To the Year 1850
Published by the
New England Historic Genealogical Society
At the Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms
at the charge of The Eddy Town-Record Fund
[transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

Sarah, d. John and Sarah, Feb. 4, 1739-40.
Andrew G., h. Harriett Manton of Providence, R.I., s. Samuel and Harriett (Coffin), 20th, 11 mo. 1838, PR38.
Edwin B., s. James C. and Phebe (Green), _____, PR38.
Francess, d. Samuel S., merchant, and Harriet of N., Mar. 19, 1847, in N. [Frances H., d. Samuel S. and Harriett (Coffin), 15th, 3 mo., PR38.]
Francess E., d. Samuel S., merchant, and Harriet of N., Mar. 3, 1845, in N.
Harriett, d. Samuel S. and Harriett (Coffin), 18th, 9 mo. 1836, PR38.
Henry C., s. Samuel S. and Harriett (Coffin), 1st, 10 mo. 1842, PR38.
James C., h. Phebe (d. John Green and Lydia,) ___, 1806, PR38.
James S., s. James C., cordwainer, and Phebe of N., Sept 7, 1845, in N. [James C., s. James C and Phebe (Green), PR38.]
Maria, w. George Friend Jr. of Belmont [probably correct reading, see his birth], d. James C. and Phebe (Green), _____, PR38.
Martin, s. James C. and Phebe (Green), _____, PR38.
Mitchell, s. Samuel S. and Harriett (Coffin), 27th, 7 mo. 1840, PR38.
Phebe Ann, d. James C., cordwainer, and Phebe C. of N, Sept. 20, 1847, in N.
Samuel S., h. Harriett (d. Gorham Coffin and Rebecca), h. Abby Dyer of Providence, R.I., ___, 1813, PR38.
Sarah G., d. James H., cordwainer, and Phebe L. of N., Nov. 7, 1843, in N. [w Joseph Francis, d. James C. and Phebe (Green), PR38.]
Alexander, s. Theodore and Eunice (first w.), ___, 1843, PR38.
Eliza [____], second w. Theodore, formerly w. Daniel Newal, [see birth and mar. of Theodore, and birth of Eliza Waldron] 10th, 5 mo. 1804, PR38.
Henry, s. Theodore and Eunice (first w.), _____, PR38.
Sarah F., w. John Smith, d. Theodore and Eunice (first w.), _____, PR38.
Theodore, h. Eunice Gibbs [see mar. of Theodore], h. Eliza (wid. Daniel Newal) ("No chn."), ___, 1810, PR38.
Theodore, s. Theodore, laborer, and Eunice of N., Sept. 30, 1845, in N.
____, s. Hannah ("Sampson's wife"), Oct 22, 1777, PR64.
____, s. Mrs. Sampson, Sept. 6, 1782, PR64.
____, s. Mrs. Sampson, "3 weeks ago last eve" [rec. May 9], 1784, PR64.
____, d. Mrs. Sampson, Sept —, 1788, PR64.
____, d. Mrs. Sampson, _____ [rec. Mar. 27. "born a week or 10 days age], 1793, PR64.
SANDFORD (Sanford)-
Alexander Pollard, h. Elvira (d. William Howren of Ind.), s. Edward C. and Hepsabeth (Macy), 7th, 5 mo. 1829, PR38.
Amelia C. (Sanford), d. Frederick C., merchant, and Mary of N., May 17, 1846, in N. [Sandford, w. Thomas Scott of Boston, d. Frederic C and Mary (Allen) [in Ind.], PR38.]
Benjamin, h. Susan (d. Gershom Cathcart and Charity) ("No chn."), s. Samuel and Lydia (Wyer), 8th, 10 mo. 1790, PR38.
Charles C., h. Minerva P. (d. Calvin Howe and Eliza of Ind.), s. Giles and Peggy (Coleman), 26th, 10 mo. 1800, PR38.
Charles F., h. Theresa M. (d. Jonathan Swain and Eunice), s. Edward C. and Hepsabeth (Macy), 19th, 4 mo. 1836, PR38.
Charlotte A., w. William E. Chase (s. Reuben Jr. and Elizabeth), d. George and Rachel (Winslow) (Whitney) (first w.), 25th, 6 mo. 1825, PR38.
Charlotte M., d. Edward C. and Hepsabeth (Macy), 1st, 11 mo. 1827, PR38.
Edward C., h. Hepsabeth. (d. Simeon Macy and Phebe), s. Giles and Peggy (Coleman), 10th, 8 mo. 1802, ["Moved to Cottage Grove Ind in 1837," written against family of Edward C.] PR38.
Edward G., h. Angelina G. (d. Nathaniel Swain and Rhoda), s. Edward C. and Hepsabeth (Macy), 10th, 5 mo. 1834, PR38.
Eliza [Sandford], w. Daniel Whitney, Feb. 20, 1794, GR2. [Sandford, w. Daniel Whitney (s. Daniel and Sally), d.
Samuel and Lydia (Wyer), 5th, 2 mo., PR38.]
Eliza, w. Alexander Pollard (s. George and Tamar), d. Giles and Peggy (Coleman), 17th, 2 mo. 1805, PR38.
Eliza Pollard, d. Edward C. and Hepsabeth (Macy), 22d, 10 mo. 1842, in Ind., PR38.
Eugene, s. Frederic C. and Mary (Allen), 26th, 11 mo. 1835, PR38.
Franklin M., h. Lucy (d. Isaac Wainwright of Ind.), s. Edward C. and Hepsabeth (Macy), 29th, 8 mo. 1838, in Ind, PR38.
Frederic C., h. Mary (d. William Allen and Rebecca of Maine), s. Giles and Peggy (Coleman), 3d, 2 mo. 1809, PR38.
George, h. Rachel (Winslow) Whitney, h. Mary Stavers of Boston ("No chn. by the last"), s. Samuel and Lydia
(Wyer), 3d, 3 mo. 1797, PR38.
George H., h. Elizabeth J. (d. Samuel Manter and Jane), s. George and Rachel (Winslow) (Whitney) (first w.), ___, 1833, PR38.
George W., s. Samuel and Phebe (Coffin) (first w.), ___, 1823. PR38.
Giles, h. Peggy (d. Barnabas Coleman and Abial), s. Giles and Elizabeth Smith of Newport, RI., 14th, 2 mo. 1772 [dup. 1771), PR38.
Giles C., h. Amanda (d. Nathaniel Swain and Rhoda), s. Edward C. and Hepsabeth (Macy), 10th, 5 mo. 1840, in Ind., PR38.
Hannah, "a Dane," w. Philip [dup. William] Hammond, 2d, 11 mo. 1789, PR38.
Hepsabeth. w. Frederic Ray (s. Isaiah and Phebe), of Falmouth, ___, 1799, PR38.
Herbert, s. Frederic C. and Mary (Allen), 29th, 5 mo. 1844 [in Ind.], PR38.
Louisa [____] (Sanford), w. Samuel, Nov. 3, 1817, GR3.
Louisa, d. Samuel and Phebe (Coffin), ___1817, PR38.
Lydia, w Charles Wyer (s. John [dup. Jonathan] and Elizabeth), d. Samuel and Lydia (Wyer), 20th, 9 mo. 1798,
Lydia B., w. Jesse Cook (s. John), d. Edward C. and Hepsabeth (Macy), 26th, 8 mo. 1826, PR38.
Lydia W., w Benjamin F. Morton (s. William and Mahitabel), d. George and Rachel (Wmslow) (Whitney) (first w.),
___, 1828, PR38.
Marietta, d. Frederic C. and Mary (Allen), 21st, 1 mo. 1838 [in Ind.], PR38.
Martha W., w. Thomas T. Davenport (s. Cornelius "of N.B."), d. George and Rachel (Winslow) (Whitney) (first w.),
___, 1831, PR38.
Mary, w. Reuben G. Pinkham (s. Uriah and Saloma), d. Samuel and Lydia (Wyer), 3d, 4 mo. 1789, PR38.
Mary C., w. Ira Maxwell (s. Thomas and Jemima of Ind.), d. Edward C. and Hepsabeth (Macy), 15th, 10 mo. 1824, PR38.
Nancy (Sanford), w. Seth Chadwick (s. Wickliffe and Priscilla), d. William of Woods Hole, 13th, 6 mo. 1786. PR38.
Nancy, w. Thomas Russell (s. George and Elizabeth), d. Samuel and Lydia (Wyer), 3d, 12 mo. 1801. PR38.
Phebe, w. Charles Drew (s. Gershom and Mary), d. Samuel and Lydia (Wyer), 14th, 12 mo. 1792. PR38.
Samuel, h. Lydia (d. John Wyer and Hepsabeth), s. Benjamin and Abiah of Newport, R.I., 29th, 8 mo. 1760. PR38.
Samuel (Sanford), h. Louisa, Apr. 8, 1793, GR3. [Sandford, h. Phebe (d. Andrew Coffin and Deborah), h. Louisa, s.
Samuel and Lydia (Wyer), PR38.]
Sarah Frances, d. Frederic C. and Mary (Allen), 13th, 3 mo. 1842 [in Ind.], PR38.
Sarah S., w. Aaron Gardner (s. David and Elizabeth of Ind.), d. Edward C. and Hepsabeth (Macy), 5th, 8 mo. 1823, PR38.
SANDSBURY (Sansbury)-
Andrew J., h. Martha H. (d. Charles Chadwick and Margaret), s. James and Anna (Cleaveland), ___ , 1830, PR38.
