Vital Records Of Norton, Bristol Co., Ma
To The Year 1850
Published By The New England Historic Genealogical Society,
At The Charge Of The Eddy Town-Record Fund.
Boston, Mass., 1906
Marriages - CADDING to EVERETT
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

CADDING (see Codding)
Prudence (Cadding) of Taunton, and David Hoard, int. Apr. 8, 1804.
CALWALL (see Caulwell)
Peggey and William Peck of Bristol, int. Nov. 25, 1797.
CAMBEL (see Cambell, Campbel, Campbell, Champbell)
Abigail and Philip White, Mar. 2, 1758.
Gershum and Sarah Andrus, May 9, 1732.
Mary and John Finey of Bristol, Jan. 12, 1715-16.
Moses and Rhoda Edson of Easton, int. Oct. 10, 1767.
Rachell and Daniell Braman, Nov. 25, 1714.
Sarah 3d and John Allen Jr. of Bridgwater, int. June 23, 1753.
Sarah and Thomas Storey, int. Jan. 5, 1754.
Sheubel of Raynham, and Mary Pratt, Feb. 11, 1761.
Susanah [int. Susannah] and Jeremiah Newland, Oct. 19, 1769.
William and Lydia Pollard of Taunton, Nov. 4, 1731.
CAMBELL (see Cambel, Campbel, Campbell, Champbell)
Eleanor [int. Ellaner Cambel] and Jonathan Leonard, Feb. 17, 1763.
Neome [int. Neomey] and Moses Acros, Feb. 6, 1723-4.
Salvenas and Ann Pratt, Dec. 1, 1726.
Sary and James Boldery, Mar. 17, 1723-4.
Shubell and Mary Jomes [Jones] of Rainham, int. 20, 1748.
Silvenus [int. Silvanus] and Abigail [int. Abigail] Pollard of Taunton, May 20, 1746.
Silvanas [int. Salvanus Cambel] and Roby [int. Robe] Horton of Rehoboth [int. Rehobath], Mar. 12, 1766, in Rehoboth.
Sylvanns (see Salvenas, Silvenus)
CAMPBEL (see Cambel, Cambell, Campbell, Champbell)
Anna [int. Anne Cambel] and Charles Finney of Easton, Mar. 2, 1758.
Eleonar [int. Elenorr] and Henry Clement, Dec. 3, 1819.
CAMPBELL (see Cambel, Cambell, Campbel, Champbell)
Abiah and Ebenezer Finey, Aug. 6, 1720.
Anna [int. Cambel] and Abiel Caswell, Jan. 22, 1771.
Betty and William Storey [int. Story], ---- [int. Oct. 15, 1780].
Jeremiah and Peggy Bragg of Wrentham, int. Nov. 30, 1783.
Banfield and Hannah Tucker, Dec. 22, 1757.
Benjamin of Attbeboro [int. Benjamen of Atelborrough], and Tabitha [int. Tabethy] Skinner, Oct. 12, 1748.
Denis of Attleborough, and Louisa Caroline Hodges, int. Aug. 7, 1828.
Elisha of Attleborough, and Abigail Makepeace, Jan. 29, 1761.
Elisha and Hannah White [int. 2d], Jan. 10, 1791.
Nancy and William Bolcum Jr. of Attleborough, int. June 9, 1791.
Peggy and Noah Smith of Taunton, Sept. 7, 1786.
CARPERTER (see Carpentor)
Abel 2d of Rehoboth, and Rachel Hodges, int. Mar. 16, 1790.
Abigail [int. Abigal (Carpenter) 2d and Jude Feild [int. Field] of Taunton, Apr. 17, 1788.
Caty [int. Carpentor] and Eleazer [int. Eliazer] Walker, Apr. 13, 1767 [int. Jan. 30, 1768, sic], in Rehoboth.
Chloe D. (Carpenter) [int. Carpenter] and Henry H. Blandin, July 31, 1834.
Daniel and Hannah Danforth, Dec. 6, 1821.
Elisha and Hannah Briggs 2d, Oct. 27, 1807.
Elizabeth [int. Betsay] and John Deane [int. Dean] of Mansfield, Apr. 4, 1811.
Elizebeth and Benjamin Bassett, Mar. 5, 1797.
Hannah D. and William Carpenter of Foxborough, int. Apr. 27, 1842.
Isaac and Betsy Smith of Mansfield, int. Jan. 15, 1809.
James and Anna Hunt, int. Jan. 27, 1806.
Jarvis and Ursula Fisher of Wrentham, int. Sept. 24, 1830.
Jarvis, widr., 47, shoemaker, s. William dec'd, and Caroline Simpson, wid. [dup. and int. Mrs., omit wid.], d. George Wetherell, June 8, 1843.
Louisa and Abba [int. Alba] Howard of Bridgwater, Apr. 14, 1823.
Lucinda and Winthrop Parker Gray of Newburyport, int. Aug. 7, 1814.
Marcus S. of Foxborough, and Emely King, int. Feb. 25, 1846.
Mary and Eliram P. White, ---- [int. Apr. 28, 1821].
Mary Jane and Henry T. Belcher of Holliston, June 4, 1839.
Nancy and Henry Kingman of Mansfield, Dec. 8, 1814.
Polly and William Dunham [int. Jr.] of Mansfield, Feb. 24, 1811.
Sarah and Asa Lincoln, June 7, 1774.
William and Sarah Fuller of Rehoboth, Dec. 21, 1775, in Rehoboth.
William Jr. and Hannah Kith, int. Feb. 20, 1779.
William Jr. and Sophronia Seaver of Taunton, int. Mar. 13, 1808.
William and Mrs. Prudence Hoard of Taunton, Feb. 23, 1824.
William of Forborough, and Hannah D. Carpenter, int. Apr. 27, 1842.
CARPENTOR (see Carpenter)
Abigail and Jonathan Hodges 2d, Jan. 8, 1771.
Cyriel of Attleborough, and Luce Lane, int. Oct. 19, 1765.
John of Rehoboth, and Mary Woodward, Dec. 23, 1756.
Peter and Abigail Briggs of Taunton, int. Oct. 9, 1765.
William and Sarah Blake of Taunton, int. Feb. 12, 1757.
William Jr. and Elisabeth Briggs of Taunton, int. June 23, 1759.
John of Easton, and Emerine Philips, int. Jan. 14, 1824.
CARSWEL (see Caswell, Coswell)
Deborah and John Austin of Easton, June 9, 1726, in Easton.
Abigail and Nathaniel Wood, Feb. 24, 1763.
Amelia and Gardner Lane, Apr. 5, 1840, in Mansfield.
Charlotte (Sarver) and Bradford W. Smith, int. Apr. 8, 1832.
David L. and Lauruna [Laurana] Nash of Canton, int. Apr. 17, 1842.
Theodore and Caroline P. Bullock of Rehoboth, int. May 9, 1840.
CASWELL (see Carswel, Coswell)
Abiel and Anna Campbell [int. Cambel], Jan. 22, 1771.
Ann W. of Taunton, and Luther Grover of Taunton, Oct. 7, 1824.
Beal [int. Caswell and Persillah [int. Persilla] Newland, d. Jacob, Jan. 3, 1760.
Bethiah and Henery, Withrell, Jan. 12, 1726-7.
Elisabeth and Samul Battey, int. Aug. 27, 1711.
Elizabet and Henery White of Eastton, Feb. 9, 1735-6.
Elizabeth and Benjamin Newland, Nov. 29, 1716.
Elizebeth of Middleborough, and James Bassett, int. Oct. 22, 1786.
Hannah and John Newland, int. Aug. 5, 1721.
Hannah [int. Coswell] and Nicholas Smith, Mar. 28, 1748.
Jedediah and Mary King, July 11, 1726.
John Jr. and Marcy Tiffeney, Nov. 10, 1737.
