To the Year 1850
Published by the
New England Historic Genealogical Society
At the Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms
at the charge of The Eddy Town-Record Fund
[transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

Emeline W., b. N., d. Benjamin and Martha L., lung
fever, June 24, 1849, a. 3 m., in N.
Eunice, w. Benjamin of New Bedford, formerly w. Joseph
Gardner, d. Richard Worth and Lydia (Swain), -, 2 mo.
1814, in New Bedford, PR38. [Tabor, PR63.]
John, h. Lucretia (wid. George Swain, d.Thomas V. McCleave), 6th, 4 mo. 1839, PR38. [ship carpenter, July 23,
1838, a. 52, at the Quaise Farm [dup. of New Bedford, h. ____ (d. Thomas Varney MackCleave), consumption, Apr. 5, 1839, a. 52 y. 9 m.], PR62.]
Lucretia, Dec. -, 1832, CR3. [w. John, wid. George Swain,
d. Thomas V. McCleave and Lurania (Cash), -, 1 mo.
1834, PR38.]
Mary, first w. Rescorn, d. Benjamin Swain and Phebe (Meader), 15th [dup. 25th], 6 mo. 1821, PR38.
Rescom, "Removed to Norwich in Conn.," h. Mary (d. Benjamin Swain and Phebe), h. Nancy A. Bramley, 20th, 9 mo. 1835, a. 61, PR38. [Restcome, carpenter, late of N.,
in Norwich, Conn., PR62.]
____ , ch. Benjamin, 28th, 8 mo. 1759, PR63.
____ , 22d, 7 ma. 1785, PR63.
____ , ch. John, Oct. 21, 1817, PR63.
____ , ch. Restcome, Aug. 6, 1819, a. 4 m., PR63.
TALLANT (Tallart, Tallunt, Tallurt)-
Andrew (Tallurt), s.
Nath[anie]l, Mar. 13, 1840, a. 14 m., CR2.
Eben W. (Tallurt), s. Nathaniel, Mar. 12, 1840, a. 4. y. 10 m.,
Ebenezer W. (Tallunt), Oct. 7, 1834, a. 34, CR2. [Eben W.
Tallant, GR3. Ebenezer W. Tallant, h. Nancy (d. William
Coffin and Deborah), 1st, 10 mo., PR38. Eben W. Tallant, consumption, a. 34 y. 2 m., PR62.]
Frances, d. Nathaniel, Sept. 22, 1834, a. 5 y. 3 m., in Barnstable, PR62.
Henrietta, d. James, __ [Nov. or Dec.] 14, 1834, a. 8 m., PR62.
Valina (Tallart), w. James, Nov. 19, 1837, a. 32, CR2. [Tallant, Nov. 20, GR3. Tallant, w. James L., formerly w.
William Rice, d. Gideon Worth and Phebe (Taber), 20th,
11 mo. [dup. 18th, 11 mo.], PR38. Valinia Tallant, suddenly, Nov. 19, a. 32 y. 10 m., PR62.]
TASCO (see Teskell)
TASHAMA (Tashermay)-
Isaac, "Native Indian," 1st, 11 mo.
1801, a. 80, PR63.
Jenney (Tashermay), black, "widow of an Indian minister,"
Apr. 23, 1775, PR64.
TASKER (see Teskell)TASTER-
Hannah, 7th, 1 mo. 1815, PR63.
Tom, black, Apr. 23, 1775, PR64.
Abner Garer [dup. h. Susanne Appleton], son-in-law Susannah Amory, violent fever,_____, "some time
past" [rec. Jan. 10, 1835], a. 41 y. 6 m. [dup. a. 36 y. 8 m.],,
in N.Y., PR62.
Avis, ___, 1836, CR3. [w. Samuel, d. Samuel Pitman of
Newport, 24th, 11 mo., PR38. wid. Samuel, violent fever,
a. 46 y. 9 m., PR62.]
Charles, b. N., s. Timothy, measles, Jan. 13, 1847, a. 2 y. 6 m.,
in N.
Frederick H., m., b. N., bilious fever, Mar. 8, 1849, a. 40, in N.
[Frederic N., h. Phebe Ann (d. Henry Rogers and
Rhoda), s. Simeon and Remember of Cape Cod, 4th, 3 mo.,
John Bunker, 21st, 12 mo. 1809, PR63.
Samuel, h. Avis (d. Samuel Pitman of Newport), 1st, 12 mo.
1824, a. 42, PR38.
Samuel Coffin, s. Nathaniel, 5th, 2 mo. 1809, PR63.
____, ch. Timothy, Oct 6, 1841, a. 17 m.
____ , ch. Frederick, Nov. 27, 1841, a. 6 m.
____, b. N., s. Sam[ue]l, Oct. 2, 1844, a. 1 m., in N.
____, d. Cyrus, still born, Aug. 23, 1842.
Betsey, d. Daniel, 23d, 9 mo., 1815, a. 18 y. 6 m.,
Jonathan, 21st, 1 mo. 1808, PR63.
Sarah, Miss, b. Bath, dropsy, Aug. 8, 1843, a. 66,
in N. [Tasco, Mrs., Aug. 6, 1843, a. 66, GR6.]
Alexander [dup. Thane], h. Deborah, ___, 1806, in
Nova Scotia, C.R4.
Anna G. (see ____ Thain).
Emma F., b. N., d. David and Mary B., consumption, Sept. 27,
1849, a. 6 m., in N. [Emma Frances, Sept. 25, GR2.
