To the Year 1850
Published by the
New England Historic Genealogical Society
At the Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms
at the charge of The Eddy Town-Record Fund
Births - TABER to VINTON
[transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

Ann C., d. Charles, mariner, and Hannah [(Coffin) PR38.] of N., May 11, 1846, in N.
Benjamin, h. Martha (d. Reuben Long and Avis), s. John and Lucretia (Mcd.eave) (Swain), ___, 1822, PR38.
Charles, h. Hannah (d. Valentine Coffin and Anna), s. John and Lucretia (Mcd.eave) (Swain), ___, 1812, PR38.
E. A. [____, w. ____], ___, 1821, G.R.3. [Elizabeth Austin, w. George P. Tabor (s. Francis), d. Isaac and Ann
(Easton), 23d, 2 mo. [dup. 4 mo.], PR38.]
Edward C., s. John and Lucretia (Mcd.eave) (Swain), ___, 1826, PR38.
Erneline W., d. Benjamin, mariner, and Martha B. of N., Mar. 26, 1849.
Emmeline C., w. Samuel W. Hartshorn of Norfolk, Va., d. John and Lucretia (McCleave) (Swain), ___, 1830, PR38.
Eunice S. [Taber], w. George Meader, ___, 1810, GR3. [Taber, w. George Meader (s. George), d. Rescom and Mary (Swain), 9th, 8 mo., PR38.]
James, s. John and Lucretia (McCleave) (Swain), 5th, 11 mo. 1818, PR38.
John, h. Lucretia (wid. George Swain, d. Thomas V. McCleave), ___, 1786, PR38.
John P., h. Delphina (d. Joseph Silvea and Mary), ___, 1823 [? in RI.], PR38.
Lydia L., d. Benj[ami]n, mariner, and Martha B. [ (Long) PR38.] of N., May 27, 1847, in N.
Macy Ann, w. Capt. Charles Luce (s. Barzillai and Charlotte), d. Rescom and Mary (Swain), 4th, 7 mo. 1815, PR38.
Phebe, w. Gideon Worth (s. Silvanus and Rachel), d. Jabez and Abigail of Dartmouth, 25th, 6 mo. 1761 [? in Dartmouth], PR38.
Phebe, w. John Hicks, d. Abraham and Puella (Bunker), _____, PR38.
Sarah, d. John and Lucretia (McCleave) (Swain), _____, PR38.
Sarah, d. William and Susan (Snow), _____, PR38.
William, h. Susan (d. Gideon Snow and Lucinda), s. John and Lucretia (McCleave) (Swain), 17th, 7 mo. 1810, PR38.
____, ch. Mrs. Taber, [Feb. _] 1796, PR64.
Thomas, s. Augustus, laborer, and Rosa of N., Feb. 25, 1848, in N.
Caroline, d. Ebenezer W. and Nancy (Coffin), 8th, 2 mo. 1830 [ ? in N.H.], PR38.
Eben W., Nov. 24, 1799, GR3. [Ebenezer W., h. Nancy (d. William Coffin and Deborah), PR38.]
Ebenezer W., s. Nathaniel and Lydia (Scudder), ___, 1841, PR38.
Henry P., h. Mary G. (d. Eben Coleman and Lydia), s. Ebenezer W. and Nancy (Coffin), 10th, 6 mo. 1832 [ ? in N.H.], PR38.
James Jr., h. Mary Ann, s. James L. and Valina (Worth) (Rice) (first w.), 16th, 11 mo. 1837, PR38.
Maria L., w. V. L. Owen of Springfield, d. Ebenezer W. and Nancy (Coffin), 28th, 2 mo. 1825 [? in N.H.], PR38.
Mary Jane, w. Maurice Scott of Toledo [Ohio], d. James L. and Valina (Worth) (Rice) (first w.), ___, 1832, PR38.
Nathaniel, h. Lydia (d. Asa Scudder of Barnstable), 27th, 12 mo. 1795, PR38.
Nathaniel W., s. Nathaniel and Lydia (Scudder), ___, 1832, PR38.
Sarah F., d. Nathaniel, merchant, and Lydia of N., Sept 19, 1844. in N. [w. Theodore Smith of Barnstable, d. Nathaniel and Lydia (Scudder), ___, 1843, PR38.]
William C., s. Ebenezer W. and Nancy (Coffin), 22d, 3 mo. 1827 [? in N.H.], PR38.
Abigail (see Abigail Tobey).
Frederic of Dartmouth, h. Nancy (d. Solon Worth and Phebe), 3d, 11 mo. 1813 [ ? in Dartmouth] PR38.
George F., s. Frederic and Nancy (Worth), 5th, 3 mo. 1838, PR38.
Jemiana, w. David Fish, d. James, 28th, 9 mo. 1708, PR38.
John M., s. Frederick (Talman), mariner, and Nancy of N., Dec. 18, 1846, in N. [John T. M., s. Frederic and Nancy (Worth), PR38.]
Sarah F., w. Silas G. Brown of Williamsburg, N.Y., d. Frederic and Nancy (Worth), 18th, 4 mo. 1840, PR38.
Mary, d. Michael, laborer, and Ann of N., Feb. 10, 1846, in N.
Henry Lewis, s. Lewis and Mary C. (Swift), 16th, 2 mo. 1840, PR38.
TAUPA (see Toppe)
Ann M., w. Asa F. Bearse of Barnstable, d. Timothy and Elizabeth (Rogers), ___, 1843, PR38.
Benjamin F., h. Elizabeth Beetle of Martha's Vineyard, s. Frederic N. and Phebe Ann (Rogers), _____, PR38.
Charles C., s. Timothy and Elizabeth (Rogers), ___, 1846, PR38.
Charles H., h. Mary Ann (wid. William Wilcomb, d. Nathaniel Thurston), s. William and Henrietta Crocker (of Cape Cod), _____, PR38.
Dorcas, w. Charles M. Stackpole (s. John W. and Judith of Maine), d. Timothy and Elizabeth (Rogers), _____, PR38.
Eliza, w. Edward G. Orpin (s. John B.), d. Samuel and Avis (Pitman) (of Newport, R.I.), ___, 1813, PR38.
Emily Frances, w. Asa K. Reed of R.I., d. Frederic N. and Phebe Ann (Rogers), _____, PR38.
Frederick C., s. Frederick C., mariner, and Phebe Ann of N., June 7, 1845, in N. [h. Pamela C. (d. Daniel B. Chase
and Mercy), s. Frederic N. and Phebe Ann (Rogers), PR38.]
George, s. Samuel, mariner, and Mary C. [Mary E. Williston, PR38.] of N., Jan. 7, 1847, in N.
Henrietta, w. Ross W. Ellis of Dennis, d. William and Henrietta Crocker (of Cape Cod), ___, 1838, PR38.
Henry R, s. Timothy, mariner, and Elizabeth of N., Mar. 25, 1845, in N.
Jerusha, w. Reuben Allen (s. John and Rachel), w. Samuel Ray (s. John), 2d, 12 mo. 1771, PR38.
