To the Year 1850
Published by the
New England Historic Genealogical Society
At the Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms
at the charge of The Eddy Town-Record Fund
Deaths - COFFIN, Sally to COLBURN, Eunice
[transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

Sally, d. Albert, Aug. 13, 1818, PR63.
Sally [w. ____], d. Cato Barlow, July 25, 1819, a. 34 y. 6 m., {R63.
Sally, w. Jonathan (s. Robert and Susanna), d. Benjamin Fosdick and Lydia (Coffin) (second w.), 31st, 8 mo. 1839, PR38. [Sarah, wid. Jonathan, a. 85 y. 9 m., PR62.]
Samuel, h. Miriam, 22d, 2 mo. 1763, CR4. [h. Miriam (Gardner), s. John and Deborah (Austin), 22d, 2 mo. 1764, PR38. 22d, 2 mo. 1764, PR63.]
Samuel, ch. Samuel and Elizabeth, -, 12 mo. 1771, at sea, CR4.
Samuel, ch. Obed and Deborah, 7th, 1 mo. 1783, CR4.
Samuel, h. Eunice (Folger), s. Nathaniel Jr. and Mary (Sheffield), 5th, 2 mo. 1809, PR38.
Samuel, [twin] s. Abner and Esther Northrop, _____, "young," PR38. [grand s. Philip Coffin, June 5, 1838, a. 8 m., PR62.]
Samuel G., s. Mary. Ann, grand s. Latham, suddenly, July 7, 1837, a. 11 y. 4 m., PR62.
Samuel W., s. Simeon and Mary (Whippey), _, 10 mo. 1809, in "Carolina," PR38. [s. Simeon Jr., PR63.]
Sarah, w. Bartlet, [dup. d. Richard Coffin and Mary] 12th, 6 mo. 1788, CR4. [w. Bartlett (s. Benjamin), d. Richard Coffin Jr. and Mary (Starbuck), 14th, 6 mo., PR38. w. Bartlett 2d, 4th, 6 mo., PR63.]
Sarah, w. Ephraim (s. Robert), d. Susannah Folger, [dup. grand d. Richard Folger] 1st [dup. 8th], 4 mo. 1792, PR38. 8th, 4 mo., PR63. Apr. 8, PR64.]
Sarah, ch. Isaiah and Sarah, 11th, 11 mo. 1810, CR4. [d. Isaiah and Sarah (Folger), PR38. 9th, 11 mo., a. 16,
PR63. ]
Sarah, w. Hezediah, 12th, 10 mo. 1813, CR4. [w. Hezediah (s. Ebenezer and Mary), d. John Russell and Hepsabeth, 14th, 10 mo., PR38. 14th, 10 mo., a. 26 y. 9 m., PR63.]
Sarah, w. Solomon (s. Solomon and Eunice), d. Thomas Barnard and Ruth, 29th, 10 mo. 1814, PR38. [w. Solomon Jr., a. 39, PR63.]
Sarah (see Sally).
Sarah, w. Abishai (s. Tristram and Jemima), d. John Long and Jane Luce, 30th, 4 mo. 1820, PR38. [wid. Abisha, a. 73 y. 2 m., PR63.]
Sarah 2d, Feb. 27, 1827, CR3.
Sarah, second w. Aaron (s. Benjamin and Elizabeth), d. John Hussey of N.C., 14th, 10 mo. 1837, PR38.
Sarah, w. William Esq. (s. Timothy and Priscilla), d. Thaddeus Gardner and Susanna (Hussey), 10th, 4 mo. 1838, PR38. [Sally, w. William (roper), consumption, Oct. 4, a. 76 y. 1 m., PR62.]
Sarah (see Sally).
Sarah, w. Presbury (s. Uriah of Martha's Vineyard), d. Seth Hussey and Naomi (Chase), 23d, 8 mo. 1847, PR38.
Sarah, d. Thomas and Anna (Folger), _____, in Philadelphia, PR38.
Sarah A., b. N. wid. John 3d, consumption, Jan. 30, 1845, a. 50, in N. [Jan. 27, CR1. second w. John, d. John Archibald of N.Y., PR38.]
Sarah Butler [sic, see mar. in Edgartown Vital Records], w. Uriah (s. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Norton) of Martha's] Vineyard), 30th, 4 mo. 1810, PR38.
Sarah E., d. Capt. Jethro, fever, Mar. 3, 1836, a. 4 y. 2 m., PR62.
Sarah Elizabeth, d. Charles Griffin Coffin and Mary Ann Hughes (second w.), 17th, 8 mo. 1840, PR38.
Sarah P., d. Thomas and Margaret (Paddack), 21st, 8 mo. 1825, PR38.
Seth, ch. Nathaniel and Priscilla [dup. Prissilla], 2d, 12 mo. 1798, CR4. [s. Nathaniel and Priscilla (Gardner) (second w.), PR38.]
Seth [dup. h. Susanna], ch. David and Ruth, 31st, 5 mo. 1801, CR4. [h. Susanna (Barnard), s. David and Ruth (Coleman), PR38.]
Seth, h. Lydia (d. William Barnard), s. Benjamin and Jedidah (Hussey), 10th, 1 mo. 1816, in N.C., PR38.
Seth, h. Lydia (d. Jonathan Myrick), s. Benjamin and Rebecca (Coffin), 16th, 1 mo. 1830, PR38.
Seth Jr., Capt., h. Lydia (d. Gardner Coleman), s. Seth and Lydia (Myrick), 27th, 1 mo. 1844, PR38.
Seth, s. Zephaniah and Hepzibah (Bunker), _____, "young," PR38.
Seth G., s. Seth [Capt. Seth Jr. and Lydia (Coleman), PR38.], consumption, Feb. 9, 1842, a. 23.
Seth M., s. Barzillai and Rebecca (Coffin), 3d, 5 mo. 1824, PR38.
Sheffield, h. Elizabeth (d. Matthew Barnard), s. Nathaniel and Mary (Sheffield), -, 11 mo. 1798, [in] Hudson, N.Y., PR38.
Shubael, h. Priscilla (d. Nathaniel Starbuck Jr.), s. Stephen and Experience (Look), 7th, 10 mo. 1737, PR38. [7th, 6 mo., PR63.]
Shubael, ch. Shubael and Mary, 12th, 10 mo. 1765, CR4.
Shubael, s. Shubael and Sarah Olney, ___, 1795, PR38.
Shubael, h. Mary (Mitchell), h. Sarah Olney of Providence, s. Zaccheus and Mary (Pinkham), 28th [dup. 23d],
2 mo. 1817, PR33. [23d, 2 mo., a. 78, PR63.]
Shubael, Capt., Nov. 7, 1821, a. 67 y. 8 m. 24 d., GR1. [h. Margaret (Pinkham), h. Priscilla (Bunker), s. Henry and Mary (Woodbury), 6th, 11 mo., PR38.]
Silvanus, h. Elizabeth (Hussey), s. Richard and Ruth (Bunker), drowned, 17th, 2 mo. [dup. - 1 mo.] 1783, at Woods Hole, PR38. [Feb. -, PR64.]
Silvanus Jr., h. Judith (d. Barzillai Macy and Elizabeth), s. Silvanus and Elizabeth (Hussey), killed by a whale, -,
3 mo. 1813, PR38. [Silvanus 2d, a. 30, PR63.]
Silvanus, widr., gentleman, b. N., old age, May 8, 1845, a. 76 y. 8 m, in N. [Capt., May 6, a. 77, GR4. h. Lydia (Long), s. Ephraim and Sarah, 7th, 5 mo., PR38.]
Simeon, ch. Obed and Deborah, 7th, 9 mo. 1790, CR4.
Simeon, h. Jedida (Folger) Coffin, s. Nathan and Lydia (Bunker), 26th, 3 mo. 1816, PR38. [25th, 3 mo.; a. 83 y. 8 m., PR63.]
Simeon, h. Mary (Whippey), h. Anna (Coleman) Fish, s. Simeon and Jedidah (Coffin), 20th, 12 mo. 1849 [sic], PR38. [barber, consumption, Dec. 20, 1839, a. 78 y. 9 m., PR62.]