George W., s. Thomas, laborer, and Susan of N., Feb. 27, 1844, m N.
Harriett, w. William S. Hussey (s. Wiliam C. and Polly), d. James and Anna (Cleaveland),___ , 1826 [dup. 14th, 3 mo. 1825, PR38.
James, h. Anna (d. David Cleaveland and Anna [sic, Lydia]), ___, 1782, PR38.
James, s. James and Anna (Cleaveland), ___, 1813, PR38.
James, s. Thomas, mariner, and Susan S. or N., Aug. 2, 1846, in N. [James E., s. Thomas and Susan (Fisher), PR38.]
John R, s. Thomas and Susan (Fisher), 1st, 6 mo. 1842, PR38.
Lydia, w. Lewis Weeks of Falmouth, d. James and Anna (Cleaveland), ___, 1819, PR38.
Obed C., Apr. 27, 1817, CR4. [h. Letitia McVea ("No chn."), s. James and Anna (Cleaveland) , PR38.]
Sarah J. [dup. G., Sansbury], second w. Edwin James (s. Francis and Elizabeth), d. James and Anna (Cleaveland), 13th, 9 mo. 1815, PR38.
Thomas, h. Susan (d. Joseph Fisher and Rosanna), s. James and Anna (Cleaveland), ___, 1810, PR38.
Thomas F., Capt.,___ , 1838, GR3. [h. Mary Jane (d. Ebenezer Dunham and Mary), s. Thomas and Susan (Fisher), 1st, 8 mo. 1839, PR38.]
William R., s. James and Anna (Cleaveland),___, 1834, PR38.
____, (Sansbury), d. Thomas, Oct 7, 1842.
SANFORD (see Sandford)
SANSBURY (see Sandsbury)
Coleman, h. Martha, _____, PR38.
Emily, d. Coleman and Martha, _, 9 mo. 1813, PR38.
Esther, d. Coleman and Martha, ___, 1816, PR38.
Martha [____], w. Coleman,___, 1792, PR38.
SAVAGE (Savages, Savige)-
John (Savige), s. John, June 24, 1674. [Savages, s. John and Catharine, PR38.]
Susanna (Savige), d. "John Savages wife," Mar. 23, 1673. [Savages, d. John and Catharine, PR38.]
Lucy, w. George Hackett, w. Samuel Woodward, d. Theodore and Polly (Swain) (Cathcart), 4th, 3 mo. 1814, PR38.
Theodore, h. Polly (Swain) Cathcart, 4th, 8 mo. ___, PR38.
Benjamin C., Capt., Apr. 7, 1805, GR4. [h. Erni:menne B. (d. John Getchell and Betsey of Maine) ("No chn."), s. Joshua and Jedida (Swain), P.B.38.]
Caroline F., w. Joseph Austin (s. James and Mary), d. Thomas S. and Sarah C. Pitts, 16th, 10 mo. 1836 [dup. —, 1837], PR38.
Elizabeth R., w. William T. Soule of New Bedford, d. Thomas S. and Sarah C. Pitts, ___, 1839, PR38.
Emmeline, w. Charles L. Morse (s. Arnold and Maria), w. Albert G. Morse of Natick. w. ____ Hildebrand, d. Francis and Eunice (Worth), _____, PR38.
Francis, h. Eunice (d. Richard Worth and Phebe), s. Joshua and Jedida (Swain), 4th, 7 mo. 1801. PR38.
Harriett A., w. Stephen G. Brown of Calif., d. Thomas S. and Sarah C. Pitts, 31st, 10 mo. 1841, PR38.
Joshua, h. Jedida (d. Abishai Swain and Jedida), 10th, 10 mo. 1773. PR38.
Rebecca, w. Shubael Cottle (s. Lot and Ruth), d. Joshua and Jedida (Swain), 1st, 10 mo. 1798, PR38.
Rebecca, w. Alexander Swain (s. Alexander and Elizabeth), d. Francis and Eunice (Worth), ___, 1842. PR38.
Reuben C., s. Reuben S. and Mary R. (Weeks), ___, 1842, PR38.
Reuben S., h. Mary R. (d. Joseph Weeks and Mary), s. Joshua and Jedida (Swain), 2d, 3 mo. 1807, PR38.
Sarah C. [____], w. Thomas S., June 4, 1813, GR4. [Sarah C. Pitts of Falmouth, w. Thomas S. Sayer (s. Joshua),
Thomas S., h. Sarah C., Dec. 7, 1810, GR4. [h. Sarah C. Pitts of Falmouth, s. Joshua and Jedida (Swain), PR38.]
William, first h. Lydia (d. Levi Caswell and Phebe) ("No chn."), s. Joshua and Jedida (Swain), 24th, 8 mo. 1796.
William R., s. Reuben S. and Mary R. (Weeks), ___, 1833, PR38.
Pauline, w. Jared Macy (s. Paul and Dinah), d. John P. and Salome Witsche, 22d, 10 mo. 1843, in Berne, Switz., PR38.
Daniel, inf., bp. Dec. 10, 1843, CR1.
Lydia, w. Nathaniel Tallant, d. Asa of Barnstable, 7th, 11 mo. 1805 [? in Barnstable), PR38.]
SEAZER (Neazer)-
____, d. Tom and w., Apr. 11, 1777, PR64.
____, (Neazer), s. Tom and w., Mar. 17, 1779, PR64.
John, s. John and Hannah, bp. Nov. 23, 1783, CR3.
Sally, ch. John and Hannah, bp. Oct. 22, 1786. CR3.
Thomas, ch. John and Hannah, bp. Oct. 22, 1786, CR3.
Edward, s. Joseph and Dinah (Wyer), 29th, 4 mo. 1795, PR38.
Eunice, w. Daniel Austin ("a Creole") of St. Eustatia, W.I., d. Joseph and Dinah (Wyer), 18th, 7 mo. 1787, PR38.
George, s. Joseph and Dinah (Wyer), 3d, 6 mo. 1793, PR38.
Joseph, h. Dinah (d. Edward Wyer and Abigail), 16th, 11 mo. 1758, PR38.
Mary, w. James Coffin (s. Tristram and Dionis), d. John and Abigail of Salisbury, 5th, 8 mo. 1645 [see Salisbury Vital Records], PR38.
Elizabeth [dup. Betsey], w. David Russell (s. Seth and Abigail), w. Absalom Swain (s. Batchelder), w.
Antone Barney, second w. Latham Coffin (s. Elisha.), d. Thomas and Hepsabeth (Clark), 4th, 4 mo. 1777, PR38.
Sarah, w. Richard Gardner "1st of Nantucket," sister of Samuel, ___, 1632, PR38.
Bezaleel, ch. Bezaleel and Elizabeth, Aug. 23, 1770, CR3.
Deborah, w. Jesse Baker (s. James and Elizabeth), d. John and Deborah (Coleman), 26th, 7 mo. 1793, PR38.
Elizabeth, d. Rev. Bezaleel and Elizabeth. Jan. 12, 1772. [w. Andrew Craggie Jr. (s. Andrew and Elizabeth), PR38.]
Emily L., second w. Jacob G. Forman, d. John H. and Eliza Ann (Swift), —, 5 mo. 1827, PR38.
James, "an Englishman," h. Eliza (d. Stephen Arthur and Avis), ___, 1809, PR38.
John H., h. Eliza Ann (d. Benjamin Swift and Elizabeth), s. John and Deborah (Coleman), 15th, 11 mo. 1798, PR38.
Sally [dup. Sarah], second w. Gilbert Swain (s. David and Martha), d. John and Deborah (Coleman), 13th, 8 mo. 1791, PR38.
Sarah C., w. George H. Sargent (s. Joseph and Mindwell of Leicester), d. John H. and Eliza Ann (Swift), 18th, 3 mo. 1831, PR38.
William H., h. Eliza Fisher, s. John H. and Eliza Ann (Swift), ___, 1829, PR38.
____, ch. ____, Aug. _, 1776, PR64.
Ann C., d. Joseph C. and Judith (Ray), ___, 1843, PR38.
Benjamin, h. Lucy (Dyer) of Kennebec (grand d. Owen Coleman), s. Josiah and Hannah (Gardner) (first w.), 9th, 8 mo. 1809, PR38.
Eliza, w. Stephen Smith of Ohio, twin d. Josiah and Hannah (Gardner) (first w.), 9th, 7 mo. 1807, PR38.
Geo[rge] C., Jan. 20, 1811, GR2. [h. Ann (d. Reuben Swain and Lydia), s. Josiah and Kezia (Comstock) (Coffin) (second w.), PR38.]
Hannh G, d. Benjamin, mariner, and Lucy of N., June 27, 1843, in N. [d. Benjamin and Lucy (Dyer), ___, 1846,
Hannah Gardner, ch. Benjamin and Lucy, bp. Apr. —, 1849, CR1. [See Hannah G.]
Helen, d. Benjamin, trader, and Lucy of N., Sept. 25, 1847, in N. [d. Benjamin and Lucy (Dyer), ___, 1848, PR38.]
Joseph C., Jan. 21, 1813, GR2. [h. Judith (d. David Ray and Betsey), s. Josiah and Kezia (Comstock) (Coffin) (second w.), ___, 1814, PR38.]
Joseph H., s. Joseph C. and Judith (Ray), ___, 1840, PR38.
Josiah, h. Hannah (d. Thomas Gardner and Anna), h. Keziah (Comstock) Coffin, —, 6 mo. 1777 [? in RI.], PR38.
