To the Year 1850
Published by the
New England Historic Genealogical Society
At the Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms
at the charge of The Eddy Town-Record Fund
Deaths - CALDER to CLAPP
[transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

CALDER (Celder)-
Andrew, h. Lydia (d. Elijah Coffin and Abigail), s. Samuel and Ruth (Coffin), 7th, 12 mo. 1815, PR38. [a. 45 y. 4 m., PR63.]
Asenath (Celder), Miss [sic], d. Thomas Farris and Asenath, Feb. 17, 1823, a. 22, GR1. [Calder, w. Charles (s. Robert and Lydia), d. Thomas Farris and Cynthia, PR38.]
Charles, h. Aseneth (d. Thomas Farris and Aseneth), s. Robert and Lydia (Brock), -, 4 mo. 1824, PR38.
Eiish P., s. Robert and Margaret (Pinkham), 7th, 6 mo. 1846, PR38.
Eliza, first w. William (s. Robert and Lydia), d. Alexander Thain and Deborah (Greene), 4th, 4 mo. 1816, [a. 20, PR63.]
Hannah, w. George, Sept. 10, 1797, C.R.I. [wid., PR63.]
James, single, s. Robert and Lydia (Brock), _____ , in the West Indies, PR38. [23d, 10 mo. 1810, a. 22, PR63.]
James, s. Thomas and Rebecca W., July 18, 1822, a. 13 y. 4 m., GR1.
John, h. Eliza (d. Daniel Allen Jr.), s. Robert and Lydia (Brock), -, 12 mo. 1819, PR38. [Oct. 31, a. 32 y. 5 m.,
John P., b. N., ch. Robert and Margaret, dropsy, Nov. 13, 1848, a. 12, in N. [ch. Robert and Margaret P., Nov. 12, GR2. s. Robert and Margaret (Pinkham), 12th, 11 mo., PR38.]
Josiah, h. Mary (d. Timothy Swain Jr.), s. Josiah and Merib (Folger), 10th, 5 mo. 1834, in Vassalboro, Me., PR38.
Josiah, Feb. 19, 1839, a. 78 y. 8 m., GR1. [h. Merib (d. John Folger and Love), s. Samuel and Ruth (Coffin), 20th, 2 mo., PR38. burst a blood vessel, Feb. 19, PR62.]
Lydia, w. Robert (s. Samuel and Ruth), d. John Brock and Ann (Bunker), 17th, 7 mo. 1837, PR38. [wid. Robert, a. 76, PR62.]
Margaret, Jan. 25, 1830, a. 77, GR1. [d. Samuel and Ruth (Coffin), 27th, 1 mo., PR38.]
Mary, w. Josiah (s. Josiah and Merab), d. Timothy Swain and Eunice (Gardner), 3d, 7 mo. 1819, PR38. [d. Timothy Swain Jr., a. 24 y. 11 m., PR63.]
Merib [dup. Merab], w. Josiah (s. Samuel and Ruth), d. John Folger and Love (Gabriel) (first w.), 4th, 12 mo. 1802, PR38. [Merab, PR63.]
Robert, h. Lydia (d. John Brock), s. Samuel and Ruth (Coffin), 17th, 3 1130. 1826, PR38.
Ruth, w. Samuel ("a Scotchman"), d. Maj. Josiah Coffin and Elizabeth (Coffin), 10th, 9 mo. 1797, PR38.
Samuel, 5th, 9 mo. 1776, PR63.
Samuel, Dec. 21, 1817, PR63.
Samuel, h. Desire H. Snow, s. Robert and Lydia (Brock), lost at sea, 18th [dup. 16th], 10 mo. 1828, PR38.
Sarah B., b. N., ch. Robert and Margaret [Margaret P., GR2.], whooping cough, June 7, 1846, a. 3, in N.
William C., b. N., ch. Robert and Margaret, consumption, Sept. 19, 1845, a. 11 m., in N. [William B., ch. Robert and Margaret P., Sept. 19, GR2. William B., s. Robert and Margaret (Pinkham), loth, 9 mo., PR38.]
____, ch. Geo[rge], 26th, 9 mo. 1768, PR63.
____, ch. Josiah, Aug. 20, 1817, PR63.
____, ch. Lydia, "said to be frozen to Death," Feb. 13, 1838, a. "not a week," PR62.
CALEF (Califf)-
Ebenezar (Califf), h. Elizabeth (d. Jedediah Fitch and Abigail), 18th, 5 mo. 1776, PR38. [Ebenezer Calef, 18th, 5 mo., PR63. Ebenezer Calef, May 17, PR64.]
Ebenezer, _, 10 mo. 1807, CR4. [Calif [dup. Calef] , h. Elizabeth (d. Enoch Coffin and Love), s. Ebenezer and Elizabeth (Fitch), 18th, 10 mo., PR38. Calef, Oct. 18, PR64.]
Elizabeth (Califf) [dup. Calif], w. Ebenezer ("1st of Nantucket"), d. Jedediah Fitch and Abigail (Coffin), 22d, 7 mo. 1777, PR38. [Calef, 22d, 7 mo., PR63. Calef, wid., July 20, PR64.]
Elizabeth, wid. Ebenezer, -, 11 mo. 1809, CR4. [w. Ebenezar (s. Ebenezar and Elizabeth), d. Enoch Coffin and Love, PR38. wid. Ebenezer, 1st, 12 mo., PR63.]
Mary, d. Josiah and Susan (Hussey), 10th, 2 mo. 1845, in Mobile, Ala., PR38.
Susan, w. Josiah of Saco, Me., d. Zaccheus Hussey and Lydia (Folger), 10th, 5 mo. 1822, a. 31 y. 8 m., PR38.
Uriah C., s. Ebenezar and Elizabeth (Coffin), ___, 1819, PR38. [May 23, a. 22 y. 4 m., PR63.]
____, ch. Ebenezer, 4th, 11 mo. 1741, PR63.
____, ch. Eben[ezer], 29th, 7 mo. 1793, PR63.
____, 31st, 5 mo. 1790, PR63.
CALIFF (see Calef)CALLAWAY (see Calloway)CALLENDER (see Calendar)CALLOWAY-
Anna, w. Robert, d. William Holmes and Lydia (Burrage), deranged, 9th, 12 mo. 1832, PR38.
____, d. Alexander, fitts, July 14, 1842, a. 2.
George Esq., May 16, 1835, a. 69, GR1. [suddenly, a. 68 y. 8 m., PR62.]
Margaret, b. N., James and Eliz[abe]th, convulsions, Feb. 9, 1847, a. 2, in N.
Mary, w. Humphrey, ___, 1821, CR1. [d. Capt. Tho[ma]s Hiller and Elizabeth, May 21, a. 36 y. 2 m. 12 d., GR1. d. Capt. Thomas Hiller and Elizabeth (Smith), 21st, 5 mo., PR38. Polly, d. Thomas Hiller, May 21, a. 36 y. 2 In., PR63.]
Mary, b. N., d. James and Eliz[abet]h, measles, Jan. 7, 1847, a. 7 m., in N.
____, ch. Geo[rge], 23d, 2 mo. 1809, PR63.
____, ch. Humphrey, July 26, 1819, PR63.
Charles Hatch, ch. Christopher and Lydia, Sept 7, 1840, GR2.
George Edward, b. N., s. Christopher and Lydia, consumption, Apr. 21, 1844, a. 11 mo., in N. [Apr. 19, GR2.]
Leonard, 22d, 3 mo. 1796, PR63.
____, s. William, July 11, 1835, a. abt. 5, PR62.
Jonathan, block maker and a smuggler, Sept. 2, 1838, a. 66 y. 4 In., in New Bedford, PR62.
Eliza, w. Thomas (s. Thomas and Eliza [ ? -accuracy]), d. Job Coleman and Phebe (Pinkham), 28th, 2 mo. [dup. -, 1 mo.] 1840, PR38.
Hannah, b. N., ch. Mary Ann, consumption, Mar. 4, 1846, a. 1 y. 2 m., in N.
____, b. N., s. Mary Ann, Dec. 13, 1845, a. 11 m. in N.
Martha, w. Thomas, Nov. 16, 1750. [Martha Grindy Carr, PR38.]
Mary, w. Thomas, wid. Obed Bunker (s. Benjamin), d. Peggy Duanna, 4th, 2 mo. 1784, PR38.
Nancy, w. Moses, ___, 1811, CR1. [Dee. 31, 1811, a 32, GR1. w. Moses (s. Robert and Jedida), d. Obed Swain and Phebe (Allen) (first w.), 1st, 1 mo. 1812, PR38. 1st, 1 mo. 1812, a. 31, PR63.]
Nancy, d. Moses and Mary (Earl), 9th, 4 mo. 1828, PR38.
Richard, 14th, 1 mo., 1779, PR63.
Robert, h. Jedida (d. Peleg Swain and Mary), ___, 1803, PR38. [24th, 6 mo., PR63.]
Thomas, h. Martha Grindy, h. Mary (wid. Obed Bunker, d. Peggy Duanne), 22d, 8 mo. 1756, PR38. [a. 71 y. 4 m., PR63.]