Simeon R, s. Valentine and Diana Marchant, 5th, 1 mo. 1831, PR38.
Solomon, h. Eunice (Macy), h. Phebe (Clark) Gardner, s. Zephaniah and Abigail (Coleman) (second w.), 28th, 1 mo. 1834, PR38.
Solomon, s. Zephaniah and Hepzibah (Bunker), _____, "young," PR38.
Sophia Whitefield, w. Jethro (s. Brown and Deborah), 15th, 11 mo. 1814, PR38. [a. 29 y. 9 m., PR63.]
Stephen, h. Experience (d. Thomas Look), s. Stephen and Mary (Bunker), ___, 1725, PR38.
Stephen, 14th, 9 mo. 1734, CR4. [h. Mary (Bunker), s. Tristram and Dionis (Stevens), 14th, 11 mo. 1734, PR38. 14th, 9 mo., PR63.]
Stephen, h. Mary, 15th, 6 mo. 1806, CR4. [h. Mary (d. Samuel Bunker and Priscilla), s. Zephaniah and Miriam (Macy), a. 75, PR38.]
Stephen, h. Eunice (d. Jonathan Coffin and Eunice), s. Stephen and Mary (Bunker), 25th, 5 mo. 1816, a. 64, in Hudson, PR38. [24th, 5 mo., PR63.]
Stephen G., "killed by a fall from aloft on board ship Peruvian, . . . and buried at sea," Sept. 1, 1830, PR23.
- Susan, second w. David (s. Jonathan and Abigail), d. Franklin Swain and Anna (Cathcart), 10th, 2 mo. 1821, PR38.
[Susanna, w. David 3d, Feb. 9, a. 24, PR63.]
Susan [dup. Susanna], w. John Jr. (s. John and Anna), d. Reuben Clark and Mary (Whippey), 29th, 8 mo. 1830, PR38.
Susan, b. N., d. James and Janett, billious fever, Nov. 22, 1844, a. 63, in N. [d. James and Jennet, CR1. Susanna, d. James and Jeanette (Coffin), 21st, 11 mo., PR38.]
Susan, w. Charles (s. Nathan and Eunice), d. Abel Rawson and Lydia (Briggs), cholera, -, 7 mo. 1849 [ ? in N.Y.],
Susanna (see Susan).
Susanna, w. Peter of Tuckernuck, d. William Bunker and Jane (Coffin), 12th, 10 mo. 1753, PR38. [12th, 10 mo. 1758, PR63.]
Susanna, second w. Robert (s. Jethro), d. Jonathan Coffin and Hepsibeth (Harker), 9th: 4 mo. 1795, PR38. [Susannah, wid. Robert, PR63.]
Susanna, w. Paul (s. Zephinia), d. Jonathan Bunker and Judith (Macy), -, 5 mo. 1829, PR38.
Susanna, w. Seth, 25th, 12 mo. 1831, CR4. [w. Seth (s. David), d. Timothy Barnard and Mary (Bunker), PR38.]
- Susanna, b. N., wid. James J., consumption, July 5, 1846, a. 77, in N. [w. James Josiah, d. John Pinkham and Susanna, 4th, 7 mo., PR38.]
Thaddeus, -, 8 mo. 1787, PR63.
Thaddeus, Feb. 19, 1820, a. 65, CR2. [Esq., GR3. h. Ann, PR18. h. Ann (d. ____ Parker of London), s. Henry and Mary (Woodbury), PR38. Sept. -, 1819, a.. 64 y. 4 m., PR63. Capt., Feb. 19, 1820, PR64.]
Thaddeus Jr., drowned, Sept. -, 1842, a. 20, at sea. [Thaddeus, s. Thaddeus and Eliza (Cartwright), 30th, 3 mo., PR38.]
Thadeus, h. Jemima, 17th, 7 mo. 1819, at sea, CR4. [Thaddeus, h. Jemima (Folger), s. Tristram 3d and Mary (Pinkham), PR38. Thaddeus 2d, Oct. -, a. 49 y. 8 m., PR63.]
Thankfull, wid. Zacheus, _, 5 mo. 1810, CR4. [Thankful, w. Zaccheus Jr. (s. Zaccheus and Mary), d. Ebenezer Joy and Elizabeth (Covill), 19th, 5 mo., PR38. Thankful, wid. Zaccheus, 19th, 5 mo., PR63. Thankful, paralytic
shock, PR64.]
Thomas, h. Sarah (d. Enoch Coffin. Jr. and Jane), s. Samuel and Elizabeth (Gardner), ___, 1796, PR38.
Thomas, ch. Bartlet and Elizalbethl, ___, 1806, CR4. [s. Bartlett and Elizabeth (Bunker), PR38. ch. Bartlett, 5th, 8 mo., PR63.]
Thomas, h. Abigail, 8th, 5 mo. 1809, CR4. [h. Abigail (Russell), s. Micah and Dorcas (Coleman), 9th [dup. 8th], 5 mo., PR38. 9th, 5 mo., PR63. May 9, a. "old," PR64.]
Thomas, h. Anna (Folger), s. Benjamin and Deborah (Macy), 1st, 2 mo. 1815, PR38. [25th, 1 mo., PR63.]
Thomas, s. Albert, Nov. 19, 1839, a. abt. 3 y. 1 m., PR62.
Thomas, s. Daniel and Mary Harlock (first w.), lost at sea, _____, PR38.
Thomas, s. Tristram and Mary (Bunker), lost at sea, _____, PR38.
Thomas F., single, tailor, b. N., ch. Tho[ma]s and Margaret, consumption, Feb. 10, 1847, a. 20, in N. [s. Thomas and Margaret (Paddack), a. 21, PR38.]
Thomas H., ch. William Barnard and Deborah, 27th, 7 mo. 1821, CR4. [s. William Barnard and Deborah (Swain),
Thomas M., painter, b. N., bilious fever, Nov. 19, 1843, a. 63, in N. [Nov. 17, a. 72, GR1. Thomas Maverick Coffin, s. Joseph, painter, and Elizabeth (Jillings), 17th, 11 mo., a. 72 y. 10 m. 2 d., PR38.]
Thomas Mayhew, s. Thomas and Anna (Folger), cholera, 21st, 7 mo. 1849, in Philadelphia, PR38.
Timothy, h. Eunice (Gardner), s. Tristram and Mary (Bunker), ___, 1756, PR38.
Timothy, ch. Hezekiah and Abigail, lost at sea, ___, 1794, CR4. [s. Hezekiah and Abigail (Coleman), -, 8 mo. 1793, PR38.]
Timothy, h. Priscilla (d. William Pardon Cook and Rebecca of Tiverton), s. Abner and Phebe (Butler), 15th, 12 mo. 1803, PR38. [13th, 12 mo., a. 71 y. 3 m., PR63.]
Timothy, 13th, 4 mo. 1812, CR4. [s. Obed and Deborah (Coleman), "fell from aloft on board of ship Rose," 12th, 4 mo., PR38.]
Timothy, s. Obed and Phebe (Gardner), -, 9 mo. 1812, at sea, PR38. [8th, 10 mo., a. 27 y. 9 m., PR63.]
Timothy Jr., h. Zoraida. (d. Col. Beriah Norton of Martha's Vineyard), s. Timothy and Eunice (Gardner), 13th, 7 mo. 1827, a. 74, PR38.
Timothy Esq., "Post Master at Edgartown," suddenly, May 16, 1838, a. 41 y. 6 m., PR62.
Timothy, s. Cromwell and Ruth (Coffin), _____, "young," PR38.
Timothy C., ch. Tristram and Deborah, Nov. 11, 1834, a. 21, GR3. [Timothy W., single, s. Tristram and Deborah (Swain), PR38. liver complaint, PR62.]
Timothy G. Esq., h. Betsey (d. John Avery Parker of "N.B."), s. William Esq. and Sarah (Gardner), 9th, 9 mo. 1845, PR38.
