To the Year 1850
Published by the
New England Historic Genealogical Society
At the Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms
at the charge of The Eddy Town-Record Fund
Deaths - RICE to RUSSELL
[transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

Mary P., d. William and Valina (Worth), -, 9 mo.
1829, "young," PR38.
Stephen, h. Anna (d. John Wyer and Hepsabeth), brother of
Randal, 1st, 9 mo. 1797, PR38.
____ , ch. Randall, 9th, 5 mo. 1796, PR63. [a. 1, PR64.]
____ , ch. Eliza, Mar. 21, 1821, a. 5 m., PR63.
Elizabeth, d. Isaac and Sally (d. Benjamin
Ames), 6th, 8 mo. 1840, a. 11, PR38.
Isaac, h. Sally (d. Benjamin Ames), 24th, 8 mo. 1837, a. 35,
at sea, "on board U. S. ship Erie," PR38. [a. 35 y. 9 m.,
Sally, w. Isaac, d. Benjamin Ames and Sally (Brock), Oct 24,
1836, PR38. ["youngest" d. Benjamin Ames dec'd, Oct
25, a. 29 y. 1 m., PR62.]
RIDDELL (Riddle)-
Betsey (see Eliza).
Charles, single, s. Samuel and Judith (Coleman), "killed by
a whale," ___, 1799, PR38. [13th, 4 mo., PR63.]
Charles W., h. Emmeline (d. Moses Bunker and Hepsabeth
[sic, Mary] ), s. William and Betsey (Hussey), 16th, 9 mo.
[dup. 1 mo.] 1846, in Williamsburg, PR38.
Edward H., single, merchant, b. N., s. W[illia]m and Eliza,
billious fever, Oct. 10, 1844, a. 37 y. 2 m., in N. [Edward
C., Oct. 4, GR3. Edward C., s. William and Betsey (Hussey), 10th, 10 mo., PR38.]
Eliza, b. N., wid. dysentai-y, Aug. 8, 1846, a. 72, in N.
[d. Jethro Hussey and Margaret, PR27. Betsey, w. William (s. Samuel and Judith), d. Jethro Hussey and Margaret (Coffin), PR38.]
Geo[rge], s. Henry, 23d, 11 mo. 1809, PR63.
George W., Apr. -, 1844, at sea, PR43.
Henry, Dea., Sept. 4, 1840, a. 71, CR2. [a. 70 y. 9 m., GR3.
. h. Sally (Coffin), h. Hepsabeth (Wyer) Coleman, h. Peggy
(Chase) Coffin, s. Samuel and Judith (Coleman), 5th, 9
mo., PR38.]
Hepsibeth, w. Dea. Henry, ___, 1838, a. 72, CR2. [Aug. 20,
GR3. Hepsabeth, second w. Henry, formerly w. Solomon
Coleman, d. William Wyer and Abigail, 20th, 8 mo., PR38.
Hephzibah, consumption, Aug. 21, a. 72 y. 3 m., PR62.]
Hepzabeth L, b. N., ch. Charles and Emeline, lock
jaw, Sept. 6, 1846, a. 9, in N.
James B., s. Timothy W. and Charlotte C., Feb. 18,. 1836, a.
21 m., GR3. [James Bartlett s. Timothy Wyer,
measels, PR62.]
Joseph C., b. N., ch. Timothy W. and Charlotte C., casualty,
Sept. 23, 1847, a. 6 y. 2 m., in N.
Joshua, ___, 1836, a. 44, CR2. [h. Nancy (Glover), s. Henry
and Sally (Coffin) (first w.), 4th, 5 mo. 1837, PR38.
Joshua C., Apr.-, 1838, PR43. Joshua C., s. Henry, consumption, May 4, 1837, a. 44 y. 9 m., PR62.]
Judith, Sept. 15, 1822, a. 71, CR2. [w. Samuel (s. Samuel),
d. Jonathan Coleman and Mahitable (Davis), PR38.]
Lindsey, h. Peggy (d. Walter Brock and Judith), s. Samuel and
Judith (Coleman), 9th, 3 mo. 1841, PR38.
Nancy, w. Joshua (s. Henry and Sally), d. Benjamin Glover
and Judith (Bunker), 2d, 9 mo. 1835, PR38. [Aug. -,
PR42. w. Joshua Coffin Riddell, derangement and general debility, Sept. 2, a. 46, at the asylum, PR62.]
Nancy F., d. John and Ann, Sept. 13, 1838, a. 16 y. 3 m. 13 d.,
GR3. [d. John and Ann (Starbuck), 19th, 9 mo., PR38.]
Oliver S., b. N., s. Valentine, fever, May 11, 1843, a. 1 y. 3 m.,
in N.
Rob[er]t F., s. Wil[lia]m and Eliza, ___, 1838, a. 2, CR2.
[Robert F. Parker Riddell, s. William H., Sept. 12, PR62.]
Robert F. B., s. W[illia]m and Eliza, Sept. 20, 1834, a. 2, CR2.
[Robert F. Parker Riddell, s. William H. and Eliza B., a.
3, GR3.]
Sally, first w. Henry (s. Samuel and Judith), d. Joshua Coffin
and Catherine (Coffin), 3d, 11 mo. 1797, PR38. [Riddle,
Samuel Jr., h. Judith (d. Jonathan Coleman and Mahitabel),
s. Samuel, 20th, 10 mo. 1823, PR38.
Seth (Riddle), twin ch. Samuel and Judith, Mar. 29, 1780.
[ Riddell, s. Samuel and Judith (Coleman), PR38.]
Sherman, "a Boat Steerer on board of the Ship Pacific of New
Bedford," lost overboard, Feb. 8, 1838, a. 24 y. 4 m.,
. [round] Cape Horn, PR62.
Storer (Riddle), twin ch. Samuel and Judith, Mar. 29, 1780.
Virginia, b. N.Y., d. Charles and Emeline, Dec. 10, 1845, a. 5,
in N.
