To the Year 1850
Published by the
New England Historic Genealogical Society
At the Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms
at the charge of The Eddy Town-Record Fund
Deaths - COLEMAN, Francis to CUTLER
[transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

COLEMAN (cont.)-
Francis, h. Abigail, 6th, 10 mo. 1821, C.R4. [h. Abigail (Bunker), s. Solomon and Deliverance (Swett) (second w.), 5th, 10 mo., a. 89, PR38.]
Francis G., b. N., s. Alexander and Jane, consumption, Sept 24, 1849, a. 1 m. 7 d., in N.
Frederic, s. George and Mary (Ramsdell), drowned, 20th, 6 mo. 1802, PR38. [Frederick, PR63.]
Frederic, s. Job and Phebe (Pinkham), ___, 1812, in London, PR38. [Frederick, 8th, 5 mo., a. 22, PR63.]
Gardner, h. Hepsabeth (d. Alexander Ray and Elizabeth), h. Lydia (d. Joseph Whitefield and Parnal), h. Sally( wid. Nathan Chase, d. John Nobles), s. Solomon and Mabitabel (Gardner), 30th, 8 mo. 1831, PR38.
George, h. Mary (d. Jonathan Ramsdell), s. George and Eunice (Folger), ___, 1791, in the West Indies, PR38.
George, h. Eunice (d. Jethro Folger and Mary), h. Lydia (wid. Shubael Folger Jr., d. George Bunker and Abigail), s. Solomon and Deliverance (Swett) (second w.), 7th, 3 mo. 1800, PR38. [9th, 3 mo., PR63.]
George, s. Robert and Deborah (Morselander), _____, in 10th y., PR38. [22d, 10 mo. 1816, a. 8 y. 3 m., PR63.]
George H., s. Charles H., Mar. 30, 1841, a. 18. [George Howland Coleman, ch. Charles H. and Sally, 29th, 3 mo., CR4. George Howland Coleman, s. Charles H. and Sally (Swain), 28th, 3 mo., PR38.]
Hannah, w. Matthew (s. Benjamin and Huldah), d. John Meader and Hannah, 21st, 10 mo. 1825, a. 74, PR38.
Harriet, b. N., ch. Thomas and Emma, Apr. 1, 1849, a. 15, in N. [Mar. 27, a. 15 y. 8 m. 5 d., GR3. Harriett, d. Thomas and Emma (Paddack), suddenly, 27th, 3 mo., a. 17, PR38.
Henry, h. Susan (d. Jonathan Harris and Susan of R.I.), s. Ebenezer and Mary (Gardner), 3d, 12 mo. 1796, PR38. [27th, 11 mo., PR63.]
Henry, s. Ebenezer and Aurilla, lost at sea, Apr. 21, 1839, a. 18 y. 9 m., GR3. [grand s. Edward Coleman, killed by a whale, "from the Ship Fortin, Josiah Long Master, Round Cape Horn," PR62.]
Hephzalah, w. Abraham, [dup. ch. Stephen Macy and Mercy] 8th, 10 mo. 1800, [Hepzibah, first w. Abraham (s. Nathaniel), d. Stephen Macy and Mercy (Allen), 24th, 10 mo., PR38. Hepzabeth, consumption, 8th, 10 mo., PR63.]
Hephzibah, w. Nathaniel, 9th., 7 mo. 1813, CR4. [Hepsabeth, d. Sylvanus Hussey and Hepsabeth (Starbuck) (second w.), 16th, 7 mo., PR38. Hepsabeth, wid. Nath[aniel] 16th, 7 mo., a. PR38. Hepsabeth, wid. Nathaniel, 16th 7 mo., a. 80 y. 3 m., PR63.]
Hephzibah, w. William, 24th, 12 mo. 1825, CR4. [Hepsabeth, second w. William (s. Barnabas and Rachael), d. Samuel Wing and Hepsabeth of Sandwich, 23d, 12 mo., PR38.]
Hepsabeth, first w. Gardner (s. Solomon and Mahitabel), d. Alexander Ray and Elizabeth (Barnard), 13th, 10 mo. 1797, PR38. [Hepsibeth, PR63.]
Hepsabeth, w. Jonathan (s. Benjamin and Huldah), d. Robert Wyer and Catharine, 29th, 7 mo. 1812, PR38. [Hepsibeth, wid. Jonathan, 21st, 7 mo., a. 81 y. 7 m., PR63.]
Hepzibah, ch. George and Eunice, 24th, 5 mo. 1788, CR4. [Hepsabeth, d. George and Eunice (Folger), 23d, 5 mo., PR38. Hepsibeth, 24th, 5 mo., PR63.]
Hepzibah, ch. Solomon and Deliverance (second w.), 2d, 5 mo. 1820, CR4. [Hepsabeth, d. Solomon and Deliverance (Swett) (second w.), 30th, 4 mo., PR38. Hepsibah, "Apr. 30 or May 1," a. 92 y. 5 m., PR63.]
Huldah, w. Benjamin (s. Thomas and Jane), d. Moses Swett and Mary (Hussey), 14th, 6 mo. 1793, a. 92 y. 4 m., PR38. [w. Benjamin Sr., 15th, 6 mo., PR63.]
Huldah [Coleman, w. ____], ch. John Gwin and Eunice, 18th, 12 mo. 1828, CR4. [Coleman, w. Sylvanus (s. Enoch and Mary), d. John Gwinn and Eunice (Russell), 19th, 12 mo., PR38.]
Isaac (Colman), "drown'd . . . between Nantucket & ye Vineyard," June 6, 1669. [Coleman, s. Thomas and Susanna (first w.), PR38. Coleman, 6th, 6 mo., PR63.]
Isaac, h. Ann Reynolds, h. Jane (wid. Robert Watson; d. William Bunker and Mary), s. John and Joanna (Folger),
27th, 2 mo. 1752, PR38. [31st [sic], 2 mo., PR63.]
James of Barnstable, m., 14th, 2 mo. 1822, a. 86 y. 7 m., PR38.
Jane, w. Thomas (s. John and Joanna), wid. John Challenge, d. ____ Childs, 11th, 4 mo. 1736, PR38.
Jane, w. Isaac (s. John and Joanna), wid. Robert Watson, d. William Bunker and Mary (Macy), 7th, 6 mo. 1754, PR38.
Jane, b. N., ch. John F. and Eliza [John Franklin Coleman and Elizabeth (Macy), PR38.], consumption, Mar. 28, 1847, a. 16 y. 7 m. 8 d., in N.
Jemima (Barnard), w. Elihu, 25th, 12 mo. 1779, CR4. [w. Elihu (s. John Jr.), d. John Barnard and Sarah (Macy), 25th [dup. 28th], 12 mo., PR38. w. Elihu, "the minister," PR63.]
Jeremiah, h. Sarah (d. Joseph Pratt and Dorcas), s. John and Joanna (Folger), 4th, r mo. 1739, PR38.
Jeremiah, h. Anna (d. Jonathan Russell and Patience), s. Jeremiah and Sarah (Pratt), 22d, 12 mo. 1814, PR38. [a. 85 y. 2 m., PR63.]
Jethro, ch. Jethro and Lydia, lost at sea, ___, 1755, CR4. [s. Jethro and Lydia (Paddack), PR38. Jethro Jr., PR63.]
Jethro, h. Lydia (d. Nathaniel Paddack and Ann), h. Lydia (d. Thomas Macy and Deborah), s. John 2d and Priscilla
(Starbuck), 16th, 2 mo. 1785, at Oblong, N.Y., PR38.
