To the Year 1850
Published by the
New England Historic Genealogical Society
At the Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms
at the charge of The Eddy Town-Record Fund
[transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

Hannah and Samson Jack, Dec. 2, 1773.
Lydia and James Still, int. Apr. 21, 1764.
WADE (Waid)-
Clarissa (Waid) (see Clarissa Ward).
Martha, 36, of N., b. N., wid. Henry, and Benjamin Jones, single, 34, rigger, of N. [int. England], b. Gt. Britain,
Nov. 26, 1844, in N.
WADSON (see Watson)
Henry and Sarah Gardner, int. May 16, 1818. [Waitt and Sarah Gardner, d. Tristram and Avis (Waterman), m. _____, PR38.]
WALCUTT (Walcott)-
Eliza [int. Walcut] and Alexander Inott, Nov. 21, 1811. [Walcott, d. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Hawes), and Alexander Inott, s. Robert and Judith (Folger), PR38.]
Robert F., s. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Hawes), and Mary Ann Powers of Boston, —, 9 mo. 1832, PR38.
____ (Walcott) and Nancy Pease, d. Prince and Nancy (Addlington), _____, PR38.
WALDRON (Walden, Waldron)-
Ann (Walden), Miss, and Joseph [int. adds H.] James, June 16, 1825. [Anna Waldron, d. Winslow and Martha ( James) (first w.), and Joseph James, s. Francis and Elizabeth Milton, PR38.]
Charles (Waldron) [dup. Waldron, int. Walden] and Maria Hatch, June 12, 1823. [Waldron, s. Winslow and Martha ( James) (first w.), and Maria [dup. Mary] Hatch (first w.), d. Samuel and Polly (Grew), PR38.]
Charles, widr., 46, rope maker, of N., b. N., s. Winslow and Polly of N., and Mary W. Smith, 39, of N., b. Worcester, d.. John and Louis of Worcester, Apr. 20, 1848, in N.
Deborah [int. Walden] and Gershon Cathcart Jr., _____ [between Apr. 25, 1800 and Apr. 25, 1801, int. Sept 20, 1800]. [Waldron, d. Nathan and Patience (Russell) (Coffin) (second w.), and Gershon Cathcart, s. Gershom, PR38.]
Eliza Ann (Walden), Miss, and Daniel S. Newell, July 23, 1829. [Waldron, d. Winslow and Martha (James) (first w.), PR38.]
Eunice (Walden) and Charles Weeks, int. June 19, 1824. [Waldron, d. Rowland and Elizabeth (Hunter), and Charles Weeks, s. Joseph and Lydia, m. _____, PR38.]
Lydia (Walden) and Daniel Overton, May 10, 1792. [Waldron, d. Nathan and Eunice (Russell) (first w.), and Daniel Overton, s. Daniel and Kezia, PR38.]
Mary and Peter Swain, Oct 6, 1737.
Nathan (Walden) and Eunice Russell, int. Nov. 19, 1763. [Waldron and Eunice Russell (first w.), d. Benjamin and Rebecca (Gardner), m. _____, PR38.]
Nathan and Patience Coffin, Feb. 22, 1776. [Patience, wid. Abner, d. Jonathan Russell and Patience (Swain), —, 1775, PR38. both of Sherbom in N., PR68.]
Nathan and Patience Coffin, Apr. 7, 1785.
Reuben (Walden) and Abigail Clark, Dec. 1, 1811. [Waldron, s. Nathan and Patience (Russell) (Coffin) (second w.), and Abigail Clark, d. Simon and Anna (Clark), "moved to Ohio in 1814," PR38.]
Rowland [int. Rowlen] (Walden) and Betsey Hunter, Jan. 12, 1804. [Rowland Waldron, s. Nathan and Patience (Russell) (Coffin) (second w.), and Betsey [dup. Elizabeth] Hunter, d. John Jr. and Nancy (James), "Moved to Ohio in 1814," PR38.]
Winslow [int. Walden] and Patty James, June 28, 1801. [Waldron, s. Nathan and Patience (Russell) (Coffin) (second w.), and Patty James, d. Thomas and Heart Bird of Newport, R.I., PR38.]
Winslow (Walden), widr., 69, laborer, of N., b. N., s. Nathan and Patience, and Mary Whiteous, wid., 55, of N., b. N., d. David Folger and Susan, int. Dec. 23, 1849. [Waldron, s. Nathan and Patience (Russell) (Coffin) (second w.), and Mary Whiteus (second w.), wid. Reuben, m. _____, PR38.]
WALKER (Worker)-
Elizabeth of Halifax and Edmond Coleman, s. John B. and Elizabeth (Coffin), _____ PR38.
Lucinda [dup. and int. Sereder] L., single, 25 [dup. and int. of Harwich], and Ebenezer R. [dup. and int. B.] Gould, single, 28, mariner. of N., b. N., July 30, 1844 [dup. 1843], in N.
Margaret (Worker) and Daniel Simons, int. Oct. 17, 1818.
Mary and Charles G. Barney, s. Charles and Avis (Macy),_____, in Va., PR38.
Nathan and Emeline Long, Oct. 11, 1835. [Emmeline, d. Reuben and Avis (Kelley). PR38.]
Silas [int. Worker] [and] Margaret Warren, Sept 22, 1808.
Laura and Edward S. Cartwright, s. Charles W. and Susan (Hayden), 30th, 11 mo. 1842 [dup. ___, 18431, PR38.]
William, single, 25, merchant, of Manchester, N.H., b. Man-
[h]ester, N.H., s. Thomas and Susan of Manchester, N.H., and Emily Jane Fitzgerald, 20, of N., b. N., d. Timothy and Lydia of N., Sept 12, 1849, in N. [Fitzgerald, d. Timothy and Lydia. (Whippey), PR38.]
Richard, single, of N., b. Ireland, and Eliza O'Donald, b. Ireland, int. Nov. 14, 1847.
Sarah, d. Matthias of London, and John Howland Coleman, s. Simeon and Rebecca (Swain),_____, in London, PR38.
WAMPY (Wamp, Wampe)-
Comfort [int. Wampey] and Edmond Jones, Aug. 30, 1787. [Wampy, N.C.R.]
Lucy (Wamp) and Abraham Brown, int. July 19, 1817.
Richard (Wampe) and Comfort Simon, Oct. 29, 1775.
Hiram P, single, 23, of N.Y., b. Albany, s. Joseph and Eliz[abet]h of Albany, and Miss Nancy T. Paris, 19, of N., b. Great Britain, int. Sept. 28, 1845.
Rosanna and Mingo Slade, Nov. 14, 1765.
Archibold and Eliza Toby, Nov. 7, 1821. [Archibald of New Bedford and Elizabeth [dup. Eliza] Tobey, d. Tristram and Clarissa. (Handy), PR38.]
Asher and Polly Akins, Feb. 28, 1806. [Mary "Akins or Atkins," PR38.]
Clarissa [dup. Clariss, int Clairssa] and Harry [int. Harvey] Cook, Dec. 12, 1821. [Clarissa Waid and Harvey Cook, CR2.]
Daniel and Bethiah Duch, Indians, int. Aug. 3, 1765.
Samuel C., s. Thomas B. of Boston, and Anna H. Barker, d. Jacob and Elizabeth (Hazard), _____, PR38.
Ichabod and Margaret Marshall, d. Joseph and Mary or Mercy (Short), _____, PR38.
Margaret, wid. Ichabod, d. Joseph Marshall and Mary or Mercy (Short), and Samuel Foster of Kingston, R.I., _____, PR38.
Gilbert and Sarah Ellis, Oct. 29, 1775. [Sarah, d. Matthew and Sarah Lawson (wid.), PR38.]
William H., single, 31, mariner, of N.Y., b. N.Y., s. Isaac and Hannah of N.Y., and Phebe P. Swain, 30, of N., b. New Bedford, d. Moses and Mary of N., Apr. 20, 1846, in N. [Phebe, d. Moses and Mary (Parker), PR38.]
Amy and Lewis Dervert [int. Devert], June 4, 1809.
David T. and Lydia Downs Bunker, both of N., int. Sept 1, 1839. [m. Sept. 19, CR2. Lydia Downes Bunker, d. Alexander D. and Rebecca (Baxter), m. _____, PR38.]
J. and Eva Symonds, _____, PR38.
James and Elizabeth Parker, int. July 16, 1803. [Elizabeth, wid. Elishai, d. ____ Hammond, m. _____, PR38.]
- Joseph and Sally Gutrige, int. Sept. 5, 1807.
