Wills & Estates, Part III
1815 to 1842
Extracted From
Nantucket Lands And Land Owners
Henry B. Worth.
Nantucket Historical Association, 1901.
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

1815. Judith Bunker, Elizabeth Barker, Phebe Hussey, Anna Coffin, Mayhew Folger, Sarah Hussey and Lydia Hussey, wives of Tristram and Zaecheus Hussey.
1815. Will Ebenezer Drew. Wife, Hannah.
1815. Susanna Turner, widow of Baker, administratrix his estate.
1815. Rebecca Swain, widow of Wyer, administratrix of his estate.
1815. Will of Merah Myrick, widow. Sister, Matilda Coffin, widow of Matthew. Brother, Zacchariah Coffin, had died, leaving children, Avis and Waterman.
Estate Abigail Macy divided between heirs of Joseph Brown, Phebe Coleman, widow, and wives of Francis Macy and Joseph Cartwright.
1815. Guardian of children of Josiah Barnard, William Henry, Emeline, James.
1815. Guardian of children of William and Susanna Folger, Maria, William, Andrew.
1815. Will of Christopher Starbuck. Wife, Mary ; children, Miriam, Judith Macy, Tristram, Nathaniel.
1815. Will Joseph Macy. Mother, Abiel ; brother, George ; sister, Lydia.
1815. Guardian of children of Benjamin Swift, Alexander S., Ann, Eliza Ann.
1815. Will of Henry Foy. Wife, Ruth.
1815. Will of Laban Coffin. Wife, Jemima.
1815. In estate of Wyer Swain were three shares of Academy and 2 1/2 pews in the new Meeting House.
Will of Phebe Gardner, maiden. Cousins, Judith Jones. Hepsabah Gardner, Elizabeth Coffin, Christian Gardner, Henry Bunker, son of Barnabas ; and Lydia Bunker, wife of Barnabas.
1815. Will of John Folger. Wife, Lydia ; son, Obed ; grandson, Uriah Coffin, son of Abilen. A daughter married Josiah Calder, and had Josiah, Samuel, Love, Sally.
In estate of Israel Brayton was seven-sixteenths of brig Eliza Ames.
1815. Second will of Phebe Gardner. Legatees, Josiah Hussey, Sally Jones, widow of Barzillai ; Elizabeth Folger, wife of Walter ; Matthew Jones, Henry Bureker, Charles W. Cartwright, Ruth Paddock, Anna Coleman, Susan Hussey, wife of Daniel ; Judith Jones, Elizabeth Dow, wife of Reuben; Sarah Bureker, wife of Samuel ; Elizabeth Chase, wife of Obed; Avis Gardner, Sally Gardner and Sally Fosdick.
Estate of Peleg and Eunice Easton went to Peter, George, David, Mary, Eunice, Anna, Lydia, Elizabeth and Alice.
1816. Will of William Starbuck. Wife, Mary ; children, Kimball, Elisha, Clarinda Boardman, Keziah Jenkins; granddaughter, Eliazbeth Mayo.
1816. Nuncupative will of Thankful Gardner.
Estate of William M. Beard included one-eighth of ship Weymouth, $1600.
1816. Will Anna Ray, widow of David. Same children as mentioned in relation to his estate.
1816. Administration estate of Abraham Closby.
1816. Administration estate of Deborah Hussey.
1816. Administration estate of Prince Gardner, $16,000.
1816. Administration estate of Benjamin Coffin.
1816. Administration estate of George G. Hussey.
1816. Administration estate of Deborah Folger.
1816. Administration estate of Daniel Whitney.
1816. Administration estate of Deborah Myrick.
1816. Administration estate of Hezekiah Coffin.
1816. Administration estate of Timothy Coffin.
1816. Administration estate of James Dyer.
1816. Administration estate of Reuben Chadwick.
1816. Estate Obed Hussey passed to Abiel Pinkham, Thaddeus Hussey, heirs Simeon Hussey.
1816. Guardian of Silas Grew.
1816. Guardian of children of William Hosier, deceased, and wife, Elizabeth, Mary, Giles, Lucretia, Eliza, Judith.
1816. Deborah Gardner, widow of Isaac, administratrix of his estate. He left a minor child, Phebe.
1816. Guardian of Reuben Hussey, son of Reuben and Phebe.
1816. Will of Simeon Coffin. Children, Simeon, Sally Briggs, Deborah Willis [wife probably of Eliakim] had children, Mary ONeal,.Betsey Pinkham and George Pinkham.
1816. Will Edward Brayton. Left all to friend, Paul Coffin.
1816. Will Jonathan Morris. Wife, Mary; children, William, Jonathan, Sally West.
1816. Administration estate of Lydia Gardner.
Administration estate of John Hodges.
1816. Administration estate of Lydia Gardner.
Administration estate of Benjamin Coffin.
Will John Jenkins. Wife, Sarah ; children, Sarah Hussey, wife of Charles F. Silvanus ; Elizabeth Leggett, wife of Joseph ; Mary Seaman, wife of Willett ; Avis, Nancy, Thomas W.
Estate of Ebenezer Raymond passed to widow, Elizabeth, and children, George, Eunice and Elizabeth Way.
Will Ann Coleman. Sister, Miriam Rand, had a daughter, Lydia.
Rose Macy, widow of Jonathan, administratrix of his estate.
Desire Nichols, widow of William, administratrix his estate.
1816. Will of Abigail Hussey. Seth had died, leaving children, Abraham and Sarah.
Elizabeth Coffin had died, leaving children, Katherine Clark, Sally Jones, Silvanus Coffin.
Katherine Coleman had died, leaving Laban, William and Charles, Ruth Swain, Anna Barney, Willione.
Administration estate of Seth Folger.
Administration estate of Jonathan Swain.
Guardian of Joseph Wyer and William Wyer, sons of William, deceased, and Peggy.
Guardian of children of Thomas Allen Haskell, late of Middleboro; Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Allen. Guardian of Robert Swain, son of Obed.
1817. Elizabeth Folger, widow of Seth, guardian of their children, Frederic W. and Louisa.
Will John Llarena.
Administration estate of Abiel Hussey.
Administration estate of Silvanus Coleman.
Administration estate of Francis Boggs. -
Guardian of Abraham Hussey.
Guardian of Robert Cory, spendthrift.
Will of Jethro Mitchell. Housekeeper, Mary Clisby ; sons, Obed, Aaron, Jethro ; granddaughter, Lydia Gardner, daughter of Paul.
Administration estate of Oliver C. Hussey.
Administration estate of William Riddell to Eliza, his widow.
Will of Obed Marshall. Children, Margaret, had child Mary; Susanna Bunker, Obed, Elihu. Thomas had died, leaving Sally Easton, Susanna, Lydia, Thomas.
1817. Rachel Austin, widow of Joseph, administratrix his estate.
Obed Marshall, administrator estate of Susanna Marshall.
Will Peter Easton, physician. Sister, Content Warren; children, Isaac Senter Easton, Alexander Coffin Easton, George Walter Easton, Josiah Barker Easton, Mary Ann Easton.
Will John Pinkham. Wife, Mary ; daughter, Susanna Coffin ; granddaughter, Lucy Drew.
Administration on estate of Joseph Folger.
Administration on estate of Moses Bunker.
Guardian of Peter Easton, insane.
Will of James Gwinn. Wife, Polly.
1818. Guardian of George W. Chase, son of Nathan, deceased.
Drusilla and William Stubbs.
Administration estate of Samuel Stubbs.
Lydia Burdick, administratrix estate Henry Burdick.
Will of Francis Macy. Wife, Elizabeth ; children, Hannah M. Gardner, wife of Abner; Samuel, Francis, Thomas, John.
Administration estate Stephen Hussey.
Will Sylvanus Crosby. Wife, Huldah ; children, Hulda Whippey, wife of Benjamin ; Molly Wyer, wife of Owen; Matthew, Betsey Clisby, widow.
Will of George Newhegin. Wife, Charlotte ; children, Sally Jones, Hepsibah, Eliza.
Will Josiah Barker, in order to prevent the taking of an inventory gave all to his wife, Elizabeth. He left children Josiah, Eliza, Sarah, Mary Ann, Martha R.
Will Charles Folger. Wife, Lydia ; children, Charles, Frederick, Hiram, John William, Lydia Bunker, widow of Thaddeus ; Peleg, Charlotte Coffin, wife of Edward; Alfred. Lucretia. Mark, Edward.
Will of Desire Nichols. Children, Mary Fisher, Sally G. Morris, Betsey Cowel, Charles, William. Joseph, deceased, had sons, Henry, Jared.
Will Stephen Coleman. Wife, Susanna.
Will Obed Chase. Wife, Elizabeth.
Will of Timothy Swain. Wife, Dinah; children, Mary Moores, Elizabeth Swift, Eliakim, Hepsabeth Coffin ; grandchildren, Phebe Swain, Hepsabeth Chase, Mary Colder, Gardner Swain.
Will Nathaniel Barnard. Children, Hezekiah ; daughters-in-law, Mary and Elizabeth Barnard; grandchildren, Ann Macy, Samuel B., Susan, Edward H. and Martha Swain.
1819. Will Richard Mitchell. Children, Paul, Christopher, Benjamin, David, Elizabeth Emmet and Laban, deceased.
Will of Elizabeth Hosier. Children, Giles, Eliza, Lucretia, Judith.
Will George Russell. Children, Eunice Mitchell, George ; granddaughter, Elizabeth West.