____, ch. Moses, 28th, 1 mo. 1807, PR63.
Anna, w. ____, d. Gayer Coffin and Rebecca Parker, 13th, 8 mo. 1808, PR38.
John, coloured, dropsy and consumption, Feb. 21, 1835, a. 69, PR62.
Mary Ann, colored, d. John, Sept 6, 1820, PR63.
____, ch. Benj[amin], 8th, 2 mo. 1721, PR63.
____, ch. Nathan, canker rash, Feb. 21, 1843, a.'1.
CARTWRIGHT (Cartright)-
Abigail, w. Hazadiah (s. Sampson and Bethia), d. Dr. Joseph Brown and Tabitha, 29th, 1 mo. 1797, PR38. [wid. Hezekiah, 21st, 9 mo., PR63.]
Abigail, wid. Benjamin, old age, Mar. 26, 1842, a. 85. [ch. Jonathan Paddack and Kezia, CR4.]
Anna, w. Samuel (s. Edward Jr.), d. John Swain ("called England") and Patience (Skiff), 16th, 10 mo. 1794, PR38.
B. F., Apr. 19, 1814, a. 32, GR1.
Benjamin, h. Rebecca (d. Cornelius Luce) of Martha's Vineyard, s. Samuel and Anna (Swain), 23d, 11 mo. 1803, PR38.
Benjamin, h. Elizabeth (d. David Bunker), h. Abigail (wid. Peter Gardner, d. Jonathan Paddack), s. Hazadiah and
Abigail (Brown), 13th, 1 mo. 1812, PR38. [a. 64, PR63.]
Benjamin, h. Mary Grose of Cape Cod, s. Benjamin and Rebecca (Luce), 9th, 1 mo. 1814, PR38. [9th, 3 mo., PR63.]
Bethiah, w. Sampson (s. Edward, and Mary), d. Joseph Pratt and Dorcas (Folger), 19th, 4 mo. 1741, PR38. [19th,
10 mo., PR63.]
Charles W., s. Charles W. and Susan (Hayden), 10th, 8 mo. 1830, PR38.
David, s. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Bunker), lost at sea, ___, 1793, PR13. [___, 1792, PR38. "lost with William Bunker," ___, 1792, a. 30, PR62.]
David, s. Benjamin and Abigail (Padock) (Gardner), 22d, 8 mo. 1795, PR13.
Deborah, w. Jonathan, [dup. d. Robert Macy and Abigail] 30th, 4 mo. 1771, CR4. [w. Jonathan (s. Hazadiah and Abigail), d. Robert Macy and Abigail (Barnard), PR38.]
Deborah, 20th, 10 mo. 1828, CR4. [d. Samuel and Anna (Swain), 20th, 10 mo. 1829, PR38.]
Dorcas, d. Sampson and Bethia (Pratt), _____, PR38.
Edward (Cartright), 2d, 7 mo. 1705.. [Cartwright, h. Mary, h. Elizabeth (Trott), 2d, 9 mo., R38. Cartwright, 2d, 7 mo., PR63.]
Edward, h. Ruth (d. Dr. Thomas West of Martha's Vineyard), s. Edward, 2d, 9 mo. 1727, PR38.
Edward C., s. Frederick and Eliza (Riddell), 10th, 8 mo. 1844, PRR38.
Edward S., s. John and Mary (Starbuck), lost at sea, -, 11 mo. 1813, PR38. [9th, 11 mo., a. 19 y. 6 m., PR63.]
Eliza, w. Frederick (s. Benjamin and Abigail), d. William Riddell and Betsey (Hussey), 26th, 6 mo. 1828, PR38.
Eliza, d. George Brown, Nov. 20, 1839, a. 13 y. 1 m., PR62.
Elizabeth, second w. Edward, d. ____Trott, sister of John, 11th, 8 mo. 1729, PR38.
Elizabeth (Bunker), w. Benjamin, Mar. 25, 1787, PR13. [w. Benjamin (s. Hazadiah), d. David Bunker and Elizabeth
(Gorham), 19th, 3 mo., PR38. 20th, 3 mo., PR63.]
George C., h. Eliza (d. John Brown), s. Joseph and Priscilla (Brown), 26th, 8 mo. 1828, PR38.
George Frederick, s. John W. and Ellen M. (Weld), 8th, 2 mo. 1846, a. 3 d., PR38.
Hazadiah, h. Abigail (d. Dr. Joseph Brown and Tabitha), s. Sampson and Bethia (Pratt), 15th, 5 mo. 1791, PR38. [Hezediah Sr., PR63.]
James, h. Love, 29th, 10 mo. 1822, CR4. [h. Ruth (Gardner), h. Love (Macy), s. Hazadiah and Abigail (Brown), PR38.]
James, s. Joseph and Priscilla (Brown), ___, 1827, PR38.
John, s. John and Mary (Starbuck), _, 11 mo. 1800, at sea, PR38.
John, 3d, 1 mo. 1802, PR63.
John, h. Mary (d. Edward Starbuck and Damaris), s. Hazadiah and Abigail (Brown), 22d [dup. 26th], 4 mo. 1837, PR38. [merchant and ship master, general debility, Apr. 26, a. 84 y. 7 m., PR62.]
Jonathan 2d, s. Samuel, 5th, 6 mo. 1784, PR63.
Jonathan, h. Deborah (d. Robert Macy and Abigail), s. Hazadiah and Abigail (Brown), 9th [dup. 10th], 12 mo. 1789, PR38. [10th, 12 mo., PR63.]
Jonathan, s. Samuel and Anna (Swain), 31st [sic], 6 mo., ___, PR38.
Joseph, h. Priscilla (d. Joseph Brown), s. James and Love (Macy), 9th, 3 mo. 1831, PR38.
Joseph B., h. Emeline (d. Libni Barnard), s. Joseph and Priscilla (Brown), 16th [dup. 26th], 10 mo. 1827, PR38.
Love, w. James, [dup. d. Francis Macy and Judith] 7th, 1 mo. 1808, CR4. [second w. James (s. Hezediah and Abigail), d. Francis Macy and Judith (Coffin), PR38. a. 67, PR63.]
Mary, 2d, 9 mo. 1727, PR63.
Mary, d. John, 30th, 1 mo. 1789, PR63.
Mary, w. John, 30th, 3 mo. 1839, CR4. [w. John (s. Hezediah and Abigail), d. Edward Starbuck and Damaris (Worth) (first w.), PR38. wid. John, general debility and consumption, a. 82 y. 7 m., PR62.]
Mary, d. Sampson and Bethia (Pratt), _____, "young," PR38.
Nicholas (Cartright), 10th, 7 mo. 1706. [Cartwright, h. Orange (d. William Rogers and Martha), s. Edward, 10th,
9 mo., PR38. Cartwright, 10th, 7 mo. 1700, PR63.]
Obed, s. Benjamin and Rebecca (Luce), 16th, 3 mo. 1811, at sea, PR38.
Phebe, [twin] d. Alexander and Phebe (Joy), _____, PR38.
Phineas, s. Sampson and Bethia (Pratt), _____, "young," PR38.
Priscilla [dup. Priscillai, second dup. Prissilla], 18th, 7 mo. 1810, CR4. [Priscilla, d. Hazadiah and Abigail (Brown),
12th, 7 mo., PR38. Priscilla, 12th, 7 mo., PR63.]
Priscilla, w. Joseph (s. James), d. Joseph Brown and Mary (Ellis), 16th [dup. 17th], 12 mo. 1835, PR38. [Priscillai,
wid. Joseph, "frozen to Death," Dec. 16, PR62.]
Priscillah, d. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Bunker), Sept. 3, 1785, PR13.
Rebecca, w. Benjamin, Oct. 14, 1809, CR1. [wid. Benj[ami]n, suddenly, CR4. wid. Benjamin], PR63.]
Ruth, first w. James (s. Hazadiah), "No chn.," d. Uriah Gardner and Ruth (Bunker) (first w.), 31st, 5 mo. 1757, PR38. [d. Uriah Gardner Sr., 31st [sic], 2 mo., PR63.]
Sampson, h. Bethia (d. Joseph Pratt and Dorcas), s. Edward, 19th, 10 mo. 1741, PR38.
Samuel, h. Anna (d. John Swain ("called England") and Patience), s. Edward Jr. and Ruth (West),
4th, 6 mo. [dup. 6th, 4 mo.] 1793, PR38. [Samuel Sr., 4th, 6 mo., PR63.]
Seth, h. Polly, s. Hazadiah and Abigail (Brown), 29th, 3 mo. 1811, PR38.
Susan, w. Charles W. (s. John and Mary), d. Abishai Hayden and Merab (Pinkham), 24th [dup. 28th], 6 mo. 1826,
Thomas, h. Elizabeth (d. Shubael Gardner), s. Benjamin. and Elizabeth (Bunker), _, 3 mo. 1813, PR38.
Thomas, s. Benjamin, "some time past" [rec. Aug. 5, 1838], a. 45, in the West Indies, PR62.
