HARRADON (see Haraden, Haradon, Haredon, Harridon, Heradon, Hereden, Heridon)
Hannah and Philip Hoar of Taunton, int. Sept. 3, 1757.
HARRIDON (see Haraden, Haradon, Haradon, Harradon, Heradon, Hereden, Heridon)
Charity and William Norton, int. June 26, 1767.
Joanna and Oliver Smith of Taunton, int. Oct. 3, 1766. "publishing forbid by the above named Joanna Harridon."
Joanna [int. Johannah Harradon] and Levi Titus, July 20, 1769.
Zeruah [int. Haradon] and Bradford Briggs [int. Brigg] of Providence, R.I., June 9, 1833.
Margaret and James Lynch, int. Nov. 13, 1846.
Ebenezer [int. Herring] of Dedham, and Sarah Crossmon [int. Crossmon] "A transsiant person", June 21, 1770, in Easton.
James of Mansfield, and Prushia Chapman of Boston, Nov. 11, 1808.
John and Elenor Budery of Mansfield, int. Nov. 1, 1807.
Otis of Vrmsfield, and Abiah Haskins, Aug. 17, 1836, in Fall River.
Roxey, Mrs., of Attleborough, and Larnard Stone, int. May 6, 1848.
Thomas and Elizabeth [int. Elisabeth] Adams of Newtown, Mar. 13, 1760, in Newton.
Betsey of Taunton, and Hiram J. Hunt, int. Nov. 30, 1834.
Hephzibah and Peter Makepeace, int. Dec. 3, 1753.
Joseph and Hannah Seele, Aug. 4, 1748.
Joseph and Sarah Cook, Feb. 20, 1753.
Samuel King of Brewer, Me., and Sarah Copeland, Nov. 7, 1819.
Samuel of Bridgewater, and Susannah Burr, int. Feb. 28, 1782.
Abigail of Taunton, and Rev. Ebenezar Easty, Apr. 18, 1824.
Benjamin, school teacher and farmer, of Taunton, b. Taunton, s. David of Taunton, and Lucinda Lincoln, 27, tayleress, d. Laban and Susanna, Mar. 17, 1846.
Elezebeth 2d of Taunton, and John Arnold, int. Apr. 8, 1788.
Henry of Taunton, and Polly Newcomb, int. Apr. 26, 1812.
Jermima of Taunton, and Ephraim Fisher, int. Jan. 6, 1769.
Joannah of Tanton, and Samuel Hoskins of Tanton, Apr. 8, 1736.
John, 28, mechanic, b. Taunton, s. Barnabas and Peddy, and Cornelia A. Hodges, 29, d. Seth and Lucy, Apr. 6, 1847.
Josiah and Lucinda Balkcon, int. May 21, 1801.
Josiah and Mary Chena of Taunton, int. Jan. 9, 1845.
Lintha of Taunton, and Stephen Hodges, Sept. 3, 1809.
Lucinda [int. Lucindia] and Leonard Smith, July 24, 1825.
Lydia of Taunton, and William Braman, Mar. 31, 1805.
Polly P. and Bradford H. Hunt, Sept. 7, 1837, in Taunton.
Rachel and Asa Williams, Sept. 21, 1800.
Rebecca int. Rebeccah Havy] of Taunton, and Terry Crane, May 20, 1798.
Sally of Taunton, and George Hodges Jr., int. Oct. 13, 1805.
Sally of Taunton, and John Crane, int. Mar. 6, 1825.
Stimpson of Taunton, and Louritta Briggs, int. Apr. 10, 1846.
Tabitha and Ephraim Wetherel Jr., int. Nov. 2, 1765.
Thomas and Pedy Ball of Taunton, int. Mar. 13, 1780.
Welthy of Taunton, and Elijah Eddy, int. Feb. 12, 1778.
William of Taunton, and Rozanah Richman, int. May 20, 1816.
Zurviah of Taunton, and Abiel Eddy 2d, int. July 9, 1763.
HASKINS (see Hoskins)
Abiah and Otis Harris of Mansfield, Aug. 17, 1836, in Fall River.
Franklin of Middleborough, and Eliza R. Lothrop, int. July 16, 1838.
John Jr. of Taunton, and Sally Clark, int. July 2, 1813.
HATHAWAY (see Hatheway)
Anna of Berkley, and Elisha Crossman Jr., int. Feb. 22, 1818.
