The Diary of Rev. Roger NEWTON
Extracted From
History of Greenfield
Shire Town of Franklin County, Massachusetts
Francis M. Thompson
Vol II, Greenfield, Mass, 1904
[Transcribed by Jane Devlin]

Chapter XLIX - From Rev. Roger NEWTON's Diary -
Church meeting 6 Apr 1762. Voted that the Collection for Chh. Charges should be brought in at every Conference in March.
Benj. HASTING was chosen Deacon. It being proposed whether Relations were improper persons to judge in cases of Offence, six out of ten were upon the affirmative.
13 Feb 1763. I married Eliphalet & Esther, Indians.
12 Jul, 1763. Voted that a Table cloth, a Napkin & Bason be obtained for sanctuary services -- the Collection for the Charges of the Lord's table to be 18 per Member.
16 Oct 1767. Died, Umphry, Negro Servt. to Ensign CHILDS.
6 Apr, 1770. Elisabeth ye wife of Aaron SCOTT & Rebecca, ye wife of Reuben SMEAD were called to answer to a charge made against them to the Chh. of living in an unchristian Quarrel & Contention, they were found guilty and accordingly had the Censure of the Chh. passed upon them.
12 May 1772. The Chh. choose Jonathan SEVERANCE & Eleaz'r WELLS to Tune ye Psalm when Amos ALLEN shall be absent.
18 Jun 1772. Jonathan CATLIN being complained of for absenting himself unnecessarily from the public worship of God & the ordinance of the Lord's Supper & for accusing the Chh. of opposition, appeared before the Chh. to answer for his conduct. Sd CATLIN acknowledged the Truth of the Complaint, but professing himself willing to be rectified in his sentiments if they were mistaken, the Brethren though it best to defer passing sentence upon him for the present, accordingly ye meeting was adjourned to 29 Jun 1772, when sd CATLIN appeared sensible of his error & restor'd to good standing.
23 Jul 1772. The Chh. convened to consider whether Elisabeth, ye wife of Aaron SCOTT, should have the Privilege of a Council, as she had requested. Ye Chh. were unanimous in the Opinion that she ought not to have her request granted.
1 Jul 1773. The Chh. made Choice of Agrippa WELLS, Ezekiel BASCOME, Uriel HINSDALE & Reuben WELLS to tune ye Psalm.
28 Jul 1773. The Chh. made Choice of David SMEAD to the office of Deacon.
8 Jun 1777, Rebecca SMEAD made Confession Publicly of the sin for which she had been Censured by ye Chh. & was restored to Charity.
Mar 1778, Edward BILLINGS, John NEWTON, John WELLS & Simeon NASH were made Choice of to tune ye Psalm.
4 Apr 1780. The Chh. being convened at my house pass'd the following votes viz :
1. that it is our Duty to Subject ourselves to the Authority of the United States of America so long as Providence continue us under it. 2 that we will attend upon the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper as soon as Provisions can be made therefor, all being willing to overlook the offences that had taken place respecting public & civil affairs. 3 that Timothy CHILDS & Moses BASCOM be desired to deal with Noah ALLEN who had long absented from publick worship. 4 that Deacon SMEAD & Agrippa WELLS deal with Mr. BILLINGS, who is reported to be guilty of Intemperance. 5 that Deacons GRAVES & SMEAD Deal with widow Anna ATHERTON for absenting from Public Worship. 6 that we will sing half ye tune with reading.
23 Aug ---, (died) Phillis, a negro Child born in my house.
23 Oct 1782, At the Chh. Meeting Noah ALLEN appeared to answer to the offence the Chh. had taken at his withdrawing from Publich Worship for a Number of years -- the Reasons he gave for his conduct were these two --
1st the want of brotherly love in ye Chh. 2 the Chh no Permitting a Brother when he had Light to communicate that Light, which reason was a little extraordinary as no Trial of that kind had ever come before ye Chh. Sd Allen acknowledged that he had withdrawn irregularly in that he (illegible) Deacon GRAVES of his uneasiness, But desired the Chh. to defer bringing on judgement upon his conduct for the present, (and making some special Reasons) with which the Chh. complied. The Chh. also had some conversation with Amos ALLEN upon his absenting himself from Public Worship, but not as a judicial Body, upon the Merits of his conduct at that Time. Sd ALLEN profess'd it as his Opinion that it is the Duty of the People of God constantly to attend upon his Public Worship, but said for some Reasons in his own Mind, which at the proper Time he was willing to communicate to ye Chh. he thought he could pass ye Sabbath in a manner more acceptable to God & more profitable to himself by tarrying at Home than by joining the public Worship -- here ye matter for ye present was left, it being late in ye Evening & ye Chh. Meeting was dissolved.
