To the Year 1850
Published by the
New England Historic Genealogical Society
At the Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms
at the charge of The Eddy Town-Record Fund
Births - KANAN to LYON
[transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

KANAN (see Cannon)
KEEN (see Keene)-
Charles V., s. William and Charlotte M. (Creesey) (second w.), ___, 1831, PR38.
Charlotte A., d. William and Abby (Townsend) (Robbins) (third w.), _____, PR38.
Eliza S. (Keene), w. Charles R. Fisher (s. Robert Coffin and Polly), d. Moses and Anna (Swain), 29th, 8 mo. 1811 [dup. 1810], PR38.
Francis B., h. Cordelia (d. Charles K. Pratt and Cordelia), s. William and Abby (Townsend) (Robbins) (third w.), ___, 1841, PR38.
George, s. Moses and Anna (Swain), 4th, 5 mo. 1798, PR38.
George W., s. William and Charlotte M. (Creesey) (second w.), 17th, 9 mo. 1826, PR38.
Mary Taber, d. Moses and Anne, Jan. 18, 1813, [w. Simeon Jenkins (s. Perez and Sarah), d. Moses and Anna (Swain), ___ [dup. 19th, 1 mo.], 1814. PR38.]
Moses, h. Anna (d. Benjamin Swain and Phebe), _, 9 mo. 1770, PR38.
Nancy M., d. Moses and Anna (Swain), 4th, 6 mo. 1817, PR38.
Phebe S., w. Alexander Googins, w. Charles Wyer, d. Moses and Anna (Swain), 4th, 6 mo. 1801, PR38.
Priscilla S., w. James Stiff of England, d. Moses and Anna (Swain), ___, 1808 [dup. 31st, 5 mo. 1807], PR38.
William, h. Nancy (d. Thomas V. McCleave) ("no child"), h. Charlotte M. (d. Edward Creesey), h. Abby [dup. Abigail G.] (wid. Charles Robbins, d. Thomas Townsend), s. Moses and Anna (Swain), 8th, 8 mo. 1794, PR38.
Abby, w. Edward Betts, "no child," d. John and Abigail Kelley, 5th, 8 mo. 1783, PR38.
Abby B., d. Joseph and Sarah (Jackson), 21st, 3 mo. 1812, PR38.
Abigail Kelley [____] of Yarmouth, w. John from Va., 23d, 1 mo. 1755 [? in Yarmouth], PR38.
Adolphus, s. Allen and Elizabeth Brownell (third w), _____, PR38.
Alexander, h. Maria Bullen of Pittstown, Me., s. Charles and Judith (Paddack), 30th, 1 mo. 1833, PR38.
Alfred, s. Edward G. and Martha (Munroe), 5th, 4 mo. 1841, PR38.
Allen, h. Mercy (d. Lemuel Freeman), h. Rebecca, h. Elizabeth Brownell, h. Betsey Holway ("no child"), s. ____ of Sandwich, 14th, 10 mo. 1793, PR38.
Avis, w. Reuben Long (s. Jonathan and Rebecca), d. Daniel and Phebe (Barnard), 1st, 5 mo. [dup. 2d, 9 mo.] 1787, PR38.
Avis S., w. Gustavus Sawtelle of Sidney, Me., d. Charles and Judith (Paddack), 18th, 12 mo. 1837, PR38.
Benjamin, s. Daniel and Phebe (Barnard), _____, PR38.
Betsey, d. Levi and Sally Welden (second w.) (of Yarmouth), 21st, 7 mo. 1817, PR38.
Betsy, w. Freeman Keen, "no child," d. Daniel and Phebe (Barnard), _____, PR38.
Catharine C., w. ____ Booth, d. Allen and Rebecca (second w.), , 2 mo. 1829. PR38.
Catherine, d. ____ and Judith, Feb. , 1776, C.R.3.
Charles H., h. Harriet R. Dutton of Sidney, Me., s. Charles and Judith (Paddack), 11th, 11 mo. 1834, PR38.
Charles M., s. Henry A. and Anna B. (Coffin), _____, PR38.
Daniel from Va., h. Phebe (d. Benjamin Barnard), 15th, 10 mo. 1752, PR38.
Edward B., h. Belinda Godfrey of Edgartown, s. Joseph and Sarah (Jackson), 22d, 10 mo. 1814, PR38.
Edward G., 1817, [on stone with Martha M.] G.R.3. [h. Martha (d. John Munroe), s. Allen and Mercy (Freeman) (first w.), 20th, 2 mo. 1818 [sic, dup. 28th, 1 mo. 1817], PR38.]
Edward H., s. Edward G. and Martha (Munroe), 8th, 5 mo. 1839, PR38.
Eliza N., d. Henry A., merchant, and Anna B. of N, Oct. 20, 1844, in N.
Elizabeth, w. Ammial Gardner (s. Joseph and Abigail), d. John and Abigail Kelley, 29th, 2 mo. 1772, PR38.
Elizabeth, d. Allen and Elizabeth Brownell (third w.), _____, PR38.
Eunice B, d. Charles and Judith (Paddack), 29th, 11 mo. 1846, PR38.
Fanny B., w. William Bailiss of New Bedford, d. George and Mary (Snow), 17th, 9 mo. 1825, PR38.
Frederick A., s. James S. (Kelley), merchant, and Susan of N., Sept. 23, 1846, in N. [s. James S. and Susan A. (Chase), ___, 1847, PR38.]
George, h. Mary (d. James Snow and Elizabeth), s. Daniel and Phebe (Barnard), 26th, 11 mo. 1796, PR38.
George R., m., s. Nathan B. and Judith B. (Long), 28th, 4 mo. 1840, PR38.
Hannah, w. Jonathan Pollard ("Probably his 1st cousin," s. George and Lydia), d. John, 16th, 5 mo. 1754, PR38.
Hannah B. [Kelley, w. ____] Long, ___, 1815, GR2. [Kelley. "Nantucket," w. George K. Long (s. Moses and Sally), twin d. Levi and Sally Welden (second w.) (of Yarmouth), 24th, 10 mo., PR38.]
Hannah Bodfish [____], first w. Levi (s. Levi and Nabby of Osterville), 22d, 11 mo. 1780, PR38.
Henry A., h. Anna B. (d. Jared Coffin and Hepsabeth), s. Allen and Mercy (Freeman) (first w.), 8th, 2 mo. 1816 [dup. 22d. 2 mo. 1815], PR38.
Henry A. Jr., s. Henry A., merchant, and Anna [Anna B. (Coffin), PR38.] of N., Feb. 2, 1849.
Henry A., s. Edward G. and Martha (Munroe), _____, PR38.
James S., h. Susan A. (d. Frederick B. Chase and Phebe), s. Allen and Rebecca (second w.), _, 4 mo. 1821, PR38.
James S. Jr., s. James S. and Susan A. (Chase), ___, 1848, PR38.
Joanna Ainsley [____], third w. Levi (s. Levi and Nabby of Osterville), ___, 1781, PR38.
John, h. Sally Cleaveland of Martha's Vineyard, s. John and Abigail Kelley, _____, PR38.
Joseph, h. Sarah Jackson of Conn s. John and Abigail Kelley, 16th, 5 mo. 1780, PR38.
Joseph Jr, s. Joseph and Sarah (Jackson), 26th, 6 mo. 1818, PR38.
Kernelum, s. Levi and Hannah Bodfish (first w.), 22d, 11 mo. 1805, PR38.
Levi, h. Hannah Bodfish, h. Sally Welden of Yarmouth, h. Joanna Ainsley, h. Sarah P. Lovell, s. Levi and Nabby of Osterville, 27th, 3 mo. 1780 [ ? in Osterville] . PR38.
Levi 3d, s. Levi and Hanrah Bodfish (first w.). 15th, 5 mo. 1808, PR38.
Lydia, w. Enoch Ray (s. Benjamin), w. Avery Whipple of N.Y., d. John and Abigail Kelley, ___, 1774. PR38.
Malvina, d. Levi and Sally Welden (second w.) (of Yarmouth), 4th, 7 mo. 1821, PR38.
Maria A., "Nantucket," w. George C. Allen (s. George and Keziah), d. Levi (of Barnstable) and Sally Welden (second w.) (of Yarmouth), 12th, 5 mo. 1820 [dup. 22d, 5 mo. 1819], PR38.
Marianna, d. Nathan, mariner, and Judith [Nathan B. and Judith B. (Long), PR38.] of N., Apr. 11, 1849.
Martha M. [____], ___, 1818, [on stone with Edward G.] GR3.
Mary, w. Edward S. Upham (s. John and Mary), w. Charles H. Clark (s. Lemuel of Martha's Vineyard), d. Charles and Judith (Paddack), 9th, 8 mo. 1830, PR38.
Merab (see Merrib).
Mercy F., w. ____, d. Allen and Rebecca (second w.), _, 12 mo. 1825, PR38.
Merrib, d. John and Abigail, Dec. 16, 1776, C.R.3. [Merab, w. David Sterling of Hudson. N.Y., d. John and Abigail Kelley, 16th, 12 mo. 1777, PR38.]
Nabby, d. Levi and Hannah Bodfish (first w.). 4th, 8 mo. 1810, PR38.
Nathan B., "Nantucket," h. Judith B. (d. Reuben Long and Avis), s. Levi and Hannah Bodfish (first w.), 19th, 1 mo. 1813. PR38.
Nelson M., s. Henry A. and Anna B. (Coffin), _____, PR38.
Phebe, w. Thomas King, d. Daniel and Phebe (Barnard). 15th, 7 mo. 1783. PR38.
Randall, "Nantucket." h. Charlotte (d. Joseph Plaskett and Persis), s. Levi and NaYrrrab. Bodfish (first w.), 3d, 6 mo. 1803, PR38.
Rebecca, second w. Jonathan Long (s. John and Jane), d. John of Cape Cod, 1st, 4 mo. 1745 [? on Cape Cod], PR38.
Rebecca [____], second w. Allen, , 2 mo. 1801, PR38.
Reuben, s. Daniel and Phebe (Barnard), 19th, 4 mo. 1799, PR38.
Reuben L., s. Nathan B. and Judith B. (Long), 28th, 1 mo. 1843, PR38.
Sally Welden [____] of Yarmouth, second w. Levi (s. Levi and Nabby of Osterville), 24th, 9 mo. 1792. PR38.
