To the Year 1850
Published by the
New England Historic Genealogical Society
At the Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms
at the charge of The Eddy Town-Record Fund
[transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

Aaron, s. Paul and Jemima, Mar. 22, 1780, PR58.
Abial, w. Abishai (s. Benjamin), d. Peleg Bunker and Lydia
(Worth), 29th, 6 mo. 1822, PR38.
Abial, w. Francis (s. Jonathan and Jemima), d. Obed Hussey
Jr. and Priscilla (Russell), -, 11 mo. 1845, PR38.
Abigail, ch. Benjamin and Hephzibah, ___, 1761, CR4.
Abigail, w. Shubael, 13th, 9 mo. 1776, CR4. [w. Shubael (s.
Richard and Mary), d. William Bunker and Mary (Macy),
PR38. mother of Daniel, a. "upwards of 80," PR64.]
Abigail [Pinkham, w. ____ ], w. Daniel Folger, 21st, 11 mo.
1787, CR4.[Pinkham, second w. Daniel (s. Richard 1st)
("No chn."), wid. Daniel Folger (s. Peter), d. John Folger and Mary (Barnard), PR38. Pinkham, a. 84, PR63.]
Abigail, second w. Uriah (s. Peleg and Jemima), wid. Christopher Coffin (s. Richard Jr. and Mary), d. Enoch Coleman
and Mary (Myrick), 21st, 2 mo. 1844, PR38.
Albert, consumption, Sept. 10, 1841, a. 22. [Albert C., Sept.
9, a. 23, CR2. Albert C., s. Stephen B. and Elizabeth,
Sept. 8, a. 23, GR3. Albert, s. Stephen and Eliza (Chadwick), 5th, 9 mo., PR38.]
Alexander, s. Obed and Polly (Luce), 2d, 2 mo. 1811, PR38.
[3d, 2 mo., a. 14, PR63.]
Alexander, m., laborer, b. N., s. Shubael and Anne [Shubael
and Anne written below Obed and Ruth crossed out],
consumption, July 6, 1844, a. 49, in N. [h. Celia, h. Tirza
Fuller, s. Shubael and Anna (Long), 20th, 7 mo., PR38.]
Alexander B., s. Henry M., Oct. 28, 1836, a. 6 y. 4 m., PR62.
Andrew, h.Deborah (d.Tristram Bunker and Abigail), s. Jethro
and Susanna (Coffin), 12th, 3 mo. 1840 [dup. 1843, in
Ohio], PR38.
Anna, second w. George (s. Barnabas and Priscilla), d. Elias
Coffin and Love (Coffin), 2d, 10 mo. 1799, PR38.
Anna, w. Shubael (s. Shubael and Mary), d. Samuel Long and
Lydia Billings, 13th, 3 mo. 1831, PR38.
Avis F., b. N., ch. Henry C. and Betsey C., lung fever, June
7, 1846, a. 1 y. 3. m., in N.
Barnabas, h. Priscilla (d. George Gardner and Eunice), s. Richard 1st and Mary (Coffin), -, 6 mo. 1772, PR38. [10th,
6 mo., PR63.]
Barzillai, first h. Deborah (Russell), s. Obed and Polly (Luce),
"Lost coming from Stonington," ___, 1810, at sea, PR38.
[9th, 3 mo., PR63.]
Benjamin [dup. h. Hephzibahj, ch. Shubael and Abigail, 15th, 4 mo. 1768, CR4. [h. Hepsabeth (d. William
Swain and Jemima), s. Shubael and Abigail (Bunker),
Benjamin, first h. Catharine (Bunker), s. Benjamin and Hepsabeth (Swain), —, 1780, PR38. [ ___, 1781, PR63.]
Benjamin B., Aug. 9, 1820, PR31. [s. David and Sally Bunker), 1st, 8 mo., "a young man," PR38. Benjamin Bunker
Pinkham, July 1, a. 18 y. 5 m., PR63. Aug. 1, PR64.]
Bethiah (Folger), w. James, 15th, 10 mo. 1810, CR4. [second
w. James (s. Richard 1st and Mary), d. Eleazer Folger Jr.
and Mary (Marshall) (second w.), PR38. wid. James,
a. 88, PR63.]
Bethuel, h. Lydia (wid. Cromwell Bunker, d. Jonathan Ramsdell and Priscilla), s. Jonathan and Jeminia. (Swain) (Coffin) (second w.), _, 3 mo. 1808, in N.Y., PR38. [2d,
3 mo., PR63.]
Catharine W., w. Henry M., Nov. 25, 1835, a. 40, GR3. [first
w. Henry M. (s. Matthew and Judith), d. Samuel Jenks Sr.
and Mary (Way), PR38. consumption, Nov. 23, a. 39 y.
10 m., PR62.]
Celia, first w. Alexander (s. Shubael and Anna), 14th, 7 mo.
1823, a. 22, PR38.
Charles, h. Mary (wid. Zepheniah Pinkham, d. James Coffin
and Jemima), s. Benjamin and Hepsabeth (Swain), 9th,
4 mo. 1801, PR38. [31st [sic], 4 mo., PR63.]
Charles, "an idiot," s. Charles and Mary (Coffin) (Pinkham),
19th, 11 mo. 1817, PR38. [Nov. 20, PR63.]
Charles F., h. Susan (d. John Miller and Avis), s. Reuben G.
and Mary (Sandford), 29th, 9 mo. 1844, PR38.
Coffin (see M. Coffin Pinkham).
Daniel, 2d, 6 mo. 1770, CR4.[h. Elizabeth [sic, Eunice] (d.
Jethro Starbuck and Dorcas), h. Abigail (wid. Daniel Folger, d. John Folger and Mary), s. Richard 1st and Mary
(Coffin), 6th, 2 mo., PR38. 2d, 6 mo., PR63.]
Daniel, h. Eunice (d. Peter Jenkins and Abigail), s. Shubael
and Abigail (Bunker), 25th, 5 mo. 1806, a. 71 [in Hudson,
N.Y.], PR38.