William, Aug. 4, 1817, CR2. [a. 46, GR3. h. Betsey (d.
Jethro Hussey and Margaret), s. Samuel and Judith (Coleman), PR38. a. 45 y. 4 m., PR63.]
William H., h. Eliza (d. George Pollard and Tamer),
s. Henry and Hepsabeth (Wyer) (Coleman) (second w.),
27th, mo. 1846, in Boston, PR38.
William H., s. Josiah and Eunice (Sisson), "accidentally shot,"
28th, 1 mo. 1849, a. 28, at sea, PR38.
____, ch. Samuel, 5th, 6 mo. 1788, PR63.
____ , ch. Samuel, 20th, 3 mo. 1789, PR63. [Riddle, s. ____,
quinsy, a. 4, PR64.]
____ , mother of Samuel, 9th, 9 mo. 1793, PR63.
____ , ch. W[illia]m, 14th, 9 mo. 1806, PR63.
____, ch. W[illia]m, 11th, 12 mo. 1812, PR63.
____ , ch. Josiah, 9th, 9 mo. 1813, PR63.
____, ch. William, 21st, 9 mo. 1813, PR63.
____, ch. Henry, 18th, 10 mo. 1813, PR63.
____, ch. Josiah Hussey, Oct. 11, 1819, a. 7, PR63.
____ , d. B. F., still born, Mar. 17, 1842.
Abner C., canker rash, Feb. 15, 1843, a. 1.
Elizabeth, w. John, d. Jonathan Meader and Elizabeth, 24th,
12 mo. 1843, PR38.
Janette, first w. Charles (s. John and Elizabeth), d. Thomas
Townsend and Phebe (Baxter), 28th [dup. 29th], 7 mo.
1822, PR38.
John, h. Elizabeth (d. Jonathan Meader and Elizabeth), 18th,
6 mo. 1844, PR38.
Lucy, b. N., wid. Samuel, typhus fever, Oct 6, 1847, a. 58 y.
10 m., in N. [Oct. 4, a. 57, GR1. w. Samuel (s. John and
Elizabeth), d. Obadiah Wood and Martha, 4th, 10 mo.,
Martha W., d. Samuel and Lucy, Sept. 24, 1825, PR47.
Samuel, Dec. 23, 1830, a. 35, at sea, GR1.
Shubael, h. Eliza, 11th, 8 mo. 1843 [sic, ? 1848], PR38.
Timothy, h. Sophia (wid. John Crosby, d. James Chase and
Mercy), s. John and Elizabeth (Meader), ___, 1809, in
thg.W.I., PR38. [9th, 10 mo., PR63.]
ROBERSON (see Robinson)
Catharine, Miss, b. Ireland, old age, Feb. 22, 1846,
a. 71, in N.
Joseph, h. Jane (d. John Hunter), drowned, 1st, 1 mo. 1809, PR38.
ROBEY (see Roby)ROBINSON (Roberson)-
Benjamin, Feb. 6, 1819. a. 61 y. 11
m., PR63.
Edward B., ch. Benjamin and Deborah, Aug. 25, 1838, a. 3 y.
9 m., [ ____, d. Benjamin, dysentery, a. abt 4 y.
3 m., PR62.]
Edwin B., single, b. N., ch. Alex[ande]r H. and Susan, canker
rash, Feb. 4, 1848, a. 19 y. 8 m., in N. [s. Alex[ande]r H.
and Susan N., a. 20, GR1. s. Alexander H. and Susan
(Adams), 7th, 2 mo., PR38.]
Elizabeth Young, d. Alexander and Susan, Aug. 12, 1838, a.
6 m., PR62.
Emaline E., "only" d. Capt. Alex[ande]r H. and Susan, Feb.
23, 1833, a.. 2 y. 6 m. 5 d., GR1.
Evelina, twin ch. Jervis and Evelina, Oct 9, 1833, a. 3 m., GR1.
Francis L., s. Jervis and Evelina, Oct. 1, 1833, a. 4 y. 5 m,
James, Mar. 27, 1841, a. 69, GR4 [h. Lois (d. Jonathan
Long), h. Phebe (wid. Benjamin Ellis, d. Jonathan Long),
29th, 3 mo., PR38.]
James F., b. N., ch. Benjamin F. and Mary, dysentary, Sept
7, 1847, a. 1 y. 4 m., in N.
James P., h. Judith (d. Peleg West and Elizabeth), s. Samuel
and Rebecca (Weeks), 3d, 6 mo. 1820, PR38. [Jan. 21,
1819, a. 33 y. 1 m., PR63.]
Jervis, twin ch. Jervis and Evelina, Oct g, 1833, a. 3 m., GR1.
John W., Rev., Mar. 2, 1840, a. 53, GR6.
Lydia D., ch. Benjamin and Deborah, Jan. 18, 1831, a. 3 w., GR4.
Paul, June -, 1817, in Nannamassett, PR63.
Phebe, July -, 1839, CR3. [w. James, July 11, a. 72, GR4.
second w. James, wid. Benjamin Ellis (s. Freeman), d.
Jonathan Long and Sarah (Brown) (first w.), 14th [dup.
12th], 7 mo., PR38. w. James (ship carpenter), d. Jonathan Long (barber), July 11, a. 72, PR62.]
Prince William, h. Elizabeth Young of New York, s. William
and Sally (Hayden), "lost from ship Scotland," 4th, 2 mo.
1843, PR38.
Rebecca, b. N., wid. Sam[ue]l, old age, Sept. 6, 1845, a. 80,
in N. [d. ____ Weeks, PR38.]
Robert F., s. Philip and Mary, grand s. D. Smith, May 3, 1837,
a. 20 y. 3 m., in Wilmington, Del., PR62.
Sally, w. William, Sept. 24, 1841, a. 61 y. 10 m. [Sept. 23, a.
67, GR1. d. Prince G. Hayden and Rebecca (Stubbs),
23d, 9 mo., PR38.]