Sarah, w. Moses Long (s. Samuel and Lydia), d. Daniel and Phebe (Barnard), 3d, 3 mo. 1785, PR38.
Sarah P. Lovell [____], fourth w. Levi (s. Levi and Nabby of Osterville), 24th, 6 mo. 1797, PR38.
Sarah W., "Nantucket," w. Joseph M. Folger (s. Peleg and Sally), twin d. Levi and Sally Welden (second w.) (of Yarmouth). 24th, 10 mo. 1815, PR38.
Sophia C., w. William E. Thomas of Bridgewater, d. Charles and Judith (Paddack) of Maine, 4th, 7 mo. 1842, PR38.
Susan B., w. Lewis B. Imbert. d. Daniel and Phebe (Barnard), 13th. 5 mo. 1802. PR38.
Susanna, w. Obadiah Covil, w. John Raymond, d. John and Abigail Kelley, 13th. 3 mo. 1785, PR38.
Thomas, h. Emma Whipple of Norwich [Conn.]. s. John and Abigail Kelley, _____, PR38.
William L., h. Rebecca C. (d. Charles H. Clark and Mary), h. Lottie (d. Joseph B. Macy and Rebecca M.), s. Charles and Judith (Paddack), 16th, 11 mo. 1839, PR38.
William Penn, s. Allen and Rebecca (second w.), 4th. 3 mo. 1827, PR38.
Zeno, h. Ann Maria, s. Allen and Rebecca (second w.). , 8 mo. 1823. PR38.
Betsy, w. Reuben Manter (s. George and Lydia), d. Seth and Eunice (Wyer). 6th, 5 mo. 1803. PR38.
Charles, s. Seth and Eunice (Wyer) 18th, 11 mo. 1798. PR38.
Seth of Hartford [Conn.], h. Eunice (d. Zachariah Wyer), 8th, 11 mo. 1764, PR38.
Charles H., s. Rev. George W. of Taunton and Rebecca (Bunker), 3d, 3 mo. 1840, PR38.
Emily Maria, d. Rev. George W. of Taunton and Rebecca (Bunker), 7th, 8 mo. 1847, PR38.
Francis A., s. Rev. George W. of Taunton and Rebecca (Bunker), 5th, 2 mo. 1844, PR38.
George F., s. Rev. George W. of Taunton and Rebecca (Bunker), 11th, 2 mo. 1834 PR38.
John B, h. Emeline Williams of Norwich, Conn., s. Rev. George W. of Taunton and Rebecca (Bunker), -, 3 mo. 1836, PR38.
Joseph W., s. Rev. George W. of Taunton and Rebecca (Bunker), 28th, 7 mo. 1838, PR38.
Benjamin, s. Elijah and Hannah, 12th, 3 mo. 1816 [? in Harwich], PR38.
Elijah of Harwich, h. Hannah, s. Jonathan and Mary (Burgess), 18th, 12 mo. 1774, PR38.
Eunice, (d. Elijah and Hannah, 7th, 10 mo. 1811 [? in Harwich], PR38.
Hannah [____], w. Elijah of Harwich (s. Jonathan and Mary), 12th, 6 mo. 1784, PR38.
Hannah Jr., d. Elijah and Hannah, 20th, 8 mo. 1809 [.? in Harwich], PR38.
Peedey, d. Elijah and Hannah, 11th, 2 mo. 1814 [? in Harwich], PR38.
Richard, s. Elijah and Hannah, 12th, 7 mo. 1807 [? in Harwich], PR38.
Sally, d. Elijah and Hannah, 22d, 8 mo. 1818 [ ? in Harwich], PR38.
Lovisa A. [____], "Mother," w. Reuben C., ___, 1816, GR3.
Reuben C., "Father," h. Lovisa A., ___, 1817, GR3.
Mary S. [dup. Kennin], first w. Joseph Silvester [dup. Sylvester (s. Hannah)], d. John and Love (Skinner), ___, 1805, PR38.
Rachel, d. John and Love (Skinner), ___, 1806, PR38.
Abigail, d. Rev. Asa and Susan, 17th, 6 mo. 1813, PR38.
Almira, d. Rev. Asa and Susan, 2d, 1 mo. 1810, PR38.
Asa, Rev., h. Susan, 14th, 5 mo. 1780, PR38.
Crawford, s. Rev. Asa and Susan, 14th, 5 mo. 1806, PR38.
Susan [____] , w. Rev. Asa, 2d, 3 mo. 1775, PR38.
Susan, d. Rev. Asa and Susan, 2d, 11 mo. 1804, PR38.
Emily J., d. Theophalus, mariner, and Eunice of N., Jan. 11, 1849. [Emily Jane, w.. Loring A. Dunham, d. Theophilus and Eunice, 11th, 10 mo. 1848, PR38.
Eunice [____], w. Theophilus "from Cape Cod," 10th, 10 mo. 1810, PR38.
Eunice H., w. Henry M. P. Stone of N.H., d. Theophilus and Eunice, 20th, 1 mo. 1842, PR38.
Mary Ann, w. Albert C. Folger (s. Charles and Judith), w. Samuel [dup. Henry] Clark of Brooklyn, N.Y., d. Theophilus and Eunice, ___, 1831, PR38.
Melissa, w. ____, d. Theophilus and Eunice, ___, 1835, PR38.
Stephen W., s. Theophilus and Eunice, 16th, 1 mo. 1840, PR38.
Theophilus "from Cape Cod," h. Eunice, 16th, 1 mo. 1805, PR38.
Abigail, ch. Mercy, bp. July 29, 1739, CR1 [w. Silvanus Allen Jr. (s. Silvanus), d. Stephen and Mercy Godfrey, b. _____, PR38.]
Anna, first w. Jonathan Perry, d. Stephen and Mercy Godfrey, _____, PR38.
Benjamin, Capt., h. Mary (d. Peter Coffin and Judith), s. Stephen Jr. and Eunice Knowles, _____, PR38.
Elizabeth [dup. Betsey], first w. Benjamin Raymond (s. William and Lydia), d. Stephen and Eunice Knowles, 13th,
8 mo. 1772, PR38.
Hephzibah, ch. Mercy, bp. July 29, 1739, CR1.
James, ch. Mercy, bp. Aug. 13, 1747, CR1.
Mary, ch. Mercy, bp. July 12, 1742, C.R.1 [w. John Smith (s. Henry and Priscilla), d. Stephen and Mercy Godfrey, b. _____, PR38.]
Mary, w. John Chadwick of Falmouth, d. Stephen Jr. and Eunice Knowles, _____, PR38.
Peter Coffin, s. Benjamin and Mary (Coffin), ___, 1800, PR38.
Sarah, w. Jeffry Delano, d. Stephen and Eunice Knowles, 18th, 7 mo. 1771, PR38.
Stephen, ch. Mercy, bp. Oct. 31, 1742, C.R.1. [Stephen Jr., h. Eunice Knowles "of the Vineyard," s. Stephen and Mercy Godfrey, b. _____, PR38.]
Stephen, s. Stephen Jr. and Eunice Knowles, _____, PR38.
____, ch. Stephen and Eunice Knowles, _____, PR38.
Charles, "m'd. in Australia & had 5 children," s. Ralph and Hepzibah (Chadwick), 11th, 5 mo. 1814, PR38.
Emeline, w. Alexander Chase (s. Judah and Phebe), d. Ralph and Hepzibah (Chadwick), 12th, 4 mo. 1808, PR38.
Ralph of Colchester [? Conn.], h. Hepzibah (d. Nathaniel Chadwick and Margaret), 11th, 11 mo. 1781, PR38.
Susan S., d. Moses and Eliza S. (Manter), _____, PR38.
Alfred R., s. John B., M.D., and Mary B. (Mitchell), 15th, 2 mo. 1843, PR38.
Ann Louisa, d. William A. and Eunice (Smith), 2d, 4 mo. 1830, PR38.
Daniel, s. Thomas and Phebe (Kelley), 14th, 8 mo. 1812, P3.38.
Dorcas [King], w. Daniel Dunham, ___, 1791, G.R.3. [King, w. Daniel Dunham (s. Jethro), d. Robert, pilot, of Martha's Vineyard, and Mary, 1st, 6 mo. 1794, PR38. Apr. 12, 1791, P.R.46.]
Eliza, w. Stephen Luce of Martha's Vineyard, d. Robert of Martha's Vineyard and Mary, _____, PR38.
Ephraim, ___, 1800, PR38.
John Bowne, M.D., ___, 1808, G.R.3. [h. Mary B. (d. Seth Mitchell and Lydia), 23d, 5 mo., PR38.]
Levi, h. Margaret (d. Isaac Ross and Peggy), 15th, 10 mo. 1780, PR38.
Lucretia, d. William A. and Eunice (Smith), 28th, 9 mo. 1821, PR38.
Margaret (see Mary).
Mary [____], w. Robert of Martha's Vineyard, 6th, 6 mo. 1762, PR38.
Mary or Margaret, [first] w. Ebenezer Dunham (s. Jethro and Lydia), d. Robert of Martha's Vineyard and Mary, 9th, 8 mo. 1790 [1790 written above 1805, sic].
Mary Abby, d. Jonathan, yeoman, and Susan of N., Feb. 20, 1845, in N.
Mary Ann, w. Charles B. Pitts (s. William and Saloma), w. Sandford Alden of N. Bridgewater, d. Thomas and Phebe (Kelley), 7th, 4 mo. 1808, PR38.
Mary Elizabeth, d. William A. and Eunice (Smith), 6th, 9 mo. 1836. PR38.
Mary Eliz[abet]h, d. Samuel, cooper, and Mary of N., Apr. 15. 1845, in N.
Nancy F., w. Charles Thompson, d. Robert of Martha's Vineyard and Mary, 17th, 4 mo. 1797, PR38.
Robert of Martha's Vineyard, h. Mary, 3d, 3 mo. 1762, PR38.
Rosanna, w. Joseph Fisher (s. Joseph), d. William of Tuckernuck, 19th, 3 mo. 1782, PR38.
Samuel W., s. Samuel, laborer, and Mary of N., June 10, 1848, in N.
Sarah, w. Owen Prescott, third w. Joseph Hamblin, d. Thomas and Phebe (Kelley), 12th, 4 mo. 1810, PR38.
Susan, d. Levi and Margaret (Ross), 1st, 5 mo. 1809, PR38.