Judeth [int. Judah] and Phillep Athrington [int. Phillip Atherton], Nov. 1, 1749.
Meriam [int. Miriam] and John Linkon Jr. of Easton, Aug. 15, 1754.
Richard of Winthrop, and Sarah Hodges 2d, May 31, 1818.
Samuell and Ursula White, Feb. 5, 1727-8.
Sarah and Ebenezer White, May 21, 1730.
Solomon and Abigail Clark [int. of Easton], Aug. 9, 1764.
E. A., 26, of Cambridge, d. Lucy A., and Rev. William Barrows Jr., 34, s. William and Asenath, int. Oct. 6, 1849.
Pricilla "a negro woman of Mr. R. sandersens of atelborrough," and Seser "a negro man of G. Leonards," int. Sept. 7, 1744.
CAULWELL (see Calwall)
Elizebeth of Taunton, and Samuel Godfrey, int. Jan. 4. 1794.
George and Mehetable Wetherell 2d, int. Jan. 28, 1792.
Henry and Lintha [int. Linthy] Woodward, Mar. 29, 1818.
Fanny of Freetown, and Soloman Lathrop, int. June 8, 1816.
Harvey of Rochester, N.Y., and Charlotte Verry, May 20, 1830.
Lamyra A. of Taunton, and Ephraim Lane, int. Sept. 7, 1834.
CHAMBERLAIN (see Chamberlin)
Nancy and Nathaniel Leonard, Nov. 11, 1821.
CHAMBERLIN (see Chamberlain)
James of Rainham, and Jane Leonard of Rainham, Sept. 30, 1792.
CHAMPBELL (see Cambel, Cambell, Campbel, Campbell)
Jeremiah [int. Cambel] and Susanna [int. Susannah] Blancher of Weymouth, Apr. 11, 1749, in Weymouth.
Constant S., 34, boot maker, of Stoughton, b. Plymton, s. Nathaniel and Harriot of Plympton, and Abigail L. Turner, 26, of Stoughton, b. Stoughton, d. Luther and May of Stoughton, Nov. 4, 1848.
Gardner Esq. [int. Col. Gardniner, omits Esq.] of Worcester, and [int. adds Mrs.] Anna Leonard, Aug. 2, 1767.
Eliza B. of Uxbridge, and Laban M. Wheaton Esq., int. May 23, 1829.
John Jr. and Betcy Hewett of Taunton, int. Feb. 26, 1816.
Prushia of Boston, and James Harris of Mansfield, Nov. 11, 1808.
Sabrina and James Kelly of Easton, int. July 26, 1835.
William and Abigail Alden White, int. Mar. 3, 1821.
CHASE (see Chace)
CHEENEY (see Chena, Chene, Cheney)
Keziah [int. Kezia Cheney 2d] and Abiel Knap, Jan. 9, 1766.
CHEEVER (see Chivers)
Polly [dup. Molly, int. Chivers] of Wrentham, and Elisha Cobb, Mar. 15, 1797, in Wrentham.
CHENA (see Cheeney, Chena, Cheney)
Mary of Taunton, and Josiah Harvey, int. Jan. 9, 1845.
CHENE (see Cheeney, Chena, Cheney)
Benjamen and Ruth Allen, July 15, 1729.
Rhode [int. Rhodey Cheny] and Thomas Briggs, Apr. 8, 1724.
CHENEY (see Cheeney, Chena, Chene)
Benjamin and Kaziah Newland, Mar. 9, 1737-8.
Esther and Ebenezer Richardson, int. Dec. 21, 1764.
Mary and Simeon Briggs, Aug. 20, 1761.
Sarah and Jacob Briggs [int. Brigs], Dec. 3, 1767.
Thankfull of Attleborough, and David Commins of Attleborough, Jan. 20, 1756.
William C. of Nantucket, and Mary Ann L'Hommediau of Nantucket, June 18, 1841, in Nantucket.
CHIVERS (see Cheever)
Harriot E. and Benjamin D. Standley, May 6, 1841.
Hannah and Joseph Andrews Jr., int. Nov. 7, 1795.
Thomas of Groton, and Abigail Willis of Tanton, June 26, 1733.
Marget and Jonathan Wethrell, int. Mar. 24, 1721-2. "and thay ware ferbid by her father and on the 4th of febuary 1722-3 thay ware Published a Game by his Leive."
Ephraim of Jamestown, and Lidea Linkon of Tanton, Dec. 25, 1728.
CLAFFLIN (see Claflen, Claffing)
Levi and Abigail Norton, Nov. 19, 1789.
CLAFLEN (see Claffin, Claffing)
Nathaniel Jr. and Mindwell Standley of Attleborough, int. Dec. 21, 1800.
CLAFLING (see Clafflin, Clafien)
Cloe [int. Chloe Glaflen] and Timothy Ide of Rehoboth, May 21, 1801.
CLAP (see Clapp)
Abiel and Bathshaeba Pratt [int. Bathsheba Prat], Apr. 6, 1758.
Annah and Jonathan Ingley of Taunton, int. Mar. 17, 1774.
David and Hannah King, Aug. 18, 1767.
Eleazer and Silvey Gushey of Raynham, int. Mar. 7, 1784.
Elisabeth and David Copland of Milton, Nov. 29, 1759.
Elisabeth of Middleborough, and John Eddy, int. June 29, 1763.
Elizabeth and Eliphelet Hodges, Jan. 29, 1735-6.
Jemima and Abiel Dean Jr. of Raynham, int. Aug. 13, 1767.
John and Polly Makepeace, May 10, 1785.
Jonathan and Jerusha Day of Wrentham, int. Sept. 29, 1759.
Lydia and Lt. [int. omits Lt.] Jacob Shepard [int. Sheepard], Jan. 11, 1781.
Mary and Israel Trow, Jan. 1, 1761.
Noah and Olive Shepard, Apr. 16, 1776.
Phebe and John Robbinson, May 28, 1761.
Rachel and Richard Field of Taunton, June 24, 1770.
Rachel of Siteuate, and George Leonard, int. Sept. 8, 1721.
Rufus and Sybal [int. Sibbel] Hodges, Nov. 12, 1782.
Samuel Jr. and Anne Wild, Apr. 21, 1757.
Samuel Jr. and Lydia Wild, int. Aug. 13, 1768.
Sarah 2d and Pelegg Paddleford of Taunton, int. July 3, 1756.
Sarah and James Godfrey 2d, int. July 14, 1787.
Silence and John Wild [int. Wilds], Oct. 25, 1744.
Silence and Daniel Braman, Nov. 28, 1774.
Thomas of Taunton, and Mrs. Marcy Leonard, Sept. 9, 1731.
Timothy of Stoughton [int. of Walpole] and Rhoda Wetherel, Mar. 24, 1762.
CLAPP (see Clap)
Anna, wid., and Samuel Wrigley, Mar. 2, 1820, in Walpole.
Betsy [int. Betsay] and Calvin Lathrop of Boston, May 14, 1807.
Delight of Taunton, and Timothy Lincoln of Taunton, Feb. 6, 1820.
Elias and Barsena Wilber, int. Oct. 25, 1812.
George of Grafton, and Melinda Wood, Dec. 31, 1829.
Hannah [int. Clap 2d] and Dr. Levit [int. Levet] Bates, ---- [int. May 6, 1797].
Hannah and John Williams Jr. of Easton, int. Aug. 3, 1822.
Ichabod and Betsay Smith of Middleborough, int. Mar. 13, 1803.
James C. and Orilla Field of Taunton, int. Sept. 12, 1813.
James C. and Mary Farmum of Hamden, Conn., int. Oct. 9, 1831.
James C. and Prudence Wilbur, May 9, 1841, in Rehoboth.
Jonathan 2d [dup. and int. Clap] and Peggy Wood, Aug. 14, 1788.
Jonathan and Mrs. Lydia Field 2d of Mansfield, Aug. 9, 1825.
