To the Year 1850
Published by the
New England Historic Genealogical Society
At the Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms
at the charge of The Eddy Town-Record Fund
Births -
[transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

Charlotte L., d. W[illia]m H., merchant, and Sarah of N., July 16, 1845, in N. [d. William H. and Sarah E. (Cook), ___, 1846, PR38.]
Frederic M., s. William H. and Sarah E. (Cook), ___, 1842, PR38.
John Cook, s. William H. and Sarah E. (Cook), ___, 1843, PR38.
Sarah E., d. William H., merchant, and Sarah E. of N, June 19, 1847, in N. [d. William H. and Sarah E. (Cook), ___, 1848, PR38.]
Susan Cook, d. William H., merchant, and Sarah E. of N., May 24, 1843 [sic, see John Cook Geary], in N. [d. William H. and Sarah E. (Cook), __, 1841, PR38.]
William H. of New Brunswick, h. Sarah E. (d. John Cook of Newburyport), ___, 1813, PR38.
Ann Colten, w. William M. Bates (s. Rev. Stephen and Ann), d. Samuel and Sarah (Cartwright) (Clark) (second w.), 30th, 4 mo. 1822, PR38.
Anna, d. Cotton and Anna (Folger), 4th, 12 mo. 1803. PR38.
Betsey, w. John Bunker (s. Stephen and Elizabeth), d. Dr. Samuel and Anna (Cotton), 15th [dup. 5th], 1 mo. 1764.,
Charles, s. Cotton and Anna (Folger), 26th, 1 mo. 1786, PR38.
Cotton, h. Anna (d. Benjamin Folger and Phebe), s. Dr. Samuel and Anna (Cotton), 14th, 12 mo. 1757, PR38.
Eliza Cotton, d. Cotton and Anna (Folger), 3d, 9 mo. 1798, PR38.
Frederick B., s. Cotton and Anna (Folger), 19th, 2 mo. 1790, PR38.
Frederick B., s. Cotton and Anna (Folger), 8th, 10 mo. 1793, PR38.
John Cotton, s. Cotton and Anna (Folger). 19th, 3 mo. 1796, PR38.
Mary, w. Josiah P. Coffin (s. James Josiah and Susan). w. George Latimer of Ohio, d. Dr. Roland and Love (Pinkham). 4th, 1 mo. 1794, PR38.
Mary, w. Winslow Whittemore, d. Samuel and Mary (Coffin) (first w.), 13th. 5 mo. 1814, PR38.
Nancy, w. Charles Coleman (s. David and Elizabeth), "No chn.," d. Dr. Roland and Love (Pinkham). 5th, 5 mo. 1783. PR38. [May 11, P.R.64.]
Nathaniel. s. Dr. Samuel and Anna (Cotton), _____ , PR38.
Oliver, h. Judith (d. Alexander Coffin and Eunice of Hudson, N.Y.), s. Dr. Samuel and Anna (Cotton),
_____, PR38.
Phebe W., w. ____ DeWitt of Montreal, Can, d. Cotton and Anna (Folger), 9th, 6 mo. 1791, PR38.
Roland, Dr., h. Love (d. Barnabas Pinkham and Mary), h. Susan J. (wid. Daniel Hussey, d. Silas Jones and Judith),
s. Dr. Samuel and Anna (Cotton), 11th, 7 MO. 1761, PR38.
Roland, s. Cotton and Anna (Folger), 9th, 10 mo. 1801, PR38.
Samuel, Dr., of Southampton, L.I, h. Anna (Cotton), 24th, 3 mo. 1727, PR38.
Samuel. h. Mary (d. Thaddeus Coffin and Ann). h. Sally (Cartwright) Clark, s. Dr. Roland and Love (Pinkham), 15th., 1 mo. 1785, PR38.
Samuel Jr., s. Dr.. Samuel and Anna (Cotton), _____, PR38.
Samuel F., h. Charlotte (d. Daniel Penfield of N.Y.), s. Cotton and Anna (Folger), 1st, 1 mo. 1788, PR38.
Sarah, w. Franklin King of Boston, d. Samuel and Sally (Cartwright) (Clark) (second w.), 24th, 9 mo. 1820, PR38.
Thomas, s. Dr.. Samuel and Anna (Cotton), _____, PR38. -
William, s. Dr. Roland and Love (Pinkham), 24th, 2 mo. 1788, PR38.
William, h. Polly (d. Hezekiah Dayton), s. Dr. Samuel and Anna (Cotton), _____, PR38.
____, d. Samuel and Mary, _____ [before July 6], 1813, PR64.
GETCHELL (Gitchell)-
Barzilla G. of Brunswick, Me., h. Phebe Ann (d. George Pinkham and Phebe), ___, 1810, PR38.
Elizabeth, w. David Green Barney (s. William), d. John and Betsey of N. Vassalboro, Me., 11th, 11 mo. 1814, PR38.
Emmeline B. [Getchell, w. ____] Sayer, May 7, 1807, G.R.4. [Getchel], w. Benjamin Sayer (s. Joshua and Jedida), d. John and Betsey of Maine, 7th, 5 mo. 1808 [ ? in Maine], PR38.] -
George William, s. Barzilla G. and Phebe Ann (Pinkham), 22d, IO ma. 1843 [? in Maine], PR38.
Margaret S., w. Abiel T. La Forge (s. Samuel), d. Barzilla G. and Phebe Ann (Pinkham), 16th, 7 mo. 184/ [ ? in Maine], PR38.
Rebecca Ann, w. William G. Pitts of New Bedford, d. Barzilla G. and Phebe Ann (Pinkham), 18th, 9 mo. 1839 [ ? in Maine], PR38.
Susan B., w. Henry R. Lyle of N.Y. (s. George), d. Barzilla. G. and Phebe Ann (Pinkham), 2d, 2 mo. 1838 [? in Maine], PR38.
William Jr. (Gitchell), s. William (Getchell), housewright, and Mary C. of N.., June 28, 1847, in N.
Abbie, d. Samuel B. and Ann (Swain), _____, PR38.
Abiah S. [Gibbs, w. ____] Harps, ___, 1812, G.R.4. [Gibbs, w. Reuben C. Harps (s. John and Eunice), d. Stephen and Deborah (Swift), 6th, 12 mo., PR38.]
Allen of Wareham, h. Sarah (d. Dr. Oliver C. Bartlett and Elizabeth), s. Caleb, 25th, 5 mo. 1795 [1795 written above 1794], PR38.
Ann, w. Edward P. Gardner (s. Peleg and Sarah), d. Samuel and Mercy (Nye), 7th, 6 mo. 1804, PR38.
Ann M., w. _____, d. George W. and Zipporah (Burgess), ___, 1842, PR38.
Bartlett, ch. Jonathan and Hannah, Dec. 12, 1791, PR40.
Benjamin S., h. Mary Coffin (d. Joseph Fish and Caroline), s. Thomas and Mary (Sheffield), ___,1842., PR38.
Betsey, w. William R. Coleman (s. Henry and Clara [dup. Clarissa] )., d. Thomas Sr.. —, 9 mo. 1809. PR38.
Charles G., s. Thomas and Mary (Sheffield), ___, 1836, PR38.
Charles H., h. Mary L. (d. George W. Stevens and Sarah), s. Nathan and Roby (Parker), ___, 1826, PR38.
Charles H., s. Stephen B. and Judith (Maxey) (first w), ___, 1841, PR38.
Clark, ch. Jonathan and Hannah, Oct. 28, 1779, PR40.
Deborah, ch. Jonathan and Hannah, Apr. 1797, PR40.
Deborah S., w. William B. Folger (s. Benjamin 2d and Ruth), d. Stephen and Deborah (Swift), 17th, 12 mo. 1808,
Dianna, w. Samuel Dyke, w. James Thompson, d. John, ___, 1784, PR38.
Edmund G., s. Thomas and Mary (Sheffield), ___, 1841, PR38.
Edward B., s. Allen and Sarah (Bartlett), 23d, 5 mo. 1820, PR38.
Edward C., h. Rebecca Fitch (d. Elisha G. Bunker and Sarah), s. Thomas and Mary (Sheffield), ___, 1828, PR38.
Elisha, ch. Jonathan and Hannah, Nov. 1, 1789, PR40. -
Elisha, h. Mary V., s. Samuel and Mercy (Nye), 20th, 9 mo. 1819, PR38.
Eliza B., w. George Newall (s. Nathan and Polly), d. Allen and Sarah (Bartlett), ___, 1822, PR38.
Eliza R. [Gibbs, w. ____] Lewis. Sept 23, 1827 [sic, see mar. record], GR4. [Gibbs, w. Simeon Lewis (s. Freeman and Betsey), d. Stephen and Deborah (Swift), PR38.]
Elizabeth B., w. Frederic M. Pitman (s. John and Phebe), d. Stephen S. and Ann (Fisher), _, 4 mo. 1843, PR38.
Elnathan, ch. Jonathan and Hannah, May 5, 1794, PR40. -
Emily, w. ____ Wright, s. Thomas and Mary (Sheffield), ___, 1826. PR38.
Emily F., w. Frank Mitchell, d. Stephen S. and Ann (Fisher), _, 12 mo. 1849. PR38.
Ezra, s. Stephen and Deborah (Swift), ___, 1823 [1823 written above 1821]. PR38.
Francis A., s. Samuel B. and Ann (Swain). _____ [ ? before 1836], PR38.
George H., s. Samuel B. and Ann (Swain). ___, 1844, PR38.
