To the Year 1850
Published by the
New England Historic Genealogical Society
At the Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms
at the charge of The Eddy Town-Record Fund
Marriages - BARNEY to BLUSH
[transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

Abigail and Samuel Starbuck, 1st, 12 mo., "called February," 1749, CR4.
Abigail and Laban Swain, 3d, 8 mo. 1808, CR4.
Abigail and Francis F. Hussey, Nov. 18, 1830. [Abigail, d. Matthew and Abigail (Macy), and Francis F. Hussey, s. Zaccheus and Lydia (Folger), PR38.]
Abigail J. and Georg [int. George] C. Chase, _____ [rec. Apr. —, 1821, int. Feb. 24, 1821]. [George C., Mar. 15, 1821, CR2. Abigail, d. Jonathan J. and Mary (Folger), and George C. Chase, s. Peter, PR38.]
Ann G. and Joseph T. Upham, May 25, 1845.
Anthony [int. Antona] and Lucy Dyer, July 12, 1804.
Antony and Betsey Swain, int. Aug. 25, 1810. [Antone and Betsey Swain, wid. Absalom, formerly w. David Russell,
d. Thomas Shadwell and Hepsabeth (Clark), m. _____, PR38.]
Benjamin of Newport, R.I., and Lydia Starbuck of N., d. Jethro and Dorcas, 31st, 1 mo.. "called March," 1722, in N., CR4. [Benjamin of R.I., s. Jonathan of R.I., and Lydia Starbuck, d. Jethro and Dorcas (Gayer), PR38.]
Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Lydia dec'd of Sherborn in N., and Jemima Jenkins, d. Peter and Abigail of Sherborn in N., 4th, 12 mo., "called December," 1753, in Sherborn in N., CR4. [Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Lydia ( Starbuck), and Jemima Jenkins, d. Peter and Abigail (Gardner), —, 10 mo., PR38.]
Benjamin, s. Jonathan dec'd and Sarah of Newport, R.I., and Huldah Bunker, d. Batchelor Hussey and Abigail of Biddeford, York Co., 6th, 12 mo., "called December," 1753, in Sherborn in N., CR4. [Huldah, wid. Simeon, d. Bachelor Hussey and Abigail (Hall), PR38.]
Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Lydia dec'd of Sherborn in N., and Lois Long, d. David Bunker and Elisabeth both dec'd of Sherborn in N., 10th, 4 mo. 1777, in Sherborn in N., CR4. [Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Lydia (Starbuck), and Lois Long, wid. William, d. David Bunker and Elizabeth (Gorham),_, 2 mo., PR38.]
Benjamin and Lydia Allen, Aug. 31, 1813. [Benjamin, s. Jonathan and Abial (Coffin), and Lydia Allen, d. Daniel Jr. and Phebe (Folger) (Hillman), PR38.]
Benjamin, Capt. [int. omits Capt.]. master mariner, of N., and Sarah Mitchell, residing at N., May 18, 1834. [Benjamin, s. Jonathan and Abial (Coffin), and Sarah Mitchell of R.I., sister of David, PR38.]
Benjamin A., single, 22, cooper, b. N., s. Benjamin and Lydia, and Lydia H. Swain, 19, b. N., d. William C and Mary,
all of N., June 5, 1847, in N. [Benjamin A., s. Benjamin and Lydia (Allen), and Lydia H. Swain, d. William C. and Mary (Starbuck), PR38.]
Benjamin Griffin, s. Edward G. and Eliza Ann (Chase), and Clementina Stevens, d. John, [? before 1850],
Betsey (see Elizabeth).
Charles of N., s. Daniel and Lydia of N., and Avis Macy of N., d. Jonathan and Rose, 2d, 4 mo. 1812, in N., CR4.
[Charles, s. Daniel and Lydia (Coffin}, and Avis Macy, d. Jonathan Jr. and Rose (Pinkham) [dup. —, 2 mo.],
Charles G., s. Charles and Avis (Macy). and Mary Walker, _____, in Va., PR38.
Charles J. and Content [int. adds P.] Landers, Nov. 12, 1835. [Charles Joy Barney, s. William and Sarah (Joy), and Content Landers of Martha's Vineyard, PR38.]
Daniel of Sherbourn in N., s. Benjamin and Jemima dec'd of Sherbourn in N., and Lydia Coffin of Sherbourn in N., d. Richard and Mary of London, 1st, 12 mo. 1785, in Sherbourn in N., CR4. [Daniel, s. Benjamin and Jemima (Jenkins), and Lydia Coffin, d. Richard and Mary (Starbuck), _, 10 mo., PR38.]
Daniel Jr. of N., s. Daniel and Lydia of N., and Eliza Ann Folger. d. Peleg S. and Ann dec'd of N., 8th, 8 mo. 1827, in N., CR4. [Daniel, s. Daniel and Lydia (Coffin), and Eliza Ann Foyer, d. Peleg Slocum and Ann (Macy). PR38.]
David, s. Jonathan and Abial (Coffin), and Elizabeth Stone of England, Apr. 6, 1826. in England, PR38.
David. s. Jonathan and Abial (Coffin), and Ann Mathias of Tilford Haven, Eng., _____, PR38.
Dorcas and William Brown, 6th, 9 mo., "called September," 1770, CR4.
Dorcas, d. Jacob and Dorcas (Barnard), and John Earl of Newport, R.I., _____, PR38.
Edward G. and Eliza Ana [int. Ann] Chase, Oct. 4, 1826. [Eliza Ann, CR2. Edward G., s. Jonathan J. and Mary
(Folger), and Eliza Ann Chase, d. Peter, PR38.]
Eliza Ann, wid. Daniel, d. Peleg Slocum Folger and Ann (Macy), and Lewis Edwards of N.Y., _____, PR38.
Elizabeth and William Rotch, 31st, to 10. mo., "called October." 1754. CR4.
Elizabeth and Latham Coffin, July 13, 1823. [Betsey, formerly w. Antone, wid. Absalom Swain, formerly w. David Russell, d. Thomas Shadwell and Hepsabeth (Clark), and Latham Coffin, s. Elisha and Eunice (Myrick), PR38.]
Elizabeth, d. Jacob and Dorcas (Barnard), and John Hadwin of England, s. John, _____, PR38.
Elizabeth C. and Andrew G. Hussey, Jan. 16, 1845.
Eunice and Uriah Macy, 27th, 9 mo. 1787. CR4.
Eunice and Benjamin Mitchel, 10th, 1 mo. 1799, CR4.
Eunice and Seth G. Myrick, _____ [rec. Apr. _, 1821, int. Dec. 16, 1820]. [Jan. 4, 1821, CR2. Eunice, d. Jonathan
and Abial (Coffin), and Seth Myrick, s. Peter, PR38.]
George, s. Peter and Sally (Coleman), and Susan Russell, d. Abraham, _____, PR38.
George F., single. 34, accountant [dup. int. crossed out, merchant], b. N., s. Jonathan and Mary [dup. int. crossed out, Judith], and Phehe Fitzgerald. 30 [dup. int. crossed out, 32], b. N., d. William and Elizabeth, all of N., Mar. 5, 1845, in N. [George F., s. Jonathan J. and Polly, and Phebe FitzGerald, d. William and Elizabeth (Brock), 6th, 3 mo., PR38.]
George H., s. Jacob and Anna (Gardner), and Susan Childs of Falmouth, _____, PR38.
Griffen, s. Jonathan and Abigail dec'd of Sherborn in N., and Hephsibah Coffin. d. Tristram Jr. and Mary of Sherborn in N., 27th, 8 mo. 1794, in Sherborn in N., CR4. [Griffin. s. Jonathan and Abigail (Jenkins), and Hepsabeth Coffin, d. Tristram and Mary (Pinkham), PR38.]
Hephzibah and William Coffin, 7th, 2 mo., "called February." 1754, CR4.
Hepsibeth, wid. Joel, d. Francis Coffin and Hepsibeth (Swain), and George A. Stockman, _____, PR38.
Jacob of Newport, R.I., and Dorcas Barnard of N., d. Nathaniel and Dorcas dec'd, 28th, 7 mo., "called September," 1726, in N. [Dorcas, d. Nathaniell and Dorcas dec'd, CR4. Jacob. s. Jonathan and Sarah (Griffen) of R.I., and Dorcas Barnard, d. Nathaniel and Dorcas (Manning), 28th, 9 mo., PR38.]
Jacob, s. Robert and Huldah of N., and Anna Gardner. d. Joseph dec'd and Abigail of N., 7th, 7 mo. 1803, in N., CR4. [Jacob, s. Robert and Huldah (Marshall), and Anna Gardner (first w.), d. Joseph and Abigail (Clark), —, 6 mo., PR38.]
Jacob and Love Paddack, _____ [between Apr. 1, 1827 and Apr. —, 1828, int. Oct. 20, 1827]. [Jacob, s. Robert and Huldah (Marshall), and Love Paddack, wid. Elisha, d. Paul Paddack Jr., 4th, 11 mo. 1827, PR38.]
James S. of Middleborough and Emily B. [dup. H.] Doane, d. John and Phebe F. (Folger), _____, PR38.
Jane and Reuben P. Folger, Dec. 2, 1846.
Joanna (int. Joan] and Stephen Tapp, Aug. 10, 1828.