Susan, w. William Hammond of New Bedford, w. John Winn, d. Thomas and Phebe (Kelley), 21st. 8 mo. 1819, PR38.
Thomas, h. Phebe (d. Daniel Kelley and Phebe), 10th, 4 mo. 1786. PR38.
Thomas B., h. Mary B. (d. Moses Long and Sally), s. Thomas and Phebe (Kelley), 2d, 11 mo. 1814. PR38.
Walter, s. Thomas B, mariner, and Mary, Jan. 13, 1849. [Walter J., h. Sarah J. (d. William Swain and Mary), h.
Mrs. Mary Ann Nickerson, s. Thomas B. and Mary B. (Long), PR38.]
William A., h. Eunice (d. Armstrong Smith and Eunice), h. Dorothy (wid. ____ Rudolph of Va.) ("no child"). s.
Rufus and Margaret DeWolf, 3d, 4 mo. 1796. PR38.
William Cort, h. Harriet (d. Edward H. Paddack and Mary), s. William A. and Eunice (Smith), 27th, 9 mo. 1834,
Albert A., m., s. Henry A. and Sarah B. Baker, 22d, 4 mo. 1843, PR38.
Charles H., s. Henry A. and Sarah B. Baker, ___, 1834, PR38.
Henry A., h. Sarah B. Baker of Cape Cod. s. Mason and Betsy of Bristol, R.I., ___, 1806. PR38.
Nelson M., m., s. Henry A. and Sarah B. Baker, 28th, 4 mo. 1839, PR38.
Sarah B. Baker [____] of Cape Cod, w. Henry A. (s. Mason and Betsy), 17th, 8 mo. 1810 [? on Cape Cod], PR38.
Abby Hall, d. Rev. William H. and Emily of N., May 5, 1845, in N.
Eugene R., s. Rev. W[illia]m H. and Emily of N., Aug. 27, 1847, in N.
Avis [____], w. William, 8th, 3 mo. 1758, PR38.
Benjamin, h. Rebecca (d. Peleg Macy and Sarah) ("no child"), s. William and Avis, 28th, 8 mo. 1796, PR38.
- Caroline, d. John and Susan (Hull), _____, PR38.
John, h. Susan (d. William Hull and Lydia), s. William and Avis, 16th, 4 mo. 1795, PR38.
William, h. Avis, -, 4 mo. 1795 [sic, ? 1759], PR38.
William, s. John and Susan (Hull), 9th, 6 mo. 1819, PR38.
KRILEN (see also Cannon)-
James, s. James, laborer, and Bridget of N., Mar. 20, 1844, in N.
Nancy, w. Obed Folger (s. Jonathan and Lydia), ___, 1756, PR38.
Eliza Ann, d. William and Hepzlbah (Newbegin), -, 2 mo. 1834, PR38.
Betsey [dup. Eliza], w. George Luce (s. Jason of Tisbury), d. Abel and Deborah (Gardner), 9th, 4 mo. 1795, PR38.
Eliza C., w. Charles Ramsdell (s. John and Phebe), d. Paul Gardner and Susan B. (Crosby), -, 3 mo. 1826 [dup. 1827], PR38.
Fanny, w. ____ Peckham, d. Abel and Deborah (Gardner), _____, PR38.
John M., h. Lydia G. Christian, s. Paul Gardner and Susan B. (Crosby), 15th, 12 mo. 1837, PR38.
Mary, w. Bethuel Coleman (s. Bethuel and Elizabeth), d. Abel and Deborah (Gardner), 18th, 8 mo. 1798, PR38.
- Mary B., w. William Marden (s. Deborah), d. Paul Gardner and Susan B. (Crosby), 19th, 7 mo. 1831, PR38.
Nancy, w. William Clasby (s. Abraham and Sarah), d. Abel and Deborah (Gardner), 26th, 12 mo. 1796, PR38.
- Nancy J., d. Gardner, mariner, and Susan of N., Nov. 23, 1843, in N. [Nancy Jane, w. William S. Allen (s. Shubael), d. Paul Gardner and Susan B. (Crosby), 22d, 11 mo., PR38.]
Paul Gardner, h. Susan B. (d. Marshall Crosby and Nancy), s. Abel and Deborah (Gardner), 4th, 7 mo. 1802, PR38.
Samuel C., h. Maria Spencer [of] Harwich, s. Paul Gardner and Susan B. (Crosby), 9th, 8 mo. 1828, PR38.
LAMBERT (see also Lumbert)-
George Newman, ch. Robert and Margaret, bp. Feb. 5, 1775, CR3.
Mary, ch. Robert and Margaret, bp. Jan. 5, 1772. CR3.
Caroline S. (see Caroline S. Skinner).
Anna Maria, d. William and Mary (Cash), , 1 mo. 1824, PR38.
Elizabeth G., w. James Cobb (s. George), d. William and Mary (Cash), , 7 mo. 1827, PR38.
Mary Jane, d. William and Mary (Cash), , 3 mo. 1822, PR38.
William, "Englishman," h. Mary (d. William Cash and Phebe),___ , 1772, PR38.
LATHROP (see Lothrop)LAW-
Edward C., s. James A., mariner, and Phebe of N., Dec. 29, 1843, in N. [Edward Scott Law, s. James A. and Phebe (Macy), 29th, 12 mo. 1844, PR38.]
Eliza H., d. James A. and Phebe (Macy), 2d, 11 mo. 1847, PR38.
James of Scotland, h. Lydia (Coleman) Marshall, 27th, 8 mo. 1782, PR38.
James A., h. Phebe (d. Thomas W. Macy and Lydia B.), s. James and Lydia (Coleman) (Marshall), 14th, 1 mo. 1813, PR38.
Lydia, w. Edward H. Coffin (s. Owen and Jedidah), d. James and Lydia (Coleman) (Marshall), 22d [dup. 27th], 7 mo. 1810, PR38.
Sarah, w. John H. Southworth of Dartmouth, d. James and Lydia (Coleman) (Marshall), 28th, 4 mo. 1817, PR38.
Sarah S., d. James A., mariner, and Phebe of N., July 27, 1848. [d. James A. and Phebe (Macy), 29th, 7 mo., PR38.]
Susan, w. Bradford Howland of New Bedford, d. James and Lydia (Coleman) (Marshall), 7th, 5 mo. 1812, PR38.
Ada, d. Joseph B., merchant, and Harriet C. [ (Pinkham) PR38.] of N., Jan. 13, 1845, in N.
Amelia C., d. Frederick and Susan B. (Hussey), 7th, 7 mo. 1842, PR38.
Andrew, h. Mary Abby (d. Matthew Clark and Sarah), , 3 mo. 1816, PR38.
Ann Upton, d. Frederick and Susan B. (Hussey), , 10 mo. 1840, PR38.
Benjamin, ch. James Coffin and Jedidah, 25th, 2 mo. 1799, [h. Eliza, GR3. h. Eliza (d. Robert Pitman and Eliza-
beth), s. James C. and Jedidah (Swain), PR38. s. James C. and Jedidah (Swain), PR41.]
Benjamin B., h. Ellen (Stewart) [? of San Francisco], s. Benjamin and Eliza (Pitman), _, 5 mo. 1837,
PR38. [Benjamin Barker Lawrence, May 28, PR41.]
Charles, h. Hepzibah (d. Moses Bunker and Mary), s. Jeremiah and Eunice (Baxter), 16th, 12 mo. 1798, PR38.
Charles, s. Charles and Hepzibah (Bunker), , 1 mo. 1831, PR38.
Charles C., m., s. Andrew and Mary Abby (Clark), _, 8 mo. 1839. PR38.
Charles Spencer, ch. George Jr. and Judith. 2d, 12 mo. 1790, CR4. [h. Eunice (d. William Abrahms and Mary), s. George and Judith (Spencer). 1st, 12 mo., PR38.]
David Baxter, s. Charles and Hepzibah (Bunker), , 9 mo. 1838, PR38.
Edward, s. Charles and Eunice (Abrahms), _____, PR38.
Edward Abbott, h. Susan C. (d. George Sheffield and Ann), s. Justin and Charlotte S. (Pinkharn), 2d, 10 mo. 1839,
Eliza, d. Jeremiah and Eunice (Baxter), 1st, 9 mo. 1803, PR38.
Eliza, w. Alanson Swain (s. Obed B. and Eunice), d. Charles and Hepzibah (Bunker). , 6 mo. 1822. PR38.
Eliza P., w. Alfred C. Alley (s. Obed and Susan), d. Benjamin and Eliza (Pitman), 16th, 8 mo. 1827, PR38.
Elizabeth S., d. George A. and Emeline (Swain). 2d, 9 mo. 1839, PR38.
Ellery Channing, s. Charles and Hepzibah (Bunker), _____, PR38.
Emeline, w. James Mitchell of Philadelphia, Pa., d. Charles and Hepzibah (Bunker), _, 11 mo. 1834, PR38.
Everet, d. Frederick W., merchant, and Susan of N., Dec. 17, 1849. [Everett, s. Frederick and Susan B. (Hussey). 17th, 12 mo. 1848, PR38.]
Francis, [triplet] ch. James C. and Jedidah, 25th, 12 mo. 1809, CR4. [h. Elizabeth Smith of Sandwich, triplet s. James C. dec'd and Jedidah (Swain). PR38. triplet s. James C. and Jedidah (Swain), P.R.41.]
Frederick W[illia]m, ch. James C. and Jedidah, 31st, 10 mo. 1807, CR4. [h. Susan B. (d. Peter Hussey and Mary),
s. James C. and Jedidah (Swain), 30th, 10 mo., PR38. s. James C. and Jedidah (Swain), 30th, 10 mo., PR41.]
George, [see Mary Coffin, b. June 23, 1741] h. Judith (Coffin), _, 1 mo. 1739, PR41.
George, ch. George and Judith, 14th, 1 mo. 1767, CR4. [s. George and Judith (Coffin), PR41.]
George, ch. George and Judith, 20th, 10 mo. 1768, CR4. [s. George and Judith (Coffin), PR41.]
George, ch. George and Judith, 20th, 9 mo. 1772, CR4. [h. Judith (d. Oliver Spencer and Judith). s. George and Judith (Coffin) (second w.), PR38.]
George, s. George and Judith (Spencer), 3d, 6 mo. 1795, PR38.