Levi R., s. Timothy, laborer, and Elizabeth of N., Dec. 22, 1847, in N. [s. Timothy and Elizabeth (Rogers), ___, 1848, PR38.]
Mary E. [____], w. Benjamin F. ___, 1836, GR3.
Rebecca, w. George W. Wing (s. Scotter), d. Samuel and Avis (Pitman) (of Newport, R.I.), ___, 1810, PR38.
Samuel, h. Mary E. Williston of Bristol, RI., father of William, Mary Elizabeth, Benjamin, George, Charles, Almira,
and Eva, s. Samuel and Avis (Pitman) (of Newport, R.I.), ___, 1811, PR38.
Sarah Ann, second w. Calvert Handy, d. Samuel and Avis (Pitman) (of Newport, RI), ___, 1821, PR38.
Timothy, h. Elizabeth (d. Henry Rogers and Rhoda), s. Simeon and Remember of Cape Cod. ___, 1814 [? on Cape
Cod], PR38.
William, h. Henrietta Crocker of Cape Cod, s. Samuel and Avis (Pitman) (of Newport, RI.), ___, 1816, PR38.
Louisa Jane, second w. Capt. Charles Luce (s. Barzilla. and Charlotte), Dr. John Hancock of Blunt Co.,
Tenn., 19th, 11 mo. 1828, PR38.
____, d. Cyrus, Aug. 23, 1842.
THAIN (Thane)-
Anna G., d. David and Mary (Russell) (first w.), _____, PR38.
David [dup. Thane], ch. Alexander and Deborah, 16th, 6 mo. 1801, CR4. [Thain, GR2. Thain, h. Mary (d. James Russell and Polly), h. Mary B. (wid. Robert Macy, d. Shubael Coffin), s. Alexander and Deborah (Greene), 15th, 6 mo. 1802. PR38.]
Eliza, w. James C. Congdon of Newport, R.I., d. David and Mary (Russell) (first w.), ___, 1823, PR38.
Eliza, first w. William Calder (s. Robert and Lydia), d. Alexander and Deborah (Greene), ___, PR38.
Emma F., d. David, merchant, and Mary B. of N., Mar. 25, 1840. [Frances, d. David and Mary B. (Coffin) (Macy) (second w.), PR38.]
Jethro [dup. Thane], ch. Alexander and Deborah, 24th, 11 mo. 1804, CR4. [Thain, "m'd at the South," s. Alexander and Deborah (Greene), PR38.]
John [dup. Thane], ch. Alexander and Deborah, 26th, 9 mo. 1799, CR4.
Louisa, w. John Foley of Ohio, d. David and Mary (Russell) (first w.), ___, 1826, PR38.
Lydia, d. Alexander and Deborah (Greene), 15th, 10 mo. 1798, PR38.
Martha, d. David and Mary (Russell) (first w.), _____, PR38.
Mary Campbell, w. Thomas Hull of R.I., d. Alexander and Deborah (Greene), ___, PR38.
Mary R, w. Elisha D. Marshall of Pa., d. David and Mary (Russell) (first w.), _____, PR38.
Samuel [dup. Thane], ch. Alexander and Deborah, 3d, 11 mo. 1806, CR4. [Thain, "m'd in S.C.," s. Alexander and Deborah (Greene), PR38.]
Sarah., w. Reuben Meader (s. Nicholas and Rachel), d. Alexander and Deborah (Greene), 9th, 2 mo. 1795, PR38.
Thomas [dup. Thane], m., ch. Alexander and Deborah, 12th, 4 mo. 1802, CR4. [Thain, s. Alexander and Deborah
(Greene), PR38.]
Ansel, h. Lydia (d. Tristram Coleman and Eunice), h. Maria (d. Joshua Gruber), —, 2 mo. 1810, PR38.
Charles M., h. Ellen (d. Lot Fisher) [sic, see Ellen H. Gruber], s. Ansel and Lydia (Coleman) (first w.), —, 6 mo. 1835, PR38.
Eleanor G., d. Ansel, yeoman, and Maria E. of N., Dec. 21, 1846, in N.
Ellen H. [ ? m.], ___, 1828, [on stone beside that of C. M. Thomas, see Ellen H. Gruber] GR4.
George W., s. Ansel, carman, and Maria of N., Jan. 4, 1845, in N. [s. Ansel and Maria (Gruber) (second w.), 19th, 1 mo., PR38.]
James S., s. Ansel, laborer, and Maria of N., July 14, 1848.
John B., h. Harriett N. Wixon, s. Ansel and Maria (Gruber) (second w.), 26th, 3 mo. 1843, PR38.
Lydia M., w. Charles P. Gardner (s. Reuben and Eliza), second w. Rev. Albert C. Dearing of Santa Ana, Calif., d.
Ansel and Maria (Gruber) (second w.), _____, PR38.
Nathan, h. Rebecca, ___, 1777, PR38.
Orinda of Cape Cod, second w. George E. Gardner (s. Ansel and Elizabeth), second w. Charles H. Coffin (s. David),
23d, 10 mo. 1815, PR38.
Rebecca [____], w. Nathan, ___, 1774, PR38.
Susan, d. Nathan and Rebecca, ___, 1807, PR38.
Timothy, h. Wealthy (wid. John Middlehost, d. Job Swain), ___, 1794, PR38.
William H., s. Timothy and Wealthy (Swain) (Middlehost), 7th, 9 mo. 1817, PR38.
William H., s. Ansel and Lydia (Coleman) (first w.), -, 2 mo. 1837, PR38.
Adaline, w. George S. Clark (s. Shubael and Margaret), d. Isaac and Deidamia Elliott (second w.), ___, 1826, PR38.
Ann, ch. Isaac and Diademma, bp. Aug. 4, 1822, CR1. [Ann B., w. Cyrus Fisher (s. Jonathan of Martha's Vineyard), d. Isaac and Deidamia Elliott (second w.), b. 15th, 4 mo., PR38.]
Bethiah, ch. Isaac and Diademma, bp. Aug. 4, 1822, CR1. [Bethiah W., d. Isaac and Deidamia Elliott (second w.), b. 9th, 2 mo. 1814, PR38.]
Catherine, second w. Philip Coffin (s. Timothy and Priscilla), d. Richard and Esther (Morris), 23d, 6 mo. 1776 [dup. 1775], PR38.
Charles H., s. Isaac and Emily (Valentine), -, 6 mo. 1833, PR38.
Charlotte M., w. James H. Gibbs (s. James and Martha), d. Isaac and Deidamia Elliott (second w.), ___, 1824, PR38.
Deidamia Elliott [____], second w. Isaac, 15th, 10 mo. 1790, PR38.
Delia M., w. Reuben R. Hobbs (s. John), d. James and Dianna (Gibbs) (Dyke), -, 3 mo. 1831, PR38.
Eliza, ch. Isaac and Diademma, bp. Aug. 28, 1820, CR1. [first w. Stephen Bailey [dup. Bayley] (s. Benjamin and Abigail), d. Isaac and Deidamia Elliott (second w.), b. 20th, 1 mo. 1818, PR38.]