Josiah C., h. Cynthia Castle ("No chn."), h. ____, "They live in Iowa," twin s. Josiah and Hannah (Gardner) (first w.), 9th, 7 mo. 1807, PR38.
Lydia L. [Sheffield], w. Charles H. Davis, Feb. 3. 1837, GR2. [Sheffield, w. Charles H. Davis (s. Elisha and
Mary), d. George and Ann (Swain), ___, 1837, PR38.]
Mary, w. Thomas Gibbs (s. Thomas), d. Josiah and Hannah (Gardner) (first w.), _, 7 mo. 1802, PR38.
Mary Lucy, d. Lucy, bp. ___, 1843, CR1. [d. Benjamin and Lucy (Dyer), b. ___, 1842, PR38.]
Susan C., w. Edward A. Lawrence [of] Taunton (s. Justin), d. George and Ann (Swain), ___, 1840, PR38.
Thomas, s. Josiah and Hannah (Gardner) (first w.), _, 1 mo. 1805, PR38.
SHERMAN (Shereman)-
Abigail, [____], w. Nathan, 3d, 2 mo. 1783, PR38.
Alexander, s. Nathaniel and Hepsabeth (Worth), 4th, 7 mo. 1800, PR38.
Ann Eliza, d. Samuel and Susan (Skinner), 12th, 8 mo. 1829, PR38.
Apphia, w. Jeremiah. Gardner (s. George and Elizabeth), d. Ichabod, 27th, 11 mo. 1745, PR38.
Avoline C., d. Frederic R. and Sarah (Folger), ___, 1843, PR38.
Betsey (Shereman), ch. John and Marg[are]t, Jan. 31, 1791, CR3. [Sherman, w. ____ Freeman, d. John and Margaret (Ellis), PR38.]
Charles F., s. Frederic and Sarah (Folger), ___, 1846, PR38.
Deborah, d. John and Margaret (Ellis), 16th, 11 mo. 1778, PR38.
Edwin B., s. Frederic R. and Sarah (Folger), ___, 1838, PR38.
Eliza, d. Nathan and Abigail, 27th, 4 mo. 1802, PR38.
Eliza P., w. S. Allen Eldridge of Boston, "live in Cal.," d. William Edwin and Eunice (Allen), 12th, 9 mo. 1837, PR38.
Eunice, d. Nathan and Abigail, 18th, 2 mo. 1804, PR38.
Frederic, h. Harriett B. Gerald of Boston, s. Samuel and Susan (Skinner), ___, 1822, PR38.
Frederic R., h. Sarah (d. Daniel Folger and Mary), s. Nathaniel and Hepsabeth (Worth), 10th, 11 mo. 1809. PR38.
Freeman, h. Polly (d. Reuben Chase and Judith), h. Martha (Wood) Gardner ("No chn."), s. John and Margaret
(Ellis), 18th, 1 mo. 1781, PR38.
Hannah, d. Nathan and Abigail, 10th, 4 mo. 1808. PR38.
Jared, s. Nathan and Abigail, 13th, 9 mo. 1800. PR38.
John of New Bedford, h. Margaret (d. Freeman Ellis and Elizabeth), 7th, 5 mo. 1746, PR38.
John (Shereman), ch. John and Marg[are]t, Apr. 23, 1796, CR3. [Sherman, GR3. Sherman, h. Deborah (d. Job
Macy and Anna), s. John and Margaret (Ellis), PR38.]
John, s. Nathan and Abigail, 26th, 3 mo. 1806. PR38.
John, s. Nathaniel and Hepsabeth (Worth), 10th, 4 mo. 1814, PR38.
Lucy H., w. Josiah Bishop of S.C., d. Freeman and Polly (Chase) (first w.), ___, 1822, PR38.
Margaret, w. Silas Hoxie of Maine, d. Nathaniel and Hepsabeth (Worth), 6th, 12 mo. 1817, PR38.
Mary E., d. Frederic R. and Sarah (Folger), _____, PR38.
Nancy, w. Nathaniel Breed, w. Rev. Stephen Lovell of Boston, d. Freeman and Polly (Chase) (first w.), 26th, 5 mo. 1803, PR38.
Nathan, h. Abigail, 29th, 9 mo. 1777, PR38.
Nathaniel, h. Hepsabeth (d. Matthew Worth and Sophia), s. John and Margaret (Ellis), 24th, 9 mo. 1776, PR38.
Polly (Shereman), ch. John and Marg[are]t, Apr. 18, 1793, CR3. [Sherman, w. Washington F. Gerald, d. John and
Margaret (Ellis), 18th, 4 mo. 1794, PR38.]
Sally (Shereman), ch. John and Margaret, Jan. 16, 1789, CR3. [Sherman, w. Samuel V. Chandler (s. Jacob), d. John and Margaret (Ellis), P.R.38.]
Samuel (Shereman), ch. John and Marg[are]t, Oct. 13, 1799, CR3. [Sherman, h. Susan (d. Stephen Skinner and Nancy), h. Mary Ann (d. Henry Ellis and Rebecca), s. John and Margaret (Ellis), 13th [dup. 19th] , 9 mo., PR38.]
Sarah C., ___, 1823, GR3. [d. John and Deborah (Macy), 10th, 3 mo. 1824, PR38.]
Sophia F., w. Charles West Coffin (s. Caleb and Anna), d. Nathaniel and Hepsabeth (Worth), 24th, 1 mo. 1808, PR38.
Sophronia D., d. Freeman and Mary, Nov. 11, 1810, GR1.
Susan, d. Freeman and Mary, Feb. 20, 1806. GR1.
Susan, d. Nathan and Abigail, 29th, 4 mo. 1810. PR38.
Susan F., d. Frederic R. and Sarah (Folger), ___, 1848, PR38.
Susan M., w. Henry P. Coffin (s. Timothy and Deborah), d. Freeman and Polly (Chase) (first w.), 1st, 4 mo. 1816, PR38.
Virginia, d. William E., mariner, and Eunice A. of N., May 10, 1846, in N.
William E., m., s. John and Margaret (Ellis), 23d, 12 mo. 1774. PR38.
William E. Jr., s. William Edwin and Eunice (Allen), 14th, 12 mo. 1839, PR38.
William Edwin, h. Eunice (d. Joseph Allen and Abigail), s. Nathaniel and Hepsabeth (Worth), 27th, 10 mo. 1803, PR38.
William F., h. Susan B. (d. Obcd Clark and Anna), s. Freeman and Polly (Chase) (first w.), 27th, 6 mo. 1813,
William H., s. Samuel and Susan (Skinner), _____, PR38.
William Penn, s. Frederic R. and Sarah (Folger), ___, 1840, PR38.
Zilpha, w. Robert Wyer (s. Robert and Catharine), d. Ichabod, _____, PR38.
Rebecca, w. Albert Hussey (s. Christopher and Mary), d. Samuel of Dighton, 17th, 9 mo. 1763, PR38.
Charles, h. Lydia (d. Jason Luce of Martha's Vineyard ), h. Olive (d. Jabez Ayrey) ("No chn."),___, 1787, PR38.
Charles, h. Harriett (d. George Gardner and Polly), s. Charles and Lydia (Luce) (first w.), 14th, 1 mo. 1818, PR38.
Eliza Ann, first w. William H. Dennis of R.I. [dap. Wareham], d. Charles and Lydia (Luce) (first w.), 15th, 12 mo. 1813. PR38.
Mary F., w. Richard Gardner (s. Libni Jr. and Martha), d. Charles and Lydia (Luce) (first w.), 25th, 3 mo. 1820, PR38.
Richard G., s. Charles H., carpenter, and Harriet of N., Sept. 17, 1844, in N.
Huldah Ann, w. Henry C. Bunker (s. Abel and Betsey), d. William, 4th, 2 mo. 1798, PR38.
SILVEA (Silvary, Silvia, Sylvia)-
Antoine (Sylvia), Aug. 8, 1834, GR4.
Delphina M., w. John P. Taber, d. Joseph P. and Mary (Russell) (Lyon), ___, 1825 [dup. 1826], PR38.
Eliza W. (Sylvia), d. Joseph, laborer, and Elizabeth H. of N., Mar. 9, 1845, in N.
Elizabeth H. (Sylvia), Nov. 20, 1823, [on stone with Joseph T.] GR4. [Silvea, d. Joseph P. and Mary (Russell) (Lyon), P.P.38.]
Ellen C. (Silvia), d. Joseph F., mariner, and Phebe Ann of N., Dec. 8, 1844, in N.
George, s. John Jr. and Elizabeth (Marshall), _____, PR38.
George W. (Sylvia), s. Joseph T., mariner, and Eliz[abet]h of N., Feb. 12, 1849.
Harriett, w. ____ Cornell, d. John Jr. and Elizabeth (Marshall), ___, 1823, PR38.
John Jr., h. Elizabeth (d. John Marshall and Lydia), s. John and Susan, 15th, 4 mo. 1795, PR38.
John, s. John Jr. and Elizabeth (Marshall), ___, 1826. PR38.
John R. (Sylvia), s. Francis F., mariner, and Eliza of N., Oct. 20, 1846, in N.
Joseph H., s. Joseph R and Mary (Russell) (Lyon), ___, 1828, PR38.
Joseph P., h. Mary (wid. ____ Lyon, d. Seth Russell and Abigail, ___, 1792, PR38.
Joseph T. (Sylvia), June 10, 1817, [on stone with Elizabeth H.] GR4.
Maria C., w. James B. Starbuck (s. Henry. and Theodate), 19th, 2 mo. 1829, in Fayal, PR38.