Timothy R., Capt., h. Lydia (d. Elias Ceely and Dinah), s. Francis and Ruth (Upham), 7th, 5 mo. [dup. 2 mo. written above 5 mo.] 1837, at sea, PR38. [Dec. 29, 1836, "lost near the Fegee Islands, with the Ship Reaper of Nantucket," PR62.]
Timothy W. (see Timothy C.).
Tristram (see Trustram).
Tristram, h. Hannah (d. John Brown and Rachel), s. Peter and Elizabeth (Starbuck), 13th, 12 mo. 1730, PR38.
Tristram, h. Jemima, 19th, 1 mo. 1763, CR4. [h. Jemima (Barnard), s. Peter " ( Nope) " and Hope (Gardner), 29th [dup. 19th], 1 mo., PR38.]
Tristram, h. Mary (d. William Bunker and Mary), s. John and Deborah (Austin), 29th, 1 mo. 1763, PR38. [" (Nope)," PR60. PR63.]
Tristram, h. Hepsibeth (d. Zephaniah Coffin), h. Elizabeth (d. Paul Starbuck and Ann), s. Tristram and Mary (Bunker), 30th, 5 mo. 1796, PR38.
Tristram, h. Mary, 14th, 9 mo. 1799, CR4. [h. Mary (d. Richard Pinkham), s. Tristram. Jr. and Hepzibah (Coffin), PR38. consumption, PR61. 15th, 9 mo., PR63.]
Tristram 4th, h. Eunice (d. Paul Mitchell), s. Tristram 3d and Mary (Pinkham), 21st, 2 mo. 1805, PR38.
Tristram, b. N., ch. David 2d and Maria, disease of heart, June 7, 1846, a. 17, in N. [s. David and Maria (Hussey) (third w.), 12th, 6 mo., PR38.]
Tristram, m., b. N., Apr. 20, 1847, a. 61, in N. [Apr. 18, a. 60, GR3. h. Deborah (Swain), s. Tristram and Abigail of Martha's Vineyard, 19th, 4 mo., PR38.]
Tristram M., h. Mary F. (d. William Mooers), s. Tristram and Eunice (Mitchell), fever, 17th, 8 mo. 1825, a. 22 y. 3 m. 17 d., in Trinidad, PR38. [a. 22 y. 3 m. 14 d., PR45.]
Trustram, Mr., Oct. 2, 1681. [Tristram, "came to New England in 1642 with five children" (Peter, Tristram, Elizabeth, James, John) [see also Haverhill and Newbury Vital Records (transcriber's note: we have the vital records of both these towns on this website)], "of Haverhill, Mass., Nov. 15, 1642; removed to Newbury abt. 1648; thence to Salisbury, in 1664 or 1665; removed to Nantucket in 1660," h. Dionis (d. Robert Stevens of Briston), s. Peter [see birth record] and Joan Thumber [sic], 2d, 10 mo. [dup. Oct. 2] 1681, PR38. 2d, 10 mo., PR63.]
Uriah, h. Sarah Butler, h. Hannah Vincent, s. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Norton) of Martha's Vineyard, 7th, 9 mo. 1820, PR38. ["late of Vineyard," PR64.]
Uriah, Capt., h. Mary (d. Peter Jenkins and Abigail), s. Jethro and Hannah (Pinkham), 23d, 9 mo. 1823, PR38.
Uriel, s. Silvanus and Elizabeth (Hussey), drowned, -, 1 mo. 1783, a. abt. 12, at Wood's Hole, PR38. [drowned, Feb. -, in Woods Hole Harbour, PR64.]
Valentine, ch. Ebenezer and Mary, -, 12 mo. 1782, CR4. [s. Ebenezar and Mary (Cartwright), -, 8 mo., "returning from France," PR38. 21st, 8 mo., PR63.]
Valentine, single, s. Ebenezar and Eleanor (Barnard), lost at sea, ___, 1782, PR38.
Valentine, s. Solomon, 17th, 1 mo. 1784, PR63.
Valentine, m., mariner, b. N., ch. Obed and Phebe, dropsy, June 30, 1847, a. 64, in N. [h. Diana Marchant, h. Judith (Coffin), s. Obed and Phebe (Gardner), PR38.]
Valentine, h. Sarah (d. Samuel Nye and Polly), s. William Esq. and Sarah (Gardner), 30th, 6 mo. 1848 [dup. 1847), PR38.
Walter, h. Polly Gardner, s. Nathaniel and Mau(Sheffield), ___ 1785, PR38.
Walter, ch, Gilbert and Phebe, 26th, 6 mo. 1814, CR4. [s. Gilbert and Phebe (Barnard), PR38. 10th, 8 mo., a. 27 y. 7 m., PR63.]
William [dup. h. Jedidah], s. Francis dec'd, lost at sea, ___, 1756, CR4. [h. Jedidah (Folger), s. Francis and Theodate (Gorham), PR38. William 2d, 3d, 12 mo., PR63.]
William, s. Joseph, painter, and Elizabeth (Jillings), ____, "young," PR38. [6th, 10 mo. 1769, PR63.]
William; h. Ann (d. Ebenezar Holmes of Boston), s. Nathaniel and Damaris (Gayer), ___, 1774, PR38.
William, s. Jonathan and Eunice (Barnard), ___, 1777, in the West Indies, PR38. [31st, 5 mo., PR63.]
William, s. Joshua and Beulah (Gardner), ___, 1794, in England, PR38.
William, Sheriff of Kingston, Ont., Canada, h. Mary (d. Thomas Ashton), s. William and Ann (Holmes), 2d, 12 mo. 1803, PR38.
William, h. Priscilla (d. Nathaniel Paddack and Ann), s. Samuel and Miriam, ___, 1803, PR38.
William, h. Hepsibeth (Barney), h. Lydia (Gardner), h. Elizabeth (Macy) Moores, s. Benjamin and Jedidah (Hussey), 20th, 9 mo. 1816, PR38. [20th, 10 mo., a. 85 y. 10 m., PR63.]
William, h. Lydia (d. Jethro Coleman and Lydia), s. David and Mary Lumbert, 8th, 10 mo. 1816, a. 72, PR38. [3d, 10 mo., PR63.]
William, h. Phebe (d. Timothy Bunker and Judith), s. Salmon and Anna (Mitchell), ___, 1832, PR38.
William Esq., May 11, 1834 [dup. May 1, 1835], a. 78, CR2. [h. Deborah, May 1, 1835, GR3. h. Deborah (Pinkham),
s. William and Jedida (Folger), May 1, 1835, PR38.]
William, "Coloured man," consumption, Mar. 30, 1835, a. 30 y. 3 m., in New Guiney, PR62.
William, Apr. 27, 1838, a. 40, CR2. [William Jr., h. Elizabeth C. (Hussey), s. William and Deborah (Pinkham), PR38.
William Esq., s. William Esq., suddenly, PR62.]
William, s. Gardner and Phoebe Ann, Sept. 18, 1840, a. 22 m. 19 d., GR1. [William C., s. Gardner and Phebe Ann
(Chase), PR38.]
William, Feb. 28, 1841, a. 62, GR1. [William M., h. Mary (Burdett), s. Joseph, painter, and Elizabeth (Jillings),
William, h. Phebe (d. Caleb Congdon of New Bedford), s. William and Lydia (Coleman), 27th, 3 mo. 1843,
William, s. Tristram and. Mary (Bunker), _____, lost at sea, PR38.
William A., single, s. George B. and Abigail (Allen), Jan. 15, 1837 [dup. 1832, sic], a. 28, PR38.
William B., h. Merab (d. Barzillai Bunker and Lydia), s. Stephen and Eunice (Coffin), 5th, 9 mo. 1820, in Cape de Verds, PR38. [William Bunker Coffin, s. Stephen Jr., PR63.]
William B., s. Stephen and Magdelen Maxwell, _____, "young," PR38.
William C. (see William).
William G., s. Gardner and Mary, Nov. 24, 1813, in 17th y., GR1. [25th, 11 mo., PR63.]
W[illia]m H., s. William, ___, 1812, PR63.
William H., s. Capt. Joshua, canker rash, Nov. 29, 1835, a. 11 m., PR62.