Eliza H., d. James, housewright, and Sarah of N., Oct. 25, 1846, in N. [d. James and Sarah A. (Horsefield), 25th, 10 mo. 1847, PR38.]
Emaline, d. James, carpenter, and Sarah of N., Apr. 5, 1849, in N. [Emmeline C., d. James and Sarah A. (Horsefield), PR38.]
Emmeline, w. Charles Swain, d. Joseph and Susan (Orpin), ___, 1839, PR38.
Florence, d. Nathaniel and Harriett (Thompson), ___, 1847, PR38.
George C., s. Dr. Isaac and Emily [ (Valentine) PR38.] of N., Sept. 30, 1844, in N.
George H., s. Isaac and Deidamia Elliott (second w.), 20th, 8 mo. 1832, PR38.
Harriett, w. Nathaniel Thompson (s. James and Dianna), d. Nathaniel (uncle of Nathaniel), ___, 1816, PR38.
Harriett, w. James Wyer (s. Obed and Polly), d. James and Dianna (Gibbs) (Dyke), ___, 1822, PR38.
Isaac, h. Sally Robinson of Middleborough, h. Deidamia Elliott, 4th, 2 mo. 1778, PR38.
Isaac, h. Emily (d. Samuel Valentine and Polly), ___, 1802, PR38.
Isaac C., s. Isaac and Deidamia Elliott (second w.), ___, 1829, PR38.
Isabella, d. Isaac and Emily (Valentine), _, 4 mo. 1835, PR38.
Isabella H., d. James and Dianna (Gibbs) (Dyke), ___, 1828, PR38.
James, Mar. 1, 1782, GR3. [h. Dianna (wid. Samuel Dyke, d. John Gibbs), ___, 1783, PR38.]
James, s. Isaac and Deidamia Elliott (second w.), 22d, 6 mo. 1812. PR38.
James, h. Sarah A. (d. Timothy Horsefield and Eliza), s. James and Dianna (Gibbs) (Dyke), 10th, 8 mo. 1819, PR38.
James M., s. James, carpenter, and Sarah [Sarah A. (Horsefield), PR38.] of N., Jan. 25, 1845, in N.
John G., s. James and Dianna (Gibbs) (Dyke), ___, 1817, PR38.
John M., s. Isaac and Emily (Valentine), —, 5 mo. 1837, PR38.
Joseph, "Portuguese," h. Susan (d. John B. Orpin and Mary), ___, 1808, PR38.
Joseph C., s. Joseph and Susan (Orpin), ___, 1849, PR38.
Judith, w. Job Swain Jr. (s. Job and Jane), d. Richard and Esther (Morris), ___, 1784., PR38.
Levi (see Love).
Lina C. [? m.], ___, 1849, [in lot with James b. 1782 and his son James] GR3.
Louisa [Thompson], w. Andrew M. Myrick, Sept. 28, 1823, GR3. [Thompson, w. Andrew Myrick (s. George and Eliza), d. James and Dianna (Gibbs) (Dyke), 28th, 9 mo. 1824. PR38.]
Love or Levi, ch. James and Dianna (Gibbs) (Dyke), ___, 1823. PR38.
Martha M., w. Joseph Francis, d. Joseph and Susan (Orpin), 9th, 8 mo. 1837, PR38.
Mary, w. Aaron Folger (s. Walter and Elizabeth), d. Richard and Esther (Morris), 23d, 1 mo. 1777, PR38.
Mary, ch. Isaac and Diademma, bp. Aug. 28, 1820, CR1. [w. John B. Fisher of Martha's Vineyard (s. Abraham), d. Isaac and Deidamia Elliott (second w..), b. 29th, 12 mo. 1815, PR38.]
Mary, d. Isaac and Emily (Valentine), _____, PR38.
Mary Abby, d. Joseph, mariner, and Susan of N., Apr. 30, 1844. in N. [Mary Ann, d. Joseph and Susan (Orpin),
Nathaniel, h. Harriett N. (d. Nathaniel Thompson ("his uncle) ), s. James and Dianna (Gibbs) (Dyke), ___, 1814, PR38.
Phebe Ann, w. Joseph W. Folger (s. Walter Jr. and Mary), d. James and Dianna (Gibbs) (Dyke), ___, 1816 [dup. 1815], PR38.
Reuben S., s. Joseph and Susan (Orpin), 11th, 5 mo. 1830, PR38.
Sally, w. Eleazer Richmond, d. Isaac and Sally Robinson (first w.), _____, PR38.
Sarah Ann, d. Joseph, laborer, and Susan [ (Orpin) PR38.] of N., Oct. 19, 1846, in N.
Susan B., d. Joseph and Susan (Orpin), 17th, 8 mo. 1832, PR38.
William Bartlett, ch. Isaac and Diademma, bp. Aug. 28, 1820, [h. Louisa B. and Elizabeth H. (daughters of William Cobb and Lucretia), s. Isaac and Deidamia Elliott (second w.), b. 27th, 7 mo., PR38.]
Anna R, d. John and Elizabeth (Perry) (second w.), _____, PR38.
Caroline A., w. ____ Kempton of New Bedford, d. John and Eliza (Greene) (first w.), __, 1814, PR38.
Clarissa E., d. John and Elizabeth (Perry) (second w.), _____, PR38.
Daniel, ch. Daniel and Rachel (wid. Moses Dame), 11th, 3 mo. 1821, CR4.
Elisabeth Mitchell, ch. Daniel and Rachel (wid. Moses Dame), 14th, 3 mo. 1815, CR4.
Elizabeth, ch. Daniel and Rachel (wid. Moses Dame), 30th, 1 mo. 1819, CR4. [3d, 1 mo., PR38.]
Elizabeth Jr., d. John and Elizabeth (Perry) (second w.), ___, 1829. PR38.
Elizabeth Mitchell (see Elisabeth Mitchell Thornton).
Emma P., w. Henry B. Bent [? of S. Boston), d. John and Elizabeth (Perry) (second w.), _____, PR38.
George, s. John and Eliza. (Greene) (first w.), ___, 1816, PR38.
George M., ch. Daniel and Rachel (wid. Moses Dame), 18th, 5 mo. 1814, CR4.
George M., ch. Daniel and Rachel (wid. Moses Dame), 25th, 2 mo. 1817, CR4.
John, h. Eliza (d. Caleb Greene and Amey), h. Elizabeth (d. Samuel Perry and Polly). s. Elisha, ___, 1785, PR38.
John Jr., s. John and Elizabeth (Perry) (second w.), _____, PR38.
Charles F., h. Mary C. (d. William A. Easton, later w. Charles Ellis), s. Nathaniel and Susan (Gardner), 10th, 7 mo. 1841, PR38.
Charles M., h. Rachel H. Pitman, s. John and Sabra Smith of Newport, R.I., 23d, 2 mo. 1792, PR38.
Eliza J., d. Nathaniel and Susan (Gardner), 13th, 3 mo. 1843, PR38.