Betsey of Dighton, and Almond Tucker, int. May 31, 1829.
James W. [int. Hothaway] of Freetown, and Mqtrida M. Crane, Jan. 26, 1837.
Mary V. of Fallriver, and Silas W. Lincoln, int. Sept. 20, 1838.
Mehetable of Berkley, and Joshua Basset, int. Jan. 14, 1764.
HATHEWAY (see Hathaway)
Stephen of Berkley, and Mary Babbit, Feb. 27 [1731-2].
Elizebeth and Benjamen Drake, Nov. 28, 1723.
HAWARD (see Hayard, Hayward, Howard)
Edward Jr. of Bridgwater, and Hannah Hensley "of the Est End of the north purchase," Feb. 2, 1713-14.
Moses (Noses) of Easton, and Margeret Wethrell of Easton, July 15, 1747.
HAWES (see Haws)
Elenor [int. Elener Hose] and Samuel Glover of Stoughton, Jan. 17, 1787.
HAWS (see Hawes)
Daniel Jr. [int. omits Jr.] of Wrentham, and Abiah Braman, Sept. 21, 1756.
Nancy of Wrentham, and Andrews Braman, int. June 26, 1813.
HAYARD (see Haward, Hayward, Howard)
William [int. Howard] and Lidea Manley, Jan. 11, 1723-4.
HAYDEN (see Haden)
HAYNES (see Hains)
HAYWARD (see Haward, Hayard, Howard)
Eunice [int. Eunic Haward] and Benjamin Shaw of Mansfield, Nov. 17, 1791, in Mansfield.
Mehetable of Bridgwater, and Benjamin Homes, int. Aug. 10, 1783.
William A. of Milford, and Betsey T. Newcomb, int. Jan. 28, 1844.
HEARTH (see Heath)
Mary [int. Heath] of Swansey, and Meletiah Washburn [int. Malatiah Woshbourn), Feb. 20, 1777, in Swansey.
HEATH (see Hearth)
Ezra B. of Attleborough, and Sarah F. Richardson, int. Dec. 14, 1849.
Polley and Amase Wiswall, int. Sept. 28, 1787.
John and Sarah Black, negroes, Feb. 19, 1740-1.
HERADON (see Haraden, Haradon, Haredon, Harradon, Harridon, Hereden, Heridon)
Sophia [int. Heridon], Mrs., and James Lawson, May 24, 1818.
HEREDEN (see Haraden, Haradon, Haredon, Harradon, Harridon, Hereden, Heridon)
Nancy and Stephen Smith of Taunton, int. Mar. 22, 1807.
Sophia, Mrs., and Lemuel Stacey Jr. of Taunton, int. Aug. 9, 1813.
HERIDON (see Haraden, Haradon, Haredon, Harradon, Harridon, Heradon, Hereden)
Bythiah [int. Harridon) and John Cumber, Apr. 9, 1761.
Jean and Joseph Gray, Apr. 30, 1730.
Joanna and Ichabod Eddy, Feb. 9, 1725-6.
HERRING (see Harring)
Almira of Middleborough, and Kingman Richmond, int. Apr. 25, 1818.
HEWES (see Hews)
Abigail (int. Hews of Wrentham] and Dr. Daniel Parker of Wrentham, ------ [int. Aug. 9, 1717]
Benjamin and Sarah Hill, wid., Jan. 1, 1740-1.
Joseph of Wrentham, and Sarah Hodges, Nov. 30, 1769.
HEWET (see Hewett, Hewit)
Hanah and Benjamin Drake, int. Oct. ----, 1724.
Liza of Franklin, and Calvin Dean, int. Mar. 4, 1820.
Mary of Taunton, and Ezra Skiner [int. Skinner], Oct. 17, 1764.
Mary of Taunton, and Moses Shute of Taunton, Feb. 17, 1824.
HEWETT (see Hewet, Hewit)
Betcy of Taunton, and John Chapman Jr., int. Feb. 26, 1816.
Abigail of Sharon, and Albert Field, int. Mar. 13, 1818.
Ebenezer of Stoughton, and Judith Porter, Nov. 19, 1730.
HEWIT (see Hewet, Hewett)
Amos and Elizabeth Parmenter of Attleborough, Oct. 1, 1772, Attleborough.
Anna [int. Anne Hewet] of Easton, and Edward White 2d [int. omits 2d], May 3, 1770, in Easton.