Thomas, s. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Bunker), _____, PR13.
Thomas, single, s. Hazadiah and Abigail (Brown), _____, at sea, PR38.
Thomas, s. Sampson and Bethia (Pratt), _____, "young," PR38.
William, single, s. Hazadiah and Abigail (Brown), -, 7 mo. 1813, at sea, PR38.
William, s. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Bunker), -, 1813, PR38.
William, s. Benjamin, drowned, "some time past" [rec. Aug 5, 1838], a. 40, in Liverpool, PR62.
____, ch. Jos[eph], 16th, 7 mo. 1795, PR63.
____, ch. Benj[amin], 15th, 10 mo. 1795, PR63.
____, ch. Jos[eph], 25th, 12 mo. 1796, PR38.
____ [see John], "oldest" s. John, _____ ["news received" Jan. 18, 1802], PR64.
____, ch. Jos[eph], 3d, 11 mo. 1809, PR63.
____, ch. Alex[ander], Sept. 9, 1818, PR63.
____, Frederick, Jan. 10, 1821, a. 3 d., PR63.
Tho[ma]s, "Great merchant," 22d, 8 mo. 1756, a. 71 y. 4 m., PR63.
CARY (Carey)-
Abigail (Carey), b. N., w. Edward, casualty, May 2, 1844, a. 78 y. 10 m., in N. [Abigail (Russell) Cary of Charlestown, w. Edward (s. Edward and Lydia), PR38.]
Charles Russell, "master of the Ship Columbus of New Bedford," s. Edward, June 18, 1838, a. 38 y. 4 m., "round Cape Horn of Squam," PR62.
Edward, Oct 19, 1812, a. 74, GR1. [Edward of Charlestown, h. Lydia (wid. Hezekiah Barnard, d. Christopher Hussey), PR38. a. 74 y. 3 m., PR63.]
Edward, s. Charles, Sept. 6, 1842.
Edward, b. N., ch. Charles and Louisa, teething, Aug. 10, 1845, a. 1, in N.
Edward P., s. James S. and Margaret (Hussey), _____, "young," PR38.
Elizabeth Ann, d. Edward and Abigail, Dec. 19, 1810, a. 7 y. 6 m., GR1. [9th, 12 mo. 1809, a. 7 y. 10 m., PR63.]
James, h. Betsey (d. Uriah Swain and Elizabeth), s. Edward and Lydia (Hussey) (Barnard), 18th, 7 mo. 1812, in Canton, China, PR38. [a. 35 y. 6 m., PR63.]
Lydia, wid. Edward, May 9, 1814, in 69th y., GR1. [w. Edward of Charlestown, wid. Hezekiah Barnard, d. Christopher Hussey and Mary (Coffin), 9th, 5 mo. 1813 [dup. 19th, 5 mo. 1814], PR38. 9th, 5 mo. 1814, a. 67 y. 6 M., PR63.]
Lydia, Mar. 13, 1828, CR2. [w. Charles, a. 36 y. 8 m., GR1. w. Charles (s. Edward and Lydia), d. Uriah Swain and Elizabeth (Pinkham), PR38.]
Margaret (see Peggy).
Nancy, Jan. 6, 1798, a. 90 [sic, :? 20] y. 9 m. 6 d., GR1. [w. Samuel (s. Edward), d. Bartlett Coffin and Peggy (Pinkham) (Tupper), 6th, 1 mo. 1798, w. Samuel, 15th, 12 mo. 1797, PR63. Jan. 6, 1798, PR64.]
Nancy (see ____ Cary).
Nathaniel Sr., 25th, 11 mo. 1792, PR63. [dropsy, a. "old," PR64.]
Nathaniel, s. Edward and Lydia (Hussey) (Barnard), -, 9 mo. 1798, PR38. [5th, 1 mo., PR63.]
Peggy, w. Richard (s. Edward and Lydia), d. Bartlett Coffin and Peggy (Pinkham) (Tupper), 4th, 7 mo. 1821, PR38.
Richard, h. Margaret (d. Bartlett Coffin), s. Edward and Lydia (Hussey) (Barnard), 1st, 4 mo. 1812, PR38. [2d, 1 mo. 1811, a. 37 y. 3 m., PR63.]
Sarah Louisa (see ____ Cary).
Thomas, Dec. 29, 1832, a. 45 Y. 9 m., GR1. [h. Eliza (d. Joshua Coffin), s. Edward and Lydia (Hussey) (Barnard), PR38.]
Winifred, w. Samuel, Mar. 8, 1841, a. 70, GR1. [Winnifred Carey, second w. Samuel (s. Edward and Lydia) ("No chn."), wid. Benjamin .Tupper (s. Benjamin and Peggy ("No chn.."), d. Reuben Gardner and Elizabeth Vail, PR38.]
____, d. Sam[ue]l, _, 11 mo. 1807, CR4. [Nancy, Oct. 31, a. 12, GR1. 12th, 11 mo., a. abt. 13, PR63.]
____, Edw[ard] Jr., 17th, 4 mo. 1809, PR63.
____, b. N., ch. Nathaniel and Louise,. consumption, July 7, 1849, a. 2 m. 3 d. [sic], in N. [Sarah Louisa, d. Nathaniel C. and Ann Louisa, July 8, a. 26 m., GR2.]
Phebe, w. John, Jan. 30, 1837, a. 35, GR1. [Jan. 29, a. 35 y. 1 m. 5 d. PR42. d. Polly Ewer, child bed, Feb. 1, a. 36 y. 2 m., PR62.]
____, ch. Walter, Oct. 26, 1820, a. 2, PR63.
Alexander, Aug. 20, 1838, a. 47, GR4. [h. Hannah (Higgins), s. William Jr. and Phebe (Bunker), 8th, 8 mo., PR38. s. William Jr., suddenly, Aug. 21, a. 47 y. 4 m., PR62.]
Charles G., s. Reuben and Phebe (Bunker) (Cash), "massacred at the Fuje Islands," _____, PR38.
Elijah, h. Eunice (Long), h. Phebe (Briggs) Paul, s. William and Mary (Johnson), 30th, 7 mo. 1836, PR38. [labourer, consumption, a. 63 y. 3 m., PR62.]
Eunice, w. Elijah, -, 9 mo. 1806, [w. Elijah (s. William and Mary), d. Paul Long and Susan (Cleaveland), 9th, 9 mo., PR38. 9th, 9 mo., PR63.]
Eunice, w. Obed, 20th, 10 mo. 1808, PR63.
Hannah, Feb. 13, 1835, c..E.3. [wid. Whelden, consumption and dropsy, a. 64 y. 7 m., PR62.]
Hannah, w. Alexander (s. William Jr. and .Phebe), d. Isaac Higgins and Sabra (Whippey) (Burrage), 24th, 8 mo. 1841, PR38.
Johnson, s. William, 25th, 7 mo. 1799, PR63.
Mary, w. William, d. John Johnson and Sarah (Clark), 27th, 1 mo. 1819, PR38. [Jan. 26, a. 78 y. 3 m., PR63.]
Mary, d. William and Mary (Johnson), 10th, 2 mo. 1826, PR38.
Obed, Jan. 29, 1828, a. 19 [sic, ? 49] y. 4 m. 4 d., GR4. [h. Eunice (Moores) Swain, h. Judith (Ames), s. William and Mary (Johnson), 28th, 1 mo., PR38.]
Walden [dup. Wheldon], "in the fall of" 1821, CR2. [Wheldon, CR3.]
William, h. Phebe (d. Simeon Bunker), s. William and Mary (Johnson), _, 11 mo. 1798, PR38. [William Jr., 8th,
11 mo., PR63.]
William, h. Mary (d. John Johnson), 23d, 10 mo. 1828, PR38.
____, w. Obed, 10th, 9 mo. 1803, PR63.
____, ch. Elijah, 9th, 9 mo. 1806, PR63.
____, ch. Levi, 5th, 9 mo. 1791, PR63.
Hannah, black, m., murdered, Sept. 19, 1798, PR64.
Abigail, 18th, 8 mo. 1732, PR63.
Andrew J., b. N., s. Ariel and Eliza, consumption, Aug. 28, 1844, a. 6 m., in N.
Charity, w. Gershom (s. Hugh), wid. James Bocott [dup. Bocot], d. Ebenezer Swain and Lydia (Giles), 27th, 9 mo. 1824, a. 75, PR38.
Dinah, w. Hugh, d. John Swain and Patience (Skiff), 1st, 6 mo. 1790, a. 84, PR38. [3d, 6 mo., PR63.]
Elizabeth, Feb. 19, 1841, a. 56.
Eunice, b. N., w. Zimri, typhus fever, Oct. 7, 1847, a. 57, in N. [Oct. 6, a. 59, GR4. first W. Zimri (s. Gershom and Charity), d. Benjamin and Phebe (Meader), 6th, 10 mo., PR38.]
George E., b. N., ch. George and Susan, dysentary, Oct. 7, 1847, a. 1 y. 4m., in N.
Gersham, 23d, 7 ma. 1803, PR63.