Jethro, ch. Simeon and Rebecca, _____, CR4. [s. Simeon and Rebecca (Swain), ___, 1810, PR38.]
Jethro, h. Deborah (wid. Abel Coffin, d. Benjamin Russell), s. Jethro and Lydia (Macy) (second w.),_, 11 mo. 1814, PR38.
Joanna (see Johanna).
Job, h. Elizabeth (d. John Fosdick and Elizabeth), s. Enoch and Mary (Myrick), ___, 1794, at sea, PR38.
Job, h. Phebe (d. Shubael Pinkham and Mary), s. Daniel and Elizabeth (Mooers), 20th, 11 mo. 1815, PR38. [a. 52 y. 11 mo., PR63.]
Job, h. Susan (wid. Edward Nichols, d. David Hussey and Lydia (Swain) ), s. Barzilla, 9th, 10 mo. 1841, [see following entry] PR38.
Job, consumption, Oct. 10, 1841, a. 60 [see preceding entry].
Johanna, 18th, 5 mo. 1719. [Joanna, w. John (s. Thomas 1st), d. Peter Folger and Mary Morrell, PR38. Joanna, PR63.]
John, h. Joanna (d. Peter Folger 1st and Mary), s. Thomas and Susanna (first w.), _, 12 mo. 1715, PR38.
John 2d, 16th, 5 mo. 1759, PR63.
John Jr. [dup. h. Priscilla], 19th, 1 mo. 1762, CR4. [h. Priscilla (Starbuck), s. John and Joanna (Folger), a. 94, PR38. a. 94 y. 5 m. 17 d., PR63.]
John, -, 1 mo. 1805, a. "89 or 90," CR4. [h. Ruth (Pinkham), h. Ann (Trott), s. John and Priscilla (Starbuck), 17th, 1 mo., PR38. 17th, 1 mo., PR63.]
John, h. Julia (wid. Shubael Gardner Jr. of Baltimore), s. Ebenezer and Lydia (Pinkham) (Long), _, 2 mo. 1823, PR38.
John Brown, h. Elizabeth (d. Reuben. Coffin and Parnal), s. Seth and Deborah (Swain), 10th [dup. 12th], 9 mo. 1838, in Halifax, N.S., PR38. [boat builder, formerly of N., s. Seth dec'd, Sept. 12, a. 67 y. 4 m., PR62.]
John Milton, s. Roland and Hannah (Stanton) (Coffin), 1st, 6 mo. 1845, PR38.
John Way, h. Mary (d. Isaiah Maxey and Judith), s. Barzillai and Abigail (Way), -, 4. mo. 1802, PR38. [9th, 4 mo., PR63.]
Jon[athan], 19th, 7 mo. 1783, PR63.
Jonathan, h. Mahitabel (Davis) of Falmouth, s. Thomas and Jane Challenge, 15th, 4 mo. 1789, PR38.
Jonathan, h. Hepsabeth (d. Robert Wyer and Catharine), s. Benjamin and Huldah (Swett), 6th, 11 mo. [dup. -, 10 mo.] 1808, PR38. [20th, 10 mo., PR63.]
Joseph, h. Ann (d. George Bunker and Jane), s. Thomas and Susanna (first w.), -, 4 mo. 1690, PR38.
Joseph, h. Rachael (d. Jacob Norton and Bethiah of "the Vineyard"), s. Thomas and Jane Challenge, 10th, 11 mo. 1756, PR38.
Joseph, h. Eunice (d. Cromwell Coffin and Ruth), s. Joseph and Rachael (Norton), yellow fever, ___, 1775, at sea, "on the Coast of Guinea," PR38. [17th, 4 mo., PR63.]
Joseph (see Joseph C. James).
Joseph, s. Ebenezer and Lydia (Pinkham) (Long) (second w.), lost at sea, _____, "a young man," PR38.
Joseph, s. Joseph and Ann (Bunker), drowned in mill pond, _____, PR38.
Joseph Dodge, s. Ebenezer 2d, grand s. Edward, canker rash, Mar. 30, 1835, a. 5, PR62.
Judith, w. Benjamin (s. Benjamin), wid. John (s. Thomas), d. Ebenezer Gardner and Judith (Coffin) (second w.), ___, 1764, PR38. [7th, 8 mo., PR63.]
Laban, m., carman, b. N., consumption, Oct. 15, 1848, a. 74, in N. [h. Lydia (Bocott), h. Sally (Bunker) Pinkham, s.
Jonathan and Hepsabeth (Wyer), 14th, 10 mo., PR38.]
Lucretia, ch. Charles H. and Sally, 1st, 9 mo. 1821, CR4. [d. Charles H. and Sally (Swain), "burnt to death," PR38.]
Lydia, w. Jethro, 21st, 1 mo. 1747, C.R4 [first w. Jethro (s. John 2d and Priscilla), d. Nathaniel Paddack and Ann,
Lydia, d. Elihu, 7th, 9 mo. 1772, PR63.
Lydia, first w. Reuben (s. Benjamin and Huldah), d. Eliakim Swain and Elizabeth (Arthur) (first w.), 23d, 11 mo. 1772, PR38. [27th, 12 mo., PR63.]
Lydia, second w. Jethro (s. John and Priscilla), d. Thomas Macy and Deborah (Coffin), 8th, 4 mo. 1785, in Oblong, N.Y., PR38.
Lydia, w. George (s. Solomon), wid. Shubael Folger Jr., d. George Bunker and Abigail (Worth), 22d, 11 mo. 1798, PR38. [23d, 11 mo., PR63.]
Lydia, ch. Jahn Brown and Elizabeth, 28th, 8 mo. 1804, CR4.
Lydia, second w. Gardner (s. Solomon and Mahitabel), d. Joseph Whitefield and Partial, 8th, 6 mo. 1815, a. 37, PR38. [8th, 7 mo., a. 37 y. 4 m., PR63.]
Lydia, w. Laban (s. Jonathan and Hepsabeth), d. John Bocott and Sarah (Swain), 27th, 8 mo. 1817, PR38. [Nov. 25, PR63.]
Lydia, d. Jethro and Deborah (Russell) (Coffin), 29th, 5 mo. 1818, PR38.
Lydia, ch. William and Hephzibah, 29th, 3 mo. 1821, CR4. [Lydia Wing Coleman, d. William and Hepsabeth (Wing) (second w.), 29th, 7 mo., a. 34, PR38.]
Lydia, second w. Ebenezer (s. Joseph and Rachael), wid. Nathan Long (s. James and Eleanor), d. Solomon Pinkham and Eunice (Gardner), 5th, 9 mo. 1822, a. 77, PR38.
Lydia, second w. Paul (s. Elihu and, Elizabeth), d. Abraham Macy Jr. and Priscilla (Bunker), 20th, 4 mo. 1834, PR38.
Lydia, w. Nathan, consumption, Sept. 26, 1836, a. 37 y. 4 m., in Oyster Villa, PR62.
Lydia, w. Andrew, 17th, 4 mo. 1840, CR4. [w. Andrew (s. Enoch and Mary), d. Jonathan Folger and Lydia (Barnard), PR38.]
Lydia, ch. Simeon and Rebecca, _____, CR4. PR26. [d. Simeon and Rebecca (Swain), "in infancy," PR38.]
Mahetable [dup. Meheteble], w. Solomon, 18th, 7 mo. 1796, CR4. [Mahitabel, w. Solomon Jr. (s. Solomon and Deliverance), d. James Gardner and Susanna (Gardner), PR38.]
Mahitable, w. Jonathan (s. Thomas and Jane), d. ____ Davis of Falmouth, 5th, 4 mo. 1789, PR38. [Mehitable, 9th, 4 mo., PR63.]