Lavina E. of Easton, and Gilford Burt of Easton, Oct. 3, 1837.
Louisa of Petersham, and Timothy Smith, int. May 17, 1828.
Margeret [int. Margret Clap] and Williams Field [int. Feild] of Mansfield, June 23, 1795.
Martha and Horace B. Wetherell, int. July 13, 1844.
Nancy and Thomas Williams Jr. of Easton [int. Eastown], Oct. 1, 1820.
Ollis of Walpole, and Anna Smith 2d, Dec. 27, 1814.
Phebe and Stillman Cobb of Mansfield, May 14, 1807.
Sally and Elijah Spear of Canton [int. Canton], Mar. 31, 1812.
Samuel and Mary Pomroy of Stoughton, Nov. 10, 1733, in Stoughton.
Silas V. of Eaton, and Fidelia W. Ripley of Easton, Jan. 1, 1839.
Tiley and Nathan Perry of Bridgwater, int. Sept. 21, 1806.
CLARK (see Clarke, Clerk)
Abigail [int. of Easton] and Solomon Caswell, Aug. 9, 1764.
Bethiah [int. Clerk] and Eliab Darby [int. Derbey], Sept. 7, 1770.
Elisha and Hannah Bretten [int. Britten] of Mansfield, Aug. 28, 1795 (sic, int. July 1, 1796].
Eunice and Samuel Miller 2d of Rehoboth, Mar. 30, 1770.
Joa of Taunton, and William Brown, int. Mar. 10, 1800.
Mary and Henry Brown Dyer, Nov. 9, 1815.
Nathan and Jemima Daggett, int. May 6, 1791.
Pitt, Rev. [int. omits Rev.], and Rebecca [int. Becca] Jones of Hopkinton, Feb. 1, 1798, in Hopkinton.
Sally and John Haskins Jr. of Taunton, int. July 2, 1813.
William and Phebe Smith of Taunton, int. Sept. 5, 1767. "the publishing forbid by the selectmen Sept. 14, 1767 and a hearing being had before 2 Justices of the peace I was to proceed and out publish sd William Clark and phebe Smith."
William [int. 2d] and Rebecah Balkcom [int. Rebekah Bolcom] of Attleborough, May 20, 1773, in Attleborough.
William and Mary Tucker 2d, int. Apr. 3, 1789.
CLARKE (see Clark, Clerk)
Abigail M. [int. Morton] and John J. Stimson of Providence, R.I., Oct. 23, 1828.
Asa [int. Clark] and Mercy [int. Marcy] Grover 2d [int. omits 2d] of Mansfield, Sept. 18, 1794, in Mansfield.
James and Mary Randall of Rochester, Apr. 15, 1768, in Rochester.
Sarah [int. Clark] and Richord [int. Richard] Webber of Rehoboth [int. Rehobath], Sept. 26, 1768, in Rehoboth.
William and Avis Thayer of Braintree, July 30, 1771, in Braintree.
Henry and Eleonar [int. Elenor] Campbel, Dec. 5, 1819.
Hery [int. Henry Crement] and Triphene White, Mar. 26, 1832.
CLERK (see Clark, Clarke)
Pitt, Rev., and Mary Jones Stimson of Hopkinton, int Sept. 20, 1812.
Seth and Mary Leonard, Sept. 5, 1744.
William and Elizebeth Jones, int. Apr. 7, 1745.
William and Sarah Olds of Atelberrough, int. Apr. 18 [? 1746].
Abiah and Lewis Sweeting, Nov. 21, 1744.
Abigail and Nathan Babbet Jr., int. Feb. 1, 1752.
Abigail and Joseph Gannett of Stoughtonham, Feb. 1, 1781.
Alanson and Marcy Danforth, June 23, 1817.
Anna and Grover Skolley, Nov. 11, 1725.
Anne 2d and William Makepeace, Sept. 8, 1757.
Benjamin Jr. and Phebe Witherell, June 27, 1751.
Betty [int. Betsy] 2d of Taunton, and William Arnold, Nov. 5, 1800.
Chloe of Mansfield, and Nathaniel Stone Jr., int. May 13, 1815.
Daniel S. and Harriot Patten, Nov. 1, 1836.
David and Hannah Basset 2d. Oct. 10, 1765.
David of Hollowell, and Mary Puffer, Oct. 24, 1771.
Dilly and Isaac Bassett Jr., Jan. 7, 1802.
Dulcebella W. and Zeno Kelly, May 3, 1838.
Ebenezer [int. Ebeneazer] of Taunton, and Mrs. Abigail Fisher, July 9, 1818.
Elesebeth of Taunton [int. Elezebeth Colb of Tanton], and Elezer Eddy, Feb. 6, 1722-3.
Elias and Mary Wilmouth [int. Wilmoth] of Rehoboth, Oct. 14, 1788.
Elisha and Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] Sarah Braman, Aug. 6, 1782.
Elisha and Polly [dup. Molly] Cheever [int. Chivers] of Wrentham, Mar. 15, 1797, in Wrentham.
Elisha and Lynda Fish of Taunton, int. June 29, 1800.
Elizabeth (see Elesebeth).
Elizabeth and Ebenezer Knap of Taunton, July 25, 1728.
George and Tamer Burt of Taunton, int. May 24, 1777.
Hannah and Amos Briggs, Nov. 25, 1773.
John Jr. and Mary Jones, int. Nov. 4, 1721.
John and Rebeckah Witherel, int. Dec. 31, 1748.
John and Elizebeth Hodges, int. Feb. 26, 1750. "Publishment forbid by her father."
John 2d and Phebe Hodges, Nov. 1, 1750.
Josiah and Mehetable Hodges, Apr. 19, 1774.
Jude and Daniel Dryer of Rehoboth, int. Sept. 24, 1790.
Lyman [int. Lymand] and Betsy Branch, May 5, 1793.
Mary 2d and Eliphilet Briggs Jr., May 12, 1757.
Mercy [int. Marcy] and Richard Briggs Jr., Nov. 16, 1752.
Meriam [int. 2d] and Josiah King Jr., May 29, 1787.
Nancy of Mansfield, and Josiah Newcomb Jr., Mar. 30, 1815.
Phebe and Caleb Willis, int. Nov. 3, 1770.
Polly and Dr. Rufus Pierce, Apr. 7, 1811.
Rachel and John Martin Jr., Feb. 24, 1785.
Rebecca [int. Rebekah] and Nathaniel Lane, Nov. 8, 1764.
Sally and Sanforth Freeman, Nov. 27, 1806.
Sarah and James Knap of Labanon, int. July 19, 1754.
Sarah 2d and Seth Smith Jr., Oct. 10, 1754.
Sibbel and John Rosher of Taunton, int. Mar. 17, 1752.
Silas and Deliverance Hodges, May 24, 1764.
Silas [int. Silos] Jr. and Eunice Smith, Sept. 17, 1801.
Silos Esq. and Sybil Ingall of Taunton, int. Apr. 3, 1803.
Simeon and Hannah Shaw 2d, Jan. 1, 1761.
Stillman of Mansfield, and Phebe Clapp, May 14, 1807.
Susannah and Simeon Hodges, July 4, 1765.
Terrell [int. Terrel] and Nancy Presbrey [int. Presbury], Apr. 9, 1813.
Vesta of Mansfield, and Bezar Lothrop of Bridgwater, May 3, 1820.
William and Miriam Hodges, July 9, 1760.
William Jr. and Susannah Burt 2d of Taunton, int. Aug. 19, 1769.
Zebroah of Attleborough [int. Ziporah of Cumberland], and Nathan Deane [int. Dean], Oct. 6, 1762.
CODDING (see Cadding)
George [int. Coding] of Mansfield, and Sally Braman, Apr. 16, 1820.
Mary B. and Anson Brown of Foxburough, int. July 20, 1849.