George Alexander, ch. James C. [dup. Coffin] and Jedidah, 27th, 5 mo. 1805, CR4. [h. Enieline (d. Seth Swain and Elizabeth), s. James C. and Jedidah (Swain), s. James C. and Jedidah (Swain), PR38.
George F., s. Francis and Elizabeth Smith, _____, PR38.
Helen, d. Andrew, merchant, and Mary A. of N. Mar. 13, 1847, in N.
Henry J., s. Justin and Charlotte S. (Pinkham), 3d, 7 mo. 1833, PR38.
James, ch. George and Judith, 20th, 7 mo. 1776, CR4. [James C., h. Jedidah (d. Francis Swain and Lydia), s. George and Judith (Coffin) (second w.). PR38. James Coffin Lawrence, h. Jedidah (Swain), 25th, 7 mo., PR41.]
James, [triplet] ch. James C. and Jedidah, 25th, 12 mo. 1809, [h. Mary R. (d. Amaziah Fisher and Lurania), triplet s. James C. dec'd and Jedidah (Swain). PR38. triplet s. James C. and Jedidah (Swain), PR41.]
Jeremiah of Hudson [N.Y.]. h. Eunice (d. Christopher Baxter and Mary). 16th, 3 mo. 1768. PR38.
Justin, h. Charlotte S. (d. Henry Pinkham and Avis), 4th, 10 mo. [5 written above 10] 1806. PR38.
Lydia, ch. James Coffin and Priscilla, _____, CR4. [w. Job C. Clark (s. Seth and Anna), d. James C. and Jedidah (Swain), 13th, 5 mo. 1803. PR38. d. James C. and Jedidah (Swain), 13th, 5 mo. 1803, PR41.]
Lydia Maria, d. Benjamin and Eliza (Pitman), Nov. 1, 1832, PR41.
Lydia Swain, d. Benjamin and Eliza (Pitman), Jan. 12, 1843, PR41.
Mary, ch. George and Judith, 3d. 6 mo. 1770, CR4. [first w. Benjamin Franklin Folger (s. Timothy Esq. and Abial (Coleman) ), d. George and Judith (Coffin) (second w.), PR38.]
Mary, ch. George Jr. and Judith, 16th. 1 mo. 1794. CR4. [d. George and Judith (Spencer). 16th. 3 mo., PR38.]
Mary, [triplet] ch. James C. and Jedidah, 25th., 12 mo. 1809, CR4. [w. Edward Paddack, GR3, w. Edward H. Paddack (s. Thomas and Elizabeth), triplet d. James C. dec'd and Jedidah (Swain), PR38. triplet d. James C. and Jedidah (Swain), PR41.
Mary, d. Andrew and Mary Abby (Clark), _____, PR38.
Mary Abby, d. Charles and Hepsey, Oct. 6, 1828, G.R.3. [d. Charles and Hepzibah (Bunker). PR38.]
Mary C., d. Andrew J., merchant. and Mary A. of N, Oct 4, 1844, in N.
Nancy, d. James dec'd and Elizabeth [(Pitts) PR38.], Apr. 18, 1796, in N.
Rebecca Marl [____], w. William (s. George and Judith (Coffin)), 13th, 10 mo. 1780. PR41.
Reuben, s. Jeremiah and Eunice (Baxter), _____, PR38.
Reuben B., s. Charles and Hepzibah (Bunker), , 3 MO. 1825, PR38.
Robert S., s. Benjamin and Eliza (Pitman), , 10 mo. 1828, PR38. [Robert Swain Lawrence. Oct 3, PR41.]
Sally, ch. James Coffin and Jedidah, _____, CR4. [d. James C. and Jedidah (Swain), ___, 1801, PR38. d. James C. and Jedidah (Swain), 26th, 1 mo. 1801, PR41.]
Samuel Abbott, s. Justin and Charlotte S. (Pinkham), _____, PR38.
Sarah S., d. Francis, yeoman, and Eliza S. of N., Nov. 11, 1844, in N.
Susan, d. Andrew and Mary Abby (Clark), _____, PR38.
W. H. C., m., ch. Andrew and Mary Abby (Clark), _____, PR38.
William, ch. George and Judith, 14th, 12 mo. 1780. CR4. ["m'd in Alexandria, Va.," s. George and Judith (Coffin) (second w.), PR38. h. Rebecca Marl, PR41.]
William, h. Margaret J. (d. John Barrett and Judith), s. Jeremiah and Eunice (Baxter), 18th, 8 mo. 1801, PR38.
William Henry, h. Elizabeth Ann and Mary Ann (daughters of Edward Chase and Ann Maria), s. Benjamin and Eliza (Pitman), , 9 mo. 1821 [sic], PR38. [Sept. 7, 1825, P.R.41.]
William Wanton, s. William and Rebecca Marl, _____, PR41.
____, ch. Francis, Jan. 9, 1837, P.R.62.
____, d. Joseph B. and Harriet C. (Pinkham), _____, PR38.
Thomas. s. David and Sarah, Nov. 12, 1745. [s. David and Sarah Bowcot, 10th, 11 mo., PR38.]
Leander, s. Jonathan and Mary Swift, _____, PR38.
Sarah of Newport, R.I., w. Charles Swain (s. Franklin and Anna), d. Josiah, ___, 1815, PR38.
LE BOSQUET (Le Bosque)-
Caleb Brooks (Le Basque), ch. John and Sarah, bp. Mar. 4, 1770, CR3.
Ebenezer (Le Bosque), ch. John and Sarah, bp. May 17, 1772, G.R.3.
James, s. John and Sarah, bp. Mar. 13, 1774, CR3.
Joseph, ch. John and Sarah, bp. Feb. 18, 1776, CR3.
Lydia, d. John and Sarah, Apr. 9, 1768. [Le Bosque, C.R.3.]
Elizabeth A., w. Rhodes Spencer (s. Joseph of R.I.), d. Roswell and Anna B. (West), 11th, 4 mo. 1820, PR38.
- Roswell, h. Anna B. (d. Peleg West), 17th, 5 mo. 1788, PR38.
Samuel, h. Elizabeth Ann (d. David Ray and Betsey), s. Roswell and Anna B. (West), 25th, 3 mo. 1818, PR38.
Jane W., w. George Henry Durand of Boston, d. John J. and Deborah (Hussey), , 5 mo. 1833, PR38.
John J., "Frenchman." h. Deborah (d. Silvanus Hussey and Prudence), h. Ellen Long "from Ireland," ___, 1780,
John J., s. John J. and D., Nov. 30, 1836, G.R.3. [s. John J. and Deborah (Hussey), PR38.]
Mary Howard, d. John J. and Deborah (Hussey), , 6 mo. 1830. PR38.
Prudence P., w. George Worth ("Portuguese"), d. John J. and Deborah (Hussey), ___, 1826 [dup. , 7 mo. 1825], PR38.
Susan P., May __, 1838, G.R.3. [d. John J. and Deborah (Hussey), PR38.]
William B., h. Mary Elizabeth Bills of New London [Conn.], s. John J. and Deborah (Hussey), , 10 mo. 1827, PR38.
Jeremiah, h. Eunice (d. Matthew Coleman and Hannah), , 10 mo. 1785, PR38.
Judith, d. Jeremiah and Eunice (Coleman), 17th, 8 mo. 1809, PR38.
Alexander S., s. Joseph, mariner, and Julia W. of N., Apr. 14, 1846, in N.
Cecelia. A., d.. Joseph, mariner, and Julia of N., Nov. 4, 1848, in N.
Christina, w. Abner Crosby of Cotuit, d. [3d ch.] Freeman and Betsey (Cammett) [see Thomas], _____, PR38.
- David C., "mid in California Honora," s. [7th ch.] Freeman and Rebecca (Cammett) [see Thomas], _____, PR38.
Dorcas, first w. Ansel L. Snow (s. Jonathan and Naomi of Barnstable), d. [2d ch.] Freeman and Betsey (Cammett), 27th, 12 mo. 1812, PR38.
Elizabeth, w. Willard F. Slade of Attleboro, d. [8th ch.] Freeman and Betsey (Cammett) [sec Thomas], _____, PR38.
Euretta [____], w. William S., ____, 1841. GR3.
Ezra W., Feb. 1, 1845. G.R.4. [h. Annie M. (d. Charles G. Coffin and Hannah S.), s. Simeon L. and Eliza R. (Gibbs), PR38.]
Freeman F., h. Sarah Abby (d. David Coffin and Maria), s. Freeman and Betsey (Cammett), 15th, 9 mo. 1852 [sic,
the fourth ch.; 1821 written below 1852], PR38.
George H., s. Geo[rge] W., yeoman, and Judith C. of N., Oct. 6, 1844, in N.
George W., h. Eliza Ann (Smith), ___, 1826, PR38.
Mary Elizabeth, d. Simeon L. and Eliza R. (Gibbs), _____, PR38.
Obed B., s. George W., yeoman, and Judith C. of N., Dec. 4, 1846, in N.
Rebecca, w. Freeman Swain, d. ____ of Cape Cod, 16th, 8 mo. 1751. PR38.
Sarah B., w. David C. Harps (s. John and Eunice), d. ____ (later w. Simeon Fisher). ___, 1800, PR38.
Simeon, h. Julia (d. Charles Swain and Sarah), s. Simeon L. and Eliza R. (Gibbs), 4th, 10 mo. 1848, PR38.
Simeon L., h. Eliza R. (d. Stephen Gibbs and Deborah), s. [5th ch.] Freeman and Betsey (Cammett) [see Thomas], ___, 1823, PR38.
Thomas, h. Dorothy (d. Lewis Hamblin of Cotuit), s. [1st ch.] Freeman (s. Thomas of Barnstable) and Betsey (d. Peter Cammett of High-Ground, Barnstable), _____, PR38.
Washington, h. Mahala Macomber of Philadelphia. Pa., s. [6th ch.] Freeman and Betsey (Cammett) [see Thomas], _____, PR38.
L'HOMMEDIEU (L'Hommadieu)-
Ann Amelia, ch. Benjamin and Amelia, bp. Feb. 24, 1828, CR1.
Ann Amelia (L'Hommadieu), ch. Benjamin and Amelia, bp. Dec. 28. 1834, CR1. [L'Hornmedieu, d. Benjamin and Amelia (Perry) (second w.), b. , 5 mo. 1829, PR38.]