Mary, second w. Thomas, wid. Edmund Johnson, 30th, 11 mo. 1663, PR38.
Mary, w. Solomon, 27th, 6 mo. 1715. [first w. Solomon (s. John and Joanna), d. John Macy 1st and Deborah (Gardner), 27th, 6 mo. 1717, PR38.]
Mary, w. Nathaniel, wid. Nathaniel Gardner, d. ____ Folger, 3d, 12 mo. 1763, CR4. [w. Nathaniel (s. John and Priscilla), wid. Nathaniel Gardner (s. Nathaniel and Abigail), d. Peter Folger 2d and Judith (Coffin), 3d, 12 mo. 1764, PR38. 3d, 12 mo. 1763, PR63.]
Mary, first w. Ebenezer (s. Joseph and Rachael), d. Andrew Gardner and Mary (Gorham), 14th, 12 mo. 1779, PE38. [12th, 5 mo., PR63.]
Mary, w. George (s. George and Eunice), d. Jonathan Ramsdell Jr. and Priscilla (Coffin), 13th, 3 mo. 1791, PR38. [Molly, w. George] Jr., PR63.]
Mary, ch. Seth and Deborah, -, 9 mo. 1791, [d. Seth and Deborah (Swain), 10th, 9 mo., PR38.]
Mary, w. Silvanus, 28th, 8 mo. 1797, CR4. [first w. Sylvanus (s. Barnabas and Rachael), d. Benjamin Swift of New Bedford, PR38. 29th, 8 mo., PR63.]
Mary, w. Peleg, 15th, 6 mo. 1815, CR4. [w. Peleg (s. Solomon), wid. Benjamin Worth (s. Richard), d. Shubael Folger and Jerusha, 8th [dup. 18th], 6 mo., a. 86, PR38. wid. Peleg, 8th, 6 mo., a. 86 y. 5 mo., PR63.]
Mary, w. Enoch, 23d, 11 mo. 1815, CR4. [w. Enoch (s. Jeremiah and Sarah), d. Andrew Myrick and Jedida, 14th,
11 mo., PR38. wid. Enoch, 14th, 11 mo., a. 84 y. 7 m., PR63.]
Mary, w. Josiah (s. Obed and Elizabeth), d. Moses Bunker and Mary [dup. Polly] (Wyer), 31st, 3 mo. 1821, a. 25, PR38. [a. 24 y. 10 m., PR63.]
Mary, ch. Seth and Deborah, 21st, 11 mo. 1821, CR4. [d. Seth and Deborah (Swain), 23d, 11 mo. 1820, PR38. Dec. 17, 1820, PR63.]
Mary, w. Alexander (s. Barnabas and Abial), d. Freeman Gardner and Anna (Gardner), 8th, 1 mo. 1822, PR38.
Mary [Coleman, sic, ? Turner, w. George], d. Gardner dec'd, consumption, Jan. 29, 1836, a. 30 y. 6 m., PR62. [This entry marked "Wrong."]
Mary, w. Simeon, Jan. 31, 1844, a. 67, PR29. [wid. Simeon (s. Simeon), d. Stephen Arthur and Phebe (Pinkham),
Mary, second w. Henry, formerly w. Lyman Mansfield, formerly w. Josiah Dunham, formerly divorced w. John. B. Orpin Jr., d. Elijah Luce and Love (Cleaveland) (second w.), 27th, 10 mo. 1845, PR38.
Mary, b. N., w. Sylvanus, consumption, May 1, 1846, a. 68, in N. [d. Benjamin Myrick and Deborah, 25th, 5 mo. 1845, PR38.]
Mary, b. N., old age, Jan. 21, 1847, a. 90, in N. [ch. William and Eunice, [dup. 26th, 11 mo. 1846] CR4. d. William and Eunice (Swain), PR38.]
Mary Eliza, d. Alexander, Dec. 1, 1834., a. 5, PR62.
Mary Elizabeth, d. Benjamin Myrick, Dec. 20, 1836, a. 4 y. 9 m., in N.Y., PR62.
Matthew, h. Hannah (d. John Meader and Hannah), s. Benjamin and Huldah (Swett), 30th, 5 mo. 1821, a. 83, PR38.
Mehitable (see Mahetable and Mehitable).
Molly (see Mary).
Nabby (see Abigail).
Nancy, w. Charles (s. David and Elizabeth), d. Dr. Roland Gelston and Love (Pinkham), 10th, 4 mo. 1812, PR38. [a. 28. y. 10 m., PR63.]
Nancy, d. Gardner and Lydia (Whitefield) (second w.), 22d, 8 mo. 1829, PR38.
Nathan, h. Phebe (wid. Isaiah Macy, d. Silas Bunker), s. and Elizabeth (Macy), ___, 1848, PR38.
Nathaniel, ___, 1756, PR63. [This entry marked with ? See death record of Nathaniel Coffin.]
Nathaniel, ch. George and Eunice, ___, 1781, CR4. [s. George and Eunice (Folger), lost at sea, ___, 1780, PR38.
1781, PR63.]
Nathaniel, h. Mary, ch. John and Priscilla, 19th, 5 mo. [dup. 3 mo.] 1783, CR4. [h. Mary (Folger) Gardner, 19th, 5 mo., a. 85, PR38. May 20, PR64.]
Nathaniel, h. Hephzibah [dup. Hephzibath], 26th, 1 mo. 1804, CR4.. [h. Hepsabeth (d. Sylvanus Hussey and Hepsabeth), s. Barnabas and Elizabeth (Barnard), PR38. county register, 2d, 2 mo., PR63.]
Obadiah (see Obediah).
Obed, h. Elizabeth, 4th, 11 mo. 1798, CR4. [h. Elizabeth (d. Joseph Swain and Elizabeth), s. Barnabas and Rachael (Hussey) ( second w.), PR38. bilious colic, PR64.]
Obed H., ch. James B. and Lydia W., 15th, 11 mo. 1825, CR4. [s. James B. and Lydia W. (Macy), 19th, 11 mo. 1826, PR38.]
Obed H., s. James B. and Lydia W. (Macy), killed by a whale, 19th, 12 mo. 1846, PR38.
Obed M., musician, s. John and Love Fish, 22d, 4 mo. 1845, PR38.
Obediah, ch. Christopher and Priscilla, ___, 1784, CR4.
Owen, h. Asenath (d. John Worth and Mary), s. Daniel and Elizabeth (Mooers), 16th, 5 mo. 1834, PR38.
Paul, ch. Jethro and Lydia, Jost at sea, ___, 1755, CR4.
Paul, ch. George and Eunice, ___, 1772, CR4. [s. George and Eunice (Folger), killed by a whale, PR38. 25th, 9
mo., PR63.]
Paul, s. Job, 8th, 1 mo. 1805, PR63.
Peleg [dup. h. Mary], ch. Solomon and Deliverance (second w.), 31st, 5 mo. 1808, CR4. [h. Mary (Folger) Worth, s. Solomon and Deliverance ( Swett) (second w.), 1st, 6 mo. [dup. 31st, 5 mo.], a. 82 y. 6 m., PR38. 1st, 6 mo., a. 86, PR63.]
Percis, ch. John and Priscilla, _____, "died young," CR4. [d. John and Priscilla (Starbuck), PR38.]
Peter, h. Susanna (d. Jonathan Upham and Ruth), s. Jeremiah and Sarah (Pratt), 28th, 3 mo. 1788, PR38.
Phebe, w. Job (s. Daniel and Elizabeth), d. Shubael Pinkham and Mary (Coleman) (second w.), 23d, 8 mo. 1813, PR38. [___, 1814, a. 52, PR63.]