William H., h. Betsey Currier of Maine, s. Alpheus and Love (Pitts), 10th, 6 mo. 1844, a. 40, PR38.
William Henry, h. Martha (d. Ebenezer Allen and Mary of Hudson, N.Y.), s. Alexander arid Eunice (Bunker), ___, 1809, at sea, PR38.
William Henry, single, s. William Esq. and Sarah (Gardner), _____, PR38. [William Henry Esq. of Hudson, "formerly postmaster of that place," grand s. Alexander Esq., Aug. 20, 1837, a. 33 [sic], PR62.]
William Henry, h. Mary Ann (d. Gayer Gardner of Hudson), s. William and Martha (Allen), 20th, 8 mo. 1847, PR38.
William Hughes, s. Charles Griffin and Mary Ann Hughes (second w.), 12th, 4 mo. 1833, PR38.
William M. (see William).
William P., s. James Josiah and Susanna (Pinkham), _, 7 mo. 1822, in Batavia, PR38.
William Rand, ch. Reuben M. and Rebecca, Sept. 19, 1840, a. 11 d., GR3.
Winslow, consumption, Jan. 3i, 1794, PR64.
Zaccheus Jr., h. Thankful (Joy), s. Zaccheus and Mary (Pinkham), "He died among the Turks," ___, 1787, PR38. [31st, 3 mo. 1788, PR63.]
Zaccheus [dup. h. Mary], 2d, 10 mo. 1797, CR4. [h. Mary (Pinkham), s. Joseph and Bethia (Macy), 12th, 10 mo., PR38. 2d, 10 mo., a. 86 y. 10 m., PR63.]
Zaccheus, "fell off Jibb Boom on board Schooner Timo Folger Master from here to Senegal," "recd. news" -, 5 mo. 1806, CR4. [s. Zaccheus Jr. and Thankful (Jay), -, 5 mo. 1805, PR38. 10th, 5 mo. 1805, PR63.]
Zacheriah, h. Deborah (Beard), s. Joseph and Judith (Coffin), 11th, 2 mo. 1811, PR38. [Zachariah, a. 58, PR63.]
Zebdial, Capt, Mar. 11, 1841, a 72, GR4. [h. Hepsibeth (Swain), s. Zebdial and Lurania (Coffin), 11th, 3 ma. 1840, PR38.]
Zebdial, h. Lurania (Coffin), s. Peleg and Hepsibeth (Coffin), _____, PR38.
Zebulon, h. Eunice (d. Isaac Chase and Eunice), h. Eliza (d. Matthew Barnard and Deborah), s. John and Susanna (Clark), 3d [dup. 8th], 1 mo. 1812, PR38. [8th, 1 mo., a. 32, PR63.]
Zebulon Butler, s. Cyrus and Abigail (Butler), 26th, 8 mo. 1814, PR38.
Zenas, s. Charles G. and Eliza (McArthur), 3d, 6 mo. 1829, PR38.
Zenos [dup. Zenas, h. Abial], ch. Micajah and Abigail, 8th, 7 mo. 1828, CR4. [Zenas, h. Abial (Gardner), s. Micajah and Abigail (Coleman), PR38.]
Zephaniah Jr., h. Hepzibah (d. Jonathan Bunker and Judith), s. Zephaniah and Abigail (Coleman) (second w.), 20th, 10 mo. 1835, in Hudson, PR38.
Zephaniah, h. Deborah (d. John Macy and Bethiah), h. Sally Hatch, s. Zephaniah and Hepzibah (Bunker), 29th, 10 mo. 1848, a. 76, PR38.
Zepheniah, h. Miriam, h. Abigail, 12th, 10 mo. 1774, CR4. [Zephaniah, h. Miriam (Macy), h. Abigail (Coleman), s. Stephen Jr. and Experience (Look), 10th, 12 mo., PR38. Zephaniah, 10th, 12 mo., PR63.]
____, bro[ther] s of Joshua, ___, 1722 [see Elisha and Joshua], PR63.
____, ch. [unreadable] -, .8 mo. 1727, PR63.
____, ch. Zephaniah, 5th, 3 mo. 1728, PR63.
____, ch. Shubael, _, 5 mo. 1729, PR63.
____, ch. Zepheniah, 13th, 9 mo. 1729, PR63.
____, ch. Micah, 30th, 1 mo. 1731, PR63.
____, d. Rob[er]t, 18th, 7 mo. 1736, PR63.
____, ch. John, sheriff, -, 12 mo. 1742, PR63.
____, ch. Zephaniah, 9th, 3 mo. 1746, PR63.
____, ch. Zaccheus, -, 8 mo. 1749, PR63.
____, ch. Jethro, 18th, 2 mo. 1750, PR63.
____ [see Lathum], second ch. Benjamin, 17th, 7 mo. 1752, PR63.
____, s. Abner, 29th, 8 mo. 1752, PR63.
____, ch. David, 8th, 10 mo. 1752, PR63.
____, ch. Robert, 19th, 9 me. 1753, PR63.
- ____, ch. Zephaniah, 1st, 10 mo. 1753, PR63.