George S., s. Thomas and Mary (Sheffield). —, 10 mo. 1832, PR38.
George W., h. Zipporah (d. ____ Burgess of Harwich), s. Samuel and Mercy (Nye), 8th. 3 mo. 1816 [1815 written above 1816.], PR38.
Henry. h. Temperance. s. Samuel and Mercy (Nye), 14th, 9 mo. 1798, PR38.
Henry, s. Thomas and Mary (Sheffield). ___, 1831. PR38.
Howard L., s. Samuel B. and Ann (Swain), _____[? before 1850]. PR38.
Jacob B., h. Lucinda, ___, 1819. GR4. [Jacob Barney Gibbs, h. Lucinda M. Smith of Boston, h. Harriet M. (wid. Charles Clark, d. Joshua Gruber) ("No child"). s. Stephen and Deborah (Swift). 9th. 11 mo., PR38.]
James, h. Martha, s. Jonathan, —, 8 mo. 1783. PR38. [ch. Jonathan and Hannah. Aug. 3. PR40.]
James, s. Thomas and Mary (Sheffield). _____, PR38.
James Henry. ch. James and Martha. bp. Mar. 17, 1829, CR1. [b.___, 1822. GR3. h. Charlotte M. (d. Isaac Thompson and Deidamia), s. James and Martha. b. ___, 1823, PR38.]
Jonathan, ch. Jonathan and Hannah, Sept. 6, 1799. P.R.40.
Josiah S., h. Lucretia C. (d. Henry [sic, ? Harvey] Hinckley and Caroline). s. Thomas and Mary (Sheffield), _, 9 mo. 1830. PR38.
Julia, w. Charles H. Allen (s. Reuben Jr. and Jernima). d. Nathan and Roby (Parker), ___, 1832. PR38.
Louisa B., w. William Wyer (s. Benjamin), d. Nathan and Roby (Parker), _____, PR38.
Lucinda [____], w. Jacob B., ___, 1829, GR4. [Lucinda M. Smith of Boston, w. Jacob Barney Gibbs (s. Stephen and Deborah), PR38.]
Lucretia B., w. ____, d. Allen and Sarah (Bartlett), —, 10 mo. 1829, PR38.
Lydia B., w. Arthur N. Townsend, d. Samuel B. and Ann (Swain), _____ [? before 1850], PR38.
Maria, w. John Lewis ("a Portuguese"), w. Thomas Ray ("a Portuguese"), d. Samuel and Mercy (Nye), 6th, 6 mo. 1814, PR38.
Maria, w. Capt. Edward S. Jennings, w. Thomas S. Nye of N. B., d. James and Martha, 25th, 3 mo. 1817, PR38.
Martha [____], w. James (s. Jonathan), 23d, 12 mo. 1785, PR38. -
Martha S., w. Charles Fosdick (s. Jethro and Phebe), d. James and Martha, 7th, 1 mo. 1811 [sic, dup. 6th, 1 mo. 1814], PR38.
Mary E., d. Thomas and Mary (Sheffield), ___, 1838, PR38.
Micah, ch. Jonathan and Hannah, Sept. 17, 1777, PR40.
Nathan, h. Roby (d. Samuel Parker), s. Samuel and Mercy (Nye), 4th, 4 mo. 1802, PR38.
Oliver C., m., s. Allen and Sarah (Bartlett), —, 9 mo. 1825, PR38.
Polly, ch. Jonathan and Hannah, Dec. 10, 1787, PR40.
Rebecca E., w. John S. Perkins (s. Gilbert), w. William Ray (s. Peter), d. Stephen and Deborah (Swift), 2d, 3 mo.
1815. PR38.
Richard C. Jr., h. Phebe M. (d. Shubael Winslow and Mary), s. Richard C. and Almira (Ames). ___, 1842. PR38.
Richard Cary, ch. Mr. Gibbs. bp. May 5, 1811, C.R.I. [Capt., b. Mar. 2, G.R.3. h. Alrnira (d. Anna Ames, sister of Samuel), s. Stephen and Deborah (Swift) , b. 2d, 3 mo., PR38.]
Sally, ch. Jonathan and Hannah, June 28, 1781, PR.40.
Samuel, h. Mercy (d. ____ Nye of Sandwich), s. Samuel of Sandwich, —, 4 mo. 1777, PR38.
Samuel. s. Samuel and Mercy (Nye), 20th, 3 mo. 1806, PR38.
Samuel B., h. Ann (d. Laban Swain and Abigail), h. Betsey 0. Corbett (wid.), s. Allen and Sarah (Bartlett), 5th, 5
mo. 1816, PR38.
Samuel H., s. Samuel B. and Ann (Swain), _____ [? before 1850], PR38.
Sarah, first w. George M. Swain (s. George and Lucretia), d. Samuel and Mercy (Nye), 14th, 10 mo. 1888, PR38.
Sarah, ch. James and Martha, bp. Mar. 17, 1829, CR1. [w. Alexander Ray 2d (s. Peter and Zilpha), d. James and Martha, b. 1st, 1 mo. 1819, PR38. Sarah B., b. Nov. 1, 1820, PR39.]
Seth S., h. Tirza (d. Solomon Bearse and Hannah Green), s. Samuel and Mercy (Nye), 7th, 4 mo. 1811, PR38.
Silvia, ch. Jonathan and Hannah, Sept. 12, 1785, P.R.40. -
Stephen, h. Deborah (Swift) of Cape Cod, s. Samuel, 6th, 4 mo. 1787, PR38.
Stephen B., h. Judith (d. Reuben Maxey and Susan), h. Judith Bradford Cole of Middleborough ("No chn."), s. James and Martha, 22d, 2 mo. 1811, PR38.
Stephen S., h. Ann G. (d. Lemuel Fisher and Martha), s. Stephen and Deborah (Swift), 16th, 12 mo. 1817, PR38.
Stephen S., h. Lottie A. (d. James Pitman), s. Stephen S. and Ann (Fisher), — 6 mo. 1844, PR38. -
Susan P., d. James H., carpenter, and Charlotte of N.. July 2, 1848.
Susan Pinkham, ch. James and Martha, bp. Mar. 17, 1829, [w. George R. Pierce ("moved to Iowa"), mother of George E., b. ___, 1825, PR38.]
Sylvia (see Silvia).
Thomas E., h. Mary W. (d. Charles Burgess and Mary), s. Stephen and Deborah (Swift). 4th, 4 mo. 1825 [1825 written above 1823]. PR38.
Thomas G. [G. written above B.], s. Thomas and Mary (Sheffield), —, 10 mo. 1823, PR38.
Thomas G., s. Stephen B. and Judith (Maxey) (first w.), _____, PR38.
William H., h. Isabell, ___, 1840, GR3. [ [dup. William C.] h. Isabel (d. Edwin James and Sarah (Sandsbury)). s. Thomas and Mary (Sheffield), —, 4 mo. 1839, PR38.]
Bethiah, first w. Benjamin L'Hommedieu, d. Robert and Patience (Hall), 9th. 5 mo. 1786. PR38.
Hannah, first w. Abraham Pollard (s. Jonathan and Hannah), d. Robert and Patience (Hall), 13th, 9 mo. 1783, PR38.
James, h. Bethiah (d. Jeremiah Gardner and Bethiah). s. ____ of England, ___, 1801, PR38.
James H., h. Hannah (d. Joshua Barker and Betsey), s. James and Bethiah (Gardner), ___, 1831. PR38.
Lydia C., w. Edward M. Bartlett (s. William and Lydia), d. James and Bethiah (Gardner), —, 12 mo. 1829, PR38.
Rebecca, w. Thomas Nickerson. d. Robert and Patience (Hall), 6th, 11 mo. 1778, PR38.
Robert of Harwick, h. Patience (Hall), 1st, 1 mo. 1753, PR38.
Samuel H., s. James and Bethiah (Gardner), _____, PR38.
William B., s. James and Bethiah (Gardner), ___, 1834, PR38.
Allen H., Capt., Nov. 1, 1810, GR3. [h. Betsey M. (d. Hiram Coffin and Betsey), h. Mary Hotchkiss of
Hartford, Conn., s. Luther and Phebe (Coffin), PR38.]
Arthur H., s. Allen H., mariner, and Betsey M. of N., May 6, 1846, in N. [h. Anna, s. Allen H. and Betsey (Coffin), 5th, 5 mo., PR38.]
Charles B., s. William H. and Lydia (Starbuck), _____, PR38.
Charles S., h. Eliza (d. Timothy Folger Jr. and Sarah), s. Robert C. and Ruth (Starbuck) (Rand), 22d, 2 Trio. 1811, PR38. -
Delong, h. Elizabeth (d. John B. Orpin), 13th. 7 mo. 1796, PR38.
Eliza, w. George Macy (s. Solomon and Lydia), d. Prince of Falmouth and Hannah (Chadwick), 26th, 11 mo. 1805, PR38.
Eliza H., w. George Parlow (s. George of New Bedford), d. George H. and Eliza (Jenkins), —, 4 mo. 1828. PR38.
Eliza M., w. William H. Hoeg (s. Isaac and Eunice). [twin] d. Jonathan F. of Fairhaven and Love (Robbins), 19th,
1 mo. 1810, PR38.
Elizabeth C., w. Alexander B. Robinson, d. Allen H. and Betsey (Coffin), 23d, 4 mo. 1839 [sic, see Hannah M.], PR38.