Apr 1783, Noah ALLEN informed me that it was his purpose to attend with ye Chh. upon the public Worship and Ordinances as soon as his Health would allow, being willing to acknowledge that he had withdrawn in an irregular manner.
6 May 1783, Noah ALLEN attended upon the Public Worship & after the Assembly was dismissed the Chh. was informed as above expressed, but he not being present no vote was taken as to his being restored to Charity.
22 May 1796. The Question being Propos'd to the Chh. whether it was agreeable to their minds that those Members residing in Gill, (Noah ALLEN excepted) should with others form into a Chh. by themselves in that place, it was voted in the affirmative.
2 May 1799. At a regular Chh. meeting warned for the purpose of Choosing a Deacon & attending to the situation & conduct of Dr. BILLINGS, Jonathan LEAVITT, Esq., was chosen Deacon. Dr. BILLINGS by vote of the Chh. was premitted to return to their Christian fellowship in Compliance with his Desire, not withstanding he differed from them in some of his religious Sentiments, particularly in his Opinion that all Mankind will receive a final and everlasting salvation by Jesus Christ.
20 Jul 1790, Received a visit from Messrs. LYMAN (Hatfield) & TAYLOR (Deerfield) & their ladies. Mr. LYMAN expressed a firm Purpose to break with the Chh. & town of Hatfield if they presisted in having Mr. CANON into the school...
21, Went with Mrs. NEWTON to Deerfield & spent the day chiefly in company with Mr. LYMAN & Lady at Mr. TAYLOR's -- the Day fair & pleasant after a great supply of rain a few days before & the Company & entertainment agreeable, but something wanted to make one happy as there always has been & I fear always will be in this world .....
26 Jul 1790, Monday, Went out to see the Damage done by my Hogs in Mr. SWEET's grain and agreed to allow him ten shillings -- kill'd a Sheep -- weighed 106 lbs.
27 Jul, Wednesday [sic]. Capt. MOORE moved his store into Federal Street.
29, Thursday. Began to write a sermon from Prov. 4 : 7 : Wisdom is the principal thing, etc.
31, Made a sermon upon Prov. 16:18 : Pride goeth before Destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall. N. B. Several Deerfield people at Meeting, Mr. TAYLOR being absent. A pleasant Day but rendered unpleasant to by by an appearance of a voluntary absence among the young people especially, from Public worship & more still by the want of a proper spirit and Frame in myself. Others don't do right but I am constrained to think I do worse than they Considering my Profession & Situation. My Feelings are not at my own command and yet it is my fault that they are no better & is doubtless owning in great part to my neglect.
8 Aug ... This day recei'd an anonymous Letter wrote with a good legible Hand & in better Language than common men generally use, expressing a Desire that I should show in som Public Discourse whether it is right & consistant with the word of God, that men should Consult Conjurors & upon information received from them presume to accuse particular persons of Theft or any other crime, who cannot be found guilty in any ordinary way -- this Motion I conclude was made because heretofore Mr. COOKE consulted a Conjuror & of late Mr. Sam'l HASTINGS, both members of ye Chh. & the author of ye letter says it is a growing practive & represents a number of the Brethren as felling concern'd to have this matter discussed in a Serious Scriptural Manner : accordingly it appear'd to be my Duty to preach a sermon relative to it so soon as Providence may give a proper opportunity.
10, 1790, Tuesday. It being this morning about 10 of the clock a year since Roger died, that sorrowful event was particularly recollected and talk'd of in the family & with the memory of this Dear Son who offered such pleasing Hopes & Prospects I find myself daily affected wherever I am. I admire that a year pass'd in such Trouble should seem so short as this, there is Danger I feel that my time in the world will be run out ere I am aware of it even tho I should live to the age of a man of which I have had no probably prospect for a great number of years ......
17 Aug 1790, Tuesday. The field officers convened with their band of musick. Had this Day som Discourse with Mr. David ALLEN concerning his not bringing his youngest child to Baptism which is now more than eleven years old.