Frances, d. David and Mary B. (Coffin) (Macy) (second
w.), _, 9 mo., PR38.]
Mary, b. N., w. David, paralysis, Dec. 17, 1847, a. 44, in N.
[d. James Russell and Polly, Dec. 14, GR2. first w. David
(s. Alexander), d. James Russell and Polly (Gardner),
14th, 12 mo., PR38.]
____ , d. David, croop, Nov. 20, 1842, a. 4 [Anna G.,
d. David and Mary, a. 4 y. 7 m. 26 d., GR2. Anna G., d.
David and Mary (Russell) (first w.), -, 8 mo., PR38.]
Jane, b. N., d. James and Mary, fever, June
29, 1843, a. 21 d., in N.
Mary E., b. N., d. James and Mary, consumption, Aug. 22,
1843, a. 1 y. 10 m., in N.
Job, drowned, 2d, 3 mo. 1815, a. 26, PR60.
[Jos[eph] Jr., 3d, 2 mo., PR63.]
Eldridge of Barnstable Co., Apr. 27, 1836, a. abt.
30, PR62.
Elenor G., b. N., ch. Ansel and Maria, diahrea, July 17, 1847,
a. 7 m., in N.
Geo[rge], Sept. 27, 1818, PR63.
Hannah, "Coloured Woman," wid. John, d. Seneca Boston,
June 8, 1836, a. 58 y. 3 m., PR62.
Lydia, first w. Ansel, d. Tristram Coleman and Eunice (Coffin),
4th, 1 mo. 1840, PR38. [d. Tristram and ____ (d. Elihu
Coffin), Jan. 3, a. 27 y. 6 m., PR62.]
Nathan, laborer, old age, May 4, 1846, a. 75, in N. [h. Rebecca, 3d, 5 mo., PR38.]
Rebecca, Feb. -, 1832, CR3. [w. Nathan, -, 3 mo., PR38.]
Susan, b. N.., d. Joseph, June 20, 1843, a. 21 d., in N.
____, d. Joseph, June 15, 1842.
THOMPSON (Tomson)-
Anna, b. N., wid. Joseph, consumption, May 4, 1847, a. 76, in N. [Ann, CR3. Anna, w.
John, d. Abishai Swain and Jedida (Swain), 2d, 5 mo.,
Esther, w. Richard, d. Jacob Morris and Judith, 10th, 2 mo.
1812, PR38. [wid. Richard, 10th, 1 mo., a. 58 y. 6 m.,
James, s. Isaac and Deidamia Elliott (second w.), drowned,
13th, 12 mo. 1831, PR38.
James, Apr. 23, 1832, a. 50, GR3. [h. Dianna (Gibbs) Dyke,
James, "a coloured man," of the crew of the Ship Ganges of
Bristol, R.I., lost at sea, Nov. 2, 1836, PR62.
____ , ch. Isaac, Feb. 12, 1821, PR63.
____ (Tomson), ch. Joseph, Sept. 14, 1841, a. 10 d.
Clarrissa Elizabeth, d. John and Elizabeth B.,
Apr. 29,1828, a. 15 m., GR1.
Daniel, ch. Daniel and Rachel (wid. Moses Dame), 31st, 7 mo.
1821, CR4.
Daniel, h. Rachel (Mitchell) Dame, s. Elisha of New Bedford,
24th, 3 mo. 1848, a. 66, in Pa., PR38.
Elisabeth Mitchell, ch. Daniel and Rachel (wid. Moses Dame),
9th, 5 mo. 1816, CR4. [23d, 5 mo., PR63.]
Elisha, 1st., 1 mo. 1817, PR63.
George M., ch. Daniel and Rachel (wid. Moses Dame), 24th,
10 mo. 1814, CR4. [31st, 10 mo., PR63.]
George M., ch. Daniel and Rachel (wid. Moses Dame), 27th,
3 mo. 1818, CR4. [Mar. 29, PR63.]
____, d. Nathan, dysentary, Oct. 5, 1842, a. 11 m.
Charles M., h. Rachel H. Pitman, s. John Jr.
and Sabra Smith of Newport, R.I., 6th, 5 mo. 1844, PR38.
Harriett S., d. John Jr. and Sabra Smith of Newport, R.I., 3d,
6 mo. 1829, PR38.
Job, h. Ruth, 15th, 2 mo. 1830, CR4. [h. Rachel (Coleman), h.
Ruth (Cartwright), s. Benjamin and Amey, PR38.]
John Sr. of Newport, R.I., h. Mary (d. Paul Coffin and Mary
of N.), 1st, 1 mo. 1771, PR38.
John Jr. of Newport, R.I., h. Sabra Smith, s. John Sr. and Mary
(Coffin) of Newport, R.I., 12th, 8 mo. 1819, PR38.
Latham, s. John Sr. and Mary (Coffin) of Newport, R.I., 10th,
7 mo, 1825, PR38.
Paul, s. John Sr. and Mary (Coffin) of Newport, R.I., 8th, 10
mo. 1802, PR38.
Rachel [Thurston, w. ____ ], d. Nathaniel Coleman and Hepsibah, 13th, 9 mo. 1787, CR4. [Thurston, first w. Job (s. Benjamin), d. Nathaniel Coleman and Hepsabeth (Hussey), PR38. Thurston, w. Job, PR63.]
Ruth, w. Job, 181h, 2 mo. 1837, CR4. [second w. Job (s. Benjamin), d. James Cartwright and Love (Macy), 17th,
1 mo., PR38. wid. Job, asthma, Feb. 17, a. 72, PR62.]