Esther M., w. William R. Pitman of New Bedford, d. John and Sabra Smith of Newport, R.I., 25th, 7 mo. 1800, PR38.
Harriett S., d. John and Sabra Smith of Newport, R.I., 27th, 9 mo. 1804, PR38.
Job, h. Rachel (d. Nathaniel Coleman and Hepsabeth), h. Ruth (d. James Cartwright and Love), "No chn. by either," s. Benjamin and Amey, 1st, 10 mo. 1756. PR38.
John Sr. of Newport, R.I., h. Mary (d. Paul Coffin and Mary of N.), 10th, 4 mo. 1713 [? in Newport, R.I.] PR38.
John Jr. of Newport, R.I., h. Sabra Smith, s. John Sr. and Mary (Coffin) of Newport, R.I., 12th, 6 mo. 1750 [I? in Newport, R.I.], PR38.
Latham, s. John Sr. and Mary (Coffin) of Newport, R.I., 20th, 10 mo. 1748 [? in Newport, R.I.], PR38.
Maria, w. John Sterne of Newport, R.I., d. John and Sabra Smith of Newport, 5th, 1 mo. 1790, PR38.
Mary, w. Hezekiah Starbuck (s. Thomas and Rachel), d. John Sr. and Mary (Coffin) of Newport, R.I., 17th, 7 mo. 1752 [? in Newport, RI.], PR38.
Mary Ann, d. Nathaniel, carman, and Susan of N., Dec. 30, 1846, in N. [w. William H. Wilcomb (s. Moses), w. Charles H. Taylor, d. Nathaniel and Susan (Gardner), PR38.]
Nathaniel., h. Susan (d. George C. Gardner and Polly), ___, 1813, PR38.
Paul, s. John and Mary (Coffin) of Newport, R.I., 16th, 7 mo. 1769 [ ? in Newport, R.I.], PR38.
Samuel, s. John and Mary (Coffin) of Newport, RI., 9th, 2 mo. 1763 [ ? in Newport, R.I.], PR38.
Sidney (see _____)
Sophia C., d. John and Sabra Smith of Newport, RI., 3d, 4 mo. 1797, PR38.
William M., s. Nath[anie]l, carman, and Susan of N., Mar. 10, 1845. in N. [s. Nathaniel and Susan (Gardner), 11th, 3 mo., PR38.]
____, s. Nathanel, carman, and Susan of N., Jan. 2, 1849. [ Sidney, s. Nathaniel and Susan (Gardner), PR38.]
Abigail, w. Otis Pinkham (s. John and Rose), d. Ephraim and Rose (d. Joseph Austin and Sarah) [sic, see birth of Rose], ___, 1701, PR38.
Ann, w. Paul Starbuck (s. Nathaniel Jr. and Dinah), d. Ephraim and Rose (Austin), _____, PR38.
Mary, w. Matthew Barnard (s. John and Sarah), d. Ephraim and Rose (Austin) of Dover, N.H., ___, 1707, PR38.
Mary Anna, w. Garret Van Iderstine, d. William H. (of Albany, N.Y.) and Lydia G. (Chase), —, 1 mo. 1841, PR38.
Susan Emma, d. Willaim H., mariner, and Lydia of N., Jan. 25, 1845. in N.
William A., s. William H., mariner, and Lydia G. of N., Mar. 26, 1849.
William H., Capt., master mariner, h. Lydia G., h. Susan E., ___, 1815, GR3. [William H. of Albany, N.Y., h. Lydia G. (d. Owen Chase and Margaret) [see Susan E. Paddack], PR38.]
Sally, w. John Hunt Wendall, w. Uriah Gardner, second w. Samuel Barrett of Boston, d. Joseph of Boston, 6th, 3 mo. 1743, PR38.
Lydia, w. Jethro Dunham of Tuckernuck, d. ____Tilton, 5th, 10 mo. 1755, PR38.
Otis, h. Mary E. [(Swain)], ___, 1842, GR3.
TIRRELL (see Terrell)TOBEY-
Abgail, second w. Laban Coffin (s. Richard Jr. and Mary), d. Dr. Talman or Tobey of New Bedford, 2d, 8 mo. 1766, PR38.
Albert, h. Nancy (d. Benjamin Irish of New Bedford) [sic., see William], s. Tristram and Clarissa (Handy), 14th, 3 mo. 1813, PR38.
Albert Irving, h. Elvira S. Norton of New Bedford, h. Mary, s. Albert and Nancy (Irish), ___, 1839, PR38.
Almira, d. Tristram and Clarissa (Handy), _____, PR38.
Ansel R., h. Eliza (d. Samuel Jenks Sr. and Eunice), h. Eloise M. Gridley of Watertown, s. Tristram and Clarissa (Handy), 17th, 5 mo.1808, PR38.
Benjamin G., h. Sarah C. (d. William H. Gifford and Lydia), s. Albert and Nancy (Irish), ___, 1836, PR38.
Caroline, w. John W. Folger (s. Barnabas and Elizabeth), d. Tristram and Clarissa (Handy), ___, 1811 [dup. 25th, 11 mo. 1809], PR38.
Charles, h. Mary Goodspeed [? accuracy], s. William and Nancy (Irish), 16th, 5 mo. 1798. PR38.
Charlotte, w. Barzillai Burditt (s. Barzillai and Eunice), d. Tristram and Clarissa (Handy), ___, 1821, PR38.
Elizabeth [dup. Eliza], w. Archibald Ward of New Bedford, d. Tristram and Clarissa (Handy), 4th, 3 mo. 1805. PR38.
George W., h. Mary B. (d. Stephen Bennett), father of Charles B., s. William and Nancy (Irish), 16th, 12 mo. 1804, PR38.
Harriett, w. ____ Holley of Boston, d. William and Nancy (Irish), 10th, 9 mo. 1809, PR38.
Horace, s. Albert, carpenter, and Nancy of N., Aug. 13, 1845, in N. [s. Albert and Nancy (Irish), ___, 1846, PR38.]
Lucy, w. Jonathan Pitts (s. Obed and Rhoda), d. Tristram and Clarissa (Handy). 23d, 9 mo. 1802, PR38.
Mary, d. William and Nancy (Irish), 28th, 4 mo. 1795, PR38.
Mary, w. David J. Upham (s. Timothy and Rebecca), d. Tristram and Clarissa (Handy). 23d, 4 mo. 1816 [dup. 1817], PR38.
Sarah J., w. John W. Macy (s. Gorham and Lucretia), d. Dr. Ansel [dup. Anselm] H. and Eliza (Jenks) (first w.). 28th, 4 mo. 1833, PR38.
Tristram, h. Clarissa (Handy) ("sister of Seth Swain's wife"), 25th, 9 mo. 1774, PR38.
Tristram, s. William and Nancy (Irish), 23d, 11 mo. 1817, PR38.
Valina, d. William and Nancy (Irish), 16th, 6 mo. 1807, PR38.
William, h. Nancy (d. Benjamin Irish) [? accuracy, see Albert], 29th, 1 mo. 1778, PR38.