Joel and Hepsibeth Coffin, d. Francis and Hepsibeth (Swain), _____, PR38.
Jonathan, s. Jonathan dec'd and Mary of Newport, Newport Co., R.I., and Abigail Jenkins, d. Peter and Abigail of Sherborn in N., 3d, 2 mo., "called February," 1763, in Sherborn in N., CR4. d. Peter and Abigail (Gardner), —, 12 mo. 1762, PR38.]
Jonathan, s. Jonathan dec'd and Mary of Newport, R.I., and Judith Barnard, d. Peter dec'd and Anna of Sherborn in N., 9th, 12 mo. 1779, in Sherborn in N., CR4. [Judith, d. Peter and Anna (Starbuck) [dup. —, 10 mo.], PR38.]
Jonathan, s Benjamin and Huldah of Sherborn in N., and Abiel Coffin, d. Barnabas dec'd and Abigail of Sherborn in N., 1st, 3 mo. 1781, in Sherborn in N., CR4. [Jonathan, s. Benjamin and Huldah (____) (Bunker) (second w.),
and Abial Coffin, d. Barnabas and Abigail (Folger), __, 1 mo. PR38.]
Jonathan Jr. and Mary Folger, int. May 7, 1791. [Jonathan J., s. Jonathan and Abigail (Jenkins), and Mary Folger, d. Barzillai Jr. and Miriam (Gardner) (first w.), m. —, 5 mo. 1791, PR38.]
Joseph and Mary Coleman, Jan. 19, 1812. [Joseph, s. Robert and Huldah (Marshall), and Mary Coleman, d. David and Elizabeth (Russell), PR38.]
Joseph and Susan Coleman. Feb. 15, 1815. [Joseph, Robert and Huldah (Marshall), and Susan Coleman, d. David and Elizabeth (Russell), PR38.]
Joseph S., single, 21, merchant, b. N., s. Nathaniel and Eliza, and Malinda Swain, 20, b. N., d. Obed B. and Eunice, all of N., July 6, 1848. in N. [Joseph S., s. Nathaniel and Eliza (Starbuck), and Malinda Swain, d. Obed B. and Eunice (Carpenter) (first w.), PR38.]
Josiah G., s. Charles and Avis (Macy), and Susan Owen, _____, in the South. PR38.
Judith B. and Barker Burnell, Nov. 5, 1818. [Judith B., d. Jonathan J. and Mary (Folger), and Barker Burnell, s. Jonathan and Polly, PR38.]
Lucy and George Gorden, July 24, 1816. [Lucy (black) and George Gordon, CR2.]
Lydia and Matthew Starbuck, 28th, 11 mo. 1776, CR4.
Lydia and William P. Smith, Feb. 19, 1833. [Lydia (first w.), d. Daniel and Lydia (Coffin), and William P. Smith, s. Thomas 2d and Cassandra (Hatch), PR38.]
Marcy [int. Mercy] Ann and Hinny [int. Harrey] Francis, _____ [between May 1, 1819 and May 1, 1820, int. Nov. 6, 1819]. [Mercy Ann and Harry Francis, Nov. 18, 1819, CR2.]
Mary and William Macy, 13th, 9 mo., "called November," 1746, CR4.
Mary and Paul Worth, June 12, 1806. [Mary (second w.), d. Jonathan and Abigail (Jenkins), and Paul Worth, s. John and Mary (Gardner), PR38.]
Mary and Thomas Hilborn [dup. Hillborn, int. Hillborn], May 7 [sic, int. May 26], 1821. [Hilborn, June 7, CR2. Mary, d. Daniel and Lydia (Coffin), and Thomas Hillman [dup. Hilburn], s. Charles J. and Priscilla (Chadwick), PR38.]
Mary and George Wilson, int. Nov. 4, 1826.
Mary and Seth Russell, int. May 19, 1827.
Mary and William J. Jorden, Oct. 5, 1829.
Mary C. of N. and James H. Barker. int. Sept. 30, 1838. [m. Oct. 17, CR2. Mary C., d. Joseph and Mary (Coleman), and James H. Barker, s. Robert and Lucretia (Hussey), m. ___, 1838 [dup. ___,1839], PR38.]
Mary F. and Franklin Myrick, Aug. 13, 1833. [Mary F., d. William and Sarah (Joy), and Franklin Myrick, s. Isaac, PR38.]
Mary P. and Benjamin F. Swain, both of N., Oct. 31, 1837. [Mary P., d. Jacob and Anna (Gardner), and Benjamin F. Swain, s. Owen and Abigail (Swain), PR38.]
Matthew, s. Benjamin and Jemima dec'd of Sherborn in N., and Abigail Macy, d. Daniel and Abigail both dec'd of Sherborn in N., 28th, 4 mo. 1791, in Sherborn in N., CR4. [Matthew, s. Benjamin Jr. and Jemima (Jenkins), and Abigail Macy, d. Daniel and Abigail (Swain). —, 3 mo., PR38.]
Matthew, s. Benjamin and Jemima dec'd of N., and Parnell Gorham, d. Solomon Gardner dec'd and Mary of N., 7th, 10 mo. 1801, in N., CR4. [Matthew, s. Benjamin and Jemima (Jenkins), and Parnal Gorham, wid. James, PR38.]
Matthew, s. Benjamin and Jemima dec'd of N., and Elizabeth Coffin, d. Jonathan Pitts and Huldah both dec'd of N., 16th, 7 mo. 1806, in N., CR4. [Matthew, s. Benjamin and Jemima (Jenkins), and Elizabeth Coffin, wid. Eber, formerly w. James Lawrence, d. Jonathan Pitts and Huldah (Coleman), PR38.]
Matthew of N., s. William and Sarah of N., and Sally Mitchell, d. William and Lydia C. of N., 4th, 10 mo. 1838, in N., CR4. [Matthew, s. William and Sarah (Joy), PR38.]
Mercy and Moses Felt [int. Fellt], May 19, 1771. [Felt, N.C.R.]
Mercy Ann (see Marcy Ann).
Nathaniel, s. Jacob and Dorcas (Barnard), and Amy Proud, 12th, 11 mo. 1773, in Albany [N.Y.], PR38.
Nathaniel and Eliza Starbuck, _____ [rec. Apr. —, 1821, int. Apr. 29, 1820]. [May 18, 1820, CR2. Nathaniel, s. Jonathan and Abial (Coffin), and Eliza Starbuck, d. Joseph and Sally (Gardner). 18th, 5 mo. 1820. PR38. Eliza, d.
Joseph, May 18, 1820, PR64.]
Obed and Lavinia Coffin, Jan. 15, 1832. [Obed, s. Jonathan and Abial (Coffin), and Lavinia [dup. Lavina] Coffin, d. Hon. Isaac Esq. and Margaret (Swain). PR38.]
Paul and Miss Elizabeth C. Barker, Mar. 19. 1826. [Paul, s. Peter and Sally (Coleman), and Elizabeth [dup. Eliza] Barker, wid. Benjamin, d. Obed Coleman and Elizabeth (Swain), 26th, 3 mo., PR38.]
Paul, s. Peter and Sarah, and Mary C. Coffin, d. David and Sarah (Coleman), _____, PR38.
Peter, s. Benjamin Jr. and Jemima dec'd of Sherborn in N., and Sarah Coleman, d. Nathaniel and Hepzibah of Sherborn in N., 30th, 11 mo. 1780, in Sherborn in N., CR4. [Peter, s. Benjamin Jr. and Jemima (Jenkins), and Sally [dup. Sarah] Coleman, d. Nathaniel and Hepsabeth (Hussey), —, 8 mo., PR38.]
Peter, s. Benjamin and Jemima dec'd of N., and Anna Hussey, d. William dec'd and Abigail of N., 9th, 10 mo. 1805. in N., CR4. [Peter, s. Benjamin and Jemima (Jenkins), and Ann Hussey, d. William and Abigail (Starbuck). PR38.]
Peter, s. Benjamin Jr. and Jemima (Jenkins), and Eliza Howland, wid. Allen of New Bedford, d. William Macy Jr. and Anna (Hussey) (first w.), _____, PR38.
Phebe and Joseph Swain, 6th, 1 mo. 1774, CR4.
Reuben and Miss Mary S. Coffin, Apr. 14, 1830. [Reuben, s. William and Sarah (Joy), and Mary S. Coffin, d. Thaddeus and Jemima (Folger), PR38.]
Robert, s. Jacob and Dorcas dec'd of Newport. R.I., and Huldah Marshall, d. Joseph and Phebe of Sherborn in N., 10th, 3 mo. 1774, in Sherborn in N., CR4. [Robert, s. Jacob and Dorcas (Barnard), and Huldah Marshall, d. Joseph and Phebe (Folger), —, 1 mo., PR38.]
Samuel, s. Jonathan and Abial (Coffin), and Eliza Donnamon [dup. Dennamon], d. George and Elizabeth (Coffin).
_____, PR38.
Sarah and James R. Hassard, 10th, 6 mo. 1819, CR4.
Sarah and Benjamin W. Chase, Apr. 18, 1848.
Sarah, d. Jacob and Dorcas (Barnard), and ____ Lawton, _____, PR38.