Sally Barnes of Mansfield, and Thomas Braman 3d, int. Feb. 21, 1823.
Abigail and James Very [int. Verry] of Providence, Mar. 14, 1757.
William and Elezebeth Jones, int. Nov. 4, 1721.
Thomas M. C. [McCoffe] and Ann Gary of Taunton, int. Mar. 10, 1842.
Harriot (Horriot) and Burden Hunt, int. Jan. 2, 1841.
Betsey of Rehoboth, and William Grover, int. May 4, 1828.
Hannah and Elkanah Wilber [int. Wilbor] Jr. of Rainham, Feb. ----, 1798.
Lydia of Rainham, and Baranubus Shelley, Aug. 26, 1792.
Phebe and William Bretten [int. Britan] of Rainham, Mar. 6, 1794.
Polly and Jonathan Shelly [int. adds Jr. of Sharon], Aug. 14, 1795.
Robert [int. Robbert] and Deborah Newland, Nov. 29, 1759, in Easton.
Sarah and Jonathan Wilbor of Rainham, int. Aug. 17, 1789.
Susannah [int. Suza] and Thomas Storey [int. Jr.], ---- [int. Oct. 29, 1780].
COLEMAN (see Colman)
Benjamin [int. Colman] and Jemima [int. Gemima] Howard, Aug. 13, 1794.
COLMAN (see Coleman)
James and Molle Wetherel, Dec. 25, 1766.
Abigail of Foxborough, and Amos Keith, int. Apr. 25, 1845.
COMMINS (see Cumings)
David of Attleborough, and Thankfull] Cheney of Attleborough, Jan. 20, 1756.
Lyra of Attleborough, and Horace White of Attleborough, Apr. 6, 1838, in Attleborough.
William, Rev., of Lime, N.H., and Mrs. Eunice Cook, Feb. 15, 1774.
Samuel of Holley, N.Y., and Matilda M. Lincoln, int. May 26, 1824.
John A. of Johnston, R.I., and Rebecca Nickerson of Patucket, Nov. 18, 1838, in Pawtucket.
Mary and Thomas Donahue, int. Feb. 17, 1848.
COOK (see Cooke)
Abigail and James Person, June 23, 1757.
Deborah and Zabediah Sheapardson of Attleborough, int. Aug. 7, 1762.
Elizabeth (see Unidentified, Elizabeth ----).
Eunice, Mrs., and Rev. William Conant of Lime, N.H., Feb. 15, 1774.
John and Mary Godfrey 2d, Mar. 22, 1759.
Joshua and Mary Morey 2d, int. Sept. 23, 1769.
Kingman of Bridgwater, and Susanna Lothrap, int. May 10, 1834.
Mercy and Jonathan Knap Jr., Mar. 13, 1760.
Sarah and Joseph Hart, Feb. 20, 1753.
Silas and Elizabeth [int. Elisabeth] Nixon of Shrewsbury, Apr. 1, 1763, in Shrewsbury.
COOKE (see Cook)
Marcy of Kingstowne, and Edmund Hodges, Jan. 6, 1736-7.
Roxana and Henry S. Freemon [int. Freeman], May 26, 1839.
COOPER (see Cuper)
Charles of Charlestown, and Eliza J. Holmes, Apr. 17, 1836, in Taunton.
James of Taunton, and Hannah Godfrey, int. Aug. 24, 1753.
Philip and Sarah White, wid., of Mansfield, Nov. 22, 1787, in Mansfield.
Thomas of Attleborough, and Ann Holmes, Apr. 25, 1830.
William [int. Copper] of Charlestown, and Julia A. Holmes, Oct. 2, 1836, in Taunton.
Jane of Boston, and William Milford, int. Apr. 6, 1759.
COPELAND (see Copland)
Abby N. of Brewer, Me., and John B. Newcomb, int. Apr. 15, 1848.
Asa [dup. Assa] and Rachel Briggs [int. 2d] of Situate, Oct. 25, 1781, in Situate.
Asa and Abigail Newcomb 2d [int. omits 2d], Sept. 3, 1801.
Belinda [int. Belindlia] of Mansfield, and Cromwell Leonard, June 15, 1815.
Ebenezer Jr. of Bridgwater, and Hannah Godfray, May 17, 1801.
Elijah of Mansfield, and Nancy Hodges, Jan. 4, 1821.
Elizabeth [int. Elisabeth Copland] 2d and Jonathan Newcomb Jr., Feb. 9, 1769.
Elizabeth [int. Elezebeth] and William Rich of Enfield, Oct. 17, 1816.
John and Lidoria Ann Waid [int. Waide], Sept. 14, 1821.
Joseph and Betsay Britton of Raynham, int. Apr. 16, 1809.
Samuel and Eunice Danforth 2d, Oct. 6, 1788.
Samuel Jr. and Marcy [int. Mercy] Rich Titus, Nov. 3, 1811.
Sarah and Samuel King Hart of Brewer, Me., Nov. 7, 1819.
Susanna [int. Susannah, dup. and int. Copland] and Elijah Danforth, Oct. 1, 1761.
Thomas, Capt., and Eliza Hodges, June 4, 1821.
William and Martha [int. Marthew] White of Mansfield, Nov. 28, 1775.
COPLAND (see Copeland)
David of Milton, and Elisabeth Clap, Nov. 29, 1759.
Ebenezer of Bridgewater, and Abbe Godfrey, Mar. 19, 1771.
Elizabeth [int. Elisabeth] and Ephraim Lane 3d, Feb. 9, 1764.
Eunice and Joseph Hunt, Sept. 28, 1769.
Lydia and Ebenezer Morey, Mar. 31, 1774.
Moses and Hannah Stone 2d Sept. 25, 1766.
Sarah [int. 2d] and Thomas Shaw Jr., Feb. 15, 1759.
COSWELL (see Carswel, Caswell)
Bethiah [int. Casual] and Joseph White Jr. of Taunton, Aug. 2, 1744.
Rachel of Medway, and George Field, int. July 30, 1817.
Lydia of Pembroke [int. Koks of Pembrook], and Timothy Hodges, June 3, 1756, in Pembroke.
Rachel of Pembroke [int. Koks of Pembrook], and Ephraim Hodges, Nov. 15, 1752 "New Stile," in Pembroke.
Caroline and Abner Leonard 2d of Taunton, int. Apr. 19, 1839.
Daniel and Wealthy A. Hodges, June 23, 1842.
George B. and Martha Jones of Raynham, int. Jan. 5, 1849.
Hannah and Benjamin Walker of Taunton, int. July 28, 1789.
Hannah W. and Andrew H. Hall of Taunton, Nov. 8, 1832.
Harriot T. and Lemuel Arnold Jr. of Taunton, int. Aug. 7, 1834.
Hennary of Taunton, and Betsay Arnold, int. Apr. 24, 1808.
John of Taunton, and Caroline Newcomb, int. Mar. 27, 1817.
John and Sally Harvey of Taunton, int. Mar. 6, 1825.
John C. and Eliza Pratt, int. Nov. 13, 1844.
John H. and Sarah E. Bates, int. June 20, 1847.
Matilda M. and James W. Hathaway [int. Hothaway] of Freetown, Jan. 26, 1837.
Nancy K. and Joseph W. Dean [int. Deane] of Taunton, Jan. 19, 1837.
Phebe A., b. Taunton, d. John and Caroline of Taunton, and Otis Lincoln, 30, mechanic, s. Timothy of Sutton, Oct. 26 [1845].
Rachel and Ruben Tisdale, int. Dec. 31, 1780.
Roby K. and Leonard Hall of Taunton, June 3, 1827.
Terry and Rebecca Harvey [int. Rebeccah Havy] of Taunton, May 20, 1798.
Terry (Crone) and Matilda Macomber of Taunton, int. Jan. 24, 1802.
Terry [int. Terra] and Rhoby [int. Roba] King, Oct. 30, 1803.