Gershom, 10th, 1 mo. 1831, a. 87, PR60.
Hepsabeth, first w. Gershom (s. Hugh and Dinah), d. John Ellis and Dinah (Bunker) (____) (Williams), 20th, 8
mo. 1783, PR38.
James A., b. N., ch. John S. and Cynthia B., dysentary, Sept. 24, 1847, a. 1, in N.
James W., b. N., ch. W[illia]m and Martha, canker rash, Aug. 20, 1847, a. 4 y. 8 m. 4d., inN.
John, 19th, 7 mo. 1783, PR63.
John, 5th, 10 mo. 1797, PR63.
Phebe, w. Gershom of "the Vineyard," d. John Coleman and Joanna (Folger), 18th, 7 mo. 1719, PR38.
Robert Meader, s. George C., grand s. William Jenkins, May 22, 1838, a. 1 y. 2 m., PR62.
Susanna, old age, Oct 27, 1841, a. 88. [w. Joseph, wid. Paul Long, d. Ebenezar Cleaveland and Susanna (Folger), PR38.]
Thomas V., s. Capt. Obed and Sarah, Aug. 10, 1827, a. 5 m. 1 d., GR3.
William H., s. Polly Sayward, "killed by the Savages," July 5, 1836, 29, round Cape Horn, PR62.
W[illia]m H., b. N., s. Alex[ande]r and Louisa, croup, Jan. 26, 1845, a. 1, in N.
____, w. Joseph, d. Jethro Swain, Jan. 28, 1780, PR64.
____, ch. Polly, suddenly, Jan. 2, 1802, a. 5, PR64.
____, ch. Seth, 18th, 10 mo. 1813, PR63.
____, ch. Seth, Sept. 2, 1817, PR63.
____, ch. Ariel, Sept. 28, 1817, PR63.
____, ch. Ariel, Jan. 19, 1821, PR63.
____, b. N., S. Ariel and Eliza, croup, Nov. 18, 1847, a. 2 m., in N.
____, b. N., s. John and Eliz[abeth], consumption, Nov. 3, 1848, a. 2 m., in N.
Antonia, Portuguese, "Drowned near the Whale Rack, Near Narragansett in the State of Rhode Island he tried to Swim on shore, from the Schooner Lexington that was shipwrecked," Dec. 21, 1836, a. 27 y. 1 m., PR62.
____, b. N., d. Michael and Mary, Sept 12, 1844, a. 8 m., in N.
CEELY (Ceeley)-
Dinah, b. N., w. Elias, dysentary, Oct. 21, 1848, a. 67, in N. [w. Elias of England, d. Thomas Starbuck Jr. and Dinah (Trott), PR38.]
Elias, widr., mariner, b. Gt. Britain, dropsy, Nov. 30, 1848, a. 76, in N. [Ceeley, h. Dinah (Starbuck), PR38.]
Eunice (Ceeley), d. Elias and Dinah (Starbuck), 8th, 3 mo. 1836, PR38. [lingering consumption, Aug. 10, a. 23 y.
9 m., PR62.]
CELDER (see Calder)CENTER (Centre)-
Charlotte, "second" w. Edward H., d. Matthew Smith and Susanna (Swain), 21st, 11 mo. 1832, PR38.
Edward (Centre), Oct. 4, 1818, PR63.
Edward H., barber, s. James H. [James H. written above Edward H.], violent fever, Aug. 23, 1838, a. 23, in New Orleans, PR62.
James (Centre), Dec. -, 1818, a. 70, PR63.
Margaret, w. Edward H. formerly w. ____ Williams, formerly w. William Center, d. Stephen Innis and Parnal (Ellis), 22d, 9 mo. 1836, PR38. [d. Stephen Innis dec'd, child bed fever and dysentery, Sept. 24, a. 37 y. 9 m., PR62.]
____, ch. Edw[ard] H., -, 10 mo. 1816, a. 2 m., PR63.
____, twin ch. Edward H., barber, "first of" July, 1836, a. 14 d., PR62.
Alfred A., b. N., ch. Charles and Emeline, convulsions, June 17, 1846, a. 1 y. 8 m., in N. [Alfred Augustus, s. Charles S. and Emeline, June 15, a. 19 m. 10 d., GR4.]
Anna, d. Nathaniel and Margaret (Baxter), -, 10 mo. 1796, PR38. [29th, 8 mo., PR63.]
Anna, d. Nathaniel and Margaret (Baxter), 24th, 12 mo. 1819, PR38. [Dec. 26, a. 19 y. 11 m., PR63.]
Anthony, "from the Vineyard," h. Polly (d. William Perkins and Eunice), 12th, 9 mo. 1835, PR38. [generally debilitated, Dec. 9, a. 53 y. 1 m., at the asylum, PR62.]
Avis, w. ____ , d. Alpeus Coffin, -, 12 mo. 1805, CR4. [w. John, 15th, 12 mo., PR63.]
Avis, w. Obed (s. William and Mary), d. Nathaniel Chadwick and Margaret (Baxter), 29th, 8 mo. 1816, PR38. [wid. Obed, 8th, 9 mo., a. 34, PR63.]
Balinda, b. N., w. Alexander, child bed, Feb. 1, 1848, a. 31, in N. [Belinda J., d. Benjamin Fisher of Falmouth, 2d, 2 mo., PR38.]
Barzillai, b. N., ch. Alexander and Balinda, consumption, Aug. 20, 1848, a. 5 m. 18 d., in N.
Belinda J. (see Balinda).
Benjamin, s. David, small pox, 25th, 1 mo. 1760, PR63.
Benjamin, [twin] s. David and Elizabeth (Baker), 21st, 9 mo. 1836, PR38. [consumption, Sept. 22, a. 47 y. 11 m.,
Betsey, cholic, May 28, 1842, a. 57. [Betsy, w. W[illia]m, a. 55, GR1. Betsey, w. William (s. William), wid. Reuben Chadwick (s. William), d. Benjamin Slade and Rhoda (Coleman), PR38.]
Charles, ch. Richard and Rhoda, 23d, 7 mo. 1802, CR4.
Charles, s. Seth, killed by a whale, ___, 1835, a. 31 y. 3 m., round Cape Horn, PR62.
Daniel, h. Hannah (d. Joseph Meader), s. William, ___, 1750, PR38.
David, 6th, 5 mo. 1750, PR63.
David, h. Mary (d. Gershom Drew), s. Nathrniel and Margaret (Baxter), 18th, 1 mo. 1800, PR38. [David
Jr., "on the coast of Africa," PR61. 5th, 4 mo., PR63.]
David, h. Elizabeth Baker of Barnstable, Cape Cod, h. Mary (d. John Fosdick and Elizabeth), s. Richard and Deborah (Swain), 13th [dup. 18th], 6 mo. 1833, PR38.
David, h. Lydia (d. William Coffin and Sally), s. David and Elizabeth (Baker), -, 7 mo. 1840, PR38.
Deborah, ch. Richard and Rebecca, 8th, 9 mo. 1767, CR4. [See birth record for PR66.]
Deborah, w. Richard, d. John Swain ("called England") and Patience (Skiff), 19th, 10 mo. 1795, PR38. [21st, 10 mo. PR63.]
Deborah, w. William Jr., Feb. 24, 1809, a. 24 y. 9 M. 21 d., GR4. [d. George Brown and Parnal (Chase), PR38.]
- Elizabeth Baker, w. David (s. Richard and Deborah), 27th, 9 mo. 1796, PR38.
Emaley F., d. John and Sarah, Dec. 2, 1837, a. 5, GR1. [Emily F., d. John and Sarah L. (Farris), 12th, 12 mo., PR38. fitts and fever, Dec. 2, PR62.]
Frederick, s. Reuben and Betsey (Slade), 3d, 10 mo. 1826, in the West Indies, PR38.
Frederick S., b. N., s. Alexander and Deborah, croap, July 18, 1849, a. 4 y. 2 m., in N.
George A., b. N., ch. Albert and Susan, dysentary, Aug. 19, 1846, a. 9 m., in N.
Hannah, w. Daniel (s. William), d. Joseph Meader, 16th, 1 mo. 1779 [see following entry], PR38.
Hannah, 24th, 1 mo. 1799, PR61. [16th, 1 mo., PR63.]
Helen P., b. N., ch. Alexander and Balinda, whoop[in]g cough, June 4, 1846, a. 1 y. 9 m., in N.
Hepsibeth [Chadwick, sic, Gardner, w. Robert, q. v.], w. Thaddeus Chadwick (s. Richard), d. Joseph Gardner and Abigail, -, 5 mo. 1845, PR38.
John, h. Lydia (d. Ebenezer Joy of Martha's Vineyard and Elizabeth), s. Daniel and Hannah (Meader), ___, 1778, PR38.
John, ___, 1798, PR63.
John, h. Avis (Coffin), h. Lydia (Barnard), s. David and Elizabeth (Baker), 8th, 8 mo. 1820, PR38. [Aug. 28, a. 37 y. 1 m., PR63.]
John H., s., Benjamin and Cynthia Howland, 9th, 3 ma. 1810, PR38. [1st, 9 mo., PR63.]