____, ch. Jos[eph], 9th, 10 mo. 1753, PR63.
____, ch. Peter, 10th, 11 mo. 1753, PR63.
____, ch. Barnabas, 18th, 11 mo. 1753, PR63.
____, ch. Hezekiah, 10th, 8 mo. 1754, PR63.
____, ch. Peter, 27th, 10 mo. 1754, PR63.
____, ch. Benj[amin], schoolmaster, 15th, 1 mo. 1755, PR63.
____ , ch. William, 21st, 2 mo. 1755, PR63.
____, second ch. Nathaniel, 5th, 4 mo. 1755, PR63.
____, ch. Williamm, 8th, 8 mo. 1756, PR63.
____, ch. W[illia]m, 12th, 2 mo. 1757, PR63.
____, ch. Shubael, 22d, 9 mo. 1758, PR63.
____, ch. Stephen, 12th, 4 mo. 1759, PR63.
____, ch. W[illia]m, 16th, 4 mo. 1759, PR63.
____, ch. Peter, 2d, 6 mo. 1759, PR63.
____ , inf. Benj[amin], 6th, 8 mo. 1759, PR63.
____ , ch. Nathan Jr., 9th, 8 mo. 1759, PR63.
____, ch. Tho[ma]s, 15th, 9 mo. 1759, PR63.
____ , ch. W[illia]m, 24th, 5 mo. 1760, PR63.
____, ch. Simeon, 26th, 5 mo. 1760, PR63.
____, ch. Nathan, 19th, 9 mo. 1760, PR63.
____, ch. Jos[eph], 27th, 9 mo. 1760, PR63.
____ , ch. Jethro, 7th, 11 mo. 1760, PR63.
____, d. Rob[er]t "(Nopes)," 10th, 6 mo. 1762, PR63.
____, ch. Nathaniel Jr., 2d, 1 mo. 1764, PR63.
____, ch. Shubael, 17th, 10 mo. 1764, PR63.
____, ch. Joshua, 6th, 1 mo. 1765, PR63.
____, ch. Peter, 31st, 8 mo. 1768, PR63.
____, ch. Timothy, 20th, 3 mo. 1769, PR63.
____, ch. Tho[ma] s, 2d, 8 mo. 1769, PR63.
____, ch. Stephen, 3d, 1 mo. 1770, PR63.
____, ch. Silvanus, 17th, 6 mo. 1770, PR63.
____, s. Barnabas, 16th, 7 mo. 1771, PR63.
____, ch. Timothy, 25th, 9 mo. 1772, PR63.
____, ch. Caleb, 2d, 11 mo. 1773, PR63.
____, ch. Zebdial, 2d, 11 mo. 1773, PR63.
____, ch. Stephen, 2d, 2 mo. 1774, PR63.
____, ch. Jonathan, -, 8 mo. 1774, PR63.
____, ch. Zacchery, 11th, 5 mo. 1775, PR63.
____, ch. Alex[ander], 15th, 6 mo. 1775, PR63.
____, ch. Josiah, 23d, 6 mo. 1775, PR63.
____, ch. Cha[rle]s, 23d, 8 mo. 1775, PR63.
____, ch. Nathan, 5th, 2 mo. 1776, PR63. [Feb. 15, a. 2 m., PR64.]
____, ch. Silvanus, 10th, 4 mo. 1776, PR63.
____, ch. Jonathan, 19th, 7 mo. 1776, PR63.
____, ch. Stephen, 31st, 3 mo. 1777, PR63.
____, ch. Alex[ander], 22d, 1 mo. 1778, PR63.
____, ch. Stephen, 9th, 6 mo. 1779, PR63.
____, ch. Jared, 8th, 7 mo. 1780, PR63.
____, ch. Mary, stillborn, Aug. 5, 1780, PR64.
____, ch. Benj[amin], 16th, 8 mo. 1780, PR63.
____, ch. Shubael, -, 1 mo. 1782, PR63.
____, ch. Joseph, painter, Oct. 6, 1782, a. "under a week," PR64.
____, ch. Abisha, 9th, 8 mo. 1785, PR63.
____, ch. Francis, 29th, 7 mo. 1786, PR63.
____ [see Rebecca], ch. Daniel, 3d, 5 mo. 1787, PR63.
____, ch. Mrs. Coffin, Aug. 31, 1787, PR64.
____, ch. Bartlett, 1st, 9 mo. 1787, PR63.
____, ch. Francis, 12th, 9 mo. 1789, PR63.
____, ch. Ja[me]s, 29th, 6 mo. 1791, PR63.
____, ch. Francis, 29th, 8 mo. 1791, PR63.
____, ch. Clement, 2d, 1 mo. 1792, PR63.
____, ch. Philip, 3d, 9 mo. 1793, PR63.
____, twin d. Philip, Apr. 25, 1794, PR64.
____, ch. Eben[ezer], 15th, 2 mo. 1795, PR63.
____, ch. Latham, 1st, 3 mo. 1795, PR63.
____, ch. Mark, 26th, 8 mo. 1795, PR63.
____, d. Brown, 14th, 7 mo. 1796, PR63.
____, ch. Mark, 20th, 7 mo. 1797, PR63.
____, ch. Benj[amin], 27th, 8 mo. 1797, PR63.
____, ch. Benj[amin], 7th, 9 mo. 1797, PR63.
____, ch. James, 21st, 10 mo. 1797, PR63.
____, ch. Isaiah and Sarah, 22d, 7 mo. 1799, CR4. [ch. Isaiah and Sarah (Folger), 25th, 7 mo., PR38. 24th, 7
mo., PR63.]
____, ch. Mark and Judith, 28th, 7 mo. 1799, CR4.
____, s. Elihu, 4th, 12 mo. 1800, a. 8, PR63.
____, ch. Dr. ____, bur. Aug. 2, 1801, PR64.
____, second w. Paul, 30th, 8 mo. 1803, PR63.
____, d. Samuel, 3d, 11 mo. 1803, PR63.
____, ch. Owen, 8th, 8 mo. 1805, PR63.
____, ch. Geo[rge], 23d, 7 mo. 1806, PR63.
____, ch. William, 14th, 9 mo. 1806, PR63.
____, d. Samuel, -, 11 mo. 1806, CR4. [Mary, 26th, 11 mo., PR63.]
____, ch. Jesse, 13th, 7 mo. 1807, PR63.
____, w. Brown, -, 7 mo. 1807, CR4. [Deborah, w. Brown (s. Jethro and Hannah), d. Solomon Coleman and Mehitable (Gardner), 19th, 7 mo., PR38.]
____, ch. Gideon, 27th, 12 mo. 1807, PR63.
____, twin chn. Waterman, 23d, 2 mo. 1809, PR63.
____, ch. Mahala (d. Paul Coggeshall), May 16, 1809, PR64.
____, ch. Paul, 5th, 3 mo. 1811, PR63.
____, d. Barrett, Apr. 6, 1811, a. 9 m., CR2.
____, ch. Barrett, 19th, 4 mo. 1811, PR63.
____, second ch. Cha[rle]s, 13th, 10 mo. I811, PR63.
____ [see Matthew Jr.], ch. Matthew, 24th, 1 mo. 1812, PR63.
____, second ch. Francis, 13th, 7 mo. 1812, PR63.
____, ch. Geo[rge], 21st, 12 mo. 1812, PR63.
____, second ch. Gideon, 20th, 1 mo. 1813, PR63.
____, ch. Jethro, 17th, 9 mo. 1815, PR63.
____, wid. Nathan, 17th, 12 mo. 1815, PR63.
____, ch. William Henry, 27th, 12 mo. 1815, a. 6 m., PR63.
____, brother of Seth. [sic], 10th, 1 mo. 1816, a 73 y. 8 m. [see Seth], PR63.
____, ch. Geo[rge] Gorham, 14th, 3 mo. 1816, a. 1 m., PR63.
____, ch. Alex[ander], Sept. 18, 1817, PR63.
____, ch. Valentine 3d, Nov. 9, 1817, PR63.
____, ch. Peter F., Sept. 6, 1818, a. 2 w., PR63.
____, ch. Uriah, Feb. 26, 1819, a. 5, PR63.
____, ch. William Barnard, Aug. 25, 1819, a. 15 d., PR63.
____, ch. W[illia]m Gayer, Oct. 19, 1819, a. 2 y. 6 m., PR63.
____ [see Gilbert], ch. Thomas, 23d, 8 mo. 1820, a. 10 [ ? m.], PR63.
____, ch. Oliver Cromwell, Sept. 13, 1820, PR63.
____, ch. Barzillai, Oct. 8, 1820, PR63.
____, ch. Abner of N., Sept. 27, 1834, a. abt. 2 y. 2 m., in Barnstable, PR62.
____, ch. Benjamin (s. John, carpenter), June 1, 1836, a. 1 m., PR62.
____, ch. Edward, grand ch. Barrett, Sept 22, 1836, a. 2 y. 4 m., PR62.
____, ch. Philander, consumption and convulsion fitts, Aug. 31, 1837, a. 1 y. 1 m., PR62.
____, ch. Aaron [and] Rebecca, still born, Aug. 21, 1838, PR62.
____, Lady, w. Admiral Sir Isaac Coffin, d. William Greenly Esq. dec'd, of Tilley Court, Hertfordshire, Eng., Jan. 27, 1839, a. 68 y. 9 m., in Tilley Court, Hertfordshire, Eng., PR62.
____, inf. Reuben (s. Asa, s. Obed), Dec. 5, 1839, PR62.
____, s. Edward H., May 11, 1841, a. 4. [Owen C., s. Edward H. and Lydia (Law), 9th, 5 mo., PR38.]
____, ch. Edward H., May 29, 1841.
____, ch. Philander, Sept 30, 1841, a. 14 m.
____, d. Benjamin F., measles and billious fever, Apr. 22, 1842, a. 2.
____, ch. Reuben M., organic disease of heart, Apr. 25, 1842, a. 10 d. Charles Gorham Coffin, ch. Reuben M. and Rebecca, GR3.]
____, ch. Philander and Mary, Jan. 30, 1845, a. 3 m., in N. [See Ezra Goodwin Coffin.]
____, b. N., s. George D. and Mary F., Aug. 24, 1845, a. 2 m.
____, b. N., s. Charles N. and Eliz[abe]th A., Mar. 22, 1846, a. 1 d., in N.
____, b. N., d. Benj[ami]n F., whooping cough, Apr. 27, 1846, a. 1 y. 1 m., in N.
____, b. N., s. Charles and Eliz[abe]th, Jan. 1, 1847, a. 3 d., in N.
____, b. N., d. Charles D. and Charlotte D., consumption, Sept. 11, 1848, a. 21 d., in N.
____, s. Seth and Susanna (Barnard), _____, PR38.
COGGESHALL (Coggshall)-
Anna (Folger), w. Peleg, 3d, 6 mo. 1767, CR4. [first w. Peleg (s. Caleb), d. Timothy Folger and Anna (Chase), PR38. Ann, PR63.]
Benjamin, ch. Peleg and Anna, -, 2 mo. 1782, CR4. [21. Sarah (Norton), PR38. 15th, 2 mo., PR63.]
Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Sarah (Norton), ___, 1798, at sea, PR38.
Benjamin, ch. Peleg Jr. and Deborah, 17th, 9 mo. 1802, GR4. [s. Peleg Jr. and Deborah (Folger), PR38.]
Caleb, w.[h.?] Elizabeth, -, 1 mo. 1847, N[ew] York, PR28.
Cornelius, h. Meheteble, 7th, 11 mo. 1765, CR4. [h. Mahitabel, s. John and Elizabeth (Freeborn), 17th, 9 mo., PR38.]
Deborah, w. Job, ch. Tristram Starbuck and Deborah, 13th, 10 mo. 1781, CR4. [w. Job (s. Caleb and Mercy), d. Tristram Starbuck and Deborah (Coffin), PR38.]
Deborah, w. Peleg Jr., 18th, 4 me. 1838, CR4. PR5. [w. Peleg (s. Peleg and Sarah), d. Tristram Folger and Rhoda
(Hussey) (first w.), 18th, 4 mo. 1833, PR38. d. Tristram Folger, bursting of a blood vessel, Apr. 18, 1838, a. 61 y. 6 m., PR62.]
Edward, ch. Peleg Jr. and Deborah, 9th, 9 mo. 1834, at sea, CR4. PR5. [s. Peleg Jr. and Deborah (Folger), ___, 1835, PR38. scurvey. "on board of the Ship Zenas Coffin, John Brown Coleman, Master," "Heard of May 9, 1835," a. 26 y. 1 m., "Round Cape Horn," PR62.]
Elizabeth, w. John of R.I., d. Gideon Freeborn (of Portsmouth, R.I.) and Elizabeth Boomer, -, 4 mo. 1775, a. 50, PR38.
Elizabeth, d. Joseph C. and Nancy, July 15, 1804, a. 14 m. 5 d., GR1.
Job, ch. Job and Deb[ora]h, _, 10 mo. 1792, CR4. [s. Job and Deborah (Starbuck), PR38.]
John Jr. of R.I., h. Elizabeth (Freeborn), s. John and Mary Slocum, -, 9 mo. 1795, a. 97, PR38.
Joseph C., Oct. 2, 1823, a. 47, GR1. [Josiah Calif Coggeshall, h. Nancy (FitzGerald), s. Paul and Margaret (Calif) (Cook), 13th, 10 mo., PR38.]
Josiah Calif (see Joseph C.).
Margaret (Coggshall), w. Paul, wid. Joseph [dup. Hugh] Cook, d. Ebenezar Calif and Elizabeth (Fitch), 18th, 10
mo. 1825, PR38.
Mary, 24th, 4 mo. 1835, CR4. [d. John and Elizabeth (Freeborn), 22d, 4 mo., PR38. sister of Paul dec'd, 23d, 4 mo., a. 83 y. 9 m., PR62.]
Nancy, w. Joseph C., May 15, 1803, a. 21 y. 2 M. 27 d., GR1. [w. J. Calef Coggeshall, d. Henry FitzGerald Jr. and Lydia (Wyer), PR38.]
Nancy, d. Joseph, Aug. 23, 1822, a. 19, GR1. [d. Josiah Calif Coggeshall and Nancy (FitzGerald), PR38.]
Obed, s. Benjamin arid Sarah (Norton), _____, at sea, PR38.
Paul, h. Margaret (wid. Joseph [dup. Hugh] Cook, d. Ebenezer Calif and Elizabeth), s. John and Elizabeth (Freeborn), 22d, 10 mo. 1823, PR38.
Peleg, ch. Peleg and Anna, 26th, 8 mo. 1763, CR4. [s. Peleg and Anna (Folger), PR38. 26th, 8 mo., PR63.]
Peleg, h. Anna (Folger), h. Sarah, 4th, 3 mo. 1813, CR4. [h. Anna (d. Timothy Folger and Anna), h. Sarah (d.
Benjamin Fish), s. Caleb and Mercy Mitchell, PR38. a. 78 y. 3 m., PR63. a. "over" 80, PR64.]
Peter of R.I., 7th, 11 mo. 1765, PR63.
Sarah, second w. Peleg, 19th, 7 mo. 1803, CR4. [second w. Peleg (s. Caleb and Mercy), d. Benjamin Fish and Priscilla (Arthur), PR38. 20th, 7 mo., PR63.]
Susan, d. Rob[er]t, Oct. 21, 1817, a. 4 y. 9 m., PR63.
William, b. N., s. W[illia]m B. and Mary, teething, Jan. 22, 1844, a. 10 m., in N.
____, ch. Cornelius, 30th, 9 mo. 1765, PR63.
____, ch. Paul, Aug. 29, 1780, a. 10 or 11 m., PR64.
____, ch. Paul, 8th, 12 mo. 1785, PR62.
____, ch. Paul, t6th, 8 mo. 1787, PR63.
Deborah, w. John, d. William Stretton and Susanna (Cartwright), ___, 1769, PR38. [13th, 10 mo., PR63.]
John, h. Deborah (Stretton), 14th, 5 mo. 1779, PR38. [6th, 5 mo., PR63.]
____, ch. John, 18th, 2 mo. 1750, PR63.
Margaret, w. Samuel, d. William Riddell and Betsey (Hussey), 26th, 5 mo. 1839, PR38. [d. William Riddell dec'd of N., suddenly, a. 34 y. 9 m., in W. Newton, PR62.]
Mary Frances, b. N., d. Francis and Mary, consumption, Dec. 11, 1846, a. 2, in N. [a. 2 y. 5 m., GR3.]
Andrew, s. Thomas, drowned, May 8, 1839, a. 9 y. 3 m., in New Bedford, PR62.
Newcomb, 13th, 3 mo. 1792, PR63. [ "1791 Nov. 30 Newcomb Cole died in July News came today," PR64.]
Waldo, _____ ["acc arrived" 4 mo. 1807], "abroad," CR4.
COLEMAN (Colman)-
Aaron, [twin] ch. Francis and Abigail, 19th, 7 mo. 1788, CR4. [twin s. Francis and. Abigail (Bunker), PR38.]
Abial, ch. Enoch and Mary, 11th, 4 mo. 1759, CR4. [s. Enoch and Mary (Myrick), PR38.]
Abial, ch. Solomon Jr. and Mahitabel (Gardner), -, 2 mo. 1782, PR38. [Abial, d. Solomon, 4th, 3 mo., PR63.]
Abial, first w. Barnabas Jr., d. Church Clark and Hannah (Long), 15th, 2 mo. 1817 [dup. 1816], PR38. [Abiel, 16th, 2 mo. 1816, a. 59 y. 11 m., PR63. Abiel, Feb. 16, 1816, PR64.]
Abial, w. Paul, dropsey, Feb. 6, 1843, a. 68. [w. Paul (s. Matthew and Hannah), "No chn.,7 Christopher Coffin and Abigail (Coleman), 5th, 2 mo., a. 57, PR38.]
Abigail, w. William, Mar. 13, 1778. [Abigail Barnard Coleman, w. W[illia]m 2d, CR4. w. William (s. Barnabas), d. Joseph Barnard and Mary (Gardner), PR38. w. W[illia]m 2d, PR63. Nabby, PR64.]
Abigail, w. Francis, [dup. ch. Samuel Bunker and Priscilla] 1st [dup. 27th], 6 mo. 1812, CR4. [d. Samuel Bunker and Priscilla (Coleman), 27th, 6 mo., PR38. 27th, 6 mo, a. 79 y. 10 m., PR63.]
Abigail, w. Barzillai (s. Daniel and Elizabeth), d. John Way Jr. and Elizabeth, 6th, 4 mo. 1839, PR38. [d. John Way dec'd, Apr. 4, a. 84 y. 9 m., PR62.]
Abigail, d. William and Abigail (Barnard), _____, in Hudson, PR38.
Abisha, 7th, 5 mo. 1785, PR63.
Abishai, ch. Francis and Abigail, 6th, 12 mo. 1813, CR4. [s. Francis and Abigail (Bunker), PR38.]
