Vital Records Of Norton, Bristol Co., Ma
To The Year 1850
Published By The New England Historic Genealogical Society,
At The Charge Of The Eddy Town-Record Fund.
Boston, Mass., 1906
Marriages - ABEL to BUTLER
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Betsy and Joseph King, int. Mar. 28, 1802.
Lydia and Abner Thayer of Taunton, int. Apr. 9, 1807.
ACORS (see Acros)
Naomey and Ebenzer Burt, Mar. 12, 1734-5.
ACROS (see Acors)
Moses and Neone [int. Neomey] Carnbell, Feb. 6, 1723-4.
ADAMS (see Adoms)
Bethiah of Tanton, and Peter Sullad, July 4, 1735.
Edward and Mrs. Melinda Drayton, int. Mar. 17, 1846.
Elizabeth [int. Elisabeth] of Newtown, and Thomas Harris, Mar. 13, 1760, in Newton.
Eunice H. and Smith Rosenberry, int. Dec. 20, 1833.
Eunice H. and Burden Hunt, Apr. 8, 1838.
Henry W. and Thrina Lincoln of Taunton, May 26, 1834.
James L., labourer, b. Taunton, s. Edward and Hannah, and Nancy A. Luther, labourer, d. ---- of Raynham, July 13, 1845.
Joseph S. and Olive A. Redding, int. May 2, 1845.
Warren and Eunice Richmond, ----, 1812.
ADOMS (see Adams)
Joseph and Mary Jane Lincoln, int. Sept. 28, 1844.
Emmily E. and William Wetherell Jr., int. June 27, 1846.
Precilla [int. Presilla] G. and Edwin Dean, July 25, 1836.
Sarah Jane and Pardon Blanchard, Aug. 31, 1835.
Selina A. F. and Austin Messenger, Dec. 26, 1840, in Mansfield.
ALDRICH (see Aldrige)
Caroline P. of Taunton, and Jonathan Lincoln, int. June 22, 1839.
Experience [int. Experance] and William Make Peice [int. MakePeice], int. Jan. 14, 1724-5.
Sarah and Ichabod Shaw, Dec. 16, 1730.
ALDRIGE (see Aldrich)
Prisilla [int. Persilla 2d] and Stephen Gary [int. Garey] Jr., Jan. 28, 1761.
Catharine [int. Catherine] H. of W. Bridgewater. and Lewis Lincoln, Oct. 11, 1840.
Abigale and Israel Newland, Dec. 26, 1734.
Abner of Rehoboth, and Mehetable Fobes, Apr. 17. 1792, in Rehoboth.
Chloe of Mansfield, and George Lane, int. Oct. 17, 1813.
Cyrus W., Rev., and Mary Folger of Nantucket, int. May 13, 1837.
Deborah and Dr. [dup. omits Dr.] Lewis Leprilete [dup. Leprelete, int. Dr. Lewes Le Prilete], Mar. 16 [dup. Mar. 15], 1784.
Elizabeth of Weston, and Seth Smith, Sept. 30, 1725, in Weston.
Ephraim and Salley Briggs of Taunton, int. Apr. 3, 1800.
Fanny of Taunton, and Isaac Hodges Jr., Dec. ----, 1808.
Hannah Cornelia Dean of Pembroke, and Capt. Dauphin King, int. June 14, 1840.
Jacob and Eliza Bosworth of Sandisfield, July 24, 1783, in Sandisfield.
John Jr. of Bridgwater, and Sarah Cambel 3d, int. June 23, 1753.
John and Deborah Hodges 2d, Sept. 5, 1771.
Joseph and Harriot Tillinghast of Exeter, R.I., int. Feb. 21, 1835.
Mary of Tanton, and Samuell Hodges, Mar. 7, 1717.
Mary and Job Briggs, Feb. 5, 1761.
Mehetable [dup. Mehitabel] of Rehoboth [int. Rehoboth] and Benajah [dup. Benager] Tucker, Dec. 13, 1770, in Rehoboth.
Phebe and Elkanah Crosman, July 14, 1755.
Philp of Attleborough, and Esther Tisdal, int. Dec. 19, 1779.
Rhoda and Edward Babbet, int. May 18, 1764.
Ruth and Benjamen Chene, July 15, 1729.
Sally and Nathan Bishop, Jan. 12, 1804.
Sarah and Charles W. Briggs of Dighton, Oct. 7, 1838.
Thomas of Canton, and Lucy Knapp, June 3, 1804.
John and Judith Newcomb, int. Nov. [?], ---- [rec. between Nov. 8 [?] [1743], and Mar. 2, 1743-4].
AMES (see Eames, Eams)
Abiel of Bridgwater, and Allic [int. Alice] Wetherell 2d, Feb. 8, 1792.
Jane of Boston, and Nathaniel Stone, int. Aug. 23, 1807.
Mary of Bridgewater, and David Boyce, June 10, 1737, Bridgewater.
Jabish of Rehobath, and Charity Fisher, Mar. 19, 1740-1.
ANDREW (see Andrews, Andros, Andrus)
John Jr. and Mary Dean of Raynham, int. June 29, 1750.
ANDREWS (see Andrew, Andros, Andrus)
Abigail and Caleb Bolkcom, Mar. 31, 1803.
Anna of Hop[int.on, and Jacob Crosman, int. Dec. 16, 1764.
Betcy and Ansel Kieth, Nov. 30, 1816.
Demmy [int. Dimma] and Galan Hodges of Providence, R.I., June 17, 1811.
Diana [int. Diania] and Ephriam [int. Ephraim] French, Apr. 16, 1815.
Elizabeth [int. Elezebeth] and Levi Woodward Jr., Nov. 3, 1820.
Hannah and Ichabud Franklin of Attleburough, Sept. 20, 1739.
Helling of Taunton, and David Arnold Jr., int. Mar. 24, 1787.
Isaac and Hannah Briggs of Taunton, June 16, 1802.
James and Marcey Lincoln 2d of Taunton, int. Apr. 19, 1801.
John and Rebecah Webber of Taunton, int. Jan. 8, 1791.
Joseph and Sarah Toney of Taunton, int. Dec. 14, 1754.
Joseph Jr. and Hannah Church, int. Nov. 7, 1795.
Lidya and William Hodges of Tanton, June 21, 1739.
Mary and Daniel Shaw of Taunton, int. Mar. 18, 1758. "The publishing forbid by the above named mary Andrews March 26th 1758."
Mary and Thomas Blanchard of Abington [int. Abbington], Dec. 24, 1761.
Mary (Anandrews) of Taunton, and Abel Franklin, int. Oct. 14, 1785.
Phebe and Ichabod Leonard Jr. of Taunton, Mar. 13, 1804.
Roby [int. Roba] and Tisdale [int. Tisdil] Drake of Mansfield, Apr. 27, 1818.
Sarah and Sylvanus [int. Salvenus] Braman Jr., June 17, 1777.
Susanna and Josias Hall of Taunton, Dec. 8, 1791.
ANDROS (see Andrew, Andrews, Andrus)
Moses K. [int. Andrews] of Mansfield, and Hellen W. Lawton, Nov. 30, 1848.
Sarah W. and George M. Sweet, July 18, 1839.
ANDRUS (see Andrew, Andrews, Andros)
Abigail and Richard Brigs, Mar. 1, 1732-3.
Sarah and Gershum Cambel, May 9, 1732.
ANTHENEY (see Anthoney)
Sarah [int. Anthony] and Lewis Sheldon [int. Shelden], Nov. 26, 1790.
ANTHONEY (see Antheney)
Edmond of Taunton, and Nancy Jane Hodges of Taunton, July 4, 1838.
Adeline, 34, d. Lemuel, and Ebenezer Tinkham [dup. and int. Jr.], moulder, b. Middleborough, Apr. 10, 1843.
Alphreda and Samuel Brown, int. Apr. 6, 1832.
Ann Maria and David Woodward Jr, Nov. 25, 1838.
Asa and Gemaina Hodges of Taunton, int. Aug. 3, 1794.
Asa Jr. and Hannah P. Hodges, int. July 9, 1824.
Betsay and Hennary Crane of Taunton, int. Apr. 24, 1808.
David and Phebe Pratt of Taunton, int. Dec. 9, 1756.