Samuel, m., mariner, b. N., old age, June 26, 1845, a. 87, in N. [June 25, CR3. h. Rebecca (Weeks), s. Paul,
-, 8 mo., PR38.]
Sarah, w. William, Mar. -, 1843, CR1.
Thomas H., Jan. 25, 1840, a. 17 y. 6 m. 1 d., in N.Y., GR1.
[s. Albert D. and Susan (Hillar), 18th, 1 mo., PR38.]
Willard, July 27, 1820, a. 27 y. 11 m., PR63.
William, h. Sally (d. Prince G. Hayden and Rebecca), 25th, 2 mo. 1846, in Rockport, Ohio, PR38.
____, ch. William, 20th, 9 mo. 1805, PR63.
____ (Roberson), ch. James, Aug. 28, 1838, a. abt. 11 m., PR38.
____, ch. William Jr., Sept 12, 1838, a. 10 m PR62.
____, ch. James and Lois (Long) (first w.), _____, "young," PR38.
____, ch. Philip, _____ , a. 1 y. 6 m., PR63.
ROBY (Robey)-
Elizabeth, w. Judge Henry, wid. John Garland, wid. Thomas Chase (s. Aquila of Hampton, N.H.),
d. Thomas Philbrick and Anna (Knapp), 11th, 2 mo. 1677, PR38.
____ (Robey), ch. John, grand ch. Capt. Paul Ray, still born, Nov. 4, 1837, PR62.
RODGERS (see Rogers)
Samuel, h. Elizabeth (d. William Rotch and Elizabeth), s. Thomas, 28th, 12 mo. 1835, PR38. [merchant,
of New Bedford, debility, a. 83 y. 8 m., PR62.]
ROGERS (Rodgers)-
Benjamin, h. Priscilla (Cahoon) , brother of Henry, 13th, 12 mo. 1825, "lost on Barnstable beach," PR38.
David P. (Rodgers), mariner, b. Gt. Britain, disease of heart, Nov. 12, 1848, a. 58, in N.
Ensign, s. Henry and Rhoda (Cahoon) of Cape Cod, lost at sea, -, 3 mo. 1824, "on the coast of Brazil," PR38.
Henery (Rodgers), m., laborer, b. N., old age, June 23, 1849, a. 84, in N. [Henry Rogers of Cape Cod, h. Rhoda (Cahoon), 22d, 6 mo., PR38.]
Isabella (Rodgers), b. N., ch. Warren and Susan, croup, Mar. 15, 1847, a. 8, in N.
John (Rodgers), "the Oldest Commodore in the American Navy, he formerly Commanded the President Frigate
U.S.A.," July 25, 1838, a. 74 y. 6 m., at the Navy Asylum
on the Schuylkill, PR62.
Joseph, h. Nabby (d. Sally James), s. ____ of Cape Cod and
Peggy (sister of Benjamin Rogers), "killed at the wharf,"
19th, 11 mo. 1823, a. 27, PR38.
Martha, 23d, 1 mo. 1717-18. [w. William of Martha's Vineyard, d. Robert Barnard and Joanna Harvey, 23d, 1 mo.
1718, PR38. 23d, 1 mo. 1718, PR63.]
Martha, b. N., ch. Warren and Susan, consumption, June 17,
1848, a. 13, in N.
Mary Ann, Aug. 7, 1835, a. 25, GR1. [d. Benjamin and Priscilla (Cahoon), PR38. d. Benjamin Rodgers, suddenly, a. 25 y. 7 m., PR62.]
Mary S., b. N., ch. Warren N. and Susan, consumption, July 1,
1846, a. 17 [sic], in N. [Mary H., d. Warren and Susan
(House), PR38.]
Priscilla (Rodgers), b. N., wid. Benjamin, dropsy, Feb. 13,
1845, a. 61, in N. [Rogers, GR1. Priscilla (Cahoon)
Rogers, PR38.]
Sarah, 19th, 7 mo. 1800, PR63.
Sarah, b. N., ch. Warren and Susan, consumption, July 27,
1848, a. 8, in N.
Susan F., b. N., d. D. M., fever, Sept. 20, 1843, a. 5, in N.
[Susan Frances, d. Rev. D. M., "on her birthday," GR4.]
____, "stranger," 2d, 10 mo. 1765, PR63.
____, (Rodgers), d. Jesse, Sept. 3, 1842, a. 1 y. 2 m.
Andrew B., s. Samuel Brown (taylor), Apr. 15,
1835, a. 3 m., PR62.
Mary, w. Joseph ("a Portuguese"), d. Benjamin Jones
and Amy (Skinner), 15th, 10 mo. 1833, PR38.
Brown, s. Isaac and Peggy (Chase), -, 11 mo. 1794,
in the WI., PR38.
Isaac of Conn., h. Peggy (d. Benjamin Chase and Margaret),
14th, 3 mo. 1826, PR38.
Margret, June 29, 1822, CR3. [Peggy, w. Isaac of Conn., d.
Benjamin Chase and Margaret, PR38.
Peter, h. Love (d. Barzillai Luce and Deborah), ___, 1798, in
the West Indies, PR38. [13th, 4 mo. 1799, PR63.]
Benjamin, h. Eliza (d. Josiah Barker and Elizabeth),
s. William and Elizabeth (Barney), 20th, 3 mo. 1839, a.
74, in London, PR38. [merchant, late of New Bedford,
formerly of N., a. 74 y. 5 m., PR62.]
Charity, w. Thomas (s. William and Elizabeth), d.
Thomas Rodman, ___, 1824, in Ohio, PR38.
Elizabeth, w. William (s. Joseph and Love), d. Benjamin Barney and Lydia (Starbuck), 14th, 5 mo. 1824, PR38.
Elizabeth, first w. William (s. William and Elizabeth), d.
Thomas Rodman, ___, 1828, PR38.