Joseph and Hannah G. Mitchell [int. Mitchel], Apr. 17, 1814.
Joseph N., single, 28 [int. 27], mariner [int. of Wells, Me.], b. Wells, Me., s. James and Cath[erin]e of Wells, and
Charlotte P. Clasby, 25 [int. 22], of N., b. N., d. W[illia]m and Nancy of N., Apr. 17, 1847, in N. [Charlotte
P., d. William and Nancy (Lamb), PR38.]
Margaret [and] Silas Walker [int. Worker], Sept. 22, 1808.
Mordeca and Betsey Corrinton, int. Apr. 3, 1802.
Paul and Jemima Toby, int. Jan. 30, 1813.
Paul and Priscilla Williams, int. Mar. 19, 1814.
____ and Samuel Coffin, s. Elihu and Eunice (Folger), _____, in Ohio, PR38.
WARTERMAN (see Waterman)
WASHBURN (Washbon)-
Amaziah and Mary Coffin, Aug. 19, 1802. [Mary, d. Ephraim and Sarah, PR38.]
Amaziah, widr., 67, sailmnker, of N., b. New Bedford, s. Lettice and Mary of New Bedford, and Susan M. Perry, wid., 50 [int. 51], of N., b. N., Oct 3, 1847, in N. [Susan Perry, d. Allen Goodspeed Jones of Falmouth, PR38.]
- Calvin (Washbon) and Rhoda Hammond, int. Oct. 8, 1774.
Deborah and Joshua Gibbs 2d, Dec. 17, 1823.
Sarah S. and George W. Stephens, May 5, 1833. [Sarah S., d. Amaziah and Mary (Coffin), and George W. Stevens, PR38.]
George and Harriet Leonard, colored, int. July 4, 1829.
George and Bethiah Pocnet, black, int. June 27, 1830.
George Henry and Martha Ann Pocknett, both of N., int. Sept. 22, 1839.
WATERMAN (Warterman)-
Avis and Tristram Gardner, int. Dec. 3, 1768. [Avis, d. Resolved and Sarah (Carr) of Warwick, R.I., and Tristram Gardner, s. William and Hepsabeth (Gardner) (Gardner), m. _____, PR38.]
Avis and John Sherman, Nov. 23, 1795. [Avis, d. Thaddeus and Hepsabeth (Coffin), and John Sherman of "N.B.," s. John, PR38.]
Bethiah (Warterman) and Moses Starbuck, int. Nov. 24, 1800. [Waterman, d. Perez and Abigail, and Moses Starbuck, s. Sylvanus and Mary (Howes), m. _____, PR38.]
Hannah and Charles Jenkins, 2d, 9 mo. 1784, CR4.
Hepz[iba]h [int. Hepzabeth] and Martin McKinziy [int. Mc Kenzie], both of Sherborn, Nantucket Co., Aug. 26,
1794. [Hepsabeth, d. Thaddeus and Hepsabeth (Coffin), and Martin McKensy, PR38.]
John, s. Resolved dec'd and Sarah of Warwick, Kent. Co., R.I., and Elizabeth Beard, d. John and Deborah of Sherborn in N., 25th, 10 "called October," 1756, in Sherborn in N., CR4. [John, s. Resolved and Sarah (Carr) of Warwick, R.I., and Elizabeth Beard, d. John and Deborah (Pease), PR38.]
John and Sarah Hussey, June 3, 1786. [John Jr., s. John and Elizabeth (Beard) (first w.), and Sarah Hussey, d. Stephen and Rose (Barnard), PR38.]
Maria and William Luce, Aug. 23,1827. [Maria. d. Jonathan and Olive, and William Luce, s. Elijah and Love (Cleaveland) (second w.), PR38.]
Nancy and John Jarwood, Feb. 4, 1801., [Nancy, d. Thaddeus and Hepzibah (Coffin), PR38.]
Perez and Abigail Hussey, Oct. 20, 1765. [Perez, s. Thaddeus, and Abigail C. Hussey, d. John and Jedidah (Coffin), PR38.]
Rebecca and Obed Folger 2d [int. omits 2dj, Jan. 24, 1811. [Rebecca, d. Thaddeus and Hepsabeth (Coffin), and Obed Folger, s. John and Love (Gabriel) (first w.). PR38.]
Sarah and Jonathan Jenkins, int. May 4, 1776. [Sarah, d. John and Elizabeth (Beard) (first w.), and Jonathan Jenkins, s. Jonathan and Leah Jones, m. _____, PR38. Sally, m. May 23, PR64.]
Stephen, s. Perez, and Lydia Bunker, d. Zacheriah and Judith (Folger), _____, PR38.
Thaddeus and Hephzibah Coffin, Feb. 22, 1769. [Hepsibeth, d. Jonathan and Priscilla (Coffin), PR38.]
William and Miss Sally Luce, May 17, 1832. [William. s. Jotham and Olive, and Sarah Luce, d. David and Eunice (Paddack), June 26, PR38.]
Mary, d. Elisha, and Frederick W. Coffin, s. Albert and Polly (Fay) (second w.), __, 9 mo. 1831, PR38.
Polly and Daniel Mack Donold [int. McDonald], Aug. 7, 1821. [Polly Folger, [ ? divorced] w. James, wid. ____ Waters, d. Richard Green, and Daniel McDonald, PR38.]
WATSON (Wadson)-
Elizabeth and Stephen Innis, Dec. 18, 1825. [Elizabeth (second w.),formerly w. Joel, d. Stephen Skinner and Mary (Joy), PR38.]
Elizabeth M. and Charles P. Crane, June 27, 1846.
Henry and Love Perkins, Aug. 1, 1811. [Love, d. John ("1st of Nant.") and Mercy (Johnson), PR38.]
James, single, 22, cooper, b. N., s. W[illia]m and Mary, and Mary Ann Arthur, 20, b. N., d. Fred[eric]k and Mary, all of N., Feb. 6, 1845, in N. [James of N., s. William dec'd and Mary of N., CR4. Mary Ann, d. Frederick and Mary (Gardner), 2d, 6 mo. 1846, PR38.]
Jane (Wadson) and Isaac Coleman, Sept. 10, 1744. [Watson, wid. Robert, d. William Bunker and Mary (Macy), and Isaac Colman., s. John, PR38.]
Joel and Elizabeth Skinner, Oct. 1, 1795. [Joel from R.I. and Elizabeth Skinner, d. Stephen and Mary (Joy),
Julia of N.Y. and Frederick Bunker, s. Elihu S. and Jemima (Jenkins), _____, PR38.
Mary (Wadson) and Jonathan Moores [int. Mooes], Jan. 27, 1746. [Watson (first w.), d. Robert and Jane (Bunker), and Jonathan Mooers Jr., PR38.]
Rebecca P. and James S. Norcross, Mar. 6, 1836. [Rebecca, d. Henry and Love (Perkins), PR38.]
Robert and Jane Bunker, Mar. 21, 1717. [Jane, d.. William and Mary (Macy), 21st, 3 mo., PR38 Roberd Wotson, both of N., Mar. 21, PR68.]
William of N., s. Joel and Elizabeth, and Mary Macy, d. Peleg and Sarah of N., 4th, 5 mo. 1820, in N, CR4. [William, s. Joel and Elizabeth (Skinner), and Mary Macy, d. Peleg and Sarah (Wendell) (Starbuck), Mar. —, PR38.]
Ebenezer and Nancy Delano, int. June 7, 1806. [Nancy, d. Thomas and Elizabeth (Hussey), m. _____,
"Moved to Boston in 1812," PR38.]
William T. of Baltimore and Amelia Hambington [int. Hamlington] of Chatham, Aug. 23, 1838.
Abigail and Barzllla Coleman, int. Aug. 2, 1777. [Abigail, d. John Jr. and Elizabeth, and Barzillai Coleman, s.
Daniel and Elizabeth (Mooers), m. _____, PR38.]
Anna and Reuben Joy, 10th, 2 mo., "called February," 1757, CR4.
Anna and Job Macy, July 21, 1791. [Anna, d. Seth and Deborah (Chadwick), and Job Macy, s. Richard Miriam (Coffin), July 17, PR38.]
Eliz[abet]h and Silvanus Coleman, Oct. 4, 1778.
John and Mary Long, both of N., Nov. 23, 1721. [John, s. John and Abigail, and Mary Long, d. Robert and Sarah (Skiff), PR38.]
John and Abigail Howes, both of Sherborn in N., 17th, 7 mo. 1741, in N., CR4. [Abigail, wid. Thomas, d. Nathaniel
Starbuck Jr. and Dinah (Coffin), —, 6 mo., PR38.]