David Jr. and Helling Andrews of Taunton, int. Mar. 24, 1787.
David and Rhoby Dean of Taunton, int. Apr. 4, 1825.
Elizabeth and Levy Torey of Taunton, int. Aug. 29, 1778.
Elizabeth C. and Enoch B. Wilbur of Raynham, int. Mar. 6, 1844.
Eunice of Foxborough, and Asa P. Holmes, int. Dec. 26, 1835.
John and Elezebeth Harvey 2d of Taunton, int. Apr. 8, 1788.
John Jr. and Fanny Makepeace, int. Nov. 14, 1821.
John M. and Hannah Blanchard, Feb. 19, 1837.
Laban and Rebeccak H. Thayer of Taunton, int. Jan. 14, 1831.
Lemuel and Anna Hodges, May 18, 1802.
Lemuel Jr. of Taunton, and Harriot T. Crane, bint. Aug. 7, 1834.
Nancy and Ames A. Lincoln, int. May 18, 1826.
Phebe [int. 2d] and George Hodges, July 1 [dup. June 1], 1784.
Phebe and Turner Crane of Taunton, Nov. 26, 1812.
Samuel and Nancy Wheeler of Rehoboth, Feb. 19, 1799 [sic, int. Feb. 4, 1792], in Rehoboth.
Sarah and Ephraim [int. Ephriam] Bowen of Rehoboth [int. Rehobath], July 11, 1819.
William and Betty [int. Betsy] Cobb 2d of Taunton, Nov. 3, 1800.
ARTHERENDON (see Artherton, Atherton, Athertton, Athingten, Athrington)
Thomas of Stoughton, and Anna Tucker, int. Apr. 4, 1779.
ARTHERTON (see Artherendon, Atherton, Athertton, Athingten, Athrington)
Judith and Benjamin Pettengill [int. Pettingal] of Easton, Jan. 11, 1753.
ATHERTON (see Artherendon, Artherton, Athertton, Athingten, Athrington)
Elizabeth and Ebenezer Robinson Jr. of Raynham, Jan. 24, 1739-40.
Joshua Jr. of Mansfield, and Abiah Newland, int. Aug. 3, 1777.
Lona and Serel Stanley of Attleborough, int. Dec. 9, 1819.
Lony and Benjamin Easty of Attleborough, int. Dec. 8, 1822.
Otis of Mansfield, and Susan Burr, int. Aug. 30, 1807.
Pircy and Nabby Field, int. Sept. 17, 1808.
ATHERTTON (see Artherendon, Artherton, Atherton, Athingten, Athrington)
Uriah and Alice Grover, Jan. 1, 1740.
ATHINGTEN (see Artherendon, Artherton, Atherton, Athertton, Athrinton)
Joshua and Lide Filebroum, int. Feb. ----, 1746-7.
ATHRINGTON (see Artherendon, Artherton, Atherton, Athertton, Athingten)
Phillep [int. Phillip Atherton] and Judeth [int. Judah] Caswell, Nov. 1, 1749.
Abiel of Berkley, and Hannah Babbet, int. Dec. 13, 1754.
AUSTEN (see Austin, Austing)
Abigail and David White of Raynham, Aug. 26, 1752.
Elizabeth of Easton, and Abiel Bretten of Easton, Dec. 19, 1751.
Hannah and Elijah Turner of Easton, int. July 14, 1782.
Jacob and Prudence Dean of Taunton, int. Oct. 21, 1769.
James and Meletiah Haden, int. Jan. 6, 1770.
John 3d and Hannah Smith, int. Dec. 27, 1755.
Phebe of Dighton, and Henry Wetherel Jr., int. Sept. 27, 1760.
Samuel [int. Samuell] and Mary Bayley, May 7, 1724.
Sarah and Jams Grover, Nov. 17, 1726.
Sarah and Jeremiah Gullon, Apr. 28, 1763.
Stephen and Lucy Wetherel, int. Dec. 11, 1762.
AUSTIN (see Austen, Austing)
Daniel of Taunton, and Betsy [int. Betsay] Lincoln, July 29, 1807.
Elizabeth and Edmund Fisher, Dec. 3, 1730.
Ester and Isaac Wetherel, Nov. 10, 1737.
John and Abigail Felch of Weston, Sept. 30, 1725, in Weston.
John of Easton, and Deborah Carswel, June 9, 1726, in Easton.
Joseph and Judith Wetherel, Mar. 13, 1739.
Sally and Samuel Wyman of Quincy, int. May 5, 1805.
Stephen of Taunton, and Dinah Wilbur of Taunton, Dec. 20, 1823.
AUSTING (see Austen, Austin)
David and Sarah Wood, int. Nov. 24, 1774.
Esther of Dedham, and William Der, Dec. 17, ----, in Dedham.
Mary of Dedham, and Samuel Deane, Aug. 31, 1727, in Dedham.
BABBET (see Babbett, Babbit, Babbitt, Babit, Bibbit, Bobbit)
Edward and Rhoda Allen, int. May 18, 1764.
Elisabeth [int. Babbit] and Levi Frances, Apr. 12, 1758.
Hannah and Abiel Atwood of Berkley, int. Dec. 13, 1754.
Lydia [int. Babbett] and John Lincoln, June 16, 1842.
Nathan Jr. and Abigail Cobb, int. Feb. 1, 1752.
Rachel and Josiah Gilbert, int. Nov. 12, 1763.
BABBETT (see Babbet, Babbit, Babbitt, Babit, Bibbit, Bobbit)
Mary Augusta [int. Babbitt], b. Taunton, d. Mary, and Harrison Lane, 33, operator in cotton manufactery, s. Daniel, Sept. 1, 1844.
BABBIT (see Babbet, Babbett, Babbitt, Babit, Bibbit, Bobbit)
Abigail and Annas Newcomb, int. May 15, 1783.
Betsy and Amasa Makepiece [int. Makepeas], May 18, 1800.
Betty of Hardwick, and Lroi [dup. and int. Levi] Babbit, Dec. 21, 1779, in Hardwick.
Edward Jr. [int omits Jr.] and Anne [int. Anna] Smith [int. 3d]. Sept. 12, 1793.
Elizabeth of Easton, and James Howard of Bridgewater, June 12, 1765.
Hannah and Seth Swettland of Berkley, int. Dec. 24, 1754. [This entry erased.]
Isaac and Sally Finney, Mar. 13, 1806.
Levi and Polly Leonard, Dec. 29, 1803.
Lroi [dup. and int. Levi] and Betty Babbit of Hardwick, Dec. 21, 1779, in Hardwick.
Mary and Stephen Hatheway of Berkley, Feb. 27 [1751-2].
Nathan [int. Jr.], Dr., and Anna Newcomb, ---- [int. Mar. 14, 1779].
Nathan, Lt., and Judith Newcomb, int. Nov. 8, 1782.
Sarah [int. Bobit] of Easton, and Joseph Blanchard [int. Blancher], Jan. 13, 1745 [sic, int. Dec. 7, 1745], in Easton.
Sarah and Benjamin Wild, May 11, 1773.
Simeon [int. Bobbit] of Easton, and Sarah Balcom [int. Balkom], Dec. 13, 1748, in Easton.
Snell [dup. Snellum, int. Snellon] and [dup. adds Mrs.] Betty Blanchard of Stoughtonham [dup. of Sharon], Dec. 12, 1782, in Sharon.
Willard of Easton [int. Eastown], and Sophia Morey, Apr. 13, 1815.
William [int. Bobbit] of Easton, and Sarah Blanchard [int. Blancher], July 12, 1744.
BABBITT (see Babbet, Babbitt, Babbit, Babbitt, Bibbit, Bobbit)
Emeline of Petersham, and Simeon W. Hodges, int. Apr. 27, 1841.
Mary H., Mrs., of Taunton, and Charles R. A. Burbank, int. Nov. 1, 1844.
BABCOCK (see Badcock)
BABIT (see Babbet, Babbitt, Babbit, Babbitt, Bibbit, Bobbit)
Tabatha [int. Tabitha Babbit] and Jabez Briggs, Sept. 21, 1751.
Hannah, Mrs., of Canterbury, and Rev. William Nelson, int. Apr. 10, 1778.