Will William Ramsdel. Wife, Ruth ; daughter, Eizabeth Starbuck, wife of Levi ; grandchildren, Charles Ramsdell Starbuck, Susan S. Folger, Obed Starbuck, Henry William Ramsdell, and Phebe Ramsdell.
Will Anna Ray. Sisters, Mary and Sarah.
Judith Clark, widow of Uriah, administratrix of his estate.
Will of Nathaniel Chadwick. Wife, Margaret; children, Mary Worth, Eunice Harps, Lydia Paddock, Ann Chadwick, Hepsobah Hilborn, Margaret Hussey, Rebecca Beebe, wife of John.
Will of John Sherman. Wife, Margaret ; and daughter Deborah.
Will Simeon Russell. Wife, Priscilla ; sister, Jedidah; brother, John ; nephew, George.
Will of Robert Swain. Wife, Lucy; father, Francis ; sister, Jedidah Lawrence.
1820. Will Ebenezer Fitch. Wife, Abigail ; children, Coffin, Joseph, deceased ; Betsey Pease, John, Peggy, Fosdick, Nancy.
1819. Will Thaddeus Coffin. Wife, Jennima.
Will Judith Macy. Children, Sylvanus, Obed, Caleb, Ruth Chase, guardian ; daughter, Judith Coffin ; widow of Sylvanus.
Will of Robert Gardner. Wife, Elizabeth ; children, Miriam Fitch, wife of Obed oRbert, Hepsobeth Roy, wife of Reuben.
Administration estate of Elizabeth Hillman.
1820. Will of Joseph Kelley. Wife, Sarah ; mother, Abigail ; sisters, Susan Covel, and Nabby Kelley.
Will James Whippey. Wife, Martha; Ann Coffin, widow of Thaddeus, administratrix of his estate.
1821. Will Bartlett Jenkins. Wife, Mary; brother-in-law, William Jenkins.
1821. Will of Sally Barrett, daughter, Sally Macy, wife of Peleg, guardian ; daughter, Rebecca Gardner, widow of Hezekiah ; daughters, Margaret, Judith Tuck, Eunice Hewes, deceased; Sally Jones, widow of Barzillai ; Mary Meiggs, guardian of children Caleb and Amelia. -
Will Uriah Bunker. Wife, Margaret ; children, Ann Swain, wife of Abishai; Andrew, Priscilla Drew, deceased; Thomas and Obed.
1819. Administration estate of Nathan Ulford. Wife, Leah, dr. Richard Hamilton of Barnstable.
1820. Will Benjamin Swain. Wife, Phebe; children not named; grandson, George Swain.
1820. Inventory of estate of Obed Mitchell, $112,000.
1821. Will of Jedediah Fitch. Wife, Lydia.
Will of Isaiah Folger. Wife, Rachel.
1820. Will of Miriam Folger. Brother, Silas Folger ; sisters, Mary, Keziah and Dinah, deceased; cousins, Jonathan Swain and Elizabeth Black.
1820. Will of Simeon Coleman. Children, Simeon. Charles H., John, Eunice.
Will of Stephen Arthur. Neither wife nor children named.
Will Elisha Barnard. Children, Paul, Elisha, Lydia.
1821. Will Mary Waterman. Daughters-in-law, Sarah Waterman and Sarah Jenkins ; other legatees, Sylvanus and Nancy Jenkins and Hepsibah King.
1821. Will Hezekiah Bunker. Wife, Lydia ; son, William ; grandchildren, William B., Thomas F., and Charles Mitchell and Lydia B. Gardner.
1820. Will of James Coffin. Wife, Janet ; children, Priscilla, Albert, Elizabeth Long, Abel Coffin, Susanna Coffin.
1822. Shubael Russell and wife Betsey agreed to live apart.
1823. Will of Edmund Fanning. Wife, Nabby; children, Berkley and Edmund Frederick Augustus, who has already been provided for by the late General Edmund Fanning.
1822. Will of William Giles Hosier. Sisters, Eliza, Judith and Lucretia Coffin.
1822. Will of Judith Gardner. Sisters, Margaret Jenkins, Lydia Swain ; Jedidah Lawrence had died leaving James. Mary and Francis ; son-in-law, Thomas Pitman ; brothers, James Barker, Francis Barker who had died leaving ,Sarah ; sister-in-law Deborah Barker, who had a son, Jared.
1822. Will of Francis Joy. Wife, Elizabeth ; children, Phebe Easton, wife of Thaddeus, deceased ; Hepsobeth Gardner, wife of Gideon ; Mary Folger, wife of Mayhew ; Sarah Folger, wife of Timothy; Judith Gardner, deceased ; grandchildren, Eliza Ann Gardner, Hepsobeth Mitchell, wife of Samuel, and Francis Joy.
1822. Will of Obadiah Folger. Wife, Ruth ; son-in-law, Peleg Easton ; granddaughter, Eliza Ann Easton.
Will of Shubael Coffin. Wife, Priscilla; children, Peggy Pinkham Coffin, Mary Bunker Coffin and Lydia Gardner Coffin.
1820. Will Keziah Fanning. Children, William, Hetty Wells Wood, Caroline Matilda Wood; Thomas, Edmund. Robert Barclay ; John Coffin had died leaving Adeline; Phineas Wing Fanning.
1821. Will of Margaret Cory. Widow of Richard; sisters, Betsey Chase. Polly had died leaving Mary Harris, Ann Austin, Charlotte Chase and Betsey Chase.
Will of Elizabeth Bunker. Daughter, Hepsabeth Crocker; grandchildren, Eliza and Nathaniel Bunker.
1821. Will of Abel Coffin. Wife, Anna.
1822. Will Barnabas Coleman. Wife, Sally ; children, Lucretia, Merab Brayton, Alexander, Frederic Brown, John, Roland, Peggy, Sandford.
1820. Will Samuel Crosby. Wife, Sarah ; children, not named.
1822. Will of Shubael Barnard. Wife, Ruth ; children, Susanna Bewker, Mary Swain, wife of Valentine ; James, Shubael Thomas had died leaving Lotty, George, Susanna, Matthew, Thomas ; Lydia Hussey, wife of Valentine, who had a son Henry Barnard; grandchildren, Ruben Starbuck, George Russell ; Susanna Williams had died, leaving Elizabeth West.
1821. Will of Nancy Cottle, daughter of David and Rebecca ; brother, Obed.
Will Susanna Barnard, daughter of Bochiler Hussey; children, Delia M., Charles H., George F., Alexander C.
1823. Will of Ruth Gardner, daughter of John; children, Silvanus, Ebenezer; John had died leaving Love ; Judith, Elizabeth Collins, Ruth.
1821. Will Jonathan Chase. Wife, Mary; children, Benjamin, Reuben, Phebe Swain.
1823. Administration estates of Samuel Swain, Rufus Coffin, Alexander G. Myrick, Valentine Swain, Elijah Nicholson and James Norton.
1820. Will of Stephen Arthur. Wife, Sarah ; children, Andrew E., Eliza, Mary; grandchildren, William Hoeg and William Arthur.
1823. Will of Peter F. Coffin. Wife, Peggy; children, Charlotte, Henry, Jannett, Lydia.
Will of Benjamin Baker. Wife, Elizabeth.
Will of Rebecca Folger. Son, William; sisters and brothers, Elizabeth Worth, wife of Richard; Lydia Mary, wife of Samuel ; Phebe Coleman, wife of Samuel ; Walter Chase. whose wife was Anna; Aaron Chase, whose wife was Mary; and Gideon Chase, whose wife was Eunice.
1823. Will of Lot Cottle. Wife, Ruth ; children, David, Barzillai Laban, Henry, Shubael, Mary Joy, and, three who have died, Elizabeth Clark, Owen, John.
1823. Will Andrew Worth. Sisters, Lydia and Sally. Will of Paul Coggeshall. Wife, Margaret ; children, Robert, Joseph C., granddaughter, Nancy Coggeshall.
1824. Will of Edmund Gale. Wife, Christina ; children, Samuel Stubbs ; Sarah, James.
1823. Will of Lydia Jenkins, widow.
children, Merab Pinkham, Valentine, who died had children, Susan, Eunice and Judith.
1818. Administration granted on the estate of the following named deceased persons : Uriah Clark, to his widow, Judith ; Christopher Coffin ; Daniel B. Hussey, to his widow, Susan; William House, to his widow, Janet ; Isaiah Folger, to widow, Rachel ; David Joy, to Moses Joy ; John Gardner ; Polly Forting; Hezekiah Coffin, to widow, Nancy; Rufus Coffin, to Timothy G. Coffin; Alexander Macy; Roland Waldrow, to widow, Betsey ; William Nichols, gentleman, to Edward Covel ; Richard Hosier, to Lydia Hosier.
1819. Silvanus Russell, to widow, Abigail ; Samuel Bailey ; Hezekiah Bunker, 2d ; Silvanus Macy ; Windsor Turner ; Elizabeth Hillman ; Stephen Skinner, to Jonathan Perry and Benjamin, Lehommedieu ; John Gardner, Jr., to Ebenezer Fitch ; Joseph N. Davies ; Christopher Bunker ; Jesse Read ; Thomas Hussey ; Nathan Ufford ; John Pinkham ; Caleb Macy ; Gardner Ellis ; Isaiah Crocker ; Silvanus Cushing.
1820. Francis Coffin ; Ralph Kilburn ; Elizabeth Coleman, widow of Davis ; Anthony Loper ; Uriah Coffin ; William Chase, to Joseph Chase ; David Myrick, to widow, Peggy; Thaddeus Coffin, to widow, Ann.