Joseph H., h. Clarissa (d. John Coleman and Love), s. Joseph and Mary (Clark), 10th [dup. 11th], 10 mo. 1810, PR38.
TOPPE (Topp)-
Eunice A., d. Frederica (Toppee) of N., Mar. 12, 1848, in N.
Frederica. Wilhelmina (Topp), w. ____ Rogers, July 15, 1830, in Deisseldorf [Germany], [Taupa, w. George W. Rogers (s. Warren and Susan), ___, 1826 [in Germany], PR38.]
Abigail [dup. Abby] G., second w. Charles Robbins (s. John and Elizabeth), third w. Wiliam Keen (s. Moses and Anna), d. Thomas and Phebe (Baxter), 6th, 7 mo. 1805, PR38.
Anna M., w. William B. Rivers, d. Thomas and Phebe (Baxter), 17th [dup. 13th], 8 mo. 1813, PR38.
Benjamin, s. Thomas and Phebe (Baxter), 12th, 3 mo. 1808, PR38.
David B., s. Thomas and Phebe (Baxter), 15th, 10 mo. 1810, PR38.
James, h. Sarah, May 8, 1801, CR2. [h. Sarah (d. Jonathan Hall and Elizabeth) ("No chn."), s. Thomas and Phebe (Baxter), PR38.]
James, s. James and Janette (Brock), _____, PR38.
Janette, w. Obed Worth (s. Andrew and Judith), d. James and Janette (Brock), 23d, 11 mo. 1766, PR38.
Janette, first w. Charles Robbins (s. John and Elizabeth), "No chn.," d. Thomas and Phebe (Baxter), 13th, 7 mo. 1799, PR38.
Lydia B., w. Thomas W. Macy (s. William Jr. and Anna), d. Thomas and Phebe (Baxter), 20th, 12 mo. 1797, PR38.
Mary, first w. Thomas B. Swain (s. James and Rebecca), d. Thomas and Phebe (Baxter), 30th, 6 mo. 1803, PR38.
Thomas, h. Phebe (d. Christopher Baxter and Mary), s. James and Jennette (Brock), 15th, 10 mo. 1770, PR38.
TRACY (Tracey)-
Anna M. (Tracey), w. Joseph S. Hussey (s. Albert), d. Jared W. and Mary H. (Hussey), 10th, 4 mo. 1839, PR38.
Charles H. [dup. Tracey], h. Delia M. (d. Joseph Whippey and Mary), s. Henry and Hepsabeth (Baker), 3d, 9 mo. 1808, PR38.
Eliza A. (see Elizabeth A.)
Elizabeth, d. Henry and Elizabeth (Gardner), 16th, 7 mo. 1776, PR38.
Erizabeth d. Jared, cordwainer, and Mary of N., Apr. 23, 1849. [Eliza A. Tracey, d. Jared W. and Mary H. (Hussey), PR38.]
George H. (Tracey), s. Jared W. and Mary H. (Hussey), ___, 1835, PR38.
Henry, h. Hepsabeth (d. Lemuel Baker and Abial of Falmouth), s. Henry and Elizabeth (Gardner), 26th, 9 mo. 1782, PR38.
Henry, s. Charles H., mariner, and Delia M. of N., June 10, 1845, in N. [Henry G. Tracey, s. Charles H. and Delia
M. (Whippey), PR38.]
Jared W. (Tracey), h. Mary H. (d. Sylvanus Hussey and Prudence), ___, 1797, PR38.
Lucius F. (Tracey), s. Jared W. (Tracy), cordwainer, and Mary of N., Feb. 25, 1846, in N. [Lewis P., s. Jared W. and Mary H. (Hussey), PR38.]
Lydia, w. Job Smith (s. Sylvanus and Jane), w. George Fieldham, d. Henry and Elizabeth (Gardner), 10th, 4 mo. 1784, PR38.
Mary, w. Manuel Flink, w. ____ Anderson, d. Henry and Elizabeth (Gardner), _____, PR38.
Mary P. (Tracey), d. Charles H. and Delia M. (Whippey), ___, 1841. PR38.
Nathan, s. Henry and Elizabeth (Gardner), _____, PR38.
Orestes A. B. (Tracey), m., s. Jared W. and Mary H. (Hussey), 18th. 2 mo. 1843, PR38.
Phebe M., d. Charles H., mariner, and Delia M. of N., Jan. 22, 1847. in N. [Phebe W. Tracey, d. Charles H. and Delia M. (Whippey). PR38.]
Rebecca [Tracy], Oct. 17, 1840, GR3. [Rebecca H. Tracey, d. Jared W. and Mary H. (Hussey), 17th, 10 mo. 1841, PR38.]
Thomas, s. Henry and Elizabeth (Gardner), 5th, 10 mo. 1788, PR38.
Charles, h. Sarah Lizzie Hathaway of Fair Haven, h. Mary F. Ford, s. Job L. and Lucretia (Davis), ___, 1823, PR38.
Job L., h. Lucretia. (d. Joseph Davis and Thankful), ___, 1789, PR38.
Martha R., w. Thomas M. Gardner (s. Charles B. and Avis), d. Job L. and Lucretia (Davis), _____, PR38.
Samuel G., h. Hannah (d. Freeborn Fisher), ___, 1795, PR38.
Sophronia G., w. John Reynolds of N.Y., d. Samuel G. and Hannah (Fisher), 2d, 7 mo. 1819, PR38.
Delia [____], w. Samuel, niece of Abby (Kelley) Betts, _____, PR38.
Adeline M., w. Roland Macy (s. Josiah and Eliza), d. Robert and Lydia B. (Swain), 20th, 10 mo. 1839, PR38.
TROTT (Trot)-
Abigail, d. John, 8th, 4 mo. 1693. [second w. George Brown, d. John and Ann, PR38.]
Abigail, w. Benjamin Allen (s. Nathaniel and Mercy), d. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Norton), 15th, 10 mo. 1746, PR38.
Ann (Trot), ch. Benjamin and Elizabeth, Sept. to, 1736. [Trott, second w. John Coleman (s. John and Priscilla), "No chn.," d. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Norton), 21st, 9 mo., PR38.]
Benjamin, s. John, 8th, 9 mo. 1685. [h. Elizabeth (d. Jacob Norton of Martha's Vineyard and Dinah), s. John and
Ann, PR38.]
Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Norton), _____, PR38.
Dinah, w. Thomas Starbnck (s. Thomas and Rachel), d. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Norton), 5th, 9 mo. 1743, PR38.
Elizabeth, first w. William Ellis (s. John and Dinah), d. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Norton), _____, PR38.
Elizabeth, d. John and Ann, _____, PR38.
James, s. John [s. John and Ann, PR38.], 20th, 11 mo. 1687.
John, [twin] s. John [s. John and Ann, PR38.], 28th, 6 mo. 1683.
John, ch. Benjamin (Trot) and Elizabeth, Dec. 6, 1734. [s. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Norton), 6th, 12 mo., "settled at Swansey," PR38.]