Mary R. (Sylvia), d. Joseph T., mariner, and Elizabeth of N. Mar. 19, 1847, in N.
Orlando A., s. John Jr. and Elizabeth (Marshall), ___, 1829, PR38.
Peggy (Slivary), first w. Nehemiah Dayton (s. Silas and Hannah), d. ____ of New York, 1st, 1 mo. 1788 [1792 written above 1788], PR38.
Rebecca, d. Joseph P. and Mary (Russell) (Lyon), ___, 1817 [sic], PR38.
Susan [Silvea, w. ____ Poole, ___, 1800, GR3. [Silvea [dup. Silvia], w. Oliver Appleton, w. Abner Taylor, w.
Noah Poole of Providence, R.I., d. John and Susan (Coffin), 20th [dup. 15th], 1 mo. 1799. PR38.]
William D., s. John Jr. and Elizabeth (Marshall), _____, PR38.
SIMMONS (see also Simons)-
Burgess, h. Susan E., ___, 1809. PR38.
Maria, w. Albertus Swain (s. Frederic F. and Lucretia), d. Burgess and Susan E., ___, 1836, PR38.
Susan E. [____], w. Burgess T., ___, 1813. PR38.
Susan L., w. Isaac B. Eldridge, d. Burgess and Susan E, ___, 1842, PR38.
William, s. William, mariner, and Roseanna of N., Dec. 16, 1847, in N.
James, h. Love (wid. John Kinnean [dup. Kenning], d. Stephen Skinner and Mary) ("No chn."), ___, 1791, PR38.
SIMONS (see also Simmons)-
Josephine, d. Louisa of N., Aug. 4, 1846, in N.
Benjamin S., s. Merril B, fisherman, and Sophia, July 4, 1848.
Charles M., s. Merriam P, mariner, and Sophia of N., Nov. 27, 1846, in N.
George R., h. Mary Abby (d. John Gayer Coffin and Rebecca), s. William and Sally (Riddell) (first w.), 30th, 12 mo. 1814, PR38.
Henry, h. Matilda (sister of ____, w. Burgess Simmons), s. William and Sally (Riddell) (first w.), 30th, 7 mo. 1819, PR38.
Henry D., s. Merrill P., cordwainer, and Sophia of N., July 17, 1845. in N.
Thomas O., h. Abby M. (d. Joseph Smith and Ann), s. William and Sally (Riddell) (first w.), ___, 1822, PR38.
William of England, h. Sally (d. Henry Riddell and Sally), h. Mary (Riddell) Norton ("No chn."), 15th, 3 mo. 1789,
Anna, w. Tristram Folger (s. Tristram and Mary), d. Isaac and Elizabeth (Gardner), 11th, 8 mo. 1798, PR38.
Eunice G. [Sisson], w. J. H. Riddell, Mar. 13, 1793, GR3. [Sisson, w. Josiah Riddell (s. William and Betsey), d.
Isaac and Elizabeth (Gardner), 30th, 3 mo. 1795, PR38.]
Isaac of R.I., h. Elizabeth (d. Thomas Gardner and Anna), 4th, 8 mo. 1762, PR38.
Mary, w. Richard (s. David Gardner and Zaruiah), w. ____ Hunt of Ohio, d. Isaac and Elizabeth (Gardner), 7th, 5 mo. 1793, PR38.
Beulah, w. Thomas Bartholomew [dup. Bartlemy], d. James and Sarah (Barnard), _____, PR38.
Hannah, w. Jacob Daggett of Martha's Vineyard, d. James and Sarah (Barnard), _____, PR38.
Mary, w. Moses Giles, d. James and Sarah (Barnard), _____, PR38.
Mercy, w. Prince Coffin (s. Ebenezar and Eleanor), second w. Nathaniel Allen (s. Edward 1st and Ann), d. Nathan (brother of James), 3d, 9 mo. 1701, PR38.
Patience, w. John Swain ("called England"), d. James and Sarah (Barnard), _____, PR38.
Sarah, w. Robert Long, d. James and Sarah (Barnard),_____ , PR38.
Amy, w. Benjamin Jones (s. Hepsabeth), d. Stephen and Mary (Joy), 9th, 8 ma. 1767, PR38.
Caroline S. [____], Aug. 13, 1819, GR2. [Caroline S. Landers, w. William H. Skinner (s. Stephen and Nancy), ___, 1820, PR38.]
Ebenezer, first h. Mary (d. Sylvamzs Smith and Jane) ("No chn.'), s. Stephen and Mary (Joy), 20th, 1 mo. 1781,
Elizabeth, w. Joel Watson from R.I., second w. Stephen Innis, "No chn.," d. Stephen and Mary (Joy), 17th. 8 mo. 1772, PR38.
James B., s. Samuel P. and Lydia R. (Ray), ___, 1834, PR38.
Love, w. John Kinnean [dup. Kennings], w. James Simms, d. Stephen and Mary (Joy), ___, I780 [dup. 1782], PR38.
Mary, w. John Narboth, d. Stephen and Mary (Joy), 20th, 7 mo. 1771, PR38.
Mary, w. John Morrisey, d. Stephen and Nancy (Perry), 22d, 9 mo. 1817, PR38.
Mary E., d. William H., mariner, and Caroline S. of N., Oct. 7, 1845, in N. [Mary Eliz[abet]h, CR1. Mary E., d. William H. and Caroline S. Landers, ___, 1846, PR38.]
Samuel P., Oct. 4. 1806, GR2. [h. Lydia R. (d. Alexander Ray and Nancy), s. Stephen and Nancy (Perry), 3d, 10 mo., PR38.]
Samuel Perry, Apr. 29, 1833, GR2. [m., s. Samuel P. and Lydia R. (Ray), ___, 1836, PR38.]
Sophronia, w. Charles A. Worth (s. Gideon and Phebe), w. John Lumbert, d. Stephen and Nancy (Perry), 30th, 3 mo. 1809, PR38.
Stephen, h. Mary (sister of Thankful Coffin and "John Chadwick's wife," d. Ebenezer Joy and Elizabeth), _____, PR38.
Stephen, h. Nancy (d. Jonathan Perry and Susanna), s. Stephen and Mary (Joy), 2d, 8 mo. 1777, PR38.
Susan, first w. Samuel Sherman (s. John and Margaret), d. Stephen and Nancy (Perry), 30th, 9 mo. 1802. PR38.
William H., May 26, 1815. GR2. [h. Caroline S. Landers, s. Stephen and Nancy (Perry), 22d, 5 mo., PR38.]
Anna, w. Luther Hubbell, d. William and Margaret (Paddack) (Macy) (second w.), _____, PR38.
Benjamin, h. Rhoda (d. Jonathan Coleman and Mehitable), brother of William, 11th, 1 mo. 1755, PR38.
Benjamin Jr., h. Hannah Young (wid.), s. Benjamin and Rhoda (Coleman), 11th, 9 mo. 1782, PR38.
Betsey, w. Reuben Chadwick (s. William and Mary), d. Benjamin and Rhoda (Coleman), 23d, 4 mo. 1786. PR38.
Dinah, w. Prince Bunker (s. Peleg and Lydia), d. William and Margaret (Paddack) (Macy) (second w.),_____[.? in
Hudson, N.Y.], PR38.
Frederic, s. Benjamin and Rhoda (Coleman), 6th, 10 mo. 1777, PR38.
Hannah, w. Richard Macy (s. Reuben), d. William and Hannah (____) (Whippey) (third w.), _____, PR38.
Nancy, w. Matthew P. Joy (s. Levi and Margaret), second w. Owen Chase (s. Judah and Phebe), d. Benjamin and Rhoda (Coleman), 30th, 12 mo. 1798, PR38.
Peggy, w. Hezekiah Pinkham (s. Daniel and Eunice), William and Margaret (Paddack) (Macy) (second w.), _____, PR38.
Phebe, d. William and Margaret (Paddack) (Macy) (second w.), _____[? in Hudson, N.Y.], PR38.
William, h. Charlotte ("a stranger") ("No chn."), s. Benjamin and Rhoda (Coleman), 28th, 12 mo. 1790, PR38.
William, "Resided at Hudson," h. Dinah (Worth) ("No chn."), h. Margaret (Paddack) Macy, h. Hannah Whippey (wid.), h. Mary (Chase) Bunker ("No chn."), _____, PR38.
Rebecca, w. George Folger (s. George and Sarah), d. Peleg of R.I., 9th, 5 mo. 1758, PR38.
Hannah [Small], w. Samuel H. Winslow, Aug. 16, 1803, GR3. [Small of Brewster, w. Elisha Ellis of Harwich, w. Samuel W. Winslow (s. Joseph), d.. Daniel, PR38.]
Sophronia, w. Ichabod Backus (s. Clark), d. John and Stephen [sic], 19th, 11 mo. 1803, PR38.
Anthony, m., ___, 1836. GR3.
James, h. Mary (d. Edward Burridge [dup. Burrage] and Sabara), 1st, 3 mo. 1781, PR38.
Lucy, w. George Parker 2d (s. David), d. James and Mary (Burridge), 30th, 9 mo. 1808, PR38.
Martha, d. James and Mary (Burridge), _____, PR38.
Mary, w. Albert Hussey (s. Albert and Elizabeth), d. James and Mary (Burridge), ___, 1814, PR38.
Nancy, w. Obed Luce (s. Obed and Desire), d. James and Mary (Burridge), 29th, 1 mo. 1806, PR38.