John and Elizabeth Long, Dec. 20, 1750. [John 3d, "her cousin," and Elizabeth Long, d. Samuel and Lydia (Coffin), PR38.]
Joseph, s. Henry, and Judith Macy, d. Joseph and Mary (Starbuck), _____, PR38.
Mary and Moses Giles, Nov. 9, 1769. [Mary, d. John Jr. and Elizabeth, and Moses Giles, s. Thomas and Susan (Jones), PR38.]
Mary, wid. Paul, d. Joseph Macy and Hannah (Hobbs), and James Anthony, Dec. 26, 1776, PR38.
Mary and Elihu Folger, July 21, 1787. [Mary, d. Seth and Deborah, and Elihu Folger, s. Jethro Jr. and Mary (Barnard) (first w.), PR38.]
Mary, d. ____ of Philadelphia, Pa., and Samuel Jenks, s. Samuel (s. Samuel; s. John; s. Joseph) and Mary Haynes (d. Samuel) of Boston, Feb. 15, 1789 [ ? in N.], PR38.
Paul, s. John and Mary dec'd of Sherborn in N., and Mary Macy, d. Joseph and Hannah of Sherborn in N., 1st, 11 mo., "called November," 1753, in Sherborn in N., CR4. [Mary, d. Joseph and Hannah (Hobbs), —, 9 mo., PR38.]
Rachel and Benjamin Clasby, int. Dec. 2, 1775. [Rachel, d. Seth and Deborah, and Benjamin Clasby, s. John and Ruth (Gardner), m. _____, PR38.]
Rhoda and Obed Harris, July 8, 1783. [Rhoda, d. John and Elizabeth, and Obed Harris, s. Humphrey ("an Englishman") and Hepsabeth (Mooers), PR38.]
Sally and John Boston, Dec. 3, 1795.
Seth [int. Wey] and Deborah Chadwick, Dec. 18, 1755. [Way, N.C.R. Way, s. John, and Deborah Chadwick, d. Richard and Deborah (Swain), PR38.]
Lucy [int. Wayman] and Abraham Brown, Aug. 19, 1818. [Wagane, black, CR2.]
WEALCH (see Welsh)WEBB (Weeb)-
Hiram of Fairhaven and Harriet A. Elkins of N, Dec. 5, 1836. [Hiram of "N.B.," s. Daniel (of Conn.) and Elizabeth Williams (of N.H.), and Harriett Ann Elkins, d. Daniel and Eunice (Hillar), PR38.]
Joseph and Sarah Monroe (first w.) of Bristol, R.I., —, 1828, PR38.
Joseph W. and Lydia C. Barnard, Aug. 2, 1835. [Lydia (second w.), d. Shubael and Lucretia (Coffin), PR38.]
- Martin J. (Weeb) and Phebe Swain, Sept 29, 1807.
Thomas H. and Harriet [int. Harriot] Athearn, Nov. 13, 1833. [Thomas H., M.D., and Harriet Athearn, d. James and Lydia (Cary), PR38.]
Zebulon and Hepzibah Montgomery, wid., d. Benjamin Franklin Coffin and Hephzibah (Paddack),_____[? before 1850]. PR38.
Levi L. of Portsmouth, N.H., and Hepsey [int. Hepsabeth] Myrick of N., Nov. 2, 1820. [Levi, brother of John, and Hepsabeth Myrick, d. Andrew and Abial, PR38.]
WEEB (see Webb)
WEEDEN (see also Wheeden)-
Charles and Lettice Boston, _____ [between Apr. 21, 1798 and Apr. 21, 1799, int. Sept 15, 1798].
Barzillai R. and Mary Lawrence, int. Sept 16, 1826.
Benjamin and Mary Chase, d. Lt. Isaac and Mary Tilton, —, 1704, PR38.
Benjamin C. and Sarah S. Parker, int. Nov. 9, 1834. [m. Nov. 27, CR2.]
Charles and Nancy Green, int. Sept 29, 1804.
Charles and Eunice Walden, int June 19, 1824. [Charles, s. Joseph and Lydia, and Eunice Waldron, d. Rowland and Elizabeth (Hunter), _____, PR38.]
Elizabeth and Bryant Cartwright, s. Edward and Ruth (West), —, 10 mo. 1732, PR38.
Elizabeth and James Wintrip, int. Aug. 4, 1810.
James and Anstrus Ann Gardner, July 12, 1818. [Anstris Ann, black, CR2.]
James of N., s. James dec'd and Deborah of Tisbury, Dukes Co., and Hannah Swain, d. Samuel and Lydia dec'd of N., 5th, 6 mo. 1834, in N, CR4. [James Jr. and Hannah Swain, wid. Gideon, d. Samuel Macy and Lydia (Folger) (first w.), Apr. —, "They moved West," PR38.]
Jane [and] Samuel Willey, Mar. 29, 1832.
Jonathan R. and Rebecca Russell, July 7, 1833. [Jonathan R., s. Joseph, and Rebecca Russell, d. Peter and Lydia (Brown), PR38.]
Joseph [int. Weaks] and Mary Russell, Dec. 31, 1795. [Weeks, s. Barzillai of Sandwich, and Mary Russell, d. Hezekiah and Hepsabeth (Allen) (Bunker), PR38.]
Lewis T. of Plymouth and Lydia C. Sandsbury of N., int. Mar. 4, 1838. [Lewis of Falmouth and Lydia Sandsbury, d. James and Anna (Cleaveland), m. _____, PR38.]
Lucinda [int. Lusinda] and Alexander Coffin, Apr. 10, 1806. [Lucinda, d. Joseph and Content, and Alexander Coffin, s. James Jr. and Rhoda (Gardner), PR38.]
Lydia B. [int. R.] and Moses Brown, Sept. 8, 1824. [Lydia R., CR2. Lydia R., d. Joseph and Mary, and Moses Brown, s. George and Parnal (Chase), PR38.]
Mary R. and Reuben S. Sayer, Nov. 29, 1831. [Mary R., d. Joseph and Mary, and Reuben S. Sayer, s. Joshua and Jedida (Swain), PR38.]
Rebecca and George F. Brown, Nov. 14 [sic, int. Nov. 30], 1845.
Reuben and Susan Allen, Mar. 7, 1811. [Reuben. s. Joseph and Content, and Susan Allen, d. Daniel and Phebe (Folger) (Hillman), PR38.]
Susan, d. Francis, and John Crocker, _____, PR38.
Uzziel, single, 23, carpenter, of Falmouth [int. Ireland Depot], b. Falmouth, s. Marcus and Hannah of Falmouth, and Sarah S. Folger, 19, of N, b. N., d. Mark and Nancy of N, Aug. 30, 1849, in N. [Sarah, d. Mark and Nancy (Swain), PR38.]
Zenas and Eliza B. Swain, Feb. 16, 1834. [Isaiah written in pencil after this entry. Zenas of Cape Cod and Eliza B. Swain, d. Isaiah and Joanna (Snow), PR38.]
____ of L.I. and Sarah Pease, d. Matthew and Mary (sister of William Butler), _____, PR38.
Casey and Patience Jeffry, int. Mar. 11, 1758.
WEIDERHOLD (Widderhold, Widerhold)-
Isaac M. (Widerhold) [int. Wiederhold] and Phebe Folger, Apr. 20, 1813, in N. [int. Weiderhold, s. John, and Phebe Folger, d. Sylvanus and Margaret (Russell), PR38.]
John [int. Wiederhold] and Eunice Myrick, July 15, 1788. [Weiderhold, N.C.R.]
John Jr. [int. Wiederhold, omits Jr.] and Eunice Myrick, _____ [rec. Apr. —, 1821, int. Dec. 2, 1820]. [Wiederhold, Dec. 17, 1820, CR2.]
John (Widderhold) [Mt. Weiderhold] and Sally Murphy [int. Murphey] of N., Apr. 1, 1821.
Mary F. (Widerhold) [int. Wiederhold] of N. and Alfred E. Greehurst [int. Greethurst] of Depford, Eng., Apr. 15, 1841.
Rebecca (see Rebecca Myrick).
WELCH (see Welsh)
WELCOME (see Wilcome)
Ellen M., d. James, and John W. Cartwright, s. Charles W. and Susan (Hayden), 5th, 4 mo. 1832, PR38.
WELDEN (see Whelden)
WELDIN (see Whelden)
Clark James and Ursula Coffin, d. Gayer and Rebecca Parker, _____, PR38.
Leah Lewis and George Gordon, colour[e]d, July 3, 1836.