Benjamin, h. Bethiah (d. Robert Gibson) ("no child"), h. Amelia (d. Jonathan Perry), 15th, 7 mo. 1784 [4 written above 5], PR38.
Benjamin, ch. Benjamin and Amelia, bp. Apr. 18, 1819. CR1. [Benjamin Jr., h. Sarah L. (d. Wiliam M. Coffin), s. Benjamin and Amelia (Perry) (second w.). b. , 10 mo. 1816 [sic, see Mary Ann], PR38.]
Charles Bonny, ch. Benjamin and Amelia, bp. Feb. 14, 1820, CR1. [b. Oct. 23, 1819, GR2. h. Charlotte (d. Hezediah Coffin and Sarah), s. Benjamin and Amelia (Perry) (second w.), b. 23d, 10 mo. 1819 [dup. 25th, 10 mo. 1818], PR38.]
Harriet C., d. Charles, merchant, and Charlotte of N., Dec. 28. 1845, in N. [Harriet Coffin L'Hommedieu, CR1. Harriet, d. Charles E. and Charlotte (Coffin). PR38.]
Lydia Perry, ch. Benjamin and Amelia. bp. Feb. 24, 1828, CR1. [w. William C. Myrick (s. Isaac), d. Benjamin and Amelia (Perry) (second w.), b. _, 6 mo. 1824. PR38.]
Martha, d. Charles B. and Charlotte (Coffin), _____, PR38.
Mary Ann, ch. Benjamin and Amelia, bp. Apr. 18, 1819, CR1. [w. William C. Childs (s. William). d. Benjamin and Amelia (Perry) (second w.), b. , 2 mo. 1817 [sic. see Benjamin]. PR38.]
Susan G., w. William C. Ray (s. Alexander and Nancy), d. Benjamin and Amelia (Perry) (second w.), _, 7 mo. 1822, PR38.
Susan Gardner, ch. Benj[amin] and Amelia, bp. Sept. 30. 1821, CR1.
William C., h. Harriet C. (d. George Hayden and Phebe) ("no chn.") h. Cornelia M. (wid. Peter F. Coffin, d. Isaiah F. Robinson) ("one child"), s. Benjamin C. and Sarah L. (Coffin). 20th, 11 mo. 1839. PR38.
Elizabeth, d. Reuben, steam engineer, and Margaret of N., July 20, 1845, in N.
William A., s. Reuben W., engineer, and Margaret of N., Oct. 13, 1847, in N.
Molits Augustus, s. Richard W., mariner, and Nancy S. of N., Dec. 28, 1845, in N.
Frances [dup. Fanny], w. Richard Mitchell (s. Paul and Merib), d. Rev. Henry of Falmouth, 20th, 12 mo. 1790, PR38.
Mary Ann, w. Elisha Pope Fearing, MD., of Falmouth, d. Rev. Henry of Falmouth, 18th, 4 mo. 1796, PR38.
Susan [dup. adds C.], d. Rev. Henry of Falmouth., , 4 mo. [dup. 21st, 2 mo.], 1794, PR38.
____, s. Rev. and Mrs. Lindsey, Jan. 29, 1816, PR64.
Sarah [? m.], Feb. 2, 1803, G.R.3.
LOCK (see also Look)-
Nathaniel [? Look], ch. Absalom and and Anna, bp. Dec. 29, 1776, C.R.3.
Samuel, schoolmaster, "moved to [Cincinnati] Ohio 1812," h. Mary (d. Philip Coffin and Hannah), 8th, 9 me. 1782, PR38.
Abigail, ch. James and Eleanor, Apr. 9, 1736. [w. Samuel Raymond, d. James and Eleanor (Chase), 9th, 4 mo., PR38.]
Abigail, w. James Marshall (s. Samuel and Abigail), d. Jonathan and Sarah (Brown) (first w.), 19th, 7 mo. 1768,
Abraham, ch. James and Eleanor. Aug. 30, 1749. [h. Hepzibah (d. Daniel Johnson and Jedida) ("no child"), h. Mary (d. James Marshall and Patience), s. James and Eleanor (Chase), 30th, 8 mo., PR38.]
Abraham, h. Elizabeth (d. James Coffin Esq. and Jeanette), s. Samuel and Lydia Billings, 7th, 9 mo. 1769, PR38.
Albert B., s. George K., painter, and Hannah B. [ (Kelley) PR38.] of N., Jan. 1, 1847, in N.
Ann Elizabeth, w. Charles West, [twin] d. George and Nancy H. Maxfield, 4th, 6 mo. 1834. PR38.
Anna, w. Shubael Pinkham (s. Shubael and Mary (Coleman) (second w.) ), d. Samuel and Lydia Billings, 4th, 6 mo. 1770 [sic, see Obed] , PR38.
Avis K., d. Obed B., painter, and Louisa of N., Aug. 4. 1844, in N. [Avis H., w. Joseph P. Gardner (s. John P.) ("Seperated"), w. John Prouty (s. Henry and Sarah), d. Obed B. and Louisa Maria (Barlow), PR38.]
Barnabas, h. Priscilla (d. Eliakim Swain and Elizabeth), s. Robert and Sarah (Skiff), _____, PR38.
Bartlet, ch. Samuel and Lydia, Sept. 16, 1729. [s. Samuel and Lydia (Coffin), 16th, 9 mo., PR38.]
Bartlett, s. Peter and Christian (Coffin), _____, PR38.
Bartlett, "an idiot," s. Peter and Christian (Coffin), _____, PR38.
Benjamin B., ___, 1824, [on stone beside that of Ann Maria] G.R.3. [h. Ann Maria (d. Thomas James and Elizabeth), h. Lydia C. (d. Edwin James and Sarah G.), s. Reuben and Avis (Kelley.), 25th, 11 mo., PR38.]
Celia M., d. George K., painter, and Hannah of N., Jan. 27, 1849, in N. [w. E. Frank Bearse of Providence, R.I., d. George K. and Hannah B. (Kelley), PR38.]
Charles, s. Abraham and Elizabeth (Coffin), 31st, 8 mo. 1813, PR38.
Charles N., h. Helen M. (d. Frederick A Easton), s. Reuben and Lydia F. (Coffin). _____ [? before 1850], PR38.
Charles William, s. Josiah C., mariner, and Mary of N. [Capt Josiah C. and Mary (Ray), PR38.]. Aug. 5, 1843. in N.
Christian, ch. Samuel and Lydia, July 18, 1720. [w. Elishai Ellis (s. Mordecai and Margaret), d. Samuel and Lydia (Coffin), 18th. 7 mo., PR38.]
Daniel, s. Daniel and Thankfull, Mar. 27, 1749. [s. Daniel and Thankful (Jones), 27th, 3 mo., PR38.]
Daniel, h. Thankful (d. Thomas Jones and Hannah). s. Robert and Sarah (Skiff), _____, PR38.
David, h. Abigail Perry of New Bedford. s. Richard and Elizabeth (Foster), 1st, 10 mo. 1792. PR38.
Deborah, d. Daniel and Thankfull, Apr. 27, 1754. [w. Benjamin Coleman (s. Benjamin of Sag Harbor, N.Y.), d. Daniel and Thankful (Jones), PR38.]
Deborah, w. Simeon Ellis [q. v.]. d. Peter and Christian (Coffin), 28th, 10 mo. 1760, PR38.
Deborah R., w. John Cole of New Bedford, d. George and Nancy H. Maxfield, 8th, 10 mo. 1823. PR38.
Elisabeth, ch. John and Jane, June 16, 1752. [Elizabeth, second w. Abihu Coffin (s. Hezekiah and Lydia), d. John and Jane Luce, PR38.]
Eliza, d. Abraham and Elizabeth (Coffin), 21st, 11 mo. 1800, PR38.
Elizabeth, d. Robert, 19th, 7 mo. 1698. [w. Benjamin [Eastes], d. Robert and Sarah (Skiff), PR38.]
Elizabeth, ch. Samuel and Lydia, Oct. 12, 1727. [w. John Way 3d ("her cousin"), d. Samuel and Lydia (Coffin), 12th, 10 mo., PR38.]
Elizabeth (see Elisabeth).
Elizabeth, d. Reuben and Avis (Kelley), 8th, 8 mo. 1808, PR38.
Elizabeth Ann, w. Gideon Worth (s. Solon and Phebe), d. Moses and Sarah (Kelley), 25th, 1 mo. 1813, PR38.
Emeline W., w. Salman Aggers, gunsmith, of New Bedford, [twin] d. George and Nancy H. Maxfield, 4th, 6
mo. 1834, PR38.
Emmeline, w. Nathan Walker, cL Reuben and Avis (Kelley), ___, 1818 [dup. 17th, 11 mo. 1816], PR38.
Ephraim, s. Jonathan and Sarah (Brown) (first w.), _____, PR38.
Eunice, d. Daniel and Thankfull, Apr. 13, 1747. [d. Daniel and Thankful (Jones), 13th, 4 mo., PR38.]
Eunice, w. Charles Newcomb Colesworthy, w. Asa Coffin (s. Hezekiah and Abigail), d. Jonathan and Sarah (Brown) (first w.), 13th, 5 mo. 1759, PR38.
Eunice, w. Elijah Cash (s. William and Mary), d. Paul and Susan (Cleaveland), 6th [dup. 29th], 12 mo. 1771, PR38.
Ferdinand K., d. George K. and Hannah B. (Kelley), 8th, 4 mo. 1841, PR38.
Frederick H., s. Obed, painter, and Louisa of N., Oct. 4, 1846, in N. [s. Obed B. and Louisa Maria (Barlow), 23d. 10 mo., PR38.]
George, h. Nancy H. Maxfield of New Bedford. s. Richard and Elizabeth (Foster), 29th, 3 mo. 1798, PR38.
George K., ___, 1818. G.R.2. [h. Hannah B. (d. Levi Kelley and Sally of Osterville), s. Moses and Sally (Kelley),
14th [dup. 15th] , 5 mo., PR38.]
George Reuben, h. Ann Gelia Glass of Guilford, h. Sarah Chase of Fairhaven, s. George and Nancy H. Maxfield, 11th, 5 mo. 1828, PR38.
George S., h. Sarah D. (wid. Edward P. Hamblin. d. George Atwood) ("no child"), s. Obed B. and Louisa Maria (Barlow), 8th, 3 mo. 1841, PR38.