Daniel, s. Daniel and Eunice ( Jenkins),_____, "young," PR38.
David, s. Peleg Jr. and Jemima (Chadwick), "Killed in a vessel," —, 1790, PR38.
David, single, s. Jethro and Susanna (Coffin), "in Prison ship,"
_, 9 mo. 1814, in London, PR38. [3d, 9 mo., a. 31 y. 1 m., PR63.]
David, ch. Theophilus and Deborah, ____, CR4.
[single, s. Theophilas and Deborah (Paddack) (first w.),
Deborah, first w. Jonathan (s. John and Abigail), d. Bethuel
Gardner and Catharine, 23d, 9 mo. 1758, PR38.
Deborah (Paddack), w. Theophilus, 23d, 9 mo. 1758, CR4.
[first w. Theophilus (s. Richard 1st and Mary), ch. Nathaniel Paddack and Ann, 5th, 3 mo. 1760 [dup. 23d, 9 mo.
1758], PR38. w. Theophilus, Mar. 5, 1760, PR58. [5th,
3 mo. 1760 [dup. 23d, 9 mo. 1758], PR63.]
Deborah, w. Andrew (s. Jethro and Susanna), d. Tristram
Bunker and Abigail, _, 10 mo. 1840, in Ohio, PR38.
Desire, 27th, 12 mo. 1807, PR63.
Edward, h. Eunice G. (Coleman), s. John C. and Avis (Folger), 5th, 8 mo. 1837, PR38. [Edward T., s. John Coffin
Pinkham, consumption, Aug. 5, 1838, a. 30 y. 3 m., PR62.]
Elizabeth, first w. Peleg (s. Richard 1st and Mary), d. Joseph
Swain and Mary Sibley, 22d, 12 mo. 1743, PR38. [12th,
10 mo., PR63.]
Elizabeth (see Eunice).
Emily F., b. N., d. Edward S. and Susan, croup, Aug. 25, 1844,
a. 3, in N. [Emily Frances, Aug. 22, a. 3 y. 2 m., GR2.]
Eunice [Pinkharn, w. ____ ], d. Jethro Starbuck and Dorcas,
9th, 10 mo. 1745, CR4. [Elizabeth Pinkham, first w.
Daniel (s. Richard 1st and Mary), d. Jethro Starbuck and
Dorcas (Gayer), 9th, 11 mo., PR38.]
Eunice, w. Shubael, 16th, 10 mo. 1758, CR4. [first w. Shubael
(s. Shubael and Abigail), d. Thomas Gardner and Hannah
(Swain), PR38. 15th, 10 mo., PR63.]
Eunice, d. Paul and Jemima, Nov. 26, 1777, PR58.
Eunice [Pinkham, w. ____], Ebenezer Gardner and Eunice,
1st, 2 mo. 1787, CR4. [Pinkham, w. Solomon (s. Jonathan and Hannah), d. Ebenezer Gardner and Eunice (Coffin), 13th, 1 mo., PR38. wid. Solomon, 1st, 2 mo., PR63.]
Eunice (see ____ Pinkham).
Eunice, consumption, Nov. 10, 1842, a. 66. [w. Hezekiah,
GR1. w. Hezekiah (s. Tristram and Lydia), d. Nathaniel
Barrett and Eunice (Gardner), 9th, 11 mo., PR38.]
Franklin, s. Obed, June 25, 1818, a. 16 y. 9 m., PR63.
George, h. Deborah (d. Simeon Coffin and Jedida), s. William
and Phebe (Wyer), "Lost in a storm in the Sound," -,
1 mo. 1791, PR38. [23d, 2 mo., PR63.]
George, h. Sarah (d. Jeremiah Gardner and Sarah),
h. Anna (d. Elias Coffin and Love), s. Barnabas and Priscilla
(Gardner), _, 10 mo. 1799 [sic, dup. 28th, 11 mo.
1797], PR38. [27th, 11 mo. 1797, PR63.]
George R., s. John C. and Avis (Folger), 18th, 11 mo. 1810,
"young," PR38.
George R., m., s. Bethuel and Lydia (Ramsdell) (Bunker), _,
3 mo. 1821, a. 24, PR38. [George Ramsdell Pinkham, Mar.
4, PR63.]
George R., s. Thomas C. and Eliza R. (Barker), -, 5 mo.
1835, a. 9, in New Bedford, PR38. [George Ramsdell Pinkham, s. Thomas Coffin Pinkham, grand s. Samuel Barker, broke his skull, May 2, a. 9 y. 3 m., PR62.]
Hannah, first w. Jonathan (s. Richard 1st and Mary), wid.
Tristram Coffin (s. Peter Jr.), d. John Brown and Rachel
(Gardner), 13th, 12 mo. 1730, PR38.
Hannah, w. Hezekiah, wid. ____ Sylvester, 31st, 5 mo. 1837,
a. 70, in Ballston Springs, PR38. [mother of Joseph Silvester formerly of N., a. 7o y. 6 m., PR62.]
Henry, s. Elisha and ____ (of London), drowned, 24th, 10
mo. 1825, in the river at N.Y., PR38.
Henry B. Brown, b. N., s. Peter and Judith, dysentery, Sept
29, 1849, a. 3 m., in N.
Hephzibah [see mar. to Peleg Coffin and death of Hepsibeth
Coffin, 1785], w. Benjamin, [dup. d. William Swain and
Jemima] 27th, 5 mo. 1785, CR4.
Hepsabeth, w. Jonathan (s. Jonathan and Hannah), d. William
Gardner and Hepsabeth (Gardner) (Gardner), 31st, 12
mo. 1783, PR38. [Hepsibah, wid. Jonathan, 13th, 1 mo.
1784, PR63.]
Hepsibeth, w. Shubael (s. Benjamin and Hepsabeth), d. Stephen
Barnard and Hepsibeth (Paddack), 15th, 2 mo. 1824,
Hezekiah, ch. Benjamin and Hephzibah, 30th, 7 mo. 1770, CR4.