Catee and Thomas Burt of Taunton, int. Aug. 1, 1779.
Epharaim of Eastton, and Chataity Wetherel, Oct. 7, 1735.
HEWS (see Hewes)
Hannah of Wrentham, and Isaac White, int. Mar. 14, 1743-4.
Cyrus of Boston, and Polly Wood, int. Dec. 8, 1840.
Elizabeth M. and Abert Skinner, int. Jan. 14, 1849. "On the 15th of January 1849 Gilbert Hicks the Father of the above Elizabeth forbid the Bans of Marriage. and on the 20th of January 1849. The above named Elizabeth M. Hicks requested the Town Clerk to take the Publishment down as She had given no consent to be Published."
Lois [int. Lowis Hix] of Taunton, and Obediah Eddy, July 20, 1744.
Samuel G. and Sarah Jane Robinson of Mansfield, int. Sept. 11, 1847.
William R. of Rehoboth, and Artha Melinda R. Tucker, int. Aug. 18, 1830.
Abigail and Seth Stephens, int. Aug. 17, 1753.
Zurvian and James Wilson of Newhaven, int. July 29, 1769.
Almira and Jesse Davenport Jr. [int. Jese Davenport, omits Jr.] of Canton, Sept. 18, 1831.
John of Rehoboth, and Sarah Silley 2d Nov. 17, 1737.
John of Brookfeild [int. Brookfield], and Hannah Witherel [int. Wetherell], May 17, 1748.
Joseph and Silence [int. Silance] Tucker, Apr. 8, 1789.
Leonard and Peggy Bassett, Sept. 30, 1789 [dup. 1790] [int. July 18, 1789].
Nahum W. and Jemima Newel of Taunton, int. July 2, 1846.
Pegga and John Penno, Mar. 10, 1808.
Sarah, wid., and Benjamin Hewes, Jan. 1, 1740-1.
Sarah of Atrleborough, and Solomon Dunham, Nov. 4, 1756, in Attleborough.
Silence, Mrs., of Taunton, and Ezry Eddy of Taunton, June 6, 1830.
William of Atelberrough, and Sarah Criston of Stoughton, Sept. 21, 1750.
Mary and Ebenezer White 2d, Sept. 19, 1765.
Hannah "of the Est End of the north purchase," and Edward Haward Jr. of Bridgwater, Feb. 2, 1713-14.
Bethiah of Dorchester, and John Phillips, int. Jan. 8, 1721.
Charity and John Haradon [int. Harradon], Feb. 5, 1754.
Jacob and Welthy Broman [Braman], Jan. 22, 1761.
Philip of Taunton, and Hannah Harradon, int. Sept. 3, 1757.
David and Prudence Cadding of Taunton, int. Apr. 8, 1804.
Enos and Fanny Perry, May 19, 1799.
Prudence, Mrs., of Taunton, and William Carpenter, Feb. 23, 1824.
Abba [int. Abby] Ann and Joseph D. Sweet, Nov. 22, 1836.
Abiah and Jonathan Follit, May 20, 1735.
Abiah and Nehemiah King, Dec. 26, 1738.
Abiel and Experience Williams of Taunton, int. May 8, 1766.
Abiel and Abigail Williams, int. Nov. 18, 1775.
Abigail [int. Abigail Hadges] and Beach Cutler of Pomferit, May 13, 1746.
Abigail and Samuel Lincoln, Apr. 28, 1774.
Abigail and Benjamin Hodges, Aug. 27, 1778.
Abigail and James Tayler of Newport, int. Mar. 5, 1781.
Addoniram and Barsheba Richmond, int. May 10, 1812.
Almira and William Newcomb of Taunton, Jan. 2, 1828.
Amia of Mansfield, and John Smith of Mansfield, Apr. 20, 1818.
Andrew and Mehittable Leonard of Taunton, int. Mar. 2, 1752.
Andrew and Abigail Hoskins of Providence, int. May 17, 1773.
Anna and William Ware, Sept. 27, 1733.
Anna [int. Anne] and John Wild Jr., May 1, 1746.
Anna and Isaac Makepeace, July 28, 1785.
Anna, Mrs., of Taunton, and Dea. Seth Smith, Feb. 18, 1795.
Anna and Lemuel Arnold, May 18, 1802.
Barnam and Phebe Richardson of Attleborough, int. May 19, 1811.
Benjamin and Mrs. Sarah Seele [int. Seelle, omits Mrs.], May 29, 1749.