23, Monday, read the Monthly Magazine for June & Several Papers from the Printer at N. York -- I found little in them either profitable or entertaining, in this however may be owing to my restless age rather than to any Defect in them, but I think there might be a great saving to the People without any Injury, by Deminishing the Number of Printers.
6 Sep 1790. Rode out to my farm on the Mountain & for ye seeming Gloom on the face of Nature & my Distaste for farming return'd with a Determination to lease my Land for the future.
16 Sep, Thursday. The Regiment met -- Mr. FISHER & wife of N. SALEM & Mr. HODGE lodg'd at my house.
17 Sep 1790, Friday. Kellogg began to cover my store.
16 Oct 1790, Tuesday. General SHEPHERD began to Number the People in this place, who call'd at my House in Company with Mr. TAYLOR.
26 Oct 1790. Went to Heath with Mr. Asa STRONG delegate.
28 Oct, Came home by the way of Colrain - din'd at Parson Sam'l TAGGART's -- call'd to see "FINNER" who was probably more glad to see me than any Person I have met with in the journey -- may Heaven take care of that poor african superior in her moral Disposition to many of other Nations.
13 Nov, Friday. Theodore HITCHCOCK had his leg cut off by Dr. PRENTICE.
26 Nov. The day spent among us as usual in visiting & Recreation -- In the afternoon were visited by Mrs. RIPLEY & her sister Rachel, a young Lady of a serious Turn of Mind, who refus'd going to a Dance seemingly upon Principle, but in my own mind of dancing I consider it being an innocent diversion in itself, tho usually carried to excess and attend with unbecoming Behaviour.
27 Dec. Gave this day 29s 3d to Hart Leavitt to be laid out for Books in Boston for the Town Library.
1 Jan 1791. The Weather Cold & stormy like ye world in which we dwell & 'tis melancholly to think what little occasion I have to expect happiness as is wish'd from the N. Year.
11 Feb, Mr. Ashley, Mrs. WILLIAMS, Mr. BERNARD of Sheffield & Mr. DWIGHT of Barrington Came on a visit. Also Miss Fanny FOXCROFT.
17 Feb. Was visited in the afternoon by Col. CUTTER of Brookfield & Mr. FORBBIS of Northfield & Miss Nancy CUTTER.
18 Feb. Had opportunity to pursue my studies without interruption -- In the ev'ng the Youth had a Ball, & was again call'd upon by Col. CUTTER.
19 Feb. Capt. MOORE ariv'd with his Lady from Barre to whome he was Married last Sunday morning.
21 Feb. Capt. MOORE invited a Number of his friends to his House to rejoice with him in his Prosperity, but on account of Mrs. NEWTON's indisposition, we did not attend. Mr. HALL tood tea with us in the afternoon.
23 Feb. Made a visit to Capt. MOORE.
24 Feb. Received a visit from Capt. MOORE & Lady & Mr. BUCKASTER & Mr. COLDWELL.
6 Mar, Read the "Man of the World" an interesting Novel.
29 May, Lords Day. My Horse started in my Carriage, ran & over set it & stripp'd himself in ye Harness, in in Consequence of which Road in Meeting in saddle in the afternoon.
7 Jun. Light Horse paraded. Mr. DOWE & WILLISTON. Dined with me. Anna CHILDS stays with us being in a languishing hectical state.
11 Jul. Artillery company met.
10 Aug. This day reminds us of one of the most sorrowful events ever suffer'd by man, the Death of Roger, my eldest & dearly beloved Son, who died 10 Aug 1789 ... No Father seemingly ever stood in greater need of such a son & it is, I conceive a rare thing amongst Parents to have such a son -- but this Opinion perhaps is owing to the Partiality of a Father. I desire to remember that the same all perfect God who gave this son hath taken him away & that infinite wisdom as well as Righteness always attends his Providence.
18 Apr 1792. The referees, viz.: Col. McCLALLEN, Messr's. SMITH & MEGEE Sat upon a case of contention between Amos ALLEN & Elijah COLEMAN.
24 Apr. Invited Capt. CLAP in the afternoon to see his store moved.
4 May. Sowed a bed of Salary.
12 May. This being my Birth day on which I am 55 years old reminds me that my life must be drawing to a close.
26 May. Visited by Judge NILES, a member of Congress.
27 May, Lords Day. Judge NILES preach'd in the Afternoon.
25 Jun. Attended upon catachising the children at Mill Brook.
24 Jul. Nabbe begun to keep school at 10 s per week. Abner SMEAD & George GRENNELL engaging to see her paid.
10 Aug 1792. A melancholly Day as it calls to mind the Death of my Son, which took place on the morning of the 10th of August A. D. 1789.