Joanna of Needham, and Ebenezer Skinner, Sept. 30, 1732, in Needham.
Abraham and Susa Francis of Rehoboth, int. Mar. 10, 1795.
BAILEY (see Baily, Bayley)
Abijah [int. Bayley] and Sarah Grover, Nov. 20, 1765.
Benjamin [int. Bayley] and Tabitha Grover, Mar. 5, 1761.
BAILY (see Bailey, Bayley)
Hannah and Andrew Grover, Feb. 16, 1740-1.
Simeon of Raynham, and Ruth Willis, int. Sept. 18, 1756.
BALCOM (see Balkcom, Balkcon, Balkom, Ballcum, Bolcom, Bolcum, Bolkam, Bolkcom, Bolkum)
Alonzo A. [dup. omits A., int. Bolcom], 19, farmer, of Mansfield, b. Mansfield, s. Alexander (Bolcom) and Melancy [dup. Melency] of Mansfield, and Matilda S. Braman, 20 [dup. 21], d. Thomas (Braman) and Sarah [dup. d. Thomas Jr. and Sally], May 9 [dup. May 19], 1847.
Betsy of Rehoboth, and Elisha Crosman, May 27, 1788.
Elijah and Jemima [int. Jemimah] Skinner of Mansfield, Feb. 12, 1778, in Mansfield.
Hannah [int. Bolkcom] and Joseph Green, May 24, 1810.
Harriot [int. Harriot C. Balkcomb] and Charles Rodgers, Sept. 27, 1843, in Taunton.
Sarah [int. Balcom] and Simeon Rabbit [int. Bobbit] of Easton, Dec. 13, 1748, in Easton.
BALDEREY (see Boldery, Boldry)
James Jr. and Betty Willboar 2d of Rainham, int. Sept. 5, 1779.
BALECOM (see Balcom, Balkcon, Balkcom, Ballcum, Bolcom, Bolcum, Bolkam, Bolkcom, Bolkum)
David and Jane Pulling of Attleborough, int. Feb. 27, 1780.
Rebekah [int. Rebekah Bolcom] of Attleborongh, and William Clark [int. 2d], May 20, 1773, in Attleborough.
Sarah [int. Bolkum] and Jason Blake of Wrenthem [int. Renthem], Nov. 7, 1793.
BALKCON (see Balcom, Balkcom, Balkom, Ballcum, Bolcom, Bolcum, Bolkam, Bolkcom, Bolkum)
Lucinda and Josiah Harvey, int. May 21, 1801.
BALKOM (see Balcom, Balkcom, Balkom, Ballcum, Bolcom, Bolcum, Bolkam, Bolkcom, Bolkum)
Hannah and Peres Foster, int. Mar. 26, 1837.
Pedy of Taunton, and Thomas Harvey, int. Mar. 13, 1780.
BALLCUM (see Balcom, Bolkcom, Balkcon, Balkom, Bolcom, Bolcum, Bolkkam, Bolkcom, Bolkum)
John of Atterburo, and Mary Grover, Mar. 29, 1720.
Mehetebel and Charles Brittan of Raynham, int. Mar. 9, 1754.
Hannah [int. of Wrentham] and Ebenezer Britnel, Mar. 31, 1756.
Elenor (see Elenor Bourn).
BARNES (see Barns)
Elijah and Lydia Wilbore of Raynham, int. Nov. 9, 1754.
Jonathan of Taunton, and Hepbzebah Linkon, int. Oct. 27, 1763.
Mary [int. 2d] and William Newcomb, Mar. 20, 1755.
Milton B. of Taunton, and Sarah W. Hodges, Nov. 18, 1838.
Sally of Taunton, and William Presbry 3d of Taunton, Nov. 27, 1825.
David, Rev., of Scituate, and Mrs. Rachel Leonard 2d [int. omits 2d], Aug. 5, 1756.
BARRARS (see Barrows)
Hannah of Plymton, and Job Tucker, int. Dec. 24, 1763.
BARROWS (see Barrars)
Abigail of Attleborough, and Albert S. Tucker, int. Nov. 12, 1837.
Clarrassa of Attleborough, and James H. Lawson, int. Oct. 29, 1843.
Joseph of Attleborough, and Esther Wetherell, Nov. 17, 1774.
William Jr, Rev., 34, s. William and Asenath, and E. A. Cate, 26, of Cambridge, d. Lucy A., int. Oct. 6, 1849.
William and Mrs. Abigail Ellis of Dedham, Oct. 14, 1742, in Dedham.
BASIT (see Basset, Bassett, Bassit)
William and Mary Crosman of Tanton, Mar. 18, 1718-19.
Mary of Brantrey, and Timothy Smith, int. Feb. 14, 1766.
Polly [int. Molley] and John Gilbert, Aug. 28, 1783.
BASSET (see Basit, Bassett, Bassit)
Abigail and Ebenezer Burt Jr., Dec. 30, 1762.
Benjamin Jr. and Mercy Croasman [int. Crosman] 2d, Jan. 17, 1765.
Daniel and Mary Burt, Jan. 15, 1761.
Gideon and Olive Fisher, Mar. 26, 1767.
Gideon and Bathsheba Briggs, Feb. 21, 1739-40.
Hannah 2d and David Cobb, Oct. 10, 1765.
Hannah 2d [int. omits 2d] of Rehobath, and John Briggs Jr., Apr. 12, 1770.
John [int. Bassett] of Taunton, and Sarah Sheapard, Jan. 25, 1757.
Joshua and Mehetable Hathaway of Berkley, int. Jan. 14, 1764.
Jotham and Naomi Newland, Apr. 30, 1761.
Ruth and Josiah King, Jan. 7, 1762.
William and Thankful Briggs, Aug. 25, 1737.
William (Bosset) and Penelope Brintnal [int. Penelepe Brintnell], Aug. 7, 1747.
BASSETT (see Basit, Basset, Bassit)
Alven and Hannah Thayer, int. Mar. 17, 1792.
Benjamin and Elizabeth Carpenter, Mar. 5, 1797.
Daniel and Elizabeth [int. Elizebeth] Nichols [int. of Taunton], Sept. 25, 1792.
Hannah [int. adds S.] and Charles Edson, Feb. 12, 1824.
Isaac and Mehitable Makepeace, Aug, 20, 1778.
Isaac Jr. and Dilly Cobb, Jan. 7, 1802.
James and Elizebeth Caswell of Middleborough, int. Oct. 22, 1786.
Jediah [int. Jedediah] and Sarah Briggs [int. 3d], Dec. 2, 1773.
Jeremiah and Mary Felch of Westoune, int. Mar. 3, 1721-2.
Jeremiah Jr. of Taunton, and Lyra Stone, Nov. 22, 1809.
Joshua and Basheba [int. Barsheba] Thayer, July 26, 1790.
Lydia 2d and John Newcomb. Dec. 4, 1777.
Lydia [int. adds Mrs.] and Dr.[int. Dea.] David Edson of Bridgwarter, Oct. 16, 1786.
Marey and Daniel Phillips Jr. int. May 27, 1785.
Masa of Providence, and Chloe [int. Chloa] Hodges 2d, Sept. 6, 1804.
Peggy and Leonard Hill, Sept. 30, 1789 [dup. 1790].
Phebe and Trancis [Francis] Geullow, int. Jan. 20, 1787.
Phebe, Mrs., of Taunton, and John Wilde of Mansfield, June 30, 1837.
Ruth and John King Jr., Mar. 31, 1795.
Samuel of Taunton, and Hannah Stone, Apr. 6, 1808.
Selah and Abijah Wetherl Jr. of Easton, int. June 30, 1787.
Susan A. of Easton, and Silas W. Lincoln, int. Nov. 1, 1845.
William 3d [int. Basset] and Anne Lane, Nov. 8, 1770.
Zilpah of North Bridge, and Thomas Braman, int. Dec. 19, 1778.
BASSIT (see Basit, Basset, Bassett)
William Jr. [int. Basset, omits Jr.] and Lydia Fisher, Mar. 16, 1748.
BATE (see Bates)
Lydia (see Lydia Grover).
BATES (see Bate)
Almira and Bravis C. Dunbar [int. Dunber] of Easton, Mar. 5, 1833.
Ardelia and Andrew B. Randall of Easton, Oct. 15, 1837.