Sabra Smith, w. John Jr. of Newport, R.I., 26th, 6 mo. 1822,
TICE (see Tyce)
Nicholas, Apr. -, 1818, a. 50, PR63.
Pardon of New Bedford, h. Elizabeth (d.
James Gardner and Hannah Chipman), —, 1 mo. 1816,
PR38. [26th, 11 mo. 1816, PR63.]
TOBEY (Toby)-
Jemima, wid. Joseph, 11th, 2 mo. 1816, a.
53 y. 1 m., PR63.
Samuel Jenks, "Son of Ansel Tobey, Died in Albany, late of
Nantucket on Board of the Ship Ganges, in the Pacific
Ocean, of the Scurvy," July 20, 1834, PR62.
Sarah (Toby), 21st, 4 mo. 1811, PR63.
____, ch. W[illia]m, 17th, 10 mo. 1813, a. 2 y. 6 m., PR63.
____ , 24th, 9 mo. 1805, PR63.
TOMSON (see Thompson)
Joseph Jr., "lives in New Jersey," h. Clarissa (d. John
Coleman), 19th, 11 mo. 1837, PR38. [Joseph H. Tone,
"Master of a Vessel at the Southward," grand s. Henry
Clark Jr., a. 27 y. 1 m., PR62.]
Deborah, w. Dr. James of Weymouth, formerly w.
William Wheeler, d. Beriah Fitch and Deborah (Gorham),
___, 1845, a. 90 [in Weymouth], PR38.
James, Dr., of Weymouth, h. Deborah (Fitch) Wheeler, 17th,
12 mo. 1817, a. 88 [sic, in Weymouth], PR38.
TOWNSEND (Townsand)-
Benjamin, s. Thomas and Phebe
(Baxter), "killed by a whale," —, 7 mo. 1823, at sea,
James, h. Janette (d. Thomas Brock and Patience), "Lost a
whaling," —, 1772, PR38.
Phebe, 10th, 9 mo. 1819, CR4. [w. Thomas (s. James and
Janette), d. Christopher Baxter and Mary (Worth), 9th,
2 mo., PR38. w. Thomas, a. 48 y. 10 m., PR63.]
Thomas (Townsand), consumption, Feb. 4, 1842, a. 70. [Townsend, h. Phebe (Baxter), s. James and Janette (Brock), PR38.]
____, twin ch. Thomas, 1st, 5 mo. 1811, PR63.
Henry "from Newfoundland," h. Elizabeth (d. Zaccheus Gardner and Jemima), 8th, 6 mo. 1791, PR38.
[Henry Sr., PR63.]
Henry, b. N., s. Charles H. and Delia, croup, May 4, 1847, a. 2,
in N. [Henry G. Tracey, s. Charles H. and Delia M.
(Whippey), PR38.]
Nathan, single, s. Henry and Elizabeth (Gardner), 15th,
9 mo. 1794, PR38.
Thomas, s. Henry and Elizabeth (Gardner), abt. 1816, a. 27,
in the East Indies, PR38. [1st, 2 mo. 1816, a. 27 y. 2 m.,
____, ch. Eliza, 3d, 2 mo. 1816, PR63.
Edward, "a Coloured Man on board Ship Enterprize," Apr. -, 1839, a. 40, PR62.
Anna, ___, 1734, CR4. [Ann, w. John, PR38.]
Benjamin, h. Elizabeth (d. Jacob Norton of Martha's Vineyard and Dinah), s. John and Ann, 9th, 6 mo. 1754, PR38.
Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Norton), 8th, 7 mo.
1776, PR38.
Elizabeth, w. Benjamin (s. John and Ann), d. Jacob Norton
and Dinah of Martha's Vineyard, 17th, 6 mo. 1780, PR38.
[7th, 6 mo., PR63.]
James, s. John and Ann, "lost on a whaling voyage," ___,
1722, at sea, PR38. [Trot, PR63.]
John, h. Ann, 18th, 9 mo. 1719, PR38.
John, 26th, 2 mo. 1728, PR63.
John, s. John and Ann, 14th, 11 mo. 1751, PR38. [John Sr.,
Priscilla, d. John and Ann, 30th, 12 mo. 1770, PR38.
Charles, 22d, 3 mo. 1796, PR63.
Clara, b. N.., d. Samuel B. and Susan, fever, Nov. 15,
1844, a. 8 m., in N. [d. Samuel B. and Susan M., Nov.
13, GR3.]
Judith, b. N., w. Samuel J., palsy, Jan. 9, 1845, a. 72 y. 6 m.,
in N. [Jan. 8, GR3. w. Samuel J. of Boston, d. Uriah
Gardner and Sally (Tilden) (Wendall), 8th [dup. 6th],
1 mo., PR38.]
Samuel L., Capt., May 1, 1839, a. 76, in Craydon, N.H., PR62.
William S., b. N., ch. Uriah G. and Mary, dysentary, Sept. 28,
1847, a. 10 m., in N.
____ , b. N., s. [sic, see birth of Sarah S.] Uriah G. and
Mary, Nov. 23, 1845, a. 3 d., in N.
Hepsabeth, w. William, d. Nathan Daggett
and Margaret (Gardner), 10th, 5 mo. 1835, a. 80, PR38.
[Hephzibah, wid. William, a. "nearly" 80, in New Bedford,
Jedidiak (T[u]ckerman), abses, Aug. 15, 1842,
a. 45. [Jedida, second w. William (s. William), wid.