Turner of Taunton, and Phebe Arnold 2d, Nov. 26, 1812.
Luther B. of Rochester, and Hannah D. Taber, int. Apr. 9, 1826.
Samuel Esq. of Mineral Point, Wis., and Jane M. Sweet, int. July 16, 1849.
Sarah of Stoughton, and William H of Atelberrough, Sept. 21, 1750.
CROASMAN (see Crosman, Crossman, Crossmon)
Mercy 2d [int. Crosman] and Benjamin Basset Jr., Jan. 17, 1765.
CROSMAN (see Croasman, Crossman, Crossmon)
Asa and Anna [int. Amia], Simmonns, Sept. 1, 1794.
Benjamen of Tanton, and Bethiah Hoskins of Tanton, Aug. 11, 1737.
Betsey and John Hopkins, July 7, 1811.
Charles L. and Fanny Hunt, int. Dec. 16, 1827.
Charlott [int Charlotte] A. and Marcus T. Round of Taunton, Nov. 19, 1826.
Deborah of Easton, and Zepheniah Newland, int. Dec. 9, 1749.
Electy of Mansfield, and William Witherell 2d, int. Mar. 9, 1821.
Elisha and Betsy [int. Betsey] Balcom of Rehoboth, May 27, 1788.
Elisha and Ruth Darby [int. Derby], June 18, 1810.
Elkanah and Phebe Allen, July 14, 1755.
Hannah and James Bolkcorn [int. Balcomb], Mar. 24, 1791.
Hannah and Elisha Wetheril, int. June 23, 1795.
Jacob and Anna Andrews of Hopkinton, int. Dec. 16, 1764.
James of Plainfield, and Molly Smith, int. Oct. 7, 1786.
Josiah of Easton, and Sealey Briggs, int. Oct. 27, 1782.
Mary of Tanton, and William Basit, Mar. 18, 1718-19.
Nancy [int. Crossman] and French Richardson of Attleborough, Oct. 26, 1820.
Theophilus and Prisilla Wetherel, Mar. 1, 1764.
Theophilus 2d and Hannah Hunt, Sept. 11, 1825.
Joseph W. of E. Bridgwater [int. E. Bridgewater], and Mary Jane Danforth, Mar. 8, 1829.
CROSSMAN (see Croasman, Crosman, Crossmon)
Deborah [int. Crosman] of Easton, and David Lincoln [int. Linkon], Nov. 1, 1750, in Easton.
Elisha Jr. and Anna Hathaway of Berkley, int. Feb. 22, 1818.
Fanny H. and Charles D. Lane, June 16, 1847.
Harrison and Cordelia E. Titus, Apr. 6, 1842.
Harrison, widr. [int. omits widr.], 27, farmer, s. Elisha (Crossmen), and Elizabeth A. Bellows, 22, d. Jotham, Aug. 31, 1847.
John of Taunton, and Welthey Wetherel, int. Jan. 10, 1761.
Parmelia A. and Zelotes Wetherell of N. Providence, R.I., int. Jan. 23, 1841.
CROSSMON (see Croasman, Crosman, Crossman)
Sarah [int. Crosman] "A traussiant person" and Ebenezer Harring [int. Herring] of Dedham, June 21, 1770, in Easton.
John and Bythiah Heridon [int. Harridon], Apr. 9, 1761.
CUMINGS (see Commins)
Marcey of Taunton, and Samuell Willis, int. May 10 [1746].
Nathaniel of Stoughtonham, and Katherine White, int. Dec. 25, 1766.
Michael and Mrs. Betsey Lincoln, int. July 26, 1835.
CUPER (see Cooper)
Josiah of Atelborrow, and Lidea Burt, Mar. 26, 1728.
Mary and William Nitengell of Brantrey [int. Brantery], May 22, 1722.
Joseph and Patience Rockett of Rrentham, July 4, 1715, In Dorchester.
CUTING (see Cutting)
Elizebeth of Atelborrough, and John Geary, int. July 20 [1746].
Beach of Pornferit, and Abigail Hodges [int. Abigail Hadges], May 13, 1746.
Isaac of Concord, and Lydia H. [int. Harvey] Braman, Nov. 24, 1825.
CUTTING (see Cuting)
Aaron of Attleboro, and Ruth Pratt, Nov. 24, 1748.
Aaron of Attleborough [int. Attlebourough], and Sarah Tucker, June 10, 1755.
DAGGET (see Daggett, Doggit)
Amos of Attleborough, and Hannah Fisher, Jan. 3, 1760.
John Esq. [int. Daggett] of Attleborough, and Mary Tucker 2d, Aug. 5, 1784.
Joseph and Zilpha French, int. Sept. 12, 1795.
Salley and Benjamin Goff of Taunton, int. May 3, 1817.
DAGGETT (see Dagget, Doggit)
Elihu [int Dagget] of Attleborough, and Charity Galucia [int. Galusha], Dec. 9, 1773, in Attleborough.
Jemima and Nathan Clark, int. May 6, 1791.
Jeremiah Whipple and Susanna Washburn of Easton, int. Sept. 30, 1824.
Lois R. and Apollos R. Lincoln of Easton, int. June 1, 1833.
Naby of Attleborough, and James Hodges Jr., int. Jan. 5, 1793.
Rebecca [int. Rebeccah], Mrs., and Nathaniel Fisher, Mar. 31, 1839.
Sally (int. Daggitt] and Williams Field, Feb. 13, 1823.
DAILEY (see Daily, Daley)
Betsey, Mrs., of Taunton, and Elias Wilmarth of Mansfield, Mar. 13, 1843.
Mary of Easton, and Ebenezer Hodges, Nov. 11, 1729, in Easton.
DAILY (see Dailey, Daley)
Alonzo and Betsey Lincoln, Dec. 1, 1836, in Taunton.
DALEY (see Dailey, Daily)
Maloncey of Smithfield, R.I., and Rufus Northup, int. Nov. 27, 1836.
DANE (see Dean, Deane, Deen)
Sarah A. C. of Mansfield, and Josiah L. Newcomb, int. Oct. 10, 1846.
DANFORTH (see Danforthe)
Abigail of Taunton, and Benjamin Horton, int. Apr. 6, 1796.
Asa and Hannah Walker, Nov. 27, 1806.
Asa and Phebe Sweet, May 21, 1826.
Aseneth of Taunton, and James Westott [?], int. June 28, 1817.
Elijah and Susanna [int. Susannah] Copeland [dup. and int. Copland], Oct. 1, 1761.
Elisabeth of Taunton, and Nathan Williams, int. Nov. 24, 1768.
Eunice 2d and Samuel Copeland, Oct. 6, 1788.
Eunice and Daniel Lane, Nov. 12, 1794.
Eunice and Benjamin E. [int. Everett] Horton, Mar. 18, 1827.
Fidelia and David Knowles, Oct. 9, 1832.
Hannah and Jonathan Newland, Apr. 14, 1807.
Hannah and Daniel Carpenter, Dec. 6, 1821.
Lemuel L. and Abby P. Smith, int. Feb. 17, 1849.
Marcy and Alanson Cobb, June 23, 1817.
Marguate and Samuel Metcalf Pond, int. Sept. 21, 1806.
Mary Jane and Joseph W. Cross of E. Bridgwater [int. E. Bridgewater], Mar. 8, 1829.
Mercy (see Marcy).
Nancy and George Palmer, Oct. 1, 1794.
Nancy of Taunton, and Otis Stanlay, int. June 10, 1810.
Oliver Cromwell and Eliza Lincoln, Sept. 27, 1818.
Richmond and Katharine Woodward, July 3, 1800.
Samuel and Mehittable Marshal of Hopkinton, int. Feb. 7, 1808.
Sarah and Jonathan Hodges Jr., Aug. 3, 1790.
Susannah 2d and Daniel Burr, int. Oct. 3, 1785.