1821. James Swain ; Albert Folger, to widow, Susannah ; Peter Easton ; Henry James ; Hezekiah Gardner ; James Whiteus, to Ambrose Whiteus ; Obed Mitchell, to Samuel Mitchell; estate, $112,000 ; Charles H. Coleman, to widow, Mary ; Joseph Mingo ; Libni Gardner, to widow, Martha ;
Robert Bunker ; Nathaniel Burrell ; Thomas Mitchell ; Charles Davis ; Francis Hussey ; James Swain, 2d ; Charles West, to Paul West. -
1822. Avis Swain ; James Norton ; Benjamin Swain; Benjamin Chase ; Jethro Dunham ; Samuel Crosby, to Marshall Crosby ; Silvanus Burrell ; William Ellis ; George Paddock ; Jacob Williams ; Henry Albert ; Jonathan Mitchell ; Sarah Gardner ; Sally Jones ; William Allen ; Alexander Coffin ; Ichabod Aldridge, to David Elkins ; Silas West, to Paul West ; Reuben Dow, to widow, Elizabeth ; Stephen Fish, to widow, Lydia ; George Barrett, to widow, Sophia ; William P. Coffin ; Elijah Luce ; Roland Young ; Thaddeus Joy, to widow, Judith ; Henry Smith ; Joseph Painter ; Charles G. Cathcart, to Jonathan Cathcart; Shubael Brown, to widow, Avis ; Davis Cleavland ; Mary Aldridge ; Jeremiah Austin, to Isaac Austin.
1823. John C. Bunker ; Jonathan Upham ; Stephen .Hussey ; John Emils ; Horatio Knapp ; Shubael Gardner ; Thomas Starbusk, 2d ; Francis Joy ; Cromwell Coffin ; Peter Easton, physician, to Alexander E. Easton ; Samuel G. Trafton, to widow, Hannah G.
1824. John Pompey ; Owen Coffin, to widow, Judith ; Caleb Allen ; Elizabeth Coffin ; Ensign Rogers, to Henry Rogers ; William Drew; Robert Dixon, to Phebe Dixon; John Pinkham ; John Coffin ; Samuel Gelston ; Zephaniah Wood, to widow, Martha ; Christopher Bunker ; James Dyer ; Reuben Chase, to widow, Judith ; Charles Calder ; Frederick W. Griffith ; Gilbert Joy.
1825. John Lumbert ; Silas Butler ; Edward LaFord; Stephen Briggs,
to Jonathan C. Briggs; Valentine Swain; Benjamin Fosdick, Sr.; Susan Starbuck, widow ; Obed Wyer, to widow, Anna. -
1819. John Hedge, to widow, Clarissa.
1825. William Jenkins Bunker; Anna Wyer ; Rebecca Bruff ; George Bruff.
1826. Mary Ray ; Eliphalet Paddock ; Theodore Saywood ; James Norton, widow Mary ; Timothy Horsfield ; Mary Starbuck, to Kimball Starbuck ; John Jenkins, to Perez Jenkins ; Alexander Coleman ; Elizabeth Emmett ; Jonathan Upham, to David Upham ; John House ; John R. Caswell.
1827. Joseph Swain ; Charles Barnard Worth, to Susan Worth.
1823. Phebe Worth; Laban Swain.
1823. Allowance to Charlotte Myrick, widow of Reuben.
Guardians were appointed in the following cases:
1818. Benjamin Franklin Haskell and Thomas Allen Haskell. -
Children of Christopher Coffin, Sarah P., Edward W., Nancy, Betsey, John B., Lydia, Mercy G.
Grandchildren of Nathaniel Barnard, Samuel B., Susanna, Edward H. and Martha Swain.
Child of William Nichols, Desire Nichols.
Absolom Forting, child of Absolom.
1819. Susanna, Samuel and Mary Skinner, children of Stephen.
Elizabeth Emmett, widow, daughter of Richard Mithcell.
Caleb Macy, son of Caleb and Judith.
Mary S. and Lydia Coffin, children of Thaddeus, 2d.
1820. Elizabeth C., William M., Ann C., Charles E., Susan B. and Frederic A. Hussey, children of Peter.
Nancy Moores, daughter of William.
Emeline Coffin, daughter of Hon. Thaddeus.
Mary C. Gelston, granddaughter of Hon. Thaddeus.
Louisa Macy, daughter of Clarissa.
Sally F. Barrett, daughter of Deacon Nathaniel Barrett.
1821. Caroline Louisa Livermore and Sarah Maria Bliss, children of Joseph Bliss.
Phebe, Edward, Franklin F. Macy and Charles Joy, children of Thaddeus.
Thomas S., James and Lydia Mitchell, children of Thomas.
James Cook Hussey.
Charles B. and Edward Pitts, children of William.
Francis B., Joseph. Frederick W., Charles A. and Hannah M. Gardner, children of Hezekiah B.
Mary Ann and William Whittelus, [Whitteus?] children of William and grandchildren of James.
Alexander Cathcart.
1822. John P. Drew.
Obed Mitchell, son of Obed.
Mary and Moses Dame, children of Moses.
Mary, Anna and Lydia Macy, children of Jethro.
Charles A. Bradford, grandchild of Ebenezer Hinckley, late of Barnstable.
1823. William Folger, son of Alexander.
1824. John Allen.
Susan, William and Charlotte Harps, Charles and Mary Kilburn, grandchildren of Nathaniel Chadwick.
William Horsfield.
John Clark, son of Israel.
James Archer, son of William.
Timothy Jones.
1825. Reuben Maxey.
1826. George Swain, son of George.
1827. Susan Rebecca Worth, daughter of Charles B. Worth.
1826. James Freeman and Isaac Young Swain.
Abstracts of wills :
1823. Abigail Paddock, who had a sister, Anna Folger, and niece, Eliza Myrick, child of Peter Coffin.
Paul Hussey. Wife, Judith; children, Alexander G.. Nancy, William S. and Charles, the last of whom had died, leaving children, William, Alexander, Lydia, Eliza, Eunice and Mary Ann.
1825. Francis Brown. Children, Sally Halsey, Mary Coffin, Ruth Baker; grandchildren, Asa Coffin and George Franklin Halsey.
Tristram Swain. Wife, Rachel.
Stephen Chase. Wife, Peggy or Margaret, and children not named.
Reuben Starbuck. Wife, Deborah ; father-in-law, William Hussey; children, Lydia Eaton, wife of Frederick; Sally, Edward H., Elizabeth and George C. Starbuck.
Phebe Macy. Brother, Zephaniah Coffin Macy; sister, Priscilla Ray, who had daughter, Deborah.
1823. Paul Coggeshall. Wife, Margaret ; children, Robert and Joseph C.
1823. Matthew Ross, colored.
1813. Abigail Worth. Brother, Matthew Worth ; sister, Hepsibah Sherman ; niece, Sophia Folger Sherman ; nephew, Alexander Worth Sherman.
1813. Ebenezer Swain. Wife, Lydia ; children, Ebenezer and Phebe; grandchildren, Stephen and Mary West.
1791. William Butler. Wife, Mary.
1825. John Thomas. Wife, Hannah ; daughter, Eliza.
Daniel Coleman. Wife, Elizabeth ; children, George, Susannah, wife of Joseph Barney ; Mary Barney, who had children, Charles and Mary.
Margaret Coggeshall. Son, Robert ; daughter, Polly Swain, wife of Samuel; had died leaving Eliza Baxter, Hannah, Margaret, Mary, Sarah, Anne, Susanna, Caroline, Mahala.
Elizabeth Folger. Sister-in-law, Ruth Folger; nephew, Benjamin Franklin Folger ; and nieces, Phebe Easton; Phebe Doane, Elizabeth Joy, Polly Barney, Mary Folger, wife of Mayhew ; Judith Joy and Phebe Fosdick.
1826. Ebenezer Rand. Wife, Hannah; children, Hannah Folger, Fanny Beauchamp, Susan Russell, Ebenezer, Nathaniel, Polly Fisher, Charles and Nancy Rand.
Robert Inott. Wife, Judith ; daughter, Eliza Macy.
John Swain. Children, Reuben, Elizabeth Russell, Deborah Coffin, wife of William B. ; Ann Chase. Three had died, leaving heirs, Thomas, Moses and John Howland Swain, wife, Mary.
Elizabeth Coffin. Father, Peleg Gardner ; children, Gorham, Elizabeth Chase ; grandchildren, Roland and Betsey Coffin.
David Ewer. Wife, Mary ; children, Phebe Case, Eliza Ann, Prince W. and Abraham P.
Abishai Swain, 2d. Wife, Anna ; son, Ammiel.
Walter Folger. Children, Walter, Gideon, Aaron, Lydia Macy, Elizabeth Worth, Phebe Coleman; grandson, William.
1827. Timothy Gardner. Children, Timothy ; Andrew had died, leaving heirs ; Abijah ; grandhcildren, William and Eliza Gardner.
1823. Barzillai Luce. Wife, Charlotte.
1821. Estate of Christopher Bunker, distributed to Christopher, Merah Gardner, Persis Worth, wife of Henry; Eunice Bunker, widow of Jesse, and as guardian of her children, Eliza Gruney and Alexander Bunker.
1822. Division of estate of William Perkins between widow, Betsey, and heirs, Polly Chadwick, wife of Anthony; Love Dawson, wife of William; Amy Raymond, wife of Charles ; William Perkins.