Thomas and Sarah Folger, May 11, 1828. [Thomas, s. Daniel and Lydia (Coffin), and Sarah Folger, d. Joseph and Judith (Inott), PR38.]
William, s. Jonathan and Abigail dec'd of N., and Sarah Joy, d. Reuben dec'd and Anna of N., 16th, 12 mo. 1795 [dup. ___, 1796], in N., CR4. [William. s. Jonathan and Abigail (Jenkins), and Sarah Joy, d. Reuben and Anna (Way), —, 10 mo. 1795, PR38.]
W[illia]m Jr. and Mary Sprague, June 2, 1825. [William. s. William and Sarah (Joy), and Mary Sprague, d. John and Mary (Bocott), PR38.]
William C. and Mary B. Macy, both of N., May 3, 1842. [William C., s. Joseph and Susan (Coleman) (second w.), and Mary B. Macy, d. Thomas W. and Lydia B. (Townsend), PR38.]
William H., s. Charles and Avis (Macy). and Mary Corliss. d. Benjamin of N.Y., _____, PR38.
BARNFIELD (Barnfeild)-
Jane [int. Barnfeild] and Stephen Hazard, Mar. —, 1805.
John (Barnfeild) and Jane Roberts, May 2, 1804.
BARNS (see Barnes)
BARRETT (Barret)-
Alexander of N. and Mary A. Lunbart [int. Lumbard] of Boston, Aug. 5, 1838. [Alexander, s. John and Judith (Coffin), and Mary Lumbert, d. Joseph, PR38.]
Eliza [int. Elizabeth] and Oliver Cromwell Bartlet, Oct. 13, 1796. [Elizabeth, d. Samuel of Boston and Sarah Manning, and Oliver Cromwell Bartlett, s. John and Lucretia Stewart (second w.), PR38.]
Eliza T. and John M. Bovey, Sept. 21, 1847.
Elizabeth (see Eliza).
Eunice and Hezekiah Pinkham, int. Aug. 24, 1799. [Eunice, d. Nathaniel and Eunice (Gardner), and Hezekiah Pinkham, s. Tristram and Lydia (Coffin), m. _____ , PR38.]
Francis (Barret) and Rebekah [int. Rebecca] Wendell, Dec. 2, 1783. [Rebecca, N.C.R. Barrett, s. Samuel of Boston and Sarah Manning, and Rebecca Wenda11, d. John Hunt of Boston, PR38.]
Francis and Abigail Gardner, Sept. 15, 1793. [Francis, s. Samuel of Boston and Sarah Manning, and Abigail Gardner, wid. Reuben, d. John Wendall, PR38.]
Francis M. [int. omits M.], single, 27, merchant, b. N., s. John W. and Lydia, and Susan P. Coffin, 24, b. N., d. Edward and Mary, all of N., Aug. 10, 1848, in N. [Francis M., s. John W. and Lydia (Mitchell), and Susan P. Coffin, d. Edward W. and Mary (Plasket), PR38.]
George and Mary Crosby, int. May 2, 1795. [George, s. Samuel of Boston and Sarah Manning, and Mary Crosby, d. Samuel and Mary [sic, Sarah] (Marshall). m. 5th, 8 mo., PR38.]
George and Sophia Robbins, June 2, 1815. [Bassett, CR2. Barrett, s. Samuel of Boston and Sarah Manning, and Sophia Robbins, wid. Timothy, d. James Chase and Mercy (Godfrey), PR38.]
George of N. and Rebecca M. Vincent of Edgartown, int. May 23, 1841. [George, s. John and Judith (Coffin), and Rebecca Vincent, d. Peter of Edgartown, m. _____, PR38.]
George W. and Lydia R. Bartlett, both of N., July 11, 1837. [George W., s. George and Sophia (Chase) (Robbins) (second w.), and Lydia R. Bartlett, d. William and Lydia (Macy). PR38.]
Jethro and Sally Forsdick, June 1, 1817. [Jethro, s. Nathaniel and Margaret (Brock) (Coffin) (second w.), and Sarah Fosdick, d. Peter and Ruhamah (Gardner), PR38.]
John and Judith Coffin, June 27, 1805. [John, s. Nathaniel and Margaret (Brock) (Coffin) (second w.), and Judith Coffin, d. Elihu and Eunice (Folger), PR38.]
John W. [int. Barret] and Lydia Mitchell, Oct. 31, 1816. [Barrett, CR2. John Wendall Barrett, s. Francis and Abigail (Wendall) (Gardner) (second w.), and Lydia Mitchell, d. Christopher, PR38.]
Joseph F., single, 27, mariner, b. N., s. Sam[ue]l and Judith, and Harriet Barnard, 25, b. N., d. Frederick H. and Lucy, all of N., Jan. 30, 1847, in N. [Joseph F., s. Samuel and Judith (Fitch), and Harriet Barnard, d. Frederick H. and Lucy (Turner), PR38.]
Lydia G. and Henry W. Bearse, May 23, 1847.
Margaret (see Peggy).
Mary of Boston and Charles Coffin, s. Nathaniel and Damaris (Gayer), 12th, 7 mo. 1722, PR38.
Mary C. and John Spicer Jr., June 12, 1845.
Mary H. and Frederick B. Pinkham, May 13, 1847.
Nathaniell [int. Barret] and Eunice Gardner, May 12, 1774. [Barret, N.C.R. Nathaniel Barrett ard Eunice Gardner, d. Grafton Esq. [dup. Sr.] and Abigail (Coffin), PR38.]
Nathaniell (Barret) and Margaret Coffin, June 3, 1779. [Nathaniel Barrett and Margaret Coffin, wid. Jethro, d. John Brock and Anna (Bunker). PR38.]
Peggy and David Myrick, May 10, 1804. [Margaret, d. Nathaniel and Margaret (Brock) (Coffin) (second w.), and David Myrick, s. Andrew, PR38.]
Peter and Lucretia Gardner, Aug. 1, 1816. [Peter. s. Nathaniel and Margaret (Brock) (Coffin) (second w.), and Lucretia Gardner, d. Gideon and Merab (Bunker), PR38.]
Peter, s. Peter and Lucretia (Gardner), and Hannah H. Haskell, _____ [? before 1850], in Salem, PR38.
Priscilla and Peleg Swain, June 3, 1802. [Priscilla, d. Nathaniel and Margaret (Brock) (Coffin) (second w.), and Peleg Swain 3d, s. Peleg and Elizabeth (Cartwright) (second w.), PR38.]
Rebecca and John Fitch, Dec. 31, 1795. [Rebecca, d. Nathaniel and Eunice (Gardner), and John G. Fitch, s. Ebenezer and Abigail (Gardner), PR38.]
Rebecca and Hezekiah B. Gardner, Dec. 29, 1807. [Rebecca, d. Francis and Rebecca (Wendall). and Hezekiah B. Gardner, s. Gidion and Hannah (Barnard) (first w.), "Removed to Buffalo," PR38.]
Sally (see Sarah).
Sally and Jonathan Coffin Briggs, int. Jan. 11, 1794. [Sally, wid. Samuel, d. Simeon Coffin and Jedidah (Coffin), and Jonathan C. Briggs, s. Abner and Deborah (Coffin), m. _____, PR38.] -
Samuel of Boston and Sarah Manning, ___, 1763 [? in Boston], PR38.
Samuel and Sarah Gardner, Nov. 21, 1797. [Samuel, widr., of Boston, and Sally Gardner, wid. Uriah, wid. John Hunt Wendal, d. Joseph Tilden of Boston, PR38.]
Samuel and Judith Fitch, Feb. 25, 1817. [Samuel, s. Nathaniel and Margaret (Brock) (Coffin) (second w.), and Judith Fitch, d. Joseph and Judith (Brock), PR38.]
Samuell (Barret) and Sally Coffin, Oct. 23, 1784. [Samuel, s. Samuel of Boston and Sarah Manning, and Sally Coffin, d. Simeon and Jedidah (Coffin), PR38.]
Sarah and Jared Gardner. Sept. 12 [sic, int. Sept. 14], 1793. [Sally, d. Samuel of Boston and Sarah Manning, and Jared Gardner, s. Capt. Shubael and Judith (Barker), PR38.]
Sarah M. and Reuben Hallett, both of N., int. Oct. 20, 1839. [m. Nov. 6, CR2. Sarah M., d. John W. and Lydia (Mitchell), and Reuben Hallett, s. Isaac and Rebecca of Barnstable, m. _____ , PR38.]
Susan Y. and James G. Coffin 2d, May 23, 1848.
BARROWS (Borrows)-
Abisha and Eliza Bunker, Sept. 22, 1822. [Abishai and Betsey Bunker, d. John and Betsey (Gelston), PR38.]
James Davis [int. Bur[blotted] [and] Deborah [int. Deborough] Francis, Jan. 5, 1832.
Samuel S., single, 24 [int. 19], mariner, of N., b. Middleebury, Conn., s. Samuel S. of Middlebury, Conn., and Desire H. Doane, 25 [int. 30], of N., b. Chatham, d. Joseph D. and Bethia of Chatham, Sept. 13, 1846, in N.
Silvester (Borrows) and Eunice Bunker, d. Richard and Eunice (Mitchell), _____, PR38.