Benjamin and Abigail Billings of Stoughtonham, Apr. 25, 1768, in Sharon.
David C. and Sarah T. Sweet, May 30, 1826.
Elisabeth and Elijah Williams, int. Mar. 18, 1763.
Hannah of Wrentham, and Thomas Shiner [int. Skinner Jr.], Nov. 14, 1751.
Hannah, 50, d. Dr. Leavet and Hannah, and Benjamin Richmond, 59, widr., farmer, s. Benjamin and Betsey, int. Oct. 13, 1849.
Horatio and Sarah E. [int. H.] Sweet, Sept. 26, 1838, in Attleborough.
Julia Ann, 16, d. David C. dec'd, and Benjamin H. Richmond, 23, shoemaker, S. Benjamin, Oct. 22, 1844.
Levet [int. Bate] and Elisabeth Pain of Stoughtonham, Nov. 15, 1769.
Levit [int. Levet], Dr., and Hannah Clapp [int. Clap 2d] [int. May 6, 1797].
Lydia and James Danield of Foxborough, int. Oct. 26, 1823.
Mary and Eliab White, June 27, 1763.
Mary Ann and Richard H. Hall, July 23, 1830.
Patience of Plymouth, and Elijah Lincoln, int. Mar. 10, 1815.
Polly [int. Polley] and Harlow [int. Harlon] Hodges, Feb. 1, 1818.
Sarah and David White, int. Nov. 3, 1759.
Sarah E. and John H. Crane, int. June 20, 1847.
Solomon of Wrentham, and Hannah Grover, Nov. 12, 1729, in Wrentham.
Samul and Elisabeth Caswell, int. Aug. 27, 1711.
BAYLEY (see Bailey, Baily)
Mary and Samuel [int. Samuell] Austen, May 7, 1724.
Mary and Lysander White, shoemaker, of Easton, b. Easton, s. Howe, Oct. 29, 1843.
Polley [int. Bears] of Rehoboth, and Joshua Tucker, Sept. 11, 1792.
Daniel of Easton, and Caroline T. Drake of Easton, Sept. 21, 1837, in Easton.
Henry T. of Holliston, and Mary Jane Carpenter, June 4, 1839.
John of Attleboro, and Anna Blancher, int. Nov. 21, 1749.
Robert H. and Clarrisa White of Taunton, int. Oct. 12, 1837.
Abby S. and John B. Williams of Easton, int. Mar. 18, 1848.
Elizabeth A., 22, d. Jotham, and Harrison Crossman, widr., 27, farmer, s. Elisha (Crossmen), Aug. 31, 1847.
John Jr. of Wrentham, and Sarah Newcomb, int. Oct. 1 [? 1743].
Hannah [int. Bezwick] of Stoughton, and Samuel Titus, Jan. 16, 1756.
BETSS (see Bettice, Bettis, Bittes)
Mercy of Dighton, and Seth Puffer of Dighton, Feb. 12, 1753.
BETTICE (see Betss, Bettis, Bittes)
Marcy and Nehemiah Briggs, Nov. 14, 1734.
BETTIS (see Betss, Bettice, Bittes)
Mary [int. Betis] and Ebenezer Burt, Feb. 27, 1723-4.
BIBBIT (see Babbet, Babbett, Babbit, Babbitt, Babit, Bobbit)
Mary and Abiather Lincoln of Taunton, int. Aug. 24, 1783.
BILLING (see Billings)
Hepzebah of Stougton, and Jonathan Pratt, int. Jan. 10, 1758.
BILLINGS (see Billing)
Abigail of Stoughtonham, and Benjamin Bates, Apr. 25, 1768, in Sharon.
Benjamin of Stoughton, and Rachel Pratt, int. Oct. 19, 1759.
Beriah of Stoughtonham, and Anne Britnel, Nov. 19, 1765.
Fanny of Mansfield, and Rev. Richard Briggs of Mansfield, May ----, 1816.
Elizabeth of Mansfield, and Jonathan Briggs, Sept. 22, 1785, in Mansfield.
Hannah and Nehemiah Briggs, int. Nov. 12, 1790.
Warren, widr. [int. adds Rev., omits widr.], 53, surveyor, of Foxborough, b. Foxborough, s. Elijah dec'd and Sarah of Foxborough, and Calista Briggs, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 45, housekeeper, d. Isaac Makepeace dec'd and Anna, Apr. 15, 1845.
Chloe of Attleborough, and Isaac Hodges Jr., July 25, 1782.
Joseph of Atelborrough, and Miriam Hodges, Apr. 22, 1736.
Lucilva (see Silvay).
Mehetabel [int. Mehetable] and Samuel Pitts of Taunton, Sept. 28, 1761.
Miriam, Mrs., of Attleborough, and Joseph Hodges, int. Nov. 15, 1749.
Nathan and Sabrah Rich of Greenwich, int. Dec. 12, 1802.
Nathan and Sally Allen, Jan. 12, 1804.
Rhoda and Edmund Lothrop Jr. of Easton, int. Dec. 27, 1801.
Silvay [int. Lucilva] of Attleborough, and David Makepeas [int. Makepeac], Aug. 24, 1797.
Timothy of Attleborough, and Hannah Lane, Mar. 5, 1767, in Attleborough.
Zephaniah [int. Zaphaniah] of Attleborough, and Sarah Stone, Aug. 6, 1765.
BITTES (see Betss, Bettice, Bettis)
Abigail and Joseph Newland of Easton, int. Apr. 9, 1744.
BLACK (see Blacke)
Sarah and John Hectar, negroes, Feb. 19, 1740-1.
BLACKE (see Black)
Hannah of Tanton, and Benjamin Stimson, May 10, 1716.
BLAINE (see Bleen)
Aaron of Wrenthem, and Hannah Hodges 2d, int. Sept. 14, 1753.
Anna Hanover of Taunton, and Daniel Presbrey, int. Oct. 21, 1815.
Elizabeth, Mrs., of Wrentham, and Capt. Samuel Brintnall, May 23, 1734, in Wrentham.
Jason of Wrenthem [int. Renthem], and Sarah Balkcom [int. Bolkum], Nov. 7, 1793.
Jemime of Wrentham, and Ruben Tinkham, int. Mar. 1, 1818.
Joseph of Providence, and Lydia Tucker, Nov. 29, 1788.
Lois and James French Jr., July 31, 1796.
Lydia C. of Mansfield, and Benjamin Sweet, int. Sept. 1, 1826.
Rachel Eddy and Selon [dup. and int. Celand] Skinner of Mansfield, Oct. 19, 1812.
Sarah of Taunton, and William Carpentor, int. Feb. 12, 1757.
BLANCHARD (see Blancher, Blancherd)
Abigail [int. Abigail Blancher] and Solomon Moise [int. Mors] of Stoughton, Nov. 30, 1747.
Anna and John Sheapardson of Attleborough, Jan. 17, 1754.
Betty [dup. adds Mrs.] of Stoughtonham, and Snell [dup. Snellum, int. Snellon] Babbit, Dec. 12, 1782, in Sharon.
Christopher C. of Taunton, and Susannah M. White of Taunton, Dec. 26, 1830.
Hannah and John M. Arnold, Feb. 19, 1837.
Joseph [int. Blancher] and Sarah Babbit [int. Bobit] of Easton, Jan. 13, 1745 [sic, int. Dec. 7, 1745], in Easton.
Joseph and Judith Williams, July 8, 1766.
Joseph of Mansfield, and Hannah Pratt of Mansfield, Aug. 6, 1792.
Josiah amend Elizabeth [int. Elisabeth] Williams, Jan. 3, 1760, in Easton.
Lydia and Alanson Sweet, July 4, 1836.
Pardon and Sarah Jane Alden, Aug. 31, 1835.
Ruth and John Linkon, int. Mar. 27, 1756. "The Banes forbidden by Stephen Blanchard."
Sarah [int. Blancher] and William Babbit [int. Bobbit] of Easton, July 12, 1744.
Thomas of Abington [int. Abbington], and Mary Andrews, Dec. 24, 1761.
Williams and Martha Bloom of Northbridge, int. Nov. 30, 1834.
BLANCHER (see Blanchard, Blanchard)
Anna and John Bell, int. Nov. 21, 1749.