Abby, d. James and Eliza Ann (Raymond), —, 1 mo. 1830. PR38.
Abby B., d. Elisha (of Barnstable) and Nancy (Meader),___ ,1837, PR38.
Abby M., w. Thomas O. Simpson (s. William and Sally), d. Joseph and Ann, ___, 1831, PR38.
Abishai, ch. William and Experience, July 21, 1727, in N. [s. William and Experience Challens, 21st, 7 mo., PR38.]
Alexander, h. Harriett H., s. Alexander and Anna, ___, 1807, PR38.
Alfred, h. Lydia (d. Elijah Cash and Eunice), s. John of Martha's Vineyard, ___, 1801, PR38.
Alfred. s. Alfred and Lydia (Cash), ___, 1829, PR38.
Allen, h. Sarah Whitney, ___, 1816. GR3. [h. Sarah W. (d. Prince Gorham Hayden and Priscilla), brother of Elisha
[.? in Barnstable], PR38.]
Allen, s. Allen, blacksmith, and Sarah of N., Nov. 10, 1843, in N. [Allen Jr. h. Eliza B. (d. Samuel Pitman and Deborah), s. Allen and Sarah W. (Hayden), ___, 1844, PR38.]
Alvan, s. Peter G. and Charlotte J. (Chase), 5th, 7 mo. 1840. PR38.
Ann [____ ], w. Joseph, sister of Lucinda Morris, ___, 1798, PR38.
Ann C. [Smith, w. ____] Colesworthy, ___, 1829. GR3. [Smith, w. John M. Colesworthy (s. John and Mary), d. Moses and Susan (Pollard), PR38.]
Ann G., w. George Folger ("a Portuguese"), w. John D. Mitchell, d. Charles and Sarah (Beard), _, 2 mo. 1832. PR38.
Anna. w. Robert Folger (s. Paul and Catharine), d. Daniel and Abigail (Coffin), 9th, 3 mo. 1761. PR38.
Alma [____], w. Francis, ___, 1791, PR38.
Anna, w. William Trump of Baltimore, Md., d. Jonathan Jr. and Anna (Pease), 8th, 2 mo. 1811. PR38.
Armstrong. ch. Daniel and Abigail, Mar. 12, 1743. [s. Daniel and Abigail (Coffin), 12th, 3 mo., PR38.]
Armstrong, h. Eunice (d. Greenleaf Marshall and Anna), h. Betsey (d. Nathaniel Folger and Betsey) ("No chn. by the last"), s. George and Mary (Cottle), ___, 1771, PR38.
Armstrong, s. Armstrong and Mahitabel (Coffin), _____, PR38.
Bartholomew, ch. William and Experience, Feb. 24, 1723, in N. [s. William and Experience Challens, 24th, 2 mo.,
Benjamin, h. Rebecca (d. Joshua Gardner and Eliza), h. Ann E. (wid. Andrew Colwell) [dup. Ann E. Philbrooks], _____, 1817, PR38.
Benjamin, s. Eliphalet and Deborah (Bunker), _____, PR38.
Benjamin B., s. Francis B. and Rachel (Hussey), ___, 1825, PR38.
Benjamin Gibbs, inf. Thomas 2d and Cassandra, bp. May 31, 1812, CR1. [h. Martha (d. George Easton and Sarah),
s. Thomas 2d and Cassandra (Hatch), b. ___, 1812, PR38.]
Betsey P. [Smith, w. ____] Chase, ___, 1814, GR3. [Smith, w. William S. Chase (s. Stephen and Peggy), d. Moses and Susan (Pollard), 11th, 12 mo., PR38.]
Caroline, d. Matthew and Susanna (Swain), 8th, 2 mo. 1801, PR38.
Caroline, w. William H. Voorhees, d. Charles and Sarah (Beard), ___, 1839, PR38.
Catharine, d. Matthew and w., _____, PR38.
Challens, ch. William and Experience, Aug. 16, 1718. in N. [s. William and Experience Challens, 16th, 8 mo., PR38.]
Charles, h. Sarah (d. John Barrett Beard and Hannah), s. Solomon and Anna (Gardner), 16th, 3 mo. 1803. PR38.
Charles, s. Allen and Sarah W. (Hayden), ___, 1843, PR38.
Charles F., s. Charles and Sarah (Beard), ___, 1837. PR38.
Charles G., s. Allen and Sarah W. (Hayden), ___, 1843, PR38.
Charles Gorham, ch. A. and S. W., ___, 1842. GR3.
Charles W., s. Jonathan and Anna (Pease), 10th, 7 mo. 1816, PR38.
Charlotte. second w. Edward H. Center, d. Matthew and Susanna (Swain), 13th, 7 mo. 1793, PR38.
Daniel. ch. Daniel and Abigail, Jan. 21, 1748. [h. Abigail (d. Joseph [dup. John] Gorham of Cape Cod), s. Daniel
and Abigail (Coffin), 21st, 1 mo., ["resided in Maine," written against Daniel's family] PR38.]
David, h. Lydia, ___17__, PR38.
David, h. Merab (d. Richard Alley and Martha) ("No chn. An adopted dr."), s. Armstrong and Eunice (Marshall) (first w.), 22d, 11 mo. 1798, PR38.
David, h. Deborah (d. John Holmes), s. George and Mary (Alley) (first w.), 5th, 10 mo. 1820, PR38.
Deborah B., d. Edward and Mercy (Edwards), ___, 1828, PR38.
Edward, h. Mary [dup. Mercy] (d. Asa Edwards and Remember [sic, ? Mary] ), s. Job Jr. and Deborah (Baxter),17th, 12 mo. 1802, PR38.
Edward H. s. Jonathan Jr. and Anna (Pease), 29th, 10 mo. 1813, PR38.
Edwin R., h. Ellen L. (d. William Ramsdell and Clarinda), s. Alfred and Lydia (Cash), ___, 1836, PR38.
Eliphalet, ch. Daniel and Abigail, Dec. 9, 1746. [h. Deborah (d. Thomas Bunker and Anna), s. Daniel and Abigail (Coffin), PR38.]
Eliphalet, first h. Hepsabeth (d. Peleg Bunker), s. Armstrong and Mahitabel (Coffin), _____, PR38.
Eliphalet Jr., "m'd. in Boston," s. Eliphalet and Deborah (Bunker), _____, PR38.
Elisha of Barnstable, h. Nancy (d. Thomas Meader and Deborah), ___, 1811, PR38.
Elisha, s. Daniel and Abigail (Coffin), _____, PR38.
Eliza, w. Thomas Mann of Cape Cod, d. Matthew and Susanna. (Swain), ___, 1791, PR38.
Eliza, w. Josiah Sturgis of Lee, "Went to Cal. in 1857." d. Thomas 2d and Cassandra (Hatch), ___, 1818 [dup. 1820], PR38.
Eliza Ann, w. George W. Lewis, 15th, 1 mo. 1828. PR38.
Elizabeth, ch. Daniel and Abigail, June 22, 1745. [d. Daniel and Abigail (Coffin), 22d, 6 mo., PR38.]
Elizabeth, w. Capt. Thomas Hiller (s. Levi and Rebecca of Albany, N.Y.), d. George and Mary (Cottle), 18th, 11 mo. 1763, PR38.
Elizabeth, d. Alexander and Anna, _____, PR38.
Ellen L., d. Isaac G., mariner, and Abby B. of N. Apr. 11 [dup. May 11], 1845, in N. [Ellen F., w. Reuben G. Worth
(s. Reuben G. and Mary), d. Isaac G. and Abby (Jones), 11th, 5 mo., PR38.]
Ellen L., d. George L., merchant, and Sarah H. of N., June 21, 1845, in N.
Emily F., d. Obed and Nancy (Eldridge), 8th, 9 mo. 1841, PR38.
Ethelinda, d. Alfred and Lydia (Cash), ___, 1840, PR38.
Eunice, ch. Daniel and Abigail, Oct. 11, 1738. [w. Owen Folger (s. Peter 3d and Christian), d. Daniel and Abigail
(Coffin), 11th, 10 mo., PR38.]
Eunice [Smith, w. _____] Hussey, Nov. 15, 1796, GR2. [Smith. w. Edward B. Hussey (s. Thomas and Anna), d. Sylvarrus and Jane Roberts, PR38.]
Eunice, first w. William A. King (s. Rufus and Margaret), d. Armstrong and Eunice (Marshall) (first w.), 23d, 7 mo. 1803 [dup. 23d, 4 mo. 1805], PR38.
Eunice, w. Asa P. Jones of Barnstable, d. Josiah and Nancy (Orpin), 4th, 10 mo. 1816 [dup. 1815]. PR38.
Eunice, first w. Ebenezer Raymond (s. Ebenezer), d. George and Mary (Cottle), _____, PR38.
Experience Challens [____], w. William, _____ PR38.
Ferdinand, s. Alfred and Lydia (Cash), ___, 1842, PR38.
Francis, h. Anna, _____, PR38.
Francis B., h. Rachel (d. Christopher Hussey Jr. and Abial), s. Job Jr. and Deborah (Baxter), 17th, 1 mo. 1799, PR.38.
Francis B. Jr., h. Mary E. (d. Charles H. Wyer and Cynthia), s. Francis B. and Rachel (Hussey), 15th, 5 mo. 1829,
Francis G. s. Peter, mariner, and Charlotte J. [ (Chase) PR38.] of N. Sept. 9, 1843. in N.
Franklin, s. Solomon and Anna (Gardner), 29th, 8 mo. 1798, PR38.