BARRY (see Berry)
BARSSELL (see Burssell)
BARTHOLOMEW (Bartholomue)-
Hannah, d. Henry, and James Brown, s. John and Sarah Walker, 5th, 9 mo. 1664, PR38.
Jemima [int. Bartlomy] and Joseph Thomas, July 3, 1774. [Bartholomew, N.C.R. Jemima Bartholomew, d. Thomas and Beulah (Skiff), PR38.]
Sarah and Michael Mooor [int. Moore], Aug. 11, 1766. [Moor, N.C.R. Sarah, d. Thomas and Beulah (Skiff), and Michael More, PR38.]
Thomas (Bartholomue) and Beula Skiffe, both of N., July 15, 1724. [Bartholomew [dup. Bartlemy] and Beulah Skiff, d. James and Sarah (Barnard), 15th, 7 mo., PR38.]
BARTLETT (Bartlet)-
Aurora (Bartlet) [int. Bartlett] of N. and William Freeman of Pitston, Me., _____ [rec. Apr. 28, 1810, int. July 22, 1809], in N. [Bartlett, d. John, M.D., and Lucretia Stewart (second w.), ___, 1810, PR38.]
Catharine Macauly (Bartlet) and Samuell Crosby, Jan. 7, 1790. [Catharine Macauley Bartlet, N.C.R. Catharine Macauley Bartlett, d. John and Lucretia Stewart (second w.), and Samuel Crosby Jr., s. Samuel and Mary [sic, Sarah] (Marshall), PR38.]
Charles Frederick, s. John and Lucretia Stewart (second w.), and Betsey ____, _____, PR38.
Charlette (Bartlet) [int. Charlotte Bartlett] and Dr. [int. omits Dr.] Nathaniel Ruggles, Nov. 29, 1829. [Charlotte Bartlett (second w.), d. Dr. Oliver C. and Elizabeth (Barrett), and Nathaniel Ruggles, PR38.]
Charlottee [int. Charlotte] (Bartlet) and Samuel [int. Samuell] Hussey, June 21, 1789. [Charlotte and Samuell Hussey. N.C.R. Charlotte Bartlett, d. Dr. John and Lucretia Stewart (second w.), and Samuel Hussey, s. Obed and Mary (Calef) (second w.). PR38. Charlotte Bartlett and Samuel Hussey, PR64.]
Emeline E. and Luther Hinckley, Nov. 17, 1844.
Emma [int. Emmeline Bartlet] and Josiah Hallet, Oct. 13. 1821. [Emma, d. Telemechus and Lydia (Coffin), and Josiah Hallett, s. Isaac and Rebecca of Barnstable, PR38.]
I. H. Jr., single, 25, merchant, of New Bedford, b. New Bedford, s. I. H. and Betsey of New Bedford, and Mary L. F. Gibbs, 21, of N., b. N., d. Joseph and Joanna of Falmouth, Oct. 31, 1848, in N.
John and Susanna Southworth of Duxbury, 22d, 12 mo. 1753. PR38.
John and Lucretia Stewart of Amherst, Conn., 18th, 3 mo. 1761, in Stonington, Conn., PR38.
John, s. John and Susanna (Southworth), and Lucy Libby of Conn., _____, PR38.
John S. and Eunice M. Hussey, int. May 3, 1823. [John S., s. Oliver C. and Elizabeth (Barrett), and Eunice Hussey, d. Paul and Judith (Gardner), m. _____, PR38.]
Leander, s. John and Lucretia Stewart (second w.), and Betsey ____, _____, PR38.
Leonora B. and George P. Whippey, Dec. 20, 1846.
Lucretia (Bartlet) and Arthur [int. Aurthur] Matthews, Oct. 12, 1796. [Bartlett, d. John and Lucretia Stewart (second w.), and Arthur Matthews, PR38. Bartlett, d. Dr. ____, and Arthur Matthews "who came here last spring & sot up his trade of soap boiling," PR64.]
Lucretia and Barzilla [int. Barzillai] Russell, Nov. 30, 1818. [Lucretia (first w.), d. Dr. Oliver C. and Elizabeth (Barrett), and Barzillai Russell, s. Charles and Hepsabeth (Coffin) (first w.), PR38. Oct. 27, PR64.]
Lydia R. and George W. Barrett, both of N., July 11, 1837. [Lydia R., d. William and Lydia (Macy), and George W. Barrett, s. George and Sophia (Chase) (Robbins) (second w.), PR38.]
Oliver C. [int. Bartlet, Dr.] and Fanny Lamson, Apr. 9, 1820. [Oliver Cromwell Bartlett, s. Dr. John and Lucretia Stewart (second w.), and Francis [sic, dup. Fanny] Lampson of Boston, PR38. Dr. ____ Bartlett and Fanny Lamson of Boston, PR64.]
Oliver Cromwell (Bartlet) and Eliza [int. Elizabeth] Barret, Oct. 13, 1796. [Bartlett, s. John and Lucretia Stewart (second w.), and Elizabeth Barrett, d. Samuel of Boston and Sarah Manning, PR38.]
Paschal Paoli and Jenny Dagget, int. Sept. 29, 1792. [Pascal Paoli Bartlett, s. John and Lucretia Stewart (second w.), and Jane Daggett of Martha's Vineyard, m. _____, PR38.]
Sally (see Sarah).
Samuel R. (Bartlet) [int. Samuel Roads Bartlett] and Lucy Jenkins, Sept. 9, 1816. [Samuel R. Bartlett of Lynn and Lucy Jenkins, d. John and Susan Holmes, PR38.]
Samuel R. (Bartlet) [int. Bartlett] and Mary Gardner, both of N., Oct. 4, 1840.
Sarah [int. Bartlet] and Allen Gibbs, May 18, 1815. [Bartlett, d. Dr. Oliver C. and Elizabeth (Barrett), and Allen Gibbs of Wareham, s. Caleb, PR38. Sally Bartlett, May 14, PR64.]
Sarah, d. John and Susanna (Southworth), and Jonathan Alden, _____, PR38.
Telemacus (Bartlet) [int. Telemachus] and Lydia Coffin, _____[between Mar. 30, 1801 and Mar. 30, 1802, int. Jan. 16, 1802]. [Telemechus Bartlett, s. Dr. John and Lucretia Stewart (second w.), and Lydia Coffin, d. Seth, PR38. Telemachus Bartlett, Feb. 4, 1802, PR64.]
William (Bartlet) [int. Bartlett] and Lydia Macy, Dec. 5, 1816. [Bartlett, CR2. Bartlett of Marblehead, s. Thomas, and Lydia Macy, d. Solomon and Lydia (Coleman), PR38.]
William [int. Bartlet] and Emeline [int. Emmeline] P. Coffin, _____[rec. Apr. —, 1821, int. Dec. 16, 1820]. [Bartlett and Emeline P. Coffin, Dec. zr, 1820, CR2. Bartlett and Emeline P. Coffin, d. Thaddeus and Ann (Parker),
20th, 12 mo., PR38.]
Lydia and George W. Macy, Sept. 24, 1844.
William F. of Medford and Lydia Earl of N., May 12, 1840. [Earle, d. Nathaniel and Phebe (Fisher), PR38.]
David [int. Bechard] and Elizabeth Hussey, Nov. 22, 1755. [Baschard, N.C.R. Baschard [dup. Bichaud], inn keeper, and Elizabeth Hussey, wid. Reuben, d. Nathaniel Woodbury and Abigail, 7th, 10 mo., PR38.]
Elizabeth [int. Buschard] and Gideon Hawley, Oct. 7, 1778.
BASSE (see Besse)
BASSETT (Basset)-
Elizabeth (Basset) and Manuel Swazy, int. Oct. 3, 1795.
George (see George Barrett).
Hannah (Basset) and John Dyer, int. Mar. 29, 1777.
James N. and Rebecca Freeman, int. July 7, 1827.
James N. of N. and Sarah F. Freeman of Sandwich, int. Aug. 25, 1839. [m. Sept. I, CR2.]
Mary Ann (Basset) [int. Bassett] and William Henry Gardner 2d, May 10, 1832.
Phebe of Maine and Randall Clark, s. Edmund and Rachel (Coffin), _____, PR38.
Sarah (Basset) and Edward Loyd Whittemore, int. July 5, 1777.
William C. and Mary Ann Whiteus, June 28, 1827.
BASSEY (see Besse)
Asa F. [int. T.] and Miss Eliza Ann Winslow, May 17, 1832.
Eliza and Robert Gillespie, Dec. 22, 1833. [Eliza, wid. Gamaliah, d. Elias Coffin and Abigail (Coffin), and Robert Gillespie, s. John and Elizabeth of Tyrone Co., Ire., PR38.]
Gamalial and Eliza Coffin, d. Elias and Abigail (Coffin) [? parentage], _____, PR38.
Joseph W., single, 27, farmer, of Sandwich, b. Sandwich, s. Isaac and Azenith of Sandwich, and Eliza C. Rawson, 20, of N., b. N., d. Asa and Mary of N., Nov. 30, 1848, in N. [Eliza C., d. Asa and Mary (Fish), PR38.]
Richard S., single, 25, shipwright, of N., b. E. Hadden [int. E. Haddam], and Emily Fitzgerald, 22, of N., b. N., d. W[illia]m and Eliz[abet]h of N., Sept. 29, 1845, in N. [Richard S. of E. Haddam, Conn., and Emily FitzGerald, d. William and Elizabeth (Brock), PR38.]