Joseph, s. John, Mar. 10, 1680 [dup. 10th, 2 mo. 168`]. [s. John and Ann, ___, 1680-1, PR38.]
Mary, d. John [d. John and Ann, PR38.], 31st, 8 mo. 1690.
Mary, ch. Benjamin (Trot) and Elizabeth, Oct. 3, 1730. [w. Frederic Folger (s. Eleazer Jr. and Mary), d.. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Norton). PR38.
Priscilla (Trot), ch. Benjamin and Elizabeth, Dec. 18, 1737. [Trott, second w. Thomas Arthur (s. John Jr. and Mary (Folger)), "No chn.," d. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Norton), 18th, 12 mo., PR38.]
Prissilla., d. John, 11th, 1 mo. 1697 [Priscilla, d. John and Ann, PR38.]
Rachel (Trot), ch. Benjamin and Elizabeth, June 29, 1733. [Trott, w. James Clark (s. John and Mary), d. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Norton), 29th, 6 mo., PR38.]
Rachell (Trot), [twin] d. John, Aug. 23, 1683. [Rachel Trott, w. Thomas Gorham, d. John and Ann, PR38.]
Tabitha [dup. Trott], d. John, Mar. 2, 1679. [Trott, w. John Frost w. Joseph Brown ("a German Physician") of Newport, RI., d. John and Ann, 2d, 3 mo., PR38.]
Ann Maria, d. William and Maria, —, 5 mo. 1815, PR38.
Francis J., s. William and Maria, —, 7 mo. 1817, PR38.
Maria [____], w. William, 16th, 4 mo. 1788, PR38.
Sarah, d. William and Maria, 15th, 5 mo. 1813, PR38.
William, h. Maria, ___, 1789, PR38.
William, s. William and Maria, 27th, 10 mo. 1819, PR38.
Miranda (see Miranda Hastings).
Aaron M., s. Samuel B. and Susan (Mitchell), ___, 1826. PR38.
Charles H., s. Samuel B. and Susan (Mitchell), _____ [? before 1850], PR38.
Clara, d. Samuel B., merchant, and Susan M. of N., Mar. 18, 1844, in N.
Eliza Ann, w. William H. Chase (s. Peter and Elizabeth), d. Samuel J. and Judith (Gardner), ___, 1810, PR38.
Emeline, d. Uriah G. and Mary A., Sept. 16, 1834, GR3. [d. Uriah G. and Mary (Allen) (first w.), PR38.]
Eugene, s. Samuel B. and Susan (Mitchell), ___, 1846, PR38.
Francis. s. Samuel B., merchant, and Susan M. of N., Feb. 25, 1848, in N.
Frederic B., s. Samuel B. and Susan (Mitchell), _____ [? before 1850], PR38.
George F., s. Samuel B. and Susan (Mitchell), _____ [? before 1850]. PR38.
Horace, s. Uriah G. and Mary (Allen) (first w.), 12th, 1 mo. 1843, PR38.
Isabella, w. Oscar McComb [of] New York, d. Samuel B. and Susan (Mitchell), _____, PR38.
Jethro M., s. Samuel B., merchant, and Susan of N., Aug. 19, 1845, in N.
Joseph, s Uriah G. and Mary (Allen) (first w.), 4th, 11 mo. 1838, PR38.
Joseph, s. Samuel J. and Judith (Gardner), _____, PR38.
Mary H., w. Marcus Starbuck (s. George and Elizabeth), d. Uriah G. and Mary (Allen) (first w.), 16th, 9 ma. 1840,
Mary P. [Tuck], w. Valentine Hussey, Apr. 1, 1801, [Tuck, w. ____ Parker [sic] of Baltimore, Md., third w. Valentine Hussey (s. Zaccheus and Lydia), "No chn.," d. Samuel J. and Judith (Gardner), PR38.]
Mary S., d. Samuel B. and Susan (Mitchell), _____ [? before 1850], PR38.
Samuel B., h. Susan (d. Aaron Mitchell and Mary), s. Samuel J. and Judith (Gardner), ___, 1799, PR38.
Samuel B. Jr., h. Julia M. Stoddard of Brooklyn, N.Y., s. Samuel B. and Susan (Mitchell), ___, 1828. PR38.
Sarah, w. Artemas Davis (s. Stephen and Martha Tileson), d. Samuel J. and Judith (Gardner), 19th, 8 mo. 1794,
Sarah S., d. Uriah G., cooper, and Mary of N., Nov. 20, 1845, in N.
Susan M., d. Uriah G. and Mary (Allen) (first w.) , 29th, 9 mo. 1836, PR38.
Uriah G., h. Mary (d. Joseph Allen and Abigail), h. Harriett (wid. Barzillai Folger) ("no chn."), s. Samuel J. and Judith (Gardner), ___, 1808, PR38.
William M., s. Samuel B. and Susan (Mitchell), ___, 1824, PR38.
William S., s. Uriah G., cooper, and Mary of N., Nov. 10, 1846, in N.
Mary S. [____], w. Benjamin, Dec. 14, 1792, GR3.
Robert, h. Betsey Bullard, s. Stephen and Elizabeth (Swain), _____, PR38.
Sarah, w. Barzillai Wilbur, d. Stephen and Elizabeth (Swain), _____, PR38.
Stephen, h. Elizabeth (d. Peter Swain and Sarah), s. William and Hepsabeth (Daggett), _____, PR38.
Stephen Jr., s. Stephen and Elizabeth (Swain), _____, PR38.
Valentine. s. Stephen and Elizabeth (Swain), _____, PR38.
William, h. Polly (d. Samuel Giford of Falmouth), h. Jedida (wid. Briggs Wilber, d. Simeon Coffin), father of Mary
Ann, Sarah, Eliza Ann, William, and Thomas, s. William and Hepsabeth (Daggett), _____, PR38.
Martha, d. Benjamln and Abigail, bp. Nov. 28, 1773, CR3. [w. Obadiah Wood of N.J., d. Dr. Benjamin
and Abigail (Woodbury) (Calif) (Starbuck) (second w.). PR38.]
Abner, h. Lucinda (Randal) (d. "Charles James' wife by a former husband"), s. Baker and Susan (Pinkham), ?4th, 8 mo. 1810, PR38.
Abner Jr., s. Abner, sailmaker, and Lucina [Lucinda (Randal), PR38.] of N., Mar. 18, 1849, in N.
Amelia W., w. Oliver (s. Caleb Cushman and Silvea), d. George and Mary (Coleman), ___, 1843, PR38.
Anna F., w. Shubael M. Winslow (s. Shubael and Ann), d. Job and Elizabeth (James). ___, 1839. PR38.
Baker, h. Susan (d. Tristram Pinkham and Lydia), 18th, 11 mo. 1766, PR38.
Baker, s. Abner, sail maker, and Lucinda of N., July 15, 1845, in N.
Benjamin, h. Rhoda (d. Peleg Coggeshall and Deborah), s. Baker and Susan (Pinkham), 20th, 6 mo. 1794, PR38.