Thomas 2d and Mary Marshall of Framingham, int. Mar. 5, 1804.
Thomas and Mary Ann Perkins, int. Dec. 6, 1833.
DANFORTHE (see Danforth)
Content W. [int. Content Walker Danforth] and Walter Hains, Jan. 11, 1829.
DANIELD (see Daniels)
James of Foxborough, and Lydia Bates, int. Oct. 26, 1823.
DANIELS (see Danield)
Ezra of Franklin, and Abigail Hall Woodward, Jan. 17, 1817.
Joel Jr. of Franklin, and Phylene Smith, int. Apr. 14, 1810.
DARBEY (see Darby, Derbey, Derby)
Wilks Darryl and Rhobey Vickery [int. Robey Veckery] of Rehoboth, Feb. 17, 1796, in Rehoboth.
DARBY (see Darbey, Derbey, Derby)
David of Waimouth, and Marcy Fisher, Nov. 12, 1741.
Eliab [.int Derbey] and Bethiah Clark [int. Clerk], Sept. 7, 1770.
Ruth [int. Derby] and Elisha Crosman, June 18, 1810.
DARREY (see Dary, Derry)
Abraham [int. Derrey] and Mary [int. Marcy] Wellman, Aug. 22, 1776.
DARRY (see Darrey, Dary, Derry)
Wills (see Wilks Darbey).
DARY (see Darrey, Derry)
Clarisa Ann and Joseph M. Whiting of Franklin [int. Francklin], Jan. 17, 1839.
Roby [int. Derry 2d] and Benjamin Penno of Providence, R.I., Nov. 30, 1815.
DAVENPORT (see Devenport)
John of Bridgwater [int. Bridgewater], and Charity Pratt, Feb. 29, 1764.
DAVICE (see Davis)
Allice and Allen B. Tucker, Dec. 2, 1830.
DAVIS (see Davice)
Eliza and Isaac S. Blandin, Oct. 25, 1827.
Philinda and Edwin Sweetland, farmer, s. Rufus, Nov. 28, 1844.
Rufus of Rehoboth [int. Rehoboth], and Deborah Hodges, Mar. 25, 1815.
William and Mary A. Lincoln, May 1, 1837, in Taunton.
Content and Nathaniel Stone, Jan. 25, 1759.
Abigail and Samuel Hunt, Sept. 16, 1762.
Benjamin Jr. of Attleborough, and Martha Tipheney, int. Feb. 3, 1753.
Billinge B. and Betsey L. Drown of Attleborough, int. Apr. 11, 1835.
Jerusha of Wrentham, and Jonathan Clap, int Sept. 29, 1759.
Jonathan of Wrentham, and Jerusha King, Apr. 5, 1742.
Love, Mrs., of Providence, and Capt. George Morey, int. Nov. 1, 1765.
Peletiah and Mary Knap, Apr. 17, 1766.
Prisilla of Stoughton, and Ebenezer Welman, Mar. 26, 1761.
DEAN (see Dane, Deane, Deen)
Abiel Jr. of Raynham, and Jemima Clap, int. Aug, 13, 1767.
Abijah and Polly Round of Rehoboth, int. Mar. 2, 1806.
Almira of Taunton, and Hiram L. Bragg, int. Aug. 7, 1831.
Apolas and Roxana Round of Rehoboth, int. Dec. 13, 1807.
Asahel and Salley Mehoney of Bridgwater, int. Dec. 30, 1797.
Asahel Jr. and Sally White, May 28, 1798.
Barnard and Patty Jones of Raynham, int. Nov. 5, 1809.
Barnard and Rhoda Macomber "Should have Been Called prudence Macomber published Rhoda through mestake," of Middleborough, int. Mar. 17, 1816.
Bethiah of Taunton, and David Lincoln 3d, int. May 25, 1800.
Betsal and Jacob Graves, Nov. 3, 1800.
Bradford and Mertilla E. Dean of Raynham, int. Nov. 28, 1828.
Calvin and Liza Hewet of Franklin, int. Mar. 4, 1820.
Deborah and Capt. [int. omits Capt.] Edward W. Dean of Easton, May 11, 1834.
Esther 2d and Seth Smith, Sept. 19, 1769.
Edward W., Capt. [int. omits Capt.], of Easton, and Deborah Dean, May 11, 1834.
Edwin and Prcilla [int. Presilla] G. Alden, July 25, 1836.
Elijah and Eunice Sheapard of Wrentham, Mar. 18, 1765.
Elisabeth and Benjamen Williams, Dec. 4, 1707.
Elisha of Taunton, and Molle Wood, Dec. 8, 1763.
Elisha Jr. of Easton [int. Deane of Eastown], and Hannah Hall, Mar. 24, 1793.
Elizabeth, 32, d. John and Elizabeth, and Don P. Makepeice [widr.] [int. Makepeace, omits widr.], 44, farmer, s. David and Silvy, May 17, 1848.
Enos of Savoy, and Meriam Lane [int. 2d], Nov. 13, 1821.
Ephraim of Attleborough, and Mrs. Silence Eddy of Taunton, Nov. 3, 1834.
Esther (see Easther).
Esther of Taunton, and James Newcomb, int. Oct. 10, 1778.
Hiram W. and Mehala D. Eddy, int. Dec. 18, 1836.
Isaac and Sibbel Pratt, July 13, 1755.
John 2d and Miriam Hodges, Jan. 16, 1766.
John and Abigail White, Sept. 19, 1769.
John W. of Raynham, and Catharine R. Blandin, Mar. 30, 1841.
Joseph W. [int. Deane] of Taunton, and Nancy S. Crane, Jan. 19, 1837.
Leonard of Rainham, and Lycra Burt 2d [int. omits 2d], Dec. 18, 1796.
Mary of Raynham, and John Andrew Jr., int. June 29, 1750.
Mary and Timothy Fobes of Bridge-water, Oct. 20, 1766.
Mertilla E. of Raynham, and Bradford Dean, int Nov. 28, 1828.
Nathan Jr. and Mary Thayer 2d of Taunton, int. Nov. 5, 1785.
Nathan Jr. and Fanny [int. Fanney] Lane, Oct. 9, 1815.
Noah and Hannah Briggs [int. 2d],---- [int. Jan. 14, 1797]
Oliver [dup. Deane], 26, trader, s. John (Dean), and Eliza Hunt, 23, d. Oliver dec'd, Jan. 21, 1844.
Otis and Elighty S. Lincoln of Taunton, int. Oct. 14, 1835.
Myna and Sarah Thayer of Taunton, int. Dec. 17, 1791.
Prudence of Taunton, and Jacob Austen, int. Oct. 21, 1769.
Rachel and Thomas Fobes, Oct. 20, 1791.
Rhoby of Taunton, and David Arnold, int. Apr. 4, 1825.
Rhoda and Field Wilbur, int. Dec. 23, 1804.
Roxana and Bildad Burt of Taunton, Dec. 15, 1835.
Samuel, Dea., and Mrs. Margret King, Oct. 22, 1761.
Sarah 2d, Mrs., and Rev. George Farror [int. Farrar] of Easton, June 2, 1756.
Sarah and Ebenezer Winslow Jr. [int. 2d] of Berkley, Dec. 9, 1762.
Sarah and Orrin Snow of Raynham, Dec. 14, 1823.
Silence, Mrs., of Taunton, and Joptha Borden of Mansfield, Aug. 1, 1837.
Silva [int. Sylva] of Mansfield, and John Hall Jr., Nov. 3, 1789, in Mansfield.
Simeon and Mary Briggs of Dighton, int Nov. 1, 1812.
Simeon A. and Eliza B. Storey, May 16, 1836.
Temprance of Raynham, and Howe White, int. Dec. 7, 1806.
DEANE (see Dane, Dean, Deen)
Alice [int. Elsa Dean] and Samuel Riplay [int. Jr.] of Easton, July 6, 1810.