George, ch. Daniel and Abigail, July 20, 1740. [h. Mary (d. James Cottle and Thankful), s. Daniel and Abigail (Coffin), 10th, 7 mo., PR38.]
George, h. Mary (d. Richard Alley and Martha), s. Armstrong and Eunice (Marshall) (first w.), 18th. 8 mo. 1793. PR38.
George, h. Susan F. (d. Charles Hatch and Nancy), s. John and Hepsabeth (Folger), 21st, 12 mo. 1796, PR38.
George Jr., s. George, laborer, and Catharine of N., Jan. 12, 1848, in N.
George. s. George and Mary (Cottle), _____, PR38.
George E., h. Mary C. Hayden of Boston, s. Benjamin and Martha (Easton), ___, 1840, PR38.
George P., ___, 1827, GR3. [h. Mary P. (d. Franklin Riddell and Lydia), s. Moses and Susan (Pollard), PR38.)
Hanah, w. Jonathan C. Baker (s. Amos and Amy), d. Silvanus and Jane Roberts, 1st, 12 mo. 1784 [dup. 1786], PR38.
Harriett B., w. Charles H. Dunham (s. Harrison G. O. and Ann), d. Moses and Susan (Pollard), ___, 1826. PR38.
Harriett H. [____], w. Alexander, ___1813, PR38.
Harvey, h. Love (d. George Swain and Deborah), ___, 1802, PR38.
Henrietta, second w. Warren Phiney, d. Joseph and Ann, ___, 1822, PR38.
Henry, s. John H., engineer, and Ann F. of N., Feb. 22, 1848, in. N.
Henry, s. Matthew and Susanna (Swain), _____, PR38.
Henry, s. Matthew and w., ____, PR38.
Henry Sr., h. Priscilla (d. Joseph Chase and Lydia of Martha's Vineyard), h. Hannah Crosby ("No chn.), _____, PR38.
Hepsabeth Jr., d. Jonathan and Hepsabeth (Pinkham), 20th, 8 mo. 1775, PR38.
Hiram, h. Hannah Ainsley ("No chn."), s. Solomon and Anna (Gardner), ___, 1812, PR38.
Hiram, s. Isaac G. and Abby (Jones), 12th, 5 mo. 1841, PR38.
Hiram G., h. Elizabeth Shepton of Calif., s. Charles and Sarah (Beard), ___, 1842, PR38.
Howard, s. Thomas 2d and Cassandra (Hatch), ___, 1833, PR38.
Isaac G., h. Abby (d. Marcena Jones and Mercy), s. Solomon and Anna (Gardner), —, 6 mo. 1815, PR38.
Isabel W., d. Joseph and Ann, ___, 1838, PR38.
James, s. Sylvanus and Jane Roberts, 9th, 3 mo. 1790, PR38.
James, h. Eliza Ann (d. William Raymond and Peggy), _, 100 mo. 1802. PR38.
James, s. Job and Lydia (Tracy), 4th, 2 mo. 1807, PR38.
James G., Aug. 30, 1828, [on stone beside that of Susan A., see Susan A. Dunham] GR3.
Jane, w. Nathaniel Swain (s. Benjamin and Mary), w. Samuel Maxey, d. Thomas and Sarah Harwood, _____, PR38.
Jane Roberts [____] of R.I., w. Sylvanus (s. Job), 15th, 3 mo. 1752, PR38.
Job of Va., h. Mary (d. James Johnson and Theodate), h. Phebe (d. William Baxter and Margaret), 3d, 4 mo. 1733, PR38.
Job Jr., h. Deborah (d. Christopher Baxter and Mary), s. Job and Mary (Johnson) (first w.), 2d, 10 mo. 1757, PR38.
Job, h. Lydia (d. Henry Tracy and Elizabeth), s. Sylvanus and Jane Roberts, 20th, 6 mo. 1779, PR38.
John, ch. William and Experience, Jan. 27, 1721, in N. [s. William and Experience Challens, 27th, 1 mo., PR38.]
John of New York, h. Hepsabeth (d. Shubael Folger and Lycra), 24th, 3 mo. 1739, ["Went to Ohio in 1814," written against John's family] PR38.
John, h. Mary (d. Stephen Kidder and Mercy), s. Henry Sr. and Priscilla (Chase), _____, PR38.
John of England, h. Judith (d. Ebenezer Gardner and Ruth), _____, PR38.
John, h. Mary Ann (d. Paul Hamilton and Mary), h. Lydia C. (d. Ruel Rawson and Mary), _____, PR38.
John H., h. Isabella Clifford of Worcester, s. Thomas 2d and Cassandra (Hatch), ___, 1823, PR38.
Jonathan Jr., h. Anna (d. Elijah Pease and Phebe), s. Jonathan and Hepsabeth (Pinkham), 3d, 10 mo. 1778, PR38.
Jonathan, s. Reuben and Hepsibeth, Nov. 6, 1778, CR3.
Jonathan, s. Jonathan Jr. and Anna (Pease), 24th, 12 mo. 1808, PR38.
Jonathan, h. Hepsabeth (d. Jonathan Pinkham and Hepsabeth), _____, PR38.
Joseph, s. David and Lydia, 9th, 6 mo. 1794, PR38.
Joseph, h. Ann (sister of Lucinda Morris), ___, 1795, PR38.
Josiah, h. Nancy (d. John Orpin and Susanna), h. Mary (d. William House and Jenet) ("No chn."), s. Armstrong
and Eunice (Marshall) (first w.), 1st, 6 mo. 1796, PR38.
Judith, w. Uriah Clark (s. Benjamin and Lydia), d. George and Mary (Cottle), 15th, 7 mo. 1774. PR38.
Judith, w. Moses Coffin (s. Isaiah and Sarah), d. John and Hepsibeth (Folger), 20th, 3 mo. 1789, PR38.
Keziah E., d. James S., farmer, and Deborah of N., Mar. 20, 1845, in N.
Lizetta of New York, w. Roland C. Macy (s. Edmund and Elizabeth W.), d. John and Elizabeth of New York, —, 7 mo. 1845, PR38.
Lucinda M. (see Lucinda Gibbs).
Lydia [____] w. David, 11th, 2 mo. 1770, PR38.
Lydia, w. Eliab Hussey (s. Robert and Lydia), d. Eliphalet and Deborah (Bunker), 5th, 10 mo. 1773, PR38.
Lydia, w. Roland Swain (s. Solomon and Eunice), d. John and Hepsabeth (Folger), 22d, 5 mo. 1799, PR38.
Lydia [ ? if Smith is maiden name], w. Jonathan Barnard (s. Cromwell and Sarah), 9th, 11 mo. 1813, PR38.
Lydia D., d. Joseph and Ann, _____, PR38.
Maria, w. William F. Hussey (s. Uriel and Phebe), d. Job Jr. and Deborah (Baxter) 10th, 2 mo. 1795, PR38.
Martha E., d. Benjamin G., painter, and Martha of N., May 5, 1846, in N.
Mary, ch. William and Experience, Mar. 22, 1733-4, in N. [d. William and Experience Challens, 22d, 3 mo., PR38.]
Mary. w. Jonathan Chase (s. Isaac and Mercy), d. Job and Phebe (Baxter) (second w.), 19th, 9 mo. 1763, PR38.
Mary, w. Ebenezer Skinner (s. Stephen and Mary), second w. Joseph West, d. Sylvanus and Jane Roberts, 27th, 11 mo. 1782, PR38.
Mary, w. Philip Robinson, d. Daniel of Maine, 22d, 2 mo. 1787, in Maine, PR38.
Mary, w. Benjamin McCleave (s. Thomas V. and Lurania), w. Peter McCormick, d. Armstrong and Eunice (Marshall) (first w.), 11th, 6 mo. 1791 [dup. 1790]. PR38.
Mary, d. David and Lydia, 27th, 8 mo. 1792, PR38.
Mary, w. Thomas G. Barnard (s. Thomas and Eunice), d. Thomas and Cassandra (Hatch), ___, 1813 [dup. 9th,
6 mo. 1809, sic, see William Parker Smith], PR38.
Mary, d. Nancy of N., Dec. 1, 1846, in N.
Mary A., d. Obed and Nancy (Eldridge), 2d, 3 mo. 1845, PR38.
Mary Abby, d. Edward and Mercy (Edwards), _____, PR38.
Mary Ann, d. Alexander and Harriett H., ___, 1829, PR38.
Mary Ann, d. Elisha (of Barnstable) and Nancy (Meader),___, 1835, PR38.
Mary w. Gideon F. Swain (s. Aaron and Mary), d. Peter G. and Charlotte J. (Chase), 27th, 10 mo. 1837, PR38.
Mary Jane, d. Joseph and Ann, _____, PR38.
Matthew, m., ___, 1760. PR38.
Matthew, h. Susanna (d. John Swain and Lydia), _____, PR38.
Mehitable, w. Ebenezer Hussey (s. John and Jedida), d. Daniel and Abigail (Coffin), 22d, 11 mo. 1752, PR38.
Merib [dup. Merab] , w. George Barnard (s. Tristram and Phebe), d. Solomon and Anna (Gardner), 29th, 3 mo.
1796, PR38.
Moses, ___, 1791, GR3. [h. Susan (d. George Pollard and Tamar), s. Solomon and Anna (Gardner), 7th, 5 mo.,
Nancy, w. Thomas Gardner ("a Portuguese"), d. George and Mary (Alley), 27th, 5 mo. 1818, PR38.