Elizabeth of Weymouth, and James Boldry, int. Jan. 5, 1749.
Experience of Weymouth [int. Waymouth], and Sylvanus [int. Silvenus] Braman, May 3, 1748, in Weymouth.
Stephen and Abigail Pratt of Easton, Sept. 15, 1736, in Easton.
Susanna [int. Susannah] of Weymouth, and Jeremiah Champbell [int. Cambel], Apr. 11, 1749, in Weymouth.
BLANCHERD (see Blanchard, Blancher)
Hannah [int. Blancher] and Joseph Fobes of Easton, Nov. 3, 1747, in Easton.
Sarah [int. Blanchard] and Levi Francis [int. Levy Frances], Jan. 28, 1779, in Mansfield.
BLANDIN (see Blanding, Blondin)
Benjamin A. and Sarah A. Dunham of Attleborough, int. Nov. 1, 1840.
Catharine R. and John W. Dean of Raynham, Mar. 30, 1841.
Henry H. and Chloe D. Carpenter [int. Corpenter], July 31, 1834.
Isaac S. and Eliza Davis, Oct. 25, 1827.
Jesse of Attleborough, and Susanna Blandin [int. 2d], Nov. 27, 1808.
Jesse H. and Eunice M. Tucker, int. Sept. 17, 1842.
Lemira and Elkanah Wood Jr., Sept. 15, 1822.
Otis Jr. [int. Blondin] and Nancy A. Freeman, July 17, 1832.
Sarah [int. adds Samson] and Cyrus [int. Sirus] White of Halifax, Dec. 2, 1819.
Sarah J. and Nathaniel Freeman, int. Mar. 21, 1840.
Sarah S. and William H. Simmons of Coventry, R.I., int. June 29, 1848.
Simeon G. and Nancy C. French, Oct. 23, 1843, in Middleborough.
Susanna [int. 2d] and Jesse Blandin of Attleborough, Nov. 27, 1808.
BLANDING (see Blandin, Blondin)
Benjamin and Susanna [int. Susannah] Wetherell, Oct. 8, 1778.
Lamech and Lydia Lamburd, int. Oct. 22, 1780.
Rachel of Attleborough, and Peter Derry, int. Dec. 25, 1774.
Rebecca [int. Rachel] and John Derry [int. Derrey], Dec. 10, 1778.
Sumner and Louisa Messenger, Sept. 26, 1831.
Silence [int. Blane] of Bridgewater, and Samuel Nichols [int. Nicols], ---- [int. Aug. 1], 1776, in Bridgewater.
James 3d of Rehoboth, and Rhoda Tisdale, int. Dec. 17, 1820.
Ruth of Rehoboth, and David Fisher, May 5, 1763, in Rehoboth.
Samuel of Attleborough, and Patience Briggs, int. Mar. 6, 1778.
BLONDIN (see Blandin, Blanding)
Harriot C. and Thomas W. Stebins [int. Stebbins of Brookline, Vt.], Mar. 30, 1841.
Martha of Northbridge, and Williams Blanchard, int. Nov. 30, 1834.
BOBBIT (see Babbet, Babbett, Babbit, Babbitt, Babit, Bibbit)
Abiather of Easton, and Abigail Bobbit of Easton, May 26, 1743.
Abigail of Easton, and Abiather Bobbit of Easton, May 26, 1743.
Abigail [int. Boblit] of Easton, and David Neuland [int. Newland], ---- int. [June] 27 [1744]].
Abigail and Joseph Neuland of Easton, Nov. 22, 1744.
BOICE (see Boise, Boyce)
James and Margaret Boise of Easton, Apr. 6, 1735-6 [sic], in Easton.
BOISE (see Boice, Boyce)
Margaret of Easton, and James Boice, Apr. 6, 1735-6 [sic], in Easton.
Henry [int. Bokes], "a transient person," and Merim [int. Miraim] Fisher, July 12, 1769.
BOLCOM (see Balcom, Balkcom, Balkoom, Balkom, Ballcum, Bolcum, Bolkam, Bolkcom, Bolkum)
Anna of Attleborough, and John Wetherell 2d, Sept. 23, 1772, in Attleborough.
Zilpah of Attleborough, and Ichabod Shaw Jr., int. Aug. 6, 1763.
BOLCUM (see Balcom, Balkcom, Balkcon, Balkcom, Ballcum, Bolcom, Bolkam, Bolkcom, Bolkum)
William Jr. of Attleborough, and Nancy Capron, int. June 9, 1791.
BOLDERY (see Balderey, Boldery)
James and Sary Cambell, Mar. 17, 1723-4.
BOLDRY (see Balderey, Boldery)
James and Elizabeth Blancher of Weymouth, int. Jan. 5, 1749.
BOLKAM (see Balcom, Balkcom, Balkcon, Balkom, Ballcum, Bolcom, Bolcum, Bolkcom, Bolkum)
Mary of Atelborrough, and John Fisher, Mar. 30, 1732, in Atelborrough.
BOLKCOM (see Balcom, Balkcom, Balkcon, Balkom, Ballcum, Bolcom, Bolcum, Bolkam, Bolkum)
Abigail and Nathaniel Smith of Stoughton, Jan. 25, 1824.
Betsey [int. Balkcom] and Macey Randall [int. Jr.] of Easton, Dec. 30, 1838.
Caleb and Abigail Andrews, Mar. 31, 1803.
Fanny and Daniel Shaw of Rehoboth, Dec. 5, 1822.
Hannah [int. Balcom 2d] and Samuel Tiffany [int. Jr.] of Attleborough, June 2, 1769.
James [int. Balcomb] and Hannah Crosman, Mar. 24, 1791.
Sally and Abiather [int. Abiathar] Richardson [int. Jr.] of Attleborough, June 23, 1811.
Samuel and Abigail Keith, int. Feb. 19, 1797.
BOLKUM (see Balcom, Balkcom, Balkcon, Balkom, Ballcum, Bolcom, Bolcum, Bolkam, Bolkcom)
Jacob of Rehoboth, and Metilda Perry of Rehoboth, Nov. 20, 1794.
John [int. Balkcom] and Abigail Smith 2d [int. 3d], Apr. 23, 1795.
Sanford R. of Easton, and Sarah Jane [int T.] Winslow, Jan. 1, 1839.
Lebbeus [int. Libbeus Bonna] and Louisa Tucker, Nov. 26, 1812.
Joptha of Mansfield, and Mrs. Silence Dean of Taunton, Aug. 1, 1837.
BORN (see Bourn)
Sarah of Dighton, and Amoss Newland, int. Nov. 20, 1762.
Betty of Barrington [int. Betsey of Barington], and Nathan Hodges Jr., Apr. 17, 1777.
Eliza of Sandisfield, and Jacob Allen, July 24, 1783, in Sandisfield.
Mary of Smithfield, R.I., and Capt. Lyman Eddy, int. Jan. 5, 1840.
BOURN (see Born)
Elenor [int. Barn] and David Mathews, Oct. 1, 1781, in Attleborogh.
Ephraim of Rehoboth [int. Ephraim of Rehoboth], and Sarah Arnold, July 11, 1819.
Jabez, Hon. [int. adds Esq.], of Providence, and Peddy Leonard, May 21, 1801.
BOWARS (see Bower, Bowers)
Sucky and Tower Umphry of Weston, int. Feb. 27, 1780.
BOWER (see Bowars, Bowers)
Peggey of Summerset, and Benjamin King, int. July 28, 1805.
BOWERS (see Bowars, Bower)
Lot "Negro man of Swanzey" [int. Swansway] and Sukey [int. Suky] "a Negro woman belonging to the Hon. George Leonard Esq. May 25, 1775.
BOYCE (see Boice, Boise)
Ann (Boyde) and John Mackelara "trancent parson," Jan. 29, (?)35-6.
David and Mary Ames of Bridgewater, June 10, 1737, in Bridgewater.
Arsenath, wid. [int. Mrs. Asenath], of Attleborough, and Cyrus White, widr. [int. omits widr.], mechanic, b. Hallifax, May 13, 1847.
Lydia and Stephen White, manufacturer, of S. Hadley, May 18, 1847.
Hiram L. and Almira Dean of Taunton, int. Aug. 7, 1831.