[single, s. Benjamin and Hepsabeth (Swain), "Lost on
a whaling," PR38.]
Hezekiah, consumption, Jan. 9, 1843, a. 66. [h. Hannah Sylvester (wid.), s. Benjamin and Catharine (Bunker), -,
12 mo., PR38.]
Isaiah, twin s. Paul and Jernirna, July 14, 1766, PR58.
James, h. Sarah, h. Bethiah (Folger), 5th, 11 mo. 1792, CR4.
[h. Sarah (wid. Samuel Stanton, d. Samuel Coffin), h.
Bethiah (d. Eleazer Folger Jr. and Mary), s. Richard 1st
and Mary (Coffin), PR38. James Sr., PR63.]
Jemima, twin d. Paul and Jemima, Sept 5, 1765, PR58.
Jemima, w. Peleg, -, 8 mo. 1809, CR4. [w. Peleg Jr., d.
Daniel Chadwick and Hannah (Meader), 31st, 8 mo.,
PR38. 31st, 8 mo., PR63.]
Jemima, w. Paul (s. Theophilas and Deborah), d. Grafton
Gardner Sr. and Abigail (Coffin), 10th, 11 mo. 1820,
PR38. [wid. Paul, a. 82 y. 3 m., PR63.]
Jemima, second w. Jonathan (s. John and Abigail), wid. James
Coffin (s. Jonathan and Hepsabeth), d. John Swain and
Mary (Swett), 9th, 12 mo. 1822, PR38.
Jethro, h. Susanna (d. Benjamin Coffin and Rebecca), s. Theophilas and Deborah (Paddack) (first w.), 23d, 6 mo. 1820,
PR38. [a. 74 y. 7 m., PR63.]
Job, single, s. Shubael and Anna (Long), 13th, 11 mo. 1811,
PR38. [s. Shubael dec'd and Anna, 22d, 11 mo., PR63.]
John, h. Susan (d. James Coffin and Priscilla), h. Mary (wid.
Timothy Coleman, d. John Bunker and Mary), s. Solomon
and Eunice (Gardner), 20th, 9 mo. 1817, PR38. [a. 78 y.
9 mo., PR63.]
John, h. Merab (d. Christopher Bunker and Dinah), s. Tristram and Lydia (Coffin), "killed by a whale," -, 8 mo.
1824, PR38.
John H., s. John C. and Avis (Folger), 5th, 12 mo. 1832, a. 15,
Jonathan, h. Hannah (Brown) Coffin, h. Margaret (Arthur)
Rawson, s. Richard 1st and Mary (Coffin), ___, 1735,
Joseph S., b. N., s. George and Eunice, fever, Oct. 1, 1846,
a. 4, in N. [Joseph Starbuck Pinkham, s. George G. and
Eunice H., Oct. 2, GR3.]
Judith, Jan. 19, 1816, CR2. [w. Matthew (s. Richard and
Miriam), d. Jacob Morris and Judith, PR38. a. 58 y.
8 m., PR63.]
Lurana, d. Paul and Jemima, Dec. 5, 1768, PR58.
Lydia, wid. Bethuel, _, 4 mo. 1810, CR4.[w. Capt. Bethuel,
Apr. 5, a. 43, GR1. w. Bethuel (s. Jonathan), wid. Cromwell Bunker (s. George), d. Jonathan Ramsdell Jr. and
Priscilla (Coffin), 6th, 4 mo., PR38. wid. Bethuel, 6th,
4 mo., PR63. consumption, Apr. 4, PR64.]
Lydia, 26th, 8 mo. 1813, CR4. [second W. Theophilas (s.
Richard 1st), wid. William Starbuck (s. Jethro), d. Jeremiah Coleman and Sarah (Pratt), 27th, 8 mo., PR38.
wid.Theophilus, 27th, 8 mo., a. 95 y. 6 m., PR63.]
Lydia, w. Tristram (s. Solomon), d. Peter Coffin
and Susanna (Bunker), 13th, 9 mo. 1813, PR38. [___,
1814, a. 60 y. 2 m., PR63.]
M. Coffin, h. Rebecca (Worth) Haskell, s. Matthew and
Judith (Morris), 26th, 4 mo. 1837, PR38. [Coffin, suddenly, 24th, 4 mo., a. 39, in Boston, PR62.]
Margaret, second w. Jonathan (s. Richard 1st and Mary (Coffin)), wid. ____ Rawson, d. John Arthur and Priscilla,
14th, 11 mo. 1757, PR38.
Mary, w. Shubal [dup. Shubael], 10th, 5 mo. 1795, CR4. [second w. Shubael (s. Shubael and Abigail), d. Elihu Coleman and Jemima (Barnard) [dup. 11th, 5 mo.], PR38.
w. Shubael, 11th, 5 mo., PR63.]
Mary, second w. John (s. Soloman), wid. Timothy Coleman
(s. Joseph), d. John Bunker and Mary (Coffin), 9th, 4 mo.
1819, PR38. [wid. John, Apr. 10, a. 73 y. 10 m., PR63.]
Mary, w. Charles (s. Benjamin), wid. Zephaniah Pinkham Jr.
(s. Zephaniah), d. James Coffin and Jemima, 12th, 5 mo.
1837, PR38. [wid. Charles, consumption, a. 84 y. 2 m.,
Mary Ann, d. Shubael and Anna (Long), 10th, 10 mo. 1810,
PR38. [a. 11, PR63.]
Mathew, June 11, 1831, CR2. [Matthew, h. Judith (d. Jacob
Morris and Judith), s. Richard and Miriam (Coffin),
Moses, single, s. Jethro and Susanna (Coffin), lost at sea, -,
3 mo. 1799, PR38. [13th, 4 mo., PR63.]
Nathan, single, s. Jonathan and Jemima (Swain) (Coffin)
(second w.), _, 7 mo. 1795, in the W.I., PR38.