Francis, h. Deborah Rotch, s. Joseph ("came from Salisbury,
Eng.") and Love (Macy), 20th, 5 mo. 1822, a. 73 y. 9 m,
in New Bedford, PR38.
Joseph Jr., s. Joseph and Love (Macy), ___, 1767, in England, PR38.
Joseph, "came from Salisbury, Eng.," h. Love (d. Thomas
Macy and Deborah), s. William and Hannah of Salisbury,
24th, 11 mo. 1784, in Dartmouth, PR38.
Love, w. Joseph, [dup. d. Thomas Macy and Deborah] 14th,
11 mo. 1767, CR4. [w. Joseph Sr. "from Salisbury, Eng."
(s. William), d. Thomas Macy and Deborah (Coffin),
PR38. w. Jos[eph] Sr., PR63.]
Mary, d. William and Elizabeth (Barney), -, 3 mo. 1837, a.
65 [sic], in New Bedford, PR38.
Susanna, ch. William and Elizabeth, 7th, 9 mo. 1762, CR4.
[6th, 9 mo., PR63.]
Thomas, h. Susan (d. Jacob Ridgway of Philadelphia, Pa.),
s. William Jr. and Elizabeth (Rodman) (first w.), _, 10 mo. 1840, a. 40, PR38.
William, ch. William and Elizabeth, 7th, 2 mo. 1757, CR4.
William, h. Elizabeth (d. Benjamin Barney and Lydia), s. Joseph and Love (Macy), 16th, 5 mo. 1828, a. 93, PR38.
____ , ch. Joseph, 11th, 11 mo. 1753, PR63.
, ch. Francis ("served his time with Isaac
Coffin Esq."), June Do, 1835, a, 1 y. 4 m., PR62.
John Sumner, s. Dr. Nathaniel, consumption, Mar.
15, 1836, a. 5 y. 3 m., PR62.
Lydia, w. Dr. Nathaniel, Apr. 6, 1829, a. 25, GR1. [first w.
Nathaniel, d. Stephen Rawson and Abigail (Heath),
____, ch. Nathaniel, Feb. 5, 1838, a. 5 d., PR62.
Rebecca, first w. George ("from Scotland"), d. Abijah
Gardner and Peggy, 30th, 1 mo. 1828, PR38.
Sally, second w. George ("from Scotland"), d. Reuben Starbuck and Elizabeth (Hussey) (first w.), 21st, 9 mo. 1833, PR38.
RUSSELL (Russel)-
Abigail, second w. Samuel (s. Samuel
and Huldah), d. Jonathan Worth and Ruth (Gardner),
12th, 4 mo. 1769, PR38.
Abigail, w. Seth (s. Daniel and Content), d. John Meader and
Hannah, 23d, 9 mo. 1821, PR38.
Abigail, second w. Sylvanus (s. Jonathan), wid. Hezekrah Coffin (s. Zaccheus), d. Daniel Coleman and Elizabeth (Mooers), 26th, 4 mo. 1836, [wid. Sllvanus, Apr.
21, a. 92 y. 8 m., PR62.]
Abraham Jr., S. Abraham and w., 2d, 6 mo. 1751, PR38.
Abram, h. Fanny (d. Ebenezer Rand and Hannah), s. Nathaniel and Judith (Long), lost at sea, ___, 1798, PR38. [Abraham, PR63.]
Alexander, h. Maria (d. Simeon Coffin and Mary), s. Charles
and Hepsabeth (Coffin) (first w.), lost at sea, ___,
"1834 or 1835," PR38. ["Captain of the Ship Wilmington and Liverpool Packet," consumption, Feb. -, 1835, a. 43 y. 6 m., in Wahoo, Sandwich Islands, PR62.]
Alexander, ch. George Jr. and Elizabeth, _____, at sea, CR4.
[first h. Deborah (Worth), s. George and Elizabeth
(Swain), ___, 1835, at Ohua [sic], PR38.]
Ammial, h. Eliza (d. Robert Hussey and Miriam), lost at sea,
___, 1843, PR38.
Ann, Mar. -, 1838, CR3. [Nancy [dup. Ann], w. David (s.
Uriah), d. John Gurrell and Abigail (Folger) (first w.),
9th [dup. 10th], 3 mo., PR38. Ann, wid. David, Mar. 9,
a. 38 y. 1 m., PR62.]
Ann M., d. Capt. John M. and Susan P., Nov. 20, 1833, a. 6, GR4.
Anna, w. Silvanus, [dup. d. Zaccheus Coffin and Mary] 9th,
12 mo. 1780, CR4. [first w. Sylvanus (s. Jonathan), d.
Zaccheus Coffin and Mary (Pinkham), PR38.]
Anna G., d. Edward G. and Susan (Pollard), 4th, 9 mo. 1847,
"young" [ ? in Ohio], PR38.
Asa, h. Charlotte (d. Samuel Marshall and Abigail), s. Nathaniel and Judith (Long), ___, 1790, in the W.I., PR38.
Barnabas, h. Mary (Swain), s. John and Hepsabeth, 30th, 11
mo. 1816, PR38. [a. 32, PR63.]
Barzillai, [twin] ch. Reuben and Ruth, 4th, 2 mo. 1780, CR4.
Barzillai, ch. Reuben and Ruth, 27th, 5 mo. 1782, CR4. [20th,
5 mo., PR63.]
Benjamin, first h. Lydia (d. Timothy Wyer and Mary), s. Benjamin and Rebecca (Gardner), lost at sea, ___, 1771, PR38. ["Spring" 1771, PR63.]
Benjamin, single, s. Richard and Lydia (Coffin), -,
6 mo. 1825 [? in Maine], PR38.
Benjamin, h. Lydia (d. Peter Folger and Christian), s. Jonathan and Patience (Swain), 23d, 8 mo. 1825, a. 83, in Hudson, PR38.