Joseph, s. Isaiah and Abigail Smith, "one of seven drowned at the Bar," 1st, 1 mo. 1782, PR38.
Laban [dup. s. Richard dec'd], ___, 1805, "abroad," CR4. [s. Richard and Rebecca (Gardner), lost at sea, PR38.]
Latham, ch. Richard and Rebecca., 17th, 6 mo. 1765, CR4.
Lucy R., d. Alexander and Belinda, Oct. 1, 1839, a. 10 m., PR62.
Lydia, d. John and Lydia (Joy), 9th, 11 mo. 1821, PR38.
Margaret, w. Nathaniel (s. Richard and Deborah), d. Christopher Baxter and Mary (Worth), 25th, 9 mo. 1828, PR38.
Mary, 23d, 4 mo. 1749, PR63.
Mary, w. William (s. Daniel and Hannah), d. Daniel Long and Thankful (Jones), 3d, 7 mo. 1812, PR38 [wid. William, a. 69, PR63.]
Mary, b. N., wid. David, old age, Jan. 21, 1844, a. 86, in N. [second w. David (s. Richard and Deborah), "No chn.," d. John Fosdick and Elizabeth Norton, 20th, 1 mo., a. 88, PR38.]
Mary E., b. N., d. Alex[ande]r and Deborah, croup, Nov. 3, 1844, a. 3 y. 8 m. 3 d., in N.
Nathaniel, s. Daniel and Hannah (Meader), 29th, 1 mo. 1760, PR38.
Nathaniel, h. Margaret (d. Christopher Baxter), s. Richard and Deborah (Swain), 21st, 5 mo. 1819, PR38. [a. 67 y.
8 m., PR63.]
Obed, s. W[illia]m, 31st, 8 mo. 1816, PR63.
Obed, h. Avis (d. Nathaniel Chadwick and Margaret), s. William and Mary (Long), 25th, 12 mo. 1824, PR38.
Phebe, d. Nathaniel and Margaret (Baxter), 21st, 10 mo. 1795, PR38.
Polly, w. Anthony ("from the Vineyard"), d. William Perkins and Eunice (Ellis), 14th, 10 mo. 1839, a. 53, PR38. [wid. Anthony, d. William Perkins dec'd, PR62.]
Priscilla Hammond of Bass River, w. Wickliff (s. Richard and Deborah), 7th, 6 mo. 1815, PR38. [wid. Wickerliff, a. 66 y. 4 PR63.]
Rebecca, ch. Richard and Rebecca, 9th, 8 mo. 1777, CR4. [Rebeckah, PR66.]
Reuben, h. Betsey (d. Benjamin Slade), s. William and Mary (Long), -, 4 mo. 1810, PR38. [6th, 4 mo., PR63.]
Reuben, h. Polly (d. Ichabod Aldrich Jr.), s. Nathaniel and Margaret (Baxter), ___, 1816, PR38. [31st, 8 mo., a.
25, PR63.]
Rhoda, w. Richard, [dup. d. John Clasby and Ruth] 21st, 9 mo. 1802, CR4. [w. Richard Jr. (s. Richard and Rebecca), d. John Clasby and Ruth (Gardner), PR38.]
Rich[ar]d Jr. [dup. h. Rebecca], 10th, 11 mo. 1783, CR4. [h. Rebecca (Gardner), s. Richard and Deborah (Swain), PR38. 9th, 11 mo., a. 44 y. 8 m. 19 d., PR66.]
Richard, h. Deborah (d. John Swain ("called England") and Patience), 14th, 2 mo. 1784, PR38. [Richard Sr., a. 75 y. 11 m., PR63.]
Richard, 2d, 4 mo. 1810, PR66.
Seth, h. Nancy (d. William Sanford of Woods Hole), s. Wickliff [dup. Wickliffe] and Priscilla Hammond, 8th, 6 mo. [dup. 6th, 8 mo.] 1839, PR38. [s. Wickerlief, drowned "in a boat oversitting," June 9, a. 61 y. 4 m., PR62.]
Thaddeus, "after a long Sickness," -, 8 mo. 1806, CR4. [h. Hepsibeth (d. Joseph Gardner and Abigail), s. Richard
and Rebecca (Gardner), 27th, 8 mo., PR38. 23d, 8 mo., PR63. 28th, 8 mo., PR66.]
Thomas, s. Nathaniel and Margaret (Baxter), 26th, 3 mo. 1799, PR38. [1st, 4 mo., PR63.]
Timothy, s. Wickliff and Priscilla Hammond, lost at sea, 9th, 9 mo. 1811, PR38. [a. 26, PR63.]
Wickliffe [dup. Wickliff], h. Priscilla Hammond of Bass River, s. Richard and Deborah (Swain), 25th, 9 mo. 1808, PR38. [Wickerlief, 17th, 9 mo., a. 63, PR63.]
William, h. Mary (d. Daniel Long and Thankful), s. Daniel and Hannah (Meader), 21st, 9 mo. 1811, PR38. [a. 65, PR63.]
____, ch. John, 23d, 2 mo. 1728, PR63.
____, d. Richard, 28th, 1 mo. 1753, PR63.
____, ch. Richard, 2d, 2 mo. 1753, PR63.
____, s. Richard, 3d, 12 mo. 1756, PR63.
____, ch. Richard and Rhoda, 24th, 6 mo. 1798, CR4.
____, ch. Reuben, 11th, 9 mo. 1813, PR63.
____, s. John, Sept. 23, 1819, a. 1 y. 6 m., PR63.
____, s. W[illia]m S., dysentary, Sept. 2, 1842, a. 7 m.
____, b. N., s. Alexander, Oct. 3, 1844, a. 3 d., in N.
____, b. N., d. James, measles, Nov. 6, 1846, a. 1, in N.
Anna, wid. Jacob (ship carpenter), suddenly, Oct. 23, 1839, a. 88 y. 8 m., PR62.
Jacob, 8th, 1 mo. 1808, a. 75, PR63.
John, -, 1 mo. 1808, CR4.
Sarah, w. Capt. Samuel V., June 7, 1818, in 30th y., "leaving two daughters Sarah and Arolina," GR1. [Sally, d. John Sherman and Margaret (Ellis), PR38. Sally, d. John Sherman, a 29 y. 5 m., PR63.]
____, ch. Samuel, 11th, 5 mo. 1810, PR63.
CHAPIN (Chapen)-
Pardon P., s. Reubin and Eunice, July 11, 1835, a. 4 y. 5 m., GR1. [Pardon P. Jillson Chapin, s. Reuben W. (lately from Providence, R.I.), scarlet fever, July 14, a. 4 y. 4 m., PR62.]
____, (Chapen), ch. Reuben, Nov. 2, 1841, a. 1 y. 5 m.
Lydia, 12th, 4 mo. 1798, PR63.
CHASE (Chace)-
Abel, ___, 1803, in Hudson, N.Y., CR1.
Abraham, s. Thomas and Elizabeth (Philbrick), "killed in King Philips War," ___, 1676, PR38.
Abraham, h. Abigail (d. Nathaniel Barnard and Mary), s. Isaac and Mary Tilton, 25th, 11 mo. 1743, PR38.
Abraham, h. Jerusha (d. Joseph Heath and Catharine), s. Thomas and Anna Smith, —, 6 mo. 1800, [in the] West Indies, PR38. [7th, 6 mo., PR63.]
Abraham, formerly of [the] Vineyard, [h. Hepsibah] cholera, —, 11 mo. 1832, a. 76, in Cincinnati, PR60.
Albert M., s. Alexander M. and Emeline E. (Kilburn), _____, "young," PR38.
Alexander, "master of the Ship Elizabeth Starbuck," s. Judah, numb palsey, _____ ["News Came" Sept. 23, 1839], PR62.
Alexander P., s. William S. and Betsey P. (Smith), _____, "young," PR38.
Ann, b. N., w. Benj[ami]n W., consumption, Sept. 9, 1846, a. 52, in N. [first w. Benjamin (s. Peter and Elizabeth), d. John Swain and Mary (Gardner), —, 10 mo., PR38.]
Ann Eliza, ch. Alexander M. and Emeline, Aug. 17, 1838, a. 4 m., GR3. [Aug. 21, PR62.]
Ann Eliza, b. N., d. Shubael, fever, Feb. 3, 1844, a. 1, in N.
Ann Maria Roland, w. Edward (s. Joseph and Rebecca), 15th, 2 mo. 1836, PR38. [wid., d. ____ Rowland, consumption, a. 25 y. 3 m., PR62.]
Anna, w. James (s. James and Rachael (Brown)), d. Ebenezer Gardner and Judith (Coffin) (second w.), 11th, 7 mo. 1791, PR38. [Anna Sr., 30th, 7 mo., PR63.]
Anna, d. Thomas and Anna Smith, 12th, 1 mo. 1837, PR38. [d. Thomas dec'd, Dec. 1, a. 77, at the Quaise Farm,
Anna, w. Francis, July 26, 1840, CR1. [Anna G., a. 56, GR1. Anna, first w. Francis (s. Francis and Naomi), d. Micajah Gardner and Anna (Glazier), 24th, 7 mo., PR38.]