Abraham, h. Hepzibah, h. Abigail, 7th, 9 mo. 1840, CR4. [h. Hepsabeth (d. Stephen Macy and Mercy), h. Abigail (d. Matthew Barnard and Deborah), s. Nathaniel and Hepsabeth (Hussey), PR38.]
Albert, h. Hephzibah, _____, "supposed to be lost at sea," CR4.
Alexander, s. Benjamin and Huldah (Swett), 25th, 2 mo. 1811, PR38.
Alexander, s. Sylvanus and Huldah (Gwinn), 25th, 2 mo. 1811, PR38. [a. 28 y. 7 m., PR63.]
Alexander, h. Mary (d. Freeman Gardner and Anna), s. Barnabas and Abial (Clark), lost at sea, ___, 1823, PR38.
Alexander, s. Sylvanus and Mary (Myrick), 4th, 4 mo. 1838, PR38. [" a Natural Fool," s. Silvanus, a. 18 y. 8 m., PR62.]
Andrew, h. Lydia (d. Jonathan Folger and Lydia), s. Enoch and Mary (Myrick), 7th, 11 mo. 1808, PR38. [9th, 3 mo., PR63.]
Andrew B., single, merchant, b. N., ch. Josiah and Mary [ (Bunker) PR38.], consumption, Feb. 19, 1849, a. 28, in N.
Ann, second w. John (s. John and Priscilla), d. Benjamin. Trott and Fli7abeth (Norton), 24th, 10 mo. 1812, PR38. [wid. John, a. 76 y. 1 m., PR63.]
Aim Fish, d. Zenas and Luna, Oct 16, 1828, a. 1 y. 1 m., GR3.
Ann Maria, d. Charles and Mary, Dec. 27, 1828, PR29.
Ann Reynolds, w. Isaac (s. John. and Joanna), 25th, 9 mo. [sic] 1744, PR38. [25th, 9 mo., PR63.]
Anna, first w. David (s. Jonathan and Hepsabeth), d. Ebenezer Jones and Delight Davis, small pox, 5th, 8 mo. [dup. 3 ma] 1791, in Halifax, PR38. [w. David 2d, 4th, 3 mo., PR63.]
Anna, w. Jeremiah (s. Jeremiah and Sarah), d. Jonathan Russell and Patience (Swain), 12th, 6 mo. 1818, [wid. Jeremiah, June 13, a. 85 y. 2 m., PR63.]
Anna, d. Jethro and Deborah (Russell) (Coffin), 28th, 4 mo. 1848, PR38.
Aseneth, w. Owen (s. Daniel and Elizabeth), d. John Worth and Mary (Gardner), 15th, 4 mo. 1841, PR38.
Avis, ch. Silvanus and Mary, 9th, 9 mo. 1805, C8.4. [d. Sylvanus and Mary (Swift), PR38.]
Avis, d. Gardner dec'd, lingering consumption, May 3, 1836, a. 24 y. 2 m., PR62.
Barnabas, ___, 1738, "young," PR38.
Barnabas Jr., h. Abial (d. Church Clark and Hannah), h. Sally (wid. Stephen Morse, d. Isaac Myrick and Jemima), s. Barnabas and Rachael (Hussey) (second w.), 26th, 4 mo. 1822, PR38.
Barnabas, h. Rachael (d. Abraham Macy and Priscilla), s. Elihu and Elizabeth (Macy), ___, 1848, in Rochester, N.Y., PR38.
Barnebas, ch. Jethro and Lydia, lost at sea, ___, 1756, CR4. [Barnabas, PR38.]
Barnebas [dup. h. Elizabeth, h. Rachel], ch. John and Priscilla, 23d, 6 mo. 1781, CR4. [Barnabas, h. Elizabeth (Barnard), h. Rachael (Hussey), s. John and Priscilla (Starbuck) , PR38.]
Barzillai, s. Barzillai and Abigail (Way), 14th, 10 mo. 1836, PR38. [Barzillai Jr., "an Idiot," consumption, Oct. 15, a. 45 y. 4 m., PR62.]
Barzillai, h. Abigail (d. John Way Jr. and Elizabeth), s. Daniel and Elizabeth (Mooers), 11th, 12 mo. 1840, PR38.
Benjamin, s. Thomas and Susanna (first w.), 21st, 10 mo. 1650 [see Newbury Vital Records (transcriber's note: these records are on this website)], PR38.
Benjamin, ch. Nathaniel and Mary, lost at sea, ___, 1756, CR4. [s. Nath2niel and Mary (Folger) (Gardner), PR38. 3d, 12 mo., PR63.]
Benjamin, s Shubael and Priscilla (Worth) (Upham), ___, 1777, in the W.I., PR38. [31st, 3 mo., PR63.]
Benjamin, h. Huldah (d. Moses Swett and Mary), s. Thomas and Jane Challenge, 2d, 9 mo. 1793, a. 90, PR38. [Aug. 31, a. "over" 90, PR64.]
Benjamin, s. Prince, "on Board Brig Leo. Jared Gardner master," ___, 1805, in the West Indies, CR4. [s. Prince
and Sarah (Norton) (Coggeshall), in Laguira, W.I., PR38. 20th, 9 mo., PR63.]
Benjamin, Jan. _, 1818, PR63.
Benjamin, consumption, June 6, 1841, a. 64.
Benjamin, single, s. John and Joanna (Folger), _____, PR38.
Benjamin Allen, s. Benjamin and Eliza, July 21, 1829, a. 6 m., PR25.
Benjamin Allen, s. Thomas and Emma (Paddack), 18th, 10 mo. 1837, PR38.
Benjamin B., ch. John Franklin and Elizabeth, 4th, 10 mo. 1825, CR4.
Benjamin B., ch. John Franklin and Elizabeth, 13th, 4 mo. 1836, CR4. [s. John Franklin and Elizabeth (Macy), 11th, 4 mo., PR38.]
Bethuel, "father to Bethuel who m'd. Mary Lamb," s. Christopher and Priscilla (Coffin), 14th, 9 mo. 1798 [sic],
Bethuel, ch. Simeon and Rebecca, 14th, 9 mo. 1798, in New]York, CR4. [yealow fevour, PR26. s. Simeon and Rebecca (Swain), PR38.]
Bethuel, h. Mary (Lamb), s. Bethuel and Elizabeth, 9th, 1 m. 1830, PR38.
Betsey, 6th, 1 mo. 1832, CR4.
Catherine, w. Charles (s. Jethro), d. William Hussey and Abigail (Starbuck), 3d, 5 mo. 1779, PR38.
Charles, h. Catharine (d. William Hussey), h. Matilda Allen, s. Jethro and Lydia (Macy) (second w.), -, 11 mo. 1821,
Charles, h. Nancy (d. Dr. Roland Gelston and Love), h. Sarah (d. Wyer Swain and Rebecca), s. David and Elizabeth (Russell), 10th, 4 mo. 1824, PR38.
Charles H., h. Mary (wid. Joseph Toon, d. Henry Clark Jr.), s. Simeon and Rebecca (Swain), -, 7 mo. 1820, PR38. [Cha[rle]s Howland Coleman, Sept. 7, a. 33, PR63.]
Charles H., h. Lydia (d. William Bennett and Phebe), s. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Harris), —, 12 mo. 1834, PR38. [Charles Harrax Coleman, s. Benjamin Swett Coleman, a. 27 y. 6 m., on board the Ship Mary Mitchell, PR62.]
Charles Howland (see Charles H.).
Charles M., ch. James B. and Lydia W., 3d, 7 mo. 1837, CR4. [s. James B. and Lydia W. (Macy), 30th, 7 mo., PR38. violent lung fever, July 29 [dup. Aug. 1], PR62.]
Charles W., s. Richard Lake and Sally (Hussey), —, 6 mo. 1820, at sea, PR38. [Cha[rle] s W[illia]m, May —, a. 22, PR63.]
Charles W., s. Charles H., drownd, Nov. 18, 1841, a. 15, at sea. [s. Charles and Mary, "fell from the Schooner Primrose Masthead," a. 14 y. 8 m. 12 d., PR29. s. Charles H. and Mary A. (Austin), PR38.]