Elizabeth S., w. Edward S. Ray (s. Obed S. and Anna), d. William C. and Susan (Macy), —, 2 mo. 1836, PR38.
Elizabeth S., d. William H. and Lydia (Starbuck), _____, PR38. -
Emily C., w. William W. Sampson of Kingston (s. Benjamin), d. Charles S. and Eliza (Folger), _____[? before 1850], PR38.
Eunice, w. Reuben Swain (s. Franklin and Anna), d. Joseph and Eunice. 29th. 3 mo. 1815, PR38.
Frederick C., s. Gustavus, blacksmith, and Eliza Ann of N., Apr. 27, 1848, in N. [h. Lizzie A (d. Susan Perkins), s. Gustavus and Eliza Ann (Coleman), PR38.]
George G., s. Susan (sister of Seth Macy), adopted s. Seth Macy and Tirza (Bearse) (Gibbs), 7th, 12 mo. 1845, PR38.
George H., h. Eliza (d. William Jenkins and Deborah), s. Luther and Phebe (Coffin), 24th, 6 mo. 1802, PR38.
George H., s. George H. and Eliza (Jenkins), —, 2 mo. 1830, PR38.
George W., s. Jonathan and Love (Robbins), _____, PR38.
Gustavus, h. Eliza Ann (d. Frederick Brown Coleman and Lydia), s. Jesse and Abigail (Crosby), ___, 1820, PR38.
Hannah M., d. Allen H. and Betsey (Coffin), —, 10 mo. 1838 [sic, see Elizabeth C.], PR38. -
Harvey C., h. Mary Hesler of Canton, Ohio, h. Mary S. (d. John Lock), s. George H. and Eliza (Jenkins), —, 7 mo. 1832, PR38.
Henry Allen, s. Allen H. and Betsey (Coffin), 27th, 3 mo. 1837, PR38.
Jane, d. Jesse and Abigail (Crosby), ___, 1825, PR38.
Jesse Jr., s. Jesse and Abigail (Crosby),_____, PR38.
Jonathan of Fair Haven, h. Love (d. John Robbins), 27th, 8 mo. 1784, PR38.
Luther, h. Phebe (d. Seth Coffin and Susanna), s. Christopher, 6th, 3 mo. 1771, PR38.
Lydia, ch. Jonathan and Eunice, _____, CR4.
Lydia B., w. Harvey Crocker, d. Luther and Phebe (Coffin), 5th, 5 mo. 1798, PR38.
Lydia Gardiner, ch. Mrs. Gifford, bp. Mar. 2. 1845, CR1. [w. Davis Hall of Hanson, d. George H. and Eliza (Jenkins), b. 14th, 12 mo. 1834, PR38.]
Marietta O., d. Charles S. and Eliza (Folger), 25th, 12 mo. ___[.? before 1850], PR38.
Mary B., d. Jesse and Abigail (Crosby), ___, 1822, PR38.
Mary J., d. George H. and Eliza (Jenkins), —, 7 mo. 1826, PR38.
Nancy, w. Henry Goodrich, d. Luther and Phebe (Coffin), 1st, 2 mo. 1806, PR38.
Phebe, d. George H. and Eliza (Jenkins), _____, PR38.
Phebe, ch. Jonathan and Eunice, _____, CR4.
Phebe Bailey. w. Albert L. Nichols (s. Lafayette). d. Charles S. and Eliza (Folger), 20th, 5 mo. [? before 1850], PR38.
Rachael, [twin] d. Jonathan and Love (Robbins), 19th, 1 mo. 1810, PR38.
Robert C., h. Ruth (wid. David Rand, d. Nathaniel Starbuck), 25th, 11 mo. 1780, PR38.
Sarah C., w. Benjamin G. Tobey (s. Albert and Nancy), d. William H. and Lydia (Starbuck), ___, 1842, PR38.
Sarah J., w. Reuben M. Miler (s. Southard H.), d. Charles S. and Eliza (Folger), _____ [? before 1850], PR38.
Thomas Cary, s. Allen H. and Betsey (Coffin), —, 4 mo. 1836 [see death of Thomas Cary Gifford], PR38. -
William C., h. Susan (d. Job Macy and Deborah), s. Robert C. and Ruth (Starbuck) (Rand), 1st, 10 mo. 1807, PR38.
William C., ___, 1819, G.R.3. -
William H., Lydia (d. Tristram Starbuck and Miriam), s. Jonathan and Love (Robbins), 4th, 7 mo. 1808, PR38.
____, d. Eliza H. of N., Nov. 19, 1847, in N.
Abigail [dup. Nabby], w. Edmond Fanning [q. v.], d. Reuben and Lydia (Baxter) (second w.), 29th, 3 mo. 1786, PR38.
Abigail, w. Robert Whippey (s. James Jr.), d. Beriah and Mary (Wyer), _____, PR38.
Abigail, w. John Harris of Coventry, R. I., d. Moses and Mary (Skiffe), _____, PR38.
Ambrose, s. Paul and Kezi [Keziah. PR38.], Aug. 15, 1767.
Anna, w. Noah Pease (s. Paul and Elizabeth), w. David Folger (s. David and Anna), d. Thomas and Susan (Jones), _____, PR38.
Beriah, h. Mary (d. Robert Wyer and Catharine), s. Moses and Mary (Skiffe), _____, PR38.
David, h. Eunice (d. Stephen Barnard and Phebe), h. Love (wid. Isaiah Clark, d. Uriah Bunker and Susan), s. Beriah and Mary (Wyer), _____, PR38.
David, h. Lydia (d. Richard Lake Coleman) ("No chn."). s. David and Eunice (Barnard) (first w.), _____, PR38.
David Upham, h. Mary (d. Prince Hayden and Rebecca), s. Reuben and Mary (Upham) (first w.), 15th, 9 mo. 1770,
Deborah, w. Andrew Barnard (s. Jonathan and Mary), d. Reuben and Mary (Upham) (first w.), 3d, 10 mo. 1768, PR38.
Elizabeth Crocker, ch. Jones and Elizabeth, bp. May 12, 1822, CR1.
Eunice, w. Samuel Bunker (s. Benjamin and Rebecca), d. David and Love (Bunker) (Clark) (second w.), 1st,
2 mo. 1803, PR38.
George, m., s. David and Eunice (Barnard) (first w.), _____, PR38.
Hepsibeth, w. Obed Bunker (s. Obed and Mary), d. Thomas and Susan (Jones), 22d, 8 mo. 1741 [dup. 1743], PR38.
Kezia, d. Paul and Kezia, July 25, 1772. [w. Thomas Parker, d. Paul and Keziah, PR38.]
Love, w. Job Myrick (s. Andrew and Jedidah), d. Thomas and Susan (Jones), _____, PR38.
Lurana [w. ____] Gardner, d. Reuben and Mary, Jan. 12, 1767, CR3. [w. Libni and Peter Gardner (sons of Richard and Deborah), d. Reuben and Mary (Upham) (first w.), PR38.]
Lydia, w. Ebenezer Swain (s. Joseph and Mary), w. Peleg Swain (s. Benjamin and Mary), d. Moses and Mary (Skiffe), 18th, 9 mo. 1711, PR38.
Lydia, Dec. 31, 1794. [w. Samuel Daggett of Martha's Vineyard], d. David Upham and Mary (Hayden), PR38.]
Lydia, w. Reuben Maxcy (s. Samuel), d.. .Beriah and Mary (Wyer), _____, PR38. -
Margaret (see Peggy).
Mary, Jan. 20, 1806. [w. ____ Daggett, d. David Upham and Mary (Hayden), PR38.]
Mary, w. John Taber, d. Moses and Mary (Skiffe), _____, PR38.
Moses, h. Mary (d. John Way Jr. and Elizabeth) ("No chn."), s. Thomas and Susan (Jones), _____, PR38.
Nabby (see Abigail).
Paul, h. Jane (d. James Whippey and Patience), h. Kezia, h. Hepsabeth (d. John Wyer) ("No chn. by him"), s.
Thomas and Susan (Jones), 6th, 1 mo. 1740, PR38.
Peggy, first w. David Folger (s. David and Anna), d. Beriah and Mary (Wyer), _____, PR38.
Phebe, w. John [sic, ? Thomas] Beetle of Martha's Vineyard, d. Beriah and Mary (Wyer), _____, PR38.
Polly, w. Jonathan Burnell (s. Jonathan Jr. and Jemima), d. Reuben and Lydia (Baxter) (second w.), 17th, 5 mo. 1777, PR38.
Reuben, June 26, 1797. [h. Harriett Raymond of N.Y. (sister of ____ (w. Thomas Bunker) ), s. David Upham and
Mary (Hayden), PR38.]
Reuben, h. Mary (d. David Upham and Priscilla), h. Lydia (d. Christopher Baxter and Mary), s. Beriah and Mary (Wyer), ____, PR38.
Susan, d. David and Love (Bunker) (Clark) (second w.), 20th, 5 mo. 1806, PR38.
Susan, w. Uriah Bunker (s. Obed and Mary), d. Thos and Susan (Jones), _____, PR38.
Thomas, s. Paul and Kezia [Keziah, PR38.], Aug. 6, 1778. -
Tho[ma]s [s. David Upham and Mary (Hayden), PR38.], Sept 29, 1799.
Thomas, h. Susan (d. Thomas Jones), s. Moses and Mary (Skiffe)._____, PR38.
William, Oct 28, 1802 ["m'd. in N.Y.," s. David Upham and Mary (Hayden), PR38.]
