Vital Records Of New Braintree, Massachusetts
To The Year 1850
Published By The New-England Historic Genealogical Society,
At The Charge Of The Eddy Town-Record Fund. Boston, Mass.,
Marriages - KEEP to WYLLIS & Unidentified
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

David of Deerfield, and Fanny Robinson, int. Oct. 31 [1830].
Charles of Oakham, and Ann Thrasher, int. Oct. 27, 1828.
Lemuel of Windsor, Berkshire Co., and Rebecca Pope, Feb. 14, 1782.
Nabby of Winchendon, and Jeduthan Sawyer, int. Aug. 30, 1802.
Sally of Western, and William Tuffs, int. June ----, 1807.
David of Leverett, and Mary G. Bartlett, int. Sept. 12, 1823.
Eunice [of] Brookfield, and Ens. Daniell Gould, int. Mar. 4, 1805.
Maryann and Horrace Morse, int. Nov. 29, 1831.
Sarah of Newton, and Nahum Ayres, int. June 7, 1830.
Thomas, Dr., [of] Brookfield, and Lucinda Hunter, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1805, and Apr. 1, 1806] [int. Mar. 4, 1805].
Ann and Addison Arnold, int. ---- [rec. between Mar. 23 and Oct. 2, 1829].
Binjamin Franklin and Adaline Whittemore, int. Apr. 21, 1828.
Isaac of Athol, and Mrs. Lucy Whipple, Nov. 5, 1802.
Prince and Lydia Barnes, int. Apr. 18, 1831.
Royal and Mary Ann M. Hunter, int. Oct. 16, 1829.
----, [female] and ---- Arnold, int. June ----, 1828.
Paul [int. Knowlton] of Adams [int. adds Berkshire Co.], and Lucy Whipple, ---- [rec. between Apr. 29, 1800, and Apr. 29, 1801] [int. Apr. 1, 1800].
Samuell and Mary Jane Holmes, int. Mar. 10, 1830.
LARNED (see Learned, Lerned)
Harriet [int. Harriot] and Dwight Tyler, Mar. 16, 1848.
Ebenezer of Hardwick, and Lydia Richmond, Dec. 18, 1763.
LEARNED (see Larned, Lerned)
Lucy and Ebenezer Barstow, int. Sept. 9, 1811.
Mary [int. Larned] and Cook Simmons, Dec. 3, 1818.
Sally and William D. Foster, int. Jan. 1, 1818.
David, Capt., of Barre, and Adalade Peirce, int. Oct. 21, 1823.
Samuell, Col., [of] Barre, and Mary Mister, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1805, and Apr. 1, 1806].
Abigail [of] Sutton, and Sylvanus Morse, int. Apr. 11, 1815.
Hannah B. D., Mrs., of Grafton, and Hon. Joseph Bowman, int. Dec. 20, 1845.
Martha of Grafton, and Franklin Smith, int. May ----, 1844.
LERNED (see Larned, Learned)
John of Palmer, and Polly Barr, int. Oct. 27, 1828.
LEWIS (see Luice)
Susanna of Barre, and William Olliver, ----, 1802.
Caroline A. and Eldad R. Chandler, Feb. 10, 1842.
Hervey of Western, and Betsy Reed Foster, int. Feb. 19, 1804.
Julia A. of Oakham, and James Miller, int. Oct. 28, 1848.
Michael and Hannah Chandler, [Aug.] 29 [1813].
Ruth and Henry Chase, July 11, 1771.
Zerviah and Joseph Parker Jr., Feb. 6, 1766.
LISCOMB (see Lyscomb)
Martha and Daniell Mathews, int. Sept. 24, 1820.
Rachal D. and Ebenezer N. Barr, int. Nov. ----, 1817.
Abigail W. and George Merriam, int. Apr. 28, 1828.
Benjamin, Lt., and Hannah Allen, int. Mar. 4, 1805.
Betsey [int. Bettsey] and Josiah Gilbert, ---- [rec. between Dec. 27, 1791, and Jan. 17, 1792] [int. July 4, 1791].
Joseph and Elizabeth Wilson, May 29, 1764.
Joseph and Perthena Cutler [int. Parthena Cutlar], Jan. 15, 1794.
Mary and Joseph Shaw, Nov. 12, 1787.
Thankful M. and Pliny Pepper, int. Sept. 27, 1828.
John of Wilmington, Vt., and Phebe Mathews, Feb. 27, 1787.
Kezia of Barre, and Reuben Luice, int. Mar. 5, 1792.
Orin I. and Clarissa Humphrey, int. Apr. 25, 1840.
Hannah and John Peters, Jan. 6, 1786.
Nabbey, Mrs., of Mendon, and Dr. Thomas Fletcher, int. Oct. 19, 1789.
Tabitha and Robert Rickey, Nov. 25, 1783.
Reuben and Kezia Lock, int. Mar. 5, 1792.
Dorcus and Micah R. Barr, Mar. 27, 1834.
LYSCOMB (see Liscomb)
Polly and William Thomson, int. Nov. 27, 1822.
Polly of Oakham, and Samuell Thrasher Jr., int. Jan. ----, 1815.
MAKEPEACE (see Makepeice)
Augustus of Brookfield, and Nancy Meria Gleason, int. Apr. 28, 1828.
Roxany of "Arvins Gor" [? Erving's Gore], and George Mullet, int. Nov. 29, 1814.
MAXEPEICE (see Makepeace)
Mary N., 27, b. Brookfield, of Chagrin Falls, O., d. ---- of Brookfield, and Josiah P. Gleason, Dec. ----, 1849.
Sarah, Mrs., of Ware, and Jacob Pepper, June 24, 1802.
MARSH (see Mash)
Dorcus [int. Dorcas] and Lyman Alden, Mar. 9, 1843.
Mary of Ware, Hamphshire Co., and Jacob Pepper Jr., May 25, 1785.
James and Caroline Thompson, Aug. 26, 1833.
Louisa [int. Louiza] M. and Nahum [int. adds T.] Humphrey, Apr. 17, 1836.
Oramel, Dr., and Elmina Borden, Mar. 28, 1837.
MASH (see Marsh)
Joel S. [int. Marsh] of Hardwick, and Abby [int. Abigail] D. Gleason, June 6, 1837.
MATHEWS (see Matthews)
Daniell and Martha Liscomb, int. Sept. 24, 1820.
Elisha, s. Daniel and Huldah, and Hannah Snow, Mar. 20 [dup. Mar. 17], 1788.
Elisha and Lucy Bowman, June ----, 1802.
Increase, Dr., and Nabby Willis, int. Apr. 8, 1799.
John and Mary B. Converse, int. Dec. 14, 1827.
Lucy and Samuel Edmonds, int. Nov. 27, 1797.
Lydia and Samuel Collins, Oct. 12, 1783.
Lydia, Mrs., and Lt. Joseph Barnes, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1804, and Apr. 1, 1805] [int. Aug. 20, 1804].
Mary and Jonathan Dickinson, Mar. 20, 1786.
Phebe and John Lock, Feb. 27, 1787.
Rhoda and Moses Ayres, Oct. ---- [int. Oct. 5], [17]89.
Sarah and Joseph Willson, Apr. 18, 1782.
Solomon Jr. and Anne Shaw, Dec. 27 [1789].
MATTHEWS (see Mathews)
Elisha and Mrs. Lucy Ball, int. May 25, 1802.
Elizabeth [dup. Mathews] and John Hunter, Jan. 28, 1773.
Hannah S. and Danforth H. Tufts, Sept. 22, 1835.
Silas of Brookfield, and Presilla Woods, Sept. 10, 1765.
Solomon Jr. of Brookfield, and Prudy Holbrook, ---- [rec. between Apr. 29, 1800, and Apr. 29, 1801] [int. Apr. 1, 1800].
Naomi and John [int. adds C.] Blanchard, Nov. 28, 1845 [int. Nov. 9, 1844].
Hervy [int. Harvey] and Reliefe [int. Relief] Wallis, [Nov.] 24, 1790.
McCLINTOCK (see McKintock)
Sally and George Nye, int. Oct. 15, 1806.
McKINTOCK (see McClintock)
Saviah [of] Brookfield, and Rufus Thrasher, int. ---- [? 1810].
Anne and Lemuel Swift Jr., Jan. 29, 1784.
Joseph and Elisabeth Willcox, int. Apr. 30, 1798.
Lydia, Mrs., of Harvard, and Seth Frost, int. Oct. 7, 1820.
Betsey of Milford, and Rev. John Fisk, int. Dec. 26, 1796.
George of Brookfield, and Abigail W. Little, int. Apr. 28, 1828.
Abigail and John Cannon, Jan. 13, 1763.
Comfort and Dolly Dean, int. Jan. 28, 1810.
James and Julia A. Lincoln, int. Oct. 28, 1848.
Jarid and Lucinda Blackmor, int. Aug. 26, 1805.
Rebecca [of] Western, and Thomas J. Bowker, int. Aug. 26, 1811.
Sally D. and Solomon M. Edmonds [int. Mathews Edmonds], Nov. 27, 1833.
MILLET (see Mullet, Mullit)
Benjamin and Anna Chase, int Apr. ----, 1809.