Phebe, d. Francis, 5th, 12 mo. 1813, a. 49, PR63.
Phebe, second w. Silvanus, 19th, 12 mo. 1835, CR4. [d. Joseph Brown and Mary (Ellis), 16th, 12 mo., PR38. wid. Silvanus, found dead in bed, a. 79 y. 5 m., PR62.]
Phebe, d. William and Abigail (Barnard),_____, in Hudson, (N.Y.) PR38.
Prince, h. Sarah (wid. Benjamin Coggeshall, d. Judah Norton), s. Shubael and Priscilla (Worth) (Upham), 5th, 8 mo. 1830, PR38.
Priscilla [dup. w. John], 14th, 3 mo. 1762, CR4. [w. John (s. John and Joanna), d. Nathaniel Starbuck and Mary (Coffin), a. "near" 86, PR38. wid. John, a. 85 y. 7 m. 20 d., PR63.]
Priscilla, w. Christopher, [dup. ch. Samuel Coffin and Miriam] 2d, 2 mo. 1801, CR4. [d. Samuel Coffin and Miriam (Gardner), PR38. wid. Christopher, PR63.]
Priscilla, b. N., ch. Francis and Abigail, old age, Mar. 14, 1846, a. 85, in N. [12th, 3 mo., a. 85 y. 5 m., CR4. d. Francis and Abigail (Bunker), 12th, 3 mo., PR38.]
Priscillai, wid. Shubael, -, 9 mo. 1809, CR4. [Priscilla, w. Shubael (s. Benjamin), wid. David Upham (s. Jonathan) d. Richard Worth, 12th, 9 mo., PR38. Priscilla, 12th, 9 mo., PR63.]
Rachael, w. Joseph (s. Thomas and Jane), d. Jacob Norton and Bethiah, 16th, 10 mo. 1767, PR38. [Rachel, PR63.]
Rachel, ch. Silvanus and Mary, 24th, 6 mo. 1775, CR4. [d. Sylvanus and Mary (Swift), PR38.]
Rachel, ch. Silvanus and Mary, 17th, 5 mo. 1776, CR4. [d. Sylvanus and Mary (Swift), PR38. 10th, 5 mo., PR63.]
Rebecca, ch. Barnebas and Rachel (second w.), 2d, 11 mo. 1738, CR4.
Rebecca, w. Simeon, [dup. d. Reuben Swain and Elizabeth, "burnt so that She died"] 19th, 12 mo. 1809, C.R4 [19th, 12 mo. 1810, w. Simeon (s. Jethro and Lydia), d. Reuben Swain and Elizabeth (Howland) (first w.), PR38. 15th, 12 mo., a. 55 y. 4 m., PR63.]
Reuben, 12th, 4 mo. 1814, a. 84, PR63.
Reuben, s. Matthew and Hannah (Meader), ___, 1822, a. 30 y. 6 m., in West Indies, PR38.
Reuben, June 30, 1849, a. 34, at sea, CR4. [h. Catharine B. Seymour of S. Yarmouth, s. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Harris), PR38.]
Robert, ch. Joseph Gorham and Phebe, 3d, 7 mo. 1827, CR4. [Robert B., s. Joseph Gorham and Phebe (Bunker), a. 13, PR38.]
Robert, h. Deborah (d. Cornelius Morselander and Hepsabeth), s. Jonathan and Hepsabeth (Wyer), 11th [dup. 18th], 10 mo. 1832, PR38.
Robert B. (see Robert).
Robert B., s. Samuel B. and Sarah (Coffin), ___, 1834, PR38.
Robert G., ch. Albert and Hephzibah, _____, at sea, CR4. [s. Albert and Hepsabeth (Gardner), PR38.]
Roland, ch. Joseph Gorham and Phebe, 30th, 9 mo. 1822, CR4. [s. Joseph Gorham and Phebe (Bunker), PR38.]
Ruth [Coleman, w. ____], ch. Shubael Pinkham and Abigail, 28th, 6 mo. 1780, CR4. [Coleman, w. John (s. John and Priscilla), PR38. Coleman, 28th, 8 mo., PR63.]
Sally, w. Richard, d. Christopher Hussey and Lydia, Mar. 26, 1807. [w. Richard Lake Coleman, CR4. first w. Richard Lake Coleman (s. Silvanus and Mary), d. Christopher Hussey Jr. and Lydia (Manchester), 25th, 3 mo., PR38. Sarah, w. Richard Lake Coleman, PR63.]
Sally, ch. David and Elizabeth, ___, 1815, CR4. [d. David and Elizabeth (Russell), 13th, 8 mo. 1817, a. 23, PR38. Aug. 20, 1817, a. 24 y. 7 m., PR63.]
Sally, second w. Charles (s. David and Elizabeth), d. Wyer Swain and Rebecca (Hayden), 25th, 10 mo. 1816, PR38. [a. 25 y. 3 m., PR63.]
Sally, d. John and Phebe (Swain), 19th, 3 mo. 1819, PR38. [a. 15 y. 4 m., PR63.]
Sally, w. John ("of Maine, not of Nan. origin"), d. Owen Coleman and Aseneth (Worth), ___, 1821, PR38.
Samuel, [dup. s. Simeon] ___, 1805, "abroad" [dup. "suposed to be lost at sea"], CR4.
Samuel, h. Phebe (d. Walter Folger and Elizabeth), s. Elihu and Elizabeth (Macy), 12th, 3 mo. 1825, PR38.
Samuel B., h. Sarah (d. Obadiah Coffin and Lucretia), s. Joseph Gorham and Phebe (Bunker), 28th [dup. 17th], 7 mo. 1838, PR38. [Samuel Bunker Coleman, consumption, July 17, a. 28 y. 2 m., PR62.]
Sarah (see Sally).
Sarah, w. Prince, 28th, 1 mo. 1824, CR4. [w. Prince (s. Shubael and Priscilla), formerly w. Benjamin Coggeshall of "the Vineyard," d. Judah Norton of "the Vineyard," PR38.]
Seth, ch. Abraham and Hep[hziba]h, 23d, 7 mo. 1796, CR4. [s. Abraham and Hepsabeth (Macy), PR38. 24th, 7 mo., PR63.]
Seth, ch. Abraham and Hephzibah. [dup. Hepzibah (first w.)], 12th, 3 mo. 1815, at sea, CR4. [s. Abraham and Hepsabeth (Macy), lost at sea, -, 6 mo. 1816, PR38. Seth Macy Coleman, 25th, 8 m., a. 19, PR63.]
Seth, h. Deborah, 25th [dup. 26th], 3 mo. 1822, CR4. [h. Deborah (Swain), s. Barnabas and Rachael (Hussey) (second w.), 26th, 3 mo., PR38.]
Seth Macy (see Seth.)
Shubael, h. Priscilla (wid. David Upham, d. Richard Worth and Lydia), a. Benjamin and Huldah (Swett), 16th, 8 mo. 1803, PR38. ["supposed he was a little lost in his mind," found lifeless, a. "upwards of" 70, PR64.]
Silas, consumption, July 21, 1841, a. 74. [h. Elizabeth (Allen), s. Francis and Abigail (Bunker), 20th, 7 mo., PR38.]
Silvanus, s. Jeremiah and Sarah (Pratt), 29th, 7 mo. 1736, PR38.
Silvanus, h. Mary, 17th, 3 mo. 1812, CR4. [Sylvanus, h. Mary (d. Benjamin Swift of New Bedford), h. Phebe (d. Joseph Brown), s. Barnabas and Rachael (Hussey) (second w.), PR38. Silvanus, a. 65 y. 8 m., PR63.]