Benjamin F., single, cooper, b. N., ch. Reuben and Phebe, convulsions, June 17, 1846, a. 45 y. 7 m., in N. [h. Lucretia (Alley), s. Reuben and Hannah (Myrick) (first w.),
Betsey, w. Capt. Shubael, Aug. 8, 1830, a. 54 y. 2 m., GR1.
[w. Shubael (s. Reuben and Ruth), wid. Abel Bunker,
d. John Morris and Deborah, PR38.]
Charles, s. James, Mar. 30, 1819, a. 4 y. 1 m., PR63.
Charles, h. Hepsabeth (Coffin), h. Love (Folger), s. Reuben
and Ruth (Swain), 22d, 6 mo. 1831, PR38.
Charles, h. Louisa (d. William Perry and Deborah), s. David
and Betsey (Shadwell), "lost in the Experiment," 21st,
12 mo. 1831, PR38.
Charles, merchant, brother of Seth, s. Seth ("Quaker," cooper),
___, 1836, a. 65 y. 9 m., in Albany, PR62.
Christina, third w. Samuel (s. Samuel and Huldah), d. Cornelius Bennett and Ruth, 18th, 12 mo. 1794, PR38. [19th, 12 mo., PR63.]
Content, w. Daniel (s. Daniel and Deborah), d. Jacob Norton
of Martha's Vineyard, 7th, 9 mo. 1768, PR38.
Daniel Sr., "1st of Nantucket came from Rhode Island," h.
Deborah (d. John Macy 1st and Deborah), 20th, 8 mo.
1766, PR38.
Daniel, h. Content (d. Jacob Norton of Martha's Vineyard),
s. Daniel and Deborah (Macy), 13th, 6 mo. 1776, PR38.
Daniel, h. Hepsabeth (d. John Meader and Hannah), s. Daniel
and Content (Norton), 23d, 4 mo. 1786, PR38. [7th, 6
mo., PR63.]
David, ch. Silvanus and Anna, ___, 1780, CR4.
David Jr., -, 1 mo. 1782, PR63.
David, h. Ann (Gurrell), s. Uriah and Lydia (Swain), 4th, 12
mo. 1823, PR38.
David, h. Betsey (d. Thomas Shadwell and Hepsabeth), s. Seth
and Abigail (Meader), -, 8 mo. 1839, PR38.
Deborah, w. Daniel Sr. ("1st of Nantucket came from Rhode
Island"), d. John Macy 1st and Deborah (Gardner), 16th,
8 mo. 1742, PR38.
Edward, s. Capt. Silvanus and Susanna, Feb. 26, 1807, a. 9 y.
9 m. 9 d., GR1. [21st, 2 mo., PR63.]
Elihu, h. Hepsabeth (d. Jonathan Pinkham and Jemima), s. Jonathan and Patience(Swain), lost at sea, ___,
1802, PR38. [4th, 1 mo., PR63.]
Elizabeth (Gorham) [Russell, w. ____], w. David Bunker,
23d, 6 mo. 1772, CR4. [Russell, third w. William
(s. Daniel), wid. David Bunker (s. Benjamin), d. Stephen
Gorham and Elizabeth (Gardner), PR38.]
Eliz[abeth], d. John, 24th, 8 mo. 1781, PR63.
Elizabeth, ch. George and Rachel (second w.), 23d, 8 mo. 1790,
CR4. [21st, 8 mo., PR63.]
Eunice, ch. John and Ruth, 17th, 1 mo. 1753, CR4. [d. John
and Ruth (Starbuck), PR38.]
Eunice, w. George, [dup. ch. Shubael Barnard and Susanna]
12th, 1 mo. 1779, CR4. [first w. George (s. John), d.
Shubael Barnard and Susanna (Gardner) [dup. 12th, 1 mo. 1778], PR38. 12th, 1 mo. 1779, PR63.]
Eunice, ch. George Jr. and Eliz[abet]h, 3d, 10 mo. 1811, CR4.
[30th, 10 mo., PR63.]
Eunice (Russel), ch. John and Hephzibah, 24th, 5 mo. 1820,
CR4 [Russell, d. John and Hepsabeth, PR38. Russell,
a. 17 y. 6 m., PR63.]
Eunice ("Russell or Bushwell"), w. Josiah, d. Shubael Macy
and Eunice (Gardner), Jan. 26, 1837, PR38. [Buswell,
a. 61 y. 9 m., in Hallowell, Kennebeck Co., Me., PR62.]
Eunice, Miss, b. N., ch. Daniel and Hepz[ibe]th, old age, Feb.
17, 1846, a. 70, in N. [19th, 2 mo., CR4. d. Daniel and
Hepsabeth (Meader), 18th, 8 mo., PR38.]
George [dup. h. Eunice], ch. John and Ruth, 17th, 3 mo. 1819,
CR4. [h. Eunice (Barnard), h. Rachel (Gardner), s.
John and Ruth (Starbuck), PR38. a. 74 y. 6 m., PR63.]
George Jr., h. Eliz[abet]h, 14th, 1 mo. 1840, CR4. [h. Elizabeth (Swain), s. George and Eunice (Barnard) (first w.), PR38.]
George, single, s. David and Ann (Gurrell), 16th, 5 mo. 1840,
at sea, "on board the Ploughboy," PR38.
Hannah, w. Capt. Reuben, Dec. 15, 1815, a. 49 y. 3 m. 10 d.,
GR1. [first w. Reuben, d. Andrew Myrick and Hannah,
PR38. a. 49 y. 2 m., PR63. Dec. 14, PR64.]
Hannah, wid., "member of the Society of Friends," Apr. 17,
1835, a. 91 y. 9 m., PR62.
Hephzibah (Russel), w. John, 14th, 6 mo. 1834, CR4. [Hep-
sabeth Russell, w. John Jr. (s. John and Ruth), d. Barnabas Coleman and Rachel (Hussey) (second w.), PR38.]
Hepsabeth, w. Daniel (s. Daniel and Content), d.