Mary and Samuell Hildreth, int. May 26, 1816.
Asenath and Joseph Green, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1803, and Apr. 1, 1804] [int. Feb. 19, 1804].
Betsey and Ebenezer Tidd Jr., May 19, 1793.
Mary and Col. Samuell Lee, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1805, and Apr. 1, 1806] [int. Mar. 4, 1805].
Sally and Asa Pope, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1803, and Apr. 1, 1804] [int. July 4, 1803].
Samuel, Col., and Clarissa Harlow Moore, int. June 1, 1823.
Oliver [int. Mundel] and Lydia Bowker, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1807, and Apr. 1, 1808] [int. Dec. 4, 1807].
MONROE (see Munroe).
MOOR (see Moore)
James H. of Worcester, and Jane Delano, int. Apr. 21, 1828.
MOORE (see Moor)
Artemas and Eliza Phelps, [Mar.] 27 [1815].
Clarissa Harlow and Col. Samuel Mixter, int. June 1, 1823.
Isaac [int. More] and Harriet Winter, Apr. 13, 1837.
Polly and Aaron Wetherell, int. Mar. 3, 1794.
William F. of Oxford, and Eliza M. Russel, int. Mar. 20, 1832.
Caleb of Spencer, and Mrs. Hannah Nye, Sept. 20. [1812].
Calvin of Ware, and Hannah Wait, Dec. 29 [1808].
Calvin of Ware, and Lucinda Wait, int. June 8, 1816.
Elijah of Paxton, and Abigail Howe, Dec. 11, 1783.
Horrace and Maryann King, int. Nov. 29, 1831.
Silvester and Lucy Hutchinson, int. Oct. 31, 1808.
Sylvanus and Abigail Leland, int. Apr. 11, 1815.
Nathan and Mary Wilcot, int. ---- [rec. after Oct. 7, 1820].
Nathaniel of Randolf, Vt., and Abiah Cobb, int. Dec. 25, 1802.
MULLET (see Millet, Mullit)
Abraham and Prisilla Barrett, int. ---- [rec. between Aug. 4 and Sept. 27, 1828].
George and Roxany Makepeace, int. Nov. 29, 1814.
MULLIT (see Millet, Mullet)
James of Barre, and Joanna Thomas, Oct. 29, 1787.
MUNDELL (see Mondel).
Lucretia and James G. Briant, int. Jan. 30, 1826.
Sarah and Thomas L. Reed, int. Mar. 23, 1829.
James of Savoy [int adds Berkshire Co.], and Sally Dow, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1803, and Apr. 1, 1804] [int. Sept. 26, 1803].
Jonas, Lt., and Sarah Dorr, int. Sept. 16, 1811.
Abigail and James Steward, June 4, 1783.
Prudence of Hardwick, and Aaron Day, Jan. 19, 1797.
NICHOLS (see Nickols)
Betsy [int. Betsey] and William Foster, Sept. 5, 1799.
Joanna [int. Nickols, adds Mrs.] and Nathan Thomson, Nov. 4, 1790.
John and Susanna Robinson, int. Jan. 26, 1796.
Mary and Simeon Cannon, Jan. 21, 1773.
Sally and John Allen Farrell, int. Nov. 13, 1797.
Theodosha. and Roswell Converse, int. Mar. 19, 1807.
NICKOLS (see Nichols)
Fanny [int. Nichols] and Samson Peirce, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1803, and Apr. 1, 1804] [int. Apr. 4, 1803].
Jacob [int. Nichols] and Hannah Davis, May 29, 1814.
Katharine [int. Nichols] and Daniel [int. Daniell] Granger, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1805, and Apr. 1, 1806] [int. Aug. 4, 1805].
Allen and Mehitable Suell, int. Oct. 2, 1812.
Elijah 2d and Hannah West, Nov. 25, 1776.
James of Salem, N.Y., and Charlottee Wesst [int. Charlotte West], ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1804, and Apr. 1, 1805]. [int. Feb. 12, 1805].
Nabby and Roswel Converse, int. Mar. 11, 1804.
Philinda of Barre, and Elijah C. Thrasher, int. Mar. 13, 1847.
Anna and Joseph Barr, Mar. 29, 1759.
Betsy and John Barnes, Sept. 22, 1800.
Caroline E. [int. C.], 20, and Otis N. Rawson, May 10, 1849.
Darkis and Charles Duncan, int. May 21, 1804.
Deborah and James Barr, Apr. 16, 1767.
Ebenezer and Thankfull Dean, July 7, 1768.
Ebenezer and Lucy Woods, June 13, 1790.
Electa, d. Luther and Electa, and David Wetherell, June 9, 1847.
George and Mrs. Jane Finton, Apr. 26, 1764.
George and Sarah Gilbert, Jan. 25, 1785.
George and Sally McClintock, int. Oct. 15, 1806.
Hannah and Joseph Pepper, May 25, 1800.
Hannah, Mrs., and Caleb Morse, Sept. 20 [1812].
Harriette of N. Brookfield, and William Bowdoin, int. Mar. 8, 1845.
Horrace and Parmilla Earl, int. Apr. 1, 1817.
Ichabod [int. Icabod] and Lucinda Barr, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1803, and Apr. 1, 1804] [int. Aug. 15, 1803].
Ichabod and Mrs. Patty Wait, Dec. 22 [1808].
John and Elizabeth Witherly, May 4, 1775.
John of Barre, and Hannah Pope, Feb. 18, 1796.
Jonathan and Margret Barr, Feb. 16, 1775.
Jonathan Jr. and Betsy Howe, int. Apr. 12, 1808.
Jonathan Esq. and Mrs. Mary Ayres, int. Sept. 2, 1816.
Keziah and John Winslow 3d, int. Mar. 25, 1816.
Lois and West Winslow, int. Sept. 16, 1811.
Luther and Electa Earl, int. Feb. 2, 1810.
Lydia and Lott Whitcomb, Dec. 9, 1762.
Margaret and Thomas Tripp, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1805, and Apr. 1, 1806] [int. Aug. 4, 1805].
Mary of Oakham, and Bowman Chaddock, Sept. 5, 1782.
Maryanni [int. Mariamna] and Elijah M. Pepper, Sept. 5 [1812].
Percis, Mrs., and Dea. Daniel Chamberlain [int. Dea. Daniell Chamberlin], Apr. 18 [1809].
Philip and Percis Pollard, Dec. 16, 1784.
Philip and Fanny Earl, Sept. 10 [1809].
Prince of Hardwick, and Dinah Joslin. Dec. 15, 1774.
Rebecca of Barre, and Joseph Barnaby, Jan. 13, 1791.
Salley and Simeon Gilbert, July 13, 1786.
Salley of Barre, and Alexander Dunn, Apr. 19, 1787.
Sally and Washington Grainger, int. May 7, 1798.
Samuel of Hardwick, and Mrs. Mehitable Cannon, Sept. 16, 1756.
Tirzah [int. Tirza] and Apollos [int. Apollas] Warner, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1804, and Apr. 1, 1805] [int. June 25, 1804].
OLIVER (see Oliver)
Nathaniell [of] Hardwick, and Lucy Bridges, negroes, int. Dec. 28, 1812.
OLLIVER (see Oliver)
Nathaniel of Hardwick, and Hester Green, int. Sept. 10, 1830.
William of Barre, and Susanna Lilly, ----, 1802.
Abigail of Wendall, and William Anderson, int. Sept. 9, 1822.
Betsey and John Peters, Feb. 18, 1790.
PACKARD (see Pickard)
Hannah and Adam Holmes, Dec. 30, 1802.
Molly of Oakham, and Phinehas Houghton, Mar. 13, 1783.
PAGE (see Paige)
Thomas of Hardwick, and Susannah Warner, int. Apr. 23, 1798.
PAIGE (see Page)
Charles [of] Hardwick, and Eliza Sergent [int. Seargent], Mar. 22, 1810.
David, widr. [int. omits widr.], 74, b. Hardwick, of Hardwick, s. ---- of Hardwick, and [int. adds Mrs.] Fanny N. Peirce, Sept. 3 [int. Sept. 5, sic], 1845.
Salley of Hardwick, and Jonathan Warner 2d, ---- [rec. between Apr. 28, 1788, and Apr., 1789].
Augustin and Clyanna Colburn, int. June 1, 1823.
Abigail and Solomon Gilburt, Feb. 5, 1762.
Joseph Jr. and Zerviah Lincoln, Feb. 6, 1766.
Molly, Mrs., of Newbedford, Bristol Co., and Capt. Abisha Delano, int. Nov. 16, 1795.
Nathan and Sarah Walker, Feb. 18, 1762.
Stephen and Mary Gilbert, Jan. ----, 1793.
Triphena [int. Trifena] and Beriah Warner, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1807, and Apr. 1, 1808] [int. Mar. 7, 1808].
Apphia and Aaron Hall, Nov. 10, 1785.
Edward and Betsy [int. Betsey] Tidd, Oct. ----, 1799.
Henry and Aruthusa Briggs, int. Oct. 12 [1830].
Mary, Mrs., and Benjamin Bradshaw, Aug. 7, 1774.