Ariel, h. Jane (d. Job Tripp), s. James and Mary, -, 5 mo. 1813, PR38.
Augustus, b. N., s. Henry and Mary, canker rash, Aug. 26, 1847, a. 2 y. 6 m., in N.
Beni [amin] , 14th, 11 mo. 1767, PR63.
Benjamin, s. Isaac and Mercy (Chadwick), "lost in the W.I.," ___, , 1780, PR38. [___, 1781, PR63.]
Benjamin, s. Judah and Phebe (Meader), 10th, 3 mo. 1800, PR38. [10th, 3 mo. 1809, PR63. drowned "with Uriah Swain Jr.," PR64.]
Benjamin, h. Deborah (d. James Fitzgerald), s. James and Mercy (Godfrey), 13th, 10 mo. 1816, PR38. [3d, 10 mo., a. 27 y. 6 m., PR63.]
Betsey, w. Obed (s. Francis and Naomi), d. Joseph Chase and Rebecca (Folger), 17th, 7 mo. 1802, PR38. [17th, 10 mo., PR63.]
Betsey, d. Joseph and Polly (Coffin), 18th, 3 mo. 1822, PR38.
Borden, h. Sally (d. George Folger Jr.), h. Ruth (d. Zachery Bunker and Judith), 10th, 6 mo. 1829, PR38.
Brown, 23d, 12 mo. 1771, PR63.
Brown, s. Ja[me]s, 26th, 5 mo. 1798, PR63.
Caroline, seamstress, b. N., ch. Arnold and Pamelia, bilious fever, Sept. 7, 1845, a. 22, in N. [Caroline C., Sept. 8,
CR3. Caroline C., Sept. 7, GR3.]
Charles, h. Eunice (d. Bamabas Coffin and Abigail), s. Charles and Jane (Coleman), 10th, 12 mo. 1813, PR38. [Charles Jr., a. 50 y. 3 m., PR63.]
Charles, h. Jane (d. Jonathan Coleman), s. Stephen and Patience (Marshall), 8th, 2 mo. 1815, PR38. [7th, 2 mo., a. 83 y. 8 m., PR63. Chace, PR64.]
Charles C., b. N., s. Fred[eric]k and Delia, Oct. 5, 1844, a. 2 m., in N.
Charles Frederick, s. Frederick C. and Delia Maria (Coleman), _____, "young," PR38.
Charles G., s. William and Merib (Gardner), 18th, 10 mo. 1810, PR38.
Charles Henry, ch. Alexander M. and Emeline, Jan. 17, 1836, a. 3 m., GR3.
Charles P., s. Richard, Aug. 14, 1835, a. 14 y. 3 m., in Swanzey, PR62.
Cornelius, s. Stephen and Patience (Marshall), ___, 1739 PR38.
Cornelius, 11th, 5 mo. 1754, PR63.
Cromwell, single, s. Charles and Eunice Coffin), _____, "abroad," PR38.
Daniel, drowned, Aug. -, 1842, a. 21, at sea.
Daniel C., s. Peter "of this place," Nov. 16, 1834, a. 42 y. 4 m., in N.Y., PR62.
Daniel Filmore, s. Paul, canker rash, Mar. 9, 1843, a. 8 m. [Daniel Fillmore Chase, "only" s. Paul and Mary, Feb. 10, a. 8 m. 7 d., GR1.]
David, ch. Francis and Naomi, 22d, 3 mo. 1787, CR4. [s. Francis and Naomi (Gardner), 21st, 3 mo., PR38. 22d, 3 mo., PR63. "eldest" s. _____, suddenly, "had been subect to a pain in his side for several months past," Mar.
21, PR64.]
Dinah [Chase, w. ____], ch. Jonathan Folger and Margaret, 18th, 2 mo. 1786, CR4. [Chase, second w. Stephen Sr. (s. Isaac Jr. and Mary), d. Jonathan Folger and Margaret (Gardner), 17th, 2 mo., PR38. Chase, w. Stephen, 18th, 2 mo., PR63.]
Elizabeth, d. Lt. Isaac and Mary Tilton, ___, 1719, PR38.
Elizabeth, w. Jesse of Swanzey, d. David Joy Jr. and Phebe (Coffin), 7th, 7 mo. 1788, PR38. [9th, 6 mo., PR63.]
Elizabeth, w. Benjamin (s. Abel), d. Thomas Brock and Patience (Gardner), 25th, 10 mo. 1801, PR38. [24th, 10 mo., PR63.]
Elizabeth, w. Capt. George B., May 27, 1823, a. 36 y. 7 m. 13 d., GR1. [w. George Brown Chase (s. Isaac and Eunice), d. James Ramsdell and Jedidah (Folger) (first w.), PR38.]
Elizabeth, b. N., wid. Obed, pleurasy fever, May 10, 1844, a. 66 y. 6 m., in N. [second w. Obed (s. Francis and Naomi), d. Abner Coffin and Elizabeth (Gardner), 9th, 5 mo., PR38.]
Elizabeth, b. N., wid. Peter, old age, Oct. 10, 1847, a. 81 y. 1 m. 19 d., in N. [w. Peter (s. James), d. Bachelder Hussey and Anna (Coffin), 9th, 9 mo., PR38.]
Elizabeth B., ch. Joseph M. and Winifred, May 27, 1833, a. 7 y. 4 m. 19 d., GR4.
Elizabeth C, d. Isaac and Sarah, Feb. 10, 1830, a. 5 y. 7 m. 10 d., GR4. [d. Isaac and Sally (Ellis), 2d, 10 mo., PR38.]
Elizabeth C., b. N., ch. James and Phebe, brain fever, May 4, 1847, a. 4, in N.
Eunice, d. Isaac, 5th, 2 mo. 1796, PR63.
Eunice, w. Charles (s. Charles and Jane), d. Barnabas Coffin and Abigail (Folger), 25th, 5 mo. [dup. 3 mo.] 1815,
[wid. Cha[rle]s, 23d, 5 mo., a. 4.8 y. 10 m., PR63. Chace, May 23, PR64.]
Eunice, w. Benjamin Coffin (s. George and Rebecca), d. Peter Paddack and Judith, 18th, 3 mo. 1828, PR38.
Eunice, w. Isaac (s. Isaac and Mercy), d. Francis Brown and Eunice (Coffin), 23d [dup. 27th], 1 mo. 1831, PR38.
Eunice Hadwen (Chace), d. F. B. and P. B., Oct. 3, 1839, a. 13 m., GR3. [Chase, d. Frederick B. and Phebe (Allen),
Francis [dup. h. Naomi], ch. Joseph and Miriam, 21st, 9 mo. 1802, CR4. [h. Naomi (d. Reuben Gardner), s. Joseph and Miriam (Coffin), PR38.]
Franklin, h. Nancy, Mar. 12, 1825, a. 35, at sea, GR3. [h. Nancy (d. Simeon Ellis), s. Isaac and Eunice (Brown),
12th, 2 mo., PR38.]
George, h. Rebecca (d. Barnabas Coffin and Abigail), s. Shubael and Sarah (Manter), 16th, 12 mo. 1840, PR38.
George H., ch. Borden and Sarah, 30th, 8 mo. 1804, CR4.
Gilbert, Jan. 9, 1820, a. 50, PR63.
Henry, 27th, 10 mo. 1773, PR63.
Hepsabeth, w. Shubael (s. George and Rebecca), d. Timothy Swain Jr. and Eunice (Gardner), 3d [dup. 4th], 8 mo.
1824, PR38.
Hepsibah, formerly of N., w. [Ab[raha]m], cholera, -, 11 mo. 1832, a. 72, in Cincinnati, PR60.
Isaac, h. Mary (d. Isaac Perkins of Hampton), h. Mary Tilton of Chilmark, s. Thomas and Elizabeth (Philbrick), 9th, 5 mo. 1727, PR38.
Isaac, h. Mary (d. James Pease and Elizabeth of Martha's Vineyard), s. Lt. Isaac and Mary Tilton, ___, 1739,
Isaac, h. Mercy (d. Richard Chadwick), s. Nathan and Parnal (Long), 12th, 8 mo. 1763, PR38.
Isaac, s. Isaac and Mary (Pease), 4th, 1 mo. 1802, PR38.
Isaac, h. Eunice (d. Francis Brown and Eunice), s. Isaac and Mercy (Chadwick), -, 2 mo. [dup. 30th, 7 mo.]
1814, PR38. [10th, 8 mo., a. 60 y. 6 m., PR63. Chace, July 31, PR64.]
Isaac, m., mariner, b. N., ch. Isaac, casualty, Sept. 16, 1846, a. 59, in N. [Capt., GR4. h. Sally (d. Simeon Ellis and Deborah), s. Isaac and Eunice (Brown), PR38.]
Jacob, 26th, 4 mo. 1750, PR63.
James, h. Mary (d. Abraham Long and Mary), s. James and Mercy (Godfrey), -, 6 mo. 1819, PR38. [a. 38, PR63.]