WELSH (Wealch)-
Arthur B. [int. Welch] and Eliza Allen, Oct. 27, 1825.
Stephen (Wealch) and Lydia Pinkham, July 12, 1804. [Welch and Lydia Pinkham, d. Charles and Mary (Coffin) (Pinkham) , PR38.]
WENDELL (Wendall)-
Abigail and Reuben Gardner, Jan. 13, 1788. [Wendall, d. John H., and Reuben Gardner, s. Reuben and Elizabeth Vail, PR38.]
Lewis Henry (see Lewis H. Kendal).
Rebekah [int. Rebecca] and Francis Barret, Dec. 2, 178[?]. [Rebecca, N.C.R. Rebecca Wendall, d. John Hunt of Boston, and Francis Barrett, s. Samuel of Boston and Sarah Manning, PR38.]
Sarah and Zaccheus Starbuck, Oct. 7, 1780. [Wendall, d. John Hunt of Boston, and Zaccheus Starbuck, s. Christopher and Mary (Barnard), PR38.]
Sarah [dup. Sally] (Wendall), wid. John H., d. Joseph Tilden of Boston, and Uriah Gardner Jr., s. Uriah and Ruth (Bunker) (first w.), _____, PR38.
Robert and Hannah Panchame, int. Mar. 2, 1776.
Jessa and Sarah Dimond, July 5, 1804.
Amos [int. Weslin] and Mary Brown, Aug. 4, 1774. [Wesly, N.C.R.]
Anna and Caleb Coffin, Dec. 26, 1805. [Anna, d. Charles and Hepsibeth, and Caleb Coffin, s. Obed and Phebe (Gardner), PR38.]
Charles and Hephzibah Barnard, Oct. 15, 1774. [Worth [sic, West] and Hepsabeth Barnard, wid. Stephen, d. Paul Paddack and Ann, PR38. West and Hephzibah Barnard, PR68.]
Charles and Judith Coffin, d. Peleg and Hepsibeth (Coffin), _____, PR38.
Deborah and Benjamin Merchant, Mar. 20, 1766.
Hannah and Frederick F. Whippy, Sept. 2, 1832.
Joseph and Mary Rand, _____ [between Apr. 21, 1798 and Apr. 21, 1799, int. June 16,1798]. [Mary (first w.), David and Miriam (Coleman), PR38.]
Joseph and Mary Skinner, July 27, 1817. [Mary (second w.), wid. Ebenezer, d. Sylvanns Smith and Jane Roberts, PR38.]
Judith and James P. Robinson, June 25, 1809. [Judith, d. Peleg and Elizabeth, and James P. Robinson, s. Samuel and Rebecca (Weeks), PR38.]
Mary and John G. Clasby [int. Calsbay], July 26, 1832. [Clasby, CR2. Mary, d. Stephen and Lydia, and John G. Clasby, s. John and Sarah (Green), PR38.]
Paul, widr., 69, gentleman, b. N., s. Charles and Hepzibeth init. Hepz[iba]h], and Lucy Swain, wid., 62, b. N., d. W[illia]m ____ and Deborah, all of N., Aug. 12, 1847, in N. [Lucy, wid. Robert, d. William Coffin and Deborah (Pinkham), PR38.]
Peleg and Elizabeth Bunker, both of Sherborn, Nantucket Co., Oct. 25, 1789. [Peleg, s. Charles, and Elizabeth Bunker, d. Thomas and Anna (Swain), PR38.]
Sarah and James M. Bunker, Sept. 23, 1835. [James W., CR2.]
Silas and Sally Morris, Mar. 31, 1808.
Simeon and Rebecca James, int. June 16, 1798.
Stephen and Lydia Swain, July 5, 1798. [Stephen, s. Charles and Hepsabeth, and Lydia Swain (first w.), d. Ebenezer and Lydia (Ellis), PR38.]
Stephen and Sally Russell, Feb. 2, 1815. [Stephen. s. Charles and Hepsabeth, and Sally Russell (second w.), d. Samuel and Christina (Bennett) (third w.), PR38.]
William H., single, 25, barber, of N. [int. Philadelphia], b. Philadelphia [Pa.], s. James and Francis [sic, int. Jos[eph] [and] Frances] of Philad[elphi]a [Pa.], and Sophia G. Godfrey, 19 [int. [of] N.], d. Charles and Susan of N., Jan. 30, 1845, in N.
Daniel [int. adds V.] and Nancy Hussey, July 20, 1823. [Daniel V. and Nancy Hussey (first w.), d. Peleg and Temperance (Swain), PR38.]
Daniel V. and Miss Deborah B. Coffin, Apr. 9, 1837. [Daniel V., s. James, and Deborah Coffin, d. Zebulon and Eliza (Barnard), PR38.]
James and Lydia Davis, Dec. 15, 1833. [James of R.I. and Lydia Davis, d. Joseph and Thankful (Baker), PR38.]
Jerome B., single. 26, mason, of N. [int. Fall River], b. Fall River, and Mary P. Meader, 18, of N., b. N., d. Sam[ue]l and Mary of N, Jan. 2, 1848, in N.
William of New Port, R.I., and Lydia B. Folger of N., int. Dec. 1, 1839. [m. Dec. 19, CR2. William, s. James, and Lydia B. Folger, d. Walter Jr. and Mary (Folger), PR38.]
Anna and Richard Coffin, s. Uriah and Mary, _____, PR38.
John and Lydia C. Gardner, int. Aug. 9, 1835.
Nancy and Joseph Chase [int. 2d], both of N., June 28, 1840. [Nancy, formerly w. William H. Jr., d. James Harper and Mary (Hunter), and Joseph Chase, "a Portuguese," PR38.]
William H. [and] Nancy Harper, July 10, 1831. [William H. Jr. and Nancy Harper, d. James and Mary (Hunter), PR38.]
Jacob of Norton and Phebe Austin, d. Jacob and Betsey French, _____, PR38.
Christopher, M.D., and Mary Ann Coffin, d. Ralph and Abigail (Chase), _____, PR38.
Edward Cullimon [int. Cullimore] and Eliza Scott, Nov. 23, 1806.
WHARTON (Worton, Wotton)-
Eliza (Worton) [int. Wotton] and Samuel Swain, June 23, 1813. [ [dup. Elizabeth] Wharton (second w.), d. William and Elizabeth, and Samuel Swain, s. Reuben and Hannah (Macy) (second w.), PR38.]
Elizabeth (Wotton) and Abihu Coffin, Mar. 15, 1783. [Wharton, wid. Jonathan, d. John Folger and Love
(Gabriel) (first w.), and Abihu Coffin, s. Hezekiah and Lydia (Folger), PR38.]
Hannah and Philip Coffin, June 26, 1785. [Hannah, d. Lindsey, and Philip Coffin, s. Timothy and Priscilla (Cook), PR38.]
Jonathan (Wotton) and Elizabeth Folger, int. Oct. 19, 1776. [Whartan and Elizabeth Folger, d. John and Love (Gabriel) (first w.), _____, PR38.]
Linzey and Mary Storer, Apr. 24, 1765.
Mary and Henry Dow, June 27, 1790. [Dowe, N.C.R. Molly, wid. Lenza, and Henry Dow, s. Samuel of Salisbury, PR38.]
Sally.,d. William, and Abraham Barker, s. Jacob and Elizabeth (Hazard), _____, PR38.
William (Wotton) and Elizabeth Pease, Apr. 7, 1771. [Elizabeth, d. Paul and Elizabeth (Folger), PR38.]
WHEADEN (see Wheeden)
WHEADON (see Wheeden)
WHEELER (see Wheeler)
Eliza [int. Weatley] and Shadrach Gifford of Falmouth, Nov. 23, 1830. [Wheatley of N.Y. and Shadrach. Gifford., s. Prince of Falmouth and Hannah (Chadwick), PR38.]
WHEEDEN (Wheaden, Wheadon, see also Weeden)-
Phebe Ann and Franklin W. Pompey, both of N., int Apr. 26, 1840.
Richard (Wheadon) [int. Wheaden] and Hannah Swift, July 14, 1811.
Richard (Wheaden) and Hitty Keeter [int. Hitter Keter], June 22, 1817.
WHEELER (Wheeler)-
Ann Harriet [int. Harriett] and John W. Wood, both of N., Nov. 21, 1841.
Azariah B., Rev., of Lyme [int. E. Haddam], Conn., and Elizabeth B. Chadwick of N., Oct. 15, 1843. [Azariah B. of E. Haddam, Conn., and Elizabeth B. Chadwick, d. John and Lydia (Barnard), PR38.]