Nathaniel, s. Richard 1st and Mary (Coffin), 12th, 8 mo. 1750, PR38.
Nathaniel, first h. Mary (d. Jonathan Ramsdell and Anna), s.
John and Abigail (Bunker), "killed by a whale," 5th, 9
mo. 1760, PR38. [9th, 5 mo., at sea, PR63.]
Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel and Mary (Ramsdell), "Taken by a
privateer front Guernsey and killed on board," -, 12 mo.
1778, PR38.
Nathaniel, single, s. James and Sarah (Coffin) (Stanton) (first
w.), ___, 1778, PR38.
Obed, h. Rebecca Hatch, s. Charles and Mary (Coffin) (Pinkham), 1st, 9 mo. 1818, PR38. [Obed 2d, a. 37, PR63.]
Obed, h. Polly (d. Barzillai Luce and Deborah), s. Benjamin
and Hepsabeth (Swain), 12th, 12 mo. 1818, PR38. [Dec.
19, a. 58 y. 11 m., PR63. Dec. 18, PR64.]
Paul, h. Jemima (d. Grafton Gardner and Abigail),
s. Theophilas and Deborah (Paddack) (first w.), 30th, 12
mo. 1799, PR38. [1st, 1 mo. 1800, PR61. 31st, 12 mo.,
at Great Point, PR63.]
Peggy, w. Hezeldah (s. Daniel and Eunice), d. William Slade
and Margaret, 1st, 7 mo. 1822, a. 44, in Hudson, PR38.
Peleg, h. Elizabeth (d. Joseph Swain and Mary), h. Susanna
Allen, s. Richard 1st and Mary (Coffin), 4th, 12 mo. 1774,
PR38. [14th, 12 mo., PR63.]
Peleg, -, 6 mo. 1810, CR4. [Peleg Jr., h. Jemima (d. Daniel
Chadwick and Hannah), PR38. 5th, 6 mo., PR63.]
Peter, first h. Desire (d. Henry Clark and Elizabeth), s. Jonathan and Jemima (Swain) (Coffin) (second w.), lost at
sea, ___, 1805, PR38. [30th, 12 mo. 1803, a. 38, PR63.]
Phebe, w. William (s. Barnabas and Priscilla), d. Robert Wyer
and Catharine, 29th, 5 mo. 1772, PR38.
Phebe, Nov. 19, 1837, a. 70, CR2. [d. William and Phebe
(Wyer), PR38. consumption, a. 69, PR62.]
Priscilla, w. Barnabas (s. Richard 1st and Mary), d. George
Gardner and Eunice (Starbuck), 19th, 3 mo. 1755, PR38.
Rebecca, b. N., d. Barzillai and Sarah, lung fever, Jan. 26, 1844,
a. 2, in N.
Reuben, ch. Theophilus and Deborah, ___, 1756, CR4. [first
h. Ann (d. Paul Starbuck and Ann), s. Theophilas and
Deborah (Paddack) (first w.),"abroad," s. Theophilus and Deborah, small pox, "ye Sumer" 1758, in France,
PR58. s. Theophilus, 3d, 12 mo. 1756, "abroad," PR63.]
Reuben, single, s. Jethro and Susanna (Coffin), 8th, 3 mo. 1798,
in Batavia, PR38.
Reuben G., Lt., h. Lydia (d. Benjamin Glover and Judith), s.
Andrew and Deborah (Bunker), 27th, 10 mo. 1839 [? in
Ohio], PR38.
Rhoda, d. Jonathan and Hepsabeth (Gardner), 23d, 2 mo. 1831,
at the asylum, PR38.
Richard 1st, "came from the Isle of Wight, Eng.," h. Mary (d.
James Coffin and Mary), ___, 1718, PR38.
Ruth, d. Jethro and Susanna (Coffin), 12th, 1 mo. 1830, PR38.
Sally, Aug. 28, 1779, PR64.
Sally (see Sarah).
Saloma, first w. Uriah (s. Peleg and Jemima), d. Obadiah
Gardner and Martha (Folger), 16th, 4 mo. 1791, PR38.
[Salome, PR63.]
Samuel H., s. Henry M. and Catharine (Jenks),
"fell from aloft," 5th, 10 mo. 1837, at sea, PR38. ["he
fell from aloft, on board of the Ship Obed Mitchell, of
Nantucket Reuben Ray, Junior, Master, fourteen days
from Martha's Vineyard," a. 20, PR62.]
Sarah, w. James, 11th, 4 mo. 1750, in 35th y. [ch. Samuel
Coffin and Miriam, CR4. first w. James (s. Richard 1st
and Mary), wid. Samuel Stanton, d. Samuel Coffin and
Miriam (Gardner), a. 35, PR38. 1st, 4 mo., PR63.]
Sarah, first w. George (s. Barnabas and Priscilla), d. Judge
Jeremiah Gardner and Sarah (Coffin), 30th, 10 mo. 1762,
Sarah, 23d, 10 mo. 1778, PR63.
Sarah, w. Zephaniah (s. Jonathan and Hannah), d. Samuel
Maxey, 19th, 12 mo. 1778, PR38.
Sarah, w. Jonathan (s. Peleg Jr. and Jemima), d. Joshua Coffin and Hepsibeth (Coffin), 31st [sic], 6 mo. 1810, PR38.
[Sally, 30th, 6 mo., PR63.]
Sarah, d. Hezekiah, 2d, 11 mo. 1813, a. 4, PR63.
Sarah, d. William and Phebe (Wyer), 11th, 10 mo. 1833, PR38.
Seth, Capt., Apr. 17, 1844, a 57 y. 9 m., in Pernambuco, GR3.
[h. Mary (d. William Brown and Elizabeth), s. Jethro
and Susanna (Coffin), 18th, 4 mo. [dup. -, 6 mo.], PR38.]
Seth, single, s. Barnabas and Mary (Jones), lost at sea, _____,
Shubael, h. Abigail, 26th, 10 mo. 1767, CR4.[h. Abigail (d.