Stephen and Ann Mooers [int. Moores], _____ [rec. Apr. —, 1821, int. Mar. 3, 1821]. [Mooers, Mar. 22, 1821, CR2. Rev. Stephen and Anna Moores, d. William Jr., —, 4 mo. 1820, PR38.]
William M., single, 24, merchant, b. N., s. Stephen and Ann, and Ann C. Gelston, 23, b. N., d. Sam[ue]l and Sarah, all of N., May 25, 1846, in N. [William M., s. Rev. Stephen and Anna (Moores), and Ann Colten Gelston, d. Samuel and Sally (Cartwright) (Clark) (second w.), PR38.]
Ezra and Winifred Chase, wid. Joseph, d. James Bocot Jr., _____ [? before 1850], in N.Y., PR38.
Benj[ami]n and Lydia Burnal, July 19, 1787. [Benjamin, s. Christopher and Mary (Worth), and Lydia Burnell, d. Jonathan and Jemima (Marshall), PR38.]
Christopher and Mary Worth, June 30, 1754. [Christopher, s. William and Margaret Cook, and Mary Worth, d. Richard and Lydia (Swain), 10th, 6 mo., PR38.]
David and Deborah FitzGerrald [int. Gerrald], Mar. 22, 1791. [FitzGerald, N.C.R. David, s. Benjamin of Bass River, and Deborah FitzGerald, d. Jonathan and Hepsabeth (Coleman), PR38.]
David and Rachel Folger, _____ [between Apr. 21, 1799 and Apr. 25, 1800, int. Dec. 21, 1799]. [David, s. Christopher and Mary (Worth), and Rachael Folger, d. Owen and Eunice (Smith), PR38.]
David C., single, 31, mariner, b. N., s. Reuben and Love, and Mary J. Hussey, 24, b. N., d. Fred[eric]k and Lydia, all of N., Sept. 1, 1845, in N. [David C., s. Reuben and Love (Briggs), PR38.]
Deborah and Jonathan Moors [int. Moores], Feb. 18, 1781. [Moors, N.C.R. Deborah, d. William and Margaret Cook, and Jonathan Moores, s. Jonathan, PR38.]
Deborah and Job Smith, May 15, 1794. [Deborah, d. Christopher and Mary (Worth), and Job Smith Jr., s. Job and Mary (Johnson) (first w.), PR38.]
Eliza and William R. Easton, Sept. 27, 1827. [Eliza, d. Reuben and Love (Briggs), and William R. Easton, s. Nicholas and Mary of R.I., PR38.]
Eunice and Jeremiah Lawrence, May 28, 1795. [Eunice, d. Christopher and Mary (Worth), and Jeremiah Lawrence of Hudson [N.Y.], PR38.]
Ezekiel and Catharine Bearse, both of Sherborn, Nantucket Co., Oct. 20, 1789.
Francis and Lydia Baxter, Jan. 7, 1802. [Francis, s. Christopher and Mary (Worth), and Lydia Baxter, wid. Benjamin, d. Jonathan Burnell and Jemima (Marshall), ___, 1801, PR38.]
John of Vt. and Sarah F. Coffin, d. Jared and Hepzibah (Swain), _____ [ ? before 1850], PR38.
Lydia and Reuben Giles, int. June 29, 1776. [Lydia, d. Christopher and Mary (Worth), and Reuben Giles, s. Beriah and Mary (Wyer), m. _____, PR38.]
Lydia and Francis Baxter, Jan. 7, 1802. [Lydia, wid. Benjamin, d. Jonathan Burnell and Jemima (Marshall), and Francis Baxter, s. Christopher and Mary (Worth), ___, 1801, PR38.]
Margaret and Nathaniell Chadwick, int. Aug. 28, 1773. [Margaret, d. Christopher and Mary (Worth), and Nathaniel Chadwick, s. Richard and Deborah (Swain), m. _____, PR38.]
Mary and Francis Colburn, Nov. 4, 1830. [Mary, d. Reuben and Love (Briggs), PR38.]
Phebe and Job Smith, int. Dec. 12, 1761. [Phebe (second w.), d. William and Margaret Cook, m. _____, PR38.]
Phebe and Thomas Townsend, May 25, 1797. [Phebe, d. Christopher and Mary (Worth), and Thomas Townsend, s. James and Jennette (Brock), PR38.]
Rebecca and Alexander D. Bunker, Apr. 24, 1817. [Rebecca, d. William and Hannah, and Alexander D.
Bunker, s. Absolem and Love (Downs), PR38.]
Reuben and Love Briggs, Feb. 23, 1796. [Reuben, s. Christopher and Mary (Worth), and Love Briggs, d. Abner
and Deborah (Coffin), PR38.]
Richard and Mary Coffin, Nov. 2, 1775. [Richard, s. Christopher and Mary (Worth), PR38. Richard of Yarmouth and Molly Coffin, PR64.]
Richard and Amanda Wrightington, int. Jan. 10, 1818.
Shubael and Eliza Swain, Oct. 1, 1812. [Shubael of Cape Cod and Eliza Swain, d. Samuel and Polly (Cook) (first w.), PR38.]
William and Margret Cook, both of N., Aug. 11, 1720, in N. [William of Scotland and Margaret Cook, PR38. Margret, PR68.]
William and Betsey Cary [int. Carey], Aug. 19, 1830. [Cary, CR2. William, s. Reuben and Love (Briggs), and Betsey Cary, d. James and Betsey (Swain), PR38.]
William, s. Christopher and Mary (Worth), and Hannah Groves of Beverley, _____, PR38.
BAYLEY (see Bailey)
BAYLY (see Bailey)
Harriet and David Owens, July 17, 1849.
BEACHAM (see Beauchamp)
Erastus and Naoma Cook, int. Jan. 22, 1803.
BEAK (see Beek)
BEARCE (see Bearse)
Anna and Nathaniel Gardner, 7th, 9 mo., "called November," 1751, CR4.
Deborah and Zachariah Coffin, int. Oct. 28, 1769. [Deborah of Dartmouth and Zaccheus Coffen of Shearburn (N.), m. Nov. 16, in Dartmouth, B.C.M. Deborah, d. John and Deborah (Pease), and Zacheriah Coffin, s. Joseph and Judith (Coffin), m. _____, PR38.]
Deborah and Reuben Starbuck, Sept. 21, 1815. [Deborah (third w.), d. Matthew and Elizabeth (Myrick), and
Reuben Starbuck, s. Matthew and Rose (Barnard) (first w.), PR38.]
Elizabeth and John Waterman, 25th, 10 mo., "called October," 1756, CR4.
Elizabeth and Reuben Hilman, _____ [between Apr. 21, 1798 and Apr. 21, 1799, int. Sept. 15, 1798]. [Elizabeth, d. Matthew and Elizabeth (Myrick), and Reuben Hillman, s. John and Phebe (Folger), PR38.]
Eunice and Jonathan Gifford, 8th, 1 mo. 1767, CR4.
John "late of Old England," s. Richard and Dorothy of "the Citty of Exeter in Devonshire," and Deborah Peas, d. Nathan and Hannah of Sherborn in N., 2d, 9 mo., "called November," 1731, in N., CR4. [John, s. John of Teignmouth, Eng., and Deborah Pease, d. Nathan and Hannah (Chase), PR38.]
John, s. John and Deborah of Sherborn in N., and Ruth Russell, d. William (Russel) and Mary of Sherborn in N., 5th, 1 mo., "called January," 1764, in Sherborn in N., CR4. [John, s. John and Deborah (Pease), and Ruth Russell, d. William and Mary (Coleman) (second w.), PR38.]
John Barret [int. Barrett] and Hannah Earl, Sept. 27, 1804. [John Barrett Beard, s. John and Ruth (Russell), and Hannah Earl [dup. Earle], d. Joseph and Hannah (Morris) (first w.), PR38.]
John R. and Maria R. Toye [int. Foye], July 25, 1830. [John R., s. John Barrett and Hannah (Earl), and Maria Foy, d. Obed and Hannah (Russell), PR38.]
Mary E. and Lewis R. Lavers, Nov. 23, 1847.
Matthew and Elizabeth Myrick, Nov. 28, 1771. [Matthew, s. John and Deborah (Pease), and Elizabeth Myrick, d. Isaac, PR38.]
Phebe, d. John and Deborah (Pease), and Isaac Nichelson [ ? Isaiah Nickerson], _____, PR38.
Richard, s. Richard and Dorothy dec'd of Exeter, Devonshire, Eng., and Eunice Macy, d. Jabez and Sarah of Sherborn in N., 4th, 9 mo. 1742, in N., CR4. [Eunice, d. Jabez and Sarah (Starbuck), "Removed 21.5.1772," PR38.]
Ruth and Ebenezer Gardner, Nov. 21, 1751. [Ruth, d. John and Deborah (Pease), and Ebenezer Gardner Jr., s. Ebenezer and Judith (Coffin) (second w.), PR38.]
Ruth and Eliel Coffin, both of Sherborn, Nantucket Co., Dec. 29, 1789. [Ruth, d. John and Ruth (Russell), and Elial Coffin, s. Hezekiah and Lydia (Folger), PR38.]