Benjamin and Abigail Hodges, Aug. 27, 1778.
Bethiah and George Godfrey of Taunton, May 9, 1744.
Bethiah [int. Bythiah] and Nathaniel Freeman, Feb. 10, 1763.
Bethiah of Taunton, and John Norton of Taunton, Sept. 1, 1793.
Betsay and Homes Richmond, June 28, 1809.
Caroline J. [int. Hodgs] and Benjamin S. Hall, Jan. 7, 1830.
Charity and James Winslow of Freetowne, June 8, 1738.
Charles J. and Stella L. Field, int. Dec. 23, 1845.
Chloe [int. Chloa] 2d and Masa Bassett of Providence, Sept. 6, 1804.
Clarissa and Hodges Read of Taunton, May 13, 1813.
Clarrinda [dup. and int. Clarinda] M., 25, d. Stephen, and [dup. adds Capt.] Ira C. Root, shoemaker, Apr. 23, 1843.
Cornelia A., 29, d. Seth and Lucy, and John Harvey, 28, mechanic, b. Taunton, s. Barnabas and Peddy, Apr. 6, 1847.
Daniel and Elona Shepardson of Rehoboth, Mar. 12, 1787, in Rehoboth.
David and Bethiah Knap, Sept. 9, 1762.
David and Lydia Hodges of Taunton, May 1, 1783.
Deborah 2d and John Allen, Sept. 5, 1771.
Deborah and Rufus Davis of Rehoboth [int. Rehoboth], Mar. 25, 1815.
Deliverance and Silas Cobb, May 24, 1764.
Earl and Harriot Lane, Apr. 22, 1831.
Ebenezer of Mansfield, and Abigail White, int. Feb. 25, 1826.
Ebenezer and Mary Dailey of Easton, Nov. 11, 1729, in Easton.
Edmond Jr. and Rachel Godfrey, July 25, 1764.
Edmund and Marcy Cooke of Kingstowne, Jan. 6, 1736-7.
Elijah [int. Jr.] of Mansfield, and Sarah Morey, May 4, 1779.
Elijah and Mrs. Betsy Burt of Troy, int. Sept. 17, 1824.
Eliphelet and Elizabeth Clap, Jan. 29, 1735-6.
Eliphelit [int. Eliphlit] of Stoughton, and Abigail Phillebrown [int. Abigail Filebroune], Mar. 4, 1745.
Elisabeth and Moses Wilmarth [int. Willmarth] of Attleborough, Apr. 20, 1756.
Elisabeth 2d [int. omits 2d] and Caleb Lyon of Woodstock, Apr. 28, 1756.
Elisebeth and George Mory, int Jan. 3, 1723.
Elisha and Mrs. Hannah Braman, Oct. 1, 1819.
Eliza and Capt. Thomas Copeland, June 4, 1821.
Eliza and Dwelly [int. Dwelley] Coward of Easton, Feb. 7, 1828.
Elizabeth (see Elizsabeth, Elisebeth).
Elizabeth Wheaton and Simeon Green of Mansfield, Apr. 5, 1803.
Ertzebeth and John Cobb, iat. Feb. 26, 1750. "Publishment forbid by her father."
Elizabeth [int. Elizabeth] and Samuel Godfrey, July 8, 1767.
Emeline, 30, d. Seth and Lucy, and Francis A. Whitmarsh. 40, farmer, of Dighton, b. Dighton, s. Robert and Avis of Dighton, Nov. 11, 1849.
Emily and Seneca Sanford Jr., int. Apr. 2, 1849.
Ephraim and Rachel Cox of Pembroke [int. Koks of Pembrook], Nov. 15, 1752 "New Stile," in Pembroke.
Esther, Mrs., and Benjamen Fairbank, int. Aug. 11, 1750.
Experieance [int. Experience] and George Porter of Rehoboth, Mar. 22, 1789.
Fanny and Dr. [int. omits Dr.] Abijah Willard of Uxbridge, Nov. 24, 1807.
Galan of Providence, R.I., and Demmy [int. Dimma] Andrews, June 17, 1811.
Gemima of Taunton, and Asa Arnold, int. Aug. 3, 1794.
George and Phebe Arnold [int. 2d], July 1 [dup. June 1], 1784.
George Jr. and Sally Harvey of Taunton, int. Oct. 13, 1805.