Assell of Taunton, and Deborah Lincoln 2d, int. Feb. 13, 1780.
Daniel [int. Dean] and Lydia Whitman of Bridgewater, Sept. 27, 1770, in Bridgewater.
John [int. Dean] of Mansfield, and Elizabeth [int. Betsay] Carpenter, Apr. 4, 1811.
Mariah and Henry Hunt of Boston, int. Aug. 1, 1840.
Mille K., Mrs., of Middleborough, and Lemuel Perry Esq., int. Feb. 9, 1832.
Nathan [int. Dean] and Zeproah [int. Ziporah] Cobb of Attleborough [int. of Cumberland], Oct. 6, 1762.
Nathon and Elizabeth Nicholson of Wrentham, Dec. 28, 1737, in Wrentham.
Samuel and Mary Avery of Dedham, Aug. 31, 1727, in Dedham.
DEEN (see Dane, Dean, Deane)
Rachell and William Pratt Jr., int. Oct. 28, 1721.
Zilpah and Josiah Willington, Aug. 21, 1772.
William and Esther Avery of Dedham, Dec. 17, ----, in Dedham.
DERBEY (see Darbey, Darby, Derby)
David and Hannah Braman, Jan. 1, 1755.
Jane [int. Jaen] and Benjamin Shaw of Boston, May 27, 1767.
Molle and Frances [sic] Geulo [int. Guelo, dup. int. Quelo], Feb. 19, 1761.
DERBY (see Darbey, Darby, Darbey)
Daniel [int. Darby] of Taunton, and Elizabeth [int. Elizebeth] White, Dec. 30, 1790, in Mansfield.
Edward and Mercy Wetherel, Mar. 14, 1771.
DERRY (see Derrey, Dary)
Allen and Sarah Kilton of Taunton, int. Oct. 3, 1807.
John [int. Derrey] and Rebecca [int. Rachel] Blanding, Dec. 10, 1778.
Lewis and Eleanor Mcharnnoh, int. July 16, 1749.
Lewis and Sarah Martin of Attleborough, int. July 26, 1751.
Mary Ann of Rehoboth, and Zebina W. Wilmarth, int Aug. 3, 1833.
Peter and Rachel Blanding of Attleborough, int. Dec. 25, 1774.
Phebe K. and Egburt R. Robinson, Dec. 5, 1830.
Sally (see Sally Dunham).
Simeon and Clarissa Harden of Mansfield, int. Feb. 9, 1816.
Wilks and Betsy B. Taber, int. Apr. 15, 1826.
DEVENPORT (see Davenport)
Jesse Jr. [int. Jese Davenport. omits Jr.] of Canton, and Almira Hill, Sept. 18, 1831.
DIMOND (see Dorman, Dormand)
John and Silva Shirtliff, int. Nov. 26, 1778.
Easther 2d of Attleborough, and Elkanah Lane Jr., int. Feb. 27, 1768.
Martin [int. Disance] and Phebe Dorman, Jan. 21, 1746.
DOGGIT (see Dagget, Daggett)
Mary of Attleborough, and Noah Wiswell, Nov. 23, 1806.
Francis and Catharine Lynch, int. Sept. 10, 1845.
Thomas and Mary Connally, int. Feb. 17, 1848.
DONHAM (see Dunham, Dunhum)
Nathaniel [int. Jr.] and Sarah Freeman, Sept. 15, 1751.
DORMAN (see Dimond, Dormand)
Micajah and Charity White, int. June ----, 1768.
Phebe and Martin Dissance [int. Disance], Jan. 21, 1746.
Seth and Sarah Thare of Brantrey, Aug. 13, 1715.
DORMAND (see Dimond, Dorman)
Micajah [int. Dorman] and Mary Smith of Sudbury, July 4, 1752, in Sudbury.
DOUGLAS (see Duglass)
Betsy and David Niles of Alexandria, N.H., Sept. 2, 1792.
Fidelia and George W. Quindley, int. Feb. 9, 1834. "Fidelia Downing was published through Mistake her name was Fidelia Leonard."
Alpheus of Easton, and Eunic Leonard of Easton, Dec. 9, 1792.
Anna of Easton [int. Eastown], and Thomas Storey Jr. [int. omits Jr.], Aug. 22, 1793, in Easton.
Benjamen and Elizebeth Havet, Nov. 28, 1723.
Benjamin and Hanah Hewet, int. Oct. ----, 1724.
Betsey and Rufus T. Holmes of Taunton, Sept. 21, 1830.
Caroline T. of Easton, and Daniel Belcher of Easton, Sept. 21, 1837, in Easton.
Cyrus of Easton, and Hannah Wilbor of Easton, Aug. 12, 1822.
Derias and Marritte Smith of Mansfield, int Nov. 1, 1817.
Derius and Salley Makepeac [int. Makepeace] of Rainham, Mar. 10, 1792 [sic, int. Nov. 17, 1792]
Elizabeth of Sharon, and Elbridge G. Knowles, int. Oct. 20, 1837.
Ephraim of Easton, and Sarah Titus, Aug. 9, 1757, in Easton.
Hiram of Easton, and Harriot P. Knapp [int. Knap], Nov. 29, 1838.
James of Taunton, and Eliza C. Williams, int. Nov. 18, 1832.
Joseph and Marcy Smith, int. Nov. 4, 1721.
Julia A. and Henry Godfrey of Easton, Nov. 8, 1840.
Keziah and Albert Williams Godfrey, int. Feb. 20, 1816.
Mary and Silas Phillips of Easton, int Dec. 19, 1813.
Otis of Easton [int. Eastown], and Sarah Storey, Dec. 22, 1791.
Rhoda and William Manchester, int. Aug. 3, 1828.
Salley and Swaine Thayer, int. Jan. 16, 1818.
Sarah W. and Isaac Wood of Taunton, int. Apr. 19, 1847.
Tisdale [int. Tisdil] of Mansfield, and Roby [int. Roba] Andrews, Apr. 27, 1818.
Zechariah of Easton, and Rhoda Wetherell, int. Apr. 21, 1825.
Nancy of Attleborough, and Silvester Titus, int. Aug. 14, 1797.
Joseph and Linday Macombor of Taunton, int. July 8, 1810.
Melinda, Mrs., and Edward Adams, int. Mar. 17, 1846.
Isaac, widr. [int. omits widr.], boot maker, of Easton, and Nancy Lincoln, d. Simeon, Aug. 24, 1845.
Betsey L. of Attleborough, and Billinge B. Day, int. Apr. 11, 1835.
Emily J. of Attleborough, and Adolphus D. Hunts, int. Mar. 15, 1835.
DRYAR (see Dryer, Dyer)
William Jr. of Rehoboth (int. Drier 2d of Rehoboth], and Bethiah Braman, Dec. 8, 1774.
DRYER (see Dryar, Dyer)
Daniel of Rehoboth, and Jude Cobb, int. Sept. 24, 1790.
Margaret [int. Margarett] and Calvin Lane, Dec. 5, 1822.
Sarah [int. Sally] and Isaac Wood, Dec. 9, 1794.
Bravio C. [int. Dunber] of Easton, and Almira Bates, Mar. 5, 1833.
DUNHAM (see Donham, Dunhom)
Alfred of Mansfield, and Chloe Frances, int. Nov. 29, 1812.
Earl and Hannah Fisher of Attleborough, int. Aug. 25, 1815.
Isaac and Marcy Wetherel, Jan. 31, 1731-2.
Mary and Silas Williams of Easton, July 19, 1737, in Easton.
Mary and George Vining, Mar. 13, 1755.
Nathaniel and Sarah Hodges [int. adds wid.], June 14, 1756.
Nathaniel 1st [int. omits 1st] and Easther Partridge of Raynham, Dec. 21, 1757.