Briggs Wilber [dup. Wilbur], d. Simeon Coffin and Mary
(Whippey), Aug. 14 [dup. Aug. 15], PR38.]
William, h. Polly (Gifford) of Falmouth, h. Jedida (Coffin)
Wilber, s. Williant and Hepsabeth (Daggett), 18th, 12 mo.
1840, a. 56, PR38.
William, July 9, 1819, a. 69, PR63.
Abigail, second w. Dr. Benjamin (s. Eldad and
Martha), formerly wid. John Starbuck (s. Paul and Ann),
formerly wid. Peter Calif, d. Nathaniel Woodbury and
Abigail, 8th, 8 mo. 1777, PR38. [8th, 6 mo., PR63. June
8, PR64.]
Benjamin Jr., ___, 1770, PR63.
Benjamin, Dr., Mar. 27, 1794, CR1. [h. Elizabeth Ellis of
Sandwich, h. Abigail (Woodbury) (Calif) Starbuck, s.
Eldad of Sandwich and Martha Wheaton, 26th, 3 mo.,
PR38. Mar. 26, PR64.]
Elizabeth Ellis of Sandwich, first w. Dr. Benjamin (s. Eldad
of Sandwich and Martha Wheaton), 24th, 8 mo. 1755,
Ja[me]s, Sept. 19, 1819, a. 65, PR63.
Peggy, w. Benjamin (s. Dr. Benjamin and Elizabeth Ellis),
d. Barnabas Pinkham and Mary, 2d, 5 mo. 1804, PR38.
____, ch. Dr. Benj[amin], 30th, 8 mo. 1752, PR63.
____ , ch. Dr. Benj[amin], 7th, 8 mo. 1753, PR63.
____ , ch. Dr. Benj[amin], 14th, 8 mo. 1759, PR63.
Baker, h. Susan (d. Tristram Pinkham and Lydia),
19th, 7 mo. 1815, PR38. [a. 48 y. 8 m., PR63.]
Barker, b. N., s. Abner and Lydia [sic], consumption, Oct. 16,
1845, a. 3 m., in N.
Benjamin, h. Rhoda (d. Peleg Coggeshall and Deborah), s.
Baker and Susan (Pinkham), -, 12 mo. 1822, at sea,
Charles, Hon., May 27, 1839, a. 79 y. 6 m., in Scituate, PR64.
George N., b. N., ch. George and Sarah J., consumption, Jan.
26, 1848, a. 3 y. 6 m., in N.
Harriet C., b. N., ch. George and Sarah J., consumption, Feb.
12, 1848, a. 13, in N.
Harriett B., d. George and Mary (Coleman), 14th, 2 mo. 1848,
"young," PR38.
Job, laborer, b. N., Aug. 23, 1843, a. 45, in N. [Job
P., h. Elizabeth, GR2. h. Elizabeth (James), s. Baker and
Susan (Pinkham), PR38.]
Lydia, d. Baker, 24th, 10 mo. 1813, a. 5, PR63.
Mary (see Mary Coleman).
Mary, b. N., d. Abner, canker rash, Sept. 16, 1843, a. 5 m., in N.
Mary S. (see ____Turner).
Mary S., b. N., ch. Abner and Lucinda, dysentary, Sept 6,
1847, a. 4 y. 5 m., in N.
Robinson, 25th, 5 mo. 1760, PR63.
Susan, b. N., wid. Baker, dropsy, Dec. 14, 1843, a. 75 y 5 m.,
in N. [Susanna, d. Tristram Pinkham and Lydia (Coffin), PR38.]
____ , ch. John V., croop, Dec. 27, 1834, a. 3 m., PR62.
____, d. Abner, billious fever, Apr. 21, 1842, a. 16 m. [Mary
S., ch. Abner and Lucina, Apr. 20, a. 18 m., CR2.]
____ , s. Abner, May 5, 1842, a. 11 hrs.
Thomas, s.Thomas and Rebecca (James), drowned,
24th, 8 mo. 1823, a. 25, PR38.
Susan Emma, b. N., d. W[illia]m and Lydia, teething,
Oct 8, 1845, a. 8 m., in N.
Charles, s. Joseph and Sarah, Nov. 23, 1833, a, 21 m.
21 d., GR3.
Philip, Dec. -, 1831, CR3.
Nathaniel, Apr. 27, 1819, a. 30, PR63.
Frederick S., b. N., ch. Charles S. and Mary A.
Cathcart, consumption, Feb. 8, 1849, a. 8 m., in N.
Henrietta, b. N., d. W[illia]m, consumption, Feb. 8, 1847, a. 7,
in N.
___ , b. N., s. W[illia]m, lung fever, Feb. 18, 1847, a. 2, in N.
Ann H., w. Leonard, d. William W. Macy
and Phebe (Starbuck) (first w.), May 17, 1845, PR38.
Ann B., b. N., ch. Joseph and Ann, July 24, 1846,
a. 3 m., in N.
Anna, w. Jonathan (s. Jonathan and Lydia), d. John Coffin and
Anna (Coleman), 23d, 8 mo. 1837, PR38. [wid. Jonathan
Jr., d. John Coffin dec'd, Aug. 22, a. 82 y. 1 m., PR62.]
David, s. Jonathan, Apr. 9, 1749. [h. Priscilla (Worth), s.
Jonathan and Ruth (Pease) (first w.), "killed by a whale,"
PR38. 26th, 4 mo., PR63.]