Gilford of Mansfield, and Betcy Brownel, int. July 17, 1818.
Hannah and Aaron Blake of Wrenthern, int. Sept. 14, 1753.
Hannah 3d and Noah Wiswall [int Wisall] of Dorchester, Nov. 8, 1753.
Hannah 2d and Richard Guild [int. Guile] of Wrentham, Dec. 3, 1761.
Hannah and Job Tisdale Jr. of Taunton, int. Sept. 26, 1784.
Hannah of Mansfield, and Zebadiah Skinner of Mansfield, Feb. 20, 1803.
Hannah P. and Asa Arnold Jr., int. July 9, 1824.
Harlow [int. Harlon] and Polly [int. Polley] Bates, Feb. 1, 1818.
Harriot, 27, school teacher, d. Elisha, and Edward A. Kingman, 28, carriage manufacturer, of Mansfield, b. Mansfield, s. Henry and Nancy of Mansfield, Apr. 7, 1846.
Isaac and Mary Pratt, Jan. 31, 1751.
Isaac Jr. and Chloe Bishop of Attleborough, July 25, 1782.
Isaac Jr. and Fanny Allen of Taunton, Dec. ----, 1808.
James and Mary Briggs 4th, Dec. 2, 1766.
James Jr. and Naby Daggett of Attleborough, int. Jan. 5, 1793.
Jarves [int. Jarvis] and Mehitable Tisdale, Dec. 3, 1821.
Jarvis and Rhoda Fairbank of Petersham, int. Apr. 20, 1828.
Jemima (see Gemima).
Jesse and Olive White of Marshfield, Dec. 1, 1782, in Marshfield.
John and Abigail Wheaton of Mansfield, Nov. 2, 1780, in Mansfield.
Jonathan 1st [int. omits 1st] and Deborah [int. Deberah] Newcomb, Mar. 20, 1745-6.
Jonathan 2d and Abigail Carpentor, Jan. 8, 1771.
Jonathan Jr. and Sarah Danforth, Aug. 3, 1790.
Joseph Jr. and Naomei Pratt, Nov. 26, 1739.
Joseph and Mrs. Miriam Bishop of Attleborough, int. Nov. 15, 1749.
Joseph and Lusanah Williams of Taunton, int. Jan. 5, 1775.
Joseph of Taunton, and Silance White, int. July 18, 1789.
Joseph Jr. and Sally Gilbert, Aug. 15, 1805.
Josiah and Welthy Hodges, Oct. 24, 1765.
Josiah Jr. and Sally Winslow of Berkley, int. Apr. 26, 1801.
Laban and Mrs. Susan W. Hall, int. Apr. 26, 1840.
Leonard and Hannah Peck of Rehoboth, int. Feb. 11, 1798.
Leonard Jr. and Chloe Lane 2d, Nov. 24, 1825.
Lepha M. and Samuel Seaver of Taunton, int. Apr. 9, 1832.
Lewis and Sally B. Round of Taunton, int. July 7, 1832.
Linthy A. and Charles H. Briggs, Feb. 13, 1832.
Lona and Jacob Skiner, Apr. 19, 1770.
Louisa Caroline and Denis Capron of Attleborough, int. Aug. 7, 1828.
Luanda [int. Lusilda] and Nathaniel Williams, of Taunton, Apr. 20, 1780.
Lucinday and Benjamin Gay Scott of Barrington, N.H., int. Aug. 2, 1812.
Lucy Ann and John Hunt, Apr. 28, 1823.
Luranah 2d [int. omits 2d] and David Lane, Jan. 20, 1803.
Lydia of Taunton, and David Hodges, May 1, 1783.
Lydia 2d and Joseph Woodcock, int. June 24, 1804.
Lydya and Thomas Woodcock, int. Dec. 7, 1732.
Mary [int. Hadges] and George Morey [int. Mory] Jr., Nov. 23, 1748.
Mary and Samuel Morey, May 3, 1750.
Mary and Samuel Godfrey, Dec. 29, 1774.
Mary A., 24, d. Williams and Avis, and Augustus Lane, 30, farmer, s. Allen and Elizabeth, June 27, 1849.
Mebetable and Josiah Cobb, Apr. 19, 1774.
Mehetobel and Thomas Morey, Dec. 21, 1732.
Mercy and Silas Titus, DeC. 22, 1741.
Mercy of Mansfield, and Benjamin Richmond, int. Mar. 29, 1818.