Obed G., h. Nancy (d. James T. Eldridge and Deborah), s. Solomon and Anna (Gardner), 24th, 9 mo. 1809, PR38.
Obed G., h. Mary B. (d. Edward G. Coffin and Phebe), h. Caroline (d. Charles H. Coleman and Mary A.), s. Obed and Nancy (Eldridge), 3d, 9 mo. 1837, PR38.
Peter G., h. Charlotte J. (d. Stephen Chase and Peery), s. Solomon and Anna (Gardner), 8th, 8 mo. 1805, PR38.
Phebe, d. Thomas and Eunice, Apr. 21, 1790, CR3. [w. David Andrews (s. Abraham and Mary), d. Thomas and Eunice (Bunker) (Swain), PR38.]
Phebe, w. Alexander Pease (s. Abraham and Sally), Jonathan. Jr. and Anna (Pease), _____, PR38.
Polly, w. Noah Swain (s. Peter and Sarah), d. John and Judith (Gardner), 28th, 5 mo. 1777, PR38.
Rebecca., w. Reuben G. [sic, dup. Richard] Pinkham (s. Henry M. and Catharine), d. James and Eliza Ann (Raymond), -, 12 mo. 1825, PR38.
Reuben, s. Jonathan Jr. and Anna (Pease), 11th, 11 mo. 1803, PR38.
Reuben, s. Daniel and Abigail (Coffin), _____, PR38.
Reuben, s. Eliphalet and Deborah (Bunker), _____, PR38.
Reuben, s. Jonathan and Hepsabeth (Pinkham), _____, PR38.
Richard, s. Alexander and Anna, _____, PR38.
Roland, s. Alfred and Lydia (Cash), ___, 1835, PR38.
Sally, divorced w. Benjamin Chase of Ohio, d. Matthew and Susanna. (Swain), 31st, 10 mo. 1797, PR38.
Sally, d. John and Hepsabeth (Folger), 4th, 11 mo. 1803, PR38.
Sally, d. Thomas 2d and Cassandra (Hatch), ___, 1817, PR38.
Sally, w. James Murphy (s. James and Dinah), w. John Weiderhold, d. John and Judith (Gardner), _____, PR38.
Samuel, s. Daniel and Abigail (Coffin), _____, PR38.
Sarah, ch. William and Experience [Experience Challens, PR38.], May 22, 1729, in N.
Sarah B., w. Paul Bunker (s. William and Parnal), d. Charles and Sarah (Beard), _____, PR38.
Silvanus (see Sylvanus).
Solomon, h. Anna (d. Francis Gardner and Anna), s. Job and Phebe (Baxter) (second w.), 15th, 8 mo. 1766, PR38.
Susan (see Susan Smith Swain).
Susan, d. Jonathan Jr. and Anna (Pease), 9th, 10 mo. 1817, PR38.
Susan N. [Smith, w. ____] Dunham, Jan. 10, 1827, GR3. [Smith, d. Alfred and Lydia (Cash), PR38.]
Sylvanus, h. Jane Roberts of R.I., s. Job and Mary (Johnson) (first w.), 29th, 9 mo. 1755, PR38.
Sylvanus Jr., s. Sylvanus and Jane Roberts, 28th, 3 mo. 1788, PR38.
Thankful, w. Obed Hervey Joy (s. Obed and Anna), sister of Elisha, 22d, 2 mo. 1805, PR38.
Thomas of England, h. Eunice (wid. Micajah Swain, d. Uriah Bunker), 2d, 4 mo. 1752, PR38.
Thomas 2d, h. Cassandra (Hatch), -, 1 mo. 1787, PR38.
Thomas H., h. Caroline Studley of Worcester, s. Thomas and Cassandra (Hatch), ___, 1821, PR38.
Walter C., s. Isaac G. and Abby (Jones), 11th, 10 mo. 1849, PR38.
William, ch. William and Experience, May 19, 1720, in N. [s. William and Experience Challens, 19th, 5 mo., PR38.]
William, "a stranger," h. Caroline (d. Andrew Folger),_____, PR38.
William, h. Experience Challens, _____, PR38.
William, s. John and Mary (Kidder), _____, PR38.
William B., s. Moses and Susan (Pollard), ___, 1823, PR38.
William H., s. Charles and Sarah (Beard), -, 5 mo. 1830, PR38.
William H., s. Allen, blacksmith, and Sarah W. of N., May 25, 1847, in N. [h. Lydia B. (d. Alfred J. Folger and Sarah J.), s. Allen and Sarah W. (Hayden), PR38.]
William H. H., ch. A. and S. W., ___, 1840, GR3.
William Henry, s. Job and Lydia (Tracy), -, 6 mo. 1809, PR38.
William J., s. Joseph and Ann, _____, PR38.
William Parker, inf. Tho[ma]s 2d and Cassandra, bp. May 13, 1810, [h. Lydia (d. Daniel Barney and Lydia)
("No chn."), h. Mary L. (d. William M. Russell), s. Thomas 2d and Cassandra (Hatch), b. 3d, 12 mo. 1809,
Aaron, h. Desire (Clark) Pinkham ("No chn."), h. Nancy (Howes) of Barnstable, ___, 1767, PR38.
Abby, w. Stephen Barker, d. Samuel and Eunice (Swain), ___, 1840, PR38.
Abigail, d. James and Elizabeth (Meader), 16th, 3 mo. 1790, PR38.
Adaline, d. Aaron and Nancy (Howes) (second w.), ___, 1830, PR38.
Alexander, s. William C. and Mary Ann (Earle), ___, 1829, PR38.
Almira H., w. Peter M. Vmcent Jr. of Edgartown, d. William C. and Mary Ann (Earle), __, 18__, PR38.
Angeline F., d. Gdeon and Lucinda (Fisher), ___, 1838, PR38.
Ann E., d. William C. and Mary Ann (Earle), ___, 1840, PR38.
Ann Eliza, d. Samuel and Eunice (Swain), —, 6 mo. 1829, PR38.
Ansel, s. Ansel L. and Dorcas (Lewis) (first w.), 13th, 3 mo. 1831, PR38.
Ansel L., h. Dorcas (d. Freeman Lewis and Betsey), h. Catharine (d. Nathaniel Burgess), s. Jonathan and Naomi of Barnstable, 25th, 10 mo. 1808 [? in Barnstable], PR38.
Benjamin, h. Huldah (d. Ebenezer Dunham and Huldah), h. Elizabeth (wid. Charles Abrams, d. Jonathan Barnard and Anna) ("No chn."), 1st, 8 mo. 1789, PR38.
Benjamin M., s. James and Elizabeth (Meader), 29th, 2 mo. 1815, PR38.
Caroline, w. Ezekiel Crocker of Weymouth, d. Benjamin and Huldah (Dunham) (first w.), __, 1821, PR38.
Charles E., h. Emily Jane (d. Joseph Carpenter and Mary Arm), s. William C. and Mary Ann (Earle), 17th, 9 mo. 1833. PR38.
Daniel B., s. Ansel L. and Catharine (Burgess) (second w.), 3d, 7 mo. 1837, PR38.
Delia M., d. William, laborer, and Mary [William C. and Mary Ann (Earle), PR38.] of N., Dec. 10, 1848. in N.
Edward, s. James and Elizabeth (Meader), 16th, 5 mo. 1806, PR38.
Edward H., h. Mary E. (Delano) of Fairhaven, s. Benjamin and Huldah (Dunham) (first w.), 5th, 12 mo. 1815, PR38.
Eleonora [dup. Lenora], w. Isaiah Swain (s. Freeman and Rebecca), w. Thomas Robinson, w. Jared S. Miner, sister of Eliza [q.v.], _____ [? in Mattapoisett], PR38.
Eliza, w. James Swain (s. Freeman and Rebecca), w. William R. C. Allen. d. ____ of Mattapoisett, 9th, 8 mo. 1787 [? in Mattapoisett], PR38.
Eliza Ann, d. James and Elizabeth (Meader), 15th, 4 mo. 1804, PR38.
Emeline (see Emmeline).
Emily J., d. William C. and Mary Ann (Earle), ___, 1838, PR38.
Emmeline, w. Charles C. P. Tobey of New Bedford, d. James and Elizabeth (Meader), 1st, 1 mo. 1813, PR38.
George E., s. Edward H. and Mary E. (Delano), 4th, 12 mo. 1841, PR38.
George F., h. Eliza H. (d. William R. Coffin and Mary), s. Gideon and Lucinda (Fisher), ___, 1823, PR38.
George W., s. George F. and Eliza H. (Coffin), 31st, 7 mo. 1849, PR38.
George Washington, s. William, laborer, and Mary [William C. and Mary Ann (Earle), PR38.] of N., May 1 [Apr. 30 written in pencil above May l] 1844, in N.
Gideon, h. Lucinda (d. Amaziah Fisher and Lurania), 23d, 8 mo. 1786, PR38.
Harriett, w. William Swain (s. Frederic and Susan), w. George Clark, d. Benjamin and Huldah (Dunham) (first w.), 26th, 1 mo. 1814, PR38.
Harriett G., w. Benjamin T. [dup. S.] Vincent of Edgartown (brother of Peter), d. William C. and Mary Ann (Earle), ___, 1836 [dup. 8th, 2 mo. 1837], PR38.
Henry, s. Gideon and Lucinda (Fisher), _____, PR38.
Henry C., s. Ansel L. and Dorcas (Lewis) (first w.), 27th, 3 mo. 1833, PR38.