John Meader and Hannah, 19th, 4 mo. 1836, a. 99, PR38.
[Hephzibah, wid. Daniel, a. 99 y. 7 m. 8 d., PR62.]
Hepsabeth, b. N., wid. Elihu, old age, Nov. 17, 1845, a. 83, in
N. [Hepsabeth, w. Elihu (s. Jonathan and Patience), d.
Jonathan Pinkham and Jemima (Swain) (Coffin) (second
w.), PR38.]
Hepzibah, w. Hezikiah, -, 4 mo. 1805, CR4.
[Hepsibeth, w. Hezekiah (s. Jonathan), wid. Abishai Bunker (s. Samuel), d. Daniel Allen and Elizabeth (Bunker), 1st, 4 mo., PR38.
Hepsabeth, w. Hezekiah, 1st, 4 mo., PR63.]
Hepzibah, first w. Charles (s. Reuben and Ruth), d. Francis
Coffin and Ann (Hussey), 26th, 4 mo. 1814, PR38. [Hepsabeth, a. 50 y. 6 m., PR63.]
Hezekiah, h. Hepsibeth (wid. Abishai Bunker, d. Daniel Allen
and Elizabeth), s. Jonathan and Patience (Swain), 21st,
2 mo. 1817, PR38. [20th, 2 mo., a. 78 y. 4 m., PR63.]
Huldah, first w. Samuel, d. Anthony Odar and Sarah, ___,
1740, PR38. [18th, 9 mo., PR63.]
Ida H., Mar. 2, 1817, a. 1 y. 1 m., GR2.
James, s. Samuel and Huldah (Odar) (first w.), _, 10 mo.
1745, PR38.
James, h. Polly (d. Nathan Gardner and Anna), s. Samuel and
Christina (Bennett) (third w.), ___, 1821, in S. America, PR38.
Jane, d. Samuel and Mary Hammett (second w.), 10th, 11 mo.
1789, PR38.
Jedediah, s. Daniel and Content (Norton), ___, 1780, in Prison
ship in N.Y., PR38. [ Jedidiah, 20th, 2 mo., PR63.]
Jedediah, s. Daniel and Hepsabeth (Meader), _____, "young,"
Jedidah, ch. John and Ruth, 26th, 2 mo. 1830, CR4. [d. John
and Ruth (Starbuck), a. 78, PR38.]
John [dup. h. Ruth], 16th, 10 mo. 1789, CR4. [h. Ruth (Starbuck), s. Daniel and Deborah (Macy), a. 80, PR38. John
Sr., PR63.]
John (Russel), h. Hephzibah, 3d, 7 mo. 1825, CR4. [Russell,
h. Hepsabeth (Coleman), s. John and Ruth (Starbuck),
2d, 7 mo., PR38.]
John M., s. Reuben and Hannah, Sept. 30, 1804, a. 10 m. 20 d.,
GR1. [22d, 9 mo., PR63.]
John M., Nov. -, 1835, at sea, CR3. [first h. Susan P. (Folger), s. Shubael and Betsey (Morris) (Bunker), PR38.
John Morris Russell, "Captain of the Ship Zone, of Nantucket," s. Shubael, a. 33 y. 8 m., in the Pacific Ocean, off
the Island of Tongataboo, "he was washed overboard in
a Gale of Wind and drowned," PR62.]
John M., s. Shubael, grand s. W. W. Morris, fever, May 15,
1838, a. 3 y. 7 m., PR62.
Jonathan, h. Patience (Swain), s. Daniel ("1st of Nantucket
came from Rhode Island") and Deborah (Macy), 27th,
10 mo. 1791, PR38.
Joseph, h. Rhoda (Barnard), s. John and Ruth (Starbuck),
-, 9 mo. 1800, in Calcutta, PR38.
Judith, w. Nathaniel (s. Benjamin and Rebecca), d. John Long
and Jane Luce, 7th, 7 mo. 1823, PR38.
Judith, b. N., wid. Obed, abscess, May 19, 1847, a. 65, in N.
[Judeth, CR3. Judith, w. Obed (s. Seth), d. Job Myrick
and Judith, 16th, 5 ma, PR38.]
Louisa, w. Charles (s. David and Betsey), d. William Perry
and Deborah (Harris), 17th, 12 mo. 1841, in Carthage,
Ohio, PR38.
Love, ch. Reuben and Ruth, 22d, 7 mo. 1779, CR4.
Love, second w. Charles (s. Reuben and Ruth), d. Gilbert Folger and Anna (Gardner), 27th, 11 mo. 1830, PR38.
Lucretia, Apr. 6, 1826, CR3. [first w. Barzillai (s. Charles),
d. Dr. Oliver C. Bartlett and Elizabeth (Barrett), PR38.]
Lucretia, w. Benjamin F., consumption, Apr. 7, 1842, a. 38.
[w. Benjamin Franklin (s. Reuben), d. Richard Alley and
Martha (Alley), PR38.]
Lydia, w. Benjamin (s. Jonathan and Patience), d. Peter Folger and Christian, -, 9 mo. 1823, in Hudson, N.Y., PR38.
Lydia, ch. George Jr. and Eliz[abet]h, 2d, 4 mo. 1835, CR4.
[d. George and Elizabeth (Swain), PR38. falling fits and
consumption, a. 27, PR62.]
Lydia, ch. John and Ruth, _____ , CR4.
Mary, first w. Samuel (s. Samuel and Huldah), d. Thomas
Jenkins and Judith (Folger), 6th, 9 mo. 1761, PR38. [w.
Samuel Jr., PR63.]
Mary, w. William, [dup. ch. John Coleman and Priscilla] 11th,
1 mo. 1767, CR4. [second w. William (s. Daniel), d. John
Coleman and Priscilla (Starbuck), PR38.]
Mary, ch. Reuben and Ruth, 14th, 9 mo. 1780, CR4. [d.
Reuben and Ruth (Swain), ___, 1782, PR38. 4th, 3 mo.