Distribution of estate of Francis Macy, to Sarah H., Francis G., Hannah M. Gardner, wife of Oliver C ; Thomas M. and John B. Macy.
1825. Division of estate of Francis Joy, $32,000, to widow, Elizabeth ; children, Hepzibah Gardner, wife of Gideon ; Phebe Eastern, wife of William; Hepzibah Mitchell, wife of Samuel ; Judith Gardner, wife of Albert ; Mary Folger, wife of Mayhew ; Thaddeus Joy, Sarah Folger, Francis. The last three and Judith had died leaving heirs.
In division of estate of Benjamin Fosdick, the children of Peter F. Fosdic were heirs, namely : Charlotte G. Coffin, Henry F .Coffin, Janet G. and Lydia F. Coffin.
1826. Estate of Abishai Hayden passed to widow, Merab ; heirs, Laban and Mark Russell ; Samuel and Rebecca Moores ; William and Lucretia Cobb.
Heirs of Robert Folger were Priscilla Briggs, Hepzibah Coffin; Judith Inott, Mary Coffin, wife of Absolom.
1822. Polly Russell was widow of James.
1825. Anna Folger was widow of Robert.
1826. Benjamin Mitchell had moved from the state, and upon the petition of Peter F. Ewer he was removed ,from office of executor of will of Peter Folger.
1827. Will Jethro Pinkham. Wife, Susan; children, Andrew, Seth, Mary Perry, Ruth, Love, Folger, Deborah Eldredge.
Will Libni Gardner. Wife, Elizabeth ; brother, Zenos, a relative James Delano.
Administration estate Charles Gardner.
Frederic Arthur, guardian of Andrew E., Eliza, Mercy, children of Stephen Arthur.
Guardian of Caroline Jane, Charles C. and Charles Hussy, children of Charles Gardner, 2d.
Will of Rebecca Gardner, widow of George. Children, Grafton, George, Rebecca Brock, Abigail Drew; Barzillai had died, leaving Joseph L., Malen M. and Lurany M.
Will Rebecca B. Gardner, widow of Hezekiah B. Grandfather, Samuel Barrett ; children, Hannah, Maria, Francis B., Joseph B., Frederic W., Charles A.
Administration estate of Thomas Nickerson.
Administration estate of Franklin Chase. -
Administration estate of John Narbath.
Administration estate of Joseph W. Plaskett,
to widow Persis.
Guardian children of Joseph Bliss. Caroline Louisa Livermore Bliss and Sarah Maria Bliss. -
Guardian of Tristram Ellis.
Guardian of Lucretia, Elizabeth and Mary J. Paddock, children of George and Lydia Paddock.
Will of Sarah Folger. Children, Sarah, Silvanus, Frederic W., Mary Ann, Edward J., Charles A., Lydia, Robert Mayhew, Eliza, Phebe ; brothers-in-law, Gideon Gardner and William Easton.
Guardian of Elnathan Gibbs, son of Elnathan and Judith.
Will of Rachel Paddock. Sisters, Dinah Bunker and Merah Ray; daughter-in-law, Lydia Paddock; children, Mary Meader, Eunice Starbuck, Mary and Henry.
Administration estate John P. Morris.
Administration estate Ruth Gardner.
Will Tristram Pinkham. Children, Lydia, Susan Turner, Hezekiah, Judith Swain, Betsey Morris, John.
Will Southward Jenkins. Wife, Anna B.; children, Sally, Maria; brothers, Joseph, Lemuel; sisters, Abigail Stewart, Mercy Hinckley.
Will Nathaniel Barrett. Wife, Margaret; daughter, Anna Coffin.
Will Naomi Chase. Son-in-law, Alexander Swain; grandchildren, Obed Chase and Elizabeth Gardner; children, Lydia Hussey, Naomi, Miriam Coffin, Judith Swain, Francis, Paul, Eunice Swain, Phebe Mitchell had died leaving heirs.
Administration estate Paul Bunker.
Administration estate Jonathan Pitts.
Administration estate Samuel S. Riddell to widow Judith.
Administration estate John Jenkins.
1828. Administration estate Simeon Russell to George Russell, David Starbuck, 2nd.
Will Priscilla Russell. No relatives mentioned.
Will Enoch Gardner. Wife, Jemima.
Will Jeremiah Lawrence. Wife, Eunice; children, Charles, William, Eliza.
Will Obed Cash. Wife, Judith.
Will Susan Alley. Children, Susan, Reuben and Edward.
Guardians appointed for William Coffin, son of Gorham; Jonathan W. Colesworthy ; Almer and Lydia Turner, children of Baker Turner ; James F., Frederic C. and Priscilla M.
Chase, children of Franklin; Edward Alley, son of Susan; Reuben Maxey, son of Reuben; Joseph, Mary, Benjamin, David, Elizabeth and James Mitchell, children of George; James Archer, son of William. -
Administration estate Joseph Macy to widow, Susan H.
Will Joseph Florus. Brother, Silvester.
Will of Prince Baker. Wife, Mary; children, Eliza, Deborah, David; Judith,. Henry, Charles; brother, James.
Will Elijah Pease, apothecary. Wife, Mary; children, Mary, Anna Smith, Deborah Gorham, Abraham, Matthew and Prince; the last two had died.
Administration on estate of Zenas Coffin to his sons, Henry and Charles G. Coffin, and sons-in-law Thomas Macy, Matthew Crosby and. Henry Swift. The total estate was $434,000, the largest left by any person residing on the island. In the distribution each branch received a whole ship. The widow Abial received ship Zenos Coffin; Charles G. received ship Constitution; Henry received ship Lydia ; Eunice Macy, wife of Thomas, received ship Phenix; Matthew Crosby, guardian, received ship Washington; Henry Swift, guardian, received ship Independence. Allowances to Persis Plaskett, widow of Joseph W.; Abigail Swain, widow of Laban; Nancy Chase, widow of Franklin.
Administration estate of David Elkins to widow, Emeline.
Administration estate of Charles Alley.
Administration estate of John R. Mitchell.
Administration estate of Arden White to Joseph White, of Worcester.
Guardian of Sarah J. Allen, child of Caleb.
Guardian of William Whippey, child of Zebulon. Guardian of Mary C. and Sarah B. Swift, children of Henry.
Guardian of William H., Mary, Ann and Lydia C. Crosby, children of Matthew.
Will of David Hussey. Wife, Lydia ; children, Phebe Dickson, Susan Coleman, Lydia H. Eldred; Francis had died, leaving James C. and Mary W.; David had died, leaving Frederic W., Charles H., Susan and David G.
Will Margaret Chadwick. Son Reuben had died, leaving daughter, Ann; grandchildren, Emeline Kilburn, Susan and Charlotte Harps, Mary Hussey. Others mentioned: Rebecca Chase, wife of George B.; Mary Worth, daughter of David; Susan, Emeline, Sarah and Lydia Paddock.
Will Anna Hussey, daughter of William Hussey. Brothers and sisters, William, Paul, Katherine Coleman, Ruth Swain, Elizabeth Coffin. Seth had died, leaving Abraham and Sally.
Guardian of James C. and Mary Hussey, children of Francis and Peggy.
Guardian of Rebecca Worth, daughter of Charles Barnard Worth.
Guardian of Daniel Webb Jenkins, son of John.
1829. Guardian of Charles G., Peter and Roland B. Chase, children of Peter G.
Guardian of James H. and Mary B. Calder, children of Samuel.
Guardian of Albert C. Bunker, son of Paul.
Will of Anna Fitch, widow of Peter. Sons, Obed and George.
Administration estate Samuel Calder, to widow, Desire. Administration estate Philip D. DeCosta.
Administration estate Jonathan Barney.
Administration estate Alexander Perry, to widow, Valina. Administration estate William Rice, to widow, Valnea.
Administration estate Charles Drew.
Administration estate Thomas Clock.
Administration estate Peter Jenkins.
Guardian of Mary C. Worth, daughter of David, and granddaughter, Nathaniel Chadwick.
Guardian of George F. Barney, son of Jonathan, Jr.
Guardian of Emeline, Sarah and Lydia Paddock, children of Seth, and grandchildren of Nathaniel Chadwick.
Guardian of Susan and Charlotte Harps, children of John. Guardian of Alexander, Susan F. and Margaret G. Perry, children of Alexander.
Guardian of Robert F. Gurney, son of Ephraim.
Guardian of David Baker, son of Prince.
Guardian of William Keen Gookins, son of Alexander and Phebe S.
Will of John W. Mallard. Brother, William.
Will of Joseph Fernandez.
Will of Zebulon Coleman. Wife, Eliza.
Will Joseph Earl. Wife, Susannah; children, Nathaniel, Joseph, Hannah Read, Mary Carr, Sally Brock, Lydia Pease.
Will Roland Gelston. Wife, Susan; daughter, Mary G. Coffin; grandchildren, Sarah, Ann C. and Mary C. Gelston.
Will of Barzillai Hussey, son of Benjamin and Phebe. Wife, Eunice.
Will Susanna Pinkham. Children, Andrew, Mary, Percy, Ruth, Deborah Eldredge; grandchild, Susan P. Eldredge.
Administration estate Joseph Winslow to Betsey and Samuel H. Winslow.
Administration estate Eunice Chase, widow Charles. Administration estate Zebulon Whippey.
Guardian of Oliver Apply, son of John.
Guardian of Frederic and Rebecca Pinkham, children of John.