Hannah, ch. John and Jane, May 6, 1736. [w. Church Clark (s. Jonathan and Miriam), d. John and Jane Luce, 6th, 5 mo. PR38.]
Hepzibah, w. Andrew Macy (s. Nathaniel Jr. and Elizabeth), "no child." d. Abraham and Mary (Marshall) (second w.), _____, PR38.
James, twin ch. James and Eleanor, Aug. 3, 1747. [twin s. James and Eleanor (Chase). 3d, 8 mo., PR38.]
James, s. Paul and Susan (Cleaveland), 27th, 9 mo. 1777, PR38.
James, s. Jonathan and Sarah (Brown) (first w.), _____, PR38.
James, miller, h. Eleanor (d. Abraham Chase and Abigail), s. Robert and Sarah (Skiff), _____, PR38.
James F., s. George and Nancy H. Maxfield, 7th, 3 mo. 1840, PR38.
Jemima., ch. John and Jane, May 14, 1740. [w. Isaac Myrick (s. Isaac), d. John and Jane Luce, 14th, 5 mo., PR38.]
Jerusha, w. Joseph Manter, d. Samuel and Lydia (Coffin), 4th, 9 mo. 1732, PR38.
John, ch. John and Jane, Feb. 5, 1744. [s. John and Jane Luce, 5th, 2 mo., PR38.]
John, ch. Simeon and Jane, bp. Oct 30, 1791, C.R.3. [s. Simeon and Jane Crowell (first w.), b. _____, PR38.]
John, h. Jane Luce of Martha's Vineyard, s. Robert and Sarah (Skiff), _____, PR38.
Jonathan, ch. John and Jane, June 27, 1738. [h. Sarah (d. Francis Brown and Eunice), h. Rebecca (d. John Kelley
of Cape Cod), s. John and Jane Luce, 27th, 6 mo., PR38.]
Jonathan, h. Rebecca, s. Robert and Sarah (Skiff), _____, PR38.
Joseph, h. Rebecca Swift of Sandwich, s. Samuel and Lydia Billings. 4th, 9 mo. 1781, PR38.
Joseph W. Jr., h. Julia Sharpe, s. Joseph and Rebecca Swift, 31st, 1 mo. 1813, PR38.
Josiah C., Capt. h. Mary (d. Alexander Ray and Nancy), s. Abraham and Elizabeth (Coffin), 22d [dup. 12th], 12 mo. 1806, PR38.
Josiah C. Jr., h. Emma Rood of Ohio. s. Capt. Josiah C. and Mary (Ray). 5th, 1 mo. 1838, PR38.
Judith, ch. John and Jane, Dec. 11, 1745. [w. Nathaniel Russell (s. Benjamin and Rebecca), d. John and Jane Luce, 11th, 12 mo., PR38.]
Judith B., w. Nathan B. Kelley (s. Levi of Barnstable), d. Reuben and Avis (Kelley), 26th, 3 mo. 1820 [dup. , 2 mo. 1813], PR38.
Kezia, ch. James and Eleanor [ (Chase) PR38.]. Nov. 22, 1741.
Lois, first w. James Robinson, d. Jonathan and Sarah (Brown) (first w.), _____, PR38.
Lydia, w. Silvanus Coffin (s. Ephraim and Sarah), d. Jonathan and Sarah (Brown) (first w.), 27th, 10 mo. 1765. PR38.
Lydia, w. ____ [of] Hudson, N.Y., d. Nathan and Mary (Folger), _____, PR38.
Lydia, w. George W. Chase (s. Nathan and Sally), d. Obed and Eunice (Myrick), _____, PR38.
Lydia, d. Peter and Christian (Coffin), _____, PR38.
Lydia B., w. ____ of Falmouth, d. Abraham and Elizabeth (Coffin), 18th, 8 mo. 1816, PR38.
Lydia Billings [____] of Boston, w. Samuel, ___, 1742, PR38.
Maria L., d. Obed, house painter, and Louisa of N., Feb. 28, 1849. [Maria Louisa, w. Albert E. Chase of Hyannis, d. Obed B. and Louisa Maria (Barlow), PR38.]
Martha, twin ch. James and Eleanor, Aug. 3, 1747. [twin d. James and Eleanor (Chase), 3d, 8 mo., PR38.]
Martha B., w. Benjamin Taber (s. John and Lucretia), d. Reuben and Avis (Kelley), ___, 1822, PR38.
Mary, d. Daniel and Thankfull, June 8, 1743. [w. William Chadwick (s. Daniel and Hannah), d. Daniel and Thankful (Jones), 8th, 6 mo., PR38.]
Mary [____], Oct. II, 1758, CR3. [Marshall, second w. Abraham Long (s. James and Eleanor), w. Dr. Elijah Pease (s. Matthew and Mary), d. James and Patience, 11th, 10 mo. 1748 [sic], PR38.]
Mary, w. James Chase (s. James and Mercy), d. Abraham and Mary (Marshall) (second w.), 18th, 7 mo. 1785, PR38.
Mary, w. John Way (s. John and Abigail), d. Robert and Sarah (Skiff), _____, PR38.
Mary Abby, w. John C. Gardner (s. George C. and Delia Maria), d. George K. and Hannah B. (Kelley), 16th, 8 mo. 1842, PR38.
Mary Ann, w. Cyrus Jones, d. Joseph and Rebecca Swift, 20th, 7 mo. 1810. PR38.
Mary B., w. Thomas B. King (s. Thomas and Phebe), d. Moses and Sally (Kelley), ___, 1821, PR38.
Mary Frances, ch. Josiah C. and Mary C., bp. Oct. 28, 1849, C.R.I. [d. Capt. Josiah C. and Mary (Ray), b. 15th, 7
mo., PR38.]
Mary G., d. Valentine and Nancy (Luce), 23d, 9 mo. 1813, PR38.
Moses, h. Sally (d. Daniel Kelley and Phebe), s. Samuel and Lydia Billings, 31st, 5 mo. 1784. PR38.
Nancy, w. George Ruberg [dup. Rudberg] of Sweden, d. Richard and Elizabeth (Foster), ___, 1803 [dup. 10th, 5 mo. 1804], PR38.
Nancy, w. George Dow (s. Samuel and Lydia), d. Nathan and Mary (Folger), _____, PR38.
Nancy H., d. George and Nancy H. Maxfield, 21st, 11 mo. 1825, PR38.
Nancy H. Masfield [____] of New Bedford, w. George (s. Richard), 13th, 7 mo. 1803. PR38.
Naomi, ch. Samuel and Lydia, Aug. 2, 1722. [second w. Caleb Stretton (s. William and Susanna), d. Samuel and Lydia (Coffin), 13th [dup. 3d], 8 mo., PR38.]
Nathan, ch. James and Eleanor, Dec. 15, 1743. [h. Lydia (d. Solomon Pinkham and Eunice), s. James and Eleanor (Chase), 15th, 12 mo., PR38.]
Nathan Jr., h. Mary (d. Brown Folger and Mary). s. Nathan and Lydia (Pinkham), ____, PR38.
Nathaniel, h. Sarah W. Nickerson of S. Dennis, s. Ephraim and Nancy, 15th, 1 mo. 1815, PR38.
Obed, h. Eunice (d. Job Myrick and Judith). s. Samuel and Lydia Billings, 4th, 10 mo. 1770 [sic, see Anna], PR38.
Obed B., h. Louisa Maria (d. Levi Barlow and Maria), s. Reuben and Avis (Kelley), 18th, 11 mo. 1812 [dup. 1813],
Parnal, w. Nathan Chase (s. Isaac Jr. and Mary), d. Robert and Sarah (Skiff), _____, PR38.
Patience, w. James Whippey 1st, d. Robert and Sarah (Skiff), 8th, 12 mo. 1709, PR38.
Paul, ch. James and Eleanor, Feb. 2, 1752. [first h. Susan (d. Ebenezar Cleaveland and Susanna), s. James and Eleanor (Chase). PR38.]
Paul, s. Paul and Susan (Cleaveland), 10th, 1 mo. 1774, PR38.
Peleg, h. Sarah (d. Joseph Coffin and Elizabeth) ("no child"), s. Robert and Sarah (Gardner), 10th, 8 mo. 1768. PR38.
Peter, ch. Samuel and Lydia, Mar. 29, 1725. [h. Christian (d. Micah Coffin and Dorcas), s. Samuel and Lydia (Cof-
fin), 9th [dup. 29th] , 3 mo., PR38.]
Phebe, w. Benjamin Ellis (s. Freeman), second w. James Robinson, d. Jonathan and Sarah (Brown) (first w.), 20th, 7 mo. 1768 [dup. 1767], PR38.
Phebe, w. Frederick W. Folger (s. Frederic and Peggy), d. Richard and Elizabeth (Foster), 21st, 5 mo. 1808. PR38.
Phebe B., d. Moses and Sally (Kelley), 25th, 8 mo. 1811, PR38.
Phebe B., d. George K., painter, and Hannah [Hannah B. (Kelley), PR38.] of N., Sept. 18, 1844, in N.
Rebecca Swift [____] of Sandwich, w. Joseph, 28th, 6 mo. 1783, PR38.
Reuben, ch. Daniel and Thankfull, Sept. 5, 1751. [h. Anna (d. Zaccheus Howes and Lydia), s. Daniel and Thankful (Jones), 5th, 9 mo., PR38.]
Reuben, h. Avis (d. Daniel Kelley and Phebe), s. Jonathan and Rebecca (Kelley) (second w.), 1st, 4 mo. 1786, PR38.
Reuben, s. Samuel and Sarah (Ellis) (second w.), 23d, 12 mo. 1788, PR38.
Reuben, m., "went in a whale Ship & never heard from," s. Richard and Elizabeth (Foster), 20th, 5 mo. 1796, PR38.
Reuben, h. Lydia F., Aug. 8, 1815, GR3. [h. Lydia F. (d. Prince Coffin and Eliza), s. Reuben and Avis (Kelley), PR38.]
Reuben C., h. Mary J. (d. Linus A. Hopper), s. Reuben and Lydia F. (Coffin), _____ [? before 1850], PR38.
Rhoda, w. Obed Pitts (s. Benjamin and Deborah), d. Jonathan and Sarah (Brown) (first w.), 30th, 6 mo. 1762, PR38.