David Jr., single, s. David and Priscilla (Worth),
"killed by a whale," ___, 1774, PR38. [8th, 2 mo. 1775,
David Jr., first h. Almira (d. Isaac Orpin and Rhoda), s. David
and Elizabeth (Gardner), 31st, 8 mo. 1847, in New Orleans, PR38.
Edward, s. John and Mary Stillman (first w.),_____, "young,"
Jonathan, h. Ruth (Pease), h. Ruth (Swain) Coffin, ___,
1750, PR38. [16th, 5 mo., PR63.]
Jonathan, h. Lydia (Coleman), s. Jonathan and Ruth (Pease)
(first w.), 8th, 5 mo. 1797, PR38. [9th, 5 mo., PR63.]
Jonathan, h. Anna (d. John Coffin and Anna), s. Jonathan and
Lydia (Coleman), 26th, 7 mo. 1822, PR38.
Joseph S., h. Ann (d. Jacob Barney and Anna), s. John and
Mary Stillman (first w.), ___, 1847, at sea, PR38.
Lydia, w. Jonathan (s. Jonathan and Ruth), d. Joseph Coleman and Rachael (Norton), 25th, 8 mo. 1800, PR38. [wid. Jonathan, PR63.]
Nancy H., d. David and Elizabeth, June 18, 1829, a. 12 y. 9 m.
12 d., GR4. [d. David and Elizabeth (Gardner), PR38.]
Phebe, d. Jonathan and Anna (Coffin), 24th, 5 mo. 1842, PR38.
Ruth, first w. Jonathan Sr., d. Stephen Pease and Deborah
(Gardner) (Macy) (first w.), ___, 1728 [dup. 9th, 2 mo.
1727], PR38. [9th, 2 mo. 1728, PR63.]
Ruth, second w. Jonathan, wid. George Coffin (s. James Jr.
and Ruth), d. John Swain Jr. and Experience (Folger),
8th, 2 mo. 1775, a. 80, PR38.
____ , ch. Jonathan, 12th, 12 mo. 1752, PR63.
____, d. David, 10th, 5 mo. 1806, a. 5, PR63.
____, inf. ____, July 11, 1837, PR62.
Sarah, w. Smith (s. Edward of N.Y.), wid. George
M. Coffin (s. Mark), d. Obed Mitchell and Lydia, 23d,
2 mo. 1839, PR38. [Feb. 24, a. 50 y. 1 m., in Stanford,
Dutches Co., N.Y., PR62.]
Ann, colored, consumption, Apr. 20, 1842, a. 8.
Harriet, "a Coloured Woman," w. Daniel, Oct. 17, 1839, a.
45 y. 3 m., PR62.
Henry C., Aug. 22, 1840, a. 34, GR3. [h. Emmeline (Mitchell),
s. Samuel and Polly Claghorn, in New Bedford, PR38.]
Mary, consumption, June 14, 1842, a. 66.
Mary Mitchell, d. Henry C. and Emaline, Feb. 8,
1840, a. 2 y. 4 m., GR3.
Polly, Mrs., June 14, 1842, a. 66, GR3. [Polly Claghorn Valentine, w. Samuel, PR38.]
Martin, ch. Mary Bowen, July 21, 1838, a. 7 d.,
____ , ch. Milo, killed, Feb. -, 1805, in Harwich,
Candy, "a Sea Man lost overboard from
the Ship Three Brothers, George Alley Master, Round
Cape Horn . . . a Dutch Man," ___, 1836, a. 26, PR62.
Cordelia, inf Jos[ep]h and Phebe Ann, Sept. 11,
1836, CR2. [d. Joseph, violent fever, [Sept.] 10, a. 7 d.,
Sally, w. John, d. Isaac Barlow, July 23, 1836, a. 21, PR62.
Sarah P., b. N., ch. Daniel and Ann, consumption, Aug. 1,
1845, a. 5 m. 15 d., in N.
____ , b. N., s. Fred[eric]k and Phebe W., Aug.
27, 1845, a. 1 m., in N.
____, b. N., s. Mary, dysentary, Sept. 20, 1847, a.
1 m., in N.
Henry, laborer, b. N., consumption, Sept. 27, 1843,
a. 42, in N.
____, ch. Henry, fitts, Feb. 2, 1835, a. 2 y. 1 m., PR62.
____, d. Henry, marasmus, Oct. 5, 1842, a. 6 m.
WAITT (Wait)-
Henry, Oct. 23, 1836, a. 49, GR1. [h. Sarah
(Gardner), 24th, 10 mo., PR38. Wait, "of a Wound Accident on board the Sloop Silas Parker a Coming from New Bedford," Oct. 24, a. 49 y. 2 m., PR62.]
Sarah (Wait), diabetes, Oct. 20, 1842, a. 14. [Sarah G. Waitt,
d. Henry and Sarah, a. 14 y. 7 m., GR1. Sarah Waitt, d.
Henry and Sarah (Gardner), 10th, 10 mo., PR38.]
WALCUTT (Walcott, Wallcut, Wallcutt)-
Benjamin (Wallcut), h. Elizabeth, June 28, 1829, a. 75, GR1. [Walcutt,
h. Elizabeth (Hawes), 27th, 6 mo., PR38.]
Elizabeth (Wallcutt), w. Benjamin, June 19, 1831, CR1.
[wid. Benjamin Wallcut, a. 75, GR1. Elizabeth (Hawes)
Walcutt, 19th, 6 mo. 1834, PR38.]