Guardian of Mary C. Gelston, daughter of Samuel.
Guardian of Susan C. Harps.
1830. Administration estate Clark Jackson.
Administration estate William Dunham.
Administration estate Zebulon Coleman.
Administration estate Nicholas Easton.
Administration estate Thaddeus Hussey.
Administration Nahum Gurney to widow, Eliza Ann.
Administration estate Andrew F. Swain to widow, Anna B.
Administration estate Henry Pinkham to widow, Avis.
Guardian of Lydia S., Elizabeth, Sarah and Charles H. Alley, children of Charles.
Guardian of Mary F. Hussey, daughter of Thaddeus.
Guardian of Charlotte Harps.
Will Seth Coffin. Children, Deborah, Hannah Swain, Lydia Bartlett, Eliakim, Seth, Benjamin F.
Will Henry Coleman.
Will John Thurston. Wife, Ruth; cousin, Job Thomas.
Allowance to Betsey Winslow, widow of Joseph.
Will Nathaniel Ray. Wife, Merib ; children, Thomas B., Mary B., William B.
Will Archelaus Hammond. Wife, Priscilla ; sisters, Ruth S. Hammond, Lydia Twing.
Will Prince Coleman, daughter of Priscilla.
Guardian of Eliza G. Clapp, daughter of Henry. Reuben Clock, son of William, Jr.
Administration estate Zaccheus Crocker, to widow, Lucy.
Administration estate William Clark, Jr.
Albert Mitchell to Thomas A. Green.
Estate Zebulon Coleman distributed to Deborah Creasy, Emeline Creasy, wife of Reuben; Charlotte Keen, wife of William; Nancy Creasy, wife of George; Susan Austin, wife of George; Robert Coleman.
Heirs of Nathaniel Chadwick, Rebecca Chase, and children of Seth Paddock, Peggy Hussey, Hepsa Kilburn, Eunice Harps and Nancy Worth.
1831. Will Thomas Starbuck. Children, Simeon, Levi, Joseph, Benjamin, Rachel Swain, Dinah Ceeby, Elizabeth Hussey; daughters-in-law, Ann, wife of Reuben, deceased; Mary, wife of Kimball; grandchildren, William, Elizabeth and Mary Ceeby, Henry, John, Lydia, Eunice, Susanna and Rachel Starbusk, Mary Gardner, wife of George.
Guardian of Lucy J. and George W. Macy, children of John W.
Guardian of Andrew and Mary Ann Montgomery, children of James.
Guardian of George and Charlotte Gardner, children of John.
Guardian of Micajah Swain, son of Lewis.
Will of Lettice Summons, colored.
Will of John W. Macy, all estate to Deborah C. and William C. Swain.
Will Ann Pinkham, widow. Sons, Alexander, William Henry Bunker ; grandson, David Bunker.
Will of Ruth Pinkham. Brothers and sisters, Nancy Perry, Seth, David, Deborah Eldredge. Mentions Amos Eldredge.
Administration estate Isaac W. Whitman.
Administration estate Alexander P. Morris.
Administration estate Matthew Pinkham.
Administration estate Deborah Folger.
Administration estate Obed Clark.
Administration estate Gardner Coleman to widow Sally C.
Administration estate John Gurrell.
Administration estate Elias Leonard.
Administration estate Jesse Whiat.
Administration estate Daniel Brown.
Administration estate William Brown.
Will of Samuel Robbins,
wife Lucy. -
Will of John Gordon, son George.
Will of Jonathan Coffin. Wife, Abigail ; children, Anna Swain, Mary, David and Sally.
Will Gersham Cathcart. Children, Jonathan, Robert, Zimri, Ariel, Hepsobeth Coffin, wife of William, Susan Sanford; Anna Barnard wife of Obed; William had died leaving heirs.
Guardian John F. Gurrell, son of John.
1832. Guardian Job Macy.
Guardian Isaac and Philip Macy, sons of Thomas.
Will of Charles Robbins. Wife, Abba G.
1832. Administration estate William Morse to widow Rosanna.
Will Jedidah Macy. Son-in-law, James Macy ; nephew, Jared Gardner ; brother, Jacob Barker ; sisters, Mary B. Allen and Deborah Barker.
Will of Mary Perry. Brothers and sisters, Seth Perry, Love Folger, Deborah Eldredge.
Will Jeffrey Summers.
Will of Perez Jenkins. Wife, Sally ; children, Perez, Edward, Simeon, Lydia.
Will Gideon Gardner. Wife, Hephzebah ; children, William Henry, Phebe Fish, George Logan. Hezekiah B. Gardner and Sarah G. Macy had both died leaving heirs. Estate $35,000.
Will of John Enos, son of John.
Will Gideon Worth. Widow not named. Children, Solon, Amelia, aDvid, Joseph F., Charles A., Velina.
Guardian Walter Mitchell, son of John R.
Guardian Sarah, Catherine, Samuel, Elizabeth Austin, children of Joseph.
1832. Administration estate of Ira M. W. West.
Administration estate of Benjamin F. Coffin. -
Administration estate of John G. Coffin.
Administration estate of Thomas Meader.
Administration estate of James Thompson.
Administration estate of Thomas Clasby.
Administration estate of Tristram Gardner.
Administration estate of James Barker.
Administration estate of Manuel Enos.
Administration estate of Frederick W. Ramsdell.
Administration estate of John Pravader.
Administration estate of William Langton to widow, Mary.
Administration estate of Robert Hussey.
Administration estate of Silvanus Gardner.
Administration estate of Abishai Paddock.
Administration estate of Elihu Marshall.
Administration estate of Stephen Innis to widow, Elizabeth.
Administration estate of John R. Mitchell, $50,000.
Administration estate of Thomas S. Worth.
Guardian Hannah Maria Gardner, daughter Hezekiah B.
Guardian Charles E., Delia, Benjamin, Ann, children of Charles Starbuck.
Guardian James Nichols, son of Charles.
Guardian Barzillai, Reuben C. and Alma C. Hussey, children of Benjamin.
Will of Robert Coleman. Wife, Deborah.
Will of Job Coffin. Wife, Sarah ; children, Lydia Riddell. wife of Franklin ; Charles, Alexander, George D.
Will of John B. Orpin. Wife, Susanna ; grandsons, John B., Edward G., Elizabeth, Lydia.
1833. Will Thomas Cory. Wife, Eliza; father, Joshua Coffin.
Will of Peleg Mitchell. Wife, Lydia ; sons, Peleg, William ; other children not named.
Will Mary Worth, wife of Paul. Brother, William Barney; niece, Mary Swain.
Will Silvanus Macy. Wife, Anna ; brother, Obed ; children, Eunice Folger, wife of Gideon; John, Rachel Hussey, wife of Roland ; Barzillai, Lydia, wife of Frederick C. Macy ; Paul, who had children Franklin, Mary Ann, Charlotte, Roland, Martha, Jared, Caroline.
Will Tristram Folger. Wife, Mary; children, Deborah Coggeshall, Phebe Done, Lucretia Macy, Lydia Jenkins: Guardian of Jane F. and Ann M. Russell, children of Charles.
Administration estate of Charles A. Worth.
Administration estate of Samuel Sanford.
Administration estate of Christopher Burdick.
Administration estate of David Chadwick.
Administration estate of George Adlington.
Administration estate of Charles F. Barton.
Administration estate of Samuel Brown.
Administration estate of Benjamin Glover to widow, Peggy.
Administration estate of William C. Briggs to widow, Mary C.
Administration estate of Nicholas Coffin Codd to Margaret Codd.
Administration estate of Levi Calendar.
1834. Administration estate of Joseph M. Hussey.
Administration estate of Aaron Snow to widow, Nancy.
Administration estate of Isaac Young Swain.
Administration estate of Alexander Whippey.
Administration estate of William S. Hackett.
Administration estate of George Burton.
Administration estate of Silvanus P. Cotton to widow, Lydia.
1833. Guardian of Judith, Henry and Charles Barker, children of Prince and Mary.
Guardian of Sarah F. Hussey, daughter of Alexander.
Will of Joseph Veader. All to Manuel Enos.
1834. Will Joseph Davis. Wife, Thankful; two children not named.
1833. Will Joseph Chase. Wife, Rebecca; children, George H., Joseph, Charles F., William F., Edward, Peggy Coffin, Charlotte.
1834. Will Solomon Coffin. Children, Abigail Allen, wife of Joseph; Eunice Gardner, wife of Jared; Prince, William Henry. Solomon died, leaving Eliza. George died, leaving John Comstock Coffin.
Administration estate of Henry Paddock.
Administration estate of Alexander S. Hussey to Polly C.
Administration estate of Eben Weld Tallant.
Administration estate of Abner Lummus.
Administration estate of William Quirck.
Administration estate of Zebediah Fisher to widow, Hannah.
Administration estate of John Smith, (colored).
Administration estate of Jonathan Jenkins.
Administration estate Charles J. Hussey.
Administration estate of Tristram Gardner.
Administration estate of Anna Conant.
Guardian of Elizabeth Barnard Ray, daughter of Alexander.
Will Samuel C. Harris. Wife, Patience ; children, Samuel and Frederic.
Will Lydia L. Cornell. Mother, Abigail Cornell, and sisters in Providence.
Will Joshua Coffin. Estate $25,000. Daughter, Betsey Corey, wife of Thomas; uncle, Enoch Gardner. Brother, Gardner Coffin, had died leaving son, William Gardner Coffin, daughter, Peggy. Grandchildren, Charlotte G. Swain, Henry F. Coffin, Janet G. Morton, Lydia F. Coffin. Contested and a compromise.