Charles (Wheeler) [int. Whealor] and Theodate Coffin, _____ [rec. Apr. 30, 1802, int. Nov. 7, 1801]. [Wheeler and Theodate Coffin, d. Francis and Hepaeth (Swain), PR38.]
Henry R. and Mary Melius, both of Poughkeepsie, N.Y. int. May 3, 1840.
Horace C., single, 23, yeoman, of Stonington [int. adds Farm], Conn., b. Stonington, Conn., s. Geo[rge] and Thankful of Stonington, and [int. adds Ann] Maria Allen, 18, of N., b. N., d. Thomas and Nancy of N., May 21, 1844, in N. [Horace of Providence, R.I., and Ann Maria Allen, d. Thomas and Nancy (Marshall), PR38.]
Jonathan and Phebe Barker, Mar. 18, 1770. [Phebe, d. Samuel and Christian (Coffin), PR38.]
Mary and Barnabas Gardner, both of N, Dec. 11, 1718. [Mary of Boston and Barnabas Gardner, s. James and
Mary (Starbuck) (first w.), PR38. Wheler and Barnebas Gardner, PR68.]
Sarah, d. John, and Barnabas Coffin Jr, s. Barnabas and Phebe (Marshall), _____, PR38.
Will[ia]m and Deborah Fitch, July 7, 1774. [Deborah, d. Beriah and Deborah (Gorham), PR38.]
Zimri of Cape Cod and Betsey B. Baker, d. Charles and Betsey (Crowell), _____, PR38.
____ and Margaret Marshall, d. Joseph Jr. and Phebe (Folger), _____, in New Garden, N.C., PR38.
Samuel [int. Whealright] and Sally Gardner of N., Nov. 18, 1794, in Boston. [Wheelwright of Boston and Sally Gardner, d. Reuben and Elizabeth Vail, PR38.]
WHELDEN (Welden, Weldin, Wheelden, Wheldon)-
Desire (Wheelden) and Dugal [int. Douglass] Black, Jan. 23, 1757. [Dugal, N.C.R. Wheldon of Cape Cod and Douglas Black, 25th, 1 mo., PR38.]
Jane (Wheelden) [int. Weldon] and Charles Wilson, Sept. 22, 1833.
John L., single, 21, cooper, of N., b. Edgartown. s. Sylvester and Jane of Edgartown, and Cordelia Fisher, 21, of N., b. N., d. Meltiah [int. Melatiah] and Abigail of N., June 28, 1846, in N. [John L. of Martha's Vineyard and Cordelia Fisher, d. Maltiah and Abigail (Alley), PR38.]
Mercy (Wheelden) of Martha's Vineyard and James Cottle, _____, PR38.
Nabby [int. Nabba] (Weldin) and Thomas Latin [int. Latin], June 2, 1806.
Sally (Welden) (second w.) of Yarmouth and Levi Kelley, s. Levi and Nabby of Osterville, Dec. 29, 1814, PR38.
Thomas (Wheelden), 23, [of] N.Y., and Nancy B. Foy, 22, [of] N., d. Obed, int. June 2, 1844. [Whelden of Martha's Vineyard and Nancy B. Foy, d. Obed and Love (Wolf), m. June 16, PR38.]
Valina (Wheldon), d. Jabez Jr., and Wililam Coffin, s. Albert, —, 9 mo. 1809, PR38.
WHIPPY (Whippe, Whippey)-
Alexander (Whippey) and Perlinia Fisher, Oct. 1 [dup. Sept 1, sic, int. Sept 23], 1826. [Alexander, s. Coffin and Lucinda, and Paulina Fisher, d. Simeon and Mary (wid.), _____, PR38.]
Benjamin (Whippe) and Eunice Coleman., Nov. 8, 1770. [Whippey, s. James and Patience, and Eunice Coleman, d. Enoch and Mary (Myrick), PR38. Whippey, PR62.]
Benjamin Jr. and Huldah Crosby, Aug. 31, 1800. [Whippey, s. Benjamin and Eunice, and Huldah Crosby, d. Sylvanus and Huldah (Pease), PR38.]
Charles G. [dup. and int. Whippey] and Eliza L. [dup. F.] Fisher, Oct 19, 1826. [Whippey, s. Coffin and Lucinda, and Eliza Fisher, PR38]
Charles G. (Whippey) and Mercy M. Coleman, Mar. 4, 1830. [Mar. 11, CR2. Charles G., s. Coffin and Lucinda, and Mercy Coleman, d. John and Love Fish, PR38.]
Christina (Whippey) [int. Whippy] and John Hawkins, June 20, 1793. [Cristina Whippey, d. Samuel and Parnal, and John Hawkins, "a stranger," PR38.]
Coffin and Lucinda Gardner, July 5, 1787. [Whippey, s. James and Susanna, and Lucinda Gardner, d. William and Phebe Look, PR38]
David and Kezia Bunker, both of Sherborn, Nantucket Co., Dec. 11, 1788.
Davis and Love Gardner, June 29, 1797. [Whippey, s. Nathaniel and Susan, and Love Gardner, d. Francis and Anna (Paddack) (first w.), PR38.]
Delia Maria and Charles H. Tracy, Aug. 5, 1832. [Whippey, d. Joseph and Mary, and Charles H. Tracy, s. Henry and Hepsabeth (Baker), PR38.]
Eliza Bruff and Robert A. Barnard, Mar. 8, 1821. [Whippey, d. Zebulon, and Robert Barnard, s. Shubael and Nancy Carr, PR38.]
Eliza P. (Whippey) [int. Whippy] and Peter Hussey 3d, _____ [between Apr. 1, 1827 and Apr. —, 1828, int. May 5, 1827]. [Whippey, d. Joseph and Mary, and Peter B. Hussey, s. Thomas and Anna (Barnard), PR38.]
Elizabeth (Whippe) and Henry Fish, Aug 31, 1775.
Elizabeth and Benjamin Folger 3d, Dec. 12, 1811. [Whippey, d. Benjamin and Eunice, and Benjamin Folger, s. Shubael and Mary (Gardner), PR38.]
Eunice and William Whippy, Jan. 23, 1814. [Whippey, wid. George, d. Obed Coleman. and Elizabeth (Swain), and William Whippey s. Benjamin, PR38.]
Frederick F. and Hannah West, Sept 2, 1832.
George [int. Georg] and Eunice Coleman, _____ [between Apr. 21, 1799 and Apr. 25, 1800, int. Mar. 22, 1800]. [George Whippey, s. Benjamin, and Eunice Coleman, d. Obed and Elizabeth (Swain), PR38.]
George P. (Whippey), single, 23, painter, b. N, s. John G. and Mary, and Leonora. B. Bartlett, 19, b. N., d. William and Emeline, all of N., Dec. 20, 1846, in N.
Hannah and Ebenezer Ellis, Mar. 15,1804. [Whippey, d. Nathaniel and Susan, and Ebenezer Ellis, s. Francis and Sarah (Mooers), PR38.]
James (Whippe) and Patience Long, both of N., Oct. 13, 1727. [Whippey 1st and Patience Long, d. Robert and Sarah (Skiff), PR38. Whipper and Patiance Long, Oct. 31, PR68.]
James (Whippe) and Susanna. Coffin, Jan. 4, 1749. [Whippey Jr. and Susannah Coffin, d. Robert and Susanna (Coffin), PR38.]
James (Whippe) [int. Jr.] and Martha Hamblinton [int. Hambleton], Oct 7, 1773. [James and Martha Hamblinton, N.C.R.]
Jane (Whippe) and Paul Giles, Mar. 25, 1759. [Whippey, d. James and Patience, and Paul Giles, s. Thomas and Susan (Jones), PR38.]
Jane (Whippe) and Samuel [int. Samuell] Bruff, Feb. 29, 1776. [Samuel, N.C.R.]
John G. and Mary Cartwright, Aug. 16, 1810. [Whippey, s. Coffin, and Mary Cartwright, d. Benjamin and Abigail (Paddack) (Gardner), PR38.]
Joseph and Mary Paddack, Oct. 4, 1804.
Josiah Bunker and Eliza Swain, Dec. 12, 1811. [Whippey, s. David and Kezia, and Elizabeth Swain, d. Benjamin and Phebe (Meader), PR38.]
Judith [int. Whippe] and John Hilman [int. Hillman], Dec. 3, 1746. [Whippey, d. James, and Shubael Hilman of Martha's Vineyard, PR38.]
Judith and Jabez Alley, int. Feb. 24, 1787.