James, Sept. 26, 1819, a. 80 y. 10 m., PR63.
James H., s. Nathan and Sally (Nobles), 10th, 2 mo. 1826, PR38.
Jane [dup. Jeanette], w. Charles (s. Stephen and Patience), d. Jonathan Coleman and Mahitable (Davis), 25th, 1 mo. 1820, PR38. [wid. Charles, Jan. 26, a. 84 y. 3 m., PR63.]
Jedida, w. David ("from Barnstable County"), d. Francis Ellis and Sarah (Mooers), 21st, 4 mo. 1828, PR38.
Jerusha, w. Abraham (s. Thomas and Anna), d. Joseph Heath and Catharine (Matthews), 4th, 9 mo. 1843, PR38.
Jerusha, b. N., wid. Timothy, dropsy, Sept. 6, 1843, a. 72, in N.
Job, h. Ruth (d. Caleb Macy and Judith), s. Benjamin and Martha of Dartmouth, -, 10 mo. 1818, PR38. [Oct. 22,
a. 66 [sic] y. 7 m., PR63. Chace, PR64.]
Jonathan, h. Mary (d. Job Smith and Phebe), s. Isaac and Mercy (Chadwick), 13th, 11 mo. 1821, PR38.
Joseph, h. Rachel (d. William Partridge), s. Thomas and Elizabeth (Philbrick), 12th, 1 mo. 1718, PR38.
Joseph, h. Lydia (d. Nathaniel Coffin and Damaris), s. Lt. Isaac and Mary Tilton, ___, 1749, PR38.
Joseph, h. Polly (d. Bartlett Coffin and Peggy), s. Joseph and Rebecca (Folger), lost at sea, -, 12 mo. 1807, PR38. [13th, 12 mo., PR63.]
Joseph, ch. Joseph M. and Winifred, Aug. 15, 1831, a. 2 w., GR4.
Joseph, h. Rebecca (d. Reuben Folger and Dinah), s. Stephen and Dinah (Folger), 10th, 8 mo. [dup.18th, 10 mo.] 1833, PR38.
Joseph, Sept. 23, 1847, a. 6 y. 2 m., GR3.
Joseph H., b. N.., s. Joseph and Winefred, canker rash, May 9, 1843, a. 2, in N.
Judah, widr., yeoman, b. N., old age, July 22, 1846, a. 80, in N. [h. Phebe, July 23, a. 82, GR4. h. Phebe (Meader), h. Ruth (Beard) Coffin, s. Desire (later w. Batchelder Swain), 23d, 7 mo., PR38.]
Judith., wid. Reuben, Feb. 15, 1837, a. 78, GR1. [w. Reuben (s. Stephen and Dinah), d. Peleg Gardner and Anna (Ramsdell), 11th [dup. 14th], 3 mo., PR38. d. Peleg Gardner dec'd, Mar. 14, a. 78 y. 1 m., PR62.]
Lurana, Oct -, 1829, CR3. [Lurania, w. Peter (s. Reuben), d. Hugh Wyer and Susan, 19th, 10 mo., PR38.]
Lydia, w. Joseph (s. Lt Isaac and Mary), d. Nathaniel Coffin and Damaris (Gayer), 17th, 7 mo. 1749, PR38.
Lydia, w. Rowland (s. Peter and Lurania), d. Charles Davis and Hannah (Gardner), 31st, 7 mo. 1846, a. 32 [y.] 10 M., in Ohio City, PR38.
Lydia C., d. Benjamin and Susan (Pitts), _____, "young," PR38. [violent fever and cough, Sept. 22, 1837, a. 10 m, PR62.]
Margaret, 9th, 1 mo. 1730, PR63.
Margaret, w. Benjamin (s. James and Rachael), d. Joseph Gardner and Ruth (Coffin), 22d, 5 mo. 1796, PR38. [wid. Benjamin, 25th, 5 mo., PR63.]
Margaret (see Peggy).
Margaret, w. Stephen (s. Charles), d. Robert Barnard and Margaret (Whitney), 26th, 3 mo. 1836, PR38. [Peggy, wid. Stephen, great grand d. Dr. John Whitney, numb palsey, Mar. 25, a. 65 y. 8 m., PR62.]
Margaret B., youngest d. Robert and Hephzibah, Sept. 11, 1838, a. 18 m., in Cleaveland, Ohio, PR62.
Maria, Jan. -, 1831, CR3. [d. Abraham and Jarusha, Jan. 18, a. 32, GR1.]
Mary, w. James (s. James and Anna), d. Peter Folger 3d and Christian (Swain), 23d, 8 mo. 1818, PR38. [Aug. 23, a. 78 y. 5 m., PR63.]
Mary, d. Thomas and Anna Smith, 4th, 9 mo. 1822, PR38.
Mary, d. Capt. George B., June 26, 1823, a. 14 y. 1 m. 2 d., GR1. [d. George B. and Elizabeth (Ramsdell), PR38.]
Mary, wid. Jonathan, d. Job Smith, June 9, 1836, a. 72 y. 9 m., PR62.
Mary Ann, d. Obed and Sarah B., Jan. 9, 1840, a. 2 y. 1 m., GR3.
Mary Catharine, d. John and Deborah, July 22, 1819, a. 10 w. 3 d., GR4. [July 21, a. 3 m., PR63.]
Mary F., b. N., w. Shubael, consumption, Dec. 27, 1847, a. 48 y. 5 m., in N. [24th, 12 mo., PR35. second w. Shubael (s. George and Rebecca), d. Peter Macy and Sarah (Folger), 25th, 12 mo., PR38.]
Merab [Chase, w. ____], ch. Joseph Gardner and Abigail, 20th, 11 mo. 1820, CR4. [Merib Chase, w. William (s. Charles and Jennette [dup. Jane] ), d. Joseph Gardner and Abigail (Clark), PR38. Merab Chase, wid. W[illia]m, a. 52 y. 6 m., PR63.]
Mercy, w. James (s. Thomas and Anna), d. Caleb Godfrey of Barnstable and Mary (Pinkham), 19th [dup. 21st], 3 mo. 1837, PR38. [wid. James, 19th, 3 mo. 1836, a. 82, PR60. wid. James, suddenly, Mar. 19, 1837, a. 83 y. 2 m., PR62.]
Nancy, w. Capt. Owen, Aug. 11, 1833, a. 35, GR1. [a. 39, GR2. second w. Owen (s. Judah and Phebe), wid. Matthew Joy, d. Benjamin. Slade and Rhoda (Coleman), 11th, 7 mo., PR38.]
Naomi, w. Francis, [dup. d. Reuben Gardner and Theodate] I5th, 11 mo. 1827, CR4. [w. Francis (s. Joseph and Miriam), d. Reuben Gardner and Theodate (Gorham) (Coffin) (second w.), PR38.]
Nathan, h. Sally (d. John Nobles and Eunice), s. James and Mercy (Godfrey), - 7 mo. 1811, PR38. [Nathaniel,
27th, 7 mo., a. 34, PR63.]
Obed, h. Betsey (Chase), h. Elizabeth (Coffin), s. Francis and Naomi (Gardner), 25th, 7 mo.. 1818, PR38. [a. 39 y. 6 m., PR63.]
Patience, w. Stephen, Feb. 27, 1740-1. [w. Stephen (s. Isaac Jr. and Mary), d. Joseph Marshall and Mary or Mercy (Short), 27th, 2 mo. 1740-1, PR38. 27th, 12 mo. 1740, PR63.]
Paul, ch. Joseph and Miriam, 3d, 12 mo. 1756, CR4. [s. Joseph and Miriam (Coffin), 12th, 3 mo., PR38. 3d, 12 mo., PR63.]
Paul, s. Charles and Jane (Coleman), - 2 mo. 1782, at Plum Island, PR38. [15th, 2 mo., PR63.]
Paul, h. Rose Ann Tylee of N.Y., s. Francis and Naomi (Gardner), 11th, 1 mo., 1834, PR38.
Peggy, w. Owen, Sept. 26, 1824, a. 26 y. 10 m. 24 d., GR1. [Sept. 22, 1826, GR2. Margaret [dup. Peggy], w. Owen (s. Judah), d. George Gardner and Judith (Gardner) (Smith), 24th, 9 mo. 1826 [1826 written in pencil, dup. 26th, 9 mo. 1824], PR38.]
Peggy (see Margaret).
Peter, single, s. Isaac and Eunice (Brown), _____, PR38. [21st, 5 mo. 1809, PR63.]
Peter, master mariner, old age, Sept 19, 1842, a. 78.
Peter G., h. Lurania (d. Hugh Wyer and Susan), s. Reuben, and Judith (Gardner), 22d [dup. 28th), 2 mo.
Phebe, w. Judah, May 7, 1808, a. 40, GR4. [d. Benjamin Meader, 18th, 4 mo. 1806, PR38. 18th, 4 mo. 1808, PR63.]
Rachel, wid. Ja[me]s, 24th, 7 mo. 1741, PR63.