John [int. Jr.] of Barre, and Miriam White, Mar. 4, 1790.
Sally and Lt. Stephen Witt, int. Apr. 4, 1791.
Sarah, Mrs., of Greenwich, and Jacob Pepper, int. July 18, 1803.
PEACOCK (see Peocock)
Milton of Hubbardston, and Mary Dexter, Oct. 20, 1823.
PEIRCE (see Pierce)
Abby [int. adds H.] and Asaph Wood, widr. [int. omits widr], Apr. 15, 1845.
Adalade and Capt. David Lee, int. Oct. 21, 1823.
Ann P. [? O.] [int. Ann O. Pierce] and Moses Pollard, Apr. 5, 1843.
Catharine B., 28, d. Sampson and Fanny, and Amasa G. Davis, May 20, 1846.
Eliza [of] Hardwick, and William Pepper, int. Feb. 7, 1825.
Fanny N., wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 64, d. David Nichols and w., and David Paige, Sept. 3 [int. Sept. 5, sic], 1845.
Frances and James Joslyn, int. Apr. 21, 1828.
Samson and Fanny Nickols [int. Nichols], ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1803, and Apr. 1, 1804] [int. Apr. 4, 1803].
PENIMAN (see Penniman)
H., Capt., and Sally Cutlar, int. Nov. 15 [1801].
PENNIMAN (see Peniman)
H., Maj., and Lucy Allen, int. Jan. 1, 1807.
J. A. and Julia M. Crosby, int. June 10, 1845.
James and Ann Eliza Houghton, int. Oct. 6, 1846.
Lucy and Joseph Hawley Dorr, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1802, and Apr. 1, 1803] [int. May 25, 1802].
Sally and Joseph Bowman Jr., int. Oct. 2, 1797.
Sally and Edwin B. Taintor, int. May 15, 1826.
Susan, d. Henry and Lucy, and Perez Dickinson, Apr. ----, 1845.
John Jr. and Abigail Hastings, July 20, 1758.
Margaret and Oliver Cobleigh, Mar. 26, 1761.
Anna, Mrs., and Jonathan S[torn], Feb. 12, 1778.
Annah and Asaph Barr, int. Jan. 15, 1820.
Ashhel and Caroline Woods, int. Feb. 1, 1820.
Becca and James Dow, Dec. 7, 1758.
Betsey and John Woods, Apr. 24 [1834].
Elbridge and Hannah A. Day, int. Mar. 6, 1847.
Elijah M. and Maryamni [int. Mariamna] Nye, Sept. 5 [1812].
Elizebeth and Benjamin Glazier, Feb. 6, 1776.
Ezra Jr. and Sarah Bell, int. Apr. 4, 1803.
Ezra and Mrs. Sally Cavano, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1805, and Apr. 1, 1806] [int. Mar. 17, 1805].
Foster and Rebeccah Waterman, int. Oct. 17 [1832].
Hannah and Sewel Dow [int. Dowe], Dec. 21 [1813].
Henry A. and Elisabeth Gilbert, Jan. 31, 1843.
Henry A. and Gerutha C. Bliss, int. Apr. 24, 1847.
Jacob Jr. and Mary Marsh, May 25, 1785.
Jacob and Mrs. Sarah Marret, June 24, 1802.
Jacob and Mrs. Sarah Patterson, int. July 18, 1803.
Joseph and Hannah Nye, May 25, 1800.
Lucy and Dr. John Blair, int. Jan. 18, 1796.
Pliny and Thankful M. Livermore, int. Sept. 27, 1828.
Sarah and Joseph Dowe, [Apr.] 30, 1782.
Sibbel and James Sturtevant Jr., June 14, 1787.
"Simn" [of] Belchertown, and Sally Woods, int. Aug. 26, 1816.
Stephen and Salley Simond, int. Apr. 14, 1788.
Susannah [int. Susanna] and William Shaw, Apr. 16 [1791].
William and Eliza Peirce, int. Feb. 7, 1825.
Calvin of Oakham, and Katharine Bothwell, Dec. ----, 1788.
Elizabeth and Ruben Fay, June 11, 1767.
Mary and David Ayres, Mar. 17, 1768.
Olive and Moses Hall, Dec. 26, 1790.
Zephaniah [int. Zepheniah Parkins] of Guildhall, Vt., and Katy [int. Cata] Joslyn, Feb. 7 [int. Feb. 8, sic], 1796.
John and Hannah Lovell, Jan. 6, 1786.
John and Betsey Orr, Feb. 18, 1790.
Eliza and Artemas Moore, [Mar.] 27 [1815].
PICKARD (see Packard)
Royal of N. Brookfield, and Lavina Hunter, int. Oct. 7, 1822.
PIERCE (see Peirce)
Abigail [int. Mary M.] and Phinehas Waite [int. Wait] Barr, Apr. 30, 1833.
Octavia [int. Peirce] and Byram H. Hervey, Dec. 15, 1844.
Phebe, Mrs., and Samuel Swinerton, June 7, 1778.
James A. of Boston, and Caroline Harrington, Sept. 19, 1842.
Barnet [of] N. Brookfield, and Mrs. Sarah Foster, int. Mar. 22, 1819.
Mary (Pollard) and Phinehas Warner Jr., Aug. 24, 1784.
Moses of Hubbardston, and Ann P. [? O.] Peirce [int. Ann O. Pierce], Apr. 5, 1843.
Percis and Philip Nye, Dec. 16, 1784.
Anna [int. Anne] and Nathan Barnaby, Aug. 9, 1787.
Asa and Sally Mixter, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1803, and Apr. 1, 1804] [int. July 4, 1803].
Eliza and Jonathan Brown, int. ---- [rec. between May 15 and Sept. 12, 1826].
Hannah and John Nye, Feb. 18, 1796.
Mary and Jeremiah Wetherby [int. Wetherbee], ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1805, and Apr. 1, 1806] [int. Dec. 23, 1805].
Rebecca and Lemuel Kennady, Feb. 14, 1782.
West and Silva Adams, int. Oct. 19, 1795.
Aaron and Abigail Rawson, int. Oct. 3, 1840.
Robert and Caroline Stone, int. Feb. 28, 1848.
Silas [int. John] of Brookfield, and Sally Hunter, Jan. 20, 1809.
Sarah and Joseph Berry, Aug. 5, 1782.
Danforth and Chloe Smith, May 30, 1792.
Hannah and Samuel Thrasher, Apr. 28, 1785.
Hannah, wid., and Capt. Silvester Richmond, Sept. 3, 1790.
Sally [int. Sarah] and Benjamin Rider, Apr. 10, 1788.
Hannah, wid., and Capt. Silvester Richmond, int. Sept. 13, 1790.
Levi and Patty Black, int. Dec. 11, 1797.
Relief of Barre, and Moses H. Tilton, int. Sept. 24, 1821.
Ruth and Samuel Clifford, Jan. 27, 1785.
Mary of Petersham, and Capt. Hollis Tidd, int. Dec. 22, 1825.
Eliza A. of Oakham, and Edwin Hoar, int. May 16, 1846.
Isaac of Oakham, and Sally Joslyn, int. Apr. 4, 1791.
Jane H. of Pelham, and Benjamin Fay, int. Apr. 24, 1846.
PROUTY (see Prowty)
Liania of Spencer, and Charles Uriah Barton, int. Mar. 27, 1845.
PROWTY (see Prouty)
Isaac [int. 2d] of Spencer, and Mrs. Meribah Warner, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1803, and Apr. 1, 1804] [int. Sept. 3, 1803].
Pliny [of] Spencer, and Melissa Holmes, int. Apr. 20, 1818.
John of Brookfield, and Mrs. Adaline A. Weston, int. Feb. 20, 1845.
Patty of Rutland, and Joel Whipple, int. Jan. 18, 1803.
RAINGER (see Ranger)
Emeline and Elbridge Gleason, Apr. 15, 1840.
Thomas of Brookfield, and Marcy Woods, Jan. 9, 1770.
Calvin [of] Worcester, and Betsy Holmes, int. Mar. 17, 1817.
Jacob D. and Esther Doolittle, int. Oct. 2, 1813.
RANGER (see Rainger)
Abigail [of] Brookfield, and Abraham Hunter, int. Apr. 20, 1817.
Job of Rutland, and Hannah Thrasher, Mar. 23 [1814].
Abigail of Oakham, and Aaron Potter int. Oct. 3, 1840.
Mary and Samuell Warner, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1803, and Apr. 1, 1804] [int. Aug. 8, 1803].
Otis N., 27, b. W. Brookfield, of W. Brookfield, s. Otis and Mary, and Caroline F.. [int. C.] Nye, May 10, 1849.
READ (see Reed)
Edwin and Adaline Wadsworth, int. Oct. 23, 1841.
Jeremiah [int. Reed] and Sally Tidd, May 8, 1794.
READING (see Redding).
Daniell and Prudence Warner, Aug. 26, 1813.
Rebecah [int. Reading] and Thadeus [int. Thaddeus] Cutlar Gilbert, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1803, and Apr. 1, 1804] [int. Oct. 17, 1803].
Zaccharias and Elisabeth Wonnup, May 6, 1788.