Miriam and Joseph Bishop of Atelborrough, Apr. 22, 1736.
Miriam 2d and Daniel Tiffany 2d of Attleborough, Apr. 17, 1760.
Miriam and William Cobb, July 9, 1760.
Miriam and John Dean 2d, Jan. 16, 1766.
Miriam [int. Meriam] and Isaac Lane, Apr. 14, 1796.
Naby [int Nabby] and Nathaniel Wood Jr., June 9, 1793.
Nancy [int. 2d] and Noah Smith of Mansfield, Jan. 23, 1812.
Nancy and Elijah Copeland of Mansfield, Jan. 4, 1821.
Nancy Jane of Taunton, and Edmond Anthony of Taunton, July 4, 1838.
Nancy Shaw and Ira Smith, int. Oct. 20, 1797.
Naomi [int. Neoma] and Tisdale Hodges, Oct. 6, 1774.
Nathan and Experience Williams of Taunton, Dec. 12, 1728.
Nathan Jr. and Hannah Morey, Nov. 7, 1751.
Nathan Jr. and Betty [int. Bettey] Bosworth of Barrington [int. Barington], Apr. 17, 1777.
Nathaniel and Hannah Skinner [int. 3d] of Mansfield, May 24, 1774, in Mansfield.
Newton S. of Taunton, and Lurana W. Lane, Oct. 1, 1829.
Phebe and John Cobb 2d, Nov. 1, 1750.
Phebe A [int. Arnold] and James L. [int. Leonard] Perry of Easton, Nov. 20, 1825.
Polly 2d and Phillip [int. Philip] King Jr., Aug. 29, 1802.
Polly and John L. Monroe [int. John Linsay Munro] of Providence, Sept. 15, 1806.
Polly [int. Polley] and Sylvanus Blanchard Braman, Nov. 5, 1818.
Rachel and William Hodges of Taunton, int. July 9, 1773.
Rachel and Abel Carpenter 2d of Rehoboth, int. Mar. 16, 1790.
Rachell and Record Franklin, Apr. 25, 1751.
Rany [int Raney] and George Tisdale of Taunton, July 10, 1783.
Royal P., 28, carpenter, s. Leonard dec'd and Hannah, and Martha M. Leonard, 30, d. Crornwell and Belinda, Sept. 9, 1846.
Ruth and Soloman [int. Solomon] Trove, May 20, 1762.
Sally and Hosea Kingmon [int. Kingman], Jan. 12, 1809.
Salmon S., 37, mechanic, s. Stephen and Lintha, and Nancy T. Parris [int. Parice], 22, of Rehoboth, Oct. 21, 1846.
Samuel and Ruth Potter, Dec. 6, 1739.
Samuell and Mary Allen of Tanton, Mar. 7, 1717.
Sarah [int. adds wid.] and Nathaniel Dunham, June 14, 1756.
Sarah and Joseph Hewes of Wrentham, Nov. 30, 1769.
Sarah and Adam Johnston, Oct. 14, 1773.
Sarah 2d and Richard Caswell of Winthrop, May 31, 1818.
Sarah W. and Milton B. Barney of Taunton, Nov. 18, 1838.
Seleah [int. Selah] and Kint Bullok of Rehoboth [int. Kent Bulock of Rehobauth], Dec. 11, 1795.
Seth and Lucy Webber of Taunton, Jan. 9, 1794.
Silance and Ephraim Turner, June 18, 1730.
Simeon and Susannah Cobb, July 4, 1765.
Simeon W. and Emeline Babbitt of Petersham, int. Apr. 27, 1841.
Sophia and Isaac White of Mansfield, May 24, 1810.
Stephen and Lintha Harvey of Taunton, Sept. 3, 1809.
Sybal [int. Sibbel] and Rufus Clap, Nov. 12, 1782.
Timothy and Lydia Cox of Pembroke [int. Koks of Pembrook], June 3, 1756, in Pembroke.
Timothy Jr. of Taunton, and Ruth King [int. 2d], Oct. 24, 1786.
Tisdale and Naomi [int. Neoma] Hodges, Oct. 6, 1774.
Wealthy A. and Daniel Crane, June 23, 1842.
Welthy and Josiah Hodges, Oct. 24, 1763.
Welthy 2d and Ezra Macomber, Dec. 27, 1792.
William of Tanton, and Lidya Andrews, June 21, 1739.