GILLESPIE (Galaspie, Gillaspia)-
Elizabeth C., d. Robert and Eliza (Coffin) (Bates), _____, PR38.
Elizabeth D., w. John H. Miller of Weymouth, d. James and Sarah (Nickerson), 15th, 8 mo. 1829, PR38.
Horace M., h. Lucy Howes of Chatham, s. James and Sarah (Nickerson), 13th, 12 mo. 1839, PR38.
James (Gillaspia), Sept. 15, 1786, GR4. [Gillespie, h. Sarah (d. Israel Nickerson of S. Dennis), s. John and Elizabeth of Tyrone Co., Ire., 7th, 9 mo., PR38.]
James Cozier, s. James and Sarah (Nickerson). 18th, 10 mo. 1831, PR38.
John C., s. James and Sarah (Nickerson), 20th, 10 mo. 1824, PR38.
Mary J., d. Robert and Eliza (Coffin) (Bates), _____, PR38.
Mary Jane, w. John M. Morrison of Andover, Me., d. James and Sarah (Nickerson), 29th, 5 mo. 1834, PR38.
Robert, h. Eliza (d. [sic, ? wid.] Gamaliel Bates [ ? d. Elias Coffin and Abigail] ), s. John and Elizabeth of Tyrone Co., Ire., ___, 1800, PR38.
Robert, s. Robert and Eliza (Coffin) (Bates), _____ , PR38.
Sarah, d. Robert and Eliza (Coffin) (Bates), _____, PR38.
Sarah Ann (Galaspie). d. James, laborer, and Sarah of N., Aug. 21, 1843, in N. [Gillespie, w. David H. Eldredge
(s. Jesse and Sophia. of Chatham), d. James and Sarah (Nickerson), 31st, 8 mo., PR38.]
Thomas, s. Robert and Eliza (Coffin) (Bates), _____, PR38.
Thomas G., s. James and Sarah (Nickerson), 1st. 10 mo. 1836, PR38.
William, s. James and Sarah (Nickerson), 27th, 3 mo. 1827, PR38.
GITCHELL (see Getchell)
GLASIER (Glazier)-
Abigail, ch. Joseph and Rachel, Aug. 12, 1768. [Glazier, C.R.3. Glazier, d. Joseph and Rachael (Fitch), PR38.]
Ann, ch. Joseph and Rachel, Sept. 9, 1764. [Anna. Glazier, CR3. Anna Glazier, w. Micajah Gardner (s. John and
Kezia), d. Joseph and Rachael (Fitch), PR38.]
Ann 2d, ch. Joseph and Rachel, Oct. 12, 1784. [Anna Glazier, C.R.3. Nancy Glazier, w. Jedidiah Dow, d. Joseph and Rachael (Fitch), PR38.]
Beamsley, ch. Joseph and Rachel, May 15, 1773. [Glazier, C.R.3. Glazier, s. Joseph and Rachael (Fitch), PR38.]
Hepsebah, ch. Joseph and Rachel. Apr. 4, 1773. [Hepsibeth Glazier, CR3. Hepsabeth Glazier, d. Joseph and Rachael (Fitch), PR38.] -
Joseph (Glazier), h. Rachael (d. Peter Fitch and Rachael), 2d, 4 mo- 1743, in Newbnryport, PR38.
Joseph, ch. Joseph and Rachel. Mar. 15, 1777. [Glazier, CR3. Glazier, m., "No children," s. Joseph and Rachael (Fitch), PR38.]
Lydia, ch. Joseph and Rachel, Oct. 18, 1770. [Glazier. ch. Jos[eph] and Rachell, C.R.3. Glazier, first w. William Wyer of Beverly (later h. Peggy (d. Jethro Hussey)), d. Joseph and Rachael (Fitch), PR38.]
Nancy (see Ann).
Nathaniel, ch. Joseph and Rachel, July 22, 1780. [Glazier, C.R.3. Glazier, m., "No cluldren," s. Joseph and Rachael (Fitch), 22d, 8 mo., PR38.]
Polly, ch. Joseph and Rachel, Nov. 29, 1782. [Glazier, C.R.3. Glazier, d. Joseph and Rachael (Fitch), PR38.]
Sarah, ch. Joseph and Rachel, Aug. 5. 1766. [Glazier, C.R.3. Glazier, d. Joseph and Rachael (Fitch), PR38.]
Charles S., h. Catherine C. Blessington, s. Obed and Mary C. (Swain), 22d, 12 mo. 1841, PR38.
Eliza S., w. Frederick W. Marvin, d. Obed and Mary C. (Swain), 19th, 10 mo. 1849, PR38.
Obed, h. Mary C. (d. Nathan Swain and Phebe), s. Tobias and Eunice (Wyer) (Mills), 8th, 11 mo. 1809, PR38.
Phebe Ann, w. Henry M. Wright of N.Y., d. Obed and Mary C. (Swain), 27th, 4 mo. 1838, PR38.
Reuben S., s. Obed and Mary C. (Swain), 1st, 11 mo. 1843, PR38.
Benjamin, h. Peggy (Hussey) Wyer, ____, 1766, [h. Judith (d. Tristram Bunker and Abigail), h.
Peggy (wid. William Wyer, d. Jethro Hussey) ("No chn."), s. Simon and Lydia (Fitch), 6th, 9 mo. 1766,
Benjamin Jr., "m'd. in Georgia, had 6 drs.," s. Benjamin and Judith (Bunker), 15th, 4 mo. 1791, PR38.
Charles, h. Eliza (d. Alexander Gardner and Elizabeth), s. Benjamin and Judith (Bunker), 3d, 12 mo. 1795, PR38.
Charles H., h. Mary G. (d. Elder Otheman), h. Eva C. (d. Flamen Ball), s. Charles and Eliza (Gardner), ___, 1825, PR38.
Elizabeth, second w. Henry Swift of Boston, Benjamin and Judith (Bunker), 10th, 8 mo. 1797, PR38.
Ezekial, m., s. Simon and Lydia (Fitch), _____ , PR38.
George, s. Benjamin and Judith (Bunker), 29th, 9 mo. 1809, PR38.
George. s. Charles and Eliza (Gardner), 8th, 7 mo. 1827, PR38.
Harriet Jane, w. Dr. John Vanderveer of N.Y., d. Charles and Eliza (Gardner), _____, PR38.
Henry, s. Benjamin and Judith (Bunker), 6th, 3 mo. 1804, PR38.
Jemima, w. Joseph Davis 2d, d. Simon and Lydia (Fitch), _____, PR38.
Lydia, w. Lt. Reuben G. Pinkham (s. Andrew and Deborah), d. Benjamin and Judith (Bunker), 9th, 1 mo. 1806, PR38.
Nancy, w. Joshua Riddell (s. Henry and Sally), Benjamin and Judith (Bunker), 18th, 9 mo. 1789, PR38.
Phebe, w. Thomas Rice (brother of Randall), d. Simon and Lydia (Fitch), 26th, 9 mo. 1778 [sic, see mar. record], PR38.
Rachel, w. Levi Gardner (s. Elihu and Mary), d. Simon and Lydia (Fitch), _____, PR38.
Reuben, h. Elizabeth (d. Benjamin Cartwright and Rebecca) ("No chn."), s. Simon and Lydia (Fitch), 25th, 11 mo. 1774, PR38.
Frederick W., s. Edward L. and Elizabeth (Worth), _____ , PR38.
Betsey, d. Caleb and Mary (Pinkham), _____, PR38.
Christopher, s. John and Betsey (Gardner), 12th, 1 rno. 1804, PR38.
Edward J., h. Julia Ann (d. Rev. James E. Crawford), s. Charles (colored), 31st, 10 mo. 1840, PR38.
John, h. Betsey (d.. William Gardner and Mahitable), s. Caleb and Mary (Pinkham), _____, PR38.
Mary, w. Thomas Hampton, w. John Seymore. [sec mar. of Mary Godfrey 1774 and 1778] d. Caleb and Mary (Pinkham), _____, PR38.
Mercy, w. James Chase (s. Thomas and Anna). d. Caleb of Barnstable and Mary (Pinkham), 20th, 1 mo. 1753, PR38.
Phebe, w. John Wolf, w. Nathaniel Marshall, d. Caleb and Mary (Pinkham), 8th. 12 mo. 1760 [1760 written above
1757], PR38.
Rebecca, w. ____ Hays of Boston, d. Caleb and Mary (Pinkham). _____ , PR38.
Sarah, w. Samuel H. Winslow (s. Joseph). d. John and Betsey (Gardner). ___, 1808, PR38.
Susan, d. John and Betsey (Gardner), 10th, 11 mo. 1807, PR38.
Tamer, "m'd in Bermuda," s. Caleb and Mary (Pinkham), _____, PR38.
Polly, d. Nathan. bp. Nov. 12, 1775. C.R.3. [b. Sept. 15, P.R.64.]
Abby B., w. ____ Bisbee, d. John and Lydia (Gardner), —, 2 mo. 1826, PR38.
Ann G., w. d. John and Lydia (Gardner), —, 12 mo. 1830, PR38.
Charles, s. John and Lydia (Gardner), 12th, 9 mo. 1819, PR38.
Eliza, w. Sepheras or Stephen W. Smith ("an Englishman"), w. Edmond Davis, d. John and Lydia (Gardner). 31st. 3
mo. [dup. 8 mo.] 1818 [dup. 1817], PR38.
John. "an Englishman," h. Lydia (d. Ammial Gardner and Elizabeth), 27th, 10 mo. 1792, PR38.