12 Nov, 1792. Engaged to Mr. Coleman to give ten dollars towards a Water Engine & to assist, if able, & there should be occasion in digging a will to supply it.
19 Dec 1792. About 5 o'clock this morning, Mr. Eliel GILBERT's house was consumed by fired, Suppos'd to Catch the preceding evening in the Mantle tree of the front lower room. A subscription on his behalf was set forward which in a few Hours appear'd to amunt to Nearly One hundred pounds.
1 Jun 1793. Mr. BALLARD of Charlemont agreed to do my Chimneys at 4s 4d pr. Thousand Brick - the 4/d to be paid in goods.
28 Feb 1793. Agreed with Wm. STARR to do thirty widow frames & Sashes by firs July next at ye Price of ten pounds in cash. Also agreed with him for two thousand & half Clapboards at 40/s to be paid in Town orders or at ye stores -- Also with John STEVENS for one thousand Clapboards to be paid the same way.
2 Mar 1793. Agreed with Mr. BISSEL that six weeks hence he should receive a Cow Provided he deliver'd to me priviously One thousand & half Clapboard and one thousand boards.
30 May 1793. This Day my new house was raised. (Now standing in rear of Washington Hall.)
10 Aug 1793. It being this Day four years since Roger died -- The sorrows of that event are sensibly revived.
The following is a true copy of a Complaint lodg'd with me by Deacon Ebenezer GRAVES against Tabitha, the wife of Elijah COLEMAN, 13 Nov A. D. 1792.
Whereas Tabitha, the wife of Elijah COLEMAN, a professor of Christianity and a member od Christ's Chh. in this place, hath walked diorderly and violated the rules of the Gospel in a capital offensive manner, particularly in two things, viz: I. In showing by words & actions a bitter, revengeful & quarrelsome mind toward the family of Lieut. Amos ALLEN, in the course of the last year, altogether contrary to that Charity, Meekness & forbearance which are expressly enjoined in the Gospel. II. In absenting needlessly on many Sabbaths from the Public Worship of God in this place -- & whereas she hath been privately treated with & admonished of her faults by some of the Brethren of the Chh., but remains insensible of them & impenitent, I therefore as one dissatisfied with her conduct desire that she may be called before the Chh. that they may judge upon & treat her as the nature of her case & Behaviour may require.
Sign'd Ebenezer GRAVES.
This complaint was read to the Chh. 23 Dec 1792, & a church meeting appointed to attend to it on the 8th Day of January Next at 2 o'clock in the afternoon (at my house). The same day a citation to Mrs. COLEMAN to appear before the Chh. was delivered to Deacon GRAVES together with a copy of the complaint.
8 Jan 1793. The Chh. convened but did not proceed to hear & judge upon the Complaint made agains Mrs. COLEMAN by Reason of her absence which was occasioned as she signified in a Letter directed to me, by bodily indisposition, it was thought advisable to wait till she recovered her Health before another Chh. meeting should be appointed.
21 Apr 1793. A Chh. meeting was appointed to be holden in the House of Public Worship on Thursday the Second day of May 1793, at 4 o'clock P. M. for the purpose of attending to the Complaint by D. GRAVES against Mrs. COLEMAN -- A letter of citation was sent to Mrs. COLEMAN by Capt. Elihu LYMAN. Thursday 4 o'clock P. M. the Chh. convened at the Meeting house, but Mrs. COLEMAN not appearing in Person when prevented not by necessity, But (as her Husband informed the Chh.) but thro' a desire that he should appear & act for her, the Chh. were of opinion that it was advisable another Chh. meeting should be appoined for the purpose of attending to the Complaint exhibited against Mrs. COLEMAN that she might Personally appear if able & answer for herself -- Accordingly a Chh. meeting was appointed to be on Thursday ye 4th of July next to be holden at the Meeting House -- It was also proposed that at sd Meeting certain persons should be chosen by the Chh. to deal with offending members from time to time & when occasion may require make Information against offender to the Chh.
9 Jun. Gave a letter of citation to Mrs. COLEMAN to Dea. GRAVES to be by him conveyed to her, requiring her appearance before the Chh. on the 4 July, 5 o'clock P. M.