William Bunker and Mary), s. Richard 1st and Mary
(Coffin), 27th, 10 mo., PR38. 27th, 10 mo., PR63.]
Shubael, h. Eunice (d. Thomas Gardner and Hannah), h. Mary
(d. Elihu Coleman and Jemima), s. Shubael and Abigail
(Bunker), ___, 1795, PR38.
Shubael, s. Shubael, very suddenly, -, 7 mo. 1805, in Squam,
CR4.[3d, 7 mo., PR63.]
Shubael, h. Hepsabeth (d. Stephen Barnard and Hepsabeth),
s. Benjamin and Hepsabeth (Swain), 29th, 10 mo. 1811,
Shubael, Apr. 11, 1818, PR63.
Shubael, Apr. 13, 1818, PR63.
Shubael, May 9, 1818, PR63.
Shubael, h. Anna (d. Samuel Long and Lydia), s. Shubael and
Mary (Coleman) (second w.), 1818, in Havanna,
Solomon, h. Eunice (d. Ebenezer Gardner and
Eunice), s. Jonathan and Hannah (Brown) (Coffin), 26th,
9 mo. 1778, PR38. [Soloman, constable, PR63.]
Stephen, h. Eliza (Chadwick), s. Shubael and Hepsabeth (Barnard), 7th, 8 mo. 1821, in Havana, PR38.
Susanna, w. John, Jan. 5. 1799, a. 57, GR1. [Susan, first w.
John (s. Solomon and Eunice), d. James Coffin and Priscilla (Rawson), 15th, 1 mo., [in] prison ship, PR38. 5th,
1 mo., PR61. Susanna, Jan. 5, PR64.]
Susanna, w. Jethro (s. Theophilas and. Deborah), d. Benjamin
Coffin and Rebecca (Coffin), 1st, 7 mo. 1827, PR38.
Susanna Allen, second w. Peleg (s. Richard 1st and Mary(Coffin) ), 13th, 1 mo. 1784, PR38. [wid. Peleg, PR63.]
Theophilus, h. Deborah (Paddack), 2d, 3 mo. 1782, CR4. [h.
Deborah (d. Nathaniel Paddack and Ann), h. Lydia (wid.
William Starbuck, d. Jeremiah Coleman and Sarah), s.
Richard 1st and Mary (Coffin), PR38. a. 76, "wanting
12 Days," PR58.]
Theophilus, ch. Theophilus and Deborah, _____, "abroad," CR4.
[Theophilas Jr., h. Abigail "Sherman or Freeman" of
Cape Cod, s. Theophilus and Deborah (Paddack) (first w.),
drowned, ___, 1796, in England, PR38. 20th, 5 mo. 1796,
Thomas C., h. Eliza R. (d. Samuel Barker and Rebecca), s. Bethuel and Lydia (Ramsdell) (Bunker), 23d, 2 mo. 1833, PR38.
Timothy, single, s. Barnabas and Priscilla (Gardner), lost at sea,
___, 1755, PR38.
Tristram, single, s. Tristram and Lydia (Coffin), small pox,
-, 6 mo. 1800, in Liverpool, PR38. [7th, 6 mo., a. 16,
Tristram, h. Lydia (d. Peter Coffin and Susanna), s. Solomon
and Eunice (Gardner), 13th, 6 mo. 1827, PR38.
Uriah, single, s. Charles and Mary (Coffin) (Pinkham), _,
10 mo. 1798, in Norfolk, Va., PR38. [17th, 9 mo., PR63.]
Uriah, h. Saloma (d. Obadiah Gardner and Martha), h. Abigail (wid. Christopher Coffin, d. Enoch Coleman and
Mary), s. Peleg Jr. and Jemima (Chadwick), 26th, 2 mo.
1815, PR38. [a. 48 y. 5 m., PR63.]
William, single, s. William and Phebe (Wyer), "drowned a
whaling," ___, 1788, PR38.
William, h. Phebe (d. Robert Wyer and Catharine), s. Barnabas and Priscilla (Gardner), 3d, 5 mo. 1801, PR38. [9th,
5 mo., PR63.]
Zacchary, ch. Theophilus and Deborah, 14th, 6 mo.
1762, CR4. [Zacchariah, unm., s. Theophilas and Deborah
(Paddack) (first w.), PR38. Zechariah, s. Theophilus
and Deborah, PR58. Zacchary, s. Theophilus, PR63.]
Zephaniah, h. Sarah (d. Samuel Maxey), s. Jonathan and Hannah (Brown) (Coffin), "lost at sea whaling," ___, 1772,
PR38. [23d, 11 mo., PR63.]
____ , ch. Abigail, -, 8 mo. 1737, PR63.
____, ch. Peleg, ___ 1744, PR63.
____ , ch. Barnabas, 23d, 4 mo. 1749, PR63.
____, ch. W[illia]m, 17th, 11 mo. 1753, PR63.
____ , ch. Reuben, 4th, 7 mo. 1755, PR63.
____ , ch. Jonathan, 8th, 8 mo. 1756, PR63.
____ , ch. Jonathan, 9th, 10 mo. 1758, PR63.
____, ch. Ann, 18th, 7 mo. 1759, PR63.
____ , second ch. Shubael, 4th, 8 mo. 1759, PR63.
____ , ch. Nathaniel, 5th, 9 mo. 1759, PR63.
____, ch. Shubael, 27th, 9 mo. 1760, PR63.
____, ch. Richard, 17th, 1 mo. 1761, PR63.
____, ch. Peleg, 28th, 9 mo. 1765, PR63.
____ , ch. Chris[topher], 26th, 8 mo. 1768, PR63.
____, d. Richard, 15th, 10 mo. 1768, PR63.
____ , ch. Shubael, 12th, 4 mo. 1769, PR63.
____, ch. Hezekiah, 2d, 8 mo. 1769, PR63.
____, ch. Zephaniah, 5th, 10 mo. 1772, PR63.
____, ch. Shubael, 3d, 6 mo. 1773, PR63.
____, ch. Shubael, 1st, 7 mo. 1775, PR63.
____, ch. Ebenezer and w., found dead in bed, June 10, 1776,
a. 9 w., PR64.