Will Caleb Macy. Brothers, Silvanus and Obed ; sister, Ruth Chase.
Will Charlotte Tyler, widow.
Will Rebecca Brock. Sister, Hannah Gardner.
1835. Administration estate Charles Hall.
Administration estate Judith Jones, widow.
Administration estate George Pierce.
Administration estate Eben Drew.
Administration estate Charles H. Coleman.
Administration estate Anna Spooner.
Administration estate Owen S. Cottle.
Administration estate Lydia Worth to Sally Worth.
Administration estate James Gibson to widow, Bethia.
Administration estate Philip Tyler.
Administration estate Constant Randall to widow, Elizabeth.
Administration estate George W. Osgood.
Administration estate William Slade.
Administration estate John Lewis.
Guardian of George W. Pierce, son of George and Phebe.
Guardian of Ellen Munroe Weeks, daughter of Susan Twede Costen.
Will Seth Clark. Wife, Nancy; child, Job C., grandchildren, Anna Clark and James L.
Will of Susan F. Pell, widow. Children, Susan Rebecca and Edward Howland Pell.
Will Lydia Worth. Brother, Henry ; sister Sally's children, Sally and Nancy.
Will Mary Barney. Children, Edward G., Abby J. Chase, Judith B. Burnell, George F.
Will William Coffin. Children, Betsey had died leaving William C., Edward F., Lucy C. Starbuck, Fanny H. Cross, Winifred Starbuck, Lucy Swain, Rebecca Clapp ; Harriet Pierce, Martha W. Jenks, wife of Samuel H.; Nancy Tallant, William.
Will Ammiel Joy. Wife, Sarah.
Will Abigail Wilson. Son Elihu had daughter Lydia ; grandchildren, Hannah Coffin, Valentine Coffin, John Wilson, who had a son John ; Susan Folger ; children of Frederic Swain.
Will Jonathan Moores. Wife, Hannah; children, Susan Gardner, Hannah Gardner, wife of Henry; granddaughter, Betsey M. Coffin.
Administration estate of Thomas Hussey to widow, Phebe.
Administration estate of Dinah Dillingham.
Administration estate of Priam Brock to widow, Ann.
Guardian of Charles S. Hussey, son of Thomas and Phebe. Guardian of Elizabeth B. Chadwick, daughter of John and Lydia.
Administration estate of Daniel McDaniel.
Administration estate of Stephen Coleman.
Administration estate of Obed Morselander.
Administration estate Love Delano.
Will John Francis gives all to Manuel Enos.
Will George Gardner. Wife, Deborah, daughter of Dinah Spooner.
Will Priscilla Coffin, daughter of Mary Bunker and wife of Shubael Coffin. Children, Lydia G. Swain, Mary B. Macy. Her husband had left daughter, Peggy Pinkham.
Will of Joseph Enos, brother of Manuel.
Will of Solomon Smith. Wife, Anna ; children, Moses, Merebah Barnard, wife of George; Charles, Peter, Obed, Hiram and Isaac.
Will of James Ramsdell. Sons and daughters, John, Reuben, Alexander, Judith, Joseph, George, Frederick, Jedediah.
Will Sally Worth. Brother, Henry ; sister, Janet ; nephews, James F., Charles, Alexander C., Edward S., Obed, Francis M. Worth.
Will James Gwinn. Wife, Susan.
Will George Antonio, a Portuguese.
Heirs of David Chadwick were David, John, Benjamin, and Elizabeth Pinkham.
Administration estate of Paul Gardner to widow, Lydia.
Administration estate of Zacchariah Macy.
Administration estate of Obed Alley to widow, Susan.
Administration estate of Benjamin Baker.
Allowance to Lydia Burdick, widow of Christopher.
1836. Will Daniel Barney. Wife, Lydia ; children, Sarah Hazard, wife of James; Charles, Thomas, Mary, Hilburn, wife of Thomas; George C., Lydia Smith, wife of William P.
Will of Abishai Bunker. Wife, Merab ; nephew, William A. Bunker of Hudson; kinsfolk, Moses, Priscilla and Miriam Coleman. Residue to Nantucket Meeting.
Guardian of Thomas Mitchell, son of George.
Administration estate William Bartlett to Emeline P. Bartlett.
Administration estate Gideon Coffin.
Administration estate George Mitchell.
Administration estate George Watson Summons, negro.
Administration estate Silvanus Ewer to Peter F. Ewer, $120,000.
Administration estate Margaret Chase.
Administration estate Lydia Worth.
Administration estate Prince Coffin, 2nd.
Administration estate Thomas Brock to widow, Sarah.
Administration estate Charles E. Phillips to widow, Sarah.
Administration estate William H. Barnard to widow, Josiah Barnard.
Administration estate William Swain.
Administration estate Thomas Hilburn.
Guardian George H. Chase of his children, Joseph B. and Rowland C.
Guardian of Mary C. and Lydia C. Rawson, children of Ruel.
Will Uriah Folger. Estate $73,000. Wife, Anna ; children, Anna Swain, wife of Samuel B.; Sally Mitchell, wife of Joseph; Susan, Peter, Frederic, Judith Bunker, wife of Charles.
Guardian of Robert B. Hussey, son of Robert.
Guardian of Charles C., Barzillai and Henry Clay Ray, sons of Peleg and grandsons of Stephen Chase.
Guardian of James H. Coffin, son of Prince.
Guardian of Priscilla C. and Louisa J. Hilburn, children of Thomas.
Heirs of Hezekiah Bunker: Lydia B. Mitchell, William Bunker, Sarah G. Huntington, Elizabeth E. Coffin, Eliza C. Bunker, Mary R. Folger, Susan M. Hussey, William B. Mitchell, Thomas F. Mitchell, Charles B. Mitchell, Charles C. Morris.
Guardian of Jeremiah Watson.
Guardian of Ann Calder, daughter of Charles.
Guardian of William Rice Worth, son of Charles.
Guardian of Emeline E., Ann C. and Leonora B. Bartlett, children of William.
Administration estate Alexander H. Gardner.
Administration estate Reuben Russell to Phebe Russell.
Administration estate John M. Russell to Susan P. Russell, and he left heirs Albert F. and Eliza B.
Administration estate William H. Cathcart to Avis R. Cathcart. -
Administration Lydia Gardner, widow Paul.
Administration estate Sylvester Stout.
Administration estate John Waterman to Alice Waterman.
Will George Custis (Portuguese).
Will Benjamin Chadwick. Brother, David ; sister Elizabeth Pinkham ; Brother John had three children, Louisa Mitchell, Charles B. and Elizabeth Chadwick.
Will Benjamin Raymond. Wife, Abigail; children, Stephen, Frederic, Peter, Obed, Sophia Brown.
Will Ann Coffin, widow Thaddeus. Children, Nancy Folger, Elizabeth Defriez, who had died; Charlotte Myrick, Emeline P. Bartlett ; grandchildren, Mary Coffin Gelston, Adeline Fanning.
1836. Administration estate of Antonio Caton to Sally Caton.
1837. Administration estate of John Wiederholt to Isaac Wiederholt.
1837. Administration estate of Latham Bunker.
1837. Administration estate of William Matthias.
1836. Will Benjamin Whippey. Wife, Eunice. Only child named was Sally.
1836. Heirs of Thomas Mitchell were James, Lydia G. and Thomas S. Mitchell.
1837. Will Joseph Weeks. Wife, Mary. Only child named was Hephzebah.
Will Benjamin Whippey. Wife, Huldah, who had a sister, Betsey Clisby.
Will Nicholas Meader. Wife, Rachel ; children, Mary Waldo Colesworthy, wife of John; Anna Hussey, wife of Henry; Nathan, Samuel, Reuben, John. George had died, leaving George, Phebe, wife of Ward Prindal ; Sarah, Harriet, Eliza L., Adeline. Thomas had died, leaving Edward, Nancy, Charlotte, Thomas, Samuel, Jonathan, Andrew, Caroline, Alexander. The widow Rachel had a sister, Betsey Allen.
Guardian of Susan and Frederick Folger, children of Uriah.
Guardian of John W. Bennett (colored).
Guardian of David Worth, son of Solon.
Administration estate of Barzillai Stetson.
Administration estate of James H. Barnard.
Administration estate of Elisha T. Davis.
Administration estate of Sarah Pinkham.
Administration estate of Alexander Russell.
Administration estate of Joseph Hussey.
Administration estate of Seth Coleman.
Will Ruth Thurston. Brothers and sisters, Joseph Cartwright, who had a son Joseph; Love Barnard, Lydia Mitchell, Phebe Starbuck; nephews, James H. Barnard, Frederick Starbuck and George Mitchell. Each of the last two had a son James.
Will David Allen. Hepsabeth Allen, "with whom I now live and call my wife." Children, David, Shubael, Tristram, Susanna Worth, Eliza Starbuck, Phebe B. Chase; granddaughter, Ann Maria Allen.
Will Thomas Smith. Daughter, Phebe Andrews ; daughter-in-law, Clarinda Swain.
Will of John Cartwright. Wife, Mary ; children, Ann, Mary Emer, Eliza Coffin, George B., Charles W., Sarah Hussey, Eliza Coffin ; grandchildren, Mary A. Clark, Sarah Gelston, Ann C. Gelston, George A. Emer,. Mary Hussey, Lydia B. Hussey, Elizabeth Hussey.