Lucinda L. M. and George D. W. Townsend, Feb. 26, 1846.
Peggy of Wrentham, and Jeremiah Campbell, int. Nov. 30, 1783.
Sarah [int. 2d] of Wrentham [int. Wrenthem], and John Hall 3d, Feb. 15, 1789, in Wrentham.
BRAMAN (see Bramen)
Abiah and Daniel Haws Jr. [int. omits Jr.] of Wrentham, Sept. 21, 1756.
Andrews and Nancy Haws of Wrentham, int. June 26, 1813.
Benjamin and Anna Makepeas [int. Makepeace], Mar. 26, 1777.
Bethiah and William Dryar Jr., [int. Drier 2d] of Rehoboth, Dec. 8, 1774.
Bethiah and John White 2d of Mansfield, June 3, 1784.
C. Adeline [int. Adeline], 22 y. 11 m., d. Sylvanol B. (Bramen), and Henry T. Gilmore, boot and shoe manufacterer, of Raynham, b. Raynham, s. Otheniol of Raynham, Mar. 3, 1845.
Cloe [int. Chloe] and Hanan Hack of Taunton, May 26. 1816.
Daniel and Silence Clap, Nov. 28, 1774.
Daniel of Cambridge, and Patty Gilbert, Jan. 13, 1805.
Daniell and Rachall Cambel, Nov. 25, 1714.
Daniell Jr. and Bethiah Woshbon, int. Sept. 22, 1750.
Deborah and Ebenezer Williams, Oct. 27, 1767.
Elijah and Hannah Willor [Wilbor], Jan. 14, 1808.
Eliza An [int. Ann] and Daniel Burt of Taunton, June 10, 1827.
Experience 2d and Ichabod Perrey Jr. of Attleborough, Mar. 3, 1772.
Experience [int. Experiance] and Ichobud [int. Ichabod] Perry of Attlborough [int. Attleborough], Mar. 4, 1784.
George and Phebe White, Sept. 14, 1752.
Hannah and David Derbey, Jan. 1, 1755.
Hannah and Samuel Staples of Taunton, Nov. 2, 1775.
Hannah, Mrs., and Elisha Hodges, Oct. 1, 1819.
Hannah and Daniel F. Guello, Oct. 23, 1831.
Hannah S. and Mason Freeman, Sept. 4, 1832.
Harriot B. [int. Horriot B. Bramon], 19, bonnet sewer, d. Thomas Jr., and Jared White Jr., 28, farmer, of Mansfield. Oct. 20, 1844.
Isaac of Rowley, and Hannah Palner [? Palmer], int. July 1, 1797.
Isaac, Maj., and Jemima P. Willis of Taunton, int. Oct. 9. 1825.
John and Mary Gray, May 28, 1718.
John and Sarah Merry, int. Mar. 23, 1793.
Josiah of Freetown, and Anna [int. Annah] Fisher, Sept. 20, 1759.
Julia Ann, 24, d. Sylvanas B. (Bramen), and Zeno Kelly, widr. [int. omits widr.], merchant, Apr. 2, 1845.
Lydia H. [int. Harvey] and Isaac Cutler of Concord, Nov. 24, 1825.
Marcy and Williaintiffeney, Mar. 4, 1741-2.
Mary H., 26, d. Sylvanus B., and Cassander Gilmore, widr. [int. omits widr.], boot and shoe manufacturing, of Raynham, b. Raynham, s. Otheniol of Raynham, Mar. 3, 1845.
Matilda S., 20 [dup. 21], d. Thomas (Bramen) and Sarah [dup. d. Thomas Jr. and Sally], and Alonzo A. [dup. omits A.] Balcom [int. Bolcom], 19, farmer, of Mansfield, b. Mansfield, s. Alexander (Bolcom) and Melancy [dup. Melency] of Mansfield, May 9 [dup. May 19], 1847.
Mercy (see Marcy).
Olive and Simeon Thayer Jr. [int. 2d] of Brantree [int. Brantre], Apr 8, 1779.
Phebe and James Skiner, Mar. 16, 1768.
Phebe and Nathan Perry, May 20, 1773.
Polley and Capt. Ebeneazer Stedman of Cambridge, int. Mar. 2, 1817.
Polly M. and Abiathar Witherell [int. Wetherell] Jr. of Taunton, Dec. 31, 1833.
Rachel and Seth Robinson of Stoughtonham, Jan. 22, 1776.
Rachell and Jonathan Pratt, Mar. 13, 1745-6.
Rebecca C. and Allen D. Lane, Apr. 17, 1839.
Rhoda and Solomon White of Braintre [int. Braintree], Oct. 29, 1790.
Sally and Zaccheus Richardson of Taunton, Sept. 20, 1807.
Sally and George Codding [int. Coding] of Mansfield, Apr. 16, 1820.
Sarah, Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.], and Elisha Cobb, Aug, 6, 1782.
Sylvanus [int. Silvenus] and Experience Blancher of Weymouth, May 3, 1748, in Weymouth.
Sylvanus [int. Salvenus] Jr. and Sarah Andrews, June 17, 1777.
Sylvanus Blanchard and Polly [int Polley] Hodges, Nov. 5, 1818.
Thomas and Hannah Skinner of Mansfield, Aug. 31, 1775, in Mansfield.
Thomas and Zilpah Bassett of North Bridge, int. Dec. 19, 1778.
Thomas Jr. and Sarah Richardson 2d of Attleborough, int. Dec. 24, 1798.
Thomas 3d and Sally Barnes Codding of Mansfield, int. Feb. 21, 1823.
Thomas 3d and Mardy S. Lathrop [int. Lathrop] of Mansfield, May 19, 1833.
Washborn and Polly [int. Polley] Macomber. Dec. 31, 1818.
Washburn and Charlotte Briggs, Nov. 11, 1813.
Welthy (Broman) and Jacob Hoar, Jan. 22, 1761.
William and Lydia Harvey of Taunton, Mar. 31, 1805.
Zerviah and Daniell Whitman of Weymouth, Apr. 6, 1742.
BRAMEN (see Braman)
Sarah E. [int. Braman], 18, b. Mansfield, d. Thomas (Braman) Jr. and Sally, and Lewis F. Grover, 22, mechanic, s. Halsey and Sally, Sept. 27, 1846.
Betsy and Lyman [int. Lymand] Cobb, May 5, 1793.
BRETTEN (see Britain, Brittan, Britton)
Abiel of Easton, and Elizabeth Austen of Easton, Dec. 19, 1751.
Hannah [int. Britten] of Mansfield, and Elisha Clark, Aug. 28, 1795 [sic, int. July 1, 1796].
William [int. Britan] of Rainham, and Phebe Cole, Mar. 6, 1794.
BRIANT (see Bryant)
Erin of Easton, and Eleanor Smith of Taunton, Mar. 20, 1831.
Asarelah M., Rev., and Martha S. Harding of Newsalem, int. June 30, 1838.
BRIGGS (see Brigs)
Abigail of Taunton, and Peter Carpentor, int. Oct. 9, 1765.
Abigail 2d and Joseph Wilbor Jr. of Taunton, int. Mar. 19, 1785.
Alfred, farmer, of Attleborough, s. Emerson, and Polly T. Shaw [int. Show], d. John and Polly, Apr. 10, 1845.
Amos and Hannah Cobb, Nov. 25, 1773.
Asa and Polley Briggs, Jan. 30, 1794.
Bathsheba and Gideon Basset, Feb. 21, 1739-40.
Bradford [int. Brigg] of Providence, R.I., and Zeruah Harridon [int. Haradon], June 9, 1833.
Caleb of Rehobath, and Bethiah [int. Bythiah] Eddy, Nov. 29, 1764.
Calista, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 45, housekeeper, d. Isaac Makepeace dec'd and Anna, and [int. adds Rev.] Warren Bird, widr. [int. omits widr.], 53, surveyor, of Foxborough, b. Foxborough, s. Elijah dec'd and Sarah of Foxborough, Apr. 15, 1845.
Charles H. and Linthy A. Hodges, Feb. 13, 1832.
Charles W. of Dighton, and Sarah Allen, Oct. 7, 1838.
Charlotte and Washburn Braman, Nov. 11, 1813.
Clarissa and William Penno, int. Aug. 21, 1808.