____, ch. John, 16th, 8 mo. 1776, PR63.
____, ch. Benjamin, 25th, 2 mo. 1777, PR63.
____, ch. Paul, 22d, 1 mo. 1778, PR63.
____, ch. Jethro, 2d, 3 mo. 1782, PR63.
____, ch. Obed, 30th, 10 mo. 1788, PR63.
____ , ch. Francis, 28th, 3 mo. 1789, PR63.
____, ch. Cha[rle]s, 11th, 10 mo. 1789, PR63.
____, ch. Obed, 15th, 1 mo. 1795, PR63.
____, ch. Cha[rle]s, 20th, 1 mo. 1795, PR63.
____, ch. Jonathan, 1st, 8 mo. 1797, PR63.
____, ch. Hezekiah, 15th, 11 mo. 1805, PR63.
____, d. Trist[ra]m, -, 1 mo. 1806, CR4. [Eunice, d. Tristram and Lydia (Coffin), 3d, 1 mo., PR38. Eunice, 3d,
1 mo., PR63.]
____, ch. John 2d, 18th, 11 mo. 1810, a. 15, PR63.
____ , ch. Hezekiah, Oct. 15, 1817, PR63.
____, ch. John, Sept. 26, 1820, PR63.
____, b. N., d. Lydia G., dysentery, Aug. 8, 1846, a. 4 m.,
in N.
____ , inf. Jonathan and Deborah (Gardner) (first w.),
_____, PR38.
Elizabeth, b. N., w. Robert, inflamation bowels, May
8, 1849, a. 73, in N. [first w. Robert (s. Samuel and
Rebecca), wid. Samuel (s. Samuel and Rebecca), d. John
Hall and Elizabeth (Gardner) (first w.), 7th, 5 mo.,
Elizabeth F., b. N., w. Charles 2d, consumption, Feb. 14, 1849,
a. 20, in N. [ ___, 1848, CR3. first w. Charles (s. Robert
and Elizabeth), d. Frederic F. Swain and Lucretia (Folger), PR38.]
Esther M, w. William R. of New Bedford, d. John Thurston
Jr. and Sabra Smith of Newport, R.I., 7th, 11 mo. 1834,
Eugine, b. N., s. Samuel [and] Deborah, dysentery, Oct 14,
1849, a. 8 y. 6 m. [sic], in N.
George E., b. N., ch. George and Charlotte, consumption, Aug.
25, 1848, a. 21. d., in N.
Hannah A., "youngest" d. Joshua and Nancy of Boston, Nov.
17, 1833, a. 6 y. 2 mo., GR3.
Joshua, calker, intemperance, Dec. 5, 1842, a. 60. [formerly
of Boston, a. 63, GR3. h. Nancy, 1843, PR38.]
Phebe F., "only" d. John and Phebe, Feb. 25, 1840, a. 2 y. 4 m.,
Priscilla Fosdick, d. Capt. William, grand d. Ariel Coffin, canker
rash, Jan. 27, 1835, a. 1, PR62.
Samuel, first h. Rebecca (d. James Swain and Betsey), s. Robert and Elizabeth (Hall) (Pitman) (first w.), 7 mo.
1843, PR38.
Sarah, b. N., d. Sam[ue]l and Mary, canker rash, Sept. 11,
1843, a. 4 m., in N.
____, ch. Charles, 11th, 9 mo. 1805, PR63.
Benjamin, h. Deborah (Upham) Fitzgerald, h. Mercy
(Chadwick) Chase, s. Jonathan and Jedida (Stewart),
___, 1777, PR38. [30th, 4 mo. 1778, PR63.]
Deborah, first w. Benjamin (s. Jonathan and Jedida), wid.
Henry FitzGerald Sr., d. Jonathan Upham and Ruth
(Pease) (first w.), 20th, 6 mo. 1767, PR38.
Elijah, single, s. Jonathan and Jedida (Stewart), 16th,
1 mo. 1767, PR38.
Elijah, s. Qbed and Rhoda (Lang), lost at sea, ___, 1812,
PR38. [9th, 12 mo., a. 22, PR63.]
Jonathan of Sherborn in N., Feb. 9, 1745-6. [h. Jedida (Stewart), s. Betsey (d. Dennis and Catharine Manning),
Jonathan, h. Huldah (d. Jonathan Coleman and Mahitabel), s.
Jonathan and Jedida (Stewart), -, 6 mo. 1777, PR38.
[23d, 5 mo. 1778, PR63.]
Obed, h. Rhoda (d. Jonathan Long and Sarah), s. Benjamin
and Deborah (Upham) (Fitzgerald) (first w. ) , 13th, 11
mo. 1827, PR38.
Rhoda, w. Obed (s. Benjamin and Deborah), d. Jonathan Long
and Sarah (Brown) (first w.), 30th, 4 mo. 1837, PR38.
Sylvanus, h. Sally (d. Shubael Folger and Lydia), s. Jonathan
and Huldah (Coleman), 20th, 9 mo. 1832, PR38.
____, ch. Jonathan, 7th, 9 mo. 1768, PR63.
Ichabod, naval officer, 13th, 4 mo. 1782, a. 50,
PR63. [s. ____ (w. Timo[thy] Fitch), PR64.]
Joseph N., s. Joseph and Persis (d. Susan Colesworthy), 10th, 12, mo. 1845, PR38.
Joseph W., Capt., Apr. 19, 1827, in 51st y., GR2. [h. Persis
(d. Susan Colesworthy), in Boston, PR38.]
Persis, cholera morbus, Aug. 17, 1842, a. 68. [w. Joseph William, CR1. Perses, wid. Capt. Joseph W., a. 69, GR2.