4 Jul 1793. The Chh convened according to appointment & was opened by Prayer -- upon which the Complaint against Mrs. COLEMAN being read, she observ'd to the Chh. that she should not make answer to it by Reason of its being to general a nature and adduced a Letter from Rev'd Mr. LYMAN of Hatfield to show that it was his Opinion the Articles in the complaint were not sufficiently explicit, & that it was advisable to have a Mutual Council to hear Complaints, which Mrs. COLEMAN might make agains particular members of the Chh., as well as theirs agains her, to this the Chh. attended, But Mrs. COLEMAN not being willing then to choose a Coundil, nor at any other time unless this could be made a Preliminary Article to be agreed upon by the Chh. viz. that if the Council should find she had been wronged, a Dismission should be given her from this Chh. with a Recommendation to some other Chh. with which she might wish to join -- To this preliminary article the Chh. would not consent, because the End to be aimed at by a Council, was not only to judge who had done amiss, but to bring those who had repentence & restore Peace & christian fellowship between Mrs. COLEMAN & others of the Chh. wherein it had been interrupted. -- it was therefore concluded by the Chh. to be their Duty to proceed to hear the Complaint exhibited against Mrs. COLEMAN by Deacon GRAVES, which in their opinion as things, were circumstanced was sufficiently clear & express for Mrs. COLEMAN to have a fair opportunity of making answer & the Chh. to form a righteous judgment upon.
Mr. Joseph WELLS gave in his evidence in support of the first Article of the Complain -- the written depositions als, of Rosanna the wife of Jonath'n SMEAD & Cielia DENIO were adduced, but the Chh. thinking it incumbent that they & other witnesses should be personally present, which could not be at this time, they moved for adjournment & accordingly this Chh. Meeting was adjourned to the 29th of August next, then to be held at the Meeting House, at 4 of the clock in the afternoon.
N. B. After the Chh. voted in ye proceeding Meeting that the complaint above mentioned aught in thier opinion to be received and acted upon Mrs. COLEMAN Manifested her dissent, not only by words but in withdrawing from the Chh.
29 Aug 1793. The Chh. convened according to appointment after opening the Meeting by prayer it was proposed to the Chh. whether Mrs. COLEMAN had refused to answer to the complaint exhibited against her on account of the General Nature. Deacon GRAVES should have leave to withdraw it, in order to make a more particular statement of her offence, & bring forward a complaint if there should be occasion for it more clear & explicit -- Voted inthe Affirmative. Then the meeting was adjourned to 31 Oct, 4 o'clock P. M.
N.B. at the above meeting a new form of statement of Mrs. COLEMAN's offence proper to be made by Deacon GRAVES to Mrs. COLEMAN & grounds his complaint (was) upon, was read & commanded to him.
9 Oct 1793. A complaint newly stated was brought by Deacon GRAVES who said he had not found access to Mrs. COLEMAN, her Husband forbidding it. A Copy of this Complaint with a citation to Mrs. COLEMAN to appear before the Chh. on 31st inst. at 4 o'clock P.M. at the Meeting House was delivered to Deacon GRAVES. A copy of Deacon GRAVES' complaint against Mrs. COLEMAN as stated in the second instance 9 Oct 1793.
Whereas Tabitha the wife of Elijah COLEMAN a professor of Chrisitianity & a member of Christs Chh. in this place hath walked disorderly & violated the Rules of the Gospel. 1st in allowing malicious & menacing expressions in the course of the year 1791 & about that time, especially agains Lieut. Amos ALLEN & his family, saying that whe would willingly kill any one of them and that War being begun Mischief & Death would soon be heard of & the sooner the better, or to this purpose, also in Actions of Violence & ill will in sd year & about that time, particularly in taking a loaded Gun & attempting to fire it for the Purpose of Killing or wounding those whom she supposed to belong to sd ALLEN family, & in Keeping a Gun loaded with an intention to use upon persons Whenever they should approach Mr. COLEMAN's Buildings or come upon his Improvements in such a manner as they had done. 2d In abstaining frequently & in a needless manner from the public worship of God in this place through the Course of Several years last past, and whereas she has been privately treated with & admonished of her faults by some of the Brethren of the Chh., but remains impenitent, I therefore as one dissatisfied with her conduct desire that she may be called before the Chh. that they may judge upon & treat her as the Nature of her case & Behaviour may require.