Mary, w. Fordyce Rice, w. Robert Gardner ("an Englishman"), w. William Clymonts ("an Englishman"), d. John and Lydia (Gardner), _____, PR38.
Ann B., w. William FitzGerald (s. Nathaniel and Eunice), d. Henry and Nancy (Gifford), 14th, 7 mo. 1835, PR38.
Henry, h. Nancy (d. Luther Gifford and Phebe), _, 11 mo. 1800. PR38.
Emma P., d. William and Susan, 18th, 5 mo. 1846, PR38.
Lydia A., d. William and Susan, 16th, 8 mo. 1842. PR38.
Mary E., [ ? twin] d.. Timothy, ___, 1821 [see Timothy Jr.], PR38.
Paulina, d. Timothy and first w., ___, 1816. PR38.
Persis, w. ____ Frye, d. Timothy and first w., ___, 1814, PR38.
Sophia, d. Timothy and first w., 15th, 10 mo. 1813, PR38.
Susan [____], w. William, 4th, 7 mo. 1811, PR38.
Susan L., d. William and Susan, 4th, 8 mo. 1840, PR38.
Timothy, h. _____, h. Mary (wid. ____ Coleman. wid. Joseph Toon, d. Henry Clark), ___, 1783, PR38.
Timothy Jr., [? twin] s. Timothy and first w., ___, 1821 [see Mary E.], PR38.
William, h. Susan, ___, 1811. PR38.
Mary Jackson, w. Gardner Coffin (s. Joshua and Beulah), d. Nathaniel and Lydia of Plymouth, 19th, 4 mo. 1775, PR38.
Clinton, s. William K. and Clarissa (Bearse) of Barnstable. ___, 1849, PR38.
Henry W., h. Abby Sears, s. William K. and Clarissa (Bearse) of Barnstable, ___, 184–, PR38.
William K., h. Clarissa (Bearse) of Barnstable, s. Alexander and Phebe (Keen), ___, 1823, PR38.
Rebecca, d. William and Sarah Rogers. 14th, 6 mo. 1801, PR38.
Sarah Rogers [____] , w. William, 23d, 3 mo. 1778, PR38.
Abigail, w. James Lovell, d. Shubael and Puella (Hussey), 31st, 3 mo. 1699, PR38.
Abigail. second w. Benjamin Raymond (s. William and Lydia), "No chn.," d. John and Thankful (Butler), 27th, 1 mo. 1777, PR38.
Adaline, w. James C. Rogers (s. Benjamin), d. Davis and Deborah (Pease), —, 8 mo. 1827, PR38.
Barnabas, s. Stephen and Elizabeth (Gardner), 2-th, 3 mo. 1715, PR38.
Benjamin C., h. Susan P. (d. Samuel Snow and Eunice), s. Edward and Susan (Chase), 7th, 4 ma. 1824, PR38.
Butler, Jan. 10, 1773, PR52.
Charles E. h. Ann E (d. Thaddeus Coffin and Eliza), s. Davis and Deborah (Pease), —, 4 mo. 1825, PR38.
Charles T., s. Josiah and Keziah (Peirce), Nov. 30, 1819, P.R.19.
Daniel, s. Shubael and Puella (Hussey), 24th, 9 mo. 1708, PR38.
Davis, s. John and Thankful (Butler). —, 1 mo. 1785 [1786 written above 1785]. PR38.
Davis, h. Deborah (d. Dr. Elijah Pease and Phebe), s. Jonathan and Mary (Davis), ___, 1790, PR38.
Deborah, d. James and Parnal (Gardner), 9th, 8 mo. 1786, PR38.
Deborah, second w. Jethro Macy (s. Silvanus and Dinah), d. James and Parnal (Gardner), 6th, 2 mo. 1795 [dup. 1794], PR38.
Deborah. w. Beriah Fitch [q.v.], d. Shubael [see mar.] and Puella (Hussey), _____, PR38.
Desire, w. Zacheriah [dup. Zacchary] Bunker (s. Jonathan and Elizabeth), d. Shubael and Puella (Hussey), 26th, 9 mo. 1710. PR38.
Edward, h. Susan (d. Judah Chase and Phebe), s. Jonathan and Mary (Davis), 24th. 8 mo. 1799, PR38.
Eliza J., w. Peter Thomas of Trieste, Austria, d. Edward and Susan (Chase). 26th. 11 mo. 1836, PR38.
Elizabeth, w. David Bunker (s. Benjamin and Deborah), third w. William Russell (s. Daniel and Deborah), d. Stephen and Elizabeth (Gardner), 6th, 7 mo. 1718, in Barnstable, PR38.
Elizabeth, m., [ch. James] _____, CR4. [w. Samuel D. Otis (s. Job and Deborah of N[ew] B[edford] ), d. James and Susan (Whippey). —, 6 mo. 1823. PR38.]
Elizabeth, d. Josiah. ___, 1839, PR38.
Eunice, w. Peleg Gardner (s. Jethro and Kezia), d. Stephen and Elizabeth (Gardner), 29th, 3 mo. 1720, PR38.
Francis W., "an idiot," s. William and Tamer (Worth) (third w.). 11th, 4 mo. 1822. PR38. -
George, s. Shubael and Puella (Hussey), 29th, 1 mo. 1696-7, in Barnstable. PR38.
George, h. Mary Ann (wid. Charles Merrick), s. Benjamin C. and Susan P. (Snow), 15th, 8 mo. 1846, PR38.
George R, s. William and Mary (Raymond) (first w.), 25th, 7 mo. 1820 [1819 written above I820], PR38. [July 16, 1819, PR52.]
Hannah, w. William Manning (s. Dennis and Catharine), second w. William Stubbs. d. Shubael and Puella (Hussey), ___m 1703. PR38.
Harriett, w. Caleb Lyons of Rochester, N.Y., d. Edward and Susan (Chase), 17th, 2 mo. 1833, PR38.
Henry A., s. Davis and Deborah (Pease). 10th, 6 mo. 1820, PR38.
Isaiah, s. Jonathan and Mary (Davis), ___, 1797, PR38.
James, h. Parnal (d. Solomon Gardner and Mary), s. Josiah and Deborah (Lovell). 19th, 11 mo. 1754, PR38.
James. s. James and Parnal (Gardner). 16th. 8 mo. 1787, PR38.
James, h. Susan (d. Love Whippey), s. James and Parnal (Gardner), 8th, 7 mo. 1791. PR38.
John of Barnstable, h. Thankful (d. David Butler of Falmouth). s. Joseph and Abigail. ___, 1739 [ ? in Barnstable], PR38.
John of Barnstable, h. Susan (d. Jonathan Gorham and Mary), father of John, Susan and Lydia B., s. John and Thankful (Butler), 11th, 5 mo. 1783. PR38.
Jonathan, s. James and Parnal (Gardner), 16th, 12 mo. 1782, PR38.
Joseph, s. John and Thankful (Butler). ___, 1780, P1.38. [Mar. 7, PR52]
Joseph, h. Eliza F. (d. Samuel Brown and Rebecca of Portland), s. William and Mary (Raymond) (first w.), 22d, 6 mo. 1817, PR38. [June 20 [Oct. 1814 written in pencil below date], PR52.]
Josiah, h. Deborah (d. James Lovell and Abigail), s. Stephen and Elizabeth (Gardner), 2d, 6 mo. 1723, PR38.
Josiah, Jan. 7, 1793, GR3. [h. Kezia (Peirce), h. Sarah (Starbuck). PR19. h. Kezia (d. Henry Peirce), h. Sarah (d. Joseph Starbuck and Sally) ("No chn."). twin s. Jonathan and Mary (Davis), PR38.]
Josiah [ch. James]. _____, CR4. [s. James and Susan (Whippey), _, 9 mo. 1815. PR38.]
Josiah, h. Martha Whiting of Hingham, s. Davis and Deborah (Pease), 2d, 7 mo. 1816 [sic], PR38.
Josiah, s. James and Susan (Whippey), —, 2 mo. 1835, PR38.
Lois, w. Jonathan Macy (s. John Jr. and Judith), d.. Stephen and Elizabeth (Gardner), 5th, 11 mo. 1727, PR38.
Lydia, w. Joseph Worth (s. John and Miriam), d. Shubael and Puella (Hussey), 14th, 5 mo. 1701, PR38.
Lydia, first w. William Swain Jr. (s. William and Jernima), d. Stephen and Elizabeth (Gardner), —, 1 mo. 1729, PR38.
Mary, d. Stephen, Mar. 25, 1703-4, "on Nantucket" [w. Andrew Gardner (s. Nathaniel and Abigail), d. Stephen and Elizabeth (Gardner), 15th, 3 mo., in Barnstable, PR38.]
Mary, w. Prince Gardner (s. Prince and Deborah). d. James and Parnal (Gardner), 27th [dup. 29th], 8 mo. 1784,
Mary Ann, w. Charles W. Alley (s. John and Martha), d. Edward D. and Susan (Chase), ___, 1828. PR38.
Mary G., m., [ch. James] _____, CR4. [w. William Makeel of N.Y., d. James and Susan (Whippey), —, 3 mo. 1825,
Nathaniel, h. Mary (d. John Soley and Dorcas (Coffin) of Charlestown), s. Stephen and Elizabeth (Gardner). ___, 1709, PR38.
Nathaniel, s. James and Parnal (Gardner), 29th, 5 mo. 1789, PR38.