Charles William (see Charles W.).
Christopher, s. Ebenezer and Mary (Gardner), lost at sea, ___,1780, PR38. [__, 1781, PR63.]
Christopher [dup. h. Priscilla], ch. Solomon and Deliverance (second w.), 4th, 5 mo. 1795, CR4. [h. Priscilla (Coffin), s. Solomon and Deliverance (Swett) (second w.), PR38. 5th, 5 mo., PR63. bilious colic, May 31, PR64.]
Christopher, s. Joseph and Rachael (Norton), _____, "young," PR38.
Clarisa, Mar. 20, 1819, a. 30, PR63.
Clarissa, first w. Henry (s. Sylvanus and Huldah), d. Nathaniel Daggett and Anna of Martha's Vineyard, 27th, 4 mo. 1833, PR38.
Daniel, h. Elizabeth (d. Jonathan Mooers and Elizabeth), s. Solomon and Deliverance (Swett) (second w.), 12th, 7 mo. 1804, PR38.
David, h. Anna (d. Ebenezer Jones and Delight), h. Peggy (wid. Zenas Morselander, d. William Swain), s. Jonathan and Hepsabeth (Wyer), 2d, 2 mo. 1802, PR38.
David 2d, 8th, 8 mo. 1805, PR63.
David, h. Elizabeth (d. Reuben Russell and Ruth), s. Christopher and Priscilla (Coffin), 10th, 10 mo. 1825, a. 68, PR38.
David, h. Ruth (.Butler) of Falmouth, s. Robert and Deborah (Morselander), ___, 1830, PR38.
David, h. Avis (d. Timothy Bunker and Dinah), s. Elihu and Elizabeth (Macy), 2d, 6 mo. 1835, PR38.
Davis, -, 8 mo. 1805, CR4. [h. Elizabeth (d. John Way Jr. and Elizabeth), s. Jonathan arid Mahitable (Davis), 1st, 7 mo., PR38.]
Deborah, w. Benjamin Jr., d. Daniel Long and Thankful (Jones), ___, 1782, PR38.
Debo[rah] , w. Reuben, -, 6 mo. 1807, CR4. [second w. Reuben (s. Benjamin), wid. Peter Gardner (s. Jethro), d. John Pinkham and Abigail (Bunker), 29th, 6 mo., PR38. 29th, 5 ma, PR63.]
Deborah, wid. Seth, 16th, 8 mo. 1836, CR4. [w. Seth (s. Barnabas), d. Reuben Swain and Elizabeth (Howland) (first w.), 15th, 8 mo., PR38. Aug. 15, a. 87 y. 6 m., PR62.]
Deborah, w. Jethro (s. Jethro), formerly w. Abel Coffin, d. Benjamin Russell, 16th, 1 mo. 1849, PR38.
Deliverance (Swett), second w. Solomon, 2d, 8 mo. 1783, CR4. [w. Solomon (s. John and Joanna), d. Moses Swett and Mary (Hussey), a. "near" 90, PR38.]
Ebenezer, h. Sarah Smith, s. Thomas and Jane Challenge, ___, 1734, PR38.
Ebenezer, h. Mary (d. Andrew Gardner and Mary), h. Lydia (wid. Nathan Long, d. Solomon Pinkham), s. Joseph and Rachael (Norton), 6th, 7 mo. 1794, PR38.
Edmund, ch. Abraham and Hep[hziba]h, 5th, 4 mo. 1800, CR4. [s. Abraham and Hepsabeth (Macy), PR38.]
Edward, h. Anna (d. Lemuel [dup. Samuel] Fish), s. James of Barnstable, 20th, 4 mo. 1830 [dup. 1820], PR38.
Edward G., single, s. Gardner and Lydia (Whitefield) (second w.), _____, PR38.
Edwin, s. Frederick W. and Amelia (Worth), lost at sea, _____, PR38.
Elihu [dup. h. Jemima] , ch. John and Priscilla, 24th, 1 mo. 1789, CR4. [h. Jemima (Barnard), s. John and Priscilla
(Starbuck), 24th, 11 mo., PR38. minister, 24th, 11 mo., a. 89, PR63.]
Elihu, h. Elizabeth (d. Jonathan Macy and Lois), s. Jethro and Lydia (Paddack), 11th, 1 mo. 1817, a. 80, in Ghent, N.Y., PR38.
Elihu, ch. William and Eunice, 8th, 4 mo. 1832, CR4. [single, s. William and Eunice (Swain), PR38.]
Elisabeth, ch. Elihu and Elizabeth, 7th, 9 mo. 1772, CR4.
Eliza, Apr. 25 [dup. Apr. 26], 1829, CR2. [Apr. 25, CR3. Eliza H., w. Zebulon, Apr. 26, GR4.]
Eliza B., ch. John Franklin and Elizabeth, 4th, 6 mo. 1840, CR4. [Eliza Barker Coleman, d. John Franklin and Elizabeth (Macy), PR38.]
Eliza H. (see Eliza).
Elizabeth, w. Barnebas, [dup. d. Nathaniel Barnard and Judith (second [sic, third] w.) 15th, 11 mo. 1729, CR4. [w. Barnabas, d. Nathaniel Barnard and Judith (Coffin) (Folger) (third w.), PR38.]
Elizabeth (see Elisabeth).
Elizabeth, d. Simeon and Rebecca, 6th, 11 mo. 1773, PR26. [2d, 11 mo., PR63.]
Elizabeth, w. Daniel (s. Solomon and Deliverance), d. Jonathan Mooers and Elizabeth, 17th, 2 mo. 1804, PR38. [19th, 2 mo., PR63.]
Elizabeth, ch. Joseph Gorham and Phebe, 1st, 4 mo. 1820, CR4. [d. Joseph Gorham and Phebe (Bunker), PR38. ch. Gorham, a. 1 [? 1 m.], PR63.]
Elizabeth, w. Davis (s. Jonathan and Mahitabel), d. John Way and Elizabeth, 25th, 12 mo. 1820, a. 63, PR38. [wid., Dec. 17, a. 63 y, 1 m., PR63.]
Elizabeth, w. David, 7th, 10 mo. 1837, CR4. [w. David (s. Christopher and Priscilla), d. Reuben Russell and Ruth (Swain), PR38. wid. David, fever and indigestion, a. 77 y. 1 m., PR62.]
Elizabeth, 26th, 12 mo. 1840, CR4. [w. Silas (s. Francis), d. Benjamin Allen and Abigail (Trott), PR38.]
Elizabeth, b. N., wid. Obed, old age, Apr. 28, 1848, a. 86 y. 4 m., in N. [w. Obed (s. Barnabas and Rachel), d. Joseph Swain and Elizabeth (Paddack), a. 86 y. 4 m. 20 d., PR38.]
Emeline, d. Alvin. and Lydia Robbins, -, 7 mo. 1835, a. 12, in New Bedford, PR38. [Emaline, July 11, a. 12 y. 4 m.,
Emeline, b. N., w. John B., dropsy, Oct. 15, 1844, a. 27, in N. [Emeline D., W. John B. 2d, a. 28, GR3.]
Enoch, h. Mary (d. Andrew Myrick and Jedida), s. Jeremiah and Sarah (Pratt), 14th [dup. 15th] , 1 mo. 1799, PR38. [14th, 1 mo., PR61. PR63.]
Eunice, ch. George and Eunice, 4th, 2 mo. 1781, CR4. [d. George and Eunice (Folger), PR38.]
Eunice, w. George, [dup. d. Jethro Folger and Mary] 9th, 3 mo. 1782, CR4. [first w. George (s. Solomon and Deliverance), d. Jethro Folger and Mary (Starbuck), PR38. 4th, 3 mo., PR63. Apr. 10, PR64.]
Eunice, w. William, 18th, 4 MG. 1816, CR4. [w. William (s. Elihu and Jemima), d. John Swain and Mary
(Swett), PR38. wid. W[illia]m, a. 84 y. 10 m., PR63.]
Eunice, d. Owen and Aseneth (Worth), ___, 1828, PR38.
Eunice, ch. George and Eunice, _____, CR4.