William of Taunton, and Rachel Hodges, int. July 9, 1773.
William of Taunton, and Mary Eddy, int. Feb. 27, 1780.
William of Mansfield, and Sarah Willard, Apr. 28, 1785.
William and Avis Palmer Whitmarsh of Dighton, int. Aug. 1, 1822.
Zilpha and Luther Short of Rehoboth, Nov. 29, 1792.
George F. and Sarah Ann Guellow, int. Nov. 21, 1846.
Mary K. of Attleborough, and Col. Mason Stone, int. May 3, 1845.
Nathan, Rev., of Attleborough, and Lettice Morey, int. Aug. 9, 1801.
HOLMES (see Holms, Homes)
Ann and Thomas Cooper of Attleborough, Apr. 25, 1830.
Asa P. and Eunice Arnold of Foxborough, int. Dec. 26, 1835.
Benjamin [int. Homes] and Rachel Glover of Stoughton, June 28, 1785, in Stoughton.
David of Taunton, and Hannah Wilbur, Jan. 1, 1832.
Eliza J. and Charles Cooper of Charlestown, Apr. 17, 1836, in Taunton.
Emeline S. and Nathan P. Godfrey of Cambridge, int. Mar. 2, 1844.
Julia A. and William Cooper [int. Copper] of Charlestown, Oct. 2, 1836, in Taunton.
Rufus T. of Taunton, and Betsey Drake, Sept. 21, 1830.
Sally and Calvin Willis, int. Jan. 24, 1824.
William and Melancy W. Tucker, int. Dec. 8, 1827.
HOLMS (see Holmes, Homes)
John R. [int. John K. Holmes] of Taunton, and Sarah C. Mitchel, Aug. 21, 1842.
Samuel and Sally N. Wilde of Mansfield, int. June 18, 1836.
HOMES (see Holmes, Holms)
Benjamin and Mehetible Hayward of Bridgwater, int. Aug. 10, 1783.
John and Betsay Crosman, July 7, 1811.
Abigil Danforth and Eleazer Walker Jr., int. May 7, 1815.
Benjamin and Abigail Danforth of Taunton, int. Apr. 6, 1796.
Benjamin E. [int. Everett] and Eunice Danforth, Mar. 18, 1827.
Elizabeth [int. Elezebeth] and Ichabod [int. Ichobad] Perry Jr., Feb. 15, 1818.
Gideon and Mary Newcomb, Nov. 24, 1774.
Hannoh [int. Hannah] Jane and Silas R. Goff, Jan. 28, 1841.
James B. and Roxana Lincoln, int. May 3, 1834.
Lucindia and William Cottenton Verry, Feb. 15, 1818.
Roby of Rehoboth [int. Robe of Rehoboth], and Sylvanas Cambell [int. Salvanus Cambel], Mar. 12, 1766, in Rehoboth.
Roxana, Mrs., d. Samuel Lincoln and Anna, and Silas R. Goff, int. Oct. 20, 1849.
HOSKINS (see Haskins)
Abia of Taunton, and Seth Tisdale Jr. int. June 8, 1770.
Abigail of Providence, and Andrew Hodges, int. May 17, 1773.
Bethiah of Tanton, and Benjmen Crosman of Tanton, Aug. 11, 1737.
Joannah 2d of Taunton, and Seth Eddy, int. Sept. 22, 1758.
Samuel of Tanton, and Joannah Harvey of Tanton, Apr. 8, 1736.
Ebenezer, Dea., of Weymouth, and Sarah King, Nov. 13, 1735, in Weymouth.
HOWARD (see Haward, Hayard, Hayward)
Abba [int. Alba] of Bridgwater, and Louisa Carpenter, Apr. 14, 1823.
Adam and Lois Lovell of Mansfield, int. Dec. 12, 1813.
Elethan Howard [sic] [int. Ethan, omits Howard] of Easton, and Julia Maria White, June 19, 1836, in Raynham.
James of Bridgewater, and Elizabeth Babbit of Easton, June 12, 1756.
Jemima [int. Gemima] and Benjamin Coleman [int. Colman], Aug. 13, 1794.
Joseph of Taunton, and Betsey Stasey [? Storey] of Taunton, Oct. 7, 1829.
Keziah of Easton [int. Haward of Eastown], and Adonijah White, Feb. 20, 1794, in Easton.
Susanna of Bridgewater, and Benjamin Williams, Dec. 22, 1720, in Bridgewater.