Judith and Raymond Ellis, both of Sherborn, Nantucket Co., Oct. 22, 1789. [Whippey, d. Nathaniel and Susan, and Raymond Ellis, s. Francis and Sarah (Mooers), PR38.]
Kezia and David Cushman., Oct. 4, 1812 [dup. Nov. 14, 1813, int. Sept 19, 1812]. [Whippey, wid. David, d. Peleg Bunker, PR38.]
Lucinda and Hezekiah Folger, Nov. 17, 1811. [Whippey, d. Benjamin and Eunice, and Hezekiah Folger, s. Jonathan and Lydia (Barnard), PR38.]
Lydia and Timothy FitzGerrald [int. FitzGerald], July 9, 1809. [Whippey, d. David and Kezia, and Timothy FitzGerald, s. Henry Jr. and Lydia (Wyer), PR38.]
Mary (Whippe) and Reuben Clark, Feb. 24, 1757. [Whippey, d James and Patience, and Reuben Clark, s. Josiah and Ruth (Lovell), PR38.]
Mary (Whippe) [int. Whippy] and Samuell Abby, Sept 19, 1776. [Whippe, N.C.R. Whippey, d. Nathaniel, and Samuel C. Alba, PR38.]
Mary (see Polly).
Mary Ann, d. George (Whippey) and Eunice both dec'd of N., and Peleg Mitchell, s. Peleg and Lydia of N., 10th, 7 mo. 1822, in N., CR4.
Nat[hanie]ll [int. Nathaniel] (Whippe) and Susanna Coleman [int. Colman], Feb. 26, 1756. [Nat[hanie]ll, N.C.R. Nathaniel Whippey, s. James and Patience, and Susan Coleman, d. Jonathan and Mahitable (Davis), PR38.]
Pernal and Abner Briggs, int. Jan. 4, 1806. [This entry crossed out.]
Phebe P. [int. omits P.] (Whippey) [and] Joseph Marshall, both of N. Aug. 28, 1836, in N. [Phebe P., d. Joseph, and Capt. Joseph Marshall, s. Obed and Eunice (Macy), PR38.]
Polly [int. Whippe] and Simeon Coffin [int. Jr.], Nov. 20, 1784. [Whippe and Simeon Coffin, N.C.R. Mary Whippey, d. Samuel and Parnal, and Simeon Coffin, s. Simeon and Jedidah (Coffin), PR38.]
Reuben and Abiel Brown, Nov. 19, 1789.
Reuben L. and Lucy G. Bennett, July 7, 1833. [Whippey, July 7, 1832, CR2. Whippey and Lucy Bennett, d. Charles C. and Celia (Merry), PR38.]
Robert (Whippy) and Abigail Giles, Aug. 31, 1775. [Whippey, s. James Jr., and Abigail Giles, d. Beriah and Mary
(Wyer), PR38.]
Robert and Avis Gardner, Sept. 10, 1805. [Robert, s. James and Martha, and Avis Gardner, d. William and Mahiiabel (Mayo) (second w.), PR38.]
Sally (Whippey) and Benjamin Folger 2d, Aug. 20, 1848.
Sally C. and Edwin W. Hiller, Apr. 26, 1832. [Whippey, d. George, and Edwin Hiller, s. Capt. Thomas and Elizabeth
(Smith), PR38.]
Samuell [int Samuel] (Whippe) and Parnel [int. Pernal] Fitch, Jan. 13, 1763. [Sam[ue]ll and Parnel Fitch, N.C.R. Samuel Whippey, s. James and Susanna, and Parnal Fitch, d. Beriah and Deborah (Gorham), PR38.]
Savory (Whippe) [int. Whippy] and Edward Burrage, Jan. 15, 1782. [Whippy, N.C.R.]
Susanna (Whippe) and Jonathan [int. Jonathan] Harris, Jan. 31, 1760. [Jonathan, N.C.R. Susan Whippey, d. James and Patience, and Jonathan Harris of Coventry, R.I., s. John and Abigail (Giles), PR38.]
Susanna (Whippe) and Thomas Crandal, Nov. 12, I772.
Susanna and James Gorham, Apr. 8, 1813. [Susan, d. Love (d. Nathaniel), and James Gorham, s. James and Parnal (Gardner), PR38.]
William and Eunice Whippy, Jan. 23, 1814. [Whippey, s. Benjamin, and Eunice Whippey, wid. George, d. Obed Coleman and Elizabeth (Swain), PR38.]
William (Whippey) and Mrs. Eunice [int. adds H., omits Mrs.] Elkins, both of N, Oct 31, 1836. [William, s. Benjamin, and Eunice Elkins, wid. Daniel, d. Capt. Thomas Hillar and Elizabeth (Smith), PR38.]
William (Whippey) and Maria Ross, color[e]d, int. July 30, 1837.
William S. [int. Whippey] and Sophronia Holmes, Oct. 19, 1828. [Whippey, CR2.]
William S. (Whippey) 2d and Lydia Paddack [int. both of N.), June 12, 1842.
William S. (Whippey) and Phebe Prince, both of N., Oct. 9, 1842. [William S., s. Joseph and Mary, and Phebe Prince (second w.), wid. George Jr., d. Isaac Gardner and Phebe (Starbuck) (first w.), PR38.]
Zebulon (Whippe) and Hannah Pinkham, June 30, 1766. [Whippey, s. James and Susanna, and Hannah Pinkham, d.. Zephaniah and Sarah (Maxey), PR38.]
Zebulon and Susanna Luce, July 23, 1801. [Zebulon, s. Nathaniel, and Susan Luce, d. Elijah and Lydia (Cleaveland) (first w.), PR38.]
Angeline of Conn. and Charles G. Coffin, s. Asa and Hannah (Gardner), _____, PR38.
Caroline and George Wyer, both of N., int. Oct. 21, 1838. [m. Nov. 4, CR2.]
Catherine, d. Stanton, and Levi Coffin Jr, s. Levi and Prudence, _____, PR38.
David and Ann Hatch, Dec. 8, 1811. [Nancy, wid. Charles, d. Henry Folger and Betsey (Coffin). (second w.), _____. PR38.]
John and Hannah Gardner, d. David and Mary (Gardner), _____, , "removed 28. 8. 1780. in Ghent, N.Y.," PR38.
Lydia of Yarmouth and Alexander Black, s. Dougias and Percis (Arthur), _____, PR38.
Lydia of Yarmouth and Sylvanus P. Cotton, s. Josiah and Judith (FitzGerald), _____, PR38.
Samuel Pomeroy, M. D., s. Samuel and Wealthy Pomeroy, and Caroline Mary Jenkins, d. Hon. Robert and Kitty (Dayton), June 29, 1825, PR38.
Sarah, d. Isaac of Yarmouth, and Sylvanus P. Cotton, s. Josiah and Judith (FitzGerald), _____, PR38.
Timothy and Susanna Gardner, Sept. 24., 1728. [Susanna, d. John 3d and Priscilla (Coffin), PR38.]
William S. of Charleston, S.C., and Susan Kendrick [int. Hendrick] of N., June 2, 1840.
WHITEFIELD (see Whitfield)
WHITEHOUSE (see Whiteus)
WHITEHUS (see Whiteus)
WHITEMORE (see Whittemore)
WHITEUS (Whitehouse, Whitehus, Whiteous)-
Almira [int. Elmira] and William Barnard, June 19, 1828. [Almira, CR2.]
Ambores (Whitehouse) and Susanna Chadwick, int. Nov. 21,. 1801.
Ambrose and Sarah Ellis, July 25, 1831. [Sarah, d. Francis and Anna (Chadwick) (first w.), PR38.]
Ann and James Hillaker [int. Hilleker], Apr. 1, 1828. [Anna Whiteus, d. Reuben, and James Hillaker, PR38.]
Betsey (Whitehouse) [int. Whitehus] and Isaac Head, May 26, 1802. [Elizabeth Whiteus, d. James and Susan, and Isaac Head of Westport, PR38.]
Daniel and Merab Coleman, d. Owen and Aseneth (Worth), _____, PR38.
Elizabeth (see Betsey).
Elmira (see Almira.).
George and Lucretia Starbuck, int. Mar. 10, 1833. [George, s. James and Anna, and Lucretia Starbuck, d. Thomas and Susan (Macy), m. _____, PR38.]
James (Whitehouse) and Susanna Hooton, Feb. 1, 1770. [Whiteus and Susanna. Hooten, d. Joseph and Patience Hews, PR38.]
James (Whitehouse) and Anna Marshall, July 15, 1790. [Whiteus, s. James, and Anna Marshall, d. Greenleaf and Anna (Cathcart), PR38.]