Persis, w. Joseph, d. Susan Colesworthy, PR38.]
William, "Father," June 2, 1846, a. 48, GR3. [h. Nancy (d.
George Pollard and Tamar), s. Joseph and Persis (d.
Susan Colesworthy), ___, 1844, PR38.]
____, ch. Henry, Mar. 30, 1843, a. 17 d.
PLUMB (Plum)-
Edwin C., s. Samuel, June 9, 1844, in Wareham, PR27. [s. Samuel H. and Mary (Harris), PR38.]
Samuel H., lost at sea, Jan. 27, 1828, "on his passage to France
on board Ship Chelsa," PR27. [h. Mary (d. Moses Harris and Parnal), s. Uriel and Susan (Hussey), 14th, 3 mo.
1826, PR38.]
Uriah (Plum), _, 8 mo. 1809, CR4. [Uriel Plumb, Sept. -,
in 30th y., PR27. Uriel Plumb, h. Susan (Hussey), s.
Samuel Sr. and Eunice (of Hartford), -, 8 mo., PR38.
Ural Plumb, -, 8 mo., PR63.]
Abial, w. Philip (s. George and Lydia), d. Stephen
Hussey and Elizabeth (Swain), 8th, 11 mo. 1819, in Ohio,
PR38. [Abiel, Nov. 11, a. 55 y. 6 m., PR63.]
Abraham, ch. George and Lydia, 23d, 8 mo. 1753, CR4.
Abraham, h. ____ of Denmark, s. George and Lydia (Pinkham) , ___, 178[-], PR38.
Abraham, ___, 1838, CR1. [h. Hannah (Gibson), h. Phebe
(Folger) Fosdick, s. Jonathan and Hannah (Kelley), 26th,
3 mo., PR38. s. Jonathan dec'd, consumption, Mar. 24,
a. 57 y. 9 m., PR62.]
Alexander, h. Eliza (d. Giles Sandford and Peggy) ("No chn.
lived"), s. George and Tamar (Bunker), 19th, 1 mo.
1840, at sea, PR38.
David, ch. Peter and Elizabeth, 22d, 4 ma. 1797, CR4.
Elizabeth, w. Peter (s. George and Lydia), d. Seth Hussey and
Eunice (Pinkham), 12th, 12 mo. 1839, in Baltimore, PR38.
[wid. Peter (school master), violent fever, a. 74, PR62.]
George, ch. George and Lydia, 9th, 9 mo. 1759, CR4.
George, h. Lydia (Pinkham), s. Philip ("1st of Nantucket")
and Mahitabel (Gardner), 13th, 11 mo. 1791, PR38.
[Geo[rge] Sr., PR63.]
George, farmer, b. N., old age, Sept. 25, 1843, a. 82, in N.
[h. Tamar (Bunker), s. George and Lydia (Pinkham),
24th, 9 mo., PR38.]
Hannah, w. Abraham, Aug. 1, 1824, a. 41, [first w. Abraham (s. Jonathan and Hannah), d. Robert Gibson and
Patience (Hall), 1st, 8 mo. 1825, PR38.]
Hannah, w. Jonathan (s. George and Lydia) ("Probably his
1st cousin"), d. John Kelley, 9th, 10 mo. 1833, PR38.
Jonathan Jr., h. Lydia (d. Walter Brock and Judith), s. Jonathan and Hannah (Kelley), lost at sea, ___, "1798 or
1799," PR38.
Jonathan, h. Hannah (d. John Kelley), s. George and Lydia
(Pinkham), 13th, 6 mo. 1829, at the asylum, PR38.
Joseph, ch. George and Lydia, 24th, 7 mo. 1754, CR4.
Love, d. Jonathan Jr. and Lydia (Brock), 26th, 6 mo. 1800,
a. 16 [sic, ? 16 m.], PR38. [29th, 6 mo., a. "16 yrs.,"
Love, d. Abraham and Hannah (Gibson) (first w.), 20th, 11 mo.
1820, PR38. [a. 13 y. 10 m., PR63.]
Lydia (Pinkham), w. George, 12th, 12 mo. 1793, CR4. [w.
George (s. Philip and Mahitabel), d. Jonathan Pinkham
and Hannah (Brown) (Coffin), PR38.]
Lydia, ch. Peter and Elizabeth, 30th, 8 mo. 1796 [6
written over 5], CR4.
Lydia, w Jonathan Jr. (s. Jonathan and Hannah), d. Walter
Brock and Judith (Pinkham), 2d, 1 mo. 1800, PR38. [consumption, 4th, 1 mo., PR61. wed. Jonathan, 3d, 1 mo.,
Mazy, ch. George and Lydia, 7th, 11 mo. 1749, CR4.
Mary, ch. George and Lydia, 9th, 8 mo. 1753, CR4.
Mary, ch. Peter and Elizabeth, 18th, 12 mo. 1792, CR4. [19th,
12 mo., PR63.]
Meheteble (Gardner), w. Philip, 28th, 2 mo. 1777, CR4.
[Mahitabel, w. Philip ("1st of Nantucket"), d. James
Gardner and Mary (Starbuck) (first w.), Mehitable, PR63. Mehitable, at Bass River, PR64.]
Moses, s. Jonathan, yellow fever, -, 8 mo. 1799, in St. Thomas, PR61.
Peter, h. Elizabeth (Hussey), s. George and Lydia (Pinkham),
-, 3 mo. 1818, in New Orleans, PR38. [Mar. 15, a. 50 y.
11 m., PR63.]
Philip [dup. Phillip], h. Meheteble (Gardner), 5th, 9 mo. 1764,
CR4. [Philip, "1st of Nantucket," 4th, 9 mo., PR38.
Philip, 4th, 9 mo., PR63.]
Philip, h. Abial (d. Stephen Hussey and Elizabeth), s. George
and Lydia (Pinkham), 22d, 1 mo. 1809, PR38.
Reuben, ch. George and Lydia, 13th, 6 mo. 1794, CR4. [s.