Silvanus (see Sylvanus).
Simeon, h. Rebecca (d. Reuben Swain and Elizabeth), s. Jethro and Lydia (Macy) (second w.), 25th, 1 mo. 1820, a. 67, PR38. [Jan. 27, a. 67 y. 4 m., PR63.]
Simeon, h. Mary [ (Arthur)], Jan. 26, 1838, a. 62, PR29. [h. Mary (Arthur), s. Simeon and Rebecca (Swain), Feb. -, PR38. s. Simeon, numb palsy and slow consumption, Feb. -, a. 62 y. 1 m., in Westchester, "near the City of New York," PR62.]
Solomon, h. Mary (Macy), h. Deliverance, 12th, 1 mo. 1772, CR4. [h. Mary (d. John Macy and Deborah), h. Deliverance (d. Moses Swett and Mary), s. John and Joanna (Folger), PR38. Soloman Sr., PR63.]
Solomon Jr., 22d, 3 mo. 1796, PR63.
Solomon, h. Mahitabel (d. James Gardner Jr. and Susanna), s. Solomon and Deliverance (Swett) (second w.), 13th, 8 mo. 1828, a. 93, PR38.
Sophia Ann, b. N., ch. Zenas and Phebe, Dec. 1, 1845, a. 3, in N. [d. Zenas and Luna Sears [sic], PR38.]
Stephen, s. Stephen, 17th, 6 mo. 1817, CR4. [Stephen Jr., s. Stephen and Susanna (Bocott), drowned, June 16, PR38. Stephen Jr., a. 20 y. 4 m., PR63.]
Stephen, h. Susanna (d. John Bocott and Sarah), s. Jonathan and Hepsabeth (Wyer), 20th, 8 mo. 1818, PR38. [Stephen 2d, a. 53 y. 5 m., PR63.]
Stephen, single, s. Christopher and Priscilla (Coffin), 25th, 9 mo. 1825, PR38. [suddenly, Sept. 25, 1835, a. 81 y. 1 m., in Siasconsett, PR62.]
Susan, d. Silas and Elizabeth (Allen), "burnt to death," ___, 1815, PR38.
Susan, w. Henry (s. Ebenezer and Mary), d. Jonathan Harris and Susan (Whippey) of R.I., 6th, 3 mo. 1823, PR38.
Susan S., b. N., ch. Thomas and Emma, dysentary, Sept. 25, 1847, a. 2 [sic], in N. [d. Thomas and Emma (Paddack), a. 2 1/2 m., PR38.]
Susanna, w. Thomas of Newbury, 17th, 11 mo. 1650 [see Newbury Vital Records], PR38.
Susanna, w. Peter (s. Jeremiah and Sarah), d. Jonathan Upham and Ruth (Pease) (first w.), 28th, 1 mo. 1752, PR38. [1st, 1 mo., PR63.]
Susannah, ch. David and Elizabeth, 27th, 8 mo. 1790, CR4.
Sylvanus (see Silvanus).
Sylvanus, h. Huldah (d. John Gwinn and Eunice), s. Enoch and Mary (Myrick), -, 3 mo. 1812, PR38.
Sylvanus, laborer, b. N, casualty, Aug. 14, 1846, a. 68, in N. [h. Mary (Myrick), s. Sylvanus and Huldah (Gwinn), 12th, 8 mo., PR38.]
Thaddeus, mariner, consumption, July 14, 1842, a. 74. [single, s. Christopher and Priscilla (Coffin), 14th, 7 mo. 1844, PR38.]
Thomas, h. Susanna, h. Mary (wid. Edmund Johnson), h. Margery (wid. Thomas Rowell, formerly wid. Christopher Osgood, d. Peter Fowler), ___, 1682, PR38.
Thomas, h. Jane (wid. John Challenge, d. William Bunker and Mary [ ? parentage, see death of Jane, 1736, and of Jane, 1754], s. John and Joanna (Folger), 23d, 1 mo. 1753, PR38.
Thomas, s. Jonathan and Mahitable (Davis), lost at sea, ___, 1755, PR38.
Thomas, s. Benjamin Allen, fever, Oct. 18, 1837, a. 22 m., PR62.
Timothy, h. Mary (d. John Bunker and Mary), s. Joseph and Rachael (Norton), 1st, 6 mo. 1795, PR38.
Timothy, 13th, 12 mo. 1807, PR63.
Tristram, s. Solomon and Mahitabel (Gardner), lost at sea, ___, 1780, PR38. [ ___, 1781, PR63.]
Tristram, s. Shubael, 13th, 8 mo. 1786, PR63.
William [dup. h. Eunice], s. Elihu and Jemima, 10th, 2 mo. 1801, CR4. [h. Eunice (Swain), s. Elihu and Jemima
(Barnard), 9th, 2 mo., PR38. s. Elihu. Sr., 9th, 2 mo., PR63.]
William, ch. David and Elizabeth, -, 9 mo. 1814, "abroad," CR4. [10th, 10 mo. 1814, a. 18, PR63.]
William, h. Abigail (d. Joseph Barnard and Mary), h. Hepsabeth (d. Samuel Wing and Hepsabeth of Sandwich), s.
Barnabas and Rachael (Hussey) (second w.), 1st, 8 mo. 1823, PR38.
William, s. Nathan and Phebe (Bunker) (Macy), _____, a. 13, PR38.
Zebulon, h. Eliza H., "killed by a whale," Feb. 1, 1829, a. 28, GR4.