____, (Walcott), ch. Benj[amin], 11th, 9 mo. 1795, PR63.
WALDRON (Waldin)-
Betsey [sic], b. N., w. Winslow, consumption, Oct. 10, 1848, a, 73, in N. [Martha Walden,
CR3. Patty Waldron, first w. Winslow (s. Nathan), d.
Thomas James and Heart Bird of Newport, R.I., 9th, 10
mo., PR38.]
Eunice, first w. Nathan, d. Benjamin Russell and Rebecca
.(Gardner), ___, 1771, PR38. [23d, 11 mo., PR63.]
Jemima [d. Nathan and Eunice (Russell) (first w.), PR38.j,
old age, Feb. 6, 1843, a, 78.
Martha (see Betsey).
Patience, second w. Nathan, wid. Abner Coffin Jr., d. Jonathan
Russell and Patience (Swain), 23d, 9 mo. 1811, PR38.
[wid. Nathan, a. 67, PR63.]
Patty (see Betsey).
Roland (Waldin), h. Betsey, Jan. 1818, GR3. [Rowland
Waldron, h. Betsey (Hunter), s. Nathan and Patience
(Russell) (Coffin) (second w.), 31st, 8 mo. 1817, in Martinique, W.I., PR38. Rowland Waldron, Aug. 31, 1817, a. 34, PR63.]
____ , ch. Winslow, 30th, 10 mo. 1811, PR63.
____ , ch. Winslow, 4th, 10 mo. 1813, PR63.
Lydia L, b. N., ch. Nathan and Emeline, consumption, Mar. 1, 1846, a. 2 m. 14 d., in N.
Nathan K., s. Nathan, billious fever, Mar. 6, 1842, a. 4. [s.
Nathan and Emeline, a. 4 y. 2 m., GR1.]
W[illia]m, 23d, 2 mo. 1772, PR63.
William S., "fell from aloft on board the Ship Java of New
Bedford," Aug. 6, 1838, a. 40 y. 1 m., at sea, PR62.
WALLCUT (see Walcutt)
WALLCUTT (see Walcutt)
WAMSLEY (Warmsley)-
Benjamin, 10th, 9 mo. 1803, PR63.
Sally (Warmsley), 19th, 1 mo. 1817, a. 23 y. 10 m., PR63.
Elizabeth, w. James, wid. Elishal Parker, d. ____ Hammond, -, 1 mo. 1816, a. 5 [cut off], in N.Y., PR38.
[Betsey, a. 50, PR63.]
Hannah, w. Joseph P., Feb. 7, 1835, a. 39, GR6. ["fell
backwards from a Window," a. 38 y. 9 m., PR62.]
Lydia Downes, w. David T., d. Alexander D. Bunker and Rebecca (Baxter), 28th, 8 mo. 1848, in Manchester, N.H., PR38.
Paul, 18th, 3 mo. 1825, at the asylum, PR38.
____, ch. Ja[me]s, ___, 1808, PR63.
Amaziah, ch.. Charlotte Buxton, July 30, 1838,
a. 6 m., PR62.
James, 18th, 11 mo. 1815, a. 50, PR63.
Mary, w. Amaziah, dropsey, Mar. 1, 1842, a. 60. [Mary C.,
a. 61, GR4. Mary, d. Ephraim Coffin and Sarah, PR38.]
Caleb, s. Resolved and Sarah (Carr), 26th,
7 mo. 1765, at Cape Francis, PR38.
Eliza[beth], w. John, [dup. ch. John Beard and Deborah] 19th,
9 mo. 1759, CR4. [first w. John (s. Resolved and Sarah),
d. John Beard and Deborah (Pease) [dup. 10th, 4 mo.
1757], PR38. 15th, 9 mo. 1759, PR63.]
Hepsabeth, wid. Thaddeus, old age, Oct. 17, 1841, a. 84. [Hepzabeth, Oct. 15, a. 86, CR2. Hepzibeth, Oct. 15, a. 86, GR3. Hepsabeth, d. Jonathan Coffin and Priscilla (Coffin), 16th, 10 mo., PR38.]
Jethum, Rev., Sept. 14, 1836, CR2. [Jotham, schoolmaster
and universal minister, 3d apoplectic fit, a. 65, PR62.]
John, h. Elizabeth and Mary (daughters of John Beard and
Deborah), s. Resolved and Sarah (Carr) of Warwick, R.I.,
7th, 3 mo. 1792, PR38. [John Sr., 8th, 3 mo., PR63.]
John, h. Sarah (d. Stephen Hussey and Rose), s. John and
Elizabeth (Beard) (first w.), 27th, 12 mo. 1798, PR38.
[25th, 12 mo., PR63.]
John, s. John and Sarah (Hussey), -, 12 mo. 1816, in the
West Indies, PR38. [24th, 12 mo., PR63.]
Jotham (see Jethum).
Mary, second w. John (s. Resolved and Sarah), d. John Beard
and Deborah (Pease), 29th, 3 mo. 1821, PR38. [wid.
Capt. John, Mar. 28, 1819, a. 80 y. 9 m., PR63.]
Perez, Feb. 5, 1821, a. 82, PR63.
Resolved of Warwick, R.I., h. Sarah (Carr) of Jamestown,
27th, 7 mo. 1751, PR38.
Resolved, s. Resolved and Sarah (Carr), 10th, 6 mo. 1774 in
Boston, PR38.
Sarah (Carr), w. Resolved, 14th, 10 mo. 1769, PR38.
Sarah, w. John Jr. (s. John and Elizabeth), d. Stephen Hussey and Rose (Barnard), 3d, 1 mo. 1840, PR38. [wid. John, d. Stephen Hussey Esq. dec'd, a. 79, PR62.]