Rebecca, w. George H., Nov. 11, 1832, a. 33, GR3. [w. George H. (s. Joseph), d. Gideon Coffin and Mary ("Marvel or Marble"), PR38.]
Rebecca [Chase, w. ____], ch. Reuben Folger and Dinah, 1st, 8 mo. 1833, CR4. [Chase, w. Joseph (s. Stephen and Dinah), d. Reuben Folger and Dinah (Hussey) (first w.), PR38.]
Rebecca, b. N., wid. George, old age, Nov. 3, 1848, a. 84, in N. [w. George (s. Shubael and Sarah), d. Barnabas Coffin and Abigail (Folger), PR38.]
Reuben, Capt., Feb. 15, 1824, a. 69, GR1. [h. Judith (d. Peleg Gardner and Anna), s. Stephen and Dinah (Folger), PR38.]
Robert Barnard, h. Hepsibeth (d. Job Macy and Deborah), s. Stephen and Peggy (Barnard), 17th, 8 mo. 1849, PR38.
Rowland B., h. Lydia (d. Charles Davis and Hannah), s. Peter and Lurania (Wyer), 10th, 8 mo. 1847, [in] Ohio, PR38.
Ruth, 14th, 2 mo. 1831, CR4. [w. Job (s. Benjamin and Martha), d. Caleb Macy and Judith (Folger) (Gardner),
Sarah, w. Shubael (s. Nathan and Pamal), d. George Manter of Martha's Vineyard, 3d, 3 mo. 1797, PR38.
Sarah, w. Thomas, -, 2 mo. 1805, CR4. [21st, 2 mo., PR63.]
Sarah, w. Borden, 23d, 12 mo. 1808, CR4. [ Sally, first w. Borden, d. George Folger Jr. and Rebecca (Slocum),
PR38. Sally, PR63.]
Sarah, d. Borden and Sally (Folger), 12th, 11 mo. 1826, in N.Y., PR38.
Sarah G. [d. Frederick and Mary Ann, GR3.], canker rash and scarlet fever, Jan. 10, 1843, a. 2 y. 6 m.
Stephen, h. Patience (Marshall), h. Dinah (Folger), s. Isaac Jr. and Mary (Pease), 28th, 8 mo. 1787, PR38. [29th, 8 mo., PR63.]
Stephen, h. Margaret [dup. Peggy] (Barnard), s. Charles and Jane (Coleman), 9th, 1 mo. [dup. 1st, 9 mo.] 1824, PR38.
Susan, ch. Borden and Sarah, 6th, 2 mo. 1808, CR4. [21St, 2 mo., PR63.]
Susan, b. N., w. Edward, stoppage, July 8, 1849, in N. [second w. Edward (s. Joseph and Rebecca), d. Joseph Parker, PR38.]
Susan H., w. Obed, July 4, 1832, a. 26, GR3. [w. Obed (s. Reuben and Judith), d. Paul Barnard and Mary (Bocot), 7th, 5 mo., PR38.]
Susan P. (see ____ Chase).
Thomas, s. Thomas and Elizabeth (Philbrick), 23d, 10 mo. 1714 [in Hampton, N.H.], PR38.
Thomas, -, 3 mo. 1807, CR4. [h. Anna Smith of Martha's Vineyard, h. Sarah Claghorn of M[artha's] V[ineyard], s. Nathan and Parnal (Long), 7th, 3 mo., PR38. 7th, 3 mo., PR63.]
Timothy, s. Abraham, 3d, 10 mo. 1816, a. 25 y. 2 m., PR63.
Timothy, b. N., s. George C. and Abby, burnt, Mar. 25, 1845, a. 10, in N.
William, h. Merib (d. Joseph Gardner and Abigail), s. Charles and Jane (Coleman), ,_ 3 mo. [dup. 3d, 4 mo.] 1819, PR38. [Mar. 4, a. 52 y. 8 m., PR63.]
William, b. N., ch. William and Elizabeth, croup, Nov. 1, 1847, a. 5, in N.
William, s. William H. and Eliza Ann (Tuck), _____, "young," PR38.
William H., s. Stephen and Peggy (Barnard), 8th, 12 mo. 1811, at sea, PR38. [a. 10, PR63.]
Winifred, w. George C., June 29, 1818, in 24th y., GR3. [first w. George C. (s. Peter and Elizabeth), d. Uriah Swain and Elizabeth (Pinkham), PR38. Winifred, a. 23 y. 10 m., PR63.]
Zimri, h. Dinah (d. Tristram Barnard), s. Stephen and Dinah (Folger), 22d, 11 ma 1840, in Liberty, Ind., PR38.
- ____, s. Stephen, 20th, 10 mo. 1752, PR.63.
____, ch. Stephen, 27th, 9 mo. 1762, PR63.
____, s. Thomas, 1st, 11 mo. 1764, PR63.
____, d. Richard, 29th, 10 mo. 1768, PR63.
____, ch. Abraham, 5th, 2 mo. 1796, PR63.
____, ch. Charles and Eunice, July 8, 1797, a. 9 m., PR64.
____, ch. Eunice, July 26, 1801, a. "more than" 1, PR64.
____, ch. Eunice, still born, [Jan. _] 1803, PR64.
____, ch. Nathan, 11th, 3 mo. 1804, PR63.
____, ch. Nathan, 29th, 1 mo. 1810, PR63.
____, ch. Obed, 27th, 9 mo. 1810, PR63.
____, ch. Peter, 10th, 7 mo. 1813, PR63.
____, ch. Benj[amin], 15th, 10 mo. 1815, a. [? 1 or 11 y.] 6 m., PR63.
____, ch. Benj [amin], 23d, 5 mo. 1816, PR63.
____, formerly of N., s. Abraham and Hepsibah, cholera, [___, 1832, in Cincinnati] PR38.
____, ch. Nathan, Feb. 3, 1835, a. 3 w., PR62.
____, ch. John, grand ch. Obed Pitts, fever, Sept 22, 1837, a. 1 y. 2 m., PR62.
____, d. William and Betsey, ___, 1838, a. 5 m., CR2. [Susan P., d. William S. and Betsey P. (Smith), PR38. ch. William S. (s. Stephen), -, 9 mo., PR62.]
____, ch. Frederick C., canker rash, Oct. 7, 1839, a. 1 m., PR62.
____(Chace) [see William], inf. W [illia]m A. and E. Ann, Oct. _, 1839, CR2.
____ ch. William H., fever, Nov. 23, 1839, a. abt 9 m. [sic], PR62.
____, ch. William, still [born], Aug. 25, 1841.
____, s. Charles W., organic disease of heart, Apr. 25, 1842, a. 21 m.
Joseph of Salem, "in the Ship Samuel Wright, of Salem, John Pitman Master, he was killed by a whale on
the Coast of Peru Around Cape Horn," Mar. _, 1835, a. 22 y. 1 m., PR62.
Joshua, "Native Indian," 25th, 9 mo. 1801, PR63.
CHENEY (see Chiney)CHILDS (Child)-
James, wood coaster, June 10, 1834, a.. 70 y. 1 m., in Barnstable, PR62.
Timothy, Mar. 4, 1821, a. 73 y. 1 m., PR63.
____ (Child), ch. James, suddenly, Dec. 3, 1834, a. 1, PR62.
Edward, 2d, 5 mo. 1778, PR63.
Adeline W., w. George, d. Thomas James and Elizabeth (Winslow), 7th, 5 mo. 1841, PR38.
Eliza, b. N., w. William, consumption, July 8, 1845, a. 42, in N.
John, s. Peter dec'd, "killed by a whale from the Brig Orion of Mattapoisett," "some time past" May 31,
1839, a. 32 y. 6 m., at sea [dup. from the Brig Orion of Rochester, May 29, a. 24], PR62.
Samuel, drowned, May 15, 1839, a. "nearly" 34 y. 7 m., "The Ship Edward Quisnel, Captain William Wood, of Nantucket, Cast away on Long Island, near Mantaug Point, . . . . and Six Men more were Drowned, in going a shore in their Boats," PR62.
John, "an Irishman, he lived at Nantucket many Years," merchant's clerk, June 27, 1838, a. 65, in Wareham, PR62.
Willis, Aug. 5, 1819, a. 34, PR63.
Abby Anna, d. George W., lung fever, Apr. 29, 1838, a. 4 y. 10 m., PR62.
America Francis [sic], d. George W., lung fever, May 28, 1838, a. 6 m., PR62.
George W., carpenter, suddenly, Feb. 3, 1839, a. 27 y. 2 m., in Mobile, PR62.
Phebe, July -, 1813, CR1.
Anna, w. Joseph, d. John Coleman and Anna (Davis), 14th, 3 mo. 1844, a. 80, in N.Y., PR38.
Betsey of Taunton, w. Henry, Jan. 11, 1839, PR62.
Timothy G., tailor, consumption, Jan. 14, 1842, a. 42. [in N., "after a residence in this place of twenty years," GR2.]
____, twin ch. Henry, 25th, 11 mo. 1813, PR63.
____, twin ch. Henry, 7th, 12 mo. 1813, PR63.