Ruth R. and Stephen Modley, both of N., Dec. 29, 1842. [Bearce, CR1. Ruth Beard, d. John Barrett and Hannah (Earl), and Stephen Modley, s. Thomas, PR38.]
Sally and Joseph Gardner, July 8, 1796. [Sally, d. Matthew and Elizabeth (Myrick), and Joseph Gardner, s. Shubael and Hepsibeth (Gardner), PR38.]
Sarah and Charles Smith, July 16, 1829. [Sarah, d. John Barrett and Hannah (Earl), and Charles Smith, s. Solomon and Anna (Gardner), PR38.]
Joseph A. and Charlotte P. Macy, d. Francis G. and Phebe H. (Hussey), Dec. 4, 1845, PR38.
BEARSE (Bearce, Beares, Bears, Beears, Beers, Burse)-
Adeline (Bears) and Manson Morris, colored, int. Oct. 2, 1836.
Braddack (Beares) and Margret Gardner, colored, int. July 24, 1836.
Braddock S., single, 30, mariner, b. N., s. Henry and Flora, and Miss Eliza Ann Durfee, 23, b. Middleborough, all of N., Sept. 6, 1845, in N.
Caroline and Jacob Bearse, s. Solomon and Hannah Green, _____, PR38.
Catharine and Ezekiel Baxter, both of Sherborn, Nantucket Co., Oct. 20, 1789.
Clarissa and William K. Googins, Mar. 30, 1845.
Flora (Bearce) [int. Bears] [and] Francis W. Martin [int. colourd], Sept. 25, 1831. [Beers, black, CR2.]
Hannah and Paul W. Clisby, Mar. 10, 1844.
Hannah L., Miss, and Edward F. Joy, Mar. 12, 1844.
Henry (Beers) [int. Becras] and Floro Summons, Nov. 23, 1813.
Henry W., single, 24, mariner, of Barnstable [int. b. Barnstable], s. Solomon and Hannah of Barnstable, and Lydia G. Barrett, 21, of N., b. N., d. Sam[ue]l and Judith of N., May 23, 1847, in N. [Henry, s. Solomon and Hannah Green, and Lydia Barrett, d. Samuel and Judith (Fitch), PR38.]
Isaac G. (Bearce) and Mary M. Gardner, Nov. 17, 1831. [Bearse, s. Solomon and Hannah Green, and Mary Ann Miller, d. John and Mary (____ ) (Marshall) (later w. John Gardner), PR38.]
Jacob, s. Solomon and Hannah Green, and Caroline Bearse, _____, PR38.
John (Beers) and Olive Francis, both of Sherborn, Nantucket Co., Sept. 7, 1788.
John, single, 23, mariner, of Harwich, b. Harwich, s. W[illia]m and Catharine of Harwich, and Mary Ann Patterson, 18, of N., b. N., d. W[illia]m and Olive of N., Dec. 21, 1848, in N.
Lydia and Theophilus C. Backus, both of Falmouth, Dec. 19, 1839. [Theophilas, PR38.]
Mary and William Sands, Sept. 8 [sic, int. Oct. 16], 1773. [Sept. 8, N.C.R.]
Mercy (Burse) and Daniel B. Chase, Aug. 8, 1841.
Olive (Beers) and Lewis Farmer, int. Oct. 26, 1793.
Olive (Beers) and Nimrod Quommino [int. Quomeno], _____[between Apr. 21, 1798 and Apr. 21, 1799, int.
May 19, 1798].
Olive (Bearce) and William Dyer, int. Apr. 22, 1832.
Olive (Bears) and Henry Wilson, coloured, both of N., int. [Dec.] 6, 1840.
Olive F. (Beears) and Andrew Anton, colourd, int. July 12, 1835.
Paulina B. (Bearce) [int. Bearse of N.] and Edward Eliot [int. Elliot of Norfolk], July 3, 1842.
Ruth R. (see Ruth R. Beard).
Solomon of Cotuit, Cape Cod, and Hannah Green, _____, PR38.
Tirza (see Tirzah).
Tirza F. (Bearce) of Barnstable and Charles H. Rogers [int. Rodgers] of N., Jan. 27, 1842. [Tirza Gibbs (first w.) of Cape Cod, wid. [sic] Seth, d. Solomon Bearse and Hannah Green, and Charles H. Rogers, s. Henry and Rhoda (Cahoon) of Cape Cod, PR38.]
Tirzah and Seth S. Gibbs, int. Nov. 6, 1836. [Tirza, d. Solomon and Hannah Green, and Seth S. Gibbs, s. Samuel and Mercy (Nye), m. _____, PR38.]
William and Fanny Russel, July 7, 1801. [Beacham and Fanny Russell, formerly w. Abram, d. Ebenezer Rand and Hannah Waters, PR38. Beauchamp, June 30, "July 7 again recorded," PR64.]
BECHARD (see Baschard)
BECK (also see Beek)-
Mary and Obadiah Pendall, June 29, 1788.
BECKUS (see Backus)
BEE (also see Bei)-
James and Mary Cook, May 15, 1804.
BEEARS (see Bearse)
BEEBE (Beebee)-
Ezra S. (Beebee) [int. Beebe, omits S.] and Lucy Allen, June 7, 1821. [Ezra Beebe, s. Nathan and Patience [sic, Elizabeth], and Lucy Allen, d. Tristram and Polly (Nobles), PR38.]
Hannah and Giles E. Stanton, Apr. —, 1805. [Hannah, d. Nathan and Elizabeth, PR38.]
John M. and Rebecca Chadwick, Dec. 7, 1809. [John Murray Beebe, s. Nathan and Elizabeth, and Rebecca Chadwick, d. Nathaniel and Margaret (Baxter), PR38.]
John M. and Miss Patience Allen, Jan. 22, 1826. [John Murray Beebe, s. Nathan and Elizabeth, PR38.]
Rebeca [dup. and int. Rebecca] and George B. [int. Brown] Chase, Jan. 23, 1825. [Rebecca, CR2. Rebecca, divorced w. John M., d. Nathaniel Chadwick and Margaret (Baxter), and George Brown Chase, s. Isaac and Eunice (Brown), PR38.]
Sarah and Isaiah Nicherson [int. Nickerson], Apr. 14, 1811. [Sarah, d. Nathan and Elizabeth, and Isaiah Nicholson Jr., PR38.]
William and Grace Claghorn, int. Sept. 25, 1802.
BEEK (Beak, see also Beck)-
Diah [int. Dinah] and George Davis, Sept. 6, 1807.
Moses (Beak) [int. Beek] and Dinah Isaac, Oct. 23, 1804.
John and Maria [int. Mary Ann] Holmes, Aug. 14, 1831. [Mary Ann, d. Benjamin and Persis (Fisher), PR38.]
John [int. Beercroft] and Elizabeth Morris, both of Sherbourn, Nantucket Co., Aug. 20, 1791.
BEERS (see Bearse)
John and Harriet F. [int. Harriot Z.] Brown, Oct. 11, 1832. [Harriet Z., CR2.]
Thomas and Phebe Giles, Dec. 29, 1762. [John [sic. ? Thomas] of Martha's Vineyard and Phebe Giles, d. Beriah and Mary (Wyer), PR38.]
Thomas and Eliza Ray, Aug. 25, 1833. [Thomas of Martha's Vineyard, s. John, and Eliza Ray, d. Uriah and Mary (Allen), PR38.]
BEGALOW (see Bigelow)
John and Mary Rice, Dec. 15, 1807. [Begon of Hudson, N.Y., and Polly Rice, d. Randall and Elizabeth (Russell), PR38.]
BEI (also see Bee)-
Michael Dennis [int. Mitchell Bihe] and Eunice Barns, _____ [between Apr. 25, 1800 and Apr. 25, 1801, int. Jan. 10, 1801].
Thomas of Baltimore, Md., and Margaret Aldrich, d. Obed and Mary (Bunker), _____, PR38.
Anna and Lemuel Turner, int. Sept. 16, 1775.
Hannah and Matthew Coleman, int. Feb. 24, 1776.
John and Catharine [int. Katharine] Robinson, Oct. 25, 1756. [Catharine, N.C.R.]
Lewis [int. of London] and Charlotte [int. adds C.] Hull, Aug. 7, 1836.
Ross and Hannah Meder, June 6, 1768.
Sarah of Westchester, N.Y., and Alexander Brown, s. Benjamin and Betsey (Allen), _____, PR38.
Susan A. and James W. Pompey, Oct. 30, 1844.
BENNETT (Bennet, Bennit)-
Ann and Richard Bailey, May 5, 1833. [Cynthia [dup. omits Cynthia] Ann, d. Charles C. and Celia, and Richard Bailey Jr. of New Bedford [dup. ___, 1835], PR38.]
Christina (Bennet) and Samuell Russel, int. Oct. 19, 1771. [Bennett (third w.) and Samuel Russell Jr., s. Samuel and Huldah (Odar) (first w.), m. _____, PR38.]
Cordelia of N. and Joshua Merritt of Bath, Me., int. Oct. 21, 1838. [m. Oct. 31, CR2. Cordelia, d. Charles C. and Celia (Merry), m. _____, PR38.]