REED (see Read)
Dwight and Susannah L. Vaughn, Mar. 15, 1842.
Eliza of Rutland, and Capt. Lorenzo Converse, int. Feb. 27, 1841.
Eunice and James Barr [int. Jr.], ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1805, and Apr. 1, 1806] [int. Aug. 18, 1805].
Mary of Templeton, and Nathaniel Harrington Jr., Oct. 8, 1838.
Polly [int. Mary] and Jonathan Jinks, ---- [int. July 18], 1801.
Rebecca and James H. [int. B.] Bardwell, Mar. 29, 1843.
Samuell [int. Samuel] and Patty Warner, Aug. 10, [1808].
Thomas L. of Rutland, and Sarah Munroe, int. Mar. 23, 1829.
Thaddeus [int. Rhods] of Belcherstown [int. Belchertown, Hampshire Co.], and ---- [int. Susanna] Barr, July 12, 1798.
Abigail and James Aiken, Jan. 19, 1786.
Adaline of Brookfield, and Joseph L. Woods, int. Nov. 4, 1833.
Ashbel [of] Hardwick, and Levina Wait, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1807, and Apr. 1, 1808] [int. June ----, 1807].
Ephraim of Salem, N.Y., and Mehitable Granger [int. Grainger], Feb. 21, 1799.
Levi and Betsey Trask, int. Feb. 21, 1797.
Liberty and Charlotte Gould, int. Oct. 10, 1827.
Nathan and Hannah Foster, int. Aug. 26, 1811.
Polly and Samuel Hefford, int. Feb. 4, 1795.
Ruth and James Washburn, Sept. 7, 1769.
Ruth and Stephen R. Tenny, Mar. 28 [1809].
RICH (see Ritch)
Appollos and Bethiah Banister, int. Jan. 13, 1823.
Horace P. [of] N. Brookfield, and Sarah F. Rich, int. Jan. 28, 1833.
Mary H. and Benjamin Goddard, int. Apr. 19, 1834.
Reed and Nancy Holmes, int. July 15, 1799.
Sarah F. and Horace P. Rich, int. Jan. 28, 1833.
RICHMOND (see Ritchmond)
Betsy and Thomas Spalding [int. Spaulding], July 3 [1815].
Catharine and John Duncan Jr., Mar. 13, 1803.
Elizabeth and Thomas Spalding, int. Dec. 8, 1805.
Jonathan and Hannah Duncan, int. Oct. ---- [1803].
Lucinda [int. Lusina] and Amos Chadwick, Jan. 8, 1797.
Lydia and Ebenezer Laurance, Dec. 18, 1763.
Marcy and Nathaniel Weeks, Feb. 16, 1769.
Martha and Joseph Gutis, int. July 1, 1822.
Nabby and Francis Crane, int. Dec. 25, 1810.
Silvester Jr. and Lucy Weston, Aug. 8, 1771.
Silvester, Capt., and Hannah Pratt, wid., Sept. 23, 1790.
Wealthy and George Caswell, Mar. 28, 1771.
Robert and Tabitha Lovewell, Nov. 25, 1783.
Benjamin of Greenwich, Hampshire Co., and Sally [int. Sarah] Pratt, Apr. 10, 1788.
RITCH (see Rich)
Martha. P. of Sutton, and George C. Earl, int. Nov. 10, 1821.
RITCHMOND (see Richmond)
Desire, Mrs. [int. Richmond], and Joseph Hill, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1802, and Apr. 1, 1803] [int. Nov. 25, 1802].
Oril M. and Daniel Hunter, May 17, 1837.
Daniel of Munson, Hampshire Co., and Eunice Bridges, ---- [rec. between Apr. 28, 1788, and Apr., 1789].
Fanny and David Keep, int. Oct. 31 [1830].
Hannah and Benjamin Jenkins, Nov. 23, 1775.
Sally [int. Sarah] and Lewis Howe, Oct. 4 [1808].
Susan B. of Oakham, and Sumner Barr, int. Oct. 13, 1828.
Susanna and John Nichols, int. Jan. 26, 1796.
William and Mary Warner, int. Nov. 19, 1809.
Electa and Cheny Bothwel, int. ---- [? 1810].
Betsey [int. Betssey Rogers] [of] Ware, and Branch Whitcomb [int. Wheetcombe], Feb. 21, 1792.
Benjamin 2d of Hardwick, and Mrs. Hannah Hamlin, int. July 27, 1789.
Dorcas and Edward Smith, Aug. 25, 1757.
Lucy [int. Rugless] and Elijah Chapin, ---- [int. Nov. 25] [1801].
Martha and Ebenezer Curtis, Aug. 25, 1757.
Mary, Mrs., and Dr. Joel Carpenter, Dec. 9, 1755.
Reed S. of Hardwick, and Sarah A. Sargeant [int. Sargent], May 8, 1839.
Samuel and Elizabeth Fisher, Dec. 11, 1770.
Samuel of Hardwick, and Lydia Haws, Jan. 11, 1776.
Nancy of N. Brookfield, and Lewis Blackmor, int. Feb. 12, 1826.
RUSSEL (see Russell)
Caroline and Edward Woods, int. Mar. 20, 1832.
Eliza M. and William F. Morgan, int. Mar. 20, 1832.
RUSSELL (see Russel)
Barnabas (Russell]) and Judith Spenny, Nov. 23, 1758.
Nancy of Mendon, and Henry A. Hoyt, int. ---- [rec. between Feb. 20 and Mar. 8, 1845].
Joshua of Petersham, and Mrs. Ann Barr, int. Jan. 9, 1832.
Emela W. [of] Brookfield, and James H. Woods, int. Mar. 26, 1827.
Henry D. and Deborah Woods, int. Mar. 25, 1833.
Lucy and Joel F. Wood, int. Apr. 12, 1831.
Sally [of] Brookfield, and Daniel Dow, int. Nov. 25, 1815.
SARGEANT (see Sargent, Sergent)
Sarah A. [int. Sargent] and Reed S. Ruggles, May 8, 1839.
SARGENT (see Sargeant, Sergent)
Sophia and Bradish Cummings, Apr. 17, 1823.
Jeduthan and Nabby Keys, int. Aug. 30, 1802.
John [of] Templeton, and Sarah Force, int. Sept. 15 [1801].
Gordon B. [of] Wilbraham, and Philina F. Severence, int. Mar. 21, 1825.
SERGENT (see Sargeant, Sargent)
Eliza [int. Seargent] and Charles Paige, Mar. 22, 1810.
Polly [int. Seargent] and Edward A. Stanley [int. Edward Augustus Stanly], ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1803, and Apr. 1, 1804] [int. Dec. 26, 1803].
Rufus and Sally Cummin, int. Feb. 12, 1809.
SEVERANCE (see Severence)
Harriot and Stephen G. Clements, int. Dec. 4, 1831.
Melita and John Jenney, int. May 31, 1819.
SEVERENCE (see Severance)
Benjamin [int. Siverance, adds Dr.] and Betsy [int. Betsey] Joslyn, Jan. 15, 1797.
Philina F. and Gordon B. Saxton, int. Mar. 21, 1825.
SEWALL (see Suell).
Anne and Solomon Mathews Jr., Dec. 27 [1789].
Betsy and John Burt, int. Oct. 22 [1832].
Fanny and Eliphalet Dunsmoor [int. Dunsmore], Jan. 17, 1792.
Hannah L., 21, d. Joseph and Sophia, and Charles H. Anderson, May 17, 1849.
Jarvis and Annis Barr, Oct. 23, 1833.
Joseph and Mary Little, Nov. 12, 1787.
Joseph and Sophia Weston, int. Mar. 27, 1826.
Timothy and Silva Howard, Sept. 30, 1784.
Williamm and Susannah Pepper, Apr. 16 [1791].
SHED (see Shedd)
Emily and Jonathan Blake, Oct. 15, 1835.
SHEDD (see Shed)
Isreal P. of N. Boorkfield, and Mary Hoar, Apr. 3, 1839.
Jonas [int. Shirtlieff] of Hardwick, and Dolly Haws [int. Hawes], Mar. 27, 1794.
Isaac of Sutton, and Polly Burbank, May 6 [1809].
Abigail of Brookfield, and Mathews Joslyn, int. ----, 1788.
Cook of Oakham, and Mary Learned [int. Larned], Dec. 3, 1818.
Hannah of Brookfield, and Ezekiel Hardy, Jan. 7, 1784.
Joseph of Brookfield, and Dorcas Hardy, Dec. 21, 1786.
Salley of. Ware, Hampshire Co., and Stephen Pepper, int. Apr. 14, 1788.
Peter of Leicester, and Nancy Holmes, [May] 29 [1814] [int. May 29, 1813].
Anne and Abijah Joslyn, int. Sept. 10, 1792.
Chloe of Barre, and Danforth Pratt, May 30, 1792.
Edward of Hardwick, and Dorcas Ruggles, Aug. 25, 1757.
Emmons of Hubbardston, and Mary W. Davis. Jan. 20, 1842.
Enoch and Abigail Glazier, Feb. 24, 1799.
Franklin and Martha Leland, int. May ----, 1844.