1782, PR63.]
Mary [dup. Russel], w. Barnabas, 19th, 12 mo. 1811,
CR4. [Russell, w. Barnabas (s. John), d. Francis Swain
and Lydia (Barker), 21st, 12 mo., PR38. Dec. 18, PR41.
21st, 12 mo., a. 24, PR63.]
Mary (Russel), ch. John and Hephzibah, 12th, 9 mo. 1817,
CR4. [Russell, d. John and Hepsabeth, PR38. Russell,
a 19 y. 1 m., PR63.]
Mary Ann, b. N., w. William, child bed, May 28, 1844, a. 24,
in N. [w. Henry, May 27, GR1.]
Mary Hammett, second w. Samuel, 21st, 8 mo. 1782, PR38.
Mary R, w. W[illia]m H., d. William Cobb and Lucretia, child
bed, Oct. 3, 1843, a. 23 y. 9 m., in N. [Oct. 2, CR1.]
Nancy (see Ann).
Nathaniel, h. Judith (d. John Long and Jane), s. Benjamin
and Rebecca (Gardner), 17th, 5 mo. 1821, PR38. [June
17, a. 78 y. 9 m., PR63.]
Obed, 17th, 4 mo. 1775, PR63.
Obed, s. Benjamin and Lydia (Wyer), "killed cutting in a
whale," ___, 1792, PR38.
Obed, s. Joseph and Rhoda (Barnard), "killed by a whale," -,
10 mo. 1800, PR38. [10th, 10 mo., PR63.]
Obed, s. Seth, _____ ["Acct came in fore part of" 10 mo.
1806], "abroad," CR4.
Obed, m., mariner, b. N., disease of heart, Apr. 9, 1845, a. 66,
in N. [h. Judith (Myrick), s. Seth and Abigail (Meader),
Obed B., s. Obed and Judith (Myrick), 19th, 5 mo. 1827, PR38.
Owen, s. Benjamin and Rebecca (Gardner), ___, 1792, PR38.
Owen, m., s. Seth and Abigail (Russell), 15th, 9 mo. 1823,
Patience, w. Jonathan (s. Daniel and Deborah), d. Benjamin
Swain and Mary Taylor, 14th, 4 mo. 1796, PR38. [15th,
4 mo., PR63.]
Priscilla, d. Simeon and Priscilla (Gardner), 10th, 1 mo. 1789,
"a young woman," PR38.
Priscilla, w. Simeon (s. John and Ruth), d. Abel Gardner and
Priscilla (Coffin), 6th, 1 mo. 1827, PR38.
Rachel, second w. George, 4th, 3 mo. 1817, CR4. [second w.
George (s. John and Ruth), d. Daniel Gardner and Provided (Allen), PR38. a. 64 y. 4 m., PR63.]
Rebecca (Russel), ch. John and Hephzibah, 9th, 2 mo. 1817,
CR4. [Russell, d. John and Hepsabeth, PR38. Russell,
a. 22 y. 2 m., PR63.]
Reuben [dup. h. Ruth], ch. John and Ruth, 19th, 6 mo.
1816, CR4. [h. Ruth (Swain), s. John and Ruth (Starbuck), PR38. a. 78 y. 9 m., PR63.]
Reuben (see Russell).
Rhoda, w. Joseph (s. John and Ruth), d. Abishai Barnard and
Hannah (Coffin), 26th, 3 mo. 1840, in N.Y., PR38.
Rhoda, consumption, Apr. 12, 1841, a. 78. [ch. Reuben and
Ruth, CR4. d. Reuben and Ruth (Swain), PR38.]
Robert, h. Jemima (d. Tristram Coffin and Jemima.), s. Benjamin and Rebecca (Gardner), 17th, 5 mo. 1775, PR38.
Ruth, w. John, [dup. d. Nathaniel Starbuck and Dinah] 5th,
10 mo. 1772, CR4. [w. John (s. Daniel and Deborah),
d. Nathaniel Starbuck Jr. and Dinah (Coffin), PR38.]
Ruth, 13th, 12 mo. 1829, CR4. [w. Reuben (s. John and.
Ruth), d. Francis Swain and Mary (Paddack), a. 89,
Samuel, h. Huldah (Odar), h. Mary Hammett, 6th, 1 mo. 1780,
a. 83, PR38. [5th, 1 mo., PR63.]
Samuel Jr., h. Mary (Jenkins), h. Abigail (Worth), h. Christina (Bennett), s. Samuel and Huldah (Odar) (first w.),
12th, 1 mo. 1824, PR38.
Sarah R., ch. George W. and Louisa, lung fever, Aug. 26, 1837,
a. 19 m., PR62.
Sarah Simpson, d. Thomas and Nancy, Jan. 8, 1843, a. 6 y.
10 m., GR2.
Seth, h. Abigail (d. John Meader and Hannah), s. Daniel and
Content (Norton), 1st, 6 mo. 1823, PR38.
Seth of New Bedford, h. Elizabeth (d. Thaddeus Swain and
Ruth), -, 9 mo. 1837, a. 71, PR38. [merchant, brother of
Charles, s. Seth (Quaker, cooper), a. 71 y. 6 m., in New
York City, PR62.]
Shubael, ch. Silvanus and Anna, 15th, 11 mo. 1767, CR4.
Shubael, h. Betsey (Morris) Bunker, s. Reuben and Ruth
(Swain), 8th, 11 mo. 1843, in the asylum, PR38.
Silvanus (see Sylvanus).
Simeon, 26th, 12 mo. 1819, CR4. [h. Priscilla (Gardner),
s. John and Ruth (Starbuck), PR38. a. 77 y. 10 m.,
Susan, w. Sylvanus (s. Sylvanus and Anna), d. Ebenezer Rand
and Hannah Waters, 12th, 7 mo. 1839, PR38. [Susanna,
w. Silvanus, July 16, in Buffalo, PR62.]