____, ch. Barnabas, 4th, 1 mo. 1739, PR63.
____, second ch. Nathan, 20th, 10 mo. 1750, PR63.
____, second ch. Nath[aniel], 1st, 10 mo. 1751, PR63.
____ [see Christopher], ch. Joseph, 9th, 8 mo. 1752, PR63.
____, ch. Christopher, 29th, 12 mo. 1752, PR63.
____, ch. Peter, 1st, 11 mo. 1753, PR63.
____, ch.. Daniel, 21st, 11 mo. 1753, PR63.
____, ch. Nathaniel Jr., 22d, 11 mo. 1753, PR63.
____, ch. John Jr., 22d, 11 mo. 1754, PR63.
____, ch. Christopher, 3d, 8 mo. 1757, PR63.
____, ch. Daniel, 2d, 7 mo. 1758, PR63.
____, ch. Elisha, 4th, 7 mo. 1758, PR63.
____, ch. Nathaniel Jr., 20th, 4 mo. 1759, PR63.
____, second ch. Nath[aniel], 15th, 9 mo. 1762, PR63.
____, ch. Geo[rge], 13th, 11 mo. 1762, PR63.
____, ch. Geo[rge], 24th, 9 mo. 1765, PR63.
____, ch. Silvanus, 1st, 6 mo. 1769, PR63.
____, ch. Silvanus, 15th, 7 mo. 1771, PR63.
____, ch. Silvanus, 14th, 3 mo. 1772, PR63.
____, ch. Charles, 28th, 5 mo. 1773, PR63.
____, d. Reuben, 12th, 2 mo. 1774, PR63.
____, ch. Francis, 25th, 4 mo. 1775, PR63.
____, ch. Barnabas Jr., 4th, 9 mo. 1777, PR63.
____, ch. Ebenezer, 4th, 10 mo. 1778, PR63.
____, ch. Matthew, 22d, 10 mo. 1780, PR63.
____, ch. Job, 9th, 2 mo. 1785, PR63.
____, ch. Silvanus, 11th, 8 mo. 1788, PR63.
____, ch. Job, 27th, 4 mo., 1789, PR63.
____, ch. Barnabas, 7th, 2 mo. 1790, PR63.
____, ch. Job, 18th, 9 mo. 1793, PR63.
____, ch. Job, 1st, 3 mo. 1795, PR63.
____, ch. Silas, 22d, 9 mo. 1797, PR63.
____, ch. Job, 10th, 10 mo. 1797, PR63.
____, ch. Richard L., 16th, 3 mo. 1806, PR63.
____, ch. Silvanus, 2d, 1 mo. 1807, PR63.
____, ch. Richard L., 16th, 2 mo. 1807, PR63.
____, ch. Silas, 21st, 2 mo. 1807, PR63.
____, ch. John Franklin, Aug. 30, 1817, PR63.
____, ch. Alexander, Feb. 10, 1820, a. 1 m., PR63.
____, ch. Alexander (s. Seth, boat builder), Sept. 12, 1837, a. 2 m., PR62.
____, ch. John W., June 24, 1841.
____, ch. John B., Aug. 25, 1841, a. 3 m.
____, s. Alexander, inflamation of bowels, Feb. 7, 1842, a. 6 w.
____, b. N., d. Edward and Emily, May 3, 1844, a. 1 d., in N.
____, b. N., d. John B. and Eliz[abe]th, Sept. 25, 1844, a. 3 d., in N.
____, b. N., d. David B. and Mary F., Jan. 20, 1848, a. 1 d., in N.
____, ch. John and Priscilla (Starbuck), _____, "young," PR38.
Anna, w. Charles Waldo (s. Jonathan and Hepsabeth), d. Ebenezer Hussey and Mehitable (Smith), 14tht 10 mo. 1844, a. 64 y. 4 m. 7 d., in New Bedford, PR38.
Charles Newcomb, h. Eunice (d. Jonathan Long and Sarah), —, 3 mo. 1792, at sea, PR38.
Charles Waldo, h. Anna (d. Ebenezer Hussey and Mahitable (Smith)), s. Jonathan, lost at sea, —, 1822, PR38.
Emily, b. N., ch. George (Colesworth) and Nancy, consumption, Nov. 16, 1849, a. 19, in N.
George, h. Nancy (d. Abijah Coffin and Priscilla), s. Jonathan W. and Polly (Coffin), 5th, 8 mo. 1841, PR38.
Jonathan, b. N., old age, Feb. 27, 1849, a. 78 y. 7 m., in N. [Jonathan W., h. Polly (Coffin), s. Jonathan W. and Hepsabeth (Gardner), 25th, 2 mo., PR38.]
Jonathan W., ship carpenter, h. Hepsabeth (d. John Gardner and Kezia), s. Jonathan of Boston, 9th, 10 mo. 1817, PR38. [a. 76, PR63.]
Jonathan W. (see Jonathan).
Mary, b. N., w. Jonathan, consumption, Nov. 23, 1845, a. 73 y. 4 m, in N. [Polly, w. Jonathan W. Jr., d. Abed Coffin and Phebe (Gardner), PR38.]
Susan, mother of Persis (w. Joseph Plaskett), sister of Charles Newcomb Colesworthy and Jonathan Colesworthy, 14th, 1 mo. 1811, a. 59, PR38. [Sukey, a. 89, PR63.]
Thomas, single, s. John and Mary (Meader), _____, PR38.
Waldo, 26th, 3 mo. 1807, a. 82 y. 9 m. 3 d., PR63.
Comfort (see Comfort Collins Hoeg).
Eliza, 4th, 9 mo. 1806, PR63.
Elizabeth, w. ____ of Hudson, N.Y., d. Ebenezer Gardner and Ruth (Beard), —, 1 mo. 1839, a. 73, in Hudson, PR38. [wid. William, d. Ebenezer Gardner and Ruth dec'd, a. 73 y. 6 M. [dup. 77 y. 9 m.], PR62.]
John, m., laborer, b. Ireland, lung fever, Dec. 12, 1847, a. 30, in N.
____, s. Jos[eph], 20th, 10 mo. 1752, PR63.
____, b. N., d. John and Mary, Mar. 7, 1846, a. 1 m. 4 d., in N.
Elizabeth, first w. Nathan of N.Y., d. Edward Tillett Emmett and Elizabeth (Mitchell), 30th, 4 mo. 1818, PR38. [a. 37 y. 8 m., PR63.]
John, h. Lydia (d. John Gardner and Kezia), 20th, 10 mo. 1801, PR38.
Lydia, wid. John, _, 1 mo. 1806, CR4. [d. John Gardner and Kezia 13th, 11 mo., PR38. 13th, 11 m0.,
Samuel B., "Mutineer ring-leader on the Whaling Ship 'Globe'," s. Nathan and Elizabeth, "shot by a mutineer," Feb. 17, 1824, in Mulgrave Is., PR1.
Anna [third w. Assa], Oct 28, 1834, in 66th y., PR32. [wid., mother of Samuel [sic, ? Lamuel] Jones, low consumption, Oct 31, a. 67 y. 9 m., PR62.]
Assa [h. Sarah, h. Mahitable, h. Anna], Dec. 31, 1822, a. 78, PR32.
Assa 2d [s. Assa and Mahitable], July 25, 1824, in 25th y., PR32.
Charles [h. Joannah], ___, 1803, a. 84, PR32.
Charles 2d [s. Assa and Mahitable], Oct. 18, 1817, in 20th y., PR32.
Joannah [w. Charles], ___, 1801, a. 82, PR32.
Mahitable [second w. Assa], Aug. 30, 1807, in 52d y., PR32.
Sarah [first w. Assa], Mar. 8, 1793, a. 45, PR32.
Barney, tavern keeper, suddenly, Sept. 21, 1838, a. 60 y. 6 m., in New Bedford, PR62.
____ , ch. W [illia]m, 15th, 5 mo. 1809, PR63.
Mary Jane, d. John and Mary Jane, Oct. 2, 1838, a. 19 m., GR1. [d. John Jr., a. 18 m., PR62.]
Mary Jane (see ____ Cook).
Susan Rebecca, b. N., d. Charles W. and Charlotte, canker rash, June 24, 1843, a. 14 d., in N.
Tho[ma]s, Dee. 17, 1820, a. 82 y. 3 m., PR63.
William, ___, 1798, PR63.
____, ch. Joseph, 11th, 7 mo. 1772, PR63.
____, s. William, ___, 1798, PR63.
____, "Apprentice to Saml. Swain," -, 9 mo. 1805, CR4.
____, d. John Jr., cholery morbus, Sept. 8, 1842, a. 3. [Mary Jane, d. John and Mary, a. 3 y. 5 m., GR1.]
____, s. Hannah, Oct. 17, 1845, a. 1 m.
COOMBS (Coomby)-
Joseph A., s. Daniel and Lydia (Addlington), "fell from aloft," ___, 1839, at sea, PR38. [Joseph Adrington Coombs, "fell from Aloft on board of the Ship Constitution and was Killed outright," Feb. -, a. 17 y. 1 m., PR62.]
Lydia (Coomby) [dup. Coombs], w. Daniel of L.I, d. John Addlington and Lydia, 7th, 1 mo. 1839 [dup. 1st, 7 mo. 1829], PR38. [Coombs, wid. David [sic] of L.I., consumption, July 1, 1839, a. 44 y. 2 m. [sic], PR62.]
Catharine, w. William (s. William and Phebe), d. ____ Marsh (brother of Roswell), -, 11 mo. 1835, PR38. [Catharin, Nov. 21, a. 40 y. 1 m. 3 d. PR55. Catharine, consumption, Nov. 21, a. 46 y. 3 m., PR62.]