Irine [int. Eirene] and Harlow Thrasher Jr., Mar. 21, 1839.
John of Hardwick, and Hannah Warner, Sept. 1, 1793.
John [of] Belcherton, and Delphia Joslyn, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1806, and Apr. 1, 1807] [int. Mar. ----, 1807].
Jonas and Salome Wilson, int. Oct. 2, 1813.
Lemuel of Brimfield, and Submit Cutter, Feb. 22, 1781.
Polly and Ebenezer Cox, int. Aug. 3, 1816.
Dwight M. of W. Brookfield, and Maria A. Woods, Oct. 19, 1849.
Hannah, b. Westboro, Worcester Co., d. Jabez and Hannah, and Elisha Mathews, Mar. 20 [dup. Mar. 17], 1788.
Lydia of Brookfield, and Reuben Gleason, int. Feb. 2, 1830.
Josiah B. [int. R.], widr. [int. omits widr.], and Maranda Amsden, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], July 24, 1843.
Nancy T. and Thomas F. Stevens, May 15, 1836.
William E. and Elvira A. Davis, int. Dec. 14, 1844.
Thomas [of] Milton, Vt., and Elizabeth Richmond, int. Dec. 8, 1805.
Thomas [int. Spaulding] and Betsy Richmond, July 3 [1815].
Elizabeth and David Ayres, Apr. 20, 1757.
Judith and Barnabas Russell, Nov. 23, 1758.
George of Charlston, S.C., and Abba Fisk, int. Oct. 12, 1831.
Edward A. [int. Edward Augustus Stanly] of Amherst [int. adds Hamshire Co.], and Polly Sergent [int. Seargent], ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1803, and Apr. 1, 1804] [int. Dec. 26, 1803].
STEAL (see Steel)
Agnis and John Haine, June 8, 1758.
James and Sarah Willson, Apr. 21, 1772.
John and Sarah Culveson, May 8, 1766.
Thomas and Anna Downing, Apr. 1, 1773.
Theodore [int. Stearns] of Tolland, Conn., and Martha H. Hunter, Aug. 8, 1837.
STEEL (see Steal)
Sarah and Joseph Finton, Feb. 23, 1769.
STEPHENS (see Stevens)
Betsy [int. Betsey Stephen] and Perly Hutchins [int. Perley Huchins], [Nov.] 6, 1799.
Job and Charity Cook, int. Feb. 27, 1836.
STEVENS (see Stephens)
Thomas F. and Nancy T. Southworth, May 15, 1836.
STEWARD (see Stewart)
James and Abigail Newton, June 4, 1783.
STEWART (see Steward)
Jane and Adam Clark, Feb. 9, 1774.
Abel of Templeton, and Betsey Force, May 9, 1792.
Caroline and Robert Potter, int. Feb. 28, 1848.
Eliza of W. Brookfield, and Ira Barlow, int. Oct. 25, 1834.
Ezra B. of N. Brookfield, and Harriet [int. Harriot], Jan. 28, 1834.
James and Melinda Barr, Nov. 8, 1825.
Jonas of Rutland, and Lydia Hall, Oct. 19, 1785.
Oliver and Mary Dowe, Sept. 15, 1785.
Salley and Hugh Barr, Apr. 11, 1782.
Silas and Polley White, int. Apr. 24, 1787.
STURTEVANT (see Sturtuvant)
James Jr. and Sibbel Pepper, June 14, 1787.
STURTUVANT (see Sturtevant)
Polley [int. Polly Sturtervant] and Comfort Barns, ---- [rec. between Dec. 27, 1791, and Jan. 17, 1792] [int. Dec. 19, 1791].
Mehitable [of] Ware, and Allen Norton, int. Oct. 2, 1812.
William, b. Worcester, and Josephine M. Howard, ---- [rec. June ----, 1847].
Daniel of Hubberdston, and Thirza Barrows, int. May 3, 1830.
Sibal [int. Sibbel] and Jonathan Wilcox, Jan. 10, 1796.
John and Sally [int. Sarah] Woolcott, May 25 [1791].
Heman and Orpah Howard, Aug. 30, 1782.
Lemuel Jr. and Anne McWharter, Jan. 29, 1784.
Samuel and Mrs. Phebe Pierce, June 7, 1778.
David W. and Ann B. Heywood, int. Mar. 22, 1830.
Edwin B. [of] Brookfield, and Sally Penniman, int. May 15, 1826.
Mary and Oliver Woodis, Nov. 29, 1818.
Seth (Faylor) of Hardwick, and Rhoda Granger, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1803, and Apr. 1, 1804] [int. Jan. 29, 1804].
Stephen R. and Ruth Rice, Mar. 28 [1809].
Amos and Sally Hudson, int. Feb. 19, 1798.
Israel and Azubah Baxter, Dec. 25, 1756.
Joanna of Barre, and James MUllit, Oct. 29, 1787.
Reuben and Eliza Henderson, int. Dec. 11, 1831.
Robert of Barre, and Polley Woodbury, Apr. 12, 1787.
THOMPSON (see Thomson)
Abby [int. Abigail] and Henry A. Hoyt, June 13, 1833.
Amos and Polly Witt, int. Apr. 2, 1810.
Azel and Melina Crawford, int. Jan. 15, 1822.
Caroline and James Martin, Aug. 26, 1833.
Harriet [int. Harriot] and Gardner E. Goodell, Nov. 13, 1844.
James and Sally Jerrels [?], int. ---- [rec. after Oct. 2, 1813].
Jane [of] Ware, and Samuell Borden, int. Dec. 11, 1809.
Jerusha W. and Israel Allen, int. Jan. 17, 1825.
John 2d and Melissa Barr, int. Mar. 20, 1818.
Nancy [int. Thomson] and Tobias [int. Tabias] Bancroft, Nov. 15, 1817.
Parmela, Mrs., and Naham Whipple, int. Apr. 3, 1826.
Sally and Hiram Barr, int. Feb. 15, 1829.
Selina of Ware, and Jonathan G. Frost, int. Apr. 18, 1825.
Sumner, 24, s. Chauncy and Betsey of Brookfield, and Caroline Thrasher, Dec. 19, 1849.
THOMSON (see Thompson)
Agnis and William Gilcrest, Sept. 8, 1772.
Anna and John Cunningham Jr., May 31, 1770.
Betsey [int. Mrs. Betesey] and Samuel Joslyn Jr., ---- [rec. between Apr. 28, 1788, and Apr., 1789] [int. Mar. 23, 1789].
Grace and Samuel [int. Samuell Dyer, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1803, and Apr. 1, 1804] [int. Mar. 1, 1803].
John 2d and Pamela Barns, May 26, 1784.
Nabby and Joseph Joslyn, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1802, and Apr. 1, 1803] [int. Jan. 18, 1803].
Nathan (Thomson) and Mary Haws, Nov. 15, 1770.
Nathan and Joanna Nichols [int. Mrs. Joanna Nickols], Nov. 4, 1790.
Nathan and Polly Doty, Oct. 5, 1793.
Nathan Jr. and Rebecca Haskell, int. Nov. 27, 1797.
Noah of Palmer, and Rachel Thomson, Sept. 1, 1763.
Percis [int. Thompson] and Moses Felton, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1807, and Apr. 1, 1808] [int. Sept. 4, 1807].
Polly [int. Thompson] and Daniel Woods, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1802, and Apr. 1, 1803] [int. Apr. 15, 1802].
Polly and Joel Dunn, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1804, and Apr. 1, 1805] [int. May 28, 1804].
Rachel and Noah Thomson, Sept. 1, 1763.
Samuel of Willminton, and Lydia Barnes, Dec. 16, 1784.
Silas and Hannah Joslyn, Feb. 2, 1794.
William Jr. of Licester, and Jane White, [Jan.] 18 [?], 1755.
William and Susanna Winslow, int. Dec. 9, 1799.
William and Polly Lyscomb, int. Nov. 27, 1822.
THRASHER (see Thresher)
Abigail and Isaah Butler, Feb. 7, 1771.
Ann and Charles Keith, int. Oct. 27, 1828.
Bethia [int. Bethiah] and Jonathan Blake, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1805, and Apr. 1, 1806] [int. Feb. 16, 1806].
Bethyah and Jonathan Cunningham, Sept. 13, 1771.
Caroline, 20, and Sumner Thompson, Dec. 19, 1849.
David and Edatha Woodbury, int. Oct. 15, 1800.
Editha and Leonard W. Davis, Oct. 19, 1836.
Elijah C. and Philinda Nutting, int. Mar. 13, 1847.
George and Pattey Cutter, Mar. 11, 1784.
Hannah and Job Ranger, Mar. 23 [1814].
Harlow and Nancy Babcock [int. Badcock], Nov. 27 [1814].
Harlow Jr. and Irine [int. Eirene] Smith, Mar. 21, 1839.
Harvey and Aurilia Boalster, int. Dec. 4, 1826.
Lucinda of Prescott and Calvin Hervey, int. Oct. 15, 1836.
Martha and William Joslyn int. Aug. 4, 1805.
Martha and Charles M. Harvey, int. Mar. 28, 1825.
Rufus and Saviah McKintock, int. ---- [? 1810].