Benjamin C., h. Sarah C. (d. Peleg Ray and Harriett), s. Job and Elizabeth (James), ___, 1827. PR38.
Betsey, w. Samuel Joy (s. Reuben and Mary), d. Baker and Susan (Pinkham), 28th, 11 mo. 1795, PR38.
Caroline C., w. Alexander G. Coffin (s. Alexander and Lydia), d. Benjamin and Rhoda (Coggeshall), 16th, 1 mo. 1821, PR38.
Charles H., s. George and Mary (Coleman), ___, 1839, PR38.
Edward C., first h. Eliza Jane (d. Lemuel Fish), s. George and Mary (Coleman). ___, 1829, PR38.
Eliza F., d. Job and Elizabeth (James), _____, PR38.
Francis P., s. George and Mary (Coleman), ___, 1840, PR38.
George, h. Mary (d. Gardner Coleman and Lyd.ia), s. Baker and Susan (Pinkham), 5th, 2 mo. [dup. 3 mo.] 1803, PR38.
George B., h. Ann Maria (d. Edward G. Orpin and Eliza), s. Job and Elizabeth (James),___, 1825, PR38.
George F., h. Martha C. (d. Alexander Hunter and Malinda), s. George and Mary (Coleman), ___, 1833, PR38.
George Nelson, s. George W., sail maker, and Sarah J. of N., July 22, 1843, in N.
George W., "an orphan from Boston," h. Sarah Jane (d. Caleb Allen and Love), 19th, 8 mo. 1809. PR38.
Harriett B., d. George and Mary (Coleman), ___, 1837, PR38.
Harriett C., d. George W. and Sarah J. (Allen), 19th, 5 mo. 1835, PR38.
Henry J., h. Abby Eaton, s. Job and Elizabeth (James), ___, 1823, PR38.
Job P., Oct. 22, 1797, GR2. [h. Elizabeth (d. Francis James and Elizabeth), s. Baker and Susan (Pinkham), PR38.]
Job P., s. Job and Elizabeth (James), ___, 1841, PR38.
Lucy, w. Frederick H. Barnard (s. Libni and Lydia), d. Baker and Susan [dup. Susanna] (Pinkham), 26th, 9 mo. 1799, PR38.
Lucy B., w. Zenas P. Nickerson of the Cape, d. Job and Elizabeth (James), _____, PR38.
Lydia, d. Baker and Susan (Pinkham), ___, 1812, PR38.
Lydia C., w. Horace B. Cash of Barnstable, d. Job and Elizabeth (James), ___, 1834, PR38.
Sally, w. Elijah Parker (s. Isaac and Prudence), d. Baker and Susan (Pinkham), 11th, 8 mo. 1806, PR38.
Sarah P., w. Columbus Gardner (s. Uriah and Lurania), George and Mary (Coleman), ___, 1831, PR38.
Wiliam P., s. George and Mary (Coleman), ___, 1849, PR38.
Thomas, s. Thomas and Rebecca (James), 25th, 6 mo. 1799, PR38.
Richard H. C., s. Nathan and Leah, 27th, 6 mo. 1813, PR38.
Abby E., d. William, ship wright, and Sarah M. of N., Aug. 29, 1845, in N.
Deborah, w. Francis H. Macy (s. Josiah and Lydia), d. Adonijah and Deborah (Sutton), 16th, 6 mo. 1828 [ ? in N.Y.], PR38.
Frederick S., s. William J. F., ship carpenter, and Sarah of N., Feb. 21, 1849, in N.
Mary Abby A., d. John F, ship wright, and Sarah Mr of N., July 7, 1843, in N.
Ann B., Joseph T., mariner, and Ann B. of N., Apr. 4, 1846, in N.
Anna, d. Jonathan and Ruth, Dec. 5, 1735, [Ann, first w. Jethro Starbuck (s. William and Anna), d. Jonathan and Ruth (Swain) (Coffin) (second w.), PR38.
Anna, w. Joseph Parker (s. Nathan and Mary), d. Jonathan and Anna (Coffin), 9th, 9 mo. 1784, PR38.
David, s. Jonathan and Ruth, July 15, 1725. [first h. Priscilla (d. Richard Worth and Sarah), s. Jonathan and Ruth (Pease) (first w.), PR38.]
Davd, s. David and Priscilla, Sept 23, 1749. [David Jr., s. David and Priscilla (Worth), 23d, 9 mo., PR38.]
David, h. Elizabeth (d. Joseph Gardner and Abigail), s. Jonathan and Abigail (Coffin), 24th, 10 mo. 1776, PR38.
David Jr., first h. Almira (d. Isaac Orpin and Rhoda, later w. Charles Rawson), s. David and Elizabeth (Gardner), 1st, 5 mo. 1806, PR38.
David J., h. Mary (s. Tristram Tobey and Clarissa), s. Timothy and Rebecca (Folger), 12th, 4 mo. 1818, PR38.
Deborah, d. Jonathan and Ruth, Sept 14, 1727. [w. Henry FitzGerald Sr., w. Benjamin Pitts (s. Jonathan), d. Jonathan and Ruth (Pease) (first w.), PR38.]
Delia M., w. Andrew E. Arthur (s. Stephen Jr. and Avis), d. Timothy and Rebecca (Folger), 25th, 2 mo. 1811,
Delia M., d. William and Margaret (Folzer), 29th, 9 mo. 1835,
Edward, s. John and Mary Stillman (first w.), _____, PR38.
Edward, h. Mary P. (d. Charles Kelley and Judith of Maine), s. John and Mary Stillman (first w.),_____, PR38.
Eliza, w. John M. Folger (s. Alfred and Lydia), d. David and Elizabeth (Gardner), 28th, 7 mo. 1822 [? in Ohio], PR38.
Elizabeth, d. Jonathan and Ruth, Oct. 17, 1749. [w. James Williams (s. James), d. Jonathan and Ruth (Swain)
(Coffin) (second w.), 17th, 10 mo., PR38.]
Floret, d. David J., merchant, and Mary of N., July 25, 1845, in N. [Florette, d. David J. and Mary (Tobey), PR38.]
Henry M., s.. William, mariner, and Margaret G. of N., Mar. 21, 1844., in N. [s. William and Margaret (Folger), 23d, 3 mo., PR38.]
James, h. Ann Barney "also" ("No chn."), s. John and Mary Stillman (first w.), _____, PR38.
John, h. ____ ("a French woman") [dup. Mary Stillman of England], h. Elizabeth (d. Silas Gardner and Susanna) ("No chn."), s. Jonathan and Anna (Coffin), 25th, 10 mo. 1781, PR38.
John, h. Nancy ("an English girl," of Maine), Harriett Batchelder [of] Maine, s. John and Mary Stillman (first
w.), _____, PR38.
Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Ruth, June 15, 1723. [h. Lydia (d. Joseph Coleman and Rachel), s. Jonathan and Ruth (Pease) (first w.), 15th, 6 mo., PR38.]
Jonathan, h. Anna (d. John Coffin and Anna), s. Jonathan and Lydia (Coleman), 13th, 11 mo. 1752, PR38.