Martin D. of Troy, N.Y., and Ann B. Perry, int. Jan. 8, 1843.
HUGHES (see Hewes, Hews)
HUMPHREY (see Umphry)
Dinah [int. Umphrey] and Kuff [int. Cuff], "negro sarvants of mr Benjamin Farebanks," Nov. 28, 1754.
HUNT (see Hunts)
Abigail 2d and Asahel [int. Asel] Tucker, Apr. 21, 1793.
Anna and James Carpenter, int. Jan. 27, 1806.
Bradford H. and Polly P. Harvey, Sept. 7, 1837, in Taunton.
Burden and Eunice H. Adams, Apr. 8, 1838.
Burden and Horriot [Harriot] Coffin, int. Jan. 2, 1841.
Colvin M. and Lovina Pratt of Taunton, int. Sept. 15, 1836.
Content and Lemuel Perry, Jan. 1, 1809.
Daniel and Hannah Powers of Littleton, int. Oct. 23, 1753.
Daniel and Mary Newland, wid., int. Feb. 7, 1756.
Daniel and Sarah Jackson of Attleborough [int. Attleborow], June 30, 1757, in Attleborough.
Elbridge G. and Betsy Lane, Jan. 4, 1824.
Eliza, 23, d. Oliver dec'd, and Oliver Dean [dup. Deane], 26, trader, s. John (Deane), Jan. 21, 1844.
Elizabeth and Allen Lane, Apr. 14, 1804.
Elizebeth [int. Elizabeth] and Jonathan Hunt, May 3, 1750.
Enoch of Attleborough, and Anna Stone, int. July 18, 1778.
Eunice [int. Eunic] 2d and William Wetherell [int. Wetherell] Jr., Nov. 29, 1792.
Experience [int. 2d] and Jeremiah Newland, Mar. 31, 1757.
Fanny and Charles L. Crosman, int. Dec. 16, 1827.
Hannah and Theophilus Crosman 2d, Sept. 11, 1825.
Henry of Boston, and Mariah Deane, int. Aug. 1, 1840.
Hiram J. and Betsey Hart of Taunton, int. Nov. 30, 1834.
John and Lucy Ann Hodges, Apr. 28, 1823.
Jonathan and Elizebeth [int. Elizabeth] Hunt, May 3, 1750.
Jonathan and Abiah King, Feb. 2, 1758.
Joseph and Eunice Copland, Sept. 28, 1758.
Joseph Jr. and Prudent [int. Prudence] Wetherell, Nov. 20, 1794.
Josiah and Fanny Lincoln, Apr. 7, 1803.
Lydia and George Wetherell [int. Wethrell], Feb. 16, 1800.
Lydia of Taunton, and Benajah Tucker, May 3, 1803.
Moses and Peddy Knapp, Dec. 1, 1808.
Moses Jr. and Nancy Puffer, July 25, 1833.
Oliver and Hannah Knapp, Sept. 11, 1799.
Rebecah [int. Rebecca] and Joseph Linken [int. Lincoln] Jr., Aug. 27, 1750.
Ruth and William Makepeace, Dec. 8, 1774.
Sally and Elias Wetherell [int. Wetherel], Nov. 20, ---- [int. Sept. 14, 1806].
Samuel and Abigail Day, Sept. 16, 1762.
Samuel Jr. and Salley [int. Sally] Walker, Jan. 28, 1790.
Samuel 2d and Julia Phillips [int. Philips], Nov. 17, 1811.
Samuel, Capt., and Mrs. Luranah Lane, June 16, 1824.
Samuel Jr. of Providence, and Nancy Lincoln, int. Oct. 19, 1824.
Sophia J. and James M. Sweet, Dec. 22, 1835.
HUNTS (see Hunt)
Adolphus D. and Emily J. Drown of Attleborough, int. Mar. 15, 1835.
Samuel B. of Fall River, and Charlotte Macy of Nantucket, June 22, 1841, in Nantucket.
HYDE (see Hide)
Timothy of Rehoboth, and Coe Claffing [int. Chloe Claflen], May 21, 1810.
Sybill of Taunton, and Silos Cobb Esq., int. Apr. 3, 1803.
Jonathan of Taunton, and Annah Clap, int. Mar. 17, 1774.
Miriam [int. Ingram] of Stoughtonham, and William Tiffaney, Oct. 5, 1766.