Cynthia, d. William and Phebe (Raymond), and Zeno Crocker of Barnstable,_____, PR38.
Cynthia Ann (see Ann).
Daniel (Bennet) [int. Bennett] and Eliza Baker, June 16, 1828. [Bennett and Eliza Baker, wid. William, d. Benjamin Jones and Amy (Skinner), PR38.]
Edward H. and Amelia Coleman, both of N., Mar. 10, 1839. [Edward Hyde Bennett, s. William and Phebe (Raymond), and Pamelia Coleman, d. Robert and Deborah (Morselander), 12th, 3 mo., PR38.]
Eliza Ann and David Christian, Apr. 27, 1828. [Eliza Ann, d. William and Phebe (Swain), and David Christian, s. Peter, PR38.]
Emily B., d. Charles C. and Celia (Merry), and Joseph R. Mitchell, _____, PR38.
Hannah G. and Amos H. Wood, _____ [between Apr. 1, 1827 and Apr. —, 1828, int. June 9, 1827]. [Hannah, d. William and Phebe (Raymond), and Amos H. Wood, s. Amos, 1st, 7 mo. 1827, PR38.]
Harriet A. [int. Harriet Augusta Bennet] and George Litchfield Jr., Nov. 18, 1844.
Hirram (Bennet) [int. Hiram] and Susan Maxey [int. Maxcy], June 10, 1832. [Hiram Bennett and Susan Maxy, CR2. Hiram Bennett, s. William and Phebe (Raymond), and Susan Maxey, d. Reuben, PR38.]
Jane (Bennet) and Barnabas Wilson, int. May 24, 1776.
Jane, d. William and Phebe (Raymond), and George Gave, _____, in Maine, PR38.
John (Bennit) and Mercy Francis, int. Aug. 15, 1818.
John of Charlestown and Eliza Ann Dunham of N., Dec. 25, 1839.
Joseph (Bennet) [int. Bennit] and Olive Quimany, Feb. — [int. Feb. 2), 1811.
Lucretia [int. Bennet] and Jonathan Huntoon, Dec. 4, 1821. [Bennett, d. William and Phebe (Swain), PR38.]
Lucy Ann [int. Bennet] [and] John Johnson, _____ [between Apr. 1, 1828 and Apr. 8, 1829, int. Apr. 12, 1828]. [Mrs. Lucy A. Bennett and John Johnson, colored, May 1, 1828, PR38.]
Lucy G. and Reuben L. Whippy, July 7, 1833. [Whippey, July 7, 1832, CR2. Lucy, d. Charles C. and Celia (Merry), and Reuben L. Whippey. PR38.]
Lydia S. (Bennet) and Charles H. Coleman. June 26, 1831. [Bennett, CR2. Bennett, d. William and Phebe (Swain), and Charles H. Coleman, s. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Harris), PR38.]
Maria G. and William Hatch of Falmouth, int. Aug. 5, 1838. [Maria [dup. Mercy or Maria], d. Charles C. and Celia (Merry), and William Hatch. of Barnstable, m. _____, PR38.]
Nancy [int. Bennet] and James Breed, Apr. 23, 1822. [Bennett, d. Reuben and Sarah (Elkins), and James Breed of Lynn, PR38.]
Nancy [int. adds T., of N.] and William Russell [int. Benjamin W. of Augusta], May 2, 1838. [Nancy, d. William and Phebe (Raymond), and Benjamin Russell, PR38.]
Phebe Ann and Charles Lovelace, int. Mar. 22, 1828. [Phebe Ann, d. William and Phebe (Swain), m. _____, PR38.]
Reuben (Bennet) and Sally Ellkins [int. Elkins], _____ [between Apr. 21, 1798 and Apr. 21, 1799, int. June 16, 1798]. [Reuben, s. Samuel and Ruth (Perry), and Sally [dup. Sarah] Elkins, d. John ("from England") and Sarah (Mayo), ___, 1798, PR38.]
Robert (Bennet) and Mary Pease, _____ [rec. Apr. 6, 1822, int. Jan. 26, 1822]. [Bennett and Mary Pease, d. Bethania, PR38.]
Ruth (Bennet) [int. Bennit] and Freeman Ellis, Dec. 26, 1802. [Bennett (third w.), wid. Samuel, d. James Perry and Miriam (Stretton), and Freeman Ellis, s. Mordecai, PR38.]
Sally (Bennet) [int. Bennett] and Stephen Remson [int. Remsen], May 15, 1794. [Bennett, d. Samuel and Ruth (Perry), and Stephen Remson. PR38.]
Sally [int. Bennitt] and David Joy Jr., Sept. 3, 1809. [Sarah Bennett, wid. Reuben, d. John Elkins (from England) and Sarah (Mayo), and David Joy, s. David Jr. and Phebe (Coffin), PR38.]
Samuell (Bennet) [int. Samuel] and Ruth Perry, Mar. 15, 1767. [Sam[ue]ll, N.C.R. Samuel Bennett and Ruth
Perry, d. James and Miriam (Stretton), PR38.]
Sarah (see Sally).
Stephen [int. Bennet] and Sarah B. Crosby, June 2, 1835. [Bennett, s. William and Phebe (Raymond). and Sarah Crosby, d. Marshall and Nancy (Bunker), 6th, 6 mo., PR38.]
Susan M., d. Reuben and Sarah (Elkins), and John P. Templet [dup. Tamplet], ___, 1824 [dup. in S.C.], PR38.
William (Bennet) and Phebe Swain, Aug. 11, 1791. [Bennett Sr., "an Englishman," and Phebe Swain, d. Freeman
and Rebecca (Lewis), PR38.] -
William, s. Stephen of Sandwich, and Phebe Raymond, d. Ebenezer and ____ Chadwick (second w.), —,
3 mo. 1802, PR38.
William Jr. (Bennit) and Polly Young, int. Aug. 8, 1818. [Bennett, s. William and Phebe (Swain) , and Polly Young of Wareham, m. _____, PR38.]
William 2d [int. Bennet, omits 2d] and Betsey Lewis, Mar, 16, 1834. [William, s. Stephen of Sandwich, and Betsey Lewis, wid. Freeman, PR38.]
William H., single, 32, mariner, b. N. s. W[illia]m and Phebe, and Sarah D. Morse, 19, b. N., d. Arnold and Maria, all of N., June 23, 1847, in N. [William Hammond Bennett, s. William and Phebe (Raymond), and Sarah Day Morse, d. Arnold and Maria (Morey), PR38.]
Zeruiah [int. adds H.] and M. [int. omits M.] Watson Burgess, Sept. 2 [sic, int. Sept. 7], 1828. [Zeruiah, d. William and Phebe (Raymond), and Watson Burgess of Sandwich, 2d, 9 mo., PR38.]
Desire and Abner Coffin, Dec. 24, 1775. [ [dup. Benthall wid. Eber, d. Zacheriah Bunker and Desire (Gorham), and Abner Coffin Jr., s. Abner and Phebe (Butler), PR38. Benthall, PR68.]
John and Desire Bunker, May 1, 1766. [Eber Benthal [dup. Benthall] and Desire Bunker, d. Zacheriah and Desire (Gorham), PR38.]
BERNARD (see Barnard)
BERNS (see Burns)
BERRY (Barry, Berrey)-
Eric [int. Erie] (Barry) and Susan Coffin, _____ [rec. Apr. 24, 1819, int. June 6, 1818].
Hannah, 24, of Dennis, and Frederick H. Gardner, 30, of N., int. Mar. 9, 1844. [Hannah of Harwich and Frederick H. Gardner, s. Albert and Judith (Joy), m. _____, PR38.]
Julia S. of Gardiner, Me., d. Arthur and Harriet (Stackpole), and Josiah G. Macy, s. Josiah and Lydia, July 1, 1846, in Gardiner, Me., PR38.
Lewis and Eliza Boston [int. black], July 8, 1830.
Susan and Samuel Emery, Oct. 2, 1832.
Westley (Berrey) and Mary Marsh, coloured, int. Nov. 8, 1835.
BESSE (Basse, Bassey, Bessey)-
Cyntha (Basse), Miss, and Jabez Cushman, _____ [rec. Apr. —, 1824, int. Apr. 12, 1823]. [Cynthia Bassy and Jabez Cushman, s. Isaac and Esther of Plymouth, PR38.]
Elizabeth (Bessey) of Waine, Me., and Benjamin F. Coffin of N., May 7, 1839. [Besse of Rochester and Benjamin Franklin Coffin, s. Benjamin and Mary (Paddack), PR38.]
Joshua and Nancy Nichols, int. Nov. 18, 1832.
Silvia (Bassey) and Caleb Cushman, Dec. 18, 1825. [Silvea Bessey and Caleb Cushman, s. Isaac, PR38.]
BIAR (see Byer)
BICHAUD (see Baschard)
James and Phiills Thomas, int. Aug. 27, 1785.
BIGELOW (Begalow, Biglow)-
Caroline and Henry Morgan, int. Apr. 20, 1834. [Biglow, m. Apr. 20, CR2. Bigelow, d. Maj. James and Anna, and Henry Morgan of Springfield, PR38.]
Charlotte, d. Maj. James and Anna, and Gurden Pitcher of Norwich, Conn., _____, PR38.