Lydia [int. Whitehouse] and William Hull,_____ [between Apr. 25, 1800 and Apr.25, 1801, int. Nov. 8, 1800].[ Whiteus, d. James, and William Hull, s. Thomas and Phebe (Folger), PR38.]
Mary (Whitehus) and Reuben Whitehus, June 20, 1811.
Mary and David Hall, int. June 1, 1834. "Counter ordered."
Mary (Whiteous) and Winslow Walden, int. Dec. 23, 1849.
Mary Ann and William C. Bassett, June 28, 1827.
Reuben (Whitehus) and Mary Whitehus, June 20, 1811.
William [int. Whitehus] and Mary Barnard [sic, int. Folger], Jan. 29, 1807.
William and Phebe Ann Folger, Aug. 9, 1837.
Lydia and Gardner Coleman, June 11, 1801. [Whitefield, Joseph and Parnal, and Gardner Coleman, s. Solomon and Mahitabel (Gardner), PR38.]
Sophia and Jethro Coffin, Apr. 24, 1806. [Whitefield and Jethro Coffin, s. Brown and Deborah (Coleman), PR38.]
WHITING (Whiton)-
Harrison and Lydia G. Barnard, d. Andrew and Deborah (Giles), _____, PR38.
John and Lurania Barnard, d. Andrew and Deborah (Giles), _____, PR38.
Martha D. (Whiton) of Hingham and Josiah Gorham 2d of N, int. Sept 9, 1838. [Martha Whiting of Hingham and Josiah Gorham, s. Davis and Deborah (Pease), m. _____, PR38.]
Charles K. and Eliza Morselander, both of N., Apr. 23, 1843.
Daniel and Sally Coffin, Sept. 30, 1788. [Daniel of Boston and Sarah Coffin, d. Timothy and Priscilla, PR38. Daniel of Boston and Sally Coffin, d. Timothy, PR64.]
Daniel and Eliza Sandford, June 3, 1818. [Sanford, CR2. Daniel, s. Daniel and Sally, and Eliza Sandford, d. Samuel and Lydia (Wyer), PR38.]
John and Rachel [int. Rachebel] Winslow, _____ [between May 1, 1819 and May 1, 1820, int. May 1, 1819]. [Rachel, May 2, 1819, CR2. Rachel, d. James and Martha, PR38.]
John, M.D., of Boston, and Margaret Coffin, d. Maj. Josiah and Elizabeth (Coffin),_____, PR38.
Margaret and Robert Barnard, Dec. 18, 1766. [Margaret, d. Dr. John and Margaret, and Robert Barnard, s. Robert and Hepsibeth (Coffin), PR38.]
Rachal [int. Rachel], Miss, and George Sanford, _____ [between Apr. 1, 1824 and Apr. 2, 1825, int. July 10, 1824]. [Rachel (first w.), wid. John, d. James Winslow and Martha, and George Sandford, s. Samuel and Lydia (Wyer) PR38.]
Sarah and James Coffin, Feb. 27, 1766. [Sarah, d. Dr. John and Peggy, and James Coffin, s. Nathaniel and Mary (Sheffield), PR38.]
Sarah of Fall River and George W. Backus, s. Heman and Mehitable (Crocker), _____ [? before 1850], PR38.
Sarah C. and Matthew Crosby Jr., Nov. 14, 1849.
Sarah Coffin and Zebedee Cook Jr., int. Nov. 30, 1809.
Thomas J. and Esther A. Dunning, Feb. 28, 1836.
WHITON (see Whiting)
Lydia, wid. Oliver, d. John Barnard and Mary (Russell), and Jacob Bosworth, _____ [? before 1850], PR38.
Oliver and Lydia Barnard, d. John and Mary (Russell), _____, PR38.
WHITTEMORE (Whitemore)-
Edward Lloyd and Priscilla Bunker, Nov 8, 1772. [Priscilla, d. Joseph and Phebe (Pinkham), PR38. Prissilla, both of Sherboret in N., PR68.]
Edward Loyd and Sarah Basset, int. July 5, 1777.
Elizabeth [int. Whittamore] and David Davis, May 15, 1806. [Whittemore, PR38.]
John (Whitemore) [int. Whittemore] and Elemeline [int. Emeline] Raymond, both of N., Sept. 16, 1838. [Whittemore and Emmeline Raymond, d. William and Peggy (Stubbs), PR38.]
Sarah and Edward Chalmondley [int. Cholmondley], May 1, 1777. [Cholmondley, N.C.R.]
Winslow and Mary C. Gilston [int. Gelston], Dec. 23, 1835. [Gilston, CR2. Gelston, d. Samuel and Mary (Coffin) (first w.), PR38.]
WIAX (see Wyox)
Elizabeth and Samuel Maxy, Jame 6, 1738.
WIDDERHOLD (see Weiderhold)
WIDERHOLD (see Weiderhold)
WIER (see Wyer and Wyox)
Eliza Ann and Roland T. Swain, Aug. 24, 1834. [Rowland T. [dup. Roland I.], s. Job. Jr. and Judith (Thompson), PR38.]
WILBUR (Wilber, Wilbor)-
Abraham (Wilbor) [int. Wilbur] and Darcas [int. Dorcas] Mingo, Nov. 3, 1808.
Barzillai and Sarah Tuckeman [int. Tuckerman], June 15, 1809. [Tuckerman, d. Stephen and Elizabeth (Swain),
Briggs (Wilber) and Jedidah Coffin, Oct. 16, 1814. [Wilbur and Jedida Coffin, d. Simeon and Mary (Whippey), PR38.]
Dianna (Wilber) [int. Wilbur] and Charles Ray, Dec. 22, 1818. [Wilbur, d. John and Mercy, and Charles Ray, s. John and Judith (Marshall) (Ames) (second w.), PR38.]
Eliza (Wilber), Miss, and William Swain, June 19, 1825. [Wilbur, d. John and Mary [dup. Mercy], and William
Swain, s. Pelatiah and Lucinda (Russell) (second w.), PR38.]
Emeline G. [int. of N.] and John L. Jones of Boston, June 20, 1841.
George S, single, 22, mariner, of N., b. N., s. Sanford and Mary of N. [int. New Bedford], and Lydia G. Coffin, 18, of N., b. N., d. Asa and, Hannah of N., Jan. 23, 1848, in N. [George S. Wilber, s. Francis Sanford, and Lydia G. Coffin, d. Asa and Hannah (Gardner), PR38.]
Hannah (Wilber) and William Burditt [int. Burdett], Jan. 12, 1823. [Wilbur, d. John, and William Burdett, s. Edward and Parnal (Russell), PR38.]
Jedidah and William Tuckerman, both of N., int Oct. 22, 1837. [Jedida Wilber (second w.), wid. Briggs, d. Simeon Coffin, and William Tuckernnam, s. William and Hepsabeth (Daggett), m. _____, PR38.]
John [int. Jr.] and Maria Macy, July 17, 1817. [Wilber Jr., s. John, and Maria Macy, d. Nathaniel Jr. and Efizabeth (Brock), PR38.]
Kezia [int. Keziah] and George Allen 2d [int. omits 2d], Mar. 25, 1819. [Keziah, d. John and Mercy, and George Allen, s. John and Amy (Swain), PR38.]
Lavina [int. of N.] and Milton Francis Draper [int. of Philadelphia], Aug. 12, 1841.
Lucretia (Wilber) [int. Wilbur] and William Holmes [int. Homes] Jr., Sept. 26, 1816. [Wilbur, wid. Jesse, d. Anthony Swazey and Jerusha of Martha's Vineyard. and William Holmes, s. William and Lydia (Barrage), PR38.]
Lydia M. (Wilber) and David Folger, July 16, 1844.
Mary Ann and Robert B. Wood, both of N., Mar. 12, 1837, in N.
Mary Church and Samuel McNeal [int. MacNeal] , July 2, 1809.
Sanford [int. Sandford] (Wilber) [dup. Wilbur] and Mary Hussey, June 8, 1824. [Sanford Wilber, s. John and Mary, and Mary Hussey (first w.), d. Cyrus and Nancy (Butler), PR38.]
Sanford (Wilber) and Mary G. Willson [int. Wilson], Sept. 6, 1831.
WILCOCK (see Wilcox)
WILCOCKS (see Wilcox)
Mosses J. [int. Moses, omits J.] and Susan A. Griffist, Sept 13, 1832. [Moses Welcome and Susan Griffiths, d. Thomas and Polly (Allen), PR38.]