Administration estate Jonathan Moores.
Administration estate Isaac Richardson.
Administration estate Zopher Hayden.
Administration estate Charles Hayden.
Administration estate David Coleman.
Administration estate Latham Paddock and Alexander C. Paddock.
Guardian of Henry W. Coleman.
Guardian of Benjamin J., Keziah and Mary Abby Coffin, children of John G.
Will of Thomas V. McCleave. Wife, Hope; children, Sally Cathcart, Benjamin had died, leaving Thomas, Benjamin, George, William and Josiah ; Lucretia Taber had died, leaving George Swain, William Taber, Charles, Benjamin, Edward and Emeline C. Taber ; Polly Coffin had died, leaving Benjamin, Nancy, John C. and James B.
Will of Obed Holmes. Wife, Eliza B.
Estate of Thaddeus Coffin went to Henry, Thaddeus, William and George Defriez, children Henry I.; Charlotte Myrick, Emeline P. Bartlett, Nancy Folger, wife of Philip S. ; Thaddeus Coffin and Mary C. Whittemore.
Will Phebe Pinkham. All to Betsy Cory.
Guardian of Albert F. and Eliza B. Russell, children of John M.
1838. Administration estate George Pinkham to Betsey Cory.
Administration estate George G. Mitchell, $40,000.
Administration estate Barnabas Swain to widow, Avis.
Administration estate Abraham Hanson.
Administration estate Peter Barrett.
Administration estate William H. Wilson.
Administration estate William S. Ellis to Reuben Ellis.
Guardian William B. Ray, son of Nathaniel.
Guardian Maria, William C., Caroline, Henry P. Tallent, children of Eben W. Tallent.
Guardian George G., Charles E. and Alfred, Frederic H., Mary H., Elizabeth C. Mitchell, children of George G. Mitchell.
Will Reuben G. Worth. Wife, Mary.
Will of George W. Gardner. Wife, Sarah; children, Polly C. Hussey, George W. Gardner, Phebe Macy, wife of Silas ; William H. Gardner.
Will Samuel Macy. Wife, Mary. Only child named Abraham.
Administration estate Elizabeth Coffin to Barna Coffin.
Administration estate Joseph R. Fisher.
Administration estate William B. Folger.
Will of Elizabeth Closby, widow of Lot. Sons, George and Alexander ; granddaughter, Avis Macy.
Will Eben Sowle. Wife, Susan P.
Will Naomi Bigelow. Sisters, Winifred Cory, Elizabeth Folger; grandfather, Reuben Gardner.
Allowance to Deborah S. Folger, widow of William B.
Will of William Coffin. Wife, Elizabeth; children not named.
Will Priscilla Hammond. Niece, Peggy Fosdick, wife of Reuben.
Will of Job C. Clark. Wife, Lydia. Three children, only one named, Henry.
Guardian of Elizabeth Jane Clark, child of Obed.
Guardian of Ann Barney, child of Jacob.
Administration estate Archelaus Hammond.
Administration estate Miriam Jameson.
Administration estate Timothy R. Coffin.
Administration estate Phebe Coffin.
Administration estate Patrick Welch.
Administration estate Barnabas Seymour.
Administration estate William H. Gardner, $52,000.
Administration estate Francis Worth.
Administration estate Edward F. Pinkham to widow, Eunice.
Administration estate Thomas Barney to widow, Sarah.
Guardian of Sarah F. Hussey, child of Alexander G.
Will of Peleg Macy. Wife, Sarah; children, Eunice Brewer, Peleg, Sarah Easton, John W., Gorham, Edward, Rebecca Knowles, Mary Watson, Seth, Charles, Josiah.
Will Latham Paddock. Wife, Sarah; children, Alexander C., Albert, Mary Hussey, wife of Samuel B.
Will David Coffin, 2nd. Wife, Meriab.
Will Mary Ewer. Children, Eliza Ann, Morselander, Abraham, Prince W. Ewer ; grandchildren, David E., Eliza W., George W., Harriet G., Mary E. Case, Eliza Ann and Mary Morselander.
1839. Guardian of Edward Boden, son of Edward and Abigail.
Administration estate James Fitzgerald.
Administration estate William P. Harris
to widow, Lydia R. -
Administration estate Ira Brown.
Administration estate Sally Montcalm.
Administration estate Zaccheus Hussey.
Administration estate Abner Coffin to widow, Esther.
Administration estate Samuel Christian to widow, Lucretia.
Administration estate Charles G Andrews to widow, Eunice.
Administration estate Thomas Hiller.
Administration estate John G. Closby.
Administration estate George W. Ewer to widow, Martha D.
Will Alexander Closby. Brother, George; aunt, Ruth Palmer; nieces, Avis and Emeline Macy, children of William G.
Guardian of Emeline, Benjamin and Edward Taber, sons of John.
Will of Grafton Gardner. Wife, Abigail; children, John M., Edward, Charles, Lurany Coffin, Rebecca Folger, Winifred Bunker, wife of Thomas ; Mary Folger, wife of Robert ; Ann Standest [Standish ?].
Will Elizabeth Gardner. Sister, Lydia Worth; nieces, Lydia Fish and Mary Mitchell ; kinsman, James Delano.
Will Mary Cartwright. Children, Sally Hussey, Eliza Coffin, Ann, Mary Ewer, Charles W., George B.; grandchildren, Margaret F. Ewer, Ann Eliza Coffin, Ferdinand C. Ewer.
Guardian of William Henry Ewer.
Guardian of Hepzibah Weeks, son of Joseph.
Guardian of William R. Worth, son of Charles A.
Will Daniel Coffin. Wife, Huldah ; children, Mary, Barnabas, Eunice Hoeg, wife of Frederick; grandchildren, Lydia and James A. Hoeg, Adeline S. and Cromwell C. Coffin. "And I do enjoin it upon my children and grandchildren to live in peace."
Will of Matthew Barney. Wife not named. Son-in-law, Francis F. Hussey; children, Lydia and Abigail.
Will of Ann Chandler, widow Jacob. Children, Stockbridge and Samuel, Bathsheba Baldwin, widow of Elijah. Other legatees, Ruth A. Medbury, Sally S. Salisbury, Abby Justin, Benjamin Chandler.
Will Shubael Moores. Legatees were Phebe Coffin, widow of Clement ; Shubael M. Winslow, Phebe Winslow, wife of Benjamin, had sons Benjamin, Shubael M., Charles F.; Elizabeth Coleman, wife of Benjamin.
Will of James Swain. Wife, Rebecca; children, Thomas, Samuel. James had died, leaving Charlotte, Andrew 0., Susan, Edward, Rebecca B., James.
Will Mary Weeks. Children, Barzillai R., Charles, Jonathan R., Lydia Brown, Mary Sayer, Hephsibah.
Guardianship Josiah Gardner.
Guardianship Lydia G. Mitchell, daughter of Thomas.
Guardianship Tristram, Lydia M. and Elizabeth Allen, children of David.
Guardianship Charles F., Gorham G. and David B. Andrews, sons of Charles G. and Eunice.
Guardianship Benjamin B. and Francis B. Smith, sons of Francis B.
Administration estate of Gideon Gardner.
Administration estate of Charles C. Morris.
Administration estate of David Allen to widow, Mary.
Administration estate of John W. Robinson to widow, Celia W.
Administration estate of Reuben R. Pinkham to widow, Lydia G.
Administration estate of Jacob Elisha.
Administration estate of Charles M. Folger.
Administration estate Libni Barnard to William F. Barnard.
Administration estate of Nathaniel Nason.
Administration estate Charles Abrahams to Elizabeth Abrahams.
Administration estate of Jara B. Wood to Caroline M. Wood.
Administration estate of Caleb Cushman.
Administration estate of Loring Averill, wife Betsey.
Administration estate of Seth S. Gibbs to widow, Keziah.
Administration estate of Judith Macy.
Administration estate of Hiram Smith, wife Hannah E.
Administration estate of Henry Riddell to widow, Peggy.
Will George Russell. Wife, Elizabeth; children not named.
Will of Barzillai Swain. Wife, Eunice.
Will Gideon Snow. Children, Lucinda A. Pease, William F., Seth G., George F., Henry, Pardon F., Angeline.
Will Gilbert Swain. Wife, Sarah H.; children, Samuel B., Edward H., Martha, Thomas, Sarah, Lydia, Francis, George H., Albert.
Will George Washington Gardner, colored.
Will Elizabeth Williams, widow. Daughter, Rosamond P. Seabury, wife of John ; granddaughter, Theodtia Ann Degrass.
Will Barzillai Morselander. Wife, Eliza Ann.
Will Alexander Pollard. Wife, Eliza; father, George; mother, Tamar.
Will John B. Davis. Wife, Mary.
Will William Watson. Wife, Mary; mother, Elizabeth Ennis; children, Elizabeth M. Sarah, James, William, Mary Jane, Rebecca.
Will Tristram M. Coffin. Wife, Mary F.
Will George Jay. Legatee, Sally F. Jay, wife of Captain Robert M. Jay.
Will of Daniel Chadwick. Wife, Lydia ; children not named.
Will Samuel Burnell. Wife, Polly.
1841. Guardian Thomas 0. Simpson, son of George R.
Guardian Eunice Jane Cottle, child of Laban and Jane B.
Guardian Ann C. and James L. Clark, children of Job C., deceased.
Guardian Frances C. Kelley, daughter of George.
Guardian John M. Silvia, son of John.
Administration estate Theodate Swain.