Nathaniel, h. Betsey (d. Lemuel Baker) ("No chn. lived"), s. Josiah and Eunice. ___, 1790, PR38.
Phebe C., w. John Ray (s. David and Eliza), d. Edward and Susan (Chase), 13th, 11 mo. 1825, PR38.
Phineos, July 25, 1774. P.R.52.
Polly, w. Obed Wyer (s. Obed and Polly). twin d. Jonathan and Mary (Davis), 7th, 1 mo. 1793, PR38.
Priscilla, w. Eliphaz Folger (s. Eleazer Jr. and Bethiah), d. Thomas and Rachael (Trott), 18th, 12 mo. 1711, PR38.
Ruth, w. Cornelius Bennett of Middleborough, d. Shubael and Puella (Hussey), 7th. 5 mo. 1713. PR38. -
Sally, w. ____ Lovell, d. Shubael and Puella (Hussey), _____, PR38.
Samuel, s. James and Parnal (Gardner), 29th. 5 mo. 1790, PR38.
Sarah, w. Daniel Hussey (s. Sylvanus and Abial), d. Stephen and Elizabeth (Gardner). ___, 1711, in Barnstable. PR38.
Sarah C., second w. Peter Cushman (s. Jabez and Cynthia), d. Edward and Susan (Chase). 11th, 8 mo. 1838, PR38.
Sarah Jane [ch. James], _____, CR4. [d. James and Susan (Whippey), ___,1829 [see Susan C.], PR38.]
Stephen, h. Sarah Freeman of Hardwick, s. Stephen and Elizabeth (Gardner), 20th, 2 mo. 1722, PR38.
Stephen, s. James and Susan (Whippey), _, 9 mo. 1821, PR38.
Susan of Falmouth, w. James Perry Jr. (s. James and Miriam), cL Joseph, 18th, 6 mo. 1747 [ ? in Falmouth], PR38.
Susan, w. John Gorham of Barnstable (s. John and Thankful), d. Jonathan and Mary (Davis), _____, PR38.
Susan C. [ch. James], _____, CR4. [d. James and Susan (Whippey), —, 2 mo. 1829 [see Sarah Jane], PR38.]
Susanna, w. Daniel Paddack (s. Nathaniel 1st and Ann), third w. Jonathan Folger (s. John and Mary), d. Stephen and Elizabeth (Gardner), ___, 1705, in Barnstable, PR38.
Theodate, w. Francis Coffin (s. John; s. James), second w. Reuben Gardner (s. Solomon and Anna (Coffin)), d.
Shubael of Barnstable and Puella (Hussey). 18th [dup. 1st], 7 mo. 1705, PR38.
Timothy P., s. Davis and Deborah (Pease), _, 7 mo. 1822, PR38.
William, h. Mary (d. Benjamin Raymond and Elizabeth), h. Betsey (d. Reuben Swain and Thankful) ("No chn."), h. Tamer (d. Francis Worth and Phebe), s. John and Thankful (Butler), 23d, 9 mo. 1788. PR38.
Zaccheus, s. Stephen and Elizabeth (Gardner), 20th, 4 mo. 1717, PR38.
GORMLEY (Gorrnly, Gromley)-
Hannah M. (Gromley), d. Edward, mariner, and Nancy L. of N., Aug. 8, 1843, in N.
Maria M., d. Edward and Nancy (Fisher), ___, 1845, PR38.
Sarah C. (Gormly), d. Edward, cooper, and Nancy L. of N., Mar. 9, 1846, in N.
Azuba G., w. George P. Coffin ("a Portuguese"), d. Joseph and Polly Chatham, 21st, 1 mo. 1818, PR38.
Caroline S., w. Asa Beebe, d. Ebenezer and Caroline (Backus), 30th, 6 mo. 1848, PR38.
Ebenezer B., h. Caroline (d. Ichabod Backus and Sophronia), 14th, 7 mo. 1816, PR38.
Laura A., w. Henry P. Cook (s. Charles), ___, 1827, PR38.
Sarah [ ? m.], ___, 1780, PR38.
Oscar, s. George, calker, and Jane of N., Apr. 7, 1847, in N.
Almira, w. James Mumford, d. William and Mary (Austin), —, 6 mo. 1834, PR38.
Anna [____], "a stranger," w. William B. ("a stranger"), 1st, 5 mo. 1826, PR38.
Charles, h. Nancy (d. Benjamin Wyer and Eliza), s. James ("a Scotchman") and Elizabeth (Ellis), 14th, 6 mo. 1816, PR38.
Eliza, w. Manuel Swain ("a Portuguese"), w. George W. Stevens, d. James ("a Scotchman") and Elizabeth (Ellis), 15th, 6 mo. 1817, PR38.
Everett, s. William B., carpenter, and Rosanna of N., May 20, 1847, in N. [s. William B. and Anna ("both strangers"), 21st, 5 mo., PR38.]
George, s. James ("a Scotchman") and Elizabeth (Ellis), —, 7 mo. 1822, PR38.
George B., s. William and Mary (Austin), —, 10 mo. 1842 [1842 written above 1844], PR38.
George H., s. William B. and Anna ("both strangers"), 17th, 1 mo. 1846, PR38.
James, s. James ("a Scotchman") and Elizabeth (Ellis). ___, 1834, PR38.
John, "went to Cal.," s. James ("a Scotchman") and Elizabeth (Ellis), 26th, 2 mo. 1820, PR38.
Joseph A., h. Mary J. (d. John Beekman), s. William and Mary (Austin), —, 12 mo. 1840 [1840 written above 1841], PR38.
Mary Elizabeth, d. William, rigger, and Mary of N., Dec. 19, 1845, in N. [w. Andrew B. Gardner of Centerville,
d. William and Mary (Austin). —, 11 mo. 1847 [1847 written above 1849], PR38.]
Thomas E., s. James ("a Scotchman") and Elizabeth (Ellis), ___, 1828, PR38.
Thomas E., h. Ellen F. (d. Barzillai Nickerson), s. William and Mary (Austin), —, 7 mo. 1843 [1843 written above 1845], PR38.
William, h. Mary (d. Daniel Austin and Eunice), s. James ("a Scotchman") and Elizabeth (Ellis). 5th, 5 mo. 1809, PR38.
William B., "a stranger," h. Anna ("a stranger"), 22d, 2 mo. 1817, PR38.
William M., s. W[illia]m, carpenter. and Ann of N., July 25, 1844, in N. [s. William B. and Anna ("both strangers"), 26th, 7 mo., PR38.]
GRAVES (see also Groves)-
Peggy, d. ____, Mar. 6, 1784, PR64.
Abraham Brower, Jan. 22, 1842, G.R.3.
Frances Northrup [____], w. Abraham Brower, June 6, 1847, G.R.3.
GREAVES (see Graves)
GREEN (Greene)-
Amey (Greene), w. Jonathan Elliott, w. Nathaniel Russell of Nova Scotia, d. Thomas and Mercy Cook, _____ [? in Nova Scotia]. PR38.
Andrew Brooks, ch. Thomas and Sarah [sic], bp. Apr. 23, 1843, CR1. [Greene, h. Winnifred (wid. Horatio Coleman, d. Henry Coleman), s. Thomas and Betsey (Brooks), b. 28th, 1 mo. 1834, PR38.]
Benjamin (Greene), s. John and Lydia. Apr. 1, 1802, P.R.4. [Green, "m'd in Providence," s. John and Lydia (Coffin), 1st, 4 mo. 1803, PR38.]
Charles (Greene), s. John and Lydia, Nov. 15, 1793, PR4. [Green. h. Mary (d. John Gurrell and Abigail), s. John and Lydia (Coffin), PR38.]
Charles, s. Welcome and Caroline, 12th, 9 mo. 1839, CR4.
Charles B., s. Jeremiah and Nancy (Griffiths), ___, 1842, PR38.
Charles H. (Greene), s. Charles and Mary (Gurrell), ___, 1824, PR38.
Charlotte (Greene), d. Charles and Mary (Gurrell), 14th, 8 mo. 1818, PR38.
Deborah (Greene), w. Alexander Thain, w. ____ Campbell of R. I., d. Thomas and Mercy Cook, ___, 1772 [? in Nova Scotia], PR38.
Edward P. (Greene), h. Emily S. King of Brooklyn. N. Y., s. Thomas and Betsey (Brooks), 24th, 4 mo. 1840. PR38.
Elizabeth (Greene), w. ____ Monroe (also h. Penelope), [? twin] d. Thomas and Mercy Cook, _____ [ ? in Nova
Scotia], PR38.
Elizabeth Ann (Greene), ch. Thomas and Sarah [sic], bp. Apr. 23, 1843. C.R.1. [w. William B. Rand (s. William and Susan). d. Thomas and Betsey (Brooks), b. 26th, 1 mo. 1838, PR38. b. 26th, 1 mo. 1838, P.R.57.]
George (Greene), s. John and Lydia, June 18, 1804, PR4.
George (Greene), s. John and Lydia, Feb. 5, 1806, PR4. [Green, s. John and Lydia (Coffin), PR38.]
George H. W., s. Jeremiah, laborer, and Nancy of N., Nov. 5, 1848, in N.
George W. (Greene), h. Sarah, twin s. Thomas and Betsey (Brooks), 2d, 5 mo. 1832, PR38.
Hannah B. [Green], w. Reuben C. Swain, ___, 1831. G.R.4. [Green, d. Charles [sic, see mar. of Martha F.] and Hannah of Marston's Mills, PR38.]