WILCOX (Wilcock, Wilcocks)-
John (Wilcocks) and Hannah Coffin, Dec. 22, 1748. [Wilcox, s. Stephen and Judith, and Hannah Coffin, d. Pri:nce and Mary (Skiff' ), PR38.]
Phebe [int. Willcocks] and Thomas Myrick, July 11, 1802. [Wilcox, wid. Reuben, d. Joseph Foy and Abigail (Marshall), and Thomas Myrick, s. Benjamin, PR38.]
Reuben (Wilcocks) and Phebe Foy, both of Sherborn, Nantucket Co., Mar. 24, 1795. [Wilcox and Phebe Foy, d. Joseph and Abigail (Marshall), "They went to Ohio about 1812," PR38.]
Stephen (Wilcock) of Dartmouth and Judith Barnard, d. Stephen Coffin of N., 31st, 6 mo., "called August," 1722, in N., CR4. [Willcox and Judith Barnard, wid. Nathaniel Jr, wid. Peter Folger 2d, d. Stephen Coffin and Mary (Bunker), PR38.]
Susanna and Jethro Macy, 3d, 4 mo. 1777, CR4.
WILDE (Wilds)-
Harriet and Charles C. Hazwell, both of N., int. Apr. 24, 1842. [Hazewell, m. May 9, CR2. Harriet D.
Wild, d. Ebenezer and Abby B., and Charles C. Hazewell, m. _____, PR38.]
Robert (Wilds) and Elizabeth Ellis, int. May 17, 1806.
WILEY (see also Willey)-
Samuel A. and Lucy Hodges, Oct. 26, 1824.
WILKES (see Wilks)
Catharine [int. Katharine] and Abishai Cottle, Oct. 30, 1765. [Katharine, N.C.R.]
John of N. [int. Halifax, N.S.] and Susan Fossett [int. Fosett] of N., Sept 3, 1843.
Russell and Margaret Folger, d. Abishai Jr. and Elizabeth (Coleman), —, 1800 [? in Hudson, N.Y.], PR38.
Polly and Thomas Hopkins, Nov. 3, 1808. [Wilkes, d. Heppy Wyer, "moved to Ohio in 1813," PR38.]
Thankfull and Reuben Samson, int. Oct. 26, 1765.
WILLAMSON (see Williamson)
Mary Newell, d. Gardner, and Joseph Lewis Gardner, s. Barzillai and Catherine Shepherd (of N.J.), Apr. 11, 1833, in Bristol, R.I., PR38.
WILLCOX (see Wilcox)
WILLEYY (see also Wiley)-
Samuel [and] Jane Weeks, Mar. 29, 1832.
Abraham and Betsey Freeborn, int. May 3, 1806.
Benjamin C. of N.Y. and Alis [int Alice] H. G. Robinson of N., Apr 21, 1839. [Alice H. G., CR4.]
Betsey and William Gardner, June 4, 1818. [Betsey, black, CR2.]
Betsey [int. William] and John Williams [int. William], "people of Colour," Jan. 24, 1830.
Bill and Darcas [int. Dorcas] Freeman, _____ [rec. Apr. 30, 1802, int. July 25, 1801].
Cordelia of Raynham and Charles K. Pratt of N. int. May 9, 1841. [m. _____, PR38.]
Cornelius, single, 33, merchant, of N.Y., b. Elizabeth Town, NJ., s. William C. and Rebecca of Eliz[abe]th Town, N.J., and Eliza Ann Coffin, 22, of N., b N., d. Elijah and Mary of N., Dec. 29, 1844, in N. [Eliza Ann, d. Elijah Jr. and Eunice (Ramsdell), PR38.]
Darcas [int. Dorcas] and Henry Moores, Ang. 22, 1808.
Dinah and John Ellis, Sept. 14, 1731. [Dinah, wid. James, formerly wid. Elisha Coffin, d. Peleg Bunker Sr. and
Susannah (Coffin), and John Ellis, "a stranger," PR38. both of N, PR68.]
Dorcas (see Darcas).
Elisabeth and Daniel Folger, 30th, 8 mo. 1792, CR4.
Eliza and Samuel H. Jenks [int. Jenk], Sept. 23, 1818. [Jenks, CR2. Eliza, d. James of Boston, and Samuel Haynes Jenks, s. Samuel and Mary (Way), PR38.]
Elizabeth (see Elisabeth).
Elizabeth of N. and Hanson Brooks of Baltimore [Md.], color[e]d, int. July 21, 1839.
Elizabeth Ann and Daniel Cambren, both of N., int. Aug. 21, 1842.
Eunice and Bartlet Coffin, July 12, 1806. [Bartlett, s. Thomas and Abigail (Russell), PR38.]
George and Elizabeth Meder [int. Meader], Jan. 17, 1773.
George and Nella Gutridge, int. Aug. 7, 1819.
James and Dinah Coffin, both of N., Dec. 31, 1724. [Dinah, wid. Elisha, d. Peleg Bunker and Susannah (Coffin), PR38.]
James, s. James dec'd and Dinah of Sherborn in N., and Elizabeth Upham, d.. Jonathan dec'd and Ruth of Sherborn in N., 22d, 9 mo., "called November," 1750, in Sherborn in N., CR4. [Elizabeth, Jonathan and Ruth (Swain) (Coffin) (second w.), PR38.]
James and Mary Frost, int. Sept 27, 1766. [Mary, d. Benjamin and Deborah (Folger), m. _____, PR38.]
James Jr., 22, of N., and Jane Riley, 19, of Providence, colored, int. Apr. 7, 1844.
Jenny [int. Jenne] and Jacob Prout, July 30, 1817.
John [and] Pricilla Pompay, int. Oct 26, 1793.
John and Priscilla Boston, int. July 1, 1797.
John and Margaret Innis, int. Ang. 7, 1824.
John [int. William] and Betsey Williams [int. William], "people of Colour," Jan. 14, 1830.
John of Fyal and Martha C. Fisher of N., int. Mar. 14, 1839. [John, "a Portuguese of Fayal," and Martha C "Fish or Fisher," d. Nathan and Martha (Crocker) (of Barnstable), m. _____, PR38.]
John G. and Martha S. [int. G.] Randell, both of N., Apr. 22, 1841. [Martha, d. William and Susan (Gardner), PR38.]
Laban, s. James and Elizabeth both dec'd of Sherborn in N., and Susannah Russell, d. George and Eunice dec'd of Sherborn in N., 8th, 8 mo. 1793, in Sherborn in N., CR4. [Susanna, d. George and Eunice (Barnard) (first w.),
Margaret and Edward H. Center, June 28, 1835. [Edmund H.,] CR2.
Maria S. and Frederic B. Harper, Sept. 6, 1846.
Mary and Nathan Parker, int. Mar. 11, 1769. [Mary, wid. James, d. Benjamin Frost and Deborah (Folger), m. _____, PR38.]
Phebe and Henry Spriggins, Oct. 25, 1810.
Priscilla and Paul Warren, int. Mar. 19, 1814.
Priscilla and Andrew Paul, June 4, 1815. [Priscilla, black, CR2.]
Prudence of N.C. and Levi Coffin, s. William and Priscilla (Paddack), _____, PR38.
Richard and Sarah Russell, d. Timothy and Judith (Barnard) (Swain) (Barnard) (second w.), _____, PR38.
Robert of N. and Matilda Vinson of Newbedford, colour[e]d, int. May 12, 1839.
Rosanna and John Sebury of L.I., col[ored], int. Sept. 17, 1837.
Sally and John Gibson, int. Jime 17, 1809.
Stephen and Jane Hazard, Feb. 28, 1811.
Susan of Fairhaven, d. Solomon, and Samuel Perry Jr., s. Samuel and Polly (Gardner) (second w.), _____, PR38.
Thomas, single, 27, mariner, of N., b. England, and Miss Rose Crowley, 25, of N., b. Ireland, int. May 4, 1845.
Timothy of Barnstable and Christian Edwards, wid. John, d. Nathaniel Coffin and Damaris (Gayer), _____, PR38.
WILLIAMSON (Willamson)-
James of Baltimore and Rachel Smith, "Corold," int. May 7, 1837.
John (Willamson) and Hannah Marier Griffin, int. Nov. 20, 1819.
Jonathan [int. John] and Isabeil [int. Isaballa] Thomson, _____ [rec. Apr. —, 1821, int. Sept 23, 1820]. [Jobn
and Isabella Thompson, black, Oct. 19, 1820, CR2.]
Peter of N.Y., and Perlina Backus, int. Sept 27, 1837.