(signed) Ebenezer GRAVES
31 Oct 1793. The Chh. meeting was open'd by vote of the Chh. because of their being together at an earlier Hour than it was adjourned to, the Chh. being informed that Tabitha COLEMAN could not be spoken with by Deacon GRAVES & that Mr. COLEMAN immediately threw ye Papers that he delivered to him out of the House, & when Mr. Giles COOKE afterwards carried a Copy of the Complaint from the Pastor with a citation to Mrs. COLEMAN to answer to he, He threw it into the fire & declared that he would keep his wife out of the way of a process from the Chh. in this place the members of which had become her enemies, the Chh. again thought fit to adjourn to the Thursday preceding the first Lord's day in January at 3 o'clock P. M. & accordingly was adjourned to that time -- at the Meeting House.
2 Jan 1794, Thursday, 3 o'clock the Chh. met according to adjournment & was opened by prayer -- after deliberating upon the Measures that had been taken with Tabitha the wife of Elijah COLEMAN to which She hat refused attention, as has been made manifest by her not being seen, from time to time when memebers of the Chh. have sought access to her, by not appearing befroe the Chh. in compliance with a citation delivered to her Husband in the House where they dwell & by not attending in any Instance, for several months past with this Chh. upon the public Worship of God -- the Chh voted upon the following viz:
Whereas Tabitha, the wife of Elijah COLEMAN, has refused to make answer to a complaint exhibited against her by Deacon Ebenezer GRAVES, & in order to evade the discipline of the Chh. hath united as we have reason to believe with her Husband in denying to the Members of the Chh. an opportunity of conversation with her for the purpose of stating her moral chimes to her, & for a number of months past hath wholly absented herself from the public administrations of God's House; hence the sd Tabitha merits in our opinion the censure of God's People & is an improper subject of their Christian fellowship in special divine ordinances. When Mrs. COLEMAN shall show a willingness to submit to Golpel order we hodl ourselves in readiness to attend candidly, to the merits of her conduct & aquit her of Guilt if Truth & Justice require it or restore her to our Communion upon her manifesting a Repentance of such offences as she may appear to have committed against the Golpel. But at present we judge it to be our Duty & accordingly it is our purpose to withdraw from her as a disorderly person who is not under Law to Christ the holy King & Saviour whom she hath professed.
7 Jan 1794. A copy of this Result was put into a Letter Directed to Mrs. COLEMAN which letter ended in the following manner: This Result so far as I am acquainted with the principle from which it proceeded is the Effect of a concern for the Honour of Religion & your best interest. I wish you to attend to it, however unworthy we are as men, yet acting as the Chh. & servants of Christ our doings ougth not to be disregarded by you : he that despiseth you (said Christ to his Disciples) despiseth me.
from your friend & Pastor R. N.
28 Jan 1794. the above Letter was given to Deacon GRAVES to be given by him to Mrs. COLEMAN.
24 Mar 1794. Deacon GRAVES inform'd that he had been to Mr. COLEMAN's with the Letter & not finding his Wife, desired him to deliver it to her, which he refused to do, accordingly the Letter was brought away.
Not having an opportunity to communicate to Mrs. COLEMAN a copy of the Chh.'s Result, in a private way, it was pubicly read on a Lord's Day, Sep 1794.
Testimony in the Case
Joseph WELLS testified & said, that at one time (in the course of the year 1791) He heard Mrs. COLEMAN Charge the ALLEN's with stealing wheat & Corn out of Mr. COLEMAN's barn & at another time hear her threaten their Lives & said she would Kill them as quick as she would Kill a snake --
Rosanna, the wife of Jonathan SMEAD, testified & sd that being at Mr. COLEMAN's soon after Mischief had been done to their Dye House, Mrs. COLEMAN told her that she called up her Husband when she heard the noise & told him all was a going, that Mr. COLEMAN with her took his gun & went out of the Door, that the first gun missed fire for which she was sorry because it would certainly have killed some of them -- that she had got her gun charged with a Brace of Balls & they should have what was in it -- that the war was begun and the hotter the better, the sooner it would be over -- that the gun then stood loaded with Balls behind the Door -- that I should certainly hear of murder done, or Buildings burnt -- Houses or Barns -- I observed to her, that if she killed any Body she would be hanged -- she replied that she would die in a just cause & should not have Greenfield for her judge -- these witnesses were Chh. members.