Richard, "an Englishman," "went in the war & was never heard from," h. Elizabeth (d. James Foster and Lydia), 23d, 3 mo. 1771, PR38.
Robert, "1st who came to Nant.," h. Sarah (d. James Skiff and Sarah), 9th, 12 mo. 1669, PR38.
Robert, ch. John and Jane, Jan. 10, 1748. [h. Sarah (d. Peleg Gardner and Eunice), s. John and Jane Luce, 10th, 1 mo., PR38.]
Sally, w. John Buckley, second w. Heman Ellis (s. ____ (brother of Moses) ), w. Robert Coffin (s. Jonathan and Peggy), d. Jonathan and Rebecca (Kelley) (second w.), 4th, 1 mo. 1781, PR38.
Samuel, h. Lydia (d. Peter Coffin and Christian), s. Robert and Sarah (Skiff), ___, 1695, PR38.
Samuel, house carpenter. h. Lydia Billings of Boston, h. Sarah (d. John Ellis and Rachael), s. Samuel and Lydia (Coffin), ___, 1738, PR38.
Sarah, ch. John and Jane, Dec. 21, 1749. [w. Abishai Coffin (s. Tristram and Jemima), d. John and Jane Luce, 21st 12 mo. 1749, PR38.]
Sarah, w. Capt. John Sherman, w. ____ Patten, d. Joseph and Rebecca Swift, 3d, 3 mo. 1803, PR38.
Sarah, w. Simeon Gardner (s. Jonathan and Patience). d. Samuel and Lydia (Coffin), _____, PR38.
Seth, h. Sally (d. Edward Harper ; s. John ; s. Robert ; s. John of Va.), s. Nathan and Lydia (Pinkham), _____, PR38.
Silvanus, "m'd in Baltimore," s. Abraham and Mary (Marshall) (second w.), _____, PR38.
Silvia [____], w. William "from Wiltshire," ___, 1761, PR38.
Simeon, ch. Simeon and Jane, bp. Oct. 30, 1791. C.R.3. [h. Phebe Cannon, s. Simeon and Jane Crowell (first w.), b. _____, PR38.
Simeon, h. Jane Crowell, h. Catharine M. (Bartlett) Crosby ("no child"), s. Jonathan and Sarah (Brown) (first w.), _____, PR38.
Susan C., first w. Samuel Remson (s. Stephen and Sally), d. Abraham and Elizabeth (Coffin), 27th, 6 mo. 1803, PR38.
Sylvia (see Silvia).
Thomas M., s. George and Nancy H. Maxfield, 12th, 3 mo. 1827, PR38.
Timothy, h. Anna (d. Thomas Brock and Judith), s. Nathan and Lydia (Pinkham), _____, PR38.
Valentine, h. Nancy (d. Obed Luce and Desire), s. Abraham and Mary (Marshall) (second w.), ___, 1787. PR38.
Valentine C., h. Elizabeth (d. George Abrahams and Eliza), s. Valentine and Nancy (Luce), , 8 mo. 1819, PR38.
William, ch. Samuel and Lydia, Feb. 17, 1718-19. [s. Samuel and Lydia (Coffin), 17th, 2 mo. 1718. PR38.]
William, ch. John and Jane, May 9, 1742. [h. Lois (d. David Bunker and Elizabeth) ("no child"), s. John and Jane Luce, 9th, 5 mo., PR38.]
William "from Wiltshire," "moved off in 1812." h. Silvia, ___, 1750. PR38.
William, h. Elizabeth (d. Barzillai Coleman and Abigail). s. Samuel and Lydia Billings. 31st, 8 mo. 1766, PR38.
- William, s. Peter and Christian (Coffin), _____, PR38.
William F., h. Amelia [sic, ? Aurelia} Jane (d. Micajah Handy and Aurelia), s. Abraham and Elizabeth (Coffin), 17th, 7 mo. 1808. PR38.
____, chn. Daniel and Thankful, bp. July 11, 1742, C.R.1.
____, s. Elizabeth, May 27, 1792, PR64.
LOOK (see also Lock)-
Elizebeth. d. Thomas, Aug. 28, 1675. [Elizabeth, d. Thomas Jr. and Elizabeth (Bunker). 28th, 8 mo., PR38.]
Experience, d. Thomas. Nov. 22, 1672. [w. Stephen Coffin (s. Stephen and Mary), d. Thomas Jr. and Elizabeth (Bunker), 22d, 11 mo., PR38.]
Jane, d. Tho[ma]s, Dec. 24, 1680. [d. Thomas Jr. and Elizabeth (Bunker), 24th, 12 mo., PR38.]
Sarah, w. ____ Luce of Martha's Vineyard, d. Thomas Jr. and Elizabeth (Bunker), 3d, 4 mo. 1678. PR38.
Thomas Jr., h. Elizabeth (d. George Bunker and Jane), s. Thomas and Sarah (Miller) [sic] of Tisbury, ___, 1646 [see Lynn Vital Records], PR38.
Albert, s. Nymphas and Mary G. (Backus), , 9 mo. 1838, PR38.
James H., h. Mary Ann [see Mary Ann Peters], ___, 1804, PR38.
Nymphas, h. Mary G. (d. Heman Backus and Mehitable), s. Thomas, ), 1 mo. 1809, PR38.
William H., s. Nymphas and Mary G. (Backus), , 2 mo. 1834, PR38.
Abraham, ___, 1812, GR2. [of Cotuit, h. Caroline L. S. (d. Joseph Bliss and Sally), _, 7 mo. 1813, PR38.]
Augusta, ch. Richard L. and Eliza (Coggeshall), _____, PR38.
Caroline L., w. Frederick H. Barney (s. Reuben and Mary S.), d. Charles and Caroline (Backus), ___, 1838 [dup. 27th, 10 mo. 1837], PR38.
Charles, May 23, 1813, C.R.3. [h. Caroline (d. Joshua Backus of Cape Cod), h. Ann C. (Staples) Cottle [ ? in Barnstable], PR38.]
Charles Augustus, bp. Nov. 15, 1843, CR1. [b. Mar. 25, GR3. s. Charles and Caroline (Backus), b. 25th, 3 mo., PR38.]
Edward E., s. Charles, cordwainer, and Caroline of N., Mar. 22, 1846, in N.
Ruth, w. Josiah Clark (s. Thomas and Mary), d. James and Abigail, 20th, 3 mo. 1718, PR38.
Sarah Elizabeth, d. Abraham, carpenter, and Caroline [(Bliss) PR38.] of N., Feb. 4, 1844, in N.
Susan of Cotuit, w. Valentine J. Swain (s. Valentine and Abigail), ___, 1819, PR38.
Mary E., d. Samuel, yeoman, and Rebecca of N., Feb. 1, 1847, in N.
Alexander S., s. William and Maria (Waterman). , 10 mo. 1828, PR38.
Ann M., d. George and Sarah (Coffin), _____, PR38.
Ann Maria, d. Elijah and Jerusha C. (Morey) (Gibbs), ___, 1828, PR38.
Barzilla, h. Charlotte (Bruff) Luce, s. Elijah and Lydia (Cleaveland) (first w.), 7th, 3 mo. 1781 [dup. 6th, 3 mo. 1782], PR38.
Barzilla Jr., s. Barzilla and Deborah (Bunker), _____, PR38.
Barzillai, Capt., Apr. 8, 1818, G.R.3. [Barzillai Jr., h. Harriet P. (d. Anthony Chadwick and Polly [dup. Mary]), h. Charlotte (Rawson) Morse ("no child"). s. Barzilla and Charlotte (Bruff) (Luce), PR38.]
Caroline B., w. David F. Cathcart (s. David), d. John and Hannah S. (Appley), 3d, 3 mo. 1837, PR38.
Celia, d. Barzillai and Deborah (Bunker), _____, PR38.
Charles, Capt., h. Mary Ann (d. Rescom Taber and Mary [dup. Louisa] ), h. Jane [dup. Louisa Jane] (d. Dr. John Hancock Temple of Blunt Co.. Tenn.), h. Mary (wid. Alexander Myrick, sister of Jane Temple), s. Barzilla and Charlotte (Bruff) (Luce), 23d, 3 mo. 1814. PR38.
Charles F., s. Charles, mariner, and Mary Ann of N., Sept. 27, 1848, in N.
Charles F., s. William and Maria (Waterman), _____, PR38.
Charlotte Jane, w. Benjamin F. Priest of Boston, d. Capt. Charles and Mary Ann (Taber), 22d, 12 mo. 1838, PR38.
Cordelia M., w. George P. Paddack (s. Hezekiah). d. John and Hannah S. (Appley). 22d, 9 mo. 1828. PR38.
David, h. Eunice (d. Paul Paddack and Ann), s. Elijah and Love (Cleaveland) (second w.), 27th, 11 mo. [dup. 12 mo.] 1787, PR38.
Eddy C., s. George and Sarah (Coffin), _____, PR38.
Elijah, h. Lydia and Love (daughters of Ebenezar Cleaveland and Susanna), 23d, 6 mo. 1746. PR38.
Elijah, h. Jerusha C. (Morey) Gibbs, s. Obed and Desire (Crosby), 11th, 1 mo. 1805, PR38.
Eliza, w. Sylvester Newman of Warren, d. Elijah and Love (Cleaveland) (second w.), 20th, 7 mo. 1803. PR38.
Eliza Ann, w. Rowland Folger (s. Walter and Anna), d. Obed and Desire (Crosby), 19th, 5 mo. 1807, PR38.
Elizabeth, first w. James FitzGerald [q.v.], d. Elijah and Lydia (Cleaveland) (first w.), 26th, 7 mo. 1773. PR38.
- Elizabeth A., w. John B. Nicholson (s. Benoni), "no child," d. Elijah and Jerusha C. (Morey) (Gibbs), ___, 1831,
Elizabeth Ann, w. Henry C. Ray (s. Peleg and Sally), d. Obed and Nancy (Smallwood) 24th, 1 mo. 1836, PR38.
- Elizabeth C., d. George and Betsey (Lamb), _____, PR38.
Elizabeth F., w. Oliver S. Brock (s. Peter C. and Eliza), d. John and Hannah S. (Appley), 16th, 9 mo. 1841, PR38.
Eunice, w.____, d. William and Maria (Waterman), _____, PR38.