Thaddeus, Jan. 22, 1824, CR2. [h. Hepzibeth, Jan. 23, a. 80, GR3. h. Hepsabeth (d. Jonathan Coffin), 22d, 1 mo. PR38.]
____, ch. John, 6th, 9 mo. 1759, PR63.
____, ch. John, 30th, 4 mo. 1764, PR63.
____, ch. John, 9th, 11 mo. 1766, PR63.
____, ch. Thaddeus, 19th, 11 mo. 1777, PR63.
____, s. Mary, stillborn, Mar. 25, 1779, PR64.
____, ch. Thaddeus, 20th, 1 mo. 1787, PR63.
____, ch. John, 20th, 8 mo. 1796, PR63. [a. abt. 4 m., PR64.]
____, ch. William, Sept. 15, 1841, a. 16 m.
Love, b. N., wid. Henry, consumption, Nov. 4, 1845, a. 55, in N. [d. John Perkins ("1st of Nant.") and Mercy (Johnson), 3d, 11 mo. PR38.]
Noah, single, s. Henry and Love (Perkins), 8th, 8 mo. 1832, PR38.
William, ch. William and Mary, 28th, 7 mo. 1830, CR4.
William, June 29, 1840, a. 44, GR3. [h. Mary (d. Peleg Macy and Sally), s. Joel and Elizabeth (Skinner), PR38.]
____, [? ch.] John, ___, 1722, PR63.
Nancy, w. Ebenezer, d. Thomas Delano and Elizabeth (Hussey), May _, 1835, in Rochester, N.Y., PR38. [d. Thomas Delano Jr., a. 48 y. 6 m., PR62.]
Susan Emmons, d. Eben, Apr. 2, 1811, a. 2, CR2. [d. Ebenezer and Nancy (Delano), 18th, 4 mo., PR38. ch. Ebenezer, 18th, 4 mo., PR63.]
Abigail [Way, w. ____], formerly w. Thomas Howse, d. Nathaniel Starbuck Jr. and Dinah, 31st, 12 mo. 1777, CR4. [Way, w. John, wid. Thomas Howes (s. Thomas and Abigail), d. Nathaniel Starbuck Jr. and Dinah (Coffin), PR38. Way, wid. John, 31st [sic], 9 mo., PR63.]
Deborah, w. Seth (s. John), d. Richard Chadwick and Deborah (Swain), Jan. 3, 1812, PR38. [wid. Seth, a. 76, PR63.]
Elizabeth, d. John and Mary, June 9, 1728.
John, h. Abigail (wid. Thomas Howes, d. Nathaniel Starbuck Jr.), 29th, 4 mo. 1760, PR38. [John Sr., PR63.]
John, 23d, 11 mo. 1772, PR63.
Mary, w. John (s. John and Abigail), d. Robert Long and
Sarah (Skiff), 24th, 3 mo. 1739, PR38. [w. John Sr.,
24th, 3 mo. 1740, PR63.]
Paul, h. Mary (Macy), lost at sea, ___, 1763, CR4.
Sarah, d. John and Mary, Jan. 13, 1726.
Seth, 23d, 11 mo. 1772, PR63.
William, s. John and Mary, Aug. 10, 1723.
____, ch. John, 30th, 10 mo. 1729, PR63.
____, s. Seth, 23d, 11 mo. 1772, PR63.
Abigail, "Native Squaw," 25th, 9 mo. 1801, PR63.
Gilbert, 20th, 2 mo. 1780, PR63.
Mary Elizabeth (see Mary Elizabeth Wiederhold).
Phebe, wid. Job, -, 1 mo. 1809, CR4.
Phebe, w. "Martin or Ja[me]s," 14th, 1 mo. 1810, a. 50, PR63.
Sarah, w. Joseph W., Mar. 26, 1835, a. 26, GR1. [Sarah Monroe Webb of Bristol, R.I., first w. Joseph, PR38. w. Joseph, founderer, suddenly, a. 26 y. 3 m., PR62.]
Levi L., blacksmith, h. ____ (d. Andrew Myrick), suddenly, May 7, 1838, a. 41 y. 4 m., in Providence,
Mary (see Mary Wilbur).
Sally W. Bray, d. John and Nabby, Feb. 28, 1817, a 5 y. 2 m.,
GR3. [Sally Wait Bray Webster, PR63.]
____, ch. John, Sept. 13, 1820, PR63.
Alexander, s. Joseph, May 12, 1820, a. 22 y. 4 m.,
John, May 30, 1821, PR63.
Joseph, Capt., Aug. 11, 1836, a. 63, GR3. [h. Mary (d. Hezekiah Russell), lingering consumption, a. 63 y. 6 m., PR62.]
Judith F., d. Charles and Eunice, Oct. 20, 1825, GR3.
Mary, wid. Capt. Joseph, Nov. 10, 1839, a. 67, GR3. [w. Joseph of Sandwich, d. Hezekiah Russell and Hepsabeth (Allen) (Bunker), PR38. wid. Joseph, consumption,
Nov. 9, a. 66 y. 11 m., PR62.]
Octavius "of Ship Maria," Apr. 20, 1835, in Tisbury, PR62.
Susan, w. Reuben, ___, 1828, CR1. [w. Reuben (s. Joseph
and Content), d. Daniel Allen and Phebe (Folger) (Hillman), 23d, 3 mo., PR38.]