Daniel C., single, 25, merchant [int. mariner], b. N., s. James and Anna, and Susan Starbuck, 19, b. N., d. Charles R. and Eliza, all of N., Nov. 19, 1845, in N. [Daniel C., s. Maj. James and Anna, and Susan Starbuck, d. Charles R. and Eliza (Barnard), PR38.]
Emily and Peter G. Fosdick, Aug. 6 [sic, int. Aug. 25, dup. Sept. 6], 1821. [Sept. 6, CR2. Emily, d. Maj. James
and Anna, and Peter G. Fosdick, s. Peter and Ruhamah (Gardner), Sept. 6, PR38.]
Henry and Mary Barker, Aug. 9, 1832. [Henry, s. Maj. James and Anna, and Mary B. Barker, d. Robert and Lucretia (Hussey), PR38.]
Maria and Robert G. Tenny [int. Tenney], Nov. 1, 1835. [Maria, d. Maj. James and Anna, and Robert G. Tenny Jr. of Charlestown, PR38.]
Samuel (Biglow) [int. Bigelow] and Naomi Gardner, _____, [between Apr. 21, 1799 and Apr. 25, 1800, int. May 25, 1799]. [Bigelow and Naomi Gardner, wid. Aaron, d. Reuben Gardner and Elizabeth Vail, ___, 1799, PR38.]
William H. (Begalow) [int. Bigelow] and Loiza [int. Luisa] Bunker, July 13, 1828. [Bigelow, printer, and Louisa Bunker, d. Rowland and Rebecca (Hayden), PR38.]
BIHE (see Bei)
Hannah [dup. Ballinger], d. John and Catherine, and Joseph Coffin, s. Barnabas and Phebe (Marshall), _____, PR38.
Lydia and Samuel Long, int. Nov. 16, 1765. [Lydia of Boston and Samuel Long, s. Samuel and Lydia (Coffin), m. Dec. 12, PR38.]
Christopher and Sarah Leaggin, int. Nov. 11, 1769.
____ and Mary Dame, d. Moses and Rachael (Mitchell), _____, PR38.
Ezra, single, 22, mason [int. of Fairhaven], b. Fair Haven, and Abby B. Goodman, 18, of N., b. N., d. John and Eliza of N., June 6, 1847, in N. [Abby B., d. John and Lydia (Gardner), PR38.]
Elizabeth of Baltimore, Md., and Thomas Brock, s. William and Elizabeth (Calef), _____, PR38.
BISSELL (Bissel)-
Eliza (Bissel) of N. and Reuben Chase Jr., Apr. 10, 1821. [Eliza Bizzle [dup. Elizabeth Bissel, second dup. Elizabeth Bizzel], d. William and Abigail (Swain), and Reuben Chase, s. Reuben and Judith (Gardner), 19th, 4 mo., PR38.]
William (Bissel) [int. Bissell] and Elizabeth Swain, Mar. 18, 1794. [Bissell of R.I. and Elizabeth Swain (first w.), d. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Johnson), PR38.]
William [int. Bissel] and Abigail Swain, _____ [between Apr. 21, 1798 and Apr. 21, 1799, int. Nov. 10, 1798]. [Bizzle [dup. Bissel] of R.I. and Abigail Swain (second d. Bachelder and Desire Chase (second w.), —, 1798, PR38.]
Alexander, s. Douglas and Percis (Arthur), and Lydia White of Yarmouth, _____, PR38.
Anna and Robert Coffin, June 14, 1807. [Anna, d. Daniel and Elizabeth (Coffin), and Robert Coffin, s. Jonathan and Peggy (Coffin), PR38.]
Anna and Nehemiah Dayton, int. Dec. 11, 1836, ". . . Malindia Hinkley appeared and forbid the Banns of the above."
Clovis, s. Daniel, and Elizabeth Blackwell, d. Rowland and Mary, _____, PR38.
Clovous and Betsy Fisher, int. Jan. 31, 1795. [Clovis, s. Daniel and Elizabeth [dup. Betsey] (Coffin), and Betsey Fisher, d. Nathaniel and Naomi (Dunham) (of Tuckernuck), m. _____, PR38.]
Daniel and Elizabeth Coffin, int. May 11, 1765. [Daniel, s. Douglas and Percis (Arthur), and Elizabeth Coffin, d.
Abner and Phebe (Butler), m. _____, PR38.]
Daniel, s. Douglas and Percis (Arthur), and Patience Sherman, wid. Richard, _____, PR38.
Dowglass and Persis Arthur, Nov. 20, 1734. [Douglas and Percis Arthur, d. John and Mary (Folger), 26th, 2 mo. [dup. 20th, 6 mo.], PR38.]
Dugal [int. Douglass] and Desire Wheelden, Jan. 23, 1757. [Dugal, N.C.R. Douglas and Desire Wheldon of Cape Cod, 25th, 1 mo., PR38.]
Eunice and Jacob Ally, Aug. 30, 1761. [Eunice, d. Douglas and Percis (Arthur), and Jacob Alley, s. Solomon, PR38.]
Eunice and Benjamin Flag [int. Flagg], _____ [between Apr. 25, 1800 and Apr. 25, 1801, int. Nov. 15, 1800] . [Eunice, d. Daniel and Elizabeth (Coffin), PR38.]
Lovey and Robert Coffin, July 26, 1787. [Love, d. Daniel and Elizabeth (Coffin), and Robert Coffin, s. Jonathan and Peggy (Coffin), 27th, 7 mo., PR38.]
Patty [int. Patta] and Uriah Bunker, Sept. 30, 1802. [Martha, d. Douglas and Percis (Arthur) [sic, see death of Percis], PR38.]
Sarah and George A. Potter, coulard, int. Apr. 10, 1831.
William, s. Dugal and Persis dec'd of Sherborn in N., and Mary Folger, d. Eleazar dec'd and Mary of Sherborn in N., 29th, 1 mo., "called January," 1761, in Sherborn in N., CR4. [William, s. Douglas and Percis (Arthur), and Mary Folger, d. Eleazar Jr. and Mary (Marshall) (second w.), PR38.]
John and Eliza Coleman, d. John B. and Elizabeth (Coffin), _____, PR38.
Erastus and Lydia M. Bailey, Sept. 7, 1834. [Lydia M., d. Samuel and Eunice (Clark), PR38.]
Lydia and Leander B. Hathaway, Aug. 25, 1844.
BLACKWELL (Blackwill)-
Benj[ami]n and Betsay [int. Betsey] Fuller, _____ [between May 1, 1819 and May 1, 1820, int. May 15, 1819]. [Betsey, June 6, 1819, CR2.]
Benjamin (Blackwill) [int. Blackwell] and Hannah C. Small, Aug. 16, 1821. [Blackwell and Hannah Catherine Small,
Benjamin and Sally Freeman, Mar. 21, 1824.
Elizabeth, d. Rowland and Mary, and Clovis Black, s. Daniel, _____, PR38.
John and Hannah Ellis, Nov. 14, 1811. [Hannah, wid. Jonathan, d. Reuben Swain and Hannah (Macy) (second w.), "went to the Vineyard," PR38.]
Samuel, s. Samuel, and Martha Mayhew, d. Abner of Chilmark, M.V., _____ [in Chilmark], PR38.
BLAGDEN (Blandon)-
Daniel, single, 24, yeoman, of Anson, Me., b. Anson, Me., s. Joseph and Jane of Anson, Me., and Mary P. Orpin, 16, of N., b. N., d. John and Mary of N., Aug. 10, 1845. in N.
James (Blandon) [int. of Maine] and Deborah Modley [int. of N.], Mar. 1, 1839. [Blagden and Deborah Modley, d. Thomas and Rebecca. PR38.]
Ann of N. and Dennis Mullen of N. [dup. int. late of Ireland], Feb. 12, 1843.
BLISH (see also Blush)-
Abraham and Susanna Knowles. Feb. 27, 1825. [ Susan, wid. John, d. William Hull and Lydia (Whiteus), 27th, 7 mo., PR38.]
Caroline L. L. and Abraham B. Lovell, both of N., int. Aug. 8, 1841. [Caroline L. S., d. Joseph and Sarah (Orne), and Abraham Lovell of Cotuit, m. _____, PR38.]
Joseph of N.H. and Sarah Orne, d. Erick Blakely, ___, 1814, PR38.
Lucian B. of Mobile and Sarah M. Folger of N., Sept. 17, 1837, in N. [Lucien Bonaparte Bliss and Sally [dup. Sarah] Maria Folger, d. Peleg Slocum and Ann (Macy), PR38.]
Sarah H. and David B. Swain, Feb. 12. 1822. [Sarah, wid. Joseph, d. Erick Blackley Orne and Sally, and David B. Swain, s. Valentine and Mary (Barnard), PR38.]
Sarah M. and Charles F. Meader, both of N., int. [Dec.] 6. 1840. [Sarah Maria, d. Joseph and Sarah (Orne), and Charles F. Meader, s. Reuben and Sarah, m. _____, PR38.]
Catharine and Obed Raymond, May 25, 1845.
Sylvester D. of Chatham and Betsey H. Jones, _____, PR38.
BLUSH (see also Blish)-
Samuel of N.Y. and Mary H. Calder, d. Samuel and Eliza Ann (Harris), _____, PR38.