The following deposition was given by Lucretia DENIO. -- She testified & said that being at Mr. COLEMAN's sometime after his shop chimney was torn down, She heard Mrs. COLEMAN say that hearing People at their Dye House in the night, to prevent such mischief her husband took a loaded gun & fired it & that she took a gun which if she could have fired it would have levelled one to the ground, I asked if she had Balls in her Gun she said she had that which would do execution. I told her if she shed Man's Blood her own Blood must be shed, her Reply was that she ought not to lose her Life for an ALLEN, for there was one Plague gone off from the earth if an ALLEN was gone : I observed I didn not believe it was any of the ALLEN's that injured them. She asked me whether I would believe it if I saw one of the dead on the Ground - the Battle she added was begun & there was no way to end it but by Gun & Bayonet Power & Ball, they had tired all other ways for peace -- there was only this left.
17 Dec 1793. This being the Day on which the Act of Incorporation was read to the town of Gill. I attended & preache'd from Ps. 144, ult.
13 May, 1794. Drew in from the street in making my fence west from the store three or four feet in order to have it range with Mr. PIERCE's fence which stands still further west.
4 Jun 1794. heard Ruel WILLARD affirm in Conversation with Dan'l FORBES that the North Line of the Street as run by Mr. ROOT of Montague strikes the North side of the chimney of Mr. Jerom RIPLEY's store & about four fee from the front of his dwelling house north ----
10 Aug, 1794. Five years ago the meloncholly event of Roger's Death took place.
14 Aug 1794. removed my Old Habitation where I resided about 32 years into my new house.
27 Jul 1797. Memorandum. The Bend in the street agaisnt Jerome RIPLEY, Esq., & which by the running of the fence has been straitening from time to time for several years past is now made still straiter by the building of his Door yard & Consequently the street is made narrower & deviates from its lines as they were originally laid -- my fence agaisnt sd Ripley's is drawn in several feet from where my old stone wall stood as may now be made Manifest by the remainder in the ground of some of the foundation.
13 Apr 1798. Men agreed that the west Line of Timothy HALL's land should strike the street, four feet west of his shop and the rear should be of the same Length with the front.
5 Apr 1806. I know not but that I make myself daily uneasy because my Troubles are not greater than they be, but small as they are they will disturb & vex me, expecially the Inattention which the people pay to what I suffer by the Depreation of money. -- Not one man from 1774 has shown, as I recollect, any Disposition to make any consideration, but all have & continue to pay the meer nominal sum, in the most advantageous way they can, & appear glad, they have an opportunity to pay it so easily & unless I am too jealous they are not so kind to me, as those among them who are friends generally one to another. Mrs. LEAVITT excepted, none of them upon any particular occasion, as Sickness, Deaths, funerals, associations, have complimented me with a piece of fresh meat, for nearly forty years -- this is very singular & once unlookied for, but soon expected after my settlement in the Ministry. I have sometimes suffered great inconvenience in consequence of this Neglect have lived below what I wish'd & what I thought reasonable, & could not entertain friends, without too much Trouble to Mrs. NEWTON, a woman given to Hospitality & whse feelings were hurt through Life, that she was noticed by those she loved & who were in affluent circumstances, with so little Generosity & with so much less than is Common for minister's wives of her Goodness & accomplishments to experience. This oppression and cold Neglect which in my View has been used towards me has made my work in the Ministry hard & irksome as might Naturally be expected in one who loves the world & friendships as well as I do -- But what more especially disquiets me is, an apprehension that this conduct in my people, is owing in a Measure to something wrong in myself, which they know & feel, but do not inform me of -- for I hear nothing as an apology but ny Wealth -- which it seems they have a faculty of estimating high, so that a few acres of Ground, here, in a peculiar expensive situation is much better to live upon than double the acres in Lyden or Colrain -- it will be I presume the little time I have to live as it has been, except worse, & as I can see more faults in myself than in any other, my Complaint might be properly turned against myself & my Business be to amend my own life & go on in the Ministry Cheerfully & faithfully according to my remaining Powers or pass into Retirement, & show a penetential, Humble Christian Life there. My time I would recollect is short for memorizing either in a public or private station, being now nearly the close of the sixty ninth year of my life.
The diary ends with .....
23 May 1812. This day I am seventy five years old I shall not and I would not live alway.