____, ch. Zenas, canker rask Nov. 27, 1835, a. 1 m., PR62.
WEIDERHOLD (see Wiederhold)
WELCH (Welsh)-
Lydia, w. Stephen, d. Charles Pinkham and
Mary (Coffin) (Pinkham), 8th, 11 mo. 1810, PR38. [a.
34, PR63.]
Patrick (Welsh), "an Irish Man found Dead, at the Wharf the
Coroners Inquest, Returned a Verdict of Accidental
Death," July 11, 1838, a. 30, PR62.
A. Lucien, ___, 1846, CR1.
WELSH (see Welch)
Josiah, ____, 1781, PR63.
Charles, Apr. 20, 1821, a. 78 y. 6 m., PR63.
Eliza Ann, d. Joseph and Mary, ___, 1807, a. 11 m., [on stone
with Mary, Dec. 10, 1816] GR3. [6th, 2 mo., PR63.]
Hepsibeth [West, w. ____], w. Stephen Barnard (s. Thomas
and Sarah), d. Paul Paddack and Ann, Sept. 20, 1820,
[Hepsibah West, W. Charles, a. 76 y. 2 m., PR63.
Heppy West, Sept. 21, PR64.]
Lydia, first w. Stephen (s. Charles and Hepsabeth), d. Ebenezer Swain and Lydia (Ellis), -, 9 mo. 1812, PR38. [28th, 9 mo., PR63.]
M., Dec. 10, 1816, CR2. [Mary, w. Capt. Joseph, d. David
Rand and Miriam, Dec. 11, in 37th y., GR3. Mary, first w.
Joseph, d. David Rand and Miriam (Coleman), 11th [dup.
12th], 12 mo., PR38. Mary, w. Jos[eph], 11th, 12 mo.,
a. 35 y. 8 m., PR63.]
Mary, b. N., d. Rich[ar]d and Sarah, canker rash, June 24,
1843, a. 10 m., in N.
Phebe, b. N., w. Paul, pleuresy, Dec. 23, 1846, a. 63, in N.
[Dec. 22, GR3. w. Paul (s. Charles and Hepsabeth), d.
Benjamin Hussey and Phebe (Macy), 22d, 12 mo., a. 63 y.
4 m. 19 d., PR38.]
Richard, m., mariner, b. N.Y., typhus fever, Jan. 21, 1848, a.
50, in N.
Sally, w. Silas, Nov. 7, 1818, a. 33 y. 3 m., PR63.
Sally, b. N., w. Stephen, cancer, Jan. 16, 1847, a. 68, in N.
[second w. Stephen, d. Samuel Russell and Christina (Bennett) (third w.), 20th, 1 mo., PR38.]
Susan C., b. N., d. Richard and Mary, asthma, Nov. 26, 1844,
a. 4 y. 5 m., in N.
____, ch. Hepsibeth, 19th, 9 mo. 1776, PR63.
____ , ch. Stephen, 19th, 9 1813, PR63.
____ , ch. Stephen, -, 1 mo. 1816, PR63.
Edward A., s. James and Lydia, Apr. 11, 1840,
a. 6, GR3.
Lydia, b. N., w. James, dysentary, Aug. 20, 1844, a. 30, in N.
[Aug. 18, GR3. w. James of R.I., d. Joseph Davis and
Thankful (Baker), Aug. 18, PR38.]
Nancy, May 5, 1828, CR3. [first w. Daniel V., d. Peleg Hussey and Temperance (Swain), 5th, 1 mo., PR38.]
WHALEY (Wheeland)-
Patrick, "born of Irish Parents,"
fever, Jan. 20, 1838, a. 8 m., PR62.
Patrick (Wheeland), "an Irishman," gardner, Apr. 23, 1838,
a. 34 y. PR62.
WHARTON (Wotton)-
Elizabeth (Wotton), 31st, 10 mo. 1810, CR4. [w. William, d. Paul Pease and Elizabeth
(Folger), PR38. wid. W[illia]m, PR63. Eliza Wharton,
wid., PR64.]
Jos[eph] Jr., 2d, 10 mo. 1780, PR63.
Joseph] (Wotton), 17th, 9 mo. 1791, PR63.
Lindsay, 27th, 3 mo. 1778, PR63.
William, "coming from Carolina lost off his deck," Feb. -,
1783, PR64.
____, ch. Linzey, 1st, 11 mo. 1774, PR63.
Joseph, Nov. 13, 1818, a. 25, PR63.
WHEELAND (see Whaley)
Edward P., s. Henry T. and Jane, Mar. 29, 1836,
a. 3 y. 4 m., GR6. [Edward Pompey, "a Coloured Person," Feb. 29, a. 3 y. 6 m., PR62.]
Henry, m., inn keeper, b. N.Y., consumption, Aug. 8, 1847, a.
50, in N. [Henry T., "Father," Aug. 6, a. 57, GR6.]
Lucia A., d. Henry T. and Jane, Apr. 9, 1835, a. 14 m., GR6.
[Lucy, d. Henry I., coloured, PR62.]
Matthew, May -, 1839, a. "nearly" 60, in Yarmouth, Cape
Cod, PR62.
Obediah F., s. Henry T. and Jane, Dec. 17, 1832, a. 3 y. 3 m.,
Phebe, w. Jonathan, d. Samuel Barker and Christian (Coffin),
May 26, 1825, PR38.
Theodate, w. Charles, d. Francis Coffin and Hepsibeth (Swain),
July _, 1815, PR38.
____ , b. N., s. John and Cordelia, Nov. 20,
1848, a. 1 m., in N.