Mary M., d. William and Catherine, June 27, 1824, PR55.
Obed, s. William and Catharine (Marsh), 9th, 9 mo. 1839, [s. William dec'd, suddenly, Sept. 12, a. 11 y. 10 m., in Pedee, PR62.]
William Jr., s. William and Catherine, Apr. 8, 1830, "on Board the Planter Enterprise," PR55.
William, h. Catharine (d. ____ Marsh (brother of Roswell)), s. William and Phebe, ___, 1839, PR38. [grand s. William Coon Sr., "he sailed from New York in the Merchant Service," suddenly, a. 49 Y. 7 m., PR62.]
Harriet, b. N., ch. Arthur, consumption, Nov. 3, 1848, a. 24, in N.
John H., colord, bilious fever, Apr. 3, 1842, a. 42.
Mary, w. Arthur, July 6, 1826, a. 41, GR6.
Sarah, b. N., d. Thomas and Mary, canker rash, June 4, 1843, a. 10, in N.
Susan, b. N., d. ____, coloured, dysentery, Nov. 5, 1849, in N.
____, b. N., s. W[illia]m B. and Mary, dysentery, Sept. 10, 1847, a. 1 m., in N.
____, b. N., d. John and Mary, consumption, June 3, 1848, a. 12, in N.
Elizabeth, "a Coloured Woman," d. Ambay Howland, Nov. 13, 1836, a. 35 y. 4 m., PR62.
CORDUDA (Cordooda)-
Ebenezer, "Great Indian Justice," ___, 1755, PR63.
Peter, s. Ebenezer, ___, 1755, PR63.
Sally (Cordooda), "Indian Woman," -, 3 mo. 1806, CR4.
Ann, b. N., ch. Bailey and Rachael, consumption, Mar. 6, 1848, a. 2, in N.
____, ch. Bailey, Oct. 25, 1841, a. 14 m.
____, s. Bailey, cholera infantum, Feb. 10, 1842, a. 2 m.
____, s. Bailey and Rachael, canker rash, Jan. 20, 1848, a. 3 m.
Alexander P., single, b. N., ch. Henery and Phebe, sudden, May 27, 1849, a. 20, in N. [s. Henry and Phebe (Pease), 25th, 5 mo., PR38.]
Charles N., m., merchant, b. N., ch. Laban and Eunice, consumption, June 19, 1847, a. 35 y. 6 m., in N. [June 17, GR4. h. Ann (Staples), s. Laban and Eunice (Colesworthy), 20th, 6 mo., PR38.]
Dorothy, Oct. 1, 1681. [w. Edward, PR38.]
Eunice, w. Capt. Laban, Apr. 10, 1836, a. 48, GR4. [d. Newcomb Colesworthy, PR38. "only" d. Newcomb Colesworthy and Eunice, lock jaw, a. 48 y. 8 m., PR62.]
George, s. David and Rebecca (second w.), _, 10 mo. 1824, at sea, PR38.
James Jr., 20th, 2 mo. 1780, PR63.
James, h. Mercy Wheelden of Martha's Vineyard, h. Thankful Norton of "the Vineyard," 18th, 6 mo. 1790, PR38. [19th, 6 mo., PR63.]
James, 28th, 6 mo. 1801, PR63.
John, s. Laban and Eunice (Colesworthy), lost at sea, _____, PR38. [s. Capt. Laban of N., Dec. 4, 1836, a. 20 y. 4 m., in Bangor, Me., PR62.]
John, lost at sea, _____ , a. 35 y. 6 m., PR63.
Laban, Capt., Apr. 2, 1841, a. 54, GR4. [h. Eunice (Colesworthy), h. Jane Ewell, s. Lot and Ruth (Coleman), 3d, 4 mo., PR38.]
Laban, marasmus, June 9, 1842, a. 2 m.
Laban, b. N., ch. Charles N. and Ann C., July 26, 1846, a. 5 in N.
Lot, h. Ruth (d. Daniel Coleman and Elizabeth), s. James and Thankful Norton, 20th, 4 mo. 1823, PR38.
Nancy, d. Capt. Obed and Rebecca, Nov. 23, 1820, a. 20 y. 4m. 20 d., GR3. [d. Obed and Rebecca (Russell), PR38. a. 20 y. 7 m., PR63.]
Obed, "Shot by one of his Men on board his Ship round Cape Horn," "recd the News," -, 5 mo. 1806, CR4.
Owen, _, 12 mo. 1809, CR4. [h. Margaret (Swain), s. Lot and Ruth (Coleman), 12th, 12 mo., PR38. 16th,
12 mo., PR63.]
Owen S., h. Sarah (d. David. Ray and Anna), s. Owen and Margaret (Swain), ___, 1833, at sea, PR38.
Rachael, w. Barzillai (s. Lot and Ruth), d. Tristram Swain and Rachael (Bunker), 13th, 10 mo. 1831, PR38.
Rebeckah, Apr. -, 1821, CR3. [Rebecca, d. Capt. David, Apr. 16, a. 26 y. 10 m. 3 d., CR3. Rebecca, d. David and Mary, 16th, 4 mo., a. 21, PR38. Rebecca, Apr. 16, a. 21 y. 10 m., PR63.]
Ruth, w. Lot (s. James and Thankful), d. Daniel Coleman and Elizabeth (Mooers), 17th, 9 mo. 1824, PR38.
Shubael, 15th, 8 mo. 1798, PR63.
Thankful Norton, second w. James, ___, 1774, PR38. [15th, 12 mo., PR63.]
____, d. James, 1st, 4 mo. 1767, PR63.
____, ch. Henry, Aug. 29, 1819, a. 15 d., PR63.
____, b. N., d. Charles and Nancy, canker rash, Sept. 16, 1843, a. 4 m., in N.
Elias, 17th, 5 mo. 1764, PR63.
Judith, w. Josiah, d. Jonathan FitzGerald, 29th, 12 mo. 1825, in the Asylum, PR38.
Mary, wid. John, Feb. 23, 1845, a. 42. [w. John (s. Josiah and Judith), d. Samuel Burnell and Mary, PR38.]
Sylvanus P., h. Sarah (White) of Yarmouth, h. Lydia White of Yarmouth, s. Josiah and Judith (FitzGerald), 27th, 9 mo. 1833, PR38.
____, w. Elias, 3d, 10 mo. 1777, PR63.
COVEL (Covil, see also Cowell)-
Mary (Covil), w. Silvanus (s. Silvanus of N.H.), d. Alpheus Coffin and Love (Pitts), 19th, 2 mo. 1826, PR38.
Obadiah, 23d, 11 mo. 1809, PR63.
COWELL (see also Covel)-
Edward, Capt., July 31, 1820, a. 35, GR1. [h. Betsey (d. William Nichols and Desire), PR38. a. 35 y. 8 m., PR63.]
Mary, -, 10 mo. 1806, in the poor house, CR4. [23d, 9 mo., PR63.]
John, "John Macys Servant," "drowned in Grandfather Starbucks Pond," 20th, 6 mo. 1715.
CRAGGIE (Craiggee)-
Elizabeth, w. Andrew, d. John Gardner 3d and Priscilla (Coffin), 30th, 9 mo. 1791, a. 76, in Boston, PR38.
Thomas (Craiggee) of Philadelphia, Aug. 21, 1836, a. 21, "on board the Ship Jefferson, he fell from aloft on deck," PR62.
Mary, d. Elizabeth Pease, 26th, 1 mo. 1785, PR63.
William, -, 9 mo. 1772, PR63.
Andrew, ___, 1823, CR4.