George and Lydia (Pinkham), PR38.]
Roland Jr., merchant, b. N., s. Roland, consumption, Mar. 24,
1844, a. 27, in N. [Rowland Jr., Apr. -, CR1. Rowland
Jr., Mar. 21, a. 27 y 6 m., GR2. Rowland Jr., h. Charlotte (Marshall), s. Rowland and Sally (Clasby), 21st,
3 mo., PR38.]
Sarah, ch. George and Lydia, 24th, 8 mo. 1753, CR4.
Tamar (see ____ Pollard).
____, "and I more in same month" [see Abraham. and Mary],
ch. George, 2d, 9 mo. 1753, PR63.
____, [see Joseph], ch. Geo[rge], 9th, 9 mo. 1754, PR63.
____, ch. Eliz[abeth], -, 8 mo. 1774, PR63.
____, ch. Jonathan, 25th, 8 mo. 1789, PR63.
____, ch. Philip, 9th, 9 mo. 1793, PR63.
____, ch. Geo[rge], 15th, 12 mo. 1797, PR63.
____, ch. Jon[athan], 8th, 9 mo. 1798, PR63.
____, ch. Abraham, 19th, 1 mo. 1816, a. 2 m., PR63.
____, s. Abraham, Sept. 11, 1820, PR63.
____, w. George, Aug. _, 1840, a. 75, CR2. [Tamar, w.
George (s. George and Lydia), d. Uriah Bunker and
Susan (Giles), 19th, 8 mo., PR38.]
POMPEY (Pompy)-
Dinah (Pompy), "black Wo," - 8 mo.
1810, CR4.["found dead in bed," Aug. 11, PR64.]
Edward J., single, merchant, b. N. consumption, Oct. 7, 1848,
a. 48, in N. [Capt., Oct. 6, GR6.]
Ester (Pompy), "a black woman," w. George, "killed by lightning," Apr. 9, 1788, PR64.
Eugine H., b. N., s. Stephen and Mary, consumption, Sept. 1,
1843, a. 2, in N.
Geo[rge], 4th, 3 mo. 1813, a. 75, PR63.
Hannah F., d. George and Lydia H., June 6, 1824, a. 4 y. 2 m., GR6.
John, s. Pompey Nailor, 25th, 7 mo. 1799, PR63.
John, May 14, 1824, a. 37 y. 11 m. 2 d., GR6.
Rebecca, wid. Geo[rge], Oct. 22, 1819, a. 70 y. 6 m., PR63.
____ , ch. Benjamin, 24th, 2 mo. 1776, PR63.
Hannah M., b. N., w. John, consumption, Apr. 26,
1849, a. 21, in N. [Apr. 24, GR3. first w. John of Hartford, Conn., d. Reuben Coffin and Elizabeth (Bunker),
24th, 4 mo., PR38.]
Ann Eliza, ch. Thomas and Hepsabeth, Apr. 12,
1835, a. 17 d., GR1. [d. Capt. Thomas, Apr. 13, a. 3 m.,
Ann Louisa, ch. Thomas and Hepsabeth, Aug. 23, 1833, a.
19 m., GR1.
Catharine F., b. N., ch. Peter, brain fever, May 17, 1847, a.
6y. 9m., inN.
Grace, mother of Capt. Thomas, May 9, 1836, a. 48 y. 11 m.,
on the Island of St. Thomas, PR62.
Nicholas, fever, Feb. 14, 1843, a. 62.
Phebe, second w. John, d. Paul Hussey and Margaret (Barker), -, 6 mo. 182o [? in Hudson], PR38.
[June 12, a. 33 y. 3 m., PR63.]
Dorcas, w. Joseph (s. Phinehas of Charlestown), d.
Peter Folger 1st and Mary, ___, 1762, PR38.
Susan, first w. Andrew, d. James Swain and Betsey (Bruff),
16th, 5 mo. 1841, PR38.
____ , ch. Nathaniel, 25th, 7 mo. 1796, PR63.
Olive, "scalded with oil of Vitro, a bottle burst,"
July 16, 1839, PR62.
Jonathan, h. Sarah (d. George G. Folger and
Anna), 12th, 8 mo. 1837, a. 36, in Charleston, S.C., PR38.
[Lt. Jonatlinn Jr., h. Sarah B., a. 36 y. 7 m., PR62.]
George, h. Miriam (d. Richard Macy and Miriam),
24th, 12 mo. 1812, in St Thomas, PR38. [a. 32 y. 2 m.,
George Jr., h. Phebe (d. Isaac Gardner and Phebe), s. George
and Miriam (Macy), ___, 1834, PR38.
George W., s. George Jr. and Phebe (Gardner), 7th, 5 mo.
1849, at sea, PR38.
____, ch. Geo[rge], 3d, 4 mo. 1805, PR63.
Ward, h. Phebe(wid. George S. Hussey, d. George
Meader), 29th, 10 mo. 1849, a. 51, PR38.
PRIOR (Pryer, Pryor)-
Dinah, second w. Jeremiah, d. Elias
Coffin and Love (Coffin), 25th, 5 mo. 1785, PR38. [Pryor,
28th, 5 mo., PR63.]
Love, first w. Jeremiah, d. Elias Coffin and Love (Coffin), 12th,
10 mo. 1772, PR38. [Pryor, 30th, 12 mo., PR63.]
____ (Pryer), "2 ch." Jeremiah, 2d, 10 mo. 1765, PR63.
____ (Pryor), ch. Jeremiah, 29th [sic], 2 mo. 1774, PR63.
PROCTER (Proctor)-
James, Jan. 31, 1772, a. 28, GR1.
[Proctor, collector of customs, PR63.]
____, "eldest" ch. Ben, Sept. 27, 1775, PR64.
____ (Proctor), "2 ch." B., 25th, 11 mo. 1775, PR63.
____ , b. N., s. Sophia, July 8, 1844, a. 3 d., in N.
PRYER (see Prior)
PRYOR (see Prior)