Nathaniel of Plimtown, and Elizabeth Prat, Dec. 8, 1714.
Rachel and Seth Shepard, May 28, 1776.
Sally [int Derry] and Schuyler Dunham, Mar. 11, 1827.
Sarah A. of Attleborough, and Benjamin A. Blandin, int. Nov. 1, 1840.
Schuyler and Sally Dunham [int. Derry], Mar. 11, 1827.
Solomon and Sarah Hill of Attleborough, Nov. 4, 1756, in Attleborough.
William [int. Jr.] of Mansfield, and Polly Carpenter, Feb. 24, 1811.
DUNHOM (see Donham, Dunham)
Esther E. [int. Dunham] of Attleborough, and Lysander O. Makepeace, May 23, 1838, in Attleborough.
DYER (see Dryer, Dryer)
Henry Brown and Mary Clark, Nov. 9, 1815.
Maria Louisa and Charles L. Lincoln, Sept. 3, 1841.
EAMES (see Ames, Eams)
Sarah [int. Mrs. Sarah Emes of Hopkinton], and Rev. [int. omits Rev.] Joseph Palmer, Mar. 10, 1757, in Hopkinton.
EAMS (see Ames, Eames)
Mary and John Buck of Bridgewater, Dec. 25, 1739, in Bridgewater.
Cesar (see Sesar).
Hannah and Francis Sisco of Taunton, int. July 1, 1780.
Hannah and Jack Robbins [int. Robins] of Attleborough, Dec. 3, 1787, in Attleborough.
Moses "a Negro Man of Middleborough," and Rosanna "a negro woman of Dr. Gedeon Tiffaney," Nov. 17, 1768.
Sesar and Eunice Sewal of Bridge Watter, int. Dec. 25, 1776.
Benjamin of Attleborough, and Lony Atherton, int. Dec. 8, 1822.
Ebenezar, Rev., of Taunton, and Abigail Harvey, Apr. 18, 1824.
Benjamin and Sarah Wittam of Raynham, int. Feb. 19, 1768.
Abiel and Constant Torey of Taunton, int. Dec. 12, 1761.
Abiel 2d and Zurviah Harvey of Taunton, int. July 9, 1763.
Appolas of Taunton, and Marthew [Martha] Woodward, int. Jan. 14, 1775.
Barney Jr. of Taunton, and Louisa Smith of Taunton, Aug. 18, 1825.
Bethiah [int. Bythiah] and Caleb Briggs of Rehobath, Nov. 29, 1764.
Betsy of Taunton, and William Woodward, int. July 30, 1825.
Celinda and Stephen Kilton of Taunton, int. Aug. 29, 1840.
Dorcas and George Shearman, int. Sept. 8, 1805.
Ebenezer and Martha ---- of Bridgewater, Oct. 7, 1734. in Bridgewater.
Elezer and Elesebeth Cobb of Taunton [int. Elezebeth Colb of Tanton], Feb. 6, 1722-3.
Elijah and Welthy Harvey of Taunton, int. Feb. 12, 1778.
Elijah and Lucy Eddy of Taunton, int. May 3, 1817.
Elizebeth and Nathan Perry of Bristoll, Apr. 28, 1726.
Emmy and William S. Lane, Apr. 20, 1834.
Ephraim and Rachel Tucker, June 25, 1767.
Ezra and Ruth Leonard 2d of Taunton, int. Jan. 18, 1784.
Ezry of Taunton, and Mrs. Silence Hill of Taunton, June 6, 1830.
Freelove and Samuel Jackson of Attleborough, Bristol Co., May 15, 1810, in Providence, R.I.
Hannah and Robert Miller of Rehobath, Mar. 7, 1725-6.
Ichabod and Joanna Heridon, Feb. 9, 1725-6.
Jemimah and Benjamin Tucker, Oct. 27, 1731.
John and Elisabeth Clap of Middleborough, int. June 29. 1763.
John and Hannah Leonard 2d of Taunton, int. July 1, 796.
John and Rhoda [int. Rhoday] Eddy, Aug. 17, 1801.
John Jr. and Charlottee Wilbore of Raynham, int. Oct. 20, 1821.
Jonathan and Mary Ware, May 4, 1749.
Leona and James Walker, Aug. 4, 1805.
Lucy of Taunton, and Elijah Eddy, int May 3, 1817.
Lydia and Aaron Pratt, Feb. 25, 1762.
Lyman and Hannah Lincoln of Taunton, int. Jan. 17, 1824.
Lyman, Capt., and Lucinda Leonard of Taunton, int. June 6, 1827.
Lyman, Capt., and Mary Boudry of Smithfield, R.I., int. Jan. 5, 1840.
Mahala, (see Mehala).
Marcy and Samuel Tucker, Mar. 5, 1730-1.
Marcy and Daniel Woodward 2d of Taunton, int. Feb. 8, 1786.
Mary and Nehemiah Keith [int. Keth] of Easton, Nov. 27, 1777.
Mary and William Hodges of Taunton, int. Feb. 27, 1780.
Mehala D. and Hiram W. Dean, int. Dec. 18, 1836.
Mercy (see Marcy).
Obediah and Lois Hicks [int. Lowis Hix] of Taunton, July 20, 1744.
Rhoda and David Stacy Jr. [int. omits Jr.] of Taunton, Apr. 21, 1763.
Rhoda [int. Rhoday] and John Eddy, Aug. 17, 1801.
Sally and Joseph C. Place, int. July 23, 1848.
Samuel and Sarah Page of Rehoboth, Apr. 10, 1735.
Samuel and Mary Philips of Smithfield, int. Feb. 22, 1770.
Seth of Atelburough, and Patience Simons, Jan. 18, 1736-7.
Seth and Joannah Hoskins 2d of Taunton, int. Sept. 22, 1758.
Silence, Mrs., of Taunton, and Ephraim Dean of Attleborough, Nov. 3, 1834.
Waitestill and Cornelios Tucker, Nov. 3, 1735.
Wealthy and Ard [sic] Macomber of Middleborough, June 1, 1807.
Welcome and Sarah Pettis of Rehoboth, int. Feb. 23, 1800.
Zerviah 2d [int. Zeuriah, omits 2d] and Abner Lincoln, Nov. 5, 1795.
Charles and Hannah [int. adds S.] Bassett, Feb. 12, 1824.
David, Dr. [int. Dea.] of Bridgwarter, and [int. adds Mrs.] Lydia Bassett, Oct. 16, 1786.
Hannah [int. adds S.], Mrs., and Daniel Lane Jr., May 1, 1826.
Rhoda of Easton, and Moses Cambel, int. Oct. 10, 1767.
Patience of Mansfield, and Job Lawton of Mansfield, Mar. 30, 1834.
ELLES (see Ellis)
Daniel of Easton, and Nancy Thayer, int. Oct. 16, 1803.
Abigail [int. Abigaill] and Abial [int. abiell] Leonard, Dec. 4, 1745.
Laura (Loura) Ann and Ira A. Leonard of Taunton, int. Oct. 31, 1840.
Nehemiah [int. Elles] and Marcey [int. Marcy] White, Sept. 23, 1746.
ELLIS (see Elles)
Abigail, Mrs., of Dedham, and william Bartholemew, Oct. 14, 1742, in Dedham.
ESTY (see Easty)
Henry D. of Easton, and Lovisa B. Leonard, int. Mar. 18, 1845.
EVERET (see Everett)
Mary, Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.], of Dedham, and Benjamin Newcomb, Nov. 24, 1743, in Dedham.
EVERETT (see Everett)
Marcy [dup. Marcey Everit] of Dedham, and Jonathan Newcomb [dup. Nucamb 2d], May 3, 1737, in Dedham.
Meletiah and Nancy Shaw, int. Sept. 22, 1805.
Sarah, Mrs., of Wrentham, and Maj. Zebulon White, int. Aug. 10, 1811.