Frances A., d. John, mariner, and Hannah of N., Sept. 26, 1848. [Frances Adelaide, w. Edward L. Harps (s. Reuben), d. John and Hannah S. (Appley), PR38.]
George, h. Betsey (d. Abel Lamb and Deborah). s. Jason of Tisbury, 20th, 7 mo. 1787 [ .? in Tisbury], PR38.
George, h. Sarah (later w. Capt. ____ Skiff and Frederick S. Baylies of Martha's V ineyard, d. Peter Coffin of
Martha's Vineyard), s. Elijah and Love (Cleaveland) (second w.), 20th, 2 mo. 1789, PR38.
George Jr., s. George and Sarah (Coffin), _____, PR38.
George B., s. Barzilla and Charlotte (Bruff) (Luce), 8th, 5 mo. 1815. PR38.
George P., s. George and Betsey (Lamb), , 9 mo. 1837, PR38.
Hannah, w. Zebediah Fisher [q. v.], d. Obed and Desire (Crosby), 29th, 4 mo. 1792, PR38.
Hannah Sherman (see Hannah Sherman Appley).
Harriet Ann, w. Capt. Thomas Hallett Macy, ___, 1830. G.R.3. [first w. Capt. Thomas Hallet Macy (s. Edward and Eunice), d. John and Hannah S. (Appley), 7th, 8 mo., PR38.]
Hellen A., d. John, mariner, and Hannah of N., Dec. 29. 1845, in N. [w. George S. Marvin (s. George S. and Elizabeth), d. John and Hannah S. (Appley), PR38.]
Henrietta, w. Capt. Thomas H. Macy, June 17, 1839, GR3. [second w. Capt. Thomas H. Macy (s. Edward and Eu-
nice), d. John and Hannah S. (Appley), PR38.]
Henry, s. Elijah and Love (Cleaveland) (second w.), 18th, 4 mo. 1794. PR38.
James H., s. John, mariner, and Hannah of N., Dec. 11, 1843, in N. [h. Mary J. ____, 1844. GR3. James Harvey Luce, h. Mary J. Harding, s. John and Hannah S. (Appley), 11th, 12 mo. 1843. PR38.]
John, h. Hannah S. (d. John Appley and Mehitable), s. Elijah and Love (Cleaveland) (second w.), 30th 1 mo. 1800, PR38.
Louisa B, d. George and Betsey (Lamb), _____, PR38.
Love, w. Peter Ross, d. Barzillai and Deborah (Bunker), 16th, 1 mo. 1769, PR38.
Lydia, w. Nathaniel Meader (s. Nathaniel and Susan), d. Elijah and Lydia (Cleaveland) (first w.), 31st, 12 mo. 1784. PR38.
Lydia Ann, w. Hiram Gardner (s. Jesse and Betsey), d. David and Eunice (Paddack), _, 3 mo. 1811, PR38.
Martha S., w. William C Cathcart (s. Zimri and Eunice), d. Obed and Nancy (Smallwood), 27th, 2 mo. 1826, PR38.
Mary (see Polly).
Mary, divorced w. John B. Orpin Jr, w. Josiah Dunham, w. Lyman Mansfield, second w. Henry Coleman, d. Elijah and Love (Cleaveland) (second w.), 29th, 3 mo. 1797, PR38.
Mary Abby, d. Charles, mariner, and Mary Ann [Capt. Charles and Mary Arm (Taber), PR38.] of N., Sept. 17, 1846, in N.
Mary C., d. Obed and Desire (Crosby), _____, PR38.
Nancy, w. Valentine Long (s. Abraham and Mary), w. Benjamin Baker, w. Thomas B. Ray (s. Nathaniel and Merab),
d. Obed and Desire (Crosby), 27th, 1 mo. 1795, PR38.
Nancy, w. Benjamin Wood (s. David), d. David and Eunice (Paddack), 12th, 9 mo. 1818, PR38.
Obed, h. Desire (d. Samuel Crosby and Mary [sic, dup. Sarah] ), s. Elijah and Lydia (Cleaveland) (first w.), 13th, 2 mo. 1768, PR38.
Obed Jr., h. Nancy (d. James Smallwood and Mary), s. Obed and Desire (Crosby), 24th, 7 mo. 1802, PR38.
Oliver C., d. John and Hannah S. (Appley), 26th, 9 mo. 1832, PR38.
Polly [dup. Mary], w. Obed Pinkham (s. Benjamin and Hepsabeth), d. Barzillai and Deborah (Bunker), 24th, 9 mo. 1764, PR38.
Reuben, s. Barzilla and Charlotte (Bruff) (Luce), 29th, 8 mo. 1808, PR38.
Reuben, h. Charlotte (d. Samuel Bruff and Jane [dup. Jenette] ), s. Elijah and Lydia (Cleaveland) (first w.),_____, PR38.
Sally, d. Obed and Desire (Crosby), _____, PR38.
Samuel. s. Barzilla and Charlotte (Bruff) (Luce), _____, PR38.
Samuel W., s. Wililam (William?) and Maria (Waterman), ___, 1833, PR38.
Sarah, w. William Waterman (s. Jotham and Olive), d. David and Eunice (Paddack), ___, 1814 [dup. 24th, 10 mo. 1816], PR38.
Sarah, w. John Crosby (s. Simeon and Mary), d. ____ and Sarah (d. Thomas Look and Elizabeth), _____, PR38.
Sarah E., w. Josiah Macy Jr. (s. Josiah and Eliza). d. Wilmot and Martha (Rogers), 23d, 1 mo. 1833 [ ? in Boston], PR38.
Sarah E., w. Albert Swain (s. Gilbert and Sarah), d. John and Hannah S. (Appley), 10th, 11 mo. 1834. PR38.
- Silvanus, s. Obed and Desire (Crosby), 6th, 2 mo. 1797, PR38.
Susan, w. Zebulon Whippey (s. Nathaniel), d. Elijah and Lydia (Cleaveland) (first w.), 4th, 1 mo. 1777, PR38.
- Susan, w. Obed Ramsdell (s. John and Phebe), d. David and Eunice (Paddack), 27th, 10 mo. 1810, PR38.
Valina, first w. George C. Hussey (s. Peter and Sally), d. Barzilla and Charlotte (Bruff) (Luce), 22d, 6 mo. 1810, PR38.
William, h. Maria (d. Jonathan Waterman and Olive), s. Elijah and Love (Cleaveland) (second w.), 20th, 11 mo. 1791, PR38.
William Henry, h. Mary J. Shaw of Providence. R.I., s. William and Maria (Waterman), ___, 1830, PR38.
William W., h. M. Allen (Harris), s. Wiliam and Maria (Waterman), ___, 1836 [sic, see William Henry Luce
and Mary A. Harris], PR38.
Winifred, w. Enos S. Burt of Taunton, w. Elijah Noket, d. Elijah and Love (Cleaveland) (second w.), 27th. 6 mo. 1806, PR38.
____, w. Robert Cottle of New Bedford, d. Barzilla and Deborah (Bunker), _____, PR38.
____, w. ____ Weeks, d. Barzilla and Deborah (Bunker), _____, PR38.
LUMBERT (Lumber, see also Lambert)-
Abisha Hayden of Chilmark, h. Hepzibah (d. Capt. Eddy Coffin of Martha's Vineyard ), 9th, 8 mo. 1769 [in Chilmark], PR38.
Ann M., d. Calvin and Mehitable Gifford of Falmouth, _____, PR38.
Avis P., d. Solomon, house painter, and Phebe of N., Nov. 30, 1848. [Avis S., d. Solomon and Phebe F., 25th, 11 mo., PR38.]
Calvin, h. Mehitable Gifford of Falmouth, 28th, 9 mo. 1795, PR38.
David, s. Solomon and Phebe F., 7th, 3 mo. 1841 [sic, see Louisa], PR38.
Deborah, d. Abisha Hayden and Hepzibah (Coffin), 23d, 1 mo. 1800, PR38.
Hiram T., s. Solomon, painter, and Phebe [Phebe F., PR38.] of N., Oct. 16, 1845, in N.
John, s. Abisha Hayden and Hepzibah (Coffin), 26th, 8 mo. 1798, PR38.
John, s. Luanan, painter, and Phebe of N., Aug. 31, 1843, in N. [John M., s. Solomon and Phebe F., 31st, 8 mo. 1842, PR38.]
Joseph A., s. Solomon and Phebe F., 8th, 4 mo. 1836, PR38.
Josephine C., w. Joseph H. Mallory [of] New Bedford, w. Benjamin Fisher, d. Calvin and Mehitable Gifford, 10th,
10 mo. 1835, PR38.
Julia Ann, d. Abisha Hayden and Hepzibah (Coffin), 1st, 10 mo. 1807, PR38.
Louisa, d. Solomon and Phebe F., 10th, 9 mo. 1840 [sic, see David], PR38.
Mehitable Gifford [____] of Falmouth, w. Calvin, 2d, 12 mo. 1796, PR38.
Moses, s. Abisha Hayden and Hepzibah (Coffin), 4th, 9 mo. 1793, PR38.
Orlando, m., s. Calvin and Mehitable Gifford of Falmouth, 29th, 8 mo. 1829, PR38.
Phebe E., d. Solomon and Phebe F., _____, PR38.
Sarah C., w. George Meader (s. Nicholas), d. Abisha Hayden and Hepzibah (Coffin), 31st, 1 mo. 1796, PR38.
Solomon, h. Phebe F. (d. Nathaniel Earle and Phebe), -, 12 mo. 1809, PR38.
Sophronia P., d. Abisha Hayden and Hepzibah (Coffin), 18th, 8 mo. 1805, PR38.
Susan, w. Jesse Crosby, ___, 1773, PR38.
Thomas (Lumber), s. Zaccheus and Hannah, Apr. 11, 1755, in N. [Lumbert, PR38.]
Thomas F s. Abisha Hayden and Hepzibah (Coffin), 4th, 9 mo. 1802, PR38.
William H., h. Caroline B. (Hallett) of Hyannis, s. Solomon and Phebe F., 18th, 12 mo. 1833, PR38.
William H., h. Susan A (Griffiths) (Welcome) Harlow, s. William and Eliza Sidney of Westport, ___, 1825 [ ?in Westport], PR38.
Rachel E. [? m.], ___, 1828, G.R.6.
Rebecca, w. Charles Mayo, d. Elijah and Mary (Russell), _____, PR38.