Administration estate Henry W. Coleman.
Administration estate Frederick Swain to Frederick C. Swain.
Administration estate Charles G. Barney.
Administration estate Thomas James.
Administration estate Samuel Swain to Joseph C. Swain.
Administration estate Abigail Swain, widow of Nathan.
Administration estate Laban Cottle to Shubael Cottle.
Administration estate Mary Abrahams.
Administration estate Jabez Cushman to Cynthia Cushman.
Administration estate Gurdon Pitcher.
Administration estate Benjamin W. Russell.
Administration estate Amiel S. Russell.
Administration estate James 0. Osgood.
Administration estate Stephen Lawrence.
Administration estate George Kelley.
Administration estate Amaziah Gardner.
Administration estate David Swain to widow, Eliza M.
Administration estate John Middlehost.
Will Henry Barnard. Wife, Love.
Will Joseph McCleave. Wife, Sally; children, Robert, Joseph, Edward, Charles, William, Emeline.
Will Linzey Riddell. Wife, Peggy.
Will Abishai Paddock. Wife's sister, Juidth .Swain ; children, Thomas, Seth, Laban, John, Hezekiah; Aaron had died, leaving wife, Deborah, and children, Eliza Ann Hussey, David, Mary and Eunice Paddock.
Will Abel Norcross.
Will Job Coleman. Wife, Susan; brother, Roland ; sister, Anna Swain, wife of Abraham. Other legatees, John W. Coleman, Harriet E. Lawrence, wife of Joseph B. ; Oliver P. Winslow and his children, Roland, Judith and Oliver.
Will of Jonathan Swain. Wife, Margaret ; children, Mary P., Sarah B., Polly Coffin, wife of Reuben ; Charles B.
Will of Martin T. Morton. Wife, Mary ; children, Charles C., Edward H., Mary Ann Starbuck, Lydia H. Allen, Andrew T., Charlotte F., Emiy A.
1842. Administration estate David Swain to Christopher Wyer.
Administration estate William M. Boston.
Administration estate Timothy G. Clapp to widow, Eliza W.
Administration estate Joseph King.
Administration estate Frederick H. Quoin.
Administration estate Cyrus F. Crosby to widow, Harriet C.
Administration estate Josiah Dies.
Administration estate Coffin Pinkham.
Administration estate William S. Hussey to Reuben Hussey.
Administration estate John Hussey to Roland Hussey.
Administration estate Silas Coleman.
Administration estate Jared Gardiner.
Administration estate Reuben M. Swain.
Administration estate John Crimblish.
Administration estate Lawrence Marshall.
Guardian of Thomas Holmes, son of Robert.
Guardian of James F., George C. and Caroline Swain.
Guardian of Ann Maria, Adeline B., Davis M., Phebe E. and Henry H. Swain, children of David and Eliza Swain.
Guardian of John. G. Green, son of Charles of Providence. -
Will of Merab Bunker. Brother, Valentine Swain; sister, Lydia Hussey, widow of David; niece, Lydia Munroe, wife of John.
Will of Thomas Davenport. Wife, Hannah.
Will of Isaac Coffin. Wife, Margaret; children not named; grandchild, Isaac Coffin Jenks.
Will of Thaddeus Folger. Wife, Anna; children, William H., Lucy, Rebecca Upham, Betsey Jenkins, Lydia, Sally, Benjamin F.
Will Thaddeus Coleman. Legatees, George Coleman, son of David; Susan Barney, wife of Joseph ; Lydia Rand, Moses Coleman, wife of Francis.
Will of Priscilla Coffin. Sister, Susan Coffin.
Will of Jeremiah Brown, colored. Wife, Charlotte D.; mother, Sarah Tasker.
Will Isaac M. Wiedenhold. Wife, Phebe T.; children, Francis, Lydia B.
Will Elizabeth Jay. To Monthly Meeting $200.
Will George Worth. Brother, David; children, Maria, Barzillai, Sarah Harlow, Elizabeth Worth, wife of David G.
1843. Will Paul Worth. Grandchildren, Mary, Phebe W., Elizabeth W., Paul W. and John W. Clisby.
Will Hannah Davenport, widow. Brother, Benjamin Robinson; niece, Phebe Ann Edwards.
Will Daniel Allen. Children, Eliza Calder, George, Phebe Macy.
Will of Samuel Jay. Wife, Betsey ; children, Samuel C., Susan C. and Elizabeth B.
Will of Gilbert Coffin. Wife, Phebe ; children, Mary B. Macy, wife of Thomas M.; Paul, Thomas, Obed. Estate $76,000.
Administration estate Jemima Gardner.
Administration estate Peter Chase to Fred A. Chase.
Administration estate Eliza Bailey.
Administration estate Janet Brock.
Administration estate Eliza Ann Gardner.
Administration estate Philander Coffin to widow, Mary.
Administration estate James H. Fassett, whose wife was Susan.
Administration estate Alexander Perry.
Administration estate Henry Bunker.
Administration estate James Thompson.
Administration estate Obed Ray.
Administration estate Barker Burnell.
Administration estate Joshua Gruber.
Administration estate Peter Myrick.
Administration estate Henry Wilson.
Administration estate Daniel Chase.
Administration estate Mary Myrick.
Administration estate William Brown.
Administration estate Thomas M. Coffin.
Guardian of Sarah H. Gardner, daughter of Albert C.
Guardian of Margaret C. Perry, daughter of Alexander.
Guardian of Stella L. Hiller, daughter of Thomas.
Guardian of John A. and Frederick Howland Smith, children of Casandra and Thomas.
Allowance to Nancy Folger, widow of Peleg S.
Allowance to Nancy Pitman, widow of Joshua.
Allowance to Dinah Thompson, widow of James.
1844. Administration estate of William Coffin.
Administration estate of Mary Coleman, widow of Simeon.
Administration estate of William M. Russell to B. Frank Russell.
Administration estate of Roland Pollard to widow, Charlotte.
Administration estate of Charles Carson to wife, Susan W.
Administration estate of Phebe Easton.
Administration estate of Elizabeth Chase.
Administration estate of Alexander Swain to widow, Elizabeth C.
Administration estate of Theodore L. Doughty.
Administration estate of Samuel H. Pitman to Rebecca B. Pitman.
Administration estate of Frederick W. Gardner.
Administration estate of Micajah Gardner.
Administration estate of Richard Ennis.
Administration estate of Charles H. Gardner.
Administration estate of Daniel Jones.
Administration estate of Thomas Cross to widow, Frances H.
Guardian of Ellen H., Francis, Rebecca C., Charles R., Louisia A., William Henry, James A., children of Joshua Gruber.
Will of Seth Coffin. Wife, Lydia ; children not named.
Will of Seth Pinkham. Wife, Mary A. ; children, Harriet B., Helen M., Seth, Rebecca C., Mitchell, Mary B., Elizabeth C. Crosby, Malvina F.
Guardian of Harriet G., Charles D., Judith B. Pinkham, children of Reuben R. and Lydia G.
Will Lydia C. Macy. Brothers, Nathaniel A. and William A. Borden.
Will William H. Brock. Wife, Lydia C. ; mother, Watey Brock ; nephew, Peter Brock, son of Priam.
Will Valina Holmes. Daughter, Lydia Sylvia ; grandson, William Parsons.
Guardian of Elizabeth Ann, Mary S., George F., Merah J., Hepsabeth C. and Albert Ray, children of Obed Ray, Jr.
Will Susan Coffin. Sister, Elizabeth Long, wife of Abraham.
Will of Manuel Valendown.
Guardian of Mary Ellen and Nancy Wardwell Stoddard, children of George.
Will of Obed Macy. Sons, Thomas, Reuben and Peter ; son-in-law, David Mitchell. Son Daniel had died leaving widow, Alice. Grandchildren, Albert C., Charles E., Mary P., Melvin B., Eliza, Harriet M., Mary Barnard, Lydia, William C.
Will of Mary Fisher. Children, Mary Ann Swain, wife of Seth M,; Elisha, Hannah Goodrich, wife of James T.
1845. Guardian of Benjamin F., Charles F., Lydia M., Hannah M., William B., Alice E., children of Seth and Lydia Coffin
Guardian of Tristram C., Lydia M., Elizabeth Allen, children of David.
Guardian of William C. Paddock.
Administration estate of Charles F. Pinkham.
Administration estate of Benjamin McCleave to wife, Rebecca A.
Administration estate of William Gurrell.
Administration estate of Joseph Warren.
Administration estate of Benjamin R. Hussey to widow, Rebecca S.
Administration estate of Albert W. Starbuck to widow, Mary Ann.
Administration estate of Hepsabeth Allen.
Administration estate of Paul Folger to widow, Susan.
Administration estate of Mary Swain, widow Noah.
Administration estate of Francis Furtado.
Administration estate of Ruel Rawson, to Mercy Rawson.
Administration estate of Thomas Macklin.
Administration estate of Jack Hinckley.
Will of Sarah A. Coffin. Sisters, Susan W. Archibald, Jemima Coffin; brother, John Archibald.
Will Nathaniel Atwood. Children, George, Mary G. Perry and Eliza.
Will of Obed Russell. Wife, Judith; son, William H.
Will Silvanus Coffin. Daughter, Eliza Nicholson, wife of John B.
Will Absolom Coffin. Wife, Mary ; children, Emeline and Nathaniel F.
Will Reuben Ray. Children, Alexander, Reuben and George C.
Will J. D. Snow. Mother, Elizabeth ; wife, Dorotha G.