Daniel of Tanton, and Deborah Vesey, May 29, 1734.
Daniel and Salle Kingman of Easton, int. Sept. 8, 1787.
Daniel [int. 2d] and Esther Smith, Feb. 1, 1791.
Daniel Jr. and Calista [int. Calista] Makepeace, Apr. 22, 1821.
Daniel and Mary Woodward, Oct. 21, 1827.
Daniel H., 22, farmer, s. Daniel dec'd, and Caroline E. Shaw [int. of Raynham], b. Raynham, d. Samuel and Rachel of Raynham, May 8, 1844.
Deborah and William Makepeace, Feb. 17, 1773.
Edwin of Mansfield, and Abigail Fuller of Taunton, Nov. 24, 1825.
Eliab of Benson, Vt., and Katherine [int. Katharine] Robinson Paine [int. Pane], June 18, 1813.
Elijah and Mercy Briggs 3d, int. July 21, 1764.
Elijah [int. Jr.] and Susanna [dup. Susannah] Richards of Sharon, Oct. 8, 1795, in Sharon.
Eliphilet Jr. and Mary Cobb 2d, May 12, 1757.
Elisabeth of Taunton, and William Carpenter Jr., int. June 23, 1759.
Elisha [int. 1st] and Mary Fisher [int. Tisher] of Wrentham, Mar. 30, 1758, in Wrentham.
Esther [int. Easther] of Easton, and Josiah Newcomb [int. Newland], Feb. 16, 1758, in Easton.
Esther [int. Easther] and Amos Newland, May 2, 1765.
Fanny [int. Fanney] and Lemuel Fuller of Easton, Feb. 4, 1796.
George and Patince Gay, Feb. 16, 1737.
George and Sarah Wilkinson, Jan. 6, 1742-3.
George and Elizabeth [int. Elizebeth] Whitman of Bridgewater [int. Bridgwater], Oct. 26, 1791, in Bridgewater.
Hannah and John Silley, Jan. 12, 1723-4.
Hannah and William Stone Jr., Aug. 26, 1756.
Hannah and John Keith of Easton, May 28, 1766, in Easton.
Hannah [int. 2d] and Noah Dean, ---- [int. Jan. 14, 1797].
Hannah of Taunton, and Isaac Andrews, June 16, 1802.
Hannah 2d and Elisha Carpenter, Oct. 27, 1807.
Hezekah [int. Hezekiah] (Briggs) and Esther Wilmath [int. Wilmouth], Feb. 13, 1794.
Hezekiah of Mansfield, s. Hezekiah, and Lucinda Persho of Taunton, Dec. 1, 1822.
Jabez and Tabatha Babit [int. Tabitha Babbit], Sept. 21, 1751.
Jacob and Easther Skiner, Mar. 28, 1765.
Jacob [int. Brigs] and Sarah Cheney, Dec. 3, 1767.
James and Dameras White, May 5, 1743.
James, Rev., of Compton [int. Comington], and Anna Wiswall, Oct. 19, 1780.
Jesse of Tanton, and Ertzabeth Fisher, Apr. 8, 1736.
Jesse and Mary Parmenter [int. Palmetrey] of Attleborough, Aug. 21, 1766, in Attleborough.
Job and Mary Allen, Feb. 5, 1761.
John Jr. and Hannah Wethrell, int. Aug. 5, 1721.
John "the Eldest" and Mary Burt, May 29, 1727.
John 3d and Lydia Finney, Mar. 12, 1741.
John Jr. and Hannah Basset 2d [int. omits 2d] of Rehobath, Apr. 12, 1770.
Jonathan and Elizabeth Bird of Mansfield, Sept. 22, 1785, in Mansfield.
Joseph and Mehetabel Hall, Oct. 20, 1718.
Joshua of Rehobath, and Sarah Luther of Rehobath, Nov. 6, 1735.
Jotham of Dighton, and Mary Fisher, Jan. 28, 1762.
Lidea and Samuel Brintrell, Dec. 22, 1726.
Louritta and Stimpson Harvey of Taunton, int. Apr. 10, 1846.
Lucy and Masa Knap, int. Mar. 8, 1788.
Lydia (see Lidea).
Lydia Adeline and Daniel Peter Whiting of Franklin, int. Nov. 2, 1841.
Marcy and Timothey Briggs, July 13, 1738.
Mary and John Smith Jr., Nov. 9, 1714.
Mary [int. 5th] and Isaac Smith, July 26, 1764.
Mary 4th and James Hodges, Dec. 2, 1766.
Mary of Dighton, and Simeon Dean, int. Nov. 1, 1812.
Mercy (see Marcy).
Mercy 3d and Elijah Briggs, int. July 21, 1764.
Miriam and Silas Briggs, int. Apr. 26, 1801.
Nancy, 19, of Dighton, George and Syntha, and Henry C. Perry, 21, farmer, s. James W. and Lovina, int Sept. 29, 1849.
Nathaniel and Martha Washburn [int. Washbond] of Rehobath, July 31, 1766.
Nehemiah and Marcy Bettice, Nov. 14, 1734.
Nehemiah and Hannah Bird, int. Nov. 12, 1790.
Nehemiah Jr. and Rosamond [int. Rosmond] Finney, Mar. 22, 1818.
Patience and Samuel Bloice of Attleborough, int. Mar. 6, 1778.
Phebe and Job Smith of Taunton, Jan. 3, 1808.
Phebe and Daniel Guillo, int. Nov. 29, 1817.
Phinehas and Esther Finney, Dec. 27, 1739.
Polley and Asa Briggs, Jan. 30, 1794.
Polly [int. Polley] and Daniel Goodwin [int. Goodwine] of Easton, Nov. 1, 1795.
Rachal and Jonathan Burt, May 24, 1739.
Rachel [int. 2d] of Situate, and Asa [dup. Assa] Copeland, Oct. 25, 1781, in Situate.
Rachel of Raynham, and James Leonard, Oct. 10, 1836, in Taunton.
Richard Jr. and Mercy [int. Marcy] Cobb, Nov. 16, 1752.
Richard, Rev., of Mansfield, and Fanny Billings of Mansfield, May ----, 1816.
Rufus and Margret Wetberel, Oct. 14, 1772.
Salley of Taunton, and Ephraim Allen, int. Apr. 3, 1800.
Samuel and Abigail Newland, Mar. 13, 1755.
Sarah [int. 3d] and Jediah [int. Jedediah] Bassett, Dec. 2, 1773.
Sealey and Josiah Crosman of Easton, int. Oct. 27, 1782.
Seth and Ithamer Fisher, Dec. 6, 1764.
Silas and Miriam Briggs, int. Apr. 26, 1801.
Simeon and Sarah Wenchel, June 21, 1753.
Simeon and Mary Cheney, Aug. 20, 1761.
Simeon and Sarah Farington [int. Farrington] of Mansfield, Sept. 4, 1788, in Mansfield.
Simeon 2d and Elizebeth [int. Betsay] Skinner, Apr. 8, 1813.
Solomon [int. Solomen] of Taunton, and Experience Page, Mar. 23, 1747-8.
Solomon and Remember [int. Remembrance] Litchfield of Situate [int. Scituate], Dec. 15, 1760, in Situate.
Solomon and Mary Lincoln of Cohasset [int. Molley Linkon of Hingham], Feb. 7, 1763, in Cohasset.
Stephen and Sarah Pratt, Sept. 26, 1765.
Submit M. and Gilbert W. Rounds of Rehoboth, int. May 4, 1839.
Sylvester [int. Sylvester] and Leah [int. Lear] Whitman of Bridgewater [int. Bridgwater], ---- [int. Aug. 5], 1797, in Bridgewater.
Thankful and William Basset, Aug. 25, 1737.
Thomas and Rhode Chene [int. Rhodey Cheny], Apr. 8, 1724.
Timothey and Marcy Briggs, July 13, 1738.
Timothy Jr. and [torn] Patten of Stoughton, int. May 18, 1770.
Timothy and Hannah Waterman of Halifax, int. Aug. 25, 1782.
Timothy, Dea., and Mrs. Sarah Frances [int. Francis], July 6, 1819.
Tisdale of Berkley, and Anna Storey, int. Oct. 25, 1812.