Susan C., b. N., ch. William and Amelia, canker rash, June 18,
1847, a. 2 y. 3 m., in N.
Susanna, w. Caleb of New Bedford, d. Barnabas
Gardner and Mary, 26th, 12 mo. 1812, in Boston, PR38.
Susanna (see Susan).
Sylvanus, h. Anna (Coffin), h. Abigail (Coleman) Coffin, s. Jonathan and Patience (Swain), 5th, 4 mo. 1819, PR38. Sylvanus, a. 82 y. 9 m., PR63.]
Sylvanus, h. Susan (d. Ebenezer Rand Sr. and Hannah), s.
Sylvanus and Anna (Coffin) (first w.), 7th, 11 mo. 1846,
in Buffalo, PR38.
Thomas, 12th, 6 mo. 1806, PR63.
Thomas S., m., mariner, b. N., pleurisy, Jan. 19, 1847, a. 48, in
N. [h. Eliza (Ellis), s. David and Betsey (Shadwell),
20th, 1 mo., PR38.]
Timothy [dup. Russel], ch. John and Hephzibah, 30th, 12 ma.
1794, CR4. [Russell, PR63.]
Timothy, h. Sarah (Swain) [sic], h. Judith (Barnard) (Swain)
Barnard, s. William and Mary (Coleman) (second w.),
10th, 4 mo. 1820, in N.Y., PR38. [a. 77 y. 6 m., PR63.]
Uriah, h. Lydia (d. Nathan Swain and Abigail), s. Sylvanus
and Anna (Coffin) (first w.), ___, 1803, in S.C., PR38.
[s. Silvanus, 3d, 11 mo., PR63.]
William, ch. William and Mary, 8th, 2 mo. 1772, CR4. [s.
William and Mary (Coleman) (second w.), PR38.]
William [dup. h. Mary], 7th, 7 mo. 1782, CR4. [h. Ruth
(Swain), h. Mary (Coleman), h. Elizabeth (Gorham)
Bunker, s. Daniel and Deborah (Macy), 19th, 7 mo.,
PR38. 7th, 7 mo., PR63.]
William, s. Reuben and Hannah, Mar. 8, 1808, a. 9 y. 6 m. 18 d.,
GR1. [9th, 3 mo., PR63.]
William, ch. George and Rachel (second w.), 24th, 4 me. 1808,
at sea, CR4. [single, s. George and Rachel (Gardner)
(second w.), "lost at sea going to Boston," 9th, 3 mo.,
W[illia]m, s. Cha[rle]s, 29th, 8 mo. 1816, PR63.
William, s. Geo[rge], _____ ["Reported" 31st, 8 mo. 1816],
William, s. Benjamin Esq., yellow fever, Feb. -, 1835, a. abt
30 y. 1 m., in Pensacola, PR62.
William, h. ____, h. ____ Wing or Aiken, h. Eunice (d.
Joseph Marshall and Phebe), s. Jonathan and Patience
(Swain), 24th, 9 me. 1838, a. 99, in New Bedford, PR38.
[late of N., a. 99 y. 6 m., PR62.]
William S., fever, Oct. -, 1842, a. 25 [sic], in Mobile. [single, s. George Jr. and Elizabeth, s. George
and Elizabeth (Swain), PR38.]
____, ch. Jonathan, 24th, 9 mo. 1729, PR63.
____, ch. Daniel, 29th, 12 mo. 1752, PR63.
____, ch. W[illia]m, 7th, 10 mo. 1753, PR63.
____, ch. Daniel Jr., 1st, 12 mo. 1755, PR63.
____, ch. John, 7th, 5 mo. 1759, PR63.
____, ch. Benj[a.min] Jr., 27th, 9 mo. 1765, PR63.
____, ch. Timothy, 11th, 7 mo. 1768, PR63.
____, ch. Samuel, 17th, 1 mo. 1769, PR63.
____ , ch. Benj[amin], 1st, 4 mo. 1769, PR63.
____ , ch. George, 12th, 6 mo. 1769, PR63.
____ , ch. George, 29th, 8 mo. 1773, PR63.
____ , ch. Geo[rge], 2d, 11 mo. 1773, PR63.
____, ch. Timothy, 2d, 11 mo. 1773, PR63.
____ , ch. Geo[rge], Nov. 12, 1773, PR63.
____, ch. Rich[ard], 1st, 7 mo. 1775, PR63.
____, ch. Hezekiah, 28th, 9 mo. 1776, PR63.
____ , ch. Geo[rge], 15th, 5 mo. 1777, PR63.
____, ch. Nathaniel, 3d, 10 mo. 1780, PR63.
____ , ch. John Jr., 15th, 5 mo. 1781, PR63.
____, ch. Jos[eph], 9th, 8 mo. 1785, PR63.
____ , ch. Benjamin, 22d, 3 mo. 1786, PR63.
____, d. Timo[thy], consumption, Jan. -, 1789, a. 23, PR64.
____, ch. Jos[eph], 13th, 9 mo. 1791, PR63.
____, ch. Uriah, 8th, 3 mo. 1801, PR63.
____, ch. Daniel, 2d, 3 mo. 1817, PR63.
____ , ch. Isaac, Aug. 25, 1817, PR63.
____, s. W[illia]m, Feb. 8, 1819, a. 4 y. 6 m., PR63.
____ , ch. Barzillai, Feb. 14, 1820, PR63.
____ , ch. Peter, Sept. 16, 1820, PR63.
____ , Capt., May 28, 1836, a. 70, GR2. [Reuben, h. Hannah (Myrick), h. Phebe (wid. Dennis Stephens, d. Stephen
Arthur), s. Benjamin and Lydia (Folger), drowned,
PR38. "drowned himself at the Old South Wharf," a.
70 y. 6 m., PR62.]
____, ch. Edward and ____ (d. Rowland Pollard), lung
fever, May 27, 1837, a. 1 y. 2 m., PR62.