Isabella [Green], w. Capt. Charles C. Swain, ___, 1835, G.R.3. [Green. second w. Charles Swain (s. Nathan and Phebe), d. Charles [sic, see mar. of Martha F.] and Hannah, 1st, 2 mo. 1833, PR38.]
James M. (Greene), h. Abby Gilman Boyden of N.H., twin s. Thomas and Betsey (Brooks), 2d, 5 mo. 1832, PR38.
Job (Greene). h. ____ Cook. s. Thomas and Mercy Cook, _____, [? in Nova Scotia], PR38. -
John (Greene), h. Lydia (d. Jonathan Coffin and Phebe), s. Thomas and Mercy Cook, 6th, 5 mo. 1770 [? in Nova Scotia]. PR38.
John G. (Greene), s. Charles and Mary (Gurrell), ___, 1826, PR38.
Lydia (Greene), d. John and Lydia. Feb. 13, 1817, P.R.4. [Green, "m'd in Providence," d. John and Lydia (Coffin), 3d, 2 mo., PR38.]
Martha F. [Green], w. Capt. Charles C. Swain, ___, 1822, G.R.3. [Green, first w. Charles Swain, d. Charles [sic, see mar. of Martha F.] and Hannah, PR38.]
Mary, d. William and Mary, Oct. 26, 1769. [Mary Jr., d. William and Mary (wid. John Marshall), PR38.]
Mary (Greene), d. John and Lydia, Apr. 23, 1813, RR4. [Mary M. Green. w. Peleg Wood, w. ____, d. John and Lydia (Coffin). PR38.]
Mary (Greene), w. ____ Gaskill, d. Thomas and Mercy Cook, _____ [ ? in Nova Scotia]. PR38.
Mary Ann (Greene), w. George R. Clark of Rehoboth, d. Charles and Mary (Gurrell), 22d. 4 mo. 1820, PR38.
Mary Elizabeth Brown (see Mary Elizabeth Brown).
Mary M. (see Mary).
Mercy [____] (Greene) [w. Thomas], Apr. 27, 1744, PR4. [Mercy Cook, w. Thomas Greene, 8th, 5 mo. 1746. PR38]
Mercy (Greene), w. Jethro Mitchell (s. Jethro and Rachel), d. Thomas and Mercy Cook, 31st, I mo. 1785 [? in Nova Scotia], PR38.
Penelope (Greene), w. ____ Monroe (also h. Elizabeth), [ ? twin] d. Thomas and Mercy Cook, _____ [? in Nova Scotia], PR38.
Phebey (Greene), d. John and Lydia, Sept. 15, 1808, P.R.4. [Phebe Green, w. James C. Salisbury, w. Manuel Silvia, d. John and Lydia (Coffin), PR38.]
Sally (Greene), d. John and Lydia, Jan. 26, 1800, P.R.4. [Green, first w. Caleb Cushman, d. John and Lydia (Coffin), PR38.]
Sarah [dup. Sally Greene], w. John Clasby (s. John and Ruth), d. Thomas and Mercy Cook, 19th, 8 mo. 1773, PR38.
Sarah (Greene), ch. David and Abigail, 18th, 2 mo. 1791, CR4.
Sarah C. (Greene). second w. William S. Whippey (s. Josiah B. and Eliza), d. Thomas and Betsey (Brooks). 18th, 5
mo. 1827, PR38.
Thomas (Greene), Dec. 6, 1745, PR4. [h. Mercy Cook, s. John, Quaker Preacher, 1st, 12 mo.. in W. Greenwich, R. I., PR38.]
Thomas (Greene), s. John and Lydia, Jan. 26, 1796, PR4.
Thomas (Greene), h. Elizabeth (Brooks), Mar. 3, 1797, GR1. [s. John and Lydia, P.R.4. Green, h. Betsey (d. William
Brooks and Ruth), s. John and Lydia (Coffin), PR38.]
Thomas Brock, ch. Thomas and Sarah [sic]. bp. Apr. 23, 1843, CR1. [Greene, h. Harriett S. (d. Andrew Bunker and
Nancy), s. Thomas and Betsey (Brooks), b. 24th. 9 mo. 1829, PR38.]
William B. (Greene), h. Ellen Maria Bullen of Needham, s. Thomas and Betsey (Brooks), 8th, 11 mo. 1823 [1823 written above 1824] , PR38.
William G. (Greene), s. Charles and Mary (Gurrell), ___, 1829, PR38.
Winnifred C., d. Thomas, cooper, and Elizabeth of N., June 3, 1845, in N. [w. John S. Tewksbury of Winthrop, d. Thomas and Elizabeth (Brooks), 3d. 6 mo. 1846, PR38.]
Phebe, w. Charles W. Gardner (s. John J. and Eliza), d. Thomas and Mary of Kennebec, Me., ___, 1830 [ ? in Kennebec], PR38.
William M., s. Alfred, mariner, and Mary of N., July 16, 1846, in N.
John C., s. George and Mary (Morselander), 22d, 5 mo. 1820, PR38.
Alexander, h. Emily A (d. Obed Clark and Mary), s. Barzillai and Sarah (Bearse) (Robbins) (second w.),
6th, 2 mo. 1836 [1836 written above 1837], PR38.
Barzillai, h. Ann C (d. William Fuller and Elizabeth), h. Sarah (wid. James Robbins, d. Solomon Bearse), s. Samuel and Hepsabeth (Clark) (Shadwell), 27th, 7 mo. 1800, PR38.
Barzillai W., s. Barzillai and Ann C. (Fuller), ___, 1830, PR38.
Daniel, h. Lydia Orpin. s. Samuel and 1-iepsabeth (Clark) (Shadwell), 14th, 5 mo. 1799. PR38.
James, s. Silas and Abial (Clark), ___, 1788. PR38.
Jarvis, h. Lydia, s. Samuel. 22d. 4 mo. 1795, PR38.
Lucy, w. Joseph Coffin (s. Latham and Elizabeth), d. Samuel and Hepsabeth (Clark) (Shadwell). 13th. 7 mo. 1795,
Lydia [____], w. Jarvis (s. Samuel), 5th, 2 mo. 1797. PR38.
Mercy, w. Jethro Gardner (s. Jesse), d. Samuel and Hepsabeth ( Clark) ( Shadwell ), _____, PR38.
Phebe, w. Job C. Coffin (s. Latham and Elizabeth), d. Silas and Abial (Clark), 29th, 12 mo. 1785, PR38.
Polly, w. Samuel Hatch Jr., d. Silas and Abial (Clark), 3d, 8 mo. 1790, PR38.
Samuel, h. Hepsabeth (wid. Thomas Shadwell, d. Sarah Clark), _, 4 mo. 1760, PR38.
Samuel, "m'd. in England," s. Samuel and Hepsabeth (Clark) (Shadwell), 6th. 3 mo. 1785, PR38.
Silas, h. Mary Gifford of Falmouth, s. Silas and Abial (Clark). 25th, 9 mo. 1798, PR38.
Thomas B., s. Jarvis and Lydia, 8th, 12 mo. 1819, PR38.
Elizabeth M., w. William Young from St. Helena, d. William and Elizabeth F. (Marshall) (Silvas), ___, 1840, PR38.
James, h. Mary D. (d. Peter Hussey and Sally), s. Thomas and Polly (Allen), 14th, 4 mo. 1817, PR38.
Mary Ann, w. Barzillai Nickerson of Cape Cod, d. Thomas and Polly (Allen), —, 4 mo. 1827, PR38.
Nancy, w. Jeremiah Green, d. Thomas and Polly (Allen). 11th [dup. 14th], 5 mo. 1819, PR38.
Samuel R., s. Thomas and Polly (Allen), _, 6 mo. 1824, PR38.
Sarah Ann, d. William and Elizabeth F. (Marshall) (Silvers), _____, PR38.
Susan A., w. Moses Welcome, w. Dr. Harlow, w. William W. Luscomb (s. William and Eliza Sidney), d. Thomas and Polly (Allen), 28th, 6 mo. 1814, PR38.
Thomas, first h. Polly (d. Reuben Allen and Jerusha), 28th, 2 mo. 1795, PR38.
William, h. Elizabeth F. (wid. John Silvas, d. John Marshall and Lydia), ___, 1804, PR38.
GROMLEY (see Gormley)
Celina G., w. Jonas Bennett (s. Stephen and Lucy (Winn)), d. Simon of Malden and Celina (Gardner), ___, 1811, PR38.
GROVES (see also Graves)-
Phebe C., d. Charles L., mariner, and Charlotte of N., Apr. 20, 1844, in N.
William M. B., s. Charles, mariner, and Charlotte of N., Mar. 22, 1849, in N.
Charles B., s. Dea. Joshua and Ellen (Cummings), —, 12 mo. 1833 [? in England], PR38.
Ellen H., w. William Fisher, w. Charles Thomas (s. Ansel) [see Charles M. Thomas], d. Dea. Joshua and Ellen [dup.
Eleanor] (Cummings). —, 10 mo. 1827 [dup. 23d, 3 mo. 1828, ? in England], PR38.
Frances, "teacher in St. Louis," ch. Dea. Joshua and Ellen (Cummings), —, 5 mo. 1829 [? in England], PR38.
Harriett M., w. Charles G. Clark of Martha's Vineyard, w. Jacob Barney Gibbs (s. Stephen), d. Dea. Joshua and
Ellen (Cummings). —, 10 mo. 1821 [? in England], PR38.