Joseph, s. David and Elizabeth (Gardner), ___, 1820 [? in Ohio], PR38.
Joseph S., h. Ann (d. Jacob Barney and Anna), s. John and Mary Stillman (first w.), _____, PR38.
Judith, d. Jonathan, Feb. 16, 1718-19. [w. William Devon of Boston, d. Jonathan and Ruth (Pease) (first w.), ___, 1719, PR38.]
Mary, d. David and Priscilla, July 30, 1748. [first w. Reuben Giles (s. Beriah and Mary), d. David and Priscilla (Worth), 30th, 7 mo., PR38.]
Mary Ann, w. Albert Swain (s. David and Susan), "No chn.," d. John and Mary Stillman (first w.), _____, PR38.
Nancy, d. David and Elizabeth (Gardner), _____, PR38.
Phebe, d. Jonathan and Anna (Coffin), 30th, 4 mo. 1795, PR38.
Ruth, w. Francis Coffin (s. Thomas and Abigail), d. Jonathan and Anna (Coffin), 29th, 9 mo. 1774. PR38.
Susana, d. Jonathan, 31st, 1 mo. 1721. [Susanna, w. Peter Coleman (s. Jeremiah and Sarah). d. Jonathan and Ruth (Pease) (first w.). PR38.]
Susanna, d. Jonathan and Anna (Coffin), 4th, 10 mo. 1779, PR38.
Timothy, h. Rebecca (d. Thaddeus Folger and Margaret), s. Jonathan and Anna (Coffin), 9th, 1 mo. 1787, PR38.
William, h. Margaret (d. William Folger and Lucy), s. David and Elizabeth (Gardner), 2d, 10 mo. 1808, PR38.
William, s. John and Mary Stillman (first w.),_____, PR38.
Ann C., w. George Hayward Jr, d. George B. and Ann C. (Hussey), —, 6 mo. 1831 [? in Boston], PR38.
Bruce, h. Mrs. Geraldine J. Rivers of Milton, s. George B. and Ann C. (Hussey), —, 8 mo. 1829 [? in Boston], PR38.
Daniel P., s. George B. and Ann C. (Hussey), _____ [? in Boston], PR38.
Elizabeth., d. George B., merchant, and Ann C. of N., June 3, 1843, in N.
Ellen, d. George B. and Ann C. (Hussey), _____ [? in Boston], PR38.
Frances, d. George B. and Ann C. (Hussey), _____ [? in Boston]. PR38.
George B. of Boston, h. Ann C (d. Peter Hussey and Mary), ___, 1804. PR38.
Mary H., w. Alexander Young of Boston, d. George B. and Ann C. (Hussey), 20th. 12 mo. 1839 [ ? in Boston], PR38.
Smith, h. Sarah (wid. George Coffin, Obed Mitchell) ("No chn."), s. Edward of N.Y., _, 2 mo. 1784. [ ? in N.Y.],
William C., s. George B. and Ann C. (Hussey), _____ [? in Boston]. PR38.
Elizabeth of L,I., w. Reuben Gardner (s. Reuben and Theodate), 21st, 8 mo. 1747, PR38.
David C., h. Charlotte (d. John Macy and Eliza), s. Samuel and Polly Claghorn, ___, 1817, PR38.
Emily, w. Dr. Isaac Thompson, d. Samuel and Polly Claghorn, ___, 1810, PR38.
Emma, w. Francis S. Drake, d. Henry C. and Emmeline (Mitchell), _____, PR38.
George, s. Samuel and Polly Claghorn, _____, PR38.
Harriet M., d. David C., painter, and Charlotte of N., Jan. 16, 1847. in N.
Henry C., h. Emmeline (d. Aaron Mitchell and Mary), s. Samuel and Polly Claghorn, ___, 1807. PR38.
James, h. Polly Bramhall of N.Y., s. Samuel and Polly Claghorn, ___, 1812. PR38.
Mary, second w. Charles Rawson (s. Stephen and Abigail), d. Samuel and Polly Claghorn, ___, 1800, PR38.
Polly Claghorn [____] w. Samuel, ___, 1777, PR38.
Sidney, h. Mary W. (d. George Haggerty and Phebe), s. Henry C. and Emmeline (Mitchell), ___, 1835, PR38.
John, s. Humphrey, Sept. 5, 1664 [Varney, s. Humphrey and w., PR38.]
Amey Ann, d. Peter P. and Rachel (Allen) (Morselander), 30th, 8 mo. 1814. [? in N.Y.], PR38.
Ann Maria, d. Peter P. and Rachel (Allen) (Morselander), 20th, 12 mo. 1818 [? in N.Y.], PR38.
Charles, s. Charles A. and Susan (Austin), ___, 1836. PR38.
Charles A., h. Susan (d. George Austin and Sarah), s. Peter P. and Rachel (Allen) (Morselander), 2d, 8 mo. 1809 [? in NY.], PR38.
David, s. Peter P. and Rachel (Allen) (Morselander), 17th, 4 mo. 1812 [? in N.Y.], PR38.
David S., s. Charles A. and Susan (Austin), ___, 1842, PR38.
George A., Capt., s. C. A. and S. C., Sept. 29, 1834. GR4. [h. Sarah S. (d. Shubael Winslow and Ann), s. Charles A.
and Susan (Austin), PR38.]
Mary Ann, d. Peter P. and Rachel (Allen) (Morselander), 10th, 12 mo. 1815 [ ? in N.Y.], PR38.
Mary F., d. Charles A. and Susan (Austin), ___, 1848, PR38.
Peter P., h. Rachel (wid. Zebenezer Morselander, d. John Allen and Amey), 2d, 2 mo. 1780 [? in N.Y.], PR38.
Arthur, s. Daniel and Ann (Paddack) (first w.), ___, 1840, PR38.
Daniel, ___, 1816. GR2. [Daniel of Martha's Vineyard, h. Ann (d. John Paddack and Polly), h. M. W. (wid. Charles Gardner, d. ____ Hussey), ___, 1817, PR38.]
Howard, s. Daniel and Ann (Paddack) (first w.), ___, 1844, PR38.
John P., s. Daniel and Ann (Paddack) (first w.), ___, 1842, PR38.
Joseph of Martha's Vineyard, h. Phebe (d. George Barnard and Meribah), ___, 1814 [? in Edgartown], PR38.
Manuel, h. Susan D., ___, 1830, PR38.
Rebecca, w. George Barrett (s. John and Judith), d. Peter M. of Edgartown, 27th, 4 mo. 1822, PR38.
Sarah P., d. Daniel, carpenter, and Ann of N., Feb. 15, 1845, in N.
Sarah P., d. Daniel, carpenter, and Ann of N., May 23, 1846, in N. [w. Oscar Lewis [of] Calif., d. Daniel and Ann (Paddack) (first w.), PR38.]
Susan D. [____], w. Manuel, ___, 1833, PR38.
Maria M., d. Frederick, teacher, and Phebe of N., Apr. 17, 1847, in N.