Henry Francis, s. Edward H., mariner, and Mary E. [ (Delano) PR38.] of N., Oct. 8, 1843, in N.
James, July 25, 1770, GR4. [h. Elizabeth (d. Nathaniel Meader and Lucy), 15th, 12 mo. 1769, PR38.]
James, h. Elizabeth, s. James and Elizabeth (Meader), 6th, 5 mo. 1792, PR38.
James, s. Gideon and Lucinda (Fisher), ___, 1829, PR38.
James H., s. Edward H. and Mary E. (Delano), 19th, 4 mo. 1848, PR38.
Jeremiah, s. Thomas and Margaret (Hussey), _____, PR38.
Judith P., d. W[illia]m C., laborer, and Mary of N., Dec. 8, 1845, in N. [Judith R., d. William C and Mary Ann
(Earle), -, 12 mo. 1846, PR38.]
Laura Ann, w. Robert Folger (s. Charles and Judith), d. Aaron and Nancy (Howes) (second w.), ___, 1819, PR38.
Leonora (see Eleonora).
Lucinda, w. George W. Pease of Edgartown, w. William Slater of Ipswich, d. Gideon and Lucinda (Fisher), ___, 1811, PR38.
Lydia B., d. William C. and Mary Ann (Earle), ___, 1843, PR38.
Mary [dup. Polly], w.George Kelley (s. Daniel and Phebe), d. James and Elizabeth (Meader), 11th, 4mo. 1799, PR38.
Mary Abby, w. Stephen Barker of Cuttyhunk, d. Aaron and Nancy (Howes) (second w.), ___, 1828, PR38.
Mary C., d. George F., mariner, and Eliza. H. [ (Coffin) PR38.] of N., Dec. 31, 1845, in N.
Mary E., w. John Horn, d. Benjamin and Huldah (Dunham) (first w.), 13th, 6 mo. 1818, P8.38.
Mary E., w. Gershom Phinney Jr. (s. Gershom and Martha), d. William C. and Mary Ann (Earle), _____, PR38.
Mary F., d. Edward H., shipwright, and Mary E. of N., Nov. 18, 1845, in N.
Mary T., w. George W. Coffin (s. Peter and Charlotte), d. Samuel and Eunice (Swain), _____, PR38.
Oliver, h. Rebecca Childs of Fall River, s. Gideon and Lucinda (Fisher), ___, 1825, PR38.
Pardon, h. Catharine (d. Thomas Finn and Mary) "(Irish)," s. Gideon and Lucinda (Fisher), _____, PR38.
Polly (see Mary).
Polly, w. Samuel Nye of Fair Haven [dup. N.B.], d. Thomas and Margaret (Hussey), _____, PR38.
Prince William, s. Aaron and Nancy (Howes) (second w.), ___, 1821, PR38.
Rebecca A. [Snow, w. ____] Crocker, ___ 1846, [on stone beside that of Thomas A. Coffin and Joseph W. Crocker] GR3. [Rebecca Ann Snow, d. Samuel and Eunice (Swain), ___, 1847, PR38.]
Sally M. (see Sarah)
Samuel, ___, 1800, GR3. [h. Eunice (d. Uriah Swain and Judith), s. James and Elizabeth (Meader), 15th, 9 mo.,
Sarah [dup. Sally M.], w. John R. Higgins of Cape Cod (s. Isaac and Sabara), d. James and Elizabeth (Meader), 15th, 9 mo. 1802 [dup. 1804], PR38.
Seth, s. Gideon and Lucinda (Fisher), ___, 1821, PR38.
Susan, d. James and Elizabeth (Meader), 12th, 3 mo. 1795, PR38.
Susan, w. William H. Taber (s. John and Lucretia), d. Gideon and Lucinda (Fisher), ___, 1813, PR38.
Susan P, w. Benjamin C. Gorham (s. Edward and Susan), d. Samuel and Eunice (Swain), 13th, 8 mo. 1827, PR38.
Thomas, h. Lydia Borden (colored), h. ____ Tweedy (colored), s. James and Elizabeth (Meader), 22d, 4 mo. 1808, PR38.
Thomas of Boston, h. Margaret (d. Christopher Hussey and Mary), _____, PR38.
Valina, d. James and Elizabeth (Meader), 13th, 7 mo. 1810, PR38.
William C., h. Mary, ___, 1802, GR3. [h. Mary Ann (d. Nathaniel Earle and Phebe), s. Chipman and Polly of Barnstable, ___, 1801, PR38.]
William C. Jr, s. William C. and Mary Ann (Earle), ___, 1841, PR38.
William F., h. Abby Marston of Cape Cod, s. Gideon and Lucinda (Fisher), ___, 1815, PR38.
Mary, d. Edward, laborer, and Hepz[ibe]th of N., Feb. 20, 1848, in N.
Maria, d. Joshua and Sarah, July 12, 1804, CR3. [d. Rev. ____ and w, July 10, PR64.]
Alice [____], w. George, —, 2 mo. 1801, PR38.
Eliza, w. Peter C. Brock (s. Peter and Waity), d. Tristram and Priscilla (Brock) (Coffin), —, 10 mo. [dup. 9th, 9
mo.] 1810, PR38.
Elizabeth, w. William (s. Giles Hosier of R.I. and Elizabeth), d. Oliver and Judith (Allen), 22d, 11 mo. 1768, PR38.
George, h. Alice, —, 7 mo. 1799, PR38.
George Jr. of Cape Cod, h. Eliza Ann (d. Charles James and Mary), s. George and Alice, —, 6 mo. 1825, PR38.
Henry, s. George and Alice, —, 3 mo. 1836, PR38.
Judith, w. George Lawrence (s. George and Judith), w. ____ Jenny, d. Oliver and Judith (Allen), 15th, 9 mo. 1771, PR38.
Laura Ann, d. George and Alice, 11th, 2 mo. 1839, PR38.
Lucretia, first w. Benjamin Mitchell (s. Richard Jr.), d. Oliver and Judith (Allen), _____, PR38.
Maria, d. George and Alice, —, 12 mo. 1832, PR38.
Mary Jane, d. George, mariner, and Alice of N., Feb. 15, 1844, in N.
Oliver, h. Lydia J. [ ? accuracy] (d. William Barney and Sarah), s. Tristram and Priscilla (Brock) (Coffin), 25th, 12 mo. 1814, PR38.
Oliver of R.I., h. Judith (d. Ebenezer Allen and Christian), _____, PR38.
Reuben, h. Martha (d. Elijah Coffin Jr. and Eunice), s. Tristram and Priscilla (Brock) (Coffin), 17th, 8 mo. 1817, PR38.
Roland (see Roland James).
Thomas B., s. George and Alice, 9th, 5 mo. 1846, PR38.
Thomas B., s. Reuben B., mariner, and Martha B. [ (Coffin) P.R38] of N., May 9, 1846, in N.
Tristram, h. Priscilla (wid. Abijah Coffin, d. Thomas Brock and Judith), s. Oliver and Judith (Allen), 9th, 10 mo. 1773, PR38.
____, s. George, Apr. 26, 1842.
Charles C., s. John, mariner, and Mary of N., Mar. 3, 1846, in N.
Edward B., s. John, mariner, and Mary of N., Feb. 13, 1849, in N.
Mary, Jan. 19, 1817, GR2 [See Mary Barrett].
Caroline C., w. E. A Gove of Vicksburg, Miss., d. Farnham and Lydia (Coggeshall), 6th, 3 mo. 1843, PR38.
Edward C., h. Sarah Snell of S. Danvers, s. Farnham and Lydia (Coggeshall), 6th, 7 mo. 1839, PR38.
Ellen E., d. Farnham and Lydia (Coggeshall), 21st, 1 mo. 1841, PR38.
Farnham, h. Lydia (d. Peleg Coggeshall Jr. and Deborah), 10th, 2 mo. 1797, ["They moved to North Andover," written against Farnham's family] PR38.
Harriett F., w. Charles E. Hovey, d. Farnham and Lydia (Coggeshall), 5th, 7 mo. 1834, PR38.
Lydia F., d. Farnham and Lydia (Coggeshall), 22d, 1 mo. 1846, PR38.
Anna, ch. Dinah, _____, CR4. [d. Seth and Dinah (Gardner), 2d, 10 mo. 1763, PR38.]
Calvin, h. Sophia (d. Isaac Ross and Peggy) ("No chn."), 17th, 12 mo. 1789, PR38.
Deborah, ch. Dinah, _____, CR4. [w. George Gardner (s. Paul and Rachel), "No chn," d. Seth and Dinah (Gardner), 23d, 9 mo. 1765, PR38.]
Isaac, h. Sarah (d. John Chase and Deborah), s. Jeremiah and Merab (Coffin) (Alley), ___, 1812, PR38.
Isaac of Bristol Co., h. Ruth (d. Judge Jeremiah Gardner and Sarah), _____, PR38.
Jeremiah, s. Jeremiah and Merab (Coffin) (Alley), ___, 1806, PR38.
Jeremiah, h. Merab (Coffin) Alley, s. Isaac and Ruth (Gardner), ___, PR38.
Merab, ch. Dinah, _____, CR4. [second w. Paul Gardner (s. Paul and Rachel), d. Seth and Dinah (Gardner), 23d, 11 mo. 1767, PR38.]
Owen, h. Eliza, (sister of Waram Hart) ("No chn."), s. Jeremiah and Merab (Coffin) (Alley), ___, 1804, PR38.
William, ch. Dinah, ____, CR4. [s. Seth and Dinah (Gardner), PR38.]