Ruth and Ephraim Holmes, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1805, and Apr. 1, 1806] [int. Feb. 16, 1806].
Samuel and Hannah Pratt, Apr. 28, 1785.
Samuell Jr. and Sally Harwood, int. Feb. 12, 1809.
Samuell Jr. and Polly Macomber, int. Jan. ----, 1815.
Sarah and Seth Cole, int. June 12, 1833.
Stephen and Anna Cutter, Mar. 11, 1773.
Thankfull, Mrs., and Lt. Asa French, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1803, and Apr. 1, 1804] [int. Sept. 12, 1803].
Timothy and Sally Cutter, Dec. 11, 1794.
Timothy and Mrs. Mary Cole, Oct. 15 [1809].
William and Thankfull Bangs, int. Oct. 15, 1792.
THRESHER (see Thrasher)
Emely and William C. Joslyn, int. Nov. 25, 1827.
THURSTIN (see Thurston, Thuston)
Joseph and Lucy How, wid., Dec. 23, 1773.
THURSTON (see Thurstin, Thuston)
Patty and Charles Whipple, int. Apr. 5, 1796.
THUSTON (see Thurstin, Thurston)
Salley of Hardwick, and Abner Weston, Oct. ----, 1788.
Abigail R. and Charles Burt, Dec. 31, 1835.
Adaline S. of N. Brookfield, and John G. Weston, int. May 3, 1828.
Benjamin Jr. and Polly Gilmore, int. Dec. 16, 1803 [? 1805].
Betsy [int. Betsey] and Edward Parkman, Oct. ----, 1799.
Dorothy [int. Dolly] and Stephen Wilcox [int. Willcox], June 16, 1799.
Ebenezer Jr. and Betsey Mixter, May 19, 1793.
Grace and Isaac Denny, May 21, 1793.
Grace M. and Parley Ayres, int. Apr. 24, 1826.
Hollis, Capt., and Mary Prentiss, int. Dec. 22, 1825.
Lydia and George Wilkinson, int. Mar. 15, 1802.
Sally and Jeremiah Read [int. Reed], May 8, 1794.
Sally [int. 2d] and Henry Joslyn, June 19, 1794.
William and Salley Whipple, int. July 27, 1789.
Edmond of Greenwick, and Martha Gilbert, Feb. 28, 1775.
Jonathan [of] Pittsford, Vt., and Charlotte Woods, int. Dec. 28, 1812.
Moses H. and Relief Pratt, int. Sept. 24, 1821.
William H. and Sophia S. Haskins, int. Feb. 11, 1842.
Joanna and John Finton, Nov. 19, 1772.
TOURTELOT (see Tourtelotte)
Mirick [int. Meric Tourtellot] of Greenwich, and Herriet [int. Harriet] H. Boyden, Jan. 4, 1837.
TOURTELOTTE (see Tourtelot)
Orilla of Greenwich, and Robert F. Howe, int. Nov. 1, 1848.
Robert of Windsor, Berkshire Co., and Elisabeth Hawes, Nov. 28, 1782.
Nancy of Brookfield, and Nathaniel Harrington, int. Mar. 13, 1798.
Betsey of New Salem, Hamshire Co., and Levi Rice, int. Feb. 21, 1797.
Thomas of Sherborn [int. Sherborn, Rutland Co.], Vt., and Margaret Nye, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1805, and Apr. 1, 1806] [nt. Aug. 4, 1805].
Hannah, Mrs., and Francis Winch, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1806, and Apr. 1, 1807] [int. Feb. 16, 1807].
Mary and Joseph Blair, Oct. 28, 1784.
Hosea of Spencer, and Avelina Holmes, int. Mar. 12, 1827.
TUFFS (see Tuffts, Tufts)
William and Sally Keys, int. June ----, 1807.
TUFFTS (see Tuffs, Tufts)
William and Jane Black, int. Apr. 22, 1799.
TUFTS (see Tuffs, Tuffts)
Danforth H. and Hannah S. Matthews, Sept. 22, 1835.
TYLAR (see Tyler)
Theodore and Mrs. Abigail Gould, int. ---- [rec. after Oct. 7, 1820].
TYLER (see Tylar)
Dwight, s. Tneo and A., and Harriet [int. Harriot] Larned, Mar. 16, 1848.
Isaac and Catharine Gilbert, int. Mar. 29, 1834.
Nathan of Brookfield, and Ellener Gilburt, Feb. 27, 1772.
Elisha of Shutesbury, Hampshire Co., and Abeir Allin, Sept. 11, 1783.
Susannah L. [int. of Prescott] and Dwight Reed, Mar. 15, 1842.
Nabby and Joseph Wait, int. Mar. 25, 1817.
Robert and Ruth Bangs, int. July 16, 1792.
Sally and Cheny Dane, int. Apr. 27, 1818.
Adaline of Barre, and Edwin Read, int. Oct. 23, 1841.
Samuel and Huldah Jenkins, int. May 1, 1841.
WAIT (see Waite)
Elmar and Betsy Warner, int. Dec. 25, 1810.
Hannah and Calvin Morse, Dec. 29 [1808].
Joseph [of] N. Brookfield, and Nabby Vokes, int. Mar. 25, 1817.
Levina and Ashbel Rice, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1807, and Apr. 1, 1808] [int. June ----, 1807].
Louisa, 42, d. Phinehas and Patty, and Henry A. Delano, Dec. 31, 1847.
Lucinda and Calvin Morse, int. June 8, 1816.
Patty, Mrs., and Ichabod Nye, Dec. 22 [1808].
Phineas and Polly [int. Patty] Anderson, ---- [int Sept. 25] [1801].
Tameson and Roger Bartlet, Feb. 4, 1762.
Tirzah and James Bowdoin, [Dec.] 17 [1815].
WAITE (see Wait)
Crishene and Jonathan Barr, int. Sept. 13, 1795.
David and Bersheba ----, Nov. 25, 1769.
David Jr. and Lena Washburn, int. Mar. 1, 1795.
Elisabeth of Brookfield, and Samuel Hoar, Oct. 29, 1778.
Katharine of Brookfield, and Jonathan Hathaway, Mar. 3, 1785.
Ruth of Brookfield, and Joseph Barr Jr., int. Jan. 26, 1796.
WALCOTT (see Wolcot, Woolcott)
Adoniram of Brookfield, and Mary Barns, [Nov.] 25, 1790.
Judith and Elias Hall, May 26, 1771.
Judith Goss and William Holmes, int. July 6, 1789.
Maria of N. Brookfield, and Josiah B. Davis, int. Mar. 14, 1836.
Sarah of Brookfield, and Nathan Parker, Feb. 18, 1762.
Reliefe [int. Relief] and Hervy [int. Harvey] Maynard, [Nov.] 24, 1790.
Pemberton [of] Brookfield, and Isabel Wetherel, int. [rec. after Apr. 2, 1810].
Abigail and John Joslyn, May 6, 1779.
Abigail, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], and John Harris, July 2, 1787.
Hannah and James Babcok [int. Badcock], June 22, 1793.
Jesse and Anna Woods, Apr. 12, 1774.
Jonathan and Sarah Woods, Apr. 26, 1770.
Lucy and Ens. John Dunsmore Jr., int. Feb. 11, 1799.
Lydia and Jonas Bigelow, Mar. 10, 1785.
Margerrit and Dr. Persival Hall, May 10, 1764.
Mary and Thomas Fletcher, May 17, 1773.
Oliver and Mrs. Abigail Whipple, Mar. 5, 1778.
Paletiah and Rebecca Blair, Dec. 27, 1758.
Samuel and Mrs. Hannah Belding, Nov. 3, 1757.
Unity and Samuel Warner, Apr. 11, 1769.
Abigail and Abraham Joslin, Dec. 9, 1773.
Alpheus and Meribah Hilyard, Sept. 1, 1774.
Amory P. and ---- Haskins, int. Mar. 2, 1829.
Apollos [int. Apollas] and Tirzah [int. Tisza] Nye, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1804, and Apr. 1, 1805] [int. June 25, 1804].
Beriah and Triphena [int. Trifena] Parker, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1807, and Apr. 1, 1808] [int. Mar. 7, 1808].
Betsy and Elmar Wait, int. Dec. 25, 1810.
Daniell [int. Daniel] and Lavina Joslyn, Jan. 1, 1809.
Eli and Lucia C. Cleaveland, int. Mar. 15, 1845.
Eunice of Brookfield, and John Grainger, int. Nov. 15, 1790.
Franklin O., 29, s. Royal and Peggy, and Sarah Cleavland, Sept. 5, 1848.
Hannah and John Smith, Sept. 1, 1793.
Henry and Anna Gardner Hutchinson, int. July 28, 1849.
Jonathan 2d of Hardwick, and Salley Paige,---- [rec. between Apr. 28, 1788, and Apr., 1789].
Justus of Hardwick, and Katharine [int. Katey] Hall, Dec. 27 [1791].
Katharine, Mrs., and Edward Whipple, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1802, and Apr. 1, 1803] [int. Jan. 25, 1802].
Lewis of Hardwick, and Veronacia Anderson, int. Apr. 2, 1827.