BRIGS (see Briggs)
Richard and Abigail Andrus, Mar. 1, 1732-3.
BRINTINAL (see Brintnal, Brintnall, Brintnell, Brintrell, Britnel, Brinell)
Elizabeth and James Wheller of Rehobath, Oct. 2, 1738.
Nathaniel and Sarah Hardin, Feb. 21, 1736-7.
BRINTNAL (see Brintinal, Brintnall, Brintnell, Brintrell, Britnel, Britnell)
Penellope [int. Penelepe Brintnell] and William Bosset [Basset], Aug. 7, 1747.
BRINTNALL (see Brintinal, Brintnal, Brintnell, Brintrell, Britnel, Britnell)
Samuel, Capt., and Mrs. Elizabeth Blake of Wrentham, May 23, 1734, in Wrentham.
BRINTNELL (see Brintinal, Brintnal, Brintnall, Brintrell, Britnel, Britrell)
Ebenezer and Easter Skiner, Dec. 16, 1728.
BRINTRELL (see Brintnal, Brintnal, Brintnall, Brintnell, Britnel, Brintnell)
Samuell and Lidea Briggs, Dec. 22, 1726.
BRITAIN (see Bretten, Brittan, Britton)
William of Rainham, and Sarah Woodward of Tanton, Mar. 21, 1733-4.
BRITNEL (see Brintinal, Brintnal, Brintnall, Brintnell, Brintrell, Britnell)
Anne and Beriah Billings of Stoughtonham, Nov. 19, 1765.
Ebenezer [int. Britnell] and Hannah Bardens [int. of Wrentham], Mar. 31, 1736.
George and Mary Welman, Jan. 15, 1767.
BRITNELL (see Brintinal, Brintnal, Brintnall, Brintnell, Brintrell, Britnell)
Mary [int. Britnel] and Edward Tucker, ARr. 5, 1764.
Sarah [int. Britnel] and Solomon Skiner [int. Jr.], Mar. 10, 1757.
BRITTAN (see Bretten, Britain, Brittan)
Charles of Raynham, and Mehetebel Barber, int. Mar. 9, 1754.
BRITTON (see Bretten, Britain, Brittan)
Betsay of Raynham, and Joseph Copeland, int. Apr. 16, 1809.
BROW (see Brown)
Lemuel of Andover, and Eliza R. Knight, June 16, 1841.
BROWN (see Brow)
Anson of Foxburough, and Mary B. Codding, int. July 20, 1849.
Nathaniel of Attleborough, and Dinah Woodward, Apr. 20, 1758.
Samuel and Alphreda Arnold, int. Apr. 6, 1832.
William and Joa Clark of Taunton, int. Mar. 10, 1800.
Betcy and Gilford Hodges of Mansfield, int. July 17, 1818.
Alanson of Taunton, and Mary Gray of Taunton, Sept. 8, 1834.
BRYANT (see Briant)
Betsey and James S. Washburn, int. June 29, 1833.
John of Bridgewater, and Mary Eams, Dec. 25, 1739, in Bridgewater.
Thomas of Easton, and Thankfull Seely of Easton, Oct. 1, 1761.
Elenor of Mansfield, and John Harris, int. Nov. 1, 1807.
BULLOCK (see Bullok)
Caroline P. of Rehoboth, and Theodore Carver, int. May 9, 1840.
Lurana of Rehoboth [int. Lurania of Rehobauth], and Eliphalet Simons [int. Eliphlet Simmons], Jan. 11, 1795, in Rehoboth.
BULLOK (see Bullock)
Kint of Rehoboth [int. Kent Bulock of Rehobauth], and Seleah [int. Selah] Hodges, Dec. 11, 1795.
Charles R. A. and Mrs. Mary H. Babbitt of Taunton, int. Nov. 1, 1844.
Daniel and Susannah Danforth 2d, int. Oct. 3, 1785.
Ephraim [int. Bur] of Easton, and Hannah Wenchel [int. Wenchal], June 9, 1774.
Susan and Otis Atherton of Mansfield, int. Aug. 30, 1807.
Susannah and Samuel Hartwell of Bridgewater, int. Feb. 28, 1782.
BURT (see Burtt)
Abigal [int. Naby] and Amos Stacy [int. Stacey] of Taunton, Apr. 8, 1790.
Abraham of Taunton, and Raney [int. Rayna] Wetherl, Mar. 20, 1788.
Bartholomew and Betcy Woodward of Taunton, Mar. 5, 1817.
Benjamin W. of Taunton and Harriot F. Standish, int. Sept. 18, 1844.
Betsy, Mrs., of Troy, and Elijah Hodges, int. Sept. 17, 1824.
Bildad of Taunton, and Rosana Dean, Dec. 15, 1835.
Daniel and Sally Daniels Patten of Foxborough, int. Apr. 2, 1819.
Daniel of Taunton, and Eliza An [int. Ann] Braman, June 10, 1827.
Darius of Berkley [int. Berckley], and Sarah Burt 2d, Nov. 26, 1807.
David and Experienc [int. Experieanc] Makepeace, Nov. 7, 1793.
Dinah 2d and William Leonard of Taunton, Dec. 9, 1804.
Ebenezar and Sally Willis, int. Nov. 17, 1822.
Ebenezer and Mary Bettis [int. Betis], Feb. 27, 1723-4.
Ebenezer Jr. and Abigail Basset, Dec. 30, 1762.
Ebenezer, Dea. [int. omits Dea.], and ---- [int. Mary] Morse, ---- [int. Nov. 5, 1780].
Ebenezer Jr. and Lucy Stacy [int. of Taunton], Nov. 19, 1789.
Ebenzer and Naomey Acors, Mar. 12, 1734-5.
George Jr. of Taunton, and Dinah Wetherel 2d, int. June 29, 1770.
Gilford of Easton, and Lavina E. Clapp of Easton, Oct. 3, 1837.
Hannah 2d of Taunton, and David Wetherl, int. Aug. 29, 1789.
Isaac and Lydia Nichols, Apr. 5, 1796, in Rehoboth.
John, Lt. [int. omits Lt.], of Taunton, and Hannah Lincoln, Nov. 26, 1778.
Jonathan and Rachal Briggs, May 24, 1739.
Joseph and Sarah Williams, Nov. 30, 1768.
Joseph Jr. and Wealthy [int. Welthy] Gilbert of Mansfield, Oct. 28, 1782 [sic, int. Aug. 25, 1792], in Mansfield.
Lidea and Josiah Cuper of Atelborrow, Mar. 26, 1728.
Luranah of Taunton, and Ichabod Perrey, int. Apr. 18, 1778.
Lydia of Attleborough, and David Smith 2d, int. Apr. 23, 1757. "the publishing forbiden by Ebenezer Burt of Norton."
Lydia 2d [int. omits 2d] and Leonard Dean of Rainham, Dec. 18, 1796.
Mary and John Briggs "the Eldest," May 29, 1727.
Mary and Jeremiah Newland, Jan. 14, 1752.
Mary and Daniel Basset, Jan. 15, 1761.
Olive and Beriah Willis, Dec. 22, 1808.
Priscilla of Berekey, and James Wetherell, int. June 1, 1800.
Prudanc [int. Prudence] and Isaiah Wilbor [int. Willbore of Taunton], Nov. 20, 1794.
Sarah and [torn], int. [torn] [rec. before Oct. 24, 1771].
Sarah and Josiah Woodward, Nov. 5, 1777.
Sarah 2d and Darius Burt of Berkley [int. Berckley], Nov. 26, 1807.
Susannah 2d of Taunton, and William Cobb Jr., int. Aug. 19, 1769.
Tamer of Taunton, and George Cobb, int. May 24, 1777.
Thomas of Taunton, and Catee Hewit, int. Aug. 1, 1779.
Trifenah of Berkley, and Ichobad Perry, int. Jan. 19, 1815.
William and Prudence Lincoln of Taunton, Jan. 11, 1770.
William Jr. and Hannah Rogers 2d of Mansfield, int. Mar. 21, 1801.
William 3d and Celia Willis, int. Mar. 17, 1827.
BURTT (see Burt)
Martha and Field Wilber, int. May 10, 1812.
Hypsey and Nathaniel Prior, int. Aug. 16, 1794.