James Gardner, h. Lydia [of] Wesport, Ore., s. Dea. Joshua and Ellen (Cummings), —, 2 mo. 1839 [? in England], PR38.
Joshua, Dea., h. Ellen (d. Alexander Cummings and Jane of Scotland), s. Gasper and Kate. 1791 [? in England or Scotland], PR38.
Louisa A., w. George H. Longgrove of Plainfield, Conn., d. Dea. Joshua and Ellen (Cummings), ___, 1835 [? in England], PR38.
Maria, second w. Ansel Thomas (s. Ansel). d. Dea. Joshua and Ellen (Cummings), _, 7 mo. 1818 [? in England], PR38.
Martha E., w. Churchil Davidson of Halifax. N.S., d. Dea. Joshua and Ellen (Cummings), —, 8 mo. '824 [? in England], PR38.
Rebecca C, w. James L. Bryant of Pawtucket, d. Dea. Joshua and Ellen (Cummings), 10 mo. 1831 [? in Efigland], PR38.
Sarah, w. Charles Safford of Canterbury, Conn., d. Dea. Joshua and Ellen (Cummings), —, 3 mo. 1823 [? in England], PR38.
William, h. Caroline H. (d. Barclay Fanning and Sarah), s. Dea. Joshua and Ellen (Cummings), ___, 1837 [? in England], PR38.
GUIN (see Gwinn)
GUINN (see Gwinn)
Anna, second w. James Gurney ("the minister"), 8th, 4 mo. 1781, PR38.
Edward, s. Nahum and Eliza (Bunker), _____, PR38.
Ephraim, h. Sally (d. Peter Folger and Judith), 14th. 5 mo. 1783, PR38.
James, "the minister," h. ____, h. Anna (Gurney), 27th, 6 mo. 1770, PR38.
James L., s. James ("the minister"), 3d, 11 mo. 1795, PR38.
Margaret [Gurney], w. Charles H. Chase, ___, 1810, G.R.5. [Margaret F. Gurney. d. Ephraim and Sally (Folger),
6th, 6 mo., PR38.]
Nahum M., first h. Eliza (d. Jesse Bunker and Eunice), s. James ("the minister"), 9th. 5 mo. 1798, PR38.
Robert F., s. Ephraim and Sally (Folger), _____, PR38.
Sarah Ann, d. James ("the minister"), _____, PR38.
Susan F., d. Ephraim and Sally (Folger), _____ , PR38.
William, s. Ephraim and Sally (Folger), ___, 1816. PR38.
GURRELL (Gurrill)-
Ann (see Nancy).
Ann R., w. David Pierce of Milford, w. ____ Pond, d. William and Nancy (Davis), _, 10 mo. 1839, PR38.
Henry, s. William and Nancy (Davis), _____ , PR38.
John, first h. Abigail (d. Reuben Folger and Mary). h. Elizabeth (d. Francis Coleman) ("no chn."). 16th, 9 mo. 1767,
John, h. Hannah Yatcher [of] N.Y., s. John and Abigail (Folger) (first w.), 7th, 12 mo. 1796, PR38.
Mary, w. Charles Green (s. John and Lydia), d. John and Abigail (Folger) (first w.), 17th, 9 mo. 1798, PR38.
Mary G. (Gurrill), w. Asaph Glazier, d. William and Nancy (Davis), —, 6 mo. 1834, PR38.
Nancy [dup. Ann], w. David Russell (s. Uriah and Lydia), d. John and Abigail (Folger) (first w.), 7th, 2 mo. 1800, PR38.
Nancy, d. William and Nancy (Davis), _____, PR38.
Sarah D., w. Roland Gardner (s. Oliver C. and Hannah), d. William and Nancy (Davis), _, 3 mo. 1831, PR38.
William, h. Nancy (d. Joseph Davis and Thankful), s. John and Abigail (Folger) (first w.), 18th. 1 mo. 1802, PR38.
William Jr, s. William, merchant, and Nancy of N., Dec. 6, 1843, in N. [h. P. A. (d. William House and Mary
(Swain)). s. William and Nancy (Davis). —, 9 mo. 1844, PR38.]
GWINN (Guin, Guinn, Gwin)-
Abigail (Gwin). w. Cabot Gerrish. second w. Francis Chase (s. Francis and Naomi), twin d. Thaddeus of Salem and Mercy Bradlee. 30th, 7 mo. 1788 [in Salem], PR38.
Abigail, w. Freeborn Coggeshall (s. John and Elizabeth), d. John and Eunice (Russell), _____ , PR38.
Clara, w. Archelaus Fuller., d. Thaddeus and Mercy Bradlee, 13th, 6 mo. 1794 [in Salem], PR38.
Edward, s. Thaddeus and Mercy Bradlee, 4th, 9 mo. 1801 [in Salem, see Salem Vital Records]. PR38.
Elisabeth (Guinn), ch. Jonathan and Eliz[abeth], CR4. [Elizabeth Gwinn, d. Jonathan and Elizabeth (Coleman), PR38.]
Eunice (Gwin), ch. John and Eunice, 4th, 3 mo. 1760, CR4. [Gwinn, d. John and Eunice (Russell). PR38.]
George F., h. Louisa Reeves, s. Thaddeus and Mercy Bradlee, 28th. 4 mo. 1807 [in Salem]. PR38.
Hannah, w. Samuel Loring, d. Thaddeus and Mercy Bradlee, 31st. 10 mo. 1790 [in Salem], PR38.
Hepsabeth (Guinn). ch. Jonathan and Eliz [abeth], _____, CR4. [Gwinn, d. Jonathan and Elizabeth (Coleman), PR38.]
Huldah (Gwin), ch. John and Eunice, 26th, 8 mo. 1755, CR4. [Gwinn, w. Sylvanus Coleman (s. Enoch and Mary). d. John and Eunice (Russell), 16th [dup. 16th written above 26th]. 8 mo. 1756, PR38.]
James, h. Polly (d. James Murphy and Dinah), s. Thomas and Abigail (Fitch) (second w.), 2d, 12 mo. 1768, PR38.
James, h. Sarah Thorner, Eliza. Johnson, s. Thaddeus and Mercy Bradlee. 30th, 9 mo. 1796 [in Salem], PR38.
James, first h. Susan (d. Jesse Coffin and Phebe), [twin] s. James and Polly (Murphy), 13th, 7 mo. 1804, PR38.
John, s. David, 12th, 7 mo. 1725. [first h. Eunice (d. Samuel Russell), s. David and Alice (Cartwright), PR38.]
Jonathan (Guinn), s. David and Alice, 18th, 8 mo. 1723. [Gwinn, h. Elizabeth (d. Solomon Coleman and Deliverance), s. David and Alice (Cartwright) of Salem, PR38.]
Jonathan (Guinn), ch. Jonathan and Eliz[abeth], _____, CR4. [Gwinn, s. Jonathan and Elizabeth (Coleman), PR38.]
Josiah, s. Thaddeus and Mercy Bradlee, 26th. 9 mo. 1792 [in Salem]. PR38.
Lydia, ch. Thomas (Gwin) and Abigail [(Fitch) (second w.) PR38.], Sept. 10, 1758.
Margaret, d. David and Alice, 23d. 7 mo. 1729. [w. Odar Stretton (s. Caleb and Lois), d. David and Alice (Cartwright). PR38.]
Mary C., w. Benjamin F. Gardner (s. Albert and Judith). d. James and Polly (Murphy), 27th. 8 mo. 1800, PR38.
Obed. s. Jonathan and Elizabeth (Coleman), _____, PR38. -
Paulina, d. Jonathan and Elizabeth (Coleman), _____, PR38.
Rachael, w. Spencer Hall, w. Francis P. Ashton, twin d. Thaddeus and Mercy Bradlee, 3oth, 7 ma. 1788 [in Salem], PR38.
Rhoda (Gwin), ch. John and Eunice. 24th. 8 mo. 1757, CR4. [Gwinn, w. Nathan Gardner (s. Zaccheus and Jemima), d. John and Eunice (Russell), PR38.]
Thaddeus, ch. Thomas and Abigail, June 17, 1766. [h. Mercy Bradlee [sic] of Salem. s. Thomas and Abigail (Fitch) (second w.). PR38.]
Thomas, s. David and Alice, 23d, 8 mo. 1727. [h. Huldah (d. Jacob Daggett and Hannah) ("No chn."), h. Abigail (d. Peter Fitch and Rachael), h. Rachael (d. Joseph Chase and Lydia), s. David and Alice (Cartwright), PR38.]
Thomas, s. John and Eunice, Aug. 20, 1749. [Gwin, 20th, 8 mo., CR4. Gwinn, s. John and Eunice (Russell). 20th, 8 mo., PR38.]
Ursula, ch. Thomas (Gwin) and Abigail, June 2, 1762. [w. William Gates of England, d. Thomas and Abigail (Fitch) (second w.), PR38.]
Walter, ch. Thomas (Gwin) and Abigail [ (Fitch) (second w.), PR38.], July 21, 1764.
William, h. Nancy Lane, s. Thaddeus and Mercy Bradlee, 23d, 3 mo. 1798 [in Salem], PR38.
William, [twin] s. James and Polly (Murphy), 13th, 7 mo. 1804, PR38.
Zabdiel, s. John and Eunice, Mar. 6, 1753. [Zebdiel Gwin, 27th, 2 mo., CR4. Zebdial Gwinn. s. John and Eunice
(Russell), 6th, 3 mo. [3 mo. written above 27th, 2 mo.]. PR38.]