Mary [of] Hardwick, and William Robinson, int. Nov. 19, 1809.
Meribah, Mrs., and Isaac Prowty [int. 2d], ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1803, and Apr. 1, 1804] [int. Sept. 3, 1803].
Patty and Samuell [int. Samuel] Reed, Aug. 10 [1808].
Phinehas Jr. and Mary Pollard, Aug. 24, 1784.
Prudence and Daniel Eldridge, Feb. 10, 1767.
Prudence and Daniell Record, Aug. 26, 1813.
Royal and Peggy Adams, May 14 [1808].
Sally and Niman Clarke [int. Neman Clark], ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1803, and Apr. 1, 1804] [int. Apr. 4, 1803].
Samuel and Unity Ware, Apr. 11, 1769.
Samuell and Mary Rawson, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1803, and Apr. 1, 1804] [int. Aug. 8, 1803].
Sarah A., b. Prescott, d. Dwight and Sarah A., and Philip Amidown, Nov. 30, 1848.
Sukey, Mrs., of Hardwick, and Capt. Artemas Howe, Feb. 16, 1786.
Susannah and Thomas Page, int. Apr. 23, 1798.
Unity and Thomas Fletcher, July 12 [1791].
Willard of Richfield, N.Y., and Jane Delano [int. Dellano], Feb. 9, 1794.
Zenus and Nancy Arnold, ----[rec. between Apr. 1, 1805, and Apr. 1, 1806] [int. rec. between Dec. 8 and Dec. 16, 1805].
WARREN (see Warrin)
Elisha and Eunice Whipple, int. Apr. 11, 1793.
Eilsha and Huldah G. Allen, int. Sept. 15 [1838].
Eliza W. and Alanson Hamilton, int. Apr. 3, 1826.
Peter [int. Warrin Jr.] [of] Templeton, and Anna [int. Anne] Force, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1805, and Apr. 1, 1806] [int. ---- [rec. between Mar. 17 and Aug. 4, 1805].
Sally and James Barr 2d, int. May 16, 1796.
WARRIN (see Warren)
Levina and Thomas Wolcot, int. Apr. 7, 1794.
James and Ruth Rice, Sept. 7, 1769.
Joseph and Mary ----, Sept. 26, 1755.
Lena and David Waite Jr., int. Mar. 2, 1795.
William of Stafford, Conn., and Lucretia Darling, Oct. 9, 1783.
Hannah of W. Brookfield [int. of Brookfield], and James H. Barr, Apr. 27, 1836.
Rebeccah of Brookfield, and Foster Pepper, int. Oct. 17 [1832].
Susan and Augustus Daniels, int. June 7 [1834].
Jacob of Walcot, and Alice Hudson, int. Sept. 16, 1811.
Thankful and Lt. Paul Eager, int. Oct. 23, 1797.
Mary and William Barr, May 19, 1774.
Mary P. of Hardwick, and Loren [int. Loring] F. Woods, Sept. 24, 1839.
Martin [of] Oakham, and Hannah Foster, int. June 8, 1818.
Nathaniel and Marcy Richmond, Feb. 16, 1769.
Alfred of Greenfield, and Sarah Wilcox, int. Oct. 31, 1825.
WESST (see West)
Charlottee [int. Charlotte West] and James Norton, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1804, and Apr. 1, 1805] [int. Feb. 12, 1805].
WEST (see Wesst)
Betsy and Washington Allen, Dec. 27, 1800 [int. Dec. 15, 1801, sic].
Hannah and Elijah Norton 2d [dup. omits 2d], Nov. 25, 1776.
Otis and Hariot Brown, int. Oct. 2, 1813.
Paul and Caty [int. Cata] Berry, Oct. 2, 1794.
Paul and Mrs. Abigail Burbank, int. Nov. 2, 1795.
Pheby and Lucius Gunn, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1802, and Apr. 1, 1803] [int. June 5, 1802].
WESTERN (see Weston)
Abagail D., 20, d. John G. and Adaline, and Robert Clark, Sept. ----, 1848.
WESTON (see Western)
Abner of Hardwick, and Salley Thus-ton, Oct. ----, 1788.
Adaline A., Mrs., and John Putman, int. Feb. 20, 1845.
Betsy of Brookfield, and Daniell Gould, int. Jan. ----, 1801.
Eliza of Brookfield, and Levi Harrington, int. Feb. 29, 1796.
Huldah [int. Hulda] and Nathaniel Curtis, Feb. 8 [int. Feb. 9, sic] [1795].
John G. and Adaline S. Tidd, int. May 3, 1828.
Joshua and Hannah Grainger, Nov. 23 [int. Nov. 27,sic], 1787.
Lucy and Silvester Richmond Jr., Aug. 8, 1771.
Rebekah of Western, and Asa Harrington, int. Sept. 6, 1802.
Sophia and Joseph Shaw, int. Mar. 27, 1826.
WETHERBEE (see Wetherby)
Betsy and Edward Hunter, Mar. 15, 1814.
Charles B. of Brookfield, and Abigail G. Bartlett, int. Apr. 21, 1828.
Elisa H. of Cambridge, and Avery W. Gilbert, int. May 5, 1847.
Seth B. and Mehitable W. Bartlet, int. Nov. 13, 1826.
WETHERBY (see Wetherbee)
Jeremiah [int. Wetherbee] [of] Charleston, and Mary Pope, ----[rec. between Apr. 1, 1805, and Apr. 1, 1806] [int. Dec. 23, 1805].
WETHEREL (see Wetherell)
Isabel and Pemberton Ward, int. ---- [rec. after Apr. 2, 1810].
Jonathan and Polly Willcox, int. Dec. 26, 1796.
WETHERELL (see Wetherel)
Aaron and Polly Moore, int. Mar. 3, 1794.
David and Angeline Hunter, int. Oct. 2, 1829.
David, widr., and Electa Nye, June 9, 1847.
George and Amelia Bigelow, Sept. 18, 1783.
John and ---- Hall, int. Apr. 15, 1816.
John B. of Ware, and Parnel H. Hervey, int. Feb. 18, 1846.
Samson Jr. [int. Lt., omits Jr.] and [int. adds Mrs.] Lydia Fulton, Apr. 10, 1788.
Abigail, Mrs., and Oliver Ware, Mar. 5, 1778.
Charles and Patty Thurston, int. Apr. 5, 1796.
Didamia [of] Chester, Vt., and "Jn" Ayres, int. June 26, 1818.
Edward and Mrs. Katharine Warner, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1802, and Apr. 1, 1803] [int. Jan. 25, 1802].
Eunice of Grafton, and Elisha Warren, int. Apr. 11, 1793.
Joel and Patty Putman, int. Jan. 18, 1803.
John C. and Elisabeth Q. Allen, int. Apr. 10, 1847.
Lucy and Paul Knolton [int. Knowlton], ---- [rec. between Apr. 29, 18(?) and Apr. 29, 1801] [int. Apr. 1, 1800].
Lucy, Mrs., and Isaac Knight, Nov. 5, 1802.
Moses and Lucy Howe, Dec. 11, 1786.
Naham and Mrs. Parmela Thompson, int. Apr. 3, 1826.
Nahum and Lucinda Ashley, Apr. 11, 1782.
Salley and William Tidd, int. July 27, 1789.
Branch [int. Wheetcombe] and Betsey Rodgers [int. Betssey Rogers], Feb. 21, 1792.
Lott of Hardwick, and Lydia Nye, Dec. 9, 1762.
Betsey of Oakham, and Percival Hall 2d, int. July 4, 1791.
David of Oakham, and Eunice Hunter, int. Sept. 30, 1792.
Elias of Barre, and Hope Cobb, Oct. 2, 1789.
Fanny and Josiah B. Bond, int. Aug. 20, 1824.
Florence [int. Florana, adds wid.] of Palmer [int. adds Hamshire Co.], and [int. adds Dr.] Saul Job [int. adds negroes], Nov. 30, 1798.
Horatio [int. Horasho] and Fanny Blair, Aug. 4, 1822.
Jane and William Thomson Jr., [Jan.] 18 [?], 1755.
Jonathan and Mehitable Gould, Aug. 11, 1799.
Lucy W. [of] Hardwick, and Parley Blanchard, int. Dec. 28, 1812.
Miriam and John Patrick [int. Jr.], Mar. 4, 1790.
Molley of Oakham, and Luther Connant, Dec. 4, 1783.
Polley of Granby, Hampshire Co., and Silas Stone, int. Apr. 24, 1787.
Stephen of Petersham, and Nabby Hudson, Mar. 6, 1792.
Thomas and Sarah Blair, Nov. 26, 1761.
Adaline of Leicester, and Biniamin Franklin Knight, int. Apr. 21, 1828.
Davied of Murrayfield "now Chester," Hampshire Co., and Mary Barr, Nov. 8, 1781.
Lucy and Rice Barton, int. Mar. 28, 1824.
Mary of Western, and Nathan Moulton, int.---- [rec. after Oct. 7, 1820].
Polly and Jonathan Hill, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1803, and Apr. 1, 1804] [int. Oct. 24, 1803].
WILCOX (see Willcox)
Charles and Nancy B. Holmes, int. Mar. 6, 1841.