William H. Esq., Sept. 15, 1834, a. 70 y. 4 m., in Ellerton, Ga., PR62.
CREASY (Creasey)-
Deborah, b. N., wid. Edward, old age, Nov. 25, 1848, a. 84, in N. [d. William Cash and Mary, 23d, 11 mo., PR38.]
Edward, Apr. 13, 1827, CR3. [Apr. 11, a. 61 y. 7 m., GR4. h. Deborah (Cash), 14th, 4 mo., PR38.]
William, s. Edward and Deborah (Cash), "killed . . . by beam falling on him," -, 4 mo. 1815, PR38. [11th, 4 mo., a.
15 y. 6 m., PR63. a. "16 yrs old last Septr," PR64.]
____, (Creasey), ch. Edw[ard], 27th, 3 mo. 1796, PR63.
John, master mariner, fever, Oct. -, 1842, at sea.
CROCKER (Croker)-
Charles, b. N., s. Samuel and Ruth, croup, Dec. 15, 1846, a. 4, in N.
Cynthia, w. Zeno of Barnstable, d. William Bennett and Phebe (Raymond), 23d, 2 mo. 1823, PR38.
Ebenezer, Maj., Feb. 17, 1817, a. 83, in Barnstable, PR63.
Edmond, h. Deborah (Rawson), 13th, 4 mo. 1821, a. 72 y. 6 m., PR38. [Edmund, PR63.]
Elizabeth, b. N., wid. Isaiah, old age, Feb. 5, 1846, a. 87, in N. [d. Solomon Gardner and Mary, 7th, 2 mo., PR38.]
Heman C., suddenly, Sept. 19, 1834, in Barnstable, PR62.
Isaiah, h. Elizabeth (d. Solomon Gardner and Mary), 25th, 10 mo. 1820, PR38. [Oct. 25, 1819, a. 48 y. 3 m., PR63.]
Martha, b. N., ch. Samuel and Elizabeth, burning, Oct. 24, 1846, a. 2, in N.
Oliver, b. N., ch. Ezekiel and Caroline, consumption, Jan. 30, 1849, a. 13 [sic], in N.
Seth, single, s. Isaiah and Elizabeth (Gardner), ____, PR38.
Susan, w. Sylvanus, suddenly, May 14, 1838, a. 57 y. 4 m., in Edgartown, PR62.
Sylvia G., w. Heman, ___, 1842, CR4.
Zaccheus, Aug. 6, 1830, in 36th y., GR1. [h. Lucy, "kicked by a horse," PR38.]
____, ch. John, 7th, 5 mo. 1746, PR63.
____, ch. Debo[rah], Sept. 18, 1870, a. 2 m., CR2.
____, s. Lot, marasmus, Apr. 19, 1842, a. 13 m.
CROKER (see Crocker)CROSBY (Crosbe)-
Alfred, h. Maria (d. Benjamin Stubbs), s. Jesse and Susan (Lumbert), 20th, 3 mo. 1832, PR38.
Anna, d. Hannah Smith, 27th, 10 mo. 1794, PR63.
Elizabeth, d. James and Hepzibah, Sept. 17, 1838, a. 1 y. 1 m., PR62.
George, "said to be Hanged for Murder in New Orleans," Oct. 1, 1837, a. 37 y. 9 m., PR62.
Huldah, w. Sylvanus, July 20, 1833, a. 82, CR1. [wid. Silvanus, July 19, a. 82 y. 8 m., GR1. w. Sylvanus (s. John), d. Matthew Pease and Mary (Butler), 19th, 7 mo., PR38.]
John, h. Sarah Luce (d. ____ and Sarah (Look)), s. Simeon and Mary Nickerson, ___, 1750, PR38.
John, s. Samuel, 17th, 9 mo. 1807, PR63.
Lydia [Crosby, w. ____], d. Zenas Coffin and Abial, July 13, 1823, CR4. [Crosby, first w. Matthew (s. Sylvanus and Huldah), d. Zenas Coffin and Abial (Gardner) [dup. July 13, 1828], PR38.]
Mary (Crosbe), w. Thomas of Braintree, d. John Worth and Miriam (Gardner) (first w.), 11th, 9 mo. 1777, PR38. [Crosby, wid. John, PR63.]
Nancy, w. Marshall, sudden, Dec. 4, 1841, a. 67. [Dec. 2, CR3. d. Richard Bunker, 2d, 12 mo., PR38.]
Samuel, h. Catharine McCauly (d. John Bartlett Sr.), s. Samuel and Mary [sic, Sarah] (Marshall), 9th, 10 mo. 1794, PR38.
Samuel, ___, 1819, CR3. [h. Mary [sic, Sarah] (Marshall), s. Johnson [ ? accuracy] and Mary (Worth), 14th, 2 mo. 1820, a. 77, PR38. Feb. 14, 1820, a. 77 y. 1 m., PR63.]
Samuel, s. Marshall and Nancy (Bunker), -, 9 mo. 1825, PR38.
Sarah, Jan. 15, 1821, CR3. [w. Samuel, d. James Marshall and Patience Rider, 14th, 1 mo., PR38. wid. Samuel, Jan. 14, a. 79 y. 1 m., PR63.]
Silvanus, Capt., Dec. 7, 1817, in 71st y, GR1. [Sylvanus, b. Huldah (Pease), s. John and Sarah (Luce), PR38. Silvanus, a. 70 y. 3 m., PR63. Silvanus, PR64.]
Sylvanus, s. Sylvanus and Huldah (Pease), ___, 1794., at Cape Nicholas, PR38.
William, s. Sylvanus and Huldah (Pease), yellow fever, 7th, 8 mo. 1799, in New York, PR38. [Silvanus, _, 7 mo.,
PR61. s. Silvanus, PR63.]
____, ch. Matthew, 6th, 8 mo. 1815, a. 1, PR63.
____, b. N., s. Matthew and Eliz[abe]th, Aug. 28, 1844, a. 8m., in N.
Robert S., b. N., s. Tho[ma]s and Frances, brain fever, July 6, 1844, a. 5 y. 6 m., in N.
Robert S., b. N., s. Tho [ma] s and Frances, consumption, Apr. 7, 1845, a. 9, in N.
Thomas, m., consumption, Dec. 8, 1844, in N. [h. Frances (d. Elisha Starbuck and Betsey), PR38.]
John, Sept. 13, 1818, PR63.
____, "belonged abroad," w. Frederick, Oct. 13, 1775, PR64.
James, 30th, 10 mo. 1794, PR63.
Alfred, s. Jabez, 16th, 2 mo. 1844, at sea, PR38.
Daniel, s. Jabez and Nancy Gibbs, abt. 1842, PR38.
Jabez, Sept. 15, 1840, a. 57, GR3. [h. Nancy Gibbs, h. Cynthia (Bassy), s. Isaac and Esther of Plymouth, 14th, 9 mo., PR38.]
James, s. Jabez, ___, 1839, PR38. [James Henry, violent fever, May 4, a. 2 y. 1 m., PR62.]
Sally, Apr. 8, 1824, a. 24 y. 2 m. 13 d., PR4. [first w. Caleb, d. John Green and Lydia (Coffin), 9th, 4 mo., PR38.]
Thomas Jefferson, s. Caleb Esq., May 11, 1838, a. 11 m., PR62.
CUSTUS (Curtis)-
Charles B. (Curtis), s. John, grand s. Alexander Swain, Oct. 26, 1835, a. 5 y. 4 m., PR62.
John, h. Winnifred (d. Alexander Swain and Eunice), 11th, 9 mo. 1848, in St. Louis, PR38.
James, Apr. -, 1818, a. 40, PR63.