Jonathan and Sibal [int. Sibbel] Swan, Jan. 10, 1796.
Sarah and Alfred Wells, int. Oct. 31, 1825.
Stephen [int. Willcox] and Dorothy [int. Dolly] Tidd, June 16, 1799.
Stephen and Sarah Holmes, Dec. 10 [1815].
Moses of Templeton, and Lydia Holms [int. Holmes], June 24, 1794.
George and Lydia Tidd, int. Mar. 15, 1802.
Mary [int. Mercy] and Abraham Hunter 2d, Feb. 23, 1800.
Calvin and Malanca [int. Malancy] Freeman, Mar. 28, 1844.
WILLCOX (see Wilcox)
Elisabeh and Joseph Mead, int. Apr. 30, 1798.
Polly and Jonathan Wetherel, int. Dec. 26, 1796.
Stephen and Mrs. Patty Allen, int. Aug. 30, 1837.
Caroline F. and Luther Jackson, int. Dec. 7, 1844.
Frederick of Amherst, and Caroline How [int. Howe], Nov. 26, 1833.
Adam of Hardwick, and Anna Finton, Dec. 14, 1785.
Azariah [of] Brookfield, and Millisent Woods, int. Mar. 7, 1808.
Jonathan Jr. of Oakham, and Kezia Wooddis, Aug. 11, 1791.
Nabby of Oakham, and Dr. Increase Mathews, int. Apr. 8, 1799.
WILLSON (see Wilson)
Alexender and Huldah Gilburt, [torn] [17]66.
Elizabeth and Joseph Little, May 29, 1764.
Joseph and Sarah Mathews, Apr. 18, 1782.
Mary of Oakham, and Abraham Hunter Jr., Feb. 24, 1774.
Samuel and Lydia Hunter, Dec. 8, 1785.
Sarah and James Steal, Apr. 21, 1772.
WILSON (see Willson)
Catharine of Petersham, and Benjamin F. Hamilton, int. Mar. 7, 1836.
Luther and Sally Bigelow, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1806, and Apr. 1, 1807] [int. Oct. 15, 1806].
Salome [of] Princeton, and Jonas Smith, int. Oct. 2, 1813.
Francis [of] Holden, and Mrs. Hannah Trow, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1806, and Apr. 1, 1807] [int. Feb. 16, 1807].
Mary and Francis Frink, ---- [rec. between Oct. 31 and Dec. 18, 1808].
John 3d of ToIon, Tollon Co., Conn., and Keziah Nye, int. Mar. 25, 1816.
Susanna of Brookfield, and William Thomson, int. Dec. 9, 1799.
West [of] Tolen, Conn., and Lois Nye, int. Sept. 16, 1811.
Harriet of N. Brookfield, and Isaac Moore [int. More], Apr. 13, 1837.
WITHERBEE (see Wetherbee, Wetherby)
WITHERELL (see Wetherel, Wetherell).
Elizabeth and John Nye, May 4, 1775.
Jonathan and Mehitable Fisher, Oct. 21, 1771.
Deborah and John Fisher, Nov. 25, 1773.
Josiah of Brookfield, and Welthy [int. Wealthy] Cobb, May 12, 1799.
Polly and Amos Thompson, int. Apr. 2, 1810.
Sophia and William Earl, Aug. 14 [1808].
Stephen, Lt., and Mrs. Sally Patten, int. Apr. 4, 1791.
Susan and Rufus Harris, int. Apr. 13, 1818.
WOLCOT (see Woolcott)
Thomas of Oakham, and Levina Warrin, int. Apr. 7, 1794.
Elisabeth and Zaccharias Redding, May 6, 1788.
WOOD (see Wooddis, Woodis, Woods)
Asael of Conwey [int. Conway, Hamshire Co.], and Tiley [int. Tilia] Job, ---- [1802].
Asaph, widr. [int. omits widr.], of Gardner, and Abby [int. adds H.] Peirce, Apr. 15, 1845.
Joel F. of Grafton, and Lucy Sanford, int. Apr. 12, 1831.
Levinia of Barnard, Vt., and Samuel Woods, int. Sept. 20, 1838.
Edatha of Barre, and David Thrasher, int. Oct. 15, 1800.
Polley of Barre, and Robert Thomas, Apr. 12, 1787.
WOODIS (see Wood, Woodis, Woods)
Kezia of Oakham, and Jonathan Willis Jr., Aug. 11, 1791.
WOODIS (see Wood, Woodis, Woods)
Edward, Capt., and Catharine Holmes, Apr. 9, 1825 [int. Apr. 10, 1826, sic].
Martha, wid., of Barre, and Joseph Chever, Apr. 15, 1847.
Martha A. [int. omits A.], 20, of Dana, d. Ebenezer and Martha, and Richard T. [int. I. [?]] Davis, Mar. 1, [18]42.
Oliver and Mary Taylor, Nov. 29, 1818.
WOODS (see Wood, Wooddis, Woodis)
Anna and Jesse Ware, Apr. 12, 1774.
Asa and Lucy Barr, Jan. 12 [1791].
Benjamin and Sarah Adams [?], Mar. 8, 1770.
Betsey and James Burk, Oct. 27, 1794.
Caroline and Ashbel Pepper, int. Feb. 1, 1820.
Catharine M. and Seth Caldwell, int. Apr. 1, 1818.
Charlotte and Jonathan Tilson, int. Dec. 28, 1812.
Daniel and Betsey Jones, int. July 4, 1791.
Daniel and Polly Thomson [int. Thompson], ----[rec. between Apr. 1, 1802, and Apr. 1, 1803] [int. Apr. 15, 1802].
Daniell [int. Daniel] and Mrs. Nabby Joslyn, Apr. 17, 1815.
Deborah and Henry D. Sanford, int. Mar. 25, 1833.
Dorthy and Asa Bonney Jr., Oct. 12, 1775.
Edward of Barre, and Caroline Russel, int. Mar. 20, 1832.
Ephraim and Mrs. Mary Hall, Oct. 19, 1773.
Eunice (see Unice).
George Jr. and Darcus [int. Dorcas] Barr, Oct. 4, 1798.
Hannah Jr., Mrs., and Mathew Fintan, int. Dec. 3, 1792.
Hephzibah [int. Hepsibah] and John Brooks, [Nov.] 16, 1787.
Isaac B. and Precilla Alvira Barr, int. Nov. 10, 1821.
James Jr., and Katharine [int. Katey] Bowman, [Nor.] 17, 1787.
James and Cata Bowman, Nov. 15, 1797.
James and Roxana Barr, int. Apr. 1, 1817.
James H. and Emela W. Sanford, int. Mar. 26, 1827.
John and Lydia Woods, Feb. 5, 1767.
John 2d and Salley Edson, Nov. 23, 1786.
John [int. Wood] and Polly [int. Patty] Edson, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1804, and Apr. 1, 1805] [int. June 18, 1804].
John and Betsey Pepper, Apr. 24 [1834].
Jonathan Jr. and Lydia Barr, Nov. 28, 1784.
Joseph L. and Adaline Rice, int. Nov. 4, 1833.
Loren [int. Loring] F. and Mary P. Webb, Sept. 24, 1839.
Louis [female] and William Fletcher, [Apr.] 15, 1788.
Lucy and Ebenezer Nye, June 13, 1790.
Lydia and John Woods, Feb. 5, 1767.
Lydia [int. 1st] and Ens. David Allen, Jan. 22 [1795].
Marcy and Thomas Rainger, Jan. 9, 1770.
Maria A. and Dwight M. Snow, Oct. 19, 1849.
Martha and Hezekiah Hancock, May 6, 1773.
Mary and Jonathan Force, June 28, 1764.
Mehitable and Theron H. Gilbert, Aug. 6, 1835.
Millisent and Azariah Willis, int. Mar. 7, 1808.
Percis and Bille Hancock, May 7, 1767.
Presilla and Silas Matthews, Sept. 10, 1765.
Sally and "Simn"" Pepper, int. Aug. 26, 1816.
Samuel and Elizebeth Hemmingway, June 27, 1776.
Samuel of Norwich, and Mrs. Phebe Holten, May 28, 1778.
Samuel and Levinia Wood, int. Sept. 20, 1838.
Samuell Stevens and Betsy Fisk, int. Dec. 25, 1809.
Sarah and Jonathan Ware, Apr. 26, 1770.
Unice and George Barr, Sept. 21, 1769.
WOOLCOTT (see Wolcot)
Ruth and George Harper, Sept. 18, 1783.
Sally [int. Sarah] and John Sweetser, May 25 [1791].
David of Belcherton, Hampshire Co., and Affa Gilbert, Nov. 24, 1778.
Ebenezer M. [of] Northampton, and Hannah Hitchcock, int. Sept. 12, 1818.
WYLLIS (see Willis)
Pa[torn], Isaac of Western, and Jane Anderson, Nov. 1, 1770.
S[torn], Jonathan of Ware, Hamshire Co., and Mrs. Anna Pepper, Feb. 12, 1778.
----, Bersheba and David Waite, Nov. 25, 1769.
----, Mary and Joseph Washburn, Sept. 26, 1755.